Why there will NEVER be another NEW EEVEE! - Pokemon Sword and Shield | Gnoggin

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Evy is never going to get another evolution that's right unlike literally pokey to the blue coming up with the same gosh darn concepts for new lead illusions that everybody else is lost in the Magnificent I'm going to go against the grain and say Eevee isn't going to get a new evolution no in fact Eevee is done dead at least to me and maybe to some other people who knows TV has to be one of the most weird and wonky pokemons that this series has ever had I mean a generic cat rabbit dog box with the main now that's original Plus Eevee actually has an interesting evolution scheme I mean it changes what it evolves into based off of in-game items events and locations it utilizes almost every evolution mechanic - just a few mainly ones that involve trading and that cool malamar upside down thing is there even any other Pokemon that does that no no if he did do that I wonder what type it would be probably ghosts because you inverted its world and the opposite of life is dead so clearly he's not a one-trick pony it's an eight rouge Doge puns aside I really can't see Eevee ever evolving into any of the remaining types sure there are plenty of fakemon for the other types but I feel like what we have now is all there will ever be that's why they release that super celebrate Eevee statue it'd be really rude to release that and then a few months later announce a new one for sword and shield rude but don't worry there's way more evidence for it that I will explain in a minute right now the only evolution left that even seems feasible in my eyes is Dragon and I doubt they would just drop that one in any old game if it's going to happen it's going to happen in sword and shield I mean dragons are pretty important to European myth and such and why would they have waited so long to add another Eevee I know all of you people out there love patterns so why would Game Freak break their pattern with sylveon and only release one new Eevee and it just happens to be of the one new type they had it hmm well maybe until Fairy was introduced they were out of types yes I know there are like nine other types if you count normal I mean that's half of the types but hear me out there is a neato little factoid that is the basis of most of all of this all of the eeveelutions share one thing already prior to june for all of the eeveelutions all of the types that they were were considered special types as opposed to physical types for those of you who don't know what that means I'll explain you see before generation 4 instead of moves individually being either special or physical entire types or special or physical this defines how the pokemon attacks if it attacks with its body like a punch or if it hit you with magical powers like a flamethrower physical or special there are a few exceptions to this rule like earthquake but they are just then exceptions please leave it at that this is also how you determine what stat the Pokemon will be utilizing the Special Attack stat effects moves like flamethrower but not fire punch which is based on attack and the defender uses their defense or special defense to block based on what that attack was this is the current system but prior to Gen 4 rather than basing this physical or special attack distinction on individual moves it was based on the type of the move each type was considered a physical type or a special type most of these make sense rock steel writing clearly physical fire electric water clearly all special as even now the majority of moves in that type are special not physical the only one that doesn't make a ton of sense at first is ghost I'm serious before Jen for every single ghost hunt move was physical uh well no that was a little misleading you see every damage inflicting move was physical all the other moves were status inflicting moves which are neither special or physical and the ghost type is mostly status inducing moves another type that was only physical that was kind of odd was poisoned however it's not nearly as hard to figure out as to why that is compared to ghost you know those semi cap Oreo beings that can just phase through objects yeah completely physical but technically yeah there was one more physical damage dealing move than special so it's a physical type now getting to evey it's been every special type there is and I think there's a good reason for it every way it evolves is special that's right there isn't one evolution that evolves normally think about it the first three are evolved with a stone those stones are crazy magical the next two are evolved by the powers of the Sun and Moon and friendship last time I checked being outside in the Sun and loved can't turn you into a psychic it's clearly special magic and less but not least to the two that need to be near ancient sites of power ie mossy rocks and icy stones oh wait I always forget the last one sylveon again it's the same argument as the Djinn two ones oh it's affectionate and it knows a fairy move it evolves into sylveon last time I checked if I really loved my Onix who happens to know toxic it wouldn't evolved into a poisonous snake imagine a naked steelix so the types that are left are the types that you know where there's a good chance Evie's never going to be otherwise known as the physical types first off normal I mean Evie is allready normal a second evolution that's just normal would be odd to add this late into the series I mean wouldn't it essentially just be its true form wouldn't sylveon or Umbreon or Espeon be closer to it's true form one that is happy and loved or is being happy and loved not the true form of life that's avoid an existential crisis and continue with the video all of these types steel rock bug ghosts poison dragon ground fighting they all don't really scream small fluffy mammal that's cute which is what Evie and its eeveelutions are playing truth over here kiddos they are affect you really cute I mean what are you gonna do just slap armor plating under your rabbit Fox and call it a new Pokemon I mean I know Game Freak is lazy but I would hope not bad lazy though you know I have always wanted a ghost Evie that you evolved with just like a large rock that you drop on to your Evie Ghost tyke yeah these types they all fit a different theme I mean they already are they are physical not special but they also better fit cool or rad as the kids say these types do not cute fluffy things so easily and while a lot of fakemon fanarts have good designs of what an Evo of those types could look like none of them really fit the official theming or much more importantly to Pokemon these days the branding of Evie made it's the evolutions so this is where I add a fun little theory proposal kind of thing we ain't getting any more evolutions but that doesn't mean we can't get a new Evie a new pokemon that shares the same gimmick is Evie but using the physical types instead of the special ones now I'm no game design or character are genius so don't take my word as la please but I feel like a reptile or a bug would fit these typings a million times better than a small cat Fox especially if you take branding into consideration again all of the Eevee's are cute but most of these types that it isn't well they aren't so cute but they are pretty dang cool it makes sense then to make a cool insect or cool lizard or something anything that could realistically change drastically but non magically you see that's the big difference between this new eveything and the old Eevee the old Eevee uses stones and other sources of magical energy trapped inside of things to evolve whereas our new AV would use something more physical or perhaps it just evolves based on its stats similar to tie rope or perhaps through trade items like I said the types that are left are all physical types it physically bonds with the thing during the weirdo process of trading so let's have some fun let's design our own fake mod that fills in the other half of the types the cool new lizard Eevee first let's look at Eevee it gets its name from the letter E and V from evolution because that's what it's all about and it's easy missions all have eon in the name referring to a long amount of time how long it takes for evolution to actually occur our new pokemon should do the same refer to its whole concept of many evolutions but not be as direct as Eevee perhaps we came up with this a generic lizard a skink and we've named it skinca from the English words skink and the japanese word shinka which means evolution after all Eevee is still basically named Eevee and Japanese so it's only fair for the next month with the same gimmick to take from Japanese even in the English translation being a skink works well too as out of all of the groups of lizards skinks are the most diverse also they have blue tongues and that's really cool skinca is about the same size as Eevee just without the fluff it's just normal type and these uniquely colored scales are all the primary colors of the types that evolves into but how does it evolve well there are a few ideas that I really like and all of them fits into the physical theming to further differentiate it from eating one option for instance is that skinca learns many different types of moves pretty much just a huge move pool of all of the physical type moves but only the sort of beginner type moves you know and perhaps after a certain point in leveling if knows more moves of a particular type than the other types that's the type it will become to my memory there's no gimmick like this again but if that's too complex to program there's always option 2 it evolves based on its hold item upon levelling up but a difference is that it has to level up a few times with it in a way it learns to rely on the item for its stat boosting effects so it prefers to use moves that it boosts so then it becomes that type they wouldn't even have to be new items for this new mod just use the ones that already exists like Dragon Scale which already turns things into dragons these items would include Dragon Scale steel coat for steel protector for rock and heck pretty much most of the otherwise useless trade items for specific Pokemon that just take up inventory space because who actually wants out of these Pokemon oh why do you even use this it would give all of those items another use another purpose besides just filling up the inventory plus if not just those there are also items of every type not just a physical that increase the power of the moves of that type these would be a perfect way to almost show the skinca what type it should be specializing in ok skinca sync here's a bag of soft sand these increase the power of your ground type moves skin god you know what this means right you're going to be using a lot more ground type moves it sure would be awesome if you also got a stab bonus by evolving into that type you know keep many hours later you're evolving Oh virtually all right so I'll admit we aren't the best with names but we played around with the idea of every evolution ending with Jim as in generation as adaptation and evolution happens across generations we also tried era a long period of time and we even tried dawn a Japanese Kanji that denotes time passing yaku die for instance can translate to Eternity or 100 generations but we couldn't come up with good names for all of the evolutions using just one of these so I'll just list the names we came up with as they appear I'm sure you in the comments you'll tell me significantly better ones but this is dredgen from dredge meaning to dig and Jen all their names could be Tara or dagger it's based on these shovel-snouted lizard mixed with a broad tail lizard it digs super fast because of its shovel a shape and even has the extra eyelid to protect its eyes when in the sand and this is Stella Jen bold eye bold era or die rock it's the rock type evolution and it's based on the armadillo lizard which likes to curl up and roll around this Pokemon uses roll out a lot and has rocky spikes like stalagmites along its back steel is nice we came up with the names Dai Lumina at a men die and a die and such as it's a lizard with a belly that looks like it's made of anodized steel it's inspired from the granite spiny lizard belly and well Branagh dies it's steel its scales are very shiny and metallic and we played around with plenty of ideas with steel or chainmail armor as well flying is like the opposite of steel and there are several flying lizards or at least gliding ones but gligar can only glide to and it's flying type for names we have dice end era or Sargent and we really wanted to avoid making it look too dragon as there are plenty of dragons already but no flying lizard Pokemon look it even has the stupid neck flag thing it's so dumb bug was a bit tricky while a lizard suddenly turning into a bug makes more since then Evy doing so it still doesn't make a lot of sense but notably not all bug type Pokemon are bugs level is a hermit crab so perhaps to be a bug means to have a carapace or an exoskeleton which most bugs do which led us to the name kerogen and the idea of this lizard being based on the large scale girdled lizard specifically one that lost its tail to appear more bug-like and it has a few massive scales thick and large to the point where they act just as an exoskeleton a carapace it has become not a bug but bug like maybe it can even get a bug --is-- jaw the fighting type evolution is bludgeon die roll few die or Tetsu die it's a monitor lizard which is a huge and very territorial aggressive lizard it stands upright it's ripped and its tail is built like a Tetsu bow the Japanese war club it could even take its old shed its skin and use them as fighting bandages and similar to how all of the eeveelutions are about the same size but sylveon is big this one is big too compared to the others poison was really easy to figure out there are loads of venomous lizards let's name it Dyke sick Venera dis era or pathogen or something and to help differentiate this mod we went with the frilled lizard it also has the body of the rough skinned Newt which is rough skinned and is covered in a deadly toxin in other words please do not lick it ghost has the names echo die die plasm affero or ecto gen it's a pale creepy gecko like a spooky gargoyle gecko but with piles of super flaky old damaged skin all over it giving it the creepy classical ghost and lastly for Dragon we came up with some simple names dyg on drag era drag gen legend dragon just makes the most sense really I mean it's a dragon easy their dragons are just big lizards but we wanted to keep it distinct from flying so it doesn't have wings rather it just has draconic magic powers in this case powerful all-seeing dragon eyes I have special eyes we based this on the eastern horned lizard but with more dragon properties this lizard is able to shoot blood out of its eyes as a defense mechanism but that's kind of gross and dark for Pokemon so instead it just has magical dragon eyes it shoots its dragon attacks from its eyes other than its mouth similar to help Snorlax shoots hyper beams from its eyes and look here the blood thing is still referenced in the red stripes beneath the eyes also it too is big because of its Turkic influence it's on par with the fighting lizard and that's our idea hmm and again these are just some of our ideas heck I honestly don't even like some of them but even these are better than a lot of the fake V's you see a cat with fists Oh rabbit and armor a fluffy dog that flies with its tail no thanks sure sure so what do you think of our idea for a different Eevee how would you improve upon it what are you phonies to obsess with this thing to accept anything else finishing off its pipes would you leave so what do you think is the branding of Eevee evidence that it will continue to get more types or does the branding of Eevee as a cute fluffy special thing mean that it's done let me know down below and as always remember to never stop using your noggin and remember to never stop going to noggin net and checking out our amazing merchandise look at this it's so cool buncha type symbols and unknown and an alchemy circle [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 995,036
Rating: 4.547965 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield theories, pokemon sword and shield theory, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, eevee, pokemon lets go eevee, new eevee, new eeveelutions, new eevee evolution, new eevee evolutions 2019, pokemon go, sword and shield, sword and shield leak, no new eevee, eeveelution, eeveeloutions, no new eeveelution, new eeveeloution, pokemon eevee, pokemon eeveelutions, steel type eevee, new pokemon, corocoro pokemon, corocoro leak
Id: Cvn23DLmTPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
Reddit Comments

I really like this idea, I think I'd prefer having two mons with 9 evolutions each rather than just slapping evolutions onto Eevee. What do you all think?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/FingerBangYourFears 📅︎︎ May 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cool concept I like the idea but I couldn't see it happening for the same branding idea. Since it wasn't developed alongside Eevee from the beginning it's more likely to get rejected as a concept.

Although I would ask,are the items consumed on evolution to become part of the pokemon or not?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gargole310 📅︎︎ May 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
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