Best of the Worst: Bad Movie Scavenger Hunt

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"I'm trading in rape" - Rich Evans, 2020

👍︎︎ 436 👤︎︎ u/s179_276sp 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mike simultaneously put too much thought into this gimmick and not enough thought into this gimmick.

👍︎︎ 782 👤︎︎ u/Tarlcabot18 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Three whole years I have waited for this video.

👍︎︎ 424 👤︎︎ u/dan_dirik 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

"I think I just need to look for rape?"

-Rich Evans

👍︎︎ 196 👤︎︎ u/Tarlcabot18 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can I just tell you guys how happy I am to see Rich Evans?

👍︎︎ 331 👤︎︎ u/Jedi112 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

I saw the screencaps on Patreon and my first thought was Computer Beach Party.

Then Mike picked up Computer Beach Party.

You guys, it's so fucking bad. It's SO bad. It might be the worst movie they've ever watched.

👍︎︎ 136 👤︎︎ u/Thingreenveil313 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Chihuahua the movie needs to be on a plinketto board.

I also maintain there should be one real movie on the wheel of the worst.

The hope would make the pain of landing on trash funnier.

👍︎︎ 120 👤︎︎ u/TomServoMST3K 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Chihuahua "the movie", the quotation marks are because even the film makers knew they were hack frauds

👍︎︎ 105 👤︎︎ u/Yugeky20 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

It wouldn’t be Best of the Worst without a mention of rape in the first 3 minutes

👍︎︎ 212 👤︎︎ u/DCYSJ20 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
well rich were back for another episode of best of the worst that's right Mike you know I can't believe it's been three whole years since our last episode I know in fact it's been so long I don't remember how we used to pick out movies so for this episode we have a brand new gimmick is that for me to throw up in No all other gimmicks will pale in comparison because so much of the trash that lines our walls is so similar sometimes it's hard to pick movies to watch not anymore today we've compiled 30 plus commonalities with all the movie boxes titles plots and so on things like man holding gun uncover might be about an alien or monster or maybe takes place in the post apocalypse we'll mix them all up and each contestant will randomly pick three then it's off to find the movie that contains all the selected criteria whoever finds their movie first will win a special prize nothing well rich you ready for this no inside this bucket lots of little pieces of paper you and I are both gonna pick three each I'm looking for quality or or speed they're just so quality we wrong with the best possible movie that fits the criteria I haven't thought about that far I haven't thought this through and it also might be impossible it's a gimmick Mike yeah it's a gimmick well let's start then rich okay I mean I have this [ __ ] bucket okay pick that first one right I have the first one okay my movie cover must contain you saw a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] what is it depiction of rape on the cover I can't do that on purpose look good luck I [ __ ] hate you so so much I'm rolling out the children's section [Music] scantily clad woman on the cover well there seems to be some kind of theme going here [Music] woman holding a gun on the cover hmm so she's like are you doing to me don't start looking that's against the rules I'm gonna put a blindfold on you you [ __ ] a cheap knockoff of a real movie okay you're number three rich this is my third one and it is there it might take place in a post apocalypse there's lots of raping in the post apocalypse in Mad Max here comes number three [Music] Oh easy a cover that is a painted artwork meaning it's not a picture or a Photoshop job it's a it's an actual like like a Drew Struzan ask cover I you understand what painted means I know what a painting is okay I didn't know sometimes sometimes you have you you come off as very stupid okay go find your movie [Music] okay fiction of rape on the cover I'm holding a gun I might take place in the post apocalypse definitely the genre of Mad Max was gun was it gun do any of these women have guns no the men have done yeah my mom's a werewolf could be considered a cheap knockoff of a real movie and like teen law officer something like a party and Rio well definitely got a scantily clad woman on the cover and it's and it's a painted artwork real movie it's more like Arnold Schwarzenegger sexually assaulting women for 90 minutes we haven't seen that before oh oh apocalypse women being sexually assaulted real cancun definitely scantily clad woman on the cover that's definitely a picture sorry about that rich so women apocalypse she's only the gun not being sexually assaulted that's the hard one I think I just need to look for rape she's tied up no she's not tied up she's she's leaning against something hey Rach I found one with a rapist on the cover there's a woman on the cover she has her hand on a gun I may have found a loophole they appear to be engaged in an intimate activity no it doesn't look non-consensual but who am I to assume such a thing right I know what is a raven Hawk I'll just be considered a ripoff of The Lone Ranger hey red I changed the rules for one dollar you can trade in one of your criteria for a different one kind of like a life line on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire this is this is just a [ __ ] scam visited I'm trading in rape death blood or kill in the title I buy that for a dollar I did what computer beach party be considered a knockoff of liked it like maybe Porky's Revenge of the Nerds yeah what do you think J rich rich I got this game in the bag [ __ ] you now this was considered scantily clad in the Victorian era look at all that wrists does that count this doesn't really look Apocalypse II but it's got Robert Ginty her name is Kat definitely scantily clad knockoff yes I would say maybe Catwoman and to me this looks like a painted cover although it could be an enhanced photograph if he doesn't match any of your criteria this this might be a woman I can't tell us the silhouette holding a bow which that's a ranged weapon that's a gun in my book well rich looks like you had a little trouble with this game so much you had to pay me a dollar [ __ ] you I however found my tape rather quickly the movie I found is called her name is cat you're calling that painting cover yes if we examine the cover you can see that it's it's painted the the metal components are clearly fake they're not real and if you look at the back of the box I doubt she ever wears this costume in the movie at all it's it's kind of like a road tourist situation where they tried to sell you on the costume but look she's just wearing a ninja outfit and I think she's just gonna wear a ninja outfit the whole movie so the cover of road tour is a painting this is a painting [Music] on the edge of the Hong Kong underworld a beautiful assassin battles the most ruthless crime lords in China cats played by sensational Chinese actress alman Wong is the enigmatic assassin with nerves of steel ice in her veins and a heart of gold her name is cats do you remember when we weren't filming best of the worst episodes remember those days do those work never mind [Music] [Music] you know not bad as far as cheap 80s movies titles go I don't know what well Mike we have to talk about my my film selection now mission kill fest okay as you can see it clearly says kill as part of another word but that's clearly kill and she's holding a gun and it might be the post apocalypse anything could be you know what a normal episode we would just instantly skip the film like this and not even bother taking a look at it that's why this is good we're getting some of the movies that we otherwise wouldn't watch we don't watch them for a reason from Ted V Nichols cult director of Astro zombies blood orgy of the devil's the corpse grinders doll squad and other masterpieces of bad taste cinema they must strike heart and kill fast a high speed martial arts action adventure pitting a CIA recruited martial arts master against Los Vegas gangsters in a psychotic is that psychotic or just not psychotic psychotic arms dealer supplying a diabolical terrorist organization with nuclear weapons that was just every word every word in fight the crusade amongst the veges seeking swarms of killers sharknadoes that's exactly what that sounded like just just nonsense every word you would like in a be movie starring old-school kung fu' idol tiger yang Mickle's Devils gambit Samy Hong's warriors two dragons on fire or phones and scream queens Jules Shepherd came he'd say volcano Jules Shepard seems lots of explosions psychotronic video lots of explosions and you'd see this box jewel ship it's the standard scenes lots of explosions so there's lots of explosions in her stand out nude scenes that's a whole different kind of movie he saw him and he didn't do anything about it they all forgot how to use their guns this elderly man did you see there are elderly why don't you just kick I see exercising long on a got a bit of a cash register phone what's it the only cash register phone let's read this is banking on a cash register form while kicking up about doing his leg lifts in the air we need a prop phone I only got this old rare cash register close that's all I got let's use it for a scene I mean the movies you know hey we have we have 10,000 movies now we have two less now we have two less we have three less three less yes oh you guys are very technically for we're never watching Chihuahua the movie you might be wondering what Chihuahua the movie is out rich knew we were watching mission kill fast next and of course you went through the the litany of explosive words on the back and so while rich was out of the room and Jay and I got chihuahua the movie Cuba we started playing it just to see how long it would take this is the wrong discourses and trailer the movie no its mission kill fast what happened I demand to know what happened what's going on you got Punk I thought it was a trailer understandably so yeah and that was a trailer and then I thought the wrong DVD was in the box you went through all the rational reasons it was happening to you the movie was killed fast mission kill fast her name is Kat it just it didn't work no you put it in you hit play and the entire VCR would shut off this is supposed to spring back mechanical problems so when I was searching for tapes I found two that fit all three of my criteria rip off scantily clad lady and artwork painting computer beach party definitely fell in that category this was our backup this was our backup I was okay you know this has all my criteria this is clearly painted I think it's a Drew Struzan original it's a great cover I would I would hang a poster of that up in the office yeah yes scantily clad lady I mean she's just in a swimsuit whatever but and computer beach party shouts of Revenge of the Nerds knockoff not a direct ripoff it's not like a tease teen sex comedy yes which there was a glut of low budget for these type movies yeah I'd say more Porky's even than Revenge of the Nerds a little bit of both well Revenge of the Nerds because of the computer aspect you think nerds our main character looks a lot like Robert Carradine from Revenge of the Nerds Robert Carradine who is related to David Carradine yeah of course we happen to him David Carradine yeah I don't know is he still hanging around somewhere I anyways so we made everyone watch me reading the back of the box for her name is Kat Phil never watched so very quickly read the back of computer beach party okay maybe that will help it's reminds the plot I doubt it will all circuits are go in this old-fashioned high-tech computer beach party toss around the floppy disk open a bag of microchips and interface with us sexy comedy that will light up your terminal surfing buddies Andy and Dennis find their prime surf turf is going to be radically changed by uncool mayor Dawes for a private development a real Beach bummer realizing that things don't compute these guys plan a major mayor protest party on the beach by linking up hundreds of friends on their home computer or even the guy wrote this is struggling using their hardware to attract software that doesn't work that's like a boner and vagina joke I think ya have created a whole new version of the data game the dating dating game this is certainly very punny there's so much more thought put into this description than there isn't of a script for the movie come down to the shore for a totally gnarly bash that a net and Frankie could only dream about well whoever wrote this was super old at the time yeah that makes sense though like when you think about it in retrospect that this is trying to be like the 80s version of a beach blanket bingo type movie yeah those kids like eighties decks desktop PCs right we're not gonna talk about her name's Kat there's nothing to talk about Oh the Chihuahua Chihuahua movies it's fine okay the Chihuahua movie is great from one minute we saw of it Jay tell us all about what happened in computer beach party okay well there is a computer there is a beach and there is a party but none of them are really connected we have our two main guys and they they live on a house on the beach the mayor has bought the land that they live on because he can do that because he thinks there's gold there what if someone else finds the same thing we found all that Beach there goes your trip to Hollywood and my highly esteem personal wealth how's old Paul Reubens in this buried treasure or sunken treasure we had a little mini debate while watching the film because the film opens with a shipwreck like old galleon or whatever they call those types ya embassy ship it's like 1781 or something they show the most impressive shot of the movie yes and during a storm off the coast of Galveston Texas it sinks and and then there's coins that wash ashore some are in the public museum our hero finds one in the beginning and our doesn't think anything of it I don't know I found in the sand Oh Gold remember that tale about a treasure ship that wrecked on this Beach yeah this could be a part of it yeah I've seen lots of those it's nothing oh it's just a gold coin so I can't be worth like what's really important is we fell over on our little wind sails because our villain yeah the heroes finally am the villain finds one Turk yeah Turk has had one in his pocket the whole film but Turk Turk is very he's like the mayor's son well he's like the mayor's toady yeah okay I hope he's not the mayor's son because he has a makeout scene with the mayor's daughter he's the lifeguard who runs everybody off of the beach yeah cuz as we discover in the movie if there's a lifeguard stand that means that humans cannot go on to the beach somehow right there's no lifeguards on duty I don't understand there's too many lifeguards let's go they can't use the beach see somebody help somebody who wrote this you never been to a beach before they saw those tall chairs the beach cards the lifeguard sit in and they didn't realize that was just they could see better they thought there was room in the lifeguard some kind of dictator it's very much a scooby-doo plot though where there's the the ancient buried treasure yeah and then the mean old local person tries to scare them kids away mm-hmm although he doesn't he tries to scare them away with just Life Guards they have safety measures but there's no lifeguards on the line no one's there yeah just the existence of them keeps them out when they're gone they can start digging holes and looking for their gold rich or when they're not gone yeah the bad guys are the ones that keep putting them back up when they're down that's when beach goers can come back to the beach and prevent them from digging any logical sense why is there targeting pizza it's a matter of budget I think because we discussed the logical approach to this would be the mayor owns the beach here comes a bunch of construction equipment vehicles and here he wrecks a fence around the whole beach that would make sense that's the weird thing is that this isn't it looks like a boner comedy and there's a couple sequences that are goofy comedy things but it's so dry most of it has hardly any humor like none of the scenes where they're actually like doing stuff with the computer is funny phone number please credit card please [Music] is he gonna hack the planet I think he's hacking a party no he made the VIPs for the private beach so they could have a computer beach party this entering information into a computer and it's gonna make a party happen yes yes and the Panthers are coming as the band forty girls ten guys location of party they're using it I guess what they think real people how the real people would use computers you download a beach party that's how you you hacked the server you hack the beach yeah and tell it to have a party I think this movie was made by like a 80 year old grandpa oh and computers were clearly brand new and they didn't know what they did sure processing your data please way okay entered number of beverages with the I Phoebe he party is activated they entered the information in the computer and it made the party happen this isn't the most pathetic thing we've ever seen this is the textbook example well the nerd needed to be anti-social be scared to go to the beach not know anything about it and then come some house computer helps him become popular and you know that's like your typical eighties in instead he gets a buxom blonde woman in the first five seconds of the film right she falls for him immediately yeah and that's usually the goal of a nerd is to win the girl in the end with your Nerdist nish or if it's Revenge of the Nerds with rape you get married it makes you a good person because you have a license I mean when you get a marriage license and you get married nobody this is a problem I mean just because you get married but doesn't that doesn't mean that you you're just glad you understand there just isn't a course on how to be a mayor's daughter screenwriting well what is our computer nerd do with computers let's let's break it down number one the first thing he does well he plans the computer beach party yes which means he hacks the beach he makes himself VIP he whatever that means that means you don't have to worry about lifeguards when you were VIP let me explain what he did because I might and I would love for you to explain I you know I know a little bit about computers he hacked into public records and made himself a VIP with ten male guests and 40 female guests they wanted a Ford of one ratio and he reserved the beach he ordered a band and they ordered liquor it says it on the screen and then he hit enter and it showed all the I don't know how they just said forty women and ten guys and then I show all the names of all the people and they're all in their age brackets like twenty-one twenty-two twenty-two twenty-three that's him doing that does it like send an evite to all these people I don't know how their words didn't exists I'm not sure about that part but it just sends out a wave that compels people to show up Oh Oh where there is only 35 minutes into the movie Wow for a [ __ ] sake this is the rest of the would be gonna be the computer of each party okay the credits could be 60 minutes long that's true [Music] oh you forgot to lip-synch partner this is no one's in control this brother no one's in control now what is the second use of the computer oh he makes a woman fall in love with him I've never met any of these people before and they don't know me let me show you what I use my computer for use a computer for pornography that's like loading a picture that's why the movies still got over an hour left the actor heart oh this is the most embarrassing thing oh no open mouth kisses because of that computer program he made well where's it gonna go now everything's been resolved and they already had the computer boots right so we're only halfway through the movie let's talk about how he hacks his own car well he bought an expensive computer they they loaded in his car and then he he installs it in the car I need to move this regulator and put it next to the Pulaski Vader to pull us what is he making his car a computer I don't know he is he's hacking his car yeah okay then what the Pulaski Vader and the regulator suddenly twisters revenge yeah but for what reason because it's a computer of each party it's that computer car party so then the challenges Turk to a race and then and then the race starts where does this happen in the movie on the beach but I mean in the in this framework of the it's just scenes it's just the thing that happens it's just the thing that happens there is no there is no like structure yeah things just cut happen in chunks and this is the race chunk of the movie yeah there's no consequence or pay off or stakes yes so they race again later in the movie because because they didn't know how to end the movie so they just race again in a different context this is the first big race though that they've been leading up to for the scene it happened [Music] oh my god people-people yeah that's a picture car all right yeah you should have done this before the race started Oh Turk won the race it shows it shows like a graphic and you have to wait for the graphic to refresh yeah really and then it cuts to and then it loads a different angle of that same graphic the image it's yeah engine yeah the engine from sort of different angles and you feel like you're being trolled like this is a real movie during that scene and then and then after five minutes the computer successfully installs speed under the car which makes the car go really fast because the computer installed speed you know like computers do he had to download more dodge ram [Laughter] that's what all those jokes you have to think about was their wager how did the computer change the mechanisms of the combustion engine to go faster he hacked it yeah the computer it obviously made everything much more efficient just mated better and one of the consequences of this race how does this change the dynamic between our hero and Turk it doesn't nothing changes no nothing is advanced nothing is settled nothing is developed I mean although although we talked about the ending right I think we're I don't know if it was this movie or that movie an extremely basic computer beach party is the movie that ends with tons of explosions okay the same explosion or yeah well that's computer of each party just a little tweaking here and there like basic stuff it's basic 80s comedy stuff but it's like it's it all in the wrong order and it's very episodic it feels like four episodes of a TV show because it's like they set up a conflict it's resolved and then just something else starts or it just like somebody watched Porky's and Revenge of the Nerds and just grab random elements for those movies and wasn't too concerned about why they happened or when they happened or anything like that anything bothersome just trying to do a trendy thing it does feel very freeform where it's like there's no way some of this dialogue was scripted there's like a whole scene where they're like let's go back in the house and we look it through our fridge and they just talk about food for like five minutes are they preparing for the party is that what's happening maybe they're just hungry well the biggest like I think the biggest standout is that is the computer beach party scene which one wait we have leftover footage party and it just happened again the whole party yep same people same guy with the snake yeah same bands because they end up using footage from the first one later yeah to imply that they had a second computer beach party where everybody showed up wearing the same clothes somebody said Ark our movie is called computer beach party there isn't enough computer beach parties computer beach party well we joked that the director was the first director in a coma direct a movie it's clearly like no one's in control of the movie set they've got all these extras in a band to play and they no one's directing filming the music video also singing in the band [Music] [Laughter] it's like a fact fun fact on IMDB the only film directed by someone in a coma unconscious on life-support and there's no story element happening at all alright when they add a computer beach party with with a computer computer they use the computer to hack the beach and then after that they talk to somebody from NASA the one thing that's even closest to a plot thread we have connecting everything together though is there are the gold doubloons and the sunken ship and then we get to the NASA scene and then that's over nothing oh yeah no we have satellites there's just there's no gold yeah Oh take care sail what do you folks mommy okay what's that bizarre ending where they have on the boardwalk yeah yes with that like The Temptations yes yes like R&B group and they're singing on the boardwalk do a really good job did they get permission to use that so it's a good song they oh I don't know they got a song or not but then but then the movie ends and then it cuts to different music for like the credits it's like no I know that song they're dancing have them dance to the song that's playing cuz it's a good song it's nice ending song compared to that shitty beach party song on the boardwalk was a million bucks that was the most enjoyable I don't want to hear you guys bad-mouthing Panther okay a tease word - sir just a minute a hair medal was was a blight on humanity Oh [Music] [ __ ] sake now they're back I'm just mad what there are more scenes when it fades to black but then it comes back [Music] and we're back rich mission kill fest good luck maintained all of your criteria that you selected that's what really no it wasn't post-apocalyptic it wasn't well the criteria was might people might be I guess yeah and this might have been post-apocalyptic it turns out it wasn't would have been well the plot is good luck all right there is a some kind of self American militia group they want nuclear detonators and they also have some kind of newfangled homemade Guzzi that is the best weapon ever made out of parts from Home Depot so they need nuclear detonators that they're going to get from some hooker who stole them from some guy and then the mob ripped her off for her million dollar nuclear detonators and then the mob also have this other guy that's partnered with them that's the third party who was doing something who has a front company that is some kind of nudie magazine owned by a snooty rich kid who is also a government informant who was working with the government who is after the nuclear detonators and the mob and the militia but the government is powerless to do anything because they need the help of some random woman and a karate school yeah that was the most amazing for explanation pretty close the movie makes so much more sense now than it did while we were watching my eyebrows and someone one other very important factor that I'm completely clueless how he fits in there's fake Burt Reynolds Oh God I think Indian Burt Reynolds Indian Burt Reynolds is a huge factor I don't know how he factors in but he's a huge factor he he rapes our main female at one point rapes and then kills oh my god it's a disguise well she dies later yeah but it's by him he's not wearing the Burt Reynolds costume it's true he turned into Michael Myers he's wearing a jumpsuit with with a with a like a hunting knife our main female and she dies off camera and then we don't even see her face when she dies she quit the film and she liked her dress although I think that might be here at the end of the movie remember oh yeah I don't know Jay I don't know what was happening there might have been something they filmed before she walked off okay yeah I think rich is right and then when they were added in the movie there just maybe whatever doesn't matter just cut to some stock footage explosions here's how you describe it though if you haven't seen the movie there's like a hundred and sixty-seven thirty second long exposition scenes of ugly people talking ugly people giving expository dialogue about [ __ ] we don't care about no action game right it may be Mike's the guy should be making the deal with give me your word believe ten what are you doing [Music] well then my South American guys are having trouble with their drug cartel flow and then we might have to put surveillance on Jimmy because Jimmy's in charge of the nudie magazine section of our operation and then he's having trouble with his hoes how about this terrorists have taken over in the Nakatomi Plaza building there is a a cop there that they don't expect to be there who is running around without shoes or socks on and hiding and upsetting their plan takes time about the plot and mrs. Doubtfire yes or or you can have a scene where government agent number four is meeting up with government agent number seven in the bar and he mentions that we think that the mob might be running the drug to Puerto Rico and then after that you cook to a scene of mob boss number three talking to mob boss number seven and eight about the financial situation in the lower district well then you gotta have a scene at a mini golf course yeah we're government agent number seven is talking to random woman about how they need her to infiltrate mob organization seven and then in the middle of that scene you have a flashback to another scene of government agent number 12 yes hold government agent number seven that he needs to find a random woman to infiltrate a jig Bob agency number seven right right it's all perfectly clear it's a well-oiled machine do you remember when that's your member when Tiger King was very first introduced to the film and he shows up at the airport and a government guy was like hey tiger King you want to help us with this thing he said no no I got I got stuff to do I got to go be in a parade [Music] yeah this is some shoot in the rodeo yeah and then a mob guy was like I think I saw him talking to a government guy let's snipe them at the children's parade oh my sumin binoculars let's check on the man what is going they're gonna assassinate yang because he was hired by a federal agent to investigate their porn mag which is a cover for getting illegal nuclear detonators from a third world country how are you not following the real question is why isn't he why is he afraid enough cuz he's on tour for his martial arts academy Oh goddammit this was a useful scene Tiger king and the martial arts school attack the Metalworks factory right remember you said that you're like why aren't they using their guns there's guys guarding there they're loading up a truck with potentially with nuclear detonators [Music] nope okay I guess they're on the move it's just procedures using a school I guess it's just this yeah yeah this is black belts they're all okay with this mission I think getting a discount on their next lesson rich their black belts which means they're on call for the US government at any time don't you know how that works very carefully climbing gum all the elderly black belts that's the thing yeah he's just a karate instructor and these are just students of his school and they all just agree to go along with those how did you remember the elderly poor no Photoshop for the skin mag for people with an elderly fetish that's all they could get that girl's only 18 years old the Sun is really time it was the first magazine well there's a scene like a like a Playboy Mansion pool scene kind of thing where it's like all the the models from the magazine are there and there's a market for that J I don't track right you turn on his own mother if you know there's a profit to be made I know she's in her but she turns out to be a character too though for a little while until she gets shot in the head I don't know who she was involved with she was working for the car that subplot number 37 a that goes nowhere okay okay she was an undercover cop posing as a porno mag photography actress model model thanks did I just say photography actress you did it for the world model that's you know that's one way to describe a model photography actress my question is after she got the police what they wanted why was she still continuing to be a photography actress hey good question somehow it gave the police information to move forward with some other aspect of their investigation what that is annoying it's just a jumbled [ __ ] mess oh look there are bad guys our good guys have to kill them mm-hmm that's a movie it's easy well that's what happens in the last five minutes of this film yeah it's pretty remote we have a c-141 standing by he's going to that to the South American militia Oh see this should be the movie the whole movie doesn't you know why doesn't he bring us home karate school come on now oh the karate school is going yeah rich you're missing the best part they take Tiger king and his karate school and they drop them into Argentina or wherever they go and they're like blow all these people up Tiger King what is it with with karate schools a thing now right movies either made by people who run karate schools or movies that are about karate school yeah we got this we got the instructor Miami connection did he run a crime school on that not not in the movie but he himself there's been a scene where he's doing he's doing karate I think it's like a okay inferiority complex or something it's like some reason the whole reason you start a karate school though is because you see yourself as the biggest [ __ ] badass who ever walked the face of the earth yeah and then and then you cut to reality and you're George Dillman and rich who is George Dillman he's he is a karate master pressure point knocked out of the easiest ways to put the person down who has perfected the art of no-touch knockdowns where he is able to focus his awesome Qi power and he can kill you from across the room unless your tongue is in the wrong position the skeptic was unloop was a totally none believe it none believer plus but if the guy had his tongue in a wrong position of the mouth that can also nullify it or you have one toe pointed up in one toe pointed down but Zoli weakness this all sounds completely legitimate has that guy tried to make a movie I hope yeah if I say I'm gonna knock you out and you raise one toe and push one toe down can knock ya did we talk enough about the explosion the ones launch the one explosion no we have not come from [ __ ] I was worried there are gonna be more scenes oh you know what it's fine it's such a powerful explosion that it turns night into day multiple times and that yeah that explosion is just used over and over look that's the plane explosion [Laughter] Christ again you can't get multiple stock footage explosions that sandbag bunker was filled with plane parts and daylight they superimpose it over real explosions and you see the parts from the airplane I still don't like it damn it I don't like it at all well it's time to conclude our very first episode of garbage pick Mike Mike versus rich Mike first is rich I lost I'll throw it Jay okay III guess I gotta go with computer beach party the titles funny the cover is is great rich Oh God I think I have to go okay okay I'm gonna go with computer beach party I think it was 1% more creative 1% yeah I I'm not picking it cuz it was my pick but I have to go with computer beach party to they are both very similar in their badness to where it's just like I like like just this lazy plot that a bunch of random scenes that don't seem like they serve any of greater goal right yeah that's that's a good what you can get away with a little bit more in like a boner comedy cuz it's just like it's just a laid-back party movie it's supposed to be one joke after joke seems funny yeah as opposed to an action movie where it's like each scene should lead into the next what should lead into an exciting action scene and this doesn't really even if you're being lazy about it an action movie is just so [ __ ] easy bad guys they're the bad guys we gotta kill the bad guys and that is all you need the one minute I saw of Chihuahua the movie was better than anything was better than the entirety of computer beach party and mission kill fast it was a cute dog now do we kill fast do we fast kill mission kill fast yes let's smoke ill we should kill fast I like the sound of that hi I'm screen legend rich Evans and today we're going to slow kill mission kill fast in a [ __ ] toaster oven [Music] normally this bad boy goes up to 450 degrees but today we're gonna turn it all the way down to 150 set it to warm and crepe time up as far as we can all right here we go yeah that suckers gonna melt it's yeah [Music] took 45 seconds okay yeah yeah yeah gonna murder that DVD [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] I forgot the clothes it hasn't even been heating about East Christ all right where we starting starting from scratch 25 minutes of my life but I think I think it's going faster [Music] No [Music] [ __ ] this over 450 [Music] according to Jewish folklore a dybbuk is a dark spirit that takes over the bodies of living people and uses them for evil legend has it that a dybbuk can be oh we have some action we have some action the server the the DVD case is rising it's like all that all that steam from the mounting disk is causing it to swell up [Music] oh yeah I can smell it now it's getting worse oh boy oh boy that might kill me Oh God let's get back oh it's done all right I'm gonna I'm gonna try and get it open look look look yeah it's sealed shut a king I don't think I'd get the DVD out yeah look at this so charred guha fine there's the here's the disc itself it's it's got it's got blisters in it mission accomplished [ __ ] yeah [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,563,233
Rating: 4.9520035 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, computer beach party, scavenger hunt
Id: kuS8ek6OM44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 12sec (3552 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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