Best of the Worst: Christmas or Cats

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Also has one of my other favorite moments

“It’s a Christmas film!”

“Where’s the cat?”

“It’s a CHRISTMAS film. It’s Christmas OR cats”

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/Cubs1081744 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

"No. I was just laughing like a person in a straight jacket would laugh..."

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Grievous_1982 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

“Meow!” “OK turn it off”

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/saidtoomuchonline 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mike "This is the worst thing I've ever seen" Stolkasa

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/kid_ugly 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Tim getting wasted is always a highlight.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/JustMetod 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

I enjoyed this Christmas special more than the last two, tbh.

Edit: By that I mean I enjoy the 2018 special more than the 2019 or 2020 one.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Lukge1 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Whenever I need a pick me up, I legit think of this scene

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/yodasaber2 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

It’s like how you laugh when you get your blood drawn.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mr-nondescript 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

He had his Joker moment, happens to the best of us

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/hellyeahimsad 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello rich hello Mike so it's that magical time of the year when we want to watch Christmas movies for best of the worst all right I look forward to cannanore Christmas every year well that's a shame because we're not doing that this year what oh we just did at one time and we haven't done it since so we do it every time yes what and this time our gimmick is Christmas or cats why why would we do that well because we have a surplus of cat related films and I'm not just talking about your average household cat it can be large cats big cats great cats tigers lions will household cats tigers cats lions cats or other cats pool mice leopards did deal what happened when we had an excess of crocodile movies now I neither want to watch a Christmas film or a cat film so rich why don't you pick our first tape that's either a Christmas or a cat film this night is gonna go on longer than cats was on Broadway yeah I quit are you picking the first tape I love what you want me to wait for you to say something everyone knows we're gonna pick a tape pick it say yeah yeah you give me this cat [ __ ] that's out here I'm gonna open the big one I'm such a foul mood I need a large presence it's just a box I'll wait there's something in the box it's a Christmas film where's the cat it's a Christmas film it's Christmas or cat my two front teeth rankin/bass meets EC Comics Bill Gaines I have no idea what you're saying yes it's a quote on the quote in a box DC Comics rankin/bass Bill Gaines you don't know any of these things anything you're saying it's like a foreign language rankin/bass made the the don't bother look I got a lot of things to do today let's just get this over with he's missing the Packers game they just fired their head coach because they suck so much it's the night before Christmas and Gabe's snow the tabloid writer haunted by the ghost of Christmas pass is inviting a Yuletide concealment no not inviting investigating a Yuletide conspiracy Gabe knows the terrible truth behind the crash of the ill-fated flight 1225 he alone knows that the plane was brought down one foggy Christmas Eve by a flying creature with a glowing nose the blood sucking vampire Santa Claus knows that Gabe knows it has put him on his hit list the demonic fury of the North Pole has been unleashed and an army of zombie elves who have no interested toys pointy hats or dentistry are about to turn Gabe's white Christmas blood red are you done I wanna be an actress I have to move out of Maryland told myself that I'm sorry what she's getting drunk she's like I thought I signed up for a Christmas horror film but this is just gonna be a porno isn't it so much worse okay that's so rich what do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas a cannon movie all right here we go [Applause] they have a cat film great and Clark's uninvited it's that cat whose mouth is another cat [Music] I don't like anything about this well you like the fact that George Kennedy is in it know that he was in the sash wash Iliad one to know what yeah you are what I said you're gonna put the caption on genatech research lab Fort Lauderdale Florida armed security men this is long [Music] I'm already bored do you want to pull up a chair while I read this yes yes hold on I'm gonna go get a chair just start reading that I start reading it and you can come back whenever you're ready all right goodbye armed security man dressed in radiation suits chase an escaped laboratory animal just as they are about to capture it the cat transforms into a hideous mutant creature ripping off one of the men's arms with its powerful claws and escaping into the night so begins the saga of uninvited the sci-fi thriller featuring George Kennedy Alex chord and clue Gulager who was in Nightmare on Elm Street to a bird explodes on his face as three Wall Street criminals bent on escaping to the Cayman Islands with their latest booty wait what oh that's a continuation the first sentence soon after they head out to see the mutant feline begin the Surrey kavik with the boats passengers attacking clew Gulager and causing him to fall overboard this is really specific this is just explaining the list of events that happened in the movie we don't even need to do a discussion on it we'll just read the back of the box again reluctantly where are we I'm just go skip to the last sentence and days later when a little boy and his daddy discover a sea soaked piece of luggage on a tranquil Beach will they guess that inside lurks the uninvited on the back of the box so they just described like the the end of the movie question mark stinger like I guess we'll find out why is it cats Maltin of a cat this isn't appropriate a tagline though for the film rich cats have nine lives you only have one and we're spending it watching uninvited [Music] Oh [Music] oh it's slow motion it's even better all right Josh now you are going to determine the ultimate winner tonight Oh Christmas or cats Christi Santa's first female reindeer finally [Music] the Yuletide history is being rewritten now we add christy santa's first female reindeer santa's brigade christmas for our forest family but Santa's got a problem his elfs heart is not in her work why worry tanglefoot is about to help so many questions i see it's just the stills here is that number one santa's bringing Christmas for our forest family which is a wolf or possibly a dog that looks something like a wolf what is wrong with Santa that's a very good question killed by the abominable snowman it does I think we've got a Wendigo this looks like The Shining starring Santa Claus well he's got a problem his elfs heart is not in her work overworked nursing student me too but apparently no that's that's his one and only elf Oh how did you make this beautiful place I didn't make this place somebody greater than I made it I just found it oh yeah you're welcome Richie look horrified we're back here again no oh my god Jesus this is who's starting on well Merry Christmas everybody oh and a Happy Holidays know all these films got me in the Christmas spirit they're they absolutely oh all of them especially nothing gets me in the Christmas spirit like George Kennedy I remember those those were magical times of watching the uninvited yeah it feels like forever ago before the dark times Empire I enjoyed life a little little now it's all gone it's all been taken away by the porters you're mine Chrissy you got to keep up this is like a terrible sandwich Yeah right he stops writing the message that's like you had them ingredients for a sandwich right but you're only slices of bread had mold on them the meat was good yeah it was great anyway it the bread anyway and you had a psychedelic trip you gotta jog a little bit you got to get you in shape you know well Josh why don't you explain two front teeth Jesus all right the director of the Blair Witch Project gave this movie props is there is there a Maryland connection at all or no this woman was it yeah oh yeah yeah whatever it was Florida well not film its fill Maryland Florida yeah there is a Florida connection they either ended up there or were from there but they filmed it yeah and in Maryland so so Eduardo Sanchez has something to do with this production I think they said hey Edward we made a horror movie in Maryland here's $100 we give us a nice pull quote sure what's the movie got in it okay cool here's the actual thing about this movie the ideas behind it are not that terrible there's something interesting that could be done with taking some Yuletide traditions turning them on their head mix them up with some some horror traditions except they [ __ ] it up just 100% hog you can tell it was somebody who loved Evil Dead gremlins horror comedy in general they looked at the door up that means it's back on the hinges and then just failed at the execution right in the script it's a roast in here oh there's so many like christmas-related lines of dialogue and puns [ __ ] your stocking the problem is they're like yeah they looked at Evil Dead and they looked at like early Peter Jackson and they're like what if we did that but we never moved the camera so they think they're building tension yes with this flat wide shut [ __ ] you and we shot it on VHS you imagine Evil Dead with nobody moving the camera just like two shots the whole [ __ ] out movie [Music] got me some tiles sam raimi never moved the camera that's what he's known for it's just long static shot on lockdown shots [Applause] [Music] I'm having a hard time visualize on all I see is that old Santa it's like it's like when you look at the Sun for a second or a light well that makes sense because this movie is just bathed in red yeah until they stop doing that until they like they broke their their red light or they lost the gel so then they didn't do it anymore but yeah it's clearly some two thirds of the movie for that to happen yeah and they could they they mention DC Comics on the front they're clearly going for that sort of creep show look but the creep show use the colors like sparingly they used it to emphasize the horror things will be normally lit and then something crazy happens and then the red light comes out but this movie it's just everything's just commencement [Music] we have to mention this the the main guy in the movie they didn't have Ho Hos is like a 60 year old man that had a bunch of plastic surgery to look like a 30 year old man I think so much for my Christmas bonus he looks like he's wearing prosthetics yeah it looks like it's not his real face yeah like he got plastic surgery to look like Charles Rocket Charles Rocket he looks like Anthony Perkins every time they showed his face I just wanted him to leave yeah there's a weird elasticity like that it looks fake and I'm sure that's his actual face and I feel bad saying it I know it was weird that's a weird like Elvis lip thing when he's talking he's like I even if they haven't well I'll make them wish that they hadn't tried to have enough of wishing that they had yeah oh God oh they're drive they're doing a rear screen projection well it looks great but the rest of the movie then is just yeah they they find not Tony Todd yeah who has Rudolph's nose and elves and the rest of movie is just the elves trying to get them and Santa is evil but then real Santa shows up yes Santa shows up and he's referred to as Klaus Farhat - and then actual Santa shows up and he's a 15 year old boy I thought he was Santa him Santa could they get some another than a 15 year old that's moneymaker Mike I know I know they think this is funny it's not good you could just stop there like they should be shooting around Christmas magic [Applause] they needed to find the the old man who looks just like a real-life santa claus if she's ready that is it was so specifically a kung-fu fight and it's just like that doesn't fit in with the rest of the tone of the movie at all no yeah when you have a movie with so much Christmas stuff in it and then I guess the joke is just it looks like Santa but he's fighting yeah it's not much of a joke yeah he gives him a gift warms his heart and then nicer out to Mel's because his heart that warms he gives a gift it magically appears and it floats over to Bad Santa and then Bad Santa opens the lid on the gift and just a fist comes out Santa would defeat someone using Santa magic or powers sure I think they're going for haha isn't it absurd that Santa's using kung fu yeah but that's that's which is like what that's a one second joke not a five-minute joke [Music] [Applause] [Music] so generally speaking this I mean this was a bad movie but I still want to give it credit for trying yeah nobody tried their heart was in the right place they had lots and lots and lots of Christmas stuff which is always my complaint about any sort of like holiday themed or movie sure is that a lot of times the holiday is sort of incidental yeah this was absolutely not this was 100% the MacGuffin was Rudolph's nose like this yeah tons of Christmas stuff in it and they really went for it I appreciate that it wasn't good but I appreciate that they went for it and tried and they made it all the way to 75 minutes no this is longer than that no it's not oh no it's something oh that's right because we directed the rain time is like the shortest that we've ever done but it felt twice as long it was relatively speaking this this movie has gone up a few pegs just just relatively speaking I know I don't know I don't think it would agree yeah where the script and and had it been done differently move things around paced out better you better accurate it's this better shot yeah like hey you know and but it's just like oh oh just falling on its face the whole time I can completely see in my head what this movie should be yeah versus what it is I still wouldn't even if it was done flawlessly it's still not my kind of movie chair I like you got the ninja our silence wait I gotta see if they do the gun every time they cut back to them no okay like isn't it crazy that three done shoot yeah and I think they had horn stars play the nuns because their names one off I've had three X's in the name you know how like sleazy like I don't know Lloyd Kaufman's or people like that yeah Jimmy shows up in a lot of beavers it's that kind of mentality where cheering me to say one line the newscaster a medical discovery by the world-renowned dr. Lucas of grizzly flats things yeah yeah and that could have been what that was except they would have been maybe regionally known as porn stars may not have been porn star is that regional Maryland porn just like here the accents are they're going at it a breast and clam chowder deep and anti bomber yeah I hate that like look at us we have these crazy elements that are mean yeah Jesus is a death metal band and then if it's really carving you can make it where it could buy it and that's the thing that has to be like James Gunn clever like again if we were redoing that we take a lot of that stuff out but but I think you need the top tier the top brass of talent yeah in the world yet to do that okay I just I just don't think it's worth anyone's time that's a good woman you got there baby role and her nice ass on her too [Music] didn't make it go off Jake ow door harder so the next film that we watched was uninvited this was the only cat film and Mike I was gonna hand it off to rich one cuz he loves cats I don't want to talk about Christie [ __ ] hey what is this what is happening here I'm gonna say about Christie it was awful and confusing that's all I'm gonna say do you got more to talk about I think uninvited is delightful and rich you're very familiar with the term uninvited I'm gonna say it was worth it thank you uninvited uninvited is the story about a genetically augmented cat inside of another cat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] back inside yeah he escapes from a government lab where where he ends up on on the boat on the yacht of evil Lord business does he end up on the boat well he gets picked up by some chicks picked up by some chicks who get picked up by an evil businessman as cover for his trip to a bank taking suitcases of money to the Cayman Islands to launder it it doesn't matter evil business evil evil crooked crime white-collar crime need to get to Cayman Islands need girls his cover story because I guess you just can't go to the Cayman Islands it'll look like he's just floating around on a yacht with some bikini babes even though there's nobody else out to see his the coastguard stops him he's I'm just going out on my yacht with these ladies don't look around for a suitcase he's more suspicious when you're like a like a greasy pornstache middle-aged man and you're hanging out with like twenty-year-old bikinis the early nineties absolutely no that's what they pay for okay this year of Reaganomics don't even bother looking for the cocaine we know you got parties we know you got tons of coke and and bimbos and there may be prostitution but as long as you don't have suitcases filled with millions of dollars you plan to launder we don't need to come on board so that's pretty much it fine with your teenage babes right yeah but the teenage Braves happen to bring along three randos that's what days gig convoluted three churches from the country club they say the the babes they say to him hey we've been invited onto a yacht with these middle-aged men why don't you want to come with us we're all complete strangers but let's do this and also here's a cat and then that yeah and then it's just like oh and here's a cat I guess we'll bring him to man oh man that cat does not want to be on that boat it's all hanging by a thread everything that happens but you know evil business and George Kennedy they didn't expect the three dudes that's true so they made everybody peel potatoes see there's a lot of good character stuff going on in this film about a cat that barfs up another cat at the pace of this movie about a good cat that barks up another cat the pace is very good for the first two acts yeah kind of adverse usually Weir's take their sweet-ass time and they don't know what to do up until the end when they know the killer has to kill everybody right this movie right straight up bang right off the first first frame of the movie here's this cat it's radioactive fly [Music] this is the bizarre thing it really is a monster cat coming out of the mouth of another cat and that's constantly retreating back into the cat yes yeah I didn't expect it to be happening the first thing to happen yeah there was there wasn't much set up yeah that's a good look like a scruffy puppet yeah that's what it looked like it knows when it needs to go back to the cat 20 minutes have gone by 20 minutes have gone by cat I need 20 minutes ago by the pacing is really good and every time you don't necessarily think about the cat did you know that cats just constantly meow all the time [Music] even without moving their mouths it's a ventriloquist cats like the same gland II ran out of sound effects [Music] and they had a truck that they could drive off the edge of a bridge and they could only afford one sound effects the girly important half of a sound effects it hard and it's like it's like a note on a keyboard and they just do it over and over it over that hard edit at the end of the sound effect so they had to hit it again before it ended musical yeah [Applause] [Laughter] the hell whoever's stupid idea this was a genetically modified cat that the beginning is just like them looking at an x-ray and they're like there's a thing in its body and it just keeps cutting good credit and then it's like they take that into like an examining room but there's no like restraints or and they they incompetent animal testing facility in the world so your movie logic brain would say okay this is gonna be a movie about the genetically modified cat that's running around a laboratory or it gets out and the scientists have to find it like a shop or would have inspected the cat to like infect other cats in Lauderdale it would be like an epidemic or something or we are all predicting like at the end we would discover that the cat with the little cat inside it that was more deadly and dangerous with the cat was was the animal testing version of what they plan to do to people once the cat gets out of the laboratory we don't go back to the laboratory and then I said during the screenings that turned into mad libs where it's just like okay noun-verb you know you'd then it's like it cuts to bimbos because the two girls trying to get into a hotel it's spring break you cut to like a what looks like Matlock like a TV show about like George Kennedy and the guys cry and it's a cougar my teeth and then yeah then the the dudes and then they get on a boat and it's just the girl captain whose father owned the yacht none of it has anything to do with the genetically mutated cat it's all it's all more complicated than it needs to be just like the cat itself instead of a mutant cat and we have a human cat that vomits up a mutant cat that also goes back into the cat's mouth when it's done feeding or biting you had a practical theory about that yeah you you want your your monster cat but you also want some ability so it's a regular cat that runs around and then when it attacks so then the puppet comes out so you don't have to have a bad looking puppet running around the corn right you just have a normal cat wandering around just does does the cat know it has a monster can sight it is a dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde kind of situation the bet speaks of a plot line that we just didn't follow and it's hard to ask the cat and or get dialog from it yeah because cats don't know and also that cats probably dead by now this was what like 19 oh that's long yeah that's no I don't mean ask the can real life I'm picturing like a making of uninvited documentary like you said they get the cast back together [Applause] [Laughter] just like the old days yeah things don't change there's a cat interpreter speaking for him he's very disappointed with how the film turned [Laughter] [Music] so much meant some plot that's a good cow well let's let's talk about the finale then which the third act starts when we cut to that toy boat yeah I mean that's a toy yeah okay so that means it's gonna sink I guess sink a real boat in this movie yeah sink a little toy this is after 25 minutes of here's the plot up at this point the boat is stranded and we're running out of food that's that's the ticking clock we're running out of food and then suddenly it's night and now the boats sinking yeah it's crazy and just heard cups a crazy storm yeah okay this officially went off the rails here I felt like sixty minutes of the movie just went missing yeah slow water buildup should have been a thing for the last 20 minutes yeah that would've been a good ticking Clark all of a sudden there's a storm it's so little man how does it get mounted a bigger yeah it's like once it comes out of his mouth that grows yeah slowly beating it underwater look the important part is that our main characters end up on a dinghy and they get caught in a time loop where the cat just keeps jumping at them that was amazing yeah that's all you can do okay well this is an odd way to do your final encounter with the monster how they gonna resolve this oh they're gonna throw a suitcase into the water [Music] that gets its attention instead we haven't we didn't get to Christie yet don't worry I'm ready Jay was just doing his best clue Gulager impression this is the weirdest movie [Laughter] you well you Mike had the opportunity to not have to talk about Christie but circumstance has changed and now you have to talk about Christie well we picked Christie based on the quality of the cover and some of the images on the back yes it's a quality cover yeah whenever you have some like a like a two kilobyte image that's blown up blow it up to print size and it completely falls apart and then you have a text when text is it done properly text is usually vector based which means you can blow it up or shrink it without losing resolution yeah and when they screw text up usually means they had an image of text and then blew that up yes which means they have no idea what they're doing [ __ ] up the I see it yeah yeah absolutely Jesus Christ yeah it's stunning oh there you are what's the problem yeah this is a feature-length film no it's not five minutes yep this edited live I think I'm pretty sure it's like a public-access live show just working that lever so this movie says that it's the proceeds go to the Wildlife Foundation family VHS it's kind of a movie it's sort of has I can't it's very hard to describe it starts off like well it has a setup it's like a 60-minute setup yeah and then the final 30 minutes is just drunk grandpa trying to pet Bobcats get down here on his level and it won't look quite so big to him oh how do you even begin well we begin at the beginning we get some amazing shots of Santa you know and his reindeer he's flying he's a see-through head that has white everywhere on everybody's costume they make the decision instead of using a blue or green screen to key out a white background so is it all times partially transparent also the reindeer is kind of a ghost let's just say pretty good special effects this would have wild them in like 1908 in the in the era when people were afraid the train would hit them this movie these effects woulda killed [Music] somebody pointing a camera at the ground that is covered with snow and this is supposed to be an aerial shot over Santa's Village because we see is there are three little houses planted among these aisles II guess you think those are miniatures yeah did you think they had a helicopter I thought yeah I thought they got at your own that's more like it easy easy oh no they didn't have drones back then Oh would have to been a full-on helicopter okay I didn't do that I'm saying that I'm interesting I think it was a miniature very similar to the ship and uninvited yeah you know what agree to disagree okay spring meadow there get a good fee get a good but but okay we have a special effects extravaganza open worship santa returns to the North Pole yeah but the first real scene that goes on for 30 minutes is his elf who's pictured in the back of this crime scene for socially awkward girls spirited elf is sitting in front of a rock and there's another rock there there's the only rocks on the north pole that don't have snow on them there's no lights on them and then there's a background and then they have some kind of conversation that goes on for an hour and she's crying we don't know what they're saying well cuz you can barely hear anything in this movie because they filmed it in a warehouse lapel mics like we have there is a scene where Jack Frost is talking to somebody I'll go he's talking to toggle foot and I think I cracked I just my brain crack I just couldn't stop laughing and I wasn't laughing at anything in particular [Music] [Laughter] they forgot the wireless this day you might think that it was that in-depth no I was just laughing like like a person in a straightjacket would laugh my brain stopped working so Jack Frost do your magic tricks let the nation's one one who said to be so bad can fill the world with slender songs are done by red letter media legend ranked early return alleged Frank worse is taken it way back Frank Worley this is a tape that we bought at a thrift store it got it got kicked around the blanket house set well we use it in Episode five or six or eight of the stuff half in the bag yeah what do we do with it [Music] you smashed it with a hammer I think we reviewed like the first Thor movie there's a hammer so this is the tape that was used in that episode 25 years ago when we shot that but he does all the songs for this movie friend Frank Worley is he is from that Vesper Vesper Wisconsin yeah no this time Santa's problem is a pesky little elf you know in most musicals when a song starts like things happen the frank whirly song plays and usually in a movie when you have a musical number you know you have character singing or dancing or it just holds on this girl crying for 25 minutes now I know why they call it the flyover zone because it's full of crying elves this is what the Midwest produces so the plot is crying elf is sad because the animals don't get a Christmas visit from Santa Claus and Santa says well I can't do it I'm too busy and she says why don't you do it the next day just tell me why you think I'll give you a reason to make it so I'll have give you a reason with the population growing the way it is I can hardly make my rounds before it gets light the way it is then just make the runs during the day that could work [Laughter] so they spend a year putting the sled back together they spend a year fixing Santa's old sled just gotta stay here for a while Santa's lawn chair put you in the Christmas spirit no Santa we have read news we have Christmas songs I don't know what more you want you're missing the important part the titular character Christie the first female reindeer is birthed there's there's there's 35 close-up shots of her own focus over Frank were these beautiful music and then eventually Christie grows up and there's a montage sequence where Santa train sir and we added just a big pile of headstones dumping grounds all the old reindeer so Christie is trained to fly Santa's sled that harness real good and that is the the first 60 minutes of the film that lead up to the plot which is Santa takes its Christian lands and then just explorers animals in the woods he drunkenly tries to provoke animals he's come around here to see what only what all we're doing it tumble foot does not the sled down a hill tumble foot wants to help come on tumble foot is an abominable snowman he mildly gets in the way a little bit crazy Manson girls yeah but then Santa Claus called tumble foot but Santa Claus calls double fine I was like hey help them move the slide double foots trying to do his best but he moves the sled all the way to the dangerous waterfall that we talked about we heard about earlier in the film or what set up mic stay away from that waterfall and then the sled goes down the waterfall there's an avalanche and then tumble foot goes like this with the slide and pulls it out and that's the end of that plot just kept waiting at the end when when Santa's like petting all the animals and he's just plain or them I was just waiting for like a barf cat to show up but grandpa aka Santa should have said now the Fox the Fox lives in the woods and is nocturnal and and national information education ecology and animal ecology information it could could have been a brilliant educational video for children who wasn't what kid doesn't want to see Santa interacting with with coyotes giant steel yeah I'd much rather see that in Santa interacting with a crying elf yeah well I mean there could have been real-life horror because there is a bobcat there that looked very defensive and was not happy you got a mean look in his eye yeah there's a guy in a Santa suit like like like the ears we're back you know there's a [ __ ] mountain lion there those things don't know how to react to Santa for really been a wonderful day really been a wonderful day well they liked those marshmallows otters candor water now meanwhile mrs. Claus is preparing peanut butter covers spreading peanut butter on rocks I just keep thinking about just the cinematography in general no visual anything it's like I feel like I went to the Stevie Wonder School of cinematography even I can use it but the camera 45 feet away from everything and just have all of your actors in the background you never tell what those yeah you get on their mind so we've come to the point of the night where we have to pick best of the worst rich Evans what is best of the worst I invited easily okay this just gives me warm happy feelings of some of the good times I've had on best of the work yeah Josh well I'll tell you if you want to watch a movie you want to watch anybody definitely looked like a film acted like a film one had film actors in it uninvited alright i rana CLE a christmas episode are two Christmas films were terrible one can't even be called a film it's not a movie but but to give Christie some credit had some good laughs for the the incredibly inept special effects yeah bizarre that's that's the thing is like we are talking about an uninvited as like this is this is bizarre no Christie is bizarre that's it this is so bizarre it gets a little asterisk next to it like sure noteworthy because we'll always talk about them yeah yes I will say for these three movies overall that we didn't lack on interests there was nothing that was painfully boring although it was so packed full of Christmas yeah I mean I don't think there's anything we've watched that had that much Christmas in it that's true yeah yeah I'm gonna say Christie gets the asterisks for being so bizarre and and this it doesn't quite get to the point where I actually want to destroy it right yeah it didn't give us pain the heart was in it the execution was like yeah but uninvited legitimately entertaining and fun and weird track down that VHS rip DVD I think it's coming to blu-ray wow I think we get to see the the barf cat in all its glory yeah HD glory you'll see more of the puppeteers arm I can't wait well since we're not destroying any tapes I think we should pass on the Christmas cheer the Christmas magic and we should become Santa Clauses ourselves by rewrapping these gifts and placing them around the city okay boys for Tots some deserving child somewhere will open this up and we'll ruin their Christmas and not just their Christmas but their life there too because we need to give somebody a barf cat maybe maybe Mike instead of ruining their life you will inspire the world's future greatest filmmakers is the same [ __ ] this yeah I like you better than this yeah yeah inspiration and I'm 5 really be dropping me up and [ __ ] yes sure every sane Christian since it's like that innocence is lost in shady forest a beacon for its dwellers like in the Bible book as drawn today a man dressed in a shiny suit red he thinks it must be Santa but what is this I see these hanging apples oranges nuts and things on this tree for this is not your ordinary children's Christmas Eve all God's creatures share in love the tickets that he leave [Music] Santa's hanging fruit loops on a wooden land Christmas tree Garland's made a free loops for his forest family on Christmas Eve the children of the world this sleigh might see but his slaves loaded for this forest family
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,252,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, two front teeth, uninvited, christy, christmas, female reindeer
Id: 8LsPkYeaKBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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