Best of the Worst: Blood Debts, The Tomb, and Undefeatable
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,850,599
Rating: 4.9256754 out of 5
Keywords: Red Letter Media, Best of the Worst, The Tomb, Undefeatable, BloodDebts, redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, plinkett, half in the bag
Id: 3NTaoheLMvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
"Recruit more pimps, more pushers."
That is all.
Note the edge of an office chair in the bottom left of the frame. After Rich Evans says "it's funny because it's true" we hear a characteristic laugh that doesn't seem to be coming from anyone on screen.
At the end of the episode, Jay appears and asks how they found "The Tomb" but by the positioning of the chair he appears to have been there at least part of the way through The Tomb and throughout Undefeatable.
No there's no point to all of this, quarantine is just really boring.
Jay is a twin. Just go back and watch every single episode of everything RLM ever released and it'll be really obvious. The tricky part is figuring out which one is the evil one.
More proof that Jay is just a figment of our collective imagination.
There must have been a second Jay on the comfy chair. It was a turkey shoot.
It was late enough to be early when I looked up from my drink to see Jay Bauman descend from his birdcage at the Technoir. Stepping onto a pair of panties he did the splits to out them on. Backflipping to his feet he bumped my table. My drink doesn't spill but I still get angry.
"Let me hit that while you suck off my friends" I complain. But he was already sucking my friends off. I finish my drink. I notice at the bottom is a note. "Meet out back" it reads.
Stumbling out the alleyway into the dark, all I can see is a static sky and a lightning ball materializing a nude T-800. Before he even asks I toss him my shirt and jacket and the keys to my bike. The cybernetic dudebro turns to leave when a VHS shuriken lands at our feet, missing it's target from poor aerodynamics. During the distraction, Jay Bauman cartwheels down the side of the building and hurricanrana the T-800, crushing it's steel frame between his thighs.
Tossing my keys back to me he interrupts my thanks with a kiss. I can see in his eyes that he has to go, but doesn't want to. He tells me he will find me after he completes his camera work for best of the worst and teleports away.
can someone explain
They had Jay do his voice over his line but ran out of money for his CGI body.