[BG3] Get one of the best LEGENDARY weapons at Level 1!

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clicked on this video it's because you want to get a legendary weapon at level 1 and I'm gonna show you guys how if you're doing a Lone Wolf Run or if you're just starting a build and you want to have an insanely busted op legendary Greatsword that's going to give you plus three to attack rules plus root 3 to damage it has a once per rest attack that can stun enemies for two turns and it does additional damage if you're a gift Yankee absolutely an insane weapon this is the silver sword of the astral plane and I'm gonna show you guys how to get it as early as possible within the first 10 to 15 minutes of playing Baldur's Gate 3. so let's get straight into the video [Music] all right so for those of you who have already played Motors Gate 3 you've probably seen videos about how you can cheese Commander zolk you can use command drop on him in the beginning of the game and you can make him drop his ever burn blade which is a fantastic starting weapon it's a great sword that gives plus 1d4 extra fire damage on hit people think that this weapon is busted but let me show you the silver sword of the astral plane this is a plus 3 grade sword so it adds plus three to attack rows and damage but it also has an additional 1d6 psychic damage it gives you advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws plus resists the psychic damage and an ability known as a soul breaker which when you use this on enemies and they fail a con save is going to stun them for not one but two entire turns so this weapon's completely busted I'm going to show you guys how to get it starting off with Gail we are playing Gail using the long Strider or not the long Strider enhanced leap ability to kind of just jump around the map so just from the get-go we can already make our way over to the Silvana Groove and as you can see here we want to pick up lizelle just so I can kind of show off the githianki powers but even if you're not playing a gift Yankee race you can actually make use of all of the weapons features by using um disguise self or an item that I'm going to show you later on in the video so yeah we're making a beeline straight for the groove once you get to this point you are going to have to initiate a fight where you protect the Sylvanas Grove from the Goblins so deal with the goblins after you deal with goblins you can go into the actual place I forgot they call it the emerald Groove in the release version of the game um but yeah we're gonna head on over to Auntie Estel so once you head over here this is optional but you can steal a potion of invisibility from her if you have a difficult time sneaking around I do recommend you steal this potion of invisibility it's going to make things a lot easier when you're actually picking up the weapon but yeah after you get that or if you don't want it you don't have to get it you're gonna basically make your way over from The Grove you're going to go all the way to the West towards the blighted village now we're making this look super quick because we have a high strength on Gale plus the enhanced leave which makes them fly if you don't have it you can just walk as normal it's going to take you a little bit longer to do these things but I wanted to just make it as quick as possible to show you guys the route so once we get to the bladed Village we're gonna head Northwest over to the Risen Road we're gonna cross the bridge now we're gonna keep going towards the North and the Northwest area we're heading straight to joaquin's rest so at this point you're gonna head on over to this bridge here where the mountain passes and you're gonna run into a cut scene with a bunch of get Yankee we're gonna skip that and basically this is the place where you get the weapon so using Shadow heart just like you do with Commander zulk where you use command drop to make a certain enemy drop their weapon we are going to be using Shadow heart to make a githyanki warrior who has this legendary Greatsword drop his weapon now this guy is pretty stacked and has advantage against the wisdom save from our Command drop so we are gonna have to reload a couple saves for me it took three or four tries on average it'll probably take about 10 tries so be a little bit patient here but once you finally get it to work our character is going to just kind of just commit suicide here we're gonna have to sacrifice them they stand no chance fighting to get the Yankee at level one so just let them die you can resurrect them with Withers or you can sneak around and use a resurrection scroll for me it's easier to just resurrect them once you unlock Withers who you can get from the danked which is available very early on into the game and as you can see here we're just routing our way waiting for the githyanki soldiers to look away from the weapon so we can sneak in we're gonna pause the game enter turn-based combat pick it up and then we're going to immediately exit turn-based combat and then fast travel out and we're good to go we now have the legendary grade sword it's as easy as that it's really as easy as that just command drop make the commander drop his legendary Greatsword pick it up get the hell out of Dodge resurrect your character back with Withers or use a resurrection scroll and now from this point on you get to destroy enemies with pretty much the best weapon in the game up until the ends of act 3 or the later portion of act three so for those of you who do not want to play lizelle for the purposes of using this weapon throughout your playthrough you can take advantage of the race of passives of this Weapon by using a disguised self spell to turn you into a Geth Yankee it kind of sucks you do have to assume the appearance of a gift Yankee which if you don't like the appearance of that well you're gonna have to suck it up if you want to abuse this Opie weapon but if you don't have the disguised self spell because you're not playing a spell Caster if you have pre-ordered the game you will get the shape shifter or the mask of the shapeshifter in your chest your traveling chest within the camp so go ahead and pick that up if you have it if you don't you are going to have to find a scroll of disguised self or have somebody cast this guyself on you you could get a higher link to cast the spell on you if you don't have anyone in your party who knows the spell and of course once you disguise yourself as the death Yankee Warrior you can just unequip the weapon and re-equip it and the racial passives will start working so you get the bonus damage you get the resistance against intelligent wisdom and Christmas saving throws etc etc um so yeah this weapon is extremely abusable by any character and I recommend you guys try it out if you want to just have a lot of fun dealing a ton of damage early game or maybe you wanted a little bit of a challenge playing Lone Wolf but you want a reliable weapon for the Lone Wolf playthrough this is the way to go um yeah give it a shot let me know what you think like comment subscribe that's pretty much it for the video so thanks for watching guys I'll see you in the next one [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kazu
Views: 14,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, dungeons and dragons, dnd 5e, dnd bg3, baldur's gate, baldurs gate, multiclassing, dnd multiclassing, bg3 multiclassing, bg3 multiclass, multiclass guide, how to multiclass, best multiclass, multiclass build, bg3 guide, bg3 tutorial, baldur's gate guide, feat, bg3 feat, baldurs gate feat, bg3 build, bg3 op build, best weapon, legendary weapon, best early, silver sword of the astral plane, high damage, best build, bg3 legendary, level 1 build
Id: LnPr_XYbOxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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