Best of the Worst: Hawk Jones, Winterbeast, and ROAR

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why hello rich Evans hey Mike it's time for another best of the worst and this time no gimmicks no wheels no plink keto boards just three good old-fashioned high quality films pre-selected ahead of time oh how refreshing I know what's our first movie our first movie is called Hawk Jones ha Jones features an entire cast of children playing zany adults with hilarious results these pint-sized zeros play cops and robbers for real Oh watch it amazement as our hawk Jones gang actually drives cars battles bad guys and win the hearts of youngsters everywhere guaranteed side-splitting spunky action non-stop spunky action what the [ __ ] what what did you say you'll watch it again family entertainment rated R [Laughter] [Music] children we're less than four minutes in [Music] [Laughter] be great but this is all children except for this character Mitchell only adult in the film why don't you tell us about our next movie Mike winter beast the Evil Dead meets northern exposure it's winter Beast something strange is going on up in the mountains of a tiny winter resort community every time you turn around innocent town's folks our towns folk just say people I got to get it exactly oh my god every time you turn around innocent towns folk are disappearing in increasing numbers but this isn't just any mountain this is the Indian burial ground of the Chuck Cora tribe no Indians Oh dancing yes those damn Indians what are they doing now worse yet this sleepy towns Hills are infested with living totem poles creatures of all shapes and sizes and the legend of the winter Beast oh my god fearless park ranger sergeant bill Whitman played by Tim are more things at his bumbling right-hand man Stillman are hot on the trail when one of their Rangers returns from a scuffle with an unknown along the way they come upon Sheldon the owner of the nearby Wild Goose lodge sounds amazing it does it sounds great I can sure hear something no yes seamless yeah your thing looks like it's in constant pain [Music] [Applause] oh well that sure was something our next movie is Oh our next movie is supposed to be roar but I I can't find it looking for roar right here oh my god it's Hollywood celebrity Macaulay Culkin sure is all joking aside let's watch this joke sounds fantastic I've never seen more before I was gonna do the read but I'm a Hollywood celebrity totally I need you to read so here's a quarter oh oh thank you mr. Mcoy [Laughter] no animals were harmed in the making of this film 70 cast and crew members were and those are words I love hearing the most dangerous movie ever made Bruce over the course of ten years war is an audacious cinematic experience a thriller showcasing the majesty and ferocity of African lions filmed on location and missed dozens of untrained cats that's actual that's great yeah it also in there - photographed by Jean DuPont DP of die hard and director of speed the result is a spectacular achievement though often terrifying to watch as actors not stuntman flea wrestle and come face-to-face with the massive hunters that sounds great writer director no martial stars is Hank a doctor and outspoken naturalist in Africa who allows lions tigers cheetahs and other big cats to roam freely around his remote estate sounds like a good idea while away protecting animals from poachers Hank's family including Marshalls real-life wife and daughter Tippi Hedren the birds and Melanie Griffith working girl we need to know that that's the one I know with milk money arrived at his home and are stalked by massive Lions that have overrun the house not surprisingly many casting crew suffered injuries during the making of the film I promise it on the box though care was taken to ensure that no animals are armed since filming roar Hedren has become an advocate for the protection of big cats founding the war foundation and the Shambala preserve okay well there you go you know what you did such a good job here is my hotel room key oh thank you so much mr. McCulloch and I'll see you later let's let's watch roar wait your hotel room key oh I guess I have to he's Hollywood celebrity oh god oh oh my god [Applause] here on the roof it reminds me of a the other time he was hitting me over and over and over again and it made me kind of reevaluate my entire life was hitting you Oh was rich yeah it was okay cuz I was kind of I was like more or more and he was like I can't do it any harder no I said my arms getting sore yeah rich you hit mr. McCullen yeah yeah don't you know I was asking for it I'm Sean from bunny ears they brought me here to spin a wheel and now I'm at a table with no wheel in sight anyway back to this you you briefly appeared in a video before they didn't screen when when you've said it unlike though watching when rich got murdered yes yeah I didn't get murdered I just got seriously injured yeah you're in your nuns cup how are your bowls by the way they're great is this how all these episodes go uh well we do warm up with sloppy sloppily introduce things welcome to best of the worst and then it gets worse yeah on today's episode classic regular episode no gimmicks three films we have a beautiful lineup yeah all I see are lions that's forgotten about the first too far this has been a roller coaster yeah this is well like one of the entirely different reaction for every movie mm-hmm yes I just see everyone has children now great mags just children in life Sean why don't you tell us about Hawk Jones sure who seemed to hate that one the most I did and then I'm gonna go to rich for winter beasts no [ __ ] no no [ __ ] yeah well Hawk Jones so Hawk Jones was a very confused movie it's it's essentially a send-up of 70s I would say era film noir and like detective buddy car there is a murder but I don't know there is a crime wave going on yes okay right and then there was like a hawk Jones she's a new detective in town who is who is who is precinct mates yes like two T's yes and then he gets part of partner and he's very upset bride the name becomes a turkey she has cooties yes yes yes did you say that no they can't know they don't but it's interesting it's implied in the narrative you think can even see them [Laughter] it's probably the best structure to be honest Oh everything absolutely yeah there's a point ABC etc I go do what was going on at every point during this yes even though the sound wasn't great you still know what's going on all those cop cliche it wasn't well acted and it didn't look pretty but it was definitely it was a clear beginning what child actors can be excellent you know what you know what I had forgotten it did slip my mind that I'm sitting next to a famous child actor yeah hello Carlo did Uncle Buck how dare you how dare you forget Oh Dave Righetti pagemaster how dare you forget get even with dad I mean come on how dare he gives us both the famous films of yours yes well how do you feel about the sexualization of young girls like that I didn't know was another part where it got big words like with a pan up from the girls like her legs I mean I know you're doing the cliches but yeah let's pull back on this and then that's a real gun just took every piece out of it just in case you just don't do that it was equivalent of like a like you said jonbenet ramsey like a beauty pageant yeah yeah where she was singing like I look at jazzy song and there's guys with the hats in the background doing their thing and it wasn't like well there are certain things you can adult eyes yep child eyes yeah yeah yeah and so it's like oh they go to a bar and there there's that remember the googly eye scene without they're doing like these facial movements and no idea what they're doing [Music] [Music] [Music] together what is going on they took it just far enough to where they knew what line was too far to cross and we desperately wanted them to cross that line but the violence we wanted more violence one of them to go over the top yes it's either you go really really silly with it like you know look at with the milk kind of thing the chalk outline yeah look yes exactly the chalk outline was a stick figure like you know like that's exactly that's cute or do you do any other or like you know they get their guns or squirt guns or nerf guns like yes or you go the whole way where it's kind of just like they're using real guns their brains get splattered around the [ __ ] exist Oh God I guess he won a prize yes it doesn't know whether it's an 80s cop movie or whether or not it's a noir detective 1950s film what I'd say is Hawk Jones is timeless I think I wanted to be a noir thing but they just didn't want to go full noir with the sets and the cars and the time that would be hard they would have loved a voiceover it's like oh yeah like July 1986 since 1980 50 yeah they should yeah this this Dame walked into my office I knew she was trouble the second she walked in like even like that kind of thing they should do a prequel but it's adults playing child hawk joke no I want to see a prequel that's like a science fiction movie where science experiment turns everyone into children yeah well explain yeah it's like that episode of Star Trek rascals responsible no it's a transporter basically basically everybody in Star Trek could have like eternal youth if they want they go I live [ __ ] forever but they ignore this this technology thing with him Riker like there's two wreckers now it's like they don't have clone themselves now with that thing they don't turn themselves young forever card was like III could start my whole life over at 15 with with my current brain or I can turn in so Hawk Jones kid with the pipe old lady it had little lady what's dorable who was the youngest child in the movie the grey level was played the oldest and she was the most disinterested in being there like blow her face off even gave her a cane but then the scene where she's like running out of the space cob you will die nice with this department I'd like you to meet your new partner I need a tums also the chief was great because he had a mustache yeah and I will say I did count there was four child mustaches in this movie and each time was hilarious was it easy children and mustaches is a must so they bring it they bring in pretty much their Terminator character who's covered in chains for kind of no reason at the beginning or his legs are and he is terrible at his job yeah they do nothing to set up really good to be a 7 year old no you need crushed by the boxes we failed the assassination attempt in the box factory remember yes he pushed a bunch of empty boxes on Hawk Jones what were in the box is nothing more box oh well Hawk Jones tried to stand on an empty box he just goes into it so inside it he tries to like climb up to get hit of window and he just falls right in my favorite character I've got to say was Poindexter he was adorable even was being tough he was adorable and I think my favorite part of the whole movie is his death scene he gets shot a million billion times and it is my favorite that in the ex-wife joke real quick when the mob boss kid what was his name Corleone some my boss came up he was talking he was so bad it kind of reminded me of Temple of Doom when they had the when they had the Indian like shaman character who spoke no English no this dialogue like phonetically so you will go to pankot palace to find sivalinga and bring and it's like you can tell like he doesn't know what the [ __ ] you say that's how that kid talk this is my friend is a copper I think that kid just got bored oh there was that one yes by the end yeah see didn't want to be there anymore [Music] dang you know you should say hello to my little friend that woulda said and it would have been a teddy bear does this predate Scarface no no no no this does predate home alone it does a character named McAlister yes [ __ ] weird [Music] so this is where John Hughes stole yes ideas from pretty much draw his scripts they callous to get in here yeah you saw him watching this like in sequence yeah that's good McAllister was the girl's name though that was the planner that was a partner's name yeah yeah I'm very versatile sure sure you do play an excellent tiny black girl thank you [Laughter] [Music] lockdowns [Music] yes Rambo so they needed to feel like the movie they needed to the start of this they didn't have one conversation where it was like are all of the kids playing adults and we just everything else was played straight they're adults in an adult world and we never reference that they're children or is this like a children's family movie Winky Winky like and then they pull out a laser gun for the gun battle instead of like you know and they never had no they did and you know what the answer was I would say they were going more for the latter considering that it was PG and there wasn't the violence was mostly cartoony yeah he threw it he throws a grenade in the bathroom stall [Music] should be blowed up but it wasn't Looney tune enough no yeah it should have been like at you should had smoked the Looney Tunes guy should have been covered in sticky wood shouldn't covered in soot or something right there of the mouth you should had smoke come out of his ears and then you go like okay nobody's gonna argue that Hawk Jones couldn't have been done better [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] they absolutely kept that in [Music] talk about winter free whenever East was great um rich you loved winter beasts so you're gonna talk about it I want to know that don't do your past passive thing where you just go as a movie that about a thing that sucked that tell us in detail everything that I don't know what happened in winter Beast I saw winter bees that I just seen you don't you know there's there's three main characters yeah there's a there's this cop there's ginger cop where does it take place ginger moustache first of all that's start location it takes place in the forest during the winter no Massachusetts yes and specifically a lot it takes place mostly in around a lot location character story go Oh God all right well there's there there is a watch and there's a man in a plaid suit who runs the lodge and so anyway he says to me you think that's bad her sister is twice ginger cob no ginger moustache ginger moustache there's a couple of girls sunglasses yeah does he not retain any information watch this movie at all do you want to do you want to do it I'm glad you can do roar right sure I'll do whatever lions that's roar I'm just did it for you but Mac you do winter boots okay as you remember things that happen ask me to do it do winter be used boo me yeah okay rich can you read this alright what are beasts yeah there there is a lodge and it's winter mostly summers mostly like spring fall supposed to be it's fall yeah I thought it was a winter there's a fog around XE of the missile bit small window never [ __ ] you yeah yeah well maybe the Beast just comes out in winter no are you all right yeah [Music] Oh [Applause] what yes this is gonna be a movie in the movie oh maybe I'm gonna say no yeah I'm gonna go with no also it's so bad it's gonna be what's happening this is oh okay wow that's good well yet it did the reels out of order yeah this is real six a dream dream close close watch and there's some monsters that keep killing people randomly the stop-motion monsters pop-up they kill people and this a cop who's concerned about this and the guy who owns the lodge isn't and it turns out the guy who owns the lodge wants the people killed because I've got a ritual ways them he's a jaws mayor he's the mayor of the lodge hey I'm just trying to make conversation well yeah sure doing a [ __ ] job who's that guy and I don't know what happened because I don't know what happened you have like the descriptive powers of like a four year old realize like the little girl telling about what Star Wars is about palakollu acceptor selling robots you can tell this was shot over a long period of time because the hair is different lengths as we go along and a lot of the characters costumes would change in shots all in the same scene we'll get to that I think every character wore that red flag [Music] so then a group attacks a lady [Music] yes I am grooves bright Ray Harryhausen eat your heart out not for winter bees get up and dig top off because it was time you can take your top off and then get attacked by a tree monster okay and then I'll be famous [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] there's stop-motion things that happen they people get killed it's very a penny from a pee-wee's Playhouse if you're such a [ __ ] expert why is there suddenly a zombie in the [ __ ] movie why does the zombie come out of a grave and why is the grave sitting there just in the middle of the woods [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] awesome yeah yeah what's gonna happen no one knows what is happening Reverend the grave of the Reverend that's all I could what Reverend it was on the tombstone yeah but who's the Red Room exhibit in the town man just opening his grave up for nobodies yeah oh you got chocolate syrup all over the next more this is a piece of [ __ ] I can answer these questions simply please please because I'm more than a guess over the the the Native Americans were mad go on because of atrocities probably and and it was their burial ground uh-huh so the magic in the ground caused all these things to happen stop-motion creatures the it was a grave of the Reverend to come back to life all these things I think at some point I could be wrong but I remember hearing from the the wacky mayor it was featured on the back of the box around yeah I want to say that there was a cabin in the woods esque plot yes where he said something like I gotta keep the generations my two forefathers were we keep no abuse you're saying is saying it wrong something is happening up on that mountain I'm telling you for the last time to close this lodge your guests are in danger no jurisdiction here every couple of years I've gotta get a person up onto this mountain and I've gotta kill them it's not a big deal and then I put on my clown man you might do a little twirl it's literal where what movie were you watching I don't know check though this is okay we're all gonna put on our clown masks oh you've been listening to the local creeps old Indian tales wouldn't mean it bullshitting you you saw the would you be anyway I should say it's not it's not he's not the best because it's not he's cool is not because it's the effeminate like think that that's not what me like because that could have easily have just been like insulting and kind of like character it was that he had owes him yes that was him it was the only person in the whole movie that brought any kind of like character charisma or or anything to the role everyone just to the woods and look at the thing I have mustache on my face Richard doing too much emotion oh yeah quit him moaning so my god I got I got a good like more static - it's funny you mention that though because I actually do have a friend from quite a few years ago who's moved up here I've been meaning to look him up just haven't had the chance was tracking problems I'm shocked that he wasn't in morph and morph is very disappointing I would have liked he was in we looked him up or whatever reason he hasn't noticed I'm standing there watching him play right and like a certain point you're George like rolling the dice by not leaving as soon as you see the bad dancing petting corpses that was actually the most chilling part it was the most cinematic part of the entire was a look at the movie is not a movie even that no it's like you go oh this is like a really weird like creepy scene and then a character walks in and it's supposed to be a moment where he like he was like this guy's be like really weird but instead he's just standing in the doorway watching this guy and then he doesn't move or do anything it goes on for like a really long time and he's holding a hand he's holding a head because he had found the head and was trying to sneak back out of the lodge he never found it the Denny well you never she's found it found it though this is carrying it [Music] no that was that genic why did he do that with the doors open there's multiple sake yeah it wasn't but also he didn't even unlock it he just broke the window and then to open the door like work your windows why is he holding a head oh why is anything anything why winter beasts I know who saw this film a long time ago Justin Timberlake and Andy Sandberg because there is a dick in the box and that's where they got the idea let's talk about that let's talk about the dick in the box where'd this come from is this supposed to be a dick so the box just happened to be in the box cuz the important thing in the box next to the dick he's like there's this box and it has this one sacred artifact and he opens the box and there's two things clearly if it was a clear dick and there's other stuff and then he goes like reaches in and you're like oh he's gonna pick that dick up right now and talk about it and he goes anyway this - this is my father it's like he's saving this for a while it could just be the tooth from any large animal oh yeah that's down related I'm showing you the - this is my father's dick but the only person who knows is gonna be yeah what is she doing here she's like at the table but she she was just there sitting there who sees a waitress on break oh you're giving my [ __ ] work you don't tell me where to go holy show me the [ __ ] movie man you might have a film at your table for a movie she's gotta get one shot what my one critique of the film did your woman curtain my one critique of the film is that I couldn't hear or understand anything that was happening I thought it was a fantastic everyone problem was that I didn't realize I didn't realize at the end that they were fighting a giant [Music] it's like somebody spliced together footage from like eight different movies that were only like 15 percent complete but it's literally it's so hard to tell geography of anything because like oh no it's winter again wait what show me any different completely different outfit so my god oh oh it took all of us are really long time to be like we're shooting a giant horse perspective yes perspective she was a bad the dick necklace a [ __ ] miracle collagen thing yeah I think he's that still yeah that is still that's why he's moving like that yeah it still let you know his arms look bigger are longer [Music] getting through this is one of the most difficult things I've ever had my favorite character shades yeah um he's talking with which ginger stash yeah and then all of a sudden good company look walks right in for it just like just walks eclipses him with the camera and just stands there he's just like he's weights for like stash to walk up to him they talk and then he like done company leaves and shades is still there who talk about just how oddly that entire [ __ ] shot is framed we have three characters talking to each other and the shot is frames that all three characters are on the far right fifth of the screen standing in a row standing stacked in front of one another rich it's the rule of thirds yeah one-third your character is overlapping each other's three thirds a plant there is a weird thing in this movie where it seemed like a lot of the sets were like half of a wall and so both actors are like there's that one scene where the guy in the girl are talking and he's like he's like this close to a little bit one I just all over crotchal area I hope nobody saw it Jay can you edit that out could you could you just don't do that in slow motion and zoom it in as the beer drips right down my pants it's uploading in the stories I've heard about Cory mountain around as long as I can remember stories what are you talking about why are they so close to each other yeah they're actually just staring at her he's making these what is it my turn to talk the background changes yes yeah that was one of like the two times in the movie they didn't like shot reverse shot for a discussion and every time they did it I could feel the director photography's pain he like didn't like doing that that movie that movie used coverage more sparingly than I've ever seen a movie it's static two shots you get your master and that's it I mean I think that was why we actually wanted to turn this off in like the first 15 minutes really it makes it will just look like masterful filmmaker oh yeah which is also mostly just two shots not like closest new one I like yeah look I mean just even the inserts like we're kind of just you can see that they were done later to kind of like so they can kind of cut between take one and take two because there was definitely not take three done on this movie yep at all hole under the circumstances I don't think you have any choice shut down your lives and the trails and then that way we can conduct in a safe extensive search of the area without any more like yeah good enough there we go all right one take surgeon [Laughter] gingers - there's a one scene when the power goes out and it's like the most basic thing ever they just they just jump cut from lit scene to blue and they could have just shown like filmed a light bulb just turning off well I'm done that's that's a break whoa whoa slow down cowboy slow down orson welles what are you doing good fancy mr. Hollywood the light ball misses Santino tell me more shoot your movie with cameras or whatever all lights and things oh Jesus Christ look at what do you know I got so many ideas look at how we do that you and your fancy ideas as we put the camera down and it stays there goddamn this is not how we do in the berkshires all right get the [ __ ] outta here [ __ ] microphone microphone oh I'm from LA I'm gonna make the phone there's no wing apiece light the shots sure go Sykes like I'm some kind of God can just snap lights on and off or something the sun's gonna rise out my ass now get over it to that field and let's finish shooting this movie yeah it's what your kids have for years [Laughter] listen like we do in Massachusetts I have to filter out 70% static before they can hear what somebody's saying in our movies rich do you hate all those scummy people from the East Coast scumbags it's just a bunch of scumbags [Music] oh yeah what happened to the chicken monster yep wait the chicken toaster go they defeated him when they defeated the totem they did when they knocked that totem down and killed all them yeah what movie were you watching I don't know no I'm just gonna say just wait just win a way they thought we'd forget you missed the 21 other movies that came before winter beasts then sort of set up out all the events of September B's you better start paying attention to these films or you're off this show yes Wow got it continue at ease yeah fine I'm gon [ __ ] you oh thank god do we all move down one or how does this work now [Music] [Laughter] oh yeah oh yes yes I'm rich Evans and I'll tell you all about roar the rover is a movie about a guy and his family and he wants to reunite with his family in Africa the main thing is that his house is infested with lions the pradhans movie is extremely simple is that he is going to go pick up his family from the airport but his family already made it to the house and oh [ __ ] Lant lions are at the house [Music] their fault for opening the door ahead I don't want to make it seem like the Lions randomly appear once the family gets there no no no the Lions are there and the protagonist is there and he's worried about his family getting there and discovering that the Lions are there before he gets there which they do wait no don't break the eggs no [ __ ] you first you said not to [Music] hello it's me from the other families correct you it's also not just lions what else is there tigers what else elephants whales giraffes leopards feathers Jaguars Cougars but the best cougar in the whole movie was Tippi Hedren real lions tigers Alleluia oh yeah giraffe I mean they not trained also not trained yes these are real animals that have director and writer credits because they're completely improvising of course they are take over the provide I'm sure the because someone got [ __ ] cute let's be honest I'm just gonna say like they got through the couple first couple of classes at Second City and they're like we get it yeah yeah we're really good at improv yeah yeah the TGA and the WJ had nothing to do with us the MGM did [Music] so try to know about DGA rules on that zebras like well the lines are in the writing credit yeah tell that line I didn't write the movie and the actors are trying to get across the the barest of plot thinnest barely anything but there are the backstory is is a hundred and fifty million times more interesting than the real story absolutely and you're saying no marshal yes a crazy will ferrell looking guy it's too large ethic in real life he loves lions yes he has a lot in his wife he and Tippi Hedren Tippi Hedren was famous from the birds so he took a dream and no Marshall Norman officer was a producer he produced the exorcists and they made a ton of money and had a nature preserve specifically for large cats California well actually California what happens was they started reading the lines on their property yeah like Beverly Hills yeah and then like the sheriff was like no cut that [ __ ] out okay so you should not have Lions in [ __ ] Beverly Hills so they started boarding them at a you know look at like you know reserve or whatever and then they realized they were paying more for the animals and they could afford the mortgage so they bought the Nature Reserve and they sold their house in Beverly Hills bought some boats and trailers and then moved to the Nature Reserve so they could make this movie [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] put aside the fact that this was a nerve-wracking experience I don't like to watch people get hurt I was just worried the whole time even though I knew no one died I was still like I like I didn't like it but put that aside it felt like it felt like what it was which was like some rich dude who's like I'm gonna buy lions because I love lions now and then he like has a bunch of [ __ ] lions and he's like I'm gonna make a movie with the Lions and then there was like no script and no [ __ ] ideas and then let's say the movie meanders all over the place where it's like they introduce you like this guy and his lions and you're like oh that's cool and then it's like 25 minutes of just like the Lions jumping on him Tommy Jimmy [Applause] the grizzly bears Lions even supposed to be tea no no no that's what the guy in the bill was going about oh yeah don't ya know this is the I know it's gonna happen here meanwhile the plots just hanging out here the plushies chillin we're back to it in a nutshell it's it's very similar to Hawk Jones I what I was saying in a nutshell were similar to Hawk Jones okay in the fact where it doesn't go one way or the other roar like there's two messages it's like oh that the the crazy guy Nowell marshall is like lions are wonderful creatures they're just little cuddly wonderful yeah that it's horror movie because family shows up at the house and oh my [ __ ] god there's lions and there's a horror sequence that Lassiter at the forty minutes yeah where they're all hiding like lockers and office trying to maul them and their logins over them and it's like okay that's a good horror movie promise so for this shot will just let the line [ __ ] nuts inside and action that's the one I like how the lines won't start till he says action yeah he says cut and they all just leave coffee god bless this crew I swear to God that camera department we know 70 of them that were mauled and gender bought like lost half of his [ __ ] skull I don't even know yeah he has scalp from a nape to to hairline yeah well any Griffith had both sides of her face worse worse important hug the other night I think like the first act wasn't really set up properly the first act was supposed to be Oh like you know they're dangerous lions but at the same time they're kind of cute and cuddly yeah the teenage girls they roughhouse with each other yeah it's like that but at the same time like they can cohabitate with human right and he gives a little spiel to those little hunter guys right little hunter guys you know they were like normal-sized hunters hog Jones and McCallister show up and they're like but but the things they're trying to establish it oh look you know they look vicious the way that they play but at the same time look know they're docile they're like house cats kind of thing I think the idea is that when the family shows up yep is that they automatically assume that their Dean's we're gonna move he spent so much time you're right because the movie so much time that first act yes showing the lot you know he would be like giving dialog and in line would jump out of nowhere and like tackle him to the ground it wasn't fun and because the audience wasn't in on like oh I guess this guy's saved cuz no one feels safe at any point the whole movie just kept thinking of that one scene from gladiator another one you know they have the Lions got like yeah it kind of goes like this it's clearly like look digitally altered and just kind of swipes at Russell Crowe for like two seconds yeah oh that's what do you like so do you like the better if they just suck some Lions on Russell Crowe 150 of them just climbing out the sword chopper SiC balls underscore the amount of lions like I think I don't know that I even want to it's like a [ __ ] zombie movie [Music] that's pretty bad done that was a dummy know who's really Tippi Hedren I wouldn't be shocked they're like no it's too dangerous to put you in this barrel now go stand with 50 lions we need a stunt double for the Barrow gang no you could get hurt watching the trailer even you're like oh yeah there's like you know lions there no no no like they'll open the door at one point and it's just like lions minds of Mines and lions in life there's a bit of a strange like like psychological effect to like I think also for the actors involved because okay you're you're you're in a situation there's one lion right by it's just worthless kind of yeah but when there's like hundreds of them it's like something is switched on in your brain where it's like oh they're just like a bunch of dogs or something say something you like get the danger like you have a Siegfried and Roy they worked with their white tigers for like 25 years everything's fine it's like the [ __ ] it's a glutton time it's that's it it's like the bumper hounds or whatever it is from the Christmas story except with you know five hundred pound line yes yes come knock over the Christmas table and eat the turkey the turkey is your daughter and your son and your son they were flirting with disaster on such a level it's amazing where it's like they probably all became accustomed at the end were they're like cuddling and tickling any moment snap lion trips their face off the family is like crawls across this water bridge and do this other shed or like I'll be safe here we just need to sleep Oh God we're so [ __ ] tired and they all crawl in there I'm going to sleep and then some Lions just come over and also go to sleep with them because no you said some Lions yeah it's like all of the Lions I'm gonna smother you to death she was crushed it's like if you're trying to make Nightmare on Elm Street and the premise was Freddy Krueger is your friend yes and like that's what I'm trying to go for your dream and he's just running around but he loves you it's because he looks scary that you're afraid of him yeah really just there to just play along and scrape is causing that's that's the point that's the equivalent of raw Freddy Krueger is your friend we're not scared anymore for no reason we discovered that they sleep sometimes don't be afraid of dangerous wild animals like worst of the three movies you've hushed this is the worst this is amazing the lines are never gettin personalities so you don't ever think that you don't ever feel like there's a narrative to the Lions behavior so all of that other stuff falls apart cuz you're like no they're lions sometimes they're gonna be hungry sometimes they're gonna be thirsty and then if they see you they might try to eat you yeah they sure maybe they're giving you a hug or they get tired of hugging you and they decide to also or they might they might just eat a zebra in your living room and short and short of that and you're lucky your shoes but I get what you're saying and that is for the most part sure we've got toe gar and Turner is like these antagonists right though they just poured blood on a lion he never does that's what I mean fake blood is on the line at no point does that line behave any differently is he any worse than the other line is yeah what is it what is you the the the bad hunters that are shooting although he texts them so some of the other No hold on the antagonist of the film they're the goddamn [ __ ] here they're going well what you guys are doing is totally dangerous uh-huh what are you trying to prove that you can have lying socializing these people we got troubled the villain of the film is no marshal yes yes because he created this situation I liked that the Tigers kept jumping on anytime there was a boat that Tigers kept trying to climb into the boat and then the bait would tip over no that's only half a ton in the front of your boat yeah yeah oh sorry sorry I think if I just pull it down if there's anything that I can impart to you about that what I learned from roar is that Tigers love boats elephants hate boats that part was cool too and that elephant like rock that boat up for no reason my bow I'm taking it [Laughter] the sign said even the Lions [ __ ] it was the rage I've never seen it an elephant like after he's like destroyed it there's at one shot where he literally kicks it he's like [ __ ] just boom I've never seen an elephant look angry like that Oh what happened you could tell by the length of the tusks that was a juvenile so that was like yeah he was he was listening to like Rage Against the Machine he was angsty well yeah in addition to the horror of lions and tigers and Panthers Jaguars Levenson every other thing yeah on the earth the docile gentle giant elephant also just destroys their boat a function abouts get out of our [ __ ] plan [Music] just start shooting everything it's got to pee and does and breaks her leg your life what yes so in that scene you can see her what she broke he wraps his a trunk around her leg and he and it the trunk squeezed her legs so much that it snapped yes while they were shooting that yep but so other other thing being if terrible things happen to me movie put them in there of course I took a xanax before watching did you I took it didn't really grab this is having your [ __ ] scalp ripped off by a lion she's a pretty girl you know like a nice-looking human being and you go oh and then she was barred and I thought the set of roar was dangerous well everyone it's yes it's that magical time of the night when we pick our best of the worst and well yeah III really I would I would say without a doubt it's war but I'm not sure rich I know you're gonna pick roar is irresponsible it is criminally negligent and it is the most amazing [ __ ] thing I've ever seen it's it's war all the way I was looking forward to it and like I knew a lot about it and it freakin delivered it's the amazing contrast that the amazing contrast in roar is what the filmmakers want you to feel contrast with what you're actually feeling my god don't kill his children rich guy ask you this though roar utterly failed in its intentions sure yes but it doesn't mean it's not amazing to watch every like every movie we watch the best of the worst fails in its intentions some of this was enthralling I don't know Jones failed in its intentions you keep you keep Hawk Jones I'm gonna take her home I'll watch war again my pick is winter peace roar yeah I'm picking roar it's it's it's it's so unique war war or winter beast [Laughter] here's the thing the best of the worst right the best of the worst like winter beasts really no don't try to change his mind this made him anxious well know roar was the most effective in and I had the most fun during winter beast because I wasn't anxious because and when he does making fun of how stupid was this measure that guy it's a lot of credit for a performance I love the Groot thing I like every time they turn the thing every time like a monster would grab a human and they would cut to a claymation human in the monsters hand getting thrown across the room there was there's some fun stuff we laughed a lot we love books incredible also and where is the movie you will talk about or think about yes and and tell people and cry about a dreaming and had nightmares about way from watch this [ __ ] up movie and Macaulay Culkin made me do it for work and it's a word I told him I didn't want to and he was like you have to or I'll fire you and when you run into Melanie Griffith you say wonderful job on your face never know you got mauled by [ __ ] lion I think though we'll end on the note with if you haven't seen roar you need to see roar but watch it with a group of friends and family mm-hmm there's nothing like it there's literally nothing will ever be like roar ever again yeah no no it should be like you know don't do this don't do this your kids it is a hundred percent a completely you I was a kid on camera don't sick Lions in your kid I'm just saying [Music] it's cool that Melanie Griffith kids would be like yeah when I was a kid I got attacked by multiple lions on when I was a kid I was rich and rich you know I was fake killed by bees once looks like [ __ ] this [Laughter] you
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,991,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, hawk jones, winterbeast, roar
Id: YaSkO4TosYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 41sec (4121 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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