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hello there friends and welcome for today's bg3 guide we have all about the sorcerer with a very fun and powerful Dragon Source reviewed ending bg3 might surprise yoshino's Sorcerers are without a doubt the kings of magic you'll get to excel both at very powerful single Target spell damage to machine gun enemies into submission together of course with very deadly area of effect once and the best part crowd control and difficulty class spells chew with close to 30 DC even to ensure nothing in the game will resist your spells even on tactician mode even against enemies with spell resistance as a matter of fact even your simple can trips can eventually become forces to be reckoned with when you are a sorcerer so without further Ado let us get into our Dragon sorcerer guide first with the main mechanics behind the class overall and of course the dragon sorcerer subclass first Sorcerers are unique in that unlike Wizards tourism clerics they have a limited number of spells known that is the Spells they can cast the number of spell slots they have is mostly the same as other classes but not the Spells they can actually cast right you do not get to learn spells from Scrolls or get them all available to you rather you have to learn them during level up and that's it now let's get into the subclass right and we'll be going with draconic bloodline to me it's the best overall especially as far as early power wild magic can be fun and I'm thinking of making abuse for it but I honestly don't think it's anywhere near as good as it was in Baldur's K2 I'm afraid and storm sorcery it does have its benefits but I'd rather draconic if you're going for damage at least early and the main benefits of dragon bloodline are first you have an increased amount of hit points right plus one for each sorcerer level for a total of plus 12 as that's the cap so far second you have pretty much a permanent Mage Armor effect on your character so long as you aren't wearing armor your AC will become 13 just like the spell and no they will not stack you also get to choose your dragon ancestor this is mostly for what Elemental type of damage will be boosted later on there's a lot of different choices and we can see what they boost to the side here to me fire is the best for both single Target and area of effect there's something to be said about lightning later but it's way way later right I'd rather fire for earlier and also decent enough late game power as far as the dragons that have the same element I mean we have three for fire the main difference is the spell you'll gain for free right the red dragon is burning hands while the brass is sleep as you'll be going with a fire dragon to me the best to pick his breasts because we get sleep for free and slip is well the best very early game crowd control spell of course it's going to get outclassed eventually but by that point you already have more spells from your normal level of process anyways this way we don't have to learn sleep at level 1 because like I said you have a limited number of spells you can learn disguise self for the Gold Dragon is rather useless you have a mask that can do the same and as far as red burning hands I also wouldn't bother with it sleep to me is the way to go and of course if you want to go with lightning for example fog cloud from bronze is amazing and by the way you can change the color of your dragon scales no matter the dragon bloodline you picked right just go for all draconic colors and customize it any way you see fit at the second sorcerer level you'll get another special mechanics sorcery points you have one for each sorcerer level and they basically have two users the first issue replenish spell slots this works only up to level 5 spells and let's say well we want an extra level 5 spell slot we have two by default so let's use create spell slot and you'll have to spend sorcery points for each spell slot you want starting at 2 right so for a level 1 spell that's already two sorcery points let's create a level 5 slot and there we go we now have three level five slots because we have the free castility power on we didn't really have to spend any spell slot it's quite a blessed ability to have anyways the second use of your sorcery points is metamagic which you can find here to the right side of the screen close to the turn based mode icon you start with four of them but you have to pick two and you'll gain more as you level with new choices becoming available too meta magic is part of what makes sorceress the best at Magic right because you can for example cast spells twice when it comes to single Target both damage and Buffs or to the heightened spell later ensure the enemies will fail their saves both for damage and crowd control but anyways we don't have heightened spells so worthy careful is rather useless you mean you just make allies faster save intros I guess if you are going for a crowd control spells like hypnotic pattern so you wouldn't worry about friendly fire but to me proper positioning is a way better way of doing that right than spending points into a precious ability that you don't get many of distant spell can help a bit by increasing the range of your spells as not the area of effect rather just the range extend spell will increase the duration of Buffs and debuffs two meets nowhere as good as it was in Pathfinder and Third Edition DND because nowadays a lot of spells that have duration well they require concentration and won't last for more than one battle usually even with extend spell to me the way to go is definitely twinned so our single Target spells including can trips can hit two enemies at the same time as I said it's amazing for can trips which will be your bread and butter source of damage for quite a lot of the game as you won't have slots to handle every single enemy battle unless you are spamming long rest so to put it simply you want to win spell and the other here is up to you level 3 you get another meta magic but the next one will take a long time to get there's two main choices here heighten is my preferred pick because it forces enemies to save with disadvantage against your spells which of course highly increases the chances of them working both Force files that allow a save intro for Less damage like Fireball and most importantly crowd control spells quick and spell is the second best pick here although you might also want it instead of heightened I just prefer heightened what it does is it lets you cast one extra spell as a bonus action that would otherwise cost main action it's like let's say two Fireballs both cause the same amount of sorcery points three as I said you can choose to replace a spell you already have with a new one so that for example you get two new Peaks whenever you get a new spell level such as spell level two now your best dragon bloodline sorcerer power will come at level 6. whenever you cast a spell that use Elemental damage of your dragon bloodline you'll get your Azure curvista modifier to damage which at this point can already be plus five in our case fire because we went with the fire dragon Bloodlines right this ability is even better for spells that fire multiple times per round for example scorching Ray as each individual Ray fired will get the plus 5 boost to damage for crazy high amounts later on but it will also work for let's say a fireball except only once second you also get to add resistance to your character that's 50 less damage taken from your corresponding element in our case fire which is nice because well fire tends to be the biggest source of enemy Elemental damage especially for you know explosions and so on at level 10 you'll get your last meta magic ability and while go with either heightened or Quicken depending on what you picked before at level 11 you'll get your last draconic sorcerer power which is permanent flight so you get to fly to whatever position depending on your movement at will flight of course is one of the best movement types in the game because of how easy it is to avoid choke points obstacles also to just fly to different elevations to avoid enemy melee attacks and so on it's just that at this point any character could also get permanent flight from the illicit power but you know if you don't want to grow face tentacles it can still help to have this permanently from your dragon Sorcerer And now that we know how all the Sorcerer And Dragon sorcerer mechanics work let's finally get into our build first with character creation my preferred pick here is human just like with my wizard Necromancer Butte because we get Shield proficiency for free and there is a certain shoot in the game that lets you get plus one's your spell DC that you can't really get anywhere else it's not really necessary however because look first it's only at the end of Act 2 and second by that point you have so many other boosts to spell difficulty class anyways it's just if you really want to show me Max feel free to go with anything else is not going to be that much of an issue although having shoot proficiency for free early on can also increase your armor class especially because our Dragon sorcerer already has higher AC by default from the special Mage Armor as an innate ability and trust me at least on tactician enemies love should Target your backline anyways other nice picks are Elf especially with Elf or higher movement give the Yankee also has some very nice abilities especially teleport for free so don't have to waste a spell slot using it and halflings of course so you don't miss on once which is extremely annoying and trust me it's gonna happen a lot because of how many roles you're making when you fight all the enemies in the game but anyway shumate's human when it comes to can trips and spells please remember as always that I already have a best spells guide where I cover each choice here in depth that you can check to decide Fireball to be your main source of damage as I can trip and trust me as a fire dragon bloodline sorcerer together with some gear boosts you can really turn this into quite the powerful damage spell and not for just single Target as we can hit even two per cast with our twin metamagic feet besides that blade guard is always just for some extra defenses against range blows ideally you want to prep both with this before battle and the other ones are up to you I enjoy light together with Ray of Frost the main reason is well some enemies are resistant or immune to fire damage usually the same enemies will be weak to code so you can use this as a backup plus if you make enemy sweat for example from the conjure water spell clarox Androids get even at level one you inflict double damage with Ray of frost magic Missile can be helpful right if there's some gear that further boosts it even if it's not fire damage and while at the very least it's always guaranteed damage but I would rather the area of effect spells early on like sleep which we get for free from our Dragon bloodline anyways besides that the choice is up to you I enjoy chromatic ore because it can be quite versatile when it comes to inflicting Elemental damage and leaving Elementor surfaces too together with fog Cloud to Blind enemies with Delta saving troll and for the dragon bloodline press of course as I explained before now let's cover our stats well it's the classic pick for spellcasters Charisma is our most important one for spell DC you want 17 and character creation as the main character so that at level 4 combined with the hex gift it will become 20 the maximum from leveling the second most important stat is dexterity and you want 16. especially for initiative the faster you can act before enemies can react while the easier it is to crowd control or blast them into submission especially considering you can later have up to 3 spells per round besides that just a classic 14 Constitution should be safe hit points wise but I'd also go for 15 if you've watched some of my other guys and you already know why so we can get a resilient fit later on and this will become a 16. strength is dumpable the same for wisdom and intelligence and that's it four skills because we have such high Charisma definitely the dialogue skills right so deception and intimidation this way you can be the main face of your party with very high chances of making all dialogue checks and I'd also add persuasion so we can have all of them and then Arcana as it's involved in quite a lot of checks in the game of course when dealing with spells and spell stuff even if we have low intelligence very early you can already get a headband that sets your into 17 anyways for skill check purposes your background should always be used as a way to complement the skills you already have and this gives you want we already got all the dialogue ones plus Arcana so now it's up to you for example urchin gives both sleight of hand and stealth and we do have decent dexterity sleight of hand can help design traps and unlock chests without needing a stereo it's up to you really for the second level where you can get Shield if you want which can help you avoid some hits It's just that you won't have that many spell slots for it early on I just go for chromatic or because of how versatile it can be we also get our first metamagic abilities as I've explained before and we absolutely want twin spell for dual cam trips or dual buff even let's say duochromatic orbs which can be very fun together with distance spell or extend that spell if you want let's say higher hypnotic pattern duration is just as slow my favorite concentration crowd control effect already lasts 10 turns for level 3 and our first level choose spell definitely cloud of daggers because it's the most efficient one I believe when it comes to area of effect damage so early just remember you cannot move the cloud after you cast it for the third metamagic ability you have two choices heighten is my preferred pick because it's amazing for both ensuring or spells do full damage and your crowd controls hit the enemy or quickened if you want to cast two spells per turn so early heighten is more efficient for level 4 any can trip you want should get a beef Shield because at this point well we have a lot more spell slots and as far as your first tweet of course we want an ability score Improvement instead to maximize our Charisma to 20 right at this level or level 5 from the hex gift which is gained from a quest at Act 1. as I often get the question level 5 means level 3 spells and we have a lot of useful ones here that are going to depend on what you want to further specialize in since we have less as a sorcery you kind of have to choose well my preferred pick is of course slow to meet the most fun crowd control because unlike hypnotic pattern there's really no way for the enemies to remove the effect afterwards but you know you can also go with hypnotics if you prefer because at least it prevents enemies from doing anything until they take damage that is has Friendly Fire however and less useful targeting and slow haste is amazing on a sorcerer because through the twin metamagic feet you can apply it on two characters at once and while two characters with a bonus action depending on how powerful they are including ourselves for more spells it can be really good just remember as a concentration effect it will clash with both slow and hypnotic pattern it's just the way it is in Boulder Skate 3 and 5th edition DND to me it's slow and I would then choose to replace a spell you can lose anything else you want here including let's say for cloud it's not going to matter that much anymore when we can just cast slow or hypnotic pattern part of that grocery if you prefer as to add counter spell or another one of these spells I mentioned including Fireball after all we are a fire team sorcerer it's just that to me slow is more efficient right unless you are casting double or triple Fireballs per turn you won't really get you one shot a lot of enemies on tactician slow on the other hand is extremely crippling anyways if counter spell we get to avoid enemy spell effects level 6 means extra fighter damage which is great which is also why at this point is when I would consider picking let's say Fireball and you want another spell so lose let's say chromatic orb or call of daggers even magic Missile depending on what you want and go for scorching Ray the main reason I delay it until now is because well now is when we get a fire boost to spell damage right and and the way it works is because scorching Ray fires multiple rays the plus 5 we have should damage now will be applied individually to each Ray since you get more Rays by upcasting the spell well let's just say eventually it will become quite a powerful flame machine gun trust me the damage really gets absurd easily enough to unshot enemies especially when you make them vulnerable to fire damage from the perilous stake mind flayer power to the point where our dare say it becomes one of the best single Target damage spells in the game kinda like how far away from Pathfinder well more like a bargain being held fire rate if you know what I mean as for level 7 I'd go with wall of fire for Aura first level 4 spell we do get bonus damage to it of course so it's quite thematic plus by itself is a pretty nice spell because the wall where we can shape it almost any way you want so it can be quite long does offer a saving throw but even if the enemy is not stuck inside the wall if they are nearby they'll still take some minor fire damage right the big damage however comes on if they're inside at level 8 grab any other spell you want even something like false life can be useful at this point in the game because of its scaling effects and for our feet because we already have the maximum Charisma with the hex gift I'd go for spell sniper for once why well this will increase your chances of getting critical hits when attacking with a spell which is great for both your fire boat can drip and also the scorching race spell which can critical individually per re-pired and like I said before at this point both spells even your measly can't rip are quite powerful and capable of high damage you also gain another can trip honestly just pick anything you want you might as well go with Eldritch blast because if anything it's Unique right you can't get it otherwise as a sorcerer but you'll just be spamming fire about most likely unless the enemy is somehow immune to fire for level 9 we have our first level 5 Spells at last I find them to be rather disappointing compared to upcast version of lesser spells you already have there's something to be said about telekinesis but you can just get it from gloves call of code can deal some nice damage if you make enemies wet first just like with Ray of frost as I've explained in the beginning just use let's say conjure water and also any other spell you want for our last meta magic ability definitely quick and spell so we can cast two Spells at the same round at level 11 we can finally fly for free and we get at long last our ultimate level 6 spells shumi chain lighting is by far the best pick as I've explained many times before if you make enemies wet they'll take absolutely massive damage from this easily a hundred and the fact it can hit multiple enemies at once and even be amusing enough to end right for multiple hits It's just amazing and you can of course pick another level 6 spell of choice like let's say Global of invulnerability for a very nice area of effect against immunity to travel damage for level 12 you can pick any other spell you want this integrate can be fun too when twint right for two Targets hit at once but I'd rather just chain lightning at this point or you know scorching Ray boosted to the max as fun as our last feat you have a few different choices right I just go for resilient we pick this rather late with dispute because what can I say spell sniper is quite handy to have and Constitution right which is why we went with 15. this will grant you Proficiency in Constitution saves which helps avoiding well concentration failure so your spells don't get disrupted of course you get this rather late and before that as a wizard you can just let's say drop a crowdfunter effect like slow and use the Misty step spell to teleport away the same isn't really true for let's say a cleric which is why I prefer to get resilient or War Caster way earlier with them and that's it all right now let's discover gear for our Dragon bloodline sorcerer for the helmet ultimately we have two choices both right is quite unique in that but first it's a cool looking wizard hat second it increases your charisma by plus two for a maximum of 22. it does increase your DC of course but also has Synergy with ability starting hands can trip damage based on your charisma and we have two sources of that as I'll soon show you otherwise just go for the hood of the weave for plus two to spell this C and attack Rose it's double the benefit of Birthright right without the country boosting property because they work only based on Charisma both are found at X3 anyways but for the early game act 1 specially his breaker Helm as always for plus one to spell the CN initiative and for this character in particular you can also use the Warped headband of intellect from the ogres at the blight Village to set your end to 17 just to make Arcana skill checks right during that I would much rather fist breaker for this increase cloaks honestly just the cloak of the weave as usual for a further plus one GDC there aren't that many good cloaks early on in the game I think amusingly enough now four robes you have two choices the potent rope is here if you want the highest can trip so fire boats damage is one of the reasons I say Birthright has its uses what this does is your can trips will do additional damage equate your charisma modifier right so plus six with the butterflight helmet instead of just plus five second you get plus Punch Way C and whenever your turn comes you automatically get a bonus you temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier so it's plus 6 every round rather fun too I'm pretty sure these ropes come from the alfira tiffling quest right the purple tiffling with a Bart ideally you don't want to kill her own Act 1. but you can get them during X2 besides that as a human we have light armor proficiency so we can go with either the armor of landfall for plus one to spell save DC although it won't matter much Armor class wise or the robe of the weave it's the same benefit except it has even higher AC than the potent rope earlier you have the protecting spark swallow also for plus one's LDC four gloves ultimately held dusk once again more spell DC but it also lets you cast Ray of fire once per short rest and while we are all about fire damage right this is similar to scorching Ray except with higher damage and we'll get further boosts from our abilities that increase fire this is act 3 only but for act 1 and 2 I would just settle for the gloves of missile snaring to highly reduced ranged incoming damage after all that's the biggest danger when playing a freyo Caster we aren't exactly afraid of though because of our bloodline boost your hit points and armor class but you know how it is boots I don't think matter much for this type of character I just have the serious issues here for increased jumping distance go if anything you want really like boots that increase movement and so on the best ones are medium armor unfortunately fun Atlas who have two choices early the NECA soft Elemental augmentation because once again if you add your charisma modifier which you can't rip damage dealt and it does stack with the potent robes for plus 10 to our fireboat damage quite handy otherwise if you want maximum spell DC for act 3 you have the Amulet of the default for plus two don't forget the spell Crux amulet right to recharge any spell of choice but you don't need it equipped ideally level 6 spells and the pearl of power amulet for a recharge optional level 3 spell ideally slow Haze Fireball and so on four rings as usual the Ring of momentum inhibition should debuff enemies mental stats when they say was safe against one of our spells including damage spells like Fireball the other ring is up to you I like Shape Shifter spoon but there's also the Crypt Lord ring right if you want the mummy salmon which can help because sorceress lacks summon abilities unlike Wizards now I'm pretty sure there's a ring that's meant to increase your fire damage by plus one it's just that I wasn't able to find it on my run so if you know where it is now on the full release of the game feel free to give me a call when it comes to steps of course the legendary Marco hash gear step is the best pick here especially for a Fire Blaster caster it not only increases your spell DC by one also lets you cast any spell for free once per long rest ideally level 6 spell but most importantly the unique carrascus favor ability less you choose one type of element ideally flames of Wrath to boost or fire damage equal to your proficiency bonus which works wonderfully well with any spell but especially spells that fire multiple times like scorching Ray of course and our can trip because the legendary staff is act 3 only very early in the game during act one you absolutely want the spell sparkler instead to further increase your fireboat cantrip damage due to the lightning charges mechanics even your attack will also fire both too and from act 2-1 wires there's plenty of other staffs that increase your spell DC such as mouths for staff you can even rush for it during act one I believe in the underdark but it can be a bit dangerous Right Far Shields definitely cathetic Shield ultimately it is the special Shield that increases your spell and attack rolls DC by plus one earlier if you went with human just go with any other Shield right there just here for AC and let's say A Plus bunch of saving throws from the Safeguard Shield also available at Act 1. for arranged weapon side say we have two choices dark fire short blue it has Haze for free together with 50 damage taken from both fire and code or later during Act 2 the Hellfire hand crossbow not to attack really but just like the held us gloves it has a similar ability to scorching Ray for more free casts of it and higher single Target fire damage of course last but not least we have the very unique and Powerful raps to the dagger it comes from asterion's Last Quest during act 3 and has quite the op effect you'll get a plus one bonus to attack damage and spell DC for every enemy you slay of two plus three it's not that it's hard to kill enemies at chapter 3 when you can get this especially with hour Blaster Source rebuild but something cheesy you can do is just have someone like gay or someone are familiar with one hit points then you slay them you'll get the bonus anyways and repeat the best part is the Stagger bonuses will work even if you want to equip it and trade it for another weapon like the DC boosting quarter steps right well alright friends so this was it from my dragon sorcerer build and guide if you found the choose so as always please remember to like subscribe and consider becoming a channel member too if you can I really appreciate your support thank you for watching and see you next time friends
Channel: cRPG Bro
Views: 285,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cRPG, rpg, boss, crpg bro, core, hard, best guide, how to, tutorial, baldur's gate 3, bg3, sorcerer, sorcerer build, ancestry, dragon, draconic, best dragon, best sorcerer, op, overpowered, best spells, best damage, CC, crowd control, DC, difficulty class, highest DC, bg3 sorcerer, dragon bloodline, fireball, scorching ray, fly, haste, twinned spell, metamagic, best metamagic, heighten, metamagic feats, sorcerer metamagic, hypnotic pattern, cloudkill, best gear, sorcerer gear, mage, mage build
Id: JSzt6m_8OdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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