Baldur's Gate 3 - Easily missed powerful ITEMS in ACT 1! (that stay good for the whole game)

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hello everyone in today's video I wanted to show you the best items in act 1 that you could have easily missed the beauty of those items is that even though you find them in act 1 they can actually serve you for much longer than that because some of those items are very versatile and can help you flesh out your builds I will of course provide what the items do and also the locations you can find them in so without further Ado let us begin the first item we will talk about is the Warped headband of intellect this item is great especially for a hybrid character for example if you will want to make a fighter wizard because you can focus on your fighting stats and ignore intellect entirely because what this item does is increase your intellect to 17. however remember that what the item does is set your intellect to 17 so even if you're gonna level up your intellect on the character screen on level up you can't go above this value but 17 is enough to have plenty of spells on your hybrid wizard character which helps you cast some Buffs while still remaining a very versatile fighter it's a great item to have also to increase your skill checks in her history religion and nature it can be very easily missed if you won't fight the augers in act 1 because it's their leader that wear it and some dialogue with him might actually hint at it why is he so smart so you can get it in two ways either in the first and encounter just kill the ogres or after you convinced to show up to help you in your encounters you can simply kill them afterwards a fight with them will also trigger if you swim on them without any enemies around another very handy item to have especially if you don't plan to have Shadow heart in your party is the silver pendant all it does is give you guidance as a can trip on your necklace slot but yeah most of us know how helpful guidance is in the game providing a 1d4 bonus to all your checks and conversation and throughout the world is very helpful to have so the simple item is very good to keep around you get it in the forest in act 1 if you follow the path to the cliffs it's the same location as the little spider boys that are hiding in a cave on top of it and you have to pass some checks in order to get some useful potions another very early game item that you can get is is the hell Rider's Pride gloves what they do is when you heal a creature you're gonna get a free bladeward spell cast on you which is great especially for early game as it's gonna reduce your incoming damage by 50 from bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage and later if you're gonna get an area of effect heal like the level 3 spell from the cleric and there's also a pendant that actually gives the spell or if you played the oath of the ancient Paladin you also gonna have an AO heal it's a very strong item early on how you get it is after you get to the Druid Grove simply talk to zevolor and then try to sneak up on him and steal it from him in the case here he got punched in the face in the conversation so it was super easy to do but it's also easy in a variety of different ways as well or if you really want to go the goody goody way you can just wait for the finish of the questline with the tifflings and he's gonna give it to you for free but depending on how you're gonna tackle your quest in act 1 it can be a fair bit later in act 1. and speaking of stealing another ring that is great for it is The Smuggler's ring what it does is gives you plus 2 on stealth checks and also plus two ones slide of hand checks and also -1 Charisma temporarily but we don't really care about it when we're gonna steal some stuff because once you unequip it of course this minus one Charisma will go away a very very handy item to keep around and you find it by heading south of the Risen Road Waypoint it's going to be down the river near some bushes it can be quite easily missed as it is hiding on this skeleton in this little Bush speaking of other tea very items before you enter the Druid Groves you're gonna land yourself in a fight with the goblins and one of them will drop the gloves of power and not only do they provide a free Bane most of the time on your Melee character they also give a plus one to sleight of hand strikes so another great item for your dexterity based characters another simple but great gloves are the gloves of archery and what they do is give you the short bow and Longbow proficiencies while also boosting your damage with ranged weapons by plus 2. they might seem simple but actually additive bonus of damage in this game is a very good effect and it scales very nicely throughout the game so if you're ever gonna plan a ranged character those are very handy to have and you get them by simply trading with the goblin at the goblin Camp grud the trader actually has two more great items namely the whispering promise he also has the infamous returning Pike which is the pike that returns to your hands after you throw it it's actually a great weapon for throwing builds and it does a lot of damage with throwing boosts so when you visit the goblin Camp make sure to grab those three items at the very least in the same location you can also get The Crushers ring from Crusher which gonna increase your movement speed by 3 meters another deceptively simple item that can be great on your melee characters another ring is the whispering promise which can be looted from Volo early on but Rob the trader at the goblin camp has it as well and what it does is basically gives you a free bless when you heal a character an extremely powerful effect on your clerics because now you don't have to concentrate on your blast spell instead you just heal a creature and preferably with an AOE spell like the healing Ward and you will apply a 1d4 bonus to attack rules and saving throws for 2 turns a very handy item to have on your healers and staying at the gloves topic while also staying in the goblin camp we have the gloves of the growling Underdog those are simply great and I can't believe you can get them in the game so early they give you advantage on your attack rolls while you're surrounded by two or more enemies which happens quite a lot especially at the higher difficulties it basically gives you the barbarian's Reckless attack feature without being a barbarian and also without the penalty of enemies having advantage on you so those are some great gloves on a Melee character they also somewhat offset the great weapon Master penalty so if you plan to take this feed they are even better and you get them behind the Hobgoblin boss in the goblin camp in the item horde stash behind him and you can either lock pick your way into it or just kill the boss for the key and other ones are gloves of missile snaring which lets you intercept missiles from ranged weapon attacks reducing their damage by 1d10 plus your dexterity modifier it's especially handy on tactician difficulty when enemies especially archers gonna Focus your backline of wizards and Sorcerers because it can reduce the incoming damage by a lot and they are sold in the Druid Grove by Iron one of the first Traders you're gonna meet in the game now let's talk a bit about the jewelry in the game first up we have the caustic band another deceivingly simple item that adds two asset damage to any of your attacks but it is actually a great item especially on your dual wielding characters and dual crossbow builds because it adds these two damage to every one of your attacks so once you get going with more attacks in the game it actually gets even better and that goes for all the Rings and items in the game that adds flat damage to your attacks they scale pretty nicely and also provide some additional different damage types and you get this ring from the vendor in the mikonid village in the underdark staying in the mechanic Village this gentleman and also sells you a very powerful ring early on especially for your healers this one will increase all of your healing by plus 2. again it might not seem like much but trust me it adds up another a bit similar ring is the strange conduit ring which adds from 1 to 4 damage to your attacks as well while you're concentrating on a spell so a bit more specific item because it requires you to concentrate on a spell but if you're playing a ranger for example with Hunter's Mark or a Bard when you're gonna focus on some concentrating spell all the time anyway it's a great item when you're gonna go into melee because again it's just gonna add some flat damage to your attacks and you find it a bit later in the game and they give Yankee crash and this place is actually filled with some great items that will serve you for quite a while so next up we have the necklace of Elemental augmentation and what it does is adds your spell casting modifier to your damage rolls while doing Elemental damage with a cantrip so for example your Fireball suddenly gonna hurt a lot more it's a great item that will actually synergize with some other Hefty cantrip items you find later in the game on its own it's also great if you want to save your more potent spells for the more severe situations but it's a great item because it allows you to keep your better damaging spells when you need the most while still dealing respectable damage from your cantrips or even very high damage and you find them in the same room in the gifianki crash and yet another item found in this place is the skin burst through hellbert as many other items that we already talked about it might seem deceptively simple or even not that good but hear me out it is a plus one Halbert with the first conduit ability built into it and it's a great effect similar to Blade wire that when you're gonna use this weapon you're actually gonna be resistant to slushing bludgeoning and piercing damage so imagine combining it with a barbarian who already has reduction when he rages and suddenly you can be immune to those three most common damage types in the game a very powerful weapon to equip on your tanks in the front line not only that when you're gonna stack 5 of those forced Conduit on yourself you actually gonna do AOE damage area of effect Force damage to enemies around you a very powerful weapon and on top of that it's a polaram so it's gonna stack with the polar Master feet staying at the gifianki crash I also wanted a honorable mention to the two items you can get from the vendor here they are not green items they are actually epic items but very simple to find as I already mentioned here we can get the awesome dexterity gloves which sets your dexterity to 18 and also provide the plus one to attack you can just equip those gloves and ignore dexterity altogether of course later in the game when you're gonna reach their 20 stat Mark and you will have the means to go beyond 18 dexterity but those can be also great on your strength characters because now you will be able to do more Reliant damage with your ranged attacks and also some armors in the game remove the plus 2 limit of dexterity so they might provide you with even more armor and on top of that they can also be great on spellcasters that wish to ignore the dexterity stat and from the same vendor you can also get one of the first plus two items which is this short sword which not only is a plus 2 item but also have some great perks a very good item for your Rogues and the like an honorable mention to the Adam of Arcane Synergy which can also be found in the gifianki crash it is a very powerful item currently especially for spellsword's character as it increases your damage significantly from your spell casting stat if you decide to go into melee because currently inflicting a condition is very easy with pretty much any action you do in the game even missing an attack or even performing with your Bard gives you this Arcane Synergy buff which makes you deal additional damage equal to your spell casting ability modifier so on average you get 4 or 5 more damage added to your attacks if you are a special character of course and you have both high strength and Charisma for example or dexterity and wisdom as the cleric and so on and you find it in this room after one of the major fights in this area truly a place with great loot to behold and last but not least we finally get to some boots in this case I picked boots of striding those are great because they're gonna make you immune to prone and being a move against your own will when you are concentrating on the spell but that's the point mostly when you are concentrating you don't want to be moved or you don't want to be showed because that's the easiest way to lose concentration so equipping those boots solves this problem great boots to keep on your concentrate heavy characters and you get them slight spoilers from act 1 from mentara by either recruiting her or killing her and the last boots for today are the disintegrating nightwalkers they are pretty good if you plan to battle some spiders and the like because you can't no longer be unwabbed and Tangled or unsnared and also cannot slip on Grease or ice and on top of that you're also gonna get Misty step as a bonus spell and we all know how powerful Misty step is in this game well most of us do and if you don't well check it out and you get them from Grim Forge after slaying this particularly evil draw called near and those are all the items I prepared for you today from act 1. let me know if you found it helpful and also if I miss some of your favorite items let me know in the comments below again thank you very much for watching my videos don't forget to subscribe if you liked it and I'll see you again very soon [Music] thank you
Channel: KainRa
Views: 630,764
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Keywords: Baldurs gate 3, Baldurs gate III, Baldur's Gate III, BG3, wolfheartfps, baldurs gate, baldurs gate III, baldur gate 3, baldur gate III, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 multiclass, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 romance, the dark urge, baldurs gate 3 tips, bg3, baldurs gate 3 review, baulders gate 3, baulders gate, boulders gate, boulders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 best items, baldurs gate 3 items act 1, baldurs gate 3 best magic items, baldurs gate 3 magic items
Id: vqEerkbMCCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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