Level 2 Spell Tierlist & Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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hello and welcome to another tier list video for the level two spells in Boulders Gate 3 I'm going to go over where I think each of these spells should go if you disagree with me let me know please explain why you disagree with me so I'm going to start off with Aid which is available to clerics and paladins so what does it do it increases your hit point maximum by five interestingly it does also heal your allies so if people were down they would get back up from this so now the hit point maximum is increased by and if you upcast it you get extra five hit points maximum per level you increase it by so at level six I don't necessarily recommend doing this particularly often but at level six you get 25 extra hit points maximum on everyone that it's cast on you can cast this in Camp and try and cast it on more than just the four people in your party it applies to summons like scratch your Mage hand and any familiar you have summoned I think this goes straight up to S tier it's a hit point maximum so so even if you drop below those hit points you can heal up to that maximum again short rests increase the healing done because at a short rest you healed by half your maximum hit points Arcane lock is available to wizards bars via the magical Secrets alich Knights and Arcane tricksters so what does it do it closes a door or container with a magical lock it can no longer be lockpick or opened with knock another level two spell so if I cast it on this door here for example going to turn base mode so this doesn't run out this door can now not be opened by lockpicking or by the magical spell knock however it can still be broken open I've not found a particularly amazing use of this spell and here it looks like it'll be okay because we could separate like these two flaming fists if we want to do this in fact let's just show you that start fight witnessed assaulting the other flaming fist have caught on to this actually so if I just let them go they are going to be able to knock this down so I'm in the walk pens in the goblin camp and if you didn't know some of the goblin children can run out and go and get help so I thought let's lock this door awesome but there they go they've just left and then a seconds I think three more goblins are going to come in there they are Arcane lock doesn't work on doors that actually link to a different area which is really really disappointing if I'm honest I'm tempted to put this in critical Miss but I do think you can probably slow someone down try and separate people for a bit I love the idea of Arcane lock but it doesn't present itself very well in the game maybe there's some certain fights I'm going to put it in D I really I just every time I try to use it it just doesn't really work out well I've wasted an action in combat and the level two spell slot and it only lasts 10 turns if it lasted longer maybe it'd be better perap you can let me know of any combats where this is coming really really useful dark skin is next this is available to Druids nature domain clerics and Rangers so it takes an action to cast and it makes your armor class 16 and it requires concentration and will last until long rest as long as you maintain concentration and so jir here is an armor class of 17 actually not that great to begin with but casting bark skin does nothing for her cuz her is already higher bark skin is pretty much useless in your human form assuming you're a Dr for nature domain clerics and Rangers it's really not that great even for themselves especially not for themselves even for other people let's wild shapee into I don't know saber-tooth tiger and my armor class is 16 which is is is better than what it would have been it would have been 13 so it helps with your animal forms but I need to maintain concentration so if I fail a constitution saving throw for concentration then that's it it goes away and as a druid I've got so many spells that I want to concentrate on not even the ones I've got selected H person moon beam Spike growth maybe heat metal flaming sphere enhance ability guidance even resistance perhaps then higher levels cool lightning maybe SLE stom you know there are there are a lot of concentration spells and using your concentration to maintain an armor class of 16 by the time you're at the higher levels unless your armor class is actually higher than probably about 20 you're going to be hit a lot anyway by the time you get to the high levels you can't rely on your armor to stop you from being hit you've got to rely on your hit points damage resistance healing in between combats to stay alive and all levels I'd much rather use my SP level two spell slot for something else it's really just not worth it next up is Blindness available to BS cleric Sorcerers Wizards fiend warlocks Arcane shers and eldrich knights so you target a creature they have to to make a constitution saving throw if they fail they become blind which means attack fors against they have advantage and the fo attacks with disadvantage also the range of their attacks is reduced to 10 ft but something else that doesn't explain here is that if someone is blinded they cannot make attacks of opportunity if we upcast it we can actually Target an additional Target per spell level so I'm going to try and blind the two of these people here you were witnessed assaulting someone so then now both blind and the really cool thing about the spell is it doesn't require concentration let's not shoot through wall shall we and there's only one saving throw so these two enemies are now blinded for 10 turns there's nothing they can do about it so I'm going to walk up to blaz larer and she doesn't get opportunity attacks CU she's blinded and I've got Advantage awesome now as cool as that sounds I'm going to leave it at maybe B tier perhaps a the problem I find is I often find myself just wanting to cast something else ahead of it it's not a bad spell the things I like is there's no concentration requirement and there's only a single saving throw against it so if they fail they're going to be blind for 10 turns sometimes when I compare it to some of the other spells basically those are a tier and S tier oh blindness could be good but I could also cast one of these other spells that I'm going to go across later blur is next which is available to Sorcerers Wizards circle of the land Druids if they pick the desert option BS fire their magical Secrets Arcane tricksters and alrich knights so it takes an action to cast requires your concentration and for 10 turns enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls against you doesn't affect creatures that don't rely on sight or that can see through Illusions there aren't too many of those creatures around I would say made that save this character had disadvantage but I still got hit hit even with disadvantage that isn't always going to happen though I do find for most classes this probably isn't worth it the concentration requirement is quite a high opportunity cost whereas Gail here even just other level two spells could have been cloud of daggers crown of Madness level six fa Autos irresistible dance haste when you're going to you're competing with haste for quite a few of those classes there it's probably better suited to maybe an alrich Knight someone who's already got a particularly High Armor class hopefully Armor class 17 isn't overly high and for those of you wondering every time Gail appears in these videos in this set of armor I was like oh what's he wearing something called robe of the weave and hood of the weave that makes him look awesome this one's a little bit dependent on the class but for most of the classes I'm going to leave it at se because what would have been better here what would have been better is actually trying to kill the Mana why make people are just a bit less likely to hit you when you can actually take someone out and they will 100% not hit you because they're on the floor dying and dead like that I do find for most characters I think there's often going to be a better choice than blur next we have branding Smite this is available to paladins and zaral teelings interestingly they both get it at level five so it's another Smite spell you use an attack action and your bonus action and if we hit you do your normal melee damage which is what the top few rows are showing plus 2d6 radiant that's where those 2d6 has come from if you hit them and they fail a Conant ution saving Thro they are marked with light and cannot turn invisible and it requires concentration very interestingly this is the only Smite action that will Smite spell that will work with a ranged attack so if that's your thing well in fact I've got a higher chance to hit with my ranged attack critical hit witnessed assaulting someone now they seemingly passed their constitution saving through yeah so they're not lit up we do a bit of extra damage unfortunately I guess on the ranged attack we cannot use our divine Smite so if I try this branding Smite they've got it and then I can use my Divine Smite on top and so now you can see there's a light above them and they can't turn invisible the light is only a 5T radius but it's still light which really help people with dark vision problems who don't have dark vision probably more useful during act two than act three in terms of the extra effect I'm going to leave this at B the damage isn't great it's 2d6 I could use a level one spell slot and get 2 d8 damage out of that but we can use it with a ranged attack I know paladins aren't usually known for that but the extra option is really really nice being a zaral tling means you can only use this once per long rest sadly perhaps it's better for them than paladins but because paladins do have other spells they can concentrate on namely bless arm emotions is next which is available two BS clerics and Arch Fay warlocks so when you cast it humanoids and in the area cannot be Charmed frightened or become enraged talk about that later it's concentration spell sadly so there are some fights in the game where I didn't realize they were humanoids maybe that's a bug it says monstrosity also calmed even though it says the spell should only affect humanoids never mind so now no one here can actually be Charmed by the harpies another place where this spell is useful is against the dwar and the mind Masters which can take over control of your characters this would prevent that if someone is already controlled this also takes them out of being controlled and back to their normal State coming to the enraged part this does mean if you've got a barbarian and they're raging they will come out of rage and they cannot rage while under the influence of the spell which I think is quite limiting I'm going to stick it in C here now it does have its uses there are fights where you will become Charmed and frightened but I don't feel like it's enough to really justify taking it on a b or Arch F warlock if you've played through the game a few times and you've got a cleric then actually you could swap this in if you knew when to use it exactly on a cleric I'd put it up higher but even so it does require concentration and clerics have got bless Spirit Guardians two great spells top tier spells I'd much rather be casting those probably than using calm emotions cloud of daggers this is available to BS Sorcerers warlocks Wizards Arcane tricksters and eldrich knights so you create cloud of daggers which deal damage to people inside anyone anything inside and there's no saving throw against this they just take the damage it's 44 damage when you cast it and if the enemies walk through it in their turn or start their turn there they will take the damage the area yeah isn't massive that's the only real downside to this the area cannot be moved in an open space like this it's not as effective as somewhere enclosed but so they take damage on the initial casting and at the beginning of their turns they will also take more damage and we'll see that immediately there's a 10 damage there but now they've moved out of it unless I somehow throw them into it or push them into it they're not going to take that damage again even so for a level two spell cloud of daggers is great if you upcast it you do get an extra 2D for damage for each spell slot above level two and now it does require concentration so that is something to think about but if you need some guaranteed damage especially in an in an area and currently the AI doesn't avoid it that much they still run through it even on tactician so you can kind of put this through some sort of choke point and everyone's going to be running through it so I think it very much deserves s tier here CR of Madness oops never mind this can be learned by BS Sorcerers warlocks Wizards oath breaker paladins Arcane trickers and eldrich knights so instill a Madness in a humanoid enemy making them attack the creature closest to them other than you even if it's Allied that does need to be a humanoid enemy so I can't Target the wolf here for example so I'm going to Target fist Cults since they've got a very high chance of it working and interestingly interestingly uh neutral NPCs kind of realize he's gone crazy and so he's going to be attacking them so we'll find that they're going to start going after him much to their own detriment to be honest and so now he attacks the nearest NPCs which is quite good right and even the gaet Thunder takes an opportunity attack against the enemy who was under the effect of crown of Madness now it does require concentration and casting out higher levels doesn't do anything it is the wisdom saving through I'm going to stick it and B in Early Access this wasn't really working very well well but now it does seem to be working better I'm not going to put it higher because one it's only humanoid enemies and secondly again it's a concentration spell and there are so many and we can't be concentrating on everything at once only one thing at a time in some situations it's probably going to be much higher where you've only got a few humanoid enemies around and it kind of changes the action economy for the battle in your favor if you've got your party in the right position darkness is next and is available to Sorcerers warlocks Wizards circle of the land rids if they pick the swamp land Earth breaker paladins bars VI the magical Secrets alich Knights Arcane tricksters Dr Dr half elves and as modus teelings can all learn this at level five but only cast it once per long rest and way of the Shadow Monks gain the ability to cast this using two key points the darkness creates an area filled with magical Darkness anyone inside is blinded also Al the magic Missile seems to be an exception and R tanks cannot go into and out of the darkness area there is one notable exception warlocks warlocks can pick an invocation called Devil's sight in which they can see in magical and non-magical darkness up to 80 ft so will here is not blinded any attacks he makes are with advantage in fact he can stay inside the darkness and shoot 's blast now this does require concentration as do many of the Spells at level two apparently so this is ideal for warlocks or or multiclassing into a warlock with Devil's sight because you create an area where if anyone can hit you with a Mele attack it's with disadvantage you shouldn't be able to be hit with ranged attacks and you can attack with advantage and you can attack from within the darkness itself you don't have to leave it it also has utility outside of combat it blocks areas from being seen through however NPCs will quite quickly try and run out of it I'm going to stick it in a tier if you are a warlock and you've taken devil sight it's obviously s tier I think but for other people it's still good it's still Battlefield control it still blocks Vision it's got utility and it requires concentration so you have to think carefully do you want to put up Darkness or do you want to have crown of Madness or perhaps cloud of daggers or bar skin or k emotions or BL or branding Smite even like loads of these spells do require concentration at level two and it's a big old battle Roy competing for concentration dark vision is next this is available to Druids Sorcerers Wizards Rangers bars fire the magical Secrets Arcane tricksters and alrich knights to Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 40 feet it lasts until long rest and does not require concentration upcasting it doesn't do anything so I can cast it on my dragon born here boom he can now see in the dark awesome uh will I don't think Will has yeah and this one he doesn't have Devil's sight so we can give it to him boom he he got dark vision for the day and this lasts until long rest and you can give this to as many people as you like in your Camp doesn't have to be in Camp it's just a bit easier to do it in Camp so we're going to go Cel and give it to her the ranking for this will depend on your style of play because what I'm going to do here right I've given everyone dark vision those of you who've been following my streams know I'm not actually using Gail in my party what I'm going to do is go and let him stay in Camp for the day and we still keep the effect of dark vision which is awesome so I can get him to cast the spell on whoever I want and then he can leave and in fact I didn't mention it earlier but Aid is like that as well however Aid has got a limited area so it's going to be a bit more difficult perhaps to get everyone together so my thoughts on this dark vision is great if you're going to use it like this where you've basically got some dark vision bought in your Camp someone you're going to dedicate to Casting dark vision with it goes in s tier if you're going to be using spell slots that you need to replenish during the day I'd probably drop it down to B dark vision is important however there are lots of light spells or and or items that produce light and after a while it doesn't really matter whether you've got dark vision or not there seem to be enough items around to produce it to produce light that is or just use the light C trp on someone ahead of time often gets rid of the need for having this spell but it's a cool spell it's nice to have it's until long rest no concentration required potentially s tier if you're going to do what I've just done here but otherwise I'll probably leave it at bti detect thought is next which is available to BS Sorcerers Wizards great old one warlocks arcan trickers and eldrich knights this is one of the few spells you can actually cast inside the dialogue you can cast outside of dialogue it's no problem and in fact it is a ritual it does require concentration so some dialogues there's no way to know ahead of time which ones it's just from experience in trial and error you get this option here detect thoughts so I'm rolling an intelligence check here sometimes it does roll wisdom and in fact to help me out I'm going to use a couple of spells good thing I did see the true Souls those types don't even bother to wait so why is this useful so if you pass this check which is sometimes not so difficult easier than these other checks well the lith wisdom will just be a two but it gives you extra dialog options gives you extra information and so now I can go pass this check just by walking forwards and because of its ritual nature and its use I'm going to put it at s tier even for the classes that only have spells known such as BS and Sorcerers and warlocks an AR trixes and eldrich kns in fact for all the classes apart from Wizards it's probably worth thinking about taking this if it's going to be your main character the one doing most of the talking at least and this is a good alternative to actually having Charisma but it doesn't work in every single dialogue sadly quite fittingly enhan ability comes next which is exactly what you just saw me use so enhance ability I don't have any level two spell slots left enhance ability gives you the option to give anyone in your party advantage on checks of a specific ability type so we've got Constitution strength dexterity Charisma intelligence and wisdom and the physical ones actually have a separate or additional sort of function so if you use Bears endurance it says advantage of constitution checks there are so few I can't actually think of any right now but I don't want to say there are zero because it's a m game someone's probably found one that's almost pointless but you also get seven temporary seven temporary hit points there's better ways of doing that Bulls strength this is quite useful advantage on strength checks so advantage on shoving and carrying capacity has doubled awesome for dexterity you only take half damage from falling which is kind of nice but we do have feather fall there the three ability scores that are for kind of your mental stats are just advantage on those checks but until I lose concentration I've now got advantage on all intelligence checks this can be really useful for outside of combat for your survival checks to spot hidden chests and your perception checks at the same time very very useful and you can cast this inside the dice roll screen so you don't have to cast it ahead of time even I actually really like this just a bit of fun it is a level two spell slot it is not a ritual spell but you can choose when to cast it you don't have to cast it ahead of time so if you don't want to use it you don't have to and if you upcast it you can actually Target an extra person for every extra spell slot used higher than level too I don't usually use that upcasting ability I find I just want to use it on one specific person oh and I forgot to say enhance ability is available to BS clerics Druids and Sorcerers enlarge reduce single spell for both potential things this is available to Sorcerers Wizards Arcane tricksters and eldrich knights there is also a potion that actually enlarges you but doesn't reduce you so you got two options either enlarge or reduce hence the name of the spell if you enlarge someone it's a buff enter the targets weapon and unarm attacks deal an additional damage 1 D4 damage an advantage on strength checks and saving throws kick so here you also physically get larger I'll get to that later so I'm going to attack this poor wizard here why not murdered someone in view of a I did didn't I right I do want to point out that the where's it gone here the enlarged damage does get doubled on a critical hit so that's pretty cool I deal an extra one defa damage with each of my attacks not just one of them but each of them also my chance to shove is increased now it's up to 84% that is with advantage and it doesn't say it but I can now throw heavier items and well enemies potentially not enough movement I I need to move a bit closer fair enough so I deal an extra three damage at the high levels the damage isn't really that great but at least you know we've got characters who can make multiple attacks per turn and it does apply to ranged weapons as well as shown just then it does require concentration sadly so again it's competing with quite a lot of different spells here so let's say I'm worried about this wolf I can try to reduce it so now it deals less damage uh and it's a lot smaller it also does make it lighter I didn't check it ahead of time there 51 fact if I undo that so it was 120 lb so more people would have be able to throw as someone who is reduced which you could actually reduce one of your own party members and throw them further potentially also outside of combat I haven't got it ready here I don't want to give away spoilers potentially but there are some areas let like for example in in Boulder's Gate itself in act three there is kind of a back hidden entrance to someone's basement and you need to be a small size to get in there and you can use this to actually reduce people's size and they can fit through gaps going to leave in a tier as already mentioned the extra 1 dd4 damage start stops being useful at the higher levels even with multiple attacks it's kind of just 1 D4 from a level two spell but it's nice the advantage on these strength checks is great being able to shove potentially better and throw people more often and actually if you do increase someone's size you can sometimes reach things higher up and you you've got the utility of fitting into smaller spaces potentially so I'm going to leave it leave it at a I'm thinking about B but with all that different utility different things we can do with a spell I'm going to leave it at a and throl is up next which is available to BS and warlocks reduce a creature's peripheral vision and make it look at you it's a wisdom saving throw to resist this effect although it doesn't tell us that here and it seemingly enemies people who are hostile seem to have advantage on their saving through officious mockery is 70% chance to work but and th which is also wisdom saving through there's only 49% chance all right so it works it doesn't require concentration now it says make them look at me I mean if I move they don't move it's not their turn fair enough so they are attacking tavas X the person who passed the Spells it's kind of like getting their attention getting the aggro but if I hide around the corner they don't actually go for the person who cast it I have to say I've tried to use this a few times not 100% sure why they attack the person who cast it sometimes they don't there's no saving throwers made they you know they just cast myy Stu and then started to attack I mean at least it doesn't require concentration now this is only available to bards and warlocks and the enemies have advantage on the saving throw against it I I don't know perhaps if you had a Bard or warlock with a really high armor class which is possible there lots of different armors lots of ways of getting a high Armor class I mean maybe but I think most of the time I'd rather use my action to do something else maybe I can put it at C I think I don't quite understand exactly the best time to use this spell yet of all the spells that I'm going to go over I think this is the one I'm least qualified to really form a well-informed opinion of I have been trying to use it but with the disadvantage well with their enemies ad Vantage on the saing throws against it is isn't working very often I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt and leave it at C but I wouldn't be surprised if some of you put it lower or maybe even higher next up is flame blade which is available to Druids and mephistophiles T flings when they get to level three so you make a well a flaming blade a blade made of flame which does 3d6 fire damage when you hit and produces some light and you can equip it and unequip it if you do upcast it every two levels above level two it deals an extra one D6 fire damage I don't think that's very good so there's the flame blade now I can let yeah you can dual wield it and in case you're wondering can we create a second one seemingly not the old one just gets replaced now only lasts for 10 turns which is disappointing so when you attack we do some damage now I got Arc it here by itself if you're pure Druid this isn't necessarily very good because Druids only get one attack per turn or one bonus action attack it's probably better in your off hand to be honest than your main hand doing 3d6 damage on your off hand with your bonus action it's all right nothing to sniff at now it does require concentration and considering this is mostly only available for Druids that's a very big downside because there are many spells that require concentration but this is probably a spell better off to used with multiclassing potentially if you are a thief for example you get two bonus actions and you can put this in your off hand and attack with it twice not too bad maybe you could be a fighter as well and attack twice now to get this we need minimum of three levels in Druid or level three meop tling so I guess if your meop tling and you're a fighter maybe at level 11 you can get three attacks with it but by that point you've got some much better weapons to be using than flame blade but you can see here with this particular hat hat of fire Acuity I've actually increased my spell save DC by two after making that attack and if I attack again hopefully I hit yeah I'm up to four well the next tent I'll be down to three so it is one way of actually increasing your inreasing your spell safe DC with this particular hat so now my spell safe DC is 21 awesome so the thing is I think to me this kind of very much depends on your build if you're not having a build where you're utilizing flame blade is basically a critical mess because Druids could be concentrating on something far more useful for the party but if you're using a particular item or you're the thief or you're mixing all these things together then it becomes maybe s or a tier because your whole build might revolve around flame blade for a while anyway as we get to the higher levels that 3d6 gets worse and worse in terms of damage and fire damage is resisted a fair amount so going to leave it in the middle at B kind of average even though it doesn't really apply to either situation I'm thinking about of either you've got a build ready made for it and it's good maybe the earlier levels if you haven't got a build made ready for it in the higher levels you're never going to use it but I'm going to stick it in the middle just because I can't choose between the two either the high or the low then we move on to Flaming sphere which is available to Druids Wizards light domain clerics arcan tricksters and alri knights so here I am with jira again and when you cast it you create well a flaming sphere which doesit light it can deal damage to anyone who stays nearby and it can crash into people dealing 2d6 fire damage if they fail a dexterity saving throw and at higher levels it does an extra 1d6 damage per spell level above level two or spell slot above level two let's cast at level four shall we let's cause some Havoc so we can see it has the Flaming Aura and you which you can turn off so these mostly common as these citizens will not take fire damage but if any of them end near by they might not there we are they take damage so anyone who ends their turn next to it takes damage the Flaming sphere has its own turn in combat it can move 30 ft respectable Ram there we are we can Ram into someone and here come the Flaming fist right murdered someone in view of a guard perhaps unsurprisingly you're under arrest so the Flaming sphere does have hit points which could potentially be buffed by aid for example example if the Flaming sphere is the only thing an enemy can reach an attack then actually they might but otherwise they will ignore it it's only 20 hit points but it is resistant to most types of damage apart from cold but you can see out of the choice now out of the Flaming sphere or actual party members they're going to go for the party members and we can see they're completely ignoring it now in the early levels as in level three to six kind of early to mid levels this is this is quite good this is one decent use of concentration at the higher levels it's coming down to C tier 20 hit points isn't enough to make it last a long time if it gets targeted and one use it used to have is actually oh look Target The Flaming sphere don't Target me but enemies don't do that so much anymore Druids and clerics will often have something better to concentrate on for wizards B andc I'm going to leave it at se because for me at the end of the day I don't actually end up using it that much because of the concentration requirement next upep is gust of wind available to Druids Sorcerers with Wizards Tempest clerics storm sorcery Sorcerers get this at level six Al Knights and Arcane tricksters see summon a strong winds that clears all clouds and pushes creatures back 17 ft forcing them off balance now it is all creatures so would affect my allies if they're in the way and you can see where enemies will be pushed to or Allies even anyone's going to be pushed to If You cast this now interestingly it's got a 40t range which is quite far actually very far indeed to be honest now I don't have a good place to use this in particular but maybe you don't like the citizens of Boulders gate you can knock them back but they only get knocked back if they fail a strength saving throw now this is an evocation spell so for example evocation Wizards can actually cast this without worrying about allies it doesn't damage anyone but it will leave them off balance if they fail as well so attack RS against them have Advantage I love the effect of the spell but I just what I don't like is that it's level two spell slot and it affects allies of course evocation Wizards and Sorcerers if they pick the careful casting metam magic don't have to worry about that but that's only some of the subclasses out of the many that are there it does have its uses there are alternatives such as Thunder Wave although the range on that is smaller literally shoving Battle Masters can have a maneuver that pushes people back and there a few other things that can push people back so it's kind of the r Alternatives and for a level two spell slot it's not always as useful as it might seem I will say that lots of the places in the game do have high ground and low ground verticality which so it can be exploited can be used but you have to be so careful not to get your allies inside heat metal is next which is available to BS and Druids only so this has various things going on so first of all you have to Target someone who has a metal weapon or a metal piece of armor so for example I can Target the steel Watcher and fist pentella but not the Flaming fist Archer because their crossbow doesn't count as being made of metal fist Pella has metal armor and a metal weapon if they are wearing a metal armor and weapon it will actually Target the weapon so yeah it has various effects I hope this works if you upcast it you can deal an additional 1d8 fire damage so let's just we cast it they passed the saving throw sadly so heat metal was applied to halir okay so they took the 3d8 fire damage awesome they succeeded their saving throw which means they don't drop their weapon if they' failed they would have dropped their weapon oh she maintain concentration right consider my hles so on subsequent turns you can reapply the damage and also where's it going this one so the bonus action if they fail their constitution saving throw that actually drop the weapon at this point there's no point in concentrating further on heat metal because you cannot transfer it if someone is just wearing armor you can 100% hit them although this watch it is resistant to fire damage and then in subsequent turns as long as I've got concentration still I can then reapply that damage quite a lot to go through I'm going to stick it and B it is a cool effect but the concentration requirement stops it from going higher in addition to the fact that not every enemy is going to be able to have this applied to them cast on them but where you can use it it is pretty useful old person is next and this is available to BS clerics Druids Sorcerers warlocks Wizards oath of Vengeance paladins arcane tricksters and eldrich knights quite a long list oh I've also just noticed that knock was down here somewhere I've put it up into the correct position now don't know why it was out of order so hold person what does it do enemy makes a wisdom saving throw if they fail they are held and what held means is they can't take actions bonus actions or reactions and attacks against the enemy are always Critical Hits if the attacker is within 10 ft and that does mean attacks with an attack R doesn't mean like all spells will always work if you upcast it you can have an additional Target for every spell level Above So at level three for example we can actually Target two people nice word and they're both held interestingly right at the moment since I'm in turnbas mode I assume these guys haven't noticed because these two can't actually do anything to essentially ask for help so if I attack got 100% chance to hit it will be a critical hit no matter what I do so I could pick perhaps a Smite to try and get some extra damage done but I'm not going to do that I think it'll be a waste there we are there's one attack what's this there we are okay feel like I've lost something o broken never mind and then let's move I don't even need to move will out the way will gets a chance bam critical hit now I've been seen doing that doesn't matter now it is a concentration spell the enemy will make a save at the end of their turn right let's do this but because I'm not within 10 ft here I I don't get the critical hit if I get close enough there we are even ranged attacks can get the critical hit although saying that my bow isn't very good on this character particularly but let's at least get dread ambushes shall we even that isn't too bad anyway I think straight up to S tier with a couple of caveats one is it is concentration so we can't do cloud of daggers in whole person with the same character for example and two it only affects humanoids it wouldn't affect any wolf that get summoned as would have happened if I hadn't killed that first person so you can't use this on everybody it doesn't work on Undead for example they really need to be a humanoid but for a level two spell slot and the fact we can upcast it this is really really good invisibility is next which is available to BS Sorcerers warlocks Wizards circle of the land Druids if they pick grassland at level three Arcane tricksters aldri Knights and dard do get this but they cheat because they can cast this once per battle outside of combat actually they can cast it as much as they want and also the way the dard are different is well as a spell if we're using a spell slot it only lasts 10 turns but for duar it lasts until long rest it's crazy anyway I'm going to ignore the duar ability because it's really not the same as the spell invisibility so what does it do you touch the creature and it turns invisible attacks against it have disadvantage it attacks with advantage and requires concentration if you upcast it you can Target more people so I've never tried this before I can make my whole party invisible I will lose concentration on hold person though I'm not sure that's the best use of a level five spell slot ready if I attack I will break invisibility just going to move spread out because enemies will try and search for you here we are they do get a special I think it's bonus action not sure they get a special action to detect presence there we are now I passed the saving throw so thankfully it was okay so if I use any of these I will lose my my lose invisibility so I'm just going to leave them as they are and then on tav's turn I will get him to attack just to show you she might find Tav because he hasn't had a chance to move yet so failed my saving throw but I wasn't seen h all right now I'm going to be invisible for a few turns yet so if I do attack from invisible I lose invisibility I had Advantage thankfully I do actually surprise them why not but only the person who attacked is actually inside the combat some enemies can just see invisibility and there are some floating eyes around Arcane eyes that will see you I'm going to leave it quite low at C tier because it's so limited at 10 turns you can use it to get past enemies in some places which is cool but only last 10 turns I don't mind the concentration element because if I'm concentrating on cloud of dagers I'm probably don't want to be concentrating on visibility at the same time it's unlikely I want to do both but the 10 turn the 10 turns just kills it ruins it for me Sorcerers can probably yeah I'm sure Sorcerers can use some metam magic to double the length of it it's okay but really you want this to be lasting much longer for to get the most use because you can't Scout in a huge area within 10 turns next up is knock which is a ailable to BS Sorcerers Wizards Arcane tricksters and alrich knights very simple spell unlock an object that is held shut by a mundane not magical a mundane lock now most locks can be lock picked and if you've got someone who's decently good at lockpicking you can then just use your lock picking skills to open that lock but sometimes you want to do it from a range sometimes you don't want to bother having to roll a couple of times and sometimes we've got lockpicking impossible we cast knock and it opens up now there is another way to open this particular door but there are this just saves me having to figure that out I don't have to be clever I can just cast knock and things open up now I will say that of all the classes that can learn this I'd only recommend really putting this on to a wizard to BS and Sorcerers Arcane tricksters and eldrich knights only have a limited number of spells known like they can't swap spells in and out at will of course you can Respec yes but you don't want to Respec meeting every door you want to unlock I don't think so so maybe you do I don't know most people will use someone who's very good at lockpicking I would say for B Sorcerers Arcane trick isn't out just kns it's probably critical Miss because of the fact we can just open most doors with a lockpick for wizards I think it's higher because we can switch in and out and this is really one of the most powerful things about a wizard yeah they're not always going to be able to have lots of bonuses to their spells that do lots of damage evocation Wizards aside maybe they can't twin cast things what they can do is swap spells in and out out an awful lot just when they need it versatility anyway I'm going to leave it at B for those of us that are lazy and don't really mind using uper spell slot every now and again interestingly the middle part of knock the central symbol is the same as a symbol for Aid don't know why maybe it's because it's aiding you and opening a lot I don't know before I get to lesser restoration I've got a feeling some of you have been screaming through the screen telling me telling me cvj stone skin isn't a level two spell and you'd be correct it's just I only just noticed myself so I've prepared another tier list you can't remove items from a tier list you can only just create a new one so here we are I've now replaced Stone skin with the proper spell which is protection from Poison celesa restoration is available to BS clerics Druids paladins and Rangers so what does it do you can cure a creature from disease poison paralysis or blindness I would say not many of my characters have actually suffered from these during my playthroughs so far poison being the most frequent one that's been applied to me and even then we do have a potion well we we can find antidotes I wouldn't ever pick this for a Bard or a ranger those who have only spells known for the other classes that have spells prepared it's fine because you can if you need it you can put it in I wouldn't prepare it for a combat I would usually usually suffer through this the worst one of these by a long shot is paralysis if your character is paralyzed they can't do a thing and attacks against them from within 10 ft basically hold monster or whole person will be a criticore hit you don't want your ally to be paralyzed I don't think it's always worth having lesser restoration prepared just for that Min chance that it's going to happen and the thing is outside of combat these things tend to wear off anyway I'll probably I think I'll leave it at B tier because when you need it you can have it but you don't really need it that often we can use it to help some NPCs for example the Deep gnome in the mid Colony although there are other ways of actually healing her and there is a necklace that gets you this once per long rest and I would say I I've never had to use this more than once in the long rest anyway but I'll leave it at B tier because for most classes we kind of switch it in and out when we need it don't worry about it on the Spells known classes next up is Magic Weapon available to wizards War demain clerics paladins Arcane tricksters and eldrich knights so what does it do you infuse a weapon with energy and it becomes a plus one weapon plus one bonus to attack and damage rolls if you use a fourth or fifth level spell slot increases the bonus by two and a six level spell slot will increase it by three so let's cast this on CTS it lasts until long rest and now his weapon is effectively a plus five weapon because he's also got Elemental weapon on the same weapon that's a bit over the top isn't it I've accidentally stacked I didn't realize I had this on this weapon at the moment so now you know it's got a plus two bonus to attack which is the most important thing the plus two bonus to damage isn't really that important by the time we're at these high levels anyway it's nice to have a bonus two damage but know hitting first is the most important thing so let's get him sort of fight Bam um go on and that wasn't really to do with the plus two because it was a critical hit I don't particularly like this spell because of the concentration requirement I understand why it's concentration otherwise every magic weapon would be plus one or plus two or whatever but I mean even as a Wizards even at level three as a Wizards cloud of daggers is amazing whole person is amazing blaming sphere at level three or level four isn't too bad either maybe you want to cast enlarge Ru or detect thoughts outside of combat I think this is another C tier for me in particular I did I have used it a few times maybe a paladin would want to concentrate a magic weapon perhaps because they will be doing lots of melee attacks perhaps an aldri Knight but concentration isn't going to last forever now it is it's a level two spell slot for plus one weapon plus one to attack I'd rather just have my Paladin cast bless rather than have this on a sing single Target maybe if this affected the whole party it probably be S tier perhaps probably be too strong by that point but for me this is a c tier it's not completely useless I have used it every now and again it does make your weapon magical so if it isn't already it will be magical which can help overcome resistances but I would wager by the time you're level four especially five you you've got magic weapons anyway next up is mou's acid Arrow which is available to wizards swamp circle of the land rids eldrich Knights and Arcane tricksters so this has a couple of things going on first of all you have to roll to hit and if you hit them you deal 4 default acid damage and then at the end of the targets next turn they take two default acid damage if you upcast this each of the damage rolls gets put up by 1 D4 I'm just going to use level two now the it does have an area of effect that will put down an acid surface yeah why not were witnessed assaulting now what does acid do it reduces Armor class by two I just want to point out a few few people in the C trip video were saying didn't you know acid Splash reduces armor class by two acid splash inflicts the acid condition it doesn't acid spash does not do that we need either chromatic orb or Mel's acid Arrow to do that so acid reduces AR class by two amazing that's really good that really really helps so manip SE armor here will take a tiny bit of extra damage at the end of her turn there we are interestingly the Lightning Charge damage got added to that as well which is pretty cool now this suffers from the same fate as some level one spells and that early in the game the damage in fact the damage is kind of only okay even at the lower levels it would never be S here one good thing about it is it can force multiple concentration checks on a caster and it does create that surface enemies will walk out the surface unfortunately so you've only got a limited time to use it at the higher levels this damaged 44 damage and then 24 and at the higher levels this the Damage Done is very very low one thing I did forget to mention does say here on a miss they still take half the initial damage so 44 divid two so it's a source of guaranteed damage but magic missiles so much better for that the only reason I'm leaving it in C tier is the fact that it actually creates an acid surface which can be very very useful for well all of your characters potentially Mirror Image this is available to Sorcerers Wizards warlocks trick domain clerics coast and Mountain circle of the land rids arrix is an eldrich Knights so it uses an action to cast and creates three illusory duplicates and each of them increases your armor class by three whenever an attack misses you one of the duplicates disappears and therefore your armor class goes down so let's just double check this G's current Armor class is 17 if we upcast it we don't get any benefits so Shadow heart's Armor class is 15 because I accidentally put this on her for something earlier now it's 24 which is respectable but each time an attack comes in and misses her have to keep going she loses one of those three let's just show that happen right and it's gone down to 21 this is not the same as fifth edition whatsoever it's a very different method of doing it one good thing about it is it doesn't require concentration I would say if you're going to use this it's usually better to cast it ahead of combat if you can however that's not always possible because using an action in combat to make potentially three attacks miss you isn't necessarily the best choice plus even if the attack was going to miss you anyway still lose your mirror image which is kind of annoying really towards the end game this goes down because your action becomes far more valuable than just increasing your armor class by three per M attack but in the lower levels it helps a lot increases your survivability by a long time it's 10 turns so yeah you can easily cast it ahead of combat if you know it's coming Misty step is next this is available to Sorcerers warlocks Wizards circle of the land Druids if they are Coast or underd dark oath of the Ancients paladins oath of Vance paladins Gloom stalker Rangers bars VI magical Secrets Arcane tricksters Al Knights and GI Yankee get at level five once per long rest quite widely available what does it do it uses a bonus action and you can teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see now I don't have any actual use for this but I could teleport out of here if I wanted to I'm going to be in trouble if I do that this isn't the best time to be using it but one good thing is it doesn't provoke opportunity attacks you teleport out you can teleport to places you can see so you can get through Gates and railings you can go up you can go down it's a bonus action and in Boulders Gate 3 unlike fifth edition you can cast a spell with a bonus action and action without any sort of limitation easyest here just search it doesn't even have to be used in combat it's really good outside of combat getting to places that you can see but can't reach otherwise and it's so widely available that you're going to have someone in your party with Misty step next up is moon beam available to Druids and oath of the ancients paladins so it's a concentration spell which cools down a beam of light and does 2 d10 radiant damage if the enemies fail a constitution saving throw if they pass they take half damage and it's a bit like cloud of daggers in that damage is dealt on the initial casting and if enemies start their turn there or walk into it during their turn now the area here is even smaller than cloud of daggers will wited assaulting some now this will apply to allies so you don't want to walk into this moon beam if you can help it so the steel Watcher took five damage and if you have moon beam you can then move it with an action to recast it let's put it on this one again and if you hasted you can cast it again and if you upcast it it does an additional 1D 10 radiant damage for every spell slot above the second level and like with the level one spells these level two spells that deal damage kind of fall off a bit later in the game when you initially get moon beam I think it's very easily s tier it's the Druid equivalent of cloud of daggers it does more damage potentially but the area is smaller but you can move it around towards the higher levels the damage isn't quite enough maybe you could upcast it it is going to be very useful during act two you do find plenty of enemies who are vulnerable to radiant damage and there are items that can boost radiant damage going to leave it at a I do know by the time I am level 12 I'm probably not going to use it but I'm not level 12 for the whole game but it's a nice kind of backup spell to have in the back of your pocket ready to come out and deal damage to people in an area pass without Trace is next which is available to Druids trickery domain cleric circle of the land rids if they pick grassland Rangers and bars via their magical Secrets where the Shadow Monks can also do the same thing at the cost of two key points so call forth a veil of Shadows and silence that gives you an all nearby Companions Plus 10 bonus the stealth checks until long rest it is a concentration spell [Music] though up it goes pass without TR everyone's now got A plus 10 bonus to stealth we got that plus 12 helps with hiding now the thing is in combat at least and even outside of combat if I'm within a vision cone there's a chance of being seen if I'm outside a vision cone move fast when I need to so soften there's no chance of being seen now it's kind of disappoint ing in fifth edition this is an amazing skill amazing spell but with the addition of vision cones to the game and we do have invisibility if we really need to although it's not everybody I don't particularly care for this spell that much I do understand it will have some uses CU if I'm here and try and hide to I'm still too close to the steel Watcher inside the vision cone that I just get seen maybe in Darker places where you do have to take a stealth check to hide this is useful and I'm sure someone's going to tell me about a build where they're going to have perhaps uh Road I suppose who's hiding and shooting and they're passing all their stealth checks and it's really overpowered please let me know if you do have a build like that or an idea but outside that sort of situation I just don't need to use it because the vision cones tell me where I can and where I can't hide fantasmal Force this is available to BS Sorcerers Wizards great old one warlocks Arch F warlocks Arcane trixes an eldrich Knights what does it do nothing right no it deals 1d6 psychic damage deal damage to a creature each turn the type of damage changes to the last type of damage the creature suffered so still 1d6 damage upcasting does nothing let's try it on here you were witnessed assaulting someone yeah let's try and maintain concentration if we can because it is a concentration spell ooh she took four damage and note she didn't take damage when the spell was cast so at the moment she's going to take piercing damage if I hit her yeah why not uh and now say slashing damage even though the last type of Damage Done was radiant and so she's going to take 1d6 slashing damage and she also does get a wisdom saving throw to stop this uh so yeah this is awful 1d6 damage per turn yes you can create some types of damage to be to make enemies vulnerable to then it goes up to 26 damage but almost any level okay this enemy's got 130 hit points maximum it's quite a lot let's turn this off shall we but now they're dead and the spell did four damage if they last two turns I'm going to wasted my concentration and the level two spell slot for 2d6 damage even at level three I'd rather just Chuck out a fireball which does 1 d10 then use my level two spell slot which at the time is my highest level spell slot at these high levels my can trips do more damage than that anyway W that's been lucky wasn't it a on 3d10 but the point is like the damage is so awful and they can resist this at the end of their turn anyway that you might only end up using two turns of it it's just not worth the spell slot or the concentration rayer of healing is next and is only available to clerics this can only be cast outside of combat so no doing it inside of combat it heals 2 d8 plus your spell casting modifier of healing and combines with any items that inflict conditions inflict probably the wrong word inflict conditions when you heal someone now the usefulness of this spell will very much depend on your play style and how many rests you take a aim on taking a happier taking if you're taking a long rest and short rest after every single battle it's probably deter you're never going to get any use out of it if you're trying to extend your rests and you want a bit of heing on everyone and you're happy to use a level two spell slot it's probably up at 80 it's not a huge amount of feeling as your level goes up you're probably going to get less use out of it but then again level two spell slots become less valuable anyway if you if you upcast it you get an extra 1d8 set of healing from each spell slot above the second level it does go well with some items in this case we've got the Reviving hands which gives blade War to anyone who's healed we can give temporary hit points we can give bless to people who are healed just for two turns though not like for a long time I'm going to leave it in the middle because I really think does depend on your play style I tend to use it perhaps in lower levels as the levels go up I tend to use it less and less protection from Poison is next this is available to collect Druids paladins and Rangers and what does it do you touch a creature you neutralize all poisons and want to get protection against poison influences in the future until long rest which means you get advantage on serving throws against being poisoned and you get resistance to poison damage like with dark vision you could get a character to go and cast this on all your characters in Camp and then kick them out in which case it's probably s here let's say let should cast on our what of it so now yeah we have advantage on serving throws against being poison and res resistant to poison damage it's okay it doesn't require concentration which is great I really really like that now I would say if you are poisoned don't pick lesser restoration do pick protection from Poison apart from Rangers cleric Druids and paladins are prepared casters so they can actually switch this in and out and it can really help against some of the gas traps and poison clouds out there to protection from Poison it has its uses but for much of the game you'll easily get away without it though Ray of enfeeblement is next which is for warlocks Wizards bars V the magic Secrets Arcane tricksters and eldrich knights so it's an attack R if you hit them for 10 turns while you're concentrating they deal half damage with weapon attacks using [Music] strength there we are the feeble my pleasure so now she deals half damage with her weapon attacks that use strength which does mean anyone who's using finesse weapons and has a high dexterity it doesn't help with doesn't help against ranged attacks using ranged weapon or against ranged weapons so let's go start some nonsense you were witnessed assaulting some so if I get an opportunity attack uh she deals two damage awesome and the thing is this is very low because the magical plate went um stacked after the damage was halfed she r a 3 and 1 D2 which is just a bit unlucky isn't it and that seems awesome but I've requires my concentration and again a bit like with fantasmal Force it's only against a single Target and most enemies don't survive more than a few rounds oops didn't need to use that Divine Smite sure against some bosses that will be useful some harder enemies but it's only weapon attacks also so against like spider matriarch it's not going to help because she doesn't use weapons I'm going to stick it down here D I don't want to use my concentration for this if possible I would rather use whole person then I can kill them even quicker maybe try and cast blindness instead so they get disadvantage on their attack anyway so perhaps they can't even hit you it's just such a bad use of concentration and a level two spell slot when there are so many better options out there next up is scorching Ray available to Sorcerers Wizards fiend warlocks like the main clerics bars fire the magical Secrets eldrich Knights and Arcane tricksters there are several items that give you this as well what does it do with a level two spell slot it holds three rays of fire that do 2d6 damage each you need to make an attack R for each individual rate if you upcast it such as warlocks can do there an additional Ray get sent out interestingly basically it Stacks with Hunters Mark or hex H forgot to bait that out oh well let's go for it upcast if I'd had hex there would have been an additional one 2 3 4 5 D6 damage with a Chance of basically taking out fist Miller wouldn't would have been guaranteed going to stick it at a because the upcast is pretty good and it's an attack roll we don't get many damaging spells that are attack rols at the higher level spell slots we've got mou's acid Arrow here and scorching r as we get to higher and higher levels it's all about saving for us but this means we can get Advantage from hiding or whatever source of Advantage you've got and having lots of different Rays coming out is very useful because each of them counts as a separate hit so they can critical hit for example and if you got something like hex each Ray Stacks with it the invisibility is up next this is available to BS Sorcerers Wizards arang Tri and eldrich knights so you become able to see invisible creatures if they fail a dexterity saving throw until long rest doesn't require concentration now this is actually a waste for Gail in his current state because he's a divination Wizard and he gets it for free anyway at level I think it was level 10 so there it is you can see invisibility is pretty cool unfortunately you cannot cast it on somebody else it's not like dark Vision in that way now this can come in very useful in some instances so I'm kind of tempted to put it in B tier what I don't like about it is that we can't cast it on other people and our one person Tav can get this through follow just a permanent buff in which case it comes down here probably because there's always someone in your party who's got it I would say it's a good idea to have at least one person in your party who can see in visibility especially in act two but if you've taken team visibility from vol then probably D to you just don't need your wizard to cast it if someone else has got it but I am going to leave it at B tier but a part of me really wants to put it down to see shatter is next available to BS Sorcerers Wizards warlocks Tempest domain clerics elwi Knights and Arcane tricksters it's an area of effect in AOE that does 3d8 thunder damage if enemies fail the Constitution saving throw any creatures made of inorganic Mater have disadvantage on the saving throw which is some creatures if the steel watch was still still alive then actually it would have dis Advantage also area is quite nice witnessed assaulting someone but I would say that again these damaging Spells at the higher levels well did pretty badly on my rolls there yeah at the higher levels this just isn't as good because enemies have got a lot more hit points than normal noral than earlier in the game in the earlier levels this is great it's good against goblins NOS these things these enemies that don't have more than 20 or 30 hit points then as they go up and up it goes down and down and down I would suggest if you pick it on a Caster that has a spells known switch it out later on because it won't be as useful now considering we go up to level 12 it kind of pains me a bit at the low damage at the higher levels now it is a source of guaranteed damage I'm really between C and B here and there's no way to make anyone vulnerable to thunder damage sadly like by the time we get to high levels I just got to think I just got to think about this compare this to some of these other spells The Cloud of daggers is much higher because the factors would do almost certainly do more damage than shatter ever can and it can last multiple turns whereas shatter is just a single AOE thing is in some fights like in the goblin Camp killing all the Goblins outside or even inside this is probably yes here you can just take out many goblins but that's just one particular instance by time we're in act two do you know what there are some enemies that are vulnerable to thunder damage the Arcane eyes for example I'm going to put it a B I think it's useful enough ear in the game that it's good to use when you get your level two spell slots but by the time we get to the high levels we will probably stop using it you can upcast it to deal an extra 1d8 Thunder damage for every spell slot above the second so in that sense it can still be useful but really towards the end of the game your spell casters can probably do better than cast chatter next up is silence which is available to BS clerics desert circle of the Androids Rangers oath of devotion paladins warlocks can use an alich in ation book of ancient secrets and they get to cast it once per long rest where the Shadow Monks can basically cast a spell for two key points what does it do you create a soundproof sphere all within are silenced so basically can't cast most spells some spells can be cast in the silenced region but not many and they do let you know which ones they are and you become immune to thunder damage so in combat this does cast the spell slot and I say that because actually it is a ritual spell so outside of combat doesn't require a spell slot so I've got a bit of a situation going on now most of these enemies aren't spellcasters so probably are fine they don't get much use out of it but we'll see now it does have out of combat uses for example if you're facing true Soul gut in her own little chapel her own little area if you silence her she can't call for help and that basically goes for anyone who wants to call for help if you silence them they can't do that it means your characters don't make noise while they're going past as well as well and remember in these situations you can set these up using the fact it's a ritual outside of outside of combat so I'm going to stick it at eight here it's got some utility when it's cast against me in combat I'm usually like so what I'm going to walk out of it and I imagine most enemies here will do that that's kind of a form of control a form of trying to make people not go to a certain part of a battle of a fight fight growth is next which is available to DS nature domain clerics Rangers and bars by the magical Secrets when we can't it you get this area which will create spikes turnbas [Music] mode smallest of which deals people don't like that deals 24 damage when it's cast now interestingly this rule remain while concentration is maintained it is difficult terrain and every time enemies move move 5 ft or 1.5 M they take an additional 2D four piercing damage let's just come out and you can see them all taking damage and they will murdered someone enemies people will try and get out of it right oh down they go and it basic is multi-purpose one it deals some damage and if someone tries to walk all the way across actually they're going to take a fair bit of damage and two kind of Battlefield control all right I've now got this area where if these enemies want to come close to me they'll have to Pro probably jump and that's the main downside to this spell is enemies can just jump over and through it let's just stand back also it is flammable and it will set a light which means means it just disappears which is pretty bad probably jump I imagine and wow jumped all the way over there thankfully didn't go for your hero they'll be a to shoot cuz they range attacker and then with her turn I can just do something else as long as it's not a concentration spell I'm going to see what this dude does I imagine they will just just jump over it oh it's a bit of a risk but we can pull that person through the spike growth yeah they're going to jump the AI isn't too stupid with this they will try and avoid it if they can but you can try and use that to your advantage I think it's a solid ack nice at spell the damage isn't massive but it can start to really add up and it essentially uses up the enemy's bonus actions to get around it or they will just avoid it and they can't attack you especially if they're melee combatants spiritual weapon is next which is available to clerics and bars fire the magical secrets so quite rarely this uses a bonus action to cast and you can create a spectral weapon if you upcast it you can actually create weapons that have more hit points and deal an additional 1d8 Force damage and you get six different weapons to choose from and they've got different weapon abilities so the first three all have lacerate which can inflict bleeding which gives enemies disadvantage on Constitution saving throws and two damage at the start of their turn the more can do concussive smash which gives enemies disadvantage on their wisdom saving throws and can't take reactions and the last two can do piercing strike so if you hit the enemy after that they take an additional two piercing damage my favorite is the more because spells that require wisdom saving throws often are just very very good spells now this only lasts for 10 turns doesn't last forever but very interestingly it doesn't require concentration which is very useful so what I can do now although it's a bit over the [Music] top now I cannot summon another SP spiritual weapon it will just replace the old one so there's no point in doing it two turns in a row so here's the spiritual weapon I'm using it against people who are held it's a bit unfair really it's not a great way to compare it necessarily I'm not going to use this concussive smash you can do it once per short rest basically once first summon pretty good and it can fly but it can only fly 20 ft the one problem I find with spiritual weapon is if you cast it in the wrong place it can be almost impossible to get back into the fight so if I take out the these two here and then this blaming fist the spiritual weapon probably never actually going to attack anyone else un likee with other summons they don't get attacked too often only if it's the literally the only thing that the enemies can actually see even including that up to S tip it's a bonus action so I can still cast another spell it's extra damage it's an extra Target it doesn't require concentration it's just so good warding bond is next this is available to clerics only and there are some items that can give you this what does it do you ward an ally they gain resistance to all damage pretty cool plus one bonus to the armor class and saving throws but each time the Ally takes damage you take the same amount of damage now I've already cast this before in combat which is why and I cast it on Gail and this fist here was using volley on Shadow heart Gail and will Al together so we can see here that one of the attacks hit Gail damage was resisted and so it did five piercing damage in total at which point Shadow heart took five piercing damage also and in the second volum attack did the same thing gaale took six piercing damage in the end and so Shadow heart took six piercing damage now there's no way to stop this you can't drop this it's not concentration sorry I said something slightly incorrect earlier outside of combat you can unpre warding Bond and then the effect will stop and while the damage reduction is cool for Gail kind of sucks for shadow heart now what would work very well but I don't have Shadow heart set up correctly for this is if you were wearing some sort of heavy armor so that damage gets reduced by two or three there is one that reduces it by three and maybe if you're a heavy armor Master as well so a life cleric life domain cleric would do very well here because they have proficiency with heavy armor automatically and then actually this would start to really really help what you can also do is do the same thing but with some of your minions in Camp so if you get a highing turn them into a let's say a life domain cleric and then give them some heavy armor give them heavy armor master and you can leave them behind in Camp if you don't need them in your party when you get back to camp they'll probably be dead let's face it but your character would have had half the damage taken then you can just revive them especially if you've got a cleric I mean outside of combat you can just prepare revivify you can pay 200 gold so it can be kind of abusable if you want to play that way then you can use your hings to cast this on you now where I place this really depends on how you play and how I play I don't tend to use the high Lings to do this sort of thing and so actually for me I don't really like it if I was to use the highing if I was to use a cleric and heavy armor with heavy armor Master actually well with the high Lings s tier because then your character just takes half the damage with very few repercussions but I don't particularly like it I don't want to have to I don't like playing like that too much I've just been experimenting with Gail and his transmutation Stone and making him cast dark vision but I I really can't be bothered going through all the hassle of creating someone with warning Bond and then revivifying them but if that is your style of play then I'm sure you'd put it up at s but I just don't I've I've never used it seriously because sh heart's half dead near not quite but coming up to half dead and this is her first round in combat which is somewhat disappointing I suppose against weaker enemies it wouldn't be so bad but still it's a bit too risky for me also I now feel slightly Vindicated by putting wng bond in D critical Miss because Gail's got some lightning charges and Shadow heart's taking damage from those lightning charges which kind of sucks although quite interestingly Shadow heart does have the effect of Blade water and she took half damage from from the already resisted damage so you can actually resist the resisted damage and then have damage taken off that but still I don't like the fact that it passes on Lightning charges or passes on the Lightning Charge damage and lastly we have web which is available to Sorcerers Wizards circle of the land rids if they take the underd dark land bars fire the magical Secrets Arcane trickers and alrich knights so you create an area of webs enemies must make a dexterity serving throw to resist the effect of the web this does require concentration sadly and upcasting doesn't do anything let's do it here so these two are now in whipped which means that they cannot move and attack thrs against them have advantage while the attack thrs have disadvantage and they've got disadvantage on dexterity saving thrs so now look at this Well's got a 94% chance to hit here unfortunately we have a silence Bubble Up we have to go over to wherever she is to stop that or just walk out I suppose but I want to show the effect here let's use the off hand attack not even the off hand attack with the bonus action attack so G gave me advantage in all of those which is nice now he has advantage on this attack it's not got a very high chance to hit but it all helps and this shows probably the one main downside apart from concentration for web it's flammable I 100% forgot that I was adding that I had fire damage on my hand crossbow although the wolf is still in webbed but only until this turn so where does it go I think it's quite a nice spell that's kind of similar to spike growth except instead of doing damage it's all about controlling the enemy giving them debuffs giving your allies Advantage one nice thing about these sorts of spells is it doesn't really matter what level you're at this is still going to be useful even in the higher levels potentially the only downside is because of the concentration there will be higher level spells that require concentration that you'll probably cast ahead of this but web will always be us useful but try not to set it a light like I just did so that's my own subjective take I do want to say this isn't an objective list obviously there is no objective list to this and like I said at the beginning of the video If you think I'm wrong let me know why give me a reason let start a discussion because we've had some really good discussions in the other videos I will say the comments that are useless are the ones which say oh you're wrong U thanks tell me why anyway thank you very much if you made it this far and to the members of my channel and hopefully catch for the next one
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 49,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 tierlist, tierlist baldur's gate 3, tierlist baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tierlist, spell tierlist baldurs gate 3, spell tierlist baldur's gate 3, spell tierlist bg3, bg3 level 2 spells, baldurs gate 3 level 2 spells, level 2 spells bg3
Id: olJJRWXexnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 55sec (4555 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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