Dragon's Dogma 2: Pitfalls to Avoid BEFORE Making Your Character

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with the Character Creator having come out on the  game a mere handful of days away Dragon zma 2 is   hyping up to be quite the launch but what are some  pitfalls you should be aware of while making your   character what sort of mechanics will the game  present for those new to the franchise in this   video today I want to talk briefly about a lot  of mechanics that are coming over from Dragon's   Dogma 1 and you'll want to know about them before  you really get kicking especially if you're making   your character ahead of time if this is your  first time my channel the way I do things is   by UPF fronting the knowledge of my videos you  can decide if it's the right one for you while   I will be talking about a lot of topics I think  the most important one that is pertinent to now   is the height and weight of your character in The  Creator how heavy your character is dictates what   is essentially their equipment load for those  that are familiar with such things coming from   the souls Series so a very tall jacked higher  weight character can carry more than a tiny   not so jacked lower weight character but there's a  trade-off the lower weight character will recover   their stamina quicker and run faster overall the  rest of the video will be me discussing things   like consumables degrading over time and other  things but that's really the biggest takeaway of   the entire video and probably the most important  one to focus on if that's all you wanted to know   please feel free to just head on out before you do  please don't forget to like comment or subscribe   if this video helped you as that has a huge impact  on my channel if you've not yet picked up Dragon   sagma 2 for the PC you can use the link to my  Capcom Affiliated Nexus store in the comment   and description this will get you a key directly  from the developer and I get something like a 10   or 15% commission which goes a long way towards  supplying my mini Aussie vicious treat addiction   let's get started here on character creation and  other pitfalls in Dragon Dogma 2 loading into   the Character Creator we can see my character who  looks like he owns a CrossFit gym but still going   into the detailed customization we can take a look  at what's going to happen here right uh we can   go to body and we go to height and right now what  we want to look at right here is height this says   96 can drop it all the way down to 72 and now he  still really really looks like like CrossFit gym   now um and now all the way up to 121 And this is  important like I said because this is what's going   to dictate for your character what their carry  weight is going to be now that there's kind of   two prongs to that on one hand what you'll be  doing with a lot of stuff in Dragon's Dogma is   carrying things you'll be carrying consumables  you'll be carrying loot you'll be carrying all   these other items and this is part of the prep  that I'm going to get into in a little bit but   what's important about all that is there's no fast  travel and those items you're going to it's going   to take a long time for you to get back somewhere  to sell them so either yourself or your Pawn or   one of your pawns you're going to want a character  that can carry a good amount of items so that you   can essentially stash them sell them whatever it  is but again the other end of that the other prong   as it were I was mentioning is that with this  increase to your um weight you also are slower   your stamina recovers slower and on top of it  your load capacity like when we see things from   Dark Souls right that certain percentage that  kind of then dictates how slow your character   goes based off of the amount of armor they have  that all comes to their weight their encumbrance   as it were so if your character is a super big  Jack guy like this you know super high weight   and everything then this is going to allow them  to wear heavier armor and not have it slow them   down as much although they will not naturally have  as high of a stamina but they also can carry quite   a bit of items conversely if I were to make this  character super small and this is just one of the   easiest ways to show how to do weight you know I  could simply take all these things down too and   really kind of make it all as skinny as possible  Right all these things will also obviously affect   your weight and even the body type too right um  having that body type be a uh thinner character   or a heavier character will affect your weight  good Lord that looks terrifying a Capri Sun with   legs but regardless this character with that  lower weight is going to have a higher stamina   regeneration they're going to be faster they're  not going to be able to carry as much but maybe   this is really good for your Thief character  that you want to be able to jump onto things   and get really quick and in and out of combat for  per se your your thief or um I'm sorry your Pawn   or yourself and furthermore this is also good  for casters right if my Caster has a very low   weight then their stamina regenerates quicker and  their stamina is the resource that they will use   to cast their spells now of course stamina is is  going to be used for all characters but it's one   thing that's sticks out definitely when it comes  to characters like the Mage the magic Archer and   the Sorcerer so make sure when you're creating  your character you're really keeping an eye on   your weight and how it's going to possibly affect  the vocations you try now it's not going to have   I don't think to the point where a super damning  effect like if you're not super tall in the game   or super small in the game your character is  going to be completely obsolete this a single   player narrative game so have fun with it right  you don't have to completely minmax this but it is   something you should probably have at least a good  mind for when it comes to creating your character   and keep in mind too with your stamina being lower  that's also your stagger right things can bulldoze   you you'll be able to you'll have to deal with  things a little bit more dynamically because   your stamina is so much lower so having the the  tallest character isn't maybe the absolute best   thing depending on how you're going to approach  the game it's just going to be something you're   going to have to give and take based off of your  needs as the player which then gets me into my   conversation about preparing yourself when it  comes to jumping in for the first time and I think   a lot of people that are coming to Dragon's Dogma  are coming because they have played the soulsborne   series and it's a different style of game the  difficulty is also kind of different like the   things that make Dragon's Dogma difficult are kind  of not the things that make Dark Souls difficult   Dark Souls when it comes to the combat is all  about patience and not overextending yourself   and learning the patterns of things and getting  timing down and having skill you know those are   all real big portions of Dark Souls but when it  comes to Dragon's Dogma it's kind of all about   the prep it's all about what you're going to do  before you range out to do any of the quests that   you jump into and I think that from reading  a lot of firsthand experiences and now having   jumped into Dragon's Dogma one a lot of people  seem to struggle at the beginning of the game   because they think they're jumping into this RPG  where they're just going to Simply oh we're going   to go do the stuff and then we're going to come  back and do whatever there are punishing mechanics   of Dragon's Dogma that again it's just not the  same thing again when comparing it to at least   Dark Souls but dragon's dogas combat is far more  about Combos and flourishes because this is Capcom   at the end of the day right so you're going to  have a lot more of a dynamic style of combat a   lot more verticality a lot more mounting things in  Dark Souls but what you are also going to have to   really deal with is how to manage your consumables  consumables will be on a timer maybe it's food   maybe it's health potions whatever it is and you  know the the timer is not punishing right it's   not like 3 minutes or it's going to expire it's  going to be something where W I've actually been   playing for 4 hours and I didn't realize it and oh  crap half my stuff went bad or expired whatever it   is and maybe you go out to go do something midday  because you're not thinking of a day night cycle   and the day night cycle for Dragon's Dogma is  actually pretty punishing nighttime you can't   see a lot the monsters are a lot more a lot more  punishing W yeah a lot more punishing uh you have   to manage your oil on your Lantern you have to  do a lot of things that comes to a lot of little   micromanaging and a lot of little tiny preparation  again before you even go on these Adventures which   I I think personally that kind of makes makes it a  little bit more exciting and realistic and it kind   of adds that same kind of O I'm racing against  a a clock that I got when I was playing darkest   dungeon right uh oh I'm running out of torches  I really got to make sure I'm I do I really want   to extend myself further and try to go do that  thing I see that my Pawn is pointing out or do I   want to come back and sufficiently not die because  this boils down to one very important thing about   Dragon's Dogma is you have a single save now with  that single save it means that you are relegated   to well obviously a single save but that's kind  of like playing Iron Man in a lot of other games   right where your save is just going to progress  you go through things that Autos saves you save   before you leave whatever it is you you die you  don't just simply go oh okay I'll roll back to   before I even left or whatever it was you're just  going to jump back to the last time the game saved   and that can be pretty punishing right if you've  played a lot of older style games and the game   Autos saves at a point maybe you were right before  you got hit and got Autos saved obviously it's not   going to to be that punishing but still my point  remains is that with a single save and auto saving   and all those kind of features baked into the  game you're going to need to play I don't want   to say overly careful because that makes it seem  like you just can't have fun but what I'm saying   more is that you just kind of have to manage what  you're doing you have to know that before you go   out you have to manage these things and you can't  just simply go balls to the wall and try and raw   dog a bunch of griffins in in the wild even though  you want to get a bunch of cool items you can go   with little limited extents outside of the town  then come back and what have you or try to pull   things into town try to do stuff to build NPC  Rapport and whatnot but the bread and butter of   this game is about leaving town and about going on  an adventure and that and you don't have that that   fast travel capability right once you've completed  your mission you're going to have to range all the   way back so those things kind of keeping those  things in mind when you play this game or even   before you jump into wanting to play this game is  something that you should probably know I think   that tempering expectations before jumping into a  game that is $70 you know keep that in mind right   you're jumping into a $70 game and if you don't  know that it's going to piss you off and you're   not going to want to play You're Going To Play  2 three hours you're going to put the game down   and maybe come back to a year maybe never maybe  you just return it whatever it is but I think   that having this this knowledge about the game and  how it kind of executes is important because what   you've probably seen from Dragon Dogma up to this  point is a lot of really cool combat and that's   definitely how you're going to be playing right  you that that's not going to not happen but the   kind of underneath the hood of the game is also  managing all these different little things and   this comes back around to your Pawn your Pawn or  pawns are going to be a very integral portion of   the game and there's so much information that  we've seen from people that have gone to the   firsthand press events that have played the game  from the chats with the director everything that   the pawn system is vastly improved upon the old  pawn system of Dragon Dogma 1 the way that they   uh pawns talk to you in Dragon dma 2 is far more  helpful they are your Waypoint navigation system   essentially but it's also going to come down  to how you want to set your party up and one   of the biggest things too I've kind of discovered  with Dragon's Dogma is that the first one is that   jumping into the game without any knowledge I  think is going to be a lot scarier for people   than again Dark Souls oh I died oh no I'm G to  restart and go die oh I died again Dragon's Dogma   I think is going to frustrate you faster because  it's not just simply oh I died again it's like I   don't understand why this keeps happening to me  it's going to be what's what you're eventually   going to break down to and I think it's going to  come down to understanding how your Pawn plays   a role in your party how your party composition  works and I have a whole another video planned on   this I'm just going to talk about essentially  party compositions and vocations and how they   can kind of lean into each other but this will  be a little bit of a Time sync you're going to   sit there and kind of look at okay if I'm going  to play this character remember you have access   to all the vocations and your pawns can be basic  and advanced vocations not hybrid vocations you   just kind of want to know to yourself okay do  I want to have the Mage as my main character   or is that a pawn that's the character that's  going to do the healing I'm going to want that   on board who's going to be the damage mitigator  is it going to be a warrior is it going to be   a fighter is it going to be a trickster who can  still do damage mitigation and all these things   are going to kind of play a part of how you  interact with the pawn system how you choose   your vocation and how you kind of decide when to  swap out set pawns now pawns will level up every   time I believe you rest they will level up and  catch up to your level um and you can swap them   out whenever ever you'd like so you're not locked  into a set Pawn go oh no I set up the wrong three   pawns and now my whole gameplay is ruined no you  can just swap your pawns just so you can swap   your vocations at any point in the game but it's  something that maybe if you're jumping in have a   little forethought about you know if if you're  going through the Character Creator right now   and like for example my character is an Archer  so I am deciding whether I want my Pawn to be   a fighter and kind of be the tank or do I want my  Pawn to be the Mage and be a Healer and I'll just   pull in another Warrior or fighter whenever I can  get another Pawn online whatever it is but those   are kind of the things that I'm thinking about  now before I jump in rather than just like okay   what do I want to play it doesn't matter what I'm  going to play I want because I'm going to be able   to work however I can around my pawns my pawns  have to work around me and their AI right they're   not going to be as good as you are so keep those  things in mind when it comes to jumping into the   game so with all these things being said this  is not a terribly Deep dive type of video it's   it's me more talking about some of the lessons  I learned from Dragon's Dogma after playing it   over the weekend and some of the things that I've  learned that are confirmed coming to game one and   that's all the stuff that we've talked about here  today I'm sorry coming from game one and I think   that when I jumped in I had a very set expectation  of how the game was going to be and it wasn't it   was a delightful surprise for me I was like oh  well we're not going to play a Dark Souls game   well L dah but it was still one that I think is  going to be jarring for some people so that's why   I wanted to be transparent with you tell you it's  not going to be like uh Dark Souls in you know   what I don't know if it's still on sale um as of  the creation of this video as I stall to type in   right now if Dragon's Dogma is still on sale um  when I bought it it was a it's still on sale for   $479 so if you want to really see if you're going  to like Dragon's Dogma 2 I would encourage you to   buy Dragon's Dogma 1 for $4 see if you like  it like play like two hours you're going to   know real quick if you're not if you are not not  you if you are are not going to like it and then   decide to spend 70 bucks I just want to be again  transparent about that because it's a quite a bit   of investment when it comes to a video game and  if you're pissed off about the game you're just   not going to like it you're going to return it and  that's going to be that so that's my big takeaway   playing through the first game and jumping into  the second one here later this week is that I just   think that knowing more about how to prepare  yourself and what's going to really actually   matter in character creation how your pawns are  actually going to weigh into themselves and all   these mechanics that actually play way more of a  part in Dragon s than I ever thought are things   that you're going to have to deal with when you  jump into the game for the first time come to 22nd   but as always guys thank you so much for watching  here today if you have any other big takeaways   from Dragon Dogma 1 that you know are coming to  two Let It Be know in the comment section below   I don't have a ton of hours played in the game so  share with this as much as possible so people know   what they're getting their in themselves into so  that they can say oh okay W oh ah you mean I'm not   going to play Mega Man that's not as cool I don't  want to play that like you you can't play Mega   Man sorry but as always guys thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 116,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon's Dogma 2: Pitfalls to Avoid BEFORE Making Your Character, dragon's dogma 2, dragon's dogma 2 gameplay, dragon's dogma 2 classes, dragon's dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dragon's dogma 2 pawns, dragon's dogma 2 best class, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 tips, dragons dogma 2 pawns, dragons dogma 2 before you buy, dragons dogma 2 character creation, dragons dogma 2 before you play, dragons dogma 2 character sliders, dd2, dd2 character weight
Id: iAFa3pGW498
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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