The Most Powerful Horrifying Paladin Bard Build In Baldur's Gate 3 (Destroy Honour Mode!)

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something is off with this Paladin he looks a bit sketchy and who are these Shady characters that he's surrounding himself with we can only say the Paladin is not the main character or the hero anymore but more like the anti-hero it was needed however to reach new founded Powers never seen before it seems like the Paladin visited some Sinister places in the pursuit of making his damage output transcend to a whole new level such new heights of power that the Paladin can Now command and control everything around him with a a mere finger snap and the Spells that he cast always seem to successfully be casted on his enemies for some reason how does he do that well no one knows spell save DC what is that the Paladin also hits his enemies with such ferocity and intensity that they get one tapped all the time and with such lethal damage output he can take many enemies at the same time all by himself on the so-called honor mode but the Paladin goes beyond just killing his enemies he can hit his enemies with such ruthlessness that they simply end up in another dimension alog together yes the swing of the sword was mastered to such a degree that breaking the time space continuum is a normal occurrence for that padin which in turn culminates into a hit so powerful that the target ends up in another plane of existence altogether only the Paladin can reach these type of Dimension altering attacks however to get there some class blood mingling is needed with some swords bars un ironically two Paladin 10 swords part might be the best Paladin build out there you might think but two levels in Paladin only is really still a paladin build absolutely is the answer because you only need two levels in Paladin to unlock your beloved smites but 10 Bard gives you a super exclusive nuclear Smite that can only be obtained through 10 levels of Sword sport so the creative ones among us might even find a way to spell 10 sword Sport AS 10 extra padin but obtain through a different class now multiclassing with swords SP is absolutely amazing honestly because you get full Caster progression that means a ton of spell slots to use all your smites on and that means an abundant amount of damage and not only that sword SP gives you an amazing selection of spells that synergize so extremely well with Paladin the new question becomes which Paladin class is the real Paladin class we're talking spells like hold person and holdt monster that give you guaranteed crits for both your attacks and your smites which just means nuclear damage output we're talking spells like command which can play with your enemies like their toys and like them up perfectly for your AOE attacks oh yeah I forgot to say it but with sword spark you unlock slash and flourish as well which can hit multiple enemies at the same time and all those individual instances of hitting your enemies with this AOE attack also stack with your smites so a bunch of damage output there but to really make this build work as optimal as possible we need to have two items two key items the second you put these two items on you will never ever take them off again just like I have found this amazing game absolutely no one has ever heard of this game has the best graphics around on mobile brutal boss battles deep tactical gameplay and literally hundreds of Champions for you to meet including new mythical champions my personal favorite Champion is pig needle simply because of her insane design just look at this and this Champion also has an amazing kit her R skill increases your team's resistance which is great for countering other winry Champions like Tor in the cold she also places valuable Buffs and debuffs such as perfect Veil increase defense continuous heal weaken and freeze giving you a lot of utility for in combat I would recommend you to add this winry Champion to your collection it is quite fitting for this time of the year another winry champion that I like is worm Frost King which design wise already indicates that this guy's a true Powerhouse this guy can do it all truly he blasts your enemies like they're nothing and at the same time provides very valuable Buffs like increase defense and crit damage and when the weather outside is frightful you need something delightful right like the Cur city which is one of raid's biggest features since the Doom Tower with 100 stages to complete with some of these stages including finding two of R bosses at the same time completing the Cur CD gives you great great rewards including a mythical Champion so it is the perfect time for you to download ra Shadow Legends to not miss out on all of that and to do that click my link in the description or scan my QR code on screen to get insane bonuses available only via my link you'll get two epic Champions with the link namely Lor and Juliana and Juliana is available after reaching level 15 additionally once you're in game use the promo code rate XMS for new and old players you can find me in game as well just search my name and you definitely don't want to miss out on joining my new Clan giant Willie Gamers the band of the Mystic scoundrel and the helmet of Arcane Acuity the band of the Mystic scoundrel makes all your enchantment and illusion spells now active on a bonus action after attacking something that means exactly what you think we attack and then we can accordingly use hold person for the entire field on a mere bonus action and then accordingly critically annihilate every single one of these enemies one by one and absolutely nothing will stop us now to illustrate how good enchantment and illusion spells are let's go over a few of them the already mentioned hold person and Hal monster that make all your attacks Critical Hits while stunning the enemy are such spells for example so basically you can see this as an infinite guaranteed Critical Hits generating build on a bonus action but it's not just hold person and hold monster confusion for example one of the strongest CC spells in the game where enemies will simply kill each other now available on the bonus action hypnotic patn to make dozens of enemies in one cast completely useless available on the bonus action command make all enemies drop their weapons like zombies or approach you for your slashing flourishes to Nuke them all in one go with your stackable Divine smite on a bonus action but I hear you asking how do you actually make sure all these spells successfully apply on your enemies that's exactly where the helmet of Arcane Acuity comes into play the helmet of Arcane Acuity builds up two stacks of Arcane Acuity every time you hit something and with they build like this where we have multiple attacks per turn thanks to level six part as well as just AOE attacks that we also definitely want to utilize we build up Arcane acity extremely fast many stacks of them even until we reach the cap and for those that don't know what our Arcane accurity and Tails you can basically read it as plus one spell safety and plus one attack rolles spell safet DC is what your enemy needs to roll higher than to resist your crowd control in this case but because our spell saf DC gets so high with this build they can simply just not out roll it anymore meaning all our powerful cc is pretty much guaranteed apply thanks to our helmet and let me just say it once more all those guaranteed amazing crowd control spells are now on a bonus action the Spells will mostly function as a setup for our own attacks making this build an amazing melee Striker DPS build where you can just trivialize many fights with beautiful high numbers crits and smite stacking it is also why we take banishing Smite the trophy of the sword SP multiclass route unlocked at level 10 through the class magical Secrets Vanishing Smite is a level five spell that deals 5D 10 Force damage so this nuclear ability in itself can already one-hot many enemies in the game without even needing to do anything in addition keep in mind force damage is one of the best damage types in the game because there are practically no enemies that have resistance to it which is a huge bonus obviously and another Plus for this ability with banishing Smite you have amazing NOA damage for those insane bursty plays where you want to get rid of a beefy boss or just any enemy with a lot of HP as fast as possible it Stacks with your hold person and monster initial effect as well in the sense that your banishing Smite will be a critical hit even though both are concentration spells now if the enemy actually does survive the initial hit you can still stack it with your Divine smites for even higher damage we're talking hundreds and hundreds of damage within a single strike you can literally just melt the tankiest enemies in the game within mere seconds and I'm not exaggerating as you see from the footage banishing Smite has then also the amazing additional effect of just banishing your enemy in case they don't die like the name says so that means the enemy in those cases just completely disappears from the field giving you one less enemy to worry about for a few turns and giving you the ability to hand down the rest in the time being this in itself already can be a huge momentum for completely tipping the ties of the battle in you and your party's favor banishing Smite being a level five Smite is also great syy wise with Divine Smite which has additional upcasting benefits till level four maximum after that Divine Smite doesn't accordingly upcast so it's a waste using your level five or six slots on it so level four slots you use your Divine smites and then level five you use your banishing smites on the most threatening targets you want to burst down as fast as possible like I said the Smite Stacks but you have to enable this however in your spell book to make sure you can stack Your Divine smites with your banishing smites but just more generally all your attacks like just your normal attacks but also your AOE attacks but all of that being said let's then dive into the leveling process this build is a continuation to my perfect Paladin get op early video where we truly discussed level one to level seven so check that video out for those first Seven Levels but also to just understand all the fundamentals of the Paladin class like combos Oaths smites and smite stacking of which all will also be very important and relevant for this video so if anything confus you in this video then that's because it was truly covered in part one and I would highly recommend you to watch that video as well so you have a gr overview of everything you need to know at level eight it is a perfect time to respect the build and into this build reason why is because we get two Paladin as well as six Source part in one go at level eight and that means we get the extra attack from level six swords SP right away and our Paladin smites from level two all in one go and I do highly prefer to monoc class Paladin pre-level 7 the fast extra attack at level five the AAS at level six and seven and getting smites as soon as possible as well as a bunch of utility for those early levels with gear that accordingly synergize extremely well as I showed you in part one with my ancients build if you remember we picked up a bunch of amazing Act One gear that all synergize very well with ancients and every level up was a godsend pretty much when not spreading your levels St due to multiclassing but now we can safely multiclass without missing too much so for this build in terms of leveling we start with two Paladin into 10 sword SPS with race abilities and all that stuff exactly like shown in part one one but we start with Paladin instead of Bart due to the Paladin giving you more HP so more sustain but also heavy armor proficiency giving you great heavy armor options and I do really like that wisdom saving throw proficiency of the Paladin as well two levels in Paladin we still remain loyal to the ancients for our oath you cast it on a bonus action so it synergize with our actual attacks and it's just nice a two- turn heal that applies on your entire team and you can up down to party members without needing to extend a spell slot really good a bunch of value to be found there at level two padin we get defense for some extra Armor class as our fighting style we will use two handed weapon still but we don't need great weapon fighting anymore as we will get a feat that replaces the idea of this fighting sty but at the same time we'll also do a much better job we still take all Elemental smites here just for those scenarios where an enemy might potentially have a vulnerability to set Elemental damage tied to any of these three smites so double the damage in those scenarios especially nice if you then accordingly also upcast the Smite we get Divine favor for some extra damage if ever needed but the main spell here is going to be the command spell because it synergize extremely well with the rest of our build and all command options are great to be honest dropping your enemy's weapons to deny them their turn or just to steal their weapons and render them completely useless is a really nice addition to the build but what is amazing about command is that it's not a concentration spell unlike most crowd control spells in the game so you can combo it on a bonus action through our ring with one of our big boy crowd control spells like hold monster or whole person or confusion to then make another enemy prone through the grovel option for example and prone is another amazing CC gives everyone advantage in your team attacking the unfortunate victim so it that's multiple different types of CC inflicted in the same turn needless to say that gives you a lot of control on the battlefield command approach is probably the best for this build however specifically though because it does two things one it makes your enemy skip their turn and while that's happening too it lines your enemies perfectly in front of you for your slashing flourishes and as you know our slashing flourishes are absolutely amazing for this build as these AOE attacks will already deal a lot of damage on their own but it's also stack able with our Smite so those are like eight instances of a lot of damage within a single turn and command approach is just really amazing to set up that combo because you can upcast command approach and basically just draw literally everyone to you to then AE nuke them and kill them off quickly with slashing flourish into defs might abuse it is also very fun to do that and to set it up at level three we then get our first Bart level and immediately we get a bunch of useful stuff canwise vicious mockery it's an enchantment spell so synergize with our ring but it deals damage and makes our enemy more likely to miss their attack and honestly that's just great value for a can trip minor illusion for the potential AOE setups for slashing flourish as well as some other abilities obtained through gear then spells we get as much purple as possible basically dashes hideous laughter for essentially what is a stun on a level one spell disant Whispers for the frightening and it also deals very respectable damage for a level one spell both of these spells are some of the best level one spells in my opinion in the game and they synergize extremely well with this build because both of them are enchantment spells so we can cast them on a bonus action as well for the other level one spells you want to grab long strider for the extra movement and speak with animals for all the extra dialogue and quests if you don't have a source of Ider yet in your party composition however if you do have them somewhere else in your party I recommend grabbing fairy fire here for the party white advantage and then healing word just in case and whatever you didn't pick pick it at level four Bart if you need more options feaf fall and the sky self are also great options here you also get song of rest here by the way which is basically like a third short rest for your entire party really nice it is a bunch of healing and a lot of mechanics that reset like a mon cheap points or warlock spell slots for example level five total or level three B is a big one as you can choose your subass now we go College of Swords here to unlock our new found amazing skills and Powers with swords our subass gives us all the flourish attacks and I've highlighted the slashing flourish one already but you also get defensive flourish which can situationally be very good actually this attack gives you four extra Armor class so your enemy's next attacks have a higher likelihood to miss and while enforcing that that condition you still get your regular damage stackable with your smites out you also get a mobile flourish here which can be used for tactical plays where you can push enemies into chasms for insta kills thanks to the push back factor of the ability and it also has a misty step ingrained in it basically so you can use the ranged version to quickly move from A to B on the battlefield if it's needed can situationally be very good when you can't reach the target through normal means while the other two flourish attacks have great situational uses slashing flourish is obviously going to be the big player here as you probably by now know from me already mentioning it a few times you really just want to use it as often as possible just to reduce the number of threats on the field as fast as possible and I've already said everything needed to be set about this amazing AE attack and in line of great things that you can get at this level hold person we finally have it this thing will send you on a journey of many many Critical Hits many many enemies that get eviscerated within seconds many many enemies that will just simply have no chance against you going forward and oh did I already mention we have it on a bonus action thanks to our shiny ring as well you also get get a fighting style choice at level five but it's not relevant so pick either one think about it like this which one would you rather have been in an alternative Universe because neither fighting style applies to us level six is another huge one canra wies get Blade W for some extra sustain then we get probably one of the most underrated level two spells of all time blindness as you may know from my other videos it is not a concentration spell and it applies for many turns basically whatever it's castled on will miss their attacks more often and they can't attack outside of a very small range so it destroys casters and Rangers and your entire team will have advantage against whatever is blinded very good spell for many different scenarios and we get our beloved feed here like in part one we get it again we can't go too long without it great weapon master that juicy plus 10 to our damage output that synergize extremely well with this built with the many attacks in it it also gives us the opportunity to attack on a bonus action for whenever we need it really good and the attack roll penalty is going to be completely upset pretty much with this build you'll see how when we get to gear level seven we get another amazing spell the glyph of warding you can use it sleep version to induce sleep on like a bunch of targets at the same time which in turn gives it advantage and as being a melee Striker Critical Hits as well so really good actually especially because it has a relatively big radius and outside of that glyph warding also has the possibility to push back enemies into chasms and honestly it's just a great a damaging spell as well that we get to use and it has synergies with things like wetness with the gold and lightning options for double the damage so all around a great pick here level eight is another huge level because we get our extra attack which is also the primary reason why we use level eight as the resp point furthermore we get another amazing spell right here an illusion spell this time hypnotic pattern and this thing can give you absolute insane control on the battlefield just check its radius hypnotizing your enemies is a really good status effect it basically means you can't do anything whatsoever going forward accordingly using this AOE spell to a bunch of targets will thus logically give you Massive Action economy advantage to go full out nuclear on the subsequent turn with your entire party to just simply wipe out everyone what is also great is that you can use it as like a backup plan for when things go south and you yourself are CCD because you can still cast a spell when you're silenced and getting an AOE ability with the potential to do something like that to the entire Battlefield on a mere bonus action is a lot of power let's say to match the insane power that we got at level eight we then also need another Banger at level 9 naturally confusion that's the only thing I'm going to say right here okay maybe I'll say some more but this thing is complete domination it's yet another AOE spell with a big radius and yet spell that we can use on a bonus action thanks to our shiny bling confusion just breaks the AI of the enemies completely that's just how you have to see it they skip turns do nothing useful and will even start attacking each other you can grab some popcorn in the meantime and just enjoy the show while you win the battle but with again so much momentum gained in your favor you can also destroy your enemies while your enemies are destroying your enemies say if you have a plane to catch or so level 10 is a quicky there's no other level four spell that you really need so I would just grab enhance ability here which can be really nice for those ability checks you don't want to wipe your honor mode run due to some dialog failing and enhance ability is like a great alternative to guidance it helps you succeed level 10 we also get another feat and we're going to go with Savage attacker here huge pick if there's one class in the game that profits the absolute most from this feed it's the Paladin and it's plora of smites because as you may or may not know Savage attacker rolls two damage die for every single aspect of your melee weapon attack so not just the normal attacks not just the elemental damage associated with those attacks but also all your smites and smites have a bunch of die to roll to determine your ultimate and total damage roll it's why their range of damage is huge 5 to 40 damage for example for a level four Divine Smite yeah that range is absolutely Bonkers and that's because it's a 5 d8 roll so five different die are rued to determine the rule and Savage attacker rolls twice for all five die and then picks the highest value out of each pair accordingly and adds those values up in addition to all the other die Associated to your melee weapon attacks so as you probably can imagine it's on average going to be a lot of extra damage especially now that we have higher level smites that require more D so a great moment to to get this feat level 11 we get our hold person counterpart hold monster with hold person we can Target all humanoid enemies in the game but now with hold monster we can Target everything else in the game as well except for unde death but like all monsters Elementals animals weird creatures that aren't humans and so on and it does exactly the same thing as hold person but it now broadens our application of this type of spell so basically more stuns and a lot more critical hits for us amplifying our damage output even more level 12 is then a big one because we get our banishing Smite aside from the big boy nuclear spell that we already talked about you also get a can trip FR is a good pick here for the role playing options spell wise I would just go mask your wounds here for if things go south but dominant person is alternatively also a fun spell it's an enchantment spell as well so you know what that means you don't really need it when we already have confusion but it's still fun to specifically Target someone you hate and completely control their brain basically for Magical Secrets then banishing Smite like already said you've seen the absolute Rampage and destruction that we can cause with the spell earlier on in this video and how it ciz very well with the rest of our kit so nothing else more to add to it grab it immediately right off the bat and the other magical secret that is going to give us huge value here is going to be counter spell it's one of the best spells in the game and having it on a melee DPS Striker is huge value especially because our reaction slot is still empty and you can negate so many annoying crowd control spells and just generally really powerful spells with counter spell it's just insane value and we have to take it that covers leveling then I've already mentioned the two key items gear wise for this build the helmet and the ring which are the main characters one might say gear wise but we get a lot of good stuff in our gear as well that can truly Ascend the build to another level let's start off with our ring the risky ring remember great weapon master and its annoying penalty completely trivialized this way the ring is going to give us advantage on all of our attacks and it's obtained pretty much where we stopped in part one namely at the moonrise towers and in turn the ring has a penalty as well for giving us Advantage for all our attacks obviously because otherwise it would be broken Beyond repair but in our case the penalty doesn't really matter as we will crowd control and destroy everything before the enemy ever can become annoying towards us anyways for our amulet we get the Amulet of Greater health absolutely amazing pick for this build as we are going to be a lot in the melee range of our enemies and amidst the heat of the battle so the extra HP is very welcome for sustain it is a bunch of extra HP and we already have a great increase to our spell safety see so applying our powerful spells isn't going to be a problem whatsoever with this build but with our Amulet the drawing the picture the artistic pieces is finally fully completed because we now also have that juicy advantage on Constitution saving throw which means we will not just have a great time applying spells but also maintaining those spells our concentration spells which we use a lot and something something on a bonus action for our cloak we get the cloak of the weave just for the initial spell safe DC for when we haven't built up those Arcane acut Stacks yet helps out tremendously in like a turn one hold person or Monster for example and it also has that absorb elements effect which is actually a really nice bonus it basically just means more defense and more offense at the same time for our gloves we get the gauntlets of Hill giant strength which will now put our strength at a whopping 23 without needing to use a single buff for it because we have these gloves now you can also respect your stats if you're still using the stats from part one like this we completely dump strength now and give dexterity the most points if you have access to ATI ethyl's buff for this build put dex3 at 17 to then get it to 20 ultimately through atie's hair and the mirror of loss if ATI ethyl is not an option however put it at 16 to Get It ultimately to 18 through the mirror of flws and the remainder of your ities will just stay the same like in part one now we have both High dexterity as well as high strength and our whopping 33 strength is going to make our damage output and accuracy amazing and high dexterity is going to give us a bunch of initiative and the faster we get rid of threatening enemies the better obviously for boots we're going to go with the hust Boots These are going to make us immune to the many difficult terrain inducing spells in the game and thus these boots will give us absolutely amazing Mobility which is exactly what we need as a melee DPS that wants to attack as much as possible with the boots we can also use a reaction to roll a failed saving throw which is another amazing aspect to these boots for denying CC and damage and it then also has a super buffed Missy step through hell crawler because you can teleport with your boots and then land like a meteorite blowing everything up around you making it a great engaging tool to get to your victims for example to start off the fight in style to say the least now for your chest piece and weapon there's going to be an amazing Synergy for it we have to visit the ballist temple though to get the incredible ballist armor to one give us even more initiative but more importantly two make our enemies vulnerable to piercing damage and we get piercing damage through our magnificent weapon the NYU now which is already going to be super buffed through Savage attacker and great weapon Master but his damage type is piercing since it is a trident so logically it pierces bis armor is then going to buff all our instances of using damage through this two handam of magnificent beast and accordingly you're going to hit absolute insane numbers with it and the weapon looks fantastic as well the NY Ru now doesn't just do that though it also has ingrain Thunder damage on top of its piercing damage as a bonus and it gives you even more movement which works very well with our idea of wanting to be as proactive as possible on the battlefield as a melee Striker then if that was enough you also get some neat AOE abilities with it too that can insta kill enemies but also potentially apply AOE bleeding and give you this great rush to then AOE nuke a bunch of enemies in one go with your thunder damage with that we have discussed everything but most importantly here is obviously how everything ultimately ties together our two two handed piercing weapon that is going to be incredibly Amplified through our chest armor and feeds which will mean a lot of damage output already in its Essence but that becomes even better through our ability to permanently build up a bunch of Arcane Acuity Stacks to make sure our powerful crowd control spells will all land through our ring on a bonus action which in turn is going to give us a bunch of critical hits so even better damage but through the control of our enemies also even more guaranteed and sustained damage which is also an important factor and the rest of our kit and gear all inhan ences those main ideas and insane damage output through giving us advantages in many other ways like Mobility sustain defense a good variety of crowd control spells and utility we can safely say that if you're going to play as a paladin with this build you will have a great time because it is truly something else like subscribe you know exactly what to do but we can also play a game for those that have watched like 30 videos of mine but are still not subscribed take a walk drink a cup of tea try to build out and if you then accordingly absolutely annihilate everyone like I said you would come back and strike that subscribe button with such ferocity that it causes a rift in your house can function as a portal to another dimension if you like my videos and want to support the channel consider becoming a patron I also have full and condensed written guides there for all my builds so for those that like the idea of that check it out and remember make sure to check out rage shut Legends link for it will be in the description and I'll see you in the battlefield
Channel: Nizar GG
Views: 251,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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