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spellcasters are prevalent in every RPG setting  and the same goes for both D and and balers Gate   3 in this video I want to focus on creating  just a pure and simple spellcaster there are   tons of guides out there for special element based  spellcasters or focusing on very specific items   or multiclass mechanics but I wanted to take a  simpler route here and just deliver someone who   can cast strong spells I'll be talking about some  fun ways to turn um sorcerer metamagic on its head   or some other fun things to layer in here but if  this is your first time on my channel the way I do   things is by upfront the knowledge of my videos  so you can decide if it's the right one for you   so with that being said we'll be starting off as  a draconic bloodline sorcerer then quickly take   one level into wizard after that we'll take four  levels into sorcerer again then we'll focus on two   more levels into wizard picking up the subass  evocation before finalizing our last levels   on sorcerer it's a little Topsy tury but this  gives us access to haste quickly as a sorcerer   and then alleviates the need for careful casting  the the metamagic ability with our wizard subass   that's really the entire breakdown the too long  didn't watch of this entire video so if that's all   you wanted to know please feel free to shut the  video down and get back to creating your Arcane   spellcaster in bg3 before you head out please  don't forget to like comment subscribe each one   of those things helps me out in a huge way I've  gone from 89% to now 80% unsubscribed viewership   because of your help but that's a number I'd  still like to get lower and every little bit   helps you can jump ahead to any part of the video  that interest you the most using the chapters in   both the timeline and the description and if you  need help with any other subject in balers Gate   3 check out my playlist link below and at the end  of the video let's get started here on my favorite   pure Caster build in balers Gate 3 loading into  character creation let's have some fun now this   is of course a single player narrative game  so please choose the race that best fits what   you would like to do I'm going to highlight two  races that I think kind of Stand Out above the   other races because you get Shield proficiency  but again you don't need to play that way you   don't need to play the way that I'm suggesting  this is guide is meant to basically give you   inspiration on how you go about the game so half  elf and human are the two I would recommend here   because in the racial features they get Shield  proficiency since we're going to be starting   as a sorcerer which will also give us Proficiency  in Constitution which I'll talk about in a second   what we what we like about this is with half elf  you can go with high half elf and get access to   a whole another can trip which is really nice  wood elf to move a little bit further Dr which   gives you access to Dancing Lights darkness and um  um another one another another can trip uh fairy   fire fairy fire uh it's Dancing Lights fairy fire  and uh the darkness can trips which are all three   very good ones so really just go with whichever  one of these that you want as far as your uh half   Health goes or you simply go with human the only  thing that's the downside with the human is you   don't get access to dark vision but you do get  access to increased uh carry capacity as well as   an additional skill you can be proficient in so I  would personally choose between these two because   you can use a sta with a shield and you can get  all the benefits of all the shields in the game   and the nice thing is majority of the shields in  this game increase your spell save DC your spell   attack roll or give you additional spell slots  they're really geared more towards casters so   being able to leverage them is really really good  A lot of people will recommend too if you don't   go with a shield go with dual wielding so you can  just dual wield stabs or staves for that matter   so I'm going to go with a high half health and we  can then choose another can trip through here and   we have quite a few to choose from let's go now  we we'll go back into this once we talk about   our cantrip section so class of course is going  to be sorcerer like I said that's going to give   us our proficiency and Constitution we are going  to have tons and tons of uh roles to be made that   are geared towards concentration because there are  lots of concentration spells that we'll be tapping   into now concentration roles are done based off of  um your Constitution so if you take 28 damage the   DC the difficulty class of that concentration  rle is half that damage if you take 28 it's a   14 DC and you're going to have a plus two to that  roll so having Proficiency in your um Constitution   checks is great right so you can see at the  bottom there it says plus four to our saving   throws now because we have that proficiency this  is absolutely crucial makes it much easier for   us to maintain our concentration when we get hit  we'll also be taking War Caster but let's go into   our our canant trips here and select some good  ones um acid Splash is always a very fun one um   I very like much like shocking grasp Ray of frost  is a really good one as well but you can have a   lot of fun with stuff like minor illusion because  you can basically cast minor illusion it distracts   NPCs you can do a lot of crazy thievery stuff  friends is really good if you are not playing in   honor mode if you're playing in honor mode friends  actually has a chance to set things hostile if   you're not though you're just playing balanced you  want to get good um prices at any of these stores   go ahead and cast friends on the vendor before  you talk to them and then you can get pretty much   a 100% discount um that's not to say that it's  100% as in it's items are free it's that it's a   a discount on the the sell price so sell price  and market price are different things in this   game but still it's a huge discount is what I'm  trying to say um also now since we kind of have   these all sused out we can go to our highelf can  trip you can go with Firebolt if you want we could   skip that and go with what did I choose over here  for my CS what is it oh I see uh we could go with   pretty much whatever you want to go with this you  didn't pick up shocking grasp if you want to go   with that whatever you'd like um it's worth noting  though since we are going to be a uh sorcerer and   a wizard I've gone ahead and split our stats 1616  so the high canant trip scales off of um well in   this case Charisma but sometimes it'll scale off  of intelligence depending upon what class you take   so don't worry about that in this case you're fine  no matter what now for our spells I'm going to go   with uh some of my favorite ones Shield is just  really really really good um it's going to it's   going to be useful the entirety of the game it's  a reaction and it's going to make it so that you   just get a free five Armor class you'll never go  wrong with it and I really like magic Missile as   far as damage spells go because this just is  a guaranteed hit spell it does a good amount   of damage and very few things resist Force so I  like these two as a really strong spread if you   want though you can go with something like Mage  Armor which is always going to be very useful for   you um keep in mind too we're going to get a spell  into wizard soon so we're going to have access to   a lot of spells maybe you don't see on this list  uh that that you already see on this list so don't   worry about them too much but this I think is a  very solid way to start off chromatic orb is also   another one of my favorites since you can switch  the element of this it's a really really cool one   that you can use a bunch of different times so  um that's what I'm stick with now for our subass   we're going to go draconic bloodline which is  going to give us one more point and we're going to   get draconic resilience which just to let you know  would uh mitigate this increases Armor class to 13   plus its dexterity modifier so you won't need to  use this if you go with draconic bloodline um if   you decide to go with maybe storm Source you're  like hey yeah I don't wanto that guy I'm going   to go storm sorcery then Mage Armor is going  to be useful for you again but basically this   is like guaranteed always on Mage Armor which is  really cool now for your ancestor go here with the   element you'd like to focus with um I really like  acid now the reason behind that is that acid is   one of the least well not least but it is amongst  this list one of the least resisted elements   there's no Thunder on this list Thunder is almost  never resisted same thing with Force so fire and   cold are resisted the most though so it just kind  of keep those things in mind because draconic   ancestry at level six will add your charisma  modifier as has a flat damage bonus to any spell   you cast with that element so the the the kind  of trade-off here is acid is not a very common   um damage type to be resisted but you don't have  a ton of acid spells versus fire is very commonly   resisted and you have a ton of fire spells and  there's a difference though between resistance and   Immunity resistance is 50% less damage immunity  is no damage so just kind of keep those things   in mind if you say yeah I understand what you're  saying about acid dude but I don't want to pick   up Grease We can go with copper I actually I'd  probably prefer copper over black I just like   the look of the the scales the black dragon gives  you is really [ __ ] cool but copper gives you   access to Tasha hideous laughter which is always  going to be useful for you it's like the entirety   of the game um but blue for for witch bolt is very  good here uh cold gives you armor of agathys which   is really nice which is typically a warlock spell  this is a very very good one think this yeah this   is the disguised one uh one of these is just  yeah sleep I would go red if I went with fire   just because burning hands is more useful sleep  is great the very very beginning of the game then   falls off in useless very quickly and it's a free  spell to just have and I that's what I really like   about it is just being able to turn that free  spell on so we'll go with copper here for Min   maxing I suppose then for your background please  go with the background that makes sense for you   and the character you have in mind for your  build as always I say you know hey are you a   criminal who just so happens to have tapped into  the innate bloodline that they have access to that   gives them tons of spells and Magic are you a  noble who has uh uh realized that he recently   has draconic ancestry and explain the weird scales  that he has on his wrist his whole entire life or   whatever it is or you have folk hero that has used  his spells that he that he's grown up having in   like the back waywards parts of the world whatever  the hell it is choose the background that makes   sense for you and your character now as far as  my minmax kind of choice if you don't want to   go through that you just want to choose something  and move on go with Guild Artisan because it gives   you both insight and persuasion now that note  we have skills you can have a lot of fun with   this because you are a Charisma based class so  you actually have access to persuasion you have   access to deception intimidation performance if  you want to go down that route so you can have a   lot of fun with this uh we're already going to  have persuasion uh uh ticked off so you can go   into deception if you want um Arcana okay Arcana  history nature and religion are all going to be   very circumstantial roles based off of VAR kind  of minute things here and there throughout the   game um there but I think Arcana probably fits  the character the most and you'll have fun with   some of the Arcana roles you can make with this  character so I'd probably go with something like   that going into abilities let's talk about the  spread here so I've gone ahead and just went   with 16 intelligence and 16 Charisma there is some  Tom Foolery about the way that your spellcasting   modifier will work and what will go to what and  I have a whole video on that basically the game   will kind of choose the higher of the two based  off of where the spell originates from did you   describe it as a wizard or did you learn it as  a sord sorcerer to kind of help mitigate that if   you're a new character new player to the game  it's just 16 intelligence and 16 Charisma you   don't have to worry about it now this then we're  going to go with 14 Constitution and this helps us   out with all of our concentration roles and we've  gone with 12 dexterity just to give us one to our   um initiative and to our Dex to our armor class if  you want to get a little spicy you can drop this   to 10 and put a point there into uh wisdom that  way you don't have any mod negative penalties   when you're rolling against wisdom checks which  are more often than not stuff like uh hold person   stuff that would typically hold your character  down or or CC them it's typically a wisdom check   so you can go with something like this if you want  to have a little bit more control you just kind of   suffer from less Armor class so keep that in mind  but let's now move into the progression for this   character now as far as progression goes from this  point on at level two we can either go five levels   into sorcerer go three levels into your uh Wizard  and then finish off sorcerer but I'm assuming you   may be a little bit more newer to the G A Little  More newer a little newer to the game or you're   just kind of frustrated with the limited amount  of spells that the sorcerer has to start with so   we'll immediately go into one level of wizard this  just enables us to kind of have fun with a lot of   spells out the gate we can inscribe any spells  that we get as far as Scrolls go and just have   a lot of fun with a lot of different things that  accessible to us now as far as your cantrips go   look at these little boxes around these icons that  that we already have that can trip so um let's not   choose any of those let's go with like this and  that and you know minor illusion right that's a   good spread that way I've got all the ones that  my sorcerer have when we started off if I have a   high elf I've got that too this is my level uh 12  characters so they're a Wood Elf so just ignore   that portion unfortunately and then we can go into  our spells and these are spells that you will have   that you can just access you you you can swap  these in and out because because that's how it   works we already have Tasha's hideous laughter  because of our bloodline and we already have   magic Missile um so we can go ahead and grab  stuff like you know Shield if we didn't grab   it before or chromatic orb whatever it is so I'm  just going to go ahead and kind of fill these up   long Shredder is nice because it's a ritual spell  meaning it does not cost you a spell slot to use   it uh Thunder Wave is a good one ice knife is  great um fog cloud is a really good little bit   of uh CC if you want you can go with grease if  you start if you didn't start with black Dragon   you've got a lot of these really fun spells that  you can St throughout the gate uh charm person   can be nice uh protection from Good and Evil even  infeeling R array of sickness here is really good   here it's poison like I said is is a uh damage  type that you will act you know what we're going   to go with Ray of poison because it goes in the  very beginning I'm sorry R of sickness in the   very beginning of the game you get the poisoners  robe and that works really well with it then for   your prepared spells these are the spells that  going to key off of your um intelligence here   so it's basically your wizard level plus your  intelligence modifier so this in this case it's   going to be 1+ three so four so we'll just go  that that that and that and press accept this   brings us back into our sorcerer and we're just  going to go ahead and stick with these sorcerer   capabilities remember we already have Mage Armor  default um this adds its Dex modifier to it you   can do that if you so wish we don't really have  a ton of a DEX modifier so it's no big deal um   I'm not going to go into like the kind of gaminess  you can get with intelligence and decks and items   and respecing but that does exist in the game if  you want to really go down that path but we're   just going to go into something like I know witch  bolt is a good spell to use here and for our class   passives we have metamagic which are basically  modifiers we can throw into any spells using our   sorcery points metam magic can also create spell  slots with our sorcery points so we can kind of   push them back and forth I can use spell slots  to create sorcery points or use sorcery points   to create create spell slots and I'll show that  off later you can start off with CER spell if you   want but we'll be able to get this from evocation  I really like twin spell it's probably one of the   most strong or probably one of the strongest um  sorcerer capabilities in the game because you   cost one sorcery Point per spell slot level used  cans also cost one sorcery point but basically the   spells that only target one creature can Target  an additional creature extended spell is nice to   double the duration of conditions and distance  spell is nice to increase the range of spells   and melee spells get uh increase get a range  of 30 ft now so you know your shock and grasp   now has a 30ft range so I'll go a distance spell  we're going to go ahead and also to as a sorcerer   you cannot pick and choose your spells you have  to swap them out as you level so right now we're   good but we could say hey you know what we already  have shield now on our wizard let's go ahead and   Swap this out for all the ones that we picked up  on our wizard um I don't know burning hands that's   just an example of somehow you can kind of swap  these in and out of your of your sorcer repertoire   but we'll go ahead and keep that there for now  press accept and push on to level three we'll get   another spell and now we get our level two spells  so just to kind of rather than me going through   this every single time I'll say stuff like hold  person is a very good spell cloud of daggers is a   very good damaging spell it is physical damage  darkness is a great CC spell that will blind   everything around so that you that they have to uh  they can't cast out of it but you can't cast into   it too you're kind of it's a bit of a double it  sword so creatures cannot make range attacks into   or out of it but it's a very great way to kind of  CC things enhance ability is really really good   you basically G advantage on ability checks with  a chosen ability Missy step is great for Mobility   knock is one of the best damn spells in the game  and I just realized that in like my last stream   you can open any damn lock with this thing it's  it's huge but I wouldn't get it on my sorcerer I   would just grab it on my wizard through a scroll  very easy and you will definitely get access to   this either as a wizard spell through the wizard  leveling up or from just a scroll there's tons of   ways to get access to this um blindness is very  strong too blinding a creature so attack R gets   it have Advantage uh blur is great for defensive  so it's Mirror Image mirror is really really good   for defensive as well each duplicate increases  your armor class by three so it's basically three   uh nine free AC added into you um but a lot of  really good level two spells shatter is a great   range Thunder damage ability and scorching Ray  is also really good I'm going to go ahead and   go scorching we'll go we'll go old person then get  scorching Ray and remember too any Scrolls we find   we're we're just scribing them in so it's not as  important to really think about your spells since   you're not locked into these spells since you can  use your wizard capabilities to bring them in but   now we get access to subtle spell and Quicken  spell and Quicken spell is definitely where   we're going to go here spells that cost an action  cost a bonus action instead subtle spell would   allow us to cast a spell while silenced which is  also still very good but I like quick and spell more also hide and spell sorry targets the spell  I like wa a minute there's an extra one on this   list targets of spells that require saving throws  have disadvantage on their saving throw which is   actually pretty damn great so we'll go ahead and  accept that and push ourselves into level four   sorcerer to grab another cant trip let's just go  with blade Ward I suppose actually you know what   light is very good you'll deal with plenty of  light issues by this point in the game you're   around level you are level character level five  so you're about to start coming into act two   where you will deal with tons of Darkness so this  is really going to help you out spell wise we're   going to go ahead and pick up scorching Ray now  and we're going to replace a spell um since we're   jumping into act two we can stick with witch wolt  if we so wish or even um Shield you know we have   on our wizard so I'm going to replace Shield here  and I'm going to swap in enlarge is good to use on   another character not so much this character I'm  going to swap in H shatter just to give me a lot   of Thunder damage which is very rarely going to  be resisted for your character and this gives you   a lot of really good punching power at that point  in the game but now let's talk about our Feats and   feet options are not necessarily far and wide in  this case you really coming down to three big ones   spell sniper which you learn a can trip and the  number you need to roll a critical hit with spells   is reduced by one this effect can stack so we can  go ahead and grab eldrich blast if we want through   this this is not as strong as the warlocks Elder  blast because we're not using Elder invocations   to to add our Charisma modifier to it so keep that  in mind but now crit critting a spell is happening   at a 19 and a 20 rather than just simply a 20 so  it's a good one uh warcaster is the one I'm going   to start off with you gain advantage on saving  throws to maintain concentration on spells so we   have a proficiency with Constitution and we have  an advantage on Constitution so any concentration   roles were probably going to pass now because of  all these bonuses and this only gets better cuz   your proficiency Bonus Goes from two to three  and then four at levels one up to five then to   nine so it really gets better as you go about you  can also use a reaction to cast shocking grass but   a Target moving out of melee range that's not  as huge it's basically that Advantage so we're   going to go with war cter to start but the other  real big one here is ability Improvement we would   probably put into Charisma or into intelligence  based off the kind of casting you want to focus   on I'm going to Charisma on this character so  we'll put it right here but another good one   you can go with is any of these magic initiate  ones to pull from the uh level one spells and   the can trips of that respective class um you can  do that if you so wish but since we're only going   to get access to two Feats I think it's going to  be warcaster for me and ability Improvement to   increase our stats um or spell sniper if I really  want to go down that crit that crit route into   our next level though we have sorcerer level five  and this is where we'll will stop sorcerer after   this and the reason is we wanted to get access to  haste that was the big kind a reason we made that   jump here because we can use haste and we can use  twin spell and cast haste on two characters that   is absolutely awesome and for replacing a spell we  can go ahead and swap off witch bolt with actual   lightning bolt if we want now or we can go ahead  and grab counter spell at this point in the game   you're coming into when you're going to be in  act two so getting daylight on your character   either through a wizard spell that we've scribed  in or whatever it is is going to be pretty huge   for you but we can probably hold off on this I  think that getting lightning bolt in exchange for   witch bolt is a really good option and we want to  eventually pick up counter spell those are really   good ones as well Fireball is great but we can  get it very easily in our wizard spells right so   let's go ahead and stick with that we'll press  accept and our we will level up now our wizard   once more so we do have a conversation to have  now about your subass and you can really go with   whatever you want please as always use my videos  as an source of inspiration not Creed this is not   some sort of draconic thing that you should only F  focus on if you want to play an evocation wizard I   think it's a really great way to play if you're  brand new to the game because of sculpt spells   create pockets of safety within your evocation  spells allies automatically succeed their saving   throws against these spells and take no damage  from them you would use the careful whatever   the hell careful spell from sorcerer that would  cost you sorcerer points this just is a passive   that turns on for all evocation spells which is  great it's not just evocation spells cast as a   wizard it's evocation spells hands down and on  top of it you as a wizard kind of think of this   as how you're going to start choosing your spells  from now on because evocation spells are now half   the cost to scribe so learning evocation spells  from Scrolls only cost cost you 25 gold per spell   level not 50 which is really really nice now the  other two I do want to point out you can go with   any of the other ones on this list but the other  two I want to point out that are very good it's   abjuration which can turn you into a juggernaut  this ability right here Arcane Ward the residual   magic of your spells forms a ward around you  that protects you from harm that doesn't mean   anything really when you look at it like that  but basically whenever you cast an abjuration   spell you get a charge of Arcane Ward which will  reduce damage by the amount of its charge and at   Max it it will be like um I think it goes up  to like a Max of certain portion of your spell   levels U I'm sorry your wizard levels and it will  the amount of charges you gain are based off your   spell levels so this can make you very very very  tanky so if you're worried about losing a lot of   health and dying very easily abjuration is the  way to go now if you're more of an experienced   character and you want to have fun with really  crazy stuff divination truly in my opinion is   the best single damage subass and that's a  that's anecdotal experience here right you   can have a different opinion than that and it's  because of this ability with portant portant is   going to give you two random dice during the day  you can use your reaction to change the die of   any attack roll or saving throw R near you to  one of your important Dice and Maybe not maybe   not single Target damage is probably not the best  way to say that this goes I think more this is the   best subass as far as helping you and the party  out is maybe a better way to put it sorry about   that because the way that these Port dice work is  they are static dice roll let's so it's two random   ones in this case so it rolls two random dice  let's just say it's 12 and 20 you have those in   your back pocket and you can use them whenever  you want for every long rest we're only taking   three levels here so we don't get all the really  cool benefits of going into divination so keep   that in mind but it is really cool to be able to  go hey I needed a crit here I've got a 20 in my   back pocket I'm just GNA sub that portant die in  and we're good to go so that's something I think   you should really take a look at but I think if  you just want to play very on the rails very easy   but still very strong go evocation you're good  to go and also the big thing is the discount on   the spell that's also going to be huge so when  it comes to these spells in this section maybe   don't choose the ones that are evocation like it's  magic Missile for example choose ones that are you   know what well I don't have find familiar it's a  Conjuration Spell it's going to cost me 50 gold   to do this so I might as well choose this so just  kind of have those things in mind when you're kind   of selecting these spells that way it's kind of a  little bit easier hey we ditched witch B earlier   right well now we have it back on our spell list  which is really cool so that's what I mean for   the source we don't have to worry so much about  the spells that we have access to we can have a   little fun um swapping them in from sorcer and  wizard so we'll go with something like that and   again you can as a source as a wizard you can swap  these spells out whenever you want you just press   K and you can do it we get our last level here  into Wizard and that's just going to give us   access to level two spells as a wizard which is  very nice this gives us Mel acid Arrow which is   a good acid damage ability so for going with that  acid Dragon like I was talking about this is just   a great way to get a really good amount of damage  on Target and it is an evocation ability so it's   really nice benefit there flame sphere is also  very good in the beginning middle portions of   the game around this point you're still going to  get some nice useful out use out of it because it   is a summon but it is a concentration spell so  keep that in mind so you will summon this thing   and it can do things on its own turn but it's  just going to require your concentration to do   so and you can't get it as a sorcerer so it's kind  of nice or we can get knock like we talked about   right so that way we've got that we've got access  to that ability if we don't have someone that can   really pick open all those doors knock will take  care of that so whatever you'd like to do and your   character is up to you and your party but going  back here into um sorcerer we'll go ahead and pick up like counter spell a lot and we're we're going  to swap off scorching Ray and we'll just go ahead   and put in good old Fireball so now rather than  having scorching Ray which is a strong ability we   just have big old brutal Fireball and now we're  an evocation wizard we don't need to worry about   roasting our friends into level seven we're now  starting to jump into act three so we can have fun   with some of the other stuff banishment is very  good because you just remove stuff from the game   for two turns which is really cool uh dimensional  door is nice CU you can teleport yourself and an   ally uh to any place you can see so it's basically  like Missy step but with a friend you have flight   you can still use here wall of fire is very  strong here um let's go with stone skin is nice   basically so turn creatures flesh hardest Stone  it takes only half the damage of all nonmagical   bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage it lasts  until long rest it's just a concentration ability   I like confusion cuz it's very good confusion  and and hypnotic pattern are two really good CC   abilities and we're actually even going to push  hypnotic pattern into our build so now you have a   lot of damage abilities but you also have a lot of  CC abilities as a sorcerer so that you can kind of   lock things down to line it up for your party  and that's the big thing is you've got these   abilities that you can really use my my dog in the  background is going to town on a chew toy um to   really Aid your party and not just directly do all  the damage I think a lot of people get lost in a   spellcaster thinking how can I do the most damage  possible but rather you have spells that can do   everything so you might as well leverage that and  have fun either buffing people hindering the enemy   blowing the enemy up moving the enemy cing them  whatever the situation is you have access to it   now uh fear is actually pretty good too here so  I'm I'm actually going to pick up fear I no no no   I'm going to pick up banishment it's very very  good just lock something out for two turns and   ability Improvement here you can go intelligence  or Charisma based off of how you are playing your   your character um are you going to focus more on  your sorcerer spell casting capabilities which   you probably will we'll go with that but um when  it comes to your spell casting ability the game   will look at the most recent level you've done  in the most recent class but it'll also look at   where the source of the spell comes from is it  a ascribed wizard spell or a learned sorcerer   spell and then it will look at which spell can  be cast at a better modifier hey I have burning   hands learn as a sorcerer and learn as a wizard  but I've got 18 charisma the game will focus on   your charisma the game will always try to cheat to  give you the best Advantage possible when it comes   to Casting a spell if it can that's convoluted  but I have a whole video on the subject so here   we go we're going to increase our Charisma up  here bring our sorcer level to nine our last   level which gives us more sorcery points and we  get access to our level five spells and this can   be a little tricky here con of cold is really  cool and fun but insect plague is probably the   better one it's really good Locus attack everyone  with within range make the area a difficult train   and impose disadvantage on perception checks it's  very good it is a concentration spell keep that in   mind and you have hold monster paralyze a creature  it can't move or act or react so what I'm going   to do here is take insect plague and I'm going to  replace hold person because hold person is hold a   humanoid enemy still this is a creature you can  use it on anything so this way we kind of swap   swap the two around we get the same benefit of  it right but now we can apply it to more targets   that's the big thing there and that's why I  like that one um Cloud kill is a fun one as well wall of Stone's actually just really cool um  and blight is very fun for just a ton of necrotic   damage so that is our character that is our  progression let's talk very quickly about   putting it all together then go into some gear  now that we've done all this let's put it all   together and talk about how this comes together so  as a sorcerer specifically the draconic bloodline   at level six we get access to Elemental affinity  and our bloodline is acid right so this is going   to give us the ability to gain the resistance to  that specific damage type for one sorcery point   or as it works with the um damage we will get our  flat damage bonus to our damage type our Elemental   Affinity uh based off of our Charisma modifier  so our Charisma right now on this character is   plus4 so we get a plus4 to all of our acid damage  because we went with an acid Dragon ancestry so   that's a huge portion of this character and  something you should really keep in mind we   got that at level six sorcerer but also one thing  you should know too is that all of your metamagic   abilities can be used with Scrolls just as much  as they can be with all of your spells so in your   journey you're going to get a ton of Scrolls and  you should sell every little thing that you find   every damn thing that's not bolted down that you  can sell sell it because then you can get to act   three and get a ton of the um level four five  and six Scrolls to then supplement your spell   slots and that's the crucial thing here you can  do this to really pull a lot of utility out of   your character by using scrolls with the metamagic  and then you have the sorcerer capability to spend   your sorcery points to make more spell slots or  use your spell slot lots to make more sorcery   points so you can have a lot of fun with this you  can kind of jumble these things around yeah sure   I might have five spells of lightning bolt and  I've scribed one into my spell book because I'm a   wizard but now I can cast twin lightning bolt from  this and it will use my Charisma modifier that's   crucial because our last level was sorcerer and  our first level was sorcerer so our scrolls are   going to come off of sorcerer casting modifier  which is charisma that's super convoluted but   still my point remains don't worry about it just  it's just going they're going to be strong and   when we jump over here to our wizard spell book  we have all the spells that we can subcribe in   by pressing this button I don't have a whole ton  of really cool spells here but we can scribe in   one of all these and then use our metam Magic on  the rest and then have those Spells at our beck   and call if we need them just like I said some of  these will be off of your intelligence modifier   so for example here burning hands let's see here  burning hands and Fireball we both we have both of   these spells right um Firebolt we have acid Splash  we have chromatic orb if you hover over them it's   going to tell you where the damage type is coming  from so for Fireball for example it's coming from   our Charisma spellcasting modifier burning hands  is coming from our intelligence modifier the game   implies you are using intelligence otherwise it  will denote where it's coming from so Thunder w   for example here we have thunder wave as a  intelligence-based evocation spell so it's   using intelligence hypnotic pattern is a wiz is a  uh uh is a wizard spell that we also have in our   sorcer C we don't have our sorcer categ anymore  I'm looking at hnic pattern whoopsies I thought we   were looking at a chromatic orb chromatic orb is  going to use our intelligence but hypnotic pattern   which is in our sorcerer Cate or we'll be using  our Charisma modifier as generated right there   so if you're just if you're lost you don't know  what's going to be using what it's just the game's   just going to tell you where it's coming from  Fireball is using Charisma haste is using Charisma   so that's the easiest way to track all this so  that you don't kind of get lost in the muck of it   all so definitely think you should look there so  let's jump now into some gear and really your gear   is going to be pretty straightforward just get  spellcasting items there's nothing that's really   going to be um absolutely amazing until you get to  act three act one you're going to get stuff like   morning Frost by putting together the uh staff  parts in the underd dark and this is really good   when you're dealing cold damage you're going to  find hats you're going to find all sorts of items   that will increase a certain Elemental damage  like uh hat of fire Acuity whenever you deal   fire damage you gain Arcane Acuity affected entity  has plus one bonus to its spell attack roles and   spell difficulty class for each remaining turn  just wear them wear whatever you find swap it out   try different elements have fun with it there's  no reason to just kind of pick hold yourself in   a very set gear and that's why I made this build  I wanted it to kind of be a comeall to all these   different types of gear that you get throughout  the game you're going to get fun stuff like this   a staff of spell power you gain plus one bonus  to spell save DC and spell attack roles that's   going to be kind of the big Focus once you start  to get to the higher levels is focusing on that   spell save DC and spell attack roles that means  your spells will do more damage because they'll   actually be able to hit is what that means spell  attack roles versus spell save DC certain spells   requires enemies to make a saving throw the higher  your spell cast spell difficulty class the harder   it is to resist your spells and spell attack roles  is the actual ability to hit with those SC those   spells so the spell has to hit and then they have  to succeed or pass uh succeed or fail a difficulty   spell save DC rooll uh staff of interruption  just gives you free counter spell which is   lovely despair of oxala gives you game plus one  bonus spell save DC and spell attack roles again   and that's great it's just a simple staff so kind  of look for stuff like that the ultimate staff   though is the mark Shaka Shaka Shaka Shaka here uh  you get that same plus one bonus here but you get   Arcane battery so alleviate the Arcane burden of  spell casting with the power of the staff the next   spell you cast doesn't cost a spell slot huge and  you get this really strong ability called caresa   favor we're going to click it and we can choose  an element acid cold fire lightning uh poison   or thunder and it will then add your proficiency  bonus to that element's damage type so for example   here for acid since we've already kind of gone on  the acid train your acid spells deal additional   acid damage equal to your proficiency bonus and  you gain resistance to acid damage and when you   deal spell damage inflict one turn of noxious  fumes upon the target while attuned to cesca's   acid you can cast hunger of Hadar and Mel's acid  Arrow so you get two free spells with each one of   these depending upon what it is Con of cold  and ice storm uh Fireball and Wall of fire   lightning bolt chain lightning cloud kill and Ray  of sickness and O and uh shatter and destructive   wave and each one of these will have say something  like Reverb or reverberation here or noxious fumes   so focus on finding the acid increasing damage  items in the game or focus on fing the Lightning   Charge items or the Reverb items there's plenty of  things around the game that you can find that are   going to they're going to augment any element you  want to use for some other gear though we do have   the helmets that you can go with hood of the weave  you gain plus two bonus of spell save DC and spell   attack rolls it's great uh there's also though  Birthright which just gives you two Charisma   this would just simply put our Charis modifier  to plus five which is a flat damage increase to   all of our acid spells I kind of just like how  much a this looks like a spell casty wizard but   also that this just kind of helps out with all of  our spells same thing here with the cloak of the   weave plus one spell to save DC and spell attack  rolles you also absorb an element and you get a   bonus to dealing 1d6 of that element type on your  next attack which is cool uh Robee of the weave a   plus one bonus of spell save DC and attack rules  again and also you get a plus two armor class on   this which is nice when the wearer succeeds a  saving throw though they regain one to six hit   points and those are kind of complemented by some  other chest pieces we can find too and some other   uh cloaks so you can get the Thunder skin cloak  which when a creature with reverberation deals   damage to the wear the creature needs to make  a contitution saving throw or become dazed you   can stack this with any kind of reeverb effect  that you get from gloves and and whatnot but   the cloak of displacement I think is probably the  better cloak than the cloak of the weave cloak of   the weave just helps us out defensively well I'm  sorry offensively the cloak of displacement helps   us out defensively CU basically we cast Mirror  Image more or less uh at the beginning of the   wear's turn the cloak activates granting enemies  disadvantage on attack rols that Target the wearer   this effect last to the wear takes damage it's  very cool uh not not uh mirr damage blur blur   for our robes poisoners robe you're going to  get right at the start of the game and I would   stick with it until you find something better and  you're going to find the robe of coal the robe of   I think we even have it over here on yeah you'll  find the ice bite robe game resistance to cold   damage or the robe of Summer gain resistance to  cold damage or bited time the wear gains Arcane   charge whenever they hit by a melee attack like  any robe you find that sits kind of the overall   theme of what you're doing go ahead and use it um  it's not until the later ax that you get really   strong robes like the shelter of thought this one  you have advantage on saving throws against spells   or the potent robe is the end of act two or so  your cantrips deal additional damage equal to your   Charis modifier we're not doing a ton of that but  it's nice to have it your cantrips deal additional   damage equal to cism modifier it's basically like  adding alri invocation to all of your cantrips so   if you're if you want to use a lot of your cans  this is a great way to do it also you gain temp   hit points equal to your GIS modifier whenever  the combat starts for our um gloves we have the   Gemini gloves C trips targeting foes and allies  can Target an additional creature the same Target   can be chosen twice or help with better ones quick  spell gloves can trips that cost and action cost a   bonus action instead the effect can be used once  per short rest so it's basically like quick and   spell but you're using it on a can trip so you  can use that as a a bonus action to really kind   of deliver an alpha strike which is very very  fun um for our boots just go with something   simple that gives you missy step and you can't  be in webbed and Trang and Tangled or in snared   that's really good I use also boots of speed just  give you more ability you want to have be able to   move around the the the battlefield quite a bit  if you need to now this character is not a half   elf so I cannot wear a shield but the shields  you want to look at are the shield of devotion   because it gives you a spell slot and it gives you  devotion which is great absolutes protector which   is really good here um basically this gives you  all damage received from spells is reduced by one   if you have the absolutes brand that's not really  crucial but this gives us fire Shield chill which   is really really nice a really really good ability  and lastly the one that I would probably recommend   you stick with Krick Shield you gain plus one  bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rolls it's   just basically the same bonuses you've seen before  just on a shield now for our jewelry the spell   Crux amulet is definitely the way to go spell  slot restoration is so crucial but you can get   with something like am a Missy step if you want  that or necklace of Elemental augmentation when   one of your cantrips deals acid cold fire lighning  or thunder damage add your spell casting modifier   to the damage dealt so this just a nice way to  add even more damage to the to the table here and   Rings uh the Ring of regeneration is nice uh ring  of mental ination inhibition inhibition is nice   when a fo fails a saving throw against one of your  spells or actions they gain mental fatigue minus   one penalty to wisdom intelligence and Charisma  saving throws for every turn remaining which I   really like and when they get five or more turns  of this condition they take one to four psychic   so a really cool ability there kind of like Reverb  core skating ring is great when the wearer deals   spell damage while illuminated by a light source  they also inflict rting orb and rting orb makes   so they um minus one to their Attack rules for  each turn remaining so it' be a minus two harder   for them to hit which is really nice for you and  also like spur band is a good defensive one during   combat when the wear starts their turn with 50%  hit points or less they gain momentum for one turn   so you can see that that all really helps you um  I just showcased a little bit of the items you can   go with there are so many spellcasting items in  this game and I just didn't want you to get bogged   down by trying to find specific items I encourage  you to just play the game how you see it for this   build in specific because I didn't want to focus  on any one specific thing that you have to do or   else this build doesn't come off I wanted you to  be able to start as a spellcaster and play all the   way through and have fun with every little bit of  spellcasting item you find there's like the helmet   of arcan Acuity and all sorts of other really  cool things that you can leverage into these   characters that find them use them discover them  have fun with it and experiment with the class   versus feeling like you are bound to a guide's way  of using specific items and you're only chasing   those items rather than enjoying the gameplay of  the game again that's the kind of focus of this   build more than my other ones but let's put this  all together for some gameplay so jumping into   combat let's have some fun and talk about some  things so for one I've gone ahead and used haste   which is going to give us I'm sorry I'm sorry Hast  is up here which is going to give us an additional   action so if you're wondering why I've got two  primary actions that is why and I've gotten a a   a spell of chain lightning active I'm using the  uh cresca favor here on acid damage so I get a   little bit of a bonus by adding our proficiency  to our damage with acid spells as well as um the   fact that we are an acid Dragon uh as far as our  dra draconic bloodline so let's go ahead and just   cast melt acid Arrow um we also have acid Splash  we could use my actual acid uh melts acid Arrow   I'm casting from my own spells whatever it is  is and we can even upcast this if we wanted to   14 to 56 on the base all the way up to 14 to 56  that should that should reflect better damage   that's weird it showed me the the high level one  so this does 6 to 24 up to 14 to 56 acid damage   um so we'll just go ahead and show this off right  quick using it right here and we can choose to do   Elemental Affinity with our draconic blood line  we don't need to do that but we did that so what   happened here is we cast it we hit for 27 damage  we can see all of the DC rolls that went onto this   and all the Arcane enchantments from all of the  items we've got so a ton of stuff went into this   and did a ton of damage here so our damage was  84 plus four for our Charisma modifier Elemental   Affinity additional acid damage proficiency all  sorts of stuff kicking into this because that   Charisma modifier is because of our draconic um  bloodline and that Elemental Affinity that shows   it right there and the proficiency here is from uh  cesca's acid so we got eight free damage onto that   acid spell now another thing I was talking about  quite a bit was your Scrolls right so here's a   scroll of disintegrate we can have some fun  with in fact I'm going to move probably a   little bit forward forward and we can use all of  our metam magic abilities with Scrolls that's a   huge capability here oh I think I to put myself  in yeah take just take the damage it's fine um   okay so we can do it here we clicked twin spell  we're going to click disintegrate versus scroll   right and we're going to this guy's got full  health it's fine and that that'll that'll do pig this such a cool spell just aat kadaba the  hell out of them and force being what it is too   right just does so much damage and you can kind  of see everything that we get there from the DC   and everything like that just going hard in the  paint on them and doing just tons of damage with   this and again since we're using all these items  we can really benefit from being able to have a   lot of fun with this and you know what we're out  of our actions so I can go ahead and use Quick   and spell spells that cost an action cost a bonus  action instead but now we click this and I can use   all of my spells yet again and have a lot of fun  with this uh let's go ahead and do chain lightning   CU if you've not seen chain lightning you are in  for a treat what's the range on it it's anything   within 60 ft okay cool watch this bad boy oh oh  God chain L is one of the coolest spells in the   game so that's just to kind of show you what  happens with this character and how you can   have a lot of fun with all the many things you  can do right can't the cost action cost bonus   action Instead This affecting me to use I mean  we can't use it anymore right because we're out   of our bonus actions we can't use that but I could  have gone ahead and used Arcane battery for any of   this um to not use my level six spell slot I can  use next turn I can use Arcane recovery I can use   I can create spell slots for my uh sorcery points  I can get more sorcery points by converting them   from my um my spell slots there we go this button  right here and you can just play a lot with this   character and that's why I like it like I said  I know that there are different ways to approach   this character class I know if I were to take uh  10 levels into storm sorcery and two levels into   Tempest cleric I do just disgusting amounts of  lightning and thunder damage but I just didn't   want to focus on one element solely and I I know  that draconic ancestry does do that a little bit   I wanted to have a little bit more fun with some  uncharacteristic portions of this build so that   to show you that you don't need to play that  flavor of the month best build sorcerer wizard   whatever it is you can just slap a couple levels  of wizard onto this character allow you to pull in   any uh spell that you want from any of the stuff  that you maybe couldn't do otherwise like glob   of invulnerability I didn't show that off here  today but we can just go ahead and Scribe that   scroll assuming we've got the uh the funds for  it and then we've got chain lightning and glob   of invulnerability or disintegrate spells  we wouldn't have had as a sorcerer and we   can tap into them and do a bunch of special fun  things with them and because our intelligence is   still 16 we're still doing quite a bit of damage  with our intelligence we don't need all of our   Charisma intelligence to kind of throw things off  we have plenty of capabilities afforded to us and   as a sorcerer too we've got counter spell to shut  down spells we've got Shield to act as a reactor   we got Shield act as a reactive to kind of counter  any spells that are cast our way there's just so   many ways you can have fun with this combination  that isn't solely based off of blowing out of the   proportion the damage numbers right you still  saw that we did plenty and a lot of fun damage   with different elements we did Force we did acid  we did lightning and we got a lot of really cool   stuff out of it one closing note I will tell you  is make sure you press this little padlock button   unlock your bar and just kind of organize it for  yourself a little bit it's so hectic to kind of   look at this thing and go man where are all my  abilities I don't know what the hell is going   on here and now it's like by me doing just just a  little bit of this here right just this is pretty   pretty cut and dry pretty quick I've gone ahead  and said okay now all my lightning spells are   down here my fire spells are right here my acid  spells are right here I've got kind of like mental   control spells over in this area banishment kind  of falls into that measure uh just do a little   bit of this a little bit of housekeeping kind of  makes your bar a little bit easier to navigate   unfortunately I don't know what this this is like  on console and how to navigate these things but if   you can on Console try to try to push as much of  this around as you can to make it work a little   bit more for your controller setup but whatever  it is hopefully this helps you out in creating   your pure spellcaster in Bal Skate 3 if you have  different ways you want to approach this go ahead   and let it be know in the comment section below  as always guys you know maybe you say hey uh I   understand you go draconic uh bloodline for acid  but you should really go cold get armor of ays   and stack up like hunger of hatar a bunch of early  coal damage through like hor FR or morning Frost   not hor Frost morning Frost here and some other  really fun uh cold there's a cold uh hat that   does like uh everything gets gets Frozen whatever  the hell it is there's plenty of ways you can go   in whatever element you so wish if you want to  focus on it or just go across the board and have   a lot of fun with a bunch of different things  like I said though let me know in the comments   below if you would go a different way as always  thank you so much for watching here today have a   good one let me know if there's any builds you'd  like me to make in the comments below and take care [Music] e
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 132,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MY FAVORITE SPELLCASTER BUILD in Baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, bg3 sorcerer build, bg3 wizard build, bg3 spellcaster build, bg3 spellcaster guide, bg3 spellcaster multiclass, bg3 spellcaster gear, bg3 spellcaster feats, bg3 wizard guide, bg3 sorcerer guide, bg3 sorcerer draconic bloodline, bg3 sorcerer multiclass, bg3 sorcerer feats, bg3 wizard feats, bg3 wizard school, bg3 spellcaster comparison, bg3 caster build, bg3 pure sorcerer build, bg3 caster multiclass
Id: uKlZ-k92s2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 13sec (3073 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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