Best of the Worst: Night of the Lepus, Zombie 3, and Silk

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They hit the fucking Whopper Button!

👍︎︎ 462 👤︎︎ u/EatingPieInTheTub 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Mike's rendition of a bunny death rattle perfectly describes my internal agony.

👍︎︎ 325 👤︎︎ u/koalapear 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 294 👤︎︎ u/hefranco7 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Oh no, Mike's dementia has progressed to the next stage! Now he can't remember Star Trek episodes correctly.

👍︎︎ 569 👤︎︎ u/ComradeSomo 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

High, I'm from YouTube, and I'm here to tell you that because this wasn't originally released on VHS, it's misleading/spam, and will be promptly removed.

👍︎︎ 191 👤︎︎ u/GrandMoffMerkin 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

They changed the plaque on the Pass Thru case

👍︎︎ 185 👤︎︎ u/Cardsfan1539 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Mike being stuck in the time loop, reminds me of that Star Trek episode, “Cause and Effect” where Frazier crashed his ship into the Enterprise over and over again

👍︎︎ 169 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Please, just let their next Neil Breen viewing be a spotlight episode. There are so many things they could have covered from Pass Thru that were not in this episode.

👍︎︎ 155 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Can I be honest about something?

When the Las Vegas shooting happened, I completely sincerely thought to myself "Man I hope Neil Breen is alright.", and then later as details started coming about the shooter being an old white guy -- I legitimately got worried that Breen was the shooter. True story.

👍︎︎ 418 👤︎︎ u/ThatBojac 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] well Josh are you ready to waste another day of our lives I'm always ready for that how do you want to do it today well it's a very special day oh this year is the 35th anniversary of the release of the first consumer grade camcorder I didn't know that but before that camera what existed was you had this thing which is just the camera yeah and you had to run a cord out of it that would go into a shoulder strap VCR bugger out in the bill you can use it with a pass on a color TV camera to record life outdoors you can see what your taped instantly instant replay and then this is your power that was convenient so Sony said [ __ ] that [ __ ] and they print out the first camcorder that was beta and then the first VHS camcorder was a couple years later this RCA brands is one of the first ones we used it in space cop and right now I'm filming you space cop say hi say hi to the kids back home yeah I'm television space cop you want to be in my rap video so in honor of the 35th anniversary of the first consumer grade camera we've got something a little special in mind mr. baumann I feel so good welcome Josh to the fabulous world of VHS I feel like I've been here before we're gonna film the rest of this episode on thirty-year-old camcorders great idea nothing can possibly go wrong so normally the way it works on best of the worst we watch these old movies and they look like crap right and in our footage is in okayish HD so we're shaking things up and we're filming on VHS and the movies we're going to watch are all remastered blu-rays a first movie today is the 1968 classic night of the Lepus How Many Eyes does horror have how many times will terror strike only Rory Calhoun knows for sure is there gonna be any mention on this that the creatures are bunnies are they gonna keep that in the shadows well I would you like the man the suspense for you I guess okay there was no limit to the horror no end to the night of the Lepus and this is where the things were like the Lepus is the scientific name so if you knew if you're a clever boy yeah you know all about they didn't call the movie night of the bunnies freeze for a damn good reason hormone in tendency alter the breeding cycle of rabbits over running Arizona ranch land instead turns them into flesh-eating 150 pound monsters in 90 liters so there you go this substance if we can affect the blood of 50 rabbits it wouldn't take long for this change sir Whitman Eaton live Janet Lee psycho Rory Calhoun motel Holland DeForest Kelley Star Trek what is that hmm are among the intrepid humans facing off against the behemoth bunnies using guns flames dynamite at anything else in their grasp to battle their oversized hungry tormentors all right yeah it's [ __ ] big bunny movie does it say is this like a 4k 2k 2k 2k restoration to case came from the inter positive okay well that's good them that we're shooting in point zeroes 0:02 kay [Music] Oh Oh everybody else leaving but Dave here just wants to marry Apple [Music] you can't escape neither lupus call my agent oh it's a Lucio Fulci film zombie three the notorious full Chima TAFE ragazzo saga saga don't worry it's only 95 minutes long is there a document not only is this our longest movie of the night but it's Italian gray I know I know the other our other friends I'm best of the worst they love the Italian it's true they do the notorious full team Italia for Gaston saga now in HD for the first time in the u.s. surely before completing the sequel to his classic zombie which was zombie which is zombie too but a zombie one is Dawn of the Dead okay but this just says zombie here it was released overseas as zombie okay I know it was released in the US as zombie Dawn of the Dead came out in Italy as zombie so zombie is actually a zombie too right which makes this zombie three but then that came out in the US as zombie yes no zombie 2 came out in the US as zombie okay and that's most importantly though that's the movie or a zombie fights a shark right so start over for cleaning completely that the legendary Lucio Fulci became ill and left the Philippines based production but when millipedes again the Philippines Italian Philippines in one movie but when director of Bruno Mattei shocking dark and write-offs writers Claudio Fragoso and Rossella drew D troll - most known Patrol - stepped in to finish the results became the most insanely enjoyable zombie romp in Euro cult history after a deadly virus is stolen from a government facility it will unleash a wildly entertaining combination of full cheese signature extreme violence that they put wildly entertaining and quote that actually has a quote the drama horror says it was usually when we read these there's quotes that are attributed to anybody I know I just wanted to keep going that would have been the perfect one to not be attributed tributed anybody yes sister a really great movie a combination of full tease signature extreme violence Matea foie gras so style sorry logic and yeah the lightest way I've ever heard Claudio Ferguson described surreal logic real logic control - and one of my favorite surrealist films yeah it's sure they didn't go as far as a magical realism or anything because yeah that's a little too far down the road I guess and big bloody buckets of goo spewing mayhem that must be seen to be believed Darren Sarathi and Beatrice ring in Massimo van East are in this total blast Bloody Disgusting now featuring a 2k skin and uncut for the first time ever in America alright [ __ ] yeah so we get all the gore and none of the plot money my god coincidentally the ceiling collapse next up is one I don't know a [ __ ] thing about it's called silk oh we got nipples right on the cover and fantastic [Music] she bangs them breaks um and books um that sounds illegal silk the four-letter word for steamin nonstop action so this is like this is like the best dandy Sedaris movie that Andy Sedaris never made she has to watch out though she's about to get burned up by the Sun ooh this is like a post apocalypse movie she's also [ __ ] 40 feet tall my god silk the toughest cop in Honolulu know any stars connections yeah bust some small-time smugglers only to discover a larger syndicate that is smuggling Asian mobsters into the States oh by buying the identities of Hawaiian citizens okay all this leads to a series of murders that has the police baffled so silk is called in to help uncover the culprits from the late prolific Filipino director okay if we watched a Filipino movie before was raw force Filipino force was but blood bets yeah yeah remember blood dads I do [Applause] [Music] 83 minutes that's the best news of all [Laughter] all right I feel like [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] at 6:45 a man came into the gas station pointed a gun at the proprietor mr. qualms and demanded the contents of the safe when mr. qualms hesitated the mess [Music] well we tried well [ __ ] it I'm just gonna take charge all right welcome to our VHS tape filmed blu-ray episode and we watched three movies today and our first movie was night of the Lepus Mike just because dr. McCoy's in it why do you tell us about night Anna Lepus night night of the Lepus starring Stuart Whitman Janet Lee Roy Calhoun giant bunnies attack [Music] that's that's the gist is giant bunnies attack people in the boringest it's that boring but it's pretty boring it's it's dull the problem is it's very straightforward like you mentioned we set industrial film it's like if the guy who made Zaid if he had a budget if the guy who made that suddenly was sucked out of all his creativity it feels like somebody in the 70s wanted to make a nostalgic reference to 50 science fiction movies maybe this is true but if they did if they were doing that they did it completely straight face yeah yeah there's no camp to this movie either not functionally or unintentional yeah there will not be giant bunnies going down that shaft definitely not because you look at like if anyone's seen killer clowns from outer space that's one that's like a reference to 50s B movies but it's clearly there's a little bit of a wink going on a lot but I mean it has it has all those tropes from those 50s B movies which this also has but everybody is just very tired ray just seems kind of tired but slightly tired this is the sleepiest movie you'll ever see they rounded up a bunch of elderly actors yeah people are just just past their prime just passed DeForest Kelley two years after Star Trek was cancelled in that dark dark period between 1969 and 1979 did a giant killer bunny movie sure did cuz listen as I said earlier even space doctors got a mortgage and he is not unfamiliar with large bunnies as you'll see from this clip from the original Star Trek series from the episode titled this side of paradise one side one side I'm late I'm late my fuzzy ears and whiskers I'm late Mike that's that's the wrong Club what that's a clip of the Star Trek animated series episode where they reference McCoy seeing the bunny oh no no thanks you everything's wrong you're using the wrong clips who's in charge nobody's this side of paradise when when when when the flowers exploded Spock's Bay face you can explain it to me all you want doesn't change the fact that I don't know what you're talking about and I haven't seen it and there's the damsel in distress the flowers in the face episode episode is the episode where the hallucinations become real shore-leave it's called shortly sorry ah right this side of paradise or leave Josh surely we should have known everybody knows shortly thank you on this side of paradise is the episode where we're hallucinogenic flowers explode in people's faces and mate and turn them into hippies [ __ ] work I'm just gonna lay here with this lady and and just relax I'm not going back Jim sure leave is when they go on a planet where all their fantasies come to life wait whose fantasies are bunnies stand by and of course DeForest Kelley is not unfamiliar with large bunnies as seen in this clip from the original Star Trek episode sure leave I don't know he's kind of timely as long as the forest Kelley got to [ __ ] bunnies asalaam he [ __ ] anybody know but then DeForest Kelley did night at a Lepus and he got [ __ ] financially by appearing in the film was the jokes well he wanted that sweet sweet paycheck he wanted that paycheck I don't know about sweet [Music] you have any sense of scale yet of this body Sicily what footage do we have of the bunnies cut it quick whoa I love those super slow night of the Lepus let's get right into it we started off with we're in Arizona rabbits are ruining the crops of these Arizona farmers the ranchers call into force Kelly and DeForest Kelley says I know these two scientists played by man who looks like he has chronic back pain Stuart Quitman Stuart Whitman and his wife played by Janet Leigh from psycho yes and they have a little daughter and he says Kathy's curse is the daughter the solution is not to use chemicals and poisons to kill the rabbits but maybe we can find a genetic solution maybe to stop them from breeding hormones hormones there there is a eco solution to overpopulation of rabbits so therein lies our premise his solution is he wants to make rabbits [ __ ] less we were trying to make Jack a little more like Jill and Jill a little more like Jack so they wouldn't keep having such large families instead the serum makes them the size of elephants so somebody somebody forgot to carry a one eye well the point being that somebody somewhere made a horrible miscalculation and thinking that you could make a scary movie about giant bunnies left or right right I guess I thought the slow-mo would make it look like they have more weight to them I've been said it just makes them look like they're filmed in slow-mo look worse they were normal speed maybe it would definitely look this way just movies are funnier that's right they were normal speed yeah look worse if you're trying to be a serious right but this way it just looks bizarre because it doesn't look like they have more weight - oh it's a boring movie but one of the things I will give it credit for is the miniature work is adorable yeah well that's that goes along with the miscalculation and that bunnies are cute miniature things are cute so you have bunnies on what is obviously miniature sets it's just cute yeah yeah and the problem is even when those ministry sets are very well done and blended very nicely which they heard 30 percent of the time yeah it's still cute yeah it doesn't really work yeah it's that's why though the shots are so quick cuz like you can't hold on a bunny for too long cuz they're gonna go ah even if it's a bunny would like like pastel paint is a taste that's supposed to be blood [Applause] [Laughter] if someone comes to you right I have a movie from 1972 about giant killer bunnies right you think oh my god it's gonna be so corny it's gonna be hilariously bad there's gonna be a bunny on a blue screen that's going on yeah and there's yeah it's gonna be just be terrible they did it to the ninth yeah they did it perfectly because they said okay wait film the bunnies in slow motion don't show them too much have a large full-scale bunny costume just every now and then oh that was absolutely the bony suits don't look like the bunnies they look like an Easter Bunny they they did it as as best they could in 1972 which is to the movies detriment enough to the detriment of the movie yeah they played it so straight they must have used a level and a t-square yeah whoever thought of this idea terrible idea but whoever made the film did their very [ __ ] best absolutely to make it as realistic as possible but left out one human element we have genitally and her husband mm-hmm who is played by Stewart women some sort of relationship there everyone else is as boring as a character in a industrial film yes yeah this movies like less fun tremors yeah it's kind of the same buildup yeah same pacing so methodical and without all of the suspense oh yeah without everything that makes Trevor special yeah documentary yeah no personality at anybody and no agency nobody has anything to do it's like oh there's these bunnies I guess we should stop them somehow extremely generic farmer farms yeah college president runs a college yeah you gotta have that that personal element where like all those characters have have drama going on of their own unrelated to the bunny sir yeah we cut all that out because we needed to have slow-motion pictures yeah of bunnies there's no I mean the stakes are big bunnies kill innocent people but there's no like big payoff there's no twist to theirs there even there's even the setup to they show a drive-in movie theater ladies and gentlemen there is a herd of killer rabbits headed this way and we desperately need your help and I was thinking of the blob the famous scene in the blob where the blob attacks the movie theater you have a drive-in theater you have a big screen have a giant [ __ ] bunny burst through that screen and started jumping on cars and going crazy but instead the cop shows up and he goes all right everybody those giant bunnies coming go away and then everybody just drives away and then the scenes over no he directs them to the tracks no no they go to the tracks to illuminate the track because they're going to electrocute the track and then the bunnies are going to go on the track so these families that went to the drive-in theater could witness the bunny massacre yeah we see that we see small children seeing the bunnies died because there is no twist to the plan the bunnies just show up and get electrocuted yeah actually I want to point out because Mike did actually talk about this when we were screening it where he was saying that at this point there would be a twist we're like the bunnies aren't going the right way or something except this is our plan this is our playing oh [ __ ] there's a problem with their plan we have to come up with an alternate yeah it's a tremors moment tremors a very similar type of film except good yeah throwing dynamite [Music] or something else out another plant yeah but okay I was out of the room what was playing on the screen during Tom and Jerry cartoons see what you need is an old like Ray Harryhausen dinosaur stop-motion some creature on the screen yeah well the kids laugh at it yeah this looks goofy mom and dad this giant creature looks so stupid the bunny death scream oh yeah which honestly in this movie was [ __ ] underused because that sound is terrifying and it's not really in the movie apart from the very beginning look all you people that live in LA in New York it's Midwesterners we know the death rattle of bunnies every now and then we hear the death rattle of the bunny when it gets killed by a coyote bunnies don't make a [ __ ] sound their whole life until a coyote gets them and then they go it's the worst sound you'll ever hear in your whole life you're gonna have to cut a real one in here it's gonna be so awful no I didn't know a bunny could speak do you know that in Waco Texas back when they did the the Branch Davidian they had their little fracas with the FBI they wanted them to get out of the building they would play the screams of dying bunnies all out speaker oh my god yeah even anything in mega believer it wasn't just Bell Biv DeVoe music Bell Biv DeVoe yeah poison that was a visit of a group rich okay you're old enough to know this I know but this guy's what a whiter than Casper you remember though the ABC vbd like like the Jackson 5 maybe see that's more riches generator okay guys one two three I know that rich is 65 years old he grew up on Motown we all did [Music] [Laughter] so that's our discussion of the night of the Lepus yeah what happens really got nothing more to say it's so like there's bunnies we have to stop bunny it's very efficient at being boring it's like industrial film on how to stop a bunny in Beijing [Music] all right our next movie is zombie 3 by Italian horror legend Shoji Tabuchi J would you like to tell everybody about zombie 3 oh well first of all Lucci felt she did not direct this film toward insurgency boots Norton or did Shoji Tabuchi just to be clear he started making movie he got very sick and they turn it over to Brno Mathai yeah it showed you Tabuchi Wow he's I mean well he's clearly sick have you seen his concert something's wrong with that man so a couple of scientists in Santa Monica Philippines working on some sort of zombie juice death one death one it's called we start right I want it like no we don't even have credit sure yeah I think they give the death one to some guy and he vomits up troll to goo and then for some reason somebody tries to steal the zombie juice they trip in the woods for no reason and they cut themselves and they get infected with the zombie juice and then the government in Santa Monica Philippines burns him and then his ashes rain from the sky much like return to the Living Dead and infect the bird and then the birds become zombies and then the zombie birds attack a camper one person from that camper become and then they take that zombie to a hotel we're at that hotel earlier different hotel I guess it's a different hotel it might be the same hotel the guy who stole the zombie juice goes to a hotel and he loses his mind they're just trying to wage a that was you're forgetting about the gas station where there was a pre-existing zombie chainsaw oh no apparently a dental Dombey outbreak at a gas station because there's a girl and a guy in a fancy fast car and the guy has support van okay his Corvette an Italian film is not gonna not have an Italian sports car you got so she really is just going all the way to get in some water Oh [ __ ] no it's fancy sports car do flags it's a checkered flag black Ferrari right that's not a Corvette Corvette - Chevy I don't know that's that's an American auto Ferrari yeah yeah alright so just all credibility when it comes to Italians well on cars Mike trying to correct me on this city well then coming to our channel to get your expertise on Italian sports cars and now it's out the [ __ ] window anyway so birds are zombies people are zombies a hotel gets infected by zombies what are you doing can we just look are you doing heat just condensed all this talking that was super condensed it's just three words into three words nonsensical what happened all the birds after that one scene oh they just called herds they're just gone it's single most deadly thing in the movie they are these tiny flying zombies that can infect anyone they're just out there and they definitely infect three to four people that we see yeah the only deadlier is the the zombie head that can defy the laws of physics that fridge is empty too oh my god wonderful holy [ __ ] what's propelling it logic has been thrown out [Laughter] what did they find any food what I want to know is how did that zombie head end up in that fridge and how long was it there it was another unrelated zombie that's been there for years okay just hanging that was some of the last zombie outbreak it's like the zombie keep having zombie outbreak zombies it's Italy or it's this is Santa Monica that's right so Monica of the Philippines [Music] oh my god oh Jesus upbeat very unclear yes so eventually this movie breaks down to where the survivors are fighting against the government the government's like trying to exterminate all living beings we had all these people in hazmat suits yeah well like I like the crazies yes yes I mean are we gonna talk about Bill when we say bill we're talking about the character bill from the film blood debts you know belly recruit more pimps more pushers which was featured on best of the worst villain who famously said we need more pimps and Porsches yeah orders are to recruit more pimps more pushers he shows up in this movie and I recognize him from your episode I didn't see blood deaths right so I saw and I was like oh that's blood deaths but you can reason you you're at a porn convention but Jamis missed we missed the episode because he was out of town except he was in the episode hey guys what do you think of the tomb what was the one scene where they said there was some science talk in that one scene and it was like if we put this molecule with this other molecule that might work that's right yeah yeah this is the same movie where we walk into a bar it's almost like beer yeah so close to finding a cure we have three u.s. army guys camper phillovell filled with ladies and then just like no kind of real main character until and sports car couple sports car yeah then family that was not a family even in the movie I'd hoped family waters long wait a minute that wasn't that wasn't their Lepus okay that was that was that was collective dementia the spoken word oh no we have a whole bunch of characters all they do is just get whittled down until we have our protagonist in the last ten seconds of a movie yeah there's only our protagonist because that's the one to survive [Music] well there's those weird zombies that are just like hiding under hey where's like it's a practical joke because aam beets think that way your face there's a lot of ambush zombies in this a time that goes against Lumbee logic a zombie ambushing you from above yeah yeah that means you kind of wait up there like I'm gonna jump and it's calculated the one was crazed and running but then summer shufflings yeah some kung foo it's all over the place you know remember when the one lady gets gets her face ripped apart oh yeah that was a great team oh jesus [ __ ] christ [Music] oh girl zombie hand is an adult-sized hand what that doesn't make any Oh guys throw up she has her blood pressure as zero yeah she's like she's clinically dead she's been clinically dead for two hours really why are you still sitting there yeah technically it's a virus but really they're dead yeah so you've got the the rules you've got the the Romero law yeah gotta shoot me in the head right um cuz the one guy gets a spike through the neck and he keeps going and he keeps going but another zombies get shot with the m6 and they're down and they're done yeah one you know so the first zombie that we see is the one with the machete and he's he's like going super fast oh yeah not the walls and [ __ ] like no you've got him and then you've got traditional Romero slow zombies yeah then you've got the ambush zombies which require forethought I'm gonna stay up in the rafters and just sit here and wait for the next couple hours until someone jumps someone's down below and stay on my kiosk that I'm gonna tell I'm gonna hide my kiosk [Music] oh I guess I died and I'm just ahead I'm gonna way to summer fly yeah zombies that have forethought in the in the our long range that's something that's some of them talk those of you listening to the sound of my voice no why yeah boy yeah in the end of this movie we have a radio DJ zombie oh that's right bringing broadcast for zombies for all the undead zombies are now like a subculture uh-huh that are intelligent yes there are no rules well that's yeah neither Lepus and this are both kind of in the same boat where it's like there's a premise and then stuff just kind of happens yeah well that's that's just typical for an Italian kind of 70s 80 movie isn't it but for the ones that we've watched just there's plenty of really actually really great it's hell you know horror movies but we don't watch those on this show things we typically watch the Italian movies we've watched they're just like a script with like no or poor structure and just thinking things happen and you're like why although to be fair that that happens and the good ones too yeah it's like what is this engaging in those right until it feels intentional yeah oh that's another weird thing like so many things in this movie look like they've been abandoned for 20 years yet this job was the next day most of the movie takes place over the course of one day yeah or so we think there's spider webs all over everything maybe the vines everywhere that just just sprung up over the last day I guess question mark it don't make no sense so it's Italian I don't want to bring about the end of humanity [Music] alright so that was zombie three our next film was silk Josh would you like to explain what happened in silk silk [Music] I'm not a biter we [Music] [Music] was this bordering on like let's just grab anything and watch something else yeah this is there's like nothing to work with here yes usually there's even in the boring ones or something yeah but this says this is this has nothing they carry this is like like emergency situation there's nothing to work with in this video [Music] my name is Neil Breen I'm a filmmaker oh what's this oh hey look we decided to watch pass through something incredible is about to happen Sok if it started it started off promising from the first minute the first 30 seconds literally 30 seconds yeah and then it's the most boring thing we've ever watched to the point we did something we've never done before we pushed the Whopper button we pushed that whopper button watch pass through we broke out Neal Breen it's been sitting in our specialty case for about two or three years since it came out it was the right call it saved the [ __ ] it was 100% the right you had to desperate times call for desperate measures we're falling behind on our brain we were because he just came out with twisted pair pair yeah yeah something what she's twins who am i what am i here's the funny thing these these two ovaries the other two movies we watched are horror movies aha and yet pass through is the most legitimately scary thing we watched yeah absolutely you know like I don't want to get shot it's the middle aged man equivalent of like if a teacher finds like a weird letter and a high school kids Locker yes we need to talk about this yeah this is the the 40 year old man's feature-length version this is the 60 year old man's feature like this movie will send you to the counselor's office there are genetic and psychological limits to the primitive human species you have demonstrated your inability to live in a truthful honest trustworthy and accountable way films TV radio the glorification of violence or second chance I have eliminated 300 million humans from the planet today I have killed them all this is the old brain saying really vague things about the media about politicians about corporation bags extremely vague yeah problematically vague yeah the environment the human glorification of violence children and animals the set up is clear right a benevolent force in the future has come you know to teach humanity how to be better no he comes and his solution for Earth's problems is to kill all of these people he doesn't like but he's not wait he's got to get there first because before that he has to encounter people that are coming into our country from other country to the US what's happening in a future fake fires see you got to keep up you can't ask questions it's it's it's it's metaphorical because he's saying all these people are coming into a country from their country and they're coming in from the same flimsy fence that most people are coming from other countries have a specific country they're coming in from and we see it in the movie from from our but that's that's you know where you're you're thinking about to literally only one portal into the United States or whatever country this movie happens in yeah from from our perspective it's very clearly like illegal immigration yeah Mexico or Central America into the United States but they're not coming from Mexico and they're not coming to the United States it was an extremely varied cast that are coming back to you that's the that's the questionable moment because I have absolutely no value for you - on the streets we're thinking like okay we did you want a cast of 30 like Latin America Hispanic looking people come and just could not get up and could not get it so he settled for whoever showed up that whoever would work for that with red hair a black guy a Chinese lady yes out old gold white guy you know like like a numerous amounts of people right or was that his plan to represent all of covers all of the mystery we'll never know planet earth should be a planet with no borders I've know countries and I think that's what in especial words that no flimsy fences fall over when you just touch I'm pretty sure his main message was if you need to stay at his Airstream he will go ahead and take all the cans and throw them away because he will clean up for you I'll clean it for you my god what are you doing and you can LAN his nasty-ass mattress cause look it's clean it's clean look it's clean bookings popping out it's clean it's all clean the other takeaway from pass-through is that Neal Breen bottom [Music] that's that should be the title of the film I bought a drone thank you bought a zoo check it out yeah I bought a drone can we talk about how many times he goes into the desert and touches a rock and goes back into the past where there's a tiger it's like the exact same shot over and over of him disappearing in that rock it repeatedly happens but I mean I mean the special effects with him and that tiger or seamless yeah okay there's one shot he uses twice in the movie with the tiger yes and it actually looks really it's more than twice its which are you talking about are you talking about the up-close sex toys no in the first part of the shot it actually looks really good if I have a second and then the camera moves the camera moves on yeah not on him all the time he stay still it's a so did you yes yes all of sudden you get this snowy background in the desert have you seen the future I am the future are you one of us or from out there yes okay so can we talk about the lady that he rescues and her niece sure possibly yeah the niece that's possibly although their age different race different race now I want to point out that this is not impossible it's just extremely improbable don't come near me I'll kill you you [ __ ] I won't hurt you if it can be destroyed by the truth it deserves to be destroyed by the truth I want to point out Neal Breen kills 300 million bad people in this movie 300 million bad people actively bad people they are works for a bank corrupters politicians bankers insurance agents yeah sorry shut up that Neal brain has manually personally gone around to every cocktail party I'm just chit-chatted CEO of a major bank we manipulate interest rates to serve our best interest with no concern to the customers of course we make a fortune at our insurance companies overcharging customers and hospitals and there's nothing the customer can do about it isn't that cheating the public ninety percent of the movie takes place in the [ __ ] desert and then finally in the last 10 minutes all of a sudden we get Neal Breen and he doesn't have more montage of him a different cocktail party he morphs into a suit from his usual of denim oh yeah so then we get a montage of him saying his catchphrase isn't that betraying the public's trust isn't that cheating the public isn't that immoral isn't that corrupt my friends and I have many personal and intimate relations with government and corporate officials I'm sure I can get them to vote a certain way for the right price these are the rich elite yeah oh oh I get it literal conversations control and influence many courts judges lawyers agencies and politicians our justice system is broken it's ineffective and that's just the way we want to keep it isn't that immoral the the stock characters that play the the rich elite yeah one percent there's a lot they're like hahaha really it's so enjoyable living life as a rich banker that takes advantage of poor people and and screws them out of their livelihood for my own financial gain so literally rich people or or bad people have cocktail parties where they hurried over in the same two houses and the two houses are the same like just say what they do that's bad yeah medical research could have cured cancer and other diseases 75 years ago we won't let that happen we lose too much money I am a pharmaceuticals CEO and I love accruing people out of their money Wow isn't that a bad thing who was that guy I have no idea never seen him before he must not be from here and that but my favorite thing about that is that the rich people just go like who the [ __ ] was that elderly real estate agent from was like this is supposed to be like to come up it's montage oh you're right that is a bad thing to do to people none of those people do it just like who was that guy it wasn't that that dead balding elderly real estate agent for love a lives in the desert who sold me my my house this is this is a 30-second montage in a 90-minute movie yeah just happened that's the debts and then he walks out of the mansion and it blows up yeah and it blows up and it was that before or after the newscasts that went on for 20 that was before and after the oh no it's both oh my god security you won't need security you're gone that's my scrubs yeah yeah hey deal Breen's gonna row train here in local weather oh god he grew really those people are just people reading the news it's just a job Neal Brienne's essentially Thanos he's snapping his fingers no but they say it on the air like we're always reporting the wrong thing because yeah I say something like that drink during the like the two five-second commercial breaks can happen within 10 seconds early were actually saying it on the air because it was right in between they didn't go to commercial regular it was like commercial we don't report out all the right things ha ha ha no there were there was there was banter between the two anchor yeah what an [ __ ] that politician was which establishes that the news anchors have some sort of conscious and yet Neal Breen destroys them yes people like you growing this planet this like we laugh at no brain right this movie has me convinced that he's probably gonna watch this somewhere no no no III agree with you yeah well I said at the top that says this is his manifesto yeah I'm not joking about that let's win it when it comes to this scene especially yes is like a and litrenta Sheila's monologue in the new station don't be naive weak and ignorant the hard truth the current state of decline of the human species or revolt it must start now new leaders not followers if the if the president whoever is the president of time is going to Las Vegas we with three word code like eyes on brain is fun rehashing eyes on notices landing eyes on brain where is he what is he doing eyes on bring up because it Breen transcends political ideology yes into straight-up like okey anarchy yeah his first film I got satellites I got tunic and I was gonna drug the water system of America with anthrax yeah yes yes yes that's super poisoned I am demonstrating my control over the entirety of America and other countries and this it's ice to tear kill 300 million people and I don't agree with that I don't agree with and so yeah it's funny he's funny he's a bad filmmaker but at the same time it's when are you gonna get a gun it's funny now Clint has begun I'm just picturing now people in like like an FBI office like we've got some tips on we should probably watch this guy's movies and move it around they watch Kirk answer with a tin can they just can't cut off on the filmmaking they forget about his message at the movie we watch this we laugh hysterically I'm like a forensic psychologist watching a Neil Breen movie we're probably go into like a full-on panic oh my god where is this man scribbling notes seriously there's photos of tuna cans up on his cardboard so we can do it hence it's all please the scariest part is is that it's unfocused crazy illegal war violence the abuse of the media system political correct TV radio the internet you got crazy right and the crazy says the bank's right the banks are doing this thing where they're manipulating the economy right and then you don't invest your money because the banks are Neal Breen is like everyone every kind of crazy yeah and any kind of specific nature of humanity is bad and needs to be erased with with a biological weapon I don't know what Neil brings capable of yeah that's a problem he's capable of passed through and DoubleDown Lord knows what else he can do massive murder is just a step ahead I think this is his first attempt the suicide rates will go up 1,000% after I release pastor well hopefully you know his movies aren't competent so hopefully he's like like world domination and mass suicide plans are also incompetent I am convinced he what he went to like the store he bought seven or eight guns gave them some homeless guys expected them to instantly start the revolution but then they just sold them at the pawn shops they don't want guns episode of like Pawn Stars where some homeless man walked in with like a nice new gun I got this from some guy in the desert he was wearing it a jean jacket we had a lot of hands all over it Jake this year a k47 was owned by Neal breed that give the gun any extra value know that the value they bring though these are from where I come from now they'll believe you so everybody Oh God all right so those those were the movies we talked about right but the time has come to pick the best of the worst Jesus Mike without doubt pass through a binomial brain fantastic J is it even like it's we might as well not even bother with this part when we do any oh bring it across well then that leaves the other question what we brought him in as an emergency backup and he did not let us down no no his he is an incredibly incompetent yeah I I actually I enjoyed the first two movies more than I think either of you did I agree there they were a little sluggish but they were they both had their charms but I mean you know you can't you can't beat Neil Breen okay so then the final question is how are we going to destroy silk know oh that's a yes the first movie that we've ever abandoned in the the most passive way possible did you pick a best of the worst oh [ __ ] dumbass I thought you might have enjoyed DeForest Kelley's performance in nightís I actually did he gave it his all for a friend killer everybody did what they could yes everybody tried I don't be and that was the problem yeah I don't want to get down on Natalie bus or zombie three actually the forest kill is a classy guy yeah and I'm a sucker for the shitty Italian movies Omar no matter how bad they are they always have kick-ass scores and this was no exception absolutely that score was emboss and this I wanted to say that this DVD actually came with the soundtrack I bought you buy the soundtrack and I guess you get a movie with it yeah yeah wanted to I wish that neela brain would include his library music I don't want anything extra from Neil breathe okay because that just makes you like more complicit the more complicit in in some kind of crime his on britain i hash tag eyes on green a true questions and give the hard true answers the laziest way we could possibly destroy this movie [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,461,488
Rating: 4.9310794 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, night of the lepus, zombie, zombie 3, zombi 3, lucio fulci, Claudio Fragasso, Bruno Mattei, silk
Id: m0QUo5jnhYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 14sec (3734 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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