Ultimate MULTICLASS Builds For EVERY Class In Baldurs Gate 3 - BG3 Best Multiclass Builds (Supercut)

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this is the ultimate multiclass build video every single one of my multiclass builds in one video I've corrected some errors from the original videos and added a gruesome tip from one of you guys in the comments it's all here just for you let's go so this monen monster build is our first build now this incorporates three classes that essentially all focus on giving the Monk class more actions and bonus action they can do each turn as their way of open hand and Flurry of Blows attacks already allow them to attack multiple times and then we're combining this with the fighter level two to grab axon surge which you get at level two and then on top of that we're getting the Rogue level three at Thief as the subass which will then allow you to grab the bonus action you get from the thief subclass so ultimately the way this build comes together is you're probably going to start as the fighter because it gives you the most amount of proficiencies like say you know if you wanted to go into heavy armor or have a shield equipped in your off hand which you can actually do and still use unharmed attacks to give you a little bit more AC and then we're getting the monk to level six so at level three here as the monk you will grab the way of open hand subass as that gives you the Flurry of Blows benefits the reason you're getting it to level six here is at level six you get the passive bonuses that lay to add additional damage to your unarmed attacks like say manifestation of soul to add additional radiant damage so there are benefits from that you also get the feat at level four which we'll talk about Feats in a little bit and then the Rogue we are getting up to level four as well for that additional feat so you get two feeds but at level three you'll pick the thief for the extra bonus action here now the thief also gives you access to those Cony actions you can use so you could say hide or disengage or Dash the dash does come in handy for this build so it allows you to use that bonus action to get in closer rather than having to waste an action or something like that the ability points for this build are a little different than you may think we are heavily focusing on strength Constitution and a little bit of wisdom as wisdom can be used to add to your armor class if you're not wearing armor for this sort of Monk General build setup which you probably will want to do depending on if you're crypting a shield or what your sort of General gear setup is and for your fats you want to grab the ability Point modifier to give it two additional ability points to your strength and also grab Tab and brawler so when you make an unarmed attack or use an improvised weapon or throw something your strength modifier is added twice to the damage and attack roles and you also get an additional strength of Constitution from this as well so essentially what this means is because essentially all of our attacks as this mug are going to be unarmed you're adding your strength modifier twice to that overall attack rle giving you significantly more damage so realistically any time that you can do this is obviously significantly more beneficial than if you can't in combat your combat turns really just come down to using say your standard attacks twice which will give you those two attacks then you've got two bonus actions that you can use for say the bonus action attacks that we're using for the flurry of brow whether that be to stun enemies or topple them over or push them or whatever choice you want to make there then you've also got ax and surge which you can use to then give yourself another action to make additional attacks with your standard attacks and then on top of that if you say have a haste potion you can then give yourself an additional action in a different way to then attack even more and even though when haste Runs Out you do get the lethargic debuff for the most part by the time it runs out unless you're doing it in like a boss fight or something that encounter will be over because of the sheer amount of attacks you can do especially if you're using these other two builds as well that we're about to talk about and the next one is the Paden so this is a paladin and warlock hybrid and one of the best things about the Paladin class is the Divine Smite and the amount of sheer damage that Divine Smite can do now this build is a little bit different in that we are going to use a specific sword though you don't have to and I'll explain why we're using that specific sword in a little bit so as a paladin here you get the extra attack at level five so essentially how this works is you have your standard attack that you can do every turn and once you've done that attack you've then got an extra attack from the Paladin level five and then after you've done that attack you've got the extra attack from deepen packed so you can essentially attack three times with just your basic action but we're still combining these because I'm focusing on a specific sword that adds an additional reaction and that sword itself also allows you to make an additional attack with the jeweler's enthusiasm when you don't have something equipped it in your second hand plus the withering cut bonus on this sword also allows you to add necrotic damage and so you can do a lot of benefits there but the main thing is the additional reaction so because even without the additional deep imp packed extra attack right we're going to at least attack twice now this sword that we're using here when we've got nothing in our off hand gives you the additional option to crit if you roll a 19 and you've got those two action R reactions sorry that you can use as well now because of the way that the Paladin Works you've got a pretty high chance of heating in general and by having the extra 19 and 20 rolls you have got a higher chance of rolling a crit and by changing your your reactions to set up with Divine Smite you can set it up in your reactions so that if you do critical hit you have the option to add Divine Smite onto that attack now because we have two reactions and two attacks you can actually do this twice in one turn and just deal a ridiculous amount of damage but you've also got a special ring you can get in act two I believe called killer sweetheart so when you actually take out an enemy like killer creature your next attack will be an automatic critical hit so on top of that you're guaranteed to then have that divine might critical hit for that anyway and even regardless of if you're not using the Divine Smite in that way just using it normally you've also just going to attack at least three times per turn just with your normal attacks plus that Jeweler's enthusiasm with this sword this sword does come from sort of Midway through act three if you do want to grab this sword but this build itself works completely without it right like because of the way that the Warlock and the Paladin combin together we're getting both of these to level six you've got all of that Charisma buff that you can get plus you're putting a lot of points into strength as well for your overall damage damage output and then if you want to do some range damage CU we have a warlock you've got Eldridge blast which can be completely maxed out on top of that so this alleviate some of the Paladin's like lesser abilities which is in terms of like range damage because you've got Eldridge blast and some of the Warlock spells on top of that you can even use the warlock spell slots for your Divine Smite it's a really fun and flexible build that has a lot of roleplay elements because of the Paladin as well highly recommend this build a last build that we have for today is the Gloom assassin and I couldn't think of a better name for this so we're just going to go for that name and what this build is is it's combining the Rogue and the ranger two of the weakest classes in the game in my personal opinion you can check my classes ranked video if you want more thoughts on that but by combining these classes we can essentially grab the best elements of each and then combine them into this amazing stealth focused assassin class so what you want to focus on here is initially starting as a ranger and we will get the ranger to level eight for the two Feats but at level three you'll grab the Gloom stalker subclass to grab dread ambusher so gain a bonus to your initiative and on the first turn of combat your movement speed increases by three and you can make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage once you've got the ranger to level four and you can grab a feat I would be grabbing Sharpshooter here because you can then add additional damage to your overall attacks at the minus of the attack roll but that doesn't really matter because most of the time we're probably going to either be attacking from stealth or attacking out of combat or from High Ground so you're going to be just getting essentially 10 free damage on every one of those attacks now after you've got that you want to add the Rogue to this build and at level three we're going to pick the Assassin subass so this gives you a couple of bonuses one being the initiative assassinate so in combat you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that haven't taken their turn yet so it just completely mitigates the Sharpshooter negatives we were just talking about you also get Ambush so after a successful attack roll against a surprise creature is a critical hit so your first attack in combat or outside of combat will be a critical hit and then the last class feature gives you your action and bonus action back at the start of combat so the main thing you want to do here is start combat from the Rogue outside of combat say surprising the target with like a sneak attack and then you'll immediately get that action and bonus action back and you can then attack again plus you've got dread ambusher attack so you'll get heaps of attacks in that one turn and we're using this as a ranged build and it does help alleviate those issues with the Rogue has with only being able to attack once per turn because at level five with the ranger you get that extra attack so you'll be able to shoot off two arrows in that one turn regardless of whether you're in the middle of combat but this build just absolutely excels at the start of a combat encounter and you really want to start combat as this Gloom assassin outside of combat and surprising those targets to get all of those benefits and deal like just heaps of damage right at the start of the turn like in this encounter here you can see that I wipe out like three enemies before they even attack back so this is a great build and in terms of your ability points we're really focusing on decks here and a little bit of con you will could get a little bit of wisdom here because you've got a ranger and you've got some of those spell slots available to you if you wanted to use those spells in that way but for the most part we're really just focusing on Marshall damage here with the bow and the different benefits you get plus there heaps of great gear in the game that benefits from say attacking from stealth and those sort of scenarios we're going to start off with the storm Warden first now if you like to get wet then maybe you also like lightning maybe not I don't know but if you wet a Target and then deal lightning damage to it it will deal double lightning damage now there are two classes that combine perfectly into this like wet storm Warden lightning theme class it just Blends so well together so essentially the focus here is on the Sorcerer And The Tempest cleric and you'll be using the sorcerer's metam magic to cast two spells in one turn or one if you've already wet the ground but you'll use it initially first to cast water on the ground and then you'll use a lightning spell to ignite that water and electrocute it but also deal double damage to anyone standing in it and then you can combine this with things like destructive wrath to make sure you always deal maximum damage or even any of the reactions you get from the sorcerer so you can just deal an insane amount of damage with this build just focusing on Sorcerer And The Tempest cleric which we are using here but also that lightning damage so to put this build together you're really starting off as the sorcerer you can start off the if it's the cleric if you want those extra proficiencies but essentially you want the first couple of levels of the sorcerer to get that meta magic and grab things like careful spell and Quicken spell and those benefits there and then we're really just grabbing two levels of the Tempest cleric now the main reason that you only grabbing two is because then you get destructive wrath so when you roll thunder or lightning damage you can use your channel Divinity to deal maximum damage instead so essentially what that means is you know how you look at every attack and it say it's going to do you know 8 to 20 damage whatever you use that channel Divinity and it just will deal maximum damage you combine that with a wet Target it's going to absolutely shred enemies because it's going to deal double damage on top of that maximum damage so it's really beneficial and you know I've decided to go with the storm sorcerer here as it just kind of fits this build but you can go say the draconic bloodline sorcerer to get a little bit of extra damage around that route as you're sort of leveling up here you will be putting most of your points into sorcerer and grabbing really any of the lightning spells here and anything else that you want to pick up for your Feats I would be grabbing ability Improvement to make sure your charisma is maxed out for your overall damage I'd also grab the elemental adapt for lightning so your spells cast ignore resistance to lightning damage so you know if something is saying resistant to lightning damage they don't are so they're still going to get that amazing amount of damage from your lightning spells which is going to be your main focus here and you can't roll a one on any lightning damage so you always just deal that little bit extra and as you level out your sorcerer as well you'll gain those additional benefits like the Wrath of the storm and everything else and when you're looking at sort of spells and stuff to pick up but really like the benefit for this build is it's very easy to come together and it doesn't require a whole lot of gear in order to succeed luckily though there is some really solid gear that you can combine this with some of that early to mid game like lightning Char that you get in sort of act one act two that adds lightning charges you can use so when you have a Lightning Charge you will deal additional lightning damage and once you gain five charges they can be consumed to deal additional even more lightning damage so there's benefits there as well if you wanted to combo with some gear but for the most part the build succeeds without it right you just need to throw some water on someone and then spray them with lightning and it will just destroy them there isn't much else to say here and then you can sort of Tinker with say maybe a little bit of a dip into wizard if you want to get a little bit more spells or a little bit more flare but I just don't think it's needed right you just you really just need to use that meta magic to Quicken a spell cast some water on the ground and then just Spam lightning spells at them and that's that's it like that's the whole build all right on to the next one raging bear is a barbarian and moon drud combo now I really wanted to do something with klac and the Barbarian in general as barbarians aren't particularly great at multiclassing I've said that in a couple of videos but obviously you can just go like the classic fighter and get action Surge and that sort of a thing and it's like yeah you know that's cool and all but it's kind of boring but I wanted to do something a little unique and this is an interesting way to keep we'd say the theme of one of the Barbarian subclasses but then also make the moon Drew just a tiny little bit better so essentially what we're doing here is we're grabbing mostly Drew because we're going Moon Dre to really get into that combat wild shape aspect now a downside of combat wild shape is that you lose essentially like everything that you're say equipped in and all that sort of like benefits when you are wild shaped one thing that doesn't get rid of though is any of say your rage benefits now a downside to the Barbarian is that you can't use any spells when you have raged and it's the same thing really with a moon drude when you have wild shape so these combo well together so say if you wanted to use spells then you don't have Rage or wild shape active and out of combat spells that sort of thing you can use but in combat what you can do is you can rage and then wild shape and your rage buff will actually last through your wild shape and what we're doing here as a way to combine this is we're using the bare heart Rage which will give you a buff to your resistances and essentially make you resistant to all types of damage except psychic so then one you've got that active and then you wild shape into another form your wild shape's going to last significantly longer and if you go to something say like a bear you can go Target into attacking you which will then obviously do less damage but then you can even use other things right like say you know the AL bear or any of the other wild shaped forms the benefit to this on top of that though is something that you can do is combine this with the tabin brawler feet so essentially what that does is when you make an unarmed attack you can add your strength to that attack twice now when you're wild shaped those attacks are unarmed attacks so you will actually get that strength modifier being added twice so the one thing to consider here is when you're wild shaping you want to make sure you wild shape into a creature that has a high amount of strength the AL bear is great as it has 20 strength so that means an extra five for those attack rolls so essentially the way the combat encounter goes here is at the start of the encounter you will rage you'll get those benefits from your bare heart and then on that next turn you'll use that combat wild shape you have to start combat in your human form because you want to get that rage off the downside to that is is that you kind of waste that first turn this build needs that first turn to get going once you've got that and you've actually switched forms you are going to see a huge amount of success in that wild shaped form and it just gives you a little bit more benefits to Wild shaping you know one of the downsides of the dro is that they just aren't great like especially the wild shaped DRS they just better options and this gives you a little bit more juice to that sort of a form but I think it also combos well with this sort of a setup as you can then switch it into those forms and you've got sort of Barbarian that you can fall back on if you wanted to go that route and even spells right if you are in your human form so youve got that route as well the last build we're going to call the Slayer and this is a b Fighter combo and this almost made it into my last three multiclass builds as it does focus a lot on the synergies with dealing a lot of attacks per turn but I felt like three was a better number for video title so I kept this one for this video so sui but anyway so what this is is it's a Bard and Fighter combo and the reason we're combining the is is because with I mean the fighter is just a great class to dip into for any multiclassing because of action Surge and we're leveraging that for this build specifically for slashing flourish so when you go into the subass College of Swords you get access to these like weapon arts for the B and one of them is the slashing flourish which can be used for Millie or ranged attacks and it will allow you to attack up to two enemies at once now because you also get an extra attack in just a standard turn this will allow you to attack four times essentially right because you can attack attack two enemies at once and then with that extra attack you can do that again so that's four times now you combo that with action Surge from fighter and that makes it eight attacks in that one turn now what's really great about this build is it's so versatile as it's both A Millie and a ranged build and because we are going the College of Swords you get to pick a fighting star which we're obviously going jeweling here which will then allow you to add two extra damage to any of those attacks we're using with say a Rapier or those sort of a weapons and then on top of that because we're going F you get access to another fighting star which you can then go archery so which will then add two extra damage to all of your rang attack so you've got a bow that deals extra damage you've got a sword that deals extra damage you can then attack eight times in the one turn with all of that extra damage stacking on top of each other so it's just an another like really great combo to combine together to deal heaps of damage so we're picking out four levels of the fighter here and we're probably for the subass we're going to go Champion I tweet around with potentially going like Eldridge Knight because you get like the spell level and then also you could grab some extra spells but because they're using intelligence as a spell casting modifier and we not a intelligence-based class like at all it just didn't really seem that beneficial so we ended up going Champion mainly because the champion subass feed that will improve your Critical Hits so you get that additional benefit and because we're attacking so many times you got a much higher percentage chance of rolling those Critical Hits so you get the benefits from that as well we're going for infid here to get that extra feed and then same for B we're going eight to get that extra feed and in the B line here we are going obviously the College of swords and in terms of the Spells you want to pick up you can grab anything you like that really supplements this build but we're mainly focusing on those Marshall attacks with this combo but then you've got those backups to spells if you want to use them not overly much to say about Feats here really just grab the ability Improvement I'm actually making this build a strength build using the Titan string bow as it's a fantastic bow to use which I didn't mention before so that obviously uses strength so we are using strength here as this General build set up but that's up to you you can go dexterity there's completely nothing wrong with that obviously you get more I and you get the benefits from that you could do something similar to this build with the thief's Rogues extra bonus action for attacking and like using two hand crossbows to like get that extra like off hand attack maybe there's something there that I might play around with in a different build also I've just updated my membership program here on YouTube to include Early Access to practically every video so if you like these sort of builds or any of the other content that I do on the channel consider joining the membership cost you literally $1 you get early access to basically every video plus access to the members only Discord a bunch of other benefits as well so if you like what I do here please consider checking that out but enough of that onto the video we'll start with the Necromancer now this is a even split between a necromancer Wizard and a Spore Dro now you'll probably start off as the drw for the proficiencies that you do get from there but essentially the way that this build comes together is you're going to use the necromancy mechanics from The Wizard to summon Undead throws as well as the necromantic mechanics from a circle of spor rude with fungal infestation to summon zombies in that way so essentially here you get like a little bit of an army going of Undead midians that you'll be able to use in combat so generally most turns you'll sort of Tinker between animating dead to animate dead enemies obviously you have to kill them first which can be challenging now one thing to point out here is that the hardest part of this build is that you have to kill their corpse in a very specific way so that it's still a quality corpse you know you don't want to waste those corpses so you can actually then reanimate them so you can't like burn them or blow them up that sort of a thing they have to be a nicely clean presented corpse for you then to animate the dead now you can get around this a little bit with the spor rude elements because with the fungal infestation you can raise a minion with a reaction so you can actually get an additional zombie in that way as well this essentially allows you to animate dead and use fungal initation in the same turn as one as an action at one as a reaction now the reason that we're going necromancy 6 and spor 6 is because at level six for the sporr that's where you get the fungal infestation and then at level six for the necromancy wizard you get the undead thr so your summons are actually better they have additional hit points and you get to add your proficient bonus to their damage they deal a little bit more damage so they'll survive a bit longer than they would typically in the early game so it's a good balance there to get both of the benefits from both of these like necromancy themed classes there is also plenty of gear here that will benefit from this build right the circle of Bones headpiece will give you Undead W so that Allied Undead within 6 Meers of resist to bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage it also gives you access to anime dead which you already have anyway you can use the armor of the Spore keeper as well which is like specifically for this like Spore drw setup it gives you access to a couple of different things for your spores with the Spore stack so you can like add different effects to them in that way and there's a couple of different things you can do here in terms of weapon right you could just use a cord staff as a typical sort of drude wizard would but there is also a rapia called The Jeweler's prerogative which is you know it's it's a fine enough weapon you're not really going to be attacking that much with this build like just with your weapon and by equipping this weapon you get access to an additional reaction per turn so the benefit there is because as a spor drud when you are actually spreading those spores that is actually a reaction the Halo of spores attack right now if you wanted to use Halo of spores and the fungal infestation in the same turn you need two reactions in order to do this and this Rapier gives you two reactions now in this footage here you can see I'm not actually proficient with rapers but that doesn't necessarily matter you can actually pick up a feat here which I actually did before recording the combat footage that'll give you access to the proficiency for the Rapier so you can do that if you wanted to go that route get the two reactions and you can attack with an action or something like that and then you've got the two reactions to use the sport drw specific reactions so you've got benefits from there but this is a fun build that is hard to really see success in early game it really is a late game build and it's also definitely a hard build to actually get going because you need the dead like to you need dead people right like there's no better way to put it you need to kill people with your other party members so you can reanimate them to actually see success with this build so thanks to beard Master for this comment on the original video that you can stack corpses in your Camp stash or just pick them up in general and then take them to your camp and drop them and then as the Necromancer you can animate them which you know this is definitely a good thing that you can do but he also mentions that children are practical because you can carry them as they don't weigh much maybe not the decision I would go with but hey it works takes a bit to get going but it is definitely a fun build to put together next we have a opposite sort of build right we talked about a very evil necromancy build this is a pure healer cleric divination wizard combo now this is basically an active party version of my Camp Caster concept that I've talked about in a couple of videos where you've got a Caster that you have at your Camp that'll have these like permanent Buffs that every like day you can just return and use them to like buff your party right and I wanted to do like an active version of this what if you just wanted to have like a pure healer that comes with your party and this is the best setup that you can do in my opinion so essentially how this works is you will be a life cleric level 10 and a two divination wizard now the main thing here is during combat you're going to use your actions and bonus actions essentially to heal and because of the life cleric class features you get you do a really high amount of healing numbers with these different healing effects we are comboing this with level two for the Divination wizard for one specific reason which which is the portant die now twice per day you can change the role whether that be an attack roll or saving throw of anything around you to be a number from that Port D so you can use this to make enemies miss their attack role so protecting your allies you can use this on your allies to make them pass saving throws it's really beneficial and it's a good way to use your reaction as this sort of like pwy healer setup to avoid damage in that way now this build itself really is just simply about healing and buffing allies you know things like Bane and bless as well as summoning support with your cleric because you can use things like the spiritual weapons or the Guardians of faith if you don't actually need to do any healing then you can still be beneficial in that combat encounter with the spiritual weapons to deal damage or the guardian of Faith which will also deal damage and sort of pull attention away from your allies or you can like summon spirits around you there's plenty of things you can do outside of just the simple like attacking but the main thing that you'll do before any combat encounter like literally every day is you'll cast long Strider on all of your allies for that that free movement buff now this is a ritual spell so it doesn't cons consume those spell slots and then aid for that free HP you probably want to upcast Aid you get that extra free HP as well so the higher that you cast Aid the more like hit points you get for the rest of that day for them so it'll give your allies that initial buff to their HP then you can heal it back with those massive healing numbers that you can do with all of the AOE healing spells you can learn with the live cleric plus the class feature benefits you get from that as well so there's a lot of fun with this build too and it's it definitely combos perfectly with like a tanky character or those like high damage impact characters as well that say you don't really want to take a lot of damage and doesn't fit with this three combo of builds that we're talking about here cuz they're all sort of way all over the place but if you're looking for say having some sort of a tank character or you just want a character that protects your allies then this pure healer setup is absolutely perfect for it because of the different spells that you can learn to really protect your allies in that way our last build here is the Jeweler now this is a a rogue and Bard hybrid that continues the theme for basically like my Bard setups I guess like if you think about the one we did in our last video this is similar but it's a different sort of concept so this is a dexterity based Bard or Rogue and we're using Jewel crossbows using the hand crossbows here now the reason we're comboing this with a rogue is because as a level three Thief Rogue when you pick the thief subass you get access to a bonus action so you essentially have two bonus actions by comboing this with the College of Swords B you can get access to two weapon fighting so when you make an attack with your off-handed weapon you can add your ability modifier to the damage of that weapon so because we can then use off-handed attacks with the hand crossbow in our offand we can then add our ability modifier to that you can also do the exact same thing with Millie weapons right if you had say had two daggers or two short swords equipped which we are also doing for this General setup as a college of Swords bar as well you get access to the flourishes and the slashing flourish being the key here right which allows you to attack up to two enemies at once now as as you level up the B because the B's going to be your main class you get that to level eight and the Rogue to level four four so you get that extra feet and then eight for the B so you get the two feets that way plus the extra attack so essentially what happens here right is that in a standard turn you can use slashing flourish to hit two Targets and then you can use that extra attack to use slashing florus again to hit another two Targets which makes four then you've still got two bonus actions left to make off-handed attacks that still have your ability modifier applied to them with your off-handed crossbow what they gives you is in that one turn you can essentially attack six times pretty simply I'm also combining two hand crossbows here the Hellfire hand crossbow and the fire stoker now this doesn't happen very often but you can trigger this effect too right so with the Hellfire hand crossbow if you attack while hiding or invisible you can possibly inflict burning and the fire stoker deals an additional piercing damage to burning targets now because we've got the Rogue we've got the cunning actions here to hide as well so you can hide in combat and be able to trigger this effect or say you know you can hide outside of combat and start from that initiative surprise effect as well so you've got benefits to use these two hand crossbows that sort of really have nice Synergy so this is the general setup for this build and you can go into the sharp shooter line to deal additional damage in that way for the feed as well this is a fun build and like bars are just fun in general because you got access to so many skills and proficiencies same with the Rogue so you'll be able to pass a lot of skill checks and then you've also got the ability to attack multiple times per turn and do different things with the flourishes and you've also got spells right like you've got some spells that you can play around with I would say with this build as well just make sure that you're spreading your stats properly because you know a Bard would typically have a lot of Charisma but because we are a dexterity sort of Marshall Focus Bard you want to make sure that decks is definitely a high stat still with a little bit of Charisma there so you can cast spells and get benefits from them if you want to go that route and do a little bit of that but your main focus will be on that Marshall aspects of the kit and if you wanted to you could dip two levels into fighter to get like action surge there as well so then technically you could like attack like another four times per turn if you wanted to get really crazy with this build but I think that the flow of just having these two classes fits a little bit better we're going to talk about the throw zerker which is a Berserker Barbarian comboed with a thief Rog now there's a very specific reason why we're comboing these two together as a Berserker Barbarian which by the way you're going to get to level eight you will get the frenzy instead of your typical rage and what you can do with frenzy is use enraged throw which essentially allows you to throw something as a bonus action which is you know all well and good that's fun but what if you had a second bonus action which is what we're getting from Thief now you want to get Thief to four as well because we do want to get these Feats which is why we're going a berser bab and four Thief Rogue because you want to get the tavern brawler feed so you can add your strength modifier twice when you are hitting something with a throne item and you also want to buff your strength as much as possible Right with ability modifiers because the more strength you have then the more damage you'll do overall and depending on the weapon you're going to be throwing you could also grab the polar arm Master feed as well so you can deal damage in that way as well but essentially the main focus for this whole entire setup is literally you'll start combat you've got two bonus actions initially so you can frenzy with one of those bonus actions you've still got one left over for at least one in Rage throw on that initial turn the benefits with a rage throw is one because it throws the item that you're using but also because it has a chance to make the target prone which then gives your allies advantage on attacking them further but on top of that because you've actually got the throw action as well you'll then be able to do that in the same turn now as a barbarian you do get an extra attack right so in one turn if you frenzied say the first turn you can enrage throw twice with two bonus actions and you can throw twice because you've got a throw and an extra attack so that's four throws in one turn now on top of that if you combo this with the legendary Trident that you can get at the very start of act three this build is kind of ridiculous I don't know how else to put it so this trident that you can get at the start of act three is legendary now it comes with the zi connection so this weapon will return to your hand when thrown so you don't have to worry about going to pick it up or any of that nonsense however when thrown the weapon creates an explosion that deals 3 to 12 th damage and a 6 M blast centered radius around it you also get like additional like movement speed and all this other good stuff from this weapon and then you know because we're buffing all of our throwing damage with all of these different ways you can just add more gear that adds more damage like the rig of flinging to add a 1 D4 damage to throwing the costic band that adds two flat acid damage and then the hell dust gloves that also add 1 D4 fire damage so you're getting all of these additional damage on top of what you're already doing plus this spear or trid it makes it an AOE and you can throw four times in one turn uh so yeah there's there's not much else to say really like it's kind of nuts the amount of damage that you can do and like to be honest I don't really like throwing builds because of in a way like this reason they can get very op and it's feels a little bit like a meme in a way but they are very fun if you enjoy the style of playthrough just to be able to throw stuff all the time I mean you can even throw enemies and all sorts as well but just throwing this trident will absolutely succeed in act three like there's no question about it uh the one thing to be aware of with this trident though is that you can actually hit your allies cuz it will hit anything within that six meter like radius so just like be careful not to kill your own allies but if they get hit with it it is their own fault all right moving on to the Eldridge tank now this goes perfectly with the throw Zera because they avoid damage to such a high degree anyway but the reason the Eldridge tank is a bit unique because this is a really tanky combo one of the best tanky combos in the game and we're using the Eldridge Knight because it's one of the only intelligence spellcasting classes just like the wizard is so we're combining these two for that reason combining the Eldridge Knight fighter and a wizard together really help with one of the Wizard's weakest parts which is their squishiness as well as the eldrid knight's weakest El which is a limited pool of spells now what you can do with a certain section of spells is make them kind of immune to damage in a regard and this is really one of the best tank options in the game even though you lose out on the third extra attack from the fighter it's still an exceptional tank setup if you just want to avoid damage and still dish out a fair amount in your own regard now what really makes this thing is The Shield spell now this is a reaction spell so you won't cast this yourself so you want to make sure you're saving your reaction to do this and essentially what happens with this is anytime that you are attacked you can then avoid damage by this because you can increase your AC by five right and because it's a reaction you can see what they rolled and then if it's not actually going to pass that check you can just like don't react or if it is then you can react to avoid that damage on top of that the abjuration Skool wizard gives you access to Arcane wad so each time you cast an abjuration spell which is Shield by the way and a couple of others the intensity of the W increases by the amount of the Spell's level up to a maximum of two times equ Wass a level but each time you take damage the ward blocks an amount of damage equal to its intensity and the intensity increases by one so essentially here if something does get through your Shield like you're attacked too many times you have reactions whatever as long as you've been casting abjuration spells you've got Arcane W the amount of damage you'll take is less anyway and then there are other ways to reduce your damage via certain gear and other Buffs and debuffs like mirror image so your AC is higher that sort of stuff and then at level six as the abjuration wizard as well you get the projected W so you can then use it on your allies as well not just yourself so you can protect them in that way so this is just a great like General tank setup right now you've got access to a bunch of spells and I would really focus on the Millie spells here you know like you're shocking grasps and your burning hands those sort of things because this is really like a Millie battle mage sort of a setup but you've got that real tank potential and you want to be careful here as well just about your overall Armor class like when I put this build originally together I put my armor class like as high as possible right with you know just maxing out using whatever shield and like heavy armor etc etc because we're a fighter we've got access to that but you won't get attacked as much because your armor class is going to be so high so the enemy AI will often Target other things because it's like your you know your armor class is like what 24 or something so like why attack you when they can attack say you know the last Bild we're going to talk about the fire demon which has like a 16 Armor class right so you want to sort of find that balance between your overall Armor class so that things are actually attacking you so you can trigger these effects because you can take a hit as this eldris tank right you've also got access a second win so you can even heal yourself via the fighter ability as well and you've got action surge to together a second action plenty of things that really come together with this kit but it's a fantastic build if you wanted to play this sort of a setup really good for like a lil if you've got Lil in your party or something like that the last build here is the fire demon this is mostly a draconic sorcerer but we're dipping into an evocation wizard because of one specific thing so the main setup here is you'll be a level 10 draconic sorcerer you're going draconic here because you get the additional benefits to one specific like damage type and we're focusing on fire here so at level six of the draconic sorcerer you get access to the elemental Affinity so you get additional damage based on your charisma modifier to every spell you cast of the same type as your bloodline which obviously focusing on fire here so you obviously want to be grabbing all of the fire spells and probably around that level six Mark you want to have this dip into evocation and we only want two levels of wizard evocation so you can actually get that subass because the main focus here is just to get Supple spells because really this will then prevent you from hitting your allies with the massive fire explosions from say Firebolt wall of fire that sort of a thing which just alleviates the biggest downfall of this sort of big explosion fire base setup here because you won't hit your allies right so you can then have classes like the ELD tank and anything in Millie range and then drop these massive fire spells and avoid the effect of actually hitting them which can get kind of frustrating you want to make sure you grab the elemental adapt feet for fire as well so essentially what this will do is so your fire spells ignore resistance to fire right when you hear things that have resistance to it if they are immune to fire it won't actually remove that but if they're resistant to it it will remove that resistance and it also prevents you from rolling a one so on top of all the additional benefits you get as a you know fire specific tronic fire sorcerer you then have that lower chance of rolling lower rounds of damage because you won't roll a one and you've got access to so many great fire spells in bers Gate 32 right like you've got the Firebolt you've got burning hands you've got scorching Ray you've got wall of fire and then you've got all of these fantastic spells that you can also then combine with the wizard spell grease now when you put grease on the ground you can actually light this and create a little fire explosion which then creates a hazard on the ground so when enemies walk across it they take fire damage now this is a wizard spell so because we are dipping into wizard we then get access to grease in that way and because we're a sorcerer you can use quickened spell to cast both of these on the one turn so you can cast Quicken spell and then use grease as a bonus action put that grease on the ground and then cast fire spell like you don't even have to hit the ground specifically you can hit a Target because it will a light them and then a light that grease themselves so you've got that benefit there as well as those additional effects for this build the last thing I'll say about this build is make sure you have some sort of fire resistance if you start as a tling you get that just ingrained in you via your race but if you go draconic sorcery which we already have it anyway you will get fire resistance at level six because we have gone on that fire setup so just make sure that you either again getting that you know thinking about not standing in your own fire until you get to level six if you haven't gone a tling or just you know running around like a maniac if you're out tling because you can do that anyway so firstly we'll talk about the Raptor this is a barbarian and Rogue hybrid now as some of you may know in order to use stealth attack you need advantage on the Target now you would typically get this as a rogue by hiding and attacking from you know stealth it is a stealth attack but you can get advantage in other ways like The Reckless attack from a barbari Aran which will then allow you to add the stealth damage modifier without ever needing to be in stealth so this gives you additional dice rolls on those attacks that you are attacking with Reckless attack which it's very often that you'll actually get critical hits with Reckless attack as well on top of that especially when you're combining with certain gear that allows you to lower the requirements of actually having to hit 20 to 19 or 18 what's also really unique about this build is that this isn't a strength-based barbarian now technically you could use this as a strength based build right because we are using finesse weapons finesse weapons don't mean you have to use dexterity essentially it means you can use dexterity or strength but I've chosen to go with dexterity for this build because I wanted to use rapas as something a little different for the Barbarian it also combos perfectly say if you max out your dexterity and your Constitution because of unarmored defense for the Barbarian as well which we aren't wearing any armor so you can have like 18 19 Armor class at sort of the end of the game without you know even wearing in any armor having to worry about that there's also this really great Rapier late game that gives you an extra reaction that also gives additional necrotic damage and it lowers the number that you need to in order to get a critical hit as well fit fits perfectly with this build that's focused on attacking with advantage to have a higher chance of getting Critical Hits as well as applying stealth for that extra damage modus fire now as mentioned we are using dexterity so you can use any range weapon here as well if you wanted to go that route but as you're building out this build you probably want to start with a barbarian early game as they're really good early game you don't have to really do anything with them at level three you'll pick up the Berserker so then you've got frenzy as your rage mechanic which you can trigger you've also then will have the frenzy strik you can use a bonus action to make an additional attack every turn plus with the Rogue that we're comboing here we're going level three Thief Rogue which will give you that additional bonus action so on top of that there you can then use that bonus action in those turns to either trigger your rage and then attack with friended strike or attack with the a bonus attack you get from using this Rapier that we're talking about in this video as well but on top of that right like you've got Reckless attack to trigger all of these Critical Hits as well as the stealth damage on top of that now we're going nine Barbarian and three Rogue here because at nine levels of Barbarian you get brutal crits which will allow you to add an additional roll of dice on top of your normal Critical Hits and then you know obviously stealth damage and all of your attacks on top of that right so we're really focusing on critical hits here for this build there are different ways you could build this depending what you're aiming for like other than going nine Barbarian and three Rogue you could go like even out to say eight Barbarian and four Rogue to get the extra feed if you wanted to but you would lose the brutal Critical Hits as well and then you could even go something like seven Barbarian and five Rogue which gives you the uncanny Dodge from the Rogue which will lower the overall amount of damage you take so you've got options here right but this is the general thesis of the build is to use Reckless attack to get the stealth attack modifier on top of attacks we're using these finesse weapons in this way and it's just a different way to to play a barbarian next we have the Colossal Guardian now surprised this one isn't actually a multiclass you agreed to stay away I lied this is a funky build though and it fits with the theme and I've been itching to do one of these strength ranges cuz we've had a ton of comments about you can do these and I know they're really good and I wanted to actually do one in my own way eventually so here we go now I was originally going to actually make this a multiclass strength Ranger with Level Two fighter to get action surge to have a second action but you kind of don't really need it now as a hunter Ranger here at level 11 you'll get Whirlwind attack and that is really really good so dipping into anything other than like one level you're kind of losing out on that attack so it it's if it's a weird spot here that's why I've decided to just go full strength Ranger so essentially the way this works is when you're picking your favorite enemy as a ranger here we're picking Ranger Knight now this gives you Proficiency in heavy armor which we're going to be wearing heaves because we're not going to have a high dexterity to increase with your overall Armor class and when you are picking your abilities here you want to make sure that you have got your strength and Constitution up as high as possible as your ability Point modifiers compared to increasing your decks which you still want a little bit of decks right but like you don't necessarily need it it's only for your initiative in this sort of case so as you do level up here at level three when when you pick a subass we're picking the Hunter and you've got two options here you can go the Colossal Slayer or hoorde breaker now hord breaker will give you an attack that will allow you to then attack two creatures with that same attack right and then after that you can use an extra attack and everything anyway now colossal Slayer will add an additional damage D to enemies that are below their Max Health both of these options are fine now you can actually use the hord breaker attack with worldwind strike on the same turn now at level 11 you gain Whirlwind strike which essentially what you do here is you'll just like swing in a circle and attack anything that's in that like radius around you now because you can use hord breaker and well when strike in the same turn you can hit a ton of enemies or you can go the Colossal Slayer out where once per turn your weapon attacks deal additional damage if the target is below its hit point maximum and for the most part you're going to be hitting enemies that are below the hit point maximums more regularly then two enemies are going to be standing next to each other in those like perfect scenarios so more consistent damage across the board but both are really fine it's entirely up to you what I would mention as well is to grab the Titan string bow to use your strength modifier for range attacks with your Ranger you know if you do use that r as well I'm also using a pole arm or a spear in this footage here because you can get the feat the pole arm master so you can attack with the butt of that weapon as a bonus action you can also make attacks of opportunity when enemies enter your radius as well so you've got that freedom there too and you can also use Hunter's Mark with this build as well so you can add a 1d6 damage to every hit from your main target that you do trigger this with it's really good early game but it's not as good sort of late game because enemies have much more Health than a 1 day six adds but it's extra damage for the sake of your bonus action so you know may as well use it Rangers generally suck early game it's just sort of the way it goes now there isn't much you can sort of do about it and just sort of survive until these things start to come together once you hit Level three and the build sort of starts coming together and you get some better weapons and stuff this will really Excel like it's a high defense build that also deals a ton of damage because of hoorde breaker or colossal Slayer plus Whirlwind strike which is fantastic so you've got a lot of flexibility in terms of your damage and using those pole arms but it will take a while to get going like Rangers are one of the hardest classes in the early games in my opinion to sort of get value out of but just stick with it and you'll be fine last we've got the Kung Fu healer so this is the monk cleric build that I mentioned in my original multiclass guide as a potential for the monk I wanted to actually build this out so the monk has little Synergy with most classes considering your key points is directly tied to your monk levels every time you dip into another class you're losing out on potential key points that you can then use to like use all of your monk attacks so it's hard to recommend multiclassing heaps with the monk unless you're like adding bonus actions or actions to sort of offset that but what you can also do is because the monk has wisdom as their spellcasting modifier and also for their unarmored defense the cleric also uses wisdom for their spellcasting modifier so there is some synergies here now by combining a life cleric and a monk in this instance with a life cleric or really any cleric you can get Spirit Guardians so nearby enemies take take 3d8 radiant or 3d8 necrotic damage per turn and the movement speed is half when they're around you now monks have great movement speed so they can move around the battlefield fast and you this attack only works with things that are close to you now as a cleric with Spirit Guardians this is a ton of damage like even just going straight cleric and using Spirit Guardians as heaps of damage but using that and then you've also still got bonus actions you can use in that same turn to use the monk attacks right and then because I've gone the life cleric route to sort of focus a little bit more on healing you can then grab those healing spell SPS you can actually heal enemies in that so allies not enemies in that same turn and then use those bonus actions to attack on that same turn as well which is something that happens a lot with casters especially clerics as well that sometimes those bonus actions go unused so combining it with the monks you can then attack with those unarmed strikes as well and use those key points you've got the value there now as a monke here I am going the four elements to use the monk spells that you get access to the only one you have to specifically grab I would say is water whip it pulls enemies towards you so you can pull them into the range of your spirit guardian or just in terms of attacking that sort of a thing the other ones are really up to you like just grab the different elements that you feel as more valuable to the overall damage that you want to do and in terms of the level break here we're going seven four elements milk and five life cleric we need that level five so that we can get access to Spirit Guardians that's the specific reason going that route and then seven monk because we want as much monk as possible so that we can actually get as many of those key points that we can actually use in combat now if you don't like this healing route you could go something like the monk way of Shadow with the trickery cleric something like that is a different way to play a similar build still with access to Spirit guardians but you know the Shadow and the trickery C they do have a lot of synergies there as well so you've got different ways you can play this build but it's just a fun build that I wanted to actually put together because I did sort of briefly mention it in that video was something I've been tinkering with but it gives you a lot of flexibility right the monks are often just so focused on using those unarm strike and key points and then you can use some of those cleric spells to offset that to give you different flexibility in combat and then vice versa as a cleric you've got access to the monk bonus actions that you can then use in those same turns to stun enemies or just attack enemies with flal blows that sort of stuff different combinations you combine with this sort of mely focused cleric and monk so let me know your thoughts on these builds in the comments guys I'm really interested to know what you think about these unique builds thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is noza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 218,999
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 best multiclass builds, baldurs gate 3 top builds, baldurs gate 3 top multiclass builds, bg3 top multiclass builds, bg3 best multiclass builds, baldurs gate 3 multiclass, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclass guide, baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 multiclass ideas, baldurs gate 3 multiclass build, best baldurs gate 3 multiclass build, baldurs gate 3 multiclass builds, bg3 multiclassing guide, baldurs gate 3 tips, bg3 beginners guide, bg3 tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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