ULTIMATE TANK (Paladin/Cleric) Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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tanks have always made up a huge part of any RPG  games party composition standing in the face of   the damage they divert attention away from their  more delicate party members in this video today I   want to show you my favorite tank build for balers  Gate 3 utilizing both Paladin and cleric with some   really fun reactive items that will trigger every  round to keep our bad boy sturdy just a note up   front there's no real conventional tanking in this  game you can't really Force enemies to attack you   like a taunt per se but you can make it so that  your character is hard As Nails to kill the AI   will often times favor the closest enemy to them  unless they can actively reach a character that's   further away I guess the real way of tank is  basically having someone that's 30 feet away   from the entire party so the AI has to decide if  they dash out to your other party members or just   attack the tank but if this is your first time  my channel the way I do things is by upfront the   knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's  the right one for you so with that being said this   build is going to be pretty simple uh we'll be  taking six levels of ancients Paladin followed   by six levels of light cleric in that order  both of these classes will allow us a ton of   survivability as well as party utility the only  tricky thing with this build is that we will be   doing a Respec at level 11 so jump to the ability  points chapter if you want a quick breakdown of   how it'll be approaching the reec but that's the  tldw of this entire video so that's all you want   if that's all you wanted to know please feel free  to shut the video down and get back to enjoying   your Juggernaut tank in balers Gate 3 before  you head out please don't forget to like comment   subscribe if this video was help each one of those  things helps me out in a huge way and if you need   help with any other subject in B Gate 3 check out  my playlist link below and at the end of the video   lastly if you're planning on playing Dragon's  Dogma 2 I have a massive roll out planned with   a big content plan so if you'd like to support the  channel you can pre purchase the game if you're in   that kind of thing don't feel pressured to do that  [ __ ] wait for reviews if you want but you can do   uh you can use my uh capcon affiliate Link in the  description and pin comment if you want to help   support the channel but let's get started here on  my ultimate tank build for balers Gate 3 jumping   right into character creation when it comes to the  race as always it's a single player narrative game   have fun choose a race that makes sense for you  do not feel like you have to play a specific one   to minmax this I'm just going to go through some  of the ones that I really like so for example here   the tling I always really like T flings um they  get hellish resistance here so they're going to   start off with a resistance to fire which is going  to be cool it's the most common damage type in the   game and as far as the subes go I think you know  I always bring this up but um I always discourage   people from playing the Zario teling but it's like  thematically my favorite teling so I hate it but   the asmodus and mephistophiles teelings I like the  can trips that you get from them versus the zaral   tling is going to get branding and Searing Smite  which are two things that you all already going to   get as a paladin and on top of it I don't really  like those smites because they cost an action and   a bonus action and oftentimes concentration so  it can be nice because they won't take up a spell   slot when you use them so there's that kind of  trade-off there and this can be ni since it is   a close combat character but you know go with  whatever makes sense for you um as far as other   options here I really like and I almost never  recommend dwarfs uh like specifically the nonar   but the gold dwarf is really good here because we  want to have as many hit points as possible and   Dwarven toughness does deliver that to us the  dwar though is also a really good option here   because of that resilience now to um uh against  Illusions being Charmed paralyzed as well just   the native dwarf resist to poison but they also  get an enlarge ability so they can do more damage   in close combat so either one of these dwarfs you  can't go wrong here um also another really good   one is going to always be the half work for any  melee oriented character because of their Savage   attacks capability to uh add an extra dice of  weapon damage when they critical hit which is   absolutely juicy because you are also going to be  doing smites with your Critical Hits so you can   really have a lot of fun with this and as for  a tank this is probably one of the best things   about them they get Relentless endurance here if  you reach zero hit points you regain one hit point   instead of becoming down I I just love that it's  so thematic for this style of build and you really   can't go wrong here dragon born are also always  funed to get access to a breath weapon which   will scale with your weap your weapon with your  level and always be really good but I'll always   recommend the gith because the gith have really  great can trips across a mage hand an enhanced   leap and a misty step but they also get access  to this special ability here astral knowledge so   they gain Proficiency in all skills of a chosen  ability until long rest so you can say hey you   know what maybe I want a little bit more wisdom  or intelligence with astral knowledge so that I   can maybe pass some of those harder to do checks  but again go with whatever race makes sense for   you uh just for this point of the video I'll use  gold dwarf because why the hell not class is of   course going to be Paladin here we're going to  be looking at stuff like lay on hands to have   a a source of healing with the character but we  also get Divine sense gain advantage on attack   rolls against celestials fiend and Undead but our  big thing is the oath of ancients now I like the   oath of ancients the most of the three Paladin  CL subclasses because of this healing Radiance   is awesome because you're going to heal yourself  and all nearby allies within 10 feet for five hit   points and then the next turn that triggers again  it's a bonus action and it's simply a channel oath   charge which is going to replenish on a short rest  it's a really great resource and simply that uses   a bonus action you can do all the big cool stuff  in your round and then still get a good heal off   and you're going to see with heals with this  character it's a real big driving force for   what we're going to be doing it's going to buff  up people and really keep you alive so this is   a really big thing keep in mind though this is a  paladin with paladins you have to deal with their   oath and what that means is you can't break it or  else you become an oathbreaker and you got to pay   a thousand gold and then more and more and more  blah blah blah blah blah the oath of the Ancients   is probably of the three uh I don't want to say  the easiest because oath of vengeance is always   like take the lesser of two evils but the oath  of the Ancients is pretty easy not to break but   it also you might get like tripped up like if you  let the hag go to get the hag's hair for example   you're going to break your oath so you have to  kind of navigate this or be okay with breaking   the oath at some points and just pay your way  through it like the hag hair for example I'll   break the oath gladly to get that plus one to  my ability score and just pay it off and if you   don't know what I'm talking about that's fine I  deliberately made it that way so it wouldn't be a   spoil for you into your background as always guys  please choose the one that makes sense for the for   the roleplay you have in mind for your character  choose a role play make something up in your head   to kind of really sink into this character to  enjoy it the background is how you're going to   get Inspirations for the character you have up to  four Inspirations you'll get and they'll allow you   to do rerolls on any kind of critical failures  or anything of the sort I always recommend Guild   Artisan as a min max option because it gives you  insight and persuasion but you know what maybe   this is like my favorite one to say you're a noble  son who joined the Paladin order or maybe you're   some Outlander from a wayward um Paladin order  that has now gone to time and you still have the   oath of the ancients because it's some sort of  Ancient Order that that that that that whatever   forever reason you're a part of it or maybe you're  a former soldier that has joined into a paladin   order or a charlatan has reformed their ways or  you're a folk hero and that's how you joined into   the oath of the Ancients as a way to to protect  the common folk whatever it is please choose   a background that makes sense for you and your  character and then as far as skills go um if you   know if you go with like Guild Artisan you kind  of have a lot of the bases already checked which   is insight and persu but I'm just going to choose  that'll do so those are ones we can't get natively   so with our two skill points I'm definitely  actually probably going to put persuasion and   insight because they're just so damn good U but  if you want to go with more of a rough and tumble   kind of Paladin you know go with intimidation the  nice thing is you're going to be a Charisma based   character and if this is your face character your  main character just choose one of the conversation   uh skills and stick with it because you have such  a high bonus to your charism you you won't really   need to worry about it and your Insight I love  this because insight's one of those ones that   when you're doing a lot of stuff in the game you  can miss things and insight's a really nice skill   for proficiency to have uh another alternative  here would be Athletics since you are kind of   a tankier character being able to resist being  pushed is going to be nice but also being able   to shove people back is also going to be a really  cool portion of the character jumping into our   ability points what we're actually going to focus  on is dexterity that's going to be our primary   damage form we're going to choose finesse long  swords and that's what we're going to going to   stick with you can go with strength instead but  the reason we're focusing harder on dexterity   here is that dexterity is going to increase our  armor class I honestly don't necessarily care   about the amount of melee damage this character  can do if it does do melee damage that's great   we will have forms of damage that we can do in the  forms of spirit Guardians later into the build but   by and large this character is going to kind of  be there to supplement and support and and buff   and do all those kinds of things by leaning into  dexterity and choosing finesse weapons like the   F lve which we get an act one anyway we'll have a  weapon that is a finesse weapon that can do damage   and scale with our dexterity as it is so we're  pretty much good there we have strength here at   12 because if we do want to go into a little  bit of um what's it called strength weapons   we can we're not going to do a ton of damage but  at the beginning of the game you're not going to   have a ton of finesse weapons to take advantage  of until you really focus on it right and on top   of it we're wearing heavy arm armor so having  to not deal with your character's encumbrance   all the time especially if they're your main  character I don't know to me that's crucial   you can use an elixir of of cloud or Hill giant  strength and take care of your strength all you   want I just don't like to lean into that style  of play for everyone because it's kind of it   creates a very set way to play and I don't think  everyone wants to do that so I like to make these   builds have a little bit more application across  a wider distance um Charisma though is going to   be our other Focus because that's going to scale  with the majority of our Paladin capabilities and   it's going to be a big drawing Force for us so  that's how we start the game is 1216 1416 but   when we get to act three namely level 11 level  11 is when we'll have six levels into Paladin   and five levels into cleric and that fifth level  into cleric is going to get us access to Spirit   Guardians and that's when we're going to want to  start to do damage as a cleric so what you want to   do is get the amulet that sets your Constitution  to 23 you would get this in the house of hope it   would be the first thing I would recommend you do  into act three once you jump into the lower City   in which case we would respect this character  sync our Constitution and put it into wisdom so   this is what your stat line is going to look like  once you've gotten that that amulet because your   Constitution's not going to matter the amulet  automatically sets it to 23 and that is crucial   because that's going to be a huge source of hit  points we want this character to have as many   hit points as possible so here's your end game of  12 16 14 16 and if you're in the beginning of the   game you'd start just like that until again the  the mid to late point of uh well I guess early to   mid late point of act three depending on when you  go to the House of Hope but I'd knock that out as   fast as possible progression for this character  let's go through it so right jumping into level   two we're going to choose our fighting style this  might come down to you and your preference um I   think it really kind of sticks between protection  and defense you can go dueling but like I said   we're not really too worried about doing extra  damage in melee we have other sources of damage   later on defense I think is the best call here  because it's just an all plus one to your to your   armor class while wearing armor and we're always  going to be wearing armor so I think it just is   the best fit if you want you can be kind of Wy  and go with protection so when you have a shield   impose disadvantage on an attack against your  allies when you are within five feet that that   works best if you have another Frontline fighter  you're going to be with so this is going to be up   to you and how you want to approach this character  and your part built if you have another Frontline   fighter protection can be really cool because  you can lean real hard into that character's   offense and not their defense and have this  tanky character truly actually be a tank using   both protection and warding bond to help them out  so I'm going to go defense so just to increase my   armor class and for spells again you're just going  to kind of stick with stuff that's going to make   sense for the whole entire party in the build  compelled duel though will be a good one you   can use Force the enemy to attack only you giving  it disadvantage against other targets why this is   really nice is you're going to have scary Targets  in the battles you're going to face in this game   you pop this onto it it is a concentration ability  which does suck so you're only you're limited to   one concentration ability on at a time right  but this will be a nice way to allow you to   just basically quote unquote tank something by  effectively taunting them gives them disadvantage   on any other Target so they're probably going to  want to go towards you instead um but you know   the smites while I said they're not too awesome  they're not too terrible at the same time you   can use those in your repertoire all of these are  really fun I actually really like wrathful Smite   uh just because it frightens things but even  something like thunderous Smite doesn't cost a   concentration even though uses action and bonus  action which is just a bunch of hog swaggle but   we'll go with something like this and we'll just  kind of keep pushing through these levels they're   all going to be pretty straightforward the Spells  I'm not going to go through every single one uh I   want you to really just choose the ones that make  sense for the for the entire party you're going   to deal with is this this character going to be  primarily your cleric Paladin character that's   buffing and healing then choose those spells  accordingly like I don't have bless on this   character because I would assume I'd probably  have another cleric that would do that or some   other character that's going to take care of it  so go ahead and just go with what makes sense but   we get Divine healthier so we can't be diseased  and we get turned the faithless so turn nearby   Fay and fiends which you're going to deal quite a  bit of in this game and Nature's wrath to restrain   an enemy they cannot move attack goals against  them have Advantage which is lovely and then to   level four we choose more spells but mainly our  new feet so let's go ahead uh yeah just our new   feet so let's go ahead and go through our feet  as far as your feet selection go you have some   pretty fun ones and you also have some pretty simp  straightforward ones it kind of depends on how you   want to approach this character so the easy one  here is of course going to be ability Improvement   putting into dexterity is going to increase our  Armor class but it's also going to increase our   initiative it's an allaround better section here  for you because that's what our finesse weapons   are going to be using to scale our damage right  is dexterity so this is a good one my are kicking   in so I can barely breathe out of my damn nose so  let's go down to Heavy Armor Master our next feat   uh this is going to why this is a good one is  that incoming damage from non-magical attacks   also decreases by three while you're wearing heavy  armor the plus one to strength is cool and all but   we want that mitigation to damage those two are  really great options here Shield Master is always   good too it's going to allow you to basically  use a reaction to Red reduce the amount of damage   coming your way your way from a spell um so this  is a really good way to go about that if you're   using a shield which you will be using another  very straightforward one too is tough it's very   simple it's just simply going to add two more hit  points for every level you have gained depending   on what race you went with to this can be a ton  of hit points right you went with that gold dwarf   you're going to have three points per level more  than you would your other counterparts of this   build so go with whatever one makes sense for you  savage attacker can be a way to add more melee   damage to the build if you really want to lean  in that direction but again I just don't think   that's where this build goes now a fun option  is Sentinel so when an enemy is within melee   range attacks an ally you use a reaction to make  a weapon attack against that enemy so this would   override or at least combat or compete with the  one from compete or uh protection right so you   have only one reaction you can make it's either  going to be protect an ally or Sentinels attack   whatever you want to do but the big thing here is  you gain advantage on opportunity attacks and when   you hit a creature with an opportunity attack it  can no longer move the rest of its turn and you   take Sentinel and combine it with pull AR Master  because a you get a bonus action here where you   can hit things is it not going to show up there  we go where you can hit things with your half of   your uh pull arm and you can actually trigger a  Smite with that which is really fun but there's   this right here the opportunity attack so you  make an opportunity attack when a target comes   within range so this allows you to be this sort  of Zone controlling tank character that can use   a spear and a shield and control an area because  anytime anyone comes within range of you you get   an opportunity attack which you now have advantage  on just my word of warning here is this is more   of an advanced route so if you're not really  comfortable with doing that please do not take   it because you only get two Feats in this build  you would take um Sentinel probably first and then   polar AR master or vice versa depending on which  weapon you get first if you get a good spear go   with that um go with polar AR Master first but I  think the easiest way to just go with things is   ability Improvement two points into dexterity and  then something like tough or heavy armor master   or Savage attacker depending on if you want to be  more tanky if you want to have more health or if   you want to just outright mitigate damage let's  go ahead and put this point in and keep going now   into level five we get our extra attack which is  always going to be huge for the character we jump   into our level two spells again just choose the  ones that are going to fit for your build I like   magic weapon a lot it is a concentration ability  though so it will if you turn this on you really   can't do anything else but a good fun one is  Aid because you can cast this and increase the   hit points of your party members and you can  scale this with your party or your your spell   slots you're going to have up to level five spell  slots so it's pretty fun and lasts until long rest   moving forward we have level six of our Paladin  and that's when we get Aura of protection which   is going to scale off of our Charisma so as it is  right now this will give everyone around us and   a 10ft radius a plus three bonus to their saving  throws and that completes our Paladin let's take   another look level here and now we pivot here  into cleric into cleric like where the hell is   it and go into the light domain now the big  thing we want with the light domain is this   warding flare Shield yourself with Divine Light  use your reaction to impose disadvantage on an   attacker possibly causing their attack to miss so  if you can't tell our reaction is kind of crowded   right if you went with protection now you're now  you're vying Warden flare and protection if you   went with the pole AR master and and Sentinel now  you're buying three different reactions depending   on what the circumstance is so just know that  going into it I I that's why I have no Sentinel   and I am not using protection we're just using the  armor class bonus and using wng flare and we're   going up to level six with light domain cleric  because we get improved warding flare and we can   cast this onto our friends that are taking damage  it is going to be really nice and tanky because   this allows you to be kind of that like seil tank  from Final Fantasy 4/ Final Fantasy 2 depending   on which one you're looking at where you jump in  front of someone's blow hey you're about to take   a damage you don't you aren't going to take it but  you can use improve warding flare to at least help   deflect some of that hit and that's the best thing  about it can trips go ahead and probably go with   guidance you can go with blade Ward blade Ward's  prob probably pretty good until you get to the   later portions of the game but you have ways of  turning this on for your character prior to that   so do whatever makes sense you can go with Sac  flame if you want a range radiant damage ability   that almost never ever seems to hit or or thury  to gain advantage on intimidation checks which is   can be really fun and then for your spells this is  going to SK be different upon what else is in your   party do you have another cleric another Druid  that's casting Divine spells for you then well   maybe you've got that character taken care of  stuff like uh your blesses and stuff like that   but you know command's not bad Shield of Faith  isn't bad having someone to cast Sanctuary on   another character and not waste that characters uh  spell slots are always really good so let's just   go with something like that and we'll progress  forward with cleric into level two where we get   radiant of the Dawn another really big crucial  ability and I'm going to go through this in the   gear section but we're going to take a lot of the  Luminous gear and that will allow us to mitigate   damage coming our way because we can mitigate it  through the radiant orb capability which reduces   attack rolls but this allows us to throw it  around everything in a 30 foot radius and if   if they resist it they still take uh half damage  so this is a massive source of radiant damage for   us that we can just trigger whenever we want  and we also have our Channel Divinity which   replenishes on short rest which is always going  to be lovely more spells going through that push   on into level three where we get our level two  spells um big ones here I really like are always   going to be hold person hold person is always  a really good one um again it's a concentration   ability so keep that in mind warding Bond can be  good to be cast onto another front liner so it's   like you two together are just holding the line  you have resistances you're well you're giving   that character resistance bonus to to uh saving  throws as well as AC so this can be a really great   way to mitigate two Frontline damage dealer or uh  two Frontline characters uh mitigating the damage   towards them uh but even something like thought  enhance ability here Comm motions is really good   for can't be CH frightened or become enraged  um spiritual weapon is cool what's kind of nice   for this character would be Prayer of Healing to  effectively add a short rest level of heal well   kind of a short rest level of heal uh and not Crow  up another character's healing spell slots so this   is a cool one but keep in mind with paladins  and clerics you can just swap these things out   you just press K you can swap it all out you swap  you want blindness instead you can go ahead and do   that for that uh specific instance into level  four choose a new canant trip we will go with   sacred flame just because I want to and we'll get  a new feat you know we'll go with tough I want to   just get a bunch of Health right now we'll show  off what that looks like for the character and   the level five so this point this is the point  where after you would well even before you did   this you know right at level 11 you could go to  Withers and Respec you'd want to set your stats   to this right here 12 18 8 8 14 16 I know a lot  of Min maxers are going to say why you even have   this 12 strength it's not worth it drop this and  put it into uh more wisdom here or or set up this   in a different way I'm choosing to do it this way  if you don't want to do it and you want to M Max   it then [ __ ] do it this whole video is meant  to guide you into a way to play but please take   all this as inspiration and play the game how you  want say you know what I kind of like the way your   stat setup was but I'm going to do it this way  instead by all means please do that I want this   to be a way to Simply inspire you to play the  game in the way that you want to play the game   so now that we've gotten that though we have our  level five capability which unlocks the biggest   portion of damage for us it's Spirit Guardians  so now we do radio or necrotic damage and have   the move at speed of things around us with a  higher wisdom it's harder for things to save   against this right but they still take half damage  when they save against it and they're always going   to have their movement speed haved so we can keep  things in range around us it's a great way to kind   of control the battlefield and I really like it  we also as part of our light domain we're going   to get access to Fireball and daylight which is  actually Daylight's a super helpful ability I do   like it quite a bit but glyph awarding is a great  ability to add into here remove curse is really   cool too I like revivify and just think of these  things as kind of like hey you know what I already   have a character that's doing a lot of the other  like the damage level three spells let me use this   character to to lean into all these other ones and  like I said too you can always just swap these in   if you need to in certain situations going to  our last level here of cleric this is going to   give us improve warding flare where we throw that  reaction on other characters as they take damage   we get one more shot of Channel Divinity and we  get more spell slots so let's go ahead and take   a look at what all this looks like put together  now having complete everything you can see that we   have a ton of abilities one of the first things I  want to look at and it's one of the most important   things are your reactions you're going to have  a ton of them and you really need to take a look   at them and make sure you're all set up for them  um and of course you know stuff like Divine Smite   triggering is not a conventional reaction it's  more the game saying hey this can happen on these   instances so make sure these SE little boxes are  checked so that the game will ask you on critical   hits and so on so forth hey did you want to use a  corresponding level of divine Smite with a spell   slot which brings me to my conversation on that  but um also improved warding flare on here make   sure that those are all checked you've got it  all warding flare will work for just you improve   warding flare will work externally but you have  up to level five spell slots which is really cool   here so we can upcast any of our big cool spells  we have a lot of really spell cool spells I came   with just simply being a light cleric too so we've  got stuff like moon beam which we didn't Showcase   in the leveling process but that's a really  great ability it's so damn strong it's just   a concentration spell unfortunately right but  it's a level two one so you'll get this before   you get Spirit Guardians which is an awesome one  of course as well all that juicy radiant damage   you're going to get access to scorching Ray to  Flaming sphere to Fireball to burning hands a   lot of really great utility here you've got that  hold person command if you want to use a compell   duel like I recommended all these branding smites  and all that action all right here and you've got   all your class actions like lay on hands which  can be remember greater heal a cure or a lesser   heal be hands with divine power to heal a Target  um you're healing Radiance here which is going to   do 13 hit points which doesn't seem like a lot  but it's free 26 po points of Health basically   it's that's great um and you already you get one  charge here from Channel oath uh you turn the   faithless your Nature's w Your Divine sense your  aura of protection your smites of course and your   Radiance of the Dawn which is going to do 14 to 32  radiant damage so all these really great abilities   including all these blue ones down here of course  blue and purples depending on what what they are   like you have just such a great amount of utility  built into this this uh build that I I just really   really really really love and it's all going to  come together in a lot of really cool ways right   like since we only went up to level three spells  we still have level five spell slots to do a level   five Smite which is 9 to3 oh that's the reaction  one I was like what's what's wrong here why are   you saying that yeah 9 to 30 right here or you  know if we wanted to we could cast a uh spirit   Guardians do that one that's doing 5 to 40 radiant  damage around us you know we have just so many   cool capabilities that we can do with this that  I really love moving into itemization there are   some items that I do not have so we're going to  show them off right now the very first one that's   actually pretty crucial to the build early on is  going to be the Hell Riders Pride you'll get these   in the um Emerald Grove and you'll do them by  doing the C the uh uh the quest with zor against   kaga and basically when you heal another creature  it gains resistance against bludgeoning piercing   and slashing damage dealt by weapons attack and a  plus one to strength saving throws the cool thing   is these are going to be useful all the way up  until you get the best and Slot gloves that we're   going to talk about later if you want to stick  with these you can use luminous gloves instead   but you've got really three primary gloves you're  going to swap between depending on how you want   to approach this but the Hell Riders Pride are so  good because they just give you this resistance   to other people when you heal another creature so  it's going to be a ton of use for your character   and it's basically giving them blade Ward because  that's what resistance to bludgeoning piercing and   slashing is going to do next up we have the Holy  Lance helmet which is great here because Smite   the graceless creatures who miss their attack  roles against the wear must make a dexterity   saving throw or take one to four radiant damage  and you get Constitution saving throws plus one   this you're going to find in the mountain pass and  it's going to go along with another bit of armor   and this kind of leans into the whole luminous  portion of this build and that's going to go   into the well luminous armor this is medium  armor not heavy armor but it's still really   damn good you get this right when you walk into  the underdark through the goblin camp in act one   when the wearer deals radiant damage like the holy  Lance Helm will do they cause a radiant shock wave   and that radiant shock wave gives out two radiant  orbs to things in a 10 or 30 foot radius I think   it's like a 15 but it's a it's a certain radius  and those radiant orbs reduce Attack rolles by   One per turn remaining so it gives two turns of it  it's minus two to attack rolles against you it's   really nice that's not direct tanking right it's  indirect tanking because you're reducing their   ability to hit you it's damage mitigation and  that is absolutely crucial and it's really really   strong for this damn build and the last thing I  want to show off here is the blood of Leander now   this is a strength weapon but once per long rest  when you when your hit points are reduced to zero   you regain two to 12 hit points allies within 9  meters also regain one to six hit points this is   awesome so it gives you a little bit of Health  allows you to stay in the fight longer because   you basically get the same thing that that uh Orcs  do right that Relentless endurance where if they   get down to zero Health they just come back to  life with one Health but you in this case get 2   to 12 more Health right gives you a free cast to  Sunbeam you get it early in the game but you're   you're just not going to do a ton of damage with  it because your strength is super low you could   mix things up and go with a higher strength build  if you wanted but it's going to be one of the best   weapons you can get just as far as the utility  it adds to this build if you're not going to use   the F aluve that you will get in uh the underd  dark there is actually one more finesse weapon   that you should take a look at and it is called  lorian's wrath how you pronounce it uh and it's   a pretty straightforward Weapon It's just simply  a long sword that has a special ability to slash   out and do Thunder damage which can be really  cool if you want to Stack Reverb um I think f   is better because it offers a lot of utility to  the character but it's the only other finesse   long sword I did want to bring up ignore the 1 D4  radiant that you see on this picture that's kind   of part of the morning Lords Radiance uh which is  something that you'll get in act one as a buff but   uh it's the only other finesse long sword I wanted  to talk about because it's the only other finesse   long SW that exists jumping into the gear that I  do have though let's take a look at our weapons so   the best slot one that you're going to get well  not really best in slot but the one that I like   the most is simply going to be what happened to  my there we go it's simply going to be the fuve   that you get in act one you go to the underd  dark it's right under the goblin Camp you can   get this pretty damn early in the game and just  focus on it for the rest of the game what I like   about it too is the melody capability which can  either be a sing or a shriek the sing will just   simply buff everyone around you with a bless  and then this shriek is really great because   it will do Thunder damage to things around you  so effective creatures receive an extra one to   four Thunder damage whenever they get hit and they  get basically a bane put onto them last for five   turns it's one of the best weapons that's going  to support how this character likes to play and   I think it's really good some other really cool  weapons too that you can go with is a sword of   Life stealing it is a finesse short sword but  it on a critical hit the target takes 10 extra   necrotic damage and you get 10 temp hit points  it's a plus two weapon it's going to serve you   just fine as well if you want to lean to more  damage other short swords too are the Crimson   Mischief that you'll get in act three this is  cool because it adds a lot of piercing damage   into the build and focuses on that piercing damage  even if you want to go with scimitars you can for   this build so bellm is a great one because it has  perfectly balanced strike which is a bonus action   to just do another round of damage basically and  it doesn't require a short rest or anything to do   to use again so it's awesome and if you want to  kind of Spike up your um strength a little bit   you can use the hand maiden's mace in act three  as well this does poison damage and it sets your   strength to 18 so that's a really nice capability  you can use if you want to go with that Sentinel   build you can use any of the Spears in the game  you can use the saluna spear you can use a spear   that you find the very beginning uh from the  Crypt or you can eventually get into the Halbert   of vigilance which would drop using a shield  but you gain plus one bonus to initiative roles   and advantage on perception ability checks when  you make an attack roll as a reaction you make   it with Advantage so this gets you a lot of the  benefits of um doing the the reaction that you get   with Sentinel and polar Master right where it's  like hey someone Mill range of you within five   feet gets attacked you can do an advantage attack  against them boom here you go with Adroid reflexes   it's a really great uh weapon and it does force  damage too which will lean into a direction of   the other items we're going to talk about in just  a little bit but these are all of the weapons for   your uh build let's take a look at your armor now  as far as armor and the rest of your gear goes you   just focus on the things that you're going to find  you can get that luminous armor that we talked   about in act one and that can last you as long as  you want it to and what I mean by that is if you   want to lean to that direction of the build doing  all the Luminous items then please take that route   it's a really fun really cool route you would  then eventually get these luminous gloves when the   wearer deals radiant damage the target receives  two turns of radiant orb so the Target that you   hit gets the radiant orb and then you have the  radiant shock wave that's going to come out and   do more radiant orbs so remember radiant orbs let  take a look at how this works minus one to attack   rolls for each turn remaining so in this case  it's a minus two to attack rolls it's a ton of   reductions to attack rols keeping you kind of in  the fight so it's a really really cool capability   and then you would use this the coruscation ring  when the wear deals spell damage while illuminated   by a light source they also inflict radiating orb  upon the target for two turns so this allows you   to lean into a lot of that capability using  that Radiance Dawn here to do all this really   cool uh damage from uh uh uh light sources not  light sources from from radiant and really kind   of leaning into that direction so you can go  that route if you want I wanted to bring that   up before we get to the rest of this gear because  it is cool direction to take starting up top with   the helmet though we have the Helm of Balon and  honestly just use whatever helmet you want to use   the Helm of Balon has a heal and that's a crucial  to this build to trigger things the helmet heals   you for two points at the beginning of every turn  I one I have two items that are going to heal us   per turn so it allows you to flex into replacing  one or the other I often don't like capping or   requiring one item into a slot because then it  makes the build a little less flexible so you   can go with the helmet Baler on here to get you  that healing you have stun immunity you can't be   crit hit as well and you have a plus one bonus  to Armor class and saving throws it really it   really leans into the character um you can go too  with a lot of the other helmets as well that I   unfortunately didn't put aside over here but flaw  hell DUS helmet you'll get an act two and I think   you could use this for the majority of the game  or even the Grim scale Helm is a really really   good one that allows you to dodge being crit as  well as getting resistance to fire damage those   are two really awesome Alternatives that you can  go with that lean into the direction of this build   also to the helmet of smiting you'll get this at  the same place you get the Luminous armor so when   you apply condition with one of your Smite spells  you gain temp hit points equal to your charisma   modifier I'd probably use this helmet until I  got the Grim skull and then until I got the fla   hell dust helmet and then swap between these two  then you get this in act three next up we have our   cloak and cloak is the cloak of protection but you  can go with another really good one here is the   cloak of the weave you take advantage don't take  advantage of the the AC bonus and spell attack   rules until you're that like level 11 cleric where  you're leaning into your level three um spells but   you can also go with the cloak of displacement too  to get a disadvantage on attack rolls to make you   very very hard to hit without actually having to  use your AC which is cool well use quote unquote   so this gives you a lot of cool bonuses to your  AC and saving throws this is like actual cooled   mitigation with disadvantage on Attack rules  and it's awesome to be effectively have blur   cast on you at the start of combat now into your  armor use whatever heavy armor you want use that   luminous armor we talked about uh you can use the  adamantine heavy armor the I think it's a what is   this it's yeah it's adamantine splint mail so  the all damage would be reduced by two rather   than one and Reeling for three turns rather than  two but you still get the attackers can't land   Critical Hits on the wear which is awesome and it  has more AC but another really good one though is   the Dwarven splint mail which you buy in act three  as well take one less piercing damage you have a   bonus on strength saving throws plus two to your  Constitution here up to 20 right so I wouldn't be   able to stack this with this amulet as you can see  um we'll get to the armor I'm wearing in a sec and   then always there's the armor persistence which is  probably the best heavy armor in the game that you   just can buy all incoming damage reduced by two  you gain resistance and blade War just always on   your character it's probably that best in slot  kind of just like hey here's just really good   heavy armor but I've gone a specific Direction  with this character that I really like it's fun   and unique it's the Rippling Force mail you gain  Force conduit when taking slashing piercing or   bludgeoning damage and this allows me that every  turn um I'm going to I'm sorry the way this works   is it Stacks up to five and once you reach five  or more it deals deals 1 to four radiant damage   in a 20ft radius and we're going to see how we can  stack this up even further so basically as we take   damage we gain these forced conduit Stacks to then  explode Force damage around us and I really really   like that I think it's a really cool fun crunchy  thematic way to play this build into our gloves we   are using the Reviving hands which are absolutely  the best in slot for this because we want heels to   be reactive we want those these reactive heals to  do something so when you heal a creature this is   just like zor's gloves uh it gains the effect of  Blade Ward like zor's gloves and when you revive a   creature it gains the effect of death Ward you get  a free revivify and strength saving throws plus   one it is totally crucial for the build to kind of  fit into the the overall approach we're taking but   some other ones you're going to get early are  stuff like the gloves of heroism when you use   your channel oath you gain heroism which is really  good and that's going to last you for a long time   into this build stick with those if you want if  you want to lean into more damage you can get the   gloves of the Masters that you get an act three  I think they're on Gail right now actually nope   nope they're not they're not they're not the worst  video in the world don't come to my channel it's   just nothing but [ __ ] here it is nope that's not  either ah remember when I used to know how to make   videos and I just don't how to do there it goes  Legacy of the Masters getting a plus two bonus   to attack roles and damage roles with weapons  you can just buy these at the beginning of act   three if you want to get more damage online with  your character but going back into this if you   also want to lean into more of the uh strength you  can go with the gauntlets of Hill giant strength   it's not the overall role of the character but I  wanted to put them here so you can see they exist   next up we have some boots and I have the boots of  persistence you gain freedom of movement and long   Shredder it's just always on on the character it  fits really cool it's thematic they look awesome   you can also go though to in early game with  spider step boots just so you can't be uh in   webbed your movement speed is not affected by  web services which you'll use pretty well but   right in act one as well you get disintegrating  nightstalkers which are so good and also stuff   like the boots of Aid and comfort when the wearer  heals a Target it gains additional three temp hit   points those become obsolete very quickly cuz  because three temp hit points is such a small   amount and it doesn't stack so it's a nice thing  in the very beginning of the game but I would   just go with any kind of Mobility boots until you  get these persistent boots now into your Shield   options which I haven't gone into I'm using  vicon's walking Fortress right now because it   looks cool in this portrayal uh use your reaction  to deal two to eight Force damage and knock it   prone that's a really great capability you get  reflective shell which is really good uh you get   warding Bond bound into this you gain advantage on  saving throws against spell spell attack against   you have disadvantage all really good stuff it it  is really awesome for the build but my best and   Slot choice is actually this spes or swies sled  board The Shield of shrouds the wear with Force   conat at the start of its turn in combat so I  immediately start with stacks of force conduit so   I can immediately get that online and this allows  me to stack it up for Rippling Force mail to have   these explosions of force happen around me after  I take x amount of damage remember force is the   least resisted damage type in the game this is a  this is a personal flavor choice of mine is it the   min max option no it's probably viconia walking  Fortress but it now requires you to do the house   of grief and that kind of sucks other really good  ones though are kric shield it helps you out with   all of your your cleric capabilities uh adamantine  Shield is always really nice it's very early in   the game that you get it so it lasts you for a  long time the shield of shielding is good because   it just gets you Shield the character now just has  Shield so you can have that on the character which   is always really really good as well into your  jewelry the best one you really want to focus   on an amul of Greater Health it's kind of like  a non-negotiable more or less unless you really   want to squeeze decks into this character I'm  sorry Constitution into this character some way   shape or form I didn't want to so that's why I  went with Amulet of great Health Advantage on   contitution saving throws is nice too because it's  going to affect your uh spirit Guardians as well   though you can use the am of restoration early in  the game for extra sources of free healing Amulet   of Missy step to just get a Mobility ability or  face semblance amulet if you want disadvantages   on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws  help is so you can't get locked down asily leave   by stuff like charm person the such our ring  is going to be the Ring of regeneration which   you'll get in act two or three at the beginning  of your turn the ring activates and heals you   so non-negotiables type thing is either this ring  or this helmet you just need something to trigger   every turn because this triggering is going to  then trigger these when you heal a creature it   gains the effect of Blade Ward so it just keeps  you stacked up on blade Ward so that you always   have that active on the character and also the  whispering promise when you heal a creature it   gains one D4 bonus to attack rolles and saving  throws so the Ring of the helmet makes blade Ward   and bless always present on your character every  turn that's one of the best things about this   gear setup uh you can go with stuff like Crusher  ring or stuff like that until in the meantime but   you're going to want to follow fall somewhere on  this setup to make it so that works the best for   you you let's put it all together and take a look  at some combat and one last item I forgot to show   off is the Amulet of The Devout you gain plus two  bonus to spell save DC and you use an additional   Channel Divinity charge so this can be a really  nice one to add in but I still think the Amulet   of ger health is is way too important but I did  want to show this off if you want to somehow   squeeze more Constitution onto the character so  jumping into combat let's show everything off   and right as we jumped into combat 2 you can see  that we healed for a hit point and two hit points   because of our helmet and our ring which gave  us Force conduit is because of the shield but   this gave us blade Ward and bless so we just have  these already active and the point of this isn't   to show off tons of damage right to show off all  the utility so I've used a potion of uh swiftness   of speed to give me an extra action right now  so if you're wondering why that exists and we   have 191 health because I had Shadow heart cast  uh Aid onto me so we have 25 more Health than we   would and just to show two we have 24 AC right  now as well because we are hastened this would   typically just be 22 AC just to let that be known  as well just you know transparency so let's just   kind of start off let's just do some things that  we can do um we'll just do Spirit Guardians and   we'll go ahead and just Jack this bad boy up we'll  go ahead all the way to level well I don't want to   kill anything right now let's you know we're just  going to do level 31 I because the point of this   character is to show off the damage that we can  take so we got Spirit Guardians tricking on and   what I'm also going to do is um I before I even  had done that I could have done something like a   moon beam and then cast Spirit Guardians like  oh just do the damage here moon beam requires   concentration so you would at least do the damage  and then swap back but moon beam could be jacked   up to level five and do five to 50 just a ton of  radiant damage but since our big Focus isn't on   showing off what the damage this character can do  in melee while they still can do damage right this   is still going to do 7 to 14 damage that I can  then uh spice up with a um um Smite we're just not   going to focus on that right now and also keep in  mind too the fve Mel Melody here you notice thing   when you look at that it doesn't say concentration  so the sword itself is what's actually doing the   singing and everything not me so I can have this  up and actually have shriek up too um so this will   now do the radiant damage plus also Thunder damage  which can stack with any kind of uh reverberation   build let's just do rever radiant of Dawn I  just want to do a big AOE shot of this now if I   had luminous armor this they would all have their  radiant orbs on all sorts of fun action and we're   also going to do just to kind of show off some  of the utility going to stand right here since   we I I know that's going to happen we have our  uh yeah just trick off some more of that we've   got our healing Radiance right so I'm going to do  this to help out Gail here now he has blade Ward   and he has bless that's great let's end this  turn and you're just going to sit there Gail   sit there and look pretty okay the shove has been  resisted and he's going to attack me I'm going to   use warding flare so now now he missed which he  was going to hit me before my AC's just stacked   through the roof and I unfortunately it didn't let  me do improve roing player there too weird I don't   know why that oh I already used my reaction that's  why duh where where's my other Waring player and   unfortunately he's taking a lot of damage but  my point too is to show that I can take damage   and I can also keep him alive at the same time  just simply by by being here I have 188 Health   at a 191 right now they've healed themselves up  and this is different usually I always show all   this damage this character can do uh just don't  refle don't react right now let it Let Let The Boy watch and and there we go boom Another splash of  damage from my um what's this thing called from   Spirit Guardians and we hit everyone around us  and I'm back to full health Gail is not at full   health but he's pretty close with 162 out of 168  and we both have blade War backup and we both have   bless backup so we're in the fight you notice  too that no one's really taking tons of damage   because blade Ward is resist resistance against  bludgeoning piercing slashing damage and if you   look at my Force conduit it's now at five if the  entity takes damage while it has five or more   turns remaining it deals Force damage so let's  see if we can do this I I don't this might not work okay all right this could work this could  work okay just do that I thought this up on   the Fly we're GNA see how this works now end  turn and um I could do more stuff here right   we could do healing we could do other sorts  of things remember you know I've got my I've   got my four charges of lay on hands so I  could heal someone in a bind if I need to   even do a lesser one to kind of make it last  longer um we've got other stuff we can do in   these situations here but I'm just going to  hang tight to show off some of that uh that   Force damage because it's pretty cool and it  triggers oh of course he would do that what a jerk yeah he's like I don't even know I don't  even know where the other guy is there we go I   I'll do a warding fler just to you know show off  the tankiness I just want to get hit one more time maybe I shouldn't have done that warding  player there we go now that's a force explosion   it doesn't do a ton of damage but I like the  idea of just all these sources of AOE damage   that trigger on turn or on activation from me so  I'm constantly able to just kind of sit in the   thick of it do damage to stuff around me whatever  the situation is and there we go again that thing   exploded with more radiant damage and I'm up to  181 out of 191 unfortunately I'm incapacitated   because of the uh the potion here but still  this shows off how tanky this character can   be and while direct tanking isn't necessarily  a thing in this game like I've said before it's   still showing you here how you can have a lot of  fun with this and do a lot of cool things and you   don't necessarily need to be this character  doing all the damage but you can be enough   of a harassment to things around you that you're  supplementing everything else all these guys are   moving so much slower and if they want to get to  anyone else they're going to have to you know go   through me and if I had the Sentinel and a polar  AR Master situation going on here then they would   have to stop as soon as they come into my aura  here and get dealt damage and have to get locked   down through the opportunity attack situation  which you only allowed one per turn but still   there's a lot of really cool ways you can do  things with this build and I think it's a really   cool way to do a tank in water Skate 3 which  doesn't have conventional tanking methods so   if you have cool ways to approach this that maybe  I didn't talk about say hey you know what the six   light clerics got some cool gimmicks to it but I  really think you should go with this instead maybe   it's a ton of Knight ELD Knight levels to have  a tons of stacks of um Shield whatever it is go   ahead and let me know in the comment section below  as always guys thank you so much for watching here   today hopefully this gives you a good idea on how  to build out a tank but have a good one and take [Music] care [Music] for
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 34,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTIMATE TANK (Paladin/Cleric) Build for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 best build, best ac armor class, radiating orb, best cleric, light domain, best subclass, tank build, best tank, cleric build, bg3 best tank build, bg3 best tank class, bg3 best tank, bg3 paladin tank build, bg3 paladin tank, bg3 cleric tank, bg3 cleric tank build, bg3 radiating orb build, bg3 tank cleric, bg3 tank build, bg3 tank, tank, bg3 ultimate tank
Id: lDeq-beKeek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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