Five Tips for How To Use The Controller In Baldur's Gate 3

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what's up everybody Ren fail here welcome back to another Baldur's Gate 3 guide and for those of you who are jumping into the PlayStation 5 and getting ready to jump into the Xbox later this year good news I've been playing with the controller ever since it launched on the PC a month or so ago and I got a ton of controller guides here in the channel and if you've ever watched any of my streams which happened daily at 11AM I play exclusively with the controller even though I do play on the PC now that the game is out on the PS5 and coming down the pipeline for the Xbox it's time to dive into some more controller guides So today we're getting right into it with the five tips that I have for people who are just getting into the game for the first time with the controller because it's a lot of fun I think it's a better way to play Baldur's Gate 3 and I think larion Studios has done an exceptional job with controller support for this game and of course those of you who are on the PC can always stick to your mouse and keyboard if you want but for those of you who are on the consoles this is where it's at baby right here all right let's dive in everyone don't forget like subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss an update join the Discord links are down below check out all the other playlists and of course the daily streams without further Ado let's get in and talk controller now the great thing about movement on the controller is that it is super fluid and you can quickly spin the camera around your character with the right thumb stick and to move around you just use the left thumbstick accordingly and right now we are in the closest V you can have which is essentially just over the shoulder of the character or right behind the character depending on how you want to position but I also have the configuration set up so that the camera Auto follows my character like this so it's always going to sort of spin around to behind the character but you can of course choose to manually spin the camera however you want now depending on the POV that you want you can pull the camera out from the character by simply pressing down on that keypad and you can go in increments if you just want to hit one click two click and I'm just pushing down three click four Click Five click and six click now it's not doing anything and the reason is because we've hit the maximum distance here but if we want to go into the top down view or the the technical view you know if you want that traditional view of top down you have to hold down on the thumb sticks just hold down and it will go into the overhead view for your character so that you can have that optimal view for combat that bird's eye view and then they go back down into the regular camera you just push down and it'll swing back down in all the way depending on how far you want to go in but again you can go in and out at your leisure like so and you can just hold back to get into the overhead view like so and then when you're running around you can also pull the camera out pan it around all of these things it's a great way to play the game I've loved the controller on this game I think it's one of the best ways to play Baldur's Gate 3 and it's really it's really the the the controller guy in me really wishes I could go back to Boulders get one in both days gate 2 and also have controller support but you know those games are really old so it'll probably never happen but uh that's a quick tip here for controlling the movement of your character now that's just movement because Beyond this if you want to scout ahead like I might be able to see up there but if I have my camera panned out the angle changes and I can't necessarily see out ahead of me anymore well one of the ways you can do that is you can click down on the left here on the left thumb stick just click down and you're going to go into free look mode which then gives you a mouse cursor that you can move around as you will and to move this around the map like you would a traditional Mouse now there is a limit to how far you can go based on distance to your character but you do have quite a bit of range this is a great tool to um go ahead and center around your character and then of course to just turn it off you can just go over here just double don't don't double sorry just left click again and it will immediately Center back on your character which is a great way to scout out and then quickly go back to your character to maneuver your party accordingly next up is a fun one because I actually didn't know this until I was pretty deep into game plan somebody hopped onto one of my streams was like hey did you know you could do this and I went well what so I'm passing that on now to everybody else so you can examine Targets in this game and get a better understanding of what Buffs they have on them what resistances they have their stats their hit points and everything else there's a couple of different ways to do it the quick way which is the way that I didn't know about until later is that when you have a a person targeted either indirectly or directly well what do I mean by directly or indirectly so right now I have nobody targeted but if I'm if I face in the direction of this particular character and move up close to them I will then have them targeted now you can also in combat scenarios you'll be able to do snap to targeting by hitting left or right on the thumb pad here and that'll snap to targets but otherwise you can do this indirect targeting you can also go into Mouse look mode and choose to manually move it over and then click on the character or just have it over the character so that you see the title showing up and the Highlight around them once this has happened there's two ways you can do this the manual way is to to bring up the context menu which on the Xbox controller is the x button or on the PlayStation controller it is the square button and once you hit that you're going to break up a context menu giving you the variety of options that you can use with this particular individual and at the bottom is the examine button you just scroll down and then hit either the a button on the Xbox controller or the x button on the PS5 controller to examine and that will bring up this particular window but there is an easier way to do that which is just when you have the person targeted directly or indirectly just very quickly tap down on the thumb pad and it brings up this window that's the quick tip but there are a couple of different ways you can do it and from here you can go in here and you can look at all the various stats so we see he's got 139 hit points right now only 44. he's got 21 AC these are his stats he has fire resistance uh and endurance by fire he has great weapon fighting improved extra attack he's got magical plate opportunity attack Phalanx formation um strain execution and then down here we can see his initiative movement speed size weight carry capacity so on and so forth um and you know it's if you want to go up here and like choose to investigate say something else you'll notice that when you have a stat highlighted it says inspect you could just open up the window and inspect the Constitution more if you want to but that's a quick how to inspect mobs or friends allies it doesn't really matter anybody that you have targeted also any objects that you have targeted like a candle over here we could do it with a candle as well so it's not just NPCs it's any interactable object player character or non-player character in the game can be examined and it's really cool with some of the assets too because if you like come in here and look at um I don't have like here's a stained towel pile we can take a look at what that looks like but there's also things like um I don't see her in front of me right now but karlak has like plushie a plushy bear and stuff and so you can go and inspect things but even things like a stool here when you come in you can look at the assets that the team has created um and and in many cases able to come in here and look at the fine details like you can see the nails um on this thing and the wooden dowels and everything else they've done so it's a great way to take a closer look at the artwork that the team has put so much love into now stealth is a huge component of this game regardless of which class you are playing I know that sounds weird but in order to get around this game anytime you go into stealth mode you can see the uh POV of the various targets or the line of sight of the various uh enemies and player characters around you so this person's looking at us right now as an example so we're probably too close to have that show up but if I were to come over here and go into sneak and we're going to talk about how you're going to sneak here in just a second but if we go into sneak you're going to notice that that red line of sight is the line of sight of the enemy and I don't need any specific stealth ability to avoid that red line of sight I can just move my character around this accordingly with my party in tow and just avoid that line of sight and we can essentially sneak around now characters who have sneak can go into the red and avoid detection because their stealth is much higher so they will succeed at the hide and sneak rules so how do you go into stealth well there's two things you need to understand here one is that there's party stealth and then there's single player or single Target stealth now if you want to do single Target stealth you'll have to separate your character out from the party and we'll talk about that in a minute but essentially all you do is you hold down on the thumb pad so just as much as you would tap down as an example going up here and so a tap down to inspect we talked about that just a minute ago instead of tapping down we would hold down and holding down is what puts us into that sneak mode now you'll notice we're sneaking everyone right now because we're all selected in the group and sometimes you might want to send your your primary character out ahead or whoever you have maybe you have a rogue in your party or someone who has a stealth benefit maybe you just want to do some scouting so the way that you do that and this is going to change slightly depending on whether or not you're on an Xbox controller or a PlayStation controller but essentially it's the left trigger if you look over here above my character profile right there it says LT so just hit the LT button that's going to bring up this party member right here a party window I should say now from here you're going to look down at the bottom and let me get rid of my face for a minute so that we can see this a little better here quick commercial break everyone to give a shout out to all of these amazing people who are The Guild Champions at the highest tiered membership here on our channel of course all of the members who helped keep me full time and doing this for your enjoyment if you would also like to become a member you get access to tons of special stuff like live stream member only chat private videos for our members several times a week it's really simple just pick your tea or go from there you can also do super chats or super things on any stream YouTube short or video that you see don't forget the Discord links are down below let's get back to the video there we go we didn't need to seed me in the first place so down here on the bottom you're going to see four buttons now I'm on an Xbox controller so it's going to look slightly different if you are on the PlayStation 5. but a is Select which is X on the PlayStation 5. X is the group up button also the square button on the PS5 that is to group up the Companions and the B button or the o button on the PlayStation 5 controller is to cancel the action but what we really want to look at here is the Y button on the Xbox controller or the triangle button on the PS5 controller this is what splits party members out so I would choose the party member I want in this case we'll go with my druid and I'm going to hit that button to split them out and they are now separate from the rest of the group now I need to make sure that they are selected so we're going to do that right now and now I'm only controlling this one character all right now if I want to sneak it'll only do this character and it'll leave everybody else behind this is highly useful in strategic situations to go up and like get into a conversation with the target to distract them or to initiate combat with the one character while you then have the rest of your party sneak out and go around and do flanking and Etc but you don't have to do just one character you could do one two or three and it's the same principle the first thing I would do is I would go down here and I would choose to group him back up with the rest of the party like so and then I would say well let's split him out let's split him out and let's split her out well now they are individually split out now all four of these are split out but what if I want to group up two of the characters well I would hit that group button move it up to the character I want to group them with and hit the group button again and now these two are joined I could do the same thing down here and have these two joined then if I select one of these I have two characters that will go off and do their own thing while the other character members if I select them we'll go off and do their own thing in a different direction and again you could do this however you want we can take these and rejoin them or come in here and say I want to split Gail out like so and I want to have him join the rest of the group up here and now I've got three party members and Gail's automatically going to run down here and join us because now he's part of the group so that's a really quick and easy tip on how to group ungroup split and unsplit your characters to strategically move them around the battlefield at your will now I've got a separate guide for the radial menus and separate guides for looting and inventory management and everything else but one of the things that I often get people asking in the comments section my videos is how do I access like all the character information for my sheet so I go check out the inventory and all these other things right so that's actually a lot of fun because the radial menus are brought up by the bumpers so you know left and right bumpers bring up the radio menus but how do I get to the character window that shows all of my stats and everything so that is the right trigger it doesn't matter which control you're on the right trigger is going to bring up this context menu right here and this context menu is filled with a ton of information so you can go to Camp from this menu you can do a long rest from this menu you could go to your combat log you can go to your Journal you can use your illifid powers from here or access them you can access your spell book you can access your character sheet and your inventory and everything else which is what we're going to check out here in just a second you can access the Alchemy tab wipe points to travel around the map open the map directly from here you can go into turn based mode and you can also do short rests now a lot of these functions you can do through other controls as an example I don't need to go here to open up the map I can just hit the button and open up the map accordingly like so the menu button but really what we want to look at here is the character sheet this is the one that everyone wants to know about how do I get to my character sheet which is the inventory so again it's the right trigger go up it's right at the character sheet from here you're going to hit the a button on the Xbox controller or the x button on the PS5 which is the select button and you're going to be able to go straight from here and go boom now you're in your character's inventory window and across the top you're going to notice things like characteristics reactions proficiencies statistics so on and so forth you're also going to see all this information laid out on the right hand side for your character stats hit points temporary hit points all those things movement speed and then you get into the filters and everything else if you need to from here and again I've got a video from Early Access of inventory management and I've got a new Inventory management video coming out so you'll want to stick around for that because there's a ton of information because with patch 2 They just added a bunch of new filters which is awesome for like the rare very rare and legendary but I don't want to confuse the subject with this particular video because we're just dealing with five tips for this one now obviously playing with the controller is a pretty complex subject because there are a ton of additional commands and context menus and things that you can do with the controller and that's why you need to like subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss an update because I do Baldur's Gate 3 videos and guides every single day we do three to five videos every single day not just on Baldur's Gate 3 but other games like Starfield cyberpunk older games like Star Wars into public Lord of the Rings online and so on and so forth so if all that sounds good to you make sure to smash the like button subscribe hit the Bell icon join our Discord so you can hang out with our community also you can join us a member get access to private videos and Beyond and hopefully we'll see you in the next video or live streams which happen daily at 11AM central time until next time everybody stay safe and happy gaming and to those of you who are joining with the PS5 and getting ready to join with the Xbox welcome to Ballers Gate 3 everyone
Channel: Renfail
Views: 37,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 levels, baldur's gate 3 controller, baldurs gate 3 controller, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 3 controller guide, baldurs gate 3 controller guide, bg3 controller guide, how to play baldurs gate 3 on a controller
Id: 47izGG-JoW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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