Gloomstalker Assassin Solo Tactician Mode - Baldur's Gate 3 EP. 1

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hello Travelers I'm Chris welcome to lore spire we're going to be starting a new play through today excuse me don't worry we're still going to finish our other one it's just I I want to play that one again whenever I have more time than what I have tonight because tonight's probably going to be a short stream because I'm tired and I had to work and I got to get a video for tomorrow and so on and so forth so we're gonna go ahead and start our solo tactician playthrough I think we've all seen that enough times all right so this is going to be glissa sun Seeker [Music] what else [Music] Ranger [Music] we're gonna take Bounty Hunter here excuse me and then here we're taking Beast tamer and oh yeah let me go ahead and start this then we're going to take Criminal we could take urchin [Music] foreign [Music] yeah I think we're gonna take urchin we'll take urchin and then here we need to set up our abilities we definitely want the high dexterity I think we really only need 14 wisdom should be plenty give us another point of constitution there [Music] all right I don't guess it really mattered or made much of a difference there you know what we're gonna bump this no actually we want to keep that at 17. okay yeah this is actually pretty good I guess this will work down here we want to take Athletics we definitely want survival which we have um and then I think we're going to take animal handling yeah that should be pretty good hey what's up matsy yeah I kind of explained it a little bit at the beginning um we're gonna be using the build that I put out the video on a few days ago that's uh that's pretty much the build we're going to going to be using are very close to it anyways anyways how are you doing all right all that's cool let's go ahead and edit our appearance because I'm actually basing this off of a character from a book that I read a long time ago that I really really enjoyed so we're gonna at least get some similar there we go yeah maybe not there we go that's pretty good and a greenish [Music] [Music] that's fine for the eyes right hair actually kind of like that hair we'll probably just keep that [Music] and then tattoos there was a pretty sweet this one I think I definitely like that one [Music] all right looks pretty good I don't know if there's an achievement for playing Solo or not I've not really thought of it there might be though there could be [Music] foreign there my friend definitely definitely appreciate that uh don't forget to type uh exclamation mark lore Spire to enter our giveaway every Thursday night uh let's just randomize this until we see something half decent I don't really feel like going through it thank you apparently I'm pretty picky [Music] probably should have just made one yeah I like the drow you know what pink hair is fine yeah that's good we'll go with that that's fine [Music] yeah I don't see a whole lot of ranged combat in this game where people using ranged combat um let's see here time to start our next part of the giveaway matsy you're the only one who showed up for the first leg of it so we'll give you an entry for that of course now for the next one sorry I think we've all seen that enough times as well would be nice to know if there's an achievement for playing solo but I seriously doubt it I don't think it's something that they're necessarily encouraging yeah the tadpole just burrowed into my brain I'd probably whine about my head as well let the health in my pack get into your mind a nautiloid hurtling through the planes were splendant with psionic energy really wish they wouldn't spread these chests out so far here at the beginning it just takes a long time so long turn around and grab them now of course even though there's supposed to be a solo play through we have to take Lazelle so to hear during the prologue it won't be strictly solo but after the prologue it will be have come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers an expectation please turn from this case free us really well we suck I think we killed it the brain won't budge I need to realize you're talking to an intellect Devourer a minion of the mindful all right destroy the brain I guess if that's all we can do why not off to the best of starts I see foreign Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes [Music] what is this blesses me this day together we might survive first we exterminate then we find the helm and take control of the ship we will address the matter of a cure for this infection once we reach the material plane sounds easy enough Victory awaits let my name be known [Music] oh yeah it's not over then through you proved surprisingly now to the hell oh careful there don't hurt yourself with the compliment all right that is definitely going to be better damage so let's swap to that ship won't be able to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late [Music] let's see what we have in here ionic energy radiates full I'm not a fool the prisoners are dead thanks to me you're welcome no time for stragglers sorry [Music] I have to keep going oh there we go that is done how many hosts of these gay infected foreign there we go double scimitars that's better [Music] definitely take all the potions I can get I'm sure we're gonna need them as you place your chainsaw Angel to the pull of a lever that cannot be Our Fate yeah that would be a crappy bait to be sure secure foreign yeah yeah yeah oh that was actually not what I wanted now let's go [Music] oh connect the nerves transport we must escape now do it we will deal with the cake after we escape sounds like a plan [Music] [Music] with haste already getting the stun off huh [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] all right let's see what we can do here to still a mind player kill get 75 extra XP despite everything that's the plan anyways we'll see how it goes [Music] taking position [Music] all right let's give it one more turn [Music] [Music] all right now it's our chance to attack oh made agree damn thank you all right we got it make way oh here come the cambians wow really well so much for that so not the best start not the best start all right we're just gonna run for it this time I have successfully completed that before but We're not gonna just try it over and over and over again light on my feet Fury I am death [Music] let my name be known no traps please don't waste a step [Music] time to strike foreign [Music] still on my feet that's why tell me [Music] time to strike [Music] your turn now [Music] ah come on that cambian doesn't have anything week pretty weak except the Mind players having so many damn pearls might as well grab some of those all right let's get the heck out of here I guess [Music] all right well that is the last that we will have a partner hey Shiloh Lee thanks for showing up my friend and thank you for uh joining the uh giveaway definitely definitely much appreciated the tadpole squirms in your skull chaos of the crash site confuses the landscape you'll need to find how is your weekend going enjoying the holidays a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure of course of course I'm always down for a good stream uh we will be still be continuing our uh Necromancer tactician mode play through where we're already in act three on but I want to get a longer stream in for that one and tonight's stream is probably going to be kind of short so that's why we decided to go ahead and start our solo play through damn it would have been nice to be level two already we could have gotten that kill and kept it well I'm glad to see that it's going looking forward to seeing how this goes yeah me too me too I think it's gonna go we'll see where and how yeah yeah but it's definitely gonna go fresh water there must be a settlement somewhere nearby we're already off to a bit of a rocky start because I wiped on the the Mind players elk battle I was trying to kill the Mind flayer and I did for the experience so we could be level two already but then zalka finished us off before we were able to Escape so that was unfortunate all right let's go this way I don't want to meet Shadow heart yet let's see if we can take out these two first before we meet her I think we should be able to you sneak oh you can sneak very nice I've got a long road ahead breathe all right so there should be two intellect devourers just up here somewhere and there they are just as I thought they would be going now we should be able to get a good attack in actually before we do that let's get you closer they're not actually looking this way so maybe we can get you close enough to get off a blind before you die gotta stay back one strike could be lethal there we go blinded oh he's immune to Blinded damn it well so much for that working did not see it being immune to Blinded there we go one down surprise is over [Music] we got it all right didn't even take a hit that's what I'd like to see damn I was really hoping that would get us to level two how close are we yeah still too far oh well we're just gonna go do Shadow Hearts part now it would have been really nice to get that mind flare though thank you thank you oh look it's our bestest bestie tell you what crazed Shadow heart is a little bit different blasted Dory what stop not another stepper up wait you're the one who left me to die on the ship suddenly you sees feel what she feels tennis a will to survive feel that yeah did you miss the part where we are hurtling through the hell's I had to save myself you didn't even try you just Wrath no matter we survived the hells survived the crash but we mightn't survive these things in our heads they're going to consume us from the inside and turn us into mind flesh I wish I was being dramatic this is how the mind flares breed we host their spawn and once they're ready they'll tear right through us I'm not sure how much time we have left but I'm not going to wait to find out you and I need a Healer finding one won't be easy in this wilderness we'll need supplies I'm hoping something of use might be behind this door but have barely made a dent in it so far it already has these things here didn't die in their sleep I'm going to see what's at the top of this cliff hopefully there's no more of these creatures along the way likewise try killing a couple of these monsters before you die lessons the load for me on open up can I actually open this thing no I'm not even gonna try not gonna waste that um I'm not sure I think we would have gotten XP for freeing her but we didn't free her on the ship because it's a solo playthrough so we didn't get XP for that and then we didn't kill the Mind player or anything I don't think anybody like actually steals experience though the way that they do and something like say uh you know Wrath of the righteous or um you know other games like that all right now we should be able to get a few items in here no don't move it take it nice nice very nice now let's go meet the jackass he's always a fun to deal with foreign easy enough let's go ahead and throw that helmet on oh and who might we have here I've got one of those spring things cornered in the cross you can kill it can't you like you killed the others I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry I hate this he's such a pompous ass not a word let's try to keep that lovely neck of yours in one piece now I saw you on the ship didn't I not you wretched little oh your mind twists you're looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear what was that what's going on it's those tentacled monsters whatever they did whatever they put in US just created a connection they took you too I saw it during whatever just happened to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards apologies I'm out of wine and flowers so I hope an introduction will suffice my name's a Starion I was in Boulder's Gate when those beasts snatched me the strong and Silent time all right please tell me you at least know something about these worms I suppose it's not exactly common knowledge these worms are already affecting me I can feel it now what to do about it no words of wisdom before you go I need to find out more before I let anyone root around my skull I'll find an expert good luck I suppose here's hoping we're still wearing the same skins when we next meet yeah sure Oh Come Back piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy the ball Grunts and eyes you wearily with its beady eyes [Music] damn I got a lot of farther than I thought it was going to oh and I just missed twice that's not good um I didn't realize it wasn't going to get an attack of opportunity sure did that time there we go really three freaking experience for that well at least we got some food to eat that's where we came through uh up here should be where the Mind player is I believe we are not giving this thing a chance to kill us mind player there we go we got our level freaking finally okay well we're actually going with Rogue for this level we want to get the some sweet sweet sneak attack damage and then we're gonna go ahead and take not sleight of hand stealth is good acrobatics is good perception is good yeah yeah that looks pretty good to me [Music] ah thank you Shiloh thank you not sure if you're referring to the boar or the Mind flayer but uh either way yeah I'm pretty good with it there we go some Goblin supplies I'll take it oh and what might we have here approach the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically malfunctioning it looks slightly dangerous yeah the boar was a bit sloppy huh a hand anyone whatever you're doing is working wonders now a quick little pull should do the trick that is true that is true we did do quite well there yeah we still haven't taken damage hello except for the death that we had Water Deep apologies usually better at this that they are that they are apologies I didn't exactly memorize my cephalopodian banishment spells last night wasn't the best prepared for an attack by squid I don't trust you girl whoa easy does it really really don't want to do that not a threat it's an observation yeah you're probably uh one of the geek thralls anybody no choice but to answer your Folly with Fury [Music] really week ow well met I am a magical projection of Gale of water deep and if you see this manifestation that means I have prematurely perished however for reasons that cannot be disclosed it is of vital importance that my death be remedied at your earliest convenience this is one of the funniest things in the whole game do not speak out of self-preservation alone many lives depend on my return to the living within the span of two days I trust I've made myself clear yeah I trust you can suck it the grave error enjoy I I have all right we're skipping through this it is funny but will now appear on the letters surface so it is our lives depend on it now I'm not trying to try your patience ah how long does this crap last oh it's while I'm close to Gail did not realize that I'm exhausted I'll fill that one later [Music] I don't need any attention where did my Bird Go I left it way back here didn't I yes I did I just realized that it was uh Gone foreign [Music] you think it's dangerous of course it's dangerous one of them can't absorb his whole Squad so let's leave it and let the god no we take it to The Grove all right I guess I need to come out of hiding sorry was right yellow was a toad and twice as ugly things dangerous leave it for the Goblins to kill and if it escapes how will you your skull pounds in response to the prisoner's white hot stare a lips don't move did you hear her voice I actually don't know that Shiloh Lee I I was just wondering that myself I guess we're gonna find out but yeah maybe the entire maybe we'll get a game over in two days because we didn't revive him in the entire sword Coast blows up or something it'll be interesting to see really no we take it to Camp zevlo will know what to do with it your skull aches before you can take a step I are the creature you feel her irritation and in dignity feel answers or about you your audition hmm all right all right get out of here leave this creature to me oh my god really two Nat ones in a row really demise let's no I'm not leaving this fiend with a stranger till then ah you know what let's get the creature to Camp then we'll go on take it to Camp I'll tie it up you're not a craven join me or die ah this is my fight I'm not picking sides oh it's Lazelle really you know what screw you then if you're gonna be hostile to me you can die thank you thank you with haste oh we didn't actually get any experience for that though that's unfortunate observe listen you'll hear goblins before you see them as you say all right well liezel's down yeah I got the loot free armor I'm not actually going to use although it is medium armor I guess I could use it I think I can use it right yeah I can use medium armor yeah good idea good idea with the armor there don't think we really have anything else how about a silver locket why not and he's shouting up ahead all right time to minister some goblins you did not do it again but now you did do it again matsy yeah I don't think that they will but we'll see whenever we get there that's still a pretty good ways away nobody gets in Florida's orders that pack of goblets will be honest any second what's going on publics are on our tail open the gates therefore now now goblins here here where is The Druids please there's no time [Music] hey what is up Ashu what is up what is that yeah I suppose we are how you doing [ __ ] damnable Roach provoke the blade no he does pretty good for a guy with one eye damn it foreign Ty [Music] yeah yeah his entrance got a lot cooler since the uh Early Access [Music] thank you cool cool [Music] and how's that been going for you I guess you just decided to refuse everybody instead of killing them [Music] bicycle and sword foreign thank you Shiloh it's nice to have my deadness appreciated three quarters of the way through act one that's pretty damn good hopefully I can do that well [Music] here we go again really for flipping damage that's it I can't actually make it down there either can I oh well foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] yeah we're getting pretty good at those nice shots hopefully I like being able to stay at a range and uh not have to take too many risks [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] nice nice yeah I'm still planning on playing the uh The Necromancer in act three I just I want to get a longer stream to do that because it seems like there is so much to do and tonight's probably going to be a shorter stream so I decided to start this instead [Music] open the gates [Music] might be useful go see what we can find overshaw [Music] foreign level five summons huh can't you already just get five ghouls or four ghouls by upcasting uh yes I can do that because I'm a necromancer but yeah okay but if you do the quest you can get it even as uh non-necromancer wonder if that means it's a necromancer I could have gotten eight ghouls or at least six that would have been pretty cool oh and it's a precast sounds doubly nice well damn I guess I missed a perception check here huh that's unfortunate I guess we'll have to return [Music] wait a minute I did not no I didn't I didn't get the guidance necklace I was totally about to just uh walk away and forget that [Music] what to do Swift as my feet can carry me these tracks goblins what's in here just out of you all's well that ends not as bad as it could have slow down I don't actually know if the bird gets perception or not sure I bet Ashley knows or asks you the gods are watching me I don't think it does I've not noticed it make a perception check before but I've not used a familiar a whole lot so I could be wrong to be cautious laughs foreign if you killed the Archer chick I'm guessing you mean the one that was down here yeah I'm definitely going to be going for two uh hand crossbows whenever I was testing it out that seemed to be a lot more damage than a long bow or even just a regular crossbow all right May the gods take you first foreign [Music] lies before me um there are children here you fool we was running for our lives you let them straight to us and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable yeah I'm pretty sure that you can only resurrect them if you get them in your party first and they don't die from a story reason I've seen much bloodier battles than this consider yourselves lucky I know who the hell are you again show some respect This Woman Saved your pathetic life well I didn't ask for any goddamn help please you were begging me to open the gate anything to save yourself you coward oh collapses unconscious well that's that the Goblins have found us no doubt the Beast will be back we need to pack up and leave immediately oh [Music] possibly yeah probably Shiloh how soon why would you go anywhere and thanks for uh clarifying there matsy I actually whenever he said NPCs I read it as like companions so that's what I was thinking who just care about your stupid apprenticeship refugees adventurers no one in years and suddenly we're overwhelmed well met and thank you for beating back those goblins most Brave of you is there anything you need act fast if you do the ritual will be complete before too long all right get her selling on thank you you know I should probably keep that Shield as the extra two AC from a shield probably gonna be better than having an offhand attack I should definitely equip those calm down please them behind you're trying to get us killed all right well that's a pretty good amount of gold I suppose we actually shouldn't need these all right I asked you you were saying he should have a hand crossbow but we have to short rest first before we see it oh gloves of missile snaring I should probably have that yeah let's get those then we'll see about that hand crossbow in a little bit ah the Smith the Smith okay gotcha [Music] maybe we'll go check that out first then win apprenticeship take that back right now all right come on Smithy where you at I'm helping it we're exposed now maybe I need more pockets with a flick of the wrist all right already getting a 26 I like that I have something to ask everybody's not bad thanks for fighting off those goblins if you need to replace any my selection is pretty slim I had to leave most of my equipment in El Torell who's got a heavy crossbow or a short bow I'll have to take that short rest and see if uh or is it not green green and about 150 gold I guess I just need another short rest first 150 gold is not actually not that bad at all I should still be able to get those gloves too then which is good you fancy above best to fill your belly now while we still can the only way we'll make it to Baldur's Gate is to run and run hard if a Knoll catches your scent you'll need every bit of strength trust me all right we got some gruel hooray just what I always wanted again swing and swing leaves and again swing and swing all right let's go grab those gloves and those should definitely come in handy [Music] of course it does you would choose strangers over us not what I said can we stop shouting no damn I was gonna try to pickpocket but nope I swear that looks oh look who it is he hastily tucks away an ornate box one covered in strange symbols you don't understand if I wanted a tail I'd kill a cat a toy it's not important Fair Point survival is the Crux of it for now I suppose you came here for the same reason I did precisely we need someone who can help rid us of these things but we'll have no such luck in this place from what I've learned of it no but I haven't looked either Staying Alive kept me busy yeah I didn't find any either he's a reputed Healer he could probably help us if only he hadn't gone missing no matter as long as I keep the damn things safe foreign don't give me trouble now yeah the invisible cloak one kill is nice I can see that really oh come on [Music] well so much for that so much for that hold out your hand lady let me show you something go on Take This Ring it's lucky uh I never learned names or anything just the tricks anyway forget that take the ring I want to show you how lucky it is foreign okay maybe you don't need extra luck but since you're already holding the thing call it heads or tails hey hold on you got to pay for that fine keep it call it a sample yeah but you've got to at least look at the other Rings okay I gotta eat really that's what I got all right well we got some experience at least so that's good and I don't think we really need anything else ring of resistance to ants ring of Legends ring of being really invisible really really ooh I need that one I need that one and a ring of infinite wishes I just want the Ring of being really invisible you both you suddenly feel something moving against your back and turn what's up well now someone's starting young who taught you that the big kids how how did you catch me oh okay I guess I'll try harder not to get caught next time bye yes buy indeed please last room hey jelly cubed and not a lefty I have not considered three assassin three Gloom stalker six way of Shadow Monk the monk is freaking powerful as hell from what I understand though so that would probably be better than what I'm planning well I'm gonna go with what I got I'm going with gloomstalker and assassin and uh and you know I do reserve the right to change things as needed though if things are not going well please last room it is forbidden I guess I don't really need to hide huh let water go and you will wait for caucus judgment now get back oh look through miraculous what stealth ring are we talking about because that sounds good I'm not recalling one though I do remember there being uh ring of something around here it's like plus one to saving throws or plus one to armor or something all right we need the Ring of being really invisible there we got our invisible ring um uh we don't necessarily need those yet yeah okay we're good Carl macron give her a chance you get back no and you'll find trouble all the same unless you get out of my sight a moment Gianna what oh I understand apparently Corker wants to see you go ahead oh and a skeleton near the river up from carlak got it got it that should be easy enough to find alas I've never learned to confess with your kind yes yes I'm right where um definitely do enjoy me some alchemy foreign very nice pretty decent amount of gold too foreign first and I actually am going to the Trap cave um probably from inside of there most likely after speaking to Nettie um please I'm sorry this is madness korga this is just a what Wrath a poison threat I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger [Music] soon enough first judgment must be passed the parasite eats our food drinks our water then steals are most holy Idol in thanks wrath lock her up she remains here until the right is complete and keep still devil Tila is restless come cougar we took back the idol surely do it now ref er no it's yes Taylor to me gone by the gods Koga what have you done bury the remains continue the right and the parents they're just outside this Outsider will take word once I've spoken to her we must focus on the right she's dead she's dead Koga we are Guardians not killers spare your tears still go on say it you think I'm a monster accidents do not exist there is only choice and consequence the devil spawn imperiled my brood I beared my fangs to defend it choice consequence now the idol of Sylvanas is returned and the writers resumed we will Seal The Grove free from harm free of intruders then I was wise to Grant you entry and you'd be wise to heed my words I want you to provide your services to the tiefling leader cephlow he's called offered to guide The Outlanders out of the Grove I'm sure they reward you well they're to be gone before final prayer if they are not the Viper must strike you will do more than speak this tale ends but one way with the Outlander Rod cleansed and the Grove forever shrouded since they forced our hand you did a number on you didn't they does that hurt oh wait I would have to kill her to go in from this way wouldn't I yeah I would I don't want to kill her I see you just give me a moment [Music] there it's up to her now life for death now what was it you needed I do what I can for most folks that's enough come here let's have a look at you know a bit tired around the eyes Maybe mind Flay I I'll do what I can come follow me I might be able to help we need to be quick this way you might be able to help [Music] there's something in that vessel take a closer look this one had the same problem as you attacked us in the woods together with some goblins tadpole crawled out of his head soon after [Music] I'll do the best I can I'm no master house in mind he'd have your tadpole out like that still we have options all right let's see what we can do it might but first things first tell me about your symptoms have you noticed anything strange happening looking closer you realize you've seen this thorn in the Wilds calumvor's kiss a briar from the Dale lands and a deadly poison to Hell's with it he dodged her blow but as you regain your footing you can see the pain in her eyes I'm sorry I truly am but I can't let you go if you transform out there you'll kill everyone in the Grove everyone for leagues around [Music] Master halson did say the drowsed tadpole was dormant maybe yours is too all right but on one condition this is a vial of wyvern poison swear to me you'll swallowed if you feel any symptoms swear it I hope it doesn't come to that but thank you here you know I've spent my life treating folk and never once saw a mind flare infection then suddenly there's dozens of you maybe more Master Halton and I were tracking them studying trying to figure out what the hell's was going on we should all be changing there should be a small army of Mind flares out there but you're not weird powers aside you seem perfectly normal mind flares reproduce by infecting someone with their parasite seven gruesome days later the victim transforms and a new mind flare is Born the thing in your skull though it's different to anything in our records it's one of their worms for sure but this one gives you powers telepathic connections and it doesn't turn you into one of them not yet anyhow hard to say but there's a lot we don't know infected folks like you have been converging on an old temple of soluna and I've no idea why when Master halson heard the adventurers were heading that way he saw a chance to get answers joined on the spot whatever he found there he didn't make it back oh yeah have you been playing Starfield uh please let us know your thoughts on it if you have I'd love to get your opinion for sure and I would have to say the voice acting in almost every game that I've ever played probably just every game not even almost every game that I've ever played kind of pills in comparison to the voice acting in this game not sure if I've heard any bad voice acting in this game if so it didn't stick with me thing is I've sent I've sent find him goblins none of us can even get close you though you're one of them technically speaking I mean what's up what's up my friend how you doing how you doing get him out of there we can discover what he learned and perhaps he can save your life how's that sound yeah I'm sure for some people that's a great insult and for others it's a great compliment really says more about the person uh I guess interpreting it than it does about the person saying it glad things are doing well I'm pretty tired but uh other than that I'm good I'm pretty good the channel has been doing the best that it's done in uh well since the release of Wrath of the righteous so that's nice just trying to keep that going thank you it would mean everything to the groom to me I wish I could tell you more but only those adventurers know what happened out there awful combat and laughable quests that sounds bad and master halson didn't make it back good luck out there and if things start to go bad remember the vial remember your oath time Nettie come on all right look at that we haven't caused one Slaughter yet and we're already like three hours in oh no we're not we're not even two hours in never mind still not one Slaughter that might be worth a look doing the happy bad one what's the happy bounce that's funny anybody know what this cauldron's for it's got to be for like cooking something right [Music] I don't know I have to try that one day see if I can't figure it out [Music] why are there so many rats in here I don't remember there being so many rats [Music] really the rats are gonna break my freaking stealth that's lame [Music] nope nothing to hide here goodbye yeah I don't remember seeing them before though keep their confidence if you insist do you have anything since you're a merchant ah but you were at the gates just now no when the Goblins came you saw them up close few questions if you please there's no overstating my interest I make it very quick hand to her Glory how would you describe that particular batch of goblins size nature distinguishing qualities you search your mind but remember nothing useful about Goblin social order or behavior can it be terribly compelling and the dragon they had marching in the rear was it of the brass or silver variety foreign Silver Dragon for brass really really we can't even tell the wrong story right did the attackers rally to the absolute when they fell upon the gates you did didn't they oh oh curious curious indeed I've interrogated one a captive In This Very Camp She reports they've abandoned their God magloviette in favor of someone called the absolute candle never you mind I'm on my way to their Camp as we speak I always knew my studies in cookware would come to some use okay what I was really here for okay probably don't need that unless that accounts for me do you think that counts for me if I heal myself with a potion because if so that could be pretty useful I don't know we might take it just to find out yeah it does you can confirm that awesome okay uh yeah that's probably all that I actually need here I'll take it go with my ring of really really invisible oh word that we could speak freely my earthheim friend alas I've never learned to converse with your kind [Music] um mild and pain will fade away words of mine will change no become sounded like a cat being strangled because violence doesn't fix everything you know music can help in ways a silly blade can't besides I'm not doing this for me this is for the people I we lost on the way here it's important sure all right why are we doing this I don't know well we're not apparently that was weird oh I guess she doesn't like me I wonder why I wonder what's possible all right let's go this way we're not going to the harpies sorry but I don't think we can really stand up against them foreign yeah that's a good point jelly cubed she would be pretty cool have a Bard origin character because she does have an interesting story like if you talk to her and you you figure it out like I don't know they could have gone deeper into it made her an origin character I'm sure but they probably felt like they've done enough already and they're probably right well all right I guess I'll yeah I guess we'll take our last short rest just so we can get the hand bow it heals us up to full I guess that's good looking for steel I have well not really I'm looking for huh well the blacksmith does not seem to have a hand crossbow still no I'm not going to steal his breastplate I could take that that's definitely better than what I have it's a lot more expensive though a partial rest is in Camp you mean a long rest what partial rest do you do in Camp okay is there a rest that I don't know about see I can end the day but that's not partial ah rest without using food no that's going to end the day was I supposed to come to the camp and then use take the rest option end that and then choose partial all right we're gonna try it we'll see what happens most of your imagination not sure if I understand but we'll find out shines through the Druid housing sounds like a remarkable Talent he can still the parasite you're sure of it a smile threatens to curl your lip cures on the horizon soon you'll be rid of this tadpole for good ah partial rest there we go I didn't realize that was an option okay let's do it foreign looking for steel I have well something close well let's see his inventory is definitely different oh my God um feel like I'm blind here let's go to trade weapons there's a short bow that's a long bow that's a javelin that's a mace short bow short sword okay yep there's uh that's fine we'll find a hand crossbow somewhere we'll find one somewhere damn Druids who uses wooden tools oh so it's not definite it's just like a maybe thing all right let's try it one more time I'll give it one more partial rest but if it doesn't come through this time then yeah that's fine we'll we'll make do we'll make do oh all right let's go see if it's there looking for steel I have well something close well I suppose that there's it huh well let's see if we can find another hand crossbow somewhere else I don't have enough money right now to buy one anyways although I can sell that I guess I don't really need this Soul coin or these ropes or those gloves or this I'm curious these toxins and poisons very much because normally I don't but seems like this with the solo thing it might be a good idea oh yeah I miss myself man yeah maybe the other maybe the other maybe the other guy will have one you know maybe I don't know doesn't it just feel kind of cheap to just keep resting over and over again like I don't know I don't like it you need anything do you have anything Iran Well you certainly don't have a hand crossbow do you you know what you do have well I probably don't need more potions right now I might need gold more than I need actual potions at this point that's not what I said can we stop shouting no all right you convinced me I'm doing one more partial rest but that's it that'll be three or four I don't know that'll be three or four I can't count right now my brain doesn't work I swear I looked and did not see a normal hand bow that time um did the game just freeze up on us did we take too many partial rests and now we're dead I guess we did take too many partial risks and now we're dead laughs [Music] so I guess if you take too many partial rests you starve to death or did the I don't know maybe it was Gail I don't think it was Gail if it was Gail then we're doomed either way oh my God it was Gail [Music] wow it was freaking Gill oh that's annoying ah so yeah he just blew up the whole sword Coast that's nice that's nice no we did not eat his hand we did not we're not a dark urge in this one there was no hand eating all right I guess I'm gonna load this one then yeah no more cult maybe no more is balder's gate I'm not sure how big that explosion was but it was It was obviously pretty big thank you I agree jelly cubed how dare I not uh be a dark urge all right we're just leaving camp no more resting I don't think we have the crossbow no we don't looking for steel that was that was funny that was freaking hilarious glad we're not in an Iron Man mode right now ah there's the hand crossbow very good and you said that he's always got a normal one but I definitely don't see a normal one that's fine we're just not gonna have a normal one for now because I'm not going through that again getting blown up by Gail twice is in a all right so I guess we have a new mission go and save Gail [Laughter] ah all right all right I'm gonna get another girl from you nope hey thanks Shiloh and uh yeah we got our question answered about the what would happen with Gail all right I guess we need I have no idea how to open this freaking package thing that he gave us I wasn't paying attention I guess we'll find out the pouch is sealed indifferently colored strands of thread as the purple thread becomes undone the pouch opens to reveal a letter and flute inside okay got it this is the flute Gale kept on his person magical Aura envelops its wooden surface the flute awaits with baited breath that wasn't the right note you'll have to start anew what [Music] okay [Music] that wasn't the right note you'll have to start anew that wasn't the right note wasn't the right note you'll have to start a new that wasn't the right note you'll have thank you oh look it's a method method yeah dead yeah I finally got it [Music] news yet really am I gonna have to do this all over again played [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right there he's alive now we don't have to worry about the world ending thank you reminds me it should change this all right now we'll try that partial rest thing one more time thank you all right nothing blew up that's good how do you open it oh yeah jelly cubed if um if Gail dies you have to revive him with that pouch or else it's it's bad as you saw I didn't know how bad it was going to be until well I saw it for myself but yeah it's actually very funny it's one of the most interesting or funniest moments in the game whenever he dies and you yeah if you go through the whole thing can we stop shouting because he does this whole bit before like you actually get the pouch from him like his ghost or Apparition or whatever it is does it's pretty good it's pretty good you're not the blacksmith you are no it does not happen if you do the uh the hand thing with the dark urge I guess he's stuck in some other dimension or plane of existence or something so it doesn't affect us now looking for steel I have well [ __ ] close all right Do you have a h yeah there's still no hand crossbow oh well we'll be fine we'll be fine we don't actually need it you ain't gonna shoot me your hands are shaking put it down she can't fight back that's the point get out of the way she didn't kill your brother ARCA you're better than this shoot before you lose your nerve tiefling if you ever had it to begin with afraid chosen by the absolute I am I'm blessed oh I'll bless you all right here it comes little beast that's curious softer than a whisper these boots have seen everything glowing eyes are really a good sign recipe that way he's boring let's find another one I should have came from the other way [Music] a girl's been kidnapped oh I didn't know that could happen I wish he'd get kidnapped in my game actually I was gonna go pick up that ring from the grave at where karlak is or the skeleton whatever something's wrong yeah we should be able to talk to you okay you're a true son I don't think he's conscious can you hear us Ed you not a step closer strange marked on their flesh and something within these stairs in response I'm so so sorry it's our brother true Soul Edwin he's injured didn't I I wasn't thinking Chevron runs across your mind you feel sated the injured man locks eyes with you the parasite rides in your your mind's intertwine you see his siblings andrick and Brenna new recruits yours to Shepherd protect them mind the true soul she will see see Edwin Ed please he's with the absolute now true Soul thank the absolute Edwin our brother he was chosen like you do you have orders for us we were reporting to Edwin we know that all too well man but the absolute sent us here we're looking for fugitives survivors from that ship that crashed farther west of here [Music] an oil beer it had him on the ground before we had a chance to react we managed to drag him away but the beast's claws had already done their work I told Edward not to look in that cave it was filthy with oil Bear Tracks killed one of us it killed Edwin it's an enemy of the absolute you're right madam a beast just ahead it was too much for us before but if you could help us true so we may stand a chance same as that Goblin sazer hmm strange power resonates within the corpse calls to you your limbs move with their own accord there's something of value something in your mind to craves why let its host's memories go to waste tadpole has absorbed it all this experience could nourish you strengthen you 've abandoned their hosts as soon as they need to buy your parasite always room for more don't know if we can actually defeat the owl bear with their help probably not right now this is that scratch the dog lowers his hackles his head tilted inquisitively convinced that you're harmless he turns his attention back to the corpse the dog whimpers nervously as if to urge you on the dog looks at his owner with sad eyes he does not move the dog sniffs your hand is Tales swung low in understanding he knows how to find you [Music] hey what is up oh cart yeah the dog is pretty cool you can actually get him in your camp and you can play ball with him and yeah he's fun or she actually I'm not sure ah there we go Smuggler's ring two stealth two sleight of hand very nice very nice indeed well it was nice to be really invisible for a while but I think we gotta swap that out for this ass [ __ ] that that Ball's gonna crawl up her butt you know I actually thought something very similar I just saw that you yeah because of where she put is like uh what the hell I mean I guess she's supposed to be putting it in her pocket or belt or something I don't know but yeah that did look really weird I don't know if we actually want to talk to carlak yet I guess as long as we're here we may as well I don't think we've done anything to make her attack us or hate us ah oh [ __ ] me it's you from the ship I haven't taken any bounties from a burnt tier dink have you good great glad I don't have to kill you a great heat Roars through you her heat fiery as the hells then your last envisions of demonic armies as you tear through a landscape of Fire and Blood blood War you saw it from above as the north Lloyd passed through avernus line box [ __ ] sake mountains as far as the eye can see guess that explains the voices from that Peak I got into your head you've made some inroads trying to get the thing sorted but alas no joy I'm karlak and you are oh boy an [ __ ] winning you over will be entertaining maybe it'll help if we start with a little [ __ ] how do you like to help me kill some evil bastards a little background a few moral compass needs something to point at you already know I fought in the blood War I was good at killing demons really good so good zariel the arch devil herself made me her personal attack dog played along until I could get the [ __ ] out of there took me 10 years to probably Escape but now I'm free Zario sent goon after goon to hunt me down but believe me when I tell you I'm not going the latest yappy little dog she sicked on me are nearby a group of dopes posing as paladins of tear wanna help me take him down not really no I was the tadpole kill some fiends evict a parasite and take favor and buy the short hairs sound good you know she does make a lot of sense but unfortunately our premise does not allow for her to join us damn after a decade in hell I was hoping for a little company especially some who look like you but I can take a hint good luck out there you're gonna need it all right let's head back actually killing the companions does not give you experience I didn't get anyone Gill died and I didn't get anyone Lazelle died so I don't think that killing her would have gotten me in the either all right let's go fight ourselves an owl bear if everyone else Minds their business moving ahead yeah better not just rush into combat I'd pray No Doubt y'all also better not break my stealth or I'm gonna be pissed they're breaking my stealth you feel the question of its heavy footsteps before me the owl there's one good eye flicks away for a moment and singing owl bear cub as you Retreat the owl bear lets out a short Huff the message is clear you can leave now or step closer and die very well I don't actually know how well this is going to go I have a feeling it's not going to go very well at all right but let's give it a try foreign damn it why would I have disadvantage against the target what the hell all right I'm not sure what's going on here laughs there we go oh that is not good that is not good there we go blinded don't attack the owl bear cub attack the mother she's the one who can hurt us try me [Music] foreign that was ridiculous damn really they're gonna go kill the freaking Cub instead of helping fight the mother oh they suck they suck hard oh nice command halt that actually kind of helps thank you really damn it foreign oh yeah you found it you did it Matty yeah they were really cool like the info that you get about the emperor and about balderan like uh yeah they're freaking awesome I'm glad that you enjoyed them I'd say they're definitely two of the better cutscenes in the game you know what I should have done this before deadlier than ever come on blind work this time thank you wow that guy is so worthless [Music] no don't halt that one hold the damn hell there on my way [Music] [Music] foreign still has the wyvern toxin you know what see if we can get two attacks damn it I don't think we're gonna beat this thing especially since nobody can even hit it why am I having disadvantage here oh it's outside of my normal range well that sucks [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] holy crap that was ridiculous did you see how freaking far that thing jumped what the hell all right we're gonna go ahead and end it there folks yep we're apparently not ready for the owl bear we probably would have done a lot better if we had a regular crossbow instead of the hand crossbow there but um you know or if we had both hand crossbows that would have been amazing but anyways yeah it's already after midnight I gotta wake up in about six hours so I'm gonna go ahead and go to bed you'll be happy to see that the uh that the Cub did not die the Cub is fine the Cub is fine no problem there anyways don't forget to hit like And subscribe and we'll be back with this uh we'll be back with this play through possibly tomorrow night Monday night is definitely our four player co-op night and then um Thursday night we'll probably be trying to finish our neck Necromancer uh dark urge play through oh actually we gotta do I almost forgot we gotta do five more minutes oh is that the Lord I didn't even notice that you showed up I missed you sorry about that my friend there we go we're in the It's the final countdown so yeah we're uh we're just gonna leave the owl bear alone and we're gonna go back to the goblin cave we probably could defeat the owl bear if we tried enough times but yeah we're not gonna do that tried once not a good idea we'll come back for it whenever we're level three [Applause] maybe I need more pockets yeah you're probably fine with the number of pockets that you have let's have a look just out of a few yeah that would be nice that would be nice for sure oh my bird's gone I thought it was stealth too but uh apparently not foreign damn it wow [Music] best be on my way [Music] in mud there shouldn't have been slowed down all right what do I have that could help here feel like we're getting a little bit yeah let's put a few uh really oh my God this is not going well damn it that's annoying but it's my own fault foreign [Music] [Music] damn it thank you ah yeah two-hand crossbows would be better for sure [Music] thank you be wary this place is trapped foreign more than five minutes so I opened it back up um yeah ah damn it I don't have any trap disarmed kits well I was hoping that that would set it off but apparently not oh well [Music] anything of use oh yeah there's quite a few Potions there I found those useful breaths are shallow his wound s there you go buddy oh thank you thank you I thought I was gonna die down here they were asking questions about a weapon I told them the only weapons here are the ones the foul Bloods brought I must tell the others what happened I stepped careful there were traps in these tunnels and thank you again yeah we'll have to go back to still the other one I didn't think about that I'll decide that's curious let's see what this does [Music] don't fancy getting my hands dirty I need a shovel damn it I still haven't picked up a shovel and there's not one around here either is there ah annoying annoying hey we're getting close to level three though so that's nice all right anyways we are gonna go ahead and end it here and we'll have to steal the crown key from uh oh actually we don't need the crown key because Nettie already opened up the door for us so we don't actually need the Crown Key we gotta steal the Rune from wrath though but yeah we're gonna go ahead and call it a night thanks oakheart thanks for all the advice Ashu definitely awesome definitely appreciate it I'm gonna try to get that second hand crossbow on the next one uh thanks matsy thanks everybody else and uh jelly cubed missed more I just want to say that the Cub was safe so yeah I hope that you appreciated that that's the only reason that I wiped there is like ah we can't kill the Cub missed more would cry and yeah all right we're gonna go ahead and end it here and I'll try to check over there for that gold that you're talking about next time I ask you I'm assuming you're talking about by those exploding mushrooms where I think you're talking about anyways yeah I'll check there next time well we're gonna call it a night this has been Chris with lore Spire be well my friends
Channel: Lorespire
Views: 113,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 character creation, bg3 character creation, baldurs gate 3 early access, baldurs gate 3 livestream, bg3 livestream, bg3 live stream, baldurs gate 3 live stream, Baldurs gate 3 ideas, baldurs gate 3 dark urge, baldurs gate 3 viewer decision, durge, dark urge, baldurs gate 3 tactician, tactician mode, lorespire, baldurs gate 3 solo tactician, baldurs gate 3 gloomstalker, Baldurs Gate 3 assassin
Id: 0yVhzwotsuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 30sec (10350 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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