ULTIMATE Ninja Assassin (Shadow Monk) Build For Baldur's Gate 3

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monks are one of the strongest classes in balder's  Gate able to dish out tons of damage but what if   we took that formula and sprinkled in some Rogue  and stealthy mechanics in this video today I want   to walk through my Ninja Assassin build for balers  Skate 3 we'll combine a lot of the great critical   striking gear in the game and the Assassin  subclass of the Rogue with a lot of the mobility   functions of the Shadow monk subclass from monk  to make for a really fun thematic and strong   ninja character that can reach any opponent on the  battlefield just to heads up I know that Tavern   brawler is the super minmax way to play the monk  in bg3 but we won't be touching that feed here I   find that playing the same class in the distilled  ways that the internet constantly pressures you   into playing just to tracks from the innate fun  of the game besides we'll be using monk weapons   in this build anyway so it won't work regardless  if this is your first time my channel the way I   do things is by UPF fronting the knowledge of my  videos so you can set if it's the right one for   you so with that being said this build is pretty  straightforward we'll be taking seven levels   of monk as the shadow Monk subass and then five  levels into to Rogue with assassin you can split   those up if you want but I think it's fine to go  straight into seven monk levels for your Mobility   spell at level seven as well as extra attack at  level five and then five levels into Assassin   after that you could do five in a monk three into  assassin then two more in a monk and the final two   into assassin but both routes will work just fine  but that's really the too long didn't watch of   this entire video and if that's all you wanted to  know then please feel free to shut down the video   and start assassinating Samurai in the garden  with a gardening tool before you head out please   don't forget to like comment subscribe each one of  those things does help me out in a huge way I've   gone from like 89% to 80% unsubscribe viewership  because of your help but that's a number I'd still   like to get lower and every little bit helps if  you need help with any other subject in balers   Gate 3 check out my playlist link below and also  check me out on Twitch I will be covering tons   of Dragon's Dogma too so you can find all that on  Twitch here whenever I'm going to start doing it   but let's get started here on my Ninja Assassin  build for balers Gate 3 jumping into character   creation let's take a look at how we can approach  this ninja now there are plenty of races that you   can go with remember this is a single player  narrative base game so choose whatever makes   the most sense for you you can have fun with  this in any way you want don't do whatever the   internet tells you is the best or whatever so  with that being said though there are some good   standout options when it comes just to stealthing  in general into this game um halflings for example   or the Gnomes specifically of course uh believe  this yeah gnome cunning has there but specifically   of course like the deep gnome which is going to  give you advantage to stealth check stealth checks   like a like a Mario what the hell's wrong with me  uh but when you go to light foot halfling light   foot halfling also has advantage to stealth check  so taking these two smaller races is going to make   stealthing a little bit easier for you I also am  a big fan of just Dr in general in any playthrough   of the game because it's my favorite race so I'm  going to be biased towards them um another thing   since this is going to be a Melee character using  melee weapons I also really like half orc because   of savage attack when you land a critical hit with  a melee weapon attack you deal an extra dice of   weapon damage that's going to be very good for you  since you will be using that in your character um   anything else though is of course good and great  I like the gith because gith are really thematic   for the monk so I think that this is a really  cool one if you have never made a gith in the   game it's important to not that you get a ton  of really fun crispy narrative option that you   wouldn't have gotten from any other race and I  think it's really cool kind of like how the D   has access to a whole ton as well um some other  cool ones though are teelings I'm always a big   fan of teelings I like their natural resistance to  Fire And depending upon which one you take I would   say maybe as modius or mephistophiles teling over  the zarel teling just because of the innate spells   I guess you could say cantrips but innate spells  that they get access to what you do have to kind   of consider here though is since you're playing  a monk you will only have weapon proficiencies   of simple weapons and shortswords right here and  races like the elves or the half elves my next   recommendation are nice because you're going  to get access to let's go back to the elf long   swords which can be fun if you want to Simply put  them in one hand there's really only like one long   stord I can think of that's really going to fit  for this build because that's the only one that's   a finesse weapon a fve but outside of that um it's  just nice to get access to more weapons remember a   monk weapon is any weapon you are proficient in  we're going to focus on daggers and shortswords   with this build so don't worry too much it's just  something kind of worth noting um if you went with   an elf though I would go with a Wood Elf because  then you're going to get increased movement which   is going to couple with your Monk's natural  increased movement same thing with a half elf   I would go with the uh the wood half elf version  God that terrible haircut because you're going   to get that increased movement speed our class is  going to start off with a monk we will eventually   become a rogue you can start with Rogue first if  you want and go down that uh rabbit hole and jump   into all that action but I actually kind of just  think it's fun to start with a monk and jump right   into the shadow monk role immediately now for  your background I almost always recommend stuff   like the guild Artisan for my quote unquote men  maxing but for this specific build if I'm thinking   of a minmax route I'm going to say charlatan  and that gives me deception and slight of hand   but as always guys it's a single player game  have fun with this choose the background that   kind of makes your character create a little  bit of a roleplay for this character you know   are we a charlatan are we a criminal are we an  Entertainer that has become some sort of called   duggery Assassin in the shadows are we a a noble  here right or maybe related to a noble or trying   to apply the trade of a noble family whatever  it is that we can kind of create a thread for   our character because remember those backgrounds  are going to give us Inspirations for rolls now   again I like charlatan because it gives me mainly  sight of hand and I'm going to show you why I like   that once we jump into this section because our  skill proficiencies we want stealth and the nice   thing about wood elf in this specific example  is it innately gives us stealth but let me go   ahead and just switch to like tling there we go  um so if I didn't have stealth innately chosen   I have two skills I can choose what I like then  about charlatan is it's giving me slide of hand   already you cannot get access to this as a monk  outside of your background so it's nice to have   that kind of turned on for yourself and I'm going  to put the points here into uh stealth as well for   some reason that's just showing a plus three it  should actually show a plus five so that way this   character is going to be my stealthy character but  they can also pick locks and disarm traps and pick   pocket for me and I like that I can do that right  out the gate I don't need to have someone kind of   hold over for me until I get to a later portion  that I get the Rogue online what I then what I   would then get slide of hand but outside of that  I would definitely take Insight it's probably one   of the best skills because you can completely  miss things conversationally if you don't have   a high enough Insight score and if you then also  take charlatan you get a conversational skill in   deception and I think that is that kind of fits  the character too so I I like that overall rap if   you do not choose a background that doesn't give  you a conversational skill that's fine it's just   worth noting you will not be able to specialize  into a conversational skill um without it another   point though on that as a monk you are going to  get an access to a ton of Monk specific dialogue   options kind of in the way that Paladin does but  it it kind of really helps you push through a lot   of dialogue you would otherwise maybe stumble  through and I think too if you're a GI monk   it's just you get so many cool unique things to  uh to do conversation that it's very very fun   let's now talk about our ability scores so with  our ability scores we're going to be focusing   on dexterity because that's where the majority of  our well it's where our damage is coming from and   also it's going to help us out with armor class  and with initiative and then lastly we're going   to get wisdom those are our big two focuses uh  because we are a monk we're going to pull Armor   class from dexterity as well as wisdom as long as  we're not wearing any armor armor right so that's   the big thing there and also wisdom is going  to help us out with any of our monk uh you know   Tom Foolery we're also going to put some points  here into Constitution for some survivability now   this depends also is this going to be your face  character your main character the character you   are personally playing well then that maybe is why  I have our Charisma set to 12 if you don't want to   have our Charisma set to 12 or maybe this is for  another character I'd recommend dropping it to   10 and putting that point here into dexterity if  it's the character you want to get stuff like The   Hags hair on if you're playing an honor mode that  might be a little difficult but getting The Hags   hair here is crucial if you have 17 decks because  that makes it so you only need to put one Feet's   worth of improved ability score into dexterity  so it's all going to come down to you and your   character I'm going to assume you're going to go  for The Hags hair you would go 17 here and have 10   Charisma but if you didn't want to and just have  a little bit more conversational skills you'd go   12 Charisma and then choose improved ability  score with dexterity twice which puts you up   to 20 we'll talk about that in the feat section  but this is probably your best more well rounded   approach with the Min Maxi approach being 17 decks  progression wise for this character it's going to   be very straightforward we're going to put our  first Seven Levels here into monk then pivot on   over to Rogue let's break that down now of course  with our second level we'll get a little bit more   movement speed with the unarmored movement this  is what I was saying would stack with being a   Wood Elf or a half elf wood elf whatever the  situation is additional key points and then we   get our really cool bonus action that we can use  like patient defense step of the wind um Dash or   disengage jumping into that third level we'll now  choose our subass which will be way of the Shadows   now you can do all sorts of crazy things like go  into the way of the open hand and Respec at seven   to way of Shadows and all that crap I just don't  like doing that just too much maintenance for me   but this is going to give me some fun actions  namely of course Shadow Arts hide so now I can   go stealth as a bonus action this is going to be  nice once we have access to the Rogue capabilities   to stealth and sneak attack things things Shadow  arts pass without Trace which is going to allow   me just to have plus 10 two stealth checks it  just does require concentration darkness dark   vision silence and then lastly a cantrip of minor  illusion so we can distract things and move around   freely we're going to go ahead and push now into  level four which is going to give us our um slow   fall which gain resistance to Falling damage  and more key points but now we get our feet so   let's have a conversation about feet seeds so  the big Focus here is probably going to be on   ability Improvement that's going to be the route  to take depending upon how your character's done   um my character I didn't get the hags hair in  this playthrough but I did go to the mirror   in the house of grief so I actually have plus two  dexterity in the character right now so I'm going   to put these first two points into dexterity  after that like let's say let's assume actually   you got The Hags hair and this improved ability  score got you to 20 um dexterity and I'm saying   hags ha because if you've played the game you  know what I'm talking about if you don't know   what I'm if you've not played the game you don't  know what I'm talking about and that's important   cuz I don't want to spoil things but if I had  the hair this would put me at 20 and remember   ability Improvement you increase one ability by  two or two abilities by one to a Max of 20 so   this will only be helpful if I don't have that  hag hair right because that'll be able to put   four points into this across two feets instead  though what I would say what I would tell the   would be to go with Savage attacker when making  melee weapon attacks you roll your damage twice   and use the highest result of course you could  go to with alert alert is always going to be   a popular one plus five bonus to initiative and  can't be surprised it's always going to be good I   just kind of like as far as what this build can do  damage wise I like really layering in more damage   with Savage attacker so it's a personal preference  for me I think most people would probably tell you   to go with alert so strong but I'm going to just  choose the route that I'm going to choose here   you can go with other things here like durable or  lucky or mobile if you want um there's definitely   no no wrong way to go about that um you could  even go here with dual wielder since we will be   dual wielding um just to get you some additional  damage but we will find out when it comes to the   items in this build this will actually not be  100% useful or two weapon fighting the as a as   a fighting style won't be useful either and I'll  show you why well I'm sorry this will be useful   because it's plus one uh AC but I'd rather have  the damage I was talking about the two weapon   fighting fighting style will not be useful and  I'll show why with items but ability Improvement   plus two and we'll progress on into level five  here we have more monk stuff this is going to   give us our bonus attack which is great or I'm  sorry our extra attack and we're also going to   get cloak of Shadows so wrap yourself in Shadows  to become invisible if you are obscured obscured   or obif is going to be the biggest focus of this  build being obscured in some way shape or form   and I'll show you how we can actually move from  being obscured to being obscured we're going to   get starting strike two which is a great way  to open up but this is just a really cool way   to just to straight up stun things always lovely  with again that extra attack into level six we're   going to get key empowered strikes so now your  unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose   of overcoming resistance we don't need to worry  about that but we're going to get this Shadow step   this one is crucial teleport from Shadow to Shadow  afterwards you have advantage on your next melee   attack roll I love it it's going to be one of the  biggest draws of the build now you could do six   levels into Monk and six levels into Rogue but the  reason I don't like doing that is because typic   when it comes to Rogue after level three it's just  about increasing the damage to sneak attack and   sneak attack only scales on odd numbers of levels  so if we take another level here in the monk let's   just go ahead and do it since we're going to do it  anyway for this build it's going to give us access   to this Stillness of mind so if you are Charmed  or frightened you automatically cast Stillness of   mind to remove the condition and we get evasion  so that we take less damage from spells it's   just such a better utility to the character than  just putting another level into Rogue which isn't   going to help us remember sneak attack is going  to scale on levels 1 3 five s adnasium so I would   prefer to just put the extra level here in the  monk get these two real great utility abilities   press accept bring us into level eight but no it's  not it's the first level of Rogue so this is now   going to give us our sneak attack for our ability  scores if you did not take slight of hand this is   when you can now finally open that door if you so  wish but I think it's probably right to put both   of our points here into um What's this called our  proficiencies here our expertise I'm sorry into   slight of hand and stealth now with this character  this is my wood elf right my character that's at   level 12 so I did not have slight of hand natively  as a part of the character so you can see here how   that kind of played itself out if I had had slight  of hand i' probably would have put this expertise   into either a conversational skill or Insight  that's probably my preferred route outside of that   if I if I didn't already have one of these wasted  so extra teas here inside of hand and stealth and   then whatever extra proficiency into some sort of  conversational skill um whatever it is push that   forward we'll get into level two Rogue it's going  to give us our bonus actions our cutting actions   as it were so hide Dash and disengage and then our  last level into Rogue I'm sorry not our last level   our third level which gets us assassin now you  could definitely go with a thief and get a a extra   bonus action but assassin is the name of the game  with this character and the biggest Focus here   is getting stuff like an assassinate initiative  you are deadliest against unprepared enemies in   combat you have advantage on attack roles against  creatures that haven't taken a turn yet which goes   well with this any successful attack against a  surprise creature is a critical hit and lastly   assassin's alacrity whenever you start combat you  immed restore your action and bonus actions at the   start of combat so basically what this allows  you to do is use your actions bonus actions to   sneak around get into a point surprise something  or just whenever you start combat doesn't need to   be surprised that's going to get you the crit hits  obviously but um jumping into combat immediately   it's going to reset your action and bonus action  so you can kind of uh uh prep stuff a little bit   better going to jump another level here it's  just going to give us another feat and like   I said if you have ability Improvement up to 20  it's not it's is going to be wasted here so we're   going to go with Savage attacker and there we go  and our last level into Rogue is going to also   give us uncanny Dodge so lightning reflectors to  protect yourself when an attack hits you you only   take half the usual damage that's a huge bit of  survivability that's going to happen at at from   level 11 into 12 right but level 12 can actually  happen early in act three this gives you a lot   of survivability for a lot of the toughest fights  you're going to experience throughout that third   act and I don't think sneak attack is on or is in  this thing no it's not it's only going to be in my   we'll just press accept here because now at level  five we have a sneak attack that is going to do   a substantial bit of damage with three D6 whereas  before if we had if we had jumped up to level six   with this it would still be 1d6 plus 3d6 so you  can see that the benefit here wouldn't be huge but   if we jumped to level seven of of Rogue that would  have been a 4 D6 let's now put all this together   and talk more so putting this all together what  can we do how can we have some fun as this Shadow   monk combination with Rogue well mainly we have  a ton of bonus action stuff that we can take   advantage of with patient defense I'm sorry with  patient defense with shadow um with step of the   wind Dash step of the wind disengage we have our  hides we've got disengage and dash tons of ways we   can move around the map using those bonus actions  we also get our really cool capability here to   cloak of Shadows which is just a free invisibility  that we can use you'll notice though when you take   a look at this it doesn't have a recycle right  it doesn't say hey this is a per short rest or   anything like that so I do like that of course the  caveat is you just have to be slightly obscured in   order to even be able to use it but the biggest  thing and the biggest draw and the biggest focus   and all the big things I'm going to say right  now is all about this right here Shadow step   teleport from Shadow to Shadow afterwards you  have advantage on your next melee attack roll   two things this is does not have a reset as well  you know hey you have to short or long rest and it   doesn't cost key which a lot of things within  the uh monk repertoire do so if I click this   ability well I gota be within there we go we can  jump all the way let's just go right there work   there we go and it's kind of tricky right because  you kind of have to see you hold down this button   and you can see okay that's got a half moon or a  half Sun I know it's lightly obscured but that's   not lightly obscured right or if I go over here  somewhere in here this will be no sun at all   meaning that it'll be heavily obscured my point  is I pretty much am just going to teleport from   Shadow to Shadow within a pretty large range  here like I have a pretty good radius to jump to and it's great I just keep doing it I can do it  as many times in combat as I want CU all it costs   me is a bonus action and I've got plenty of things  I can do with that bonus action of course but I   can also teleport around the map and this kind of  makes me a really cool little like ninja that's   going to jump around and do my attacks keep in  mind too that that's up right now advantage on its   next melee attack rooll so you can set yourself  up for a really good strong hit and keep in mind   too sneak attack you don't need to be stealthing  sneak attack you deal extra damage to a foe you   have advantage against so if you were to use your  bonus action to Shadow step behind someone you   could then use your sneak attack without any  repercussions you just go ahead and do it but   that's kind of why this character is this really  cool kind of Ninja Assassin character and how we   can lean into all these things and on top of  it we can do a bunch of stunning melee or if   we want we can use situations where we use Flurry  of Blows which will not use our weapons that will   use our fists but our fists are a magical because  we're a monk and B they're still going to do quite   a bit of damage it's still 12 to 22 damage versus  my versus my melee attack is 8 to 13 so you still   get plenty of damage coming out of a flu of blows  as far as gear goes let's talk about the items   that I don't have starting of course with the  knife of the under Mountain King this is a real   amazing shortsword you're going to get in the  mountain passive act one and it's going to help   increase your um crit strikes from or crits from  20 down to 19 it just reduces that number by one   that's a stacking thing of course also with Shadow  Blade you have advantage on attack roles against   lightly or heavily obscure targets when using this  blade which you'll probably be jumping into since   you'll be able to Shadow step behind things or  around near things that are already in that kind   of lightly or heavy obscured kind of situation so  this gives you advant vage where your Shadow step   will also give you Advantage both of which will  help out with sneak attacks another big one is   going to be the death stalker mantle if you are  going with a dark urge playthrough if you don't   have a dark urge playthrough this won't matter  to you but whenever you kill someone you shroud   yourself in primeval Darkness to become invisible  for two turns so basically you can just kind of   jump in and out of the Shadows kill things and  immediately go right back into being invisible   which is huge now another thing here too is the  Hat of uninhibited cigo I would just in general   recommend the unin the um yeah uninhibited Kush  armor set you'll get the majority of it throughout   Act One um in Grim Forge throughout portions of  the game and then right at the beginning of act   two that's kind of everything kind of culminating  the Hat of unhit Kiko that the Quarter Master and   act to at the um at the in but this is nice here  because it just increases your AC bonus by one   every time you deal damage with an unarmed attack  or a monk weapon so it's great just a free little   bonus to your spell save DC the end of their turn  so nice little bonus right there and then the last   one is the graceful cloth which you'll probably be  using until you get the uninhibited kigo or maybe   even in Li of it but this will help increase your  deck score by two with a Max of 20 so keep that   in mind right this will really only help help  you until you get up to 20 decks beyond that   it's not going to push you past so if you have if  you get say the hag's hair you're at 18 this will   set you up to 20 then once you get the improved  ability score you could swap this out what I do   also like about this is you gain a plus one bonus  to dexterity saving throws and increase your jump   Distance by 1.5 meter but you also get cat's Grace  so you have advantage on decks so anytime you want   to do any kind of uh SL of hand Tom foery you're  just going to get that natural uh advantage on   doing any of that side of hand action that you'll  need to do with this build now as far as the items   that I do have let's go through the list of them  we'll start with weapons so throughout the game   just find any kind of dagger or short sword that  works for you I'm going to point out some pretty   good ones or long sword here and there but for  the most part you'll just kind of find anything   that's going to help you even if it's a plus  one dagger just use that but we've got stuff   like doar amaris here which is I don't know how  to pronounce that when you land a crit hit with   this weapon it deals an additional seven damage  and it's a plus two weapon enchantment you'll get   this in act three so it might kind of fall off in  its usefulness pretty quickly but the f lve is a   really great finesse long store that you can use  that can help you out with debuffing your foe or   buffing yourself you can get the sword of Life  stealing in the beginning of act two on a crit   hit the target takes an extra 10 necrotic damage  as long as it isn't a construct or Undead and you   also just get a free 10 temp hit points so it's  a nice little bit of survivability it's a really   good shortsword for a pretty good chunk of the  game too but you'll also get the still maker at   the beginning of Act One beginning of act three  and this gives you a free cast of hold person   which can be really cool because hold person  will give you Auto crits on anything within 10   ft which you will be if you're killing something  so being able to use hold purse on something is   a very nice capability some other things that are  not necessarily great for the build but they exist   are the are is bellm now bellm is a scimitar  so unless you have specialization of this you   you'll get it through Rogue but my point is if  you don't have the specialization it's not going   to be too huge but it will give you a better kind  of off-hand attack with perfectly balanced strike   and lastly we have the dualist prerogative this  is a good one if you just don't have any good   weapons if you're like hey I'm in act three I'm  kind of splunking through stuff I got this crap   ass offhand weapon use this until you get the  first two that the next two that we're going to   talk about because this is great because it gives  you that bonus to your crit hit um your critical   hit your crit uh but also you get an additional  reaction per turn and you can do necrotic damage   and you get duelers enthusiasm which is just a  free bonus action attack and you get challenged   to a duel so a lot of really cool things that you  can do here now the big Focus items you're going   to pretty much use that sword of the undermountain  king in this build with bloodthirst bloodthirst   is going to be the best weapon that you can use  the number you need to roll a critical hit while   attacking is reduced by one so between just those  two items both the sort of under Mountain King or   whatever the hell it is the the in the hall the  the Mountain King and this weapon you'll crit   hit on 18s 19s and 20s right but you also get main  hand only exploit weakness creatures hit with this   weapon receive vulnerability to piercing damage  that is Juicy and you can swap out that under   Mountain King with the Crimson Mischief you'll  get both of these from the same individual in   act three you get pre upon the week so you just do  an extra one to four piercing against targets with   50% of their hits or less that's whatever but the  offand here is what's nice when you make an attack   with your offhand weapon you can add your ability  modifier to the damage of the attack so this is   just as if you had two weapon fighting which is  a really cool combination here they work so well   together and there's another weap weon another  item in this build that is going to lean into the   damage profile of both of these so just keep that  in mind we're going to talk about that in a little   bit but now starting from the head down let's go  into the armor starting with the head of course   with that uh the gear breakdown we're going to  go to the covert cowl this is nice because while   obscure the number you need to roll a critical  hit is reduced by one again so that is 17 18 19   22 critical hit that's going to be improved  further with the shade Slayer cloak so it's   16 17 18 19 or 20 the with this helmet is light  armor so if you get it it'll be okay you're just   not going to get the benefit of your wisdom into  your armor class and it is also worth noting is   you won't get access to stuff like your unarmored  movement stuff like that so if you wear this just   know that it's going to shut those things off I  have it here because it looks really cool for the   build the best in slot is probably the soul the  mask of Soul perception plus two bonus to attack   roles initiative roles and perception checks  all are are very good across the board there   are other helmets that can help out with crit but  I think this is ultimately what you're going to   land on you can go with the hell desk helmet if  you want to this is not an armor piece which is   nice uh it can prevent you from getting blinded  you can't get crit hited and you have a plus two   bonus of saving throws against spells so more of  a defensive item uh the shadow of menzo Baron on   is another really cool one if you want a thematic  helmet it's just another stealth for our cloaks I   just showed off the shade Slayer cloak but you've  got this also you can go with like the cloak of   protection protection for some Armor class the  cloak of cutting broom which I like it's a very   early access um item in the game which will  give you a foggy cloud with a 7 foot radius   whenever you disengage and disengage can be a  bonus action and this will put you into being   lightly obscured so it's very nice to be able to  do that I have the cloak of the weave here but I   meant to get the cloak that just does Elemental  absorption as a defensive one so it's just there   to to show off another cloak for our boots we're  going to be using the disintegrating nightstalker   so we can't be unwebbed into Tangled and snared  and just have Misty step even though we already   have Shadow step it could be nice that you're in  a situation where maybe you just don't have any   lightly obscured locations around you you can  Misty step to a location that then allows you   to go from there but other just early ones you'll  get access to ourself like the boots of speed just   go with any kind of Mobility boots you could even  use the boots of uninhibited cush youo the wearer   deals additional damage equal to their wisdom  modifier with unarmed strikes you're thinking   dude we're using weapons but like I said Flur of  blows is not so this will help add damage to Flur   of blows I think it reflects it in the tool tip it  does so flu of blows when is now 18 to 28 versus   12 to 22 so you can see how it will to still help  out the character you can also go with something   like a bone Spike boots which I actually very  much like and I'm kind of in a toss up between   this and the disintegrating nightstalkers so if  you need the nightstalkers on another build use   these instead you have a plus one bonus to Armor  class and saving throws as long as you you're not   wearing armor so that puts this character up to  21 AC which is always a nice feeling now for our   chest armor like I said go with the armor of  uninhibited Kush youo the graceful cloth you   could even use this one which is really cool  it's just keep in mind it's light armor so you   want to stay away from light armor if you help  it but this at least helps you out in a lot of   stealth capabilities it's there if you need it  but you're ultimately going to fall in the vest   of Soul Rejuvenation because it's just so godamn  strong yeah whenever the wearer succeeds blah   yeah cool healing the greater Kush go counter  is disgusting the wearer can use a reaction to   make an unarmed strike against any attacker that  misses this plays them role with our uh boots of   uninhibited Koso right so now we're just do you  just get a free reaction hit onto someone so it's   a nice bit of damage you're going to be able to  do and it's it's just a nice piece of uh chest   armor it looks cool as hell too for our gloves  we have lots of options you can go with the hell   dust gloves if you want some spell save DC and  spell attack rolls and that's that's not really   huge right because we're not doing that but weapon  attacks deal additional 1 to six fire damage which   is really cool and you get raise of fire you can  go with the gloves of missile snaring early in   the game you get these in act one until you as  a monk get access to your native missile snaring   capabilities remember you can do that right here  deflect missile and then eventually reflect the   missile back to them Braes of defense is another  really early set of gloves that are great the   gloves of Soul catching are are act three gloves  that you'll get these are nice they add that   unarmed damage to the character that is force so  if you do do your reaction you're going to do that   you use your furrial blows you're getting one to  10 Force damage which is cool but the cool thing   about this is you can once per turn on an armed  hit you can regain 10 hit points alternatively you   can foro healing to gain advantage on attack roles  and saving throws and it gives you plus two con so   you can just not use the healing of this and get  advantage on attack rolles which turns on your   sneak attacks boom that's a pretty cool capability  and a once per turn not a per short rest or any of   that other jargon another really good set is the  legacy of the Masters just a straight plus two   bonus to attack and damage rolls always lovely  keep in mind it's medium armor so actually don't   use those I thought those were not medium armor  that's a mess up in the whole entire video let's   just keep moving on like I didn't do that stalker  gloves you gain plus one bonus to initiative rols   and I like this a lot because your sneak attack  deals an additional one to four Force damage you   might be think that sucks who cares well if  your sneak attack crits so does that value   anytime something uh crits any additive bonuses  like let's say you've got the ring that does the   um acid damage every time a weapon hits well that  crits all of it crits all of it doubles so this   goes from 1 to four Force damage to 2 to eight and  remember force is one of the least resisted damage   types in the game but we are going to rely upon  the bone spy gloves because your attacks ignore   resistance to slashing piercing and bludgeoning  damage your attacks all of your attacks your   unarmed things are bludgeoning so if something's  resistant to it doesn't matter you can hit with   full full damage and the best thing about this is  this couples with that bloodthirst creatures hit   with this weapon receive vulnerability to piercing  and you ignore their resistance to piercing I   don't know what the orientation is like hey if  you do vulnerability and they've got resistance   it still does like negates itself I don't know if  that exists but either way you just ignore all of   it so those these two things in tandem work so  well together we already went through our boots   U let's go into our jewelry and there we go this  is a pretty good uh necklace here while wearing   ked's gift jira cannot be cursed that's good for  jira but you just get plus one wisdom and you get   a free cast of Aid so if you have 18 or 17 wisdom  this gets you up to 18 wisdom which is quite nice   in addition to that too I didn't showcase it but  the surgeons amulet from act two is a really is   probably the best in slot outside of the next  one because it allows you to do a once per rest   I remember if it's long or short allows you to  paralyze someone so there there's that great   capability but I like the am o here the sentient  amulet because this gives me shatter and key   restoration so I can do more of my keia abilities  it's probably going to help you out the most and   also of course Shield this am the Harpers just  gives you a free cast of Shield so if you're in   a Dire Straits this is a great defensive one so I  think you really can't go wrong with any of these   three or the fourth one that I did mention um and  jewelry killer Sweetheart's going to be obvious   here when you kill a creature you next roll will  be a critical hit um also ring of reactions you   ignore the effects of difficult terrain and cannot  be paralyzed and lastly stuff like Crushers ring   is really helpful here there's a ring that helps  out and gives you always advantage on attacks but   disadvantages on saves you can go with that ring  if you want it's kind of risky but it's called   the risky ring um but those are some examples  of really good best and Slot items here and   definitely want to make sure you use the Deadshot  because this will further reduce your uh crit hits   by one right so if we're adding everything up  that's 1 2 3 well not this one but the the the   the knife of the under Mountain King so this one  plus the knife of the under Mountain King plus   this one now we're critical hitting on a 17 plus  this is critical hitting on a 16 so that's real   great across the board let's now show off what  this build can do so jumping into show off some of   this gameplay let's talk about what we can really  do with this CL this character now you can jump   in and just kind of throw fisticuffs but keep in  mind this is one of the ones that can really abuse   greater invisib ility turn a creature invisible  attacks against it have disadvantage it attacks   with Advantage invis invisibility breaks when you  fail increasingly harder stealth techs checks on   attacking casting spells or interacting with items  versus invisibility which just breaks that right   so here's an example visibility ends early if you  attack cast and a spell take an action or take   damage so you do harder and harder and harder  stealth checks you can try to avoid it as much   as you can and stay stealth and while you have  Advantage so that is a way that you could approach   this character keep that in mind I think a lot  of people would even recommend you to approach it   that way but we can even just open up this fight  by doing a little bit of this we could jump over here use Shadow step and we can go I just did  Shadow step real quick but that would a we'll   do this uh speed potion to speed we'll quaff one  of these we'll Shadow step right here we'll sneak   attack like that and we'll skip that and there  we go we triggered this and attack before our   potion speed wears off there we go so if you're  wondering why I've got two primary actions it's   because of that and you can see here what  we did we just did 24 piercing damage from   that unfortunately we didn't critical hit but  the cool thing is we got all of our abilities   back right because we're an assassin all of our  actions and bonus actions have returned to the   table we can have some fun here I could go for  a stun we can go whatever action let's just go   ahead and do this again we'll just we'll we'll  Force the crit and that's 72 juicy damage in   what they call the [ __ ] face holy crap so  you can see because we made them vulnerable   with the weapon it just slices and dices now of  course we can't keep doing sneak attacks but we   can still do main hand attacks and here we'll  just do another crit boom boom okay so that is   just great right so we did 17 damage there  did another 24 damage there I didn't mean   to turn on the dual wielding unfortunately  but it's there so regardless we have still   another attack because of our potion of speed  so we can go ahead and do this and we've killed   them but you know what hey we're kind of this  is kind of a rough and tumble situation man well now we've cloaked the shadows out  of that that that cost us an action right   I could have gone ahead and done more  damage over here I can run around over   here and we're still we're stealthed  so let's just go ahead and end the turn they're over there hiding those cowards now I did not expect him to do that  and I'm good to just go ahead and oh well   I'm good get lethargic from my my potion of  speed but we'll wait for that to there we go boom again right into it and see how that's  just jumping right into it let's take that that   uh stink attack off I'm sorry that that du off  Aura of murder is up going to use this boom 72   damage yet again we'll come over to this character  and the best thing is we're still obscured so we   can have as much fun with that as we want and we  did that and I could have gone ahead and Shadow   stepped to the character which probably would  have been the better idea but I can't tell you   that I'm a smart person I'm not uh but watch this  we'll just do it over here watch if that doesn't   impose a opportunity attack so I can just go  ahead and chain this over to here or I could   have done a sneak attack or a stunning strike  right there so you can see that there's a lot   of Mobility built into this build and the build  yeah sure I can use all these step of the Winds   and dis engages and all these [ __ ] actions  but I can just simply Shadow step out of all   of it and cost the same amount as it would cost  for any of these other things right bonus action   bonus action bonus action bonus bonus bonus  the Mario theme bonus bonus bonus then this   just allows me to do a shadow step instead  I could open up my turn with a shadow step   instead and simply allow myself to do another  a big attack role uh on the primary action or   in that situation again I could have just simply  cloaked a shadows and ran away you are so mobile   it is so fun and you can just do so much stuff  with this build I hope you enjoy it I hope you   enjoy being a ninja in the G in the world of  bers Gate 3 but go ahead and let me know how   you maybe would approach this differently what  items you might use or maybe you have a really   cool ninja build and it doesn't even use Shadow  monk it uses like Assassin and gloomstalker and   you take a different route whatever it is go  and let me know in the comment section below   always appreciate the feedback and things that  people would approach these games in a different   way but as always guys thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 95,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST NINJA Assassin Build (Shadow Monk) for Baldur's Gate 3, way of the shadow, baldurs gate 3, shadow monk, baldurs gate 3 monk, baldurs gate 3 combat, way of the shadow monk bg3, way of the shadow monk, way of the shadow monk bg3 build, way of the shadow monk baldurs gate 3, way of the shadow monk build, shadow monk bg3, shadow monk build bg3, shadow monk baldurs gate 3, shadow monk build, bg3 ninja build, bg3 ninja assassin build, bg3, bg3 ninja monk, bg3 ninja monk build
Id: 6QOYYllhg_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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