Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 24: House of Grief & Hope

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welcome back Adventures to episode 24. the last episode was pretty crazy we ended up taking a submersible down to the Iron Throne building which was at the bottom of gray Harbor and was being used as a prison we freed a few prisoners and also saved Grand Duke Alder Raven Guard from down there and then after that we went to the steel foundry building which is right here as you can see it is currently not doing too well and we ended up disabling gortash's steel watch so he no longer has those you know automatons running around the city anymore and uh today I think we're going to jump right into the house of grief which is Shadow Hearts Quest I think this is going to be a very very interesting one especially with my party comp my character is generally a good character Minsk is definitely good yeah all seems to be pretty good so far and Char the goddess of darkness and loss and grief is an evil goddess and we have to explore this with Shadow heart a little bit we're giving Shadow a chance to see what she's going to do but it's going to be interesting probably might be another heart-wrenching one I'm not entirely sure so let's head to the house of grief I did end up going back to Camp after the steel foundry and resurrecting jihira Jahira is doing fine back at camp we'll have to try to find her house soon ER Fern you're gonna stay outside [Music] you stay right there girl we found a Sharon Lookout called Ferg droger he revealed that The Cloister is hidden in a place called the house of grief in the lower city of Baldur's Gate so those of you guys who may have forgotten or didn't watch the previous episode Shadow heart actually killed the Night song even though I tried persuading her not to and Char ended up speaking to her and making her a dark just this year [Music] let's lead the way with Shadow Hearts welcome to the house of grief our guests the counting welcome back we've been awaiting you shadowhot so the rumors are true then the dark lady has blessed you I was curious I need to see the Mother Superior all in due time let us pass as I said in due time first you submit to the mapping of the heart only then can we know what is to be done with you the mapping of the what this is the house of grief we strive to help those whose Hearts have grown heavy be it with anger melancholy grief or treachery submit to the mapping and reveal what lurks in your heart if you consent follow me if you do not leave the house of grief welcomes you and stands ready to ease your troubles the list of properties dislike have a seat the mapping will begin shortly have a seat okay let's get Fern in here and where do I sit down okay yes the mapping of the heart can reveal the way yet there is another here whose need is great that voice allow me I think I'm supposed to do this go ahead do you know why you are here I have a mission to fulfill I must you had a mission yes but did you succeed or did you stray Now give me the true answer what is your purpose in being here okay so hold on am I answering a shadow or my character who are you I am the one who asks the questions she is the one who answers you are the one who remains silent now if all our roles are clear answer me what is your true purpose the artifact I was sent to retrieve it at any cost and who tasked you with this Mission the Mother Superior of you give me the honor of my name in full I can't my memories I know what's in that head of yours better than you do girl my name oh my God you'll still have the wits to recognize your betters good you would have recognized your foul scent if not for all this evil Sharon incense always a pleasure to see old acquaintances but would be wise to not wait no a projection says boo so that was viconia De Vere an evil companion in the original Baldur's Gate games in a worshiper of Shar that's pretty crazy cleric of char so far we have Minsk and boo Jahira we saw cerevac now viconia we saw elmenster Volo we learned that viconia De Vere is running the house of grief she wishes to speak to us beneath the building we should follow the passageway okay here we go you got the shadow nice save a spell slot it's called the infiltration training room all these disguises we were taught that lady Shaw's Warriors had to be able to hide in plain sight wherever we went I think I think this was my favorite part losing myself in here being someone else even just for a while before on activities of Enver gortash bortash whom we believe to be a follower of the Tyranny Goblin Bane has recently been consorting with a leading adherence of the murder Godly ball the pair were observed entering the devil's fee where they conferred for over an hour with the establishment's proprietor diabolist helses helsink this must be considered significant as helsick is reputed to be able to open gate portals to the hells of her extravagant fees are met the devil's fee is a building that we have been to pre-orphheus Quest we learned that a diabolus called helsick helped gortash open a portal to the hells we should track her down in the lower City and we'll have to do that sometime time to call in the Wizard actually enjoy doing a run where I don't have a character that can excel at every single dexterity check and also every single Charisma check kind of forces you to use things differently my high Charisma character on my other run just never fails Charisma checks and it's actually Less Fun oh no we want to use knock no I'm not sure it was worth two spell slots but okay go check out the other room interrogation training thank you I think all the wizard hats I can get [Music] the ladies show can't remember the faces still hear the screams it's quiet a new place pain in order to end pain lady Shah's Embrace can soon yeah let's head on down the underburdening valuable targets are identified from those who seek out the services of the House of grief if they're willing to pay they proceed to the mapping of the heart or The Inquirer of grief will question them while discreetly probing their thoughts for anything that can be of use to the lady of loss following this targets are ushered downwards to stand before the mirror of loss given the correct prompts by The Inquirer of grief the target will surrender memories to the mirror the benefit of all of Lady Char's children the same stroke the mirror can remove memories of what they have seen in the cloister as well as whatever they believe to be the source of their troubles and they can be turned loose blissfully ignorant of the offering they made foreign T's first mission in this game too was also to bring the artifact Tomb of the Supreme House of grief it was the first Quest that she had right when we recruited her into our group back in episode one wow there's my cornea bring these two over to the side don't test me back up okay never mind I guess we'll leave them right here actually we'll just bring everybody down I thought you might try to flee rather than face us perhaps you are braver than I thought or more arrogant than even I can fathom no matter you are here now to face the dark lady's judgment before a gathering of your peers give the artifact and perhaps we will be merciful no I already faced lady Sharp I passed her trials I wielded her Spear and now I am her mortal voice I have been embraced by her in ways you could only dream of trade you failed lady Shah's Mission and allowed ambition to rot your mind tell her tell them all tell them how the night singer has blessed me Bashar also wants to destroy the absolute at least from what we've seen so far we wanted Shadow to kill catharak thorum which we did we're both kind of fighting for a similar thing wow these persuasion and performance checks are made with disadvantage wait before we go any further tell me what this is about why do you even want the artifact I did not consent to Christians but I suppose you have undergone a great deal to reach this place and anything I tell you cannot compromise me now for you will either leave on my terms or not at all Whispers reached my ears from all Corners potential Rivals of Lady Shah all vying for the same prize a new God amassing the disaffected the outcasts those who should turn to us this absoluted but an upstart disturbing the natural order and threatening to impede the Glorious return of Lady Shah's pure endless Darkness maybe don't want that I had to act I had to strangle that foul conspiracy while it was still in the Cradle we learned all we could the artifact was the one thing the absolutists feared the one thing they desperately wanted to keep out of their enemies grasp I had to have it Char bid you to do all of this ladies ladies lie elsewhere where I must keep her faith alive in Mortal Hearts I must defend her ways lead her children stop all threats even if I must go against her wishes I will prove myself her most loyal servant I think you know better than the dark lady no wonder she sent me to this place of your poison tell them what you witnessed tell them how Lady Shaw favors me they were going to try one of these checks right here I mean we're supporting Shadow heart over by konia of course but this is going to be really hard to pass we can attack immediately but that's not what we want to do right now we want to see what Char is you know up to here and what shadowheart's gonna do slew a helpless prisoner deep in an ancient Road perhaps that weren't shar's blessing let's try persuasion it's true she survived the gauntlet of char she sacrificed saloona's own daughter she is your rightful leader we saw what we saw all right DC 20. oh this is going to be so unlikely oh man we it's gonna be really hard with disadvantage to have to get you know two seven two basically two 16s with perfect guidance would work here but let's just continue on you see she is nothing but a deluded girl trying to blop her way out of our rightful judgment nothing more I'm not here to convince you mother you are already disgraced in lady Char's eyes I merely wish to give the others a chance to repent before they are dragged down with you a coup attempt Shadow heart will need all the help she can get if she's to win over the remaining die hards from viconia's ranks connect with her mind or use the parasite urge Shadow to speak of the absolute threat only she can lead them to Victory I think we're gonna let Shadow heart handle this here and only I can lead you ladies Shaw has decreed it the absolute will be dealt with as soon as I prize the artifact from your cold fingers enough talk girl the sooner we finish this the sooner your blood can be sluiced off lady Char's sacred Grotto all right let's give shadowhart a chance to sway more of iconia's followers why not right and now and not my favor do you think the dark lady would want you to die for a lost cause or show some cunning and Live Another Day no matter I built this place from nothing I can always start anew once you've been dealt with you were right about one thing lady Shaw's Church does need to be cleansed by my hand here we go okay we have a bunch of Sharon's on our side which is nice like if I didn't respond in the way that I did we'd be fighting against all of these so let's see what viconia has look at that man got the shield that's crazy that she was the Mother Superior in shadowheart's Visions with the wolves Shield of Faith Sanctuary oh come on radiant rhetoric whenever you take radiant damage reflect it back at your attack or two-fold as Force damage oh God okay well that's okay we have Spirit Guardians necrotic that we can do go ahead and start off with mirror image and spiritual weapon we're gonna put the spiritual weapon let's see right on her [Music] and then I'm actually gonna back her up a little bit because I want to get that Spirit Guardians out before we get too crazy go for the eyes boo go for the eyes all right Boo's gonna hold off these attackers over here awesome great attack on a boo right though and Gail let's see if I prepared the right spells yeah not too bad I would have liked to had would have liked to have had disintegrate though Tundra Elemental yep let's go ahead and do that see if these guys are have any resistances okay so these other characters do double damage with radiance it's only her I don't want to do radiant damage too interesting I wonder if it's better for me to actually okay I'll tell you what we're gonna do now we're going to do Spirit Guardians radiant and go after the adds with Shadow Hearts we're gonna put a error fire Elemental on biconia and we're gonna back gal up so let's light them up oh no I hit spirit clicked it way too fast the amount of times that I've hit spiritual weapon in this game all of the dark lady I am lady Shaw's instrument you you cannot I know oh wow she turned into a wolf lady Shah's will shall be done Darkness that we're at the counter spell I don't know I don't think it really is it's gonna be harder for him to shoot in into me also help Shadow heart what is beckoning Darkness due to 16 damage per turn necrotic all right Mage hands whack this guy the hell of a sword go for the eyes boo oh for the eyes oh interesting when she's in her nope she still has radiant retort and wolf form what's up all right let's actually hit her this time not enough movement Shall Perish all right wolf we're gonna have you also go after her awesome not awesome just so you all know I saw a few comments on a previous video I did loot Oren that's her weapon right there could dagger for a Starion no broke my Hunter's Mark oh the dark lady's fools Must Die [Music] okay beautiful hey viconia's wolf form only has 15 HP laughs you know what I do have with him now has shocking grasp at a creature moving out of range this reaction is unavailable I don't have my reaction right now with him all right I'm actually going to make the opportunity attack I think it's okay and then we're gonna Misty step right up here perfect a little bit worried about that guy though we'll just stay down here and then we're going to get viconia out of her wolf form or I should do Mirror Image First hmm yeah we'll get her out of her wolf form actually let's just go all out right now with one of the best spells in this game oh my God she's down to 52 HP that spell is so good I can only do it once but it is so good all right we're gonna go Spirit Guardians necrotic or no we're gonna do radiant [Music] and we're going to make sure we hit everybody buttons Iconia 38 damage man that's crazy that is crazy oh they took an opportunity attack from that [Music] oh yeah she got 36 HP right now oh my God [Music] wow she a light Clara hmm that can eat Darkness yeah we'll go ahead and counter spell that one [Music] no okay [Music] all right mince put her down put her down man doesn't look like I'm taking an opportunity attack I do have Hunter's Mark on her but it's not from Minsk so let's go ahead and cast it actually I'm going to take the bonus action for my offhand strike let me think how much damage yeah we'll do that do I have non-lethal on I don't okay I guess that's just what we're doing well Hunter's Mark is staying on her right now I'm gonna go ahead and just leave her knocked out I'm not sure if the game did that for a reason damn my Ranger's doing some damage now and of course come on infern it was actually a great time for Fern to come down let all the enemies take their turns too this is perfect oh wow something just went off we just got a ton of HP or a ton of XP get in here girl bite them while setting her up to help out I wonder if I can send her up here okay didn't see the bones weren't chilling [Music] 38 damage man that is actually crazy and we're going to take the opportunity attack very very nice not enough movement let's go ahead and do guiding bolt and help out down here a little bit this is your Crusader Knight Mists don't have enough movement to hit her interesting all right gal let's have you awesome [Music] and then we'll move him all the way back here Jesus bone shell is really not that big of a deal foreign probably should have counterspelled that luckily it missed anyways because menska is low on HP casting Darkness on 13 targets yeah I don't want to deal with that right now not in that area overwhelming grief you succeeded though okay we're gonna go for the lower HP Target first fix HP right here that's attacked with disadvantage rinsk is okay whoa what the heck was that very nice gotta hope that he doesn't take any serious damage and actually to help him out we're gonna come right over here we're gonna go all the way around to make that attack because iconia's in the oh there we go oh didn't notice that foreign get up there buddy always good to see if your character can get a little further with their jump he's jumping with boo right there was the difference between being able to melee attack or not melee attack Now The Beastmaster Ranger just becomes really good later on in the game early on it feels pretty weak okay all right what do we got 4 HP 18 HP and 4 HP so let's do oh no you gotta move up a little bit yeah oh crap almost shot it at the ground right there thank you [Applause] perfect I'm done playing the game where I assume that one magic Missile is gonna finish off at Target so now I do too okay Shadow is out of rare guardians but I think that's okay right now let's just do a guiding bolts guiding bolt level four 2 damage we'll do level three damn that was a lot of damage we'll get right up in her face too a caster you can only get Shadow step once per short Fest I gotta make sure I use it when I need it nothing all right Minsk charge but charge quiet okay there's only a couple lefts or any of them left Laconia is down here knocked out okay we got a Target over here 78 HP could have five nice critical Miss [Music] foreign Darkness um nice we're getting lucky with those saves that's good damn that was awesome yeah I think she's dead okay we got a little bit of looting to do here communal use it seems oh let's show some respect apparently not hmm so think you have won time will tell far easier to claim something than hold on to it they will turn on you in time when you hear the whispers and see the blades drawn remember my I won't remember your tool nobody will oh kill her or turn her loose it doesn't matter she's finished either way boo thinks you have had every chance to change your ways count yourself blessed it is not he who judges you today hmm oh I hate decisions like these okay so Minsk says that boo thinks you have had every chance to change your ways so boo would kill viconia but what about Minsk mince just listens to boo I've heard of the die you just tried killing us Goodbye by conio damn I just killed an iconic character had to be done I need a loot too handmaiden's mace increase the wearer's strength to 18. my character is also still upset at lazelle's loss so he's kind of a little bit on edge so you don't want to stand in a wolf's way at the moment 9-19 damage pretty good increases the wire strength to 18. wow the baconia's Priestess robes while obscured the warehouse advantage of stealth checks Shield of Faith also grants a plus two bonus style saving throws aconia's walking Fortress a plus three armor Clash Shield when a foe hits through the melee attack you can use your reaction to deal Force damage and not get prone you gain advantage on saving throws against spells spell attack rolls against you have disadvantage and you get reflective shell reflects projectiles target targeted at you back to their point of origin once per short rest that used to be a tadpole power and then warding bonds wow oops and then iconia's personal chest key so we're gonna put that shield on definitely on Shadow and that's a pretty awesome looking Shield too legendary wow Shadow is going to be that's incredible Yale has a plus two Shield right now okay I think I like gals um clothing right now robes okay and then we're gonna put the handmaidens base on Shadow heart too it's more damage and Shadow strength goes to 18 is a pretty big Boost from 13 to 18. damn that's huge and it looks pretty fantastic too wow look at that thing okay let's uh loot the 900 other bodies I'm gonna make sure I don't loot the wrong ones and I don't want to get in trouble again right just the green bodies hmm I'm sure all the good loot was on by conio so I'm not that worried if I missed one or two let's check out the rest of this room wow we have three doors here nope two doors Two Doors out up here I'm gonna lead with Shadow he's got our new shield and mace pretty awesome I wonder if we could have looted by conia without oh no Fern's stuck without killing her I think it made sense to kill her I wonder what the next move is all right yeah all the lock picking wow much harder in this area that's why we have a wizard purple worm toxin oh that looks like yeah it's worth 170 wow you're pretty good 170 for a level two spell slot I'll take it primes of the Moon Maiden so the moon Maiden is saluna we're gonna go ahead and pick pick these up I'll read them later on my own time Scroll of seeming nice right away what's that creature doing down here and then we have a room up here the dormitories but then also the main door over here so let's check out the dormitories the great thing about playing a Ranger with Hunter's Mark is you always have spell slots because you can recast Hunter's Mark without it costing a spell slot so I'm low on health with Minsk I can just Spam cure wounds not that big of a deal oops worth a try oh wow Shadow heart I wasn't sure if I'd ever lay eyes on you again it's me Nocturne do you remember remind me we we trained together we used to be close I'm glad to see you're all right I don't remember you oh a pity perhaps we can talk some more later if you wish they said the hunt for the artifact was a suicide mission I feared I wouldn't see you again some even thought it was the mother superior's plan alone and not what lady Shaw wanted some even thought it was the mother superior's plan alone The Whispers were right on that last part at some point she confused her Ambitions for the night singer's will but no matter you rule us now what comes next cool I expect you'll have catching up to do indeed tell me if you wish it of me of course my lady I work as the quartermaster come see me whenever you wish hmm interesting character nice 258 XP out of that in her name these are some cool dormitories here you can get a banana and a cinnamon roll I might have to join Char with my with my character too silver cake I took the stands nice lure right there oh perfect how do I remember these of all things wow Mother Superior said curious so now we have a few Counting house Vault keys I think it's really cool that we're finding these which is kind of incentivizing us to want to return to the bank and then open up some of these vaults at some point I'll probably forget to do that though okay that's crazy that viconia is the one who sent us off on the mission makes this Quest even more interesting we learned oh that's not it we found two prisoners inside the Chamber of lost they must have something to do with shar's final test I didn't find those prisoners yet okay this will be a nice natural stopping point so part one of episode 24 I'll see you guys momentarily head on down might as well take that keep going oh this mace is really cool there is work to do there you go boo okay we're heading down here I don't have full spell slots I think I'm good enough is this my final task read the book it's called captives of char if Yankee double guard at all times deceased Arnel hello leaf all right thank you what the heck is going on here thank you okay so we don't know exactly what this test is yet let's talk to the Mirror I'm sorry for you offering no reflection okay let's do the dark just this year response here offer a prayer to the Mirror wow you feel the presence dark and ancient proves of your fealty okay let's study the mirror and try to grasp its true nature I wonder if I can do that test with Gail nothing comes to you the mirror let's try it with Gail Paul this feels familiar to me somehow okay so we have a plus five from intelligence and plus four from our counter proficiency of the archana tracks perhaps thank you so close I'll use one Inspiration Point and no more or I wonder if I can just do it again hold on let's just oh no I can't back out of it a mirror of loss A Relic said to be as old as the Church of Shar itself those who stood before it could surrender their very thoughts and memories to the lady of loss great Powers rest within the realm of the mirror to be granted at the dark lady's whim to those making a suitable offering peace of themselves thank you see what these prisoners are doing it can't be another vile trick okay don't miss me I did that how this was my gift to you power is not created it merely changes from one song to another mother their pain because I don't understand who are these people are now hello leaf and his wife Emily once but for years they have been here resisting just as I wish them to their wrong-headed results allowed me to shape you time to remember time to remember you find yourself thrust into Shadow heart's mind friend than before but of restored memories finished thoughts revealed secrets [Music] thank you foreign [Music] was that I'm a parent what have you done to them we did this together my power is that you why you look so tall it's not her m um just another trick another way to hurt us me I'm Jennifer Jennifer is no but I made you I am you I'm Your Mother a sacrifice is not a sacrifice if it has no meaning this is the final step snuff out the last Embers of your old life finally be who you were meant to be kill them for me then I will take the memories away from you again loss will heal you and you you and this has been quite revealing her shadow no she can't do this all the times you stood in this world wondering why this past seems enough all the times you've earned your skills on them they remember everything the pain their torture wearing their daughter's face [Music] holy crap don't do it shadow finally we have a an ability check that we get some bonuses from Insight check it's not worth it Char will turn on you in time same as she did viconia come on come on come on come on foreign oh my God do your duty then final trial nah you've already brought me to what I need my family my real family don't anger her Jen just get out save yourself I am saving myself I'm leaving this place and I'm taking my parents with me so much was done Christians can still turn your back on me they're two strangers that you share blood with believe the dark will still be waiting but keep some memories as a Parting Gift you learned so much applying new skills to these two I I did that how did I do that to them so many times when the darkness finally comes for you again it will not be my welcoming increase I I hurt you both so much God's forgive me there is nothing to forgive you did what was necessary to survive and you came back to us what more could a mother want that's a Luna [Music] are you all right I will be once we get clear of this place do what you need to Jen we can follow your Trail once we've rested a little Moon Maiden Still guides us I am so surprised right now that this worked out the way that it did right now everything that's happened sure my parents it's almost too much to take in give me a night try and get my head together of Darkness completed the two prisoners were revealed to be shadowhart's mother and father Char commanded her to sacrifice them as a final show of loyalty shadowheart chose to turn her back on her goddess and instead free her parents reunited with her family but with her faith and purpose shattered Shadow heart's future looks uncertain you'll have a lot to process as your newfound family recuperates at our camp what an incredible story so far definitely should probably save this and then let's go see what's up with the mirror real fast after she killed the Night song I didn't think that we're gonna get her out of the path of Darkness thank God for the Insight check otherwise it would have been impossible and thank God for the inspiration that I had too the huge mirror stares down at you like a great dark eye no we're not offering memories we're going to get the heck out of here we are done with that so let's go ahead and go back to camp and let's see what shadow says and also her parents they should be with us at the elf song Tavern now any chests over here that I missed it doesn't look like it now look how good that water looks at a chest no that's a base okay back to camp we go part of your member is in danger and cannot rest right now oh my gosh are you serious what happened out here okay all right Fern come on it's too funny that is too funny we'll take care of that problem Nobody messes with fern nobody I think she just went house I think she just went aggro when we defied char oh no what's going on here it's whacker with shadowhart's new mace awesome got a pearl too thank you okay back to camp we go I'm so relieved right now I really honestly thought that shadowheart's Quest on my run would turn into me having to put her down me having to kill her I thought she would ultimately choose something that was so evil that in the moment my party had to stand against her Shaw's blessings upon you what about the memories that were taken from you most are lost forever some may creep back into my mind if I encounter anything that helps clear the fog there's what Shah did restore to me [Music] memories of pain suffering both my own and what I inflicted it's overwhelming like a lifetime's worth of nightmares Unleashed all at once upon waking I can barely untangle one moment from another not that I even want to I just know that my heart sinks if I let my thoughts wander to them [Music] perhaps your parents can help you get over these memories yes yes bad memories they're filled with my parents faces their cries of pain it will help if I can clear the Earth [Music] did that for no purpose but sheer spite Shaw seeks to break people fill their lives with despair so that they will turn to her for relief thought this would lead me back to her in time but it won't I fought too hard to win my freedom I will not give it up again no matter how much it hurts what about us you still remember all we've been through probably not the time for that but we're gonna do it anyways because I never really pushed Shadow on Romance of course from the first time I laid eyes on you right until now that's all safe I wouldn't surrender even a moment of it I heard Birdsong at us coming here you don't know what it's like to hear music like that again after so long without thank you how do you feel old I was a young woman when they seized me Anil and I hope Jen would be joined by siblings but that dream's gone now and there's a stranger in the mirror but I still have my teeth that first Apple was worth the wait apologies even the littlest thing wears me out I should rest a little we'll talk soon ah now Arnell is your husband I'm wolf oh you've shown great kindness allowing my wife and I to remain with you thank you I'm glad Jennifer found you what comes now whatever Jennifer wishes of us she still has other fights but when she's ready we'll be there to be a family again I'm afraid my strength has not returned just yet Kate's in that place has left me maimed body and soul some rest perhaps will make me better company what amazing parents have a lot on my mind um well in it doesn't look like anyone's been here in a while perhaps people lost faith or forgot about it I wanted to come here to see if I felt anything that I hadn't done before now that I know what I know now that I know who I am do you feel anything shame more than I ever knew it was possible to feel shall left me with all the memories I need to punish myself I have my family back and now I can't even look them in the eye that's not true not even close sorry shouldn't have to see me like this alive free feeling I've dreamed for years of seeing you like this seeing you as yourself again Jen I kept us going all this time I can't be you Jennifer remember her of course you can no I'd be turning my back on too much Shadow heart is as much part of who I am as Jennifer I can't just forget her that's not what I do anymore besides Shadow heart still suits me even better than before perhaps you can't cast a shadow without some light don't worry I'm still your daughter you want me to be I'll call you whatever you like so long as you're happy I know the moon Maiden guides find our true selves Shadow heart daughter imagine what this would be like right now if I failed that third inspiration role none of this would be happening what terrific writing for the companion story so far let's speak to all the companions real fast to see if they have anything to say about Shadow heart [Music] and yourself to a lifetime of that same pain so Shadow heart chose her family over her God I hope Shadow heart's parents are a welcome bomb for her wounds there will be pain in defying such a malicious goddess but perhaps no more than in obeying her okay you know for a while there I thought Shadow heart was going to stay stuck in charville maybe become Duke of the place he's done what so few are able to created her own path and now she's got her folks back too I love to see it charville funny we're also going to dismiss Shadow heart and take Jahira with us we'll give shadowhard a break to hang out with her parents Shadow heart did what was right knowing she stood to suffer for it in so doing she proved what it means to be a hero Shar believes us so fearful of pain that we would empty Our Lives of all other feeling just to escape it I will admit a petty source of pleasure in watching Shadow heart make the goddess look a liquid I love her armor we have to dismiss Shadow first though [Music] this pain is a punishment no pain is a promise that all our enemies blows have not killed us and will be heaped back upon their heads tenfold Lady of loss I see now boo because she is always losing so funny seeing him in that armor how was your reunion with Iconia who is Overjoyed with our Victory another den of evil vanquished and an old fur defeat defeat well viconio as a friend for a short time beforehand but then they fall once more a most wicked witch the very mention of her name gives him nightmares to this day what does she do to him Boo and the Minsk have traveled far and wide and met many fine and not so fine people it will surprise you to learn that even the wisest of friends do not always recognize Buu for what he is a miniature giant face hamster exactly the drawl was a cruel witch but a clever one she knew what the Pooh was right the way and she had never seen his luck before she wished to inspect his handsome magnificence and so she did one night while he lay asleep twitching his whiskers and happy dreams she grabbed upon his tiny bed roll holding a knife as Slim as a toothpick she meant Richard guts and study surprised he didn't kill her then and there I did not get the chance boo never sleeps deeply while evil is near he sprang into action and almost blinded the witch she had fled from her campaign when boo told me the whole tale of a breakfast of berries and nuts thank the gods you stopped her did not stop her he did not need to who never sleeps deeply while evil is near okay that was awesome really enjoyed that dialogue okay I'm gonna skip the video ahead a little bit as I recruit to hear into the group okay I'm currently at Baldur's Gate right now the gate that leads from the lower City to the upper City and we're gonna go find jahira's house himself [Music] and I believe it is this one right here stop a moment okay well the Wrath Ben's home oh now there's Mark here we go are we quite sure she hasn't actually died this time brother she looks dead smells it too it has been a hard Road but I can clip you both around the ear to prove I am no ghost if it would help forgive us mother we're just surprised you still know how to find your way home mother these are your children she always brings the smartest people home too enough Ryan I taught you better manners than that no you didn't ascending spell can carry 25 words you know how many jahira's only message contained in all this time she's been away seven when surrounded by the enemy every word counts be grateful he said anything at all if you're trying to help me please stop the message went oops I'm sorry done it you were supposed to get the young ones out of the city and you were supposed to be dead that's what your oh so stoic message meant yes yet here you are so what happened out there I got my skin saved by this one we've come to take the fight to the cult which is exactly why you all cannot be here why you plan on winning don't you you're the one who saved us so tell me are we all doomed the cult is powerful it's not going to be an easy fight so fight that's what all you Heroes and Harpers are for isn't it you are a very irritating girl uh-uh this isn't your house remember you'll keep a civil tongue under our roof if we let you stay at all have mercy sister she's old after all so old seems I'm out voted see mother that is how you go about talking things through with your family now if there's more to discuss then bloody will come in and wipe your boots well this is fun I take no responsibility for your plants you know I'm more of a mushroom man we've let my study turn into a Thicket is this what I am hearing I tended to it I just let it thrive in its own independence you know same way you raised us I raised you to be a sweet and kind boy what happened I watched what you did instead of listening to what you said this house has taken in a lot of children over the years Mother Dear was sometimes more Commander than well Mother dear there's a Harpers faction symbol on his chest plants need light to grow but a little heat too I believe the phrase she preferred was the fowl of the fertilizer the fairer the flower so you do listen I've only ever seen her truly angry once we were down the market when I was about nine years old some merchants started in with the usual yes but where's your family whose son are you really when mother was done with him well let's say he won't have any sons of his own to worry about Nature's law in action I love this Imam this is a beautiful home too wow unsent sending a short note marked up as professional sending a magical message of up to 25 words intended to find the recipient wherever they may be this copy was never given over to a cleric for delivery no I don't know what to do so come back and tell me or I'll come find you death will not protect you idiot someday I will sit down it was like my dream home right here I love this all right I hope you are hibernating Little Cub I can't think of another reason you wouldn't come down to say hello if you were really dead they said all said George and Ryan they didn't think I could hear you little sneak Thief well they were wrong look dead I just had a few Adventures like uh tried to kill me for one never planning on letting that go are you a shrug well it doesn't matter because coming home is the best part now Cub Solitude is a wonderful thing but not too much come downstairs and fight with your sisters wait here I was keeping this safe my Harper pen oh was he certain little sneak Thief playing down in My Sanctuary no no no our Sanctuary opens more doors than most come down to my study and see if you can figure it out shaped pen small but detailed pin depicting a harp offset against the Crescent Moon okay let's go downstairs you get a quest for that I don't think we did he's dead [Music] um a button a pin slot you long to spot [Music] flipping baller's mouth beloved Ranger Bewitched citizens of the city were stunned to find a local Landmark absent when the sun rose over the wide this morning the Beloved Ranger a statue dedicated to a hero of the city was removed from its perch overnight with reports of a struggle and sounds of battle during Dark Hours the city watch had no comment to add but the Market Square told a clear tale of smashed cobblestones scorched tilling and blood speckled stalls whatever Force rested the Ranger from his perch he did not go quietly so this is a story about Minsk as Minsk was petrified as a stone statue in the city and this is the story of when a wild Mage cast a spell that hit Minsk in his statue form and unpetrified him that's pretty cool and it makes sense that Chihiro would have that in her apartment because she's really close with Minsk jahira's basement wow trust me the weight from the pressure plate there take the weight from the pressure plate at your command always nice to be wanted whoa oh my God this is incredible this is definitely my dream home can you imagine having a basement like this when you're growing up as a kid imagine having it right now okay so I think we can I don't know pressure plate she's talking about I think we can just oh hold on okay that's what she was talking about that's why we passed the perception check close yeah I'm happy we took the pressure plate off purpose is unclear clear overwhelming it with the same element can often disable the enchantment well that's cool let's put the I want to see what it looks like hold on Jahira says we're safe if we stick close so let me put that back on it looks so much cooler okay here we go we all cast glyphs familiar to the Druid of ownership overwhelming it with the same element can often disable the enchantment the only batch of wilderness this simply permits me there ought to be supplies here to Aid us no displacement Minsk I Prince has never been invited oh my gosh look at this the arch Drew its eyes and ears have fallen away in her absence I'm training new ones has been killings in a holy Place sticks of incense and blood hmm down by the blessing mermaid there's a stink of something Faye smell of ass too the boss doesn't care about that I bring my head of nouns nouns in the sea just chill here for the rest of my life just yet step carefully there's a trap there's a trap where is it I didn't see it what does it come oops the ball spawns Saga my dearest wife oh man this is a letter from Khalid who died back in 1368 in Baldur's Gate 2. in a prison in the city of that catla south of Baldur's Gate from John irenicus the main antagonist of that game since you've forbidden the writing of poems I had to get creative this year I tracked down a retired cormierian wizard War wizard with a magical method of transferring mental imagery to parchment the art is imperfect and perhaps better suited to espionage than named Day gifts with all my love and from a safe distance Khalid that was Khalid and jihiro when they were young hey we have a bookcase here um let's click on it with jihira oh here's the crap foreign [Music] whoa belm 6 to 14 damage plus radiant and staff of the ram is also plus 1d4 radiant once per turn the blow possibly knocks the foe back seven feet and stuns them strong as ever they gave him many bruises over the years to hear his old weapons that's pretty cool let's use the staff for a little bit No Rest be your wicked or wise okay I think we're good a confused spread of cryptic symbols cobbled together by the same hand seemingly over the years neat notations and pose order on the chaotic sketches describing some manner of druritic ritual purpose unclear in its practice incomplete yeah I don't think there's anything else to do in here oh khalid's gift while wearing khalid's gift Jahira cannot be cursed wow and we get Aid that we don't have to prepare a gift from my husband I've had to renew Parts over the years but the heart Remains the Same As the day he gave it to me that's great oh it only works on her hold on did I misunderstand that 10 healing oh heal yourself and increase your hit point maximum by 10 points I wonder if that heals you all the way up from zero or from like one to full health and then also gives you 10 temp HP we'll have to test it out hey Fern you having a good time out here okay I think we're good to go ahead and head to the Guild Hall I don't think there's anything else to do down here maybe there is we'll come back at a later time we're gonna go to I think we're probably best off going to the bacillus gate actually probably lower City Central wall and we are going [Music] and where is this Quest oh we do have to go to the devil's feet too let's stop up there real fast because we picked up that note in that Char Temple but we'll see what that's all about real fast we learned that a diabolas called helsick helped gortash open a portal to the hells we should track her down in the lower City she might be able to help us this your esteemedness returns oh joyous hour did you help Lord gortash retrieve some hellish curios many chance you must be awfully familiar with our esteemed Archduke to know about a thing like that happened upon some of his correspondence that mentioned you your dealings with him I like to deal with remarkable people very well you seek answers Lord Mammon seeks coin I will happily mediate make me an offer pass a coin she's not gonna accept that let's try a persuasion Chuck customary for any salesperson to offer a free sample 15 okay possible nice call fine I'll humor you Markle just this once you stand before mamon's pick lock latch Keeper of the nine Hells my business is not information nor hellish curios not really I break people into the hells that's my thing I can reveal to you that I opened a portal for Lord gortash you helped him steal the crown I'm thinking Raphael told me the crown of karsus was stolen from Mephistopheles were you involved with that rough rough that sounds Vaguely Familiar but I have a terrible memory for names the only thing that jogs it is coin okay let's give her a hundred gold I mean I suppose that'll do didn't you boasted yes you are quite correct the crown of karsus left the Vault and an opportunity opened for a devil named Raphael his House of Hope is furnished with a great deal of treasures many related to karsus but alas he lacks the crown itself rather ambitious one can only wonder what he has planned for the crown the answers to that can probably be found within his house I think it's about time we imposed ourselves on Raphael's Hospitality for a change you help me break into the House of Hope what a fascinating proposition ludicrous of course but fascinating nevertheless very well if you wish to die in avernus that's your business mine is charging you for it of course such a task will require quite the substantial donation to Lord mamon's offers to suicide do not even entertain it wave the fee and I'll add one of Raphael's artifacts to your collection um when the rolls are good the rolls are good you put me in a difficult position mortal you are almost certain to fail almost and so there is a chance you might succeed fine I'd like to be able to carry all of my precious stock without the need of a team of oxen there are gauntlets of Hill giant strength within the House of Hope free passage and you fetch them for me deal let's do this and to outline how this is going to work we never spoke second you will perform the rights yourself I want absolute deniability here's the grimoire and necessary components oh take this key to it unlocks the ritual room upstairs there's a blood Circle already drawn don't ask who's blood along with the grimoire and components helsick hands you a note containing precise instructions for performing the ritual finally you were never here that is of utmost import to remember now big on almost forgot about the House of Hope well this might be a pretty big Quest let's continue on ritual pouch oh man okay it's gonna be interesting we're opening up a Hell Gate elsik agreed to help us get into Raphael's House of Hope in the hells she gave us an old grimoire that outlines the steps for a ritual to open a portal I strongly suggest Emperor shut up cares well he might have a point actually okay um let's take a look at the notes keep your hands to yourself oh sorry about that layer of verness blood Circle configuration place that which has no eyes I used to see at the Western point of the circle at least that which has no eyes but used to see at the Western point of the circle I'm assuming that that would be a skull right all right Western let's get everybody out of the way come on guys everybody stand back let wolf handle this that's cool place the coin of Mammon on the next point to the right facing which way though next point is that a point right there or oops okay no that's the point all right counting clockwise skip a point and place the diamond on the next one okay place the incense on the point that follows the diamond finally Place The Infernal marble in the center of the star place it on the point that follows the diamonds that mean this one or the next follows the diamond I hope it was the next one okay then but there is home wow okay this is about to be crazy we're going to save this as house of Hope here we go it all Buffs up I think we're good to go in uh Fern come on over here girl welcome to the hells I don't hear the emperor that's nice pillar of Souls curiosity killed all the cats it won't be so kind to you as the woman speaks you hear a distant rattle of chains and she winces in pain Taylor will hear us shouldn't be talking to you I must go it's not kind to me the figure flickers and starts to dim from View but you sense she could be convinced to return the House of Hope Raphael told us has the hammer that will free Orpheus which is that gift Yankee character that's imprisoned in our prism maybe I can help you be free of whoever is hurting you the figure shimmers brightly your words seem to have peaked her curiosity I hope so but it is a fan Pope just like me I can't leave I could only suffer but I'm supposed to do that in silence everyone here hates me for what I am the thing that kills you and the only reason you're alive made by a promise I'm done by the truth handshake a hug the first beat of a newborn's heart hope but little is left of her I'm not much of a friend to anyone anymore I'd use a friend myself you want a friend to guide you through this mad host Jeweler it hears me it'll call Raphael make every question God pick some of them quite twice who's your Jailer The Many Eyes the star of peeing the ray of death keep it away keep it away don't waste any more words or we'll both be sorry Heist is home to many things most will kill you one can save you the hammer the hammer that breaks the change you must steal it you hear a sound like the rattle of a chain and an agonizing scream in your head as hope flickers from view momentarily there it goes everyone here is mad even you especially me and that makes them dangerous but it also makes them stupid I'll make you seem as ruined as the rest of the people here simple glamor to make you a terrible wret now whisper your questions little wretch but really quiet and and very clever concentrate and Ranger stealth we have disadvantage wisdom Charisma intelligence okay let's go with the wisdom one formulate your questions using as few words as possible remember quiet as a mice I need to find the orphic hammer where is it covered an ancient gift Prince and Native as Savior the orphic hammer is the perfect tool for breaking all infernal cheese in the archive drawing the corridor pass the dead oh the debtors they won't like you but I like if I do I just first answer more of my questions no nobody nobody was capable nobody was worthy nobody was good enough but you you have it all can you see if me please please please please please please please please please I can I will what needs to be done all right you have to listen very very very closely I will say that only once find the key take the hammer smash my chins find the key take the hammer smash my chins find the key take the hammer smash my chance but be careful once you take the hammer the fire will come and Raphael you must run run run run don't forget me please please please I don't want to burn not again the rattle of chains Echoes louder from unseen places and without a scream or a sigh hope disappears what are we getting ourselves into here indebted disguise you appear as yet another debtor trapped within the contractual hell of Raphael's House of Hope okay met a Spirit by the name of hope she told us that the orphic Hammers in the archive we should look for it there 's Rafael one that boils down to which criteria we choose to apply I'll be speaking about the physiological theological oh for your purposes they are exactly the same here it is the room that Raphael transported us to back in act one try to try to get us to take a deal with him [Music] thank you then eat me let's be on my way hello again little mice the price for speaking is steep but I must give warning the prize is just ahead in the archive but you can't take it yet and even if you could you mutton trigger the alarm will come come whooping Hope on wings of malice to rip out your soul in this house thieves are melted like butter and spread onto toast I'm doing it again I'm doing it again need you to stay calm oh and guide me I can I shall I can child the archivist is the key but he's as stubborn as a king and as serious as a heart attack holy cow gravel they hear me speak quickly speaks softly you know how this goes Focus your efforts on formulating concise questions I think we're going to have Gail do the talking now come on we're doing good with the rolls got it again study your mind and prepare your questions how should I deal with the archivist Fierce authority figures perhaps his teacher took a strap to him and left a deep impression at an early age there's one regular visitor that he particularly fears she is crack like breaking bone hope winces what is the archivist fear hope I need a name oh damn it's on the tip of my tongue but they sliced off the tip of my tongue hope vanishes from sight and the house seems to tighten around you like a constricting artery okay figure out who the archivist fears we have a lever right here I don't know if I want to open up anything here we're trying to get in and out of this place wow look at that all of the debtors to Raphael never take a deal with the Devil okay I don't think let me just click on the door wow this place is incredible there's the archivist right there gorilla oh my gosh you met her back at worms crossing bridge and also in Rivington he works for Raphael oh it'll be not a good idea to let her see us yeah all right let's go check this place out gotta figure things out whoa whoa welcome to the nine Hells my friends [Music] sizzling do you feel it don't come too close [Music] Hell Fire great gift of Mephistopheles show your reputation don't be glad that your let your tongue rejoice and let your soul rest Forever In This House of Hope in Rafael's bed oh my God this is crazy show your invitation oh look at this we might be able to get into Raphael's room foreign Maybe maybe not I think we are going to be able to oh man might be a little risky I don't think debtors are allowed in here instead Strokes of the artist's brush he sensed the fragments of The Forsaken Soul laid out in Reds blues and yellows whoa the work is never done No Rest be your wicked or a wise that's pretty cool I lost little mouse running through oh damn our foul was getting freaky thief in the night greedy and here to take why are you here oh that is wait that is Raphael oh man a Raphael you're looking very skimpy Raphael ah no you will have a far crueler Master than Raphael soon but what inspired you you close your legs brother I won't tell you this is very naughty whatever are we to do why don't we play a game you win I give you everything that you enjoy yourself more not going to play with you there is one way to leave her alive darling play with me pretty please I'd hate to have to kill you I don't think I want to play a game with the Devil he leaves me no choice you will make a pretty face I will try to make it sweeter awesome where'd he go what the heck uh oh used blink ethereal Escape yeah okay luckily we have a couple hidden people over here let me hide gal this again I'd fern where's Minsk hey what are you doing buddy foreign no get out of my foot it is difficult to charge from down here we'll stay down there for the Fallen there's only nothing we can do right now Billy comes back there we go [Music] nice oh fire resistant lightning cold and poison and physical damage damn that's going to be tough he's going to be real tough to do radiant food crap I didn't mean to I shouldn't have ran up that far oh what I just drink I shouldn't drink a feather fall potion app is interrupted will this holy water hurt me I think it will was damaging all nearby fiends and Undead oh okay oh that was awesome my first time using that all Minsk is in the battle too now and gal crap Eldritch blast we could take it as long as it's not repelling blast that might have been bad actually gotta be careful the Elder Splash aiming at the balcony like that I'm going to counter spell this one oh no there is repelling blast this is real dangerous foreign [Music] step up here with Gail and then we'll take care of these ones behind us nice hope we're an opportunity attack range right now I guess we're gonna attack this one beautiful I love Boo's little squeaks makes me so happy when Fern and boo are fighting together foreign it's crazy Raphael is back or harlap hmm you think this guy has any good loot on him I don't know man what could he possibly have on him besides this uh this weird pair of underwear see ya oh my God he's back oh man okay Fair It Off he does have wings there's a key on the ground right now what the heck scared to be next to the ledge right now with these Eldritch blasts foreign okay we got 26 HP and we got nine over here so let's do one two three to be safe yeah I think it's just us and oh there's one more imp never mind thank you nice you only get one attack and then he escapes to the Ethereal plane step by step on his face meet virtuous fist let's see who should I do the one attack with it's resistant to physical damage maybe we should do it with Gail actually we could oh my God let's do it my favorite spell in the game oh wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa if he escapes to the Ethereal plane after the first attack maybe I shouldn't do that actually because we might only get one missile off on him Let's test it out with a magic Missile level one just to see yep only one Missile hit it's a good thing I held off on doing that because that would have been a level six spell slot gone level five spell slot I think we can just whack at him with wolf doing all right damage don't gonna waste any spell slots he's got a nice gig there though it can attack and disappear oh nice this underwear my gosh sure we'll take it El dusk gloves infernal Acuity you gain a plus one bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DC it's pretty nice infernal touch your weapon attacks to an additional one to six fire damage your unarmed attack steal an additional one to six necrotic damage it can possibly inflict bleeding saving throws plus one and Rays of Fire you seem like to be really good gloves for like an Eldritch Knight or an Arcane trickster road but actually just getting that one to six fire damage with a weapon attack I'm gonna put that on my Ranger I think I'm gonna finally get rid of the gloves of missile snaring a lot of extra damage one to six [Music] okay let's check out this room now got to be something in here right there's so many chess but I just I don't want to take anything while I'm here the button right here Raphael Bears a flame oh wait is it is it a trap no trap disarm tool kit available okay not too bad hey there it is that was the key when he when he escaped to the Ethereal plane the key that fell to the ground Raphael's safe five Soul coins save those for karlak and Raphael's notes the actors have finally reached Baldur's Gate so I can commence the next stage of my play they have learned the astral prism secret but I will tell them that I have the key you are for Hammer the only thing that can break the prince's chains the hammer will be kept safely in the archive protected by a password what shall it be perhaps give me my heart's desire that'll help us in the archive we entered Raphael's House of Hope the devil devil will probably be unhappy if he finds US trespassing there we found a note in Raphael's bodor containing a password that could be used in the archive give me my heart's desire we're doing a lot of quests right now I wonder if I should even use this there's a lever over here it keeps disguise the Damned Soul realizes you were an imposter in the hells and is about to raise the alarm but wait what what happened to Hope's disguise did it go away when I used the fountain oh oh thank you Houston we have a problem foreign I was hoping to stealth my way around this place but now we've got all out combat enemy is an objects within 10 feet of the sphere take six to 36 fire damage at the end of their turn if they fail a dexterity save as things keep morphing into something else within 10 feet 10 feet is that long right there my character is resistant to fire damage so not too worried let's get right up there foreign critical hit 14 damage oh man you can probably change our form now actually let me fly back out here first I don't see cold down here we could do maybe ice storm a little bit of damage leave me no choice foreign oh the owl bear sound all right gal you think you can run through this fire my man or maybe you can get a shot from over here yes we can we're gonna use our level five spell slot so much damage this guy in the comet account I don't think he is just a really angry dwarf it's gonna go right into it foreign [Music] misses on a gigantic Health sphere out of an owl bear incredible there we go foreign it looks like this entire place though is yeah I don't have the disguise anymore so that's pretty bad I'm gonna have to go back and watch the video footage and try to see how I lost the disguise maybe it was the the fountain right here the restoration Fountain oh I might as well use it again or maybe it was just killing that one guy oh that's nice okay let's maybe start going back over here this is going to complicate things oh yeah everybody here is just ready to rumble right now everybody is let's explore turn around buddy okay he turned around belly flop some more enemies back here too I gotta be careful oh yeah okay hold on we're gonna back up a little bit let this guy come to us oh man oh yeah I wonder if I can talk to Hope again and get the disguise how many Temptations here much great food rotten food [Music] hey we found the archive well this is where the archivist was yeah of course the archivist would be in the archive right pervious sphere is that the hammer right there I think it is okay let's take it slow you didn't feel what you came for there's no turning back you need to leave and you need to take me with you but without the hammer you can't take me anywhere fight the hammer cross the hole break my jeans I'll be there give me that disguise again as requested I've kept a close eye on the infected adventurers who fell from the knot of the way they spent a while stumbling around like lost babes but finally made it to moonrise Towers you should have seen the mess they made their pure delicious chaos they killed cutthric it was a hell of a show I'm delighted I got a front row seat and now they're in worms Crossing if the last few days or anything to go by I'm expecting more blood depth and chaos means they'll be running into you any day now and that's from karilla to Raphael it's so cool that that will change depending on what you do I'm assuming you don't have to kill cut the Rick thorn you play the evil route maybe you do the power of the crown that's the one I wanted to take a look at in the end it was the prison bearers who came to him seeking salvation and he laid out a course for their survival he'll be free of the parasite the sword Coast will be cleansed of elithids and Raphael will receive the crown for his part in the victory on the moment he met them it was inevitable the Realms would weep to see his glory all sorts of great books in here I'm actually going to steal that one the Alabama would get out of my way and we have a book on the fall of the nether East Empire because of karsus and the gauntlets of Hill giant strike I believe that's what the lady in that shop asked us for made it to the House of Hope we should keep an eye out for the gauntlets that helsick wants okay let's put Minsk over here bring everybody else over here I feel like when I grab the hammer something's gonna happen here we also have whatever this is the sun gal over here Amulet of Greater health increase the wires Constitution scored at 23. advantage on Constitution saving throw checks wow that's basically the war Caster feat right there I didn't have to take it with any of my casters if I'm able to steal it here we go the all thick Hammer when the orphic hammer strikes like thunder even astral chains are torn asunder I wonder if I should send somebody over to said that she's being kept over here across the hall and actually the more that I think about it right now maybe we should just clear out these rooms because when I steal the hammer I'm assuming we're gonna have to come back through this way let's do that ah terrified absolutely terrifying I'm gonna skip ahead of this combat encounter because it's pretty minor but it takes up a chunk of time and nothing really important happens and that's a wrap okay let's check out over here mocking Eternal debtor whoa the outer portals foreign action what the heck portal to at catla but katla is the city at Baldur's Gate 2 mostly takes place in south of Baldur's Gate in the nation of am portal to Neverwinter the Crown Jewel of the North portal to waterdeep city of splendors the biggest city actually on the sword Coast numbers wise portal to Baldur's Gates portal to mephistar actually not familiar with what that is luskin is the city of sales which is up near icewind Dale almost in the Arctic tundra of the sword coast of faerun and portal to menzobranza which is basically kind of like the drow capital of the underdark or drista Urban is from so these these are the portals that Raphael has access to can we use them oh my God I had to go to one of these places I would want to go to hmm probably Menzel bronze let's click on it I don't know if this is smart I'm gonna hit F5 menza barenzen the Jewel of the underdog lies Beyond menzo baranzen city of spiders of course Raphael has dealings in the depths of the underdark okay we don't get to go to menso branza unfortunately oh prison hatchway showing on the mini map let's get gal over here real fast how's that do oh man you won't be able to see if we want your Beats I guessed it find my prison my body is held in Chains just beyond the whole house is tumbling down and Raphael's striding across the plains to come catch a mice I was rather hoping I'd be leaving with you rather than sizzling my frog and furnace but do you expect to shatter the chance with the skull sorry sorry was lovely I can't wait to see it with our skin attached of course she didn't bring the hammer it's the only thing that can break my jeans I'll go find it it's in the archive so she's below this thank you all right let's go take the hammer and I'm Gonna Leave wolf over there just in case we are out of time and maybe I can send the hammer to him through inventory transfer no look later oh no you go over here Jahira very well that might be worth it though marble plate no trap disarm toolkit available [Music] is it a pressure plate I think it is we stole the gauntlets we should give them to helsink is this one a trap too um just in case [Music] reach the Warriors Constitution scored a 23 an advantage on Constitution saving throws [Music] that's crazy give that to Minsk right now HP boost that's great the old fake hammer to Within Reach a magical field surrounds the item preventing you or anyone from touching it mindsets controlled by a vocal component magic words probably shouldn't have left Minsk to do the one to solve the puzzle give me my heart's desire magic blinks away at your words [Music] we took the arfa camera but an alarm has notified Raphael we should leave the house of Hope our efforts will have been for nothing all right y'all we gotta go just go meet up with wolf right now oh something tells me we're gonna get a Raphael cut scene here in a second okay I don't get it wow look at this okay said if you take one more step forward we're going to be devoured by the jailer we'll send Gail up oh my God it's a spectator I'm so happy that we're seeing one right now because there are two Spectators in act one that you can come across but I didn't go into the underdark and I also didn't do the Zen term quest with a spectator I'm happy that you guys are able to see one but this is not the same as a Beholder much less powerful than a Beholder and beholders are pure evil Spectators are actually neutral but they are a creature that gets hired to guard things and if anything comes in between them doing their job they will of course attack pretty deadly creatures and we have to break the chains so oh there's two of them oh my God okay okay there's an upper area up here too let's see how we can do this I guess we have to go in I'll see a way around this should be interesting oh that's dangerously close do I have any basilisk oil on me I don't you have basilisk oil you can usually throw it at people who are petrified all right let's put the hammer on Wolf because he has the highest movement speed the orphic hammer 9 to 18 damage unshackling strike when you missed an attack you deal five legend weapon enchantment Smite the magical bonds keeping a creature restrained paralyzed and stunned free in it and we'll send that to Wolf I wonder if I should put those gauntlets on right now too yeah we'll put those on then I can jump a lot further too nice okay I think I can get all the way up here actually we need to fly actually I'm assuming I have to break these things I'm not entirely sure only jump once per turn this is a little risky foreign we're gonna give him the orific hammer I'm gonna cast fly oh that's so epic no oh that's not good that's not good at all right so let's take a look I think I'm just gonna take a smack at this thing foreign now we got a spectator to deal with I wonder if I can actually hold on nice and easy wolf nice and easy I'm coming hope oh had no idea that would actually work we freed hope with the orphic hammer we should check if she's okay well yeah we got other concerns at the moment like a spectator in our face okay um I wonder if we can just dip out of here once these things start shooting Rays it's going to get deadly in here I think we can kill him start with this one up here actually you know it'd be cool I can't do Scrolls when I'm in owl bear form old monster would be nice right here [Music] crazy stuff okay and then we'll take Gail I think I have plenty of spell slots I can do Arcane recovery too I have to go all the way back though it's going to put me in combat screw it nice that was really good all right Minsk I'm actually a little bit worried that there might be a repelling blasts I'm going to counter spell this [Music] and here we go mosque what an excellent design for a creature looks incredible damn there's a lot of damage time to press ahead get into the middle of the platform oh nice we get to control her she's a cleric preserve life evoke a healing energy that restores your allies Divine strike oh she have Paladin Mage Armor revoked guest status hope banishes one of the unwelcome guests from her house forever oh wait can I do that on The Spectator absolutely gonna try no way I think it's over it's not even a concentration banishment I banished a spectator forever nice now we can just Slaughter these things just gotta be careful they don't push us off the edges excuse me foreign ball is not the right call here I can tell you that much I also have cold resistance 258 gold pretty sweet foreign never thought I would be believed I could be hoped I might be but we must dress the Holly Fender in the room can see how you avoid looking at me I must be so terribly mutilated after all these Decades of torch don't hold back tell me how bad it is your beautiful hope lunch is bad left me and he's getting to reading and I would kiss you if they had not worn off my legs seriously there's there's nothing wrong with you physically at least I hope that was a compliment carve our way to the entrance hall and chop Raphael into messes that's the hopeful version of course the likely version is that we are the master then he is the childberg it works yeah something tells me we're going to be seeing Raphael here really really soon make sure there's no more a special loot hidden around here I do want to see what's up top so let me go up there real fast interesting we'll go with Minsk those Spectators can be really tough but we got them down really fast so oh look at that right next to the portal room well that's definitely an easier way to come into that encounter foreign classic [Music] gold dwarf do a quick save okay hope thanked us for freeing her but to get her out of Rafael's home we must slay the devil first to get her out of Rafael's home we must slay the devil first that means that Raphael is around here somewhere I have no spell slots or anything cultivation level one that's not good I wonder if I can use the portal in here to escape have a step forward gotta get back to Baldur's Gate salty air the patter of feet Builder's Gates lies Beyond we have our own portal to take us back to Boulder's Gate I wonder if I can use that Mountain again or maybe Raphael's in there I thought I killed this guy right here I don't see anybody thank you see if I can create Undead on one of those maragons oh nice I was able to do it on an imp that's pretty sweet that's a level six spell slot and the mummy's still here perfect I'm probably just break these chests now and Raphael's already coming to get us right as well might as well keep drinking out of the Devil's bath I don't see the harm nice potions I don't see Raphael anywhere he's gonna be somewhere it's probably in this room where the dinner is that's awesome I didn't think I could do that on the hell boards problem is these creatures can't stealth they just give away our position there are three things you need to know about Raphael he's almost home like closer than a kiss his favorite color is blood and he probably knows a thousand ways to kill us foreign that's the orthon that we killed what the heck she doing there are many things in your world that I loathe litters of kittens chattering children the noise and the chaos of it all in my world in my house there is order and there is decorum came here uninvited and you stole from me in doing so you brought the chaos of your world into mine I will not abide it your house is in disarray Raphael the guards couldn't stop me from freeing hope sister oh sister I've wept and I've cried but all would be well if you were by my side oh hope you are such a pity it takes is a crumb from the table and you forget the centuries of starvation this insolence has earned you centuries more corella tell our unwelcome guest about your role in their tragic downfall I permitted you the freedom to decide your own fate you could have been smart selfless saved the world instead you came here and risked everything it's the Fatal flaw of mortal kind take away their free will and they call you a tyrant allow them to indulge it and they become would have been Heroes if you're only dealt fairly with me instead you're not so different to doomed curses overreaching your limits and burning your words they will save their world and smash you to smithereens it's this charming naive it's your company's such a joy to me to be home I'll even forgive this little Rebellion once you're yes a rebellion it's a Revolt I'm revolting [Laughter] then hope dies today Commander you can salvage a trophy from these insects when I'm done with them these insects me down beneath the shadowlands they are worthy opponents others will make mine trophies I'm happy that the game actually recognized that now it makes sense we can persuade the orthonde to try to fight with us afraid to fight me alone Raphael you mistake efficiency and strategy for cowardice it will be your last mistake if you have any last words make it quick it will only take a moment to finish you well I guess I don't get that persuasion check again if you kill me you'll never get the crown wrong I might have to wait another hundred years maybe a thousand but my time will come your time is over little mouse now down Comes The Claw oh great here we go oh no [Music] well the song's not making me feel too motivated [Music] the singer doesn't have any faith in me nice voice though the alert feed is working in our favor as you can see jihiro is going first all right who do we got on this battlefield can be on cambion can be on Raphael your gear he actually doesn't have that much HP [Music] infernal retribution when you succeed to saving throw the Castro sees burning for three turns [Music] breach remaining Soul pillar Raphael's attack still an additional 1 to 12 fire damage and he has a plus three bonus to his dexterity checks saving throws oh my god when Raphael reduces an enemy's hit points to zero he severs their soul from their body [Music] okay I'll let you guys listen to the music rules how hard you have fought brave brave but it's all been for not two Souls that couldn't be bought do more detected how to take down the pillars right now produce Rafael's power no more deals no more Grace it's over this house [Music] oh my God what the heck been hit with radiant damage rap battle can use a reaction to stun the attack or leaving the impunic creature Soul wrenched after using this feature FL must consumed from a soul pillar to do so again oh my God I'm missing everything here he goes okay did we go after Raphael first he's got 666 HP of course I'm gonna take the opportunity attack from this one Campion I think it's worth it foreign first Raphael is so much HP I wonder if I should go for more Soul pillars actually on a movement speed now [Music] [Music] all right gal let's see what you can do my man [Music] oh scorching Ray thank you for real only has 26 HP look I have to go off with these Soul pillars [Music] problem is I'm going to take two opportunity attacks is it worth two opportunity attacks [Music] I think it is oh great oh bludgeoning hmm want to put the hammer back on might not be able to do it this round though constant action that means I wouldn't be able to swing next round either hey we got Hope on our side banish one creature we can do that again um I can't banish Rafael right invalid Target okay everybody's karilla and Rafael are invalid for that I think it would be worth getting rid of one of these campions though and let's get rid of hmm we'll get rid of the one near Jahira okay and then we'll back up I'm gonna take another opportunity attack before they've Fallen [Music] still have two wild shape charges with Jahira too 40 damage where did my zombie go my mummy die right away damn it these guys in there you're gonna be kidding me keep disarming me I'm about to put on two-handed weapon with Minsk it's fine you know what I'll put on the Hammer with him oh Force damage is doubled against the pillars that means if I did okay I'll take it okay we're gonna let Minsk take care of that I'm gonna jump over here or I could walk over here like we can kill gorilla in one one turn or one swing that works too [Music] divine intervention call upon your deity in your moment of greatest need faster can only use this feature once in their Adventure well we're not going to have her probably after this so Sunder the heretical 8 to 80 damage problem is Raphael has that [Music] when hit with radiant damage he can use a reaction to stun the attack or leaving the imputing creature Soul wrenched well it might actually be worth it though foreign gotta get Raphael in it though we're gonna have to take a opportunity attack [Music] if the effect anti is attacked with radiant damage Raphael's protection reflects twice that amount as fire damage [Music] okay maybe we shouldn't do that I'll find your deity to Grant you a legendary weapon forged in the fires of your holy Bond I guess as that would also do radiant damage I did the heel might as well get some use out of it we're probably not going to see hope again [Music] awesome job Jahira Raphael still has 646 HP it's ridiculous igniting Spark I'm gonna let him do it oh no [Music] yes [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God that divine intervention gave Gail his spell slots back too holy crap I thought it was just a massive heel that's incredible all right I think I'm gonna stick wolf on Raphael now who am I concentrating my Hunter's Mark on oh oh and I can do remote revoke guest status again that's awesome we'll get rid of the highest HP and Beyond here appears to be this one right here Minsk is going to take some damage here foreign [Music] almost halfway thank you [Music] [Music] okay well that changes things [Music] what the hell is that [Music] is that his true form I'll file it oh my God 20 to 120 damage 20 D6 fire the level six spell we can counter it right now cost me a level six spell slot though dude detected and Falls trying to hit the can be on right here there he is nice okay I think it's just us and Raphael and this paralyzed cambian a Rafael looks like he's about to do massive damage I'm actually gonna stay back no so close oh Raphael has consumed the power of a destroyed Soul pillar he is unable to cast spells using Souls until he transforms into the ascended fiend aha shall be done [Music] I can keep using that but there's no one else to use it on maybe this creature I think I can do radiant damage now no I can't I can but it's risky [Music] let's see how bad it really is kind of movement seriously hard to Target in this Arena [Music] foreign actually it was meant seceded on a dexterity saving throw excuse me I'm starting to mumble my my words a little bit right now super tired I'm actually not feeling that well we gotta keep recording hey Minsk get up there [Music] he doesn't have necrotic resistance let me try something the level four spell 36 chance to land light man I'm just gonna keep doing magic missiles I could haste him too Ace wolf [Music] I just hit wolf for The Guiding bolt so that was real good [Music] seriously that's what happens when you rush I don't really have any good spells right now or any Scrolls right now conjure an elemental and let's conjure up a water Elemental and back into owl bear form we go [Music] the about like chains 10 to 80 damage that is just a massive amount of damage that it can do it's a level 6 evocation spell so I don't even think it's worth counterspelling bells of third level or lower can always be interrupted higher level spells are harder give it a try nice it works doomed detected [Music] we got this fool laughs [Music] thank you he has cold resistance but yeah I guess the water form wasn't the best call [Music] the good thing is when he changes like that he doesn't get any extra HP gosh man imagine if that landed with 120 damage I would tpk oh no there's no over yet probably better just to spread out everybody [Music] we're already in the thick of it so keep going jump them a little bit it'll help me get away a little bit perfect 170 HP that's reasonable give him an extra Target nice not nice I don't have my concentration I'm gonna take a potion though very nice we don't need Mass cure wounds right now caliber attacks are just really bad 20 chance to hit let's disengaged let's move to here over here and next turn we're going to come out of wild shape and cast some spells 100 HP we almost got it 95 HP laughs [Music] this is magic here I get the killing blow what spell do you have that will do it really nothing prepared one percent chance to hit oh I know why Jahira has oh here is a severed soul but no soul to motivate it the affected entity has disadvantage on attack rolls and all ability checks until restored soul is cast on a soul pillar or Raphael lasts until a long rest okay I think if we kill him we'll get our soul back anyways bye Rafael oh it's game over here we go let's give wolf the finishing blow yes let's hit F5 oh no moved what don't do this to me game don't do this to me it's absolutely proposed dress that any of us are alive we're not pinch yourself and check we're not dreaming the last of our Lives as we die screaming incredible as it seems we really did defeat Rafael well here incredible we're spectacular spectacular what a wonderful Javelin glorious day but my personal gorilla it is not right that she died and that makes me want to weep an ocean I don't think there was any way to save her to my hair she was my sister but as a wise woman once said there's no point in crying over spelled blood we must go on and despite all the years I've lost have enough love in my heart to guide you home for the first time since you heard her voice hope seems calm and the peace flows from her into you soothing your very soul what will you do I'll hope what else I hope I'll see carilla again one day and that she'll say sorry and I'll tell her she's forgiven and find all the pieces of my mind that fell out of my head over all those years and that I'll be able to put myself back together again I hope the Echoes of pin will fit a memories of Sorrow will die and you'll visit me here someday all right and I hope you have a story on the road the ending of your own thank you very much I was about to say she's about to tell us her entire life story we just killed Raphael we have the hammer we got things to do hope is finally free she plans to give true meaning to the name House of Hope I love that it's a cool little story loves of Soul catching your unarmed attacks deal an additional one to ten Force damage hello monks holy cow and once per turn on an unarmed hit you would gain 10 hit points alternatively you may forego healing to gain advantage on attack rolls and saving throws until the end of your turn damn that's powerful I mean larian throws all these insanely powerful items but near the end of the game so you can never really get like a ton of use out of them that is so powerful I really can't use those on anybody I mean I can but we don't do unarmed strikes all right having a really hard time targeting things in here six camp supplies Raphael's diary oh yeah we're gonna take all those absolutely hell dusk armor 21 Armor class you are considered proficient with this armor while wearing it when you succeed a saving throw the Caster receives burning for the returns you have resistance to fire damage and cannot be burned you take three less damage from all sources yeah so my Ranger right now has the heavily armor heavy armor Master feet right now which gives me three less damage from all sources this is cool a lot of the legendary gear in this game like gives you the benefits of some of the Feats that you might not have picked up 21 Armor class is insane okay let's pick it up let's put it on Minsk y my character could use the AC boost I mean it's only 21 minskazats 18 yet mints can make more use out of this especially because he doesn't have the heavily armor mastered feet too let's go ahead and put it on him get rid of this stupid mind flare armor whoa that is sick I mean I could also put it on like Gail that looks awesome next to catherick dorm's armor my crew is looking pretty good right now okay we got some more looting to do you're here doesn't have any loot we already killed him once pick up my dual weapons that were rudely taken out of my hands nothing good on Cruella is there any chests in here or anything I don't see anything order staff plus two over there get out of here problem is your Gear's body is over the portal I don't know if I can get out of here there we go into the devil's Lair risked mind limb and freedom all to steal the olvic hammer yep I hope your Ambitions end there I have already told you that they give Yankee prints only wants to see you dead but it seems you still do not trust me not even a little bit you were saying trap as the chosen they're distrust of one another is their undoing same mistake work thank you so thinking back on lazelle's death be that as it may Orpheus deserves to be free when he awakens from his incarceration what do you think he will make it then the one who Bears this form has very nature bends him to revile and even if you survived him what of the elderly without the protection I leverage for you you would be in I am worried about that so you keep saying but why should I believe you may think yourself in Genius of having slain a devil a little bit but you have merely ironed out of wrinkle the Elder brain will not be such an easy phone first time we resume our journey to find it okay let's talk to helsick and turn in that the gauntlets that she wanted here she is right here trouble you you I knew you were a thief didn't realize you were a killer Raphael's death is already causing quite a stir across the hells it's a rare thing for a mortal to slay a devil of his stature in all the excitement I hope you didn't forget our bargain do you have the gauntlets we made a deal I'll give it to her yes I do hands them over our deal they're all yours thank you very much your coin is always welcome here and so are you Devil's Slayer I like that title okay we defeated Raphael and can leave the house of hope we should wait for our next opportunity to enter the astral prism in free Orpheus alright well we've done a lot this episode The House of grief and the House of Hope I'm going to call it quits there thank you all so much for watching and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 90,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate, lets, play, lets play bg3, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, walk through bg3, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, guide, full game bg3
Id: zaOjrp0zN0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 26sec (14246 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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