The 10 Best Weapons in BG3 Act 1

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hey folks this is Asus in my last video we talked about my list of the top 10 non-weapon items that you can get in act one in this video the sequel I will be talking about the top 10 weapons you can find in Act One the reason I'm picking specifically weapons in act 1 is that I like equipment that you can find early in the game and use for most if not all the game so the emphasis of my list is on weapons like that I want weapons I can get early I can equip on my character and that will be useful and core to my build for the rest of the game so let's dive right into the list now starting with number one falar Louvre by the way just like my last video I'm doing these in no particular order they're not rank ordered or anything like that it's just 10 items which I consider the best okay falar a Louvre Fowler Louvre is this sword right here it looks so cool I love it and it's extremely good mechanically so this is a plus one long sword you can find this in the underdark very close to the abandoned selenite Outpost it is stuck in a stone and you have to pass a fairly easy skill check in order to pull it out like I said plus one long sword plus one to Performance and interestingly it's a finesse weapon long swords aren't usually finesse so this is the only long sword in the game that I know of that you can use with dexterity rather than strength it creates this interesting situation because you can find it so early where it makes the best sneak attack weapon for Rogues because you can use it in two hands and you get 1.10 on a finesse weapon which isn't really possible on anything else but the animation the sneak attack animation for it doesn't work so the game just glitches out the attack goes through it's still the best weapon but you never actually get to see yourself make the attack which is enough of an inconvenience for me that I don't use it even though it's optimal anyways all of that is neat but the thing that makes this weapon actually so good is its special ability so while you have it equipped once per short rest you can use one of two abilities shriek or sing so both of these are really good let's start with sing actually because it's the most straightforward the sword sings A Melody all allies within six meters of range have a 1x4 bonus to attack rolls and Charisma whistling wisdom and intelligence saving throws so this is like a non-concentration unlimited AOE Aura of the spell bless when you cast this everyone within six meters is getting a comparable effect to Blaster getting that 1x4 bonus to their attack rolls and they're getting a 1x4 bonus to some of the most important saving throws but not all of the saving throws so like I said it's comparable to bless except on everybody and it's concentration free once per short rest so it's not uncommon for me to spend my first action in a round with Shadow heart to cast bless my second action in a encounter to use the seeing ability on Fowler Louvre so now I'm giving two Die four attack bonus to all of my great weapon Master Strikers or my Sharpshooter Strikers incredible so that's awesome but uh debatably shriek is actually better this is the kind of offensive variant of it so when you use shriek all enemies within six meters of range have a 1x4 penalty to Charisma wisdom and intelligence saving throws and affected creatures receive an extra one die four Thunder damage okay so the penalty particularly to wisdom saving throws can be nice it's like a bane effect it was some saving Thrones but the really cool thing here is the bonus to damage for every creature in that area and this is what I call an unlimited buff unlimited means everyone in the area gets it and so naturally the stack so well in summon cons right if you can pack a lot of actions into that six meter area you're effectively multiplying that one by four Thunder damage bonus on every attack or you could just have a few characters that make a ton of attacks in that area and one of the classic strategies for this is warlock sorcerer combos who can quick and spell Eldritch blasts a really good way to make lots of attacks and this is at least in theory adding 1x4 Thunder damage to all of those attacks now I've heard mixed reports on this personally I haven't done it because I just really haven't played with the sorcerer warlock combo that much yet just haven't had time I've been exploring other builds but I have heard from people on forums some people say that shriek does add the damage to Eldritch blast rays and other people say it does not so you'll have to try for yourself to know for sure I wish I had time to test this to let you know either way it you know it doesn't super matter you get the idea of what makes this so good it's a 1x4 bonus on so many actions if you build around it with a summon comp or with just having a lot of Strikers in your party extremely extremely good so both of these incredible thing I'd say is more likely to be good on your standard composition but shriek is the kind of ability that you can build around to make extremely efficient either way these abilities stay relevant for the entire game you can use this sword right up until the final battle and it is powerful and efficient so that is Fowler Louvre next up is skin burster probably my favorite weapon although after doing fairly extensive test with it I've cooled a bit on what makes this so good still one of the best weapons you can find in act one skin burster is a halberd uh ignore the 1x4 necrotic damage that's coming from something else in my item it's just a plus one halberd that gives the skin burster Force ability by the way you can find this as loot in the inquisitors room of the githyanki crash and for everyone that's going to blow up my comments saying that the crashes in Act 2 that is incorrect the crash is still technically in act one so please do not tell me that I've got like a dozen of those comments in my last video okay Skin burster So skin burster Force whenever the wielder deals melee damage with this weapon they gain two turns of force conduit what does force conduit do Force conduit reduces physical damage bludgeoning piercing slashing buy one per turn remaining of force conduit and if an entity takes damage while it has five or more turns remaining it deals one through four Force damage in a six meter radius this will hit allies which is kind of a shame that's one of the reasons I've cooled on it so just to give you an example of what's happening with this by enter turn base mode I should pick a target with AC that isn't so high kill my darker achiever he deserves it for what he's done okay so I just hit an attack and you can see I now have two stacks of force conduit so that means I am reducing physical damage by two every hit and then because it's a halberd you can combine this with the polar Master feet to get it a bonus action attack with a butt end of your weapon still counts now I have four rounds of force conduit that means I'm reducing physical damage by four and so on and this can stack up extremely high if you weren't losing Stacks when you take hits over five so that's one of the things that skin burster does not tell you in the description this is the same thing for all Force conduit when it says if an entity takes damage while it has five or more turns remaining it deals one by four samage it doesn't tell you that it actually consumes five of your charges to deal that Force damage so getting the retaliation damage is nice I would rather just keep the stack so I could just stack this up and up and up and up until I'm taking just no damage from physical attacks at all but still the damage reduction does stack quite a bit it definitely offers you a lot of defenses and that is just the value of this weapon it's a pretty mediocre weapon when it comes to actually dealing damage but an incredible weapon when it comes to mitigating damage it just makes you so tanky and you can just slowly wear down enemies with the damage reduction and the retaliation damage that is skin burster I've said enough about that let's move on to the next one which is morning Frost morning Frost this is a staff you can get in the underdark if you assemble the three pieces that is made up of one of them you can find on Dorne who's a drow you meet during the uh Beholder fight it's not technically a Beholder what do they call that beholder-like thing spectator I think maybe it's called Uh yeah so Dorne by The Spectator flight gives one of the pieces the other is the Mad wizard I can't remember his name that lives with the hooked Horrors you can find one piece with him and then the last piece you can find in the micanid colony in the room that they you get access to as reward if you take out the door guard so that is how you assemble morning Frost and here is what the weapon does so it's a staff a plus one staff that deals one die four cold damage so ignore the acid and the bludgeoning I'm getting that from other things and then it gives you two abilities heart advice and Insidious cold our device whenever dealing cold damage the wielder deals an additional cold damage so this 1x4 cold damage per attack is actually 1.4 plus one averaging a three to four coal damage bonus per attack that you land so already this is a pretty good DPR item for when you get it and it stays kind of relevant for a lot of the game people use this as a spell staff but it makes like a pretty good just attack with a weapon to be honest then it also gets Insidious cold dealing coal damage with the Spell possibly inflicts chilled upon the target chilled and infected entity is vulnerable to cold damage and resistant to fire damage so that makes it even better just Auto attack and deal damage staff because there's the chance and it prox fairly regularly that you chill the target making them vulnerable to cold damage so this 1x4 plus one in fact becomes two Die four plus two which will average around a seven seven bonus coal damage per attack that you make with morning Frost so this is kind of a decent attack weapon but then it also just works really well with spells these two abilities Heart Of Ice And Insidious cold will proc on all of your cold spells so for example if you cast cone of cold every Target that you hit is now taking plus one coal damage you're possibly inflicting the chilled condition on all of those targets which sets them up even more for another cone of cold same thing goes with just spamming right of frost it gives you a lot of uh just passive damage boost to your ray of frost and you could totally build around this if you for example go for a cold draconic sorcerer build they'll also be adding your charisma bonus to all of your cold damage and it makes Raya Frost especially when you quick and spell it a decent DPR option for your sorcerer which is great I keep saying this over and over you want ways to take efficient actions on your sorcerer that aren't spending spell slots or sorcery points and this is one way to do that and you can get it very very early in the game which is incredible so cold builds are already good because of your ability to double the damage on cold spells through the create water condition and morning Frost is actually a really good staff to synergize with those cold builds that you can get early so that is morning Frost next up on the list is spell sparkler another staff which abuses the wet condition I've got it right here spell sparkler you can get as a reward for the joaquin's rest quest this is a combat free Quest where you just free counselor Floric from a burning building I I always do it very quickly because it's easy experience you can get without doing combat and I like to just maximize all those so I go into combat with at high level as possible early game so I'm usually getting spell sparkler as one of the first items I grab in the game what does it do well it's just a Quarter Staff that gives you electric veins it's not even magical it's not plus one or anything like that electric veins when the wielder deals damage with a spell or cantrip they gain two lightning charges lightning charges are really good when you have lightning charges you get plus one to your attack rolls and deal an additional one lightning damage on your attacks or cantrips and if you gain five charges they are consumed the next time you deal damage and you deal an additional one through eight lightning damage now getting two lightning charges per spell or can trip that you cast it's a really efficient way of stacking up lightning charges especially if you are any class that's using Eldritch blast so Eldridge blast is particularly good a course on warlocks it's kind of the core of their kit but it can also be good on Sorcerers the reason spell sparkler synergizes with Eldritch blasts so well is that Eldritch blast as it levels you get more Rays on the spell rather than more damage on a single Ray and that is a vastly superior scaling for the spell because of things like this more Rays means you proc more on hit effects and this is a really really good on hit effect two lightning charges on hit when you cast a cantrip by late game every time you cast Eldridge blast you're getting three rays and you can do it multiple times right so if you're hasted you can do it twice that's six Rays if you use Quick and spell you can do it again on a bonus action that's nine rays and then once you're doing nine Rays that's the equivalent of nine attacks you can probably proc your Elixir bloodlust which is giving you another three with the bonus action so now we're at 12 raise in a turn and it's not even that expensive you just have to spend I think it's three sorcery points to Quicken cast which is totally worth doing so you can even just uh eat your spell slots just to use the strategy because it's such a good strategy and on each of those Rays right so we had 12 in a turn we're getting two lightning charges if we hit all of them which is fairly likely to be frank because of how accurate Elders glasses we could be getting upwards of 24 lightning chart stacks that means the one day lightning damage that you proc for every five charges you're getting four of those in a turn that's 4.8 lightning damage you're adding to your spell combo and then you can get something equivalent to what we were doing with the morning Frost where if we combine this with a draconic sorcerer subclass we can start adding our Charisma bonus to any lightning damage we deal on spells so even that plus one lightning damage from our lightning charges by late game is going to become a plus seven because we're adding six from our Charisma which you can get you can get a 22 Charisma with very easy itemization so yeah it's just really really good spell sparkler you get it basically at the beginning of the game and is adding so much to an Elders blast build right into late game absolutely incredible so both morning Frost and spell sparkler are really good for any kind of Elders blast Elemental damage builds anyways I've said enough about that we'll move on to number five on our list which is soul breaker Greatsword definitely one of my my favorite items I can't say it's my favorite I really like skin burster and shatter flail to be frank but this item is incredible and one of the reasons I love it so much is because I love lazel so much she's by far my favorite companion and this sword is just tailor-made for her so let's take a look at it it is a plus one great sword which is giving you an extra 1x4 psychic damage conditional it's conditional because it only adds the 1x4 if a gith Yankee is using it and that's what makes a tailor-made for Lazelle you've got this gift Yankee that already wants to go great weapon master because she starts with that fighting style so 1.4 psychic damage when Lazelle wields it or if you make your own GIF Yankee Striker it'll work for them and then it also gets you seldom caught unawares where you gain plus two bonus to your initiative roles this is deceptively good if you don't have much experience with Boulder's gay three Baldur's Gate 3 actually rules initiative on a one die four not a 1.20 that you roll in tabletop so that means every plus one boost to your initiative roles on tabletop that is a five percentage Point increase to your chance of winning initiative in Bowlers gay three a plus one is a 25 percentage Point increase to your chance of winning initiative so a plus two is a 50 percentage Point increase to your chance of winning initiative you would have to have a plus 10 to your initiative roles in tabletop for the equivalent boost with this plus two initiative and the 14 dexterity that you're probably going to get on Lazelle you're already winning initiative fairly regularly I still like to get more I I always take the alert fee on Lazelle at level six at which point you basically never lose this plus your dexterity Plus alert you basically never lose initiative and now you have so much damage front loaded in combat you can just reliably take out priority Targets in the first round of combat and that's so invaluable I I mean seriously guys it is really hard to quantify how crucial it is to just take out a wizard before they can cast any spells in this sword really allows you to do that reliably so I mean already we're talking about one of the best weapons in the game and then we haven't even got to what makes it so Prime and that is the soul breaker special action that you get this is something I want you guys to be aware of is the special actions all weapons get some I made a video in Early Access covering which ones are the best and it still pretty much holds up the only difference is that tenacity isn't gated once per short rest anymore so that actually makes tenacity much better than I ranked it in that old video but definitely check out that video but also look and see if magic weapons are adding any special weapon actions because a lot of them do and a lot of the ones they add are quite good Soul breaker is one of the better ones so this is a special attack which is adding I believe extra psychic damage I think it's your strength bonus on Psychic damage something like that I'm not sure definitely play with that anyways the added damage isn't uh what makes it so good what makes it good is that if it hits it forces a con save on the enemy against your strength bonus as a spell DC is how I believe it works and if it hits the target is stunned for two turns so a stunt Target besides just losing actions two turns worth of actions you also get advantage in all your attack rolls against them which allows you to apply the best status condition in the game which is dead so and you get this once per short rest so once per short rest here's Lazelle can just stun a Target and remember she's winning initiative so she can just stun them before they take any actions and now she has an advantage on her attack rolls against him so she's probably gonna kill them before the stun Runs Out I mean guys this is so good it turns Lazelle into hard carry for your composition around level five or six and it lasts for so long and yeah like it lasts until she hits level 11 pretty much in which case she's now making three attacks as an action lazelle's just such a beast it's really hard for me not to take her in my party and this sword is one of the big reasons so you probably want this in your runs where can you find it you get it from the kith rack in the crash that's in the mountain pass or the the rosie Moore Monastery there is a crash the kithrack is the leader of that crash not The Inquisitor it's the one you fight or can fight right before The Inquisitor they'll have the sword Soul breaker Greatsword and uh I actually like to start the fight by disarming them with the command spell if you can land it because they will drop this great sword and it makes the fight go way better because when they have the Greatsword they're getting the plus to a bonus to initiative and potentially stunning you on round one and that actually makes the fight kind of difficult it's really swingy if they win initiative okay I've been gushing About Soul breaker Greatsword and Lazelle enough next up is knife of the undermountain king this is a weapon you can buy in the crash in in the rosie Moore Monastery I currently have it equipped on my assassin main character this is a plus two short sword already awesome plus two is really good for this point in the game when you get it around level five or six besides being plus two it gives you two abilities Oregon rearranger and Shadow Blade organ rearanger is very simple the wielder scores a critical hit when rolling in 19 rather than just a 20 when they roll 2 damage or less re-roll the dice taking the highest result this is really good on any sneak attack build critical hits in general are kind of overrated what they add for damage isn't that much stepped in a few specific instances and basically those instances are anything with a lot of damage dice so spells like inflict wounds for example where all the damage is coming from your damage dice a crit is really clutch on spells it's really clutch on smites from paladins because you're just adding a ton of damage to ice and it's really clutch on sneak attacks so those are the builds where you want to be critting and this is made for sneak attacks absolutely made for sneak attack so now you're creating about twice as much and if you are attacking with Advantage which you usually are when you're sneak attacking you're getting even more value out of this so awesome you're getting more value because you're more likely to roll that 19 or 20 right and then also whenever you're sneak attacking you want to be rolling much higher on the dice right especially when you're creating on a sneak attack because if you roll a one on a sneak attack dice that one's doubled and now it's two okay so plus one damage from the crit on that dice but if you roll a three it's now doubled to a plus three so you've added plus three damage for that dice right so when you're creating you really want higher damage rolls on your dice a low damage roll on a credit it on a sneak attack such a bummer and this is allowing you to re re-roll that damaged ice on those low numbers that's adding a lot to your average damage I mean seriously it's adding a lot so really good for sneak attacks already and then you get Shadow Blade where you have advantage on attack rolls against lightly or heavily obscured targets when you're using this blade it can be a little finicky to proc this but it's giving you more instances to either get Advantage for that sneak attack proc or to have Advantage when you're attacking a Target that you're already getting sneak attack anyways you want that Advantage because not only is it making you hit more often it's doubling your chances of critting yeah so this is just the sneak attack short sword and sneak attacks desperately needed it it's not that good as a strategy um and some builds you can just ignore sneak attacking altogether and still get a ton of value out of like a thief dip or an assassin dip but I really like the idea of sneak attack especially on Assassins where you can get at least one crit so knife of the undermountain king ultimate sneak attacking weapon again you can buy this from the vendor in the crush all right that's number six knife the undermountain King number seven is up next the Titan string bow so Titan string bow you can buy it from the merchant in The zentarim Hideout okay it's a plus one longbow that allows you to add your strength modifier as additional damage on the attacks so you're double dipping for damage you're already adding your dexterity modifier to Longbow attacks and now you can also add your strength modifier and I know what you're thinking your strength modifier is probably going to be low because you're a DEX Build why would you invest in strength right and that's true except some of your strength builds still want to make ranged attacks so let's take Lazelle for example Lazelle is winning initiative because she's wielding the soul breaker Greatsword however some fights start with a lot of melee combatants and you kind of want them to run at you right because they're going to spend their turn dashing to get to you wasting their action once they've spent their action dashing towards you on your turn you can just move up to them and attack them with your full attack so you can see the situation where two melee combatants they're within dashing distance of one another you don't want to be the one to dashed towards them because you're basically taking your action and you're handing it to them you want them to dash towards you so the best way the best thing to do in that situation is to win initiative instead of spending your turn dashing towards them you spend your term turn attacking them with a ranged attack they Dash towards you now you can attack them so there's all kinds of situations like that where even as a melee attacker you want to be making ranged attacks so if you've invested in strength you can use this Titan string bow and now even though your ranged attacks aren't the best attack option you have they're still pretty good for investing in melee and strength builds so Titan string bow is great for that I had Titan string bow and my Lazelle right up until the end of the game and I got quite a bit of value out of it however even for ranged attackers early game you can just drink elixirs of Hill drying strength to boost your strength there isn't an equivalent Elixir for dexterity right so you can go a full DEX Build drink elixir of Hill drawing strength wield the Titan string bow and now you're adding plus nine to the damage of all of the range attacks that you make which is really good early game and stays relevant for a lot of the game so this is a great ranged weapon for your melee builds by mid game mid and late game in early game if you're willing to use an elixir on your ranged attacker it's a really good bow early game so Titan string bow amazing next up is Harold another ranged weapon I believe I saw that yes I have it here this is a another great rage weapon you can get from The zentarum Hideout Quest you get this as a reward for completing the find the missing shipment quest which is usually how you discover the xen term Hideout so Harold also has this just a funny name here's what it does it is a plus one heavy crossbow heavy crossbow is a great wine ranged weapon because it has that base 1.10 damage base damage doesn't matter as much as people say but it's still giving you extra damage and we'll take that so base 1-10 plus one crossbow and then it gets haroldish Doom when you deal damage to a target with a ranged weapon it must exceed a Charisma saving throw or be banned for two turns my experience is that this procs often notice it doesn't say has a chance to proc this it just procs it on every attack as far as I know so what does bained do it gives a 1x4 penalty to all attack rolls and saving throws okay so now they're missing more often and you've debuffed their saving throws which potentially sets up some of the debilitating crowd control effects in this game this is just so so good I mean yeah I just want to use this all game it's not the best DPR ranged weapon but the debuff on it is so good and it procs so often it tends in my mind to be more valuable than if you just go for a high DPR weapon even on your DPR Focus builds but more likely what you're going to do is slap this on a cleric or a wizard and even though they're only making one attack if that one attack bans an enemy you've gotten a lot of value out of that attack so really good let's move on now to number nine which is the shattered flail I'm just trying to find who I have it equipped on number not here it is number nine is shattered flail again one of my favorite items we had this early access and I loved that I it felt to me like I was the only person talking about it but now with new items in the game it's even better than it was before so shatter flail is a plus two mace maces are pretty good for being simple weapons they do one day six bludgeoning damage now you're more likely to find Targets vulnerable or non-resistant to bludgeoning damage than any other and then mesas also get the concussive smash ability which can apply days to targets days gives disadvantage on wisdom saving throws any ability weapon ability that applies a day's condition is already going to be better than a lot of its competitors some of the most debilitating crowd control effects in the game Target wisdom saving throws being able to get disadvantage on them so good so it's already good for that and then it gets yennogu's GIF I hope I'm pronouncing that right yetigo's gift hitting an enemy with his weapon heals the wielder for one through six one by six hit points but they can go mad if they don't continue hitting an enemy each turn if they're mad they are hostile to everyone in the vicinity so they may Target allies but the worst effect for this is that you just lose control of them so even if they target enemies they might start spending valuable spell resources that you were saving for something else for example if you have a paladin they might Smite a goblin with two hit points and even though you've killed the goblin it really sucks to lose that spell slot on a wasted Smite so you really don't want to go mad you want to be attacking off every round if you're using shattered flails so only run this on your Strikers don't run this weapon on anyone who might want to attack one turn and then cast a spell the next but what you get for this is just a ton of on-hit abilities I mean already it's a plus two weapon that you find so earlier in the game by the way you loot this from the Flint again in the find the missing shipment Quest so plus two weapon very early when you're normally having plus ones that's really good and then healing 1.6 hit points per attack so good when you combine it with the periopt of wound closure pair up to wound closure is an item I covered in my last video so good one of my favorite items in the game basically it maximizes any healing effects that you get among other things so this one through six hit point to heal which will average around three to four is a guaranteed six on every hit so now you're healing six hit points every attack and you can be attacking often in this game if you're a fighter for example by late game getting three attacks per action you're getting hasted two actions if you have the Elixir bloodlust that is a potential three actions every round so that's nine attacks so you're healing six times nine hit points every round you can start regularly out healing the damage that you take with shattered flail now realistically by the time you reach late game you're replacing Shadow flail with the sword of chaos which is the much better item with the healing effect but you don't get sort of chaos till act 3 and before then you want shattered flail there's another interesting interaction with shadowflail that I want to point out which is that for some reason you proc this healing on added damage effects to your attack now that sounds weird but the two that basically do this are smites and things like the clerics extra damage um so for example this is a trickster cleric Shadow heart build she gets Divine strike Nightshade which adds one through diet poison damage on one attack in a round and the way laryn's coded this they they counted as like a reaction you can choose to do it it doesn't take your reaction it's just you can choose which attack to apply it to and when it's coded that way it counts as a different effect than your actual attack and it will proc on hit effects like the healing from from shattered flail so uh Smite is the same way so if I hit an attack and smite I will actually proc the healing twice on that attack giving me with the periaptive wound closure 12 healing for that attack so on paladins and clerics you can choose to bump your healing off so it's best on those builds for sure probably not clerics because clerics might want to cast a spell at some point in a fight but for paladins really good so I have shatter flail on my menthara build she's getting this pretty regular healing every round but if I ever take a lot of damage I can Spike My healing by smiting on my attacks so now a hasted menthara who uses the spell slots to smite can proc this one dissects healing eight times in a round eight times another four times if you have the elixir of bloodlust so you can heal from one hit point to basically max if you're willing to spend the spell slots to do it it's so good so good and I haven't seen a lot of people talking about it I find that tanky effects like this one or the skin burster halberd people don't talk about enough so that is shattered flail number nine and number 10 on our list is the blood of lathander of course I have to talk about this one this is a legendary the first legendary weapon that you can find in the game now it's hidden behind a little puzzle and a pretty difficult strength check that's like it's a 25 DC strength deck and you can't add proficiencies because it's just a pure strength check not an Athletics check and that makes the 25 DC really hard to beat I find I have to save scum it a lot and if you are playing a no reload run it's kind of likely that you just get locked out of getting the blood of lafander but if you can get it really good weapon so this is a plus three mace by the way you get this in the the rosie morne Crush area the first plus three weapon that you're gonna find in this game and there isn't higher than plus three plus three is Max on top of that it's giving lafander's blessing once per long rest when your hit points are reduced to zero you regain 2 through 12 hit points allies within 9 meters also gain one by six hit points so this 2x6 hit point healing again if you have the fear active wound closure is an automatic 12 hit points of healing now I don't usually combine pair active enclosure with the blood of the founder because 2x6 is already a Fairly reliable seven healing and that's kind of enough the difference between 7 and 12 once per long rest isn't worth using your your necklace slot so I saved appear after wound closure to combine with shattered flail yeah so you're getting an instant burst of healing once prolonged rest whenever your drop to zero hit points which is basically burning an extra one of your enemies attacks that's very valuable then you also get lethandra's light you shed a holy light in a six meter radius and fiend's an undead standing in the light are blinded unless they succeed Constitution saving throw and I find that this lands very very regularly so blind on fiends and Undead a very common enemy type that we face so good but it's also shedding light and if you don't know entering Act 2 there are a lot of creatures that you will fight who are not only Undead but you need light to see them it's basically any of the Shadows or Phantoms that you fight having to shed a passive light actually gives you a lot like that you get a lot of utility just from that then you're blinding them if they don't make a constitutional saving throw so good like a really good just passive CC effect that you get just from wielding this weapon and then also once per long rest you can use Sunbeam now this isn't the full effect of Sunbeam where you can do it again every 10 turns it's just one burst of Sunbeam but still very good sunbeam's a six level spell and you're getting this very early in the game it does six by eight radiant damage in a beam AOE you could hit a lot of targets with this and it potentially blinds creatures in its path yeah so there's a con save if they fail you're gonna do six to eight radiant damage and blind them if they succeed you do half the damage and they're not blinded I'm pretty sure that's how it works but still a lot of radiant damage a really good spell once per long rest that you're getting from this um so yeah there's just so much going for this weapon really really strong and that is all 10 of the weapons on my list I could do some honorable mentions though I think the big one I want to do for an honorable mention is Staff of Arcane blessing this was one of the best items you can get in early access and I really expected it to be better than it is but there's just so many good items that you can get in act one in this game that I find it actually gets muscled out a lot of the time but this is a staff that allows you to cast bless once per long rest I believe yes that's correct and then anytime you cast bless either with the staff or your regular blast spell it not only adds the normal blast effect but spell attack rolls will get an extra 1x4 so 2 Die 4 total making those really good for any team composition which is relying on spell attack rules so basically any teen composition with a warlock or a sorcerer where you're wanting to get a lot of damage from spell attacks this boosts this with 2x4 you basically hit every time and that's why I was telling you earlier your elders blasts late game you can be doing 12 of them in a round and you're probably hitting all of them because you're getting plus two by four yeah so at that point it's 95 chance of hitting or up and that's just so good so staff of working blessing a very good honorable bench and and I think the the other honorable mention I want is the adamantine weddings now I'm really torn here because the adamantine armors are so good for that reeling effect which we talked about in my last video I kind of like to just do two armors and leave it at that but the adamantine weapons can be good too so you can get this in a long sword Scimitar or mace variant I think Scimitar is best what it gives you besides being a plus one weapon is diamond's Bane where your weapon hits on objects are always criticals this doesn't do much in combat except for taking out those very pesky spheres like that can call in reinforcements you want to take those out early and they have so many resistances that they're hard to kill honestly but with within Adam anti-weapon you can reliably kill them in one hit very valuable everything else is kind of bad but the big thing is that it gives you the Lethal Weapon ability which allows you to ignore resistances to whatever the damage type is of the weapons so for the Scimitar slashing for the long-sorted slashing and for the mace's bludgeoning but this is the really valuable effect and it's the reason why the Scimitar is the one to go to now normally resistance to your physical weapon damage type isn't that bad because if you're going to be facing a target with resistance to your damage type you can kind of switch weapons like there will be targets for example with resistance to slashing and piercing but not bludgeoning so if you just have a bludgeoning weapon you can switch to that before the fight and that will get you buying a lot of fights if they just have full resistance to all physical damage you probably also deal a lot of Elemental damage on your attacks because there's so many ways of adding Elemental damage in this game to things like caustic ring or lightning charges and stuff like that you probably have damage in your composition that's gonna bypass their resistances so it's not that important to have a dedicated weapon just for braking resistance unless you are a rogue Rogue sneak attack is a lot of damage and it's all physical damage and because you're restricted to finesse weapons with it you're pretty much restricted to slashing and piercing so if I'm doing a team composition that's depending on sneak attacks which I don't like doing to be honest but it's possible to have that adamantine Scimitar can be really important to have as a sidearm so just switch it in when you're about to fight an enemy that is resistant to slashing or piercing damage and for everything else use knife of the undermountain king which we just talked about so I think that's it for my honorable mentions this video has gone on long enough I hope you enjoyed it oh I should make sure I say where I can get all of these items because some people were really complaining to me last video that I forgot to mention a few so we're gonna go through the whole list right now number one we talked about was Fowler Louvre you can find this in the underdark close to the selenite Outpost number two is skin burster the halberd you can find this in The Inquisitor room in the creche number three was morning Frost you have to assemble this from three parts the first one you can find on Dorne by The Spectator the second one you can find on the Mad wizard by the accessory and then the third one you get as a reward from the mic in it Colony if you kill the doogar number four in our list was spell sparkler you can get this as a quest reward in joaquin's rest when you save councilor flork from the fire number five was the soul breaker Greatsword you get this as loot from the kith rack in the crash that is the leader of the crash right before The Inquisitor fight number six is knife of the undermountain king you can buy this from the quartermaster in the crush it can be sold to you or pickpocketed number seven is the Titan string bow which you can buy from the merchant in the Zen term hideouts are pickpocketed number eight is Harold the crossbow you can get this as a reward for find the missing shipment Quest again in the Zen term Hideout number nine staff of Arcane blessing oh number nine was actually um shattered flail you get this looted from the flind again in the find the Mystic shipment quest number 10 was the blood of lathander this is in a secret vault in the rosie morne Monastery you have to do a series of quests I can't explain the whole Quest and puzzle to you but it's in there and that's all 10 for my honorable mention staff of Arcane blessing is found in the basement of the Arcane tower in the underdark and the adamantine Scimitar is made in the grimforge quests you have to find the Scimitar mold and a mythriel or and then use that on the Grim Forge to make the adamantine Scimitar alright so that is the location of all of these items that I talked about please don't complain to me in the comments all right that's it guys thanks so much for watching I know some of you have been really begging for a tearless video it is on the way I've already recorded it it will be uh it should be here this weekend that's my plan this weekend unless something goes wrong I have been kind of delayed because things have been going uh just things have been delaying me in my life real world stuff uh members of my family being sick I have to look after them so sorry about the delay on this video and the delay on the tier list videos but it will not be much longer right around the corner race to your list is on the way and then I'm going to be fully kicking into gear making tearless videos for you guys so stay tuned for that thanks again catch you next time
Channel: Aestus_RPG
Views: 130,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Weapons, Items, Baldur's Gate 3, Larian, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons
Id: 7ZJhVxY5DEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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