What ALL Your Favorite D&D Races Say About You

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what all of your favorite d d races say about you thought I was done with this series but tons of new races were dropped and older ones were updated so we're back again to stereotype them all watch till the end and tell me I didn't perfectly describe you with at least one of these as always the video is just a fun little joke this is what your favorite DND race has about you hope you enjoy arakokra you love playing in games run by veteran dungeon Masters because they know how to handle flying races you're the only person in your party who knows arakokra lore and strength is constantly your character's dumpster asamar when it comes to relationships you romance characters that are the complete opposite to your own something about a Holy Angel dating an evil warlock is just taboo enough to be adorable you've also designed a full healer build at one point and The asmr's Healing Hands had a small part to play in it astral elf erdm gives your group a lot of time to set up plans and since your entire party accidentally all picked the same skills being able to choose new ones every long rest made you the most valuable character at the table you're also glad that nobody's picked up on how Bonkers broken Starlight step is and are incredibly grateful that I'm not gonna say why in this video Auto gnome you didn't make your character look anything like the reference art and got it all the lore in favor of something way more interesting at this point you're just playing a small War forged with more interesting features and bullied another player into learning The Mending spells you could role play having them repair you bug bear you've heard some crazy stories of other d d players getting absolutely destroyed by bug bear enemies and assumed that you'd be just as strong if you play the race yourself that or you're a dungeon master who wants to give them more personality than the blank slate enemy fodder most games make them out to be Centaur you swear My Little Pony isn't just a children's show and went as a spellcaster so you could mimic Twilight Sparkle you also have at least three different ways to magically get around because the last thing you want is a climbing wall being the death of your character you started with the jump spell then progressed to Misty's step and eventually learned how to fly changeling I've noticed a connection between changeling players and these four colors whatever could it mean you've spent the most money out of any player at the table through painting custom Miniatures to represent the dozens of different personas you have in the game or if you're online are still hounding your DM to properly rig up your token so you can swap between all the character art you pulled from Pinterest custom lineage you trust official DND materials for game balance more than using Homebrew to design the race you're actually interested in playing you're also a Min maxer who's stitching all the best starting bonuses together to create an Unstoppable level 1 character that's Adventures League legal deep gnome you're making the ultimate rogue build and never want to fail stealth checks and always want to have the ability to see enemies coming from a mile away you didn't buy the expansion book just for the race but after glossing over its features immediately hatched your rokish plans you design the mechanics of your characters before their lore and love sequence breaking your DM's campaign every chance you get damp here you thought a Starion from Belgium's gay three was hot and now you're here your wardrobe is filled with Gothic Flair and you wish a cute vampire would just suck the life out of your neck already Dragonborn nobody likes discussions with you about this race because they always spiral out of control do Dragonborn have tails lore wise it's a no but you'd never agree to that what's the best Dragonborn color this seems a bit more racist than anything in the series so far but OG Dragonborn players are quick to answer with red or gold everyone else is praising amethyst Dragonborn though and their resistance to force damage is held with open arms also if you've been enjoying the video so far then you'll love the new RPG book I'm working on Silver's monster girl manual tons of your favorite d d monsters are getting fully fleshed out to make them perfect as playable characters and NPCs Genies unicorns starches slimes and more are all being designed coupled with fun gifts they can give and Fantastical locations to explore with them join silver Gwen and Desmond as they write reviews on every monster and rank them on a scale of 1-10 and enjoy the fact that all the materials are system neutral so you can use them in any game that tickles your fancy sign up for free pages and Kickstarter news down below but anyway back to the video duragar you're always jumping at the chance to make culturally relevant characters some of your favorite NPCs have also been duragar and you host games way more than you play dwarf you're always ready to test the stamina of your vocal cords by yelling in low-pitched grunts for the whole campaign you love being racist towards elves for no discernible reason and make it a point to bring up knife ears and tree huggers in every Elvish confrontation your characters get drunk whenever they return to town and they wouldn't be caught dead without carrying around weapons that can also act as mining equipment finally you have a few too many hours in Deep Rock Galactic aladrin you're swooning over this race constantly and bragging about how it's the superior elf in terms of lore power and style there's a chance you've actually played Druid before and Autumn is your favorite season hands down elf you think that Elven sub-races are actually full races and are gonna get upset at me after hearing that drow aren't included on this list you constantly bring up how old your characters are and always give them a superiority complex also you don't play Elf because it's optimal you play it because most media always has elves being the coolest characters and that by choosing the race that'll immediately apply to you fairy you were so excited when you heard that this race was coming out then the second you learn they were small size instead of tiny you curled up in a ball and died a little inside guess it's back to Homebrew for you your fairy characters are pretty helpful and always looking to offer suggestions and you can't avoid people making Legend of Zelda references in every game you make one for fear bold here's the only other race in the game that I can say you paired with the Druid class you somehow found a use for their ability to speak with plants even though they have no way to respond and kinda ditched the lore related to Giants because you figured no one would care janasi you know how to properly pronounce every race in this game's name and are incredibly happy that Blaine did his research you've never made an unattractive d d character before and seduce more NPCs than the party barred during character creation flashbacks of avatar The Last Airbender keep assaulting you whenever you quickly read over janasi's four different sub-races gif you have to force yourself not to make every one of your characters a dual-wielding crossbow Maniac you're always persuading DMS to let you have guns in their games and somehow manage to find a body of water to swim in during your trip through the astral plane this cool and interesting lore about gith now because of belder's gay three you also still haven't succeeded in getting your DM to read your character backstory gnome having five less movement speed than every other race has nearly gotten your gnome killed on multiple occasions besides that most of you gnome enjoyers just like being tiny little Gremlin creatures with tall pointy hats it really doesn't get any more complicated than that Goblin you base your whole character concept around gold coins arson or being an absolute troll sometimes a combination of all three your female goblins are a bit too Caked Up and your male ones are a bit too bloodthirsty Goliath you heard everyone talking about how deadly the first few levels of d d are and found the best race for dealing with that you're constantly waiting for the party's plans to fall apart so fighting becomes the only option and feel the most alive whenever you completely negate one of the DM's attacks with your chiseled chest grung you use outdated memes and unironically post on Imgur you have fights with DMS about why they're banning all the materials you want to use in their game and are constantly looking for loopholes to be as powerful as possible you made your character a sidekick to somebody else and gave them a background as a circus performer you first learned that this race existed because d d shorts brought up how busted its gliding ability is and then got heartbroken when the game devs fixed it halfel you find half elves to be more relatable than elves and more interesting than humans you like simple stories that take place in small farming Villages and are always the first player to have plot hooks from your backstory used by the DM half or you love the great ax as a weapon and are getting a bit tired of racism being the central theme in Homebrew campaigns you're also surprisingly into a healthy blend of role play and combat and usually ignore anyone who can't stop flailing about how spell casters are better than Marshalls halfling you get your parties screaming in suspense more often than anyone else at the table whenever you roll a 1 everyone panics then you let the room simmer down and reveal that halflings re-roll ones hope is restored and everyone's back in suspense again then your next roll pivots into a natural 20 and The Crowd Goes Wild these are the moments you're looking for and it's the reason you love DND so much harangon you may be a furry but at least you know a well-designed race when you see one your party loves all the creative ideas you come up with and you never realized how open battle maps became until you got a 30-foot jumping Iron Judy Hopps is also your favorite character from zootopia hex blood the curse of straw is your favorite d d module and DM's love your characters because it's just a free excuse to add hags Into The Campaign which everyone knows are objectively the coolest monsters fight me Hobgoblin you play D D with some of the largest groups around and are the only person in the party to ever consider using the help action everyone loves you for that though and it sort of made you The Unofficial leader of the group at this point human did somebody say variant human did somebody say crossbow expert feed yeah your level one builds are crazy optimized and you've never considered going any of the other sub races because of it if you're a noob then you're playing as a standard pre-generated fighter and if you're a pro then you made one of the best backstories out of anyone in the party star you write in-depth and complicated backstories that DMS are way too intimidated to read your DM also got super inspired by Baldur's K3 and now every other enemy you meet is doing psychic damage Kender you're very aware of the hate this race had back in the day and are doing everything in your power not to play into those stereotypes the lack of five elore sort of bums you out but you've been at the Indie veteran for years now so that's nothing a bit of older edition appropriation can fix kenku your DM injected tons of NPCs into the game that are just objectively better than your party there's been tons of chances for you to steal all of their information and sneak into places only their OCS would be allowed kobold this is the only race you play after your first kobold it was over kobolds are a bit of an obsession for you and you've probably had one as your profile picture at some point you hate the new version of kobold because they played around with pack tactics and no more kobold lore than what can be found in any officially printed 5e book leonen once again zootopia had a bigger impact on you than you'd like to admit half the charm of playing a leonin is everyone at the table marveling at how cool your character looks and you always ask the DM if your claws can do more damage citing all the other races that got a melee buff in their last reprinting lizard folk your characters are a pretty single node have one motivator for being with the party and if they survive long enough to see the end of the campaign always get whatever mundane thing they were after and just leave like nothing even happened everyone else in the party admires your dedication to stay in character but to you it's just second nature lokotha you're just a funny little bean that's it just a small quirky goofball there's no real reason for why you like this race other than the fact that you think locata are just funny guys loxodon you're in your 20s and still remember how cool the elephant people were in Wizard101 everyone in the party became super interested in your character the second they heard you were playing aloxidon and you gushed about your love for the race for a good half an hour during character creation Minotaur you've been at the mercy of dungeon Masters that know exactly how to operate minotaurs to be as deadly as possible and wanted to give them a taste of their own medicine your entire build revolves around your Goring Rush combo and you always take the chance to mention how many enemies you've killed with fall damage orc you have beef against Watson their stupid corporate decisions use tons of Homebrew adore hosting d d games and love fixing weird rules to make the game more fun for your groups you're a valued member of the community and everyone loves you what you lack with any actual lore for the race you more than make up for with your sharp character personalities witty sense of humor and Charming knack for roleplay you also have a love-hate relationship with flying in the Indie Games it's so liberating but at the cost of any other cool racial features plasmoid you convinced your DM to let you give plasmoids more humanoid characteristics and are finally playing as the cute anime slime girl of your dreams you get the other party members to hold all of your gear and always hatch creative plans for getting out of sticky situations reborn you found the only race that gets bonuses to death saves and now have an Unstoppable bravado In the Heat of combat you know full well that it only takes getting hit twice after running out of Health to instantly die but that doesn't stop you from risking everything to be as chaotic as possible in the front lines I'm also taking a risk with this last one but there's a good chance you also aren't American seder another race with a movie following this time from The Chronicles of Narnia and Hercules you're big into reading books watching shows that everyone says are made and love characters that serve no other purpose than to be merchandisable fan favorites see elf you're gonna go down into the comments section and leave a post on what makes this race so appealing to you because the guy writing this video certainly can't think of a single reason why anyone would want to play this race over Triton's shadarkai your favorite race changes whenever a new elf gets printed but Shadow Akai have been your favorite for a bit now because they're unapologetically edgy you know lore about the shadowfell which is cool and love making neutral evil characters shifter you find human looking characters to be boring and love transforming into more interesting things any chance you can get you're also a closeted furry or someone carefully testing to see if their friend group has a problem with that simic hybrid you always choose Manta Glide as your first race ability and read way too deep into DND race tier lists I'll save you having to wait for my new one and just say that the race is a solid a tier tabaxi you're always scared to play this race at new tables because you know the stereotypes associated with it ironically you also know that the tabletop Community is the most welcoming space in the world but you don't let that hold back the irrational fears you Marvel at how unapologetically open kobold players are with admiring their favorite race but can only go as far when your entire group is filled with monster lovers Sarai cream your DM is a stickler for object interaction so holding items in extra hands is actually useful you also love that dry cream or monstrosity is just because it breaks the mold of everyone in the game being humanoid and even though nothing else in your race is all that revolutionary you enjoy fiddling around with new official game materials like its DLC in a video game you've already beat Ling you went from being a minority in the real world to a majority in the fantasy one everyone can guess how you swing the moment it's revealed that you made a tiefling and the vibrant color of your character's skin makes it even more apparent if you're a new tiefling player and you have no idea what I'm referring to then you'll learn a lot about yourself within the next year or two Turtle you actually know a few really Niche uses for hiding in your shell and on occasion they're better than just taking the Dodge action you also wanted an ungodly High Armor class without having to waste hundreds of gold or stick points into dexterity there is also a good chance your tortel has a Homebrew subclass could it be in Rogue by chance Triton the campaign takes place on a large body of water and you just made a character that wouldn't completely suck if they were to fall into it your calm cool and collected and your characters are the spitting image of thankless Heroes the M's read you like a book though and know exactly how you'll react to everything in the game vidalkin you're a dungeon master who was forced to read up on vadalkin lore to understand global politics in Ravnica somehow you didn't fall asleep doing so and actually found their lore to be pretty interesting your players all call them the Smurf people from Avatar though so any hope you had to entice them got thrown out the window verden you bought the book this race came from and the sunk cost fallacy kicked in now you're pretending that this is your favorite race until the character dies then you'll never play Vernon again the new printing of goblins is looking more enticing by the minute warforge you're a sucker for the emotionless character learns to love story arc you have a killer monotone voice and can hold in a Laugh to Keep the bit going and you don't have the best eating schedule you want tea your DM band Yanti pure blood and finally you want tea pure blood you loved snakes before you knew about this race and accidentally caught a tearless video that put pure bloods in Esther every time the DM sees you rolling against their spells with Advantage they get one step closer to Banning pure bloods in their next campaign as usual if you're holding any other racial stereotypes then share them down below check out a bunch more videos like these in this playlist over here and I'll catch you all in the next video let's go [Music]
Channel: Blaine Simple
Views: 973,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: or2watglq0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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