Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - re:View

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That all caps "IT'S TIM BURTON'S FAULT" must have been so cathartic for them to edit in

👍︎︎ 330 👤︎︎ u/thisismyfirstday 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

If I may be sincere for a moment: It is genuinely heartwarming to see Mike gushing over movies he loves.

👍︎︎ 832 👤︎︎ u/RG1997 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Around 38:52 is one of the most stupid and brilliant edits I’ve ever seen on re:View

👍︎︎ 176 👤︎︎ u/AiReCkOrEsSaL 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Good to see Mike take the role of conductor of the /r/GrandpaJoeHate train

👍︎︎ 453 👤︎︎ u/Century24 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

The clips they showed of the rock 'n' roll Oompa-Loompas are some of the worst shit I've seen in my life.

👍︎︎ 128 👤︎︎ u/HadakaApron 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Tell the crew to push the wolpner button

👍︎︎ 342 👤︎︎ u/MyNewAccountIGuess11 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I remember before Gene Wilder passed away he did like a special press interview/Q&A where he talked about his career and I think it was also the anniversary of Willy Wonka and someone asked him about the Tim Burton film and what his thoughts were on it. And he just talked about how much he hated it and thought it was terrible and slammed everyone involved in it. I remember it was so satisfying and vindicating hearing him say that.

👍︎︎ 105 👤︎︎ u/Bertrum 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mike is a confirmed member of /r/grandpajoehate

👍︎︎ 155 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Kinda surprised Mike didn't mention Orson Welles being born in Kenosha, WI at the beginning

👍︎︎ 76 👤︎︎ u/frolic_emmerich 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
well jay welcome to another episode of review we're back baby we're back i can see the poster case is empty oh which means we don't know what we're gonna talk about i suppose the title of the video gives it away but what should we talk about jay what's going on oh my god like did you steal fizzy lifting drinks of course i did we're gonna have to pass tons of gas to get out of this situation where's rich evans when you need him so jay what movie are we talking about today on review crash directed by david cronenberg no i was thinking more like willy wonka so jay we're here to talk about one of my favorite films of all time willy wonka on the chocolate factory i think that might surprise some people that's one of your favorite movies i love it to this day yes i i watched it maybe five million times as a kid it's one of those movies where i know every single line of dialogue and every single little moment has some kind of memory in my head even down to the the opening credits oh yeah when it says the titles when it says producer david l walpner and i used to think they were saying whopper like those malted covered malt milk and bluff balls when i was a little kid all the credits were going to be like a candy pun yeah i didn't know what credits were watching it and i was like whopper they're just listening they're just listing off candies my favorite candy is is a gene wilder a lovely man gene wilder oh yeah born in milwaukee wisconsin that's true that's true one of the few celebrities from this area mark ruffalo from kenosha liberace one of the most glamorous and fanciful men who ever lived came out of the dirtiest nastiest city in the world west allis is west dallas where the the walker inn drag or out pub is is that west a lot of the actors in this are british well that's that's what i'd in rewatching it because i watched this a ton as a kid too but i haven't seen it in a long time and so re-watching it i was like this feels very the humor feels very british but it turns out it's not really there's some british actors in it but uh director is american and it was shot in germany right but it has a very sort of that kind of dry british humor too a lot of that comes from the school teacher i've just decided to switch our friday schedule to monday which means that the tests we take each friday on what we learned during the week will now take place on monday before we've learned it and uh uh of rook salt's father sweetheart i can't push him no harder 19 000 bars an hour they're shelling before we get into it uh the willy wonka chocolate factory is a lightning in the bottle situation it's a it's a star wars kind of movie because it's an anomaly in many many ways and i think that's why it fascinates me so much because we're talking about director mel stewart primarily came from documentaries if you look at his imdb page yeah i was like what else has he done and it's all like tv stuff documentary film and and we'll talk about that when we break down some of the scenes in this movie how it has almost a documentary feel a lot of the vignettes a lot of the sequences um feel very like slice of life almost which is heavily contrasted in the terrible tim burton movie which we're going to delve into a little bit like the story behind the movie uh i mean this movie's almost 50 years old now 1971 i think this is a good example of uh when people say like oh and old kids don't like old movies it's like it's a good movie it holds up as a little kid i loved this it was before my time i loved wizard of oz before my time and those movies still hold up for kids today yeah a kid would kids will like this movie more than the johnny depp one oh i think so what and even even with the fact that 60 of this movie is prior to them going into the chocolate factory yeah and i will say as a kid that was the stuff i i didn't dislike it but i just it was a when are they gonna get to the fireworks factory situation and now in re-watching it that's like where a lot of the best stuff is as far as the comedy goes yeah well well that's another thing is it works for adults and children it's your husband's life or your case of wonka bars how long will they give me to think it over and i even liked the stuff until they got to the chocolate factory there's only one part that i didn't like that department everyone fast forwards through yeah part that i run fast forwards through and that's uh charlie's mother's song [Music] you get blue like everyone but not just that song but the whole scene where he goes and visits her now i like that scene i just don't care about that song all the other songs are great yeah but it's a weird scene too because she's like telling him to to not have dreams it's very bizarre there are a hundred billion people in this world and only five of them will find golden tickets even if you had a sack full of money you probably wouldn't find one and after this contest is over you'll be no different from the billions of others who didn't find one but uh so 1971 the movie had a budget of two million dollars uh which was you know even low for even for 1971. we're dealing with 2 million dollars today the picture would probably cost 80 million everything we had to do close to the vest watch the bucks for a movie of this scale yeah um with with the big sets and all the costumes and props and stuff um it was produced by quaker oats is it that's true yeah know um cause uh i think the director's daughter read the book and was like daddy this is a great movie this would make a great movie make it i don't know okay and then somebody heard that quaker oats wanted to was going to release a new chocolate bar and then they're like hey wait a minute my daughter just read this book let's make a movie as a tie-in and we'll call them wonka bars and quake rhodes was like oh okay and so the movie was made as basically a co-advertisement for the release of chocolate bar and then it's very ahead of its time in terms of uh cramming in product placement movies are nothing but an advertisement it was a product placement movie and then when they made the chocolate bars they screwed up the formula and when the chocolate bars were in room temperature they would melt when chocolate bars are supposed to sit on store shelves and they melt in the heat but not in the store and so they had to recall all of them then the movie came out and there were no chocolate bars so the movie wasn't like a big hit at first right no no which is really surprising because now it's a you know everybody it's a smoothie it's one of those things where it was kind of a small budget it was slapped together but we really were a bunch of amateurs flying by the seat of our pants and i think that i think the film reflects that it has that kind of energy that kind of ingenuity uh the director was a guy who did documentaries and not kids films and that has it has this really dry sense of humor and it's very dark yes and and kind of disturbing at parts it's a classic kids fairy tale they started shooting the movie it's roll doll is credited as the screenwriter but there's a different guy who like punched it up and changed stuff and then you know it's like one of those things where at some point someone says well let's do a song handyman with lava makes the world taste good i think there was talks of sammy davis jr doing the candyman song and coming in and doing the part for it and then they're like no we don't want someone famous we went to some nobody and oh let's have songs and then they're like okay these two guys write write a bunch of songs well we don't have the script eh just it's about this chocolate factory and then they're like okay and they just yeah it's a couple songs and the music by tony newley and leslie brickes had been completed before the screenplay was and so they started building the sets and in fact in munich started filming the musical sequences i know the original book had the oompa loompas sing they probably do um and they ported over the lyrics from their songs for the johnny depp version which is surprising because those songs are [ __ ] awful well but the lyrics from for that are directly from the original book see i haven't read the book um so uh i am not that familiar with the source material yeah um charlie and the chocolate factory and then there's the great class elevator class elevator yeah i read a lot i went through a roald dahl phase in like fifth grade where i read that like those and the witches oh okay well great you could provide some insight well i haven't read them since fifth grade i don't remember a single thing okay that was just five years ago we said give us three or four songs an umba song and a main theme and a couple of other things but yeah they're like we don't have uh dialogue to lead us into these songs i don't know what's going on and then and then oh the the writer like was like i'm done filming the movie i'm going to my cabin in maine you can't reach me only by pay phone in the woods and they're like we don't have the ending of the script says grandpa joe yells yippee and then mel stewart said i can't have my [ __ ] movie you end with grandpa yelling yippee call the writer and he's like uh how about uh don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted what happened he lived happily ever after that's it shoot it the whole the whole crew's waiting there and then this is all news to me i didn't know yeah yeah there's always what i didn't watch the comment the commentary on the blu-ray had all the kids i started listening to it and i said no i'm like no i don't care what any of these these twerps have to say yeah so so it's that kind of like you don't have this big glossy huge production you have it's not over thought and it's definitely not like committee thinking yes they're flying by the seat of their pants yeah and so it's like uh well let's shoot in germany um we wanted to make it look like it doesn't take place in any specific place not in america just any town in any any town in the world that could take place and everyone thinks it's england because there's actors with british accents because they had to to bring in uh actors you know they pulled augustus group out of a sewer there this is fat kid we found him at a store he doesn't speak any english you know so they i think they just fed him his lines you know he doesn't have too many yeah the mother of course i don't know if she was doing a german accent or if she was german but the oompa loompas uh they they couldn't find any they couldn't find any little people in germany they found like one and you didn't speak english so they import some from turkey and they're like and none of them spoke english so they're just like yeah carried a big sack of sugar you can kind of now that you mentioned that you can kind of tell in some of the background ones there's a couple like star oompa loompas that get a lot of screen time but if you look at the ones towards the edge of the frame there's like confused elderly oompa loompas yeah they don't look like they quite know what's happening little people were in short supply in 1971 in germany [Music] the most memorable stuff from the movie is the music and the songs they're so simple and memorable and catchy timeless timeless and then you can just like the the tim burton version right timeless imagination well the best creative decision and maybe you know how he came about being in it but casting gene wilder is willy wonka that's like like perfectly cast because gene wilder is one of the greats and and his performance in this is so pitch perfect yeah in terms of every line he says could be interpreted as either completely sincere possible my dear lady that's absurd unthinkable why because that pipe doesn't go to the marshmallow room go to the fudge room or total sarcasm how do you make them i'm a trifle deaf in this year speak a little louder next time and you're never sure which it is right and he he he is perfect at that a lovely man his interviews he's just so sweet and kind and thoughtful and he said that he's like yeah uh okay i'll do this film but i want to come out with a cane when i come out of the factory oh yeah that's his idea i heard that and they're like oh yeah whatever i mean he's like my reason was because when i do the cane trick at that point after that you don't know when i'm telling the truth or if i'm bullshitting or whatnot that was his entire reasoning for doing the movie was like if i can do that then then i'll do the film it'll set the stage for his character and and that's the thing too is like comparing him and johnny depp oh my god it's just johnny depp is atrocious in that remake i couldn't even finish it it's it's bizarre because the tim burton johnny depp collabs they're usually like great together i mean obviously we've talked about ed wood but man whoever had if it was tim burton or johnny depp's decision to play that character that way my initial idea was i kept seeing like a game show host you know like a bad game show host in a way bravo well done that led me to the idea of like a children's show host tim and i got together we were talking about and it's like really great thing is a local children's show host a guy who certainly puts on a face he's sort of like a mix of like michael jackson and like a crazy person and he has like an open disdain for the children yeah which is weird like that's the great thing about the uh i almost called them gene simmons gene wilder performance maybe they should cast gene simmons in the remake that anyone would have been better than anyone but but yeah that that you never know how he's looking at these kids in the the gene wilder version yeah he's enigmatic and that's how wonka should be not eccentric he is eccentric by nature but i think those two big words that start with e maybe johnny depp doesn't know the difference between them it's a very interesting interpretation that johnny depp is giving it and it's pure it's somewhat childlike but it's it's deep and it's it's vulnerable i always thought of veruca was the type of wart you got on the bottom of your foot yeah have you ever seen the show kidding with jim carrey no he plays like a uh fred rogers-esque kind of tv children's show host yeah and he's very bizarre and over the top when he's on his show it reminds his depths performance reminded me of that like jim carrey yeah like i'm gonna be crazy oh she's frustrated because her rocket ship keeps falling over i think her band boosters from his firing the idea of like a children's show host tim and i got to get on we were talking about and it's like really great thing is a local children's show host a guy who certainly puts on a face and i had like a little moment of realization watching the wonka movie the tim burton one the tim burton one was that moment when they finally get let into the factory right and then the doors open and uh there's this weird like display of like these little marionettes and it's like willy wonka monica earworm song yeah yes and um all they have this wide shot of all the kids and their parents standing there staring at this crazy display and it starts on fire and all this stuff and i was like that would have been really impactful or fascinating if everything before that was just straight as an arrow yes and and they opened the doors and it's just like this [ __ ] up weird nightmare world um but everything outside looks exactly like that their lives completely normal but tim burton just couldn't resist well that's yeah you compare look at uh the the bucket household in the gene wilder movie versus how it looks in the tim burton movie it's it's almost like the tim burton style is so exaggerated it's just like it's all german expressionism and weird distorted angles and no you know straight edges and it's it's so abstract that it is weird to see actual humans on it like it looks like it should be his little like stop-motion figures or yeah it looks like you put real people on that set it looks completely incongruous yeah but you look at the their little house in the original movie and it's like perfect it's very grounded it's very real yeah and and the way they introduce all the kids as they would get the golden tickets it's like that that tim burton style where it's like the the the exaggeration of the we'll talk about the salt family oh yeah you know they're the rich family um and so they have these like these really wide shots and their palatial estate and the father's there and you know you know and it's so like so cartoony and over-exaggerated and you need that contrast of real world and wonka world yes and tim burn just couldn't resist being tim burton and i think of like how they introduced all the characters in the 1971 film like it it it does feel like documentary like they're they're filming in the office of of the salt peanut factory and the mother's knitting and the father's just complaining and he's yelling out and all of his employees opening up the candy bar yeah and then the news is going around like when they're interviewing augustus gloop or mike tv it's done through the lens of like the media and it feels like you're in somebody's house and they're documentary there's no style from the filmmaker it's just it's just look it looks like the media and it's how charlie is seeing everything yeah he's not getting this warped uh artistic stylized view of things he's just seeing this on the news well that's yeah and that's something that the original movie really builds up well is the uh the the worldwide frenzy the hysteria that is built up around everybody looking for these golden tickets and that's really kind of missing from the tim burton one it happens very quickly it's very quick but it's it's such a big part of the first half of the uh of the original movie all the all the little vignettes and that's something i appreciate now more than i did when i was a kid but i dreamed the archangel appeared and whispered into my ear and told me where to find a golden wonka ticket and what exactly did you say or what difference does that make this was a dream a fantasy i mean you said just offsetter and tell me where the ticket is all these little just one scene moments of random people the best being the woman whose husband has been kidnapped and they're asking about a ransom such a and it's just delivered completely straight i'll give them anything anything they want all i want is to have harold back they want your case of wonka bars it's just it's it's it's magnificent and also in the the uh gene wilder one is he's so mysterious willy wonka is so mysterious you see charlie looking outside his factory and they get that that creepy guy with the cart of knives i guess he's selling knives nobody ever comes out yeah and it builds up this mystique to uh to the character but you see him almost right off the bat the tim burton one you see all these little stories with him yeah you see grandpa joe used to work at his factory which doesn't build to anything there's no point to that no um yeah it really builds up which is why i think as a kid i wanted to get there because you you want to see the factory as an adult you appreciate the slow burn exactly because you don't realize when you're a little kid that it's building and i also think the the way the tim burton one portrayed charlie's poverty was also either underdone or i'm misleading or cartoony or whatever because in in the original version it's many things that make you root for charlie starting right off the bat with his introduction which is all the kids in the candy store and apparently the candy man just lets them go wild i guess maybe bills their parents later there wasn't really a reason charlie couldn't participate in that but that's true he's just kind of throwing [ __ ] around yeah it's a wonderful song and it's a wonderful little sequence that that shares the joy of of of childhood and candy and charlie is outside the window because he either can't participate or feels like an outsider very clearly done almost cinematically done but uh yeah he goes home and you know like you said his house is realistic uh the the four grandparents in the bed the poor mother the father's not in the picture i don't know if that's the way in the book yeah i don't remember i know he's in the yeah in the tim burton movie but uh he either either eating cabbage soup they're poor charlie's birthday's coming up he's got the paper out he buys a piece of bread a loaf of bread it makes everybody happy and then there's the embarrassing scene in the classroom oh yeah the teacher's asking how many wonka bars everybody's bought yes and that's also a nice little check mark for charlie he chose he chooses not to lie and so and that's the big arc of his character is is he he doesn't say well yeah 10 wonka bars he he's just two you know charlie bucket how many did you open two two what do you mean you only opened two uh he he doesn't say 20 or he could have lied but he doesn't because charlie is pure of hearts uh there is a lack of villains in this movie and in my opinion the villain is grandpa joe how about this charlie where'd you get that what difference does it make where he got it point is he got it even though there's a fake villain there's slugworth slugworth slugworth also was they had no idea what slugworth was they're like we need a scene where there's a bad guy oh really and it's like at the end they're like oh okay let's figure it out if i remember correctly there was no villain it didn't have slugworth that was an invention by one of us or all of us along the way that there was this guy whispering in everybody's ear as they went i don't think i was sure what he was whispering until i got down toward the end of it you know i had to make good on that promise of slugworth i'm not sure if that was somebody else's idea or mine we should probably explain why he is at all these kids uh uh location exactly when they get the golden ticket yeah that's true that's true too although that doesn't really make sense because how would you know who's going to get the golden ticket but it's a good little mystery it's a good setup and it has a payoff at the end it's and it's scary too you know it's really creepy looking slugworth is going to come around and whisper something into your ear [Music] [Applause] i congratulate you little boy well done i have to assume that actor was german didn't didn't speak any english probably yeah but yeah slugworth whispers into their ear i'll give you a whole bunch of cash if you steal a uh neverland stopper grandpa joe because willy wonka is not the villain uh there is no clear villain slugworth is kind of set up to be a villain in my opinion grandpa joe is and i think it's not his that money was for fault i told you charlie i've given it up he he says uh you know no that's for your tobacco you know you like that um and then charlie finds money in the street he's rewarded for his his good karma but um the second charlie comes home with that golden ticket grandpa suddenly can walk and he starts singing a song about how he's got a golden ticket oh cause i've got a golden ticket [Music] i've got a golden tweet i never thought my life would be anything but catastrophe so um and it's then it's i've got a golden ticket it's not really his fault i think they gave the songwriters a memo and said write a song about how you found a golden ticket we said give us three or four songs an oompa loompa song and a main theme and a couple of other things i guess if they didn't know what the plot of the movie is who sings this not charlie so you're saying he's the villain because he's he's kind of even though charlie has won the golden ticket grandpa jones grabs it's mine now and charlie takes him to the chocolate factory he's the funner grandparent uh his mother is his poor mother just cooks and does laundry and charlie you're boring i'm going with grandpa grandpa's fun and uh now that he can walk apparently grandpa's always asking what's in it for him even at the very end so the factory's yours charlie you can move in immediately and me it well in the great glass wonkavader he's like what about me you know and then also at the end he's like come on charlie let's go have a talk with mr slugworth i'll get even with him if it's the last thing i ever do swagworth wants a gobstopper he'll get one after wonka chews him out he's like let's go sell that so grandpa is awful he's a little devil on charlie's shoulder he is he is he's the i think well not a bad person he's what he embodies the cynicism of adults oh sure little boy's got to have something in this world to hope for what's he got to hope for now charlie's still pure charlie has not been corrupted by anyone yet right um so it's good grandpa joe's a good character he has a character as opposed to the the tim burton movie he used to work at the factory okay when they get to the factory like you kind of just forget he's even there he has like no personality he has nothing to do he doesn't participate in the plot at all yeah that's why that fizzy lifting drink scene is is actually important because it shows that charlie you know it still has kind of outside uh help being corrupted or something and grandpa joe is [ __ ] nothing in the tim burton movie the movie's not afraid to portray children is awful yeah which is great in a realistic way but it might have some messy results look at me i'm gonna be the first person in the world to be sent by television hey get away from that thing stop don't come back except for maybe varuk they push assault which is great because it's just her that's that way if all the kids were that exaggerated yeah yeah then you get the tim burton movie but in that one jab baruch assault being so snotty is one of the best things in the movie she's a standout character and her song is great yes and um you know she's a bratty kid mike tv he's just he doesn't care about anything but tv about violet beauregard who just passed away recently oh um denise nickerson i think's her name you know she's just kind of like vapid yeah and and a little bratty and uh competitive and then augustus gloop of course is a glutton how do you feel hungry hungry all those little moments the reporter with the deer antlers coming out of his sides perfect comedy framing so flat so dry and it's it's not it's not begging you to to laugh it's not showing itself off well even the magical world of the factory that you know they go into the the the the main room where where willy wonka's first song is and it's so colorful and bright and everything's edible that's like the only big set in the movie that has that kind of big bright colorful i think when people think of this movie that's what they think of but every other like the next room they go to well first there's the boat scene which we can talk about but the next room they go to is just like that the dump dumpy like factory room the that main room is the only big magical room and then it's like it's almost like he's uh willy wonka's putting on this illusion that this is the factory but it's really just that one kind of entrance into the uh the rest of the factory i think it's all just a front all those rooms the real factory somewhere hidden oh they just make chocolate and all those rooms are just a test kid just to [ __ ] with him yeah i mean because that is the ultimate point of the movie is he's trying to find the perfect kid to take over the factory so he's well aware that most of these kids will be awful what would happen if they were all awful then would you would he have to do this again well that's why i was so frustrated at the end that's true yeah he didn't think charlie was up to the task in his uh office where everything is is cut in half even even down to his magnifying glass he's reading the half a contract with a half a magnifying glass why that little touch i don't know so he's he's half he's half in the real world half in the fantasy world i don't know but yeah he he he lets him have it he yells at charlie because uh charlie stole busy lifting drinks and the ceiling has to be washed and sanitized um and so he was very very upset yeah but then charlie even though he gets kicked out and denied his lifetime supply of chocolate he still gives him back that does the right thing yes so shines a good deed in a weary world and and the reveal of that big atrium room in the first one is just perfectly done it's built up where they get they go through those little the the tiny hallways they keep getting smaller and he's got to put the look and then but but that music it's like little little music and then and then they all walk in you know and then for the actors they said it was the first time they seen the set they kept them away from the set to get real reactions and in the depth version i i don't i don't remember everything's janky and weird looking and yeah it's the tim burton style but the the reveal of the room seemed very like not built up yeah i say same with [ __ ] when charlie opens up and finds the golden ticket it's like it's like that they earned that movement in that moment in the original version yes it was an earned moment and it was it was so built up and exciting and and this is just like i think they cut away and then they cut to it and it's already open and you already see it it's something weird yeah and it's like oh my god that editing was so so poorly done and then you know the original is peeling it back [Music] run charlie run go straight home don't stop till you get there that's it that's it it's all over the wonka contest is all over the fifth and final ticket has been found well you have your low point where they think that the the final ticket has already been found it's a fake yeah and so he buys a piece of candy for himself but then he buys another one for grandpa joe so it's his his selflessness his selflessness is what's uh what rewards him yeah yes you're right right it's all perfectly built up yes yes tell our little guy [Music] this movie falls on the very short list of mainstream movies that kill an animal on screen which is pretty [ __ ] up it's like this an apocalypse now yeah that's not the only way the two movies are similar yeah i love the boat sequence i mean visually it's terrible oh it's great technically you know they're just on a rear screen projection you get no impression that they're actually moving in anything but it's it has a surreal it's interesting because this is what what 1971 it's still there's still that that kind of bleed over from the 60s because it's very psychedelic yeah yeah but yeah the the close-ups of of gene wilder with the lights flashing back and forth yes it's uh yeah it's it's a it's a nightmare yeah you don't know if willy wonka is a bad guy there's no earthly way of knowing he's singing which direction we are going it's it's a it's a tonal whiplash from that last scene yeah wonka is trying to terrify them or brainwash them and we don't know and gene we don't know because gene wilder doesn't let anybody know yeah you can't possibly see where you're going wonka you're right i can't that's that is the one seed i was saying earlier how it's like you're never sure if he's being sincere or cynical but obviously that scene he looks like an insane person but that's intentional that's to throw everybody off guard you don't know what he's up to and that's part of the ride and and there's a there's a wonderful marilyn manson video oh yeah and so marilyn manson's willy wonka and then there's little there's there's oompa loompas you know they kind of recreate the scene it's terrible like green screen effect it's a very dated video so if if if that particular sequence profoundly emotionally affected someone like marilyn manson you know there's something twisted about it and the chicken getting its head cut off the weird bugs like it's just so out of place that it works yeah speaking of other dry humor there's the contract scene the often forgotten contracts oh yeah little surprises around every corner but nothing dangerous the big contract where the the font slowly gets like so small you can't read it oh i'm not signing that you know lickable wallpaper for nursery walls lickable wallpaper like an orange taste looks like an orange the snozberries taste like snozberries snowsperry who ever heard of a snozzberry and he grabs her [ __ ] face [Laughter] it says my dear we music makers are the music makers we are the dreamers of the dreams i.e shut up that's what he would say in the uh the johnny depp version instead of anything like interesting or magical shut up you're really weird that was the most disappointing thing in that remake because danny elfman you know collaborated with tim burton a lot done some great scores and was the lead singer of one of my favorite bands owing to boingo so i was excited to hear oompa loompa oingo boingo sounding songs can i just let you in in a little secret jenny lingo blingo sucks oingo bunga was wonderful oinko oingo boingo are uh how many songs by owen go boingo do you even know exactly i'm the only expert i can comment on his horrible oompa loompa sure but but you know like uh i don't know the rolling stones are a great band can they write oompa loompa songs you know what i mean no tim burt our danny elfman's style to me felt appropriate [Music] instead of doing anything that would sound like it would fit into that world he did this weird like every song is like a different style of music like there's a rock song there's like a suit that's something that says committee thinking that that to me that maybe maybe it like if it was danny elfman's idea it was a horrible decision i don't know but of course we must admit originally i thought all four of the songs would be based on the first one it goes no no now and do something like crazy rock and this would be like queen it should be like you're nuts all right what the heck i'll do it no the oompa loompa song you get it uh four times four deaths mm-hmm outside of charlie i like that they all have a similar they're not all similar and and and they're all little very easy to understand lessons and then of course you have you have charlie's song which is a fine song it just sucks [Laughter] i've got a golden ticket song um and then the big one pure imagination simply look around and view it like it's very like very old theatrical old musical it it feels very like 1940s 50s kind of like musical sure i i it's 70s they could have very easily gone like gross like funk or disco or something like you said psychedelic had its kind of influences but it it feels very like classical yeah like well it makes the movie feel timeless it makes it feel tired it was the tim burton one where you have all the oompa loompas like playing electric guitars it's just got awful yeah and it's and it's it's and you can't hear what they're saying and it's just so noisy and sick and gross and just off-putting it's just it's just an endless list of bad decisions yeah with that remake starting with making it really maybe with a different director i mean tim burton especially at that point is like okay we're over this the tim burton style is now like uh it feels like a like he's on autopilot which led to the i think it was the movie after this is that when he did his alice in wonderland which i i maintain is the ugliest movie i've ever seen visually yeah i mean there was a good 20 years where tim burton would just remake stuff because he's still doing it he did dumbo recently he's still at it yeah well it's that lack of like we're talking about with the original movie how you have the contrast of the real world with the factory world and you look at like beetlejuice or something that's very real until you get to the afterlife worlds and maybe 80s tim burton would have been able to make a good willy wonka movie peewee's big adventure i i think it's it's a little mixture of vanity ego i'm the genius master tim burton of my visual style blah blah and then it's like budget too it's just like here's 100 million dollars to make a willy wonka movie go crazy yeah people love my visual style and it's like that's not what made the the first movie worked because the songs are simple charlie's likable charlie's likable it's a nice little children's fairy tale story willy wonka the performance by gene wilder is iconic perfect pitch perfect in terms of its tone and it's inventive with a relatively low budget weird things that you don't see like the hand coat hangers the gags with the big contract on the wall the the wonka bubble machine oh yeah the mic tv scene when he gets shrunken down and it's it's not over the top visual effects and and the boat scene there's there's so many even in that small time frame when they're in the the goose the geese sorry that lay the golden eggs and the the the oompa loompas are packaging them up um and vrookasaw goes nuts because she wants everything well and just the look of the oompa loompas too relatively simple just put some orange makeup on him give him a little track suit those goofy little pants yep oh god in that scene where he discovers the oompa loompas oh and the tim burton one yeah extraneous well that's you have a gene wilder talking about how he rescued him all from um you don't know if he's lying or not you don't know if he's lying or not for one thing but then he's describing like the vicious canids and all these like smiles yeah all these creatures and it's just completely left to your imagination and yeah you don't know if he's just making this all up and then tim burton we see oompa loompa lance i know it's real he's running around a vicious canid is just a giant bug it's so for all its big visuals it feels so uncreative yeah and and unnecessary oh yeah it's it's the mystery that's that's key to to the willy wonka magic to the character yeah yeah and the character mr wonka they won't really be burned in the furnace will they hmm well i think that furnace is lit only every other day so they have a good sporting chance haven't they stop don't stop don't come back now please stop don't come back i love that he starts getting so bored with the children like disobeying him yeah now he's gotten used to it what's the part where he's like uh call for help is that what he's like help help oh yeah yeah it's when augustus gloop is being sucked yeah okay that's right do something hell police murder yeah i think what what the best comparison between and we're not here just to [ __ ] on the tim burton one obviously it was a misfire we're here to praise the original it's a good example of comparing it to the original what works and what does yeah it highlights it highlights the great greatness of the first one and it highlights the flaws of of poor decisions with the new one and why it was just all around uh a bad movie and it was going to give willy wonka a back story his daddy issues it it was tim burton willy wonka was so bad and traumatizing that charlie grew up to be norman bates i mean jesus christ [Laughter] i think the first thing i i couldn't finish watching the remake i had to say that's fair it just everything about it is just so bad it's just it's not just bad it's obnoxious i'm terribly sorry it's obnoxious johnny depp's performance is obnoxious and it's just oh god i i i don't know what year gene wilder died but i i hope he never saw that film even if he wasn't live when it came out he probably still didn't bother to see it well if he was invited to the premiere oh god how embarrassing i know and i think he died somewhat recently within the last five years yeah yeah so i think yeah he probably was alive if he just said no no thank you i won't be attending yeah he just went back to knitting or whatever he did in retirement i i just hope he never saw it because i just picture a single tear rolling down his eye this is the world but we we appreciate gene wilder's performance and it will live on far beyond johnny depp's awful and embarrassing and sickening self-indulgent disgusting disturbing vain pointless and awful performance as willy wonka but in re-watching this film and i didn't even need to re-watch the old one the old one opens with beautiful footage of actual chocolate factory operations and boy oh boy does that wet your whistle for chocolaty goodness oh sure seeing the the hershey kisses being made and all the fudge and all the things being mixed around and it's all real then you watch the johnny depp one yeah that's that's it's the cold stark bad looking cgi chocolate that and then this warm wonderful documentary looking footage inviting inviting chocolate real opening that sets the tone i will give it this though the chocolate river that augustus gloop falls into in the johnny depp one boy that chocolate looks much better than i think it doesn't look like brown water it doesn't look like diarrhea like diarrhea in your toilet bowl it looks like real thick goopy chocolate yeah like a chocolate fountain the one in the original looks like diarrhea water that's the only fault i'm gonna say all right only fault only you lose good day sir so if you haven't seen the 1971 willy wonka and the chocolate factory please do you are given permission to fast forward through charlie's song by his mother everybody always has since the beginning of of time maybe the dvd or the blu ray has like a chapter skip for just that song they have the blu-ray that i have has all the like the fun sing-along songs like the words on the screen and charlie's mom songs not on there is that true that's true they even know who wants to sing along to that dreary depressing nonsense so yeah watch the original i know it's 50 years old now but i thought it's a glorious little movie and it's one of my favorites of all time [Music] anyway join us next time on
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,712,617
Rating: 4.9500771 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, willy wonka
Id: h5htSJ1C7ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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