BEST HONOUR MODE STARTER BUILD (Bardadin) in Baldur's gate 3

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getting started in balers Skate 3 can be riddled  with a certain level of analysis paralysis when it   comes to choosing which class and subsequent  subass you're going to play for your first   playthrough well in this video I want to propose  one of my favorite characters for beginners   that does incredible melee damage can access most  everything in the game skill-wise and can finesse   their way through any and all conversations you'll  even have access to spells and devastating Paladin   smites that build is the beden now this is your  first time my channel the way I do things is by   up fronting the knowledge of my videos so you can  decide if it's the right one for you so to make   this build we would take two levels of Paladin you  can go with any Paladin oath really but we'll be   using the oath of Vengeance as that will deliver  a flat radiant damage increase as well as days our   Target then you'll take 10 levels into Bard and  focus on the College of Swords this will enable   you to use your Bic Inspirations for flourishes  that will deal tons of damage give you some free   AC bonuses or even help with some AOE capabilities  truly this build can really be built in any way   you want dual wield sword and board two-handed  decks based strength based whatever you want you   can get it out of this Baden and that's really the  uh too long didn't watch of this entire video and   that's all you wanted to know then please feel  free to shut the video down and get cracking on   making your B Paladin bro in bg3 before you head  out though please don't forget to like comment   subscribe each one of those things does help me  out in a huge way I've gone from something like I   don't know 89% to now 80% unsubscribed viewership  because of your help but that's the number I'm   still trying to change a little bit here so  every little bit helps you can jump ahead to   any part of this video that interests you the most  by using the chapters in both the timeline and the   description and if you need help with any other  subject in balers Skate 3 check out my playlist   linked below at the end of the video and the  rightand corner it's just all over the place   let's get started here on the best starter build  in balers Skate 3 loading into character creation   you can really go with any race and if you're  brand new to the game um there are no benefits   stat-wise or as far as their ability points go for  choosing any race over the other it's all about   these race features you're going to see at the  bottom and certain race features that are going   to progress as the character levels up so with  that being said I actually very much enjoy both   the um asmodus tling and the mephistophiles teling  and that's mainly because of the fact that they   benefit from three sets of canant trips as modius  is going to get produced flame and then hellish   rebuke which is going to be a reactive spell so  if they take damage they can go ahead and Splash   um fire damage back at their target which I really  like and also Darkness all three of those can be   pretty handy in the right situations meop teing  is going to get Mage hand which can do a lot of   fun things like access certain stuff or maybe pull  a quest item off of a shelf for you whatever it is   but they also get burning hands which is going  to be useful since you will be in close combat   and Flame blade now flame blade is a level five  spell I'm sorry you get access to it at level five   and it's not amazing but in the early portions of  the game it's a nice way to kind of convert your   damage wholly over to Fire and it's a cool way to  kind of give you this awesome flaming weapon as a   paladin zaral tling I personally wouldn't choose  even though I like them lore-wise but the fact   that they get searing Smite and branding Smite  two spells that I get access to as a paladin and   they cost me both an action and a bonus action  to use and even concentration I'll just steer   clear those and choose maybe some of the utility  from these two some other really good Stand Out   races is just simply the human because they get  an increase to their carry capacity and also they   can choose an extra skill of their choice which is  very nice I will always choose the Dr because it's   one of my favorite races in the entire world world  Faun whatever and um I think it's also kind of a   really fun thematic one to have a Dr Paladin in my  mind half elf is really fun um I would probably go   to a wood half elf just to get the increase to my  fleet of flot or uh go with that um increase Fleet   of foot is increase your movement speed by the way  forgot about that part uh drought just to again go   with a half drought rather than a full drought  half work is a really good one here because we   are going with melee weapons so Savage attacks  when you land a critical hit with a melee weapon   attack you deal an extra dice of weapon damage  that's going to kick in here and also to kind of   lean into the fact that you are a paladin being in  the front line Relentless endurance if you reach   zero hit points you regain one hit point instead  of becoming down so you gives you a little bit   more durability and in that same breath of being  durable the gold dwarf here gives you an extra   point of hit point every level which is awesome  Shield dwarf no benefit here because we're going   to get all the it all of this comes with just  simply being a paladin but the duar is very good   um the duar is an interesting dwarf here in that  it will give us access to all the things that we   get as a dwarf which means that we get resistance  and advantage on saving throws to poison but the   dwar have a little bit of an extra uh Diddy here  they'll have an advantage on saving throws against   Illusions and being Charmed or paralyzed and  they get an ability to enlarge themselves at   level three and they get invisibility at level  five so you get a lot of really cool stuff from   the duar it's I think it's a race that a lot  of people kind of um don't go with but it is a   really really cool one dragon born is something I  always really love for paladins in tabletop dragon   born Vengeance Paladin is what I want to make so  I will always give you uh this as a good option   just go with an element that makes sense for you  and lastly if this is your first playthrough of   the game without spoiling anything um uh going  with a gith is I think not one that as far as   laran statistics go it's the least chosen race but  I think it's the race that offers you a ton a ton   of really cool unique narrative options that you  get with no other race because the GI play a very   huge role in the story and this action right here  is very good Astron knowledge gain proficiency so   at the base level plus two in all skills of  a chosen ability meaning if I chose um wisdom   for example example then all of the abilities I'm  sorry skills that do wisdom like animal handling   Insight medicine perception survival all of them  will get my proficiency bonus into them as if   I've put points into that skill so it's a really  really good capability and on top of it they get   uh a special Mage hand well not a special Mage  they just get a mage hand um they get certain   items that'll increase that an enhanced leap and  a misty Step at 1 three and five all really great   abilities especially for a Melee character like a  paladin going into our class of course we're going   to be choosing Paladin which will give us our lay  on hands which won't ever really get stronger cuz   we're only going to put two levels into this and  divine sense which gives you advantage on attack   roles against SLS fiends and Undead it's not going  to play a huge part in the beginning of the game   but it will play a huge part in the middle and  the very late portions of the game so this is a   nice thing just to have also we'll have our oath  so our oath is going to be inquisitors might you   or an allies weapon attacks deal an additional  two radiant damage and can da enemies for one   turn this was for two turns H maybe it's oh  oh yeah there we go you can da the enemy for   one turn but this lasts for two turns so um the  damage here though is based off of our Charisma   modifier and that's important because oath of  devotion is a static 1 to four radiant damage   if you get hit an oath of ancients is healing  based off of your Paladin level plus some other   circumstances oath of Vengeance scales nicely  with the stats that we are going to focus on   as a bed in so so it was really nice and on top  of it we have the tenant here that a little bit   more flexible fight the greater evil exerting your  wisdom identify the higher morality in any given   instance and fight for it they're very much a ends  justify the means type of Paladin versus the oath   of devotion is the lawful Good Very I will do no  wrong Paladin so this isn't this is more of like   a maybe a lawful neutral I I don't I don't know  I'm I'm not a d andd player I wouldn't know how   to really give you a scale of this but it's it's  a little bit more flexible also say than the oath   of devotion maybe even the oath of ancients or  No Mercy For The Wicked chassen those who Dole   out their villainy by wiping their blight from  the world forever so you've got that as your uh   your go-to now for your background please choose a  background that goes for you and the roleplay you   have for your character this is a single player  narrative game so have fun with it there's no   reason to really minmax every little thing in  this have fun with creating a little background   for your character before you jump into the very  first time you're going to play are you uh I've   said this one all the time but a noble son that  has that has joined a paladin order are you a   former Entertainer who has found their way into  a paladin order through some happen stance maybe   they were talking to someone in the crowd and  it led to going into a paladin order are you a   former soldier who has taken an oath are you um an  acolyte again who has taken that same oath and has   jumped into a paladin order whatever it is choose  the one that makes sense for you the Entertainer   would be really cool right if we're going with  a a bed in or a charlatan into a bed in a lot of   cool stuff you can go with my minmax choice though  for if I if you just don't really want to choose   this you just kind of want to choose one is the  guild Artisan because it gives us skill insight   and persuasion to really important skills that you  will use throughout the entirety of the campaign   and they're going to help you out especially in  conversation now as we go into our skills you can   choose whatever you wish um if we have persuasion  already chosen I think that's a pretty good one   to go with I like having Insight or perception  uh both of these are very very good um so we you   know we'll take intimidation here um religion is  fine that it's just I'd say religion nature and   i' say religion nature history and Arcana you're  just going to have the the occasional role here   and there and it's more flavor than it is actually  like going to be campaign relevant but Athletics   is also good to be able to either resist someone  shoving you or you shoving someone to push them   off of something or whatever it is but let's now  talk about our abilities so your abilities are   going to depend upon the type of character you  want to play as do you want to focus on finesse   weapons and really try to use only finesse  weapons well then you're going to want to   put your dexterity here up to 16 that's probably  what you're going to want to do or do you want to   just simply go sort like nice sword and board or  two-handed weapon style kind of focusing on the   typical Paladin you're going to want to bring  your strength then up to 16 now I'm assuming   you're going to go with heavy armor which means  that we're probably going to keep our dexterity   at 10 if not 12 that way we can just get Plus our  initiative but heavy armor is going to negate the   AC bonus we would get from dexterity otherwise so  I would probably sit sit either at 10 or 12 there   maybe even putting my wisdom to 10 so that I don't  have any um negative modifiers or penalties as for   what for what it's worth when I'm rolling against  any kind of uh controlling effects now Charisma   is either going to be 16 or 17 depending upon how  you're may be playing the game if you really want   to min max this down to the absolute complete  ultimate point then maybe you know put the plus   one there and do that or the plus two on your  charisma and plus one up to strength there you   go now now you've got 17 you can get this from The  Hags hair and all sorts of other things if you've   already played the game or if you're on honor  mode and you don't want to rely on those kinds   of things just bring it down to 16 and you're good  to go you're fine with this kind of setup nothing   is going to go wrong with the 16 over 17 Charisma  the big thing is of course remember every two   points over 10 you get a plus one to your ability  modifier if you have 17 in Charisma you're setting   yourself up down the road for some sort of benefit  that you know is coming in the game because you've   maybe played it before whatever it is so just  wanted to be transparent about that so if you   don't know if you don't know what's coming then  just stick with this it's a safe way to go about   it but if for those going through their millionth  playthrough you know what to do so here's our   stats let's now jump into progression for this  character switching over to my higher level   character I'm going to resp him and we're going  to go through the progression of of this build   so starting off into level two we're going to stay  as the Paladin and we're going to get Divine Smite   and this is going to give be a major source of  damage through for us throughout the entirety of   this build which we'll go into after we go through  the progression but you can start with just a   b at this point but I think this is the most  straightforward if you're brand new of the game   now for your fighting style you're going to choose  either defense great weapon fighting dueling   or protection if you want to go with sword and  board like just kind of being a sword and shield   character that's defensive go with protection for  to for your reaction or just go with dueling to   do more damage with a weapon that you're holding  in one hand uh if you have a shield in the other   hand it's not a weapon so it's fine you can have a  a sword and a shield and you'll still get the plus   two damage here defense is just a nice come all  if you want to try any weapon style that kind of   comes your way it just adds plus one to your armor  class while wearing armor it's easy I'm going to   go great weapon fighting if you want a dual wield  you would do that when you choose your Bard but   you would do this port if you do that I would say  choose defense right now and then switch over to   uh you you'll get to weapon fighting when you go  barred but we'll go great weapon fighting now and   then for your spells um just choose whatever makes  sense for you as this Paladin we will already have   certain spells so let's go ahead and go with  heroism let's go with Shield of faith I guess   um command is really nice bless is really nice if  you don't have one that can already do it like if   you don't have like Shadow heart in your party or  whatever no other cleric or something like that uh   protection from evil and good is very good uh that  searing smid is right here like I talked about the   action bonus action and concentration that's quite  a lot of investment um Divine favor as your weapon   attacks deal an additional 1 to four radiant  damage this can be a kind of cool one keep in   mind anytime that says concentration you can only  have one concentration spell up at a at a time and   your charisma or your Constitution modifier will  go towards Rolling this if you get hit so if you   get hit your character has to make a concentration  check which is a constitution check if you have a   high Constitution it helps to to push this through  so uh let's go with this one because this gives us   access to just Thunder damage and it's kind of  cool right who knows um just choose these more   off of your party not what I'm saying because  your party might say Hey you know I already got   a character can do bless so I'm going to remove  that and put that here whatever kind of makes   sense for you you know what actually I'm going to  remove Shield of faith and do psychic one wrathful   Smite is pretty fun so we'll accept that and we'll  jump into level three but we will not be Paladin   we will now go to B and with Bard we will choose  a bunch of stuff so cantrips I'm going to go with   vicious mockery and blade Ward if you don't have a  character that can do it definitely get one that's   got I'd swap one of these off for friends probably  vicious mockery to be honest now for your spells   anytime you see these little boxes around the  spell it's a spell you have from another class   so we're going to skip those two but getting long  Strider is really good because it's a ritual spell   meaning that it does not cost you a spell point  to cast it same thing here with speak with animals   so you cast these two spells on yourself or all  your characters like long Strider and everyone can   now move 10t faster until long rest doesn't cost  concentration anything like that it's a very good   capability vicious or Tasha's hideous laughter  is a really good way to CC things just knock them   prone um I very much like Thunder Wave to just  push things back and do quite a bit of damage uh   other really good ones are dissonant Whispers  fairy fire can be good uh bonus action heal   with healing word is also great as well starting  instrument go whatever one you'd like like and   for abilities we will get a new skill proficiency  so we'll go with you know I'll go performance cuz   I'm going to go into a Bard we'll accept that  we go to level two we'll choose a new spell and   we'll just go dising it Whispers whatever sleep  is really good at the very beginning of the game   and then falls off very quickly so I would not  recommend it for a long-term playr also now you're   going to get access to jack of all trades so your  vast experience makes you more likely to succeed   in any undertaking at add half your proficiency  bonus which is either two three or four depending   on when you are at in the where you're at in the  game rounded down to Ability checks you are not   proficient in so this just helps you out with  everything throughout the game when it comes to   Rolling stuff you I didn't put any Proficiency  in that well you get this at least now also you   get song of rest meaning you now get an additional  short rest so you have two short rests in the game   by default this is the same action as a short  rest and it is going to take a long rest to   replenish it so it's a great utility to add into  the party jumping into level three bar we choose   our college so we're going to go with the College  of Swords now this is going to give us access   to some flourishes these flourishes you can use  there's either melee or range whichever you wish   you can see there's there's only three there's so  there's six here right there's one for each so FL   slashing flourish melee attack up to two enemies  at once once attack defensively increasing your   armor class by four if you hit and thrust your  weapon with enough Force to push your target back   20 ft afterwards you can teleport to the Target  and you can layer this in with your smites to do   a ton of damage it's really really cool right  because you're adding 1d6 slashing to whatever   you're doing with these things so it's a really  cool capability to add just a lot of fun flavor   here but now we have our level level two spells  so you can do some really good ones here like uh   blindness is amazing CL cloud of daggers for just  some damage um enhance ability is nice just to if   you want to use it for conversational portions  heat metal is a really cool way to have have   someone drop a weapon hold person is very very  strong um shatter is a really good range spell   that you can use silence is great to have if you  don't already have it in the party whatever makes   sense keep in mind though this is a concentration  ability um so if you go into comat combat with   this just don't get don't don't get it knocked  off you is what I'm trying to say fact I'll go   with blindness and fighting style this is when we  would go with two weapon fighting if you wanted   to go with it um if not you could go with dueling  here and and stick with protection on your other   character if you wanted to go with like maybe  a sword and shield this would be a really cool   way to go about that log just click two weapon  fighting assuming that's what you wanted to do if   you wanted to do um fuel wheel now to level four  we'll choose some cantrips we'll go friends which   we didn't pick up earlier and spells we'll Choose  You Know hypnotic patterns or I'm sorry that's not   hypnotic pattern damn and th is actually not bad  though reduce a creatures peripheral vision and   make it look at you if you wanted to kind of focus  um we'll go with go with a hold person but now now   we're going to talk about Feats and you have a  lot of options here for Feats you can go with   heavily armored to just make your I'm sorry heavy  armor Master to make yourself even more durable   if you want to go with more of a tanking route  if you want to stick with dual wielding go with   dual wielder because now you get plus one bonus to  Armor class while wielding a melee weapon in each   hand and you can dual you can dual wield weapons  that you can dual wield all weapons that aren't   light now so you can use two weapon fighting even  if your weapons aren't light which is very very   good if you're going duing you need this ability  but some other good ones here are lucky just to   give you a luck points here which you can roll  attack rolls ability cheor saving throws is really   good um if you want to go with pole arms you  can go with something like polearm Master which   you would then couple with Sentinel making it so  opportunity attacks are super devastating and the   cool thing about polar AR Master is you get this  bonus attack uh that you attack with the B the   the butt of your weapon you can actually use Smite  with this that's a really cool way to kind of add   Smite even more damage into things that's a kind  of fun Mage Slayer things will get a disadvantage   on concentration saving throws against you and you  have an advantage on any saving throws against it   so a lot of are spells that are cast within melee  range which is really really cool um there's a lot   of really good ones in this in this whole entire  scenario but for this character or if you want to   go with a more of a tanky Shield character get  Shield Master too that's help it's helpful for   spells because you can basically use your Shield  against them for dexterity saving throws um and   also of course stuff just like alert plus five  bonus to initiative and can't be surprised it's   always just really nice um what I'm going to do  for this character is actor plus one to Charisma   so that brings my 17 Charisma out of 18 and your  Charis your proficiency bonus is also doubled for   deception and performance checks and why I like  that is that it allows me to really push through   those checks of deception and performance if I  need to I would take that probably second the   first one I'm going to take for this character in  specific because I've set myself up like this is   uh oh it's up here great weapon Master because  we're using two handed weapons when you land   a crit hit or kill a target with a melee attack  weapon you can make another melee attack weapon   attack as a bonus action that turn that's huge  and all of your melee weapon attacks that you   are proficient with which is kind of crazy right U  are wielding in both hands and can deal youah blah   blah blah sorry attacks with melee weapons your  proficient with and are wielding in both hands   any two-handed weapon is what I meant Jesus you  can deal an additional 10 damage at the cost of   a minus 5 to attack roll so you can toggle this  on or off so it's nice if you're like hey you   know what I'm just killing some chaff units  or some just kind of [ __ ] this is nice to   get that damage hey I got to turn this off so  it can really Alpha strike a boss who already   has a really hard chance to hit so it's a nice  way to kind of push through that stuff and as   always too there's always just standard ability  Improvement but we're going to start with great   weapon master and then get actor after that  furthering our progression we're just going   to put five more levels into Bard at level five  here we get Improvement Bic inspiration which is   going to give us 1d8 on Bic inspiration versus  1d6 and fond of inspiration so now we'll regain   all of our Bic Inspirations on a short rest not  just a long rest so we'll do it on both which is   cool um for our level three capabilities we now  have access to Glyph of warding which is just so   strong uh plant growth is good for slowing things  down to CC them uh fearing them is always really   really good um hypnotic pattern is also a very  good CC as well but I'm going to go with Glyph   of Waring it's just very good overall into level  six we're just going to keep pushing but level   six we do get countercharm urin allies within 30  ft have advantage on saving throws against being   Charmed or frightened which is cool and now we  get extra attack so if your other melee characters   have already gotten this you're probably noticing  man I kind of feel a little bit weak you will now   turn on quote unquote as it were and be able to  do a ton more damage conversely you could have   done six Bard first then two Paladin but again I  like having those smites uh open to me because I   just do a [ __ ] ton of damage with them uh we'll  go with something like just really like fear it's   a really good ability we'll go fear into level  seven another spell now we have our level four   spells and in this case freedom of movement is  a really good one here snap an ally out of any   stun difficult terrain can slow the cancel them  down and they can't be magically paralyzed or   restrained you can cast this on yourself if you  want it's just a really good capability um the   other ones here are okay confusion I mean as far  as this character goes but I'd probably go with   this one um got Misty step on this character but  I don't know why um dimension door is also pretty   cool too you can teleport yourself and an adjacent  Ally to any place that you see this allows for a   lot of Mobility um it just is an action versus  Misty step which is a um bonus action into level   eight we will get more spells and a new feed so  I'm going to go ahead and take that actor feed I   talked about and oh did it not go up no it did we  need to take our spell and you know what confusion   is actually pretty good confuse a group of  creatures causing them to attack at random wander   around aimlessly and occasionally skip turns  into a stup um is a fun one we'll just go with that level 9 and we're going to we got one more  level that's really going to allow us to pop off   here so hold monster is cool plan our binding is  really cool um dominate person is very fun having   a really cool here like MK cheer wounds is a  really fun one as well um I just really think that   this is going to depend upon your build at this  point for the rest of the party who who's doing   what and what can you supplement them with um Dom  person make a humanoid fight alongside you every   time the creature takes damage it makes a wisdom  saving throw against your domination allies cannot   be dominated so it's um you can do that or you  can use planner binding to just completely strip   the ownership of any of the celestial Elemental  Fay or fiends in the game which you're going to   deal with quite a bit of in this in the latter  act it's a cool way to just kind of all right   that person's on my team now which is just kind of  a cool capability and hold monster works just like   hold person but for a monster in fact you know  what we'll just go with hold monster and lastly   at level 10 Bard we get all of the cool stuff  so for one we're going to get now more skill   proficiencies so we can go ahead now and go into  intimidation if we want we can go into perception   now uh Insight in fact this one I'm probably going  to do there and we'll stick with that and and hang   out there um but is that actually it's I think  actually we get uh expertise yeah now we get   expertise which you add your proficiency bonus is  doubled for any ability check that uses either of   your chosen proficiencies so we're adding even  more um proficiency into this if you're using   intimidation a lot go with that whatever kind of  makes sense for your character as always guys and   you know I'll go Mage hand here doesn't really  matter and can another spell I'll go with a mask   your wounds just to have more healing but this is  the big reason we went to 10 barard because now   we get magical Secrets which is basically spells  from across every not every single spellcaster   but majority of the spellcasters and one of the  strongest ones in this entire list is Spirit   Guardians nearby enemies take 3 to 24 radiant  damage or necrotic damage per turn and their   movement speed is haved you can increase this  cuz it's level three spell slot you can increase   it with higher spell slots so you can boom go  all the way up to that since we have level five   spell slots you can do that you can get condr  elemental to have uh Bros fight alongside you   you can go banishment to just completely remove  something from the game for two turns before it   comes back on line you have so many spells in  here Warden of Vitality is probably one of the   strongest heals in the game you can get counter  spell if you don't have a character that already   has counter spell you can go with haste if you  want to just basically have potion of speed on   a cool on on cool down but on an actual spell  hunger of Hadar vampiric touch is really cool   touch an enemy toci from their life force and  regain half as many hit points for 10 turns you   can use vampiric Touch again without expending  an additional spell slot so B basically you just   have this this ability that you can use to just  constantly siphon Health from people if you want   and do damage to them Missy step for some Mobility  there's a lot of really good options here I'll go   Warden of Vitality to add some healing into  this group but if I wanted just to really add   maybe even Crusader mantle you can't remember this  says concentration so I cannot stack concentration   capabilities so just kind of keep those things in  mind um Wen Vitality though is not a concentration   ability it's why I really like it you could  even go with Grant flight which is again con   conentration ability uh to give you some Mobility  to get right up in the cookie jar of someone so   have some fun with this choose the things that  make sense for your building your character as as   you've gone up to this point and and really kind  of supplement into your entire party that's what's   really going to matter and also too keep in mind  every level you have this this time this chance   to replace a spell as a Bard you cannot pick and  choose your spells from your spell book like you   can with any of like say Your Divine casters like  your cleric your Paladin your Druid uh or even   your wizard you have to replace them with this  capability so just keep that in mind you press   it and you do like one at a time and you go okay  well you know what now I'll put this back I'll put   I'll take that whatever it is we're not going to  do that but still you understand what I mean so   that is the progression for this character let's  talk about all of it put together so with the bed   in everything online we have a ton of abilities  and honestly if you kind of just play the game   as is it's it's a lot this is a very messy bar  so there's this little padlock right here cck   click it to unlock it and what I would tell you to  do is maybe move your flourishes maybe keep your   range ones oopsies don't do that you over here  for the sake of this video so I canbe make this   a little bit neater okay we'll put our melee ones  in a line here okay now I know all my melee ones   we'll keep our range ones down here so now all  stuff that's like Marshall for the intents and   purposes of me like casting spells and not casting  spells it's over here you can do this even further   and say hey you know what let's take our Paladin  abilities and put those right here as well so what   I'm trying to do is I want to encourage you to not  just take the the UI as the as the default thing   kind of gives you I would tell you to really try  and customize this out and say hey you know what   let me put all my smites in one location all my  uh my ritual spells in one location okay let's do   my my defensive ones here and you can tell by  the little it's kind of usually indicative by   the color right let's take my offensive spells  and put them in a line down here with awarding   we'll put this guy over here just basically what  I'm trying to tell you is this is a very messy   character UI wise and I think it really is on  you to put the right things in the right spots   so you're not kind of tripping over yourself  trying to figure out where's that ability I   needed oh God where is it this allows you to kind  of keep things a little bit neater on yourself so   you know like okay I got my psychic spells are  all right here or this is right there whatever   it is and we'll do like thing down here there so  this is an example of what I mean so now I can   see oh hey you know what I got to cast a defensive  spell it's probably in this line in right here hey   I got to CC something it's probably right here  I have a I one of my rual spells they're right   here what are my smites they're right there heal  boom um let me do one of my offensive capabilities   they're all probably right down here so that's  what I mean like try and CC goes up there right   um try and kind of organize this a way that kind  of fits a little bit better for you how you want   to approach this character hey you know what I  want to do um anyone of my Smite or any one of   my special flourishes well they're all right here  so with all those things said we put this together   into character that is extremely strong we can use  our lay on hand charges to get some healing it's   only eight healing it's nothing crazy I wouldn't  even really kind of write home about it but our   inquisitor's might has scaled with us because we  are have we have plus four to our Charisma so this   will now be active for us for two turns plus four  radiant damage on whatever we're doing and that's   important because our smites are stupid strong  here's just a level one spell slot Smite it's   10 to 24 D 10 to 34 damage you know what I'm not  even using the right weapon here let's put the   right weapon in I don't think it really matters  but we're going to do it other way okay 23 to   47 here we go I don't know why it said it didn't  matter I'm dumb and then this is how this scales   up to 24 to 55 let's go all the way to level six  to 26 to 71 damage coming out of this bad boy and   you can make it by clicking any one of these  buttons to go to your reaction screen you can   go over here to your Divine smites and you can  trigger them to work so that hey you know what   uh this will the weapon will deal an additional 2  to 16 damage increased by 1 to 18 when attacking   fiends are Undead blah blah blah blah this weapon  won't trigger on a critical hit you basically can   turn it so this it work on a critical hit on a  hit you can just turn these little itty Bitties   on so you don't always having to use the Ability  you can say hey I actually landed my hit the game   will then ask you did you want to Divine Smite  that and you can say yes or no so you can have   fun with this and use these reactions to basically  oh I I totally forgot to Divine Smite right there   well the game's got you bro did you want me to  do that for you sure do go ahead and super siize   me and smash him in the face with a Divine Smite  and divine Smite is just such a strong capability   because it's going to we've got so many instances  of it in this exact scenario right we've got 9   10 12 16 total Divine smites if we didn't use a  single one of our spells and that's a really cool   capability and we also have our Bic inspiration so  we can see here defensive flourish it's going to   do 22 to 41 damage and then add four AC to me or  I'm going to push someone back and then teleport   to them and do 22 to 41 or this I'm going to do 22  to 37 to two enemies at once so you can see that   there's a lot of fun to be had with this build you  also have song of rest to do a short rest you have   your Divine sense for Advantage on attack roles  here we have our baric inspiration that we can use   outside of our actual flourishes so we get a 1D 10  bonus cuz we're at level 10 Bard now and of course   we have our inquisitor's might and our counter  charm so all this kind of comes together so well   in a really strong character that can do damn near  anything in the game and I've shown you a great   weapon version this could be a dual wielder a  sword and a board and so on so forth let's talk a   little bit now about equipment so when it comes to  weapons for this it's really going to depend upon   you and the character you're playing do you want  to use a sword and shield do you want to use gray   weapon do you want to use dual wielding just use  whatever you find there's not really a set set of   weapons that are going to be super super amazing  good for you and you if you don't take them you're   losing there's the blood of leth lathander which  I actually do not have in this playthrough you   can see that right up here that's going to be a  really amazing mace it's going to help heal you   if you get um down you get a level six Sunbeam  where you get basically do a big Kamehameha shot   and when you get this at the end of level uh act  one before you go into act two it's going to help   you fight everything in act two because it gives  you a light source another really strong weapon   is the blade of aice or the ever burning blade I  mean uh that you're going to get on the nautiloid   you actually have to use Shadow heart to have her  command drop the cambian general he'll drop this   this Burning two-handed weapon that you can use  throughout the entirety of the game up until the   point you get to a better two-handed weapon later  in act two or act three it's a really really good   sword that does fire damage and everything so  those two weapons aside you can pretty much just   use anything you come across that makes sense  for the character um I'm using the Bal Duran   great Giant Slayer on a hit double the damage  from your strength modifier this weapon grants   you advantage on attack rolls against large huge  or gargantuan creatures and I get a special giant   form where I can become even bigger and I get  temp hit points or temp hit points and advantage   on strength checks I get this cool top of the  big folk ability it's a super good sword but   you'll get it at the end of the game there's other  good ones though that you get early like the suser   great sword which you can silence people with you  get the blackard or blackard sword which will on   hit infus with one of your smites the target  must succeed at constituting saving throw or   become dazed so this has kind of the same benefit  of using inquisitors might inquisitors what yeah   inquisitors might but without actually having to  use it so you can actually da things through this   which is really cool but even something like  f aluve which you'll get in act one right when   you go to the underd dark the melody on this is  great it's basically a passive bless to everything   around or shriek that does uh Thunder damage to  everything around so it's a really and it Banes   them so it's a really really great capability and  you'll use it for a long portion of the game you   can use this either one-handed or two-handed  since it is a versatile weapon but sword of   chaos is really good which you'll get an act three  um bellm and handmaiden mace both that you'll get   in act three are great dual wielding weapons and  they set your strength all the way up to 18 so   if you're if you haven't done anything with your  strength is a great way to kind of add a little   layer of fun into that but there are just so many  weapons in the game just choose one that really   works for the character or what you're doing uh  a weapon setup and you'll have a lot of fun now   as far as gear goes there are a lot to a lot of  things to choose from let's start with helmet now   when you start the game off you'll get the helmet  of smiting very early in act one when you apply a   condition with one of your smites spells you gain  temp hit points equal to your charisma modifier   which at the beginning of the game will be three  so this just gives you three temp hit points it's   a nice one to have an alternative though to that  is when you inspire an ally using Bic inspiration   they also regain one to six hit points uh the  cap of caring you'll get right at the EM will   Grove serox horn Helm is amazing probably the one  I'd recommend you go into later in the game uh   well it is because it is later in the game but the  number you need to roll a crit hit while attacking   is reduced by one and the effect can stack you  can't be frightened and cannot be afflicted with   alter emotion altering conditions and a plus one  to your concentration saving throw which is going   to help you out when maintaining concentration  which is what this help why this helmet's also   pretty good even if you don't use the temp hit  points portion of it a good weap or good helmet   you'll get right at the beginning of act two is  the flawed hell DUS helmet the Wier has a plus   two bonus to saving throws against spells again  Conti in Saving throw and lastly we have the Helm   of baleron the helmet heals you for two points  at the beginning of your turn plus one bonus to   Armor class and saving throws can't be stunned  can't be crit hit it's a great great great great   helmet it's probably the more Paladin helmet  if you kind of think about it right um armor   wise there's the armor of perseverance which you  can buy in act three uh you can get the Rippling   Force mail here gain Force conduit when taking  slashing piercing or bludgeoning attacks uh which   is really awesome basically allows you to stack  Force damage onto things um the disadvantage on   his health checks we don't care about that but the  armor of agility is really good if you want to go   with medium armor add your full Dex modifier to  your armor class additionally this armor does not   impose his spage on stealth whatever um but also  the adamantine armor which you get at in the Grim   Forge I would get the The Heavy Armor this is just  the medium armor version but all- incoming damage   would be reduced by two on that armor and things  are sent ring for three turns rather than two and   you can't be crit hited once you get that armor  you're pretty good until act three uh there's   The Black Guard or blackgard armor as played as  well all incoming your damage reduced by one and   advantage on wisdom saving throws it's just a cool  little piece of armor here um there's also what   you'll get in act one which is going to be very  good for this build is the Luminous armor when   wearer deals radiant damage they cause a radiant  shock wave and that radiant shock wave will put   radiant orbs on things and those radiant orbs will  reduce things attack Roll by one you'll get that   in act one right as you get into the underd dark  you'll use it probably all the way until you get   any of these other armors we've talked about I  would probably even maybe even use it over the   adamantine armor because that radiant shock wave  is so strong it's just medium armor over heavy so   keep that in mind um outside of that though um  put this on cuz it's kind of cool and thematic   outside of that we have some gloves so the gloves  of heroism you'll also get an act one when you use   your channel oath spells you gain heroism which  is cool we've talked about hero one before but   you can't be frightened and receive five 10 pit  points per turn it lasts for 10 turns which is   cool strength sa throws plus one but some other  cool ones here are the wondrous gloves your armor   classes increased by one in addition if you have a  bartic inspiration you gain one more use of it it   so think of that as using your flourish one more  time so you'll get these right here at the mid to   late portion of act one and they'll they'll serve  you for quite a little bit um the Luminous gloves   are really good too when the wearer deals radiant  damage which you will be doing the target receives   two turns of radiant orb we talked about this  before but now that if you think about this uh   the affected entity has minus one to attack rolles  for each remaining turn attack oh interesting uh   so what this means is they'll have a minus two  or2 attack rolls and if you have that luminous   armor on that's another minus one to their attack  roll so that's minus three to their attack rolls   it makes it way harder for them to hit Legacy  of the Masters you'll get an act three plus two   bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons you  can just hit way more often if you're going with   shields here's a ton of them absolutes protector  is nice because it gives us fire Shield chill uh   kri Shield is nice for plus one bonus to spell  save DC and spell attack rolls adamantine Shield   is always good The Shield of devotion is great  great just you gain one level one spell slot think   of that as just a free usage of smite and you get  Aid which is just free hit points for you into our   boots I've got the B Boots of purer persistence on  you gain freedom of movement and long Shredder if   this they're just on you you don't ever have to  cast them which is really cool these are in act   three though of course um but some other good  ones are boots of Brilliance which allows you   as a class action to just simply restore one of  your Bic inspiration slots again just think of   that as restoring a flourish uh you've got the  disintegrating nightstalkers you'll get an act   one from near can't be in webbed and Tangled and  snared you get Missy step and you also have boots   of it and comfort when the wearer heals a Target  it gains an additional three temp hit points i'   put this on a dedicated healer but I wanted to  Showcase it here in case you wanted to use some   healing capabilities this gives you some 10 pit  points from it for our cloak we have the cloak of   Elemental absorption I just really like this cloak  because it allows me just to completely shut down   uh anytime a spell cast at me but you have the  simple cloak of protection flesh melter cloak to   do reactive one to four acid damage or even the  vious cloak that gives you eight temp hit points   after after casting a spell while in melee for  our jewelry to kind of uh even us out you have   the Amulet of the Harpers that I'm wearing which  is advantage on wisdom and gives you the shield   spell but probably the better one here would  be the Amulet of Greater Health it just sets   our constitution to 23 and we have advantage on  Constitution saving throws helping us out with   dealing with any kind of concentration [ __ ]  uh ring of regeneration is just going to give   us one to four hit points every turn and the  killer sweetheart just gives us a guaranteed   crit whenever we want it as long as it's per it's  once per long rest but some early ones you'll get   our crusher's ring and from Crusher in the goblin  Camp just a free plus 10 to movement uh the corus   skating ring that when the wearer deals spell  damage with illuminated by a light source they are   inflicting they also inflict radiant orb upon the  target for two turns just way more that radiant   orb action because we're already dealing um those  things then this does say spell damage so you do   have to keep that in mind this would be a spell  damage um I think it's actually our only spell   damage um I think this counts as spell damage  but I'm not sure your Smite is not a spell as   far as the game is concerned damage wise so it's  just another way to get a radiating orb bring a   fraction free action thoughs good you ignore the  effects of difficult training cannot be paralyzed   or restrained as well um but that is your gear  here let's put everything together and show off   some combat there's actually a couple items I  missed I wanted to bring up really quickly here   um one of them is if you don't really want to go  with the whole sword and board and everything like   that you can go with dualist prerogative while  you're offhand is empty so no Shield you score   a crit hit while R rolling a 19 moreover you get  an additional reaction per turn and on a hit with   a melee weapon use a reaction to deal additional  necrotic damage equal to your proficiency bonus   then you also have duelers enthusiasm which is  a bonus action while you're not dual wielding   you can make an additional melee attack with the  Dueler this is actually like a really good like   Min Maxi type of weapon that you can get through  act three going through a very specific Quest and   it does actually do quite a bit of damage because  of how all these reactions and everything come   back together and around I do want to bring  this up because I feel like definitely people   are going to bring it up because it is a very very  good weapon and two things I did not talk about   are your general range weapons and we're going to  show this off in combat here but range weapons are   quite good with this build um they're not going  to be like something that you're that is really   going to do tons and tons of damage but you can  do a lot of fun things with them and I'll show you   in in combat and an act two you can get the Drake  fire short bow which gives you resistance to both   cold and fire damage which is good and it also  gives you a free cast of haste so this is a really   nice bow that you'll use the majority of the game  um but then you can progress to the Deadshot the   number you need to roll a crit hit while attacking  is reduced by one this effect can stack so what   you really need to consider here is stuff like  the Deadshot it's not talking about with this   weapon it's saying the number you need to roll  a crit hit period so the Deadshot will work in   conjunction here with serox helmet in conjunction  here with the duel prerogative so it allows you to   make it so that your um critical hit will not be  20 it'll be 19 or 18 or 17 depending on how many   of these weapons you actually have um equipped  that is also you have the wielder doubles their   proficiency bonus when rolling range attacks with  this weapon unless they have a disadvantage which   at the level in which you get this that's going to  be plus four the wielder doubles their proficiency   bonus now A plus eight so it's a a huge bonus and  you're going to see in just a little bit how range   of attacks can really to do a lot for this class  so let's put this all together and have some fun   so with this we're pretty far away I've used a  potion of haste to give me another action here   just for the sake of the video but remember we  were talking about those ranged abilities right   so I could use mobile flourish ranged shoot a  target with enough Force to push it back 20 ft   afterwards you can teleport to the Target so we've  got a really cool weapon that can pretty much do   a lot of damage here right um but we can go ahead  and use this it's going to shove this Target and   then I can teleport to wherever that Target is  um conversely too I can use where is it slashing   flourish so that attack up to two enemies at once  I can go one two can choose these two Targets   right here and do a little bit of damage and it's  nice because this is just a nice way to give me   some range capabilities with this character  without needing to be up close and personal   and the multi-shot itself is very good you can see  it's 2d6 plus 19 plus an additional 1 d10 that's a   lot of considerable damage from a range ability  that I mean my main character is a ranger and I   don't even think he does that much damage for this  so let me show you how fun this can be let's push something it knocked it over right well now I can  go ahead and use this bonus action to teleport to it it's pretty sick and since we only use one  of our actions to do that I can then have some   fun and go ahead and remember you can't use  Smite with ranged attacks unfortunately or   else that would be real disgusting so we can go  ahead then and use you know slashing flourish   let me make sure all things are I didn't check  that before we started we also just definitely   want to make sure you have these set so they  ask you on critical hits hits stuff like that   that way you don't miss any of the ones that  you intended to use um you might want to just   maybe do the only the the top level ones  whatever what kind of works for you we'll   go ahead and oh no we'll miss we we'll mess  things up and run away um you know hey maybe   I want to increase my armor class right now by  four keep in mind my character has 19 that's   it's nothing too shabby right um well hastened  he's he has 17 really um yes this is let's do this oh well I hit someone I might as well slaming  in the face div might so you can see here by bring   over our combat log um we used slashing flourish  we hit him for 37 damage and then we turned um   that hit into a Smite and did an additional 28  damage which is devastating and then two like   you know what hey um did I I thought I would use  my bonus action I didn't I should have done this   so inquisitors might we can go ahead and further  use this and have even more fun or you know what   Spirit Guardians here is going to be real juicy  just to layer in even more radiant damage so we   super cast this at a rank six it's do 6 to  48 boom we walk around over here and just   just completely fry people with probably one of  like the coolest spells in the game and we'll go   ahead and jump back to this character's turn let  me end the turn we'll come back to here so back   into our turn we can still have more fun with  this right um we still have inquisitors might   up for one more turn so weapon attacks deal  additional four radiant damage here um have   heroism for something I can't remember what  it was but was probably pretty cool and just   walking into things is just doing tons of spirit  Guardian damage right so let's go ahead to we can   cast some of our spells now remember we can't  do anything with concentration because we do   have a concentration thing up but you know what  hey uh another one has taken damage but still   while this Ora lasts you can restore Vitality  so let me just kind of show this off we'll do   one of Vitality and now this is up and I can use  my bonus action right now to heal yourself for   a nearby Ally for 2 to 12 damage that's a really  nice capability to just kind of have at the drop   of a hat which I really really like we can be  using counter charm on situations where we see   we're maybe fighting GI who going to charm and  frighten us a whole ton we can take any of the   weapon actions from this actual weapon and do  stuff if we want you know I could go tople the   big FL because this is the baluran great sword or  whatever it is we can use our thunderous smites   to add a lot of really fun Elemental damage into  this whole situation here um Divine faor can do   addition this will overwrite this right the point  is here you have answers for damn near everything   and if you don't have an answer for it you can  just go over here flourish melee add my armor   class go see if we hit oh you know what we hit and  we did a ton of damage and completely nooked them   or we come over here and I'll just go ahead and we  don't need to do it like this but I mean actually   we'll use our bonus attack from our great weapon  Mastery oh we missed unfortunately but we still   have the remainder bonus action or the remainder  of our our extra attack to just completely 30 to   75 clam [ __ ] boom and a critical hit on that too  so we did 37 slashing damage from The Sword four   radiant damage because of that uh our inquisitor's  might and an additional 57 radiant damage plus the   20 some radiant damage we did from this uh uh  spell I have Spirit Guardians earlier so you   can see that this really has a lot of fun ways  to interact with the game and you know what on   top of it you don't like the combat music pop  into the little Bard action get a little Galo   El Johnson going and I think that this is really  a class that can fit you as a newcomer in so many   different ways do you want to use a 200 sword you  got it dual wield it's here uh sword and board   done finesse weapons do that here you want to be  able to talk to anyone in any portion of the game   this character can do it you want to wear heavy  armor and look like a badass you can do that you   want to wear light or medium armor you can do it  here too you can do everything in the game except   for maybe hardcore nuking something down but even  then you'll get magical secrets from a Bard and   you have a lot of really fun Bard abilities that  are more psychic damage or CC based that you do   have some damage within them I just think that  this is truly the best thing that you can do   for your first run through now if you don't want  to play a Melee character I am working on a pure   Caster character that will have sorcerer as the  base so if that's something you want to see go   ahead and let me know in the comment section below  that's also another really good starting character   that you could use if you you wanted to not do  any melee at all but just cast tons and tons of   spells but as always guys thank you so much for  watching here today go ahead and let me know in   the comments below if there's some things that you  really like about when you play sword bar that you   that I forgot to highlight or maybe there's  certain item combinations that I didn't quite   highlight like I didn't go really into the like  the reverberation items that are really good and   some other really kind of cheesier uh uh mechanics  through other items I kind of just wanted to give   you guys the gist of things but as always let me  know in the comments below always open to a lot   of really good feedback when it comes to building  out the character in the way that you guys have   liked it but as always thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 106,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST HONOUR MODE STARTER BUILD (Bardadin) in Baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 bard build, baldurs gate 3 bard multiclass build, baldurs gate 3 bard, bg3 best paladin subclass, honour mode build, bg3 bardadin build, bg3 bardadin guide, bg3 bardadin, bg3 best starter class, bg3 best starter build, bg3 best starter character, bg3 best starting class, bg3 beginner class, bg3 paladin build, bg3 bardadin honour mode, bg3 bard paladin, bg3 paladin, bg3 bard, baldur's gate 3
Id: CNVzupngnE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 53sec (3113 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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