Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #16

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Surviving edged weapons? Whoever sent that in God bless you.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 405 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rthunderbird1997 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 361 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/joshkg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

"How can i make real friends"

A more appropriate video for us can not be found.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 302 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scruba πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is a top 5 episode for me. Top 3 actually

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 295 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/greenphlem πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes, I Agree.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 238 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've seen 'Surviving Edged Weapons' before. I was overjoyed to see they selected it.

Also, best 'Wheel' episode since EloiseCole'.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 208 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ItGoesYuh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Stats of the Worst has been updated.
Josh gets a spin without having his tape destroyed. Josh still has the greatest destruction rate, but has reduced it from 50% to 43%.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 209 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DasGuntLord01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like how Mike is already drinking at the beginning. I guess he’s just preparing for the hell they call the Wheel of the Worst.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 180 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fr0styF0ster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

"A tear came out of my eye and then it turned into a bald eagle, and it flew away. And I said, this is the best video I've ever seen".

-Michael Stoklasa, 2017

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 358 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh hey Josh what are you doing oh hey I'm here because it's time for another best of the worst and I'm here to pick out some movies oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you misunderstood oh no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] and we know what I mean happens it has tortured us for years randomly selecting terrible videos that are painful to watch leaving only the most disturbing nightmares and scarring the mindful life many have tried to destroy it but through evil never dies it is only it's now time to spin the wheel of the worse show some enthusiasm for Christ's sake we're here to spin the wheel of the worst why random VHS tapes that are probably terrible that we're going to watch oh and then discuss what else could you possibly want to do with your evening what's the first film featured on the wheel of the worst today's first film it's called the shocking truth what you should know about Electrical Safety running time 18 minutes a presentation by comm / electric okay sounds like some conspiracy theories this is a shocking truth meaning could be about anything from louis c.k to charlie rose now let's move on our second film is called lights camera bubbles I'm feeling this was on the wheel of the worst at some point I recognize this didn't we even watch it I don't remember that hmm next is when Mom Plus dad breakup hosted by Alan Thicke I can finally find out what happened in my really childhood this font and the the text looked very similar to mr. mom doesn't it yes makes me think of that yes it's really strong the same time I'm actually watching mr. mom tomorrow night that's the strangest thing anyone's ever said to me it's understandable Casino journal publishing group the CJ PG an esteemed organization certainly presents top slots spotting the best o top slots spotting the best ha should that be a semicolon yeah yeah - is a little distracting it's also formatted really badly yeah it's it's very confusing there's a lot going on that's they're hosted by Jimmy the Scott Jordan sounds like a mobster to me I don't know I feel about that next up after that young people ask how can I make real friends pay attention Internet it should be called people who play video games how can I make real friends high impact [ __ ] lift safety oh no like that I next tape is dog lovers care guides presents emergency first date an introductory course and look at the adorable puppy oh I'm gonna help that popper if they're choking or something oh yeah yeah you know what's next Oh next Wow almost irrelevant video we've ever seen in the wheel the y2k family Survival Guide hosted by Leonard Nimoy Wow remember when Leonard Nimoy helped us all through the y2k disaster dude I did I wasn't there was a it was a beautiful time who better to help you through like potential computer apocalypse than mr. Spock next up on the wheel athletes for abstinence it ain't worth it maybe athletes for abstinence is athletes saying you should abstain from playing sports because you're gonna get a [ __ ] brain Tami's oh no don't go in the NFL they don't worth it mm-hmm don't horn in on my actions what they're saying you know come out bankrupt and your brain won't work I'm 24 years old Knight dementia and I'm bankrupt oh it ain't worth it it's not worth it so what are you saying I should abstain from sex oh no no no abstain from being a linebacker go into accounting well folks this might be the best cover we've seen in a long time video 5 in a series called agitation ellipses it's a sign and a picture of a very cranky old man by the senior living university this is probably a video if you're cranky old person you may have some kind of medical problem or that you've just lived long enough that you understand that everything is [ __ ] and no one will listen to you goddamnit and next up mm-hm oh gosh next up matters who needs a god this video oh this is the dude yeah we watch yeah yeah we did what watch this one oh just shut up you're gonna lose your excuse me the video that makes learning man anyway so you're talking about manners it's a 20-minute video and that's very that's actually really thoughtful did they pointed that out a video about manners needs to be 16 hours long have you seen some of the people today what's the last tape thank God is the last tape what's the last tape Mike last eight surviving edged weapon Wow the best police training film ever made how to defeat today's fastest growing threat intended for law enforcement only so if we get this one only cops get to watch yeah obtain this we have to leave the room if it's on I don't know yeah I'm not a member of the law enforcement you know look at this look at the look at the work on this edged weapons with the cut it's like it took a Guns & Roses album cover so yeah that's some good [ __ ] edged weapons amazing simply amazing well Josh you want to give this wheel spin sure here we go oh my god the wheel is spinning oh boy decided oh boy manners who needs some do you refreshment please she said please remind me boy of the proper way to eat grapes that's with your mouth the proper way to eat grapes with your fingers Oh Queen different way to eat grapes see Cleopatra paid close attention to her manners well she was a queen after all why are you telling me that I was that girl holding a fish I have so many questions all right we're having a hell of a night take a steward doom all right here we go hell of a wind-up for your good wind up let's see what we can get oh my god oh my god Publishing top slot spotting the best sleazy casino video maybe maybe I don't know would y'all know what's gonna happen we don't know some magic is a wheel make sure you put your second coin in this machine too because you also get a bonus for that big jackpot now some machines will go 1,500 to 3,000 on those machines you can play one coin if you want but what you're getting bonus for your second coin you better put the full amount of coins in it so this is this is the worst though this is the worst thing we've watched as far as like Jerry he's playing again this is Exodia hey ride machine this is really popular it's been popular the last couple of years I'm still not bringing you up to 2:19 and the wild cymbal is a wild and a substitute for any other symbol all right Mike are you ready to salvage this evening I am rich I have a good feeling this last spin it's gonna pick a great video here we go I'm gonna give it a good spin I'm waiting I'm waiting for it oh they gave it a good spin rich that's a good spin I feel good about that okay see what we got oh my god many targets are vulnerable to this technique from the femoral artery in the groin to the arms ribs chest the neck and back Milwaukee cops versus a ninja [Laughter] the crucial tactic for you of buying time to assess a suspect and to protect yourself against an edged whether that's not we remember that scene from the first muffin movie where animals the size of the [ __ ] town yeah watch out Wow gentlemen yes sir we welcome to the final wheel of the worst episode the third fourth annual but for entirely different reasons yes yes that's very important to point we've had we've had success on the level which has not been seen transcendence in in film history we hit the jackpot literally hit the jackpot it was not with this video oh we stabbed at the jackpot we stabbed at that computer chip that controls the jackpot machine and boom we survived some edged weapons while keeping our manners intact yeah this is about an amazing amazing experience very interesting I I don't remember the last time no no there was no last time where I didn't finish a [ __ ] wheel episode viewing feeling like [ __ ] I feel like I feel like a million [ __ ] dollars right now no this kept getting better and better maybe he said pac-man sure this pac-man shirt is [ __ ] awesome and you can't handle it well let me just say this if I had that shirt I would be so ashamed now why don't you tell me all about manners and who needs I would say that that you need manners Mike manners who needs them I don't know what it is really it's little girls they're having a slumber party the problem this video should not be called manners it should be called table etiquette fancy dinner table etiquette for small children that will never be at a fancy dinner mostly table setting which they're not going to be doing longest chunk of this video is devoted to the table setting that a child will not be doing ever it did help that it was delivered by Cleopatra on the set of press your luck that was we kept every time Kalia Patra showed up we're like no way he's no big bucks no whammies no way I mean no way the main thing about who needs manners whatever is that it's as exciting as a little girl describing her dream to you yeah it's that you know you know like some of your friends this is like oh I had this crazy dream last night and you're really super excited to hear it but not every dream has a giant rap at the end no that's all we need to know that's the centerpiece of the film no pun intended you gotta eat wait wait we need to talk about how four little girls think rock paper scissors work oh yeah that's how we start the video does that work with four people I beat you but the guy he said you in with the head talked about your dreams he thought he was making a whole different film but it turns out he was making a film about manner table manners very very very specific yeah notice how he spoons away from himself as he eats the reason he does so is to prevent spilling on himself scaring soup in your lap can get really nasty yes obvious [Music] first I was a fast food restaurant I think I think her dream in her dream she was explaining to her friends about a dream oh yeah was even more dull than the actual dream which started off with her dreaming about some people that she knew throw and fries each other J when you go to fancy dinner with George Washington and apparently maybe his wife it was hard to tell they didn't say Martha Martha Martha why did you say that name point is when you go to that seriously I thought Steppenwolf separate mother was Martha how did you know that [Music] father's name is Martha works every time what what if what if you live in a tent in the middle east or what if you're a medieval time think this they just keep jumping all over the place and there's no clear message and if you're if you're making a video for children to learn something you want to have a clear message that gets repeated it was specifically eating and table manners and one for the history of table manners up until modern day with with plates taken from the estate of MC Hammer or or in the set of and Living Color definitely MTV beach house MTV beach house like now in modern times you have a fork a knife and a spoon and maybe I guess an appetizer knife or a fork you've got a tiny fork and a salad fork and a regular fork a couple of knives and maybe some spoons so it wasn't all this crazy [ __ ] it was 30 minutes of build up to here's a table setting yeah a four year old this doesn't know about place settings she's only concerned about her bangs and her blossom Matt just let it play with her friend just want to play win lose or draw you sorta play for a person rock paper scissors or they want to talk about boys talking about boy no they're hugging fishes holding fishes in their bedroom and talking about I don't know whatever it's 8 year old girls talk about there was the one that wouldn't stop staring at me this is a 1950 they're not talking about place settings this video is a big pile of crap it's useless it's a big piece of [ __ ] but it redeems itself at the very end when we break out into a rap if your meat is giving you strike just cut it cut it cut it with the knife the rap let's just jump to the rap [ __ ] there's anything else to talk about we've got to get to a rap we got to get to this the most Awkward embarrassing rap that has ever existed and that's saying something considering the era that this comes from again they're just like we're done I'm done telling you about my dream and play in this game let's watch a video I'm bored with this game let's watch a video yeah it's just this video again Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] - I'm high demand for your dreams is in the video butter knife it's 8 o'clock and we're ready to rock get your elbows off the table put your napkin in your lap stop playing with your food and join us in our rap with them in it and George Washington and it's it's dreams within dreams it's it's the last season of Twin Peaks was manors who needs them a David Lynch film it kind of feels like it with all the talking jury it makes more sense than dune you are not wrong sir you are not wrong but but let's really let's focus on who's rapping and the man the man behind the voice as they say check it out this is how the table set knifes on the right ports on the left how embarrassing plates in the middle and the glass is to the right utensils are used from outside in remember this can we find an embarassment man don't slurp your soup don't reach and grab when your butter your bread just take a little dab I know what song is ending this video I'm gonna shake his hand for having the courage to do that in front of a camera don't be a drip wipe your lips and mind your manners man well he was probably like 20 no I'm out now he's he's 45 and he has a wife and kids and his kids are in college this is like hi nobody in the family knows about that was video and now a bunch of slobs from Wisconsin are talking about him and now he's dead and his and his wife and and his grieving children are at the funeral and you're there and you're pac-man sure I think really you just show up with like an iPad without the rap loaded up dance through the funeral don't talk to anybody just show up to the door with that already playing it just dance my way you definitely wanna put some razor blades if you have there yet yes hopefully it's open casket so you could throw some MC Hammer plates on his court some styrofoam silverware comically oversized styrofoam forks yeah and just say this is your husband's legacy this is your husband's and and your father's as you look to his children this is his legacy it's an embarrassing rap video now part of best of the worst episode 128 or whatever absent or whatever episode yeah the last one lowering the casket into the earth you take a joke jump on it while we're your back bencher but no pence and then you say to his daughter's manners who needs [Laughter] out I'm so sorry why do you hate me so much no I'm this is your liberation this is a beautiful moment he doesn't hate you he hates George Washington I hate bird-watching we all do and this man who whose rap embarrassed a nation when the salad comes around don't look like the dork reach to the left and grab the small force is the best for you don't make a mess with your food if you do you'll look pretty rude only take don't be a drip wipe your lips and mind your manners man oh boy now let's be fun oh sure tops top [ __ ] spotting the best now rich tops lot spotting the best in which a very hyper fellow describes all of the new slot machines for 1998 will he win will he lose he'll probably lose he doesn't describe the slot machines he reads the printing that is on the machines no up here the top is where the big pays are and again you got to put in the two coins because you get a bonus for the second coin and look look look here you got a bonus for the three I knew this man was gonna be crazy I did not know this would literally be the entire video he gives you tips and those tips are read the machines please and make sure you read your machine that's what a little stressful in this tape reading reading reading getting into the fine print the little print all these machines some of these new machines are going to floor you all to help slots are random now because of microchips so it's just luck could be a jackpot could be triple bars couldn't be a cherry could be nothing probably nothing there's more nothing was on that chip then there are jackpot so it's just pure luck that's the only piece of kind of worthwhile information in the whole video and it's in the first 30 seconds and then the rest of the video is this this coked out lunatic trying to film as much as he can before security kicks him out of the casino coked out lunatic this man is a US senator now careful what you say and certain pays we'll haywire and repeat the pay then another do the wheels go all around then they settle down get any other paint those wild symbols on this machine and when you're gonna pay don't be surprised [Laughter] this guy is [ __ ] nuts and he's set loose in this casino it's just like hand action the [ __ ] out of these close-ups to every little thing that's on every little bit of all of these casino all the slot machines and that to edit it in the camera yeah in camera editing once it started we were like this cannot be because how long is the video it's like it's like yeah it's close to 45 minutes or so we're like the whole thing cannot just be him going to slot machines and explaining what everything on the slot machine says that can't be for late and it wasn't really it wasn't because there were occasional close-ups of magazine we get a cameo by Jay Leno Jay Leno you know but but the thing is the video is that it's him going to slot machine he's coked out of his mind and explaining what happens on the slot machine and then awkwardly cutting to the next slot machine sometimes he's not aware of there rolling yet so we have a few moments of silence and then they camera zooms out and he explains some more and he loses his minds and then it just cuts to the next scene and it never got boring it's like this man cannot stop goes in his mouth mmm and then it just suddenly you do with an extra 500 these are interesting machines to play read your slot machines please he turns he just turns off powers down Bowman computer chips let me tell you about him [Music] Dave I assume picks him up and turns the camera back up again 1 times 3 times 5 times 6 times 2 times 4 times 10 times 100 times it keeps going to I believe me as just luck but nevertheless let's give it a shot and see what happens on this new machine come on give me a winner bummer the best moment that was the exciting part of us you knew every every slot machine would end with him playing and losing in an awkward silence to cut to the next machine why are these machines can get exciting when you hit the big one which he explains in depth puts the coin in loses and moves on that's what's the pattern for a solid half-hour make sure you put the full amount of coins in all machines where you get a bonus please now let's see if we get something ourselves [Music] [Laughter] cuz he he comes off like a crazy person who who was delusional up to think he's some kind of Vegas High Roller but he's really just a psychopath who doesn't know anything who could read who can read he comes across like if you've ever been to a casino and you go to a slot machine and there's someone sitting next to you that starts to like give you advice or point something out like he's your worst nightmare is sitting next to this guy and everything he says in this video he just starts explaining to you but you're there in real life I could read the machine they got a wheel on here it's not showing right now but when you hit that and it comes on you can win ten times twenty times up to a hundred or two hundred times bonus on these machines and you got no control over that so all you do is when you get the secret secrets are cash money for your video Jimmy tell me what's the secret czar how angry are you if you you bought this video like legitimately bought this video for slot information and it's just nothing there's nothing useful yelling is crazy guy just reading the information that's already printed on the machine losing proving that he doesn't have any valuable information that is the 1990s how angry are you that you bought this video yes or information on XYZ yeah and got a scam tape I'm gonna put it like this you bought this because you're a gambler you took a bag much much like Jimmy in the video you don't you don't always win you don't win much yeah well I'm gonna play this machine I like this machine come on let's get some winners here let's show these people how to be a winner there's nothing nothing nothing [Laughter] computer chips let me tell you about J oh man this is a lot of pressure it's an honor chain you can't no you cannot go wrong the greatest video has ever graced this table surviving edged weapons is the Citizen Kane of VHS 90s instructional video tapes this is the most amazing thing we've ever seen unreal the worst may be the most amazing thing we've ever seen on best of the worst as a whole it's that impressive it's it's it's an exciting action film it's legitimately informative and in the most amazing plot twists that I've ever seen we discovered about 20 minutes into it that it was made in Milwaukee we'll have to begin by you identifying the suspects potential for violence most 21 go ahead for West Madison holy [ __ ] I also saw a sign for 41 what the [ __ ] oh is that County Stadium oh yeah that was the old stadium this is a video this video had everything going for us cut it's got thrills it's got chills chills fantastic accents I told you I didn't want you working my Street that's the thing it almost feels like a parody because the accents the Milwaukee accents are so thick yeah that it feels like people doing an accent it feels like Fargo the guy in the Camaro that gets pulled over by the stadium Oh God he looks like the the guy thats hanging out in the parking lot in Ghost World you got a mullet like it it's like that guy is real but extremely Wisconsin yeah and when the officer you know asks for his license he goes and looks around like oh here's my [ __ ] license and he's got the names like I got it right here the [ __ ] do you want what is your driver's license what for nice time only a block from home when she let me go intended for law enforcement only which we thought was a joke yeah we thought that was like oh this is just to make you feel like you're seeing you know insider information or whatever but you know despite the opening prologue that was set in caveman era this is legitimately meant for law enforcement because it's hardcore it was graphic yeah and that's this stuff I didn't like in the video is when we see like photos of real stab wounds that shit's [ __ ] up but there is a lot of real information about how to handle being attacked by someone with an edged weapon homeless person prostitute Oh left hand behind your hair okay you hurt me whatever what have you old man yeah that's the real takeaway from this is that everyone has a knife and is going to stab you at any moment and everything is a knife everything is everything everything is life there is a fascinating section of this video where they go through just like this could be made to a knife and look where we hit a knife here and here's all these others like it's culminating in oh you could hide razor blades in your coca-cola had no one will even notice adding to the threat are a host of improvised weapons sunglasses that can be flicked to poke out your eyes fish hooks hidden earrings are stuck through pathways with your fingers down boots with protruding spikes a baseball cap wizardry say to the bank rip your hat like rich the back of Rich's hat scared to come close to you you could take it and start attacking you there could be a knife and slash your face off just whip that thing off and just POW it's it's not a wonder that cops are paranoid [ __ ] that shoot you to death you can say show them videos like this I was just standing here but you could have some kind of [ __ ] edged weapon everything is a nice and everyone has them and you've probably seen a knife that looks like a ballpoint pen though Oh God but are you familiar with the Mexican socket repay used for gutting sheep and other warm-blooded animals or the butane lighter holding everything this kind of money clip was more of a point to it than just holding tanto knives among the deadliest fighting knives have incredible penetration capability because of this plus they can be muster cosh the human skull there's also hidden danger in this lipstick tube popular with prostitutes is this key opens into a knife take that damn he's got an edged weapon this this is [ __ ] cop in here who can stab with a motorcycles gas cap yes that's it on the front cover you can you can can stab with a medieval sword Oh God ok well we need to establish this movie has many many reenactments and that's when it shines there's a couple of parts for there's interviews with real cops talking about being stabbed and we're like oh I don't know about this we fast-forward it through a little bit of that but those early reenactments we have the first reenactment which is the cavemen [Music] where we learn hey people can be shitty don't show don't show weakness don't you or your fellow man will stab you for your meat it'll stab you and take your pig's head right and then we got the modern times and see the modern-day equivalent of that which is a drunk Midwestern with a samurai sword that will stab you through the [ __ ] door oh he's a [ __ ] medieval sword well bring out the sword [Music] [Laughter] watching this video is just like the most tense thing ever no somebody's gonna who's gonna try to stop these cops [Music] this represents imminent danger for sure [Music] oh that little girl might have a knife [Laughter] all I'm looking for is Milwaukee locations and we got a bunch of them yeah we're spotting like 5th ward maybe now us building can't see the US bank building you can see the allen-bradley Tower and it's just great to hear all of the accents oh the the woman that was fighting with her boyfriend is just like you get away from the entire [ __ ] yeah the cops like hey put your knife down she's like I don't want to put my knife down drop the knife I said to drop it if you have a problem we'll talk about did they find people with the thickest accents possible no it's more than nuts hey Pedro is it going good yeah Sunday's they got hot ham rolls and on Tuesdays they got the cocaine after the Packer game everybody coming in the back and and and bag up the coal don't close the door don't leave that open well have the prostitute in the prom dress keep an eye out a teenage prom dress make a pass at the cop who comes in I adored who's your favorite white receiver [Music] and then the cops just like they take position and they just start blowing away the bad guys like they're [ __ ] Robocop yeah and this is this is videotape that was made for the purposes of showing this was made to show to Milwaukee cops and we've got squibs we got prostitutes we've got like coke deals that that scene is where this movie went from being the absolute best instructional video ever made and it went to a level word is now competing with lethal [ __ ] weapon unlike unlikely the weapon you know Mel Gibson's gonna be fine these cups which also happens you're afraid for these characters there's all sorts of crazy [ __ ] going on in Milwaukee I didn't even know about because you know what after that they took it a step further there's a horror music going on over on the door it's a [ __ ] satanic ritual [Music] [Laughter] this is an apartment which is depicted on the back of the box oh [ __ ] all those cops in that thing you have to worry about everyday you never know when you're gonna be called in for a rape situation and it turns out it's not rape it's satanic ritual and the [ __ ] set designer in that apartment they had the Iron Maiden poster up and everything like happenin and that was what you thought this couldn't get any crazier yeah you thought we had reached maximum crazy with the cocaine deal scene yeah No then Satan Satanism you are the dog Watson and growls and the video pauses how many sharp objects do you see there [Music] are many edged weapons do you see now this this video is so awesome it is three three reenacted dick stabbings and then an autopsy photo of an actual dig stabbing oh did you look at it I had to you didn't have to I didn't I looked away also protect your groin region [Laughter] [Music] no it was not a dick stepping it wasn't mere dick stabbing let's not always a not it was over it was a crucified but the big was right there she was like it was it was a two-seam thing for me number one it was there was a guy just hanging out by the train tracks and a cop just walks up and just like what you doing out here ain't man what are you doing here stand on your own why are you staying in here and not on some street corner somewhere free country man I can stand where I want cuz like guys just hanging out by the tracks it's like I don't like it and then he got stabbed but like don't just walk up just like I don't like how you're hanging out here that's what happens to you immediately after that cops just pulls up to a house a guys walking out of the house you know he's got their hunting gear on what's the problem there is no problem here well you can go what would he call then the cops like what's going on around here like nothing's going on here and cops like you know put up your hands and then the crossbow comes out the videos telling cop watch out for Wisconsin nights with crossbows and we're laughing then they immediately cut to an autopsy photo of some cop who got a hit with the crossbow it's not a joke and then you're like you want to throw up this video is an emotional rollercoaster it's a thrill ride from beginning to end and the hits don't stop no problem something with your photo name on it they'll be fine with you stop this from didn't see a knife hidden in the crevice between the dashboard in the windshield while the driver was standing outside he reached in grab the knife let out a startling martial arts yell and attacked deputy was stabbed nine times in the style or show and ended up losing a kidney you can hide a knife [ __ ] anywhere and if you don't have a knife and you're a crazy person an insane asylum just punch the [ __ ] window Edie Pease can quickly come the ultimate knife-wielding psycho and then chop your finger off and fling it at the cows [ __ ] it this awesome throat down the night no no this night cost me a bunch of money man we got a 50 bucks Vietnam remember tonight these guy got this I got this vide I got this Vietnam commemorative knife I don't want to drop it that's right drop your knife I don't want to it's a nice knife all right they just placed the knife down slowly it won't get scratched slowly place the knife down right I got 16 on the knives but that was an interesting segment where they're like okay bad guy cop right one foot okay you die in one second bad guy cop 15 feet bad guy kills you in two seconds bad guy cop 50 feet then you got time you got kind of time it's a 50/50 50/50 you got kind of time then maybe take out your gun if you've already got your hand on the gun you could probably pop bad guy length the Lambeau Field yeah you get a shot off Bart Starr runs down there's that incredible strut in that in that bit where they do twice we're like the dudes just like biased truck top pulls up and he just pulls a [ __ ] machete and it's just running like 50 [ __ ] features she gets to the car drives away that's what I would do sorry pardon me I didn't need to be yep this buddy you're so awesome I expected her to ram him with the car oh that would run great yeah now hit reverse and the gas he's got a knife you want to make sure he's dead if the perp still hurts roll over him again hit the gas I'll go over there once and then get out of your car and pick up his knife and stab him with his own knife I'm gonna die tonight from from just pure joy I have experience comedy has it all everything remember that far away shot where you could see all the way down the stairs and the cop car pulls up around like we know our cop got stabbed and we can't find him anywhere and then the camera dollies over in this beautiful dolly shot and there he is laying there we don't even know this cop and we felt so bad for him we felt sympathy for this character scene though because he's he's not dead he's injured he's actually on the ground bleeding to death while holding a criminal at bay with his gut it's the most exciting action scene I've seen in a movie maybe ever waiting for backup to find him and it's the most dramatic thing ever yeah I would just and we told that story with two simple camera moves he's holding that gun and the criminals like slowly reaching for his knife he's like you you you grab that knife I'm gonna blow you away blow your brains out I think he actually said yeah go for it I'm gonna blow your brains off and there there's even a moment in this video where they say cop if if you have been shot through the chest and your lung is in danger of collapsing you lean your head back and you take out either a piece of plastic or a credit card to hermetically seal the hole to prevent your lung from Cullum I learned that I didn't know how to do that so you can live to fight another day to shoot some [ __ ] with an edged weapon maybe a Satanist I mean maybe a gang member here came out of my eye and it turned into a bald eagle and it flew away I said this is this is the best video I've ever seen we give this a standing ovation that's the first time in best of the worst history legit standing ovations and innovation well gentlemen now it's time we choose the best of the worst oh what's it gonna be rich I'm gonna start with you manners who needs them I I'm not gonna lie i i i enjoyed surviving edged weapons far more than I enjoyed the [ __ ] Justice League movie all right like by far this box says the best police training film ever made and it's it's not lying it makes me wonder what their standards are because they only gave it four stars Oh God Josh yeah I'm not gonna say that it didn't get moments I've been dreaming out of both manners who needs them and top slots spotting the best but I've never had a cinematic experience in my life like surviving edged weapons i watch a well surviving edged weapons of course but i do i special accommodations to top slots because I saw hard that I was crying at a certain point which I can't wear the last time that happened I feel bad for top slots cuz I have no chance against a nice this would be the winner the part on top slots were he explains that like he's out of money and this is like the last slot he's gonna play I was laughing so hard that I had tears in my eyes I wasn't that is that is worth pointing out I'm not here to fool you on these machines I'm gonna play them and I'll play them once and I'm not gonna play them again and again and again and again that might take too long to become a winner and production costs are exorbitant so I'm trying to keep the cost of this tape down you're buying this tape for the instructional value only not for its production he said he's out of money he said that the production costs are enormous enormous so he's just gonna talk about it god bless so so I mean it's it's on any other night this would be a winner but surviving edged weapons it will possibly never ever ever be top boy it's gonna take something special oh and don't worry about top [ __ ] it's got a room at the start us yeah that's right he's got us his card accommodation very good sir should we start the best of the worst Hall of Fame should this be the first entry in the best of the worst Hall of Fame yes yes the surviving edged weapons and Cameron Mitchell portrait yeah it goes it goes in the hallowed best of it goes in the Hall of what you say it goes in the Hall of Fame as one of the best of the worst Hall of Fame inductees the first entry it's the first inductee of the best of the worst we love the worst Hall of Fame rich what is your pick for best of the worst we just did that I already I already pick surviving edged weapons so don't lick your lips and fingers too but ask the beach neela through don't forget the words please and thank you we said enough and now we're through so you're hip to this I'm hip to that no it's a wrap [Music] Joe bag of doughnuts [ __ ] you
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,999,794
Rating: 4.9579945 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Id: p1sxc3V0lzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 36sec (3336 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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