🔴 Baldur's Gate 3 - 1 Player Solo Rogue Act 2

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foreign [Music] thank you good boy I gotta get a new intro this is the intro too loud yes or yes hello everyone explosions and [ __ ] [Music] Hold On Turn It Up all right no I'm kidding we'll turn it down a little bit and then back up all right we're gonna start soon we're gonna start any second now let's wait for this to wrap up and then we're diving in all right hello let's turn that game audio on what are we doing on the Sans boy episode whatever the [ __ ] this is act two time how are you guys doing hello Court do you have a pet human hey yo what sounds like a a question you'd ask a cat I'm a human man bro has like four different playthroughs dude I have like 17 different playthroughs what are you talking about look at all my saves look I got all of these I do need to delete some of these though I don't think I'm gonna be doing the daddy heels one anymore I got plenty of [ __ ] going four different playthroughs you underestimating the [ __ ] out of us I am not the only person who started like 50 different playthroughs you finishing before starting a new pissard pissard is the wizard character that I made we made a four wizard group to try and uh see if that'll make a good video because it was the highest uploaded thing and man Are wizards underwhelming and kind of kind of not cool hold on did I put my announcement out right I can't play two in parallel them out are you I I get those people to a certain extent where you you can't do multiple playthroughs you have to finish the one that you're doing but I got to act three and I like got all the way to the climax on my on my like single player run I'll just I made so many [ __ ] mistakes and did a bunch of [ __ ] uh and I just regretted so much like being I went I went first of all I went the evil route which is so unsatisfying in this game it's so much worse than going than being a good guy unfortunately because the game kind of cucks you into being a good guy at the end anyway like there's no other side with the absolute really without just ending your campaign early there's no like ending in that respect like your options are basically be a good guy even if you picked being a bad guy like I wanted to join Catherine Thorne and do all do you know be an ally and [ __ ] like that but you just don't get that option I'm stuck in act three and I'm like damn I want to play dirge right now yeah I'm probably gonna do a dog crunch campaign I kind of wish I did it on this guy but uh something I wouldn't be able to take Sans very seriously anyway so last time blow up the get the inky crack crunchy did all that good [ __ ] now we're on to uh last Light we're doing the good boy play through with this guy so it means I'm not gonna kill everybody here we'll do some interactions oop more explicit rails yes please why not only gonna collect all these and if we do end up getting to act three I'm gonna blow up the guy with the most health no it made an explanation for you to know oh I [ __ ] it up damn it dude come on oh really no come on that can't be it Scotty on now flushing and a clean storm the simple the simple he just called me a simp the [ __ ] oh perilous takes his once prolonged rest I'm not wasting it on this [ __ ] blob wait Damon's gonna die if I don't kill this thing fast all right let's just [ __ ] up oh come on with that [ __ ] dog why God I do that so often really gotta lock my bars bam we're not as strong as I remember I'm gonna be real I think it's because most of my wait is Damon gonna die I can't kill this thing quick I feel like he's gonna attack it can he just leave uh uh Diamond my boy I'm just gonna have to stand here take the hit I Can't Have damn it be dying l l come on dude run away sleeping it's a [ __ ] blob how's it sleeping okay the simp how dare you sir how very dare you I only sent for one character and that is JK Simmons's character oh I'm almost dead oh [ __ ] dog um ooh you know what this thing is kind of a pain in the ass give me the [ __ ] out of here man I don't okay I don't want damage to die but I also don't want to die is this gonna keep smacking me [ __ ] man what's where's my [ __ ] wait it's doing seven acid damage when it misses what the [ __ ] I've always killed this thing within a single turn so this is weird for me this is super strange why the [ __ ] is guidance up here from the necklace where the [ __ ] is that on my bar like it questionable oh God damn loving the streams homie you've inspired me to stop taking long rests and start chugging potions no wait you have to do some long rests trust me I made that mistake I never long rested uh doing the whole Elixir thing non-stop you gotta do some long rest my guy trust me stop [ __ ] ah damn this thing's [ __ ] strong should I go melee it should probably mean to acid damage that's not great for me thank you for the Dono man you got trust me you gotta do long rests though you really do uh what is this thing anyway it's an ooze that's not a thing really type ooze is this a unique specimen how the [ __ ] is it it's not even like an Abomination or an aberration or anything it's just ooze okay [ __ ] um what's it weak against absolutely [ __ ] nothing resistance to slashing acid resistant lightning resistant God damn dude can I give it can I give a disadvantage like this like bam it doesn't have any eyes I just tried to Blind a blob I just and now my path is interrupted um all right damn it you're [ __ ] dead I'm not saving you anymore goodbye please don't kill Damon oh it's going for me oh my [ __ ] god how's it doing this much damage to me is [ __ ] oh my God ow okay uh maybe we do use perilous Stakes on this [ __ ] thing nah cause it's gonna heal every time die die die you piece of [ __ ] die you rancid piece of [ __ ] you stinky [ __ ] is nobody else getting pulled in I'm fighting a little like giant acid blob don't shoot me okay missed this time oh oh there we go people are being pulled in now whatever it's dead that was way more difficult than it should have been ow can I get anything back on a short rest get my spells back on a long rest everything else is rituals no I think I can do shorter as [ __ ] nothing funny head whenever you do fire damage you gain access [ __ ] for me and a shape-shifting ring this is really good if you you know we're uh a druid that'd be such a good ring for a shapeshifter I think I had that on a house financially now that I'm thinking about it what is going on with this [ __ ] delay thing about Dracula with a five dollar donut here's a five spot for saving our boy diamond he's a good boy I killed him on my I killed well I killed everybody because I was evil on my first playthrough I regret it drastically it was not a good move he gives you so much good [ __ ] speaking of which I need to trade with him I'm glad to see you're all right thank you for the donut my dude I don't know why it's not reading out the donuts maybe it's just like makeshift hop is fine [ __ ] super late I hope to set up shop super delayed maybe I don't know anything you can use anyway [ __ ] Nicholas are if you find anything God damn you guys you've provided me with hours of his chamber this is the least I could do love your contentment ah dude you're welcome it's literally my pleasure I have I have a blast on this playthrough thank you though my dude much appreciated I love the content man thank you my dude I'm glad you like it I will be doing [ __ ] more content soon I promise like actual con like videos I'm just uh the [ __ ] campaign is just so much footage to edit down and I'm still not sure what to do is like an end goal thing oh I critical hit takes it's like it takes an extra 10d necrotic this is only for this weapon though no this is not worth it Dragon slang this has got to be the most useless arrow in the game Arrow of dragon slaying to kill all zero of the dragons that you're gonna be fighting there's like three there's like three in the whole game like right you can disguise self and get 1d4 bonus yeah but nah and it's not worth a ring slot I have this while concentrating on a spell the wearer's weapons that's still an additional money for oh [ __ ] I need to remember to use my my focuses stuff that's actually a really good point do you have anything good Channel plus two plus two plus two plus two plus two plus two just a bunch of random plus two [ __ ] uh there is a weapon that I'm gonna want soon though when we get to the big boy Towers there's a big old thing waiting for us I don't think I'm gonna use the wait actually I don't know I feel like I'm gonna go back if I forget once I only have two [ __ ] spell slots I can use Hunter's Mark once and then I'm probably gonna uh you know I'm not gonna get it back until the next long rest I don't know man spells on a ranger are decent but uh also what did I what's my stat spread oh yeah five it's a rogue the rest is a ranger right yeah that's where we're at we're going Ranger now from now on that's what we were doing I need one more level up really bad we've gone legitimate and mole put me all the lighting when you have daylight is so bad uh ooh humanoid slang ooh yes oh oh man okay this is actually a pretty big toss-up plus one of the acrobatics and plus one Armor Plus or you can I or I can't be in webbed and Tangled and snared and I can't slip on Greaser ice to try to get people for recording on weekends having those who cannot know life to suffer anyways don't let the crows get to you oh my God the [ __ ] crows thank you for the donut dragon God damn oh generous as hell yeah I need to do some we got to do some more recording dude I'm not gonna spoil it but we fought the Grim and the Grim Forge recently with the four halflings extremely [ __ ] good clip that we got and hyped as [ __ ] for people to see how we took him down and how and and at what speed we took him down no spoilers but he got [ __ ] up dude yeah real trash did you grab infernal irons that are quite a couple of decent upgrades from Diamond I think so yeah maybe I should do the dialogue stuff for that um also I don't it's probably not worth it for the boots right what do you think do we go do we go plus one I'm a class boots or Nah I feel like armor class is decent we've already got 22. I feel like any more and it's kind of Overkill but at the same time man 23 Armor class we could just avoid being hit like 99 of the time it Stacks with the cape it does stack with the cape it all Stacks together trash boots all my class is overrated I disagree Armor class is [ __ ] everything in this game but also not being able to be in wept and Tangled and snared and not being able to slip on Grease or ice and having Misty step just seems more with it but they're they're dope those are very dope boots also do you see you have all the funny items let me check ring of resistance to ants ring of infinite wishes ring of luckinesis a small bubble swing so that like a fishing line tied to this copper rank what the [ __ ] Isis it the [ __ ] is that somebody in Chad knows what that is and thinks I'm a goddamn idiot right now oh individual doesn't seem particularly fond of here what the [ __ ] would I do to this lady I didn't kill zenfor it's because like zevolor died it seems this individual doesn't think now's your chance to officer I'm not giving you [ __ ] lady what why does she not like me you're all right thank goodness this lady likes me I was worried they've got you too um you don't know lookness oh my cultists oh we surrendered dogs that's why they picked him told him to kneel they took his eyes first oh then his tongue yeah Maya got taken out too it's dope though I got a really cool eye I don't know what happened to your friend though just it just never oh stop crying lady we're all killed hundreds of people by now you keep going that'll go finally be able to catch you live after seeing this play through keep up the great work and it's standing I've thoroughly enjoyed you playing bg3 thank you my dude yeah I've been having a blast with this game just a little pissed we haven't got more content out more quickly but uh you know how life is now kisser I would have to jump and kiss her like Rogue sexual harassment only the trunk survive yeah you've done so much I'm super strong but I have to ask I'm gonna moonrise actually saving them might be profitable from a financial perspective yeah all right just be just people up there oh we gotta talk to you here uh who else is here oh Maul that whole thing oh it's the best cat in the whole game oh I love him years of hunting and tracking have talked to you recognize a territorial animal when you see it oh because I'm a ranger I was like what the [ __ ] are you not a secret character renewable Beast only a few moments of your time nice yes I love this guy this is one of the I wish I could have this guy as a as a companion he's [ __ ] dope give him some milk you can't give him milk I slinked of course the cats are Mo capped no [ __ ] way no way you've had enough now go quickly yes good of you to notice for my part I have noticed the clinic is a liar she promised me a bit of milk but do you see any milk do you nor do I disgraceful oh I want him so bad dude I love cats and this guy is a sassy cat sassy fancy cat lanceboard a [ __ ] a lensboard an old name for like a chess set with like raised sides what's the deal with that lansport I'm gonna Google that blansport or is it like a famous One oh it's like a DND game it's like d d chess okay you'll move more did the lighting daylight [ __ ] up the lighting so bad I'm gonna take this one Callum Shan rules dear the garbage I'm gonna help her win oh what an accident whoops Dragon let's chest and D is gnd chess Dragon Lance what a dope name for chess how about the Callum sham rules Brava lovely work I see him he's like right you [ __ ] cheated sends her to the hills you will consider it what you're getting finessed lady oh my God any specimen she is a blushing Apple begging to be plucked she cheated of course the but that's half a charm I don't like this guy oh it's the cat in the background oh it's just what my favorite kind ambition but don't you worry about Mom this man just compared a child to a shiny Apple conditional freedom to choose the only option she had besides I do enjoy bit and tragedy okay bye oh apparently uh every time a devil disappears it disappears into these ashes right or whatever thought these uh uh Embers and they smell like sulfur which is like parts so apparently these guys literally explode into fonts which is interesting and gross all right crushing it cats Grace we are a god of lock picking at this point nice healing potions always good in Keepers General oh this dude's a douche apparently he's redeemable later on another bottle of arabellen Drive I did run into this guy next and he's okay piss off and leave me alone Jahira didn't save your ragged little tail from the cultists I did of course SquarePants what do you mean oh because of the buck teeth you can from you were you are you comparing Sands Underdog to SpongeBob I'd rather drown than talk to a sanctimonious prick like you hey [ __ ] you dog if you're here to save them I'm [ __ ] cool you're a little late this time uh okay I was just out you know genociding an entire get the Yankee crash by myself so what did you do that's all I wanted back at The Grove but you had no ideas okay man whatever Carl and Leo are taken in by your crap you convince them to play Heroes is that a mod causing the lighting issues or the game no it's a spell that um that uh shadowhawk put on a weapon stop whining and do something about it wait all right yeah I'm gonna do that oh I will go save the world or your own ass or whatever it is you do I'll fix this okay I mean I could just kill him right now yeah so you see how like my crossbow look it has a daylight on it provides 15 meters of light and also dispels Darkness but the problem is the light comes from like behind your guy's butt so all the light you see what I mean like the light is like weirdly inside my dude but also not so every time you get into dialogue it's like this it's like dark but if I maybe if I switch to melee weapons like this and then I talk to him uh it'll be normal now now the lighting is normal it's a super weird bug I don't really don't like it hopefully it gets patched out but it's a huge it was because if you have like light on your dude like I had light on my weapons for so long and I'm just like why is my lighting [ __ ] up so I stopped I don't use light anymore like dispel I don't use daylight I only ever use uh that blue flame hand thing if I have to because it kind of looks dope produce flame I use produce flame and that's it everything else creates weird lighting broken on 1v1 the absolute I mean we'll see Sans can get it have a gander at the finest stop oh hey lady you still want to speak nothing of you have used on his person look at this lining man we believe the cultists have taken Duke Raven guard to moonrise Towers I don't suppose you've found a way in um no yeah I trust she will do everything look how adorable we are in a little vest but in case you don't find a way I'll be heading to Baldur's Gate 24 meters of dark vision IRL I mean we have [ __ ] Council dope dark vision so technically we don't really need daylight but we need it to protect us from just holding strong that nasty [ __ ] I will probably never use daylight again once we get that little some of them to Aid in the fight again what's wrong with your lighting I don't have a better shoot it's because I'm creating a lighting spell maybe it's okay maybe it's like my settings though I'm pretty sure my settings are like really high though yeah well like high Ultra times eight and then I got my [ __ ] on dlss for obvious reasons but dog yeah that lighting [ __ ] is weird I'm just gonna leave what is this guy huh what is this hair beard combo all right man oh yeah we can't do anything about this yeah right in color that's your name isn't it um wait we need you sir oh skip skip all right I'll sort that out it's fine all right moving on I'm gonna go talk to Damon oh wait no [ __ ] I gotta talk to your hero and then I gotta talk to that lady upstairs all right yeah it's the game you good you're very good sometimes the Lang's okay you see but you see how like everything else is lit up except the characters like and then meet her there head on as you examine her body language I'm gonna examine the [ __ ] out of your hero's body oh that was close she is anxious for you to drink the wine first and it's an anxiety you not everything all right there's a blade in the ribs or arrow in the back sniff the wine to see if it's been tampered with I [ __ ] pour it in my nose I wish there was that's something that I wish this game had where if you if you roll a one or you fail a roll spectacularly there should be an extra version where you super [ __ ] it up like for example like sniff the wine it's like you accidentally inhale the wine through your nose and drink a bunch of it you know what I mean and then you guys like coughing and sputtering or something I wish there was like a net one that you you know like in actual DND where a herb that is the DM could punish you if you get a Nat one so like if you get a net one in D like for example my guy I got a net one like a really big hit this one time and my guy made me like slip drop my weapon and follow my ass um that kind of thing like if you get a net one you should be able to [ __ ] up like in real DND because that's that's sort of not in this game and it just is counted as you failing the role I guess but a net one means you fail it spectacularly it's a like the worst possible role I love that [ __ ] um whatever comes after I would have you standing on your own two feet I'm gonna drink it like a [ __ ] G I got nothing to hide Sans underluck is a good boy the lighting kind of fixed now yeah uh I don't know why maybe it's he unequipped his weapons or some [ __ ] flavor it's not quite so sure about it but it's not a rule in D D no I know but it's something that you can do and I really like it like you have even because the net one should be the opposite of a net 20 right like something it should be the worst possible thing like you know like oh this guy's dying and they heal him I roll the net one if you put him in the groin you know there should be like or they die instantly you know what I mean it should be really bad consequences if you hit once uh sure I'm gonna lie ooh clock of protection for saving throws oh [ __ ] crushed it we are a god she's gonna be cautious Stuff Etc she's basically like yeah yeah three towers kill all the people do the stuff do do my job et cetera et cetera that rule is DND is a net one is automatic missed so not only that no uh now well you know that's what we did that's what I always did in my DNA campaigns you roll a one you [ __ ] up tremendously like I mean they obviously do recognize it though because it's called critical failure right like you know you know with the little picture of the [ __ ] squid like they recognize that you've got a one and that one like the worst possible role but nothing happens when you get it it's just a normal failure I my if I had to guess I would say that the um larion did plan to do something for a Net One but just never really did it or had the time or [ __ ] like that you know oh [ __ ] ring of humanoid slang that's gonna be so useful all right uh push a fly I'm actually do I keep potions of invisibility I think invisibility is really [ __ ] useful it's good for being first for our safe little boy a little man right here my visibility what where is it [ __ ] do I just not have the invisibility scroll on I do not I must have forgot all right if it's definitely handy invis especially for a solo run it's it's pretty unbelievably good Glyph of warding could be good we don't have any aoes so I am gonna take that actually with a warding oh I got the Ring of invisibility too I'm actually gonna bail on that I don't want to I'm already carrying around way too much [ __ ] right way too much crap all right let's talk to simple lady that everybody Sims for for some reason she's super lesbian why does I don't know why everybody Sims for and she's like taken as hell I thought I was subscribed already apparently I wasn't either you're hitting the sauce and then subscribing and forgetting or uh YouTube is deliberately unsubscribing you because I said the the offensive words I don't I don't know why one of my one of the live streams is one of the sand streams keeps going from demonetized to monetized to demonetize they keep redemonetizing it over and over again like people keep [ __ ] uh reporting it or some [ __ ] sweet I finally get to catch you live love the bins okay hey thanks man bad you like them Legos I'm Isabelle pleased to meet you okay um I am a cleric as long as I keep channeling her we've been waiting gotcha hoping against hope for someone like you someone like me free from the absolute influence it's almost too good to be true I know that's just me a poor cleric indeed not to Avail of a blessing when I see you let me guess sent you to beg a protection spell oh okay now we don't need light I think yeah so her blessing saves you from the from the Lesser things and then we can go get like a super buff so we can survive the deeper bits but that's later on I don't know what's your favorite food that's such a wild question to me that's like if you like you're like what's your favorite [ __ ] pieces it won't help I I guess I have a favorite drink it'll be Dr Pepper stronger but uh I don't have a favorite food there's too many good foods man I cannot pick a favorite food I like so much food I was a chef for years I I know how to cook too so I I [ __ ] yeah I just I don't have a favorite food I like a lot of food good luck oh isn't there like a thing oh [ __ ] there's a thing oh [ __ ] I forgot about this it's this dork it is I captain dork hello Isabel Marcus not you mozzarella sticks dude mozzarella sticks or dog [ __ ] I've been blessed mozzarella is is a cheese for pizza and [ __ ] like that it Cooks it gets crispy it's super good when you make it crispy mozzarella stick is just like rubber covered in it's I don't even like halloumi for the same [ __ ] thing it's just like rubbery cheese if you grill that [ __ ] it's [ __ ] dope this is by far your worst take yet what do you mean not having a favorite food or not liking mozzarella sticks all I'm saying is they're not that good but we really get into a debate about [ __ ] mozzarella sticks while the world is in Jeopardy in this video game rubber that tastes like milk yeah sure I agree with you okoy see they're they're sad tell me I got good takes cooking stream when I've actually considered that I was gonna do grom's recipes from Warhammer 3. and try and recreate them realistics I will fight you mozzarella sticks are [ __ ] dude okay there's way better what about okay jalapeno poppers [ __ ] other types of fried [ __ ] fried cheddar stuff like imagine would be better you guys must fight to the death over this right we're having a full structure debate about mozzarella sticks right now okay they [ __ ] suck they're mid okay they're a waste of time mozzarella plus Tomatoes exactly [ __ ] Pizza Pizza Dog Pizza is the best interpretation of mozzarella that's that's what it's for it's for pizza that's what it was made for it's a high hydration cheese that melts perfectly and then gets all Crispy Crunchy mozzarella sticks are covered in breadcrumbs so the breadcrumbs get crunchy crispy the [ __ ] mozzarella inside just tastes like a melted rubber and it's not good it doesn't taste of anything you gotta dip it in like a bunch of [ __ ] to make it taste good objectively I am not wrong I am correct completely this is not a debate what about cheese curds cheese curds are dope that's fine gosh you want to eat raw mozzarella all my life that's another okay raw material is different too Buffalo mozzarella is [ __ ] dope that's different objectively fall objectively false okay hold on mozzarella sticks good or bad who the [ __ ] brought up mozzarella sticks you've started a war in chat over [ __ ] fried cheese more materialistics are genuine ass all cheese is good I'm okay here's the thing I'm not saying they're not fine they're fine but like if you compare it to most other food it's kind of [ __ ] pointless is this really happening yeah we're fighting it out about mozzarella sticks right now oh my God this is a close [ __ ] pole are you kidding me our 51 of people being like all right this isn't okay this isn't like I will never eat a mozzarella stick that [ __ ] is [ __ ] trash that is disgusting I will never eat this this is just like would you pick like almost anything over a mozzarella stick [ __ ] yes I gotta come clean I've never had mozzarella sticks before okay good you're not missing out on much it's just cheese with breadcrumbs around it that doesn't really taste of anything except like salt and chewy cheese kinda they're fine they're fine like but wouldn't you much rather have [ __ ] chicken strips [ __ ] chicky nugs [ __ ] I don't know fries even fries are [ __ ] dope you need better sticks this is why okay is the best streamer for completely stupid arguments that's wobby wubby will go to the Grave over stupid arguments mozzarella sticks are trash okay 2023 I mean I'm not wrong I'm objectively correct there's better food it's fine it's fine guys quick flood the votes with no's even if you're even if you're neutral flood the vote with nose quickly to make this a biased point I'm sad we don't get mommy dummy minty in the good playthrough I know about the mud but still yeah no I like menthora she's [ __ ] dope her character is really a lot more interesting than uh I've been swayed oh quite roll the persuasion check on us exactly there's better food that's all I'm saying they're fine all right I'm gonna end the pull at 50 50. it's good what should [ __ ] up and not be 50 50. it does this every time God damn it I [ __ ] knew it how could it be 50 49 that doesn't make any sense YouTube where's the one percent what are you talking about [ __ ] YouTube was like [ __ ] you it's a no 50 49 why does it do this every time I love democracy that's not even democracy that's just YouTube has a [ __ ] hard on for mozzarella sticks moving on what are you that's rude I say we follow the winged freak okay now so my instructions are clear you [ __ ] up the lighting again alive that one percent is okay the world is against you okay I I'm fine it's because I'm arguing against fried cheese which is inherently a good food like this is like me going like doesn't is it [ __ ] water's [ __ ] cringe dog and it's like oh yeah you know that [ __ ] that sustains life this is a weird comparison this doesn't make any sense what is like a good comparison for mozzarella sticks what's she doing with her hands why is she what's what is this touch her and I'll kill you I don't she's fine sounds like fun I'm with you what does he want with her it's not uh uh probably thoughts for more information she's awaiting mozzarella sticks [ __ ] Isabelle is her she's just a patron for mozzarella sticks she follows the god of mozzarella sticks to your mind's eye it's instructions Esmond gold steak is better than mozzarella sticks okay well let's not go crazy I have seen the video of him making steak it is [ __ ] wild what's going on if you have something to say say I've seen way worse food cooked though way [ __ ] worse like that is like a gourmet meal compared to some of the [ __ ] I've seen made on YouTube uh pathetic the absolute sees all [ __ ] you dude your spirits are difficult than your hair your cringe you can't believe the Marcus it looks like he's wearing a wig will never give up or he's got a clip-on beard you know what I mean he already why is it such such a drastically different color it throws me off so hard it's got to be a wig right all right dude wait isn't your Rogue dog courage no no no no oh [ __ ] oh that was dope with my hand oh um oh what I'm not surprised oh she was surprised but then not but what did he do did you just move slightly and then oh where's he going what where's he going he's not even trying to capture Isabel what what just happened I feel like a bunch of people are about to die he didn't even bother trying to capture Isabel isn't that his whole thing I thought his entire deal was what the [ __ ] what this guy wearing an apron is this man wearing an apron what is happening what happened to this game out of nowhere this was a functional game two seconds ago die wing it harder oh [ __ ] God nice that was good all right we'll kill this one big Demag big damagi all right well actually I will lock her in this room I don't think I can I can get the angle on this anyway now I can shoot this guy get [ __ ] nice good [ __ ] damn mozzarella happened okay mozzarella this can't be a mozzarella themed oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no yeah no he's a he's so bad lady oh we might lose her she might get kidnapped oh man really ditched her I didn't ditch her they all there was nothing there the guy bailed it was fine we'll rescuer it's chill this guy's [ __ ] get him get him old man get out there do your job [ __ ] everybody's unconscious tossed what the [ __ ] is this guy doing oh my God he just [ __ ] up those kids now he's [ __ ] up this Hopper guy wait Roland might die straight up Roland might die she's [ __ ] paralyzed can I stealth this [ __ ] nah no way uh all right piercing shot piercing shot and then we get the oh [ __ ] that was my action uh all right potion speed uh and then we're gonna go there are many targets because we gotta get these guys dead nice get the powerful shout that's gonna be my last bonus section it's not worth using Hunter's Mark I'm just gonna am and then we're gonna run over in in between melee and then good and hopefully she won't die oh Rachel oh you [ __ ] up now dude you've picked out a Berserker oh you just um second and land up nine damage get [ __ ] dude oh [ __ ] is she dead no she didn't get her right what you're [ __ ] kidding me what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] did that happen what why did he teleport how the [ __ ] did that happen no he teleported dog oh well she's gone this is what happens no you can save her easily within the nine house happened uh well I'll tell you what happened this [ __ ] teleported upstairs instantly that was some [ __ ] never seen this before is it a glitch nah apparently that just that [ __ ] just happens um I guess this happens listen closely for this very little time all right wait I might reload if everyone's dead if everybody's dead I might reload ah oh no oh my [ __ ] god oh holy [ __ ] oh my God holy [ __ ] really um this might be a bit to deal with this kind of [ __ ] everything no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way this was my last quick save no never Auto saved ever you're [ __ ] kidding me dog that was like 40 [ __ ] minutes ago are you [ __ ] just run with it but then we lose access to like all the Traders and [ __ ] and everybody's dead damn instead look wait hold on [ __ ] Damon's gotta be dead right damn it is so damn is doomed [ __ ] all the Hoppers are doomed Hoppers I don't give a [ __ ] about it's just me and Jahira and that's it everyone else Traders Quest guys all of these dudes that help you do that flight later down the line you know what actually I will pull it because I can fast forward through all the dialogue and get it done in like two minutes but still I'll see what you guys think either we play this out and I guess try and this is insane dog look how [ __ ] many there are jihiro is [ __ ] Jiro is absolutely [ __ ] how the [ __ ] are we gonna win this fight I can go into like a room and maybe cast like Cloud kill or something but your hero's [ __ ] dead she is dead try and fight it and then reload at least try the final amount all right [ __ ] it yeah why not oh these are all dead oh wait so everybody yeah look everyone's dead uh counselor Floric is dead [ __ ] all of these guys are dead the quest guys dead the odd guy's Dead all of the these people are dead saris is dead The Kids Aren't Dead because they're Immortal Roland is dead [ __ ] everyone dead that is wild I don't care asking again because I really want to know who's your favorite villain out of the big three oh easily Catholic are you serious he's voiced by JK [ __ ] Simmons okay reloading is worth having those Chief links and Traders and act three a thousand percent yet losing Diamond alone is not worth it but uh I will still try and do this fight because I think that'll be fun I'm gonna hide in this room because there's only one way in and then I'm gonna cast Cloud kill here so they cannot shoot me through the thing and they have to go through the cloud kill I can also move it once per turn so Cloud kill and then I'm gonna cast a glyph of warding with I don't know [ __ ] cold here yo going to the club kill you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God I broke my concentration are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me oh my God [Music] I hate this game I hate this game so much how did I [ __ ] that up so bad so many times Undead cocktail doesn't do much [ __ ] anyway no that's not true it does poison it doesn't do oh my God you hear it is so [ __ ] she's so [ __ ] she's so funny oh my God no you're here right now [Laughter] holy [ __ ] chat Savage attacks works on rage attacks no savage attacks is only melee attacks all right uh she's [ __ ] dead uh have fun with that while I [ __ ] while I Cloud kill well I yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna Cloud kill like this and then I'm gonna close the door and then I'm just gonna wait here for like a while all right let's see what they do come on you hear you got this yeah it turned into a panther that'll save you oh my God she just turned into a panther and that's it holy [ __ ] oh my God you hear a no oh [ __ ] you just left her what am I gonna stand there and fight Everyone by myself what are you [ __ ] nuts oh she's [ __ ] she's so [ __ ] one HP they're not even going for her anymore she's so [ __ ] she's dead how I love Auto loose conditions only Jahira the 150 Old BG one and two waifu survives P.S I recommend the BG free autosave app set the time you wish sir yeah that's a good idea Auto say what are the auto sift settings because I feel like they're [ __ ] uh in this game maximum number one says 25 and auto saves enabled when reaching important points in the game how about how about the important point before it initiates a fight with the entire [ __ ] Camp if you fusify as a [ __ ] are you nuts oh my God this is about to be so satisfying though like hold on you think this would classify though right can I can I hit him from here or is it going to make me walk through the fog I can get him nice oh wait this is gonna be so satisfying I'm gonna cast an arrow of many targets it's only gonna hit like four of them but still it's gonna be satisfying nice and then an arrow of frost like right uh the only place I can hit boom oh nice she died that's good for us and now we close the [ __ ] door and go to the other side of the room actually no I'm gonna wait here go move move you're not gonna reload oh no we're absolutely gonna reload I just need to do this fight first I wanna attempt this if we can win this that would be hilarious this isn't worth it though oh my God there's so many if I could just get an AOE near them that would be so good hold the door they're gonna wait out the cloud kill I can move out I can move the cloud kill it doesn't matter I can move it right on top of them oh get [ __ ] idiots where are they going they're stuck in traffic what they're just camping outside the door I'm gonna have to move the cloud kill time for a scroll of fire Fireball I don't think I can do that oh well there we go wait that didn't break my concentration oh I think [ __ ] okay no I'm just I'm just lethargic I don't know how I can concentrate while I'm lethargic but I'll take it it looks like they are gonna wait out the cloud kill the good thing is I can move the clavio yeah that one fell over actually I think it's because their teammates are in the way nope they're just not going through the cloud kill I'm going to have to move it how did you manage to anger everyone they're not angry dude they're [ __ ] Shadow cursed Undead all of them because I left Isabel for two seconds and she got crit into the next goddamn century and then the dude teleported upstairs stairs to initiate a [ __ ] cut scene in the dumbest way I've ever seen why the [ __ ] what's with that by the way [ __ ] dad like I get it if he's upstairs and he's right there and they're released in the same room or some [ __ ] but this this guy [ __ ] just magic his [ __ ] ass to the into the next wait not enough movement what [ __ ] right here worth it worth it worth it worth it nice nice and then I'm gonna shoot a little bit more ice here to maybe slip him all right good [ __ ] and then why I hate that [ __ ] stupid bug wait why is there missing a bunch of Cloud kill more ice pits I did I did do that cool credit is brutal yeah especially with the paralyzing oh is there a scroll of sanctuary you could cast on Isabel ooh that's a [ __ ] good idea also no but that's a good idea what if I you gotta degroup and make a ring around Isabel to make it easier and we will figure it out we'll figure it out don't you dare don't you dare lady I don't wish they took more damage you can't revive her I think yeah most Todd fights can be made easier by D grouping and taking a good fighting position there's we probably wouldn't have even failed that even remotely had it been you know not just me like obviously die you [ __ ] morons you [ __ ] idiot oh we're so strong and also I'm concentrating on this Cloud kill which is giving me an extra 1D for uh range damage with all my attacks which is super [ __ ] cool 27 damage easy mode Gobbler's strong Gods I was strong then I don't go how about putting a bunch of boxes around her I hmm yeah we could do that hmm is this just gonna be what we're looking at for the whole thing we're they're not even moving through it they're just so scared of the cloud kill they're not even moving what's the build so far the build is uh five levels of Rogue for the uh you know the the [ __ ] where you take less damage uh we have a [ __ ] [ __ ] ton of passive Buffs from uh shadowhunt nice oh we uh it's a dual crossbow run with the fighter perks uh enough fighter Ranger perks now for a little bit of spellcasting Elixir bloodlust for obvious reasons uh we got the C invisibility I we got warding bond from Shadow hot aid from Shadow hot Shadow did give us AIDS it was pretty cool a long Shredder from Shadow hot freedom of movement from shadowheart uh just passively while she's at camp and then just a bunch of like brain stuff and the ethos Boon archery perk from fighter uh we got athlete for jump distance and also uh not being prone and also the plus one to Dex which brings our decks up adamantine Shield an offhand sword to give us the bonus for uh critical hits when rolling uh so it's easy to roll crits that's pretty much it Rogue all level three Thief for the dual x double bonus action which benefits us from having two offhand crossbow attacks just a good [ __ ] good boy big powerful good boy build the pole is still running uh well oh yeah I'll end the ball we we're still gonna uh you know roll it back anyway all right I'm gonna move it up and God there's so many dead guys and then move the cloud kill to like I don't know where's the most though just there actually most of them are wait oh there's so many of them here holy [ __ ] never mind that's where it's going Target is too far what if I put it there nice I don't even give a [ __ ] it's worth it oh big Demag oh dude oh my God because they were all dying next to each other they took massive psychic damage because every single time one of them died the one next to it would die because of the cold a week thing call the week is amazing it's so strong can I not cast this again because I got two actions oh available once per turn right oh this won't okay I'll just shoot her then get her again and then run back a smidge and then we're good God we're strong oh you [ __ ] stinky you dumbass oh oh nice they're reeling because of our Shield um we can bonus section one shot this guy right yeah and then we killed the tree and we kill this [ __ ] guy oh we you know almost kill him I wrote many targets all these trees and then we I don't know [ __ ] hide here for a second it's right we despair for fun is that dark mode Wiki as a mind player you can basically solo the final fight yeah I mean you are a [ __ ] fully ascended mind flare so how did he end up here doesn't it doesn't exactly surprise me uh not enough moop I don't have enough movement oh my God not enough how can I put it there and then not oh yeah ooh that means Applause damage that's bad for us I mean I'm pretty sure we're gonna win should I just reload now it's like getting through that dialogue real quick what do you guys think I think we're definitely gonna win I'm not really worried at this point we have two high AC and these things are too weak I really don't I don't yeah reload it now or just do the whole fight anyway we've killed everybody Cloud kill absolutely [ __ ] crushed it yeah what's up oh that was God damn that was fast I didn't even mean to do that you could probably be able to say with this one yeah no one wants to see uh Sansa to like destroy a bunch of trees God that's really annoying though oh that's super super irritating oh what the [ __ ] what is this okay that's a really old save I guess whoops Cloud kill moonrise Tower easy peasy I mean legitimately that's not a bad idea I'm gonna be buying Scrolls especially later on I'm gonna be buying uh AOE Scrolls and disintegrate Scrolls we're probably gonna be so rich we can just buy everything that we see God damn it dude oh that sucks so bad I did so many dialogue options in between oh I gotta kill the [ __ ] cat okay we're prepping for the cow this time though hold on hold on hold on hold on we're gonna blow up the cow it's done it's getting exploded go figure everyone good is dead surrounded by Horrors from Beyond imagining rotting away at the very essence of man truly an okoy moment you know what it worked great so don't kill the cow I'm killing the cow eat my balls the cow is dead it'll be fine don't worry about it oh wait no I might actually blow up the other cow that would that would be really uncool because that's a cool cow all right I'll show you incapable ah come on you picked my curiosity oh come on I [ __ ] it up again whatever I know what you are coming out of honey now and then we back away and then we fire our Arrow explode the [ __ ] out of this guy oh no I killed the other what oh there's a Cobalt chest [ __ ] I didn't mean to do oh I did so much inventory itemization and stuff too dude oh this sucks [ __ ] so much dick oh my God are you [ __ ] kidding me I did so much oh this is really really annoying actually I forgot how much stuff I did ah all right that that does suck dick time to reload I mean nah I'm just gonna fast forward through some [ __ ] it'll be fine it'll be fine we just gotta kill this stuff fast damn bam extra bonus actions and [ __ ] run away with our potion of haste around the corner [ __ ] that up a little bit and turn the Cobalt is attacking the blah The Blob attacks the kobold the cobal dies instantly the block shoots me for [ __ ] okay fine he knocks it he puts it to sleep how the [ __ ] could it sleep as a as a sentient blob but it can't [ __ ] uh whatever the [ __ ] else we tried to do and then I'm forgetting uh blind it you can't blind it because it doesn't have eyes it can still see somehow that [ __ ] Cobalt sorry bud all right uh I don't know if we bought anything from this guy I don't actually think if I I checked uh your advantages no Sparkle heads is [ __ ] braces defense plus two when you're not wearing armor now we're we're wearing oh wait no not worth it I would rather take the damage I think we didn't equip these last time because of that same thing and bring all right I'll be here if you all right let's fast forward God damn it this hastened issue I can't believe we killed an innocent cow we killed two innocent cows okay that kind of sucks a little bit but whatever better than killing an entire compound of innocent people technically two innocent cows is a small price to pay for Turtles eternally not having everybody in the camp being [ __ ] dead Reagan's like oh I lost my arrow many targets now because of this that sucks and doobies that does kind of [ __ ] suck actually oh damn it all right you hear her talk to me blah blah Rogue inside something blah blah blah blah she is anxious uh Trucking just drink the wine [ __ ] it [ __ ] it blah blah yes you trust me cool yes you are that hope I'm hopeful cool thank you all right Catherine stays your number but I might join him I wonder if that was a [ __ ] actually a choice that you can make she promised me a bit of milk I don't know why I'm talking to the cat like the cat's a quest on him like a quest guy that you gotta talk to [Music] nah dog I got a mechanical keyboard it's just loud also it's like the mics just above the keyboard so it's gonna be loud all right let's [ __ ] talk rolling I guess oh he's so pissed I have to do all this again stop whining all right I'm gonna quick save I'm Gonna Keep quick saving now God damn it [ __ ] what happened exactly uh the [ __ ] fight the guy teleported upstairs to complete the fight uh which I didn't know he could do and it kind of [ __ ] up the whole thing and everybody died so we did that fight just to see what it was like I guess and now we're having to talk to goddamn everybody again because the game refuses to auto save during anything important except for like six major events in the in the game we got [ __ ] phone basically we believe the cult is not yet not yet I hear it cool I'm actually gonna do this dialogue this time too physical no idea you hear me but you're not alone sir uh you know how to get through to him I can I can suss it out I'm smart I got a big brain reminder uh proficiency you inadvertently killed Damon I kind of just killed demon anyway man wait what do you mean just now or you mean like previously yeah Damon died as well a Gammon whatever Damon are we gonna do the mall dialogue again oh there's so much dialogue oh whoops [ __ ] it up whoops sorry of course bye you're gross oh Apple of mine I've never been better okay cool oh God okay we're almost there we're almost there now we just gotta do the fight again and actually win it this time okay auction needs to be alive to get him to be to get him to bg3 did you just call the main town bg3 like it's the third Baldur's Gate Town don't say it's about just run away to moonrise Terror uh nah let's do this fight also can I rearrange some of the uh stuff because if it puts them in the middle of the room can I make like a blockade I can right what if we just assemble a bunch of [ __ ] in between there and the in the thing a bunch of stuff just put a bunch of stuff in between that'll work uh put the wicker basket thing plant pot mirror the mirror there just a big old blockade of [ __ ] there's gotta be some boxes around here there's tables can move the tables nah chairs oh there's gotta be some boxes are you serious ah nice get chest or something like that that has a sturdy aspect we'll see what happens foreign move the bench we'll try that we'll try that we might can't get there am I [ __ ] stuck oh it's like I'm [ __ ] perpetually floating I've doomed myself through the uneternity of floating I don't care enemies can fly it's fine we'll figure it out if it doesn't work it doesn't work I'm still gonna make a giant blockade of barrels and [ __ ] though okay let let Sans do his thing stop shaming Sans oh we're so fat now oh [ __ ] how much do these weigh 10 each that's nothing oh my God I really have to walk back at that speed slow yeah no I can't that's better and jump now hell yeah fat gnome he's not fat he's just muscular okay thank you for another great stream thank you my dude the for the compliment it's not a good stream yet though we're kind of [ __ ] we [ __ ] a lot of [ __ ] up wait that's every stream never mind you know what that's every [ __ ] okoy stream foreign dog nice I'm really curious to see how the AI are going to react to this you know wait can they climb over the bed like if I click here no they can't Pat that way so what if I put some stuff here now some barrels boxes stuff like that and I click here he just climbs over it right okay that's fine it's fine that's fine good and okay Club of strength equipped that oh yeah you're so right I'm gonna forget to unequip it though is the problem oh the jump distance I did miss the jump distance like yes okay fine one of them is a lot better than the other okay cool but also this is super good I like being able to jump far and carry lots of [ __ ] it's very good lock the doors oh that's a way better idea that's a way such a better idea that's way better I'll block this door I can't block the other one that's impossible but I will you know what yeah I'm just gonna block the [ __ ] out of this door that's a much better idea stupid camera angles there's not even enough Barrel like boxes to really do anything else so [ __ ] it good [ __ ] good [ __ ] just stack so much crap in front of the doll like this can I then block the door with this like if I just move that in front of the door will that work let's try that during the thing though it's a free action so [ __ ] it 9000 IQ this this is this might work this is a good idea boys liquor basket wicker basket will stop them all right here we go so we just move this like this after the fight start to move this from the door like this right and then we put the boxes in front like this and then we murder the [ __ ] out of everyone inside then they can't come in that's the plan it will work I'll also get a quick save this time it won't I try it we'll see we'll see with a warning Frost outside the double door takes out the [ __ ] as soon as they spawn in we'll see save everyone's like [ __ ] save dog please if we have to watch this again enlarge yourself I'm I'm already rock hard dude YouTube please don't demonetize the stream again please you're really cool okay cool why the [ __ ] is your eye makeup always running do better Market Hi Marcus what are you my instructions all right I'm gonna probe his mind because I love probing I'm a big fan I'm a little big fan of probing uh he's trying to keep you yeah time to oh it [ __ ] just dubs him over with some like really stupid screaming why isn't your eye makeup always running okay [Music] like I just like throated somebody's entire member all right is he gonna leave it's my turn first so I want to do something good here um how about we I grew some up I greased this baby up grease them up real good uh he burst into flames and takes like two damage that was very intentional I'm just gonna shoot him a couple of times [ __ ] it and also I'm gonna move [ __ ] oh I destroyed it I just I kind of destroyed it like that move these boxes here close the door ah no oh ow and then I Shield blow him and that was the plan all along [ __ ] he saved it anyway we closed the door like this and then I just what can I do here ocean speed uh Arrow of Darkness that would be useful then you can't do [ __ ] he has disadvantage all the time nice well what you gonna do now [ __ ] ow I'm gonna charm him so we can't do anything [ __ ] why do they always save that I've never seen them not save that oh everyone's surprised puppy dog it's almost like you've got wings and [ __ ] will you explain I'm sorry would you explain the physics to me of being able to scale up this like what how could you fit down whatever dude whatever whatever get him jira [ __ ] yeah oh my God they're all surprised why it's not that surprising that you [ __ ] screamed I wasted so much time putting those blockades in place man Isabel do some [ __ ] no you're gonna hit you [ __ ] idiot God damn it all this fight so far it's because I have to rely on other people if we're just relying on Sans Underdog we're fine but we have to rely on all these dumb asses how about we force tunnel through like this like destination can't be reached why all right we go and then they did nothing [ __ ] uh uh what are these things are they fiends they're Undead all right [ __ ] it whatever bam oh my God because of the darkness oh what a waste it's all falling apart well I'm glad I saved if nothing else you know I'm glad I saved this guy has a lot of help actually no [ __ ] all right I'm gonna get my melee weapon out so then if he tries to yeah okay all right no just ignore me that's fine and try and shove my little body ah leave her alone no stage fright yeah that would have been good maybe do the stage fright could have been good uh this is not going great if it's if Sans struggles with one thing it's uh it's foresight and also dealing with multiple enemies nice get in here lady get in here and help and don't miss luckily if I if if see if anyone has an Arcane lock scroll you can ball the doors uh that way too there's no way there's absolutely no way that's possible the Arcane lock is like a level three spell I don't even think I don't think we're high enough oh no you dumbass she's gonna get herself killed [ __ ] me all you have to do is not get hit that's all you gotta do it's moving past [ __ ] all right now I just gotta deal with with this little man right here okay critical hit good shoot him in the mouth [ __ ] uh can I push him away for a bonus section without now all right these guys are fine for three turns they're just gonna be running away so we just got to deal with this guy now oh come on come on you do not have that high AC what's his AC 17 that's pretty high actually you know what wait he already used his reaction all right nice you won't be able to do anything except hit me I'm gonna charm him come on actually succeed for once come on man grow a potion at her it's fine she's stuck anyway in the corner so these guys are all gonna run away like ah [ __ ] he's female and then you know you have disadvantage because you're in Midland Ranch I know why I have disadvantage it's just that my bow my my little crossbow things do way more damage than my melee weapons he's dead next turn hopefully oh big damage who dude just got hit from all the damage uh just some Hopper I'll give a [ __ ] if Hoppers die that's fine where are you going lady what the [ __ ] was that just shot a [ __ ] War oh my God so it's actively [ __ ] up my allies oh my god dude I don't call you're still using the chair leg see I told you I'd forget I [ __ ] told you I'd forget I told you I'd forget I just hit this [ __ ] with a chair leg it's weird saying the hopper is actually being able to do stuff okay is you warlock run also a solo run um yes don't kill her don't kill her don't kill her oh my God [ __ ] you dude get out of here I'm not losing this [ __ ] get out of here loser [ __ ] it we can always load and try again not a big deal but still they're only turned for one more turn and they're just gonna run over to Smasher if you kill this guy though just they automatically fail because then he's dead so he's not gonna come through the cutscene and [ __ ] get her right You Gotta Throw a potion at her uh I might do [Music] why the [ __ ] did she just what was that she just hopped over and went invisible to protect herself from a dead thing no it still gets her there's no [ __ ] way if he dies they still get her that's [ __ ] [ __ ] what the fiends will get her that's dumb oh you're dead now you piece of [ __ ] I have an idea though if the ghouls are not immune to poison we can get them all at once multi-class into monk it's hilarious it's not really going to support our Rogue range build that we're going with alright so these things have ah [ __ ] they're Amino poison ah man I'm gonna kill this guy with a stick yeah you're dead stupid ass [ __ ] um and now I will throw a big ass potion at her right in her mouth so she's at least maybe not gonna die but probably still gonna die are we taking a potion of speed nope all right I'm gonna take a potion of speed and then I'm gonna [ __ ] I don't know man you want a man or Arrow of many targets none of these are particularly helpful they can fly which sucks for me all right one's dead all right I'm gonna stand here my melee weapon out okay why is from mascara running by the way uh don't worry about it don't even worry about it it wasn't me no oh oh nice it's going for that lady this is good this is good kinda get him fadwick you know the names fist fedwick does anybody else just hear Fist and then someone's name and think of something completely different is that just me did they not even think for a second the people people might affect associate the Flaming fists with fisting wait solo warlock are you showing me that too no no I'm on like act three solo warlock in my own time that's just my own personal playthrough um it's really really [ __ ] it's not solo wallet though I have uh I have Minsk with me now and Shadow hot for just you we're not djans I am extremely degenerate but then so is everyone I refuse to believe I'm not the only one who thought of that joke die you [ __ ] gremlin [ __ ] die God the crossbow is so much stronger than anything else um why is fist Marcus count as goddamn thieving ew what's for long rest oh eat [ __ ] what once per long rest no thank you oh my God look at his naked ass uh all right we should be safe now I'm gonna close the door after I oh [ __ ] there's one out here still [ __ ] I get that I will be able to all right stokori uh please no ah [ __ ] no get away from her don't you dare no no oh [ __ ] [ __ ] these things law she gave you Mage Armor Mage Armor is insane dude 24 AC with Mage Armor event actually I need more Scrolls of Mage Armor [Music] Marcus's body can also aggro the hole into you if you loot it after they throw his body over the balcony what that's cringe ah you missed not good not good how many of them are left is it just the one upstairs it is it's just this one all right I just gotta finish it off we got two two actions and two bonus actions like this thing is [ __ ] I'm gonna stealth I shoot in the bed [ __ ] you Isabel you just knocked me out of stealth you dumbass if I die it's Isabelle's fault now it's entirely Isabelle's fault if I if she dies not mine oh God okay at least we did it how close are we to leveling not even close great oh you were such a pain in the ass yeah she wasn't five minutes ago you died horribly too oh my God what happened to her face oh yeah she got [ __ ] up a bit they've been tracking us this whole time and that was no random attack always press shift to check if you can stealth I'm just assumed this time I don't know about it it's fine Gathering will strike again gonna know about Sans underdogs make him mortal so we can make him bleed good luck all right dope yeah we can do that we're in more days that's quite a sword College Bard any good for double hand bows or would it be better to multi-class into fighter uh I'm probably just gonna keep pushing Ranger to be honest with you you know I might multitasking some other [ __ ] though if it's if it is worth it like I'm right now we're going uh Ranger Ranger Rogue eventually we'll run out of good [ __ ] to get with Ranger but the high level we get the the whole Ranger thing right now the better because it's meant for ranged stuff mostly kinda Rangers are underrated as [ __ ] class though why does a man like him do anything power spite gosh she's really [ __ ] up the eyeliner makes it look so much worse too I can understand why he'd want she looks like um now that we have you hope good she looks like she just went on like a full night out and then had like a full fist fight like she got all dolled up and then had a fist fight end this the Mexican abuse victim that's sad Ranger goaded yeah Ranger is [ __ ] great I have Minsk as a as a ranger slash uh Rogue in my in his campaign but he's all melee and throwing so she is a kid that victim you just stopped it true true fair enough all right all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here let's get the [ __ ] out of here oh wait [ __ ] we gotta we got a brain worm too what do we do Sonic overload repulsory push anyone back six meters that could be good Shield of thralls could be good yeah let's go for shooter thralls I think it was the shield of Thrones that I was on the fence about last time anyway and then bam once per short rest we can give ourselves a shield should be here I've accidentally Unbound something right bam bam so bam now we have 10 Timber hit points instead of like what five or seven or whatever the [ __ ] we just had what's for short rest not bad uh oh wait you know what I want to see how many people know about this because I I don't hear anybody talking about it I think a bunch of people didn't even notice it I'm not even gonna say what it is until we until we stumble across it how the hell does this man have this many active effects dude that's [ __ ] nothing I had so many passives on my warlock that it stretched into the middle of the [ __ ] screen it was insane I actually had to stop getting as many Buffs because it was it was cluttering my screen too much uh what about 11 fighter with one level dip what 11 fighter with one level dip into fighter I think you don't think you wrote that right I'm assuming Rogue with one level in fighter or something oh anything's good A lot of the the uh combinations are great oh [ __ ] smoke pedal Barrel but too many times there's a door yeah I know how did uh okoy build his mult his uh solo warlock I'll I'll be honest with you dude I went solo warlock I went only warlock I'm like a level 12 warlock with a an unbelievable unbelievable amount of necrotic damage and Eldritch blast that that's all you need my warlock build is [ __ ] cracked four fighter three Rogue four Ranger is is broken I think a lot of the combinations are broken to be honest with you it's very easy to make your build absolutely insanely strong the very with very minimal effort like some of them are wall xop they're in they're so good I [ __ ] Eldritch passengers triple Eldritch blast enjoyers with knockback and Charisma modifier and then a crown that it that adds your uh spell has to be modified to your melee attack rules and then on top of that you have necrotic damage and then acidic damage and then another stack of necrotic damage uh and then also the Duelists whatever the [ __ ] Rapier on top of that so you can use your bonus actions to get an extra hit out which adds I think a further amount of necrotic damage assemble should I forget it I've got is just unbelievable it's just so Opie back to the blade warlock at level 12 with with all these these Stacks are nuts potent robe I didn't I I'll be honest with you I hated how the potent robe looked so I wore a regular plus two light armor for so long oh look at these [ __ ] little things huh have you seen these except in this one uh location in the entire game a menlock you ever seen it you ever seen these things in anywhere in the in in the rest of the game anywhere [ __ ] I have seen them nowhere else it's the only place that I saw them I'm [ __ ] frightened what oh my God really I can't even hit him son of a [ __ ] nope that's a Fae yeah this is what I'm talking about this is like this is just a tiny little tucked away location with an enemy type that you see once in the whole game this is why I want I want a DND version of this game like a d d uh a d d story maker thing like they had in div two so I can make my own campaigns and use more creatures like this there's so many creatures in this game that all that only show up for one fight in the entire game and then never show up again and that's wild to me they all reuse almost no assets it's so impressive got absolutely wiped in this room these things are not difficult to fight it's just that frightening crap removes your ability to move around most proximity makes you frightened yeah but they were down a little on a lower level so I didn't think can I get stage fright on them do I not have stage fright huh oof not cool are these things are mean to poison I bet they are everything's [ __ ] immuno poison I don't know hmm maybe we just get [ __ ] with that oh maybe I just Cloud killed this whole area including myself can I move I can't move without taking it it's extra opportunity all right conduit disengage because I am oh I'm still frightened right God damn it what if I go invisible just [ __ ] vanish lightning is super effective against them eh you sure I don't think that's true I don't think that's true at all man I don't these things are [ __ ] not resistant to or weak to anything they're just normal which are arguably the most annoying enemies to fight because they're not they're not weak to anything uh [Music] uh scroll a haste [ __ ] [ __ ] it and then I'll push them oh wanna run over here and then I'm gonna re-equip my [ __ ] weapon because I keep [ __ ] forgetting I'm [ __ ] a mobile still [ __ ] it God damn it I keep forgetting I'm [ __ ] paralyzed I'm [ __ ] wait do you have to concentrate on being hasted too oh no oh this is really bad are they all gonna teleport are you [ __ ] kidding me no [ __ ] way oh my [ __ ] god come on oh [ __ ] oh no oh no oh no I'm so dude I'm so strong though my AC is nuts uh all right how do I Scroll of cloud kill [ __ ] it and then I [ __ ] Misty step away like this I'm like oh get [ __ ] goodbye and then I shoot one of them in the ass to weaken them for the cloud kill and then I miss and then they could they just Shadow step towards me again God damn well I gotta just keep Shadow teleporting oh God did I just get manlock feared again my friend again are you [ __ ] kidding me okay I get the the same size as me and maybe that would be a little bit intimidating but they're not that bad yeah they can teleport but they're also taking massive Cloud kill damage right now oh yeah all right you get away from me you dogs you sick [ __ ] all right and then I move the cloud kill here like this like right here bam and then we run away again oh can I finish any of them off here actually bam nice bam [ __ ] it's that 18 Decks that they have let him get poisoned again this is cloud kill is [ __ ] amazing the fact that I can just keep moving it on top of them and run away and then move it on top of them watch like oh no I'm fighting whatever will I do I'll move Cloud kill over here and damage the [ __ ] out of them and then I'll just wait just came to say that I need help with my warlock build first of all it's Warlock like War lock that's I'll help you with that first level eight now five warlocks three Paladin not happy with the outcome warlock is kind of poor on movements and actions per turn first of all take your the three levels out of Paladin paladins are super mid and kind of gay and that's fine you know like maybe I'm gay who knows but no but for real like paladins are not a good mix for walleye I don't know why people love that so much just go commit to full warlock stack Eldritch blast like an absolute [ __ ] get uh the feed so that you can get a [ __ ] ton of um uh [ __ ] what is it called hell uh temporary hit points every time you kill something that goes up massively with your level to the point where you can get 15 hit points every time you kill something at a high level warlock five palette five is goaded okay fine but from my experience warlock solo warlock uh as a solo warlock I got all the way to act three with having almost no difficulty with any fights just go full warlock it's insane full pack to the blade warlock bind yourself to a weapon you like uh have a good amount of decks itemized properly stack your damage and have unbelievably Godlike Eldritch blasts that knock people back you can basically permanently win every fight by just knocking people back with elder splast over and over again or you can ledge stuff for some reason Eldritch blast with the knockback you can knock back things that are large or even huge so you can just knock really massive things off of Ledges and kill them instantly or almost kill them instantly trust me just go [ __ ] crazy full hex blade warlock it's insane like [ __ ] like maybe I'll load up my [ __ ] safe at some point and show off my warlock build because it's insane it's so good there's probably more strong builds the more cheesy builds but full warlock is actually one of the few builds in my opinion that if you just go full levels all into the same class it's actually extremely strong multi-classing is kind of the way that you get the most out of this game for the most part but if you go all into into wall like it's it's pretty dope while obscure the number you need to roll the critical hit while attacking is reduced by one this effect can stack and plus one it takes 37 throws is this really good if I don't have um daylight is this actually really goddamn good because that on top of my sword is reducing my crit cap to a like what 16. 16 17. what is this current build you are running oh I'm gonna keep that to the side because that might actually be good so but I would I would have to give up my intelligence score of 17 which is great for a solo run considering I have nobody and not being really dumb and [ __ ] is really useful all this gay three patch doing six days time apparently I don't cry oh man have they released the patch notes for that yet is it because I'd love to see what they're they're adding in I really hope that they add in a way to re-customize your character when you're outside of uh the the character creation because recustomization is something that this game just has [ __ ] none of like I want to change my hair that I made a mistake on or tattoos or face paint or some [ __ ] but you can I know there's a mod for it don't even get me started it's a pain in the ass to install so you're not resistance oh [ __ ] what I just read nothing's released in terms of passions but it means I can play I'll just get three on a Mac do people actually how many people do video games on Max I just I can't imagine anything more not user friendly like Windows is made for everything and video games and [ __ ] like why like nothing is made for Mac you know Mac is great for music and if you want to spend way too much money on a thing you could just do by getting a Windows PC nobody yeah like I If that's wild my dad is like a die-hard Mack guy two uh but he's like a tech guy too like he knows a lot about tech so I'm like why are you with with Meg he's like just like Meg it's very I think he likes that it's swishy and user-friendly and stuff I have a [ __ ] iPhone like I have a a [ __ ] Mac for a phone but for a PC like what Windows dude yeah Windows dog I would rather play on a Linux than a Mac whatever that's nerd [ __ ] Windows is fine though all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here we got our blessing I'm gonna talk to these guys maybe we can go help him I have a thing we need to do though we gotta do an ambush they just kind of okay it's moonrise and I've orders to help you nice Towers is drenched in Blackness so deep even a torch cannot quackness what's wrong with Blackness dude 2023 what's wrong with Blackness dude pointy eared [ __ ] all this Convoy crosses the land as we speak I've read an ambush say the word fly um it's refreshing not to have set the Trap I'm springing take me to the clock yeah sure Harper's with me strain no more than enough let's go let's go I love how Sans always runs like he's on an important Mission he does look he runs with purpose and dedication and it's slightly camp and childish this is a powerful run if you saw this guy running through Darkness you'd think like oh [ __ ] this guy is like not even a threat and then he just [ __ ] Dukes you and goddamn Two Shots you with his little crossbows your head explodes little Sans is a g an absolute unit I'm kind of going off these lighting arrows they're really not that good Frost arrows are dope cross surfaces are really good I don't call it ain't nothing gonna break his stride exactly it's it fits perfectly by the way so many keys [ __ ] I should have come here first they've got plenty of keys foreign oops somebody mentioned that that big spider dude didn't have more time in this game and I what the [ __ ] are you talking about with space get the [ __ ] out of here I think it's through here right let's go did you decide did you decide using astorium for the plus C strength is cheating um is a stupid we bring a star or did we kill a Starion what do we do with the star again guys I don't remember I actually don't remember it all I'm assuming he's dead at the beginning of the game or did we get him in the camp just specifically so that we can use them for the strength thing I feel like I killed him for the meme yeah I think he killed him we can go revive him what a driver I think I have a Revival scroll actually wait hold on I'm gonna remove this from where's I'm gonna keep it if we have to could we just fast travel back to the beginning and revive it and then come back oh [ __ ] I don't have morning large resistance oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I never went back and got it hold on hold the [ __ ] phone just a smidge wait a second yes I want to go to a different region I don't think this advantage hold on I don't want to go to bed don't make me go to bed I quick saved right yeah I quick saved God damn it really yeah it's not worth it to do that it's gonna Advance time and [ __ ] you stripped him killed him revived him then killed him there's no way I did that that's nuts Austin needs a potty if you go back we don't even have houses in the party I'm like 50 50 we killed helson it's bugged it goes away on the main character sometimes all right let's do this like Ambush and then we'll worry about that so they have the badass like such a badass looking half walk with them but wait for your signal and you can't get that dude's armor you know when you see characters in this game and you can't get the wrong word like I wanted uh the narrate guy from the Grim forge's armor so bad look at that badass looking hot [ __ ] in the background with his nips out I wanted that [ __ ] from my hot [ __ ] Barb Sammy moved up there you can't see me in my beautiful hair he's so scared they do not go into the dark didn't figure something as big and ugly as you for a coward oh [ __ ] go into the dark you dumbass oh give me my queen but I had to before the dark got any stronger this is the first appearance of a half walk in the game too I feel like I don't know what it is with larion I think the hardcore slept on all Forks dwarves a little bit um and hofflings unknowns in terms of like there being there's no Companions of those types there's no little companion there's no Hoffa companion like like the closest you can get is Just Elves or L variants or like I guess colic but there's like they're all I've heard that that's my biggest complaint with this game for the companions there's a [ __ ] ton of notes with no dwarves yeah most NPCs are human elves and tieflings exactly it's you can tell that they have like a type you know what I mean you attack you do it you do all the work go go go yes tell them destroy the blasphemers are they gonna get surprised or is it gonna be super unfair really of course they don't get surprised it's almost like it's not like an ambush would surprise anybody oh [ __ ] got Sanctuary on are you serious when you get a cloud kill on these guys bam [Music] nice one of them's dead other ones are pretty [ __ ] up all right we gotta get this guy down dude he has so much more Health than I remember oh we're on tactician right we are our own tactician yeah we're gonna take this [ __ ] you like tank tissue oh he's [ __ ] it's it's his stupid goddamn Sanctuary [ __ ] maybe Sanctuary would be a good spell for us to get because what are they gonna do if we're in a Solo run they just can't attack us right I know it's it you only have it until you just attack someone and then it's gone but still neither shadow get him [ __ ] get him no [ __ ] nice oh get [ __ ] I bet you're losing with a halfling thank you oh oh oh damn this guy hits hard oh good crit oh holy [ __ ] she's dead God damn he attacked so many times he attacked so many times can I move away without him no he gets an attacker opportunity all right die then and then I'm gonna use perilous Stakes I think on this guy and yeah yes he heals but he also takes [ __ ] you game come on fine I'll use Hunter's mug then get The High Ground yeah she's dead lisandra is so dead nice what is it with games I I realize that it's video gaming and you're not gonna get somebody like they're not gonna be able to get voice lines of people being actually set on fire and burning to death because that would be either really [ __ ] up or sound I think a little bit too much oh my [ __ ] god this guy's strong holy [ __ ] do you Sanctuary himself again no [ __ ] way oh my God is he just gonna keep putting Sanctuary on himself how the [ __ ] are we gonna kill him yeah he likes to do that every two rounds [ __ ] this guy does he run out of them ever Cloud kill I guess nah he broke my concentration somehow and I can't attack him I lost Cloud kill I can't move it shoot him in the legs with an arrow thing maybe he'll fall over nope uh all right see what you guys can do get him not on my watch I'm gonna angrily look at this guy while he doesn't die don't [ __ ] me up not me oh nice you text somebody he can be killed he can be killed all right I'm concentrating oh wait I knocked my concentration out because of [ __ ] Hunter's Mark use Hunter smart yeah exactly [ __ ] I don't even think about that no way don't I oh whatever is he a fiend at least is he something I have arrows for he's a humanoid of course he is what about Arrow of humanoid slain I don't [ __ ] have it because I had to reload oh I'm gonna shoot him right in his weird spider [ __ ] okay game he wasn't even looking at me but okay oh big damage 13 15 2-1 God damn God for strong you can line up shooting there's a wall behind you're telling me a spider Centaur counts as a humanoid I know I know I know I thought the same thing like what like what are you talking about oh my God oh my [ __ ] Jesus [ __ ] oh no no not me oh that's not me that's fine he really does not go for me huh that's fine can I stealth tag him nice bam okay big damage 25 a couple of extra hand shots whatever bring this health down critical Miss [ __ ] you it's fine if ever if all these guys die it doesn't matter they're disposable and oh my God are they gonna die and then we drew a [ __ ] ah dude I don't know more self attacks I am thirty two and one they won an 18. ah what do you do just the damage that we rack up slowly is so good [Music] are they all gonna die or is he gonna go for me you got five HP I'm gonna push this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uh come on give me the push please come on man oh no oh he's fine he's going for him oh my God you [ __ ] oh they all died Lantern gets off a chilly glow protecting all in its vicinity from the surrounding Shadows I'll be damned I can feel the light clear down to my Golems oh [ __ ] and may the path to the towers rise to meet you oh my God what the [ __ ] there's dialogue for just that one guy these fey creatures are Infamous for their trip you seem to be really chill with the fact that everyone was dead sometimes malicious what a surreal conversation you must Release Me oh this lady sucks this lady sucks but I'm gonna go with it quickly unlock the Lana release the pixie yeah sure okay gross lady didn't you what do I owe you um sure I can but will I yeah I'm like I will [ __ ] kill you lady that's the Sans Underdog death stare right there back in the lanterns what a dingus want oh excuse me you're welcome am I don't feel like it geez span rude yeah we don't need that oh [ __ ] wait I don't mean to click that you all right lady jeez a Dro elf wielding this oh man the sword's racist I can't use that soon your Dingus just accept it okay rude Sans Underdog ain't no dingus yeah we got a lot from what the [ __ ] bloke just cloak all right oops ew how the [ __ ] is this guy carrying around a rotten banana a banana what a weird guy oh uh archanishes whenever you deal fire damage and you're getting two tons of eight useless oh roaring Thunder Arrow my favorite I love roaring Thunder arrows knock people on their ass the best all right bombs always good I got sections for throwing crap no I'll keep a bomb though bombs are good nothing like aoes for ya boy all right where are we going now I kind of want to be lying just to the towers what do you guys think I'm not a huge fan of the shadowlands to be honest I think a lot of the quests here are kind of annoying but some of the dudes you run into are pretty dope should we just go to the Tower I think we're fully immune to the shadow curse now because we have the Pixies blessing I might sleep actually you know what actually we got two short rests I don't think there's any reason a long rest yet but boy do I want to go get the moon Lord Moon Moon Lord's Radiance buff Tower time yeah all right we'll do that go to the toll house we're gonna be going through the toll house we could go there I guess I kind of want XP more than anything are you gonna get the risky ring from the drow Alchemist in Moonrise for a free sneak attacks per round a free sneakers experiment is that the the story that gives you advantage on your hits uh but then disadvantage on on saving throws right our disadvantage to being hit or something like that uh if that's worth it we could look at that that might be worth it right now I like the this whole like while I'm concentrating on Hunter's Mark I have an extra 1d4 uh psychic on top of my on top of the acid so I kind of like that a lot more thank you for the Dono by the way gotta be doing my jumps I gotta be doing my mad hops disadvantage on all saving throws see that's not great that's it kind of [ __ ] us up a little bit maybe take down God damn this [ __ ] heat [ __ ] again has anybody tried making a heat build like the whole fire like a fire heat build it's it's obviously there for people to try and do it does everybody actually bothered [Music] it sounds bad so I haven't tried it yeah it's it's all based on like damaging yourself with fire damage so that you do more fire damage which is fine useless yeah I feel like it's one of those things where the thought is cool but they should just change it because it's not worth it at all it's not that bad yeah but I feel like there's way better builds you can do especially with kalak like [ __ ] hell you just do a throwing Barbarian Build ah well I'm blessed like myself what news General in the audience chamber true huh goodbye I want her hat yeah exactly right there's so many outfits that I won oh wait I will discover the secrets of this okay we might be able to get some good ship from this dude then show it but the absolute needs Warriors for her Crusade but I see only prove it I am the Ultimate Warrior mustache guy um it's weird that you can brag about killing an absolute guy in front of this dude he's like oh [ __ ] you killed you think like he would do that this was you I heard Rags you think it may be like all right okay everybody kill this guy want anything from myself let me [ __ ] play as a bug bear game this is such a good hellbird this halberd carried my warlock through all of like act two and then into act three it is so good while only holding a weapon in your main hand I'm Never Gonna Get You said that when raging breastfeed plus two leather armor nah dude we don't want any of this [ __ ] you can get you can get a Dwarven armor here sometimes though which is insanely good oh wait do you have to unlock the rest of this guy's inventory by talking to somebody or some [ __ ] or or what I forget wait good arrows Darkness nah Elemental feeding uh roaring Thunder might keep an arrow they'll Mater around just in case we need it out of many targets a couple errors of Transportation [ __ ] it fire rust [ __ ] slot drill I I think you can either do that or pass his speech though right in the light of the absolute all right there it is look so the near misser so it does 1d6 plus six Force damage instead of physical damage and you get magic Missile and it's a plus one [ __ ] dope so our main attacks can do Force damage instead of physical damage so it doesn't matter if they have there's almost no enemies in the game that have resistance to to force damage they just don't it's it's such a good damage okay busted best hand crossbow in the game yeah [ __ ] yeah what difficulty are you playing solo on a tactician right now we were doing on a regular difficulty but it was too easy so I swapped it up to uh to that big boy [ __ ] I'm with devotion uh uh Drake some of these are so specific oh dude so many arrows of many targets I'm gonna be able to hit so many targets [ __ ] I didn't like any of this stuff for sale I've never seen this vendor before yeah so I missed her on my first run through as well I don't know why but I've got her every single time when the wearer deals under damage a reverberating creature it becomes days unless yeah poisonous ring this is kind of good too watch your finger at a Target once for long rest okay never mind that's that's total dog [ __ ] I think that's kind of it she's the same woman from the uh the goblin Camp too foreign this is the same lady throwing Thunder all right good [ __ ] 15 Hondo an honor all right so we got our big spicy crossbow now more arrows of many targets so we can hit many targets oops always a good time all right so now I'm getting knocked people around and hit many targets and we do physical damage so now our main attacks do 1v6 Force plus two acid plus one D4 for psychic plus two fours so that's a base so our stealth attack now does 15 to 38. which is 1d6 with six plus two s's plus one D4 psychic plus two fours plus three D six fours wait that that won't be right is that adding the the damage from the from this no because that does 54 plus five fourths once per short rest damn once we're short rest that's actually cool as hell swap these around good remember I used to remember I have magic missiles for for uh Nukem people I don't quite is it possible to make a melee attack build and do toe-toe every Combat on tactician without stealth and range attacks yeah absolutely yeah for sure you just need really high AC and like [ __ ] my [ __ ] warlock can pretty much duke it out in melee on on my solo run I'm using a Lone Wolf mod though now like halfway through Act 2 I started using a Lone Wolf mod it basically increases your health by like 30 percent and gives you one extra action and that's it but it's it's a little bit of a it's like having permanent haste but only for the action so it makes you pretty ridiculously strong but still like on tactician difficulty and uh whatever it feels too strong sometimes especially when you have when now that I have Minsk but uh still really fun but the build was like broken strong way before I I got a Lone Wolf mod wolf was op in Divinity 2. kinda it just made your guy like double yeah it was actually way stronger in div 2. like uh during the original sin 2's Lone Wolf yes but way weaker like that game like in Divinity original sin 2 it doubled all of your skills and your HP and [ __ ] it was like mad Opie tactician doesn't feel hard still I think it feels slightly more difficult but it's really not that bad uh all right what's a good source of XP in this [ __ ] who's actually at the camp I want to check one extra action is too a bit it's pretty [ __ ] strong because it means that I can do four attacks in melee now with pack to the blade because duplicates uh Shadow hot Buffs we got gay oh Gail for Gale stuff and helson yeah we should have taken a starting with us so I could get the plus two strength I don't think I knew about this I think I started this Series so long ago this the the Sans Underdog thing so long ago that I I [ __ ] I don't think I knew about it at the time the housing Quest has a lot of enemies ooh dude you're right yeah I I tell you what why don't we let's just do the a couple of the things in this place I'm gonna go talk to that blood lady you should do the halson fight that's gonna be tough for sure yeah probably yeah that's gonna be really difficult trying to stop them all from attacking the portal [ __ ] what's everybody's take on this lady I've kind of got mixed feelings she's kind of weird but kind of interesting and the whole blood thing is pretty dope she has really really good character in terms of the stuff that you get from her God this lady has a lot of stuff how does she have the graceful cloth oh that's a different thing I'm thinking of the no it's got the same name no it's literally has exactly the same name the [ __ ] hey you what Dana plus one bonus to unarmed Attack rules and damage or throwing attacks and plus one armor craft armor class [ __ ] I never noticed these are exactly the same name they just do different [ __ ] all right ring of free action you ignore the effects of difficult training cater paralyzer training how's that a free action risky ring so this is what they were talking about uh you get advantage on attack rolls and receive disadvantage on saving throws so this doesn't affect damage this is just chance to hit right and also gives you free stealth because you have to have Advantage do self attacks so does that make all of my attacks stealth attacks if I have this ring on because that sounds pretty insane being able to do constant sneak attacks would be nuts worth testing I'm pretty sure that's what that's what it does but it I lose my my 1d4 psychic yeah let's take risky ring then [ __ ] it we'll get it anyway why not no fun dies mediocre booze wait what the [ __ ] oh come back okay what welcome back true soul okay she said okay whatever I think I cut the dialogue off too soon right so if we swap this out with the psychic damage thing that I can just use this all the time right 14 34 like oh [ __ ] all the time I'll test that really quick hold on I mean that works but also not stealth I don't have high ground I just have Advantage so if I go bam and then oh she doesn't give a [ __ ] okay available next turn what turn I'm in combat all right let's try a different [ __ ] set of enemies what can I stealth attacker yes so bam and then I can do it again but it's once per turn I can't I don't think it's worth it just because I can't spam it out you know I still have to do regular attacks I can do it once per turn and it does do a lot of damage like this does what eleven plus two whatever this does [ __ ] 14 to 34 once per turn what I'm losing for psychic damage most of the time on all my attacks right the bow makes the extra sneak damage Force as well yeah what do you guys think I think it's worth it or not you think it's worth it uh the problem is though it's not just a bonus like bear in mind we now have disadvantage on all of our saving throws like I now we have uh we have that debuff listed uh I forgot what it does you get an advantage on attack rolls but receive disadvantage on saving throws yeah so all of our saving throws have a disadvantage that sounds pretty bad though I wouldn't take it it doesn't seem worth it for solo yeah because we have to be survivable you know [ __ ] enough resources oh [ __ ] whoops I forgot to load foreign for his next feat as well as gloomstocker Ranger for that initial attack shooter oh shop shooter the uh [ __ ] right isn't that the thing that makes your guy like super inaccurate too like your chance to hit is ridiculously low I guess it would be offset if I did have the con the uh the ring on though right I would still get disadvantage on saving throws though I kind of don't want disadvantage on saving throws that kind of sucks really bad yeah minus five two attack rolls but plus 10 to damage I know it's strong everybody swears by it but I don't like how little it makes your chance to hit like one more level up and we're gonna get gloomstalker and or uh [ __ ] Colossus whichever one thar is dead maybe we go rescue everybody from the basement oh [ __ ] no wait we gotta do the the main thing with the guy with the Catherine followed every order I was given the facts suggest otherwise you were ordered to retrieve the artifact you failed to do so take it out with me Dora she's dead enough blast of mental energy washes Over You Phillip the [ __ ] Goblin's hairstyles the [ __ ] is that she has like bleach tips she looks like [ __ ] failed she's got hair like uh [ __ ] what's that singer called deserve to live Justin Timberlake she looks like she's got Justin Timberlake s here from the 90s General storm let our newest arrivals speak you have seen what these creatures are capable in so many ways plus 10 damage is a huge increase disadvantage of saving those though is pretty bad wait no loyal to the absolute kill him enough true Soul tell the general how the Goblins served our cause uh why the [ __ ] are you putting this on me attack the half fork and the general that sounds like a bad idea I saw the horrors they committed in the absolute's name thank you oh that was a good thing I'm sure they were very enthusiastic but Zeal without efficacy is for children not servants we are too close to the ending Catholic is such a [ __ ] ginning I can cuddle failure no longer you're so cool dude let me fight let me fight for you kill them quickly freaking old bag of [ __ ] this [ __ ] cutscene is like how the [ __ ] is a goblin that strong he just like that little Goblin just launched a [ __ ] hellbird like a goddamn missile impale the guy in full plate is a dope cutscene though it's it's kind of whack that they chose goblins for this is my only thing they should have just chose like a bunch of humans or something because God like what kind of goblin can pick look at this [ __ ] what is this this Goblin's like level 50. the [ __ ] she may be a barbarian Goblin I guess smash dispose of the rest as you see fit she works out or maybe a bug bear yeah bug beer would be good maybe one of the bug bears from the camp or some [ __ ] I don't know or have you um I might pick a really [ __ ] up option for this what do you guys think just for fun No One's Gonna know the Goblins are yours deal with them however you wish not currently here in the seat of the absolute power your authority over them is complete golden to the same build and strength of a chimpanzee what are you [ __ ] talking about chimpanzees are like miniature gorillas monkeys are terrifying um spill your guts on the floor I want to see you bleed how about that yeah is this gonna be [ __ ] up what's the blood on the floor already did she gets there herself oh we're commanding it too oh my God Jesus Christ the [ __ ] one second of cut back to Sans right at the end that was comedic as [ __ ] flesh and blood what the [ __ ] about his power oh that's a sad note to make you feel bad on them too oh my God I hate having low strength dude can't put one on this throne wait can I do like hold on what else if I just put them all I have an idea for us for a good shot of sans I said no could not make you feel bad if you enjoyed the moment hey you know what Sans is a good boy he's not perfect Catholic defied gods and raised me for the absolute it is not particularly comfortable what why are Thrones never like padded that was like a king and I had to sit in the throne to do [ __ ] all day I would have like the most dope ass Throne like a big ass padded [ __ ] basically just a giant ass couch thrown all them status effects we got a lot I've had more though General film's prayers and preparations must not be disturbed the rooftop is off limits just give me a recliner imagine that you're sound a lazy boy with like kick out feet excellent timing true soul the Goblins tell me how they suffered no what the [ __ ] is that ogre doing her mind enters yours what the [ __ ] perspective memory what's she doing like looking straight down she's asleep oh I like you that was inventive and efficient oh see oh look at his little smile nice a child could have done it I am a child I look like one I'm like a child with a mustache I'm here to tear the Wings off insects you're short you came here so it's looking down at maybe some little that's offensive Parts the folds of your mind again she butts the falls and free emotions romancer I don't think you canned but there is purpose to her exploration she's searching for proof of yours fake it I'm gonna fake it dude fake it till you make it there's a Tremor of shared ecstasy at Perfect you crate I have already been blessed to stand in her presence it was Bliss she gave me everything I wanted [Music] um why not what's the point in power if you don't go to have a little fun every now and again oh wait she gave me the power to cut but I can caress as well as cut that's why you should stay on my good side I feel like this character's meant to be intimidating but I fought her and she's so easy to kill someone she just gets absolutely destroyed that's it play along the closer you can get to the gym get out of my head Hitler you'll be to the answers you seek uh there's a relic that General Thorne requires the religious beneath the Thorne family Mausoleum but we have lost contact with him go there Aid Balthazar if you can all right Shadow take one from but don't can I talk to that where did I skip a cutscene she killed her wait did she [ __ ] kill her with that cutscene I just skipped past it when I said show her the power he kills her to demonstrate her power you skip the cutscene when he killed her oh what that's [ __ ] mean personal reminder Balthazar is saying either word no this is way too well written she did not write that that's so sad I got her killed because I was like Hey show me your power she's talking about cutting oh so God damn it I should have skipped that she blew up her brains God damn duh [ __ ] damn okay she broke her neck from looking down at you yeah that's so annoying I was gonna talk to her after the cutscene too to see if her like neck would break looking down at my character all right now this place is nasty when you poison a foe heal yourself for one could really strong if you had a way to poison somebody all the time I know eventually get a weapon that heals you every time you hit somebody and that's pretty good but gotta match if you could get that on a crossbow we'd be just Immortal we'd be permanently Immortal it would be insane imagine the smell you can [ __ ] say that for most [ __ ] in this game though man secret tunnel oh man I realize No One's Gonna Get The Ref wait now people watch Avatar people have seen Avatar enough The Necromancer was experimenting on the tablet a seat that has seen many occupants none of them have already imbued with nethery's magic in Comfort is there anything else hmm I thought there was more in this [ __ ] the Barbarian gnomes video was hilarious oh yo 25 Ron who's Ron Libby you thank you for the Dono thank you very much I'm glad you liked it uh part two was on the way yeah the problem is like it's got a lot to live up to I'd pull because I'd done chapter one so much I knew exactly what I wanted that video to be but past that point you know what I mean like I I was like blowing up the goblin count was always an option I was going to blow up the uh the Druid Grove that's what I'd always planned but then I was like and they I they they all I [ __ ] up and we did the dialogue where we got the little kid killed and then cargo was like all right kill everyone so that kind of [ __ ] up massively um and then they killed everybody in the Grove we did not mean to do that that was not intentional but uh you know that's what led to me blowing up the goblin Camp instead dude I'm going up here stealth can I power jump across here hell yeah nice imagine if we just jumped up to the top of the tower best forwarded killed everyone thank you oh oh wait isn't this a [ __ ] uh what do you call it yeah [ __ ] fake ass chest you know what I just really disappointed me about mimic chests is uh is this like right like there's a mimic chest right what's the whole point of a mimic is to open it right but if you go close to it it immediately attacks you which in my opinion defeats the point of a [ __ ] mimic like the whole point is you try and open it and then it eats you right like that's what they do that's their whole point so why do they trigger when you get close every single time I think I feel like it should be if you failed a role you should immediately teleport to a cutscene where it eats you you know what I mean oh this one's kind of strong though a little bit weapons stolen what oh no oh no we [ __ ] suck in melee and I don't have bonus actions I have an idea I have a better idea some of the things they implemented from DND are disappointing don't even get me started a polymorphoto koi yeah that's true I mean this game's still amazing but some of the stuff some of the stuff that you uh that they implemented like doesn't work great like it didn't translate well like I was disappointed on the whole raise on dead thing I was super disappointed that uh the whole mushroom thing that you get when you're playing as a Spore Druid when you can enslave the dead bodies of enemies you can't just raise them up as a Spore or body they just turn into a generic zombie with mushrooms on it and uh you can get a couple of them and that's fine but I was really really hoping it would be like gloves uh thing where you can use you can like revive monstrosities and [ __ ] that was that was so [ __ ] dope and I was super disappointed that I wasn't in would you like to know where to get some not so free tadpoles oh I think they appear in act three but just get them now thank you oh I did not mean to do that whatever this will work fine die [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right uh would you like to know where to get some not so free tadpoles I think they appear in act three but you can get them now uh are you is it the from the nulls or nah but but no do tell me more thank you for the Dono by the way uh Peyton Johnson with two dollar take a picture of the mimikasi all right that's gross that's just so gross [Music] ew that screenshot's actually so gross says the person that wants a lock pick someone's bra what that didn't happen what are you talking about wait can I blast down doors now because oh because it's [ __ ] physics of force damage I can just blast [ __ ] down now that's [ __ ] dope I didn't think about that like everything because because most buildings are chests and [ __ ] like this opulence wait this thing's always talked something in your scent is um yeah I mean no harm I'm a good boy I'm a nice good boy into trouble like a strip they are long dead now mind where you stray lest I send you okay speak with animals yeah apparently I I always you speak with animals uh and I've been in this building multiple times and I do not ever remember so like talking to this thing I assumed it was like a robot or a construct or some [ __ ] because it was Undead and not an animal but yeah I've never talked to it thank you apparently I've never had to speak with animals on when I've come in here which is super strange yes Soldier wait because I'm short God damn can I destroy this what's the damage on our peeling chess 22 damage not resistant to uh before us oops wait it doesn't um I feel kind of bad I feel a little bit bad it didn't it didn't react I mean XP is worth it right dog murderer it's not a real dog it's like an undead [ __ ] crazy dog you monster hey I mean you know what I've been good with not killing animals it's okay it's not a cat yeah it's like a a long Undead like I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed like any of the cats in the game but this this like [ __ ] dead robot thing you killed scratch didn't you uh no absolutely not ooh get the [ __ ] out of here it's a worse scratch eh if Oakland can kill dogs then every NPC needs to die I mean most NPCs that aren't important ly you know didn't completely [ __ ] you if you killed NPCs I would kill way more of them to be honest oh God it was the Catholics family dog you're a monster it was frameworkier being was just [ __ ] smell me overstuffed Summit so why are you here instead of out there oh good um it is something that death would not silence uh whatever I thought I could get access to that the extra [ __ ] in that shop David can you just kill zorrell now I mean Maybe I'd be curious to see what happens that orcas tadpoles if you kill them here I think special Barrel on the docks break it for tadpoles Pier's fun fact warcaster should allow warlocks to use eldrich blast as reactions Opie with Sentinel oh yeah that would be pretty dope thank you for the Dono blood uh I'll check the docs like the docs like uh here like this spit I'll do that really quick actually if we're leaving anyway I'll go do that now I can skip a bunch of [ __ ] too by just leaping off oh wait I might do this this ladies thing real quick Knolls are so [ __ ] dope dude forget the ax my darling okay I assassinated drill and it made the assault way easier don't forget the wall meat kill the warden all right I'll look into all of these things we're the same height Barnabas that is the gifts the app gave me when I stood before her to read she gathers many what would you like can't you like get it get it to kill her uh how about a dance oh good luck you feel her will surge this [ __ ] don't want to dance it's ever control yes wait what the [ __ ] don't I get advantage of wisdom wisdom rules [ __ ] come on please come on I got I got the thing where yeah nice come on taught beneath the blade the connections simply snaps no wisd wisdom saving throws it okay was that on it with some semi throw I guess it's just a skill check no there's an Olympic parasites as the symbol glows power courses through you yeah we're homies Authority we're homies we're homies it's cool nice nice [Music] you're welcome dude can I loot this without them killing me nice nice and another parasite very cool and then we get null homies with adorable names do we actually have to do the Wallace is anything we gotta do nulls are fun I want to play as a null even if you had like a thing where uh if you're in combat you have a chance to go wild like you can't control your dude stuff like that like if there was a downside to it I would still do it you know through but it's still fun I mean crack in the wall you hear something [ __ ] pulse of a crawling living thing ew I'm gonna fall off that [ __ ] ledge what is this determine what it is [ __ ] I'm not even gonna reroll that that's fine I don't know you almost the darkness this is a wild move to just reach into this thing your awareness what's the worst outcome of this thing through every wall in the Tower every mind what's the worst outcome you can do what you can get here like if you fail it you just take damage or does it kill you or what wait you lose a hand like permanently tendril snap like iron cords around your wrist it's in your mind looms large closer now disadvantage on attack rolls into long rest that would suck go limp and ride it out man I like how most of the dialogue would apply even if you put your Wang in there uh um what are we good at decks right oh wait sleight of hand oh he is the same [ __ ] you know you ain't getting my little hand your arm bending with the movement of the flesh with a soft sound your hand pulls free the flesh within the wall retreats you you all right let's get out of here let's go down to the beach another Beach [ __ ] we call it oh wait I don't even need to worry about taking fall damage because of our uh damage reduction it's all Gail's problem try to touch it again wait what I gotta reach it again there's more what all right tension I should put my my Wallace back in put in the backpack in the wall I see all right again the thickening Slither of Flesh reach back in the tendrils lash out this isn't gonna be good this isn't gonna be good I'm gonna lose a [ __ ] arm or some [ __ ] the tendril's Titan oh you [ __ ] it turns me into a [ __ ] stupid thing that says no longer approaching you circling you is this not going to turn me into a [ __ ] mind player it is either the chosen one Sans Underdog um I'm Sans Underdog nice pause as if it struggles to compress its vast being down into Thames you can understand oh my God it's the Flying Spaghetti thing from religion of the Granny's design now I new romance option unlocked he [ __ ] the big glowy floaty tentacle monster or nah oh [ __ ] I'm gonna click that cannot you must come to me a world away the grip on you my arm is already out or submit become should I become come don't resist all right submit oh I've come yet right beneath oh it just puts me in the basement it's because I must be close you must be where the tadpoles are coming from dude I I calmed another parasite the Wallace he made me come ah gross oh Igloo big loot big loot nice a new debuff did I get a debuff anime did uh dislocated shoulder effective Unity is disadvantaged on technicals you [ __ ] got me a dislocated [ __ ] shoulder [ __ ] that I can just come down here later should I just load reload you get it no matter what that's not true no uh no uh I don't want to dislocated shoulder for no [ __ ] reason you really can't just walk down there from the prison exactly I don't need that [ __ ] I need to pee uh oh [ __ ] I gotta do this again forget subtly clot whatever you can reach I'm just gonna Dex do this I got good decks with guidance oh just careful yeah see now now do I have it why the [ __ ] do I have a dislocated shoulder still because I put my [ __ ] arm back in the wall I see you [ __ ] that is not worth it you absolute dips got my [ __ ] shoulder dislocated you have a dislocated show from the first attempt there's no [ __ ] way you ever just if I just never noticed that there's no way you do not get it from the first attempt see I don't have it from the first attempt you get it from the second attempt when you put your arm back in the giant flesh wall that almost crushed it what a dumb waste of time stupid stupid waste of time for dumb let's go get down to the docks Luke damn weird worms and stuff [ __ ] breaking all of uh Gail's ankles right now 61 damage not great probably not a good idea to take 61 damage uh how about this bam feather fall and we big jump do I really have to [ __ ] go up here what if I jump far enough where are you going dog what [ __ ] path is interrupted you need to destroy the barrier to free with the free temples wait you gotta do what where the [ __ ] is this taking me oh my God can't eat over the granulations it's wild that everybody just accurately calls them granulations Misty step I'm not wasting a [ __ ] Misty step on that I'm a bail I apparently gotta take down some Shield anyway [ __ ] it [ __ ] oops I almost forgot to put the shoes back on ah whoops all right let's get the [ __ ] out there oh maybe we could we could deal with Thorne I might try and fight him though I don't know something tells me I'm gonna [ __ ] up the dialogue options that's sign above must be a brewery Distillery there's the boy I like this guy this is one of the most [ __ ] great designs in the whole game look at his little [ __ ] look at his giant butt his little feet good [ __ ] character oh okay I thought I was like tiny on the phone what up dog Italian story um I already drank some wine earlier um yeah I might say that she passed oh I maybe no wanna you know what I think this is all Dex checks and then you can see how the creature's skin barely holds it together I'm a quick save and then maybe fight this guy anyway even if I don't [ __ ] this up pretend to take a swig all right finesse this fool nailed it how the [ __ ] is he drinking through the mask I feel like he should have a mouth hole uh um [ __ ] do you get anything different if you do any of these I don't [ __ ] know dog the devil It's Magic oh boy [Music] it doesn't matter if he doesn't like the story right I slaughtered a gold dragon oh we gotta lie I'm good at lying I think all right come on come on we're good at lying dude [Music] fake ship oh [ __ ] [Music] see this is this shit's heart yeah [ __ ] man [ __ ] all right [ __ ] it nailed it ask question God damn it how many of these I gotta do like three right we're just about passing them let the invisible cheeks doesn't this dude like explode into thoughts too [Music] they exploded oh five [ __ ] 20 XP not bad ew the hero dog should we just like load and fight him anyway and then see how it goes I kind of want to fight him crawl inside of him okay here we go ew wanna quit there you go that's a good uh screenshot inside of him that's this our new house fight yeah all right I'm gonna load and then fight this dog fight this [ __ ] oh that was after he died it's during and that's right at the beginning that [ __ ] screenshot in behind the desk it's so funny to me all right I'm gonna piss real quick while this is loading drink go back down your story all right attack okay maybe we can perilous Stakes this dude hmm oh [ __ ] I got Undead to deal with two blighted fellas and then this guy so he has oh my God his health bar are you kidding me 374 HP gaseous reflux numb your puny attacks can't break through the numbness this evolved feels he is immunos slashing piercing and bludgeoning and thunder damage okay uh uh gaseous reflux physical attacks have added gas to visible special Brew it's probably bad for us so lucky for us though we do Force damage now so I don't have to do piercing damage but my offhand attacks aren't gonna do [ __ ] hmm I wish you could get this dude's big [ __ ] weird drinking Club all right how about magic Missile or how about I take off my Bob accident that'd be cool magic Missile not great for damage to be honest um yeah cause my my all fans are not gonna do [ __ ] even if they do land [Music] oh God what is happening poison him oh is he is he bad for poison get away from me dude oh my God the movement range are you serious majumis exists for breaking concentration dude oh my God he's gonna hit me if I move can I knock him back no way you can actually knock this dude back I could just ledge him uh uh [ __ ] I don't think I carry poison I haven't been using poison I probably should in in retrospect poison might have been kind of cool to be be able to use here um I'll tell you what my telephone my ass away how then shoot a couple extra shots at this guy and then kind of want to count them out saying see if I can allege him oh it's down [ __ ] all right God damn no movement imagine missiles are great when they scale within modifier on a wizard uh yeah I guess maybe not for damage though like I said uh like people have been saying like it's mostly for dispelling illusions and breaking concentration and [ __ ] like that wait till you go back where the [ __ ] did he go oh he did he run all the way up there can I just run outside see if he follows me and then roaring Thunder him off a cliff that'll be the easiest way to kill the suit if that actually works [ __ ] animations oh God wow well like thicker balls oh damn dude this man has dumpy for weeks this thickerball dumpy got me acted on wise thick of bald is his new name I seem to get him over here I wonder what his slipping animation looks like if he has one that'd be funny I saved it it's not just cake man it's got the entire Bakery yeah yeah I don't think it's a bartender I think he's a [ __ ] Baker no way if this works damn it um okay uh hmm oh God damn it uh uh um oh at least that one shot me oh oh that was nothing oh my God it was that it what I did nothing it's too fat to displace I think he probably just says like unbelievable constitute no he has 16. what is the save for this strength save oh that's why because he's got a plus four on his shrimp saves don't get [ __ ] with that I gotta I gotta all right here we go The Forbidden feisty uh let me there come on man stop being so [ __ ] fat oh [ __ ] that was it suicide uh damn it shove how the [ __ ] am I gonna shove this guy it's probably like five percent uh most likely he doesn't actually hit that hard at all he's just extremely tanky and we are impossible to get hit yeah we really do not have a lot of tools right now to deal with this how heavy is he 600 kilograms and Lodge that might be helping him a little bit reading on his feet if you want to know why he's weak what do you mean what do you mean I could just the best way to kill him would just be to slowly shoot him and that's a reflux oh moderately inebriated what the [ __ ] he's [ __ ] summoning [ __ ] oh I feel like I could have got him if we knocked him off the cliff he loses all his immunities if you let him get drunk enough oh I mean that makes sense there you go get the [ __ ] out of here Ally them what do you mean profoundly intoxicated is he not is he not immune now no he's still immune apparently we profoundly intoxicated doesn't do much Arrow of many things I don't think error of many targets you guys vulnerability to all damage I think oh it would take like three hours to kill this [ __ ] guy what what no [ __ ] way okay that seems kind of [ __ ] not good oh black tail there you go oh yeah vulnerable to all [ __ ] for what for how long is that for oh that was it no no wait we're covering now interesting dude wow he's really good at saving that [ __ ] can't [ __ ] it almost seems like it never works charm I think the zombies do more damage than this [ __ ] guy oh nice die you can get arrows of Undead slaying right that's his slipping animation that's pretty good that's pretty [ __ ] good how do I not have Advantage the dude's Fallen I think he's a [ __ ] yeah he's numb again God damn it this is gonna do nothing getting him drunk again that sucks this is definitely doable man is this just a [ __ ] cycle shoot the barrel if you can oh the barrel on his back it just counts as part of him what do you mean are you like about a different Barrel I don't think that matters like at all it has erukoy done the toll collector yet no I should though I guess oh [ __ ] I think you get me up here oh he's blacked out now you're doomed now son [ __ ] don't goddammit it looks like you should be able to shoot the barrel I feel like you should be able to it'd make a good mechanic same for the barrel do extra damage foreign [Music] this fight isn't even difficult it's just really long man he's fat God damn [ __ ] numb again oh never mind ew all right well I'm glad I have done that fight before now I guess he has glandular issues he's also fat as [ __ ] least unhealthy American visible is actually more difficult if you do Elemental damage to him some of his Elemental attacks smack it's not as hard I mean that was on tactician I was solo it still wasn't that difficult I know we have like we take half damage and all this other [ __ ] but like still it just took a long time because he's got so much [ __ ] HP and resistance it is this tactical yes it is to be when the world deals acid damage they also inflict noxious fumes on the target maybe that would be worth it for our thing what does noxious fumes do fossil creatures in a radius of three meters take one to four acid damage that's gotta be worth it right we're giving up two damage with a range weapon for one to four damage to everything around the target right nah it damages you too hmm would like all right just means that if we shoot in anybody it'll do a little bit of damage to people around them I guess that's not worth it foreign has anybody ever actually got drunk in this game what are the benefits because I thought they would when I when I saw you could get drunk or there was drunk stuff I was like okay there's gotta be a mechanic for this for monks right like way of the drunkenness kind of deal yeah what the [ __ ] it'll be cool if it was a build that that kind of revolved around you getting drunk you know this is drunken feat yeah yeah I know there's some mechanics around it but it feels like one of those things where they put them in in these games and it's it's technically a thing you can do but it's really just not that beneficial at all it's just kind of there oh should we go and kill uh I could go and try and kill the gold lady but I feel like the best way to kill her is to talk her into dying you know like most of these guys they're all kind of gimmick fights to be honest all of the thorms if you're good enough for dialogue they're all just like a [ __ ] gimmick they just kill themselves all right go talk to the lady get the plus fives oh yeah I don't remember the order that you do them in but we could do that oh [ __ ] another fight here dude I can finesse it stealth it I see you shadow oh big damage I realized I stopped doing a lot of stealth which is probably a bad idea because it's really strong what oh there's a [ __ ] right here if you get the ring that gives acid damage to weapon attacks those gloves are worth it you mean the ring that I've had the entire playthrough this ring the caustic band that's why I was considering it obviously the best Buffs in the game and it the best yeah it is uh being forced to Long rest does kinda suck but it kind of has to happen it exploded oh bombs are really not that good actually [ __ ] I'm getting surrounded oh man get away from me ow I don't know if many targets go nope speed potion [ __ ] another one another one oh nice ah [ __ ] shush out the shadow without throwing spoilers out okay do you think you can sell the optional Raphael fight uh I think with explosives we probably can you know I think if we put you know some explosive [ __ ] around him and then blow him up yeah bring the room bomb explosives if we do [ __ ] if we actually end up making it to uh at three there's some uh you can actually find multiple of the Rune powder bombs they use can I just reveal them s are Force based yeah so is he immune to force damage or something I don't think anything just means of force damage except for like grim and a couple other enemies that are meant to be invulnerable even that I don't even think Grim's really just I mean to force damage when you when he's Molten that's why Force damage is so good get [ __ ] Sansa I love when they go down they kind of Ragdoll that's always so funny oh cool you don't even need to bring bombs so I feel like you can just run back out of the room while shooting bad claw yeah you can I mean you could technically kite like [ __ ] in this game is it the right order yep all right middle right left you're right oh I nailed it right I did not do this the first time I actually you can go into the doorway without like disabling it but it doesn't do anything like kind of like accidentally discovered this place which just didn't bother looking up the solution oh no oh no wait we're good we're [ __ ] smart as [ __ ] you feel a small pulse of Energy race up your spine oh yeah so check it out now we have a plus five to our intelligence until long rest and then we we can get a do you think yourself wise enough blessing if we you know don't [ __ ] this up but we got no mesh cunning baby we're [ __ ] cunning as hell a warm swell Rises and then [ __ ] where's the last one is that a third one am I blind one two is the one in the middle oh are you bold of heart and sharp of tongue can you turn any and all to the dark lady's cause nope Chara's cringe oh come on oh [ __ ] feel your confidence will turn to the cold no do I get a debuff [ __ ] that's really bad now I have seven [ __ ] charisma oh that's so bad oh [ __ ] man now my wrist sucks and I have to fight two three guys with 150 [ __ ] HP they're immune to everything except radiant I'm [ __ ] [ __ ] me man I don't even do Reagan damage just long rest but then I'll lose my [ __ ] plus fives not the rebuffing [ __ ] well that sucks deserved IMO what did I do Sans is a good boy he doesn't deserve this should I just hide by accident oops yeah I am a self guard don't react what how do you [ __ ] spot me too greedy what it's not about greed how is this agreed issue oh I could have for one dude let's go oh bye I'm [ __ ] leaving wait when did I last save no [ __ ] wait what is with me and not quick saving man [ __ ] when in doubt [ __ ] oh it's locked it's literally locked lock picking is impossible oh [ __ ] um I'm a hide what are you gonna do then huh come here and die die and some other [ __ ] [Applause] but then is it gonna say die inside here how the [ __ ] do we do this they're resistant to all types of damage not immune but resistant which is all my shit's gonna do half damage I can't even [ __ ] shoot him from here oh wait the statue is a shark can be damaged they're they've got to be easier to kill right wait no they're immune to not immune to force damage though so what if I [ __ ] just a resist the nation what what if I just wait no no wait I'll do it with an advantage thing okay apparently you can't Ambush a statue that's kind of cringe what if I just destroy this huh and then I and then they're like oh you [ __ ] uh and then shoot it again and then shoot it with an offense and [ __ ] stealth again and then wait the map is red if I have to [ __ ] load back to right after we killed that thorn guy I'm doing that next stream there's no [ __ ] way I'm not making everybody sit through that I'll just do that before the next stream look at these fools I'm probably wasting my time breaking this thing but it's worth a try [Laughter] [Music] that was so underwhelming even for you I expected nothing and I am still disappointed it was a magic statue well you think a magic statue would [ __ ] disappear then I mean I could technically win this but it will take so [ __ ] long this is why it's kind of broken like stealth in general is this when they don't know where to even go to get to you oh my God what is their AC 16 that's not even that good it'd probably be quicker to reload and run back than this actual fight I'll tell you what because it's getting late anyway and I still gotta make food and do a bunch of chores [ __ ] feed my cats and all this other [ __ ] I'll end the stream here I'll do this next time and then when we come back on I'll load it from when we're inside the square you know but I'll probably do an eight player campaign again I was thinking by the way next what do you guys think another eight player player driven campaign but this time we uh use a tactician plus mod to make the game more difficult and we have uh uh the Seven Player thing again but I will probably offstream get to the end of the nautiloid and then people can join load in and then create characters and then everybody will be spawned into that point right what do you think so it'll be seven guys and then obviously if you go down then you're dead like if you unless you save your saving throws you're permanently dead so it's so better rules tactician plus will start off the nautiloid all that good [ __ ] I think that's I think it's a good idea but yeah anyway in the meantime thanks for watching thanks for the donos very much appreciated hope you guys had fun uh last half of the stream kind of burnt out for me there's the I'm wondering what we even do in this location other than the major Quest stuff I kind of want to just [ __ ] like blow up Catholic art join Balthazar do something whack for one of these big dangerous ass fights but we gotta get stronger than this I think Shadow Monks are better Rogues I don't know if that's true maybe we I don't want to respect into a punching rope now I think it's past that point but uh I do need to make a Shadow Mage Shadow monk I want to see if they're any good I don't think they can like Misty step around and [ __ ] and blast people off cliffs which seems pretty dope anyway I'm getting distracted thanks for watching not showing off a warlock uh I would have to rinse I would have to install my mod stuff but I could show him briefly if it works it might just like crash because I have a bunch of mods on it's all cosmetic [ __ ] though yeah it crash well well I'll maybe show that next time but yeah anyway thanks for watching guys I'll see you on the next stream and uh and yeah videos coming soon hopefully thanks for watching
Channel: Okoii
Views: 50,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur, gate, warhammer, baldurs gate stream, streams, balurs gate, Dark Urge stream, baldur's gate multiplayer, multiplayer, multi stream, multiplayer stream, permadeath, 8 player
Id: VRlADykiuEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 3sec (12663 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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