[BG3] BEST DAMAGE Tempest Cleric/Sorcerer Multiclass Guide

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foreign [Music] [Music] pass from the days [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now says [Music] greetings adventurers this is Kazu here and today I have a build guide for you on the Tempest cleric sorcerer multi-class build this is going to be an incredibly potent multi-class build that's focused on dealing incredibly high amounts of damage with lightning spells specifically lightning spells because of the destructive wrath feature from The Tempest domains Channel Divinity which lets us throw Max damage on lightning and thunder spells and also what makes this build so devastating that in Baldur's Gate 3 there is the wet condition which when you cast or pour water on an enemy either via create water or by throwing water bottles on other enemy creatures you can inflict a wet condition which allows us to deal double damage on lightning spells they have vulnerability to lightning this is not going to work against enemies that are lightning immune but it will work against the vast majority of energy you encounter in your playthrough and that's going to make our destructive wrath in combination with lightning spells so devastating because we're basically dealing um Max damage and then on top of that double damage so starting out at level one we are gonna pick the cleric class this is going to give us access to Heavy Armor and shields so even though we're going to be a full Caster we're going to be pretty tanky and if we go over to our canned trips here we're going to take sacred flame guidance and light it doesn't really matter what you pick but I recommend those we're going to take the Tempest domain subclass which is going to give us access to Wrath of the Storm at level one this is basically just hellish rebuke but it does lightning damage or thunder damage up to you then we get access to the Thunder Wave and fog Cloud spells as well so going over our stat layout for this character I recommend actually prioritizing some dexterity over your Constitution we can dump intelligence dump strength wisdom and Charisma we do want to prioritize wisdom is going to be for cleric spells Charisma is going to be four sorcerer spells so you could start with this stat layout if you want to make it even it's up to you but once we hit level four we're gonna increase decks to 14 and we're gonna increase Charisma to 18 or we can increase Charisma to 19 and then use the hag's hair to increase it by Plus one and make it a 20 at level 4 or it's going to be level 6 for this characters when we get our abilities for improvement for scope proficiencies take persuasion because we are going to be upping our Charisma and then I would say uh the other scores are up to you preferably Insight preferably perception uh medicine too if you want and race is not going to matter we pick Shadow heart for this build but this multi-class is really good because the build itself is just destructive wrath plus a lightning spell your itemization and your race doesn't matter at all for the purposes of this build so we're sticking with Shadow heart for now we're gonna hit confirm here and then leveling up to level two we're gonna take a second level into Claire this is going to give us access to destructive wrath which allows us to expend our Channel Divinity to deal Max damage when rolling for lightning or thunder damage so already we can use the destructive wrath with our first level spells which is going to be it's not shown here but it is going to be our Thunder Wave we can use destructive wrath on that to do 16 damage if the enemy fails their save alright so once you unlock a destructive wrath you can press K if you're playing on PC open up your spells tab go to the reactions Tab and then select destructive wrath make sure that this is check marked and the ask is also check marked that way it will prompt you whenever you deal thunder or lightning damage if you want to use your channel Divinity feature to deal Max damage rather than rolling so once you have that ready to go you can cast a thunder or lightning spell in this case we're gonna use Thunder Wave because that's all we have is a level 2 cleric it will be at first level and here is our destructive wrath option so we just click that and then we do Max damage instead of rolling which as you could see was more than enough to kill these little gobbos at level three this is when the build comes online we are going to now start multi-classing into sorcerer so you're going to hit the little add class button here pick sorcerer and at this point we're going to have access to new cantrips new spells make sure to take chromatic orb everything else doesn't matter just make sure to take chromatic orb because this is going to be our main Lightning Spell at early levels you could use witchbolt for consistent damage over time but we want chromatic orb because we're focusing on burst Nova damage for our subclass I recommend storm sorcery for the tempestuous magic feature this lets us whenever we cast a leveled spell as a bonus action until the end of the turn without provoking opportunity attacks in combat really good for repositioning out of combat you can actually just cast the leveled spell and then fly around for a little bit which is incredibly strong I'll show you a really Nifty use of tempestuous magic that you can use to get a powerful staff but yeah I think this feature is irreplaceable so that's why I went throughout a storm sorcery but if you want damage you can go the draconic bloodline it's going to make you a little bit tankier that's going to increase your AC which doesn't matter because we have heavy armor but at level 6 for draconic ancestry we get to deal additional damage based off of our Charisma modifier for lightning spells if we pick our ancestry as blue or bronze so that's something to take into consideration for the purpose of this build I'll show you draconic ancestry but for me I took storm sorcery because I like tempestuous magic a lot more and again take chromatic orb at level four we're gonna put our second level into Sorcerer And this is going to give us access to metamagics so if you're not familiar with metamagic you can spend sorcery points which you now have two and you're going to have one sorcery Point per level of sorcerer to effectively change your spells metamagic twin spell is going to let us cast twinned chromatic orb and now we can shoot two chromatic orbs instead of one it has to be at two different targets but but this is basically doubling her damage because Wrath of the storm or my bad destructive wrath is gonna proc on both of projectiles from the Twin spell so take twin spell I recommend distance spell for hitting targets at farther range and for our spell we can take something like jump to help our allies we can take Shield to make ourselves tank here we can take sleep for cc or feather fall for utility it's up to you we'll take shield in this case so at level four you can twin your chromatic orb and then up cast it to second level against targets that are wet and you are going to deal 48 damage to each Target with destructive wrath for a total of 96 points of damage and as you can see here we pretty much almost instant cheese the menthara fight so once we hit level five we're going to take another level in sorcerer so this is going to give us access to another sorcery Point as well as new forms of metamagic so here we can either take quick and spell so that we can cast two Spells at once or over the course of one turn we're going to cast a spell that costs in action and then cast another spell that costs in action as a bonus action it's gonna cost three sorcery points which is all our sorcery points at this level but it is very powerful again for dealing burst damage and killing enemies as quickly as possible you can take hide and spell if you want to make your lightning bolt spells which we're gonna get at seventh level be more effective the enemies are gonna have to do their saving throws but with this Advantage so it's up to you I took Quicken spell and at level two or we're gonna have our third level spells for sorcerer so we're going to take shatter here we can upcast shatter to third level at this point because we have five total levels in full spell casters and that's gonna deal 48 Thunder damage to targets within a 10 foot radius Circle um that's going to be a total of 32 points of damage to everyone that fails the con save within the circle so pretty decent we can also replace a spell if we want and add in another second level spell such as Misty step invisibility hold person those are all going to be great options here and then at level six we get another level into sorcerer we're gonna add this point unlock our ability to score improvements there are options for feeds Elemental Adept would normally be pretty useful for a build specifically focused on their like Elemental damage but because we're going to be abusing the wet condition which has no save and it automatically makes enemies vulnerable to lightning damage unless they're immune to it there's no point taking Elemental ad app everything else is going to be pretty useless here so we're gonna go for abilities for improvement put one up into decks and one up into Charisma unless of course you have the hag's hair which is going to give you plus one to Charisma so you can Max charisma at 20 at this point if you just put two points into it for spells up to you I will take hold person here for cantrips we are going to take Dancing Lights here we go at level seven this is where the build again hits a little power Spike because we are now going to have access to third level sorcerer spells which means we get lightning bolt this spell does 86 lightning damage to Targets in a 30 meter line it is surprisingly very far range and wide enough that you can actually hit multiple targets who are invict next to each other um and this is going to be pretty much our go-to spell for AOE damage there are going to be some pretty useful synergies later on where you can pull enemies together into tight clusters and then hit them with a lightning bolt to hit you know eight to ten enemies at once dealing a ton of damage because of destructive wrath maxing it out at level seven where we have five levels of sorcerer we can up cast lightning bolt to fourth level so it's going to deal 96 lightning damage which is 54 damage and if we double that because the enemies are wet if they fail the deck save against the lightning bolt they're going to take a total of 108 points of damage which is quite strong at level seven and of course we can also Quicken spell to cast lightning bolt again and deal another um if we use a fourth level spell slot 108 damage if they fail to save it's not going to be Max damage so you are gonna have to roll for the second lightning bolt because we only get one destructive wrath one channel Divinity per rest for our next level we're going to be going into sorcerer level six this is going to give us access to Elemental Affinity damage which means that when we cast lightning spells we're gonna get to add our Charisma modifier to the damage because we chose blue or bronze as our ancestry so that's going to give us if the target's wet an additional 10 damage on hit which is very nice and at this point we can take another third level spell I recommend haste actually because you can twin haste to buff two allies and haste them incredibly powerful if you do this you do have to make sure to keep your character in the back to kind of stay away from being hit by a lot of enemies um if you want Proficiency in Constitution saves for concentration checks you can actually start the first level in sorcerer instead of cleric um otherwise I would just say stay at the back your AC is high enough that you should avoid getting hit most of the time anyways and you can cash shield on yourself to avoid getting hit so that'll be a pretty good way to maintain concentration on haste if you want to do that you could also take counter spell that's going to be really useful or any of the other third level spells level nine is where we get seventh level into sorcerer or we have the choice of just dumping the rest of our levels into cleric and going six cleric six sorcerer um that choice is gonna be up to you it really depends on whether or not you want access to the fourth level and fifth level sorcerer spells which are really strong so I recommend going full source work two levels of Tempest cleric and then a full 10 levels into sorcerer either storm sorcerer or draconic answers resourcerer it's entirely up to you um if we go six levels into Tempest cleric I am going to show you it's like we get two channel divinities which means we can actually destructive wrath lightning bolt and then Quicken spell destructive wrath lightning mode again that's gonna be a good amount of damage um up casting are lightning bolts and hitting a large cluster of enemies it will deal a pretty insane amount of damage to be honest but of course if we go the storm sorcerer route if we focus our levels of the sorcerer we have access to some really strong spells that I'm going to show in just a second so having access to fourth level spells we get spells like banish we can just straight up remove a Target temporarily we have greater invisibility to allow us to just cast our spells and be very defensive enemy attacks are going to come in with disadvantage we get advantage on our attacks so our chromatic orbs are easier to hit we have polymorph to just turn somebody into a sheep we have ice storm and Wall of fire for better forms of AOE and control we have dimension door to teleport ourself and a friend all the way across the map so like really powerful Spells at level four these spell effects are going to be difficult to replace with anything you could get on the Claire expel list or the existing source for spell s prior to level seven in sorcerer so it's really up to you if you want to make that call I recommend going the route of sorcerer so here we're going to take greater invisibility and we're going to level up and get level 8 into our sorcerer once our character is level 10 this is going to give us another ability score Improvement so at this point you can max out Charisma or if it's already maxed out you can put more points into dexterity which I recommend so that you can be higher in the initiative order again we get another fourth level spell so here we'll take dimension door which actually helps out a lot in act three and um surprisingly you're gonna see some really Niche uses for dimension door both in Act 2 and in act 3 where you can get across the battlefield to cheese your opponents or you can navigate around to get around puzzles and other sort of difficult encounters at level 11 we're gonna finally have access to six level spell slots we're not going to have access to six level spells but that's okay because we can upcast our existing spells so for those of you who might argue well you should take 11 levels of Sorcerer And just one level of Tempest clear so that you can have chain lightning there is a legendary staff which lets you cash chain lightning regardless of whether or not you know that spell so we really don't care about how we arrange this multi-class because as long as we have six level spell slots or as long as we have our sorcery points we can actually twin a chain lightning using this legendary staff that I'm going to show and later on in the video now for fifth level spells though we do get access to hold monster hold monster is really freaking strong you can paralyze any creature it doesn't matter what it is if it fails to save it gets paralyzed so melee attacks coming with advantage and they crit um very very strong telekinesis is also a really strong spell to just kind of eat people you can um have a druid if you have one in your party turn to an owl bear and then throw them at the enemies to deal actually a lot of damage um just from the weight of the Creature if you enlarge them you have dominate person which is super strong you have quote a code for a nice AOE spell so fifth level spells are going to be high impact spells that again their spell effects are irreplaceable compared to everything else in your current existing spell list so we're gonna take a whole monster here and we're gonna cap out the bill to level 12 with our temp level into sorcerer that's going to give us access to yet another can drip which we don't really care about yet another fifth level spell which in this case I would recommend taking dominating person for control and we can also take another metamagic so if you took quick as well take hide and spell if you took hide and spell take quick and spell having both of these really really really useful um both of them are just three sorcery points so at level 10 the main benefit of putting sorcerer levels up rather than the cleric levels is you're going to get more sorcery points so we can actually either convert our sourcery points into additional high-level spell slots or we can use it for hide and spell and Quicken spell to make our spells far more effective so at level 12 you're going to be able to up cast lightning bolt to six level and you can hide in it to make it so that the enemies have disadvantage on their deck saves for the spell so if we use our lightning bolt and we up cast it to sixth level this is gonna deal 11 D6 damage which if we Max it out is going to be 66 points of damage against targets that are wet we're going to multiply that by two and we're going to deal 132 points of damage on each Target hit by the lightning bolt spell and if we heighten it then they're gonna have to do the deck save with disadvantage we could also quick and spell to do it all over again although if we go the route of level 2 Tempest cleric level 10 storm sorcerer or draconic acid sorcerer it is going to be only one channel Divinity so we can't use our destructive wrath on both lightning bolts if we quicken in the same turn with that being said we do have 10 meta magic or 10 Source read points so we actually can change up our spells we can do a twin chromatic orb then the next term we could do a heightened lightning bolt we can do a quick end lightning bolt with that to follow up we can convert our source read points into additional six level spell slots to deal even more damage with our lightning spells against wet targets so there's a lot of flexibility to how you actually want to play this character when you're in combats but yeah overall our go-to is going to be to cast lightning bolt we're going to heightened it and then we're going to destructive wrath on wet targets and it's going to deal a ton of damage alternatively again a lot of high-level enemies have evasion so they automatically will take no damage if they pass their save and if they fail it they take half damage so even if you hide and spell it's not going to deal that much damage but if we target those enemies that have evasion or that have high deck saves with chromatic orbs they cannot dodge it if it hits them because our spell attack bonus is super high from things like Arcane blessing or just the Blessed spell in general having advantage on attack Row the enemy cannot Dodge or mitigate the damage like they can for the lightning bolt so up casting light chromatic orb to 6 level is gonna deal 56 points of damage so that is going to be 56 times 2 if they're vulnerable it's going to be 112 points of damage if the enemy is crit because chromatic orb is a spell attack a range spell attack it will take 224 points of damage not accounting for the uh draconic ancestry we have here the elemental Affinity damage which is going to give us plus five damage to our lightning spells if we crit it's gonna be plus 10 damage or my bad if they're vulnerable to lightning it's going to be plus 10 damage so 234 damage from a single chromatic orb so as you can see here our Tempest cleric source for a multi-class build is going to be extremely powerful from early levels all the way to the late game to max level 12. if you do go the route of six levels of cleric and six levels of sorcerer you will have two uses of your channel Divinity for two destructive rats in a single combat which in the video here I'm using to basically do a twin chain lightning and then destructive wrath for Max damage on that and then also on the same turn cast lightning bolts up cast it to sixth level and use our destructive wrath again just kill huge squads of enemies it really is insane how powerful this build can be of course if you put the levels into sorcerer instead of Tempest cleric the 210 split you're going to have access to fifth level spells which depending on the combat situations I think overall throughout act three you're gonna get more value out of putting all your levels into sorcerer but in terms of like just pure raw damage burst damage damage that you can deal in a single turn which is also known as Nova damage the cleric sorcerer level six in both classes is going to be a better split so it's really up to you again I I like I'm going to keep reiterating it it's completely up to you but for me the preference was with the Sorcerer And I think I enjoyed using more of the sorcerer's side throughout the playthrough so when it comes to itemization for this build one of the great things that I really like about the tempus cleric Source we're set up is that it needs very few items to work all you need is a lightning spell and destructive wrap and you're pretty much good to go every combat but for the purposes of items in the early game the best item I could recommend is going to be the staff of Arcane blessing which if you don't know is obtainable in the Arcane Tower within the underdark using impetuous magic we can actually get all the way inside the basement floor without having to do any of the fixing the elevator for the Arcane Tower or fighting the boss at the top floor so it's very easy to get around that to get the staff of Arcane blessing otherwise you do have to get to the top floor you're gonna have to fight a little boss get a ring of Guiding Light which will unlock the basement floor button at which point we can get the staff if you don't know how to do that there are some Guides Online that'll show you with without me spoiling anything but yeah basically this staff is going to allow us to cast the bless Bill once per day and when we cast a blessed spell while equipping this staff we get an additional plus 2d4 to our spell attack rows on top of the initial 1d4 so we get plus 3d4 to our spell attack rows this is going to make Landing chromatic orb super easy especially within app one within Act 2 you're going to have no trouble at all Landing your chromatic orbs on the priority targets that you have already wedded and need to deal burst damage to kill so this is a really strong item that you can get relatively early on into act one especially if you have storm sorcery and fetch was magic to just kind of fly around and get inside you could do it with a druid too who can turn into a diary Raven or anything similar to that effect alright so without spoiling too much of act 3 there is going to be a legendary staff that you can acquire in loricon's Vault or at the bottom of his Tower it is a staff called Marco heshkir as you can see here and it is going to be protected by an Arcane barrier if you want to see how to actually get to this location there's going to be guides that you can find online for that so you can just look it up but to get access through this Arcane barrier you are going to have to need a character with scene visibility you can either have the eye to do that or you can cast the spell and you're going to see these two lever here's you're gonna have to pull the lever which is going to be an intelligence check dc20 so if you don't have an intelligence based character it can be a very difficult check to make you might have to reload a save or burn all your inspiration points but once you pass that dc20 check you are going to be able to break this Arcane barrier and gain access to the item so once you pass the dc20 check to break the Arcane barrier you can go ahead and acquire the staff just pick it up as you can see here we have markowish gear which has the Arcane enchantment I'm probably butchering the name by the way but whatever this has Arcane enchantment so that gives a plus one bonus to spell save DC and attack Rose very helpful it has Arcane battery which means we can actually use this passive feature to make us that we don't expend a spell slot we can cast a six level spell and then with Arcane battery not consume the six level spell slot to cast two six level spells in one turn and then we also get the ability kareeshka's favor so equipping that you can see here the spell koreshka's favor which is a unique spell only for the staff and we can select different types of elements which will unlock additional resistance damage as well as spells for that element so we're gonna of course pick boats of Doom which is the lightning version of this and upon casting the spell you can see here we are crackling with Crush because lightning this unlocks for us the chain Lightning Spell regardless of our spell list and level so just with having this legendary staff your character can now cash chain lightning you could just play as a full Tempest cleric and then once you get this staff still be able to cast chain lightning still be able to deal Max damage still be able to wet targets blast them and blow them up into Smithereens you also do get a casting of lightning bolt as well which is pretty nice it is once per rest so it's actually not that bad once for rest of both chain lightning and lightning bolt very powerful staff this thing is absolutely busted I haven't even talked about its feature which allows us to have resistance to lightning damage it also lets us deal additional damage equal to our proficiency bonus and we acquire lightning charges whenever we deal spell damage so it's just a really really strong tool to have for late game um definitely recommend you pick up this item once you are in act 3 and again if you don't know the location of it you can find guides for that online I'm not going to go into a full detail here because it is a little bit difficult to acquire you have to maneuver around lauricon's Tower but yeah that's a really good item to have for act 3. all right so that's going to pretty much be it for the video that was the complete guide to how to do The Tempest cleric source for multi-class you can go for storm sorcery if you want to pesh with magic you can go for draconic ancestry sorcerer if you want to have a little bit of extra damage after level six and you can go wild magic sorcerer if you just want to have some fun with Mod Magic surges and tides of chaos for Advantage on ability checks attack rows and saving throws uh once per wild magic search basically I have used this build pretty much throughout my entire playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3. I did beat the game a week ago but I have been working on too many videos I've been pretty busy lately so I do want to get to a few more build videos specifically with like sorkidin and stuff but since this was initially one of my most popular videos on the Tempest cleric sorcerer I figured you know I should make the build guide for this first and it is absolutely a monster of a multi-class for damage it's crazy how strong this build is I don't think if you play this in D d5e it will be as strong because it's so easy to line up and stack enemies in Baldur's Gate 3 you can either take advantage of Choke points or abuse illited powers like black hoe to just group enemies hit them with a lightning bolt hit him with a chain lightning and just absolutely decimate and Destroy it's so much fun just seeing huge damage numbers on large groups of enemies so I've been really enjoying the build and I think you guys are gonna have a blast with it too but yeah that's it for the video thank you for watching if you made it to the end of the video like comment subscribe it helps out the channel and stay tuned for more content I will see you guys later
Channel: Kazu
Views: 178,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, dungeons and dragons, dnd 5e, dnd bg3, baldur's gate, baldurs gate, multiclassing, dnd multiclassing, bg3 multiclassing, bg3 multiclass, multiclass guide, how to multiclass, best multiclass, multiclass build, bg3 guide, bg3 tutorial, baldur's gate guide, feat, bg3 feat, baldurs gate feat, bg3 build, tempest cleric, bg3 tempest, bg3 op build, bg3 strongest build, best build, sorcerer, storm sorcerer, bg3 storm sorcerer, sorc, draconic ancenstry
Id: j2SlI0eojqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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