This Is The Hardest No Hit Run EVER! - 7 Souls Games 0 Hits Taken

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what is up everybody in this video we're going to be doing something crazy a run consisting of the seven from software souls and souls like games all in a row without getting hit a single time the games included in this run are Demon Souls Dark Souls 1 Dark Souls 2 bloodborne Dark Souls 3 sakiro and Elden ring if I get hit at any point in any game I have to restart the entirety of the run this is a run requiring a ton of patience consistency and game knowledge and it feels to me like the culmination of all I've learned about these games over the past six years of playing them make sure you hit subscribe if you enjoy runs like this one because there's going to be a lot more in the future but for now you can relax and I hope you enjoy this monstrous run order of games descending difficulty it's not it's descending well it's it's ascending consistency is what order is SLR thanks for the good luck dude that one was pretty bad but I guess I got a more left I guess man because straight through oh my God how on planet Earth did that Miss oh and I got poison yeah it's weird dude my my bloodborne early game has been really good a few times I've played it recently what I expected for bloodborne is that we have a chance of getting hit on shadows and then the rest of the Run should be good that's what it should be personally don't care for it in a run like this that's like me but for sakiro I like sakiro and stuff but really does not belong in the god Run 3 in my opinion or it doesn't belong in a Souls game multi-game run I remember at the time where I was kind of deciding what to do yeah this is in great positioning here the Sweet Blood oh it seems to me see if that works or not [Music] actually kind of good that he jumped okay I don't know why people are saying cam is broken my camera it's not broken it's just I I got a new one I ordered a new one and it hasn't arrived yet and I also I basically just removed my entire previous cam setup so [Music] yeah it's nice We're not gonna have any of those cam glitches anymore that I used to have oh it's gonna be a huge upgrade on the quality and then also it's not going to be broken theoretically I'm actually really excited to see how it's gonna look I I if somebody told me like three years ago or four years ago when I was streaming that eventually I'd be buying some decently high-end camera for my [ __ ] face cam I would not believe them dude do I think of a first time blind playthrough of other rings with no deaths is possible um I mean I guess theoretically yeah Brent skewera without being spotted uh no I I have not done a lot of run since hero when it came out before preparing for the god Run 3 the last time I played it was when it came out and I did I was the first person to know damage that game and a couple of the endings and I had not played it since it's one of the problems with you know how you know me going for this run is that my my time in the souls games is very I guess the god run three games is very balanced over half of the time I spent on all the souls games combined is in one game which is Dark Souls 3. [Music] oh really you had to go right next to the wall huh you don't have a wall instance all right foreign [Applause] we'll have a different idea of what replayability means and I I personally think that's just not right new Strat time I guess please don't an [ __ ] [Music] really curious how the timing's gonna work out here kind of funny if this strategist doesn't even work at all beautiful hopefully that'll prevent that like super low percent chance meme that can happen there foreign bloodborne boss now there's there's um there's a mechanic in this game known as the limb Break Stuff where you can you know attack a certain point on a boss on some of them like the Beast bosses and you deal enough damage to it it'll break and cause a stagger and then you can deal more damage to the limb that's broken I personally enjoy the limb Cuts Like are in DS2 and I guess DS1 yeah there is there is something coming up at the end of the month which honestly I don't I'm not super aware of the details but I all I know is that I'm gonna be commentating in it foreign I don't know it's it's not the same back when we did those Elder ring tournaments back in like 2019 and before or not other returns like Souls no hit tournaments where you know people are just running any percents and and stuff most of the time people would not know hit the games which makes it way more interesting right but at this point I I just I think if you're supposed to get three of those I think for example if we did an elder ring any percent no hit tournament every single player would just know hit the game every time like it just things are a lot different now which means you would have to get way more creative with the format and yeah like that's why I guess zero head league is interesting right because this is totally different Brando hitless that's actually uh that's interesting the only issue with that though is you know when you're doing randomize or no hidden Elder ring you're encouraged to just try to find a you know some sort of spell build and so people could potentially be just looking for a build for like hours you know that's the problem with that foreign yeah just and then you know it would be it would end up just being too long but I like the idea of that though two people they get the same seed and then they have to do their best to know him whoever gets the less the smaller number of hits whoever takes fewer hits moves on yeah it'd be kind of fun today oh my God this guy is just totally shadowing his friend here Amy could do a time limit all right one more of those and then probably a couple bullets could work actually fine and we're just gonna shoot him a few times get him a little bit closer to threshold the way our damage is set up here it's really I I think I should look into getting an extra Dex point maybe I think that'd make a big difference that's probably good enough okay he's honestly got a lot of Health left but another R1 is probably too much what do I do just go for it this fight right here is why bloodborne should be game one but wow this is just atrocious RNG man foreign so that's really bad unbelievable thank you what an absolutely atrocious boss dude it's insane yeah nice save though yeah pellet actually wears out like exactly when I go for the the transition of course I guess I should have waited a bit longer but I just I thought I'd had a little bit more time on it it's so funny like I try to jump off there but I guess maybe it's because I I there's like a slight drop or something but it seems like in this game whenever I try to jump I don't and whenever I don't try to jump I do I'm honestly running very low on files here man you have any good bosses not really in the in the 80 percent gascoigne's probably the best any percent boss but yeah so you really have to get to the DLC or some of the later um optional base game bosses to actually have any good fights here there's a lot of multi-enemy boss fights and there's a lot of screaming yeah nurse nurse is okay foreign have the worst base game in terms of bosses well I it'd be hard to argue that if you account for the time when the game came out then like maybe but it's not like DS1 and DS2 are so great either bosses in the souls games only really started to get in my opinion something really special when DS3 came out in terms of Base game bosses at least yeah like DS1 and DS2 are honestly like pretty similar ES3 obviously is insane the DLC but it's still really good in the base game it's all about the DLC that's that's what I'm pretty hopeful about of the Ring DLC all right foreign version of tower night honestly like an extremely garbage version of tower night oh he wasn't moving because we just kept limb breaking him but yeah ROM we punch in the nose to build up Beast meter that's why now would be one of those questions that's on there why do you kill the doll it's faster why does friend this thing frenzy thing not count as a head you know that one I actually don't know I don't know why but apparently it just doesn't [ __ ] was that noise I haven't heard that before what do I do on getting again I do it's it's charge or two backstop R1 Charger 2 R1 L1 right pretty sure did I say Gideon yeah I mean they're basically the same boss anyways to be fair that's funny that I said Gideon that tells you how highly I regard this boss right alongside there with Gideon I think Gideon was literally when I did the tier list I think he was actually the lowest boss out of the entire out of all the all the souls games it's a nice little Strat I found I I found fighting what most people do with mikos they fight him in the room and I just I find it kind of sketchy so I looked for a strat to make it more scripted which the idea of this is that basically goes the same way every time R1 Target too R1 L1 in that case he didn't do the Pentacles so all right in this case we circle around foreign average Soul boss awareness dude just like the the character just walks in front of them doesn't even care [Music] uh I don't I don't think the Beast pellet really does anything there but I don't know I have so many extras it doesn't matter foreign foreign oh my goodness dude oh boy I didn't mean to roll that last time there it worked out he said I rolled to the right position and stuff but it didn't uh look so nice loving that Spin Attack on this fight thank you what a boss dude wow that was uh not a good fight but I'm not sure why when you kill the boss just nothing happens for like 25 seconds dude I wonder why they did that okay so should we do I guess we should probably do some DS1 next right now there we go you should probably do DS1 just just considering you know I have no hitsukuro today we know it bloodborne now but we haven't no idea certainly not my cleanest bloodborne run right there but it got the job done what's interesting is there's actually only been one time where I've I've been attempting God Run 3 and I've no hit all of bloodborne sakiro and the S1 yeah it's only happened once and what ended up happening was I ended up losing the run in Demon Souls which at the time I had an as aim that's game four because of a bad strap basically three toughest the three least consistent for me for sure yeah yeah hopefully you know hopefully next attempt I know hit all those three games that we you know we kind of make it somewhere at least like game five game six maybe get a little sniff of the run but a slow climb dude foreign my DS2 SL1 is world record time wise I have no idea I highly highly doubt it 140 is very slow for that hardest part about these runs is definitely the mental side of it usually I do better under pressure actually but staying focused the whole time and you know being able to reset be patient all that stuff is probably the hardest thing uh I got I actually haven't gotten hidden secure today but we started the day in DS1 I got hit on ons I did another run of DS1 also got hit on ons and then I redid bloodborne got it no hit and now we're doing DS1 I believe that's what happened it brings us to right now video proof the lawnmower 4.0 won't cut your balls uh surely I'll provide proof of that now the run the Run doesn't have to be in in one sitting yeah and in fact you know since it's already four hours into the stream even if I did make it kind of far I definitely wouldn't be able to finish it today I don't think I honestly do expect I I do think that it's probably gonna be a couple of attempts that make it far and and fail you know where we're actually in a position where we're like in Dark Souls 2 or demon souls or something where it's like okay very consistent games remaining I I'm probably gonna lose a run at least once in one of those three games getting getting consistent at these first three are gonna be it's gonna make or break the god run three for me for sure oh boy yeah that being said you know I use like a hidden Body Route in DS3 and he probably doesn't want to use that and sorcery route in ES1 and Demon Souls so yeah any death in this run that isn't required it counts as a hit and would be a reset [Applause] laughs Smelter Demon Health rain does count as a hit yeah just for talking to a woman just don't be an idiot very simple well you can be an idiot and then wait what was the advice I gave was that don't be an idiot well I guess you just have to make yourself not an idiot then simply no hit a Soul's game and then instant you're just like flocked by a woman dude trust me it's obviously what happens especially if it's DS2 the ladies love DS2 trust me you have no reason not to trust me on that yeah see we got some confirmation in the chat dude I'm right [Music] sure show her the Millennia Dodge actually true man show her how to dodge waterfowl and then you're good to go [Music] thank you come on mosquito it's interesting how in this game you you actually need a certain amount of stamina to be able to roll and also I also know hit secure earlier today so uh Dan thanks so much for the donation dude I appreciate that thank you [Music] oh my God how did that even happen [Applause] what happened dude that's what I get for like not paying attention for one millisecond I was looking straight at the game I just I didn't I guess the boss is gonna like Crouch down or something yeah thanks so much Dan dude yeah I would have died if it was like if it was the quick slash I easily was dead there just did she go underneath my arrow are people subscribing on Twitch or is this insane I can't I can't I don't have my twitch notifications up so whoever's subbing on Twitch I guess thanks for that but I'll give you the best nut ever that's so funny dude I guess it's not a bad thing maybe dude who's gonna like ban me for that like whoa you're getting you're getting resubs on this site while streaming on YouTube that's banned Legends dude well yeah so what happened is the shot missed but then I wasn't really paying attention I didn't expect it to miss so I immediately shot the next one yeah me being turned around for that didn't matter yeah yeah okay I see what you guys are saying no where it went wrong was the shot that missed and then I just I wasn't paying attention and I queued up my next shot and that's very bad and so I turned around it actually turning around probably saved me there because it just delayed how quickly the boss could reach me al control we've really had some weird things happen today so far man I don't like it maybe maybe what I might do though is is alternate um the platform I'm streaming on probably they're just YouTube today which Tomorrow YouTube Wednesday yep and the classic thing where a streamer says something to not do something when it comes to giving me money and then they just do it anyways absolute classic oh yeah they're saying to stop giving them money let's give them way more money than before yeah thanks to thanks for subbing on on Twitch you guys but like I said might as well just wait if you're gonna do it [Applause] who's the first person who did that man they're getting banned they sub to you ban instant don't even think about it somebody asked if I if I was always or wait but somebody asked I think if being calm is a streaming Persona um no but could you imagine could you imagine a streamer where like they're [ __ ] psycho in real life but when they're streaming they're just normal and and super calm and like that was their strategy for whatever reason doesn't sound like a good Strat oh boy not a good streamer strap thank you serial killer yeah maybe I guess actually dude but yeah thanks you guys the gods demand repentance cough up your point all of it foreign holy [ __ ] he actually diedro that was insane how do you follow me so far just got caught on fire died somehow only don't do the knockoff shot here because this weapon takes a lot of stamina to swing and if I whiff your lifestyle this game we got it was so weird I've actually not seen that before I wonder what happened because I'm pretty sure he stood up earlier than he even normally would there not like using a plus three or four battle ax or something I think it actually my uh man this new speaker I can hear so much more stuff happening in the game now it's kind of funny because there were you know some people ask me why I don't wear headphones and stuff I just I hate wearing headphones and I like being able to hear what's going on around me but there definitely have been times where you know the streams had audio issues or you know I get hit by something where people can hear it but then I don't but now that I'm on like a good speaker and not just some monitor [ __ ] built-in speaker it's so much better I can hear everything dude I was but yeah I I mean my mic definitely does not pick up a lot of sound like I yeah and plus of course yeah I got the you know I got the right settings in OBS and you know audio interface also helps a bit with that as well with like the the noise gating and stuff but the reason I went with this sort of setup is because you know hearing some of their streams and you hear like controller clicks and all this stuff I'm not huge fan of that yeah once I have once I have my my new cam come in I'm gonna have like an actual professional streaming setup dude after six years of streaming finally I'll have a legitimately good streaming setup the first time ever good internet cool PCS good sound setup I don't know what else there is man but at this point I might as well might as well upgrade some stuff uh I guess I no I didn't get a new chair but I I really like my chair so never had any any issues with it I guess it could be time for a new one because I've had this one for a long time but it's still perfectly fine foreign I could need in this setup I've got going right now but I can't think of anything I guess I've seen people have multiple cams I remember Jerome I guess probably most people don't know who that is here but no hit Jerome used to have like he used to have you know three or four camera set up so that you could get a bunch of perspectives on you know his stream you can just have more cameras set up okay hello please stop yeah make sure I don't have cheat engine up yeah surely dude let's go on yogurt I could I guess I could upgrade my mic setup you know I could definitely make it better but there's there's not even a point at all uh yeah I did get a dummy battery yeah I I did I did all the research for it that's what I did this weekend my girlfriend and I researched on what cameras people use for streaming and and how to get it set up and you know I think I got everything so we'll have to see when it arrives and I try to set it up but I believe I got everything I got you know what maybe that's that's one thing I could probably improve is having lighting but I just I honestly do not want to do that I don't have a light blasting on my face all day long that's horrible I don't know all this stuff but I don't remember I was going to prison dude I I heard a running noise right there that wasn't my character I think it was the Silver Knight like shuffling his feet or something but it actually all these extra extra sounds are scaring me dude I have not been able to kill this guy oh just kidding and that's always the solution I always just say that something can happen and then just happens [Music] foreign oh my God you [ __ ] why you guys gotta do me like this dude this is crazy foreign thank you foreign usually sorcery has a pretty easy phase one man but we just been getting really I don't know if my timings are off you know three runs of DS1 and all the ons phase ones have been atrocious like that and that was probably the worst one use great I could use great heavy but I don't really like committing to such a slow cast honestly [Music] they could not quite that bad still pretty bad though heading out are you yeah I also think a lot more people have premium on YouTube because it's just a much better subscription right compared to Twitch turbo which is like the equivalent pair your ears and I get to listen to this on my my new speaker dude [Applause] you guys know that Miyazaki himself was the one who did the voice acting for that or that sound specifically [Music] that's actually true thank you and so they're like well that's really [ __ ] up but we might as well use this yeah just like a primal reaction dude and I don't only really like them I love them and I need them [Music] I'm underselling his enjoyment of Barefoot dirty dirty Barefoot ladies dude all right come on game work with me to be fair though to be completely Fair these Souls games do have a weird obsession with feet dude like that is undeniable [Music] hide your toes hide your toes Miyazaki dude where's the fiend's hero I'm sure I'm sure Emma's got no socks on dude I'm sure of it I haven't looked but I mean just the the maiden in black or whatever and Demon Souls just right out of the gate yeah and then you stomp her right in the face yeah at the end of the game yeah that's true oh you you uh all right let's get Soul Spears going kind of unfortunate that this route requires us to get two Soul Spears they're so expensive but you know you got to do what you got to do oh why am I the funny thing is I don't actually own DS1 so it's being steam shared I think my brother's trying to play it or something actually gonna ruin this run let me actually let me text him and see if he's trying to play this game there's this weird like weird steam countdown dude yeah the investment in the setup yeah buy my own coffee ideas one I have two minutes it's saying I have two minutes of let me see if I can yeah I I actually did buy it it's just I bought it on my brother's Steam account I don't I somehow don't think that's what that what's actually happening I highly doubt he's gonna play DS1 right now okay let me uh let me see what the [ __ ] going on here dude maybe my other brother is trying to play it this is so stupid someone said this dude I'm gonna buy it right now [ __ ] oh there it is yeah and actually dc'd me dude there we go all right crisis averted run continues maybe maybe it was like a steam strategy to you know make me think someone else is playing the game but they actually weren't and I didn't actually have to buy it again but a wild run this is so far what a wild Bay of runs dude it's the hits we've taken the five minute ideas one to be legendary to having the actual run yeah I paid to win the version of the game where you have infinite iframes the whole time people suggested for me to do that during the when I did all achievements Elder ring no hit like the the insane maybe not suggested but they're like memeing about the insane clickbait potential every time I get hit buy a new game yeah I'm pretty sure I own all the other games on this account but yeah sakiro I do ES3 I do yeah that's that's why we need eight Soul Spears by the way right there we need to get two stacks of it this four is not enough he's weak to Chris well he's not weak to it it's just we deal a lot of damage and so it looks like he's weak but he's not damage is crazy oh it's Demon Souls remake Palm Leo fashion acquired pretty sure I'm supposed to uh yeah 41 intelligence Valero oh and this one hi he responded and asked about his streaming so I guess we were probably we were probably both playing it at the same time but I guess steam actually gives you like a little countdown before it DC's you from the game it's interesting that must be new definitely did not used to be like that used to be just you would boot someone off instantly and it got her in four yeah probably dude I guess we don't need the bow here what that's why you gotta aim with most keyboard dude [Music] first official playthrough oh what am I doing you guys oh my goodness imagine if I lost the run to that just not paying attention at all I was I was too busy looking at chats seeing people's reaction to me killing Andre yeah if you didn't yeah if you didn't try to scam you on the crest yeah we saved we saved 20K by killing him so so yeah he's Gotta Die especially on a run like this where the we need a lot more souls on this run than the normal melee route so foreign oh I just I hate that I just hate that Sif does that like oh yeah I just got crippled so now I'm Gonna Cancel my recovery animation and then I'm gonna blast you with this weird off-timing attack [Music] postal spear plus normal soul spear Center for Alden ring is iron balls of course iconic Arena yeah true now I was talking about earlier I saw a tweet someone was basically saying that hyper demon was a good fight and and then to you know it's fine for someone saying that but then what really got me was that most of the replies were agreeing with it thank you I know this is a Boss Arena dude you're damn right it is black jpeg Boss Arena why would you do that right there [ __ ] psycho I love sorcery though uh hush might as well level up I guess you stopped playing this one I don't blame him dude I wasn't streaming that's probably how long I'd play DS1 for as well like 15 minutes and then it's and then it's done that's actually really funny like wait why the [ __ ] am I playing this again yeah joke's on me though I'm the one who bought the game twice so I just wanna already beat this one though I'm sure it's which ones he's beaten definitely Elden ring at least thank you I have two brothers and a sister not sure if I'm gonna do another like if we should you know if I do no hit this if we continue through Sakura today or if I would do that tomorrow except for my my camera to get here dude I I really hope that the setup goes smoothly because I know that it definitely might not weirdo why are you swinging at me dude but yeah so maybe maybe we'll be back on YouTube again tomorrow foreign is what I'm saying then we can continue this run it would be nice to get the god Run 3 while the streams are on YouTube because that'll make the the YouTube video look better because I can just make the stream here look way better that's a nice little bonus opinion on Quail like I think quite likes okay as a boss fight I think it's it's okay I feel like yeah if I did that on Twitter I don't know I just I don't like that oh twitch is better at um the viewer experience so what I would say twitch is better at really is that not damn it which I would say has a better viewer experience probably overall and I I think some people were saying too is you know the which culture is different it's probably it's definitely not for everybody you know the the emotes that are over there and like the memes that people do and all this stuff so I guess that's probably the main thing I I'm which is true like that's definitely true the the UI on Twitch is like I would say it looks better and like it's nice having the colors in the chat that's why truffle the Truffle extension for YouTube's decent but I wish YouTube would just spend a little bit of effort there and I think that'd make a huge difference because when I was first talking about starting the stream on YouTube the number one thing people were saying that they were concerned about was just the chat not be good you know so if they would just make it decent that would be really good I think um I think where do I normally walk to here I should probably take the hat off but of the insta yeah I guess I guess one thing that twitch probably does better too in terms of like a streaming site you know I guess one one thing for discoverability of streamers is that when people go onto twitch they're looking for a stream right whereas on YouTube the streams are kind of like hidden away you wouldn't just go and there's gonna be like streamers recommended that I've noticed at least yeah so I guess yeah that's probably another thing but yeah no dude but yeah it does recommend streams and stuff I guess if someone's looking for a stream I don't know if there's like some tab for it or if there is it's probably hidden away I don't know foreign there we are okay well so today what were we on on runs today so we know hit we did no hit bloodborne sakiro NDS won all them once I got hit twice in DS1 so that puts us at three for five and I got hit once in bloodborne I got hit twice in bloodborne so we were three firsts seven today yeah that's that's you know it's not terrible but it's kind of not good enough but yeah I guess we'll continue with Sakura tomorrow then hopefully we can get a run that's through these first three games and at least start getting somewhere all right welcome back you guys um so yesterday we ended after I did DS1 so we now hit bloodborne we now hit DS1 and we're moving on to sakiro all right here we go dude but then I gotta say I'm gonna stream both days on the weekends so probably you know split those between YouTube and twitch and my camera should be coming either to well hopefully it comes today but I think it's supposed to come tomorrow what got me into no hit running I saw no hit run of DS3 on YouTube after I had like quit the game halfway through and uh and I I don't know I don't remember exactly what I thought but I was like I was super impressed by it and then also kind of thought like oh I wonder how I would do if I tried that thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this fight's scary dude you know if you're doing a no hit run in a single game and usually the opening boss is not scary at all because you know you're in the first couple minutes of the run it doesn't matter if you get hit but when you're doing that boss a couple hours in it's a lot different especially that one because I find the uh the grass kind of obstructs the view sometimes distinguished Pairs and blocks you can just tell by the the particle animation and the sound it's it's not really intuitive that's why I'm actually not a fan of the no hit rule set in this game at all I think no damage runs work a lot better in this game but that's the main the main reason when the game came out I I did no damage runs on it and not no hit runs where it kind of like half the no-hit community did no hit but God Run 3 is no hit so that's what we're doing only reason I'm doing this real set uh bloodborne is yeah I get it's scary because of Shadows you know I was actually I was looking back at uh so on on my my stream PC I have a bunch of the old splits from like a bunch of old runs that I routed and and runs that I did as well 2021 I had routed um Dark Souls 2 SL1 plus zero no hit all bosses and man that's a cool run dude I'm I'm definitely thinking if if I have time this year I would love to go back to that but I'm not sure if I will that would undoubtedly be at least one of the hardest runs done ever in the souls games if not the hardest even but the base NG version of it is definitely possible I remember testing out some of this stuff for for the master run PS2 which is S1 plus zero NG plus seven couldn't figure out how to do some of the things consistently like Scout words man [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] on level one plus zero the ivory King you know the the battle phase of ivory King is already very tricky is to help us harder than DS real bosses I would say probably I the fights aren't as complicated but I mean some of them are though yeah I would say it's objectively harder oh [Music] thank you dude the game [ __ ] didn't lock me on there somehow oh that was horrible That's crazy dude because I I hit the lock on button and I was right in front of the guy and it just doesn't [ __ ] lock me on luckily I didn't panic and I just you know I faced my character in the right direction and it's time to Parry correctly but this game sometimes dude is just horrible like it's I I find it it's sometimes worse than the other Souls games in terms of the controls [Music] I really need to make a cooldown on that God run command foreign execute that super well but [Music] um I'll I'll probably play Liza P I'm not sure if I'm gonna play it immediately when it comes out or it's very possible that I don't have this run completed by then and I would rather complete this run before doing anything else if we got makiri I haven't lost a run before by forgetting to get it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign thank you yeah you're pairing the lightning counts as a hit because you you still take damage or it's not you're not pairing the lightning here you're getting hit by it so yeah that was really I played that very importantly dude and at least at least I I managed it well once we were in the corner because that's you know that's really tough sometimes when you can't just you just can't see anything but I made like several mistakes there luckily wasn't a big deal I'd love to just get you know even if we don't end up getting the Run I'd love to get one decent attempt on my intended order like this you know I'm actually having a good shot at getting the Run artist section and scuro probably this one if you're if you're talking non-bosses but but yeah this this run is basically all about the boss fights thank you that guy tried to shoot me when he wasn't even he didn't he couldn't he wasn't even aggro to me and he was trying to shoot me I wonder what what what time period was this game meant to take place in dude like why did that [ __ ] spear guns why do they have that perfect accuracy like yeah surely it's 2010. I mean that would explain how they're guns are so good no underground fish oh my god dude I I didn't even know what that was right there I thought I I don't even know dude are those like some magic [ __ ] coming at me why would I just randomly get a an emblem right there and so at that part I'm always it should be relaxing and stuff it's like oh yeah we're just waiting here until the elevator comes nope gotta look for the ground fish foreign I've stopped referring to Dragon learn Elder ring as plucy I never did that so you can't stop something you never started but Lucid accident lucidastics dude [Music] thank you foreign thank you how is that a giraffe yeah I don't know that's a good question well the name is long-armed centipede giraffe so I don't know if that really means anything really interesting when it came back to uh sakiro you know game camera came out in 2019 and I hadn't played it until mid this year when I started preparing for God Run 3 yet the Snake Eyes grab attack I still remember that was one of the only attacks in the game that I remembered absolutely perfectly and without any any de-rusting I I just remember how to pair that perfectly I guess it's probably because I thought that enemy so much and it's such a unique attack that I just remember them but it's such a counter-intuitive timing on that crab that you wouldn't think at this like oh yeah that's and attack you remember perfectly which do I think would be more difficult all bosses God run three or level one God run three easily all bosses honestly and the other all bosses runs are not pushovers either so like easily all bosses would be much more difficult even just think about the length it would be like several times the length of a one God run free all right you're still kind of doing all the same stuff but your damage is lower you might have to do some different strats whereas doing all bosses means you're adding a lot of extra content rather than just kind of changing how it goes well rl1 is is Rune level one which is level one possum Elden ring or what people call level one and open ring foreign I'm not sure but I'm not sure if people consider all bosses insakira to be all memories or you know actionable all bosses but I imagine it's all bosses also means like every boss and mini boss all right foreign fight dude I play it perfectly but it's such bad RNG uh your posture no your posture doesn't get broken if you parry perfectly except there's one instance on Armored Warrior where you do I don't know why it's like that but oh [ __ ] foreign foreign another year poop s [Music] here we go I honestly uh I really messed up that last that last little mortal draw on this in there I don't know why I logged off I probably shouldn't have but worked out definitely not my cleanest Sakira run but it got the job done onto Dark Souls 3. uh DS3 is not my most comfortable run you would think it would be since I've played it so much but you can pretty much assume that the order of the games I go in is from you know least comfortable the most comfortable so Dark Souls 3 being in the middle means it's not my most comfortable basically thank you yeah Dark Souls 3 is is definitely a scary note hit run the bosses are the hardest and then also like it has the hardest running section so that's why it's game four for me even though when I you know when I initially thought of doing multi-game runs I always thought DS3 would be last because of how much I've run it and you know I've done a lot of Dark Souls 3 tournaments as well and I usually do well in them uh I know how to handle the pressure when I'm playing this game pretty well I think I've just done it over and over and over again but es2 is is a bit more comfy and then demon soul is a bit comfy than that and Elden Rings last because I've just been playing it so much lately and if I did this run two years ago and probably DS3 actually would be last because that was at a point where I was playing it all the time let's see if my keyboard inputs are weird here it looks okay oh yeah if you don't have the resident on DS3 when you're trying to use keyboard while you have a controller plugged in it can really mess with the directions of your W key foreign I don't know but actually if you look at Dino's stats for when he was attempting Godwin 3 and his percentages at the games I think DS3 was actually His Highest [Music] foreign yeah see this is probably where the you know the not straight W could have a big effect if if I you know if it happens so next before the next time I run DS3 I need to make sure I get that installed but I wouldn't want to be throwing like a bad fire bomb there that's really bad oh extra fire resin there I don't know if I've ever actually gotten that before because usually I don't bother to pick up what they drop but somewhere to watch my first actual Elder ring I uh I didn't do most of it on stream so no you can't watch the whole thing but like obviously like I understand how Souls games work though at this point look off that video yeah maybe I'm actually gonna get this in case I need to go get some extra skulls yeah definitely wouldn't mind getting the Storyteller stuff but it seems like the Storyteller staff is saved for practice runs only [Music] thank you speaking of Skyrim sex mods dude you know it's great to see that mxr mods is uploading again with Starfield you love to see that dude as they're being relentless dude I almost wonder if DS2 like there's so many games that I think I could put a game for you know kind of all of all of these three games now and even even all the four the four that are up I'm making including this one like they could really be in any position laughs the game's four to seven I you know it probably doesn't really matter what order they're in hey this guy can have a meme where he turns the wrong direction and aggress to you let's see if he doesn't you did not but based on you know the game order and stuff it's kind of the illusion that we're halfway through right now even though we're not thank you farewell action one thank you well Zips Zips don't just make the Run shorter they you literally skip every boss like you don't have to fight a single boss if you use Zips right foreign now Red's going after me of course I don't have time for this oh it's so tempting to go for that if I was only doing a DS3 run I'd probably go for that but not on this trying to make sure I get some good spacing from this guy so it doesn't cut me off foreign pretty bad fight good phase two RNG though I guess that well hello it's kind of funny The Stride I was using before I don't know if if I messed up or something but you know just running on the right side for that enemy I actually got hit when I was doing a practice run the other day while doing it which I didn't think was possible I just I just started backstab there now instead of trying to run past and have like some sketchy out space fashion one oh might seem like we're doing a sorcery run when we buy all this stuff but we actually buy it all so that he gives us this ring farewell I shouldn't won yeah these routes these routes that I'm doing are are honestly really good multi-game routes I wouldn't suggest them necessarily for people doing like a single game run but for multi-game I I think it's worth kind of being extra safe on some of these things and uh and yeah it seemed like it was less than 10 proper attempts at it dude that's what it seemed like but I'm not actually 100 sure which is wild like nobody gets runs that quickly dude on their on their first no head run but yeah of course sorcery Elden Rings it it's a different type of run than just like a DS3 any percent or something especially when all the strats I found were just basically God tiered uh we'll near Vape does definitely count his head yes so yeah this is actually now the second time that I've been in game four or at least it's the second time that I've no hit bloodborne's KIRO in DS1 all in one one run about the skulls right I'm just gonna I need to make sure this would be really bad if I didn't just wondering I thought I normally got the 30 maybe 33 here is right I could use my fire resin here that I like the extra fire resin that I got I guess I will I'm not even sure if it would save a single hit but foreign have to do this I if I was doing just to run a DS3 I would never kill the giant but we do on this just again extra safety yeah death by manicure dude Welcome To Dark Souls where you can poke something in the foot for an hour and it dies okay here we go if I go for this I have to watch out for the guys in the back because they want aggro to this so for the god Run 3 I do this way more safely than I normally would where I I wait for each Deacon to get back into the crowd before I go for another kill the reason is the way you got hit on this boss is by you know throwing a skull and going for a kill where you know there's a deacon that's far away that doesn't actually go after the skull because the range isn't actually that good yeah pie mines is decent here but the problem is that it kills a lot of them and you actually don't want to kill a lot of them actually consider doing a pyromancy route for God Run 3 for DS3 like just as good and they're way more efficient so I think I can go for this so there's two killed we're gonna wait for two to funnel back in there's one all right so let's wait for this last guy to funnel in you might just spawned on the back side oh there he is and I did the master run which is level one plus zero and G plus seven this fight is unbelievable it's so painful it's insane dude you know with the setup that you can get on that you don't really have enough damage to just even kill the small deacons basically the strategies were just poison Mist through the wall and then you had to do that like five times or something you get phase two going I think that guy's back in the crowd so we're gonna bring them halfway up and then we'll kill last one yeah this is one of those fights that everyone's always surprised on no hit run so it's like honestly one of the least consistent bosses but after you just watch it once it's like oh that makes sense foreign guy kind of Dove right into the crowd as I as I like went to run up to him I'm actually I shouldn't have done an R1 there because I could have gotten a backstab which would have been not ideal because then it would like backstabs it it kills the guy and then swaps The Ore but you're still stuck in that animation so I yeah I definitely should not have done R1 there but I didn't at least I didn't get a backstab so it's fine foreign get this bonfire let's see yeah so like when I come into the the dungeon here past these enemies I have low Health already and so they would need to drain me for a long time to actually start bringing my actual HP but with it with this route I'm getting through here they just they just don't drain you so I might be the only one that does no hit runs that pounds the Jailer drain like that but I think it makes the most sense foreign foreign I'm gonna take yeah reichardt reichardt is better than jorm as like a cinematic fight and a gimmick weapon fight but in every other category I think yorm is probably better now it's not if you think you deal 50 damage to yorm then you don't know how the fight goes like there is a totally viable in in some cases it's even faster than storm really right if I had a plus nine twin blade the fight I just had right there would actually be slower than a plus nine Twin Blade fight and it's not because twin blades are super broken or something it's just they designed them in a way that you can get a ton of damage off without needing the storm ruler if you just know what you're doing yeah for people who don't know how Yorn works though without storm roller basically so both of his arms are are like weak points and his his head is also weak point and if you're fighting with melee then you want to be focusing on his weapon arm like the worm that the arm that he's holding the weapon in and if you hit that for I think it's around 1100 damage then he'll stun he'll kneel down and then his head will just be exposed which you can repost but you can also do like depending on the weapon for potentially even five hits with a fast weapon before you repost him and then you know usually those combos if you're talking twin blades with a decent build you can easily deal 16 000 damage on his head I think they probably wanted to make him actually you know simpler than it would have like probably because they they figured that some people were just gonna fight him and and not pick up the weapon and they didn't want them to get blasted for hours after not finding the weapon somehow what prod uction huge one point of endurance so a thousand we'll be perfect awesome is definitely not needed here but we have a bunch of extras anyways foreign Dark Souls night right there the Knight teleported in an elevator yeah that'll happen a decent amount of time if you if you just run past them with him aggrung but we have slumbering dragon crest of course so or you can just cast spook all right [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign bodies gotta actually arguably a better version of a hidden body because you know you have kind of the more equivalent thing is when you get in the tower in Altis I'm sure you guys remember the name but you also have assassin's Gambit which is an ash of War which it makes you like invisible but then also gives you the silencing effect so it's like hidden body Plus slumbering in one it's pretty damn good dude yeah unseen form yeah I always forget the name of it dark souls 3 is definitely not the most unpleasant on the years that that honor goes to bloodborne and there's no way that I could be convinced otherwise foreign here because I want to turn around this uh specific enemy up here is if you don't then it's actually not good uh dunking your head is fine but like I guess it could be okay for if you're asking for no hit if you somehow have issues with the hands because that's what the wax does it makes you not get hit by those uh like curse hands I guess it could be fine I remember when I did all achievements now hit and there's a lot of collection I had to do in the archives I'm pretty sure I like I had to do it not get hit on uh yeah just running through that area like this though there's no reason to get wax head funny if if this game had the same hidden body as Demon Souls where you couldn't recast it while it's active so many of these strats would not be possible in the same way yeah Assassin game but you can refresh as well and it also lasts way longer a hidden body I think lasts for what like 15 seconds maybe yeah Gambit lasts what like 30. thank you [Music] foreign yeah that with this cheese this fight becomes probably the the hardest in any percent to being like a total joke like that which is why everybody chooses them it'd actually be interesting to see the the consistency at DS3 for the multi-game Runners if that cheese didn't exist probably would be significantly lower I would imagine uh for me it'd still be the same address dude like I fought princes for like I've fought them a lot this is the first run where I've actually started doing that cheese I guess I've done other cheeses in the past like depending on the run but most of my time fighting princes is fighting them straight up so it would be the same for me yeah DS3 now hit is really nasty because you're at like princess and then Cinder as the final two bosses all right foreign there we go yeah 121 is about average with this route because of how slowly we do deacons right okay so what scares me the most about DS2 is probably the very start yeah I switched to the controller configuration for this game because this game actually has a dedicated Auto spread button which is very nice honestly haven't been using Auto my like makeshift Auto Sprint in the other games at all because when we're on an actual run it just I think the risk is too high of you know me accidentally leaving it on for a boss fight and then trying to roll but I die because I have my toggle Sprint on you can tell how many times I play this game based on how fast the character creation goes it's true like if you wanted to make a complicated character then you'd probably want a macro curses upon you enough of this I kind of forgot I was actually supposed to go do this stuff first we start this class because it has the highest agility agility is what controls your iframes in this game so we would like a decent amount of it if you're good you don't need it obviously when you're doing SL1 you have to just get good at the game in this game like so much more difficult than the other Souls games okay this little running segment scares me oh my God yeah see like this Strat really just sketches the [ __ ] out of me dude kind of have to do it though because the way so since we're on vanilla the way this ladder works is different and we need to make sure we don't get chased here so that I can take my time and make sure this guy's not gonna aggro yeah one of the negatives of running on vanilla DS2 so we had a situation with this guy last time so I'm gonna just go rest before I go get the ax and again this is another example of a segment like this is not scary when you're just you know hitting only this game but when you're you know five hours into a run you got to do this again a little scary obviously it is not safe at all and I did actually lose a run while doing all achievements no hitting this game on game or not not on game on uh NG plus two like the final NG cycle I lost a run because of that not because that's rapid but because of the old Strat just trying foreign this fight's usually scripted but I messed up the opening thanks foreign people are wondering about that explosive wall like I I just the reason I don't count as a hit we're using a shortcut and I'm it's I see it as self-inflicted damage right that's that's what I see it as yeah you could see it as environmental but I see it just more as self-inflicted hit but in the case that an enemy exploded a barrel and then I got hit by that Barrel I would count that as a hit like I would reset on that not like that ever happens but it's just yeah I I think I I just do the rules that I think makes the most sense for a no hit run and I don't think some of the team Atlas reels make perfect sense or just disagree with them or whatever then I just I just do whatever I want it's like using it's like using supaku and Elden ring is the way I see it right using an ash of aware that causes you to take a hit like it's clearly a hit it's just self-inflicted usually aren't counted at least I wouldn't count them myself and so that's I see that kind of this as a similar thing yeah obviously uh under no damage run that would count because we're taking damage no damage run rule sets are a lot more intuitive because you're literally just doing what the title of the run is you're doing a no damage run but what a hit actually means is not super obvious sometimes right yeah no no damages is all damage if you take a single instance of damage then it runs over doesn't matter what it's from there are still some considerations though like there's certain Buffs that might decrease your HP in in like weird ways right yashi is a good example the yashi sugar in in sakuro but it like it's not really dealing damage but unknown damage runs the yashi isn't allowed because which I agree with to be honest because it's decreasing your health foreign yeah the reason we kill her yeah is because she invades you later in the in the undead crypt if you don't and so we kill her so that she does not [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign thank you [Music] I keep thinking it's no commentary because no face cam yeah I guess that's true I'm kind of just I'm just paying attention to the game which can be hard to do sometimes honestly it can be hard about doing no hit runs while streaming is that it's so easy when you're running these games to just not pay attention to stuff and I you know in some of the games I can get away with it but some of them I I really cannot this is part of the reason why we play the original version of DS2 also is because you um you immediately get the key to enter this DLC from the start of the game and you don't have to let go find it in the world or Kill The Gulch Giants for this one it's so funny dude when I when I first started no hit running DS2 I I couldn't even imagine a no hit run in the Souls game being easier than this one but now that I come back to it after like quite a while of not doing DS2 runs and and I see all the strats and compare it to demon souls and Dark Souls 1 and Elden ring and stuff it's just wow this run is way harder than than I was giving a credit for back in the day there's all these really specific strats that we're doing here very precise execution yeah we go into DLC though uh we get Flynn's ring which is one of the best damaging rings in the game and then we also get a bonfire setup I I'll be on little frog boy let me kill you yeah I guess it just it's just that I had done like I've done so many runs in DS2 that I don't know I kind of just under I guess I just kind of forgot this is definitely a little tricky I think especially using this route a lot of the the older Runners they go with uh you know older Runners and they run scholar they go with the route that takes them through uh seldora and then they they don't get they don't get Flynn's ring but then they would get a plus 10 Rapier and which kind of like offsets it was [ __ ] flying dude it actually wasn't that scary but it does it's because I managed my stamina badly and he was just able to catch up he's honestly in a good spot but let's just wait for him to move honey goes the wrong way it was the scholar version of that game of this game that in I don't know I don't introduce the alluring trees so you can't do that in this version the trees make a noise but they just don't I don't think they do anything honestly trying to Vermont is difficulty is so [ __ ] overrated dude it's just people want to like Blow by every area in the game like they do in you know DS1 or something and so yeah if you're trying to blow by the area then it again sucks but you just methodically go through it's it's also one of the easiest run areas in the game dude yeah I guess with range specifically but you don't even need range dude if you just know what you're doing foreign foreign bro all right that slam attack is it kind of has deceptive range on it so it you know I I don't like to cut that one close if I think I'm you know barely outspacing it I'd prefer to just roll it I think at rtsr honestly not worth trying to get it set up again probably the worst of the rottens to not get red tears don't set up on yeah it's because it's because this one we used the bright bug on it so it reduces some of the scaling of NG plus three and that one we don't use a bright bug so it's like relatively the tankiest one and then I missed the rtsr so then all right foreign this game I think I had to kill 20 rottens on that route yeah basically what we're killing the rottens does is prevents you from having to do the uh all the old souls it's basically just like the quickest way to farm them up up the soul memory so that we can go through Shrine of Winter and yeah I'm pretty sure I had to kill like 20 at least 20 rottens on that rung because the the one million Soul memory requirement scales up on the NG Cycles I think it goes up by a million each time or something like that if I'm not mistaken all of the Soul memory that you get has to be on that NG The Shrine of Winter to actually open up so it was like you know it was for the first NG cycle and then the next NG cycle it was like [ __ ] eight and the last one it was like 10 like I don't remember exactly but there's a lot of rottens dude we get to 99 agility here yeah I I I personally go with pretty low agility throughout this run if you wanted to be safer if you wanted to do this route and be safer you probably just sacrifice a bit of endurance for more iframes gone so soon I'll just buff it to be safe I don't remember if I'm supposed to pretty sure I don't all right one of the negatives of running vanilla is coming up should we do this properly foreign oh ah what a huge mistake I just made not sure why I tried to rush that make sure I get the head shot yeah luckily that Knight didn't just go like hide away in the corner which he sometimes does when you miss that shot [Music] foreign like that RNG there boss is the bus is most RNG scary in this game probably I immediately think of Throne Duo and I guess probably the lead up to Giant Lord is honestly really sketchy so probably those two all right foreign just be straight well this game has a lot of positional Dodges you know if you're watching somebody who has thousands of hours in the game it's probably gonna look easy not that that strep in particular super hard to execute but it is that is like a specific Strat we do that's not just his normal moveset [Music] I got I get those comments all the time on on the YouTube videos it's like oh yeah I watch you kill this boss and it's like man this looks so easy and then they go do it themselves and it's like what the [ __ ] just happened dude a lot of people say also that the game looks like it's in slow motion when they're watching it which which makes sense to be fair yeah the boat doesn't say damage and the funny thing is too I haven't even upgraded it it's not that it's plus zero it's that we pick up we picked up this bow pre-upgraded in the first DLC so that's like another benefit of doing the shelva route he's got a plus seven longbow that's what I'm saying like these areas are insanely if you come in here with the right idea and you just go methodical it's just trivial to get through these man as long as you don't try to just gun it past every enemy like any other Souls games you can do yeah Rapier is good in DS2 because it attacks quickly and it's also got that 140 counter rating did you know the earlier Souls games are kind of all about counter hits a lot of weapons have really good counter damage so it's not just the Rapier there's plenty of other weapons that could do the same thing there but we actually don't use the rape you for the rest of this run though we use a or the weapon that we just got you see that 150 counter rating it's a thing that speedrunners do a lot but I honestly haven't seen many no hit Runners do this kind of route where you switch from the Rapier but it makes sense because we're only at plus four in the Rapier right now and the you know you can't upgrade the key that plus you're the key definitely does way more damage than the Rapier [Music] that the Rapier is bad to use for the rest of the run it's just it gets better yeah some of the gray Lancers are at 160. which I I guess I I don't know for sure but probably what that 160 means is like that's the damage multiplier on counter hits although I'm not 100 sure on that go too far here Ed wait for the D I grow and this is why I killed lysia earlier in the run because she invades through here and if you messed up this Strat like I just did unless he is chasing after you then that's a serious problem you wouldn't be able to just sit here and wait until we killed this guy too spawn the Mages this is another section that is significantly worse than vanilla scholar you just run past the boss here and it's you just grab the fogate and that's it vanilla there's a million enemies here spear foreign [Music] I really like the segment of DS2 where you go from you know drank leg all the way to valstadt because we when you think about it I use the same rtsr setup that entire time like it was the same damage that I took from the hammer when we first got into the entry of drag leg we carried that all the way it's always nice when the you know there's not a big break in segments of a run like you're just constantly running through stuff oh my god dude I basically talked that into existence right there I I actually I framed his uh his flight there because because that has a hitbox when he flies to the wall so I actually I frame that [ __ ] attack dude that's crazy I I've never even done that before that's what I was yeah I said I'd talk that into existence because earlier we were talking about the fights where it's like the most scary RNG and yeah Guardian Dragon you know could either be trivial or can be like that yeah this is an area that if if you're doing speed runs this area is better in vanilla but for no hit it's probably worse because we just have to kill a lot more enemies here normally you would in scholar you only have to kill two enemies but here we have to kill like everybody one thing that's nice about this area though is it's kind of like the relaxing area of bs2 for no hit since you're kind of you know there's not a ton of danger here you kind of just shoot everybody down preparing for the final three bosses project fit all ended here I guess so but when again when you think about it we're [Music] we're six hours in this run is about 10 hours so there's still we're like just over halfway through even though it might seem like oh yeah we're on game five and you know all this great stuff we still have a significant amount of time left on this run so magic for these Giants that is the exact thing that scares me so much about this [ __ ] area dude exactly what he did played it well though that was not so good yeah that's terrifying dude because the issue with when he does that is if he doesn't hide like if he times it weirdly with the you know the explosion thing then like you could just get killed you know just straight up you try to run away and then well you're not going anywhere because this thing is coming at you yeah luckily the timing worked out okay but I actually meant to go back there and and test strats out for that section I guess I never did because yeah that that on every single run I've ever done that section's been just terrifying yeah not my cleanest DS2 run at this point you guys like I think I kind of maybe like the S2 game or better there's been at least two chances where I could have easily died so far obviously we still got like the hardest boss plus another like slightly tricky boss ended off foreign foreign [Applause] foreign G when the Chandra just runs straight up to me a lot of Runners don't like that they like to just pick her off of the bow but I I definitely prefer the faster RNG like that here we go hey that was definitely one of my most scuffed DS2 runs probably ever but didn't make it through all right now Demon Souls is definitely the outlier game for me as as the final four because of you know ES3 DS2 and other ring I have like thousands of hours in each of them but Demon Souls I have not so much so we'll see uh we'll see what happens here yeah I think I have I probably have like 160 hours in Demon Souls at this point yeah so this is the this is the longest run in the god run for us it's an hour it's like roughly an hour 50 minutes oh all right here we go we're gonna simply wait until this guy kills everybody [Applause] I guess having two spice by now is normal but it kind of seems low I guess thank you oops I'm gonna go back here it doesn't look scary but it's another one of those cases like the Deacon's boss where like oh man this boss is so [ __ ] easy except there's a hundred projectiles flying across the room and it makes it a little sketchy that was pretty well played hit most of my fire bombs there foreign we got seven of these and then elixir s demand repentance [Music] okay here's where I've lost runs before it was because I was using a bad strap but then just roll there what the hell I'm gonna be patient on this part wait for the guy to path across here really want to mess with them probably out of anything in Demon Souls I'm the most scared of this at boss fight luckily it's purely execution like if it goes wrong it's your own fault but you know it's not the simplest execution all right here we go not gonna lie when I actually get the god Run 3 dude it's gonna be such a boring it's gonna be such a boring YouTube video like whether it's right now or you know in the future it's just because when it when we get to this point in the run I'm just focusing like I'm not talking really I'm just that's not necessarily the best content but all right oh my God thank you [Music] oh yeah the London special dude that's basically what this area is we run around just shipping everybody all right we're past Fool's Idol we just get to 29. oh I must have forgotten to pop some souls or something there's no way that's right 29 or 30 years but we're supposed to reach magical sharpness deep ring thank you foreign [Music] now this running section also a little scary 20 and 32. all right here we go thank you thank you before I do anything let's make sure that I get poison missed learned and we have enough magic to wield it I think I think we got everything what Jesus dude I look away for one second and then this guy's [ __ ] barreling down on me we're gonna be oops I'm gonna be doing a strat up here that I haven't done that many times where uh we use the solar main for the Garg here hopefully it's a good strike because I've only done it like three times and it's worked perfectly every time but free is not a lot of times for something foreign that lock on but we have the slow runners rats I'm I'm certain there's a faster way to set up clever rat here it's just I don't know it oh foreign the cheesing begins yeah we might do geoguessr but I honestly I'm I'm probably not going to not on a live run well it's like it's like Storyteller staffs except this damage is like a 20th that's good what's nice though about doing these types of cheeses in this game is that enemies don't care if you make sound so like I could smack the ground here and they still don't turn around for some reason the second guy should be coming any second though beauty of the strap okay now we let the poison do its job uh poison does 900 damage and I think each process is three minutes right yeah if we no hit this today yeah we're going to Elden ring dude into the Nile poison strap well I mean you could but team Hit List wouldn't accept that run just whether that means anything to you or not but yeah obviously that's like completely just an arbitrary rule if if someone kills a boss outside the Boss Arena in my opinion on a no hit run I wouldn't think anything of it I mean it's not much different than what I just did right there hmm just gonna wait for my cloak to come back this is what's kind of annoying that you can't just like recast it when it's active you have to wait actually Diego there I think laughs dude he's actually trying to do a five head play and cut me off oh my god dude how do you not Diego there that's insane he's really mad for some reason like I don't even comprehend how he doesn't Diego there that's insane dude what was a nice save though you can't see me and he's still like [ __ ] blasting him dude that's crazy okay let's get soul arrow water a huge trolling right there dude aren't they finished [Music] it's gonna swap the Spells beef ring true [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] uh Dan thanks dude foreign [Applause] [Music] 49 magic is what I'm supposed to hit we get 50 I think foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you to life together I think 54 is right last time I actually I forgot to cast cloak here and then I died so it was the last run I did like a practice run of demon souls whereas I was like I was talking to chat totally forgot didn't cast cloak got swarmed by a bunch of enemies there's actually one of these [ __ ] that killed me because I had to like I was trying to evade the island enemies thank you foreign life is easy I think the rest can just go in Magic here pretty sure [Music] now there is a particular tiny section here that I've been having some issues with so hopefully that doesn't happen [Applause] [Applause] the section I also meant it's not even on this split by the way it's right before the penetrator is the part that I was talking about all right foreign a little scary and as you've been having is I keep locking on to The Wrong Enemy somehow like I lock onto the Assassin but I'm trying to lock onto the other guy oh my God never seen him throw a [ __ ] Fire Bomb before could you imagine if that [ __ ] got me somehow um I'm just gonna wait for the cloak thank you we definitely the bathroom but I'll do it after uh just any presents down here imagine if we had Demon Souls game seven and then like this was the finale dude I guess it'd be good from a runner's perspective because then it's like oh once we get to a certain point we just know we're done but we've got another game foreign ly could go to the bathroom right now again I don't really I don't want to do geoguessr because I don't want to be taken out of the the run really yeah this this takes like 15 minutes basically uh after this there's just Elden ring left if uh this goes okay yeah I feel pretty good about Elden ring but there's certainly things I could get hit by there actually was a run the other uh the other week in the oven ring where I got to the the Third Church one of the mosquitoes followed me and actually like attacked me dude it didn't hit me because I I think I forget how I dodged it I'd never seen that before I'd never seen a mosquito chase that far I think I was I think I got iframes from the horse mounting or something is how I didn't get hit but it's like the fears from the all bosses no hit run coming back dude the random mosquito hit and limb grave like the fights I'd actually have to do kind of properly is is godric Rodan Gold free fire giant to a degree after getting on the opener uh and then poor Lou so yeah there's just there's a few fights that I need to do properly I think goldfree is probably the longest legit fight depending on you know RNG Rodan could also if he gives you a bad opening which is really rare but if he does it's also really sketchy man I'm honestly just gonna like I I probably have enough damage right now but it's gonna like make sure we easily have enough here I also I've done this one time where we were at about this point and I I go to do my kill and I ran out of FP after I casted my soul arrow and so like yeah that was not good after we start this next proc we're gonna we can go in all right let me get this last cast off and then it could be good to finish him off here thanks for the donation dude thanks so much man surely you have seen for yourself foreign okay there it is [Music] yeah one fit 151 is about how long that takes okay uh we usually go with the pots actually I should probably switch my controller configuration but it probably doesn't matter too risky [Music] laughs I'm actually you know what I'm not even gonna bother with the wet knife I usually pick it up but I'll just waste some extra time and go back to the blacksmith because I I don't know I'm a little bit scared of picking up I'm not gonna lie I feel like a dog could follow me in there or something foreign that's not good okay I guess I do need to switch my controller that should be good there we go [ __ ] like Xbox game bar popping up I I don't think I don't think Claw is a good idea to be honest I think you're much better off just you know spending a bit of extra money on a controller it'll be it's just better for you long term that being said I still clog grip all the time so probably take my own advice but yeah I guess if we do complete this right now it would be by far the fastest God Run 3 that's been done I'm pretty sure I I don't know exactly how long bushido's run was but I don't think it was faster than like 13 hours yeah whether we get the run right now or not like the routes that we use are for the most part they're pretty efficient I do a lot of things that are really slow obviously like the poison cheeses and the insoles take a lot of time but for the most part the runs are decently efficient they're not fast and they're not as quick as I would do them if I was just doing a singular game all right you guys remember that time where I I basically exited the Zone too early for this Invader and then he chased me all the way around Lim grave and I couldn't go on my horse imagine that happening now forget what run that happened in foreign I Surrender it's sake I can see no one likes it was bound to happen what a [ __ ] his sprayer is a debuff as we talked about earlier debuffs aren't hits maybe maybe a best nut ever uh for the top right corner I use I I just like wrote a quick program for it they say top left and then top right I don't know what I said I'm gonna take off the pants dude I like the pants we take off the pens later once I get blue dancer charm then we take off the pants to get the optimized weight for damage okay so I just got the one of those here I think that's it no the the Eye of Sauron thing does actually count as a hit if you take damage from it because because it deals damage and Status so yeah you have to completely avoid the damage there still lots to go through here man I think we still got the whole game to no hit you know I thought this setup was gonna like be kind of nice and relaxing when I made it to game seven but it's honestly uh the opposite dude I just want to start like fighting [ __ ] it's actually not the first time I've made it to the final game but it is the first time making it to the final game being Elden ring foreign yeah okay setup's basically done foreign I'll give you the best nut ever let's go [Applause] foreign always kiss the tip right there always always left-hand your balls and always is the tip that advice will never fail you you know it's always funny to me and this happens to me as well but I guess a good example is when I was watching the end of potassics run last week yeah I don't know if there's a case for everybody but I get so much more nervous watching other people than just doing it myself it's insane dude I guess so funny reading the chat right now everyone's like freaking out uh do I get all strength here I think so see why not but yeah when I was when I watched people at the end of their runs dude it's definitely uh it's just different it's different when you you have no control over what happens versus when you do foreign foreign wasn't such a huge fan of that positioning right there not sure where these Souls came from I'll use them and guide thank you all right one okay so we I'm in a phase two Montgomery strength sleep it should be pretty simple foreign [Music] allow you to commit my hand foreign [Music] Christmas foreign the insane like a DS2 baby jump right there dude luckily I could have just fast traveled out if I missed that which is what I was like a millisecond away from doing all right [Music] stress yes [Music] I covered Destiny I was uh that was a little questionable dude I guess the the Phalanx just didn't fire until like I didn't I thought I whiffed a hit or something but I didn't because the failings didn't fire yeah that was that was that's bizarre dude I haven't actually seen that before maybe I just wasn't facing him for long enough but that's why I hate using Phalanx dude because it's so it could be so inconsistent [Music] come on bones a tarnished cannot become a lord God's demand repentance thank you tarnished thy strength defense the God's demand repentance maybe maybe I'll give you the best nut ever coin all of it maybe maybe the best nut ever and there we go problem dude maybe maybe easy I'll give you the best nut ever always left hand your balls you guys that's the secret oh my God God that is such a garbage there it is dude oh my God the God's demand repentance cough up your coin all of it not too bad look at all that purple dude beautiful demand repentance cough up your coin all of it the gods demand repentance the patches going on like a monologue to your dude that's so [ __ ] yeah there it is that is so [ __ ] that is yeah those are those are pretty clean Elden ring all I would say this run was actually pretty clean DS2 is probably the most sketch out of everything but even even the situations we got I handled it pretty well so not bad at all yeah I got it a bit faster than I thought you know since coming back to attempting it I think this was I guess the third stream back attempting this but it's not bad so now I guess we're gonna have to figure out what to do because I I was you know I was prepared to do this run for another couple weeks so yeah this is this is by far the fastest that this this runs ever been done I'm pretty sure like I think this is probably around six hours faster than the next fastest obviously speed doesn't actually matter but it's nice to see the uh efficiency coming through yeah I wonder if I wonder if Hondo's gonna be upset that I didn't have Cam for this dude because it is kind of funny that I get the run in the literally the two days two days out of the last year that I do not use cam and I get the godren 3 on it so whoops I'm kind of curious to see the Run stats as I expected we didn't do enough attempts of it to actually get a good gauge of what my percentages are in the games here's the nice spreadsheet that uh ARA made 18 streams dude if that's accurate that's [ __ ] decent dude it's it's it's pretty uh it's pretty funny that I got this on YouTube huh at least you know what the the benefit of YouTube is that the the [ __ ] video is gonna look sick right because YouTube streams just look so much better and I don't locally record these so I don't even know what to do next man there's a lot of there's a lot of runs I want to do I was literally talking earlier this stream about level one plus zero all bosses no hit in DS2 because I I came across those splits earlier on the head counter that I saw like I was like I was just looking through the splits randomly I'm like oh man I have the splits for that still uh but obviously Elden ring runs are gonna be happening again but only all bosses is the run that probably most people have been waiting for so that's gonna be happening anyways I'm gonna call for today guys um there we go we simply win honestly even if I had came on during this you you guys wouldn't have missed much I was just literally sitting here with a straight face and uh just looking at the game and my reaction after getting the Run was probably I probably looked exactly like how I sounded I was just like yep there it is as I do for every single run at this point but yeah dude the YouTube crowd is is eating good today man I've done like what six YouTube streams and then and then one of them's been the god Run 3 completion crazy man
Channel: GinoMachino
Views: 3,530,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -2egxQA4Hn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 32sec (13052 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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