Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #15

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Finally, Mike gets mercilessly mocked for believing in ghosts. It's 4-5 years overdue.

👍︎︎ 425 👤︎︎ u/Raduev 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

I just lost it when they landed on the third video and Mike screams "FUCK YEA" from the background.

I missed the wheel.

👍︎︎ 326 👤︎︎ u/RIP_Hopscotch 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2017 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 160 👤︎︎ u/ProHackFraud 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

When Mike spun the wheel the cutaway was of it spinning in the opposite direction.... I don't know how to feel about this kind of continuity mistake.

👍︎︎ 156 👤︎︎ u/vile_haze 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Making fun of the elderly is one of the purest joys in life.

👍︎︎ 285 👤︎︎ u/SomewhatSpecial 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

I gotta say I'm really impressed with (I assume?) Rich's construction capabilities.

This and especially the Plinketto Board, I mean making a Plinko Board of that size by hand with all those equidistant pegs. Can't be easy, he's clearly talented.

👍︎︎ 267 👤︎︎ u/OH_ITS_MEGACRUNCH 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

The wheel is changing.

👍︎︎ 367 👤︎︎ u/ageoftesla 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm deeply pleased by how much Mike laughed at elderly people being severely injured.

👍︎︎ 343 👤︎︎ u/LordOfTheBushes 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

I want to see Mike and Jay and Rich go to a haunted house and let Mike lead them in a paranormal investigation. That would be my most favourite thing ever.

👍︎︎ 106 👤︎︎ u/MissHunbun 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] oh it's jim and colin from canada you're just in time i was almost done getting the wheel ready what what [Music] oh no not that wheel i was talking about the new wheel i suppose dancing [Music] it has tortured us for years randomly selecting terrible videos that are painful to watch leaving only the most disturbing nightmares and scarring the mind for life many have tried to destroy it but true evil never dies it is only it's now time to spin the wheel of the worst i mean misfortune the wheel of misfortune this new wheel my final creation is the ultimate word in non-cinematic video selection it has a 12 tape capacity with optional dvd capabilities tonight we are going to watch three of these tapes the first tape unauthorized history of automatic golf [Music] automatic golf automatic golf that's what it says what is what is next next we have richie durwald from branson to broadway uh so richie there looks like he's made out of wax and melting covered in barbecue sauce yeah he looks like he has the the buttery glow of a christmas turkey he looks delicious he's red hot hot literally next we have tricky people uh can't fool me safety rules from yellowdine yeah i don't know what that is did you turn around to read that uh oh that's a good idea it's a new wheel i'm not ready for this followed by couch potato workout with larry bud mellman more like larry deadman he's probably is i'm sure he's dead oh yeah yeah he's dead we have lights camera bubbles a wild romp through the world of bubbles a good clean fun for kids of all ages uh that guy looks like a pedophile hanging with leo uh leonardo dicaprio the unauthorized documentary so i guess he didn't say i you can do this and uh yeah so yeah that's that i wonder if they're going to go into leo's [ __ ] posse uh well you never know this is what it's [ __ ] posse toby mcguire all his friends go out to clubs yeah back in the when leo was you know hot up and comer well this looks like it's aimed at 12 year olds so they probably bring up the [ __ ] posse yeah more pedophiles next on the wheel is unique birthday party fun and variety show professional birthday party entertainment guests create their own balloon puppets because you're too [ __ ] lazy to make them for your guests let them make their own 28 minutes use this vhs cassette party after party that is an amazing cover it's literally just a picture of a vhs cassette literally for birthday parties if they put any less effort into this it would just be a black box oh my god and and now here we have a returning uh favorite from i believe that was on the wheel of the very first episode oh my god didn't watch it magic star traveler which looks part kid show and part new age garbage because they're in some kind of geometric shape and part mark david chapman [Music] uh next up is the golden road today's senior drivers it features tips to become a safer driver advice for families and friends uh detailed warning signs detailed warning signs you see seattle yeah somebody old in a car produced in association with the california highway patrol so it's got to be good like chips telepathic communication with animals with penelope smith i know i hope we land on this one yeah that'd be great i wonder if it's just those three animals though just a dolphin a dolphin a wolf in it just a tree do they fight crime oh that would be great uh next up is your cat wants a massage uh that cat looks like he wants a little bit more than a massage uh your whiskers to tail guide to cat massage another member of the [ __ ] posse then finally we have uh this is mr wiggles sessions uh king tut style i can read that because i know gangsta graffiti otherwise i wouldn't be able to know how to read that uh this is uh the cover is actually by mr wiggles uh graphics fix sorry graphics so he's graphics is he's got all he's mr wiggles and he also does tape graphics he's got a side business doing uh the graphic design for his own video tapes all right and i think he had his arms broken and fixed that way so he could look cooler oh my god that man has two elbows no that's the cobra isn't a cobra it looks more like a duck no it's like that he's got two elbow bumps oh yeah well this is volume one let's hope there's maybe that's why they're called easter wiggles all right who wants to give the new wheel it's first spin oh my god what a great honor i'm just assuming that it's me you just you just you just stepped all over jim's moment sorry jim and now you're gonna spin the wheel that's fine we've discussed before that i was gonna spin it first but no go ahead let's do it together oh my goodness ready one two three [Laughter] clockwise clockwise [Music] one two three [Music] richard richie durwald [Music] [Applause] golden road here we come driving to our friends is very important otherwise i don't think we'd have a chance to see them suddenly she got back into the car and just drove off directly into the building that was in front of us show it show it yeah i want some dramatic re-inactions especially since accidents that involve seniors are often deadlier given the frail state of older bodies their bones become more brittle they are less flexible they're less resilient and more prone to bleeding and bruising all she did was say their bones become less brittle and you started laughing just picture like an old lady flying through a windshield some studies even suggest that fatal accidents involving elderly drivers could triple when an 86 year old driver killed 10 people and wounded dozens more at an outdoor market well mike that was golden sh road golden road were you about to say golden shower do you watch videos like that in your private time you know what a golden shower is right what's the next tape we're going to watch and on the wheel i don't know it's undetermined yet until we spin the wheel i'm waiting for oh you want me to spin it yeah here we go and i do like the price is right i thought you were going to manually spin it until you found the tape you wanted oh no no it finally happened let's put this on there jay god damn it jake god damn it [ __ ] this come on everybody you are about to get a fascinating first hand peek inside the inside leo's [ __ ] posse okay i'm sure an inside peek at shots of him from across the street you can now see the sexiest man alive like you've never seen him before in his element raw drunk just drunk high [Music] you know it's funny when you're a kid and you're free-spirited and maybe having a pet lizard people think you're crazy and weird and kids teased him he was actually such a misfit child that some people called him leonardo ritardo [Laughter] leave that out of the video leonardo ritardo leonardo ritardo leonardo ritardo leo's very playful nature is instantly infectious with his co-stars so is his herpes rich has anybody complimented you yet on your fine craftsmanship of the new wheel not on camera no okay well i would like to comment that this is a wonderful job and it would be a shame if anything ever happens to it but i'm sure that will never happen you know you know i made it flat for a reason i can't it's flat you can't knock it over quite quickly oh i'm sure there's still plenty of things that could be done to this wheel but i can guarantee that they will not ever happen well let's hope we landed a good one jay spin the wheel come on telepath the communication with animals come on slow down almost come on yes [Applause] penelope smith has spent much of her life refining her ability to communicate with animals telepathically since 1977 penelope has worked professionally as an animal communication specialist helping people discover why they are having problems with their animal friends she tunes into what the animals are thinking or feeling and tells the owners so that they can find a solution to the problem this is basically a fortune teller penelope was asked to help this woman and her dog trapper he is extremely sensitive to raised voices will not allow anyone to pick him up and has several health problems that are being treated with drugs just just experiencing like okay what is he saying with this crowd [Applause] what he said was i'm here [Laughter] it was a sense of relief when he crowed there was a sense of i'm here things are good just because i feel like he's he's not really realizing what's going on but i'm not sure oh my god people look like they belong in the bar scene from galaxy note oh yeah yeah well it's weird the whole thing is like in the woods yeah and these all look like desperate weirdos yeah it's like a star wars fan film [Music] [Laughter] the wookiee well here we are again this nightmare never ends um we attempted to destroy the wheel of the worst i knocked it over we did and then jim and colin also knocked it over but it turns out rich has built a new wheel from the ashes from the ash phoenix rises right uh the the wheel of misfortune um the golden rod oh golden road uh one of the best gifts you will ever give a loved one a friend a neighbor or yourself we've already given the internet all of the best gifts [Music] you want me to talk about this it's it's uh this video is about old people driving and more specifically about how old people should never ever drive it is not an instructional video for old people to drive better it is a an insurance company's attempt to keep old people off the road entirely by scaring families into stealing the keys from their beloved parents so it's like an intervention videotape yeah and it's target market is uh younger people but presumably it's for the children of the elderly loved ones must also be on the lookout for warning signs oh oh there's blood this is the warning signs that the family are noticing like the dents in your your mother's car warning signs there's a small child on your throat it's full of statistics and a lot of graphs a lot of graphs which are really clearly you know uh very able to understand them i was let's say the accidents increase dramatically once you hit it's like an exponential curve once you hit 80 you're driving skill just goes straight out the [ __ ] window the car you're in is just drawn so do you when you smash your car into the lamp post or take out 10 people in an outdoor market yes yeah uh yeah that was one of the stories so many elderly people are plowing through crowds they're isis is starting to recruit elderly people [Laughter] the crowds heard the i heard the driver shout out i can't see anything it kind of sounded like akbar i think it was i can't see i can't see over this driving wheel will you join our cars sure what is it i just need to get groceries i gotta get to the store here take this big truck my children took away my keys are you sure i need this giant truck for the store yes there are a lot there are there are a lot of stills of like hand over the keys like younger hand meets older hand and the keys being taken over there's a lot of scenes of uh people i guess older people doing their driving tests over again the written oh yeah they had special uh i think they were practices there was a class this is just a practice okay it was being taught by another elderly person it was giving them yeah it looked like a bingo hall we had like a cup of coffee like it looked like an aaa meeting or something it was in a church or something like that it was disguised as like a bingo hall they get they get them in they get them in for the bingo i think i got bingo and then they confiscate their car keys for the driver test do other cars sometimes seem to appear danger is compounded when you don't have the strength to apply the right amount of pressure god there were scenes of aerobics oh yeah yeah yeah that's right and uh i mentioned the looked exactly like the mansion in eyes wide shut and they're they keep coming back the elderly can't see the road at night and they keep cutting back to it and back to it again nice wide shut is about napping [Laughter] what reasons this is part of the driving test [Laughter] that irving around the world i gotta go film i empire a star wars film and now they won't let me drive my car are you less inclined to go driving if there's bad weather do you dread driving at night and that sort of thing if you do you can go to these classes to sort of sharpen your skills i guess right are people rolling off your windshield do you see them in your rear one of the things was do you find like other drivers pulling up to you and giving you like gestures has it become more common for you to see another driver making angry gestures actually [Laughter] does your parents car have new dents or nicks this is like speaking to the kids or the younger family members child shoe perhaps in the grill a finger lodged in the front have they pledged allegiance to isis and you don't know why [Laughter] if you cannot handle something as basic as turning your head to look behind you you are a danger to yourself and others on the road so the aerobics class was that to sharpen their their yeah awakeness and exercise is specifically for driving yeah keep their mind alert or just to prevent the you know it's good in general for the uh well that's what i'm thinking was that it was some like side information to make it look like it was a a helpful video in general when really it was propaganda to not let your parents elderly parents drive a car it was like oh well they could really they could exercise and be social but don't give them the keys right yeah they could do this and that's helpful you know games and give them the [ __ ] keys exactly yes well that was one of the things they were saying it's like elderly people when you take their keys away when they can't drive they feel like they can't escape they feel like you know the home is like a prison uh so this is probably like things to keep their their mind active or distract them but with that in mind i think they could have done a better job at fear-mongering for instance dark you know ominous music [Music] [Music] to manipulate the viewer and i i was a bit disappointed that they didn't do that a bit more well they did hire robert stack to do the narration which made it very ominous to begin with [Music] at 5 30 pm on january the 13th edith baker got in her car mowed down 10 people at it they apparently do studies they have engineered an elderly person's suits yes that's right to do like recreations i guess trying to design or come up with better ways on how to like elderly proof cars or make cars and like you know road signs bigger a suit with like weights so you have trouble hitting the gas pedal and you're wearing blurry goggles with engineers using specially designed suits that simulate the effects of age was that an elderly driving suit it was a suit that simulated elderly conditions and it has some extra weight in the posterior region of the suit give it a soiled diaper [Laughter] driving under these conditions the smell is a big distraction they purposely made the steering wheel about like a foot higher so i couldn't see an oversized car i can't see anything there was there was one map it was an overhead map of like a way that you should drive and it was instead of turning left you go all around the block and by that point you've forgotten where you have to make three rights because making the left is so difficult too scary yeah making one left is scary for the elderly so they make three rights but scientists discovered the extra time driving just leaves for that much more opportunity for action so like each block that could be like 10 more people that you mow down through a market and each block is like like removing that much memory from the brain exactly so i have a feeling like they would just continue to like go into circles i have no memory of this place your driving skills just have that much more time to degrade exactly but remember the the i thought you were going to bring up the map of the u.s when they're like oh yeah they're like these states require uh extra extra testing after age 80. but then they're like the most accidents occur in these states and it's every state just like every other state florida that'll never happen in florida because those elderly down there can vote we're going to strike down this law that makes it safer on the roads just because i have alzheimer's and i don't know the difference between a car and a boat doesn't mean i shouldn't be able to drive down the river oh my god how many rights did i make was it three or two i don't know how many rights i made i'm lost i'm just gonna keep making rights until i get there they just have a counter a little counter on their dashboard hit the button every time you make it right one of those clicker things click still get down at it 252 click [Laughter] and then they had the the little little van that would pick up the elderly uh you know and then you'd see them getting it was like kind of a shuttle bus someone had taped a sign very suspect sign that was taped on and it said that it was actually covering up it was taking them to the slaughterhouse it was clearly just a sign that somebody had taped on if you removed it so we just drive them up and like kind of empty them out and they think oh we're going to you know a son-in-law's house there's a sign on the slaughterhouse that says casino oh come on i got my quarters oh it's slap this electrified slot machine [Laughter] why are the floors metal grates when you get three cherries it just electrocutes you then you just keep playing until they would make the jackpots smash cut to uh roast beef on special 50 off does this roast beef smell bad it depends golden road today's senior drivers yeah what a hit [Music] we're talking about hanging with leo i know yeah well colin why don't you tell us all about hanging with leo oh my god hanging with leo it's a creepy stalker video uh that's sort of uh appealing to young teen girls i think something like that this was like kind of produced back when like leo is like a hot new thing in hollywood right um and it's just full of like stalker footage and paparazzo video uh shot from about a hundred feet away without leo's knowledge or consent you know how you can see leo partying with his pals uh going to the beach he's out on dates uh banging supermodels oh is the beach one advertised on the box yeah it says at the beach that one shot they have a slightly chubby leo filmed by like some weird creepy man it's clearly shot through you can see there's out-of-focus sort of fabric in the foreground and it's clearly shot through a hole that somebody has cut into like a changing tent on a beach it's all like jakey cam you can see that it's like the fabric in front oh jesus oh like filming through a hole [Music] but they had that one shot so they could advertise all the teen girls leo on the beach see him with his [ __ ] off ladies and then they show him on the beach and there's one section where they uh show him shirtless and then comments about how out of shape he is it's like disgusting gross footage but he better be careful all the food and fun just might be getting to his midsection leo doesn't like to leo doesn't like to go to the gym right he's very he doesn't he does not look like he's not fat but he just looks like he looks like a swimming guy as well as your yeah unattractive legs so they have they they got the beach footage from some guy and they probably paid him a lot of money but the beach footage wasn't like yeah good yeah but they could say on the box some beach foot at the beach and you can see they kind of cut it off right they cut it off they cut it off right at his shoulders because they don't they don't want to show anything below the shoulders because he looks like yeah 12 year old boy that's why he wears pants in the movies so you don't see his horrific legs the beach footage was so disgusting and awful and embarrassing that they apologized for it leonardo is not in great shape he really he really doesn't care about the gym at all he'd rather go out night clubbing than go to the gym early in the morning so partying is costing him a great physique certainly but he's having a whole lot of fun and then you know this is the pseudo documentary it's the creepy stalker footage and then you know somebody talking over it and you often get contradictory information yeah he's not a big tipper he tries to say save a dollar whenever he can he can't stand to pay five dollars for a coke through room service it kills him if he has to pay for it he likes to shop at the very best stores and and buy the very most current kind of trendy clothing and he even gets his hair colored at the at the best salon in los angeles it's like leo's cool and collected he knows what he's doing saving up his money and then like a minute later somebody say well you know he's kind of stressed out lately and you know the fame might be getting to him leo leo he's he's not ready to settle down he's you know he's all of all the different women he could surprise us at any moment find the one these people and they keep cutting back to these celebrity experts or journalists did you did you i i understand the sleeves behind it mike these people who just are making up [ __ ] so they can sell a video to horny teen girls don't be cynical now yeah they're not necessarily horny they actually might just really have a crush on them i mean why does a teenage girl have to be horny like she could just be like he's so cute and one day i'd like to marry him and that saddens you no i just i just think there is room for having a crush on someone and liking a celebrity without sex all the time sex jim do you have do you have a crush on leo dicaprio ah thank you there is a uh a lot of comments about the cat pack yes oh we got to talk about that let's go through um the the posse which is not called the cat pack not call the cat back in here this is the safe for teen girls so for anybody that doesn't know i guess so leonardo dicaprio is pretty big i don't know if this is pre-titanic or after no it was after titanic when he came he talked about a huge star when he was very young um obviously like he would just pretty much just go around hollywood with his entourage uh and they were called the [ __ ] posse because they're fond of cats exactly they love to pet cats and the show entourage the show entourage um and so it was toby mcguire i think we talked about this and it was lucas hawes kevin connolly harmony careen the director sarah gilbert sarah gilbert apparently is his confidante his life coach life coach she was trying to this is funny so she was apparently trying to convince him to take a break from his career like she did and go back and to go back to school because leah wants to be smarter he was a shame that he never finished grade school she actually encourages him to take a break from show business the way that she did go to school go to college get an education and there may be other things within show business besides acting that he has an interest in [Music] do you think it was sarah gilbert that led to leo becoming a renaissance man at the age of 24 because he clearly is well read with hemingway despite the fact that leo is a fast food freak he loves quality literature these days some say the six foot one hunk du jour is becoming a young renaissance man because you read books you're a renaissance man with very informal education should like the classics like ernest hemingway is his favorite author he loves hemingway does he really yeah yeah yeah that said he read the old man in the sea i was taken i was in the bathroom he said hemingway old man in the sea i hear you that's that's the short one i'll read that it's reading charlotte's web despite a talks my god charlotte you're not dying are you he has a sensitivity for things passed you [ __ ] off leonardo is also a daredevil who loves skydiving this is everything i thought it would be yeah we put it on the wheel why do we put this on the wheel why why let's talk about the tape itself it's printed on a color color print uh my semi-glossy material lots of blue it's a blue um a photograph of leo like leo's eyes there's lots of celebrities that appear in it um mainly the the [ __ ] posse and celebrity journalist uh neilson aspen right who celebrity journalist journalist nielsen absent who's that he's a celebrity journalist [Laughter] for instance jack nicholson and madonna have both advised him that he should be purchasing art as an investment so that's his new hobby he sort of haunts the art galleries looking for hogs that's creepy it's like like pictures on his wall of like dogs playing poker and like he just does it wrong velvet elvises said to buy art he's got the boulevard of broken dreams with like alvin neon god have we milked this tribe hopefully he will be embarrassed by this video and the oscar goes to leonardo dicaprio [Applause] making the revenant was about man's relationship to the natural world a world that we collectively felt in 2015 as the hottest year in recorded history our production needed to move to the southern tip of this planet just to be able to find snow climate change is real it is happening right now it is the most urgent threat facing our entire species jim yeah penelope smith is a telepathic communicator with animals of all kinds she uh she helps people communicate um with horses ducks [Laughter] dogs cats llamas it's kind of like almost like a a step-by-step course she comes into their home and almost acting as a medium describes what might be wrong with your pet or your animal or or exactly like a medium yeah be a huge fraud scam con artist uh and there are several people in the video um stating how helpful she's been that she came to their place and discussed the problems with the animals and suddenly the animals seem that much more happy in future they've learned how to communicate with the animals so if the animals are sad or have pain or cancerous tumors they let the owner know and then then the owner can put them down one of the ways that penelope helps people tune into animals is through a meditation that has them actually become an animal oh no jesus christ choose an animal or let an animal come to you feel their presence or visualize them okay mike yeah you believe in ghosts do you also believe in this crazy thing [Laughter] i find the paranormal fascinating that that doesn't mean i believe in ghosts no this video is is crackpot central it is it is it is weird lonely ladies cat ladies uh in in somewhere in probably california on on weird farms possibly hippie commons possibly the same one maybe the same one weirdos who think that this weird lady can talk to their animals for them and these people are nutso on that note i'd like to talk to you about my belief in ghosts [Laughter] one day i was feeding my horses and i heard all of these little voices in my heart crying for help i thought where is that coming from so i went exploring and i came across our little pond well the pond had completely dried up and there were about 500 goldfish laying in a mud puddle gasping for air and they had sent out the message that they needed help that's not true how could the puddle dry up fast enough that the goldfish are still alive by the time she every one of these times you're questioning that over the fact that the goldfish telepathically our cynicism took over as it does with with terrible videos and it's like okay penelope smith is going to charge you 5 000 bucks to come out to your house and talk to your animals i was waiting for it when i heard about phone readings there's no sales pitch no penelope is in such demand that she cannot travel to work with everybody who requests her service so now she consults with people by phone and tunes into their animals and healthy is being investigated by the the animal and its owner are willing do you think this is [ __ ] this is copyright 1990 but clearly she goes through uh transformations throughout where she looks completely uh unfamiliar and there was a point we didn't even know if it was the same person right maybe that's the cost of using her psychic power every time she tries to talk to a dog she ages in dog ears well apparently she becomes a dog because he was saying like you know you think like the animal and talk and like she lost like 10 years of her physical self to tell this lady that this dog needed a treat he likes food he's very happy to be with you but he would like more treats i can tell you how your cat feels but i'll get arthritis please tell me okay he doesn't like the placement of his litter box at the end alaska [Applause] that'll happen if she tries to do like an elephant yeah [Laughter] hitler was learning how to talk to animals he was gonna use rhinos to conquer england spider monkeys what if she got like uh telepathic abilities because her mother was involved in like nazi experiments in like world war ii let me tell you she's the end result of one of those nazi experiments yeah she got like she's trying to continue people create an army of people who can speak to animals that's why stalin had to counter that with his hybrid ape human program that's a that's a real thing what supposedly that's crazy it's a real thing i heard i don't know if it's actually true but i have heard that stalin tried to force a human a mate with a gorilla so so he could have something can somebody get me a paper towel well you know how exasperating it is when you're driving down the road the windows are closed there's a fly it's constantly flying into you this woman looks like lionel from thundercat yeah she does i think she's really into the new age thing and she looked at a dog once and the dog looked sad and she convinced herself that the dog psychically told her that rather than her reading its body language i think there's just it's it's like a video just filled with testimonials yeah and they're just weirdos that she believes and they want to believe and they they work well together because she's like i can talk to animals i believe you can talk to my animals and then that's all i think it's just a it's a it's a it's a mutually beneficial psychosis and and i think it's it's coming from a pure place of crazy i'm crazy for feeling he says he feels a lot better you remember this incident foggy yeah you sure do the normal thing to say is well the second one's brilliant and she didn't i mean he's not this is one smart one very quick guy you'd love me as long as you wanted funny about things i can i can feel their pain and i can feel the horse going through the pain and spoke of cider's adventures in other dimensions then this and she talked to him although he was 300 miles away if if she were a con artist that would mean she was making a lot of money doing it and that would be some more and then there would be more production value in the video designed to get more people to give her money maybe maybe she just wasn't like savvy that way like media savvy there's a cluelessness to it there's an honesty to it he says he has fun with you uh but he says he doesn't know what he wants to do he gets confused you know the sad thing here is and i don't mean to be too cynical but a lot of money could be made from this because people i mean like people who have children people who have pets are very attached to the pets yes emotionally able to be manipulated beyond beliefs suckers right so the fact that there wasn't as you're claiming no financial you know taking advantage of people happening is almost a bit disappointing we don't know that though and if they were kept together it would be dangerous which it had already been because one of them had injured me [Laughter] recreate it remember the lady with the plant next door yeah oh she had the [ __ ] up face she had said that one of her animals had attacked one of her dogs she had two dogs and they did not like each other and one of them attacked her and she didn't specify yeah but we knew it had something to do with her face because it was [ __ ] up the video that's why they filmed like six feet away and they put a plant in front of her [Applause] we gotta get this camera back did a dog [ __ ] your face up how did your lips become asymmetrical i'm sorry i didn't did i say that out loud with one of my ape human hybrids this is the early days of the program i mean wait wait why does the russian communists sound like a nazi we had we had the accident with ap there you go this is better yeah yeah um there is a brief very brief mention of how someone was telepathically communicating with a dog who had gone to another dimension right oh that's right oh my god that came out of nowhere right dog went to another dimension yes that's what i'm saying the dog the dog had gone to another dimension and then they're like they brought it back and the train is is on the tracks and just falls off it comes right back on we're like tell us more after we got around and seen the llamas we went back into the house and she did a reading on one of our dogs cider and spoke of cider's adventures in other dimensions oh my gosh we need more never mention again it's like mentioned so casually out of nowhere and and the only evidence you have is a dog with really [ __ ] up eyes you know the dog just looks at the camera like yeah i was like it was i don't know what she's talking frightening dog yeah [Music] there's a bit of [ __ ] going on there which leads me back to my do you think so oh oh the the video is [ __ ] what yeah that's where they lost me when they said the dog went to another i was buying it up to that point i talked to [ __ ] gophers and horses yeah look out for that monkey jesus christ these spider monkeys helped me get through my three divorces you know penelope smith is an author as well i mean she didn't just make this video tape uh she's an author of a book called anime communications but it's blocking us no it is like technically the dog wrote the book she just used her psychic powers to write it down for him what was the text this is park park park park park park park park bravery gravy gravy train it's monsters can we talk about the dog and the chickens though because they said she talked to the you know the dog ate the chickens and they wanted to get rid of the dog yeah penelope smith for husband talk to the dog and then the dog wasn't going to chase the chickens anymore and they had like the shot of the dog hanging out with the chickens and it locked themselves they cut away right when the dog turned around they started to start heading towards them staring at one another and then it starts walking and then they kind of like do the transition there's an awkward shot where the dog goes to the chicken [Laughter] how much of this telepathy is lost in translation where it's like a broken telephone well none of it because there's no actual communication going on or are dogs liars that's also true he just wanted to eat that [ __ ] chicken he's like yeah oh yeah well i'm a murderous crazy dog i want to eat chickens i'll tell this [ __ ] anything to get her out of here so you keep eating chickens [Applause] the animals are smarter than her is she gonna have to start hooking like animals up to lie detector tests once she does her psychic examination are you gonna eat the chickens it's like no dog won't say anything i'll just see the needle go you're lying [Laughter] do you do you want to eat the chicken i'd like to see all the like lie detector tests from the dog and it's all like like it's like neither here in there who who ripped apart the couch [Laughter] did you eat all this toilet paper it's got like chicken feathers in its mouth polly wanna cracker graph the test for a parrot do you do you not want a cracker my pet is so dumb it's funny you're lying you do want a cracker polly always wants a cracker oh [ __ ] [Music] suck my dick she's never tried to talk to a grizzly bear and i would still love to watch it oh guys they did they did but i want to see her try to communicate with a grizzly bear i think she would draw the line at that yeah oh no i i i can't but she has to she has to be in the grizzly bear's cage no but she can do it over the phone 300 miles away let's put a phone in its cage hi mister no we need you in person penelope he's very angry he's very he's very upset we need you to talk to our grizzly bear i don't [ __ ] no where was she when the whole harambee thing was going on penelope smith zoo hostage negotiator oh that would be the best oh that would have been good oh that would be so she's still alive right put him on the phone penelope's not the phone oh they throw that phone in like they do in like costume situations and like the orangutan picks up the phone it's a special phone they throw in because they look like a banana phone ring ring ring ring ring ring you need to stop throwing around that baby they're gonna shoot you he's very hungry you know what they need to do you know that that gorilla that knows sign language coco they need to have they need to have coco explain that penelope is full of [ __ ] when penelope is completely wrong about what coco is thinking that'd be amazing it could be like a setup you know penelope we need to tell you we we need you to tell us what this gorilla's thing and she'll do a full reading what we didn't tell you is that this gorilla knows sign language coco is what she said accurate [Laughter] that's a coco is she a fraud right turn [Laughter] and well she got this picture of this particular tall guy now this was one of my my students who had been over to the house to tell well i think this has been successful this episode or no the drawing oh oh the cover yeah the cover's very successful the episode not so much but the cover what he said was i'm here [Music] ah now is the time of the night when we pick which of these three terrible vhs tapes are the best of the worst uh i'm gonna start to my right colin yes um on your own criteria okay you just tell me tell us tell our audience which you think is the best of the worst well i'll start with the worst of the worst and it's this piece of [ __ ] garbage uh this one's kind of useful but again it's like sort of you know it's very short it's kind of entertaining but it's like telling us uh things we already know and is that the elderly should not be behind the wheel of a car this this is where the gold is at i think this is kind of wonderful and it's fascinating and we were all kind of like very entertained and i think kind of like as the video went on we kind of stopped making jokes and we were just sort of like um their peers approval they better toe the line and the line has been in this society that telepathic communication is for flakes you know and witches or something it says that instantly gives witch's cackles [Laughter] um so i'm gonna have to say and just based on the entertainment we're able to draw out of this video that this i think is the best of the worst well i think we can all agree leo sucks it's fine um he certainly does telepathic communication with animals uh obviously the concept is insane and interesting but the execution of the video itself it's a bit dry yes this opens with somebody matter-of-factly stating about how their mother started a car and instantly drove into the building in front of them so i'm giving it to golden road as best of the worst worst my favorite is is penelope smith's telepathic talking animals she seems to have her heart in the right place according to the psychosis of her mind i have problems with it because i still sort of feel like we might be being manipulated because she seems like a good soul and i don't think she is but in this forum i have to choose this as the best of the worst for me uh telepathic communications with animals is my best of the worst mainly because it leaves more questions than answers it it it is it is a fascinating a fascinating video um because what questions are you left with i'm i'm is she a fraud yes that normally we could like this this this is easy yeah easy oh sleeves easy sleeves even even the golden yeah yeah rarely do we get a tape that is is confounding and this is this is it i'm left with something too much and she's sincere for it to be confounded but we don't know we don't know which is really really good that's the thing is is the scripture what what the [ __ ] three of us picked it and and you didn't and which which i i think is a little weird i don't know what you want from me right now i don't what am i supposed to get upset that my tape didn't win and the stupid show with the voting doesn't matter it's just oh oh that golden road should have won well how do we destroy the leonardo dicaprio tape do we just try to find him and throw it at him it needs to get ripped apart by like fangirls fangirl groupies take the tape to a gym send it to the beach and then film it through a hole cut in like a changing room tint make the tape have sex with a supermodel throw it into a beard and cover it up oh or that do it do it just do it just do it [Music] thundercats this is the wrong tape [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,689,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, best of the worst, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Id: ebb8baFaQ-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 59sec (3419 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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