Baldur's Gate 3 - IMMORTAL INFINITE DAMAGE - Best Sorcerer Wizard Cleric Build Guide & Multiclass!

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you are not ready for how awesome this is hello my fellow bulgarians and welcome to my first proper full-on build guide for Baldur's Gate three and honestly this is essentially a cheat code now before I explain what we're kind of doing here and why it works and why it's good I want to stress that you should pay attention to the example fight in the background showing off the setup I am alone no party members I am on tactician I am level 9 against level eight and nine and ten enemies and it is a 4v1 situation it's just some random guns in a random Corner I've tried to keep it somewhere that's you know not very spoiling or anything it's just a place and some dudes nothing crazy going on but well that's a lie what's crazy that's going on is how effortless honestly I am not only surviving but dominating the fight by simply existing near the enemies see what this does is make one of two things happen every time you get attacked the first is you just don't take damage because they miss because you're defensives your AC are through the roof the second option is they do get through but they still don't do any damage because your damage reduction is through the roof but in return for them having the audacity to hit you they explode for 30 to 40 damage and repeat at infinitum and you will find rooms of enemies despite you being alone just kill themselves quickly trying to kill you and it is the most satisfying thing in the world you have an arsenal of fantastically fun spells you have all the counters in the world literally counts as spell but also reactions to those around you in Malay you have the ability to attack multiple times you can wear heavy armor use a variety of weaponry and still have decent melee damage and generally there's kind of nothing this can't do it is the ultimate Immortal unkillable Unstoppable tank of a battle mage that wins fights by simply being in them so if you do want to know how to feel like a god in Baldur's Gate 3 this is the one for you let's firstly go through the level UPS all the way to my current level of nine but I'll of course tell you what the final three levels we'll be doing for you and then we'll actually go over the key abilities and how to play it and the equipment and basically everything you need to know so here we are at our main manner with us for the respect now you may have noticed that this is not a double multi-class build this is a triple multi-class build so at level one we need to essentially choose a class that has heavy armor proficiency as we want you know the most AC possible and the most damage reduction possible and that generally comes from your heavy armor now initially I was messing around with this on fighter but we actually get a lot more out of going cleric and specifically War domain cleric the reason being is that Shield of faith is a Ab duration spell which is very important as the main engine here will be abburation wizard so we need them to fuel the whole kind of thing that it does that we'll get to and we just get a little bit more utility because this is what lets us attack multiple times in a turn display only having one level in it and it gives us a bit of a more diverse pull of spells deity obviously whatever you want but given that I'm going wizard mistress seems only appropriate and then cantrips wise this is pretty much just choose what you want blade Ward is very nice early on if you are going to start making this from level one but ultimately just choose what you feel like here and then when it comes to stats this is what I would suggest the main important ones are having 16 in intelligence as it is our spell casting stats and then the Constitution just so we're a bit healthier although obviously this whole thing is being ridiculously hard to kill so it's not super necessary you could make the other 16 the strength and then the Constitution the 14 but these are the kind of the three main ones the strength a bit of extrema Lee damage we don't care about Dex because of the whole armor situation and I do at least like having 10 instead of eight Charisma for just you know conversation options and generally playing the game in any case on we go on your first level up then there's a whole Tria class setup does actually come online fairly early we need to get armor of agathies and we can do that via two methods we can either go warlock to grab it here but that's not quite as effective as going sorcerer the reason we go sorcerer is draconic bloodline as the ancestor here the white gives us armor of agathies and then we can upcast it to our highest spell slot which is what we will be wanting to do as one of the core components of our whole setup here so this is the way to go and is a required extra level and what makes it a try class setup for your actual spells you get from this then take magic missiles for the guaranteed damage if we ever need it and then Shield it is an abduration spell you can use it as your reaction and it will play in to your Arcane Ward once we get into that side of things and just make you so much harder to get a hit on so now that we've got everything set up in our first two levels The Heavy Armor a few spells multi-attacks from cleric and then armor of ago threes from sorcerer we can now go into Wizard and literally all of the rest of our levels will be wizard levels so it's a 10-1-1 split this is for a number of reasons but a main passive that we will be taking once we get our second wizard level scales with your wizard levels so we want as many of them as we can get you will find yourself having so many cantrip slots here so just again take what you feel is right and I'll be honest with you your earliest spells aren't the most important if you are going to use this build at the start of the game for a fresh playthrough or you're swapping to it earlier on if you're interested in this these are the four spells I would suggest having for now Shield is just so unbelievably core to our existence a chronic orb is really solid damage that I think is going under the radar magic missiles for the guaranteed damage and longstrider is just really good mobility in the early game in any case we don't need to spend too much time worrying about our early Spell choices welcome to level 4 where we can get to our subclass and essentially this is where the fun begins AB duration is the choice because of this Arcane Ward it is so good in Baldur's Gate 3 and it is the biggest factor and what makes unite unkillable in this play style and I will explain it in detail once we have finished doing up our levels in any case grab your extra pair of spells again at this stage just kinda take whatever and you will be fine tailor it to your state and current situation level 5 wizard level three greets us as we just choose at two more spells we're up to the level twos now we will be soon having to focus specifically on AB duration spells as they are the spell school that powers abduration wizard shockingly but we don't get to the really good ones until level three so again just grab your Misty step for the mobility I love having knocks just to get in chests and doors for General gameplay that's really nice so that's what I take here but again this one is really up to you your personal preference then then over at level six wizard level four we get yet more can trips we probably will never cast and don't need so just kind of grab one and then take your next set of spells again just kind of do anything you feel like mirror images are very nice to add to the whole you can't kill me Vibe earlier on but it's not something we'll really care too much about later this is how I would set up at this stage but the feat here is important what we want to do before we get ability Improvement is get War Caster we will have some potent concentration spells here and because our whole thing is getting hit to reflect damage we want to have advantage on keeping those concentration spells up as soon as possible and actually the reaction shocking grasp is a fairly good amount of damage if we don't need our reaction for a shield so then we get to wizard level five overall level seven and this is where we get some excitement because now we can grab our two big AB duration spells counter spell to shut down enemy casters and give us stacks of damage reduction and then Glyph of warding also an AB duration and one of the best it is massive AOE damage it just quite literally blows groups of enemies up especially when you first get it is a big Power Spike and because it is AB duration it adds to our Arcane Ward haste is obviously amazing and is something we'll be picking up afterwards but you want these on as soon as you can get them and there we go next up at total level 8 wizard level six so we get this little beauty projected Ward obviously I am showcasing this solo so you can see how powerful it is but you will likely have your party and this is basically the no you're not going to kill kalak button or you know whoever your favorite companion is if you've chosen the wrong one and then we get our haste so that's on our bars and again concentration this is why we want warcaster so we can do double things a turn or put it on someone else and then you can choose projection from energy just to get another level three abduration spell that is up to you I also quite like fly and yes Fireball is great but the thing is we want to be casting AB duration spells if possible so we want to be using Glyph of warding for AOE damage it's slightly less than Fireball but it adds more to our overall play style so we can at this point drop the mirror image get on these two and we are good to go then up at level nine wizard level seven which is my current max level we get ourselves level four spells and this is where two really important fantastic things happen we get fire Shield to stack extra reflective damage when we get hit on top of armor of agathies and it's not concentration so it doesn't have to be our concentrated spell it's brilliant is this thing it works so beautifully in what we're trying to do here secondly we get stone skin level 4 AB duration four stacks of Arcane Ward when we cast it it's concentration but we've got warcaster and then halfing the incoming damage which is really important because if we reduce all damage we take by say 10 and then we take a 20 hit that gets half to 10 and then reduced by 10 we've now taken zero damage so we've not eaten into our armor of agathies which as you'll come to see is really important so this thing is great and we want to get them both prepared as soon as possible so this is how our setup will end up looking then we have this kind of block uh Venetian utility or can trips that we don't care about about I'll likely will never cast but they're sort of there because we just had to take a load of cantrips so we don't need to worry too much about this though early on blade Ward is definitely nice before we get to the later juiciest stuff and having the kind of ranged blast of Frost isn't the worst either for a country but what matters is this block on the left we have ourselves the amazing utility and buff that is haste for double action turns we have flight to get around the place and we have magic Missile for some guaranteed damage if we ever need it at range hold person again just for some CC utility these two can be kind of whatever you want them to be misty step is obviously amazing teleport to where you need to be get out of danger or more accurately hear into as much danger as possible because that is not danger to you and you'll just kill everyone you appeared next to and then knock just to help me get in chests and doors I just find it nice to have then as we are a wizard we can replenish our spell slots which is also really nice on top of getting the love level 1 War cleric extra attack charges so we can attack on three turns twice per long rest that's you know definitely nice from just a level one dip alongside the heavy armor it gives us access to but then we get to the main ones protection from evil and good is the most question mark here it's your one cleric spell that you can choose if you want some extra healing you can put them on your bars or if you want to be the blesser earlier on that's a really good choice too but this just gives you a nice easy level one AB duration spell to cast and get your Stacks going so let's actually go into the engine of this setup then it is a combination of Arcane wad twixt armor of agathies augmented by the rest of what we have built around it in a big way but at its base then I'm duration wizard gets Arcane Ward every time you cast an AB duration spell the spell level gets added to your Stacks we have three we'll cast a level one spell and now we'll go too far but how does it actually interact with the enemies hitting you if I get hit for four damage this will reduce the damage I take by far because we have four Stacks or if I got hit for ten it'll mean I only take six damage and then once it reduces the damage you lose one stack so four to three next time it'll only reduce three so it's kind of this ebb and flowing combat of your abduration spells increasing your Stacks while the enemy attacks decrease them at the bonus of you taking less damage so that just works out and once you get to high enough level you every shot rest will just get Stacks equal to your wizard level which is really nice to go into a fight with so then enter armor of agathies and the reason why we took level one sorcerer to get this we want to upcast this at the highest level possible before every fight if possible the reason being is we now get 25 temporary hit points but more importantly anything that attacks us gets 25 damage dealt to them there's no role there's no save there's no dice if they land a hit they take 25 coal damage unless they're like immune or something but you get my drift here so we put this on ourselves and what do we have we have 25 temporary hit points and because it is a Ab duration spell itself we have added five Stacks to Arcane Ward so if we get hit for nine damage Arcane Ward will reduce that damage to zero meaning we don't use any of our 25 temporary hit points but because we got hit agathies will still reflect the cold damage and that's the cincher we get hit and hit and hit but reduce the damage so much that we barely use our temporary health while reflecting the full 25 damage every single time and it's glorious we reduce our damage even more by wearing something like the adamantine armor which reduces all incoming damage by two you could even get the feet a heavy armor Master for another three but that's Overkill your second feat should just be a ability score Improvement for two more int so our offensive spells have got a little bit more kick to them and then you know that you know that's all a thing fire Shield yes it's evocation but that is fine we now add 2d8 damage to people that attack us so they hit us at level nine they take 25 cold damage they then also take 2d8 damage if you have what I have here in the flesh melter cloak they take one to four acid damage as well definitely recommend any extras like this you can find and then because we just sat at 21ac we're just not going to get hit half the time so bottom line if an enemy attacks us they will either as I said at the start not hit because we have 21 AC we also have our reaction Shield which means uh that we get to increase our AC by five and increase our Arcane wadstacks by one so yeah they really gotta work hard to do damage but if they do damage Arcane Ward and our adamantine armor and anything else you've got going on will reduce that damage really low and then armor of agathies will reflect 25 cold damage fire Shield will reflect 2d8 damage and so on and so forth and there is the magic you either don't get hit or you kill the people that hit you while making them do no damage to you in the process Stone skin halfing the damage coming in and adding four Stacks to your Arcane wad is is a brilliant use of your concentration if you don't need it for haste which is the other brilliant use of your concentration then let's actually talk Glyph of warding because this is lovely it's an AB duration spell so three stacks of Arcane WAD for casting it we can choose the best damage type for the situation and it is a massive area we plonk it down and of course we could upcast it if we want and apparently I have really upset specifically just Gale scratch and the owl bear cup but now I feel kinda horrible but either way it's not a low amount of damage is it 5 to 40. it's only a little bit less than Fireball and plays into our whole setup I'll start the situation now because I can't bring myself to even pretend to kill the owl bear cub so one moment thank you crisis averted then and essentially you kind of know everything that's going on here and why it works so well for your next levels in Wizard obviously you'll get access to more spells level 5 and level 6 spells you just want to grab things like conjure Elemental because it is ridiculously uh potent and at level six spells you can get a level six absuration spell which is really really nicer to build some Stacks very quickly in Globe of invulnerability you know also makes you vulnerable for three turns so that's good things like Sunbeam and chain lightning and disintegrate just for pure damage you kinda know the deal when it comes to those levels of abilities but really this is everything you need everything past this it's just more cherries on top your standard practice standard play Then is going to a fight before the fight happens because this lasts all day you don't have to time this just cast it on yourself at the highest level possible have your your agathies going we've got our stacks of Arcane Ward turn one in the fight you want to cast your shield on yourself and there we are after that the turn after you want to choose either Stone skin if it's a particularly difficult fight or haste if you think you're gonna walk over it quite quickly let's assume it's difficult we've got Stone skin and we're up to our 14 stacks and now we are quickly ready to just stand there and solo by going AFK and just pressing enter and letting everyone kill themselves attacking us while we just take no damage and pass this do whatever you feel like each turn double attack with your weapon or blast down your Glyph of warnings to AOE enemies or you know use your billion can trips if you're really feeling a little bit fun and then yes you can Arcane recovery your fifth slot back so you can get a another round of a Max upcast armor of agathies that's why this this spell slot restoration here that I have from this beautiful amulet which if you want to know where to get it it is the warden at the bottom of moonrise Tower she drops it I would hardly recommend it for this setup the weapon I'm using is the blood of the Thunder we have a guide on how to get this legendary weapon it's not the best or ideal it's just quite solid for this setup because we do want to be using a shield and that gives us the potent AC that we need along with evasive shoes giving me more AC but essentially all that really matters is heavy armor that reduces incoming damage and then past that it's just bonuses one hand and shield more reflecting is good just use your common sense when it comes to what magic items you've actually found would help this sort of reflecty damage unkillable battle mage playstyle so that's sort of it really I don't think there's much more to say when it comes to this it's fairly straightforward but it is just this beautiful Symphony of cleric Sorcerer And wizard that lets you do whatever you want in combat because the enemies can't do anything to stop you or they'll die all right then guys like you've enjoyed this subscribe and hit the bell for more consider supporting the future of the channel on patreon down below and until we meet again oh God Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 195,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 wizard, abjuration wizard, abjuration, war cleric, baldurs gate 3 sorcerer, sorcerer build, draconic bloodline, best wizard build, best sorcerer build, best abjuration build, arcane ward, baldurs gate 3 best build, best build, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, multiclass, level up guide, feat guide, feats, best class, build guide, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, subclasses, class, best feat, endgame, bg, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: dbLp8K6Nr8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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