Baldur's Gate 3 Level 1 Spell Tierlist & Guide

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/chort0 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2023 🗫︎ replies
so it is time for the tier list for the level one spells and this is all the level one spells I've got 53 here to go through so don't expect this to be a quick video as with my previous tier list this is based on my own experience this is not supposed to be taken objectively so if you do have a different idea please do let me know and explain why and I can see from the comments on my previous video do you know what I put rare frost a tier should have been s here completely agree with you guys so do let me know just be try and be kind about it things I will be trying to take into account are the fact that now each of these spells costs a level one spell slot they are the most common and the most numerous spell slots we will have but still if we're using a level one spell slot it means we have one less spell to cast in the day and for most classes there is an opportunity cost if a Bard picks animal friendship for example it means they're not picking another spell at level one a lot of these spells are used in combat some of them have use outside of combat I will try to keep that into account and I'm going to go through these in alphabetical order start starting with animal friendship which can be learned by BS Druids n domain cleric and Rangers at level two there is also a necklace that can be found from the goblin Camp so what does animal friendship do if the animal fails a wisdom saving throw they won't attack you for 10 turns or until they are hurt by you or one of your party members which makes it basically useless within combat because as soon as you hurt it it's going to be hostile again but outside of combat it can help you with charisma X against or maybe against is probably the wrong word but chisma checks with animals let's try intimidation so here I can use animal friendship in higher difficulty modes the target might become hostile when the spell ends that means tactician but I also want to point out that I can use friends here instead why would I use a spell slot if I can use a c trip I don't know so in fact I've just used friends there I I basically see no need for this spell join combat about you're using an action to make a single enemy more enemies at higher levels not actually attack you the Caster but it doesn't affect your whole party and the White Pass the saving throw anyway and as soon as somebody hurts them they're going to start attacking you and outside of combat I can use other spells like a can trip rather than this so for me it's a complete critical Miss armor of agathys is next and it's available to warlocks draconic bloodline Sorcerers if they pick the white ancestry and ards can get it from their magical secrets what does it do at level one I'm using a level five warlock spell slot here but at level one it gives you five temporary hit points and you deal five cold damage when you're hit by an attack and you can cast this outside of combat it's not concentration it doesn't have a turn limit it's until long rest so if we get into combat so I'll try and get attacks opportunity against me of course he's just too good all right let's try two attacks of opportunity shall we i' hope one of these hits there we are so the enemy did 15 damage and they took 25 I've still got these 10 temporary hit points left and the next time I'm hit the enemy will take another 25 cold damage this is a very decent spell I'm going to stick it in a it combines very well with blade Ward and if you make your enemies wet it works well with abjuration Wizards also and like I showed in my abjuration wizard video you can take this at level one for a warlock and then if you multiclass into it doesn't have to be wizard but multiclass into another spell casting class you can use your other spell slots to cast this so you can cast this at level six the reason I don't want to put this in critical hit is because it's only available to a very limited number of classes and it does require you to get into danger does require you to be hurt but I do like it nevertheless next up is arms of haar at level one it does 2d6 narcotic damage to All Enemies within a 10t radius and this is only available to warlocks nobody else of course you can take the magic initiate feat for any the any of these classes I mentioned so it's got a decent range it will harm your allies though if they're within that range if they fail their saving Thro they cannot take reactions these enemies have already used their reaction mind two of them pass their saving throws one of them failed 66 did 21 divided by two because they pass their saving throw 10 and 11 damage 26 and 66 is pretty decent but I don't think it's that great the range is you know the range is half decent the range is okay but the damage just isn't good enough I know this was a warlock using a level five spell stop but imagine this had been at level one wouldn't have been very good it affects your allies as well which I don't particularly want to happen I'd much rather take other spells on my Warlock and Will's okay here his armor class is 21 it's not the highest but it's it's pretty decent at lower levels your warlocks won't normally have a decent Armor class a high Armor class unless of course they've got the appropriate feet or proficiency from their race to use it effectively you have to be a melee warlock sorry fig your attacking is getting PR annoying Bane is next available to BS cleric oath of Vengeance paladins and warlocks can get it from an eldrich invocation thief of five Fates but they can only cast it once per long rest what does it do well it forces the enemies to make a Charisma saving throw which generally is quite rare Charisma saving throws of enemies aren't necessarily particularly high if they fail they have a minus 1 D4 penalty to attack throlls and saving throws for 10 turns just about see three of them here all right one of them managed to fail that so now yeah they've got a minus 1 D4 penalty so if we're try and do something that has a saving throw be a bit over the top here much more likely to fail it does require concentration though I'm struggling between B and C because I'm really going to compare it to bless next this just mean it's next anyway it only affects a few enemies at a time and once they're dead the effect is used up and it requires concentration and it's going to fight with concentration with many many other spells in the game and I'm going to move to bless instead of giving a penalty bless is a buff so what does bless do bless up to three creatures they gain a one D4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws I much prefer to cast this over Bane and bless is available to clerics paladins and bars fire the magical Secrets there is a staff that has a slightly better version of bless and the reason for this is as long as I'm concentrating on it I get this bonus and this affects all of my attack rolls and saving throws whereas once the enem is dead like that Bane is gone and it's useless and I'm assuming my characters aren't going go down most of the time and so now I've got a very high chance to hit with anything that requires an attack roll doesn't even matter what I'm using even my dark Ur here who's taking one level and everything has a very good chance to hit what do I have to lose where's bless going to go I'm going to stick get an S tier because throughout the whole game this is useful from level one potentially even all the way up to level 12 by the time we get to level 12 I suppose a lot of our are actually very very good so maybe we don't need bless towards the end but it still helps with your saving throws and there it's always a good choice to cast bless it's never a bad choice burning hands is next which is available to Sorcerers Wizards fiend warlocks light domain clerics Arcane tricksters Al Knights and mephistophiles teelings and draconic bloodline Sorcerers of the red ancest quite a lot very wellknown spell so what does it do it's a level one spell evocation I'm not going to take into account the different Wizards subclasses because it'll be different for each of the subclasses for example this will be much more useful on an evocation wizard compared to all the other wizard types it does an AOE a 17t conb does 3d6 fire damage if the enemies fail a dexterity saving through here it is obviously this isn't where you would normally use it so we can see we can see it did very little damage here I'm I'm in B escap I'm in act three it did very little damage and it will harm my allies you can see that they light up if you upcast it you do an extra 1d6 damage per level higher than level one but I really don't think it's worth it this might get counter spelled yeah and this shows that the level one spells that deal damage early in the game you know what maybe this is even an air you do have to get close if you're using it and some of these spell casters that use it are a bit squishy so maybe at level one level two perhaps level three it's kind of a a and as you go up the levels it just gets worse and worse and worse and by the by the end of the game it's basically pointless you've got so many other things that you can do overall I'm going to leave it at C because it does have it have its use it's fire damage that can set things a l if you really really need to but even at level five your C trips start to do comparable damage obviously it's not an a they're not aoe's level 10 especially if you've got acid Splash it does 3d6 damage at level 10 which is just the same as this why would you use a level one spell slot when you could use acid Splash useful early in the game basically point us towards the end of the game charm person is next so you can charm a humanoid to prevent it from attacking you you get advantage on a chisma checks against it enemies have advantage on serving throws against being Charmed and if you want Ally hurts them this ends and on tactician mode if you use this during a dialogue you'll be accused of enchanting them so in combat look at that 30% chance part part of this is because this spell cast has got a very bad casting stat but they've got advantage on this let's try and use it on the highest possible 2% look at that uh 30% I don't know it hasn't worked and even if it had worked all the other enemies can still attack the Absurd urge here and like I showed with animal friendship if you're in dialogue just pick friends instead it has the same effect you're still going to be accused either way in tactician mode as a consequence it's just a complete critical Miss there's no point even if I'd used charm person on this character I don't have to ignore them if I want to have the effect from charm person I just it's just a waste of a spell slot it's a waste of a spell remembered or spell known I just I'd much have rather use friends oh and I forgot to say that charm person can be learned by BS Druids Sorcerers warlocks Wizards tricky domain clerics Arcane tricksters ELD Knights and there is a necklace that grants you this sh's temptation I just avoid it it's just one of the worst spells we can have in the game romatic orb is next which is available to Sorcerers Wizards Arcane tricksters eldr Knights bars can learn it through magical secrets and warlocks can get an invocation in the book of ancient Secrets but they can only use it once per long rest but it doesn't require a spell slot what does it do that doesn't actually tell us what does it do you get to choose a different variant one based on a different kind of element so we got acids cold fire lightning poison and thunder the first five here do 2 d8 damage of their respective type but also creates a surface and thunder does does just but Thunder does 3d8 thunder damage but doesn't create any sort of surface so it's nice that we've got these different variants one of them does a bit more damage and they all create a surface so let's throw this one over here so it did eight damage on 28 it's perfectly fine perfectly reasonable kind of more importantly it created a surface at lower levels this is probably a at high levels it's not quite as bad as burning hands we do get some extra use out of it because we can create these surfaces an acid surface reduces Armor class by two while the enemy is oops I didn't mean to run through that or anyone is standing in it even hon if he wants to stand in it there we are because we've got this versatility I would say it's just about worthy of beer basically it stays useful for a bit longer than something like burning hands but 3d8 damage again at level 10 my C trips do that at 2 d8 with the other variants apart from Thunder my CS do that at level five even but we do get the surface color spray is next available to BS Sorcerers Wizards Arcane tricksters Knights and there is a ring of color spray found in the harpy Nest which used to be once per battle but now is once per short rest sadly so what does it do I've got a scroll of it here blind creatures up to a combined 33 hit points so the 33 hit points very useful lower down in the levels slightly less useful higher in these levels I've got one enemy who's at less than 33 hit points current ly so let's go and use it yeah has to be short range right you've only got a 17 I think it's 17 ft range so they got color spray they're blinded awesome except it's only for one turn now thankfully I've chosen quite a good person to do it on so if I try to get an attack against yeah whatever we'll take these attacks H we might not be able to I have advantage against him which is cool which here is going to be fine it means I will probably kill him sure there we are and that's nice that works I've got K the weak which is why he died but when it lasts only one turn if he had survived it would go away on his turn so I have to make sure that I cast it with the right person and for example will could not have benefited from that it doesn't require saving threat it just works with enemies who on 33 hit points or less at lower levels I probably put this at about a b because the fact that only lasts one turn is very frustrating almost all other debuffs last longer and these later levels are used as an action just to Mak one maybe two enemies blind sure blind is a strong condition but when it's their turn and they lose that condition they they still attack normally if you're blind you normally have disadvantage on your attacks but at the start of their turn they lose the condition so you don't even get that debuff or you get as advantage against them also I will say if enemies are blind they cannot and do not take opportunity attacks against you I can maybe see this being at C but for me later even mid game I'm going to be using my action to do something better either a better debuff or just getting rid of an enemy alog together if it lasted two turns I would definitely put it higher because it's a very good debuff and it doesn't require a saving through but from about level five maybe six onwards I I've never used it sure if it's on the ring it's fine cuz you don't have to use a spell slot and you don't have to use a spell prepared or spell known for it but I think at the end of the day it's not really that useful command command is available to clerics fiend warlocks paladins and bars can learn it through magical secrets so when you click on command you get five variants approach which makes enemies approach you drop which makes them drop their weapon if they've got one and on its turn do nothing else flee makes them run away gravel makes everyone prone and halt just makes them do nothing no actions no moving whatsoever and for every level above level one you get to affect an extra creature on fiend warlocks I think this is particularly powerful so what I'm going to try and do is going to use drop you have to use the same variant for all five creatures four five that's it they've dropped their weapons and we can now pick them up and any enemy who is a martial class anyone who's using the weapon to attack this is absolutely debilitating because they're just going to hit you with their fists they might try try and use items they might try and shove you but their main source of damage is now gone and combined with picking up their items it's just so powerful even at level one it's really good there's no concentration needed and we've got all those variants I've only shown you one this goes straight up to S tier even from the naalo you can get Commander zul to drop his sword so you don't even have to bother killing him it's usable all the way through the game obviously here I use a high level spell slot but even at level one just targeting a single enemy it can really make make a massive difference you can make someone prone to give your allies advantage in melee you can make them run away so you can get loads of opportunity attacks against them and they don't use do anything on their turn it's such such a good control spell compell jewel is next it's only available to paladins if the enemy fails a wisdom saving throw then they will have disadvantage if they attack other allies apart from the Caster it does require concentration one nice thing I suppose is it requires a bonus action rather than an action so if I cast this on let's have someone who might actually have a chance to fail well let's try it on fist Larch there we are that's worked quite nicely so on their turn if they attack anyone that isn't Curts here that attack has disadvantage it's not guaranteed that they will actually attack CS it's just they get disadvantage if they don't nice so let's see that happen so here they go they're using volley which is an AOE attack so they're going to have disadvantage on these rolls let's just let it all come out so we can see here for shadow heart the attack had disadvantage but for CTS the person who cast it it just had the normal attack r no disadvantage and then on Gail it had disadvantage so where does this belong in my own opinion I don't think it's that great the main downside is its concentration element and Paladin if they're going to be concentrating could use some probably use bless very good spell to use instead the one nice thing is that it's a bonus action if it was an action it'd be down in D tier that's for sure against a boss it's probably more useful in this situation it's it's okay because the enemies are using area of effect attacks but the more enemies that are on the in the fight then the less useful it becomes most of the time i' probably just rather Smite at an appropriate moment than use a spell slot for this because it only lasts three turns anyway way it's not even going to last overly long create water this is available to cleric Druids and storm sorcery Sorcerers at level six there is also a staff the rain dancer which you can get in the druid's Grove very early on I don't currently have it equipped but that lets you cast it once per short rest I believe and if you upcast it you do actually cover an much bigger area in water I'm just going to use it at level one it's got multiple purposes so if I use it on an enemy there's no saving Thro automatically make them wet now my why might you want to be wet well if you're casting it on yourself it's because you want to be immune to burning so if the fires on ground you cannot be set Al light which is great and maybe you want to give yourself resistance to fire damage it puts out flames it's actually got lots of utility but massive but you are vulnerable to lightning and cold damage this is so over the top doubling damage almost at will so I'm just can use my can trip here 34 you know that that wasn't even that great that could have been better 12 on 3d8 uh plus I've got my spell casting ability modify added got double to 34 and that lasts for three turns I don't think I have anyone else ready all right no I can do it here so then I can cast I don't know this is obviously not really worth it but just to show the effect C damage and 40 damage and gone this is is just I say abusable it's not abusable it's part of the game and it's straight up to S TI like I don't think any other spell can consistently double damage I will say that the effect of this can be recreated from a bottle of water he doesn't have any but if you throw a bottle of water then they enemies also get wet but even so create water is just such a good effect to cast on enemies and in the right right time for yourself on your allies it has to deserve s tier your wound available to BS clerics Druids paladins and Rangers so quite a wide range of classes and what does it do it does 1d8 healing plus your casting modifier if you upcast it it does an extra 1d8 amount of healing so I'm in combat let's say I want a heal Tav I can do that but it costs an action and it's melee range essentially don't it's not often good use in comat to do this because the amount of damage I'm about to receive is is going to completely outscale that even at the lower levels that is will be the case you might receive more than one attack per turn I'm going to leave it in C tier do not use it in combat it works particularly well with the perap of wound closure I believe it's called that maximizes healing roles and it partially depends on your play style if you're trying to avoid long rests casting this every now and again is actually very useful to kind of top up your health but if you don't really mind a short rest does the same thing outside of combat so it's not really good inside of combat and we've got Alternatives outside of combat and in combat just drink a potion instead disgu self this is available to BS Sorcerers Wizards trickery domain clerics Arcane tricksters alich Knights Gloom stalkers draconic bloodline Sorcerers if you're the gold ancestry and warlocks can choose an invocation the mask of many faces to get this so it's widely available now this is the first example in this list list of a ritual spell very quickly ritual spells don't cast the spell slot when cast outside of combat join combat it would cost a level one spell slot in fact even in turn base mode it will use level one spell slot so be careful with that and so you get to choose to look like any race that you want either masculine or feminine so there he is and it didn't use a spell slot and so I can cast it again now I'm going to turn into a gith Yan because this has many uses this SP one of them right I've got the soul breaker great sword now this is Gail this isn't the best person to use this on but this is just the only character out of the the slot who have currently got it so when wielded by GI Yankee this weapon deals an additional 1 D4 psychic damage it's not a lot right I wouldn't usually use this onale boom critical hit and we rolled well two default because it was a critical hit but we've roled that 1 D4 damage G is not a GI yane you can use this to also change your size some areas accessible by the smaller races so for example maybe I want to be a halflink and so now I will fit into any sizes that only halflings fit into bear in mind I don't get all the abilities that halflings have it just changes your appearance and lastly if you've killed someone you can actually use PE with dead if you use disguise self first this is also going straight up to critical hit in fact any in every ritual in my book is a critical hit because they're all useful they're all full of utility especially disguise self I mean you can use this towards the beginning of the game make yourself look like a drown you can just walk into the goblin Camp no problems at all everyone does what you say everyone is scared of you dissonant Whispers this is available to BS and great old one warlocks to Target a single creature they have to make a wisdom saving throw if they fail they will be frightened so they can't move and they have disadvantage on ability checks and attack thrs and also they take 3d6 damage if they pass they take half so let's have a go 65% 40 60 yeah not very likely actually oh initiative going have to wait to show you that there we'll try it I got a slightly high chance because now the null flesh Nora is bloodless which is nice and they save which is unfortunate if you do upcast the spell it does an extra 1d6 damage per level this is one of those spells that I think drops off in usefulness as you go up the levels in the lower levels 3d6 against a single Target is pretty decent obviously it's not guaranteed to be 3d6 but it is guaranteed damage at least and the fear effect is quite strong especially against a melee opponent then you can just walk away and they can't do anything on their turn however I would usually rather use my action to do something else especially in a in a combat like this where there's lot of enemies may maybe I should have focused it on the fln perhaps but you know what right now I'd much rather have cast cloud of daggers down here damaging all of these ones and almost killing them when it's their turn I'd probably switch this out as a b warlock at level five for something else because by that point you've got some much better spells to be learning fine favor available to water and clerics and paladins so it uses a bonus action and concentration and while you're are concentrating on it your weapon attacks deal an additional 1 D4 radiant damage and it lasts three turns so let's cast it glor now I've kind of set this up to be very advantageous for the spell I've got haste on him I've got bless on him so when he hits should be doing a very large chunk of damage should be quite reliable so we're getting the maximum use out of this because we're hitting with pretty much every attack and we've got lots of attacks to be had and he does have Savage attacker so he is rrolling damage but it requires concentration and only lasts three turns what could I do instead I could just use a Divine Smite part of me wants me to put this in B I feel like if you set everything up correctly then maybe it's in B tier but the fact is you have to set things up correctly and it only lasts three turns that's a real downside it requires concentration so if you use one of the smiting spars like searing Smite or bless which is a very good choice to cast for a paladin and then you can't you can't use this and it uses a spell slot and most of the time probably going to be better just to use a Divine Smite as an opportune moment usually being a critical hit but also just trying to finish off an enemy and at the lower levels we don't have as many spell slots or and really we've only got one attack per turn a high levels like level five yes we can get two attacks per turn but on the first round we've used our bonus action which maybe we've got great weapon Master but you can't use great weapon Master the bonus action attack if you've used Divine favor so it's almost there but at three turns it's just not quite good enough for me to go up to bti here enhan sleep which used to be called jump they've changed the name of it my guess is maybe because we have a bonus action called jump perhaps I'm not sure what does it do it triples a creature's jumping distance awesome for 10 turns does not require concentration and it's a ritual oh yeah right so this is available to Druids sorcer Wizards Rangers Arcane tricksters eldrich Knights also to GI Yankee although they can only cast at once per long rest and there is an item the Ring of jumping which is available from the underd dark from the dwarf Trader Darth bone cloak and with that ring you can use it once per short rest I said this is just amazing outside of combat this is so good for exploration if you know you're about to get into a battle you can cast this ahead of combat outside of turnbas mode outside of the battle and then you can give yourself jump and and even in combat I know it costs the spell slot but it can be really really useful for some characters especially melee classes just to be able to get almost anywhere on the battlefield tripling jump distance is a massive thing and as I said earlier for me ritual spells all the ritual spells here are so good part and partially because their ritual spells so straight up to S TI it goes and snaring strike is up next which is available to Rangers and oath of the ancient paladins so what does it do you attack an enemy using a it can be either ranged or melee attack it's up to you you get the option it uses a bonus action and it uses up one of your attacks so if you have multiattack so you like a ranger here you can use this and then attack afterwards it's not a problem you attack an enemy you do some damage and if they fail I've already got entangle here if they fail they become entangled which is really really good actually because then everyone else has advantage on attack thrs against them they take 1d6 piercing damage at the the start of their turn they can resist this effect by passing a strength saving throw so you want to be going for the weaker enemies so fist cross here's got 21 strength pretty high and in fact this dwarf is not the best person to aim for either perhaps I should have aimed for ah here it should have gone for this humanoid so here we go there we are they're in snared So at the start of the next turn they'll take 1 D6 damage their attack C have disadvantage I'd say this wizard isn't likely to do any attack rolls but interestingly the dexterity saving throws have disadvantage now it doesn't tell us that here but this 96% is insanely high right 80% over here with this fist but 96% with these two so you can maybe have a nice little combo if you've got a spell ready that forces a dexterity saving through so I'm going to put this in B tier it's not the best the one downside to it is that it does require your concentration but it's nice that it works with just one of your attacks it's not a whole action and could potentially debuff the enemy and it's just a level one spell slot deals a bit of extra damage if they fail the saving throw they also can't move and if you hit you can then follow up with another attack in tangle is next and it follows on very nicely from in snaring strike it is only available to Druids and bars via their magical secrets so when you cast the spell you see there's an area of effect and anyone who fails a strength saving throw will be in Tangled so attack thrs against these two enemies now have Advantage the dexterity serving throws have disadvantage it is also difficult to rain so fist cross will have to spend some extra movement speed to get through one downside to this spell is that if you do have any sort of fire damage it will set the whole thing on fire which might sound cool but actually that's really against what you're trying to do with this spell you want the bindes to be there to slow people down to get them entangled it does require concentration though and the fact that it's on a druid is a bit sad because lots of spells on a druid require concentration so for the effect I think it's probably B tier as well it's only really fair for putting snaring strike up there and the fact that it's an area it will affect your allies you have to be quite careful maybe later in the game it would come further down because we' got more and more spells that require concentration I'm struggling between B and C I'm going to leave it at B because the effect is good but I couldn't use Fireball here because that would set everything alike unless I just want to give everyone disadvantage on their strength saving throws perhaps expeditious Retreat this is available to Sorcerers warlocks Wizards arcane tricksters Al Knights so it uses a bonus action kind of nice and you also gain Dash on the Turn You cast it so I'm going from 30 ft of movement speed I got 60 ft of movement speed and I can in future turns it's over here I can use Dash as a bonus action which sounds nice won't lie for Arcane trickers it's pointless because they can always Dash as a bonus action anyway now as nice as the effect is there is a pair of boots the boots of speed which give you this this permanently anyway and it requires concentration and my Sorcerers warlocks and wizards are almost certainly wanting to use their concentration for something else Fair fire this is available to BS Druids light domain clerics Arch F warlocks and Dr and Dr half elves get it at level three so it's another concentration spell that has an area of effect quite a large area upcasting doesn't do anything and anyone inside this his allies objects enemies neutral people if they fail a dexterity saving thr all attacks against them now have advantage and they can't do anything against it it also lights up anyone who is invisible within that area if they fa the exterity saving through I think this is a solid a tier having advantage against enemies is always going to be good the only real downside to it is it requires concentration and for some of these classes there are lots of things competing for concentration but you've you've got to make that decision yourself mostly useful if you have more enemies in an area if you've got a single enemy I'd say they're probably other spells to cast but solid pick all the way through for level one spell false life available to Sorcerers Wizards Arcane tricksters eldris Knights and Bs can get it from the magical Secrets also warlocks can choose an invocation fish figure and when warlocks choose this invocation they can cast this without using a spell slot so what does it do I forgot to prepare the spell but I do have some Scrolls of it so you gain seven temporary hit points it uses an action you can only cast it on yourself so now I've got seven temporary hit points yay so in combat I'd say this is not a good use whatsoever because it requires your action this is something you would usually cast ahead of time at the beginning of the day before a combat you don't really want to be using your action to give yourself seven temporary hit points even at level one and two is not necessarily the best idea it's usually better to try and get rid of some people if you're a warlock and you pick this invocation it's going to be s here it's just a free seven temporary hit points after every fight in the lower levels I'd probably put it maybe at B because it doesn't require concentration or anything does require a spell slot but as you get higher and higher the seven temporary hit points mean less and less yes you can actually upcast this you get five extra temporary hit points per spell level so level two would be like 12 temporary hit points and so on but the number of temporary hit points you get per spell level just isn't enough to keep up with the damage that's done to you I wouldn't want to spend any spell slots using this I'm going to leave it at C tier unless of course if you're a warlock with invocation in which case s tier is fine Fe all available to B Sorcerers Wizards Aran trickers ELD Knights draconic bloodline Sorcerers if they've got the cold ancestry and there is an item called mist's Grace which can be found from the Arcane Tower in the chest of the mundane in the underd dark so what does it do you and your allies gain immunity to Falling damage for 10 turns oh look at that it's a ritual so we are outside of combat we can cast it as much as we want no spell slot is used and then because we want to we can jump down oh no apparently G doesn't want to do that there we are no worries and hopefully everyone will follow oh I'm getting FPS issues this since patch 3 I've not uh been in bate since patch 3 okay the others aren't following I'm not 100% certain why but I can make them jump down myself inside combat it does use a spell slot and a bonus action get up to S TI perfect for exploring and not even a bad choice in combat if you really need someone to get down somewhere safely I would use a spell slot to do that easy s tier I feel like every party should have someone with feather for find familiar available to wizards and Rangers if they pick the natural Explorer Beast Tamer option ad Knights Arcane tricksters and warlocks if they are packed to the chain can also get this from the ritual cast defeat so you can cast it once per short rest but it is a ritual and you get to choose one of these six variants for your usual fine familiar none of them is like overly strong in terms of like number of hit points amount of damage they do but they're all great for utility and the Raven I think in particular has Ren Vision where if it hits an enemy it blinds them there's no saving throw against being blinded which I think is really really awesome they're straight up blinded and it's good just to have an extra body on the battlefield each of the different familiars has a slightly different use they've got slightly different actions this video isn't about fine familiar so I'm not going to go through all of them Minsk in particular can have fine familiar boo to summon his [Music] hamster you can also have fine familiar scratch if you get him in your camp and he gives you his ball now I know people don't like seeing their familiars getting down in battle but it's fine you can summon them again after a short rest they actually just run back to camp they're not actually kill don't you don't need to worry about it and another another ritual another s there's there's no if you've got the spell there's no reason not to use it it doesn't use the spell slot outside of combat so like why wouldn't you do that and it gives so much utility and kind of following on from this we've got fine familiar summon cheeky imp I've actually slightly misnamed this here there it is fine familiar cheeky quasit so if you find the scroll inside do you know what I'm just going to go show you in case you unaware of where to find this scroll there's only one of them in the game blighted Village in Act One fairly early on come into the house right next to the sigil iir down the wooden hatch I'm skipping over some of this I'm not looking I'm not exploring all the containers or anything there is a lever just behind these three crates you could shoot it is fine you can move the crates you can destroy the crates and it opens up or moves a bookshelf and it opens up a secret doorway through this doorway down in one particular casket this one right here you've got Scroll of summon quasit scroll is destroyed upon use I don't currently have a wizard right here but you can get a wizard to learn the scroll like they would learn any other scroll so after you learn the spell we do get this fine familiar chaset and you can summon the quet whatever you named him you can if you slow the video down there you might have seen it said shovel first then basket yeah summon shovel but I've got basket but you can only have one familiar at a time so scratch was sent back to camp and the quasit has come here instead another easyest here quets are great actually because they're slightly stronger than most familiars they have resistance to slashing piercing bludgeoning damage and fire lightning and cold and they can scare enemies they can go invisible for as long as you want and then you can send them around and go and potentially Scout ahead they do some damage not the most but you know it's decent amount B Cloud this is available to Druids Sorcerers Wizards Tempest domain clerics Rangers Aran tricksters eldrich Knights and draconic bloodline Sorcerers also know this spell so it's quite widely known so what does it do I've already cast it just to show you something so the cloud blinds and heavily obscures creatures within it it's got a 15t radius the 6ot range it requires concentration sadly it can be upcast to actually increase the area a larger radius now what I've already done is I was kind of very lucky with my initiative in this situation as I cast cloud and everyone is hiding within it so if I just go to the enemy's turns I'm hiding in the fog Cloud they can't see me they don't move you can hide everyone within it as soon as you do anything that gets you out of hiding such as attacking or casting a spell some spells will let you stay inside hiding actually then you will be seen now in this particular situation perhaps it's not the most useful what you can do if you're feeling like you want this to go on for a long time is perhaps use an offhand attack a bonus action essentially attack go back inside and use your action to hide some subclasses and classes can hide with a bonus action which means they can actually come out attack with an action or do whatever with their act their action and then come back inside and hide again with the bonus action which makes it kind of broken in on in that sense and you can also pass it over enemies this might get this counter spelled by the fist here but that'll be okay cuz I've got other people with the spell yeah there comes the counter spell so then KO can Now cast B Cloud but he does have to come out of the fog Cloud to actually be able to see there we are he's also being spotted so I can put fog Cloud up over there and it blinds them now if I try and attack them I actually have disadvantage and Advantage but cancel each other out it's too dark if you've got dark vision you gain Advantage so Gail is not the best person to use this but Shadow heart with dark vision now just has advantage against these two in here so this can be used both offensively and defensively and you can kind of cheese it if you've got people who can hide with a bonus action especially or someone who's hasted who can come out use an action and come back in and hide uh perfectly abusable which pretty much puts out enough to S tier I personally I don't particularly like using it in this way it's just not what I like to do anymore but if you're happy to use it it's really really is an STS spell good barriers next this can be learned by Druids and Rangers so when you cast it you create four berries who heal 1 D4 hit points each you cast it on anyone you want it puts it straight into their inventory let's give it to Gail so here he's got four good berries now they provide one camp supply and use a bonus action you have to heal one D4 hit points so there's a one you know it could be better four 1 2 on average should heal about 10 hit points I wouldn't cast this inside combat I'd cast it ahead of combat or after it heals much less than a healing potion so in combat maybe not the best but only uses up a spell slot which to me is a bit better than using up a consumable though we can have loads of miny healing when I say healing potion I do mean minor healing potion the ones that are bigger larger than minor healing potions obviously heal a lot more than this I think earlier in the game I'm going to leave this at C this is one of those that earli in the game it's kind of fine kind of it's good can hear you gives you Cam supplies I suppose if you need it if you've got any spell slots left over at the end of the day but towards the end of the game it just doesn't heal enough I'd much rather just use a healing spell or perhaps a potion by that point and you can't throw them at people to heal them so if I throw a good Berry at Gale not your en it just is used as a throwing projectile no no cloud has formed no healing can be gained from throwing them gree available to wizards Arcane tricksters ELD Knights and black draconic bloodline Sorcerers so you cover the ground in grease just get a certain area and you possibly make them for prown it's also difficult to rain very nicely it doesn't require concentration so there's an example of it making them full prone that didn't start combat surprisingly one thing to not is if an enemy Falls prone during their turn or you yourself you lose your action you lose term I also want to point out there used to be a bug with a lot of the surface effects where the DC was set at 12 but now it is dependent on the spell Caster so DC here was 18 it is flammable so if you cast any sort of fire damage set a light and I've seen people mostly in Early Access say that oh wow this is like a like a fireball it just does 1 D4 fire damage it's not really that much it can set people burning so if you want it for that I suppose it's good but I wouldn't use it for its damaging potential whatsoever I think it's solid B it doesn't require concentration it's a very good debuff but it affects your allies so you do have to be a bit careful with it but sometimes just causing more damage is better than using Grease the the problem with a lot of these spells is they're competing against all the other spells that you know so gal here could have conj elemental instead cloud of daggers Glyph of warding is an awesome spell guiding bolts available to clerics and Bs via magical secrets so it's a spell that requires an attack for all to hit there's 46 damage when it hits now this is better than most level one spells in terms of damage and is almost as good as a can trip at level 11 even if you hit the next attack roll has Advantage because it's an attack roll it means we can get bonuses from things like High Ground like I've got here you were witness assaulting someone an okay amount of damage and is a source of Advantage so if Min here wants to shoot he's got Sharpshooter so having Advantage really helps I'm going to do a lot of damage with this so perhaps I want to use yeah let's use volley shall We There we are I hit I hit that character hit that enemy don't have Advantage now that it's been hit for cleric this is an a tier spell as we get to the higher levels as I've already mentioned with the other level one spells that do damage doesn't quite keep up really with other spells that we get but the fact that it gives us advantage on the next attack roll and it is an attack roll both are very good and for clerics then get many attack roll spells we do have one coming up later inflict wounds and there are ways for them to get produced flame but otherwise it's not very common and until maybe level 10 where we get the higher cantrip damage it's actually a decent amount of damage it's a good amount of damage halil of thorns this is available to Rangers and there are a pair of gloves in the zent room Traders beneath walking rest that will give you access to this so what does it do you attack for your weapon damage currently I've got sharp shooter on which is why it's plus 17 and then that it explodes there's a small radio Rus and every enemy within that radius has to make a dexterity saving through if they fail they take the 1D 10 damage if they pass they take half the damage if you upcast it it deals an additional 1D 10 piercing damage and if you cast it at level three it doesn't require a bonus action because it does require bonus action right it's a bit sad actually wonder if she's going to counter spell this no so we can see I did one piercing damage to fist cross and it looks like it wasn't even for some reason it hasn't taken any damage here that looks like it's a bug uh needless to say I'm actually not very impressed with this because it required in combat it requires an action and a bonus action and 1 d10 damage just isn't enough to justify and the range is very small I'd much rather use my level one spell slots than something else at first I was considering maybe B tier but the radius is so small and 1 d10 damage just isn't enough to make up for that and it's an action and bonus action I'm going between C and complete critical Miss I'm I'm going to leave it at C because it's access to some sort of AOE for Rangers at higher levels just give a second for msk's turn to turn up at high levels we get better options of conjure barrage that does require you to get closer but it's quite a large area to be fair I could use lightning arrow and as a hunter Ranger got volley it's way better way better than hell of thorns oh that's not criticalness and I get to do that twice head of thorns takes a whole action even I don't know so maybe at the lower levels much better maybe the lower levels it's C tier the high levels complete D there's no doubt about that but because it can get you through the lower levels I'm going to leave it here I'm so tempted to put it down at D let me know what you think about this because I think it's just not it sounds cool it looks cool but it doesn't actually do very well when you when it comes down to it healing word I'm sure most of you know where this is going to go it is available to BS clerics and Druids requires a bonus action heals 1 D4 plus your modifier if you upcast it you deal an you deal you heal an extra 1 D4 damage one4 hit points but it's amazing because it's a bonus action and it's got a range got 60t range here completely outd does cure wounds because it requires a bonus action in combat and has a range really useful for getting people up if they are down you can have items that Buff when you heal I don't remember if Shadow heart's got any there we are she does she has the gloves right I've just applied blade War to somebody awesome easy s tier always has been always will be hellish rebuke available to warlocks oath breaker paladins bars from the magical secrets and asmodus teelings when they get to level three it's fairly unique it requires a reaction and if an enemy hits you then you can cast this at them dealing 2 d10 fire damage it's plus one d10 per spell level high fire I do have a level 12 warlock so I am using a level five warlock spell slot to do this they have to make a dexterity saving throw and if they pass then they take half the damage I've accidentally gone and equipped will with duelist prerogative which gives him an extra reaction so he can probably use potentially use this up to twice per turn also just want to point out this does give you compelled jeel also as a spell to cast so let's try and get to some trouble were witnessed assaulting someone the one thing I can try and do is this so I can use hellish rebuke boom 32 hit points of damage as is because he's using a level five spell slot to cast that though best thing is it lets you weaponize your reaction which not many classes there we go because I got two reactions boom obviously I've used two of my three spell slots now at level 11 but we can try and finish them off with our bonus action there we are now I did show it off kind of in its best light where I've got a character with two reactions in which case it might seem like it's s or a tier I don't often use it myself I'm going to put down a b tier why B tier because it's fire damage and we do have a fair few enemies who are resistant to fire damage just thinking about putting it at a and the problem one problem with it is that using a level one spell Slot 2 d10 fire damage it's not the best and if they pass a saving throw it gets hared it's quite unique in that we don't get many spells that let us use a reaction to damage the enemy heroism is next it is available to BS and paladins so what does it do you target yourself or an ally it doesn't have to be yourself they are immune to being frightened and gain five temporary hit points at the start of each turn bear in mind temporary hit points do not stack and just have the highest instance of them so it can kind of act as kind of damage reduction from one attack per turn so let's cast on himself so can't be frightened anymore but it does require concentration which is pretty sad and you only get them the temporary hit points at the start of your turn so if he takes any damage there we are he has to wait until next turn before he can get those temporary hit points back so I'm going to stick this in C tier it's not the worst thing in the world or anything but five temporary hit points in the early game is much more useful enemies aren't doing as much damage and don't have as many attacks so it does act as kind of like a damage reduction if you look at it that way but by the time we get to the higher levels but they've got multiattack and doing extra damage that five might not add up to be enough to save you it does last 10 turns but combats are usually over within 10 turns so it's not like we're getting a full 50 damage reduction over the course of 10 turns but if you know you're going to be in a combat where you can be frightened then it definitely goes up it's a bit situational has its uses but it's not going to come in use for for for most combats especially further into the Game X available to warlocks and L bars can get it via magical Secrets this is a much misunderstood spell sometimes especially for people new to the game so you target an enemy they gain disadvantage on an ability of your choosing now what this really means is they get disadvantage on checks not all roles that use strength just checks meaning skill checks so it doesn't affect attack roles and it does doesn't affect saving throws if it did affect probably either of the especially saving throws it would be way overpowered for level one spell also so you target an enemy let's start with that oh no I've got blade Ward going nobody likes it requires concentration to keep hopefully we don't lose concentration before then it's not the end of the world if we do and so if I hit this enemy while they have any type of hex I deal an an additional 1d6 necrotic damage so we can see here this is the extra 1d6 the five on 1d6 I've also got some other bonuses that deal on aquatic damage on a hit and so you keep doing that damage until you either lose concentration or until they die if and when an enemy dies you can then recast this and when you recast it you do not use a spell slot this works well with eldrich blast in particular just because you can get many blasts off especially the high levels anyway 5 and 10 I'm going to stick this at a but you do need to be careful with it it's not the be all and end all of spells for a warlock the main downside is that it requires concentration and as a warlock there are other spells that require concentration that I just as if not better hunger of haar is an amazing spell it's a level three spell but requires concentration I can't cast both at once if you become packed to the tone you'll get guidance and so after every battle if you cast Guidance with your warlock they'll lose concentration on Hex so do be careful it doesn't apply to spells that don't require an attack R so anything that requires a saving throw does not work with hex magic Missile does not work with hex because there is no attack R also at high levels you might have other uses for your bonus action so the opportunity cost of using hex can be high depending on your subass and your situation Hunters Mark is next this is available to Rangers oath of Vengeance paladins and Bs fire the magical Secrets there are a couple of items that give Hunters mark from Act One the Grim skull Helm and the hunting short bow the hunting short bow you can buy from the DRS Grove what does it do it's almost exactly the same as hex actually so you target an enemy and if you hit them with a weapon attack this time it has to be weapon attack you deal an additional 1d6 damage takes a bonus action to cast requires concentration and so we did an extra where's it gone here at the very end plus six on 1d6 hun do Mark damage and every attack you do let's maybe turn off great weapon Master now every attack you do this gets added to so if I use lacerate for example we still get Hunters Mark there so more useful on classes that have multiple attacks no it's the damage can really add up there again I'm going to stick this at a it's good that it uses a bonus action it's bad that it uses concentration Rangers for example might want to use their concentration on other spells and if you're dual wielding then this doesn't work out very well because if you kill a Target you have to use a bonus action to reapply it so do be careful when using it and again just regarding concentration you have to maintain it ice knife this can be learned by Druids Sorcerers Wizards arcan tricksters Alish Knights and also bars from their magical Secrets what does it do so you target an enemy and does 1d6 piercing damage if it hits and then there is an explosion of coal damage which is 2d6 coal damage they can resist some of the damage from the explosion if they make a Dexter saving Thro also it leaves an eyce surface and it can be cast while silenced interestingly so let's see it in action I don't have any enemies nearby each other apart from round Tav you don't actually have to Target an enemy but you do extra damage if you do so I'm going to get poor Tav here right let's do this he can be resistant to it fine and we can see it created ice there and all the surfaces that were connected that could be frozen were frozen now like with the other damaging can trips at level one it really falls off as you go up in levels however it does have some utility because it can knock people prone if they slip on the ice and you can double the cold damage if somebody is wet at the lower levels ice knife is really good it does a really good amount of damage and it's an AOE at level one which we didn't get a huge number of which we can use at range so kind of at level one level two probably put it put even up to level four put it at a tier then we get to level five and it starts coming down by the time we get to level 10 ESP especially is probably C tier I think I'm going to leave it at B tier because it does have utility like chromatic orb it does more damage than chromatic orb potentially if we've got a large area because chromatic orb only does damage to a single Target and then creates surface whereas ice knife is actually an area of effect and yeah having double damage on wet targets and creating an ice surface if you want it is very useful inflicts wounds available to cleric and oath breaker paladins only it's a very simple spell it does three Dain necrotic damage it requires an attack roll unfortunately melee range if you upcast it you can then deal an extra 1 D turn necrotic damage per level so let's uh just try this out 80% 70% let's go for this witnessed assaulting some simple easy to use worthwhile using I would say I'm going to stick this and be it also we've got to bear in mind this is for cl and oath Bricker paladins only and their can trips well they don't get fireball for example or eldrich blast yes you might have a particular character who has one of those car one of those spells one of those cantrips or you've multiclassed or whatever this helps clerics actually be damage dealers and this is really good used against someone who's asleep or paralyzed where you have an automatic critical hit of course that's true for lots of spells and the nice thing is it can be upcast we can't do that with C trips it's a solid level one spell to have as a backup if you're in m in case someone is put to sleep or paralyzed you can really start dishing out damage unfortunately it is necrotic damage so it is resisted by enemies throughout a lot of act two so it's not going to be useful all the time long Strider this is available to barge Druids Wizards Rangers arant tricksters and eldrich knights I've actually got this from the ritual cast defeat for Gail so you can cast on someone they gain long Strider movement speed increased by 10 ft until long rest doesn't require concentration and you can cast it on as many different people as you want so you can give long Strider to your whole party since he's gained this from ritual Caster he can't upcast it actually but when you do upcast it you can Target an additional creature just make CL a bit easier I suppose when you're casting it there we are straight up to S I mean giving your whole party an extra 10 ft of movement speed what isn't to like if you have it as a spell as a wizard you need to make sure you've always got it actually prepared if you unprepared the effect it does mean you can get someone in your Camp to cast it on your whole party and leave them in Camp because it doesn't require concentration if that's your thing Mage Armor this is available to Sorcerers Wizards Arcane tricksters Al Knights and warlocks can get an invocation armor of Shadows to cast this on themsel and it doesn't require spell slop when they do that which can be used to if you're if you're M class with an abjuration wizard to increase your Arcane Ward what does it do very simple if you're not wearing any armor this is any armor your armor class then becomes 13 plus dexterity instead of 10 plus dexterity so you cast it now G's Armor class is 20 and it's got it says plus three for Mage Armor it's not actually plus three it's 13 should be your base Armor class it's just how it's written you can use a shield and still gain the benefit of this but nothing else he's wearing counts as armor if you so you do need to keep it in your prepared spell list get it use it it helps increase the armor class of your spell cter if they're not proficient with some sort of armor already if they are proficient you just don't need to use it if they're not proficient with armor get it and use it I would say magic Missile this is available to Sorcerers Wizards Arcane tricksters alich Knights and bars fire their magical Secrets psychic spark necklace can give you this once per long rest there's a hand crossbow that gives you this as a level three spell slot once per long rest and what does it do shoot three magical darts each dealing two to five Force damage they always hit their target so you can pick three targets if you upcast it you can choose more you get to send out more darts I wouldn't use a level six spell slot normally let's do level two shall we all right one two three I don't know what about this one now it wasn't actually the magical missiles that killed them as such but I just want to point out this synergizes very well with the cold preoccupied but the cold the weak Tapo power where if the enemy gets to a hit point title lower than the total number of elied powers you've got they automatically die and since these guys obviously I've got haven't quite got 17 elied Powers here but magic Missile can bring them down just that little bit this is such a good spell it's not really about the total damage done because it's not a lot 2 to five damage per missile okay you can increase the number of missiles with a psychic spark necklace but if you've got enemies who just at a lower number of hit points they're just alive you can use this you can force three concentration checks if you hit someone who is concentrating it always hits there's no way it can miss and like I said here like I showed here it can synergize very well with cold the week protection from evil and good this is available to clerics warlocks Wizards paladins arcan tricksters eldrich Knights Rangers can get it from their favored enemy Keeper of the veil and after the hag if you defeat The Hags there is a necklace that lets you cast this once per short rest so what does it do you use concentration and you cast it on anyone you want an ally that Ally can't be Charmed or frightened or possessed by aberration celestials Elementals phase fiends and Undead they also have dis all those types of enemies also have disadvantage on attack thrs against that character so I'm going to cast it on laelle going to run away this is very early on in the game then lasel is going to start this combat proceeding all by herself you can do that by trying to pick up skeletons which I think is quite funny so she's going to go around trying to get rid of all of these skeletons and we're fine they should have did have disadvantage they happen to BU exactly what they needed and that's happened again that's just them being lucky rolling 14 with disadvantage got no music in the background don't know why there we are I missed but this does require concentration which is one reason I've sent the others away or Shadow heart in particular since my hope is that with this very high Armor class and disadvantage they won't be able to hit her I'm going to stick this in bti here it has its uses throughout the game but it's not always going to be that useful and it does require concentration upcasting it doesn't allow you to pick more people to apply it to if it did it would be much more useful potentially it does have a use also against the hag some of you are going to tell me that you can put on the mask inside The Hags layer but cast protection from evil and good on yourself and then you can go wandering through without being possessed by the hag Ray of sickness this is available to Sorcerers Wizards Arcane tricksters Al Knights GRE dronic bloodline Sorcerers can get it you can get it from the staff of Thrones once short rest warlocks can get an invocation at level seven the book of ancient Secrets but then they can only cast it once per long rest without using a spell slot what does it do you have an attack roll which if it hits does two poison damage then the target makes the Constitution saving throw if they fail they are poisoned try and use it against the wizard you were witnessed assaulting some so the wizard is now poisoned for two turns which means they have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks so I mean yeah it's 2 d8 damage if we upcast it we deal an extra 1d8 damage per level a spell slot used but the uses a level one spell slot at lower levels it's okay as we get higher and higher the damage is poison damage the damage isn't enough it gets resisted and the Constitution saving throw for being poisoned I mean I I guess it's okay against the boss someone who's more difficult to fight let's try to do two things once you know does some damage gives a debuff but the damage isn't really enough and the debuff is only for attack thrs and ability checks so if they're a spell Caster even it's not going to be useful if they're casting a spell that requires a saving throw anyway it doesn't affect the enemy saving throws so it has its uses it's not quite bad enough to be D tier but eventually the debuff just isn't enough and the Damage isn't anywhere near enough to keep up with your cantrips even Sanctuary is next this is available to cleric oath of devotion paladins and bars via their magical Secrets here it is you or an ally cannot be targeted until you attack or harm a creature you still take damage from area spells so if I move away you can see I'm going to take an opportunity attack especially if I run past we got two arrows coming out it takes a bonus action to cast there we are now I've got Sanctuary on me go I can run past I can do what I want I won't get targeted however if I do hurt someone or cast a spell that hurts someone let's say [Music] this I didn't even hurt them right I discarded spell Sanctuary blocked affected entity can't receive Sanctuary I don't have another character here who can cast it but I wouldn't be able to cast it on her right now so this can kind of go up into s tier I've never really used it this way but what you can do in theory is have someone attack on their turn and then let's just say I don't know flame [Music] strike and then en cast Sanctuary on thems so she can come up here right in their faces breathing and she won't get targeted so you could use someone to block a doorway she's not quite in the right position to do that she almost is so now on her turn it's her next turn now unfortunately she can't cast Sanctuary on herself again but I think this has changed in the last couple of patches I'm going to move this down to a tier it doesn't require concentration you can cast it on other people it's only 10 turns so it's not you can't just walk through somewhere and not worry about it completely outside of combat if you're somewhere you shouldn't be you could still get targeted after 10 turns searing Smite this is available to paladins and zaral teelings at level three there is also a light hammer down near the Arcane Tower called sky breaker which gives you this once per long rest what does it do you deal an extra 1d6 fire damage when you hit and then while while you maintain concentration the target receives an extra 1d6 fire damage I'm a bit paranoid I'm going to miss this even at 85% chance so going to turn off great weapon Master now it does use your action and bonus action well I say action I mean uses up one of your uh attack actions so you can still attack afterwards now they failed their saving throw which is good I can continue to attack now I didn't turn this on you can also use your Divine Smite on top of that there to deal even more damage but that then requires two spell slots so if we skip to her turn assuming I maintain concentration I don't well they would have had an extra 1d6 fire damage now unless your enemy is vulnerable to steing Smite I really don't like it I mean I if you're going to want if you want to deal extra damage I would really just use the Divine Smite you get as a paladin the fact that you need to maintain concentration really sucks which means you can't concentrate on anything else so it overwrites it or as soon as you try to concentrate on anything else this gets overwritten and it's only an extra6 fire damage fire damage does get resisted a fair amount sadly maybe if this was a different type of damage I'd put up to CTI maybe if it didn't require concentration I definitely put up to CER but the fact is you're better off just using a Divine Smite and killing someone earlier than letting them live potentially just use Divine Smite instead fielders up next this is available to Sorcerers Wizards Aran tricksters and eldrich knights there are some items such as the aminet of Harpers which you can get from the last Light in Shield of shielding and the elegant studded leather armor which all give you at once per long or maybe short rest and it's another spell that's a reaction so I can't just cast it so when you're about about to be hit by an enemy you increase your armor class by five until the start of your next turn and you take no damage from magic Missile this only comes into play If an attack would hit you I'm going to move Gail here I don't know if it's going to work oh I don't have enough movement we'll see if any attacks come his way now it didn't come up there because it's a critical hit so Shield has no effect against Critical Hits and it must mean this time that she rolled high enough plus 5 to 17 is 22 so it would have had no effect so we don't waste the spell slot which is nice nice same thing here just high enough that Shield have made no difference now part of that is because my armor class is a bit too low for what it should be at this point in the game I should have Mage Armor let's actually cast Mage Armor with the action so when opportunity attacks come in oh she dismissed anyway didn't need to use it there I'm going to stay in their faces hopefully they come up to Gail steel I'm going to see if I can make it happen again no so let's try and make this happen now just going to keep trying to get Shield going of course another critical hit loads of critical hits coming out from her she's either hitting or missing this is a bit of a shame can't show you Shield here we are they R 21 no I can make the miss my class was now 25 easy s tier massive utility uses a reaction not action or bonus action stops the spell Carters from being hurt works really well with maybe an eldr Knight someone with already a high armor class makes it even higher makes them even more difficult to hit Shield of Faith now this is available to clerics and paladins the Sword of Justice and the dark Justice your half plate also give you this once per short rest so what does it do it uses a bonus action which is lovely to increase the armor class of a creature by two until long rest assuming you maintain concentration so I can give it to Gail his base Armor class is now 22 which caused that to miss which is pretty cool actually did it cause it to miss no it would have missed anyway still being hit by her now this kind of shows in one sense the fact that this isn't necessarily the best at the high levels at low levels I'd put this at a but as we get to higher and higher levels the attack bonuses of enemies start get really high sometimes so even an extra two Armor class doesn't guarantee they're going to miss the main downside to it is it does require concentration and as a cleric I'd probably rather have Bliss it's not a bad spell by any means but at the end of the day it's just a flat plus two bonus to a single Creature if we could upcast it and apply it to other creatures then yes I'd probably put this further up as we get to the high levels is use gets less and less effective leap available to BS sorcerers Wizards Arch fade warlocks Arcane tricksters eldrich Knights the brass ancestry for draconic bloodline Sorcerers and what does it do well put creatures into a magical Slumber select targets up to a combined 24 hit points if you upcast it you can put a higher number of hit points of enemies to sleep and it goes up by 8 each time so 32 level three is 40 unfortunately for me Blaze Liara she's got 33 hit points so I can't use level I can't use a level two spell slot bear in mind some enemies are immune to sleep such as Undead and those of Fate ancestry so you got to be careful why would you do this well it takes them out of the combat for two turns they can be shoved awake by their allies do be careful and then a Mele attack has a critical hit automatically going to put this in a tier with the caveat that you do have to be careful enemies will shove each other awake now if you can put multiple enemies to sleep that's really good they're using their bonus actions up but if you pick someone who's going to miss their next turn and even better if you can put someone to sleep like I did earlier and then have one of your characters attack them for a critical hit it's even better again at higher levels it's use kind of drops off because you're going to start to be able to do enough damage that you may as well just hit them and kill them anyway rather than just use sleep but it's always a good level one spell to have speak with animals this is available to BS Druids nich domain clerics Rangers oath of the ancient paladins Wild Heart barbarians and Forest gnomes warlocks can also pick this up as an if ification called Beast speech from level two it is a ritual so we can cast it without a spell slot and then you can comprehend and communicate with beasts now scratch here always gets all the attention for good reasons he's the best boy but you can speak to other animals Believe It or Not here's grub scaredy cat now sometimes animals give you information other ways of doing quests and it's just cool it's a ritual let you speak the scratch what's not to love up into EST tier down to the last five spells so tash's hideous laughter this is available to BS Wizards great old one warlocks Arcane tricksters eldrich Knights copper ancestry tronic bloodline Sorcerers and that's it so Gail here has Tasha hideous laughter the target has to make a wisdom saving throw if they fail they are prone for 10 turns however each time they take damage and it doesn't say here and at the end of each of its turns it can make another saving throw to try and get back up high levels it doesn't do anything so and it does require concentration which is one of the worst things about it actually so they're rolling on the floor laughing we have advantage against them of course they got a critical Miss somehow ah no the enemy used protection fair enough right come on one of these has got to hit surely no all right fair enough will here tries all right they got to make three saving throws even though we only hit him once for each source of damage pretty much not exactly every single Source but nearly and taken out now the reason he failed is because ga's spell safy is particularly high right now so I'm going to put this into I'm thinking between B and C in Early Access you used to get Critical Hits against any enies who are under the effects of the spell that got taken out it shouldn't really have been like that anyway now although I did just use it to pretty much take out an enemy it may it be more useful if it was against the boss what I don't like is unless you've got someone with a particularly High spell save DC they get loads of chances to save against this and it requires concentration as a wizard for example I'd probably prefer to be concentrating on haste so I can do twice as many actions in one turn for someone just as one example I don't know maybe you can convince me to put this higher but the concentration requirement and the fact there's so many saving throws against it means at the end of the day I I don't think it's always worth going to be using a level one spell slot but I can see myself using it at some points though next up is thunderous Smite this is available to paladins and Bs via their magical Secrets like the other smites it requires you to make an attack and if you can make multiple attacks with one turn it uses up one of them so you deal your normal weapon damage plus 2d6 Thunder and if they fail to strength saving throw that'll be push 10 ft away and possibly knocked oh and knocked prone and you can if you want to Divine Smite on top of that now it's used the bonus action so I can't use it again in the same turn oh that was not so good I'm going to stick this and B tier it's nice to do 2d6 extra Thunder damage and importantly knocking them prone and knocking them back can be really useful if they're up somewhere high or if you just want to knock them prone and give yourself advantage on melee attacks after that do be careful against who you cast it against the higher the strength the less likely this is to work Thunder Wave this is available to BS Druids Sorcerers Wizards Tempest main clerics Arcane tricksters Alish Knights storm sorcery Sorcerers get it at level six and you can get a ring called The Ring of absolute Force which can grant you this spell it's quite a well-known spell I would say it's a 17t square from right in front of you deals 28 Thunder damage and if the enemies fail a constitution saing through they get knocked back so it is an area of effect spell it will affect allies unless you're an evocation wizard let's make sure they fail there we are they got knock back they're immune to thunder damage because they're inside a silence Aura that's going to be quite rare at lower levels the damage is quite good for an area of effect high levels not so much but I'm going to put it a b tier kind of like with thunderous Smite because knocking enemies off Ledges is just so great and it feels so good and it can deal a lot of damage that it's worth keeping lots of fights do have some verticality so it can actually become very useful but there are other ways to knock people back like using arrows or shoving although the shove you can only do one potentially but still definitely has its uses next up is witch bolt this is available to Sorcerers warlocks Wizards arcan tricksters Aldrich Knights and blue ancestry draconic bloodline Sorcerers so what does it do it's an attack roll if you hit with it it does 1 D12 lightning damage and then on subsequent turns you can activate it to deal an additional 1 D12 lightning damage which also in action it requires concentration to maintain this now this is lightning damage so you I have actually made a blaze larer here wet if I if you upcast it the initial damage goes up by 1 D2 let's show you level two so I did double the damage there which seems pretty cool I suppose that was a level two spell slot though so it's my next turn I managed to maintain concentration thankfully so I've got this here activate witch bolt feels 1 D12 damage and that's my action G on now she's wet so I deal 16 damage wow that's all I'm going to say to that that's really not that much and this is under like the best conditions I can have where they are wet I've seen some I mean I guess you could make a build around it I suppose the initial damage it's okay if the enemy is wet 1 D12 * 2 okay at best there's no addition to that it's not like 1 D12 plus your spellcasting modifier requires your concentration then in subsequent turns it just 1 D12 damage and as soon as you get to level five your coun trips start doing more damage than that yes that is automatically hit but it's your action and it's just 1 D12 as soon as that person dies that's it you can't like recast it on anyone else if it wasn't for the wet condition this would be down in DTI right now the only reason it's not down in D tier you can't make characters deal double damage with it if you set it up using another action but what that's fine cuz wet is applicable to many spells but don't be fooled by this this is a trap spell in general that 16 lightning damage isn't really and again that's when she's wet if she wasn't wet that would have just been eight damage I would so much have rather than almost anything else right now I've got so many better spells to cast than just dealing eight or 16 damage and just to a single Target as well and lastly we have wrathful Smite oops I don't think it actually belongs in DTI can I bring it back out I can't oh let move in a second right this is available to paladins rful Smite see they can attack if you hit the enemy makes the wisdom saving throw if they fail they are frightened which means they have disadvantage on ability checks and attack RS and they can't move plus they take some psychic damage which is all very nice let's use it here now they made their save I could use my Divine Smite to finish her off I'm not going to that feels better right where does this go I think this belongs in C tier if your spell save DC is particularly High actually I'd probably move it up but paladins tend to be quite mad yes I suppose we could actually give them some gauntlets but we've only got so many items to spread out because the spell save DC is based off your charisma as a paladin it does require concentration which is why I wouldn't put it any higher than b but having an enemy frightened especially an enemy that is a melee enemy is really powerful because they potentially can't even hurt you but it uses your action and bonus action just like the other smites but then again we can put divine might on top of it this isn't really for the damage the 1d6 psychic damage is more about inflicting frightened onto an enemy anyway there we have it got through them allall eventually thank you for making this far if you have I'm sure you will let me know if I've made any mistakes and I haven't talked about every single combination of classes subclasses multiclassing and items let me know which items work well with which spells that is something you did very well in the previous video so thank you very much and one more time thank you if you made it this far and thank you to all the members of my channel and hopefully I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 63,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 tierlist, tierlist baldur's gate 3, tierlist baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tierlist
Id: HIQ_pzcLZA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 53sec (4973 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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