Incinerating Act 1 as a Lonewolf Sorcerer - Baldur's Gate 3 Tactician

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okay Grim shouldn't be too hard with only fire oh well crap beating a lone wolf tactician with only fire first things first let's get the build out of the way the plan is just to go pure sorcerer grabbing ourselves the draconic bloodline sorcerer which will give us bonuses to our damage depending on our type and will be a fire one of course as we level up we'll be using only fire suppose as well as some utility ones we ourselves will be a fire Dragonborn since we get more fire damage and we'll dump everything into our Charisma as our spell casting self-insert time hey guys remember to like share and subscribe after taking out a few demons blocking our path we find ourselves in the first obstacle actually killing things if anything manages again to melee range will be at a severe disadvantage and our damage output is severely limited until level two so we just ran through it though we do get some Vengeance on some brains we find a stray spawn plotting something nefarious and Save the Day luckily our 17 Charisma mix is very persuasive what's going on and we book it for Emerald Grove which we can relatively easily take out a couple goblins thanks to our breath attacks that come from being Dragonborn charred goblins guess to level 2 meaning we can finally get our sorcery points these are used on various meta Magics which will become acquainted with later though at this level the only one we care about is Twin spell allowing us to split a single Target spell and to hit two Targets at this level our choice tends to be chromatic orb with the power of fire and totally not gravity two men are burnt to a crisp and we clean up the rust the typical game plan for your average fight is to Fireball and then run for your life since we're a baby sorcerer with baby Source or HP one ice knife nearly kills us let alone two so you know don't get hit next up is our favorite boss battle to run this stupid room though after being here for a collective 40 hours throughout my runs I have some tricks so a sun may change into combat while my character Remains by the lever by doing this we'll smash the door on them while we wait for magean's turn to initiative and when it's up he reopened the door which allows main chain to fly into the room orientate some of the explosives who got in there and go down into blaze of glory and we remain perfectly fine since the explosion also hits the lever meaning we can re-initiate with the stragglers and finish it off time to move on to the second boss battle to run some skeletons you're able to board yourself up in Withers Chambers with a heavy chest in there allowing us to Firebolt over and over expect to hear igneous a lot Prince and repeat and that's two bosses down if you didn't know already you can dip your weapon into torches making this technically fire damage now like it does any damage though and we won't really be using it Withers is breed and he'll be Monumental to our run later as you'll see but we'll stop by zevolor who gives us the important mission of killing the goblin Camp leaders so let's go track them down I might have gotten a tad lost here is always a treat though giving us some new gloves Cinder and Sizzle giving us flaming hands not that we really care about that we're a sorcerer so our spell slots are limited meaning the majority of my equipment will be relegated to giving us once per day spells Let's go ask zebler where I'm supposed to be going oh um oops I'm sure they're fine their sacrifice gives us level three giving us our most reliable damage for the time being scorching Rey and the most important meta magic quickened which allows us to cast two spells in one turn and unlike d d that means two fireballs oh there's the camp in with its very important room don't keep your torch out kiddos first Cabo boss we can try out our new scorching rayon here our best single Target spell until later so we've got to make good use of them this is why we grabbed those gloves early annoyingly she knows Shield but that doesn't mean anything against a deck saver too now that gut is dead we can take your key and head down into the underdark don't worry we'll be back shortly I'm just picking up both boots of speed and the circuit giving us more scorching raycasts I'll do this a couple times where I go into the next area shopkeeper to help me in our previous area level 4 means a new feat and for the majority of the Run we'll be using Elemental Adept giving us higher average damage and spells and allowing us to pierce resistances however I say majority since I'm saving that for later we don't actually fight enemies with fire resistance for a while and much rather have increased Constitution and Charisma but I'll be swapping to Elemental adapt at weathers later time for menthara which is easy with the best spell in the game minor illusion watch as we walk everyone over this conveniently placed bridge and burn the support beams into one fail swoop we'll be using minor illusion to great effect later you'll see yeah let's do it for real but we'll need boxes we want an effective High Ground position one nearly reaches into our room so that's right by hopping on the self-made pillars we can poke her down the fire bolts without even uh I mean from relative safety or we can poke her down and notice I set a relative safety engaging hold person gameplay so how's your day so this is just really for a parasite and of course the other way it was uninteresting Joe ragsland is anything but boring though we'll be up here while magehand ships another Poor Side into the spider pit and you can bear witness to our burst damage a quick and scorching Ray followed up by a twin chromatic orb for a 66 plus 48 fire damage burn not included that's just the little guys though we've got an actual mini boss to deal with which we run from our spider helpers are the perfect little distraction though and he goes right on the edge to attack them so with our eight string and from this point on we can just Firebolt him from safety I want that Caravan shipment so let's go one round some Knolls well that went poorly maybe the Flaming fists will help us flaming is in their name after all uh nope they don't seem to care maybe they're out of spell slots well on the bright side we have the home field advantage this Burning house may or may not have been caused by me that home field advantage is being very helpful right now let's save the Caravan shipment I don't know who these guys are but they can hold their own they're firebenders like me I'll be back to check up on them later they'll deliver this package for them here's your coin now we want to take on Auntie next however we're a tad too weak so I'm crying to level five in the end of Dark and casually killing three mimics from afar did I say underdark I've been act two don't worry I'm just here for the shop now isn't that a pretty little thing Fireball for free don't mind if I do all right screw it I can take on Cather Canal I'm Booker at the moonrise screw Isabelle I'll talk to her later come at me kathrick level five now we can take on Auntie with the power of Fireball a D6 AOE also our cancer damage goes up at this level meaning our Firebolt is now 2D 10. let's try our Fireball on some unsuspecting targets exhibit a for y of minor illusion is broken and you should always take it oh that's good stuff I hate D6 a fiery goodness let's see exhibit B satisfying as always this is going to be a very satisfying run well it's time to try our powers on auntie I like to kill all the masks except for regret as we'll see later I haven't mentioned this ability of sorcerer points until now but you can convert them to spell slots and vice versa meaning we can take our level 1 spell slots which we won't be using into six crucial sorcery points six is necessary or at least helpful since we can quick and spell twice I'm planning to end this in three turns off so I can sneak to this corner and we had Volo stab our eyeball earlier so we can see Auntie now if you can't see us up here so we'll start the combat off with an upcast scorching right we'll need to get her below 20 HP or so in the combat one so it's another race against the clock turn one shall summon all her master Darlings even the dead ones as for why we didn't kill them all if we did she would have summoned her clones this turn which I really don't want to deal with after some more scorching Rays she splits up into her clones next gen regardless which we won't even bother killing since they all die with Auntie I like to think sorcerer's spell casting abilities Charisma since they have very convincing spells after nearly killing her and nearly dying ourselves she gives us the power we so crave which immediately put into Charisma allowing us to respeck it Withers taking our skill point Improvement off and giving us our mental adapt now I'll be using it for the rest of the Run you may also notice most of my spell slots are back that's right instead of long resting we can just pay Withers instead you can actually walk between areas to do this too but this is more convenient and it still gives us a cost we have to pay let's see how carlac likes our new feat ecstatic we stop by the knolls again looks like our Brethren got away but they couldn't finish the job it's time to think of a plan I got it Fireball into Fireball genius all right let's finish a packed one we'll be naming these for later probably not in this act though I'm beating Grim How the Gods intended with fire well magma you saw how the intro went the only way I can kill Grim is with the hammer and how in the hells am I gonna manage that the answer cheese so we can have a set up here by walking to about right here it's not very consistent you can play around with it uh Grim when he walks towards you will walk towards you in such a way that he's right pinky toe as you can see right here stays on the platform while his left foot is still in the magma and so when we smack him with the hammer he still takes the full damage uh despite the fact he's clearly not under the hammer your main superheated thanks to his left foot being in the magma so we'll do it again unfortunately this doesn't work three times in a row as next turn one Grim stands up he doesn't just stay there instead he'll go into a seismic wrath here and actually gain some movement and be able to move off the platform towards us and actually even hit us and uh you know I don't know if you can notice but he's not on that platform but I'm starting from trying so we have to get a different plan my original plan was to put myself into the middle as an offering for Grimm and hope he didn't kill me as he stayed on uh which went poorly you can see the amount of attempts it's a small amount small amount eventually I do find something that works though we can drink a speed potion giving it some extra movement speed to move over here and some Armor class which you'll need because I don't want to die uh Grim will move into the middle here and thanks to the magma and ending prone he'll be slower and we can actually cast a blur here so you can dodge all these attacks Grim standing up he's super heated one last time or she's allowed to move into the center here he will get a quake off thanks to our blur and extra Armor class from our speed potion we're able to live this turn and as we did in the intro we'll do here we'll kill Grim with a fire Bolt as intended now we're still under Dire Straits from all these methods but you should hopefully have an invisibility potion around oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap crap all right oh time to take a nap thanks for watching this video I'm currently working on Act 2 on my streams and you can find me on my twitch thanks have a good rest of your day foreign
Channel: Pheeon
Views: 133,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Lonewolf BG3, Sorceror BG3, BG3 Solo
Id: m4RJ1n2KQAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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