Best of the Worst: Parole Violators, Future Force, and Geteven
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Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 3,071,741
Rating: 4.9304562 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, best of the worst, mike stokasa, jay bauman, rich evans, parole violators, future force, geteven, david carradine
Id: 7Bd_CLKt9yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 6sec (4086 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2016
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I need to know what Mike said that was censored.
Geteven seems like a tinder bio for John DeHart.
I can sing, dance, act, read Shakespeare, make everyone laugh, and I don't do drugs or worship the devil.
The gang's humor gelled nicely.
Jim, impersonating John De Hart: "Do you wanna take a bath with me?"
Jay, impersonating John De Hart: "Do you wanna take your clothes off for my embarrassing movie?"
Mike, impersonating John De Hart: "Do you wanna ruin your whole life?"
(Rich Evans: "I need a pizza break. Oh my God.")
Colin, impersonating John De Hart: "If the answer is yes, sign this contract. Legally binding."
Them starting right away with the synopses really threw me off
Rich was on fire this episode. And fuck you, Mike. I laughed at that 50 Shades of Grey joke.
While I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get another hilarious Rich Evans crank call, the attempt and subsequent spectacular failure is almost better.
"Miles Long" is filming "discretions" of child molesters? Yep, it's a porno.
if you want to see the David Carradine hose ad that they mention you can click here
Cranking them out. Love it!