Baldur's Gate 3: Jack Of All Trades Achievement Run - Part 1

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what's going on everybody believe I'm live it's been a little while since I've actually been streaming what's going on guys couple people in the chat already nice to see it has been forever since I've streamed so I'm just trying to make sure I've actually got everything set up correctly but if there's any problem with the audio or anything let me know what's going on uh Cube ass face reveal no so this is uh this is not a face reveal I get that question all the time okay people are saying the audio is good so we're gonna go ahead and get started but as I've mentioned and people are asking uh not a face reveal um I have I've been in plenty of streams before you can even find some videos with my face in them from like years and years ago so it's it's not new it's just it's much faster to edit things if I do it uh without putting my face in them Ludwig donated five euros and said oh it's going to be good I hope so we'll see might be a mess oh there's a lot of people here all right not gonna reset the tutorials so we're doing the Jack of all trades achievement which is to say one level in every class which is probably going to be a mess but I've got a decent idea for how I would like to approach it uh the video should be available after the stream um it should just become a video on demand automatically or you know basically just a video but we shall see and make sure it actually works but it should just immediately become one so we're going to start as a human fighter mostly to get all the proficiencies and the extra skill but the class in general is just going to be a mess Okay so uh already made sure to turn streamer mode on basically so we don't have any uh mishaps let's say but honestly we're probably going to be skipping through a lot of the story stuff just because we're after really that one achievement uh no mercy ass hold are how old are you I am 30. oh you guys can't hear the game audio I hear somebody say all right give me just a second on the is it just real quiet can you hear it now or is it actually just off gotcha hold on give me just a second foreign everybody's saying hi hello everybody okay cool all right yeah I just had the wrong speaker thing set up is what the problem was let me know if he uh needs adjusted at all in terms of its um what's the word sound sorry one of the reasons I don't stream is I get like hyper focused on what I'm doing so it can be like hard to pay attention to chat and do this at the same time [Music] they added a bunch of really cool face tattoos but just kind of make a general character and then get going everybody says the game is a bit loud sure sure gotcha there we go hope that's a little better let me know if it needs to come down anymore but other than that Okay so [Music] have to have an amazing beard that's important good enough all right it's probably about as good as I'm gonna get looks wise not super pushed into it Daniel says damn you look like a wizard something like that I guess oh wow Callie's rabbit just donated a hundred dollars holy geez that's a lot thank you that's incredibly generous Okay so fighter and we're gonna go with archery for our fighting style and then for our background we're gonna go Criminal abilities we are going to pump up dexterity because this class is going to be basically useless because we have one level in everything but if I put everything in dexterity My Hope Is that I can use the bow skills to kind of offset that a little bit because uh bows get a bunch of different Arrow types that will still have like useful effects that I'm hoping are going to work out um somebody asked if this is a tactician run it is going to be Explorer mode because we're doing jack of all trades so I think any attempt at uh tactician would probably be a nightmare I mean it'd probably be funny to watch granted but it would probably be terrible otherwise so we're going for dexterity and Charisma to try to talk our way out of everything oh the fat skater donated to Canadian Dollars thank you so much kiazza donated ten dollars thank you very kind of you guys oh all right so what was I doing proficiencies right so I want persuasion we're gonna get deception and stealth proficiencies from our background which is going to help us out we've got intimidation but that actually looks about like what I wanted the only thing I want to change is we're going to move Athletics down to perception but perceptions of wisdom skills so we might want to go with something else um now we'll do we'll do intimidation that way it's there and then we're going to pick up Rogue Next Level which will give us some more people asking what difficulty it is it is uh unbalanced so you have to do multi-classic which is turned off on explore and then tactician would probably be honestly just too hard with a run like this where you're trying to do all of the classes but that should pretty much do it for our starting class and then we will get going gonna skip through a lot of the story stuff naturally the character's name is going to be absurd foreign donated five bucks said hey man so much love to you and yours can't wait to be able to watch this Vlad in my spare time thank you I appreciate it I hope you enjoy it when you see it ah okay so we've got our character now we're moving we'll just take the default Guardian not that concerned about it like I said we're gonna be skipping through a lot of the story stuff really the only Point here is trying to get the achievement as much as that winds up taking so basically just going to run through it and try to do our best though realistically I don't know how this is going to go because the only thing I've got in terms of ideas for this is just that ideas I haven't actually put in a ton of testing to see how it pans out just yeah uh does the guardian play a big role in the game yes but I can't really say any more with that than without just like flat out spoiling it which would seem odd in the context uh solo run or companions we'll be using companions because we are using the Jack of all trades uh approach here we're gonna be relying on companions pretty heavily our main character is not going to be super useless uh super useful rather uh can I turn DVR on for the stream so we can rewind um it should be on by default but if it isn't I could take a look at it real quick all right off we go got the important stuff there I'm we'll have to we'll probably steal lazelle's bow like immediately the same that way we can make use of our archery which we're going to have a bigger proficiency bonus to the first couple levels I don't think will be bad just because but you know it's low level DND and even all the classes will still have something useful but I think around act two it's going to get to be very much so a pain uh what are my PC specs um high-end they're on the Channel's about page if you want to go look at them real quick I don't have anything to like pull them up with immediately our cling said stumbled on greater see you live it really is I do not stream very often yeah why is the UI so small uh I actually don't know if you can adjust that on I mean it's probably has some sort of scale option but generally I like to keep that stuff minimum we're going standard for the achievement I don't uh I wouldn't go so far as to say it's not impossible to do uh jack of all trades on tactician but it would be much much more difficult jack of all trades is one level in every class without respecting into it am I going to use the tadpoles almost certainly the class is going to be very weak so we are going to use the tadpoles to make up for that [Music] all right I'm gonna take our brain pet along going to bed so I'm glad to catch you streaming uh glad to hear it I know like so I streaming is like it's fun but it's a lot of time investment and like realistically this will probably be like four or five hours maybe if something doesn't surprise me or something but that's uh that's time that I take to edit every day and when you're reviewing games after 100 that goes a long way Tony says great to put a face to the voice but I had to help people out in that regard not a face reveal though to be clear my face is in plenty of videos I just don't make a habit all right we might survive blazelle's gonna pull us right directly into combat that's probably the only thing I don't like about this tutorial change is that for the most part the smoother tutorial from Early Access is nice but when you talk to Lazelle now the second the conversation ends she immediately puts you in combat here there we go again which is a problem in this instance because I wanted to steal her sword or her um oh thank you I'm just glad people enjoy it Ricky says it's a really good AI uh face over I mean sure I guess if people want to think that I see the comments every once in a while when people mention that I'm probably an AI uh irfar says why High decks when access to Heavy Armor so we're using dexterity because that's going to give us access to both and we are going to use bows because with 12 like with one level in each class uh we're gonna be useless with a lot of our abilities so if I use dexterity I can use Bose and all of the arrow types to still kind of contribute something as my general working idea for this and we'll see if that actually pans out or if this completely fails um what is my expected class build path uh we're probably going to start with um fighter and Rogue as level two and then from there it'll probably just be more planet by ear yeah so I like to loot the Mind players because sometimes they have those potions of speed on them not always sometimes they do feeling potion off of that guy and then one of these guys has armor in here or uh well I'll say and then like a morning star or something oh grimshock donated five dollars thank you so much I think that's Australian but I'm not sure terrible with currencies go checks at least yes that's why Rogue is going to be level two so he can pick up the expertise at level one make ourselves a little better at a few things thanks as you do a great job editing your own videos uh I mean I I do a passable job like if you look at my videos they all use essentially the same edits so like I'm not doing anything fancy at all there it's just like the quickest way possible I want to be doing Side Quests for the main storyline I'm gonna be doing as much as possible so we get to level 12 as quickly as we can without knowing it I think it's the right button that just kills these guys yeah that way we can lose them do you think the one level on every class will really be useless um I wouldn't go so far as to say it will like literally be useless but it won't be good like a lot of the stuff you could set up just isn't gonna work because so much of that stuff comes into play at like level two or three and some of the classes that get their subclass like immediately will probably be pretty useful but beyond that not so much script so we'll come in here grab the key in the room to Free Shadow heart Alex said to have a good stream your videos are top-notch thank you I appreciate it foreign for watching and enjoying it honestly uh do I get a fighting style at fighter level one yeah we picked up archery we're gonna be using bows as much as we can all right now we're gonna go free Shadow heart and then get to the fun part oh Robert Coleman donated five bucks at face reveal hype uh again my face is in plenty of videos it's not something that has ever been hidden from people I just put it in videos so rarely that everyone thinks it is yeah am I planning to do any Star field content yes um I don't know if I'll get a review copy or anything like that so we shall see what that's gonna look like but I will be doing something uh chiazza donated ten dollars with no message equipment thank you very kind of people FPS is a bit low uh that might just be the stream itself I'm not showing any dropped frames or any things though so it looks probably okay on my end I do have it set to 30 FPS so it'll be stable so that might be what you're referring to okay now we're going to freeze Shadow Heart by turning on this console oh donate to five dollars to keep up the good work who Are You Gonna Roll with in your party uh we're gonna use Gail and probably shadowheart just because they're my favorites to keep around and that they're those three like their base classes make up a really solid party composition so you don't really have to do anything special there all right of course I rolled a natural one on the easiest check what a great way to start blazelle to do it are you kidding me Oh I thought you feel the biomechanical break wow two not ones well that means Shadow heart is stuck here because there's no other way to open that and we'll roll with it because she'll still be available later so whatever but I can honestly say that's the first time I've ever had that happen back to back like that's that's fun Mr Maddie said uh when things re-roll the campaign right now ah we won't go that far so the the only thing not getting Shadow Heart Right There is going to do is that um doing this fight up here is basically going to be impossible now to actually kill uh the commander which I was going to try to do but without Shadow heart I just don't see it happening because she can hit him with guiding Bolt And if you get lucky with those kids it can be very effective [Music] okay it's not off to a great start here Jesus [Music] Ricky says Antelope affect her approval that is true yeah foreign there's so many ways you could roll the circuit and it's really hard to say um there's like there's a lot of ways to split that level wise and it kind of just depends on what you want to do Jack says I would have re-rolled um that the sword is good but it's not that good like you'll like by the end of act one you'll probably have something else without Shadow heart there's really just not a chance we're actually gonna kill him at all uh do I like wild shape combats um I like it for the most part um it's a neat idea um the build I'm doing like well the run I'm doing right now that isn't this is a druid so we'll see how one how much I wind up liking it overall but from here depressing generally speaking yes two natural ones on that road like that is literally the first time I've ever not been able to get her out of that genuinely annoys me and of course it's when I'm streaming it because why wouldn't it be oh okay so we're going to just avoid the commander without Shadow heart that just isn't really a chance there so we're just gonna go straight for the console uh Mr jib says you can use the purple containers yes yes so for people who don't know uh these nautiloy tanks those are explosive so you can another way to do it is to move them towards him and then just blow them all up it's an option I don't care for it much because I usually take a bunch of collateral damage trying to do it but yes it is technically a thing you can do pretty close to the streamer curse is going strong yeah apparently a little rough way to start by the way jump is crazy strong because you can get so much extra Distance by jumping instead of just using your movement speed it's been in the game it's like it's been like that since uh Early Access so I don't get the impression they're inclined to fix it but you'll cover so much more ground by just jumping especially if you have a character that's high strength but even with like basic strength jump will give you a bunch of extra movement how long was my first playthrough it was 50 hours uh do I think jump is too strong not really like it it's it's stronger than it should be but I don't think it's like overpowered or anything uh is tactician difficulty like normal for veterans [Music] um so it like it really just depends uh like personally I don't think 5th edition d d is that hard just period awake so I think most people would be fine other than me but it's one of those things like if you're not familiar with this at all it's probably going to be really hard for you just because you don't know much about it which can be a bit of a separate problem all right so now we are off the ship loot everything on our way and there's a couple of good items on these people around here you can't get this achievement with murphs no you can't use Withers to get it but I suggest karmic dice on or off so I've played with it on and I just I don't feel like it matters to be honest I think people are vastly out like just I think people are exaggerating the significance of it I could see why you wouldn't want to play with it on because then theoretically it's possible to get like I don't know like 20 natural ones in a row if you if you don't have it on but having a game that is factually fudging the numbers on stuff like that could also bother people so it's just kind of okay either way what's the hardest achievement in my opinion um I mean probably this one to be honest we've only got three left wait something ah and then I guess tacticians would probably give people a run for their money if they're not familiar with things same thing in your head all right so but you're not good hopefully there's no more of these you can call me shadow heart lead all right so the like the big downside by the way to not killing the Commander in my opinion it's not the weapons if I had killed the commander I would already be level two and it's not gonna matter like late game because you know you've got so much experience that it won't matter but killing him can give you a really good early boost to your general power because now we won't hit level two until we kill the intellect of hours up here and then we won't hit level three until we're almost ready to leave the Grove as opposed to when we're just about uh arrived essentially have I done a dark urge play through yeah my first playthrough was um like just so there's video evidence I guess uh this is a monk I'm working on that was for the monk overview video that I made this was my first playthrough um this is some save some stuff this right here is right before the last boss this save and while that says 43 hours it's actually a little bit longer than that because there were some stuff that I like reloaded and played a little longer but the total one for that is and then this is my playthrough for the cleric build that went up today and same thing save right before the end of the game and that one was on tactician and only took about 40 because I already knew what I was doing all right back to what we were doing so before we start this fight We're Gonna Save because our luck has not been great and this could go either way more of those uh when did I start uh playing the game or streaming streaming I've only been live for a little while okay save oh that's a lot of saves oh yeah like so just those two playthroughs I've already got a few hundred it'll be thousands by the time I'm done Justin says hey hey how's it going back what do I need to accomplish to get this achievement we have to have one level in every class that is literally the first time I've ever gone first in this fight that is a surprise what are some of the biggest differences between this and Divinity original sin 2 uh like the biggest thing would probably be the elemental interactions which just aren't as much of a thing here uh major system 40 hours in have only just started act two um see I I don't like I'm never one to like judge how anybody plays but like for me I'm the opposite into that I don't see how you could spend that long in act one but to each their own what difficulty we are on balanced and everybody else has got to go to sleep good luck have a nice sleep I suppose all right so back up a little bit these intellective hours do a lot of damage if you get unlucky which can be very like if he attacks okay I was like if he went if he went after Shadow heart that she could have went down right there Markley or a mackley rather donated two Euros said the governor of the Mad lad the PC top G uh thank you I appreciate it what game mode do I prefer balancer tactician [Music] um so the main difference between normal and tactician is like the boss enemies a lot of the normal enemies really aren't that much harder all right so we'll level her up and we will grab a level in Paladin for her she's gonna be a bit of a multi-class thing did I find out who the emperor is yes I am aware of who the emperor actually is which I'm not going to spoil for the sake of this live stream the game comes back up PS donated 10 said best reviewer channel of the past few years keep trucking thank you I appreciate it tactician mode was pretty straightforward if you know what you're doing like if if you weren't familiar with uh DND I could see it being a hassle but otherwise hold on guys for the game just crash on me Peter Skye donated five euros said glad to see your face and thanks for all the work I appreciate it glad to help people put a face to the name I suppose all right I think yeah the Game just crashed wonderful hold on guys I gotta restart oh good grief there we go Josh said my game is crashed I'm trying to level up uh sometimes it takes a really long time to load but I think that's the first time it's ever just straight up crashed on me on a level up William says You're Gonna Save A Lot yes probably so here he says technician's been a challenge had to redo several fights yeah yeah so like tactician is a good challenge especially if you're not familiar with uh just like DMD in general okay try that again people asking how old I am I am 30 guys I was born in 93. okay take two death won't take me yet better stay back one strike you could be lethal all right so one nice thing about the Rogue class is that you can start combat from out of combat and then if you have Assassin you'll actually recoup your action and can take another one all right gosh [Music] once we get this fight done we can [Music] attempt to level up again and then I'll sort out everybody's action bars ah Daniel says getting to create bg3 content must be a dream yeah it really is it's uh I don't know it's wild to have like covered crpgs for so long and then get to do like this really massive one perhaps our survival isn't such a distant Prospect okay try to level up again and hopefully it won't crash this time all right so we're going to multi-class obviously and then we are going to take a level in Rogue first light of hands pretty great but what I want to take it in is persuasion and destruction so a lot of people have asked about like a sleight of hand for like um lock picking and stuff but like realistically let's plus two from dexterity and the guidance can trip will unlock most stuff for you people asking why is the max level 12 because higher than that is hard to implement in a game all right what happens if you multi-class 12 classes we get an achievement which is the purpose of this playthrough is an Elder's class spam the most optimal for a build like this um so I think using the word optimal for a build like this is a bit of a foreign oxymoron so to speak because nothing you do here is going to be optimal but you could try to use Eldritch blast sure how do I finish the game so fast uh so all as well I play these games for a living I'm a lot more familiar with their rule sets than most people are and I have basically all day every day to do it as opposed to people's limited time so there's a variety of factors that play into that okay so let's get our action bar sorted out real quick at least a little bit anyway our sneak attack move that over here so I tried to get rid of the contextual stuff off of my bar so I don't use a ton of it so like when I'm throwing or grabbing an improvised weapon I don't do that from the hot bar I'm not really going to hide a bunch because there's a key to toggle that so why would I use the hot bar helping is contextual you don't ever need to actually click on that wonderful all right now of course Shadow heart I'm ready uh Cooper Jackson donated ten dollars said thanks so much for all the content congrats on the channel success thank you I appreciate it it's very kind of you all right so Shadow heart's not going to be as crazy a build as ours but she's going to use um a little bit of Paladin to make her slightly more interesting but in many ways she'll still be a pretty basic character off we go so first we're going to loot everything grab the other two characters we'll be using and kill this mind player up here all right so that stuff the early part of the game has a lot of good stuff to loot if you look around like health potions and things that are helpful all right see more potion I like it doesn't happen all the time but so many of these mind players in the early game drop potions of speed and I know like there's some there's some amount of Randomness to that because they are not on the same mind players every playthrough but that's why I'm always looking at them ah Trisha says thanks for all the content and enjoying your stuff for a while thank you as well I appreciate it have I tried mods so because I'm playing for a review no I have not tried any mods really um I mean I likely will eventually but not for a while how do you add uh to wears without a right click um I mean I wouldn't be surprised if there's a hotkey but I don't actually add anything to Wares I sort it all manually because I am a weirdo but that's me Okay so over here we can get some nice Loops if we make the I think it's a nature check to look under this rock do you intentionally Rush your run uh no no not at all this is really just how I play yes the nature failed we'll have to double back when we get blazel and Gail to see if we can pass that because there's some good loot in there how do I feel about balder's Gate 3 versus Wrath of the righteous um I mean I might make a video talking about it at some point but it's it's a lot to just reply with here I think one of the big things is that I still love Wrath of the righteous but like obviously the production values aren't nearly on the same level donated ten dollars and thanks for all the videos or 10 euros rather and then on the run-ups glad you got some use out of it I was all right so there's a Starion recruited we're gonna send him what was that and I think my names are so although we're gonna pick up Gail and lizelle pounds not yours ah look man I'm terrible with currencies it's not my strong suit The Witcher 3 versus there's gate three um different genres so not really comparable at all in my opinion all right then we'll get this mind player sorted out but then the field the monster lies if you try to pass some of the checks here it's possible to fail them and that Minds player will kill you death is too good for you which is honestly pretty funny but it used to be a lot harder to pass that in Early Access but like half I don't remember the exact patch but in Early Access they changed it to make it a bit easier five pack Goblin bow that Goblin bow should be better than the one we've got I know it's the same maybe I'm thinking might have been Lazelle that Goblin bow gives somebody more damage he's coming home with that room looks unstable somehow possibly fatal ass Call of Duty Modern Warfare versus Baldur's Bakery well one's an FPS involved all right and here is a hand anyone Gail who's gonna be our wizard no doubt we're most certainly going to need it all right and then we're gonna make him evocation just because that's the easy way to do things [Music] all right and then I like to pick up magic Missile and Ray of sickness then we'll drop which bolts and grease for magic Missile I know a lot of people like Greece is a level one spell but I don't know I've just never been much of a fan of it Ron asks how is your evil playthrough uh appropriately dastardly I will say for the evil playthrough I was surprised how much stuff changed like the core plot beats were the same but how you get there changed a lot which was really cool to see it felt very different even if it you know technically wasn't that that different overall because again same core plot beats but a lot of situations played out very differently which was fun how long does each playthrough take me uh the first one took about 50 and the second one on tactician took about 40 once I knew what I was doing so I guess we'll see how it goes from there was my evil playthrough dark urge no my first playthrough was dark urge and I actually uh played that one a little more of a goody two shoes and then after I was done I um saves come to my way through some of the evil options and then my full evil playthrough was a cleric of Tiamat dying all right now we'll go grab Lazelle all right make a quick save here you think it's dangerous of course it's dangerous the thing and it's your sculpture I like taking it lays out but I feel really bad about killing these people like if it comes to that and I've failed this check before and if you do you kind of have to fight them if you want Lazo he's right let's go we need to check you didn't hear it I'm good so we came for a look Northwest and Beak enough gorking gets me down never I love that little interaction when you're like say please and she's like never which makes me laugh observe and listen Okay uh by the way don't shoot her down before those two have walked a good ways away or they will attack you anyway if you know you're actually trying to keep them alive [Music] and giant monkey says I failed that check earlier and broke my eyes exactly but my careful all right give Yankee protocol is clear you you must come a crush wait zella's super useful because of her default Battle Master Class uh pack to the blade block can only packed with one weapon right um at a time yeah you can change what packed weapon you have but you can only have one active okay so she gets action surge right away and she's going to be the bearer of our burdens which is to say all the heavy stuff is going to layzel blood I could have swore that Goblin but was an upgrade for somebody maybe I'm just thinking of something else huh yeah a few people saying lizelle was there MVP as well yeah so just a base class fighter especially Battle Master can be incredibly useful because at max level they get so many attacks per turn especially if you take like great weapon master that I mean they can kind of just power their way through even really big enemies just kind of brute force them okay and then here's a big fight coming up so we can enter the group The Druid Grove oh which I always try to start on this hill because if you started over here they tend to murder Gail nobody gets [ __ ] off here's real new intro I kind of like it compared to the old one provoke the blade like the Cinematic of it I mean best companions for an evil playthrough I went menthara blazelle and uh Gail for the most part but then I had astarian with me a lot as well foreign thing I really like about this fight is that the RNG can really push it a lot of ways I've seen all three of these guys die in like the first couple hits before and then other times they just Massacre all these goblins without me barely even getting a chance to do anything ah that sucks don't want to leave that there we go all right Gail real quick handle his action bar all right so magic Missile torment I try to kill that Shaman or uh booyag or magic user as early as possible because she loves to turn around and Target me up here that I feel there was a difference between the difficulty of an evil and a good playthrough um evil I would say is a little bit harder and that's not because it's genuinely harder it's just that a lot of the evil decisions lead you to harder fights but they're hardly unmanageable or anything like if they catch you off guard you're probably gonna have a bad time in some instances though all right so try to kill you first I'll bleed every last one of you bicycles [Applause] Das 2 and bg3 play pretty similar in the sense that they're RPGs not so much in about every other way all right so nice it was a good hit foreign I think it's on it's on by default and I didn't reset it so it should do I reclass my companions uh some of them okay move on down [Music] put our missile there is damage possible and then I don't feel like he is outside of my normal range but okay [Music] sorry it's not shoving everything literally unplayable um there are certain like boss fights and stuff that are made a lot easier by that but like in general I just don't think it's as useful as it needs to be jadenar says love love your content I appreciate it glad you enjoy it does this game have a new game plus no it does not all right so kill this reward and we'll be done now to share a random little anecdote with you guys one thing that weirds me out about this fight is that a couple of these goblins are marked as stealing if you try to Loop them like this one right here must be a hole and they don't have anything on them to really like you know make that worthwhile or a big deal but I'm I really feel like that's probably a mistake right because like who is gonna care if I lose that Goblin what's the Jack of all trades achievement uh so it is multi-classing a character with one in every class gloves of power on turn it on because that will uh debuff enemies you hit with a melee attack and they took away the uh debuff it used to put on you in early access so that's nice and away we go what's the advantage of giving Shadow heart patterns um I like to mix a little bit of Paladin with cleric because less uh less about advantage and more just like stuff I enjoyed let them straight talk please anything to save yourself you coward defuse this situation but it doesn't really matter either way you're worried about you enough to be on their way then we'll talk to zevolor who's going to ask us to talk to Cargo thank you well this is out perhaps you could first with you but before we do that we're gonna come up here okay so while everyone's distracted with the guy that dies in The cutscene over there I like to come get all this gold and these potions the potions are variable like there's not always an elixir of Hill giant strength in there but I'm certainly not complaining about it one day I'll catch a break am I going evil they're good uh mostly good just because some of the fights are going to be easier where did my dice color come from uh that is from Early Access if I remember correctly the people who had Early Access got bumped up to the digital Deluxe which came with a dice skin all right step to it actually arranged is it not going to come in I was hoping because he was surprised it would work all right we missed anyway [Music] all right and then we get an attack yeah so he hits like a truck if he gets if he gets that first hit in he'll do a ton of damage you have good timing but you let me guess okay you're a devil mistress it's very easy to pass but if you're not here on my way Carlock uses the soul coins which she tells you right when you meet her so it's not a spoiler Alejandro says hi greetings from Spain how's it going it's been always nice to see people from other countries I think that's cool give it a short rest real quick then we'll go talk to the vendor party members ever react to you stealing stuff not really no because the game also stutter for you in open areas um it stutters pretty bad when I get to the city but the rest of it's not so bad about your stupid apprenticeship the ride Rock says good evening from UK people from Brazil Poland see like I don't know that's that's really cool to me I think that's that's something I enjoy about doing YouTube probably more than just about anything else is getting to interact with people from all over the world that like obviously have never get to otherwise most Brave of you is there anything you need act fast if you do just some bits and Bobs sell some of this junk we've been picking up and then we don't even know these people excuse me that doesn't matter of course it does you would choose you doesn't really have anything we need right now on some characters I buy that ax because it's pretty good no there's not something I really need for this guy I think we're just gonna take the golden jet Sylvanas guys now people from Germany that's cool uh fate asked do I watch other reviews before making yours uh no I actually pretty deliberately try not to sometimes I'll watch them after else Ron says You must use the words no unless gamble Our Lives oh can we all just type these oh yeah louder that's fine too what's the plan for this run uh to try to multi-class um thank you both I from there I don't know we'll kind of see where it goes I mean worst case scenario we can reload what's my favorite DND race uh my favorite overall is probably ASMR just because there's a lot of ways that can play out all right we'll give the metallic gloves to Shadow Hearts not that they're much good but better than nothing loot some stuff before we turn back around open up all classes that'd be absurd you're never gonna guess what we named this character uh did I make a review or my conclusion was the opposite of public opinion ah I guess it's it's rare that it's like completely different from everyone else but like yeah sure sometimes like uh the Callisto protocol and forespoken I think we're probably two big ones that I went kind of Against the Grain on go on you just have to buy she's out there now still when the time comes call for the blade so you can go to camp but we get some experience for recruiting him who's my favorite reviewer out there to watch um I don't really have a favorite to be honest with you um if I'm being honest I don't watch other people's reviews for the sake of them being reviews um I usually watch them to see how other people approach things and put things together so it's it's less that I enjoy their content and more just like market research if you want to put it that way I just I'm curious how other people approach things do I stick with a specific part of your cycle through uh it depends I'll usually have like a main party for an individual playthrough let's see that but I'll switch them out what you're doing I found this by the road but I'll keep at it oh yes all right there's that we get inspiration for talking to him I'm gonna give her a lay on hand to her so let's get going do I wish larion would do an expansion that would bring the level Camp up to 20. uh you know honestly that's just not something I care that much about um I I know it means a lot to a lot of people but High Level D and D isn't that fun and in a video game where you have to adapt all those things to make sense I just don't think it's going to be as interesting as people want it to be and I think it's like a recipe for disappointment for a lot of people John says love your reviews I appreciate it so restful we saw it I'll be reviewing Ratchet and Clank I know who plans to do so no not really my thing all right there is lazelle's conversations well it doesn't have to have but it's helpful it's what she wants to do in the Druid Grove how would I build the trick cleric Rogue Shadow heart so if you want to like lean into the stealth portions of it I think it can be pretty useful but I I'll admit that I don't like the trickery domain very much so like realistically I just wouldn't but if I was going to I would stealth advantages and everything and try to essentially do like a light rogue build all right uh we'll just let the goblin die I don't care that much it's possible to break saza out and get like a whole separate quest line for her if you guys didn't know but I don't really feel like bothering with all that Tempest and light domain are awesome uh I would say Tempest is probably my favorite cleric domain which is why I made the build that I made today with it but uh there there's a there's a few other ones that I think are cool I think light is the fire one I think that one can be fun as well Buster says hope we get a DLC to go into a furnace and beat up zariel yeah I mean so zerial is like my favorite character in Dungeons and Dragons so I think it would be cool to see anything with her involved like that but people are dumb enough to ask I don't know that we would see an expansion true yeah camp supplies talk to if the camera would stop freaking out on me here and Seattle will start but they are all right what's wrong no do you need anything he sells potions and she gives you a free uh greater health potion if you accept it the giant strength potion she sells right here at the beginning can be helpful no sweetie will I ever make any more Diablo 4 builds uh probably not I just really don't have the time to test them die if I met heroic and that's the issue like something you'll see with a lot of people doing builds especially on YouTube is that it's not a build so much as it is a theory craft and that's fine I don't think there's anything wrong with that but uh any build video I put out I'd like to have like tested it to actually you know know how it plays and I just don't have the time to do that with Diablo 4 and also cover the other things I want to cover so it's very unlikely all right these kids steal from you if you let them which is honestly super funny here we can see the tension between the teeth Rings and The Druids Grove and you will wait for cougars donated five dollars said hey Mark love the content keep it up I appreciate it I plan on continuing for a while so no worries there who's gonna be my lock picker my main character [Music] I like to just be super rude to these guys because like no matter what you say to them they let you through to see and it makes me laugh then we can talk to valo or he makes off for the goblin camp why didn't I make reviews for The Dark Souls games I've clearly played them uh so there is only so much time in a day and even games I have played before take time like it's it's not something I could just do magically so it's just a time thing I have played a few of them uh I have I have the really old prepare to Die Edition for the original Dark Souls even um in fact I have like I think it's like 70 or 80 hours in that game on Steam but I don't have any of the achievements because I've owned that game for so long that uh the achievements were added well after I had stopped playing it so like I'm familiar with them but going back to review them it would just be I don't know I don't think I'd enjoy it much because those games haven't seen a lot of support and I don't think anybody's waiting for my opinion on them so it's just something I gotta balance in terms of like content and what people want to see that kind of thing Harley Roy's din which is somebody I know uh donated five bucks said when we are seeing when are we seeing the Bears scene uh well that's the thing Harley we're not because I like to make money uh okay so I'll go talk to afira then we'll go in and talk to kaga how do I play Souls like on a mouse and keyboard um I asked the same thing except in Reverse for how people play those with a controller because I've been playing a mouse and keyboard my entire life and I hardly use a controller for anything so picking up one at all feels incredibly clumsy to me and well I could spend the time to like build up the muscle memory and get good with a controller she just said the same thing it's just so much easier for me to use a mouse and keyboard she was playing her loot wait didn't hear the news coming what kind of build am I going for Jack of all trades uh we're going to be using the arrows that have all the different damage types and everything with a high dexterity to try to get some use out of that because I don't feel like the class abilities are going to be super useful I wish alfira was a companion oh man so like a quick yes or no do people mind if I spoil something super early in the dark urge quest lines it happens like right when you get to the Druid Grove or like right after like does anybody care about that it involves alfira and it got it's it's a funny story about me personally but I don't want to spoil it for people okay everybody seems cool with it yeah so when I was first doing the review copy I was playing the dark urge for like my first playthrough and I I did the thing with alfira that you can do up there where you help her make her song and everything and the bird knows right after that the next time you can she'll come to your camp and be like oh my God I want to join your party and because it was a review copy and that had never happened before I was like oh my God they added alfira as The Bard companion and kept it a secret how cool is that and then I go to sleep wake up the next morning and she got murdered by the darker in your sleep as part of the darker storyline and they they got me with that one I thought they were gonna let her add it let you add her to the party as the bar I was really excited about it and then she's safe yeah she dies foreign now we're gonna go talk to kaga but we're gonna drop a save so I can save Arabella because it makes me sad when she dies this madness Koga she's just a what rat I will imprison the devil and I will cast out come do it nice house I know that look you're wondering why I was in pain before let's just what do I think's been the most challenging combat encounter in the game um it's just something I have to live with positive um you can trust me on that I I just it slips my mind but there was one like just earlier today I was like God I hate this fight half the time if it comes back to me I'll mention it but I did have one in mind uh okay [Music] with likely more to come leave Shadow Heart Alone they'll have something to say he tells us about his magical problems what it comes down to is this that's why I are involved as Dua I hope I which is all well and good from saving Arabella you get a locket that's really convenient to give to him then we'll talk to Cargo here go on say it you think I'm a monster monkey says I wanted a cargo as a druid companion yeah I could see that sure first you no matter I took back the idol of Sylvanas you the Viper and she asked us to find a way to get zevolor and the tieflings out of here we've shown them once but if you do a little bit of investigating you can find that not everything is quite what it seems here which is immediately apparent if you are playing a druid but for anybody else if you look around you can come find this chest over here cargo's chest hurry up before I get caught yeah so that guy can walk over here and see you if you're not careful because he like just checks this uh bookshelf if we read these notes we can find out that kaga has been meeting with Shadow Druids and we can go find some proof of that if you're a druid you'll actually sense some things off and they'll essentially tell you to do this as a proper quest which I thought was cool [Music] all right then we'll talk to Nettie about our tadpole and she'll tell us about house and being captured and everything you seem healthy we need to be quick this way foreign face reveal uh not a face reveal my face has never been a secret it's in tons of videos tons of past live streams I just don't put it in my videos all the time so people think it is a surprise saw a few other people asking about the achievements jack of all trades achievement is seems uh one level in every class without using Withers to respect I pity you all right of course Vic how'd you pick up all right if we're honest with Nettie here she'll give us some free wyvern poison swear to me you'll swallow and if you lie to her or you're not telling her the truth I must uh she'll try to kill you there should be not yes otherwise she'll ask you whatever you can find out thank you it would mean everything to the groom to me will I shave absent to make his face reveal uh I don't think they have any sort of cosmetic way to change your face really I went to the old Temple of saloon that's awesome thank you so much good luck out there okay one step at a time now I'm gonna wait for her to walk away there's something in that vessel take a closer look I can steal this mind flare parasite and that should be pretty much everything in here [Music] because now we're going to go talk to zevlore I don't want to kill anyone tell him what's what and then we are going to go do the chapel nearby so we can pick up Withers what are the parasites used for uh illicit Powers later on okay so if we talk to arabella's parents after saving her our little hellions they will reward you with this amulet and that can trip isn't useful but Gail can eat this so I like to do it just to have an item to give to Gail that's really easy to get all right and then we'll come over here talk to zevolor where do I rank the bg3 story among all the crpgs I played I've really enjoyed it um as a narrative I think it's definitely up there with some of the better ones but I will say that the production value of this game it really makes that story feel much more cinematic and immersive than pretty much any other game which is definitely unique to the bg3 so even regardless of how people feel about the story there's something to be said of the quality with which that story was told what happened thank you for protecting the child if The Druids are this far gone then it's not just goblins we have to fear so we can risk violence here all right so we can offer to help her tell them to get lost whatever but if we he'll ask us to kill the Goblins so he can leave which is essentially what we're going to do anyway sometimes when I'm streaming I look at the viewer account and stress myself out a little bit I don't stream a ton sometimes it makes me a little anxious when I look over and realize there's like hundreds of people watching me do something [Music] all right so there's a fight up here that we'll get to but I'm gonna come down here for some easy experience and hopefully hit level three before we go do that do chains and Rings show on the characters I assume you mean like necklaces and Rings no they don't actually show on the character model thank you okay so we can talk our way out of this first fight Regatta says don't worry we're judging everything you do exactly all right so if we pass a check we can just skip this first final together ship you're after don't matter either way all of ours talking skills should be pretty easy to do well come on there's so many ways to get them to leave I've just never found a lot of value in fighting them and that pushed us up to level three which is nice so we'll save real quick just in case it crashes it's like that's leveling up thing had me bothered from earlier okay so next class I don't think this part matters much to be honest um like I knew I wanted to start with fighter and Rogue but like everything else is kind of just playing it by ear if I'm being real um we could go barge for the extra abilities which we need to Performance mostly at this point but or we could pick up a magic class for a little bit of casting I am tempted to take warlock just out of favoritism to be honest wizard for jump oh that's actually not a bad idea wizard for the uh I kind of want something with spell slots to be honest um I'm not using that so sheleighly is not great would get us our enhanced leap though yeah I think I'm gonna go lock just because uh of who I am as a person all right so our one level might as well take these two sure and then I'm thinking the fiend just because they're level one thing is really really good Buffet presence isn't bad either but I think we're gonna go fiend just for dark one's blessing yeah like so part of me kind of wants to see how good faith presence would be in this build because like that that's not a bad move by any means but the fiend seems like the safe option with the free temp hit points yeah I'm gonna go fiend now for our spells um I really like hellish rebuke like that's just a personal favorite and then I think hex makes a certain degree of sense but we're only getting one level so it's not gonna get a lot out of this I think we're gonna go hellish rebuke and hacks all right and everybody else could be a little easier so uh we're gonna give shadow heart one more level of Paladin uh we'll grab probably just grab the fence to be honest with you I don't necessarily need more damage out of her weapon with her but we could go dueling and then set her up for a decent Divine smite uh we'll go wrathful just because I like that one yeah all right another level of wizard for Gail out of daggers and I personally like scorching Rey but because he's a wizard like we can learn everything we need anyway sometimes instead of scorching rails take acid Arrow because that one deals a ton of damage but scorching Ray is a personal favorite and then every time you gain another prepared slot as a wizard he's constantly trying to prepare which bolt as an evocation Wizard and it gets really annoying oh I wish he wouldn't just ask you which technically it doesn't level up but I'm lazy so all right then we get our Battle Master we're gonna pick up repost push and Precision Precision just adds the die to the damage and sometimes that's useful if you don't necessarily want to do like an attack but these are the way I like to start it pushing's really important for just knocking them off of people or knocking things off or people off of things right okay get lazelle's hot bar sorted out real quick one with the wave everybody else is good to go awesome real quick we're gonna loot the outside here before we go into the chapel David says I've had some good luck with disarming disarming is really good I like disarming as well um we'll we'll pick that one up next disarming's really handy because even if the enemy picks up their weapon they'll waste an action uh re-equipping it there is oh man I failed it there's another uh dirt thing over here you can dig up if you pass the check all right gonna loot some stuff and then break into the chapel because the way I like to do this oh and tangling Roots I was like why am I not moving is if you hit this it will create an alternate way in sets you up for success yeah I'm aware you can dig manually so if you were to use the shovel and you know exactly where something is you can still just dig it up but you know the role play part of me is like well how would I know that was there I don't care for it that's a level of meta gaming too too far for me oh don't they're gonna work there we go he somehow jumped but it didn't like acknowledge that he was in there that was strange okay well we're going to just attack the guy with the most health first I don't know I don't think Eldritch blast will set those off it's just force damage I think you have to use fire but either way we're about to blow them all up all right we don't want her to move too close but I do kind of wanted to stop them from running directly to my weaker guys all right now Shadow Hearts got fire bolts so we can hit it with that he just gotta nice and that'll do a bunch of damage to all of them then we've got Gail here like absolutely sure that guy does thank you wonderful that guy ran to get his friend make way that breath they're annoyingly like right out of range ah yeah stay focused how difficult do I think Jack of all trades will be um I think it'll be a little frustrating later I don't think act one is going to be so bad On My Feet I'm trying not to get set on fire there but wonderful yeah see and there's our dark ones blessing all right then this guy's got to walk around you're gonna have to cheese a lot probably a little at the very least yeah so much [Music] take our other short rest before we start looting everything forward there's some good stuff down here initially I love magic missiles yeah magic missiles is a great spell you can get a really strong alternative version of it later normally the patron got it we might go over when we get there but it's ridiculous this jack of all trades have a difficulty requirement I kind of you can't um multi-class on Explorer you have to be on balance is there a way to have a Perma alt um to like permanently highlight everything you mean that's the important stuff oh by the way a little Easter egg portrait of feign from dos 2. I found Losa the red Prince and fane I haven't found the other three yet as far as like photo or uh portraits and everything and Easter eggs for them all right should be just about everything over here then we can loot everybody else mostly they've just got Junk though then we gotta hit a switch to open this door over here foreign there's a lot of fun lore books in here kind of about what this Chapel was actually for or who it was a temple to has there been any explanation for what the plan is for the build well the first two levels I had a pretty solid plan and we'll kind of have to see how the rest of it pans out but initially we went fighter to get all the proficiencies and then we were going rogue for a bunch of uh skill proficiencies with things like persuasion and what not to talk away out of stuff and then we are using dexterity and bow so we can make use of all the different Arrow types to hopefully make good use of that since we won't be super useful otherwise all right and then dropping down to this floor from here is a good way to avoid the big fire trap [Music] this place my face protects me oh better heal Gail London well in it oh doctor duck Dr rangatang I guess that was a weird name donated like fifty dollars that is crazy generous thank you have I touched on Alchemy yet I haven't done a video or anything for it but I mean the Alchemy system itself is pretty straightforward it's just um these are your actual potions these are ingredients you'll find uh when you pick up various like things like Rogue morsels anything that's an ingredient it'll activate one of these that you can then make a ingredient for the actual potion with such as ashes or salts that kind of thing so pretty straightforward little system Okay so with a flick of the rest should be able to pretty easily picks this foreign into a room full of a bunch of skeletons and I'm scribes couple chests around no sign of a struggle I wonder what was so subversive about their words that they commanded is explore a class no Explorer is a difficulty how did I find the difficulty jump from balance to tacticians um for the most part it's okay tactician isn't that crazy except for the bosses to be honest most of the enemies will have like increased Health but it's not incredibly dramatic it's the bosses in particular that'll have like 200 percent more health all right grab his weapon please uh jaywall joined as a supporter that's awesome thank you uh any idea why Atlas Fallen got so much backlash today um I don't know that it got backlash it's just uh it's an okay double a game launching in the middle of a bunch of Highly anticipated AAA releases it's I think it's more of a death by comparison than the merits of that particular game Forbidden Knowledge okay another Soul coin a ring you can pass a check with this book over here oh okay it's far lighter than it should be with such we can do as Charisma even which is probably our best bet actually because we picked up warlock earlier I guess I'll give you a little foreshadowing about the dead three over here uh how is the underdark portion of the game um I whoops I enjoyed it um I think it's it's really small it's not like you're exploring this wild portion of the underdark it's like a huge own level but what was one what they did with it was fun obliterated scroll you have a sense these are names a list but of what gods all right there's a little extra experience for us and then real quick before we do this next fight we're going to Long rest because just about everybody is out of spell slots and while I could recover some of Gail's probably about time for our first long rest anyway do I like the inspiration system yeah actually I like the inspiration system a lot I think they did a good job with that it's a pretty key tabletop mechanic that I think they managed to implement in a fun way some of our initial starting conversations with companions [Music] oh so oh there it is sometimes they put the chest and camp in a place where you can't um get to it and this is from the digital Deluxe rewards is what all this is mostly I want that dagger Cape which are just cosmetic mostly and then there's a bunch of Handy Dandy potions so I mean to drink that one thank you but the main thing I want there is the food really and then we will put that down there to put all of our miscellaneous stuff in so it stays out of our wing okay we'll hang on to that for later see if anybody needs it question for you I'm using Shadow heart as Ranger cleric but I'm not wild about her domain uh no I mean you could respect her domain without too much of a hassle the fact that she's the trickery domain is a little weird to me honestly um you could give her just about any domain and it would be fine the main thing is that she's a cleric of char which isn't really going to change unit will he know how to bring the worm under control I'm not easily impressed by people but you you oh watch you sleep y thanks everybody I've showed no signs of turning up and let's get get their introduction dialogue the leader of the pack comes to chat what's on your mind do I recommend an evil place of the story are going to be the same regardless head to Boulder's Gate but let a girl have some secrets was there anything else we um I think it's really fun to do an evil playthrough to see what changes and like how you get to the places you're getting to because I thought it was worth it but the core plot is the same so if it's not something you want to do it's not really important to do so in my opinion unless you just really want to see the options but I definitely think doing an evil run especially is the dark urge would be worth it just to get the extra story all right now that we are all rested up off we go okay come up to either side of this hit the button oh yeah hold on I keep talking and forgetting whether or not I checked this guy it's important to take his weapon the scribes don't matter something just woke up down here let them come the darkness can be to our advantage normally it like immediately triggers combat the second uh you hit the button but I guess I was standing in a weird enough way that it didn't actually trigger right away relaxed so the scribes are spell users which means taking their weapons doesn't really amount to much but that Warrior over there he's pretty crippled by it here he says it's a solo play through an achievement uh no there's not an achievement for a solo play through I will probably try to do one at some point they seem to have implied it's certainly possible but we'll we'll see I suppose but no there's not an achievement directly for it nice that was a really good hit for her and cheese all right they're all gonna have to run into range so I don't have to worry about them doing anything at this particular round there should pretty much all just Dash and run towards me to death the warrior is the important thing to do as quickly as possible the scribes here are going to cast darkness which is annoying and then they'll do like I think it's acid something or another Charles cutter donated fifty dollars geez thank you so much um watch some of your videos love them all first time seeing a live stream people have a fantastic work I will certainly try I don't do a ton of streaming but the videos will of course continue hit my green screen there am I going full mind flare um I'm not sure yet we're definitely gonna be making use of the powers though oh come on see that jealous what are my thoughts on uh how bg3 is blowing up on Steam and the media I think it's great um as someone who has covered crpgs forever and they've been this like incredibly Niche thing seeing one hit what I would consider mainstream appeal has been a real Delight I swear to God if I keep missing Christ um no it's been really great to see I think I think some people get a little defensive about it because like again the mainstream appeal but uh in my opinion a rising tide raises All Ships as they say so I'm really happy to see it what was the occasion for live streaming uh I I knew people really wanted to see me play through this particular game and this achievement in particular seemed like uh a fun one to do that with us have I tried Co-op at all uh a tiny bit I'm not really a huge Co-op guy I have played it an incredibly small amount not enough to be an authority by any means one thing this is just a random aside but the sensitivity of like the hot bar Arc icons I didn't want to surrender their valuables they'll wind up like dragging them off your bar when you just like click the foods rising from the dead text industrial baubles okay some of them will now magically have gold on them despite the fact that we looted them all previously at least I think we did to be honest I get a little distracted talking ah Walker says I always lock the bar so I like to unlock the bar to keep them like you know free to be moved but I think the sensitivity is like a little off in my opinion but to be fair yes the lock option is there is the VOD from this going to be unloaded or uh uploaded yes it will be it should just be a video immediately after I'm done streaming now I have a question for me okay creepy Undead asking us the value of life so I ask again and he will ultimately join our camp and become our respect and Resurrection person if you pay a small Feud fee of gold he can resurrect people who die and respect you if you want though while he might re-uh resurrect someone for us he's not going to be much good for the respect on this particular playthrough uh foot says does this question matter um no it doesn't it doesn't have any like long lasting effects uh oh I almost said the name uh Withers is a he's a character that is probably someone else altogether I will say that and his connection to the plot is apparent without being direct so I mean more than anything he's a plot device but also he resurrects and does everything else for us okay so now we've got all of that sorted out uh we'll go do the harpies up here does respecting companions break the achievement I don't know but I also don't want to do it out of fear that it might uh so truth be told I don't know if you can respect the Companions and still make it work um I'm not going to purely because I don't know if it would void it or not it really depends on uh what the achievement is like tracking and looking at wait for these guys to walk all the way over there you don't take the amulet um did I not pick the amulet up how was it yeah I guess I didn't I opened the container and forgot to actually click loot I'll have to go back and grab the speak with dead amulet in there [Music] do monks and barbarians compete for good unarmed gear or is there enough for both there is a surprising amount of gear for unarmed stuff um they're they're still not enough that I would say you could like fully deck out two people but uh there there's probably enough I would say depending on exactly what you want to do Raphael My my what what would well met I am Rafael pleasure I'm absurd he's gonna offer his Devil's bargain the middle of literally does not matter what you say here it's might just am I a friend I could fix it all like that and with hope [Music] moving in so he's basically saying that if we run out of options he could help us out with our tadpole problem singing beautiful Eduardo says the power of a devil is nothing compared to the power of absurd uh we'll see I have a feeling this is going to be a tough one guys [Music] there is a bit of loot over here we can dig up if we get lucky yeah I was also a little surprised that Raphael uh cutscene drops so quick I normally get it [Music] um not right there uh if you go outside of The Druids Grove towards the blighted village is where I normally pick it up at but that's definitely the earliest it's ever happened I've never gotten it in that particular location before okay let's fight the harpies foreign [Music] [Music] they're trying to lure in that kid four of them so probably just Eldritch blast so we're not at a disadvantage but they're all Gonna Fly at us and take a swing hellish rebuke 16 that was a good hit [Music] is taking more tadpoles affect the ending even if you don't use the powers um I don't want to get too much into like ending spoilers especially on the first stream here but uh I wouldn't be too concerned about it blazel gets lured by their song like all the time it's very annoying he just keeps passing those concentration checks there it is finally I will have your head happy [Music] we're holding that one on the repost of course we do the sneak ranged attack more chance to hit with the melee there we go Gail's lured [Music] I think just about everybody is annoying the harpies are no match for the power of absurd uh so believe it or not this fight tends to be a little more RNG heavy in my opinion than a lot of them that was a good crit um just because the luring song like whether or not you pass the checks against that make a lot of difference and I have had like this fight once or twice where I've just gotten eight alive I see you now for what you are [Music] huh the first ahead Charmed I'm sure are they gone no and he'll tell us about the little thieves then of children back at The Grove action not reaction your legs out up a little bit if not glued all these harpies the Gale portrait is different than mine yeah so sometimes the portraits are a little bit different I don't know exactly what um but some of them do uh always getting changed a little bit wow these boots have seen everything I'm around here there's loot to be had I come across any Easter eggs or pop culture references um nothing pop culture but there are some Easter eggs for Divinity original sin too I showed off one of them earlier with their picture of Fame and then you can find one of the red friends and low so I haven't I haven't found any that I would specifically say are like pop culture or anything what is true says week has been long and the weekend's going to be even shorter playing Baldur's Gate three sounds about right foreign someone asked if they've missed anything by not saving some people in a basement later in the game and I would tell you that many actions have consequences but I don't want to spoil anything another good ring to give Gail for his magical addiction that we can find there like you know his uh feed the orb or whatever in his chest however you want to put it but those no time to rest these two this locket in that ring I always found are really good for it because they just give like really basic can trips which is Handy to get rid of all right so that should pretty much just about do it we need to go talk to the thieves den and the Grove before we head on out to greener pastures hey starex in the chat that's awesome I am in fact enjoying bg3 then very fun uh for those who don't know star rock is a community manager for alcat Braden says scratch has the best dog mechanics ever yeah so scratch if you can get him and the owl bear together I think they have a lot of great like uh bad a lot to the camp in particular all right I was looking forward to taking a look at the game myself yeah it's a lot of fun I think they did a lot of really great things with it I'm still not wild about like 5th edition d d specifically still very much so a Pathfinder guy in that respect but in a lot of ways I think they did a great job here all right so on our way to the thieves Den which we can get into by talking to Donnie over here now that we've saved that kid from the harpies but which playthrough is this for you third or more um I have this one and a separate one going at the same time and I guess together they would be my third one um in addition to this which is for the stream of course I'm doing another one with a druid okay so he nods the Dragonslayer his eyes flick it which unlocks this hatch here and now we can go talk to Maul or mole I don't know the leader of the bee Flings I want to have a word well awkward says watch me for a while nice to finally meet you my kids yeah I don't I don't stream a town but it's usually fun when I do I don't know and we're happy to be helped making sure she asks us to I want to feel the idol of Sylvanas that The Druids are using to fuel their spell when we sell it or anything else something that can uh stoke the tensions to say the least we'll sell all of our junk to her that we've been picking up though anything else is it better than my dog barking uh is it better than dust who around the righteous in my opinion um come back anytime I haven't decided yet uh both of them like both of those games use very different systems so I think it's more a matter of preference than anything else gonna be a highly subjective thing like I just mentioned I'm not wild about uh fifth edition D and D specifically as an example jump over here and grab this chest what now I can't slow down off we go Dallas says they should have done something good with good very yeah that's fair I don't think the good Berry spell is uh super useful in Baldur's Gate three all right grab a potion see everybody's doing um I applaud your taste we will recover our second level spell spot with Gail I don't remember using all of hers but apparently we did all right and then we're gonna go grab that amulet that I forgot back in the chapel before heading on out to other places what origin character would I prefer to play [Music] um the first one I'm probably going to play for myself is likely to be will I have a not exactly probably more of a paladin but mixed with uh warlock which I think he's going to fit nicely into so he's the one I'm excited to play for that reason the arrow snatching gloves yeah the there's a vendor up here that will sell gloves that of missile snaring that reduce the damage from arrows [Music] what is the jack of all trades run it is getting a character with one level in every class without respecting or anything jack of all trades is the name of the achievement you get for it okay forgot to hit Luke okay off we go now to do other things there's a door right here that leads Under The Druids Grove which is a good way to get saza out of the camp if you rescue that Goblin that theft would be paid for painfully thousands ah and then there's a little Harper stash up here so like up here is where I usually run into Raphael which I feel like is just a point where they force him to spawn in because I usually come up here to loot this stuff then pool says my slight problem with Pathfinder is all the pre-buffing yeah that's a really common complaint you'll get I mean it's fair to be honest with you it is it is a lot and that's one of the things that make fight that makes 5e uh more accessible is just it just has a high it has a lot of stuff that's more reactive than proactive at the back of the crevice Patterson donated 49 uh pounds of pounds of Euros I don't know I'm sorry but the big guy himself Mr 100 loves the videos stay frosty uh no I appreciate it man that's incredibly generous over you all right pass the check see if we can find some loot in this spider hole which I would not be sticking my hand into personally but you know whatever we'll roll it again since we got Max inspiration right now yeah yeah somebody else earlier mentioned the same thing that's a spider egg okay so within we can snatch the bag that we discovered in here if we can pass the check you can only have four inspiration points at once so important to spend them every once in a while that gives us some gold and this spider egg to throw at people Eduardo says yeah I love that they yeah uh keeps you from hoarding inspiration and that is correct I again I'm a big fan of the inspiration system in this game it's pretty much the exact um idea and tabletop with just a minor tweak or two [Music] Haven says has a question but then there is no question to follow race has Final Fantasy XV it was an amazing game um I've I've heard it's pretty good I haven't actually played it yet I'll play it when it comes to PC all right we'll circle around and then run into those people up here I was like I know there's something to loot over here and set says dude love your work I appreciate it Jay green says how are you organizing your inventory um painstakingly so I keep like the bag within a bag stuff up here then it's revive Scrolls gold potions near the top everything that I'm probably going to use and don't want to sell up here potions and stuff down here stuff that is has a use and I'm not going to get rid of it loots like in this General section so it's it's a weird little system I've made up in my head people up ahead all right save before this happens and talk to these guys who are some true Souls once fs5 will tackle star field I will you agree with us I don't think he's conscious can you you not strange symbol glows marked on their flesh yeah inventory in general seems to be a bit of a problem with crpgs that's something none of them really managed to nail I would say uh Eduardo asks if we're going to be using the parasites almost certainly Okay so we can ask what happened to their future these are size with you members of the absolute cult which would likely be the first time you're running into them you slept right he's you're do you have orders for us basically these are people who also have it seems parasite in their heads but they are being controlled we're looking for Fugitive survivors from that ship that however you can send them to go fight the owl bear which is really fun to salute is this a tactician run no we're on balanced uh because we are doing why as it hosts memories go to waste one level in every class run trying to do tactician would be painful I imagine oh [ __ ] then we can pull another parasite out of that guy can't do anything with them yet though so kind of just hoarding them we can get a bunch of camp supplies before running down this way kind of says gotta go but enjoy the stream have a good time man hope you have a good rest of your day do I also stream on Twitch no I don't really mess with uh anything besides YouTube honestly tell me later I think there are a lot of valid criticisms to what YouTube does and how it approaches things it's by far the most stable platform casually bad so I just wanted to say I love your videos but can't watch because I'm playing bg3 yeah fair enough I am also playing bg3 wouldn't you know uh and set does says does bg3 knock Pathfinder off my favorite game title as I mentioned earlier I haven't decided yet um once I get completely done with it I'll probably have something talking about that a little more uh in depth have I done a playthrough without illicit Powers Yeah so my first playthrough was like um a good run where I was trying to be like the the best person possible so to speak and in that particular playthrough I did not uh use any powers it can affect the ending but I don't want to say how safest as I've already made a video kind of discussing that anyway you had to tell me a bit more okay so now we can talk to scratch which is a little bit easier if we use our potion of animal speaking I told you to go and then if we pass a check we can get him to join our camp once he realizes his master is dead which is a real bummer for everybody you should go of course he will and then we'll return home no I won't leave him if it comes and he'll get there on his own time all right and then we're gonna go to the owl bear cave citizen says as a fan of the series any thoughts on no real time with pause so here's the thing I've played so many crpgs I've played Real Time with pause turn based and after a point I kind of just stopped caring about it like I know it's a really big deal to some people but I will do either or it does not matter to me at all that's it send them in now it's possible albeit difficult to like sneak up this way and then drop that stalagmite or whatever the other one is on the owl bear but I found an easier way to do it is usually to convince these two to help you Eduardo says do those have to have parasites yeah both of these do have parasites they are also that way yeah so if you have a really good stealth you can sneak up here and deal with the owl bear but these two are usually enough be sad we need to get closer yeah there's there's a few different ways to talk your way out of the uh the owl bear normally I just fight the thing though power of course it's through you Authority you're right one of those two is a cleric and they will use the sometimes the only way out is command whole comment I believe which just about cripples this thing makes the fight a lot easier all right would I recommend dark urge for a first play through that's what I did for my first playthrough and I enjoyed it a lot but it does tend to push you towards the worst outcomes so if you plan on going like full into the dark urge style of play that is to say doing the things um I'd maybe hold off it helps if you know what you're getting into Jose said I just started using that dye skin and it has not been kind to me that's fair we got off to a rough start here Grace has had a cool time chilling but I gotta go have a good one man hope you enjoy the rest of your day would I consider doing a guide or video on some sort of how I 100 this game so quick um like so I've made a bunch of videos about that about like my general approach that thing those videos exist you watched that well we've just what if truth says and why kill that owl bear um that sweet sweet XP also that I think we need yeah I think the other half is on Eduardo that I forgot to pick up um that spear that he just dropped we can do something cool I need to keep shopping pick up the owl bear egg for later an owl bag these are supposed to talk to these two real quick what no thank you we can send them on their way when I say worse for the darker I mean like choices uh no so uh a lot of what the dark urge urges you to do will lead you to the worst possible outcomes for the scenario that you're attached so like the the thing the voice in your head is like oh do this or kill this specific person will usually lead to like that's the worst thing you could have done in this situation in terms of General outcome what is the owl bear egg for uh you can use it in a quest later [Music] animals pick up a scroll of detect thoughts and go back here or hopefully someone will pass the perception check that might be worth enough just an old prayer and someone who's not Shadow Hearts has to pass the religion check an ancient prayer drift soluna was listening and a hidden for a reason perhaps [Music] we can read it in front of this which will unseal that chest which would have done massive damage to us otherwise Shadow heart hates this though because it's a saloon thing and she worships Shar a spaceship has been a member for 14 months as well didn't expect to catch you live streaming yeah that's fair I don't live stream a lot but I thought this would be fun so here we are perhaps you can sell them well I joined the Wilderness guards no no can't I have any uh plans to do so foreign here I actually really like this Moon drop pin the moon drop pendant it is a great drop for the early game and then if you read this right you'll get some foreshadowing about Shadow heart and her Quest okay that's cool I don't think that's useful for anybody uh we can give that to Shadow marks that is slightly better for her at the moment at least things Moon drop pendant uh we'll give that to Lazelle actually she's the one most likely to be moving around how am I liking Baldur's Gate three I think it's safe to say I like it a good bit of wished stayship says I'm only on the act two of my first playthrough and it is a big game it certainly can be that is for sure okay off we go oh it flies before me what class would I recommend thematically for the dark urge um thematically I think warlock is a lot of fun just because it adds to the several voices in your head so I think that's interesting I think there's a lot to be said for a oh sworn Paladin like a oath of devotion or something who's like actively trying to fight the urges in their head to be a bad person I think you can role play a lot with that but I also think barbarian's a really good one because they're like battle rage I think kind of feeds into the concept of a dark urge really well uh figure says assassin yeah that would also work pretty well okay so the shaft of a broken Spear and the head of a broken spear that we can get off of that owl bear you can combine them together to get vision of the absolute which is kind of cool not that I actually need that for anybody really I think yeah technically it's an upgrade for shadow heart so she'll use it also it looks super cool foreign love your channel have you tested bg3 on Steam deck I haven't really played it on Steam deck I've seen some people playing it on Steam deck and they said it works pretty well and it is officially verified last I heard I have not tested it personally they're not mutually exclusive weave is the best Dash Developers glued all this stuff on there you feel as flattered as I do if I did I think he but if there's one quality so remember sometimes I accidentally click on the companion that I'm trying to do other things Travelers hope you and the family are doing well that's very kind of yeah I appreciate it yeah we're doing great I really can't complain the last couple months have been very kind to me with the launch of this game these are all the dead adventurers that uh aired in the guy we saved at the Druid Grove skate told us about uh he said like half of his troop got killed this is them yours have dark curtains across the America it's like they're laying an ambush do I set up my keypad for games like bg3 uh it's not really necessary I mean if you play with a mouse and keyboard you're pretty much good to go um if I need to I'll rebind a hotkey or something but it's not super necessary okay we should be able to talk our way out of this fight not that it's difficult but you know no [ __ ] skew it a pig as the symbol glows power courses through you Authority nice is this a speed run not intentionally but probably to a degree sure I'm not like trying to get the fastest time possible um I've already played through the story multiple times so unless it's new to me I'm not really stopping to see it as we are after a specific achievement but technique known to few outside other than that no not particularly which word says wow I just thought you were a different body voice sometimes I also think that [Music] but we're gonna go around and loot weapon blueprints pretty easy to kill this bug bear because he's sleeping if you want what a terrible sneak attack well this is not off to a good start let's go please [Music] everybody else apparently can't do any damage to a sleeping Target I guess Gail had to take care of it uh The Unbelievable Beaver says how did they manage to finish the game in 50 hours um I mean this is all I do man I played this genre of games almost all day every day is what it is Pizza says time to go to the shed uh I'd rather not I enjoy being monetized actually and I don't know if turning all of the other stuff off which I did before stream of course helps with that particular scene it was lost Touch by scavengers the carcass looking which is left over from Astorian R says I'm 40 hours still in act two yeah fair enough like it's a big game and I like I'm not like especially if you don't play a lot of these types of games yeah it's gonna take you a while especially if you explore and see everything on your first time through but I mean again you play enough of these you kind of just know how it works so I don't have to spend a lot of time reloading fights or anything that kind of thing notice if we pass this check we can pull a dagger out of this we probably just sell because it's just a plus one dagger this combat revolves slowly around uh dice rolls and initiative checks um I mean not entirely but it's a good portion of it sure cautious method Alex says I played with nudity often they were both dressed in the shed well I'm not so much worried about whether or not they're dressed it's just that if you go in there they're kind of in the middle of something that I'm curious if it uh censored but yeah sure why not I guess we'll all find out together people have been incredibly generous with their donations so even if we get demonetized who who cares at this point we'll see yep yep there it is see dressed but still doing the thing how does it you're doing away all right she hits like a truck is the main issue with doing this the bug Bear's not so bad will there be a replay of this on the channel yeah there should be it should be a uh a VOD right after I probably should have at least done a short rest before I did this Fury [Music] I really need you to not miss it okay it's gonna be rough let's see and says my Bard was able to avoid this fight yeah Bart has a lot of uh fun little interactions they get how long have I been playing live uh two wish hours not sure exactly but kind of in there somewhere even with disadvantage I still have an 81 chance to shoot her in the face with an arrow why we went dexterity probably gonna have to Long rest again after this I'm just gonna get completely wasted on resources here you got blinded that's super helpful and an ogre okay let's just put this behind us loot everything behind us now watch that's cool to see interacting with everyone enjoy the reviews I appreciate it it's uh it's hard to stream with how much like everything else I do which is why I don't do a ton of it but it is a lot of fun when I do uh ice 11084 became a officer which is like the second tier of membership so thank you so much I appreciate it quite forward with your compliments earlier we're gonna go ahead and do a long rest to get our spell slots back oh whoops I just hit the I just have to go to Camp button instead of rest is it worth playing the game now or wait a few patches or expansions I I it's more than good to go now uh some of the late game is a little buggy but I mean realistically it's going to take you a while to get there um if you do it all no offense but most people don't so realistically I think if you want to play now there's nothing to wait for Henrik says like your vids and reviews I appreciate it glad you enjoy them I shall be here correct no should vowel any of that because it is he can respect us if we wanted to but of course we don't want to do that halfway to level four though you don't sleep well flitting between Dreams and Nightmares maybe [ __ ] there the Starion trying to fight us a strange scent we won't kill him but obviously we're not going to let him do that I only need a taste see you in the morning you watch it well of course I can't summon oh no as for money explains how he stands in the Sun and everything because they're tadpole and everybody else is like yeah I guess we could use a vampire sure not inaccurate there is scratch the cool dude also became an officer that's awesome thank you so much Rex says nice to see you streaming yeah it's nice to be streaming every once in a while I probably let it go a little too long but to be fair we do get to pet this dog together so that's nice does he get a bite attack um so it's possible to get a summoned familiar spell that pulls scratch out into the the regular world and truth be told I've never tried to like use him in combat so I don't know oh okay so got our daggers back to exploring is an evil playthrough any good in this game yeah very much so I really enjoyed the evil playthrough things played out significantly different outside of like the core plot points and it was a lot of fun okay now we're gonna explore this town loot everything we can we can start a quest by reading this journal always room for more grab the keys move the boxes if there's anything interesting in them mostly it's just booze though which was handy there's an achievement for resting using only booze as the camp supplies which I thought was funny and the hardest part of that achievement in the early game is to get the booze in the late game once you get to the city there's a bunch of places you can just buy it it's pretty easy then there's usually a lot of Thieves Tools in this basement all right everybody expect stay Vision so when you disarm that trap something in the matter sometimes the pathing isn't the best but that's pretty standard uh Kyle joined as a supporter that's awesome thank you so much uh Abu Janti says our my am I revisiting my favorites crpgs of all time after this one uh I I plan to yeah I'm probably gonna have something talking about that after um a lot of people have asked surprisingly so but yeah I'll do something all right this is part of that Quest we read this tells us how we can forge a magic item using this Forge over here there's only one place I'm finding a Sousa tree the underdog you can find so many thieves Tools in this basement I don't know if they just have like an increased drop chance or something down here but there is always tons of tickets and you can also break down that wall but we don't want to go over there just yet I'll give it a shot and we will make our way over to the alchemist's house grab the Waypoint of course a good hero I hope there are a bunch of potions to be found in here as one would expect antidotes potion of healing sleep if you're trying to mess around with the Alchemy there's also a fair few ingredients in here for that uh scholar says the loot in the boxes is random I don't know how random it is but some of it is guaranteed and some of it changes like some items are set like this is what you find in this but I have noticed after playing through it a few times that some of them but certain items are also always there so I don't know exactly how they're like rolling it but to some degree yes okay drop into the basement of this place healing potions internet Andy says the bottle racks are always empty yeah usually like more often than not every once in a while I'll find like empty bottles on them but that's about it there's a ocean recipe and then we can hit this lever to open the secret part of this basement which is important but I'll explain momentarily once we get there oh Lord says love your channel but gotta go please keep doing what you're doing I appreciate it man thank you for stopping by Okay so these coffins have Undead that can pop up at you if things don't go well but this one has this Scroll of summon closet silly who was serving The Alchemist or the Healer here it would help him do grunt work because what he actually was was a necromancer and in all of these coffins are skeletons that if you fail this check right here will rise from the ground to fight you you can also just open them up and fight them to be clear of them uh Swanky says it's gonna be a walk through or a stream here and there well I'm going after one achievement in particular with this playthrough so realistically it will be at least until I get that achievement I don't necessarily know that we'll do everything but we're definitely going to go through and get that achievement at least okay ah so if you fail these checks it uh activates like a defensive mechanism the magic is off the face it is very annoying to deal with Jack human but we can pass an intimidation check hopefully yeah there we go that will just force it to open there is a pause so realistically you do get a lot of experience when fighting all those guys they just don't drop anything good anyway and we can come over here and open our way back everyone some more stuff what is troops has achievement or bust yeah that's legit all right we'll give all of that to Gail what's my favorite game of all time um currently Wrath of the righteous but we'll see how Baldur's Gate 3 hands out first all right um bracers of defense is really handy for uh Gail because it gives extra armor class when you're not wearing armor and he is in fact not I've got a long road ahead at the ready now we have to trash a bunch of trap checks we've only got one trap this armpit so hopefully we don't fail them Rim says great content as always have to go though keep up the great work I appreciate it we'll probably only be on here for like another hour or so today so don't worry about it too much all right so this brings us to the necromancy of something but we take it off its pedestal we activate those traps so hopefully we can disarm this one too nice but now we've got the necromancy of things look you tried we can't do anything with right now but this is going to be very useful for later in my review I mentioned that I found an ability that lets you summon like six ghouls at once that all have this like paralyzing effect which was crazy strong and that book is how you get it or at least part of it monkey puzzle says love seeing it live I appreciate it figure says you can Mage hand the book past the door yeah you can do a lot of stuff like that um one of the things I really enjoy about this game is that uh your how you choose to approach things can add so much to it all right that's pretty much everything for this basement and we'll come over here and talk to the ogres around the bin and then do one other encounter oh bye sexy uh donated five dollars said love your content congrats on all the success and being able to spend more time with my son I assume um I appreciate it um it is easily the best part of getting to do this for a living is um not having to go to work and being able to spend that time with my son save before we talk to the ogres because sometimes I fail this check and fighting these guys sucks people saying this game looks like divinity well I mean yeah they're made in the same engine that'll happen stranger shows the brand of the absolute for not food and you know it's possible to pass another check to get in the fight for you but this one is much much harder depending on what you say because you can't just wait serenade too much well spoken and we will but he will give us a horn to summon him and we will pass that to Shadow heart for right now and we might just wind up using that at some point guards are watching it's only really available in act one by the way if you keep that and try to use it later it doesn't work uh Harp guitar donated ten dollars said love your channel so much you have the best RPG coverage thank you for everything you do I appreciate it that's incredibly kind of you to say I certainly try my best choose the case is when are you going to start Speed running um so I take like this weird hybrid approach like I don't uh the only game I've legitimately speedrunned was original sin one um I think I talked about that in a video at one point um I can well I mean probably not right now but uh when I had some practice there was a time I could beat original sin one in about 40 minutes give or take which you can do with some just cheesy nonsense and exploiting one particular bug and like stuff like that's fun but like in general I don't really enjoy speedrunning everything okay we got one more thing to do in the village up here at the windmill which can play out a few different ways all of which are pretty funny if you kill those goblins over there you'll get the key for this chest we have an insane amount of lock picking potential so no need can you do the super heavy chest exploit in Baldur's Gate three um not exactly but you can gather up uh pretty much all the oil barrels and stuff that you'll find and then use those by sending them to your camp from your inventory and they're like holding on to them until you pile them up in front of a boss or something before using them which can be super funny okay so I usually give this to Lazelle because momentum gives us a one in the room hold on guys UI just freaked out on me uh momentum gives you extra movement speed that's why I usually give that to her internet says I did that against some of the goblin bosses yeah it's it's pretty funny when you can set it up it's uh it's a little more setup than I care for to be honest with you but it is very funny to watch okay now this check Um this can play out a few different ways stop yeah and you they're tied a gnome to the window there and the funniest thing in my opinion to do is pay these guys to ignore you and then go back to the windmill and you can actually speed it up and then we'll go flying off into the distance which is really funny cause it makes me laugh however we can just pass the check to get this done through here Authority will it come on let's find you something to eat all right then I'm in the uh turned hostile on me randomly I think I moved in a little too quick this is gonna be a fantastic cloud of daggers oh we still have shovel with us uh Richard says I beat the game twice but never found Minsk um he is involved in a quest with Jahira it can actually be a little hard to trigger sometimes and even then you gotta actually complete it correctly too uh it's it's a pain to recruit men's cash actually and he comes into play so late in the game it's uh it's actually real I don't care for how they implemented that yeah I was hoping he would step into the cloud of daggers that's great Brandon says great job I'll watch every video I appreciate it thank you you're most likely to kill this guy get those dark ones blessings normally desert like surrenders once you get them low enough but I think we killed him too quick for that to happen Carl says awesome we cover tactical RPGs though uh yeah I love again RPG man um sometimes it's nice to just focus on the combat of games like this take this keep missing easy hits uh which act is my favorite um this one uh the first part of the game as with most games tends to just be incredibly polished so that's the same case here I really enjoyed the last one with the city but um it could just use some some polishing and things before it is and if they get around to doing that that then that one will probably be my favorite but as it stands it's definitely this one uh what's the process like for getting review copies um so it it depends on the game the publisher the PR Company they're using to distribute copies there's a lot of variables there um the most common I would say is that uh either a PR Company working for the developer or the publisher will contact you directly uh you know provided if you have a platform they want to engage with or as an alternative sometimes you can sign up directly and make a formal request like they'll have like a a sign up sheet be like you know here's my information here's the platform I have they'll usually ask for like what your subscriber count is stuff like that and then those are I would say the two main methods sometimes for smaller developers they'll reach out to you directly but that doesn't happen a ton all right we'll give that very heavy great ax to LA Zoo does a little more damage than her thing at the moment Goldie says if I were to buy a computer to play this game how much would that cost um I don't know man I'm not up to date on PC prices right now I got I hate to sound a little uh annoying I guess but my PC is so strong that I don't really think about that stuff anymore so I don't like Mark like check out the uh PC specs for every game these days biker says is this a custom character origin this is custom okay great so these Arrow types are the main reason we went decks and bow so we can use those with our bow to try to push some damage through okay now let's go save this poor gobbler uh gnome brother almost called him a goblin if you hit this button which is the release break lever he'll go flying over this way and die cons tells I didn't know you had a face I do indeed have a face last I checked anyway foreign I like these for the Athletics check and the fact that we don't really have anything else going on but uh they're not great boots otherwise um the lightning charges thing is on a bunch of early game equipment but it can be hard to use those because a lot of them require to use you to use actions and stuff to build up to the effect and it's like I would rather just hit something with them what are you waiting for all right we'll let this poor guy down he'll tell us about some of the Gnomes in the underdark having problems if you uh if you wind up getting him killed you can just find a note on his body about it well you saved me take my cake on that note and there's some XP all right last but not least we're gonna Circle the outskirts of town here before going south a little bit you might head up to joaquin's rest first I like to try to be level four before I hit the swamp foreign I too love this game it's uh it's a lot of fun if we had all failed that check I was going to show people how you can just use the shovel to dig silly says have I tried this on the steam deck yet um not personally no Laura says please make more 20 minute plus videos um you know believe it or not I don't really think too much about the duration of the videos when I make them it's just kind of like however long it happens to need to be I don't really shoot for any particular time that's why they tend to be all over the place do I prefer dos 2 or bg3 I I like both for different reasons I think they both have their own merits pizza man says gonna be our game of the year is going to be tough this year I think so um I will say though that I am pleasantly surprised the crpg has a genuine shot at game of the year like just just the thought that it's possible is kind of mind-blowing to me because like prior to this game like it was just like a crpg is never gonna win this so it's cool that there's even an option uh where do you get the shovel you can pick one up right towards the start of the game after the tutorial when you're walking up towards the Druid Grove there will be one sticking out of a ground next to a dirt Mound is my gaming X2 speed no no can't say it is we're gonna have the conversation with Auntie Ethel and these two and then we're gonna head up towards uh joaquin's rest for some easy experience to try to hit level four do I play with the Companions and are they are the non-origin companions um I wouldn't say they're as developed but they are pretty good so you can't get any of the non-origin companions until actually which means they have less screen time just by default so we won't ask again just kind of because of that they're not as developed but a lot of them do have really good stories is really good like surprisingly good and the fact that they locked her behind the playthrough is genuinely surprising to me bye bye now and that's where you can kind of find out anti-ethyl isn't as nice as it isn't picked up on that yet the hug okay so we got a little XP for that conversation and then we won't go into the swamp just yet uh there's some fights there I don't want to deal with until we hit level four so we're gonna head up towards joaquin's rest [Music] what classes have I taken for uh so I have taken so far fighter Rogue and Warlock fighter and Rogue were very much so planned everything else after that's kind of playing it by ear if someone's only going to do one playthrough of this game should they do dark urge or not if you are only going to do one playthrough yes I think you should play the dark urge I don't know that I would recommend it for a first play through just in general but if it's going to be your only play through yes it should be the dark urge all right now we can give Gail a magic this is what we've been hanging on to those useless items with the canned trips and stuff we don't need metaphorical demon I hate them though sincerely though easy peasy there's an easy fight against Knolls up here I say that and then watch me get like wiped or right through these people they didn't stand at least are you here okay so for those who don't know Noel's uh monsters gestate they're young in other things hyenas you land us as the life Fades from her eyes the null okay [Music] you have a couple of turns to kill these guys before they turn into Knolls because where he had flying oh no that's uh I was thinking of the M's that's a closet sorry awaits have I done research for a jack of all trades run a little bit um I've played through the game a couple times I know what to expect but we shall see how it all pans out I feel like there was better ways to mercy kill that hyena I mean yeah probably but you know then it wouldn't be a video game I wouldn't [Music] all right we're gonna finish that one off or at least try it all right we got one more turn to kill that one all right that hyena is running to get those guys which it did [Music] that's all right though another step before what [Music] you get the achievement if you don't respect only yeah you can't respect for the achievement it specifically says not to order man says how's the Run going uh so far so good uh a bit of a rocky start with two natural ones back to back but otherwise foreign oh George donated I'm sorry I'm not familiar with that currency but says thanks for everything you've done for RPG lovers I really appreciate it man uh honestly the pleasure is all mine getting to talk about this stuff and do it for a living is a dream come true for me so if anything thank you guys am I playing with the karmic Dice off I believe it's on by default when you start a new playthrough and I haven't messed with it so it should be on do I know what companions I'm going to use throughout the playthrough probably the ones I've got right now not to say that it might not change but as of right now wonderful [Music] out of daggers just does so much like it wouldn't be as effective in a normal situation but the way their AI set up like every single one of them just runs right through that stuff no shoving the clown I'm not too worried about shove this is already going super smoothly do I take the stat booster items like uh all of that stuff into consideration when I'm planning the Run uh not a ton I don't like to rely too much on items in general like because there's a lot of ways you can work around that stuff like if we wind up getting them and they're helpful sure but I don't think it's necessary to plan everything around them by any means there's level four I'm not gonna let me get up there though [Music] start with the weave man I don't want to waste the Spells can you be level six before act two yeah like the close I've been like just shy of level seven before act two to the point of where like stepping into act two made me level seven what's up it slows down a lot at that point though yeah does act two begin after celebrating with the refugees uh just about Act 2 technically starts when you step into the shadow cursed lands but um once you deal with the main conflict for this area and have the party at your camp that is essentially the end of the major quests in act one yeah not to say you can't do more stuff but starts a quest [Music] uh will says would love to watch but don't want to spoil anything yeah fair enough are there any disadvantages the long resting frequent frequently not really like some minor ones here and there but it's not a big deal there are a few quests where like if you've gotten to a certain stage and then long rest uh you get a sort of default outcome where you just weren't involved but that's about the the limit okay save before we level up just in case all right now what do we do for level four he's ready doing a little Shadow Boxing thing um I kind of want to go ranger just for fun uh Matthias says why say before level up in case the game crashes it was uh it crashed on me earlier when I was trying to level up and it's probably because I'm streaming specifically but just in case basically foreign [Music] I really want to go ranger so I think I'm going to do it I think we're going to grab Keeper of the Veil just for fun then again we could do something like Ranger Knight I think we already have that stuff yeah I think we're just gonna do Keeper of the Veil and then for our Explorer part we're already proficient with that we're gonna go beast Tamer for the find familiar just because I think that'll be a little bit useful all right and then for that we can only pick perception because we already got the other one so cool I don't know maybe that'll be good maybe I won't but being able to pull a familiar is nice and I'm thinking Raven just for the blood oh Egon says nice to finally see your face I appreciate it um always happy to hear people are enjoying things despite everything all right we're Shadow heart we're finally going to continue taking cleric levels I never looked at her spells I forgot to do it we don't need cure wounds um we don't really need a lot of this but we'll grab a bless I think just in case quite ready for you foreign trip doesn't matter too much um I like shocking grasp because we're about to pick up our feet and I want to grab War Caster because I like it and for spells we'll grab scorching Ray now and we'll grab Darkness not that I'm planning on using it a ton but still pick up scorching Rey feet I like to grab a war caster for them because you can you can cast shock and grasp as a reaction instead of an attack of opportunity and it gives you advantage on concentration saving throws it's just uh something I like doing well what I recommend before ending Act One um at a bare minimum level five six ideally the game will actually tell you if it thinks you're too low though by the way um if you if you go like if you beeline it to where you could go to the next ACT it'll actually be like hey you're way too low level to be doing this which may or may not matter to you but it will try to warn you wait all right last but not least blazo he's only gonna get a feat and we are going to grab one strength and one dexterity just to even it out or no Constitution sorry just to even those out and get our bonuses can't give up now [Music] nice the Ranger's gonna let us cast that and it's gonna last until long rest without using a spell slot which is nice and hilariously I don't think I have anything else I can cast with those spell slots all right that should do it there [Music] and then we're gonna grab this Waypoint up here for joaquin's rest which is I'm way far away from went exactly the wrong direction the Waypoint for this is like really just kind of hitting some around there something's burning okay so now we can help the Flaming fist with their attack that they suffered shouting we're gonna want lizelle for this because it's a strength check you go back to this area after starting act two yeah yeah you can you can freely travel the Act One areas until you finish act two and then after that you're confined to the city oh man using my strength character and still failed how embarrassing there must be another way in there we go now don't know why we couldn't have done that to begin with but [Music] this is a lot easier if you only have one person with you which actually you're gonna take laso it's hard to maneuver an entire party through this burning building without taking a bunch of damage cautious steps okay and we can do another Quest by breaking this down but we get thrown back like that but hey that's what second wind is four how do I find FPS games uh depends on the game some of them are fine um stuff like uh Call of Duty that kind of thing are definitely not for me yeah it says I hate that burning building that can be pretty annoying fire hurry get this thing off me if we save this guy we get another uh Quest out of it soon check this rescue the counselor and we can leave come on purple says a mortise mode stream and I'm awake for it yeah yeah fair enough I mean they are few and far between to say the very least [Music] and was kidnapped as part of this attack after he had just been on his way back from El Torell which uh thanks to the events of descent into averness did not go well I was fist but we also get a really great bow for this which is what we're gonna take but we get some cool items for managing to save her put our party back together [Music] and we will use the bow we just got to replace the one we've been using which is a little bit better for us small scissors where you can break down yeah there's a there's a few different ways inside you can you can come up this side and then you can actually also come up this side there's a way for a druid to get into I believe around the corner over here if my memory serves there's a bunch of different ways in and out of that place Okay so now we're gonna talk to him he's gonna ask us to find his wife which is dead in one of the buildings MIDI can you put uh water and Ray of frost uh to put the fire out temporarily it will slow it down but it will come back have you seen her [Music] there's a Doss too yeah so one of the portraits you can find is the red Prince that one right there I showed people Fane earlier Losa is in the Druid Grove and I haven't found the other three yet all right here's mirrorless green blow which we just have to loot to know that he is in fact dead nevertheless I'm constantly accidentally clicking on companions trying to like change my direction all right we can go tell him about his unfortunate wife have you found my which we're not done yet but we'll loot some bodies real quick uh we can go talk to him and find out about a dowry that we can then find it break this and we can get in there okay mostly we're just here to loot you can find some depressing letters in here tell you all about how people were tired of this really quiet post and then you know you find a letter on their corpse so it's like all right that's a bummer all right uh trashed as you mentioned that you were missing three achievements what are the other two that I'm missing um saving all the tvlings that is possible to save in a single playthrough which I have a separate playthrough I'm doing for that because I don't want to save scale my way through that one I I don't know if that one's gonna wind up being tough or not and then the third one is super easy I'm just missing a romance achievement where you have to romance karlak and take her on a date which I assume they included as an achievement because that was part of their like final presentation for the game that one's super easy you just have to romance carlag basically I just haven't gotten around to it yet Benjamin says I think the iPhone era if in uh portrait is in the blighted village possibly we should have stayed wouldn't be surprised I just cut my mouth shut up he'll tell us about a dowry and then finding it and thus clearing the quest comes down to passing a I think it's a perception check over here you can come back later and the fire will be gone or you can use something like a ray of frost to put it out for a little while but this building like the main building stays kind of permanently on fire but as you can see it uh creeps back pretty quickly which I hate because uh your companions and their pathing do not like stepping over hazards which can be very annoying okay so the Dowry events here but you have to pass the perception Beast would have eaten Miss hay by now untouched stack of heads last chance and there's our dowry which is a ring that we can then choose to give back to the guy Blue Book says I think inventory Management's one of the game's weaker points yeah it definitely is I mean there's just no two ways about it um they they've tried to fix it up here and there even in DOS two but uh I mean Inventory management is such a weak part of all these games honestly all right there we go there's that little Quest completed for a little bit of extra cash all right experience rather what cash all right now we're gonna head back to the Grove and sell some junk because we've been picking everything up see if they've got anything for us road to Baldur's Gate is a long one who knows how long drinking Bros is coming into shows some supports I appreciate it it's very kind of yeah vulnerable half or more will die longer I'm gonna come down here to the vendors sell everything see if we can pick anything up this guy won't really have anything we need but we will talk to the Smith who just might have a weapon or two for us you need anything else of course but please remember all right which is never worth much but you know bit of a klepto when it comes to video games at least [Music] that should be everything for right now and then we are going to are they gonna grab one of these Arrow of roaring Thunder it knocks things back when you hit it with it um potentially anyway provided they don't make their save go ahead and grab the heavy armor for Lazelle as well and that'll be that so foreign all right now let's go see what the Smith has for us if anything is the owl bear cub injured no no he's fine the owl bear cub after the thing with the owl bear gets picked up by the goblins and if you save it from the goblin Camp it can show back up at your Camp after that those two quick says Albert did nothing wrong that's where you're wrong it was an owl bear in a video game thanks for fighting off those goblins when I say this is the best crpg elections depends on the metrics you're thinking about uh production value-wise sure it's not even close what was I doing before YouTube I had a salaried sales job I uh managed a big operation okay anything useful at all I don't think so to be honest I'm curious if technically that mace is a little more damaged but I'm kind of enjoying the blind on the field save right now so I'm not super concerned about literally one extra damage beers a little more convincing but even then I think we'll wait to upgrade her what is true says how does one change from management to making videos so I was making videos since like 2015. um before I was even had that salary job it was just something I always kind of did as a hobby and like I've talked about this before but in 2020 right before the pandemic uh kicked off my life also just kind of explode it um my son had just been uh he just turned one at the time he was born in 2019 but his mom and I weren't getting along very well and I was trying to find more time for him and because of the pandemic my channel was suddenly getting a bunch more views and I decided to just lean into it I took a regular hourly job at a different company just doing something a lot more relaxed I was handling like inventory and stuff for contractors uh which which paid really well I was you know I was I was happy with that um but because the pandemic and everything was going on uh I was also just making way more like views and stuff which means the channel was doing better and then when Wrath of the righteous launched I had leaned so hard into that it finally kind of propelled the channel to a point where I could do it like legitimately and I was like I'm never gonna get a chance to do this again so it's it's now or never if it fails it fails that's kind of the general gist I suggest we admire it from afar Okay so we're gonna do this encounter and I think that's probably gonna be it for today what's you doing hold up before they see you mark Gresham and this is the gift Yankee that lays Zell wants to I don't know the fight against them would go your way what I Go My Own Way nobody that's it hang out of here what's the thing with the strange Ox in the Grove um I would suggest getting in a potion of animal speaking and finding out for yourself it also shows up in act two if it survives it has some interesting stuff a red dragon okay now save before we do this because sometimes I found this event behaves very much consistently or I'm not your name child speak up child affirm your mandate sometimes even if you pass this check he still attacks which is very strange the catharak nods serve your queen but basically they're looking for something which is the artifact that shadowheart has the gift Yankee thing no and they would like it found which is why they got you to try to find it or they co-opted by zellen to trying to find it I should say yeah there's a lot of ways that can turn into a fight but uh my last playthrough with my my Dragonborn cleric um I passed that check and they still attacked me I don't know I I don't know what the determining Factor there was for whatever reason glazel has to leave your party for that so I gotta re-equip her with everything put all our stuff back where it was no time to rest real quick another step forward and there's a cut scene as we go across this bridge we should be yeah there it is this is the voice of the absolute telling us to follow the direction of the three main antagonists of the game and it's where you find out that this Relic is a good Yankee Relic and it is you worship Shah try me below do you still do not know what it even is in fact that would lead to not technically act two because the mountain pass is an act two but we're not going there just yet all right and that I think is a fantastic place to end it for today I think we'll give it a long rest just to catch up with everybody at camp and then we'll wrap things up but progress today made it pretty far um Lazelle tries to kill you right here this is a fun one the well she thinks you're turning into a mind player I want your minds intertwine you sense a touch of uncertainty but if you figure out what's going on she's just worried about turning into one herself oh no I don't have any inspiration fear close your eyes submit wisdom it is of course I Nats wanted that one the shiver runs across your mind she's really gonna tear our beard to shreds there huh great yeah if you fail the checks she can kill you it's pretty pretty hard to do this she will win I cannot I will wait I and here's our Guardian you should be giving us the okay to do you are transforming Powers I think I don't know if that's this one or the next one you will not become a mind player yeah so we there is I will keep it from a fight for the fate of Fame yeah she explains that she's like fighting some presents to keep you from turning into a mind place helping to protect you and as part of the uh artifact or whatever have I noticed many interactions with your Patron as a warlock uh there's not there's some unique dialogue and stuff in places for each individual Patron but there's not a ton of like actual interactions unless your will which was a little disappointing but not that big of a deal all right go talk to everybody make sure we're good health I know I haven't said will is actually Duke Raven guard's son what he's he could so naturally wants to make sure we go I wanted you to know I'm all for it not to say I didn't develop like to think I did anyway I'll have to let mention nobody else has got anything to say my apologies huh not quite much you told an uncanny apparition on the top another unique quality of our predicament perhaps I hope your confidence proves well-founded God knows we could use all that don't remember it might be the second dream but one of them yeah here we go now that we've had that dream we can uh do the illicit Powers which we're gonna do at least a few of for favorable beginnings and the guaranteed fit once for a long rest I don't know that we'll take it any farther than that but definitely need to augment this build somehow given our ridiculous class situation but if Shadow's got Shadow Hearts got anything it was bad enough having just one of those quite the understatement but yes I have it and I'll guard it with my life that's all I know that's all I need to know that's not a luxury open to many people Shaw's secret must be protected okay that's pretty much it and that is it for today so I will probably be streaming tomorrow at some point I don't know exactly when but we'll probably pick up uh part two of this tomorrow as we continue on our way uh we'll probably start with trying to find carlak and doing the stuff up here before heading down to the swamp uh pronoun says what's my favorite uh waifu in this game um personally I like Lazelle her story is fantastic but that is gonna do it for me today guys I hope you enjoyed the stream hope it was fun to watch in some capacity at least but regardless thank you so much for watching may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 199,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Baldurs Gate, BG3, BG2, BG1, Baldur's Gate, baldur's gate 3 story, baldurs gate 3, bg3 story, baldurs gate 1 & 2 before 3, bg3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 release showcase, bg3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, bg3 classes, bg3 review, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 bear, baldur's gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 launch review, baldur's gate 3 new reviews
Id: CbAbSdOkL6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 14sec (12854 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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