Baldur's Gate 3 First Playthrough (Pt. 1)

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I believe I have played the original Baldur's Gate however I definitely have not completed it and that was when I was like 12. so I don't remember anything about anything with this game I have played Divinity original sin 2 completely with bloody and a co-op run and I very much like how larian does the multiplayer stuff for this um there's 120 odd years after bg2 okay is this 5e based no I know the old games are not needed I'm just giving a background so that you understand my experience with the series it is okay cool I'm gonna do balanced I don't want to have to sit here for 10 minutes thinking about every decision but I do like thinking a little bit let's hear what you got ew foreign that's just nature it's okay no not more oh wait is that me oh [ __ ] no don't fillet my mind wait that's different okay enable tutorials for now I think I am origin characters custom [Music] randomize oh [Music] black Dragonborn Lightfoot halfling look at that hair oh my God wow all right um half or taled in here hmm okay here we go there we go race features GIF Yankee drown mm-hmm no no way you're getting me to be a gnome mmm elf where's the Mind blank option can you make patches I saw somebody had done a patches [Music] mind blank huh that said to not play a dragon boy in your first playthrough I that's all right I I will not so what if I said there's legitimate reasons to be small then I would understand what you mean sort of well I could guess half elf all right let's see where we got base speed of nine meters some of the weapon present ations armor dark vision fake ancestry advances exercise against being Charmed magic can't put you to sleep impressive long sword short swords for the longbow I probably [Music] hmm carrying capacity increase because I'm proud I'm gonna be like a [Music] some sort of fighter probably waiting to update bg3 with penis information to match exclamation points cyber perfect uh hold on [Music] um Paladin though do you like me some Paladin action lay on hands Divine sense I don't think I've played a fifth edition Paladin though getability channel the power continue your palette notes which you can use to fuel certain actions um they have subclasses within here palbos Min maxing oh not Min maxing you just pick class first since that determines what bonuses you want oh I see what you're saying yeah no I'm very much a I'm gonna pick bad things but I think they're interesting sort of sort of play the second wind I gotta be a fighter that's just that's just me it's gonna do it subclass refiner and third level [Music] particular style of fighting is your specialty [Music] either great weapon fighting or protection dueling when you're willing a melee weapon is not two-handed or versatile hmm [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah they gotta kind of remember this is probably I mean it's very very team based um you know what other defense actually barring but I'm doing it invite friends what friends edit appearance [Music] maturity I'm very mature irlton you protect or you attack I'm not Paladin uh [Music] chin scar too all right voice next health something just woke up down here be wary it's opened I wonder what's back there more of those wretched things there's magic keeping this chest sealed I can feel its Aura where to like what was that well it's all right let Pals something just woke up down here I'll be this guy um neutral tones cool tones warm tones blush tones so blush and blushing at how blessed they are do love bro or going immersion equals looks just like Lois or chaos equal to making my character the insane looking as possible I'm Ma I'm honestly going to make it pretty normal um I mean I say that now we'll see we'll see Freckle intensity I don't see any freckles what's going on with freckles oh Freckle quantity there you go uh hmm somewhat mature you want to play with people I want play solo I'm sorry I'm sorry genitals penis beat okay what how many penis B penis C penis D penis e vulvave vulva vulva penis wait why does it just say penis all right all right if you're squeamish when it comes to penis here we go penis default penis B penis C penis d penis e oh no uh oh penis um I mean no pubes allowed for sure [Music] I go and then uncircumcised that's a good conversation starter penis see it is I can't believe it the white hair oh yeah I didn't change my hair color yet randomized appearance no we have edited this in great detail body art I want to make this a a different character from just me [Music] um to color color pink oh [Music] tattoo ah I don't know about face tattoos damn that's cool though give him some kiss face paint check body type four no it reset it oh no it didn't wait what about bodytalk for what about it it didn't reset it also got my same penis right peanut C what the well it did reset [ __ ] it's fine we're still where we were we didn't change much he large oh he's large men hmm oops uh I like lion stuff that's way too much line stuff this is cool but let's do no more subtle not that subtle [Music] um no red okay so now you knew lovers would pick penis scene on penis C kind of guy what can I say uh uh piercing style barred rings that has to reload everything fastened Stars hmm lapis stud muffin subdue or Loops midnight tears silver gold Gala oh dark moons red centilla Chilton serpents Crimson Hilt dicks I mean Dirks borovia fangs minotauring maybe the piercing also on your penis oh easy breezy beautiful Cover Girl archface swirls commoner ring Bard Rings okay um dark moons dark moons okay heterochromia nah that's fine blue three wow so blue seven ah blue with purple oh my gosh all right we'll do this one makeup hmm you can check the all eye colors check mark for more options [Music] oh I see I see I see it no it's okay that's okay I'm fine with this simpler selection there yeah [Music] yeah mate we like a rock star [Music] a little mole oh my gosh so thick lay it on thick man um no not that big enough sure let's change colors though ah oh my God all right oh my gosh this looks like he's really tired there's a bit of not all there look about him well maybe he's not all there glossy tent level metallic alone [Music] okay Lipton Plum two [Music] raccoon eyes just the bottoms though you're beautiful as you are you don't need makeup oh boy hair here we go give me something better Vegeta what does the scouter say damn [Music] yeah but I want to do it kind of good oh [Music] hmm [Music] whoa foreign [Music] I hate them let's do it oh [ __ ] no if I was a Caster Maybe hmm okay I'm gonna go with this I think there's some other options highlights yeah [Music] like an ocean oh God the brightness it's getting out of hand I'm on a darker teal darker green this music's nice what character are we going for right now fighter that hair absolutely does not fit that head yes it does because it's on it it's on the head [Music] oh you can press all highlight colors for more colors hold on highlight intensity whoa hmm graying I have a little bit of grain but definitely not far Quan not yet facial hair oh yeah judicial my God no no Tickler no Jesus Opera attendee pomposity glorious mutton jumps no no it's too no all right I'm not doing facial hair okay background Soldier seals Athletics intimidation hmm where's the five o'clock salad yeah it's all too thick the colors on them um urchin sleight of hand stealth nope Outlander athletic survival grew up in the Wilds learning to survived far from the Comforts of civilization surviving unusual hazards the wild will enhance your prowess and understanding [Music] Noble no Guild Artisan Insight persuasion nope folk hero animal handling survival Entertainer cremit charlatan probably Outlander actually here's a little stubble but clean is good yeah it seems like there's not like uh a subtle enough stubble unless I miss it animal handling some of that all right okay abilities um [Music] choice is pending wait a minute oh I see you can only do it for one I see I see I see it so I get it I get it hmm be kind of a tank I am defense after all I really should be getting strength yeah if it's gonna change my chance to hit [Music] all right let's govern these Athletics acrobatics survival intimidation persuasion no no he's gonna be trash um the most charismatic fighter of the sword Coast not anymore uh um [Music] could go animal handling the skills of proficiency voluntary spell your proficient I know this um that's some nature hug trees animal let's do animal handling hold on [Music] nature and animal handling and this is again this isn't supposed to be necessarily a good character it's just a character um no charisma for when we [ __ ] the bear something like that yeah [Music] where's his name [Music] did I pick a name yet I don't think I did proceed ah there you go his name [Music] his name will be [Music] foreign [Music] Langdon [Music] Ted now you will be [Music] fabulous [Music] fill fabulous Fred [Music] fabulous fabulous Fabuloso [Music] fabul Fab remember not Fabio fabrillius fabrilli fat fans fabric ad [Music] Philosoraptor I'm upset your character isn't named scrotress I was thinking about it honestly Febreze Fab rolis from for Brolly fabulicious I'll take it back fad fadless dad Licious oh my God stop Badland hmm [Music] thank you for 26 months welcome back [Music] paddleton battleton I need a guardian Venture fourth then wait a guardian I'm the guardian [Music] um do I choose hold on sub race I want sub race oh it's because drow do I choose class or anything for them no I can't choose a hairstyle oh facial hair [Music] are they opposite gender it's just lore commence wife building I think she's done this game definitely that hair definitely no actually no [Music] no no no Airy Peak Chrysalis pod ballerina bun all right hold on hold on neverwinter's scar wait is that what it started on maybe Lone Wolf bun no Neverwinter scarf she gotta stay warm hair color hold on do I want her to be um do I bang a dwarf what about bang a dragon I can't do a dragon [ __ ] uh hmm Southern Jack we found seeking allies from Oliver Fair room aiming to settle their conflict with love on each other by any means necessary there's my Lofts cult in the city of menza Barons and Mr embody the verses of their corrupted merciless goddess oh boy that sounds like not a great waifu she seems she seems nicer I'ma do that one and then the scarf and then makeup don't I body art yeah yeah uh hold on General Ashton six I want you to be greener lichen tone [Music] ice tones okay let's do this one no scars she's she's green vitiligo oops [Music] that's cool that's cool representation everybody's got vitiligo um sunbury's eyes white red definitely red you can have the same color as hair facial hair wow denied um okay I can't choose her gonads [Music] um wait body type well maybe that's in general I can't choose her gonads gonads and strife what even is the point oh right yeah that's happening I forgot [Music] foreign perfect electrochrome thanks for 80 months welcome back no I haven't played any any of this game I purposefully avoided it waiting for full release yeah that's scary do your job you got one job dude I think that draws more attention than the Bell unironic Wilhelm that wasn't me by the way good guys yeah probably well gooder than those elephants holy [ __ ] uh ah still dead probably right I'm sleeping here [Music] oh it's Avatar all right [Music] laughs how's that sound [Music] [Music] got a hole in your left wing oh I never watched the Joel Hammer video I can breathe in doggos [Music] thank you seems like a bad place to be holy left control allows you destroy mundane items oh it's a risk of that Uber arrived at the wrong address oh I'm so pretty I mean he's so pretty I already forgot his name Fab fabulonius uh faddington Paddington um battleton hahaha saddleton all right let's see what we got here C Journal updated escape the nautiloid mode to start your adventure click the ground or hold left Mouse button and move toward your cursor yeah but I want to check my there you go we've been abducted by mind flayers and infected with some kind of parasite we need to find a way off this ship you got it mind Slayer pod still be stuck inside if we have tried Nursery is the pool that thing came from parasite now Rising behind your eye so the extension's working right my Airbnb has some Airbnb has some problems first of all the brain worm investigate the pool skill checks oh boy some bad luck options require skill check dice roll must be met yep character okay all right oh geez dc10 easy success the casing is fragile the slightest touch could cause it to crumble how exactly can you vote on choices with the extension maybe it's only specific ones you want us to vote you got to click the button at the bottom left oh I see that's cool so it's it's on my own I got you I got you okay and then what else we have dialogue history game menu okay all right I'm not gonna do it for every choice obviously he's gonna let us vote is very bugging seems to take a while for it to work okay yeah no worries I I mean I played uh Cult of the Lamb with that extension when that first came out touch it disintegrate it oh someone else going out that's right I saw them in the cutscene fire oh nice can I yeah yeah yeah nice what about this one like the other survivors might be might be let the Mind flare don't go through the fire though idiot that's your [ __ ] camera around your current character Pearl double click portrait to Center camera okay well the thing it doesn't tell you is subclass for some reason I don't think I have a subclass on this character restoration good to know sphincter this is my kind of not Lloyd level three War master or you know what I camera rotation e or Q or middle Mouse all right got it oh mynath under operation oh good brain jar hmm dead Goblin who's trapped I'm maybe you won't go towards the voice viscous chair s it's a good look cerebral Aquarium mind flare Horticulture oh I want to learn fire brine bulb see all our actions we got jump we got hide we got shove improvised melee weapon throw Dash help okay all right disengage main hand attack damage Rush attack nice hmm lacerate pommel strike this is a stunny possibly days second wind I have a long sword well that's freaking great perfect I'm gonna stealth ASMR mode neural apparatus whoops well that's not very stealthy is it hey marnath you doing good dude [Music] it looks okay yeah division Divinity Originals into is superb game as well come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers in expectation please before they return they return um I don't really a new [Music] people yeah kill it destroy the brain I'm destroying the brain with your bare hands what the that's it guaranteed I guess there probably was more I could have done take all of the nothing well I gotta restart the game now no I'm just kidding doesn't it with your bare hands would probably kill it hmm [Music] tentacle Aquarium brains they're really that confusing well actually what is this apparatus do oh it probably calls the the lift didn't even need a check to destroy the brain huh that's good I guess where are all the imps oopsies I I right click dragged on accident I have to keep up oh that's so fresh looking why no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh you let's rushed puzzled flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes [Music] blesses me this day together we might survive no good thing that happened why'd you think I was a thrall unless we are cleansed Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be gay mind flayers I already am gay oh geek I got you we are turning into mind players it must be something we can do uh we forgot where we are what we suggests uh we can do nothing until we escape all right all right that must be first we exterminate the ends then we find the helm and take control of the ship we will address the matter of a cure for this infection once we reach the material plane it's not always had like a crew of three all right imp get ready to fight combat happens in rounds each participant gets a turn to act nice yeah very familiar can pause the Randy during combat so we have time to plan your actions all right uh Rush attacks possibly pushing them off balance it's less damage but uh what's my movement nine yeah in meters so I can walk up and attack um doesn't provoke attack of opportunity well that was easy when you're finished click the button in the right corner of your hot bar to end your turn or in space right oh I see you all right controlling her as well she's got astral knowledge game proficiency Proficiency in all skills of a chosen ability she got arranged giftyanki psionics magehand oh okay nice nice hamstring shot what else is alive over here you I mean she's got enough range easy enough um keep your distance about that come here impasse oh [ __ ] pathetic pathetic [Music] easy you proved surprisingly adequate [Music] hold on got alert so malice can join you on your adventure you can control them the same way as you do your own character yeah hand ax let's see here keychain Alchemy pouch camp supply sack Pearl gold Scroll of Revival fine potion of healing summer time underwear penis C where does it show that oh you just the command I presume long sword and then let's see how do I um oh shush swapper swapper swap swapper [Music] uh wait can I control her yet no no no no no no no stop that here you go oh there we go there we go stop doing that all right okay that's what I was trying to do let's light crossbow over to her I don't suppose she wants any of these two to nine two to seven [Music] okay crossbow it is you can tab to open whole party inventory damn easy mode all right that's good for now I I I I I I I mean all right you can stop stealthing put them on me we're potion and healing very good another light crossbow aimos is your Nemesis oh my God F1 through four for party members Titus hey restoration we didn't take any damage dragon attack s ah add to Wares yeah handy oh camera please I can get to this dead thrall F5 for quick save this game is very friendly the loot addicts you betcha gold arterial mesh my favorite kind of mesh well one of them doesn't want us to go this way then isn't this where we came from I think it is yeah ah wait reach the helm oh there's more climbing got it all right default the rules are not true RNG oh I undid that we're good we're good I undid it space Auto look for containers yeah it's it's been a while since I played Divinity so I'm sure they share a lot of the same controls and stuff but yeah sphincter sphincter I hardly know it mistake which nothing without knowing its purpose well guys oh mind flayer Pond can I just uh I don't want to use it can I investigate hello I don't want to use you oh [ __ ] or do we look for Alaska might open the lid obstruction is too alien nothing looks familiar do you intend to die for a stranger [Music] next to the pot they did something to it when they sealed me in hurry I can't let Shadow heart die ah [ __ ] uh oh that one I gotcha whoops the console appears dormant look for a switch or a release the mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first bad ending you spy an empty socket hit it nothing the clock Soul remains I need to find something to put in this socket put your dick in it where's the dick button oh hello intellect Devourer newborn uh okay well flickers in his eyes but he seems totally unaware of his surroundings all right he's uh dark mind illicit manuscripts I'll press P for penis faint images appear in your mind a brain a good Yankee Warrior and centuries of Darkness I don't like that dark mind Joe need these tools to pick a lock or you can find its key [Music] don't want to reach the helm yet see what else we got mucilaginous box [Music] boy let's look at these sigils calm down it's crap what about you aggression annihilate no you can't get more than one try it's got to be this one oh no I don't know about that aggression annihilate and would you go away liquid Jesus liquid let me see maybe I just jammed this into there go keep going don't worry about the purple no no no no no no no no no no no no she's fine she's the console appears dormant the first put your release yeah completely unrecognizable at first no I can't then you spy socket empty socket okay okay okay ah keep looking at things is the liquid even do anything I don't know it scares me man isn't dead totally unresponsive unresponsive brine bulb surely this left one does what we wanted to do right can I our kind of check it again action damn it the bionic energy radiates from the prisoners oh okay but they do not react okay good it's only affecting them all right let's go through this door over here I want to break this brain jar can I do that can I not um main hand attack yeah caustic Brine and that's doing something no no no no no not now we must go to the helm control over the ship is an idiot to die here well maybe but fire cerebral Aquarium it's a whole lot of nothing in here anyways oh wait more passages I can't see beyond that okay I did shift click like Diablo to attack in place but good to know good to know can I have her sit in one of these I don't think so all right can't you do this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah throw that over there some objects are unusually strong you need to deal enough damage at once to actually damage them hey you're strong aren't you I crave God [Music] what if I attack the Mind flavor ah you'll be fine right okay I'll barely Dent you you stupid hello beautiful hi uh certain items such as keys and greetings camp supplies are sorted in handy containers or inventory keychain all right come back you right click it for more options yeah uh pick them at the wires open locked yeah open okay I tried to attack him as he walked by I probably could have but oh onyx shoves shove this damn Onyx in there the console appears dormant nothing the console Rick come on Onix save me oh yeah I have a pearl I forgot wait not enough space no this just puts it on in huh calm down rotate it I'm trying stay calm I'll find a way to get this open [Music] okay what if I stack things on top of you lots too high it's too high to stack that on there all right fine I'll be back uh Kuiper wave thanks for three years welcome back the fattest woman is trapped inside the pod she doesn't notice you there's more pods so maybe our answer lines head [Music] check this sigil son of a [ __ ] uh hello death roll Eldritch roon 200 budgets through the saline object you're sure you've never seen any of the like yeah probably recognize it as a component of some bigger machine [Music] cartilaginous chest I love it oh there you go smooth brain characters excuse me smart but in different ways I want to attack the intellect Devourer intellect off of it what the hell thank you why out of all possible players I get Lobos the console appears dormant oh the console hums to life take a closer look at the powered up console let's find nothing in the appearance of the device betrays its purpose it could do anything that's fine you not quickly then you're more arcanus steadily awaiting command are you serious the exact same role all right I'm gonna make this for the fall if anything happens at that device is suddenly you feel a hideous squirming in your head of the parasite then discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over you Authority illicit wisdom will the Pod will the Pod open do it plus one from wisdom you got this wait difficulty class two nice I guess you could still film it the biomechanical brain of the console process your command and yield to it Shiva runs across your mind sated hello in the purple [ __ ] well not you you hey why don't we get move on get a move on come on so that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind lurches into her thoughts the Gratitude is mixed with weariness have a gift with you you keep dangerous company well all right so she's racist get back in the pod uh got a problem with giftyanki oh the guests have a problem with everyone else right now you sense her races we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way do you feel what I felt just before we were in each other's heads I did it must be because of those parasites they put in US are we going to help each other or not yeah yeah all right I'm faddleton one moment that was trying I mean that name is trying too hard to be cool I -20 gethianki have always been huge entitled pricks well I don't know that battleton knows that he probably knows that uh what's up it's nothing it's right lead on yeah they're actually [ __ ] yeah well all right Aquarium all right to the helmet in you might need some healing too bad fire do I have a bucket of water we are nearing the help once inside do as I see who put you in charge I'll Trust my own she is the one that's been an [ __ ] so far I mean she did try to kill us but it was I don't know what kenyank means but it's probably fine oh okay no it's like bloodborne [Music] wow you died in those things dream connected Transformer we must disdain now do it we will deal with the cake after we escape why don't you do it oh God oh God oh God um let's see what we got here we got a lesser Hells bore how did this thing get on board [Music] uh we got a bunch of things to loot we got explosive purple things but they didn't seem to do much to us we have a friendly mind flayer commander zalk and then way the hell over here the freaking [Music] wants us to make tentacle sex happen all right uh well you've made a grave one round at a time you bastard ass all right Shadow heart let's see what you got no need to fight no no no no no no [ __ ] did I just waste Movement by accidentally crouching um oh Mason board huh well not enough resources slash damn it I'm trying to press C to open the character menu but there you go maybe we can get some yeah who cares about resources just get next to get next to go there all right I'm gonna say what do we got lancerate arranged hand um eight health huh all right let's go for it 65 percent the accuracy is that no hello 107 months welcome back why is your accuracy trash whatever okay I like that um hold on actually I haven't looked for my resources at all is this that's movement actually combat uh melee oh it's bonus action where are my actions [Music] where's my action usage you've missed on 95 well yeah bunk the shapes above hot bar ah thank you action bonus can trips nice all right let's go here critical Miss oh [Music] also criticalness please hit it nice a good thing that was in Friendly Fire right there [Music] indeed do you have any range concussive smash oh Firebolt huh to move Firebolt on the the hell imp well I guess it's better than nothing unless it empowers it oh good oh uh all right okay Shield of faith that one spells slime protect your creature from attacks increases AC by two do it for yourself [Music] very nice yeah yeah I didn't even look at the chance to hit oh that's not good uh all right okay fine you got it bro can I Dash um double your movement speed yeah do it do it first of all yeah and then don't run by him I'm gonna be a little more careful about that keep going trusting a mind player already is this an evil run yeah something Mikey Angelo hurry before they strike okay working on it oh 13 turns remaining yeah I just paid attention to that finally that [ __ ] maybe we shouldn't group up in case there's some AOE damage Victory awaits also Dash please make way I mean it makes sense that we want to get the ship out of here so and lashing Goods spine is mine sounds good what if I let's see Rush attack okay freaking boar thing again can't slow down not gonna help my squid pal now I tried to and even said leave it leaving to me all right what else can I do here dip a weapon into a surface to alter the surfacer enhance the weapon if you're dual wielding you dip both weapons dip it dip it in blood I'll say tip it must be a dippable surface no it's blood the pain in blood you [ __ ] all right ready maybe not dip it in [ __ ] oh call me a [ __ ] Dipper um wow [Music] we the next attack roll against this target has advantage holy [ __ ] we get a lot of [ __ ] here oh my God guidance yeah yeah sacred flame any aoes right another creature advantage on stealth checks disguise self [Music] thank you it's taking position she a bad [ __ ] right [Music] a balance hmm shove huh mysterious liquid sure I'll take a shove why not holy shove all right a heck of a shove wow I feel like oh nice because flanking or something all right don't loot yet not enough movement jump whoa holy jumpus foreign I guess I could uh mess with it from this side huh you've made it in time shove most Opie ability in the game I bet hello oh [Music] foreign [Music] foreign this is just normal difficulty uh she was kind of a p because they're bottomless magma yeah but then loot what about loot I guess if you're killing things that definitely aren't going to drop stuff you want but [Music] surprise I don't seem all that curious about this well see I was hoping we'd teleport or whatever and then I could loot the stuff in the ship but I guess that's not how it goes oh my God what's up water foreign [Music] human male fighter baby it doesn't have sassy here oh no I don't save scum for my DND experiences if I [ __ ] something up royally well [ __ ] it's [ __ ] it's awake the tadpoles squirms in your skull [Music] site confuses the landfilling to find a settlement or landmark and you'll need to do it quickly tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure we're gonna start a timer auto save successful find a cure okay probably no timer at least not now so we could be great to watch him you know it would be either way but funny stuff ahead you know yeah I love making horrible decisions and paying for the consequences dearly oh my gosh let me loot the ship uh Divinity had the Swift is my feet it wasn't a feat or anything right that lets you um there must be a settlement somewhere nearby detect like caches and [ __ ] in the ground that's just based on your perception right I don't know if they do that I'm sure they do that in this as well uh I might do a like I'm planning to do solo right now at least I don't know I don't really have plans beyond that oh hello Shadow heart all right let's see what's up it's a nature check sometimes oh oh yeah he's got a thermal detonator oh she'll wake up if I reach for the artifact you know that you know that you're alive I'm alive how is this possible [Music] true seems like we're the lucky ones judging by all the corpses dream about is it a suppository remember the ship I remember hmm what happened to our gift friend you might want to reconsider calling her all right now what first things first we need supplies shelter and most of all A Healer thanks mum we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads where else could you put it we you want to stay together it's good moving one thing just before we go daughter of Darkness I wanted to thank you like hearing me yeah sorry I ran around like an idiot for 10 minutes to run right past my I remember that ah lead the way Shadow heart will remember that um I was like something the matter whoopsies sorry hmm yeah about that artifact there's no story none that you're entitled to hear anyway we should get to know each other a little more just looking to make conversation conversation shouldn't be made oh [ __ ] it should be grown let the seeds sprout in their own time I'm gonna stab you in your vulva sea uh if you're not comfortable I'm impressive thank you Joe will get along perfectly well you won't okay bye it's so colorful also all this illithid confetti we have eight Charisma that's true pretty sure she's a beat all right okay that's all right whatever quick save dead Fisher this is so great because man Divinity we played 100 something hours and when it was all said and done it's like we want more wait what bar even though that's like so much oh pooch so much time to put into it it looks the same beaches Divinity yeah like oh this is very familiar Mur grass recipe unlocked suspension of Mer grass every item has a context menu where you may use them tag them as wears or send them to another party member right number oh right Mouse button open item context menu so the mer grass which ones the Mur grass don't see it is there uh it's showing all my crass oh Alchemy pounds of course silly me Mur grass potion of mind reading I know they're planning on adding more surpluses at a DLC or something their marketing Spiel has been pushing no DLC coming uh larian only has one beach asset hey it works all right it's like nostalgic you didn't have loot before yeah you won't have loot now shanties for the [ __ ] Queen is that like the Lich King but different the book huh you can read books and notes you have picked up in your inventory and we all roll with the spray upon our necks and we all go with the spray upon our backs anyways it's too much I'm not gonna sing at all hey ho she told us so till the [ __ ] Queen brings the ways nice mate water apples you can read them by picking them up yeah yeah I want to fill my inventory with books or do I Psy I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again and again keep on saying it till we're old and gray so let's do it let's go to Baldur's Gate I know it's risky but so staying here the last few months have been hard but they're always a little easier when you're there leave your boat and meet me at the hill overlooking the old bridge bring whatever you can carry we'll make do without the rest don't be late love Anna [ __ ] dead said all right oh my grass five gold for half a kilogram of weight it's not bad value oh yeah that's yeah that's definitely how I get with these games it's like all right how much does that sell for gold the weight that uh ratio mug fish tin camp supplies I expected as much from the oh yeah what stinky dog gifted a sub to neck Lord enjoy that sub necklord thanks stinky dog Waypoint discovered this no this maybe hold on I've already passed a million things you've discovered a waypoint and be able to teleport to this location by selecting it in your mouth now during the tutorial this map of your surroundings give you quest locations blah blah blah easy oh yeah overgrown ruins okay anyways there's a barrel over here Priscilla's voice actors yeah I expect it is much from the four camp supplies mysterious liquid well no wow mate early on fine whoopsies well not there all right whatever sticky white stuff lead him no yeah abducted commoner oh these intellective hours are still alive all right let's try and stealth up on him with all of my stealth stats remaining obscured second of the Shadows makes you harder to detect your cursor indicates the amount of light in a certain spot more folks wretched oh shift C for whole party okay okay hauling bodies around you better let's be on my way um I should like toss corpses at him look at this bad boy in the fire don't burn don't burn um oh [ __ ] commence battle twitch feels best keeps him distant so this will be a short fight uh I have to keep going she had some oh my God what happened the fire son of a [ __ ] healing word Scroll of detect thoughts especially healing 9 out of 10 HP HP um what is her hold on if I hit C it's going to use her I okay there we go ac16 for the fourth of us let's go all right well [Music] no this is uh yeah I was gonna play offstream with bloody but she actually found um she got asked to do a game with some other folks and so I was like oh [ __ ] well I don't have to worry about you know staying spoiler-free to play with her so now I'm streaming now I stream it oh oh that's fine yeah let's see let's see what do you mean what range that's Richard I'm returning was it what why is it um threatened the enemy is close has disadvantage arranged oh yeah yeah not enough resources what happened to me action uh yeah to sneak past this one on tactician oh seduce brain let's go for a pommel strike dazed I don't know what what took my action um boy oh boy oh boy ah oh wait lost condition burning oof that's going to provoke if I do that I think um very good I mean that's a lot of damage do I want to use that right away probably one evocation spell oh these are canned trips okay yeah use it it's Advantage sorry it was too close sick [ __ ] nice now hug each other give each other a kiss nine damage yeah you got this [Music] yeah no pommel bonus must take a short rest oh no oh no all right that's fine get out of here again um sacred flame [Music] party gained 10 experience shove him again all right congrats Rats on level hmm perhaps our survival is in such a distant prosperity shot rest recover half your hit points some other resources rest menu initiate short rest holy [ __ ] I didn't get to read all that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on she is too healthy I didn't even notice that no no whoopsies what's next I wonder um he did have healing I should get a fireball I can't lay on hands I'm not Paladin now uh yeah drink a potion please now let's see about our level UPS hmm level up there we go multi-class there's a tiny button in the top right hey how that how that you enjoy this Lobos this game has a lot of cool moments oh hope yes I mean I love Divinity original sin too [Music] increase a pair of spells huh [Music] yeah add class hmm oh looks like an ally against the attacks and powers of apparition celestials Elementals Faith fiends and Undead I'm not sure we're gonna need that just yet you or and Ally cannot be targeted until you attack or harm a creature you can still take damage from area spells create or destroy water Bane command less for 10 turns cure wounds healing word okay inflict wounds um yeah multi-classes there yeah um yeah I honestly I've always avoided multi-classing when I play D and D I don't know on the pure written I'll guess level it up 17 health good so we don't have to take a long rest in order to level up huh actions oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we got action surge oh yeah yeah yeah action serious not not double attack I was gonna say sick you're not a huge multi-classer except for if I have a babysitting if you have a babysitting DM character that's really just meant to help the players can't go wrong by just running pure classes exactly will any of you drop any loot not really hmm all right where's the options for resting skills no camp supplies you need 40 supplies to fully rest Journal map ping party View character sheet oh camp and resting menu short rest um oh the supplies huh build a camp in the middle of this elephant [ __ ] sure do it I'm just gonna do it why not just want to give you long rest too often you can miss some stuff that's a shame yeah can't even take a long rest and fully heal your party you can also manage party members Advanced relationships for the companions store items and eventually change your character and recruit more followers share so this is a whole separate camp map huh well then I I look I'm geralt basically I'm unicorn geralt hello let's chat then you strike me as the reliable sword are you sure this is a good idea well that's a good idea there are lit fuses in our heads sooner or later they're going to blow hour that passes the thing inside us grows we need to find a Healer let's wake up at first light you betcha agreed maybe we'll get lucky we're overdue some good fortune rest well we'll need our strength well yeah I'm not gonna rest bad well I might traveler's chest oh is this pre-order stuff Periwinkle undergarments hello hello stream Hopper loafers that's twitch stuff bewildering adventurers pack peculiar clothing chest okay mask of the shape [ __ ] oh wait I remember something like that in Divinity the Cape of the red Prince loot of the Meriwether Bard not proficient by corn of the Sea Beast needle of the outlaw Rogue with the I want to see what examine there we go piercing strike okay fame's helmet [Music] which one was Fame I'm so bad with names thing was like a Undead guy yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I don't even think we like took Thane at all so we didn't like you meet him a couple times but if you don't have them in your party or whatever then um he's the best I'm sorry no I was the best okay my character was in it uh thank you whoa equipped it how quick did I did I don't see it I don't see no cape maybe it's only when we're out no I'm putting all the purple [ __ ] on hi oh yeah yeah yeah the red Prince yeah perfect nice you can put your weapon down dude uh Z to sheath no I don't know oh [ __ ] nope Z to jump awkward this is cool so that the camp keeps building out um table bottle rack Alchemy storage box oh interesting Utah you're right absolutely right what's in this crate foreign hey what are you meditating the matter yeah I want to how do you like my clothes what do you think of all that's happened to us so far we haven't gone all that far yet what do you refer red to exactly a little stowaways maybe we actually managed to remove the town oh those still ways okay how am I holding up in your estimations I must admit you've been a surprise and not an unpleasant one Kindred Spirits are few and far between for me besides you saved my life aboard the nautiloid how can I do anything but sing your praises all right no right well that's it for now I mean I you never know dragonfly I always start off kind of you know I I would say neutral good and then as the I let the game determine how how the character plays out whoa in the day in restorative points spell uh spell slots and fully rescue Miss uses of camp supplies yeah okay okay ooh haggis poutine Canadians rise up all right we'll do the poutine and this and this I guess you could Auto Select all right there is Twitch integration Kindle full rest it's refused every time they flicker shut the tadpole seems to Twitch behind them dragons gears and the hells themselves have come after you this is this creature that lingers in your skull hmm [Music] here let's try it ready y'all Vote for This Choice let's see oh [ __ ] number two my character's so fabulous his name was almost fabulonius or something something like that see if it works I'm gonna pee I'll be right back hey did it work oh so we did all right your work to looks like I put a meal in the microwave so I'll just need to go grab that in a minute here we go does it have the total numbers for voters [Music] I don't know uh ather Haiku hope your day is well homie do I need to play the first two to really get this game I haven't and I'll get it so far um force a tadpole out of your mind think of Home Instead dc5 gate feels almost like a dream after everything that has happened to you yet it's just a dream of Hope you may be countless miles away but it isn't an impossible Journey you will see those Gates Again that promise sinks deep into your heart as your eyes drift shut [Music] so fancy oh there's our cloak prepare spells which is clerics paladins and Druids can change your prepared Spells at any time outside of combat I think we already did prepare for uh Shadow heart my goodness this is why I don't spell play spellcasters I don't care um prevailing spells as a [ __ ] why don't I just have damage spell heal spell and that's it nah special spells are cool just do just do wild Mage and just [ __ ] roll every time you cast a spell that's more fun uh leave campsite eh um is that an option here oh yeah leave Camp okay oh no no let's leave Camp as well look at us look at us Majestic yeah the purple clothes are my PJs yeah try a wizard I don't want to be a lizard hello something ah never mind all right let's go Camp complete boom boom uh Lobos and the dinner takes me back to my YouTube Days oh oh [ __ ] I forgot this is where we left off I looted to you oh wait I'm turned around I'm turned around I see what happened abducted noble man wow probably until it is I don't know I might be able to use that oh caustic bulb throwing throwing weapon not a Lloyd tank I like the little puzzles they had in Divinity where you would see a chest somewhere and it's like all right how do I get to it but I feel like after a certain point I always had an answer because I had some sort of like teleport spell or the first couple times it's like oh how do I get there and the rest is just like at teleport so I go sing your shanties they try to make this into a tabletop game you think it would fail big time I think yeah a lot this is much more approachable for you know your average gamer whereas tabletop you got to read all these rules and figure out the things yourself kind of like Hearthstone versus well a physical TCG you can't get the rules wrong when the game dictates them and this jump is teleport the hell are you I've got one of those brain things cornered you look like me you can kill it can't you like you killed the others hmm hi oh thank you can you see it you lying I knew that was gonna happen dude I knew that was gonna happen but I didn't do anything about it that all right let's kiss him no need for this to get messy I need him alive Stow that blade or I'll show you just how messy things can get promises promises but I have other business I'm afraid now I saw you on the ship didn't I what not splint it and now you're going to tell me exactly what you and those tentacle freaks did to me oh you have it backwards don't light him I don't mind twists of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm fear what was that what's going on [Music] sweet 15. [ __ ] yeah just made it oops wow all right that was it fine I soar into your mind they took you just the same as me yeah yeah yeah now you get that I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards apologies not adding his modifiers it adds them automatically what do you mean hold on don't look at your cape at any of the cutscenes by the way why is there horrible clipping I'm gonna disappear while I eat some food um glad to see you're all caught up now whatever I don't blame them kind of indeed we are please introduce myself you're talking about my penis see my name's a Starion Beast snatched me [Music] uh tell them your name and your story wow that's a long ass answer huh I'm gonna you're about durian too Aries those raising bulbers get into the city well For Better or Worse sure is that so so much more do you know anything about these worms no of that much we can be certain these worms are already affecting me I can feel it now what to do about it hmm I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't a bad idea safety in numbers after all and I hate to turn down an invitation all right maybe I'll see you there maybe you'll stop talking like this bye I didn't even tell you where my Camp is whatever you'll figure it out but that's his voice uh oh yeah a mind player oh hurt oh this bad boy um con 90 welcome back bald man's gate dude it's got three health it's got three health all right let's go say Hi Fi you approached the dying monster this is the thing that abducted you you could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion it would be a mercy compassion punished foreign [Music] forcing you to love it but then the feeling slips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere hmm hmm I don't have good intelligence damn it but I like making checks let's see all right Tim's not so bad [ __ ] you died you try to break through but its mind is impenetrable with a last surge of defiance it slaps your efforts away the monster lies exhausted defeated its eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice click the add bonus button for certain things what I saw it automatically add strength to my strength check before all right I'll check it out next time close Those Eyes Forever hmm if I leave it to die then it's going to become the protagonist and then be the final boss at the end I can't allow for that oh you can have it like you can have her cast guidance in preparation for that check or something goodbye oh my God the curb stump monster enduring yeah that's what I mean that's good for it well yeah hmm foreign blood huh oh man oh I can dip it in fire forget Forge my weapon whoa [Music] sorry was just testing sorry about that um don't worry guys there's no consequent consequences to my actions in this video game mmm goblins of checking supplies Maybe Goblin scimitar Goblin bow yo tight and those were the huh sure purple anus little iffy welcome back three years plenty more to come thank for everything for you do love you Luby thank you I appreciate you a lot wait a minute dead mind flyer this isn't where I came through earlier is it ah no no this is continuing from this time perfect all right loot this brother what about over here all right that's where we came from yeah yeah all right hmm what was back and sway we can climb up hmm [Music] let's go this way let's go through the fire and flames hold on can't she uh can trip some water or maybe I need to um let's try this way get going um [Music] there we go there we go level one spell slot the [ __ ] great water another step forward hey what come on now spell slides not a very good use of the spell slot to be honest but I got three okay one's per long rest eaten well in it Nicole magical wall we saw earlier was was cool and magical yeah yeah but not yet not yet I like to wander why'd you do it I hate shouting up ahead be careful hmm oh thanks auto save D nobody gets in orders that pack of goblets will be honest any second what's going on goblets are on our tail open the gates therefore now you let goblins here where is The Druids the dirt I'm gonna Bang [Music] oh they're gobbling some nuts get on out welcome to the gates and howdy by the nine oh [ __ ] World of Warcraft characters oh my god well [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] well provoke the blade time to run away right oh [Music] very nice [Music] oh jumping bug bear [Music] [ __ ] critical miss and miss they're too strong oh [ __ ] all right then you sons of [ __ ] you sons of [ __ ] this is action it's a bonus action that's what I thought good um what's this health seven oh my gosh that's so weird to aim it there we go 65 percent all right I'll take it then then um I'm an action surge for sure yeah yeah you better hit you better hit you idiot I'm the first person you've seen make a human character happy to provide you with a unique point of view all right it's a shame wow thank you for missing hmm no are you mermaids made for real full damn it didn't burn booyag hmm 6 hp down huh I'll take it big money Tuesdays 83 months welcome back damn foreign [Music] Reckless war cry holy [ __ ] Barth Barth no oh my God what is this why am I so bad at he's just so dodgy I don't like it one bit all right well you better hit hit me find a way forward human fighter that's right down oh [Music] [ __ ] can't jump huh double movement costs difficult Terrain get him critical [ __ ] miss bro oh wait that's a God's level one spell slot oh well [Music] [Applause] um what would that mean difficult terrain where's the grease is it this all this yeah I have a defensive stance defensive action though hmm Dash on my way hello goodbye no nice ow what okay concentration broken oh yeah I guess fall damage is the thing Dodge action should be in there hmm yeah it wasn't my choice to climb her up and then jump down all right oh [ __ ] We're Gonna Save will save will best be on my way yeah that's me um what was this uh rally short rest [ __ ] up this idiot Athletics failed well no never really was a great athlete that grease out of here [Music] what no no no no no no no no 35 45 sure that's what I'm talking about ice blood thanks for 72 months welcome back High defense shame that shove him again Athletics the thing is not like easily friendly fire happening there good [Music] for the game Journal updated find uh wait hold on guys I just gotta loot real quick other than bloodshed scimitarian no that would be Steely that would be stealing wait so with this apparently oh Zach rug there you Goblin boss of course slide a hand plus one absolutes Bane on a male I had possibly inflict a minus 1d4 penalty to the target's attack rolls and saving throws equip spiked Shield give to Shadow heart take the cold uh that's fine by the ways same all right someone else claim to loot by doing most of the damage like actually interesting are y'all closing it y'all can close it guys we was running for our lives you led them straight to us and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable yeah yeah awkward I've seen much bloodier battles than this sure I'm a fighter huh did you guys know that I'm a fighter [ __ ] this man saved your pathetic life well I didn't ask for any goddamn help please you are begging me to open the gate anything to save yourself you coward the human's eye twitches is about to blow I'll blow him first uh no no no whoa whoa the deepling whoa whoa hmm I am terrible at both of these minus one you can't check the DC until you actually try to roll for it huh all right intimidation let you vote oh that's a good point all right y'all vote I'm not gonna Attack One pick pick three or four I'm not attacking one straight up should have made a Bard well I even had intimidation and persuasion by default as bonuses and I took them away so how does the voting work do you actually type it into the chat stand back and watch huh damn no vote UI oh the vote's not popping up takes a sec for it to appear to appear on screen oh there it looks like people are voting now there we go um all right I'll give you guys like uh 15 seconds you're a mobile scum all right you mobaskum intimidation that's what I was leaning towards to be honest all right here we go three it is if you want me to take both of you down I will otherwise knock it off okay dc10 is not so bad minus one Charisma add bonus guidance hold on um oh it's a can trip there we go wow with a plus four all right well I guess we see what happens here with a thunk the armored man collapses unconscious the Goblins have found us no doubt the Beast will be back whoops we need to pack up and leave immediately well one goblins as they did it for once let's try to avoid any more punching we need to find a Healer that is true it did say it updated my quest find a cure found people taking refuge in Grove we should explore it there might be a Healer inside all right let's talk to zevolor he seems to know what he's doing no that's thank you for your help out there I'm Zev law um I take my thanks in coin where I'm saddleton well met I should warn you visitors are no longer welcome in this Grove very well whatever your business I'd see to it quickly The Druids are forcing everyone out this attack will only strengthen their results no we disabled karmic dice hmm um hmm goblins I'ma stay focused I think she had a heart would like that Goblin got you the Druid how sins are renowned healer no but he didn't make it back from aaradin's Expedition if it's not too serious you could try his Apprentice Nettie she's with the other Druids in the inner Grove they've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside we can't stay but we'll be slaughtered if we leave we are no Fighters ah number one I've tried Koga their new first Druid won't even see me you though I know it's not your business but she owes you for saving this place for more time to prepare if my hair is super Majestic yeah munchy munchie thanks for 41 months welcome back Hey where's the chat there's no chat on here whatever [Music] shot oh down there are you talking about my Shadows magic was radar for more time uh more time to prepare nothing else um what are you offering for my Aid no say let's not forget why we're here point in wasting precious time hello we know you agree if we're forced to leave now we won't make it to the city you'll find The Druids at the heart of the Grove please make them see sense before more lives are lost there's definitely a screen door effect yeah you're right about that um did I not did I forget to turn off film green no I don't know I was doing no chat on purpose oh [Music] wait isn't Canon dead wait is he dead is he dead I guess it still belongs to him overall I suppose [Music] kaldani elegus yeah there's dead Cannon there you have it it is it is Canon that he dies just looking just looking you know uh Rika Rika Nadira uh dude dude dude dude you son of a [ __ ] did I seriously all right here I got this one day I'll catch a break maybe not enough movement you gotta be jimmying me butts gonna push him off the [ __ ] Mountain actions all right well at least I'm there yeah leave that action What if I wait a minute shove bonus action now right so let me do this jump uh it's uphill tooth oh wait okay she sucks at jumping too Fireball not bad you came to this guy from behind and he somehow went first and one shot the girl surprised oh cut it in basic poison [Music] saved damn uh okay all right um breathe deep and move you could start running um yeah you better take the dash action you fool what a fool is can't Pummel strike and vanco here and jump damn it all right oh now you're gonna fight oh she almost got the kill too what the [ __ ] no could you move please stattleton saddleton that's not gonna be a good shove whatever shove them anyways damn it no one has succeeded [ __ ] [Music] fine I will get the kill next time one second second win for you I guess I could have waited uh dark and darker man oh my God there's so much [ __ ] going right another Morning Star basic poison might as well um I had to wear actually I didn't even check before if what this morning star is an upgrade oh my goodness oh God four to eleven from four to nine tenacity when you miss an attack you deal one bludgeoning damage anyway and that's concussive below or whatever below evoke duplicity Lois and play both games yeah but I need to do that like six times for all the games that are I need to play right now and then also I gotta do another one so somebody another Lobos can go to Colorado tomorrow because I'm going to be out of town give me a longer sword I'm sure they're sorting right or maybe an auto sorts Spike Shield plus two AC studded Shield same thing mysterious artifact thread on the ground she wouldn't do that all right what now hey I saved your ass you haven't been much of a fighter so wrestling a bug a bug bear would have gone poorly but you're not here for heroics are you avernus's stenches all over your skin let me guess your devil mistress sent you to get her soul coin back who too bad I earned it fair and square who you got me a hand over the coin I'll be on my way who's the furnace I already forgot her um the thanks I get thank you dread Slayer of bug Bears you shall live forever in my memory now take my regards back to that pouting iranese and leave me alone how about this you give me the coin now interests that rude yeah she's a bit rude I'm gonna [ __ ] up your telescope peer through the telescope oh I'm gonna use it first well [Music] squint at the distant object trying to make out further details Focus the telescope on this I'm trying to get a clear view two jar with the telescope to the wait what part of the telescope this part I presume they just mean like scan it yeah let me see the left the telescope points to the left good ah the telescope points straight ahead ah Look Who's Back I'm gonna do my other check right yeah guidance wisdom ah God damn it Santa hurt your turn the telescope points straight ahead let's get uh try squinting guidance yourself oh what what wait how what I missed it oh she has plus three and we got a what four oh [ __ ] I don't even notice the gun's safe you see a dragon circling like a bird of prey hunting well I could have told you that the telescope points to the left point to the left point to the right the telescope points straight ahead foreign move to the right the telescope points to the right this lady's like what the [ __ ] are they doing interesting it also uh channels audio through the telescope I guess anyways I we should probably uh take at least a short rest huh get some things back nah we're fine wait a minute Timber is a Timber is a character talk to it hello Timber karmic nice is not enabled no squirrel lunges at your foot and bites it uh animal handling look at that I've got am I proficient oh look at that yeah all right now we're gonna get those rolls guidance that's what I'm talking about 24 baby you followed the squirrel's gaze to a pair of clumsy ugly feet your own on her territory looking around her territory extends from one end of The Grove to another scold her with a click of your tongue she studies you for a moment before twitching her ears compromise after a final squeak of warning break the rules and there will be trouble she scurries away reward Timber's incentive we convinced simmer to last walk on their territory he left us a small trinket to keep us away from the trees hyena ear how'd you get that scavenger all right there is work to do I'm not I'm not doing anything to live in more interesting times I'm not doing it don't worry hmm any stuff over here [Music] all right I don't have the heart speak with animals would have been fun hmm one of us had that with our Divinity play through I think Bloody had it the hollow don't cut me off before I get to the trader hey Aaron refugees adventurers no one in years and suddenly we're overwhelmed well met and thank you for beating back those goblins most Brave of you is there anything you need ACT first if you do the ritual will be complete before too long what are you selling bits and Bobs I no longer need oh yeah bits and bobs bruh all right all right bartering will let you haggle for the best to value now I messed up in Divinity so much on accident all right look no shift click control click alt click put it in there let's see whole ass chicken leather armor blah blah blah hell I don't even have a helmet ordering ndos to style trade up top is a toggle to just straight trade without the barn ring gotcha gotcha gloves of missile snaring yeah not likely um is he running from dexterity limited plus two disadvantage on scale stealth checks with the scale mail yeah um plus one bonus of strength saving throws and checks 520. hi can you guys pipe down for just a bit [Music] hand ax throne spell thief one's for a short rest you regain a level one spell slot when you land a critical hit with the spell thief [ __ ] I was at hero Hershey thank you for three years welcome back oh what is that cake icon for thousand what these dice are weirdly fuzzy then our place 2023 cake huh cake rain dancer Quarter Staff man these old suck mate Scrolls I want books shovel I've got 185 30 value worth heavy armor huh hmm nah I'm gonna yeah just trade off all these things can I just I double click okay double click double click double click double click maybe no not middle click scroll Revival five let's go underwear you want those undies he's got the channelers trunks Channel nurse trunks precious Baldur's game you don't know how you got it shanties for the [ __ ] Queen right silver locket huh yeah you can take that skull my these people oh dark mind is heavy tasteful boots get him out of here homely clothes okay 158's worth um it might take Supply pack I don't know how rare these are gonna be now this is an auto balance thing what was that Gregory Glenn 92 months welcome back oh oh yeah you could do that in Divinity as well dragonfly let's wait is barter just gonna do it or is it gonna yeah okay all right Sylvanas guide your path who sell who what yeah the other attitude towards you affects their price [Music] I said plague plague this Grove is kept by sylvanas's faithful who we're exposed now I'll just open this crate and there's backpack one foot two feet well met we don't well me wheel me well met wheel me one foot two feet well met we'll meet two Drakes one mink one dropped two drinks one bear three bears come join drink here one foot two feet well met we'll meet yandala and garlic share Twix them afarl all covered in butter and they liked each other Along came a fly who flew in with a cry to The Buttery Farrell of yandala and garl when garl took a bite gandala shrieked with fright donate that oh my that's a butterfly there was an old man named elmund who made the best buns in fairun the elders did scold them whenever he sold them saying Elm bring those buns to our room a big blue bug very good give me that potato don't mind me just uh searching your things all right well there's a backpack over there [ __ ] well crap is I should probably end it here folks for the day I'm sorry for such a small peek into Baldur's Gate and then I immediately leave for out of town tomorrow I will be
Channel: LobosJr
Views: 53,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 6jWFBg-Dme0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 27sec (9327 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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