Baldur's Gate 3: We Can Be the Bigger People

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hello there I'm War lamp and this is a highlight reel of my buddy nuby and myself playing through Boulders Gate 3 to provide you with some context in the event that you care nby and I bought and played Boulders Gate 3 when it launched in Early Access it's been about 3 years since we last put any time into it but in the months after launch we actually played it quite a lot though we never actually made it to the end of chapter 1 because the Early Access was so Early Access we were losing our save data on every update so this first play session clocking in at 4 hours and 35 minutes represents us going through content that is very familiar to us it's also worth noting that although Noby and I are both big enthusiasts of tabletop gaming although we lean far more to Pathfinder than we do to 5 this is the first crpg that nuby has played I'm a pretty big fan of the genre but this is his first for a uh it's also worth noting that uh something about this game truly brings out the worst in both of us I promise at the table we're not shoot first ask questions never murder hobos though I suspect you'll have trouble believing that that being said these are the highlights I hope you enjoy tickle tickle so we know that the ithd are created from putting a brain worm in the brain right where do the brain worms come from did the elcid like pee them out yeah yeah okay so what you what you want to play my guy well like like my brain is like I should be a rogue so that we don't have to deal with a Stan I mean but like the thing is we don't even need a r as we proved repeatedly in our in our time in the B we don't need a rogue they don't do anything um I kind of want to be a druid so that I can pretend to be a cleric so we don't have to hang out with shadowart we don't want to hang out with anybody this play through no we don't do not speak to us I did a fighter last time so I guess I'll go with a wizard this time but Gail's a wizard we like him D we didn't hate Gil does that mean we like him I like I liked him well by the by the standards that the that the early AIS were at yes it meant we liked G I mean I could just well I mean you're already pretending to be a cleric so I don't want to double up I mean hey if you want to be a cleric and then I can just be a druid that's fine by me too yeah let's just do that let's see how cleric goes what the [ __ ] did they what the hell is that what's up up is that just my bad Graphics or is there a tattoo on my cooch I think it's hair which Volva did you select vola okay yeah let me just take let me just take a quick look uh yeah I think that's hair I selected vva C so you know I wouldn't know at least we're D we're not doubling it's important to have diversity in your party all right I have dibs on tattoo 44 stay away oh God damn it there's so many mullet options oh yo hold up that's a great haircut I should use that one instead go [Laughter] back [ __ ] your goddamn Clock Tower yeah just get we're we're we don't need to do that cuz we can just touch you but like we wanted to like scare the [ __ ] out of you kill your [ __ ] Clock Tower we do want a little bit of Destruction As a treat yeah why didn't that just like end the [ __ ] Nautilus like yeah no we we really didn't need our intervention here I don't think it's like cool that they keep finding it but also how do they keep finding it they track with the magic okay then like when we get away because that's how this goes why don't they show up again they only have magic to track big squidy spaceships I don't know man it's a video game what do you want I know I know I know I want some [ __ ] consistency is that too much to ask you want a cinema sin sting will that make you feel better [Laughter] yes private dialogue private dialogue a penis oh vulva B I have a minus one to investigation I guess I'm just going to touch it I'm sorry I didn't know you stand the oh hi your name is Raz going to be [ __ ] hi Gabrielle you're on my [ __ ] list already H come on let's go lobotomize a little man yeah yeah yeah all right now we uh the shell of isn't the skull the shell you know it's ah sweet I rolled a three with advantage you only sort of fail all right let's get you out of there us come on oh just sticking your hands right into me come on come on a didn't too great loser lift the brain out of the skull destroy the brain well if we can't save him kill him die ice I could have given it a shot no no it's all [Laughter] right okay let's see how this goes without it that'll be fine Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes let's not call her strange come on what is this seen through the ugly freaks eyes I mean I don't disagree but like it's a bit racially charged don't you think together we might survive seen through the ninja turtles eyes all right all right uh okay well uh I think I'm going to I think I'm going to [ __ ] hit him uh uh I think um yeah yeah yeah yeah leth and I think I'm going to I'm going to [ __ ] uh actually I'm not going to waste that that's that's stupid don't do that yeah don't be a don't be a dunce come on now hey you know it's hard it's impossible really I can't just change what I am blood everywhere die I got it you suck no we got to loot all the bodies yeah I know there's looting to do all right he had nothing yeah I took it hold on fine I'm going to the ethin welcome to six hours of nubi and lamp compete for loot well we're highly competitive game Dead th mine we're highly competitive Gamers get here first [ __ ] [ __ ] CL no CL mine no no [ __ ] oh yeah lazelle's following us thank goodness I don't know what I would do if LZ was left behind leave yes oh buttons let's press them [ __ ] that wasn't the right one you donut chove is the best move in the game oh hey Shadow heart wants help should we do something oh oh you actually started a conversation did you what are you waiting I mean we actually like can this time so like I feel like we might as well uh I disagree well you are allowed to do that I could just be a better cleric but like you know we don't have to be mean we can be we could be the bigger people no we can't when have we ever been the bigger people we killed shadowart and aeran last time we played you know maybe maybe this time I I want to move past the limits of my for what you maybe I just want to be nice is like that's such a [ __ ] difficult thing to believe yes where' you run off to oh I'm I'm getting her out look we don't have us we need anyone else on the battlefield no we don't it's fine neie why do you want Shadow heart's help I don't want Shadow heart's help she's someone who can take enemy attention away from us yeah but then we'll have to like talk to her we can tell her to [ __ ] off later or we can tell her to [ __ ] off now okay I got her out [Music] hoorays if [Laughter] we all right let's go an excellent showing of bigger person hey I could have walked [Laughter] away once inside do as I who put you in charge shut up we could be the bigger people Shadow heart if you could just like kill that thing that just shot at me I'd really appreciate it you have one job okay just uh just go just go draw aggro just be like right here and draw Agro please like they you had one job [ __ ] Shadow heart God damn it I'm so glad we brought you this is literally the reason I brought you we have to eat all these attacks of opportunity just to touch the [ __ ] [Laughter] thing in time thank goodness you've done it no thanks to Shadow [Laughter] heart okay so I believe Shadow heart will be lying on the beach right next to us let's just keep walking yeah just going let's just be done with her I thought it would be nice to have someone there to draw aggro and she didn't couldn't even do that do that right thanks trickster domain cleric hey the texture is actually load in [Music] now could you imagine like being a part of that settlement and then you just hear like elepant attack and then the thing crashes and they go fine never [Laughter] boy you are the main character he that ilod dies right like he might be the [ __ ] crumpled one you find yeah good luck out there champ good luck out there I'd love love you remember that I love you and Shadow heart let's keep walking that's interesting bye-bye bye [Laughter] bye according to everyone she's better now but I'm thoroughly unwilling to give her that chance I mean like the isue right is that I'm a cleric so like we don't need her yeah we just exactly and you know neither of us are rogu so we don't need a Starion [Laughter] either uh can we still blow them up before the encounter happens is that still a thing we can do um maybe tank yeah I'll just do that yeah yeah just do that just blow up Sky High sick yes everything everything okay fire Firebolt was the correct Choice oh you want to get that close you want to get that close oh wait why can't I main attack oh I already used my action that's what scammed [ __ ] what are you kidding me unbelievable BS what's the point of a crpg if not to scam the action economy can you [ __ ] believe it my God shove and run away no no [ __ ] that was a good hit that was a good hit but I'll I'll run up and shove it so it doesn't doesn't hit you again you shoved me no no get out of the way R you [ __ ] idiot things that I all this stuff right here there's like a fisherman's chest down here right I think that like supposed I think one I think it gives us thieves tools which like invalidates Aion yeah which invalidates aion's existence yeah woohoo just to be safe you know yeah um how do we do the hand you things again I just click on you I think you just open up Tab and we can teleport things into each other's inventories oh right right right okay here you go here hold this never mind I want it back wild but it works like that yeah there in the grass you can you can kill it can't you like you kill the others man I want to I want to push him kill yourself I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry oh oh strength is push yourself to your feet hold on can we can we reload the save I think I have to be nice if I want to hit head butut H yeah sure quick load's scking a little bit though not so quick if you ask me uh not going to be happy about it takes its sweet time [Laughter] load begrudging [Laughter] Lo I'm going to burn you alive we could be the bigger 40% it's a king trip I'll risk [Laughter] it full to death dude this is the best can get [ __ ] wrecked hision give me your keychain your camp supply sack yeah I'll take your [ __ ] drip too first thing do in the official game is go murder St [Music] good honestly what took us so long and it hurt remember I was talking about like being the bigger person that like that felt really good how are so so I got to kill aerion do you want to be the first to interact with Gail I mean I'm the one who walked the right [Laughter] way he didn't used to be stuck Gail he used to just show up yeah I was trapped in the quickload more like the dragon its feet taken as long as it wants load the begrudging load I've heard and let me assure you it is to be avoided no I thought I was going to like embrace it hold heartedly doctor I can already turn to Bears why not turn into an IL could you imagine being an ilod who can turn into a bear that pretty sweet does the Bear get a tentacle face too that'd be kind of wicked cool what happens if you use copos on a bear does it just become a regular mind player that'd be kind of weak right I ass you I have feeling opportunties will present themselves for me to return the favor I noticed we didn't mind medal with you like like we've done with everyone else he's just lying about having a parasite for no like he saw everybody else get one but the thing got attacked before it was his turn and he just like felt left out pop another quick save pop another [ __ ] I mean that's what it's all about you know you know we're the [ __ ] popping game I feel like we could Workshop a couple more names before s what's that oh there's a pile of dirt no use digging with my bare hand no hope of clearing this without a shovel then why did you tell me about why the [ __ ] did you tell me about it what happens if I jump on it nothing probably okay yeah what' you think was what you think was going to happen dipstick I thought it was a m me but I'm off the bloody so what's our call on Lazelle do we even want to bother um considering how we literally killed aan we should she's kind of even well I mean okay yes we should have more party members Counterpoint we will soon get will that's true yeah we can just leave her we and she's even more insufferable in this version than I feel like beta aerion was see in in beta Lazelle seemed mostly amiable albeit kind of stupid she didn't have any problems with with us not wanting to murder children which you know worth a lot to me I mean as our only metric at the time yes so the [ __ ] Poppin gang is is that like is that official or are you taking suggestions believe we are taking suggestions a I'll not be associated with a group called the [ __ ] popping gang [ __ ] popping as we may be this guy was really caught with his pants down huh and that's what you get does it to be the type yeah it's medium armor okay don't got some heavy armor around here come on uh we'll be able to loot some armor off of lazelle's corpse kill Lazelle you took a ston [ __ ] right yeah yeah yeah I'm wearing's I'll take lizelle's [ __ ] oh can I please Fireball this guy [ __ ] how back off no no no no no no no no no no no no here no no no no no no no no no don't yeah yeah oh wait wait oh what did you blow up a regular it's okay I've got it did I you blew up the regular barel oh egg on my face I'm going to stand over here first actually I can I can Sanctuary so that they can't [ __ ] with us until we do another thing does that [ __ ] with us or [ __ ] with you I think it's us hold on it says you or an ally cannot be targeted I think you I think they I think you targeted you oh okay yeah so uh currently all of them are attacking [Laughter] me I'm Gale he but you know it this is sort of the exact opposite of what I want all right and then I'm just going to try and Maul this clown easy easy thank God I'm a bear leather armor what kind of armor you wearing uh I'm wearing aion's clothes yes how long are you a bear for um that's a a great question we short rested and I'm still a bear so uh I'm stuck this looks like a job for thieves tools thanks to bear come on come on there we go all right teamwork an excellent use of Thieves [Laughter] tools so when they said sh shift into bear I did not think they would mean polar bear I figured they would mean brown bear yeah yeah no you just went as big as you could I mean you're you're you're a pretty showy Druid you know no yeah yeah yeah yeah that's just to your character well you want a monkey with the book of dead Gods I feel like you're more qualified to do that than I am sure it's right over there give me give me uh use Gabrielle that's those that's the candles three Gabrielle neat what was once script is now an obliterated scroll you have a sense these are names a list but of what no one knows Gods presumably there's no way of knowing nice EIC Gods these are the really you don't St after the seconding by this book okay okay all right Gail Gail is inspired really I don't get it either what did you just leave the book of dead you just left it behind we're not taking that I thought it was in my inventory no I got to be honest no we don't we don't want it all right pick up good God that feels a little bit wrong who wouldn't pick up the book of dead Gods we went through all that trouble I figure if I pick up and read the thing I'm not going to put it back down you know we raided this ancient tomb for for lost knowledge and riches but like I don't want to be rude or like disrespectful I'll just leave this right I'll just leave must be the god they wored here one of them dead Gods it is so funny that we are following a bear I am in charge oh the bear didn't like that corner incidentally the page for for how Wild shape Works says that you wild shape into creatures that you've seen before and I don't know if you know this I'm literally a Dr how did you see a not only a bear a polar bear that's not what you look [Laughter] like I was forced out of barar mode are you going to go back into bar mode after this cut scene I hope so otherwise I've been robbed I've been robbed know what U you have to walk up there well thought you were a wizard dude well all right well get back over here uh yeah putting potions in Gail's inventory is probably something we should have thought about before comat nice Gail um G get up get up GA get up girl you fine you're fine you're fine get over it GM can I medicine [Laughter] check hey you you gooped out of you goop out of that so gross stop unbearing me I only have so many I have a question for the what is the worth of a single mortal's life there good deeds uh well we're it looks like we're just not answering his question curiosity nothing more wilt thou answer my question no you just he just asked it what the [ __ ] why are we stupid I mean this is this is that's the most correct like that's how I feel but like this is how this is how Raz feels Curious by what standards Thou shalt judge very well I what's the life every life is infinitely valuable and the life of Aer not doesn't count what is in here nothing nothing nothing let's go oh dly [Laughter] vicious my girlfriend hates me and she's not even my girlfriend I can't believe Spike's girlfriend hates me so much you wouldn't hate me as much if you are my go this is the wrong way this is the right [Laughter] way he sounded like that for one read and we never let it go how could we like hon how could we how could anyone let's blow up LEL yeah honestly I can't wait oh we didn't even find booby trap room though yeah we're bleeding out we have no spell slots and we're still going to do it cuz that's what the P [ __ ] popping Squad does did not sign off on that name and you know it you remember that you go there's a trap I don't care about my failed perception checks come on we're in turn-based mode can you please press space for me oh I'm sorry I didn't know that [Laughter] [ __ ] I did it okay what's in there it's the [ __ ] door that shadow heart couldn't open really yeah well [ __ ] kind of genuinely not worth the trouble yeah ancient indecipherable text covers the plaque did you investigate a plaque yeah but I'm too stupid to get it yeah know I heard the narrator talk about the plaque while I'm not even in that same I'm I'm coming back outside I know I know there you are hey pal hey pal I'm up here I'm coming I'm coming if I really wanted to prank you I'd hit the Foundation BL do not set the Trap I thought about it though I didn't oh hey lazelle's over here we literally could have gone and grabbed her but didn't what if I set her on fire like right now we can be the bigger people zoru was [Music] rightow reload I want to do it this is our kill this is what we do we kill party members we don't like what's the value of a life it depends I'm just going to go ahead and yeah let's no no no leave uh it's okay I'll I'll have Gail I'll have Gail trigger the uh oh there we are hey boo did I burn her she's at two health she's that too no she's going to get sniped again come on come on oh whoa whoa whoa oh hey W whoa hey hey we're on your side reload just stay alive stay alive stay alive please for the love of God all right take a route we can't remain here it's we just got to settle at some point and that Point's not now it's important to me I will shalele let's go easy money Gale is dead get up get off off you're fine right there's the whole ass Goblin fight I'll need to yeah soon there sure is is it worth a long rest I mean I'm fine I can short rest and I'll get my bare Transformations back like my problem is I I guess I can get my channel back from short resting yeah we'll be we can we can clear the goblin encounter I think that'll I think that'll be fine and then we can long rest after that once we're in town and [ __ ] around gu Le yon half plate hell yes [ __ ] yeah dude a look at you you look so good [Music] wore it better than she ever did all right let's see how many live this time open the gates one of oh I go last time yeah you did bad okay see like my plan was to roll better than I did hey man the NPCs are doing great now that you're bleeding huzzah goodbye no [ __ ] okay well you're just slightly too cringe cringe move to start up here don't know what you were thinking man that'll hurt me dude great strategy oh juicy crit no no no no no no no no no oh bar died a shame I was going to channel bar you can make it one more [ __ ] turn honestly for how disproportionately well those NPCs were doing kind of surprised one died yeah yeah oh not allowed to loot uh Hey I looted what wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what happened uh you uh looted Bar's corpse that's illegal that's a boo yog well maybe I looted Bar's corpse one of us did I looted the bug bear and the booy I think I may have accidentally clicked on bar we have a chance to save bar go [ __ ] figure well hey now you can make a different tactical Ploy rather than standing on the [ __ ] R let's let's see when the rubber meets the road how well these NPCs really do I'm going to be like just kind of a little bit back yeah see they don't see me and I have a an opportunity to do whatever the [ __ ] I want I'm going act out of turn order okay yeah I think that no that was a good plan yeah no that guy got dusted okay guys do just as good as you did before I know we're asking a lot but we really need you to to cooperate here oh no oh rira why are you not giving me an action uh probably cuz you scammed [ __ ] remember the game hates that if this were any other crpg it would let you oh yeah nice Max damage on a trash mob and now ramir [ __ ] it up just [ __ ] up the whole routine oh B's going to get it that war is uh oh no was the last all right the I think the exact same amount of civilians died yeah it's exactly bar things went like pretty much a lot worse that that than the first time but like sense you got it oh and if it's of any concern you were like about to leave walk around without hiding your heritage I'll make sure everyone knows that you helped us at the gate hide it how yeah no hide are you talking about me being a Dr cuz I can't hide that you're brave not hiding your heritage like us hell's great fires you are on the ship yeah and you got back here in like record time I crawled out of the wreckage and got here as quick as I could you got here like instantly dude that ship was like an hour ago she's out there now praying on the innocent I don't kill her she'll leave behind nothing but a trail of corpses I like your thinking besides I'm not going to promise to murder anyone I'm not insane you're being awfully close-minded don't you think I think we should murder herose Str hey hey hey hey hey every every life is infinitely valuable under the right circumstances you can cast Mage Armor on yourself at will without exp yes yes Mage Armor without a spell slot yes are you kidding me I don't even need to look at the other ones there's a there's a plus one breastplate just sitting there that's uh that's quite the thing isn't it the didn't kill me maybe I can just maybe I can get away with how do I hide what button is hello sir what button hide where do I hide C it's c c stop that you got it I am I am not doing anything sir nothing at all that didn't work defense make it now uh I didn't do [Music] it uh since what is borrowing a crime yeah yeah oh come on come on come on hold on maybe I can maybe I use droll uh if you can if you get the chance again yeah know I'm feeling inspired add bonus I'd love to add bonus guidance yeah yeah yeah since wi us is what stealing Bing a crime oh oh oh oh oh oh they believe you for [Music] now receptive to your charms again that's fine because now it was totally pointless for us to have murdered her cuz now you have a better piece of armor lucky [Music] youo I don't get disadvantage on stealth checks I think like I do with the Giani armor oh maybe yeah you know yeah yeah this this was worth it yeah okay that was any reason to get it also I think it looks better you know honestly I wasn't going going to say it but you don't need that stank ass broad's armor anyway yeah oh people are like kind of sucking on like eggs right now hold on oh yeah yeah let me just now I see what you mean yes we were're sucking on eggs it's fine whatever this area sucks and it's pointless there's not even anything to steal in here never should have come here how the [ __ ] is since just borrowing a crime a good cover I should have been told to [ __ ] off I don't care what number I rolled don't be the cause of Mor it's a little late for that what's the point of blades and spells if we don't bloody use them we should stay these people aren't Fighters we can help yeah why don't you hang tight h no don't I don't really care that much staying in my Lane we've been on the road together for a while now we've been on the road together for a while now haven't we says Gail who I met 40 minutes [Laughter] ago he just really wants to [ __ ] you I mean I get it what it comes down to long sword get my on a powerful mag all right this is Gail explaining how he has to eat magic items I need you find magic items it is vital dare I say that do you want some human skulls will you pay anything for those I'm trying to have a heart to with Gail over here and you're haggling the price of skulls can I get uh two gold two gold for some human skulls that's honestly highr robber three gold dude am I not allowed to interface with this shopkeeper while you're doing it all I can do is stare at him I got Dr poison do you want that no okay I turn into a bear yeah come on buy these bones and these plates come on help me out here I'm a fellow Druid she fled from my reach even climbed aboard the Mind FL ship as it screeched through the hells I followed in close Pursuit you're like a level two warlock I don't know he got all these accolades I talked to will a little bit more I accident skipped through his sad backstory and he likes me anyway well that's good that's what the [ __ ] popping crew does hey don't don't look now don't look don't look now no I'm not looking Shadow heart's over there uh where where Straight Ahead oh oh it's uh I think we can go the long way around it's fine maybe she just won't talk to us must be something I can all right perfect okay bye I don't hate you enough to kill you which like you should feel lucky about honestly honestly we've been like a lot kinder to Shadow heart than a lot of the other NPCs we were fine with laelle in the beta I want to help you stop on this kid oh yeah help me out help me out [ __ ] no can we I won't allow him this isn't Cannon yes all right perfect dude you [ __ ] styled on him wow that sucked bleeding [Laughter] H hey hold on you got to pay for [Laughter] that you're getting paid in experience all right excuse me people I am a druid and of the ethically dubious Dr variety fall and you will wait for C's judgment now get back oh what there was a thief that's [Laughter] crazy you just like walk past hi just like say hi keep going yeah were they just like you're cool uh no they've engaged combat for some reason I think you got too close oh Pap a [Laughter] quickie H Ever the temperamental one hey you know I [ __ ] up the whole routine what can I say [ __ ] I don't know I'm I'm sorry I'm sure they would have loved me they just didn't give me a chance you're right they didn't give you a chance this uh this loath sworn DRS come to talk to hold on an elf just [Laughter] dies last time I saw one of you folk he tried to Slit me open I hope you're more agreeable that's neither here nor there so clearly racist hey that's a desecrated drought I'm not in the habit of killing [Laughter] drown this is a v of wyvern poison swear to me you'll swallow it if you feel any symptoms I swear I hope it doesn't sweet free poison [Laughter] you should not give me this using the elevator yeah I we cleared the bear off of it may as well [ __ ] you [Laughter] will well I have no problem with that actually you probably should have had a problem with that I think there's a combat encounter up here we still haven't had a long at yeah we have we were to have any opportunity to Long rest it would be now well come on it's F we can clear we can clear it that's fine I only have new spell slots I have not replenished my old one it's fine Pap Quicky you got me and I'm actually good at this I can just lie yeah why the [ __ ] not wow why do you wow you didn't do it are you kidding I was wor the shot back to relaxing I want the coin can we can we load very well will pop a quickie uhhuh you missed but I bled anyway oh you you have the same kind of Mace that I do okay cool thanks W ignore the magic missiles I shot at him give me the thing yeah see we're fine give me the [ __ ] thing the pit that made you I love how she thinks like I'm a demon I can tell her now yeah of considering what I've seen you'd be surprised but if you're not here for the coin I'd rather enjoy the quiet you just gave it to me anywh else all right bye bye I had no other is it mine did I do it it's all yours just talking to the locals find pleasure in killing I got a goblin myself yesterday ah she's asking me a racially charged question that should have killed her but she kept gasping claing at the arrow it's like rock climbing it's not for everyone I I so I so desperately with cuz like I I turned the camera around and I saw the exposed back and I was like God Raz deserves a [ __ ] [Laughter] stamp justes the the kid have initiative I can make them not attack the kid uh if you want I he's got like what two five hit points yeah but like H it's probably fine okay God damn it yeah that does complicate things yeah he seems to have died go back yeah I think long rest um yes but we're gonna go see the dragon slayer first then we'll rest it's like edging it's like I'm begging for it will Gil talk to me yet youire conversation no literally won't he [ __ ] hates you what the [ __ ] did I I doly delightful I can't talk right now what the hell's your problem man so that's why you're level too huh what's his explanation the tadp weakened me uh-huh yeah they made us stronger so you know that's really interesting and those were the highlights I hope you got a good laugh out of them if there's interest in me putting out more of these I'd be happy to do it I've been recording all of our play sessions and at the time of recording this we've reached about 50 hours of gameplay so I've got quite the backlog to work with that said I'll leave you with a couple clips from the later sessions to wet your appetite and I hope to see you again [Music] soon uh maybe once you're done doing whatever you're doing I'll be allowed to move again okay this is a problem tasty is this a section of the game that's unplayable I found it's good God [ __ ] [Music] why God damn why do they B to the [ __ ] ladder and yeah you know what you know what uh get your [ __ ] out okay well yeah there's his penis you know now Cal's coming in what the [ __ ] whoa what did you just do let go for it oh yes what now [ __ ] oh my [Laughter] sh she has to kill the door all right give it a give it a go you got it bombs away she's dead she's dead They're All Dead oh it's beautiful n it's a work of art n the wide shots you [Laughter] know why did you do I didn't think he was in R it is I would ungroup huh oh yeah well that's you know ungroup what' you say I oh boy oh boy oh boy oh no I think he died yeah but we're fine I want that Barrel so bad no no no no oh are you just [ __ ] off all we to do was move your Barrel it's ours right it's our no hey hey uh where the [ __ ] did I put my underwear I think you'll find it awfully difficult to put your clothes back on did you take my underwear yeah I jacked your clothes why the [ __ ] would you do that the fact that I had to check and see did we break it or was it working as intended and the answer was working as intended that is a giant problem [Music] yeah he's dead dead come on sit with me come on it's the best seat in the [Music] H what what I [ __ ] hate this my heart was so open when we started this there's like a level Past heart closed now there's heart repulsed heart gone heart not want to be here anymore
Channel: WarpedLamp
Views: 13,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, WarpedLamp, notsonubby, highlight, funny
Id: DmcwCYadhbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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