Baldur's Gate 3 - OP BURST Tempest Cleric/Sorcerer Multiclass Guide

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] around me greetings adventurers this is Kazu here and if you clicked on the video title you already know today we're going to be talking about the Tempest cleric and storm sorcerer multi-class which has one of the highest potentials for Nova damage on a single turn in today's video we're going to be talking about the early game progression of the build that you can actually do when Baldur's Gate 3 comes out and I'm actually going to be using this multi-class as well so if there's any discrepancies from the information available here in the Early Access since Tempest domain isn't fully released yet I will make sure to have a pinned comment below that will mention any of the changes from The Early Access and the release of the game so without further Ado let's get into the build I'm going to explain what the Tempest domain cleric does and why it has the potential when multi-class with a sorcerer to deal the most damage in a single turn out of any of the other spellcaster classes so before we even talk about the early game progression I just want to go over the second level feature of the Tempest domain cleric which is its Channel Divinity called destructive wrath from the player's handbook starting at second level you can use your channel divinity to wield the power of the storm with unchecked ferocity when you roll lightning or thunder damage you can use your channel Divinity to deal maximum damage instead of rolling this is the entire point of playing a tempest to make Claire is to deal Max damage on lightning or thunder with spells it doesn't have to even be a spell per se but for the purposes of us multiclassing with sorcerer it is going to be spell casting that we're going to be focusing on so without me even explaining anything further just know that when you use your lightning based spells you know once per rest you're going to have your channel Divinity and you can burn that on dealing Max damage rather than rolling for your spell so that's how we get to kind of min max our damage output because we literally get to do Max damage we put the struck to wrath it's insane it's going to be super strong and I'm going to also explain a little bit of some of the synergies between the Tempest cleric as well as the sorcerer as well as game mechanics of Baldur's Gate that we can abuse to deal insane amounts of damage as you've already seen in the intro of this video so for our early game progression we're gonna focus on on the early game progression because there's so many items that are going to be available and so many different things available on the full release of the game I have no clue how like mid game and late game progression will be for any builds it would be crazy to Theory craft for those builds otherwise because itemization is probably gonna be a big part so we're just going to talk about levels one through five which is what's currently available in Early Access starting at level one we're gonna take our first level into Tempest domain cleric clerics are one of the few classes that get to pick their subclass at level one so we get to start off as the Tempest domain player which is awesome because that's going to give us a proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor so for our ability scores and our race I say we actually pick a human because this build can be a little bit mad I would say you don't necessarily you don't necessarily have to pick a human but I do recommend picking a human so that you can get as high Constitution wisdom and Charisma as possible you are going to want to focus on Charisma because you're going to be dealing most of your damage spells as a sorcerer but it is really helpful to have the wisdom because that's going to synergize with our other first level feature Wrath of the Storm at first level you can thunderously rebuke attackers when a creature within five feet of you that you can see hits you with an attack you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a deck save the creature then takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage you can choose on a failed saving throw and half as much on a successful one and you can use this feature number times equal to your wisdom modifier so if you have 16 wisdom that's going to be a plus three modifier you can use it three times per day it's a nice little feature similar to hella tribute but it only works in melee so keep that in mind it's not going to be as useful if we're playing a ranged spellcaster but it is still really nice to have so if you want to run cleric spells and you want those cleric spells such as sacred flame or command to be more effective having the wisdom at least at 16 would be really helpful especially for our early game okay so at first level because we have access to The Heavy Armor and currently in the early axis there is no strength requirement for heavy armor like there is in d d doesn't really matter what your strength is you can just dump strength it doesn't really matter what your Dex is you can just dump decks if you have chain Mill with the shield you're gonna have 18 AC as a pure spell caster which is absolutely nuts since most of our levels are going to be a sorcerer are not going to be that squishy compared to other spell casters such as you know a pure classed Wizard or a pure class sorcerer which typically would have no more than like 15 or 16 AC using Mage Armor and having high dexterity so Baseline level one we're looking pretty tanky pretty juicy now going into second level that is when we are going to get our Channel Divinity I just mentioned I'm going to mention it again it's called destructive wrath and how Channel Divinity works for clerics is that you get this resource called your channel Divinity which restores upon short rest or long rest so you can use it up to three times per day at level two and level six you're gonna get a second use of your channel Divinity as a cleric you do have to have six levels specifically in cleric to get that additional use of child Divinity Baldur's Gate might change that we'll see but yeah as far as your second levels go you can already use it to deal Max damage once per rest on a lightning or a thunder attack or spell for the case of cleric we're only gonna have Thunder Wave which we can really use this on that means you can basically deal a maximum of 16 damage right because Thunder Wave does 2d8 damage to enemies on a 15-foot cone and knocks them back 15 feet if they fail to save if you deal 16 damage in a 15 foot Cube that's pretty strong at level 2 especially against you know at least three enemies that's going to be a good amount of damage you can output right now at the moment and you're gonna see that at level three we are actually going to start multi-classing straight into sorcerer thematically I think the coolest one is going to be the storm sorcerer if you want to have that aesthetic of being like either a sailor or a Shipman an Elementalist a sort of spellcaster who is controlling the power of the wind and the storms and the elements that's a really nice survive to have with the storm sorcerer alongside the Tempest Claire but it's completely up to you you could go wild magic for the surges and for the tides of chaos which makes your attacks more liable to hit especially the main one we're going to use which is chromatic orb you could go draconic answer history and then choose a blue draconic ancestry so that you're you know you have a Lightning Dragon background and your attemptus domain cleric all of these choices are pretty flavorful and pretty fun so it doesn't really matter what subclass of sorcery you pick but the Feats you get from it are going to synergize in different ways the main thing of the storm sorcerer subclass if we take that one or the sorcerer it's going to be the level one feature it's called temptuous Magic so starting at first level you can use your bonus action on your turn to cause whirling gusts of Elemental air to briefly surround you immediately before or after you cast a spell a first level or higher and that's going to give you a fly speed of up to 10 without provoking opportunity attacks so it's actually really good to let you disengage and then cast a range spell on a Target that wasn't melee with you or reposition so that you can line up a better attack for something like lightning bolt or an AOE attack or get in range an extra 10 feet on your spell casting so the positioning the repositioning from temptuous Magic I think is going to be really powerful especially in Baldur's Gate 3 where your environment is very varied and the positioning is more so important than a regular DND match where you might just be playing on a flat field okay so going over our spell casting progression now we do have the second level spell slots we're going to get chromatic orb from the sorcerer spell list which is essentially a magical orb that you throw at the enemy it's going to be a spell attack that deals 2d8 Elemental damage you get to pick the element and whatever element you pick has an additional side effect for the purposes of the lightning and the thunder-chromatic orbs which we are going to be using because we can use destructive wrath with them that's going to get us an additional 1d8 damage if we do the Thunder one and it's going to give us the electrocute effect on targets they're going to be suffering from that status condition if we hit them with the lightning chromatic orb so it's 2d8 lightning damage and electrocutes Target if it's lightning it's going to be 3d8 thunder damage if we pick the Thunder version now at this point we can also up cast the chromatic orb to second level so for a thunder chromatic orb it's going to be dealing 48 damage and for the lightning chromatic orb it's going to be dealing 3d8 lightning damage both of which are really powerful if you use your channel Divinity destructive wrath on a target with the Thunder damage chromatic orb that's going to deal a maximum of 32 points of Thunder damage to a single Target which is a pretty good amount at level 3 that's going to kill a lot of enemies and if you want to get even juice here I am going to explain the wet condition so essentially if you use create water or you throw a water bottle at an enemy you find a way to get them wet and covered in water they will suffer from the wet condition while they are suffering from the wet condition they are vulnerable to lightning so they will take double damage to lightning spells and lightning damage effects which means our chromatic orb of lightning is now going to deal 68 lightning damage to a Target that is wet if we use our Channel Divinity on that it is going to deal 48 damage which at level 3 is pretty insane for a single spell and we can do this once per rest because we're gonna get our Channel Divinity back on short rest and long rest so once we hit fourth level that that's when things get even spicier you would think a fourth level multi-classing we're not going to be getting too much but because we get meta magic we're gonna get our sorcery points and metamagic if you haven't played a sorcerer before basically you get a resource called sorcery points you could spend these sorcery points to use your meta Magics which allow you to adapt and modify your spells we're going to be taking twin spell as well as distance spell it doesn't really matter what the second one you take is but make sure to take twin spell because we can twin chromatic orbs since it is a single Target spell so we can actually double our damage on a turn uh by allowing us to use chromatic orb on two Targets instead of one so at fourth level we're gonna still have only up to second level spell slots but now we can use twin spell with our sorcery points to cast a twin chromatic orb at second level it's going to hit two Targets if they're both wet and we use the lightning chromatic orb it is going to be 48 damage to two Targets for a total of 96 points of damage in one turn that's looking pretty juicy considering all we have to do is get our targets wet by using either create water or by throwing a water bottle at them which is very easy to do there's not really a saving throw for the wet status condition other than you just missing so with fourth level you can already see our damage potential as a Nova burst damage class if you really want you could take which boat and then against a wet Target which boats DPR is going to be decent compared to a lot of other spells for only a single first level or second level slot but that being said I think the chromatic orb is just a lot more fun for the burst damage and it's going to synergize with our destructive wrath because it's going to be dealing the most damage as we can possibly deal at this level now keep in mind if we do keep spellcaster progression we could be using the shatter spell at this level but if not the chromatic orb being upcast second level and twinned is more than enough to carry you through a lot of fights in the game for our character that's where things get really interesting because again it depends on the release version how they're going to tweak spell casting progression layering Studios has confirmed if you multi-class pure casters um you could actually have access to third level Spells at fifth level which means you know a level three level two level three sorcerer level two cleric could have access to Fireball I don't know how that's really going to work and whether or not that'll be balanced but regardless even looking at her Baseline without the access to third level spells we are going to have third level spell slot because we're a multi-class pure Caster we can now upcast our chromatic orb to third level and if you take a look here it actually increases the damage by an additional 2d8 rather than an additional 1d8 so upcast and chromatic orb lightning to third level we're gonna deal five to eight lightning damage if we Max it out that is going to be 40 lightning damage which is quite nice and of course if the target has the wet condition we're dealing 10 d8 lightning damage to them which is a maximum of 80 points of damage That's not including if you were to crit because chromatic orbs a spell attack it makes it a lot more potent than things like Fireball or lightning bolt in the sense that it can crit on a Nat 20 and if it does and you use destructive wrath you will be dealing 160 points of damage from a single attack which is absolutely insane I mean as you can see here this is a regular crit not maxing the damage we did 98 points of damage on a single attack which is probably the most amount of damage I've seen on a single attack from a spell without using something like baromancy or other Chi strats so you can already see that even without third level spells this build has the potential to deal insane amounts of damage to single targets we can tint 20 chromatic orbs so we could do this we could potentially do a maximum of 160 damage to two Targets which would make our damage output for the round 320 even you know three Fireballs are gonna have a hard time matching up to 320 points of damage in a single turn and that's not including that we can Quicken a spell to cast another chromatic orbit third level or that we can haste ourselves to cast another chromatic orbit third level and again if you haven't played a sorcerer you can use the conversion of sorcery points to spell slots to turn five sorcery points into another third level spell slot or turn your second and first level spell slots into sorcery points for casting quick and spell so in the Early Access you can actually get access to three third level spells which you can cast all three of them in a single turn by using both haste as well as quick and spell if you've played D you might be preoccupied or too familiar with the rule that you can't use an action to cast the level spell if you use the bonus action castle level spell in Aldersgate that's not the case you can always cast as many level spells as you want as long as you have actions or Quicken spells or haste actions to to cast those those spells so you can use healing word and then also use cure wounds on the same turn you can Fireball as an action and then quick and spell cast Fireball again which is extremely powerful it makes Sorcerers kind of borderline op but yeah we're gonna see that if we actually actually can maintain spellcaster progression with multi-classing you will potentially have access to the lightning bolt spell at third level that is going to be a straight line spell attack up to a hundred feet anything within that line is going to get hit by the lightning bolt and they're gonna have to do a dexterity Save which if they fail they will take 86 lightning damage so if we were to use our Channel Divinity destructive wrath on a lightning bolt that is going to be a total of 48 points of lightning damage to all Targets that fail to save which if you hit three to four targets is going to be an insane amount of damage that you're outputting for your party and it's gonna really burst and annihilate entire encounters all by itself so if we do get access to lightning bolt as a fifth level multi-class character that is going to be absolutely insane even if we don't we stole the chromatic orb and if you don't want to you know apply the wet condition and then use chromatic orb and abuse that you can cast the shatter spell at second level you can take that as a sorcerer and you can upcast that to third level it'll be 48 Thunder damage which is 20 or 32 points of Thunder damage to all Targets within a 10 foot radius sphere so that's also pretty strong as well considering how you know 32 damage is nothing to laugh at at fifth level even but yeah I mean this build is insane I think it's really going to be pretty busted when the game comes out especially if people start realizing how strong the white condition is and start using Create water which you can use as either a cleric or a druid or you could have a spell scroll for it or there's a staff in the game which does allow you to cast the spell once per day and if you upcast Creator destroy water it increases the area of effect of it so you can douse an entire enemy team in water making them all wet and then cast lightning bolt on them deal double damage on the lightning bolt max out the damage with destructive wrath and then you're looking at 96 points of damage on each person who fails to save from the lightning bolt it's like it's gonna be so crazy I have no idea if they're gonna tweak how strong lightning damage is in the game especially with the Tempest domain cleric they might just keep it in because it's fun you know it's really awesome it's really cool flavor wise I think it's badass as hell to be a god of lightning you know you could have a Thor aesthetic you could have any sort of lightning character ecstatic which is just extremely badass very high damage bursty build so in terms of our middle and late game progression we're going to be focusing our ability score improvements on Charisma we are also going to be focusing all of our levels into Sorcerer And really kind of just getting those higher damage sorcerer spells and upcasting are sorcerer spells maybe using our sorcery points for quick and spell or for twin spell to just increase our overall damage output every single round and just dealing tons of damage with the destructive raft basically just snipe whatever the priority Target is in the first turn nuking them super hard so they're either dead or almost dead and once we hit Level 11 or 12 we're gonna have access to a spell called chain lightning which is going to let us deal insane amounts of damage like really insane amounts of damage 10d8 maxed is going to be 80 doubled by wet if they're vulnerable is going to be 160 damage per Target being hit by the chain lightning that is going to be absolutely nuts yeah I I am so excited for this build in Boulder skate 3. it might be a little too strong but I guess we'll see it they might they might make some changes they might make some tweaks if there's any discrepancies from the information I've already discussed in this video again that'll be in a pin comment below so that's gonna be pretty much it for the video if you know of a multi-classing build that has potential to deal more damage than the Tempest domain cleric sorcerer any sorcerer really um they'll just let me know in the comments below I'm really curious to know what you guys think because I think this has the highest potential for burst damage that can be done in a single turn it's fairly exploitable and just really strong and really easy to use too so I I see no reason why everyone shouldn't at least try this build once if you are struggling or if you really want to deal a lot of damage and be a badass but yeah I am excited for borders Gate 3 that's going to come out in two days it's gonna come out on August 3rd so look forward to that thank you so much for watching like comment and subscribe if you enjoyed the content and look forward to more content available on the channel you can hit the notification button if you want to be up to date on whenever I upload the next video I'm going to be doing tons of multi-class build videos most likely as well as a playthrough I'm going to be playing on tactician difficulty so look forward to that uh and yeah thank you so much for watching I hope you guys have a wonderful day and a wonderful week I'm gonna have a wonderful week because border Skate 3 is coming out I'll see you guys in the next video peace out
Channel: Kazu
Views: 62,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, panel from hell, dungeons and dragons, dnd 5e, dnd bg3, baldur's gate, baldurs gate, multiclassing, dnd multiclassing, bg3 multiclassing, bg3 multiclass, multiclass guide, how to multiclass, best multiclass, multiclass build, bg3 guide, bg3 tutorial, baldur's gate guide, feat, bg3 feat, baldurs gate feat, bg3 build, tempest cleric, bg3 tempest, bg3 op build, bg3 strongest build, best build, sorcerer, storm sorcerer, bg3 storm sorcerer, sorc
Id: aKC-yqHelDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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