Baldur's Gate 3 Perfected Cryomancer - Ultimate Control Wizard Build Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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hello morim here in today's video I'll be sharing my career Manza control support wizard build in battle skate 3. this build is curated to be the ultimate strategist offering you a wide array of tools to push battles into your favor you will be able to lock down entire screens of enemies controller movement lead them exactly to where you want them to be mistakes are also easily fixed with divination magic but the offensive potential is also incredible ice magic is the best choice here combining non-concentration options to still hamper the movement of enemy forces sorcerer levels allow for further manipulation of spells and wizard levels present you with a near infinite amount of possible spell combinations and those can easily be tailored to the encounters before you it just felt incredible to changes the entire groups of enemies and bosses there was no way of them to Break Free the hardest Encounters in the game trivialized and smaller encounters that warranted the use of more Force were also a pleasure to deal with twincasting haste spells to buff the strikers of your party is a viable option I felt like a true tactician that commands the flow of battle even at times resembling acronym answer now with the introduction of the build out of the way let's have a look at the starting ability score as well as level progression as for the ability score we go with 8 strength 16 dexterity 14 Constitution 16 intelligence 12 wisdom and 8 Charisma when you get the hacker you're going to lower your wisdom by two and increase your intelligence to 17. this allows for intelligence 18 without an abilities core Improvement for the cantrips we're going with shocking grasps to gain Advantage versus metallic creatures or metallic armor so when you use this one on a fighter that has metallicamo you get advantage on the roll we get rare Frost as our go-to ranged option if this one hits it decreases the movement speed of enemies by 3 meters and we get bone chill it prevents enemies from healing and Undead creatures get disadvantage on Attack rules this one is also a ranged option for the level 1 spells we go with Shield providing us with a reaction then increase the ammo class by 5 for clouds to have something to obscure Vision versus ranged enemies it blinds and heavily obscures anything that's inside find the wave to push enemies so this one is basically a shove action just spell based it can be used to shove enemies into chasms or in position for your Fighters magic Missile is a short hit ability so you can Target specific creatures in the rages around you doesn't matter if you see them or not you're going to hit them deals Force damage and force damage ignore's resistances we pick longstrider this one is a ritual spell so we can cast it after every long rest and just enjoy free movements bit more if you're casting this one outside of combat you're not going to use up as bells law and Mage Armor this one increases our Armor class to 13 and we get our x30 modifier on top of that so if you're using no armor you can use this to get access to 13 Armor class we're going to start as a wizard later we're going to respect to Sorcerers however it is better early game to just go with the wizard the second level is going to be another wizard level we're going with the Divination subclass this one will give us access to protein dies so you have basically two dyes that are stored after long rest you can use those on a reaction to exchange any die of an attack or saving throw to the dye displayed to you so if you have a die with two it's going to exchange the 20 Critical Strike versus the two and they are going to miss or if they succeed a saving throw you can exchange it for the dice and then you're still going to see see the enemy additional spares include the chromatic op as well as enhanced leap chromatic orb gives us an option to deal thunder lightning Frost whatever damage so it's the perfect tool to tailor to a specific situation level 3 another wizard at this point we're going to pick up hold person for a very strong spell this one is a concentration spell we can hold the human or the enemy and they cannot move act or react any attack against them from a melee Target is going to critically strike so combatants will create versus them dealing damage to the Target will not freedom of hold person then next spell you're going to learn is Darkness Darkness makes it impossible to see through an area except for warnocks with Devil's side anything inside is obscured and blinded there are no targets inside the darkness and you cannot shoot out of Darkness without Devil's sight therefore another wizard the next country we are going to learn is Friends giving us advantage on Charisma checks versus non-hostile creatures however on technician difficulty targets will get pissed so you need to run away it's like basically stealing for the space we go of cloud of dagas as well as invisibility cloud of daggers is a concentration spell so you cannot hold person and use clarov daggers however it gives incredible amounts of damage and is a great zoning tool and invisibility can be cast on your Thief so they have an easier time stealing things as for the feet we go for the ability score Improvement if you have to hacker you're now at 20 intelligence if not you're now at 18. level 5 another wizard we get access to a ton of really good pairs for one Fireball is going to be a go-to AOE spell a lot of enemy these are vulnerable to fire damage or do not have any resistances so having access to this one is really good other great options in this tier are lightning bolt providing us with a straight line of damage lightning damage but I prefer to go with haste at this level and that concentration spare to boost our allies level 6 is another wizard level at this point we're going to get access to some incredible CC abilities the first one is Hypnotic pattern hypnotic pattern has an incredibly large AOE that's not going to make the wisdom saving throw is going to get stunned paralyzed they cannot move attack react so after getting to this one we can now lock down entire screens of enemies and we also get Glyph of warding and non-concentration ability Glyph of warding targets a specific area and plants basically a mine any animated steps inside will need to roll at dexterity saving throw and if they do not succeed they get damaged you can change the damage type to anything you like at level 7 we are going to race back to a one level sorcerer with the same stats and a six level wizard for the camtrips we're going to pick magehand bladeward mine illusion and light we don't want anything that damages enemies because we are going to not use anything here for damage purposes we have a Charisma modifier for our spell casting so our disease and our attacks are going to be very low the space we're going to pick here are this guy itself and theraphon both which do not depend on those two modifiers and the subclass is going to be storm sorcery storm sorceries gives us access to 10 pastures magic as a bonus action we can use a fly action which covers 9 meters and does not trigger opportunity attacks if you are not hit we are keeping our concentrations at level 7 we also get access to level 4 spells we do not learn them naturally because we didn't pick their seventh wizard lever however we can get to vendors and learn the specific spells we can now prepare those spells despite not being a level 7 Wizard this is going to apply for the next levels so we go for another level in sorcerer and we're going to pick whatever spell we like what you really carve our distance pen meter magic and twins parameter magic twin spell allows for single targets player to Target two Targets this means we can haste two Targets at once and distance pair increases their distance we can cast our spells so if we are just outside the range of your Fireball you can still use this to cast The Fireball on Far Away Targets this will improve the flow of battle drastically level 9 will give us access to another sorcer level we now pick up quick and spell which allows our spells that cost an action to be used as a bonus action so we can cast 2 space per turn if we use up their sensory points for this for the spell you can pick whatever you want all other levels are wizard levels for the level 4 spares banishment and polymorph are great at this point you should already have learned ice storm through a scroll same with blind and Aquatic damaging spell a really good necrotic damaging spare and then mentioned all to pick up one Ally and teleport into another position move the eight level wizard pick whatever space you want great invisibility can be good Stone skin can also be good to improve your tankiness but for the feed increase your intelligence to 20 if you do not have the hair care if you do and you already have intelligence at 20 you're going to pick up War custom get advantage on saving throws to maintain your concentration you now have proficiency and advantage on the savings row and you can use your shocking rasp as a reaction and the last level also a wizard you will want to pick up cone of cold a really strong ice spell and hold monster an incredibly strong spell you can learn both of those through Scrolls you can learn every single spell like this for level 6 pairs ice wall is incredibly strong chain lightning provides you with a ton of lightning damage and disintegrate boss damage what can I say an incredibly strong single Target spell so let's talk about the spell book the first levels you want to use magic Missile to have something in hand to guarantee damage you want to use major armor to increase your AC long strata is nice to improve the mobility of your party and shield is going to be for defenses in the early game you will actually not use hold personal all that much there are not many enemies that warrant the use of this one using a concentration damage with cloud of dagas to prevent enemies from moving through a car door or force them to move through this one to deal damage is going to be much more valuable if you do not have a thief in Your Arsenal use knock and for Mobility purposes you're going to want to have Misty step in your ability bar keep in mind we do not have the sorcerer level yet so we do not have access to the bonus Fly level 3 will give you some incredible tools to enhance your gameplay this includes a lightning bolt hypnotic pattern Fireball Glyph of warding and haste all of the space you will use through the entire game you're basically not going to use cloud of daggers at this point anymore and you're also going to delete magic Missile from your bar depending on the enemies you are going to fight lightning bolt or Fireball is going to be their preferred option for most of the game you're going to mostly use Fireball hypnotic pattern is going to be your go-to CC ability and Glyph of warding works like this you cast this one choose a damage type and then place it on the ground it's going to deal an immense amount of damage you cannot trigger it but enemies can hypnotic pattern looks like this has a massive AOE attached to it so you can cast it for example here and everyone that doesn't save is getting hypnotized this one is a concentration spell so keep it in mind you also want to have hot person in your bar and haste depending on the enemy you're going to use the one or the other if you're fighting versus a particularly dangerous humanoid enemy use this one if you're fighting a group of enemies use hypnotic pattern and if you're fighting a single Target enemy that's not humanoid use haste the rule Force belt lineup has a few utility spans but I personally do not like to use them ice storm is a great AOE ability for damage Dimension though is nice for Mobility but at this point everyone will have Mobility already banishment takes up one specific Target out of combat for two turns there are a few instances where you can use this one to make the fight easier but I actually didn't find that many polymorph can be useful it deserves the same purpose as banishment just the different safe this one is with them this one's Charisma and the polymorph keeps the Target on the battlefield as a sheep so he can break the Sheep it's okay both of them are actually not that good they're better options with hypnotic pattern and whole person but they provide you with an option versus for example Undead enemies and stone skin can be used on yourself to basically make you tankier can be useful when walking through traps for example but otherwise I would not recommend using this now we get to the juicy stuff little five spells have some incredible options but monster is one of them cone of cold a really strong spell telekinesis incredible we're going to talk about those first hot monster can be used on anything except on that so that's an incredible upgrade to old person so you're going to delete old person from your bar which opens up the slot for Artistry of War this one is a special spell you can find in the vaults underneath the magic shop in act 3. it's hidden in a book and provides it with a scroll that you can learn as a wizard it's basically a magic Missile with more layer has hundred percentage chance and can Target anything so yeah really strong spell and it's perfectly themed for this build and we have cone of cold a really strong AOE spell deals a ton of damage is on a constitutional savings row and then we have access to level six spells my go-to spell is wall of ice wall of ice is just incredible casting this one looks like this you target an area and you can then break the concentration and leave behind Mist this Mist also damages targets does not require concentration remember so you can cast this one break the concentration and cast something else entirely and still damage targets so the spell is an incredible investment so we are now standing in front of a group of enemies we can use our hypnotic pattern we can upscale this one to make the saving throw a little bit more difficult we can Target a ton of enemies like so yeah we're going to attack them we can lower the hit ties as you can see here the hit dance is 16 they rolled 25 we can use a portan die to lower this one to one a critical Miss they are leaving the vicinity of the strike we can use our war Caster reaction do you stroking rasp on them so we took out all of those enemies they didn't move and basically we skipped their turns with enough DC like this character has a 21 DC we can Target some enemies and have a hundred percent chance to get their hold monster off so we can cast this one on a steel Watcher for example we can use a quick and spell a cone of cold and Target those two one of them is saving so we can change that this is a ton of damage and end our turn enemies we do frost damage too will now stand in a frost ground this has to do with a ring we are currently having equipped which this known burst ring so that's basically how this character functions you to see the battlefield you see enemies take them out lower their defenses make them trip there is a few options we can do and the steel Watcher now has the debuff hold monster so we can Target this and deal a critical hit automatically this one is true for every singer hit with deal which is just amazing pairs really well with martial artists next a little bit about battle preparation when we are using their legendary staffmarkcium we can use crashcast favor pick up dark winter increases our cold damage by the proficiency bonus which is 4 damage but we also inflict Frost enemies have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws and at 7 they will be dealt additional cold damage as well as the condition Frozen makes them incapacitated we can buff our group with long Strider which we can upscale and upcast the target multiple allies does not consume a spell slot for some fights we can twin cast our haste and Target to allies we can also cast bladeward pre-fight who turns on this one does not require concentration so that's really nice to have and that's about it here now let's go over the gear marocasia can be found in the saucers and sunris so just solve the puzzle go to the dude upstairs talk to him then jump down one floor you see invisibility go to The Pedestrian that's labeled with below use this one and you get down to another floor in this floor you need someone with high Arcana so safe before that then you see two Globes Target one Globe one Globe will have the marrakeshia and the other one will have row of weave which increases your spare safety C and spell attack rows combined with the hood of weave which we can get from the vendor right here in Philip's grave Mansion here is a door that has a dc25 to unlock it's a stone slate we can use the knock spell on this one so if you have this spell here you can use it then you enter the building and talk to the NPC do not interact with anything there otherwise he is going to attack you he will sell you this specific Hood plus two two spell safety C's and attack rolls cloak of the weave is our cloak we can find this one in diverse V there's a merchant right here you need to run around the building with a good perception roll you will find some interesting stuff investigated stuff talk to her and tell her to show you the good stuff she will sell you the cloak of weave held us gloves in the House of Hope you can find those give you another spell DC there is a hidden chamber that's unlocked by two rows one of which is an Acana roll so get those then for the boots go for the disintegrating night Walkers which give you immunity to slip on ice or grease so this is really nice to have since we are using a lot of CC abilities and we don't want to slip on those and we get a misty step of free those can be found in act 1 in the Grim fort down below is a video that showcases the location The Amulet of Greater haves are go to amulet increase our constitution score to 23 which helps with the Constitution saving throws and we also get advantage on Constitution saving throws so we don't actually need the warm age the war caster and can go with something else like for example dual wielding so we can dual wheel to staffs an example for a second staff is the staff of spell power which can also be found in the House of Hope or you can use a shield a Catherine Shield the last boss of Act 2 has this one gives you more AC I'd prefer this approach because more AC means you're not not getting hit that regularly and you can maintain your constitutions much better like I said Amulet of Greater Health found in the House of Hope and before you steal this one make sure you're rolling a perception roll before that it will reveal a trap underneath so you need to disarm that trap otherwise hell will break loose for the Rings snow burst ring in the last let in there is a plank that you can find with a perception roll underneath this plank this ring is stored when we target any Ally or anyone with this specific spell going to create an ice area that can slip false and we're going to use the Ring of metal inhibitation after someone fails a saving through against our spells to get mental fatigue which lowers the DC by another one makes it easier to hit consecutive abilities for the range weapon go with any ranged weapon this will give you access to arrows there is quite a few in the game that provide you with a little bit of damage and CC so you can teleport for example if this one or apply acid as it lowers the AC by enemies affected by it you can silence enemies and there's many more so you get access to something to do outside of spell casting so you're not completely useless your dexterity score is not that low at 16 so yeah the actual hit chance is quite High a great alternative to The Amulet of Greater health is the spell Crux amulet which you can find in Act 2 in Moonrise Tower there is a warden in the prison down below when you kill this one you will find the spell Crux amulet another great one especially early on is the necklace of Elemental augmentation which you can find in the crash Relic in the First Act in the portal room for mid-game glass Daredevil gloves are really nice those can be found in their crescielag at the quartermaster so for the rope and the staff you'll find a vendor in the spa Colony so there is a mushroom colony in the underdark in act one there is a half orc vendor when you trade with this one you can find a staff with a plus one to spell attack disease and saving throws as well as a rope down below you'll find the video that shows the location of those items for the helmet you will find the fist breaker helmet in the moonrise Tower there is a bug bear vendor that says this exact helmet gives you plus one to initiative and spell safe disease and the big staff is the morning Frost staff there are three items you can find which you then can combine into this specific staff Down Below in the description box I will write you down where to find the items to combine to the morning Frost you can get this one fairly late in act 1 but will be the best staff until you find basically the marrakeshia gold damage you inflict inflicts The Shield status which makes enemies one able to call damage so it increases cold damage quite substantially so if you're going for the Dual build option you can go with the marrakeshia and the morning Frost to have another alternative to the staff of spell power anyway this sums up the build guide if you found this helpful please leave a like comment if you have any questions or remarks subscribe if you haven't already you can also join the channel membership or leave a donation if you have to spare coin so see you next time and bye
Channel: Mordarim
Views: 6,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate build, baldurs gate wizard build, baldurs gate best wizard build, baldurs gate cryomancer build, baldurs gate best cryomancer build, baldurs gate control wizard build, baldurs gate best control wizard build, baldurs gate 3 wizard multiclass build, baldurs gate 3 cryomancer multiclass build, bg3 wizard, bg3 wizard build, bg3 best wizard build, bg3 cryomancer, bg3 cryomancer build, bg3 best cryomancer build, bg3 ice mage
Id: _-ldP5JsLyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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