Dragapult Origins that Flew Under the Radar! | Gnoggin - Pokemon Sword and Shield

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sooo bill legendary Pokemon are pretty cool I guess I know they are pretty popular but besides Metagross I never had one on my main team they just never appealed to me that much and come to think of it Metagross is also the only non dragony dinosauria looking one maybe that has something to do with it which would make sense as I also absolutely adore the pseudo legendary and sword and shield while it is Dragon type it doesn't look much like a dragon it's more of a ghost Elementor with a stealth bomber for a head it's drag a pull I just love it so much please we create violence ragga polt is the pseudo legendary that is the topic of today's video what is it and what is it not that is the question for you uncultured heathens that's a hamlet reference if you don't know what that is Lion King but seriously what is this creative and cool creature well like mini Pokemon there is a lot behind it which is great for me because 10 minute videos help with the algorithm so let's start with the obvious and then get into the more he didn't details you get it because of the tail thing it's invisible at the end so it's hidden it's a detail tail now [Music] guess what I have in my hands right now if you set an epically impressive RPG that changes everything you thought you knew about mobile games that you too can get by clicking on the link in the description absolutely right crystal born recently released and it's got quite the nice aesthetic flight unique bosses collect exclusive heroes and go toe-to-toe in the PvP modes or through an epic campaign all with fully animated attacks and stunning visual effects in breathtaking arenas look at this guy it's just a plant I love him he's my little pistachio boy in all honesty though I really do dig these designs the armor is super cool and the best part of all of course is that the game is not only available on iOS and Android but it is also totally free to download epic so if crystal horn looks interesting to you please use the link down in the description to download it any big thanks to mg for sponsoring this video drag a pulps line has an oddly specific head this is very similar to stealth bombers specifically the northrop Gunmen b-2 spirit o spirit spirit it's fitting it's a ghost type it's the spirit but along with that there is also a more natural inspiration the Diplo Kalos which up until this point I've always pronounced it like hell cos I don't know where that extra C came from probably its head some folks call out the boomerang gecko which isn't funny it's not coming back it's extinct it's also why it's ghost type this absurd Newt has a boomerang shaped head that has had paleontologists debating on its function for ages one theory is that they acted as a deterrent to predators I mean you ever tried to eat a boomerang it's difficult the splinters you get from trying is just not worse than the meal another idea is that bigger mouths equals an easier time grabbing prey which stems from the idea that dinosaurs with bigger mouths were less picky about what they eat they'll swallow whatever happens to get in there and let their stomachs deal with it kind of like much Lex whereas smaller mouths than beaks dinosaurs have to chew their food and be quite particular about what they ingested these days rather than throwing fossils together and making odd guesses a shameless plug to our video about the new fossil Pokemon we are now in a golden age of pale ontology we are discovering fossils at amazing rates and are advancing technology to help us learn more about them now we can scan fossils and learn loads more about them that paleontologists the century ago would just explode of excitement about we can finally tell what colors dinosaurs were based on their pigment cells we can actually tell what dinosaurs had feathers now to can even tell if they were male or female and with this we can also reconstruct skeletons and 3d print them and that's what scientists did to this skull and through experiments we have found that this skull gave the duplicates a lot of lift let's go ahead and keep this explanation short and simple lift is the force things like airplanes used to go up because of the shape and surface area of their wings they create differences in air pressure as they move forward and thus the air pushes them up there's like massive books talking about that there it isn't a few sentences but yeah obviously there's a lot more to it than just that but that is not what this video is about but this prehistoric amphibian likely used the lift to swim superfast powered by their thick tails as hydrodynamics and aerodynamics are similar enough for our use today in terms of lift specifically it would allow it to either flee water based predators up and out of the water jumping like dolphins or it allowed it to quickly shoot itself out of the water to grab prey on the beach like some crocodiles do today then of course the shape also just makes it go faster always on top of that but apparently because of its shape the loss in lift when it opens its mouth is actually negligible and as such it was likely a boom and zoom predator meaning it would swim superfast open its mouth and just go through a whole school of fish or a swarm of insects right above the water it's the same tactic fighter pilots use boom and zoom they fly right towards their target attack and then fly away before their target can retaliate if it lived and so all the lifts in this shape does explain the fighter jet and stealth bomber inspiration because they are planes that use this similar shape to fly and the jet stuff does go deeper drag cloak gets its name from cloak because it's creepy and partially invisible it's cloaks also stealth bomber technology cloaks it goes type at all but then Drac can come from Drake a specific type of dragon but it can also come from dragon international the biggest manufacturer of military fighter jets which of course has many Jets named after them creepy works well as a thing for them to launch to as it has little stabilizers on its butt just like these supersonic missiles that fighter jets lunch also it's just like how its pokedex says that it gets shot at supersonic speeds they crave violence also those little Gill frill things are only found on the first evolution and that's good because it's similar to how salamanders are born in the water with gills like this but they lose them as they age and then drag a pool specifically is not only a stealth bomber but also an aircraft carrier hence it carrying two droopy like two little planes drag a poultice stomach is a little runway strip and then it launches the droopy similarly to help aircraft carriers launch the Jets the bottoms of the Jets on aircraft carriers are hooked up to multiple catapults that then use pressurized Pistons to send them flying as aircraft carriers aren't long enough for the Jets to get up to speed on their own and likewise we can see dragged a pulp puffing out its cheeks to create more pressure to launch the drippy forward also yes they are called catapults that's why drag the pole has catapult in the name not because of classical catapults from the medieval times you sillies in complete honesty these Pokemon are the perfect examples of how to do an airplane Pokemon right too many fake bond of airplane Pokemon are literally just an airplane with a face and that's gross two more details the shiny colors of these pokemon are blue and yellow and that may be a reference to the Blue Angels world famous for their air shows where they do tricks in fighter jets but also why are these Pokemon and gala what's so British about them well while not what we know of as aircraft carriers today the first aircraft to launch from a boat was British and also modern aircraft carriers while primarily American did involve a lot of cooperation with the UK while researching and developing them in fact the first man to take off and real and on one was British himself and I think that just about does it for the jet inspirations but there is more animal inspiration to be found here and I really want to mention it the way dragged up what holds itself is very similar to how alligators and crocodiles hold themselves underwater I mean just look at this many of them will also carry their babies on their heads while doing this I mean I already mentioned crocodilia earlier in the video and being the sneaky ambush predators that they are fitting of a stealth bomber ghost-type plus why else would draggable be able to learn quite a few watertight moves like dive and surf well I guess the duplicitous does that too but but if there's one thing I've learned in my Pokemon research over the years it's that the best Pokemon have multiple inspirations and seeing as the flick all asses are flat as a pancake pancakes and most crocodilia have a body shaped more similar to drag a pulp yeah it's definitely a mix especially when you look into mini crocodilians maternal instincts it may be hard to believe that these ferocious animals can be loving mothers but it's true the mothers will bury themselves underground during the incubation process to regulate the temperature all without eating or drinking and then many species will stick with their babies to protect them having them ride on their heads and backs and even in their mouths is speaking of which you may have heard that Crocs are cannibals sometimes even eating their own young and that is true for some species and usually only the male's so drag a bolt is definitely on the more loving maternal side I mean it's Pokemon of course it is and so there you have it dragon pulse is a salamander crocodile diplococcus stealth bomber and aircraft carrier ping multiple inspirations and elements all coming together to create just awesome pokemon line as it always should be do you have anything to add let me know down below and until next time please never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 405,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, dragapult, dragapult competitive, dragapult pokemon, pokemon dragapult, pokemon sword and shield, dreepy, drakloak, drakloak location, dreepy location, dragapult origins, dragapult lore, dragapult inspirations, what is dragapult, what is dreepy, wat is dragapult based on, what is dreepy based on, stealth bomber pokemon, diplocaulus, diplocaulus pokemon, jet pokemon, airplane pokemon, crocodile pokemon, pokemon origins, pokemon theory, psudo legendary pokemon, dragon
Id: q6T0TsNorrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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