BEST Paladin Multiclass in Baldur's Gate 3?

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paladins are one of the most played classes in all  of d and d and that extends even further to balers   Gate 3 with all the many options for multiclassing  this can lead to a bit of analysis paralysis as to   which one is best and let me open this video by  saying there truly is no best Paladin multiclass   whether there is one that fits your party and  play style the most that will invariably become   the best this is a single player narrative game  so you should be playing what you want to play or   what you enjoy versus what the internet says is  absolutely broken so if this is your first time   my channel the way I do things is by upfront the  knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's   the right one for you with that being said we  will focus of course on not talking about any   single one multiclass but rather all explore  the many popular Paladin combinations these   are the sorcadin sorcerer Paladin which uses the  sorcerer's metamagic abilities to add a lot of   range damage but mainly adding a ton of spell  slots for even more and stronger smites this is   probably the highest raw damage from Paladin the  bed in barred Paladin combo which can leverage   a ton of skills and tap into some great spells  using magical secrets with heap of spell slots for   smites this is my top pick for the main character  as you'll have access to almost everything and the   ever famous loadin Paladin warlock focusing on  the pack of the blade to allow for three attacks   per main action it's worth noting though that  that only works if you're not playing on honor   mode if you're looking to make a lock it in and  play honor mode don't expect three attacks the   loadin is more of a pure melee focused character  that can short rest their Smite spell slots back   online in a pinch you're using this lock it  in to get more use out of your spell slots but   also a hopeful three attacks from your primary  attack action that's honestly the breakdown of   all three of the main combinations for Paladin  I'll have a section focused on discussing other   combos such as cleric or fighter but that'll be  at the end of the video and if that's all you   want to know please feel free to shut the video  down and get back to making your Paladin before   you head out please don't forget to like comment  subscribe all those fun things each one helps me   in in a huge way I currently have something like  89% unsubscribed viewership on the channel and   that is a metric I am trying to change and every  little bit helps you can jump ahead to any part of   the video that in you the most you need chapters  both the timeline and the description and if you   need help with any other subject in bers Gate  3 check out my playlist linked below at the end   of the video it's everywhere let's get started  here on what is the best Paladin multiclass in   Boulders Skate 3 and before we actually get into  the individual classes I'm going to put a link   to this website here um one of the big things  is looking at what your spell slots are going   to well look like as you kind of split up your  Paladin levels with whatever you're going to   multiclass so let's say right over here we have  six highlighted that's six Paladin levels so if   we want to go six into Bard that's going to give  us one level five spell slot and then the rest   corresponding or maybe we go no into Bard and six  into sorcerer so use this tool as a way to kind of   explore how to build your Paladin out I'll talk  about how really number level seven for Paladin   is pretty huge and that can actually add a whole  whole different Aura to your character depending   on which Paladin pack you take which conversely  though leaves you with no level five spell slot   for either sorcerer or Bard so you can kind of  use this thing as a cool way to kind of figure out   which of your spell slots are going to be coming  online as you invest the necessary points into I'm   sorry levels into your respective classes but I  wanted to talk about this because spell slots are   going to be a big focus in this video since your  spell slots are what you'll use to cast Smite well   use Smite is not really considered a spell but  let's go further now and when it comes to your   oath for Paladin I have an entire video on this  subject so I'm not going to go into it too in   depth here but what I will say is the two that  I recommend out the box are either oath of the   Ancients or oath of Vengeance depending upon what  kind of character you want both of the Ancients is   going to afford you a lot of really cool abilities  like this one right here healing Radiance healing   Radiance is going to be nice because it's going  to scale as you go through the game it's basically   your proficiency bonus which starts at two becomes  three and ends up as four your Paladin level which   for pretty much all these builds will be six  and then your charisma modifier which will at   at minimum be plus three so you add all those  numbers together and you get a lot of healing   that's going to be done every turn um in addition  to at level seven you get Aura of warding as the   oath of the Ancients which gives you resistance  to damage from spells so I like the oath of the   Ancients because it offers you a lot of party  utility and a lot of party fun stuff uh oath of   Vengeance here is really good if you want to focus  on just pure melee damage um at level three you're   going to get uh your vow of enity which is going  to gain advantage on attack rolls against an enemy   it's huge it's absolutely huge because you pretty  much just turn that on you're almost always going   to have an absolute slam dunk on any put in the  hoop ready for Space Jam on any hard enemy you're   attacking so those are the two I recommend oath  breaker and de uh oath of devot otion are also   good just they have a little bit more specific use  cases oath breaker you have to be comfortable with   breaking the oath of your Paladin and going down  that road and oo devotion plays better with say   maybe a cleric and other things of the sort but  those are the two subclasses I'd recommend just   out the gate between the two uh for all intents  and purposes I'm going to be using oath of the   Ancients because I think it's a little bit more  of a c all I can use it on every single build and   have utility versus oath of vengance I'm going to  be focusing on melee capabilities so now let's get   into some discussions about these multiclasses  now to start us off we're going to talk about   the beden and you can see I'm already playing a  lovely violin it's a lovely conera and the beden   delivers just an insane amount of utility to this  character you're playing a character that can for   all intents and purposes do everything in melee  combat and do it very effectively you're going to   have up to level five spell slots I deliberately  don't have one level choos and I'm going to show   you why and you get a lot of utility from it  right so just looking at our lay on hands we   get the lay on hands going to give us a lot of  healing we're going to get our Channel oath which   is going to give us turn the faithless because we  are an ancients Paladin and this is the last time   I'll talk about this the other two are going  to be kind of uh self-explanatory with these   because they'll all have this Nature's wrath  so we can restrain an enemy they cannot move   attack rolles against them have Advantage their  attack rolles and deck staves have disadvantage   and we get healing so just from being a paladin  we get those things and we also get very strong   smites right um where's our level four one go go  go there it is so our Smite is going to do 5 to   40 damage right increase when attacking fiends or  Undead is an additional 1 to eight gradient damage   per level so we're we're getting a ton of damage  coming out from our divine smites that we have a   lot of access to right since we have so many spell  slots again we don't even have a level five spell   slot active we have really good level four spells  here and I just have a couple of them chosen but   since we went with a lore specifically a lore  Bard and a um ancients Paladin we have stuff   like magic weapon to make our our weapon do do  more damage bonus to attack and damage roles we   get moon beam which is just disgusting amount of  radiant damage we can stack into our character but   we also get even just simple things like Tasha's  hideous laughter as a level one spell that you   will have the use of almost the entirety of your  playthrough you're going to get access to Misty   step giving you a lot of good uh mobility and  functionality across the board Glyph of warding   which is a really strong level three spell so  and hold person a really great CC that you can   get just a lot of continuous use out of and you  as a The Bard gets song of rest now this can be a   little confusing when you read it your your allies  are revitalized revitalized as though you would   have taken a short rest uh because my brain's not  smart I thought this only meant the health kind   of like Prayer of Healing nope you just get a free  short rest so now you get three short rests rather   than just your standard two because of this song  of rest it's a really great ability and you have   of course your aura of protection which is going  to increase bonus to saving throws because of your   charisma and you have your baric inspirations and  at level five bar inspiration a is now a 1d8 bonus   rather than a 1d6 and it will replenish um on a  short rest these guys will replenish on a short   rest so you have a lot of functionality out of  these increasing attack roll ability check saving   throws which can help you in the main game quite  a bit in the the main game in in the playthrough   in in non- combat is what I meant good Lord now  outside of it I'm going to level up here and   get my level six ability here from Bard level  six bard lore Bard in specific gets us magical   Secrets otherwise that happens at level 10 and  from magical secrets you can get a ton of really   strong capabilities you can even get some warlock  spells like armor of agathys which is really sick   or hunger of Hadar which is a great CC and damage  spell but counter spell is very strong Shield is   an amazing ability which I swear to God I can find  with my eyes that I will not be able to find while   I'm talking about this it's somewhere on here I  thought Shield was Maybe I'm Wrong um but either   way as I keep riffing Spirit Guardians is probably  one of my go-to picks because now when I have this   active things around me are going to take 3 to 24  radiant damage and I can upcast this from a level   three spell slot up to one of my level five spell  slots so it can make this actually be a really   strong persistent amount of damage around me I  get access to haste um it's just a really good   ability for the Paladin that they can really  leverage themselves into I guess it can't get   Shield you know what well this video now doesn't  make any [ __ ] sense cuz I'm stupid but still   either way way you get a lot of really great  abilities here having haste online with Spirit   guardians or even just another counter spell in  the party is really great Warden of Vitality is   an amazing healing spell while this Aura lasts  you can cast restored Vitality as a bonus action   to heal yourself or nearby allies there's just so  much fun stuff you can get flight a lot of really   great things you get from just simply being this  type of Bard and two The Bard package of spells at   this point to is very strong hypnotic pattern fear  crown of Madness I think blindness yeah blindness   is in here silence you've got shatter all these  things really give you a ton of utility you are   a really good Caster you're a really good um uh  what's it called Paladin but also you are as the   term is called a skill monkey if you see all these  little stars it means I have a Proficiency in them   and as you can see I've got tons of proficiency  slide of hand and stealth what am I going to use   that I'm a paladin but I've also got history got  Insight perception deception intimidation and now   I have um expertise in performance and persuasion  so you see that almost every skill check in the   game is no longer scary because you are a barred  Paladin you have access to a wide range of spells   covering the gamut of pretty much everything and  you have a ton of damage you can do with these   spells if I upcast this bad boy all the way up  here you can see that this is going to do 5 to 40   damage around me so it's just a lot of fun a lot  of radiant damage and you pretty much have a tool   for every single thing that you would need access  to as a beden one thing I did forget to talk about   though with the bedin is cutting words so this is  a reaction that will trigger the target receives a   1d6 penalty to attack roll ability check or damage  dealt so whenever you're trying to have something   go off maybe it's a really hard to hit monster  it's a boss whatever it is you get to use cutting   words it does cost you a Bic inspiration which at  this point once you max out this character will be   replenished on short rest and it is a reaction so  you can use this once per turn but it's a nice way   to just really kind of help push something through  that they maybe would have otherwise saved would   have failed whatever it is like hey you know what  the target receives a 1d6 penalty to their attack   roll and they were just about to do a really heavy  attack to me this really is the thing that allowed   them to miss or now um I can change that damage  de ability check whatever it is it's a really   strong capability of the lore barard I forgot to  highlight which brings me to my conclusion bedan   is definitely the class for you or the multiclass  for you if you want to focus on being a jack of   all trades can you focus on a little bit of spell  damage can you focus on some spell utility some CC   some healing all these things are covered as the  bed in do you not want to have a rogue in your   party and do you want to be the person who picks  the locks you can do that with a bedin there's   a lot of really great things that I think this  combination does and I've always kind of said this   is like the true quote unquote main character  because you can talk to everyone you want to   talk to you can perform you can do pretty much  everything the game has to offer if you want to go   with heavy armor and great weapons which I have on  this character you definitely can you can go with   a sword and a board if you want you have every  single option open to you as a barred Paladin so   while this might seem like it's the strongest  of all of the three that we're going to talk   about it's definitely one that is kind of right  behind the sorcerer in its raw damage capabilities   because we have so many really cool things we can  do but the sorcerer allows us to really amp the   amount of spell damage we can do now the sorc in  is going to be about spell slots you're just going   to get so many of them because of your abilities  as a sorcerer let's take a look at what we've got   here and this is the one that gets Shield I just  don't know why it brain farted on me earlier but   as far as there some of our level one stuff we get  access to is going to be Shield right we're going   to get Shield right out the gate at level one with  sorcerer which is awesome or a magic Missile which   never misses now the big thing too is we're going  to get our same you know lay on hands and channel   Oaths that we've had before but now we get sorcery  points and those sorcery points can either be used   for metam magic which is going to be a big thing  here right so I can use twin spell spells that   only target one creature can Target an additional  creature so for example I can twin spell haste and   cast it on me and another person up next to me I  can go ahead and use enlarge on myself whatever   the or or another creature and now we're going  to be doing more damage in close combat so we   have a lot of ways that we can have a lot of fun  with these abilities or even something like this   Quicken spell spells that cost an action cost  a bonus action instead so now all of my action   costing spells like you know what I really need  to get a hold person down well it's now a bonus   action to cast this which I can then go in and  get a guaranteed critical hit look at that hold a   human eyed enemy still they can't move or act  or react attacks from within 10t are always   Critical Hits so you use the sorcery points here  hold person onto something and then you use your   primary action to Smite slam [ __ ] the [ __ ]  out of them you can really do a lot of things   with this and it allows you a lot of uh abilities  to manipulate the game in a lot of crazy ways but   remember sorcery points aren't exclusively used  for these capabilities distant spell to I have   here so increase the range of spells by 50% so all  these melee spells like shocking grasp or burning   hands which I didn't actually get but burning  hands I can now use to have me do a little bit of   range damage out of those so it's a really really  fun capability but remember sorcery points we can   use these to replenish spell SL slots create a  spell slot spend sorcerer points to unlock a spell   slot so by clicking this I can regenerate some of  my level one spell slots or level two spell slots   for more smites to be used with my character  and that's really the rub of it right I have   your standard amount of spell slots that my other  bedin would have but now I have the ability to   turn some of those spell slots online again using  simple sorcery points or even then converting my   spell slots into sorcery points spend spell slots  to gain sorcer points right we can go ahead and   convert this level four spell slot to gain four  sorcery points on a one to one now we don't have   all the skills that we had with the bedin right we  still have a good amount because we are a Charisma   based class so we're using all of our Charisma  based abilities but another thing too we have is   the sorcerer subass and the two I'd recommend are  either storm sorcery which would allow you then to   fly as a bonus action after casting a spell or the  one I've gone with is draconic ancestry and the or   draconic bloodline and the reason behind that  is let's level up to level six and we'll talk   about it I went with the white dragon and when  I for that reason I now will have an elemental   Affinity resistance which in this case is cold  and I'll have an elemental Affinity damage so if   I pick the ray of frost this will allow me to get  a little bit of extra damage right when you cast   a spell that deals damage of the type associated  with your draconic ancestry you add your charisma   modifier to the damage the nice thing here is  that's just a passive AB that is on versus this   when you cast a spell that deals damage to the  type associated with your draconic cany you can   spend one sorcery point to gain resistance to that  damage type that's not as cool to me I'd rather   just have that flat damage increase so you can go  with maybe a fire based one and all those searing   smites or branding smites and all the ones that  do fire damage can get the benefit there and I'll   explain why I went with uh cold in just a second  here but just to show off all of the Spells we get   as a sorcerer we're going to again have counter  spell we're going to have access to we get really   really cool stuff like enlarge like I showed off  just a little bit ago we get flight if we want   that hypnotic pattern again fear um protection  from energies there is cool uh Darkness we get   scorching Ray a lot of really good abilities slow  we have haste already on the character but just to   show off some of the ones we don't have um turned  on even stuff like again counter spell is nice to   just kind of have on multiple characters if you  can you're going to be dealing with counter spell   quite a bit in the latter portions of the game  those a great ability just to have so having all   these things kind of come together and the reason  I chose uh the cold draconic ancestry is I get   armor of agathys for free which is typically  a paladin spell or I'm sorry a warlock spell   right so I can go ahead and cast this I'm not  going to cast level six vers or five version   of it but I can get a really juicy 5 temp damage  five cold damage which can then get the bonus of   my draconic ancestry uh uh free damage anytime  someone hits me so it's nice that I can kind of   have this extra padding to my character on top  of my you know default abilities as a Paladin   you know stuff like R of protection and whatnot so  the sorcadin is definitely that raw smiter of the   three right and in conclusion this is the one you  want to go with I think either if you're building   a paladin as a non-main character or you as the  main character are really focused on trying to do   as much damage as you can because you're just able  to pull so much utility out of these spells using   your uh metam Magic and in addition to that you  really can have a lot of fun just non-stop smiting   things because of the amount of spell slots you  have like so if we just take a look at what we've   got we've got uh nine 10 14 spell slots without  using any of our sorcery points so you can just   have so many smites online with this build and  that is really the big focus of it in addition to   to getting stuff like uh like I said there it is  Twin spell haste onto things or whatever it is but   in conclusion like I said this is your pure damage  high damage yield character for your your palet   let's now jump over to warlock lastly we have the  loadin focusing on Warlock and Paladin to deliver   a very interesting approach to the character  now taking a look at our character here um by   the way that's anytime you use any of those any of  these abilities that's what happens in case you're   wondering how the hell that how the hell that go  down so with a locked in we have a character that   has these special warlock spell slots now these  were charge on a short rest which is nice because   it allows us to basically kind of stay in the  fight a little bit longer we can use those short   rests to keep these online either for spells  or actual smites this is of course different   than the sorc in which you can just simply convert  their spell slots to spell sorcery points or vice   versa which then equals smites of course right but  what we get with the um lock it in which is unique   is this ability right here bind packed weapon so  we can basically become proficient in any weapon   which is fine and in addition to that you use your  your spellcasting ability as the weapons damage so   this allows you to have higher dexterity higher  Constitution and focus on Charisma so you don't   need to have any strength actually actually as a  lock it in um I do on this character because I've   just been basically respecing them each time but  I could sit here and have 16 Constitution which   allows me to maintain my concentration better on  spells 16 Charisma and then 14 decks which helps   increase my initiative and well if I'm going heavy  armor it doesn't really help my um Armor class but   it can help out with my initiative regardless  so you don't need strength as this Paladin   combination which is a very cool little Boon you  focus on the other abilities which help you out   more well help you out in different ways and in  addition to that because we are the the pack of   the blade we have deepened packed now deepened  packed blade Place pack holders gain an extra   attack with their packed weapon like I said before  in the in intro if you're playing an honor mode   this does not give you a third extra attack like  it does in every other playthrough so if I go to   do an attack right now I will hit with my primary  action I will get my extra attack into that and   now I'll get my deepen pack so I get three attacks  out of one simple attack action it's a very huge   Boon to this capability and this is why I've said  this is more of like the pure melee of the three   I'm not necessarily relying on my Divine smites to  do all my damage like I am for maybe the other two   I can actually rely on just simply using great  weapon master and Savage attacker feats plus my   melee capabilities to really rip things up which  is a cool different way to approach the class in   addition to you have your um warlock capabilities  that you get Elder invocations and I focused on   the ones that help out so my ELD blast does more  damage this way I now have a range capability   that will do quite a bit of damage so this will  pull from my Charisma modifier and it will push   things back but we also have another Elder G  vacation which is very important Devil's sight   you can see normally in darkness both magical  and non-magical so when you deal with stuff in   act two or you deal with any kind of Darkness  spell you can actually see through it you're   not going to be blinded which is really really  really huge and all that stuff kind of comes   together to deliver a class that is very fun with  its damage capabilities because warlocks have a   subass that can choose Arch Fay fiend or a great  old one in my opinion great old one is the best   of the three for this particular class yes with  the fiend you get access to Temp hit points but   those temp hit points will fall off towards the  latter portions of the game because you're only   allowed temp hit points from One Source there's  lots of ways to get temp hit points instead you   get Mortal reminder from the great old one when  you land a critical hit against a creature that   creature and any nearby enemies must succeed a  wisdom saving throw or become frightened until   the end of their next turn and frighten is really  strong because it locks someone down disadvantage   on ability checks and attack rolles and they can't  move so just having this built into the character   automatically every time you do a crit hit is a  really nice capability for this character that's   what I really like about it now at level six  though we get some other fun stuff for Warlock and   why I'm going to save this level uh level up here  um we get this subass feature entropic Ward as a   reaction you can impose disadvantage on an attack  roll against you if the attack misses you gain   advantage on your next attack roll um against your  attacker for one turn so this is a nice capability   I like it it's a reaction it can only be used  once per turn which is really cool but I just   really like the usefulness of this one other than  the other ones in addition too I like these spells   the great old one offers me which are pretty  nice here's all of the Spells you get access   to again we're going to see counter spell on this  list which is always going to be helpful for your   character but vampiric touch is really awesome for  some pure necrotic damage that also gives you hit   points back it's a really nice one because it's  a concentration ability which you are a little   jammed up on as a paladin but having this online  is really cool hold person for some CC slow for   some CC um bestow curse remove curse I mean you  probably want those on clerics to be honest but   uh hypnotic pattern is still here we have flight  we have fear we have cron of Madness we have a   lot of really great capabilities and even some of  the ones that I currently have access to armor of   agathys which is great arms of Hadar which is  really great in the beginning of the game um   hunger of hatar which is again one of my favorite  AOE kind of CC and damage capabilities also if   we well never mind that was sorcerer Darkness  you have that a really good ability hex Tasha's   hideous laughter all these is just a really strong  kit of spells you get access to as a lock it in   which I really like now one thing I will say and  this is going to be in the next section of the of   the paladin spell uh subass combinations I think  warlock can be the one that you go 75 Seven Levels   into Paladin five levels into uh warlock more  often than not like this is a great subass feature   with the passive capability of Aura of warding  specifically from the oath of ancients Paladin   to to me is a little bit more generally useful if  I have a more melee Centric class you have to be   within 10 ft of me if I don't or I just need this  overall benefit because this is the main character   going out doing all the melee fighting then this  would make more sense but I wanted to bring that   up here before we jump into the next section so  we take this let me press accept and we'll jump   back over to our all of our abilities put together  here now you can see that we have quite a few to   go off of as we've already kind of talked about  with our lay on hands and channel oath but just   looking up at our spell slots this is again the  kind kind of the weakness of this character you   only have six raw spell slots plus the two short  rest replenishing ones which are nice but still   it's not really the sheer amount of spell slots  you get from the other two classes right so this   in conclusion I guess this subass is really really  strong if you want to just really use some strong   melee capabilities and just punch things in the  [ __ ] face man like you really going to have a   lot of fun basically using this character almost  as a glorified fighter that can get there smites   online every so often or can use their entropic  Ward to to uh do some disadvantages or use that   crit strike to help you get some fear out what I  like is that this character has a lot of utility   going for them on top of just simply being a  paladin that can really really have a lot of   compounding effects right like oh man this thing  is now going to do 4 to 24 and an AOE around me   and things can't use reactions or you know what  let me just get a stupid amount of uh temp hit   points and coold damage coming out from armor of  aath or you know let's just go a really strong   level three spell slot Divine Smite that's going  to replenish on a short rest for me right 25 to   63 damage coming out of that bad boy which is  just absolutely girthy and it's just something   that is really fun too from a thematic standpoint  the Warlock Paladin are kind of a little bit on   EDS with each other as far as like what their  overall focus is and it makes her a very fun   role play right because you do have to stick with  your overall packed uh situation trying not to or   I'm sorry oath situation try not to break that at  the same time becoming an oath breaker this also   makes her a cool oath breaker class oathbreaker  warlock is really fun so if you want to do more   melee damage focus on that having a little bit of  utility this is going to be the subass for you so   with all these multi classes you have the option  between do you want to go level seven into Paladin   or level seven into the other class or level five  into Paladin whatever it is the kind of question   is do I go with a 66 even split a 75 Paladin or  75 other class and it's really up to you how you   want to go with your character I would tell you  that if I went with any oath outside of the oath   of ancients or oath breaker I wouldn't go to  seven the oath and Vengeance at seven doesn't   really make a ton of sense for me same thing  with devotion the oath of uh ancients gets Aura   of warding so you take half damage from spells  which is really good and the oath breaker gets   an aura which basically increases a flat damage  increase to you Undead and Fay around you in 10   ft as based off your charisma modifier so those  things are nice this is is a good defensive one   it mitigates damage from spells and with the oath  breaker it's just you just do more damage outright   so those things are kind of how you have to factor  into the character and even over that you have to   kind of look at the fact that at level six Paladin  we get um our Aura of Courage which I might be in   this I think it is somewhere but I can't find  it Aura of Courage which gives us some flat   defensive capabilities so if you don't want those  capabilities at level six for Paladin and you   want to pull more out of the subash you're going  with other a seven Bard a seven sorcerer a seven   warlock a seven fighter whatever it is go for it  most of the things that happen though with the   multi with your uh subass they happen at level six  that's why we're going with an even 66 split right   so if I take a look at Bard bring it up to level  six this is when I get my magical Secrets at Bard   this is when I get my counter charm as Bard um I  get more Spells at level I think I get my level   no I get level three spell slots at five um but  still all the big things happen at that six level   that aura of Courage for Paladin um you get the  draconic ancestry bonus for your sorcerer you get   your uh specific subass Patron bonus for warlock  so all that stuff happens at 6 and it's up to you   really I think 66 though is a very healthy split  and it's a pretty good way to approach all the   multiclassing that you're going to do now as far  as other multiclass combinations go you can really   have fun with pretty much everything nothing's  really going to completely derail the character it   might be a little different or a little bit weaker  than some of the ones we talked about but a druid   is just fine you just have to realize though that  if you go with something like a cleric or a druid   you might need to go into wisdom depending upon  what you want to pull out of the character like   if I wanted to go with Druid and go with a Spore  Druid well I can still not go that heavy into   wisdom and be just fine if I wanted to go with  a moon Druid I could still probably not go that   heavy in wiiz and and You' be just fine but I'd  not really get advantage of most of my Palin stuff   a very common one though is cleric I actually have  a couple videos off this a life domain and Paladin   cleric is probably one of the best healers in the  game especially if you're going oath of ancients   but you can go with something like a war domain  cleric and get access to this really great special   uh subclass feature when you make an unarmed or  weapon attack you can spend a war priest charge to   make an additional attack as a bonus action so you  allows you to get a ton of attacks out of one turn   so that you've got your extra attack from your  primary action and this war priest charge and then   you can eventually get Divine strike at level two  which you can increase the D increase your attack   LEL by 10 you have a lot of really cool ways that  with war domain that you can become a much better   melee combatant light domain is really sick for  as far as the defensive capability because you   get this warding flare use your reaction to  impose disadvantage on an attacker possibly   causing their attacker to miss at level five  or six light domain cleric you can actually do   this on people who get attacked that are not  you in your party so there's a lot of really   cool tanky capabilities that the light domain  cleric brings to the table so you can have a lot   of fun with this class and I think it's uh it's  not the the like the popular subass but I think   personally Paladin cleric is one of my favorite  combinations because you just get so much out of   all the different domains depending upon how you  want to split it but even just going simply into   fighter is really strong you get a free heal with  second win then at level two you get action surge   so you get a whole additional action and then  at level three Paladin and Battlemaster fighter   is really strong even just Paladin Champion  fighter is stupid strong because you're just   better at critting right so you can have a lot of  fun with just going with fighter Rogue into Thief   gives you an extra bonus action you can have fun  with so if you want to spend more stuff with your   bonus actions you can have a lot of fun with that  even going with something like monk could be kind   of crazy because you can go into the unarmed  portion of this and amp up that radiant damage   quite a bit while using your wisdom to kind  of lean into it there's a lot of fun you can   do with Paladin a monk as well and even moreover  Barbarian is [ __ ] awesome because you can enrage   as a barbarian and use your Divine smites because  your Divine smites are not considered spells there   are weapon reactions to a weapon attack so this  says you know gain resistance to physical damage   advantage on strength checks um you can't cast or  concentrate spells while raging so that's the big   thing to note though is all the other things of  being a paladin like all of your spells and stuff   like that that require concentration you cannot  use when you're enraged but you can still get a   lot of value out of Simply being a barbarian  Berserker Paladin oath of Vengeance and go to   town on things there's a lot of really great ways  you can kind of split these classes up to have a   lot of fun so don't think that all the ones I've  mentioned are the only ways you can play Paladin   please play not just the ones I've mentioned but  Paladin itself in any way you see fit 12 levels   into Paladin is a very strong and good character  so hopefully this video gives you a little bit   of guidance on which multiclass you can really  have a lot of fun with as a paladin and I think   ultimately at the end of the day it's just going  to come down to you your party and what you want   to get the most out of your specific characters  in that party that will dictate which multiclass   is going to be the best fit for you as always guys  thank you so much for watching here today if you   have any recommendations on maybe even a triple  multiclass hey do two levels here one level here   five levels here whatever the hell it is whatever  whatever equals 12 I can't do math clearly go   ahead and let it be know in the comment section  below but as always have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 116,565
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Keywords: BEST Paladin Multiclass in Baldur's Gate 3?, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 paladin build, baldurs gate 3 paladin guide, bg3 paladin multiclass, bg3 sorcadin, bg3 bardadin, bg3 lockadin build, bg3 lockadin vs sorcadin, bg3 bardadin build, bg3 bardadin vs sorcadin, bg3 best paladin multiclass, bg3 best paladin oath, bg3 best paladin subclass, bg3 best paladin warlock build, bg3 best sorcadin, bg3 best paladin, bg3 paladin
Id: ZEs9KOdZK30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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