The Pokemon Category CHALLENGE! | Gnoggin - Stupid Pokemon Categories

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hey you know it's stupid Pokemon [Music] categories of Pokemon I feel like back in Gen 1 they tried categorizing the Pokemon for a while and then they just forgot about but the fact that they were doing that so now we have almost as many Pokemon categories as there are Pokemon like we have like 807 Pokemon and like 707 categories what's the point game freak some of them are just really really the worst absolutely the worst like they make no sense whatsoever I'm just a more easy you know like Pikachu's the Mouse book or the electric it's an electric mouth you know so it makes sense yeah alright some don't and we were talking about this a little bit ago so we decided let's make a little game out of it and record ourselves during this game we each have a list of all of the categories on our phones mine is in reverse order his is in proper water novel but f abetik all by their category and we're gonna try to make each other guess what the Pokemon is based on its category name and where it's gonna go fun times yeah also this is Josh I'm Loxton he has a normal name because I grew up with a normal name he didn't like I mean come on Loxton that's not as he's normal yeah so here's an easy one the wooly Krab Pokemon is crap Bominable obvious least favorite yeah here's another easy one it's the alpha pokemons Arceus yes you know the first Pokemon uh you know ooh here's kind of a tough one immediately the armor pokémon there are two of them there's two armor poconos two armor folk is it s cavalier no oh is it right peer No is it shallows nope okay what is it it is donphan tire the tire and Tyranitar Tyranitar I can see Tyranitar makes sense I mean don't pan donphan is the armor pokémon I mean I guess it's like you know rubberized reactive armor he's like a tank you punch him and you bounce me yeah but like you think the armor pokémon you don't think donphan you kiss gavel yeah no it has medieval armor like I'd assume the tyre Pokemon or the rubber Pokemon or the elephant Pokemon or the elephant wheel Pokemon some of these are bad like some of them are soup like I will get to the wily pokémon only one why is it like wily like i wili like wily coyote okay same idea - it's a very while yeah no okay I'll give you another hint is gen3 is it zangoose no I mean these are a ball one nuzleaf nuzleaf the wily pokémon I guess he's wily yeah he's dark time yeah no nose leaves grass I thought shiftry was win a game you might be right I might have all pletely wrong it evolved into a dark type think that's yes okay here's a good one this will get you I'm still in ease and these are good the Aurora Pokemon that's aurorus no amara the Aurora Pokemon yeah isn't Lapras nope that's it come on that's the transport pod come on like oh okay that makes more sense I've no idea so we came oh okay okay but like I think the Pokemon with aurora borealis Finn's yeah would be that but it's not I wonder where that one is then mmm here you go there's two whiskers Pokemon is it glam you know is it I would have that's a good guess yeah well any of the cats like skitty skitty just the cat Pokemon that's right where the whiskers Pokemon oh I wish cash yes barb oh yeah that's Chris all right three tries there you go okay so there's a few of these and these are pretty funny so I'm kind of like they're all kind of the ball pokemon it's not ball toy is it no it is not I think that's whether that's feel uh no is it big LaBeouf funnily enough a glee buff is within like my sight and it's like four categories down its Voltorb and electrode I was good they were like yes but but I was thinking like I don't a suit cuz pokeballs yeah no I was a ball I just assumed bouncing ball I assumed I assumed that ball torque would be called the pokeball Pokemon right right but like the one right beneath it is the ball roll Pokemon which ones that it's sealeo okay it just rolls like seals I guess they're gonna love this one the water fish pokémon well we could let somebody fish let's use some deduction here it's a fish type which isn't a real type its water water so is it I know Magikarp any of the other fish pokémon it's not it's not actually no it's Wooper and quacks those are not fish stinking axolotl and a salamander the wild fish pokémon they're sneaking newts Pokemon game freak come on what's wrong the water that was easy if some of these are pretty easy there's three volcano Pokemon ooh ooh volcano eruption volcano volcanion no camerupt no are they expert no cuz I'd immediately assume camera yeah yeah maybe magmar Entei antes one of them okay and Typhlosion that motions another one there's one more cool ah yes haha volcano vocal yeah I immediately thought but camerupt isn't camera probably just the camel Pokemon then it's probably the fire camel pokémon and numel is like the dull fire camel the vibration Pokemon is it by Grabbe yeah if it was something else like if my brother wasn't a vibration for right there's a couple Pokemon that like share togetherness you know like I mean there's there's only two bird Pokemon there's a plate scooper what bird Pokemon bird bird okay is it PG no is it spero mm-hmm is it breviary uh-huh I'm gonna stop you there okay it's Pidgeotto and Pidgeot not busy okay I think Pidgey is actually a small bird Pokemon mmm which is very wild bird up here only two bird Pokemon the rest are not Birds like Wingo uh-uh that's not a bird it's a waterfowl you're never gonna get this one Oh the two-handed Pokemon are you giving me a hard ones like okay so only one only one Pokemon has two hands and pop and pop I worth by palm is the second apart okay but that's not what it is but like you see Pokemon with two hands you think well ambipom it's like like it's holding emic but that's not what it is uh mr. mime mr. mom I'd assume mr. my mom yeah yeah at the hands right no like still know who else's hands all of the pokémon with hands I don't know like it's definitely not Mick champ he's got four I just where to God for hand pokémon that's probably the forearms Pokemon or something yeah probably it's binnacle I mean I guess like no no I hate him no this sense after you hear it what you think the two hands Pokemon you wouldn't assume I want to sue we'd assume any Pokemon with hands not a barnacle the trainee Pokemon the peach juice it's big - big - yeah I don't know Oh ty rogue is it ty rogue that's what I would assume immediately no it's not okay like grapple Pokemon probably what it what is it it's nincada the cicada the trainee like is it felt like someone who trained or like yeah like a person who's just starting out training because it evolved into a ninja Ninjask so like I mean she's a done job but that's not it so like it's a cicada that's just starting it's ninja training you know you could use that logic I'm like 500 of the Pokemon like it's just starting its murderous like anthropomorphic monster training the clamping Pokemon it's Clamperl no its shoulder clamping not not waist not a clam clamping like the action of clamping nah that's a good clip that she'll sure none of them are it's not it's not the shot water it's not a show it's not even watertight the clamping Pokemon clamping come on because I immediately crabs and clams but it's not water it's not mmm you want a hint its bug time bug time oh okay is it pincer nope is it the red one slicers have a sizzle no no no it says okay it's Kara blast with you know its massive nubs of arms it it's based off the Rhino beetle I don't know it doesn't the clamping Pokemon cannot believe me it's right there like clamping clamping clamping it clips onto its clay viur or like shell mitts arm yeah it has the like little horn thing yeah I can't do that with it it doesn't come on I have no idea yeah can you guess the tiger cat Pokemon is it any of the Litton line no the tiger oh no shoot the tiger cat puppy is it leo part no one more guess he's a tiger cat is it Luxio lux right any of those / ugly tigers are like cool here we go the dark Pokemon just dark oh Clark though there are is it Umbreon - no there are too dark too dark oh they're from the same line okay this is all rock and Sora no is it dark was never like a big type for me so like yeah really with the amount of edge you like ooze I like edging I like subtle edgy you like all the dark type like I guess you like a lot of that I do little look - looks I don't appear dark types like that's true it is it's not dark right nope it's a murkrow mm-hmm I don't know why it's a dog it's a dog it's Mightyena and Poochyena no no it's found our and houndoom oh the dark pokemon yeah I was seeing you too all right yeah I never I never liked those Pokemon actually really I'm doing has many years that's true I wasn't a big fan of it either there are two star-shaped Pokemon I swear if they are not star me and star you one of them is the star U star you all right that's fair star me Zuzu shot yeah is it almost started hmm good question what genders are from ten to two is not my strong point it's a privilege it's a start it doesn't actually look like a star its silhouette looks like a star but it looking at it you don't think star but like if you made it a Silla man who is its cliff ah all right there's gonna be an image right here does that look like a star cuz I'm pretty sure it does I'm gonna specifically find the scariest one whoops not a star anymore hmm did you know there's actually like a lot of dragon pokémon like just the dragon pokémon yeah like drag him home Salomon's yes good this elements is like the dragon is dragon did you know that goodra is at the dragon pokémon I'd assume would be like the snail dragon pokémon oh the dragon mom yes the drag it's just a dragon it shares category with horsey the dragon folks okay oh here's a good one the drawn sword Pokemon the drawn sword though this one's pretty new so like is that once a murat no it is not is that one aegislash no it is not you'd think it would be the drawn sword the drawn sword Pokemon help this like a sword coming out of here like a graphic he's gonna put it back yeah is there uh is it a legendary yeah I think so yeah is one of the swords of Justice no no it's it's really recently gentieman oh is it curtana yeah it is kök' yeah okay drawn sword I understand that yeah yeah can you guess the snake pokémon he can that one's for you Toby yes here's a great one the evolution Pokemon which pokémon evolves the evolution Bobby yeah but like I mean it's it's the two-hand problem again yeah like like fits almost every Pokemon except for like those few here's a fun one the shellfish Pokemon is it a shellfish don't you do that face alright there's two shellfish there's three shellfish Pokemon is it Chelios no there's three of them two of them are kind of shellfish in the other one obviously is it the ammonite and I'm sorry no but you're close with those is it Kabuto and Kabutops that's the two that are shellfish okay what's the shellfish that is not a shellfish is it toxic packs it's also Jen one oh it's genuine okay it's not the shellfish not at all but it's the shellfish Pokemon sticking Blastoise I mean it has a shell and water but it's not a space Pokemon categories need to stop true okay there's two what is the fish pokémon oh goodness all right so the fishiest of fish the fish pokémon there's only two there's only two fish pokémon get it but there's no other fish pokémon in the game all right thinking of as Blake fish as I can is it Magikarp one is Magikarp yep okay cool is the other one I think that's a wing fish is masculine nope phoebus yes cool this feedback and then right right you think it'd be the ugly fish pokemon or something that would describe it better or like the ugly yeah no like the nasty fish oh the nasty is so mean to him okay this one this one is gonna get him what is the five-star Pokemon a five-star five-star like that's ten out of ten seven out of seven the five-star Pokemon I don't know why I want to say like a tongue it isn't you would think cuz gourmet you know what I was thinking about for me look at our but it's not like we're like munchlax it's not like a tongue or it's not much like Siri does it have to do with eating no like I don't think it does does it have five stars on it is it marsh shadow no and no it doesn't have five stars does it have stars on it no okay what is it it's ledian and Lady bah like now that you mentioned swift it makes more sense just because I know what doesn't the lady bug Pokemon nope that doesn't exist this I mean I guess their five star Pokemon late this yeah five star doesn't have anything to do with speed does Japan rape ladybugs by stars yes this ladybug is five star and I would one is garbage get it out of your garden one star ladybug you need to kill it uh what was the question they're really pulling Pokemon it's not a bug is it donphan no uh fanti no you have the right idea though it's a book one that rolls around oh yeah I mean like the cat is a golem no who is it Wilmer No ah come on what's round a pokeballs all right it still get Amaru iron spike Pokemon or like the lightning rod come on all right here we go the hairy bug Pokemon the hairy bug though compari buck when is its pupa no no or scatterbug ven a net nope you would think it's a puff ball the hairy bug Pokemon area bug bug it's bug type it's bugged all right and it's hairy I mean the real-life counterpart is Harry I know it but like maybe if you look at Scoon no it's a first evolution first it's Wurmple no don't Weedle yeah it's weed oh the hairy one with the spike you know all right the real real world where we we real world wurmples or wheedle we dose I'm pretty sure they're hairy yeah like caterpillars like they they do this I guess the cast okay silky cow cane wheedle is not hairy though it's like a smooth bubbles confined it's like a miniature fleshy you onyx the predator Pokemon see that's another one that like can describe so many I don't want it I'm like I want to say Tiran tongue but like that's probably like the King we jar some see was that royal Pokemon or the Emperor Pokemon I one of the two is something like that yeah hmm the predator Pokemon hey is it a wolf or like something like that it is something that in the real world would eat animals okay what Jenny wait don't tell me what Jennifer's I don't know what right did Jen they are I don't know actually I'm just gonna mm bird bird of prey oh is it um mister Raptor yep Raptor in the pity's a raptor yeah yeah hey surprised I got that one the patient all right here's a fun one it's one of your favorite Pokemon so you should know this hope it's my fav it's a the Paleozoic Pokemon it's not genesect it is genocide to use it yeah the Paleozoic Pokemon I mean he's from that era yeah the Megaton Pokemon that's an interesting one yeah like Megaton punch just make a ton D make a ton Cobra ah didn't Falcon know I want to say Kangaskhan but I could not Megaton make it time I could give you the hint yeah sure it's not Megaton isn't punching its Megaton as and explosions I think is it Magnemite or Magneton no that would be great mang the time no megatons like just confusing Megaton the magnet on Pokemon I think it's just a magnet for the Megaton Pokemon what explodes other than Voltorb an electron that's plenty like this plaintiff on the no self-destruct and stuff I guess is it do you do yeah it's going is it golem oh cool here's one the mystic Pokemon there's two of them is it no not really it's not meowstic because meowstic is the constraint over I don't even have to look at it remember they just passed them oh yeah the mystical mystic there's two of them they're not related is a - oh not a second one you guys ought to sigilyph I always mix the like I always put those together the mystic thought - makes sense yeah and like when you dive into the lore of the second one it makes sense but like on the surface it doesn't make sense mr. mystic team mystics lame well give me a hint give me a hint like its timing it's a third evolution gen3 its type ground okay what is it it's like on ooh what is grout on without thinking about it I think I remember it the ground Pokemon no no it's it there's actually two of them there's two things that him and Torterra are in this category we're doing reverse well what is its category for Terra turtle alright it's the gem for Hornets right I mean is it the terrain Pokemon I know the land Pokemon might be new continent I think it's continent continental I think it's like new continent every gigas colossal Pokemon oh that makes sense he's got that one I don't I accidentally pointed to my Team Aqua pin I meant to point to my brain this is they're not the same no quite the opposite well here's a good one you might know this one immediately the synthetic Pokemon the synthetic poker my there's so many synthetic there's also so many Pokemon I hate so is it it's not the clink Lang's help that doesn't give up you literally just lit up them is it not Poliwrath why am i stupid this stinking totally got porygon no those are I think the digital or the like cyberspace Digimon pokémon yeah all of them a synthetic book huh synthetic synthetic cuz it's not genesect he's not genesect Castform no Technol oh boy I thought you're gonna get it immediately like I kind of want it to be not that I want titanal to be like the El Camino or something cool yeah that would be but there's so many synthetic Pokemon you know I mean what musics that's just an excuse so you should be the synthetics the genetic Pokemon okay so you know how many fossil Pokemon there are - well how many actual yeah there's several yeah it was only one fossil Pokemon according to the categories sit like Crowley or something stupid no it's Jen one it's one of the first it's yes yeah even though he's not in a fossil he's in SAP he's amber like he's a living so the one the one the one fossil Pokemon that isn't a fossil gets categorized as the fossil Pokemon that sums up like everything Jane Jane freak Game Freak ain't ever done feeling I don't like this no I'm just feeling I don't like this is it but no this metaphorical feel oh really I was just imagining mr. my man is weird and I'm not gonna stop seeing gen3 it's not oh it's Ralts yep the cat ferret Pokemon Game Freak the cat ferret I mean it's zangoose but like it's like a mongoose fairy it's only mongoose cat which I guess described as a ferret like maybe like a big bear I would have been descriptor big ferret the pet ferret that's my new favorite I think Seviper is the fang snake pokémon because it has fun the only Flying type don't you know sting into the water fish though the water fish oh right um Quagsire yeah water fish the two-handed two-handed there's bad Game Freak yeah I feel like the categories would work a lot better if you actually categorize Pokemon into them you know the bird Pokemon I do like the bird of prey Pokemon it have like all the like birds of prey in there I just think like there should be like a tree like oh the bird problem he has all of the birds she start with the proto bird Pokemon right and it's like okay that one is split right like it's a tree and then use the bird and they're all bird Pokemon that'd be great that would be good like cuz pretty bird oh we just didn't think about that yeah like I know he didn't good yeah there's an official poster that's that is the tree that's pretty cool it's cool I'm probably gonna over there off-camera haha well that was just a fun little game that was it was um it was pretty fun I am a filler episode so I hope you had fun with this share this around challenge your friends doing the same thing because I think it's actually a really fun game I you know what it is pretty fun cuz like some others they're just like they're just totally off-the-wall guess who the water fish pokémon oh it's Magikarp or something Oh looks like I hit well Pokemon has two hands man we're doing its mr. Meyer I just died nice that's the end you just Clank the mic bye everyone bye I gotta be gentle with mine [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 634,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon go, pokemon category, game freak, pokemon lets go, pokemon lets go pikachu, pokemon lets go eevee, pokemon gen 8, 8th gen pokemon, nintendo switch, pokemon quest, pokemon sun, pokemon moon, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon challenge, whos that pokemon, whos that pokemon meme, pikachu, nuzlocke, pokemon names, pokemon categories, pokemon game, guess the pokemon, pokemon cry, pokemon theory, truegreen7, real or fake, real or fake pokemon
Id: ikSvr4_EDqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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