Best of the Worst: Kill Squad, Ryan's Babe, and Demonwarp

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From Ryan's Babe imdb trivia :

"This was Janelle Matura's last acting job. At age 6 she retired from acting."

She couldn't handle

👍︎︎ 392 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Looks like Mike overdosed on his hallucation medication...

👍︎︎ 299 👤︎︎ u/Fr0styF0ster 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

this is peak Rich and Jay dumbfounded

perfect reaction gif episode

👍︎︎ 277 👤︎︎ u/THRILLHOIAF 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Loved the compilation of "wait...what?" It just kept on going...

👍︎︎ 482 👤︎︎ u/CaptainOberynCrunch 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Rich losing his mind as he talks about how a movie must have been made by NASA killed me.

👍︎︎ 217 👤︎︎ u/superscatman91 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hard to believe this is the last episode of Half in the Bag

👍︎︎ 397 👤︎︎ u/Ghost-E 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ryan's Babe looks like Road Trip if it was directed by Colin from Canada.

👍︎︎ 156 👤︎︎ u/NorrisOBE 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like the recent looks at 2000's era trashy comedies

Edit: nonmedy "thriller"?

Will Ryan's Babe be the first BotW movie to get a repeat viewing/review?

👍︎︎ 137 👤︎︎ u/TheSoftBuIIetin 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wait, what?

👍︎︎ 101 👤︎︎ u/TheSeaDevil 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey Josh hello jack so did you see solo oh yeah love it solo it's great really yeah yeah that's my favorite Mario Van Peebles movie do you just you just carry that around with you no oh it was Friday it was for the joke know nothing about all that let's watch the movies yeah today well let's watch this movie it's right there his wife is dead he's paralyzed now comes the quell squad so not a lot of complete sentences would just be ready for this okay right give it to him he saved them in Nam now it's time for payback kill squad joseph was their officer in Nam he saved all their lives they would each die for him they just might all die Joe needs help he's called out the Cal squad that's as good as I can get it that many ellipses game sentences and use it very impressive I think I understand what's happening okay I can get explain a little more oh please Joseph in his wife Joanna viciously attacked in their home she's raped and killed Oh No he's shot and paralyzed double danger Larry his best friend and ex squad member from Nam calls out the rest of the squad after all they all owe him their lives how does Cameron Mitchell get these roles where he's like starring in the movie but then doesn't actually have to do anything in the movie the only lead they have to start checking out is the name of the leader Dutch Cameron Mitchell everywhere they go when they ask about Dutch the people are reduced to trembling animals tiny dogs and cats and hamster care exchange so I think it's like that scene in Willow fighting as if cornered and their very lives are at stake fight after brutal fight they continue looking for a Dutch so they can't find the mullets and this is how it's going to work now there are numbers being reduced by the bodies of buddies they have to leave behind an excellent car chase ending in a fire explosion and we find our kill squad almost desperate but determined to finish the job all the way from Mexico and centipedes can you believe this with your own ears I've cut the crap papa hey it's no bull I wouldn't lie to you about three thousand Santa Fe that's a line in trouble Hey looking for me you fell off a building under a card Brian's babe all right so this is uh Rhines babe this is the road movie that doesn't know where it's going oh man classic boner road comedy what was what was the the end-all boner road comedy with Tom Green in it was it just called road trip yeah video nomicon proudly presents probably first time on DVD ray Ramaiya x' road trip cult classic Ryan's babe we all know about it classic cult classic right up there with Rocky Horror a good heart and bad luck will get you nothing but trouble that's what Ryan discovers the hard way like a boner yeah yeah yeah dicks yeah when he thought hitting the road would solve all of his problems instead it was just the beginning Ryan bill Levasseur from the West Wing Oh from getting carjacked at gunpoint being mistaken for a mobster son - a run-in with cheerleaders intent on vigilante justice Wow Ryan barely escapes a one mess before landing in the middle of another no boy I can't win finally able to go home riah whoa hmm what no just I was wondering where he was going because it's a roadtrip movie you usually have a destiny going from one place to a place and that hadn't heard until he said right there to go home well he's going home yeah from where from where or to where did he go somewhere and then go back home what what what why wait wait what wait what wait what wait what but what is this what where are we no wait what is happening everywhere what but why no God what what's happening what a giant liar wait what what where is he what who huh I what is going on what is happening why where how did we get here go home but what what wait what why is this happening [Music] this movie is called demon warp starring the heavenly George Kennedy ah most most famously known from the Naked Gun series or police squad a vengeance crazed hunters searching for his daughter five youths stalking an inhuman mutation they have just stepped into the alien spawned realm of demon warp and a wave of unearthly terror is about to begin so the demons are aliens No okay you're right or yes maybe okay you're right because the demon warp is a realm oh it's a ravages alien spawned which may or may not have anything to do with the vengeance crazed hunter or the five youths or the inhuman mutation or the daughter there's lots back in enter a primeval world of future shock an alien terror deep in warp a transmutation into terror they win for they're going for in this [ __ ] thing Jesus a transmutation in detail I have so many questions and I don't that was just the front of the house the front I thought that was the whole thing [Music] [Music] stur you around like a super you know it occurred to me I don't think Jack that you have ever intro'd the the know if you ever have I'm sure I have have you I don't know well the night we watched three movies ah the first one was kill squad you blew it you are dumb Josh why don't you explain kill squad it shouldn't be hard cuz there's basically three scenes over and over I yeah basically I could explain it by retiring the movie to kick squad fella and his wife there are good business people having good business times doing so good you know this good numbers go up I am the business man you are a disinterested wife as far as I'm concerned the company can do it out to your friend mr. Pearson why Joanne is it because he's black the white said I wasn't expecting such putting social commentary because he's black let's not gloss over that the movie dumb we were just about to gloss over the fact that his wife is pretty racist we don't actually have confirmation on that it's that he thinks she's racist all the time he could be completely off we don't know and we'll never know we'll never know because she gets [ __ ] killed immediately all of a sudden there's a gang led by Cameron Mitchell they break into the house shoot him rape and kill her moving on oh look at that okay it's kind of like to sit there all of it that's great there have to be an awkward 15 minutes scene yeah any nudity is good regardless of content Larry the guy who helps Joe the businessman run his business the black man the black fellow the wife may or may not like my class of his blackness she doesn't steam does not like him we don't know why so what's not to like about wearing this is a rejection slip man I know that why are you rejecting a tool because it wasn't built on a specification one of the employees is mad because he's he's too lazy to make the the tools they're manufacturing up to specifications yeah when the boss insist he makes the tools right a kung-fu fight breaks out between the employees and the boss karate anymore this is insane that they're having a karate fight right now it's the world's greatest work dispute this is like five minutes into the movie it's it's bright away this fight was so intense that the employee had to run and grab the workplace gun I think we've learned who's on the right wrong here only [ __ ] shoot their own foot that was amazing it's designated see that was the OSHA regulated gun you need to get every workplace yeah you got the eyewash station you've got the gun area of course totally it's like every business has they apparently skimped on the training for the gun though what a wonderful scene so Joe yeah the brisance man from the beginning whose wife is dead had been raped and murdered he is paralyzed he's in a wheelchair and he just wants to go to his garden and so he Larry takes Joe to his garden where they have a Vietnam flashback Joe right Joe they they they make him walk through the minefield well the whole idea is Joe wants his old squad to get back together to help avenge his dead wife I guess so yeah I know who did it and if I know who yeah yeah they gotta look into it so it so it is scene after scene of hey we found guy oh he's in a situation with other people and has to kick his way out of it and then we then we approach him to say come join the squad it's it's this very surreal pattern yeah cuz it did this this see never seen nothing deviates from the all-important pattern because it's just it's lockstep it really is there was a man who was throwing off what is it a four-story building they're three but still lands in a car and he's fine man you slip us something if I didn't know any better I'd say somebody pushed under a car yeah not only does he get up and walk after falling off the three-story building then he starts kicking ass the people who shoved him off the building they need to get kids they need to get kicked in the face he kicks it he kicks them in the face and then the rest of the squad comes into he's done every scene kick kick kick kick oh the squad comes in to recruit because the pattern is more powerful than the fall you see it's the super power it's not his super power it's the super power of the Paterson the the universe this movie takes in won't accept any actions that deviate from the patterns yes yes it's like a self-correcting universe they give the squad wanted to meet up with a member who wasn't in trouble the second the squad was nearby trouble would you spontaneously and so reality starts really wrapping around the situation and so he suddenly said were you think about it that makes an incredible amount of sense of why else would that renegade pimp take over that pimps corner at that moment I guess I'm not a pimp anymore immediately done yeah the universe demands it yeah we get the gardener who's definitely being racist ended at I said I finished a front yard and that would be 20 350 sir come on money come on would anybody like a little nip [Music] is that where everybody at this party just attacks him yeah like men women children just start comes after him because he wants to be paid for his work the friends come in and take him away so much and you know like he has to stick with the formula so much that he leaves his work truck just sitting in that guy's driveway well now we need to point out that is almost to the minute the first 30 minutes mm-hmm and then we reached the next 30 minutes again almost to the minute almost as if it was written and directed by someone who is very particular about who the people yes because now the next 30 minutes is a series of scenes much like the first 30 minutes is a series of scenes of people getting into confrontation kick kick kick squad shows up the next 30 minutes is they go to a place they interrogate a person they end up in a kicking fight and then a sniper shoots one of the squad members and kills him this happens over and over and over confront run kick snipe confront break off into two again Humira missing that important stuff you're missing a very important step which is that everyone who works in the place that gets questioned by these guys as soon as it's obviously the kick fight is about to start everyone else who works there immediately join all these employees are loyal to each other is really [ __ ] loyal yeah I'm just deal working on my truck is that a kicking there's a bad [Laughter] yeah I think they'd just be like oh man those guys want to [ __ ] up her co-worker oh I should call the cops we should run away so they don't beat us up I don't want to get hurt [Music] what'd you just kill him yeah okay like that guy was just innocent yeah let's work there we just saw them beating up one of his co-workers tried to help yeah so this is uh so this is the next 30 minute chunks and the whole idea is that they're trying to track down what is it Dutch is the gun yes Dutch is the guy that pulled the trigger but ultimately and this is important they want to find out who hired him yes because he's just a working man and that's his job yeah and fur and for all this next 30 minutes scene when when someone is sniper we keep seeing like a masked figure we see all in black he's got a ski mask on and it five different and we do see magical show at one point on a phone conversation he's got a rifle we're just like oh it's Cameron Mitchell's the sniper he's wearing a mask cuz they didn't have Cameron Mitchell there every [ __ ] day that's not gonna do stunts he's not gonna do she's not gonna climb up a water tower that's not canon Mitchell there were times it would have made far more sense for the sniper to just shoot all of our heroes oh yeah that's the bit a point out for shooting his own henchman he say Lejeune shoots just one of them yeah he's got every opportunity in the world from the pattern when the one of them gets shot the other was just like yeah that's the thing maybe he wants to shoot the other ones and the universe is forcing him not to now I got a scale down this wall I guess like this is the scene when you know the sniper gets unmasked and they don't they make a point of not showing it and it was it was like a tease and it was it was kind of jarring because before then you're thinking is he's wearing a mask because they didn't have Cameron Mitchell to shoot clearly the snipers let posted be Cameron Mitchell this cycle the second there's a tease it's like oh wait this is mystery why is there a mystery why is there yeah and we suspected it was Joe the guy in the wheelchair well it died he is so stupid that I think somebody suggested as a joke yeah are you saying that the universe rewrote itself to the stupidness of the movie then rewrote us watching it because we were supposed to have suspicions didn't the universe so spoiler Joe was the sniper wasn't really crippled he has this whole stupid backstory as to why he was killing off all of his friends why this is why oh he he was upset that he had to go through the minefield even though his squad couldn't do anything about that he was upset that the Vietnamese forced him to walk through the minefield and it was their fault that's all why do you have him shoot you pretend to shoot you for the sake of an audience and wasn't watching oh yeah well okay so that's the whole movie but we do have to mention Cameron Mitchell okay barely know this is this is before the reveal that Joe is the killer they go to Cameron Mitchell's swinging pool party that he's having it's really just Larry by this point yeah yeah that's right Larry's the only one that hasn't been killed in the squad [Music] everybody's just getting thrown into that pool but luckily they all have the same super weakness which is as soon as they enter the pool they're done they just think it's back it out they're out so much so that you can actually see one of the stunt guys like in watching them fail really he was on camera realizes on camera he's like he like some of them they thought the shot was over and they started to get out there for the party she didn't mean to be in the shot that was an accident she wasn't expecting it there was actual craft services I have mr. Mitchell spike ah that's the thing it feels like the whole movie is building up towards Cameron Mitchell and they just could smash he's done that's the pattern though they get to they get to get shot before they have a full reveal once that's that's the strict pattern that we cannot deviate from it's like it's like the opposite of Run Lola Run like different things can't happen Oh God that's not it's that Terminator movie where the universe blows up anyway oh yes Terminator 3 yeah oh really no fate but what you make thing F [ __ ] Ryan's babe we're gonna talk about we're gonna talk about rides babe now thank God it's not me no this is rich Evans really oh yeah okay before before you talk about it though can we can we talk a little bit about our decision to watch it it was just a wild card we expected road movie boner comedy I mean you look at that cover look at that cover comedy thriller [ __ ] does that mean comedy thriller it's a comedy thriller yeah haha our comedy thriller I'm finishing like whatever whatever they described as should end in question mark okay you're buying wait come on let's go [Music] which explains me how am I supposed to explain something that has no noticeable structure start start from the beginning okay go no let's let's explain it and before we talking to how like nonsensical and weird is the like as it went along we kind of understood it a little bit better yeah so explain like a basic story before we get into the weirdness just the basic story is there there there is a man named Ryan mm-hmm and when we first meet him he's driving down the road and a woman takes him hostage and then they're just friends I'm sorry that's not variable Ryan [Music] what's happening we should be there by 10 o'clock in the morning so now they're just friendly hey this is the greatest case of Stockholm legitimacy and then they have a pleasant dinner son-in-law of the lights editor was taken at the Kaiser a TV directly in for another table evidence suggests it was Westgard who heavily drugged his wife Christa the senator's daughter to implicate her on the murder of her mother so he could inherit the atoms from family fortune and then she hears on the news that she's innocent of the crime she's been accused of and then she just lets him go so what do they say that has Russo upset she's no longer she's an killer mom sorry cool but yeah he's training it's his car what we're not even ten minutes into the movie please what is happening and and then he he drives some more and he meets somebody else and something wacky happens and then he gets kidnapped by somebody and then he goes somewhere else and then he can enjoy some of them every months have gone home and drugs him and rapists is an exotic dancer somewhere else and he has lunch and then he goes somewhere else but his stalker has lunch with his gonna go somewhere else in the meantime he's at the Grand Canyon and then he goes somewhere else and then the movie ends but rich what's his relationship with his stalker he's completely indifferent towards her until he decides he loves her I love you with all my heart and soul I'm committed willing and ready to do anything for you Ryan why are you so polite when you're different this is really about Ryan and his wacky roadtrip of doom cool classic wacky roadtrip of doom is the best way to describe this movie ready so the movie obviously opens with a man about to murder a woman in the woods I'm gonna have some fun in our boner comedy I would say no hints that the movies supposed to be a comedy but I don't think there's any hints that the movie's supposed to be a comedy the whole way through no because it's not it's not a comedy her security guard tries to murder her not on her side and then she turns the tables on him yes and and flees out and that's where she meets up with Ryan and she carjacks him Ryan who we don't know who he is we don't know anything about him at this point she just gets in his car I assumed that this was gonna be about them like forming the relationships but that's just like a little anecdote the setup is clear from here right I mean she's taking in my gunpoint all right he's gonna be our hostage but they're gonna go on adventures together and you know what they're gonna get closed you know does anybody remember the movie the chase with Charlie Sheen yes yes that's what it was going to be you know he kidnaps Kristy Swanson and then they form a bond but it's super accelerated because we thought they would take some time well I bet it turns out that she's completely inconsequential because then she's out of the movie forever right before the Mafia mistakes him for another about the fun and kidnaps him but because they think he's a mafioso son then he leaves the mafioso some in a truck and ends up on the side of the highway which leads to no who's next misadventure he gets picked up by a truck where it's like none of it really matters matter matters I want to stop back to it because we start in basically in the middle of like at the beginning of act 2 and then we have to circle all the way back around utilize this like yes I can you know explain it by detail I'll come back I'll be back in an hour when you're still you're still talking about the third segment in the movie I'll be coming man if it's the segment which is the forty second act which leads into the twenty second act into the third act [ __ ] it you're in charge man you you [ __ ] you deal with it you do that [ __ ] I don't need this my goddamn life the inception flashback within a flashback within a flashback before we even know what's happening where we're still with the the woman that holds him hostage and then we cut to a flashback of him and his bike getting run over [Music] now you lost your girlfriend - do you remember when he was kidnapped yes I don't remember why wait what wait wait what Oh is she faked it wait is that what say hello is this an eyelash back within a plugin yeah what I think that's him when he's a kid what oh yeah and he's remembering when his bike got run over and that gives him sympathy for the girl and then she steals money because she's crazy to buy him a bike Wow I think what the movie is trying to say is that Ryan is enabling her yeah by being like oh you fixed my bike thank you we're gonna be friends and the Neely's ought agreed I think it's supposed to be that he's like kind of enabling her like Weir's relationship with it doesn't so poorly that it just comes across like she's obsessed with him yeah and he's dismissive I mean dawn is assessed with him she's toxic she's awful he's just trying to go out on a date with his girlfriend and then she comes by to get in the way yeah and then and then we flash-forward this is already in the flashback camp on a date with his girlfriend and then she comes by on her bike all right head to fear with the date that's a good thing it's hit by a car and then we flash that we're not the flashback and she is trying to commit suicide do the sleeping pill alien obsessed stalker girl tries tries to kill herself in our boner comedy road there's no one here oh oh and then her dad discovers what's going on I want to see my little girl he's somewhere in the city and I'm gonna find that son of a [ __ ] the best performance I'm fulfilled is there an Oscar for ADR your boy drove my little girl to kill herself remember the room that one live where the moms like I have cancer not a big deal yeah like that's the whole movie that's that's the funny thing is we watched the interview after with the director and he talks about how like oh we shot for the sake of like you know keeping the production going along we shot the whole movie about sound and we dubbed it all later which it just was a lot it's not horribly uncommon it's usually done better please escort this gentleman through the door wait whoa what what he just said two peoples lines he did I'll have another drink no you're caught off like that's that all happens in the same mouth comes out of the same mouth and then there's like and then there's and then there's this lots of really weird dialogue it should be pointed out that the writer and director is an aged Indian man no the Loretto director is an alien planet is Tommy was so Neil breed yes they've all come to earth to make American movies and they don't oh they really don't and they go for it 100% yeah I wonder if this would be funnier on second viewing because first viewing we were mostly just baffled yeah like I looked over at rich and it was like like the exact same reaction you had to Foust when there was like a gross body horror happening where you're like behind it just like that well it's like we haven't and I don't even know if this is something that we can vocalize there is such a lack of internal logic to the movie why Ryan gets from point A to point B is never explained makes no sense people the whole idea is that he leaves Saskatchewan because the father of the weird stalker suicidal girlfriend who wants to kill him I'm still gonna find your son of a [ __ ] and kill him the minute I see that son of a [ __ ] I'm gonna kill him when I find that son of a [ __ ] I'm gonna blow his head off when I find that son of a [ __ ] I'm gonna blow his head off there's no overarching goal he's not trying to get anywhere yeah this leaves and random things happen to him oh by the way keep the sweater what it would it would be great if he was like trying to accomplish something while all this wacky stuff yeah yeah yeah there's no I've got to get here right that's it all these wacky complications getting the wait like every roadtrip movie ever that's all you need one line I've got to get to my sister's what no there's to go stumbles into a storyline that then starts to blossom and then the movie then stumbles out of it just completely forgets it exists and there's never there's never a payoff for any of it it's just this part is done well now we need to talk about the reoccurring themes that happened throughout the movie the first one being that the filmmaker has a piss obsession he loves watching his lead actor piss in awkward positions down on your knees no that's not got the come on do you know how being works why'd you make me go down on my knees cuz it'll be harder for you to run away someone's got to be paying somebody watching keep the door open somebody watching or telling him how to piss yes get down on your knees because it'll be harder for you to escape when I watch you piss don't close with or cuz I have to see this yeah beauty of the world the paragon of the animals actually like an angel but Ames did not have to piss I'm and I love Shakespeare and I'm also watching you keep the door open while you piss and I talk about Shakespeare because at the end at one point he's old but he's about to piss he didn't have time to piss he's got to move on I'm just I'm trying I'm trying to catch up by the other the other running theme is Ryan being drugged ryan gets drugged five or six times throughout this movie he either gets a needle that makes him pass out or he gets like a roofied he hitchhikes he gets it in a truck with a guy a truck driver yeah who roofies him I know that I'm sorry but the guy looked like my kid brother Billy just gonna leave him on the side of the highway but don't worry about it I put the baby to sleep hey buddy wait he drugged him but the drug only lasted five seconds and the guy says all right get out and then Ryan starts working at a gas station diner now he's gonna walk into the diner we didn't see him walk into the diner he just works there now it's just his life these women say the guy who hired him at the diner sure I'm not entirely sure so he goes in this apartment which is kind of furnished again there's a bed and so he's those girls from the diner show buddy Ken and they're like hey [ __ ] hit him with a frying pan well no reason there were in the cheerleader outfits and masks masks I guess so give they also drug him because that's the other drug because he got a drug I want to cut his dick off we should cut his dick off and then we hang it here when he wakes up he'll see the hanging dick who's gonna tell his story to the police Jenni's on her way over we should probably wait for her the presence of mind to bring him the rape victim before they cut his dick off and she's like whoa it's the wrong guy that guy had like a half an inch of hair when I tried to grab it there's no way he could have grown this much hair in two days take him out of state and dump him in the mountains you know him he's at the Grand Canyon and he says well [ __ ] I guess I'm here now I guess I'll find another job and then and that need befriends a prostitute with a small child yep and then this is this is em then and then and then and then [Music] what is this what's happening was the lottery what is happening where are you also are you at your bar did you win $20,000 at your bar the bar you work at also you like your girlfriend's is is breaking up with you and is a hooker and doesn't like it and it's having an abusive time like I why it is happening you're expecting like a setup and pay off thing he hit the scene starts and he goes I won $20,000 and he goes to enough dollars $20,000 to the prostitute that he just med school took her daughter hostage off and he killed himself in the apartment off camera so these characters are traumatized for life this girl role as we're talking about this I'm like this didn't happen [Applause] it's real you know this situation is a little bit crazy for me I have to go home and get into a relationship with my stalker before he does that he says you know what this is pretty [ __ ] crazy like you're a prostitute and your husband just got murdered by the cops I'm gonna go be a stripper so there will be strippers [Music] well that worked quick everyone rest like you wait what they drugged him and drugged him and put him in her room yeah so this old lady raped him that's what it looks like just like Mike he asked me to stay around until after she was married it's the only thing he asked me before he died and you who are you is this supposed to be a sentimental scene yes is this supposed to I don't get what any of these scenes are I better get going no no okay couple you're in no condition to go anywhere let's just get some rest okay that was insane that right there was the most insane part of this movie like the the sentimental conversation after she drugged and raped him that he was ok with yeah oh yeah well she's giving the money ok so the end of the movie Orion leaves whatever dumb [ __ ] he's in and decides that he loves the the the God he decides he wants to enabled the suicide girl their entire relationship yeah is incredibly unhealthy and I thought that that was gonna be the purpose of the movie is like she has a Pathak obsession with him yeah to the point where she's willing to steal injure herself injured people around her just for him like his experiences with other troubled women have made him realize that emotionally he needs to keep his distance yeah or or maybe like on her end like she's learned like oh I took it too far I've acted inappropriately yeah that's maybe just be friends or it's important from top to bottom of bad relationship messages so you know if you're in if you know someone that's that's really like creepy unhealthy just give him a chance you know what she will do anything for me yeah I guess that's pretty good that's true love and at the very least we don't get the scene with them like embracing at the end sure because right because we don't get it because Ryan is a [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] [Music] he's gonna say no this time I just learned his lesson and [ __ ] you Ryan you know you [ __ ] [ __ ] Canada [ __ ] and this is the perfect [ __ ] spot for a great joke to just pull up and say hey you're in trouble shoo bye I've learned my lesson of all guess who didn't learn [ __ ] I'm gonna go walk into the other room briefly just to see if something insane happens don't do it something insane is gonna happen okay wasting cigarettes something is gonna happen rich something insane it's gonna happen does the movie know that you're about to leave something sane starting to happen yeah the movie knows you know I I think I think I figured it out oh really I think this movie was made by NASA okay this is I'm listening this is like they took about 20 different movies and put them in a vacuum chamber and and sealed them all up for like the astronauts to consume in space because you take all these movies you suck all of the details and air out you compress an entire movie into a two-minute vignette yeah and then you just get them all on one DVD so the astronauts can bring them all we get a hostage movie we get a love story we get the Magic Mike esque strip club sequence if we just let this out in the air for a bit it's kind of expanding to about 20 just a little superstitious all right don't listen to her this car I don't like this color green I like color green there's a blue car I feel incredibly bad for demon warp Ryan's babe I feel incredibly bad for us was a little try dancing was a little life-changing for me like I feel like me with another level it was like discovering it was like it like a scientist discovering a new life-form I mean I knew a new species and then after they have been like oh that's a turtle I've seen the turtle that's a kind of a weird-looking turtle but is just a turtle I've been I've been to outer space and back and now oh now I'm in a McDonald's this is this is my fun Mars yeah I think I think what I said while we were watching maybe there's while watching demon war if I was cuz we were talking about Lord of the Rings off-camera earlier and it's like it's like the end of Return of the King when they're all they go back to the pub nobody around us understands what we don't know very much we're changing some heal some wounds will never heal yeah that that's this movie this is mountain doom and this is this going back to the little Hobbit community and you know it's nice we all feel the warmth but we're just not the same yeah I really feel like after this like this and surviving edge weapons I feel like we're really winding down the shows so you're saying this this is this is the last episode of half on the bag that we'll ever do or best of the worst [Laughter] [Applause] episode of half in the bed you know what I'm saying this is the last episode of half of the bag I'm ever gonna be done I'm done I quit [Music] here at the end of all things you don't even know how to start this damn Jack why are you talking about demon work yet the demon warp has some stuff going for it but maybe if this was our first movie tonight like demon war but bah kill squad come in and coming off the heels of Ryan's babe it was it was almost just adorable like oh did they had a Bigfoot it was why [Applause] Mima demon warp is the middle forty minutes of the movie are just the most adorable remake of suburban sasquatch [Music] [Applause] so like the basic story of demon warp is there's a Bigfoot running around in the woods what's george kennedy get and his daughter get attacked by the bigfoot and then a group of kids happens to be renting the same cabin later on that cabin by the way we got to point out it's the same Kevin from Friday the 13th part for the final chapter connection like people behind the scenes oh yeah this this movie is credited story by John Biegler who is John Carl Biegler who directed Friday the 13th 7 [Music] he's mostly known as a special effects guy but he's connected then the part 7 not part 4 now part 4 interesting comes to media the defects for part 4 but it's hilarious to think that John beekler one day was just like oh what if there was Bigfoot's but they were aliens yeah that's basically it what if there were Bigfoots but they were aliens so by the movie that's the movie and they have zombies oh and they have zombie henchman and they're where Bigfoot's yes it's like a hodgepodge yeah well let's let's not although all the weird elements we shouldn't prop up too much because that's in the last lines way and it's in the movie the most most of the movie is people wandering around in the woods it's it's my least favorite be movie trope when when when you'd when you can't get access to nice locations and you can't build nice sets you just have all your actors wander around the woods for free for most of your movies it's a nice cheap place to film it's always terrible it's disappointing in this movie because it starts off pretty ok yeah we get a decent Bigfoot we get a little bit of action a little bit of you know boobage we get we get characters right out of Friday the 13th part for Friday the 13th part for cabin yeah there's some boobs there's some showering there's some even 40 40 dudes yeah even before that there's some quality acting we get George Kennedy brings some quality acting yeah just just enough to bring you into the movies [ __ ] George Kennedy yes there's a thing out here it took my little girl I wasn't prepared to stop at that mode and we should point out that he's also wearing the same outfit that he wears in Creepshow to I think this is this his own clothes showed up to set and they didn't give him they didn't give him any other wardrobe they gave him a hat they gave him a note yellow you know they wrote to why he wore his ugly yellow hat he's just wearing that anyway you just saw what that is like honey out I'm ready for it now that's why I wear this yellow hat to make it easier for it to see me because I've got traps all over the place there's a setup and then there's wandering around in the woods we're still introducing characters at least a few characters into this wandering into the woods part so it's not 100% just the same people wandering around for a while yes new people wandering around in the woods it's our old people wandering around and then there's a whole lot of our new person running away from but we get we get we get we get a couple of girls that our hat is super excited to go to this pot farm but the pots gone don't get it there was a whole cup here plentiful patch of pleasure he called it one of those two women was Michelle Bower yeah who is a pretty well-known b-movie scream queen actress from the 80s who has the best scene of the movie by the way what's the matter well you know Betsy you said someone's gonna make a killing on this - I kind of hoped it would be us [Applause] not even a response just immediately yeah I guess I could take well well the director says I know this scene anyway talking that's that shrug of like well this is why I'm in the movie but she aside from George Kennedy she's the most well known actress in the movie if he's not even credited in the opening credits I thought that was so she's not she's not a name draw like our entire name draw is George Kennedy which is weird to me when you think of like the people that run and would be like demon warp it's like teenagers yeah they grow into the video store they're not like oh the new George Kennedy movie no 13 year old is excited about the latest George Kennedy flick we're like some VHS there's like whoa I get to see Michelle Bauer's boobs again exactly totally like as a kid I would be excited about that I would not be excited about George Kennedy [Music] didn't meet that huh so he's not killing for food he's just killing for fun I guess this is a beer budget center of a sasquatch basically why does it [ __ ] is this called demon warm I have a question yeah his suburban Sasquatch ruined us for all Bigfoot movies yes [Music] the entire middle part where they're going through we're going through the forest every time the big front screen both of you are just like we have a really impressive Bigfoot costume yes it's got it's got a really nice face it's a delayed no it's got an articulated mouth but we could not stop going well we get one moment in the middle of the movie where a character finds like a zombie yeah yeah which I loved it was interesting cuz it's like oh oh assam be like that's weird it's like you cross a Romero zombie with a voodoo zombie so eventually our hero after the Bigfoot kills some people finds one of his lady friends who has been zombiefied yes and he follows her here well her eye is dislocated it's bad news she's dead we don't know if she's dead she's dead so he follows her to a cave that is full of zombies well it's full of people in cheap Halloween costumes and and they show them close-up good lighting that they are just rubber man it's like a in army of darkness they have like that really cheap masks then they put in the background and then you have a good mix in the foreground yeah was a really good looking mask in the background that I get it completely wrong I was in makeup for eight hours I was just was just sitting quietly in the background no one tell me what we should point out speaking of that it's like oh you accidentally catch one of the good masks in the background there is a sequence right before this with our our hero wear it like pans over and it looks like a crew member is just in the background on the shot but it is someone like it's not just like a crew member gonna hope it's someone dressed all in a white shining a big beacon on themselves look they're even it's very weird they're just like sitting there he shoots one of them who turns into a human a human great that was something we were not expecting and that was like that was definitely a tangent that could have like gone for that like timewise like leaned a little bit further backwards we needed that type of information to be given to us earlier yeah because that's that was a total shock and a really interesting idea oh this is cool yeah so so then we go even deeper into the cave to find out that this zombies are being controlled by an alien with a metal hook hands and a 300 year old priest yeah these zombies are collecting technology to rebuild the alien spaceship so the alien can go back home not only that they're done Brian they're all set and the Bigfoot is a where Bigfoot created by the venom of the stinger of the aliens yeah [Music] it's got fine ideas but it is completely ruined by spending half of the running time wandering around the world right right the ideas are there the execution okay so we've reached that point I'm taking it go go really go ahead all right okay you waited too long all right so here's our three movies rich best of the worst Bryan's babe it was thinking a weird saying right I do but it was it was it was a wonderful kind of confusion that kind of left me on the edge of my seat yeah well Josh this is hard is it the long standing the long-standing credo is most entertaining for whatever whatever ease I was not entertained by this movie okay even though it was so blindingly weird that it had my intention but I wasn't entertained that was mostly infuriated George I think I've gotta go with killsquad hmm because of the lockstep patterns like pulled me in like like a good pop song the repetition just drew me in sure sure just call me maybe overnight it's catchy like that's the worst equivalent of a really solid pop song yeah yeah so I'm gonna go with killsquad right it's only fair okay that's totally fair with killsquad and I could tell I think any other night killsquad would have it but I do feel after watching Ryan's babe and then finding out that the babe attempted suicide was that the babe we still don't know who the baby boy is the babe yes j-j-joey was going home together to the babies multiple babies though that lasts the whole film she's the ultra girl another one who stalked him is creepily obsessed with him and tried to commit suicide that's the base all right needs to be framed it needs to be put in a museum yeah yeah I'm also gonna go with Ryan's babe yep um Rhines babe is up there with on the back there's some what is it Canucks ploy tation calm yep airs it to the room I would also compare to the room I think it needs multiple viewings to really because look what we're watching you were just like what the [ __ ] yes but now we know what we're getting into I feel like it might be funnier on repeat viewings oh the dialogue is so [ __ ] weird the situation's are so weird everything about it is just so like the best bad movies it feels like it was made by an alien they're all made by foreign guys that makes a Millbury doctor oh yeah we didn't even mention that this guy's a PhD but ya know right Ryan's baby is one of the most baffling things we've ever done the best of the worst and and so for that I gotta give it to Ryan's baby also spent a special notice that this is a fairly recent movie made in the thousands No yeah it's heartwarming to me when when we find something that's more recent cuz that just means we will never ever run out as recently as eighteen years ago right now somewhere in the world you don't know it almost certainly yeah I don't think any of us want to destroy you know no it was my least favorite row but I think the twists are enough yeah there's enough interesting stuff in it I think all three of these movies were pretty good yeah yeah there it was it was overall in entertaining night Ryan's babe though like that brought us to new that was like the end of 2001 when I find that son of a [ __ ] Ryan I'll be looking everywhere for you I need to be here [Music] I have another one Jim no more today bill please escort this gentleman to the door but normally no lectures now get the hell up before they throw you [Music] ready to do everything for you Ryan something [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,350,796
Rating: 4.9293594 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, kill squad, ryan's babe, demonwarp, george kennedy, cameron mitchell
Id: jcK4ioF8ODc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 9sec (3789 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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