Baldur's Gate 3 - Part 1: G'run'x & Bunch

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and with any luck we should be live here hello everyone are you out there in the digital world it has been so very long since we've done this Kell I really I need you to not right now it's been so many years did I set this up this how this computer is supposed to work yeah Tannis you're going to need to you're going to need a mouse that is in your trackpad are you kidding me okay for you yes well I not give you a mouse I fed a mouse to Mr Bubbles but no that's a different no no can you believe D set this up for me I didn't know he could I didn't know that he manag that on his own how does he do computers don't knock it apparently sometimes he knows his computers I'm more surprised he did that with how big his hands off the boxs are very small uh you know I was thinking that I wasn't going to say it out loud but I was thinking it this is crazy so yeah guys if you can't tell if you can't tell it's Prince division time but Boulders gate Edition how's everybody doing the cast of The Prince division reunites to play some bg3 we sure do how's it going and I especially have been looking forward to for a [ __ ] long time dude I I've seen like I've seen you dabbling in it and I've also seen Connor moving around with some of his other characters and I'm so envious I want to I want to try this so bad so here's this is twofold one I want to play the campaign that they've already set up like obviously there's all the stuff we're going to go through um I want to play it a second time to get all the NPC stuff cuz I know with a full party you can't really do that and number three I really want to see the potential for this to like allow for online campaigns and if you can put like custom NPCs in models and do custom voice acting and like mod the game to like yeah basically be its own campaign because I'll be real I would love to put a mini campaign up and see people play through it didn't they have a function like that in Divinity original sin 2 that is exactly what they had in Divinity original sin 2 then it's likely they may make it for this I'm I'm like 90% certain they're going to have a DM mode because they don't have full mod support yet but the mods people have made are wild are extensive it's an extensive modding scene uh full disclosure I do have them they are disabled for this particular playthrough but uh I I have dabbled uh Connor do you want to go over basically how this is all going to work and sure I mean we're we're just I mean there's not really much to it we're going to go in as a full party of uh uh people who have a a bit of a shared a bit of a a shared uh situation so to speak uh currently we are streaming live on the unexpectables twitch Channel this is going to be every other Saturday uh my point of view is right here uh this will be for my character yep [Music] um I I I think we agreed before we started streaming that we're not we're not recreating our Prince division characters correct yeah we're going to be making we're doing something entirely different Boulders gate we we are the original OG Prince division however we're not going to build our because first of all I don't think all the classes that we played were in are currently in the game second of all it gives us a chance to just have some fun I've already got a cool idea I want to do with arov uh the other thing to keep in mind so arov and I will be streaming our perspectives on our channels however if you want like the full perspective and like to follow the the story mode and all that stuff uh I've set up a multi Twitch in my chat but the main perspective will be Connor over on the unexpectables channel also all of the vods will be up on Twitch but the only upload will be on the unexpectables YouTube to my knowledge so if Miss this if you're like hey where can I watch this I missed it arov and I will not be uploading that this is strictly for the unexpectable so uh the unexpectables Youtube channel will have all this stuff as well as the vods if you want to catch this after the fact the only one that will exist is the official unexpectables YouTube Channel version that is correct but because we're not using any mods or uh any risky extensions we just wanted to give you the perspective from our playthroughs so if you want to see what other equipment we have or pop over and and put up all the streams on a multi twitch I have that available if you're interested but Connor is the basically the party lead of this so uh without further Ado I say we just jump into the multiplayer also for those of you that are curious there will will be no mature content if you're wondering whether or not we turn that stuff off we don't want to get in trouble so uh We've turned off the can't be streaming that stuff the the dangly bits are not available Sarah Sarah's the only one not streaming so she'll see the dangly bits oh I'm going to see everything she's going to see everything no chat I they catched out some of the horniness and I'm just like no I want everybody I will I will this I wonder if I wonder if you're having one of those scenes and one of us deci to tune in if we'll just get blasted with full frontal nudity oh my God honestly see two Barbie dolls smacking together oh my God it's just big black bars over the [ __ ] you know the the the bad stuff I want to imagine their black bars that aren't puts a skin tone bra over the boobs and puts a metal plate over the genitals clang clang clang it's tensy muo on a freaking Cartoon Network all over again oh my God I remember tinio that was pretty that was pretty racy for for what time slot it was in but yes uh is Sarah still quiet I heard some people saying Sarah was quiet but quiet I've turned I've turn people up you sound fine to me is the thing that might yeah I can hear her fine if I don't think anybody said that on my channel so we should be good uh the last thing I'll let you guys know uh for bits and Subs while arov and I definitely appre appreciate it and but feel free to to donate to our channels the only bits and Subs that we will call out if we do any at all will be over on the unexpectables channel so if you're like hey I donated why didn't you call me out it'll only be for the unexpectables just so that we don't bog down the entire playthrough with three people we reading off bits and Subs so if you're curious why we're only reading off certain bits and Subs it's only the ones donated on that channel again we apologize but we do appreciate the support so thank you so much already to everybody who's donated uh wherever you've donated we're just keeping the airwaves clear correct mhm without further Ado I'm ready to click on multiplayer and see what happens yeah uh let me go ahead have to have Conor invite us okay remind me uh what volume you have your your game at oh I put mine down at 14 my master volume yeah my master volume a lot lower than mine I'm down at 40 my master volume is 70 sound effect 80 85 85 851 I'm at like 56 so I'm going to see how it overpowers you guys it sounds pretty good right now yeah I'm going to I'm gonna it's like underneath yeah I'm feeling good where I am I'm going to keep an eye on it mine on the fly all right chat they're saying Sarah's a bit low on the unexpectables in Conor that's what that's what I I've been trying to figure out Sarah is still a bit low she's booster in Discord directly I could turn myself up uh she's she's all the way up for me she's at 200% weird I can hear her fine and she's at 100 I can also he fine I have a weird you want me to turn something up something up let me see if I can just turn you up on Discord give me one second all right uh yeah I'm gonna turn you up to like 150 and we'll see if that helps I also have your question uh my question was is there any way to keep the sound playing in the game even if you're clicked out of it uh yes go to options okay go to audio Yeah just below dynamic range in the top section you should see mute sound when inactive uncheck that oh yeah okay good she sounds fine all right I'm I'm going with that I'm going with the with the court of public opinion here remind me um about the karmic dice option again turn that off if you want is that for me is that my thing it's only I think it's really only for you yeah okay all right um what was that thing you said I just spilled soda all over me oh no oh no if you go to the audio section elen P thank for the raid under just under dynamic range you should see mute sound when inactive as you can see got it sweet as you can see we're uh we're uh uh we're making it still trying to figure things out here yeah God now the chorus of males started in the music just like okay down if you know the if you know the words chat join in sing along oh god oh Oh you mean those words I knew the words I join in for those of you that are curious we are going to be making our characters live we haven't built them already so you guys if you want to CH in what you think we should play arov the idea that I had for you that we were talking about off stream I think we should do some brothers because it works for me and Connor so why the hell not sure so if we want to be a couple of dragon born I'll be interested to see what sort of scale coloration you go with I'm I want to see what the the options are I haven't messed around with this at all a lot you can choose you can choose any scale color for Heritage and then you can choose any color for your actual scales so you could be a white green dragon born that's amazing it means I can pull my old [ __ ] I was planning long long ago there you go we have tails right yes you can actually choose to have a tail good dragon born need to have tails I'm sorry MERS better optimized we did a test last week and they were they were fine like I didn't notice any lag or any yeah test with some friends of mine and it went well all right let me me invite y'all inv invite invat there we go all right so what classes is everyone thinking of oh boy I've got three or four things in my brain so where do is where uh is it in Discord oh no sorry uh in Steam that this will it'll yeah he'll invite you through Steam you got it there it is uh we'll make sure that we're all the way through the menus and then once we're in character creation we will switch you guys over here we go here we go you can start creating your character while they join oh cool oh all right hang on uh okay so we're all ready we're all ready let's go ahead and launch this playthrough oh here we go a wait we don't talk brain on the stone wall oh my gosh oh I'm so excited Ponder oh oh we've already got a dragon born maybe why did you bother walking that one foot I'm have just yeah seriously maybe he likes the squishy floor listen he's who is he sometimes he just likes that moist feeling on his feet can I can I come out I come out too you need to trim your fingernails buddy listen seriously dude do you think do you think whenever he walks he makes like the Squidward look those are not those are not functional fing fing Nails those are making a point fingernails very true hell yeah oh wait a second I've seen this movie look at this little guy this is like the oh man he's he's going to he's going to do her like they did Neo in The Matrix oh jeez this is like an anamorphs where they would like infest people the nost don't go up the nostril oh no somewhere worse oh that's worse oh wow we're going right into this all right oh I don't know if I like that more oh oh but now it's our turn listen do you think do you think if I just no do you think if I just like open my mouth and I I would just went just ate it be like no bite it bite it bite it hell yeah on the eye why the eye uh to be fair it's a left eye so I'd be fine with it you [ __ ] no unreal who are you who are we you're free to create now all right uh should we enable the tutorials or what go ahead and enable them they will be helpful so Sarah these all all the origin characters these are all characters we will meet throughout the course of the game oh they they've got full-blown backstories and everything the dark urge does not quite have a backstory but it's just it's a very violent character character that will you can you can fully customize the appearance of the of the dark urge if that's the route you want to go what is the idea behind the dark urge is it just like uh you are plagued with Mur say kill everything they counsel you they understand they talk to you does do I have to or is that like a will save kind of thing I'm kind of you can resist but it's rough I suggest for this play through we all just go with the custom origin at the very top I'm a little disappointed they just this is very lean in terms of uh race choices yeah well I it did just come out it's the players handbook races I'm assuming I'm assuming look sick yeah they do look really cool if you want the masculine model uh Bosco it'll be body type number two in the bottom right I'm assuming there will be more in the future here oh yeah that's sick dwarf oh teelings look cool halflings are adorable oh you going to be a buff T oh I see panic I I I have I have made panic in this already I believe it I can already see it hey look human I think he's even got this face that's on on Mr default tling over here yeah I don't so I'll be real like there's some cool all the GI Yony look cool you know the thing Bosco yeah the humans in this are just better balanced and more mechanically interesting than humans in R inde really yeah like when you click the human see look at those race features they have oh yeah look at that have weapon proficiency with Spears Pikes halberts and glaes and armor proficiency with light armor and shields then you get an additional skill to be proficient in yeah I might for my private playthrough I might do a human but now I got to do the sub race chat you have hey dice Legends as well thank you for the raid of the party 45 perfect raid how's it going everybody we're we're just getting through character creation for our uh our playthrough of balers Gate 3 we're we're trying to decide what characters we want um you know I kind of I kind of want to just just just for the funny to three 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 all right I just got to look through the scale colors arov do you have a general idea of what color you might be are you going white what if I what if I roll idea I had Bosco so you know how the Statue of Liberty is green right yeah it's made out of copper it's just oxidized so it turned green ooh I'm really digging the silver to be honest which I know is nice wait if you go silver I could go gold silver you make new friends but you keep the old let's go one is silver one is gold excellent fire right do you want do you want to be silver or do you want to be gold H which do you prefer so I play a cold-based uh dragon born Sorcerer And I'm thinking about going that route for this cuz it's it's really fun so it depends I'm not I'm not opposed to being cold I do like the cold so but I also I've got the fire I've got a D12 here I'm going to roll for my race do it are you thinking about going sorcerer for this run Bosco I'm thinking about it because if he goes sorcerer with cold I was thinking of going gold with fire but being a wizard one was born with the magic the other had to study hey I'd be all I I rolled half elf don't know he's remaking Tannis Tannis was a full Elf he was a Wood Elf yeah yep oh somebody was hoping for the gith I was hoping for the GIF should I reroll chat yeah no you know what be a gi gi gi don't get a lot of love I guess I could be a half Health if you're going to be a gif should I be a GI yes would you really be satisfied being a Yankee Connor as someone from the south I have no idea I love it that's so good [Music] listen I love I love some of these chers are like regular woman big woman big woman I I am not from way down south in the land of traitors rattlesnakes and alligators have you ever played a gith yon never I barely even know about so so you know what that'd be a really good way to do it I guess racial abilities Conor they're [ __ ] should it be a GI what do they get ancestral knowledge gain Proficiency in all skills of a chosen ability wait anytime you want until long rest uh-huh that's [ __ ] say you want to be proficient with history investigation Arcana and religion but you don't have good intelligence just click that you're you suddenly a Proficiency in all of them Marshall Prodigy a lifetime of Relentless training gave you armor proficiency with light and medium armor as well as proficiency with a short sword long sword and great sword dude dude I feel like I'm just going to build a character that I've had in my notes for ages that well this will be the whole stream guys like I I I'm probably I will probably if this I want to play this character in a full a separate story campaign like oh my God you can modify the horns holy shnikies yeah you can do everything you're not even bound to your chosen scale color for your heritage you can be any color you want should I do it chat should I be a gith is anyone going to take magean for their can trip I might I mean if I pick GI I'm going to have magean regardless that is true all right chat's screaming at me to do it so we're going GI do it do a GI chat wins chat wins um dude there's so now I got a class all right I got to think so that's the thing so if if we've got two casters already what are you and Sarah thinking are you also thinking casters cuz we might get wrecked I've had this idea for ages to do um a gloomstalker uh Ranger I love I have this whole backstory for for them and everything like which I can't really do this yes uh you can do Ranger gloomer I don't think gloomstalker is in right now now but they're planning to add it very very soon I wasn't certain if it'd be ready for launch or not and I mean we're not going to get to level five for a bit IE right it'll be a while yeah yeah it's level three level three you choose your subass level three you'll get it oh people are saying it is Glo soccer is B oh okay I'd like to try it out cuz I want to use it for like a proper story campaign I I have so much backstory for this thing so we would have a ranger sorcerer wizard what are you thinking for your gift Connor so your sorcerer wizard Ranger um you could be anything you want anything you want if we want to go full range we could do it before before we before we got on here uh before we started up The Stream here arov made a very interesting case for Paladin yeah I'm thinking I I think you would like what we talked about Conor because it's really [ __ ] cool anded I can't decide bone chill or uh blade Ward uh I like bone Shield is necrotic right it's a cantrip it it prevents the target from healing until your next turn and an undead Target receives disadvantage on attack rols honestly I like that a lot yeah it's really nice it's a really nice can trip and it's a de of damage I think it fix again I'm I'm again in terms of the character I've already built out in my mind of this Gloom stalker it fits her character I will say this do not feel like you're trapped with the class you have because you can re spec at any time during the game and you can also multiclass if you want oh you can change all right to be fair with this I don't know if I would have chosen a half elf for her race but I'm kind of limited and no what race would you have chosen for I would have picked canu I'll be real not canu um this goes by old DND D rules you break your oath bad things will happen something humanoid I've always likeed that to be honest oh myass away interesting thing if you break an oath I get my subass right away interesting yep I don't know it's just with the limited races I I could have tried like maybe a something humanoid definitely at Titan would have been an interesting thing to look at I need to I would have had to look at him more half heal is fine half Health half elf is elf is fine for this it's a heal all right what am I looking at here uh years of traveling what my choices here I feel like I need to take Ray of frost I'm just trying to decide my attributes right now I I want to be a glass Cannon or do I want to be beefy uh well if we only have one Frontline fighter we're going to have to be real smart oh yeah that's what the intelligence is for oh Jesus uh all right so I'm a sorcerer I have to I have to edit so we have to I have to pull up your stream arov because I need to see what you're doing lookwise so we have a similar look oh I haven't even started to mess with the appearance I'm selling attributes oh okay then I will worry about that later Beast Tamer but poison why you SL water or poison so obvious that the devs are thirsty for dragon born I mean wouldn't you be look uh dragon born have been discarded and ignored for so long they don't even have dark vision they still don't in this game yeah now I know what spell I'm going to have to take damn it I'm trying to think with a sorcerer I don't really need anything other than Charisma the way I'm approaching this BOS is I'm going to go glass Cannon but I'm putting all my points into the mental stats so high intelligence because that's what Wizards need yeah I'm getting high Charisma so I can talk my way out of situations if I need to and I'm going high wisdom so I can notice things and so I can Insight [ __ ] Urban so high wisdom we're going to have a uh that's the pro Paladin and and sorcerer kind of overlap a little bit though oh that's right Rangers get like a favorite enemy don't they okay well Paladin's more like Melee version of sorcerer yeah uh cuz right now I've got high Constitution and high Charisma with a little bit of decks oh yeah you're going for the concentration yeah ah that would be smart but I want because I'm probably get hit a lot and I need to be little tanky just because we only have one Frontline guy my point of view is going on YouTube yes it'll be on the unexpectable YouTube channel so let's see should I should I roll for my oath as well uh yeah go for it I will say somewhere easier to break than others if you're looking to go that route so guys do we want to talk about skill proficiencies because right now I have Arana religion insight and persuasion CU I will say if you want to go oh sorry BOS what were you saying oh I was going to say I don't know if you guys want to coordinate skills and make sure that we have good coverage hey you know what I'm I'm sort of I'm sort of thinking of a thinking of a character here that's slowly emerging me too I'm trying to do my favorite enemy part matches her I will say as a Badin if you're looking for the bo breaker as there eventual subass it'd probably be better to pick the subass right now that's easier to break oo an oath of devotion is the easiest and quickest to [Music] break which I'm only saying cuz I don't want you to get stuck with an oath you don't want yeah [Music] I do feel like I should put some points in Constitution but yeah rain so arov when I picked the the cold background it gives me some copper highlights so I'm going to look like you and I'm wondering where is where is fire when you pick fire you kind of have like a also like a Golden Glow so we'll definitely look like we come draconic sorcerer yes yeah I selected dragon born for my sub rce yeah I have uh so your dragon ancestry is gold yes because you silver got it and then your class or your color is base gold as well or copper I'll probably be going for a more traditionally gold coloration for the scales all right I think think uh and my ability points are already spent for this character I guess all right you can you can allot your ability points however you want you can also put plus two and plus one wherever you want as well that's what those little boxes on their side are for shut up shut up zako I don't want to hear it we're brothers all right I guess if the game is doing it uh what do we well the options are there in case you want to change how it's allotted arov do you want to you're the more well- read one so I'm assuming history is going to be something that you're interested in yes yeah I'm definitely taking history and Arana probably so Sage my skills so far are slight of hand stealth Arcana nature perception and deception I think I'm going to go without I'm going to keep Baseline Constitution for now I'm going to try to avoid concentration spells in general man this feels good I think this feels all right all right disappearance do we do the only thing I know about gith is that they hate mine flares yep which and and they're angry space elves I'm going to be the one we need if there's any Arcana history investigation or religion needed yeah I'm trying to figure out I might go the persuasion route but I think Connor will also have us covered there their Klingons do they have a do they have a society that that requires like Mercantile stuff cuz I'll go Guild Artisan I'm going to I'm thinking Guild Artisan too because it's insight and persuasion so I can be more of a talker but if you go that route I could also do uh I'm thinking of a character right now who who is a guild artisan and then he is had his whole life upended by like a mine flare Invasion and he swore a Packa of Vengeance against mine flares mhm their former slaves of the Mind flares that have figured the best thing to do they were free was to get their own slaves cuz I'm trying to think why would we arov if you're the sage you would probably need somebody who's a little bit more com Gladiator May Travels With You Gladiator is not a thing that would make sense yeah I might go folk hero even though it's not going to give me anything interesting it's like I studied the problem and you solve it yeah Soldier would do better as a background now keep in mind as we do is nice your background is going to matter because the stuff we do in game if it meshes with your background you get inspiration for it oh is true I could arov I could also be an Entertainer but I don't think that fits well with what you're doing Noble might work but I mean you're backgrounds your to choose yeah I'm just trying to think what's going to mesh well with yours being Sage uh you're raas on the social El well keep in mind just because we choose like background Sage it doesn't mean that I'm off in the woods studying as a Hermit I could just be really well book read yeah honestly if you're a sage being a noble makes sense I might go the noble route even though I feel like I do that a lot uh at least Kai doesn't like Nobles there's that uh gold yes I'd say go with whatever background is going to work best for your build yeah history and persuasion makes a lot of sense if you are also history that's good if if Connor goes more intimidation rather than persuasion we've got those covered Sarah's going to probably have animal handling on loock I didn't really specialize in it mind you I think you get it as a uh as a ranger though don't you yeah but I I think I chose Urban track or as a cl to Beast Tamer got it I wonder what spell I should take magic Missile yes of course yes always magic Missile so right now I have light I'm o true strike is interesting because if I'm going to be a little melee that's a nice spell but I almost never use it true strike's kind of [ __ ] yeah uh who has Mage hand I do from racial yeah just is a racial ability I have illusion looks in does anybody have illusion no I like that spell I'm taking it and I'm also taking I'm also going to take Ray of frost because I'll get a bonus for that okay I think I've I think I've got my character stats wise down or wait yeah uh skill proficiencies so I've got insight and persuasion I could also get religion if we but why wouldn't would the a gith would not recognize the religious aspect of people who live on Toro because he's from the actual sea right correct I mean not necessarily you could also just be a gith Yankey that's just lived on fyon okay chromatic orb lets me switch the damage type which is versatile so I will take that cuz that's 3D wow oh you know what even better I've I've got it I've got it okay he's a gift that was raised on Toral but he with this with the whole mind flare Invasion that's happening right now his his life as a guild Artisan was upended by his ancient foe that he didn't even know about and he's so pissed off that he swore the oath of Vengeance that's the one that's it that's the ticket you know what there you go that's nice the genitals part oh nice oh yeah have fun with that Sarah yeah yep I like holy [ __ ] they really did put this in your genital your genit your different I feel there's only two types of vulvas with four types of penises well that's because one has hair and one does not per penises it's hair no hair circumcision no circumcision arov I really want to take disguise self like really bad I just don't know if I should get rid of magic Mell or chromatic orb absolutely because I want to be able to use it to like trick people I was kind of thinking to taking it to if we just walk around this different race entirely right oh [ __ ] it I'm putting it on here you're taking magic Missile right yeah I've got that I can probably learn it later I'm taking it it's I just feel like there's too much Shenanigans we could do together oh you have chromatic orb right I do then I'm getting rid of that and I'm taking we compliment each other Perfect all right let's see here I can get it later too I think I get more first level spells so that's too much that's nice though certain to prepare look at this Grinch looking ass yes nah uh so for cantrips arol I've got Ray of Frost Minor illusion light and I'm thinking about dumping acid Splash for maybe Mage hand or maybe possibly four can trips yeah I got four cuz I'm a sorcerer we get more I only have three he was living in hville and then the M FL Invasion came I currently have bone chill which it's chilling touch why' they change that yeah I also have Firebolt cuz yeah makes sense you take Ray of frost I take fireb take Firebolt yep that just looks a little wrong I was going to take light but if you take light that'd be fine yeah I also have more slots so if you like light and there's nothing else that'll really help you I can can swap it out you know what I was thinking BOS mhm what if we both took the other's element like I'll take Ray of frost as well and you take Firebolt as well I could do that that be a little bit of mixing the other thing I was thinking is friends is looks like a really interesting one that advantage on Charisma checks but on higher difficulties the target might accuse you of enchanting them let's well we're on balance so we're on balance so yeah it it doesn't matter what do you think take oh you took friends I took no I took friends on panic and on this difficulty I used it all the time and it didn't matter okay so it's probably very useful am I going keep offensively minded on my end I'm going with the Grinch head on this one people want the Grinch face my prepared spells are going oh Sarah disconnected huh oh did I great you should be able to back here get back here I was still I was making my character you'll have to remake them now yeah oh is for as spells go I'm going to prepare magic Missile disguise self Mage Armor always useful and feather fall dedicated CR prepare your spells is that on the side once you've selected trips and spells on the left you'll see down below abilities prepare spells blows do everything I can down below abilities you said prepare spells is this the grinchiest Hue right here oh I don't have to prepare spells I think it would a sorcerer I oh yeah you're a sorcerer you just have I don't need to prepare anything yeah Lucky Bastard and I get I get the uh armor of uh he got coal once so he SW the oath of Vengeance this armor of agius gain temporary H points and deal five cold damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack nice that's typically a warlock spell nice yeah I'll take that okay now I will finally edit appearance all right I'm going into appearance with you are we starting at uh there subrace class I'm picking voice seven for mine uh let me hear what that sounds like it's the deepest one they have oh yeah forgot about voice where to next what was that let's hope the locals are friendly I how wide set something just cut down here be wary this place is trapped side profile is also going to be important I'm going to stick with one because I think it sounds similar to uh to [Music] you uh and I'm going to check out your stream so I can see what your you're doing all my stuff back thank you yeah uh all right I'm trying to decide on a head right now I am also deciding on a head oh yeah we should definitely have the same face and then our Crest can be a little bit different I was thinking phase two just gets how wh set it is I like that too it's very Kell from the side it's still kind of white set I like that yeah that's pretty sick I also I learned a funny thing about this particular uh set of face paint apparently these infernal run runes spell the different parts of the face that they're on like this this spells chin and This spells cheek and this is forehead oo I found Kell's hair to a T it's got like the dreadlocks there are some options that have the dreadlocks but there's I'm sad I can't make Kell perfectly in this this cuz there's no one that has the dreadlocks and the fins yeah how about this Bosco I pick the face you pick the crest all right uh should I go for some wacky um oh this makes him look like a like a what is it a cre so I'm going to be honest with you arov I am torn between third from the left top row the Goblet handles yeah fourth from the left second row dreadlocks which is predacious grass yeah uh the next spells the very first one that we had first on the left first row that's the three that I'm looking at I really like the way the dreadlocks look I'm going to be real not digging any here so far did I go for some audacious stats sure so arov what if I went dreadlocks and you went top left which is a similar shape without the dreads what I was kind of thinking you have the dreadlocks from predacious Crest there's another set of dreadlocks proud failinks bottom row third from left I'm kind of oh yeah I don't know I don't know if I dig I dig this or this you can't have them both which is sad let me look at these side by side what do you think chat do you think eye mask or neck tack actually yeah we look pretty similar yeah because we both have the quest that goes back what do you think chat if you're watching all three streams do these look like brothers oh man I'm getting an equal amount of of both I'm getting yeah I'm getting a lot of people that are going for Bandit Grinch oh God Bandit Grinch the the Grinch got say BOS you go with the full dreads and I'll go with the tied up dreads all right that works cuz they do look similar and they both have dreads so yeah 100 down on eye mask all right so now there's the chin and the jaw which one do you want to pick arov oh do a pole oh my God I'm looking through the Jaws right now if one strikes you just chin yeah problem is The Chins we can't really decide on until we have a jaw oh there we go all right we got a we got a mod we're going to see the results of this chat's making my character for me well that'll save you some time I guess uh so if you for those of you in the chat who are confused arov is the one that sounds like Megatron yes Megatron I have a pension for intelligent conversation yes there's a lot of really good Jaws but I'm still looking at the chin it is like it is neck and neck neck and neck for what there's a poll in chat right now for whether neats ey mask or neck tats yep oh boy oh it's back and forth get your votes in going be crazy honor sounds like Optimus Megatron you better not touch me in my nose all right to miss I wish to touch your no no spot yes no Megatron not this time I wish to slot in my USB drive Optimus transform in roll out by two votes no it wasn't two votes it was two it was it was 102 votes oh man zos for the Jaws I'm ask it is I'm I'm torn between second row second on the left which is glass yeah and then the one at the very bottom called royal plateau uh piss mask Royal Plateau God if you look at it from the front I was looking at Royal uh sorry at Royal Plateau as well cuz I think it works well with the dreads cuz it kind of leads from the chin all the way up to the scales I agree it also cups the face really well try purple yeah uh the I like Dragon glass 2 it looks more like ice shards but I don't think that worked as well for your look all right I like that yeah I could have a big bushy beard glor I we could probably get away if I went uh if you went Royal plateau and I went Dragon glass we could probably get away with it but I yeah because you mind there's two parents at play here yeah and you also have ancestry from other dragons to contend with too yeah so yeah I'll go royal Plateau if you go Dragon glass yep I'm good and then let's find a chin to go with that it's going to be [ __ ] edgy up in this [ __ ] I would say go with the chin that works best for your jaw got it we can deviate here I'm kind of digging the so chat what do you think uh dagger pommel or Waltzing thing Grinch's goth face let me see Fang okay let me see what else they got ooh calcified also looks pretty cool yeah I'm going to go with Hatchet Spike I think I've got it Hatchet Spike you tell the bottom right cuz it goes really well at the Royal Plateau oh yeah nice if I hit proceed is that going to stick me or at least will it save my character it will hold your character until we're done yeah califi all right you have to make your guardian after your character's done so there's still more character creation Sarah am I keeping that hair absolutely not I I have no idea it's an NPC you have to contend with throughout the story so design them how you want them designed oh man I think I'm leaning towards calcified guys grunch yes Optimus primal yes holy [ __ ] it's the grunch holy [ __ ] [ __ ] all right let's see see here I think I'm going to go with calcifi guys I think you're right there's a gold coloration that has red highlights and subtones Bosco yeah yeah look at my screen if you can let me pick a peek oh talk about the Fire Within yeah seriously good grief so this one is silver four let me remember that so if I go my lightest color you can really see the gold in my scales which I like cuz it I'm at the guardian stage I'll wait for you guys here let go look at this yeah it's like I'm a silver dragon born but gold oh my God that's so cool coloration the Grinch's I was going to say I there's a really sick gold looking one like or blue it's like silvery blue but it's really sick mean this one they're piss yellow oh Silver N yeah if you look at my screen I don't know if you have my stream up but like holy cow oh I can just click on it cuz we can select all skin colors oh okay a no that's that's too is that overboard going overboard on the edginess having black [Laughter] SLA I think I might go with the gold I might go with the gold that has the red subtones because fire is interesting yeah so I have my red like the the coppery red on my scales which I like which will show that we're related but I'm really digging this blue I'm going to check some of the other colors just to see I mean there is a version of this gold that also has blue undertones instead of red it's not a phase mom I've always wanted to steal Christmas what I look at this uh gold 10 take a look at gold 10 and you'll see what I mean you be just above your Silvers ooh I see what you mean the the the white we're going even further with the eye makeup here if you went gold 10 and I went silver what does this look like I wonder silver 9 really makes the copper pop but it's also really blue mhm then I've also got some blue on me with my with both copper and gold in my scales we just the muts of the Dragon Born yeah which I'm fine with so cool yeah uh that's a general body on the body art yep hang on I'm going I'm going to call that a win Chat full on kiss style white and black body art we only have piercings is dragon born sadly yeah didn't think I'd get a monster Factory today uh I kind of like being clean now to determine what eye color I want I want if we really wanted so if we wanted to be crazy we could both be het chromia and we could each have each other's eye color I agree uh so if we go heter chromia uh let's find a blue that works for the eye on me there's flame blue yeah flame blue take a look at flame orange on on the left third row all the way on the left ooh that looks really nice it does I think I think that shows up better than the the Reds cuz it looks more like fire yeah I'd have to go for a really dark red if I wanted to show up on my end the heterochromia kind of makes it look like one of your eyes is permanently arched like really kiss yane kiss [Laughter] yon the hell now he needs to be a Bard is this does this oh my God as far as the ice ghost BOS go I think the blue three yeah flame blue three top Row Third from the left now here's my question do you want to go same eyes Left Right are both I can colors I can dip one level in barard for kiss Yankee there you go we want it to be a mirror thing so that no matter what side we're on we make a single pair of eyes yeah so like if I make my left eye red and you make your right eye red my right eye is currently red okay I'll make my left eye red then there you go and we'll flip them that's pretty cool does this look good does this look good chat right here this we're doing flame orange three for the red eyee right yeah flame orange three for my right eye which will be your left and then for your right eye it'll be flame blue three yep there we go nice this is so cool zoom out dude it looks really good yeah looking ni all right they both oh yeah now to get some respectable hair oh wait my hands are just completely blue I should probably change that yeah I'm going to choose a different skin color yeah that's probably smart yeah that's respectable Connor do it you know what I'll go with the gold 12 I was originally going to do there you go uh I'm going to check the makeup ooh yeah we do get eye makeup at least which makeup 15 of all right bottom row I was looking really makes the eyes pop yeah I'm going 15 because it puts the black around there and it like highlights them oh um somebody's asking some people are asking if the there can be subtitles on the at least on the unexpectables channel of it subtitles the ingame audio will have subtitles yeah yes they should be on by default yeah they're on by default I haven't turned off the subtitles if they don't end up being on we'll definitely fix that get the jolian Cojo hair oh so weird you can Al change the color of your eye makeup Osco huh you can also change the color of your eye makeup if you want to make it blue red anything you want oh true let me see if something pops better than oo are we going are we going green or black these highlights the [ __ ] if you want want to see the highlights y to turn the intensity up it starts at the very end of the hair they were on for some reason okay chat I'll raise you I'll I'll give you black I'll raise you black with green highlights I think black or yellow makes it pop the most or or white uh also for those of you in Black yeah I think I'm going to go with black as well for those of you in the chat asking tail or no tail tail always tail especially when you have digit degrade feet it doesn't make any sense to not have a tail for balance for Dragon BS in this game yellow highlights the basic human feet oh well in that case I'm still going to have a tail because it looks cool as tell options yeah we're going to get not enough of an Abomination do white oo raccoon ass GI I need to look at your tail can I is it is it disrespectful to stare at your tail I'd say no I will look respectfully then are we are we pumping it up all the way or are we being a little subdued are you looking at tail no not I'm on Dragon bloodline because I have to pick the colors of the scales I think this you let me pull up your end yeah this I think this this is nice I'm mad that's the fun thing about draconic bloodline dragon born you can have three scale colors yeah so this is where I forgot how it looked on different hair highlight oh you'll have to give me moment I'm yeah I have a 30-second Subway ad oh good my favorite Subway eat these nuts great now I'm on you yep oops I can't type today dread Mohawk so this is the gold that I had it's kind of got that fiery gold that you have as well and it highlights with the white really well but then I came over here to Gold five and I went oh God dang that really makes it pop he should look filthy so I don't the more I don't know if the more subtle one with the white works better or if this with a darker gold to look like you is better I think the one you had before works better this one yeah okay because the one you had before is it's more coppery toned which my character is more copper toned in general the other gold was more yellow gold look at tail B by the way BOS look scorpion tail that's cool like it goes to your highlight color too so you have a blue tail I have a red one I'm keep yeah I'm going B same that's sick be sick apologies that BOS and I have kind of dominated this with the dragon Brothers yes I mean I've already finished mine ages ago I'm just waiting for you guys to get to the Guardians [ __ ] is there a link to watch all the Stream uh I think the multistream link does exist I'm not sure where you can find it I could post it if you guys wanted hang on one second what are what are we thinking chat we've got a few good ones we've got the sort of side braid we don't want to put it in the unexpectables chat yeah it's only on my Channel right now because we don't want to be weird about it but yes I did make one on my channel in case you guys wanted to watch all three Side Bait people are saying dread Hawk all right what are you going to name your character BOS that we have to figure that out where is it where' I put it what in the world is this so that's done so now I guess hit proceed right yep it'll prompt you for the name next vampire ass hair uh do we do first and last name for characters only first name only first name oh boy did you have a name in mind uh no I do not I'm thinking of one right now I'm going going on my phone smell and really bad at names yeah what' you say Sarah I said smell and fell smell and fell make it rhyme we're locking in dread Hawk chat dread Hawk is a sick name that's not his name that's his hairstyle dread Hawk is a sick name smell I still said what I said all right if [Music] YY apple and bees absolutely not oh I completely forgot about facial hair hang on or and ARX I also want a name that everybody can say oh God wait do we remember the names of the Gold and Silver Dragon Born wrestlers I made a long time ago oh god oh no oh where's Shadow Dancer pop this lookss look at that you remember something about the mustache makes it so much more perverted and I have no idea such because I know the gold one corn stash or it was Oro well the gold one was Orum which is the perodic oh I'm thinking of orboros that was the snake lady [Laughter] yeah oh my god oh what was the what was the Silver was that the other one looking kind of awesome to looking like argentum means silver BOS go so yeah argentum was silver may you go for like the wrong style one I think it was Argin that's what zako is saying no that almost looks worse argentum though it makes him a little more it makes him look a tiny bit more Dapper so a r g e n t m i will I think that's the worst one so far all right cool uh take you d Discord that was the name of the silver one and this was the name of the gold one try the one try the one in the middle the one Argent and Orum that's sick let's go double A so I'll go Orum and I'll go argentum this man is on a list that sounds sick yeah so we hit proceed now that's not bad Conor because now we have more character creation the the mutton chops make it look a little bit better it it's it's not bad actually it's kind of cool and now it says choose a guardian Yep this is a character that will follow you basically throughout the game oh god what happened here design as you wish so he's like so the guardian's like your assistant or whatever all right guys we need help see who's our guardian we should maybe a tling you can choose whatever Guardian you want we can actually diverge here if we want okay uh because back in Early Access this wasn't choose a guardian it was who do you dream of and they tried to Bone you whoa so it's different now okay I'm thinking maybe with facial hair cation what do we think chat chat should should we uh what sort of facial hair are we giving this this lad clean shave clean shave oh my God have a tling guardian named [Laughter] Striker Chad is screaming at me no facial hair all right all right all right no facial hair God oh my God if you're going to pull from something already existing for your guardian Bosco or wait a minute hang on I just make vinan for mine do it chat hang on these are the those are the I've got a theory for you hang on so we've got go mail so what if I did this and then made this black or you can make your prince division characters as your Guardians ooh that's good actually hang on actually that's really good great idea fantastic thank you so much for the suggestion that's perfect doing it a perect idea I can't why because if you look in the guardian menu dragon born is not available oh okay but you are a dragon born that's why right well no the dragon born's just not available in the guardian menu for whatever reason I'll tell you what make a make a t fling cuz it's the closest approximation Kell was a Demon Lord yeah so chat what do we think about this do we think do we think the eye makeup and the neck tattoo combo or should I go back and do the face mask with the white come here come on close up I need the face all right let's that is true Kell was a Demon Lord keep this keep this excellent all right hang on is there is there like bigger makeup I need bigger makeup why are all the faces this is the biggest this is the biggest one we got all right chat I think we're locking in this guy I think I think we actually made a pretty cool gift make certain your body type is set to what you want cuz that determines the faces and my pis it does in fact control no no it doesn't actually body type doesn't matter when you choose to have a penis gith only have two body types feminine and masculine oh yeah cuz you're all scrawny you don't get to be big and beefy that's I think that's Gibby wait where's the body type am I crazy bottom selection under everything you'll see it at the bottom right oh yeah yeah I think I think this guy actually looks badass all right here we go all right I need a name but I think that wait no that does come now yes I need a name orish gray is the closest I can get to White yeah tread Haw make his name tread Haw I mean if if characters can be named Shadow heart crunch tread oh God no we're already an hour in still character creation we're dude this is so much fun it is God there's some cool tattoos holy C close up all right let's see our eyes all right so he doesn't have any tattoos eyes God it's been so long give me a blue brown those blue blue lighter blue no no here we go all right hang on that looks close yeah let's go with that uh let's see good work for Kale's eyes unless I want to do flame white yeah oh Kell had the white Scara so crunch close as I can you snorted Conor hey look at Hogan crunch are you okay [Laughter] where's Gibby's hair it's cuz it's the grunge grinch it's grunch [Music] oh God I might actually I just need a picture of Gibby crunch dread hog or something lame uh I got to pee I feel like Brian should have a little SC Scruff there she is all right oh that's right her eyes won't her eyes I'm glad there's dreadlocks available is just base hair too I can use that to emphasize Cal kind of all right maybe I need a more upturned nose we'll keep some Scruff on Bryant let's see if any of these other faces fit better that actually might be better I think right there we could have planned ahead yes but this is fun we could have yeah but this is this is fun this is way more fun we're only halfway through the stream yeah we're good it's not like we're not to do this again so something Kell was always jealous of the humans for was their ability to grow beards so I'm going to give them a beard there you go all right I think I'm all set with my guardian fix what do you think guys is that a close to Bryant approximation I'm not looking at the moment get her eyes right oh that's close sweet that was a great idea I didn't see who in the chat said that but brilliant okay now let's find our hair that's good hair is good no no no no see the fun thing about white dragon born is they don't really have horns they have fins I could just make a hornless tling so should I hit uh Venture forth Venture forth you can I'll just Mark you as ready all right all righty I'm right but if this is supposed to be Demon Lord Kell I should give him horns bring us the crunch here we go yep I'm I'm locking this in grunch you got to have dread Hawk do I add dread Haw in here can we fit last names in yes you can AR we got to make a last name uh what do we want our last name to be let's figure that out I'm going to go I'm going to hang on where's name crunch tread Haw all right all right it is CH if people got a badass name so these oh man I also want it to be something that chat and all of us can pronounce Go 100% like a legend did you put did you put dread hawk in there y grunch dread Haw is your traveling that's a [ __ ] great name and now you got to make Tannis I do I do have to make Tannis I'm just going to crack open this can of Canada Dry I am so bad at names Fu I'm I'm okay I'm thinking hold on uh what if Okay so this would be this would be a really throwback what if our last names was just Rex w x argentum Rex and Orum rex that sounds really [ __ ] cool sounds really good I'm down with it cuz that was Kell's nickname if we can't be ER not Rex we'll just be last name Rex and that's just going to be re x correct W re X all right let me fix that I'm going to double check how uh how uh ER not Rex spells it but I'm pretty sure it's WX and Mass Effect yeah Ern not Rex is w x yep Orum Rex and argentum Rex that's such a good yes dude also [ __ ] dread not being your last name is so good what is with this gigachad chin for the elf Conor that's so why does that look like [ __ ] kylo Ren with fluffy hair oh my God or no better yet Benedict Cumberbatch oh my God no if it was better Cumberbatch you'd look like a you'd look like a [ __ ] alien helloo it is me bened come batch I look like how I sound why do you sound like Alan Rickman hello I Alan Rickman I also look like how I sound all right Venture forth we're good we don't get to name our guardians but we know in our hearts correct also this is what Kell would look like as a tling oh sick let me just pull this up nice it's pretty good honestly argentum Rex I'm excited so just for a recap for those of you that are watching on the unexpectables channel I am playing a level one dragon born silver sorcerer uh eight strength 13 decks 15 con 12 int uh wisdom is 10 Charisma is 17 starting cantrips are going to be Ray of frost friends minor illusion and Light which I'm sure we could swap those out at some point ah there it is uh my my starting spells are going to be chromatic orb and disguise self which is going to be crazy and armor of a uh agathys is my three spells and I also have cold breath frost breath technically and on my end I'm a level one gold dragon born Wizard eight strength 10 decks 10 con 16 intelligence 14 wisdom 16 Charisma my cantrips are bone chill Firebolt Ray of frost and my spell are Mage Armor magic Missile Shield disguise self featherfall and Thunder Wave and I have fire breath that needs to be [Music] lower that's better God I can't get the blonde right how's that blonde that looks Brown uh tennis's hair was long and slicked back if if I recall uh you are correct yes oh that looks pretty close although he did he did wear it in a ponytail a lot so I'm debating whether I want to go like I think that's a really good Midway for both cuz that's the ponytail with long hair like I like that take one look at this [ __ ] and you you think yep that's an elf yep you sure do this is the this is the elfy whoever lived that might bad no there are two others that are streaming arol and Ed are also streaming yep but the only VOD that will remain of this is the official unexpectables YouTube channel VOD when that is correct yeah so if you want to check out the VOD it'll be on thee unexpectables all the goodies will be going up there I'll do that yeah all right I think I got her as close as I can get that [ __ ] hair yeah all right Venture forth Venture forth nice noise we're almost ready to start the game almost yeah 9:00 cool awesome what time is it oh dear it'll be [Music] fine can't choose the class of our Guardians nope what do you think uh chat ponytail or should I go for the other art where it was didn't realize his hair was red yeah his he's got he's a ginger yeah tennis was a ginger why never be a warlock nothing to bargain with uh I could give you my daughter for [Laughter] Powers after everything Dennis went through to get her back that's why they had such a troubled that's why they had such a troubled relationship this one for Tannis there's also uh there's also this one that looked a lot like his uh got to turn the A on I'll be right back looked a lot like his um ID half mullet this is not a mullet okay he's just got long hair there not business in the front party in the back that's not bad half ponytail I like this one get bit you're [ __ ] right I I completely forgot about wait I can't put a beard on him can I wait really I put facial hair on mine what you can't put is it cuz he's an elf oh yeah elves cannot have beards if you want a beard you have to make a half [ __ ] that it's half elf time as a half elf half elf yeah [ __ ] that it's such a stupid limitation why elves cannot have beard clean shaven well it's more that full elves in fyon cannot grow beards lame it's just stupid stupid wizard of the coast change it facial hair should always be an option let dragon born have beards they're bearded dragons great now I got to figure all this [ __ ] out again and they have scales how the hell does their hair even get through that I think it's made out of scales actually they're they hair the bearded dragons weird actually let me look up bearded dragons I can feel therapods staring at [Music] me oh I'll put in the uh General chats there they have little scale beards oh well I mean I know like a real bearded dragon yes we are still making characters oh no what happened uh CH just link this randomly seen on Blue Sky someone made a character in this game called Weird Al GI Yankovic amazing done that's amazing now this is a Regal looking [ __ ] do they let you swap out your cantrips and spells when you get in h as you level up you can yes you can just swap out whatever you want oh what about this should' be able to yes sweet but given you can also change your class wholesale once we meet a certain NPC you can just do it anytime got it money though Michael Jackson the gith young oh my god there it is I think that's I think that's it right there chat that is a dad you is good dad yes he's got a he's got a dad Shen g a dad all right I think that's that very of your father yes but only neph can call him daddy I mean yeah I don't know if you know the context of that Kell but it he definitely shouldn't be going around calling people daddy wait what is the context all right anyway yes you'll understand when you're older I mean d doesn't have an ISS I'm older than you yeah listen if Gibby starts calling ders Daddy I think you'll understand hey kids what are we talking about related uh yeah I know wait adop giby sure yeah very wholesome yep totally that's how humans in Orcs are we are weird am I right uh I don't know how Orcs go about making families but I suppose that yeah me either hey I just Ed the room we talking about to be fair the we're talking about how good of a dad you are oh cool yeah Brian not ready for that all right what wait did you say I sound like a dad no I said Bryant he's not ready for that ah all right are we ready all right all set let's go let's Venture the second cut scene of the game why do I why do I keep using the [ __ ] trackpad hell yeah hour and a half into the game we finally made it to the second cut scene welcome to session zero everyone yeah basically that man is sleeping so cool that man is sleeping forever I was asleep on the job me turning on my PC in the middle of the night oh why did I have to be on watch today I'd be [Music] [ __ ] I'd be running the other direction my armor would be soiled that's a that's a that's a big oh rip at the Mind flares oh my God the just heard the Wilhelm scream oh classic well hello oh my God whoa is he riding a dragon that's what the gith Yanke all riding dragons well waiver the gith Yankee have a long-standing deal with Tiamat [ __ ] cool points oh yeah oh [ __ ] oh oh that's not good backhanded that son of a [ __ ] oh he's okay he'll be all right oh n they caugh him all right noise oh hello this is Chick ass these are full-on Red Dragons by the way they're not wyverns okay they are Red Dragons It's just that thing's massive po what oh what okay guess we're just going to plane shift what is this guy just [ __ ] spot checking different planes to see where he can [ __ ] over people trying to get away from these guys away Hey look it's your it's your people Conor oh man these guys are hardcore [ __ ] get him why couldn't I have a beard like that it looks good on him all the default beards in the game look like a on the guess give him a sec he has to find the he has to find the auxiliary cord but isn't she corrupted oh [Music] [ __ ] oh no and there go the babies these Dragon Rider guys are amazing wow they're so cool grunch gang like oh no everything on fire ass shot oh no uh yeah welcome to aerus welcome to literal hell why did we why did we have to plane shift there oh God what weird level one yeah and we're in hell this is fun I wanted to escape hell not go back to it what the [ __ ] well I know a guy who's got a so guys I know a guy with a hotel if we need one hey heard this run by a couple of HS more like never was Bryan when you suggested this game a you didn't mention it was going to start off like this yeah well this is different all right let me just it's my own personal my crysalis opens look at the she on our scales I grun am Unleashed Upon This World soon all will know the might of grunch tread can I go back in The Matrix it was nicer there look at him all stanced up look at this [ __ ] he had to do it to him so I just click and hold and I walk where I want to go okay oh all right you turn the camera with a middle Mouse button someone else got it you can also Zoom all the way in if you want a closeup look of your character or just be remember all this hide throw let take a look at your your characters hereward arum Rex hell very cool oh man hey where everybody go don't leave me we're here I'm exploring yeah I'm over by the door the hell are we and I'm grabbing something from a chest stay with I'll stay with GI guy GI GIF why keep calling him GIF I am grunch tread so just to understand just to move is holding down the the left click and moving you don't move with the arrows it looks like this is the pool it came from which is weird I'm assuming don't touch the Mind fled your mind is all right going to be an investigation don't touch the mine flare a no you you're fine to touch that one oh I thought he was the one that was bad can that comes later damn you know notice nothing more than meets the eye uh Sarah why don't you take a look at this thing in the middle I shall Crush these gay tadpoles with my bare hands oh God I may have screwed something up you think what you do I'm down to 3 HP costic Bri listen I just I touched something okay I can't even get over to the healing thing cuz the costic brine wait I need to go heal I'm glad I backed away from that let's see all right there we go there we go oh no ah CTIC brine that's what it's doing it all right I'm going to have to okay I see where it is now I'm going to have to jump can I jump over here yeah you can jump how do you jump It's Z top left also yes what's in here it's basically the jump ability that no one ever uses in dndd besides oh they called it the sphincter that's because it's what it is I saw bad guys this is a very shitty ship Oh e q rotates good scha ofid flashes into your mind nerves sen as much living goates your mind oh godaly they left us behind I would never I can't believe this path up you must die yeah I think I put is it you oh there are dragons out there look at me stanced up again what the [ __ ] is that the conversation look at this man look at this man all stanced up Curious uh I have the dialogue tree oh wait how do I watch that too click on the ear icon next to my picture yeah the exposed brain Quivers in expectation I can't before they return I think people can run around in the back of cutcenes let me know once you're in Sarah I'm in all right so we have to vote on what to say you vote to let me know what you want me to say okay I can still say what I want to say got it I choose this option near from this husk you know no creature like this I am one that is godamn rolls damn remove us from this body from this case free us look at the tears rolling from the eyes yeah yeah he's in a lot of pain oh boy also going to change my dice they're blue like my brother oo oh jeez nice literally just finished this morning modif hey SU oh that's g a swelling of the brain causing pressure where it strains against the shell of the skull I get Advantage if I do medicine I mean I'm curious is this Elsie who's narrating who's Elsie I have no idea she's somebody who worked on hasb been they're very talented and I think they're in the UK Monty's voice sounds different well that's because Auntie's not here she's just been she's been BR British fied Bri ified ah yes I'm pred with my bare hands are his teeth missing brain but you notice an opportunity you could [ __ ] the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat nice ooh I don't have this would be a straight rle if I do dexterity or I could just spare it the tiebreaker there it is so look how big this thing gets funny brain dog our freedom is ours friend the creature pauses listening something behind your eyes seizes in recognition oh there's that thing again go to the helm but the hel we are need it the bra the hel as though querying an unseen advisor do you not hear it we will not survive here we are needed to navigate we are needed to leave this realm to the H we go we are going to the home uh it is called us apparently and he following me great God I hate it I hate it so is that because you clicked on him first so you got the dialogue cut scene okay so whichever us clicks on first we just got to make sure that we all join in recognition when we're not just freely exploring when we're in a story important area it's important we all click into the conversations to see what's going on yeah something was put in my eye what was it a gift a gift maybe that was our was it us interacting with him or was it the thing behind you beautiful so powerful oh no that was the dialogue I just asked him in a realm where we have fled we have fled to a realm called a verus first of the nine Hells we are escaping a great evil to know you to love you to give you our gift we are going to the helm my friend and I are going to the helm no not sign up for a friend yeah this is this is weird game is a very first come first served approach to a point of Interest all right let us leave the charge I on fire I am on fire I am put me out what the hell oh here goes Connor no look out Abomination look we're on the same side this is your end no no no wait they look like tingles Visions Rush past a dragon's Wing a silver SW and a flash of your face seen Through The gi's Eyes my head what is this s you are Earth character looks so [ __ ] cool all of you yeah together our characters look dope as [ __ ] we might survive dude we look awesome dude you look sick Connor uh who are you who am I your only chance of survival what made you think I was a thrw have you forgotten yourself unless we escape unless we are cleansed our bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be G mind flers what do you suggest first we exterminate the en then we find the helm and take control of the ship we will address the matter of a cure for this infection once we reach the material plane honestly solid plan I'm a part of to be oh god oh we're in it we're in it now oh we're in it now we're all going at the same time with Connor's 5 HP oh God all right [ __ ] all right go one right in front of me yeah hey magic Missile always a good time yeah always good all right I get to control this little [ __ ] damn it watch this got him oo [ __ ] all right in the lower right hand corner you have to hit end turn it's the little hourglass symbol you can also just hit spacebar oh L also needs to go oh yeah what's left to do oh there's one yeah there you go hey got is that it that's all she had [ __ ] please all right hey hey about that got a crit you prove surprising also spells can crit in this game they sure can well attack roll spells can they've always been able to imp a crossbow have one of the things on him stting my hang on I'm going to plug in my plug in my headphones real quick yeah I want to adjust the volume how do I do that without exiting out of the game uh hit escape and go to options then you'll have access oh there we go yeah I want to turn up the voice volume Voice volume's already all the way up maybe it's the music that needs to go down ooh dead throng sh would be able to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late how I um turn around the camera uh click middle Mouse button or your clicking your scroll wheel if you have that you can also use q and E on your keyboard Ah that's what I wanted thank you come on brother I'm trying but the ladder's already in use yeah yeah yeah come on hello hello hello what G reporting for Duty moving out oh good it can climb we are penetrating the sphincter we are penetrating the sphincter what oh someone pressed the button I pressed the button it did the thing eat this [ __ ] are are we all just rolling the same initiative We Are We Roll initiative at the same time and if we happen to match it just links us together like that um what if I just what oh it's sadly not appeared darn I know what you were going for though yeah give him the old oh no no Bonk on the what I need you to stop is that it a dark ring but one roll ah Z's interacting um the construction is too alien nothing looks familiar try that contration next to the they did something to when they sealed me in hurry please all right so this oh no did that do it am I are you free I think she was talking about this contraption I'm going to see if I can figure out what Magics at work work here natural 20 you guys want to do so I found a I'm going to dip my weapon into this sludge never mind fine I'm not going to do that I guess I can't touch so are we sure that she's not a th is there a way to check her not until we get her out yeah I don't think so uh do you want me to hit this switch wait I know okay everyone back up back up faint Imes appear in your mind a brain do do you not want me to look for a switch over here cuz I found a console I I hope this doesn't [ __ ] kill her are you trying I there's a there's a brine pod above her I'm wondering if I can hit it and use the acid to get her out smart I'm worried though the acid might kill her so there's a risk to this but she's protected in the Pod so we can at least try it hey you'll have to move out of the way BOS go yeah I'm let me get out of here all right I'm going to get I never thought about that let me hit a on it and we'll see no I shall dip my oh I guess not now I did speak with her and I was able to sense that there was magic could play with it he told me there were Waring runes going to this console that we're at so I'm at the console right now do you want me to look for a switch or a release uh go ahead I'll give it a shot your scales look really [ __ ] good hey I got an Arcana check let's go hey so I found a mechanism that's completely unrecognizable over here at the console over here at the console this one Rune says unleash that maybe let her out maybe I that was for the people we fought uh what about the middle one go guys get ready all right I think I think this console up here was for the people that were strapped to these beds it might have been let me see what I can figure out with this console yeah take a look oh I got a special wizard option because I determined the Waring runes that were used on the console oh good job yeah do that the console hums to life it's active there we go get ready oh [ __ ] I'm going to deter what this is first yeah I wish I could assist you that's five that's five we're good 10 oh just barely pulsing glow and organic lines of the device make it seem more like a beating heart than a machine perhaps it will open the nearby pod okay it seems safe all right buddy get ready if she's a hosti we're taking her out squiring in your head the parasite then discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over you just a frozen corpse in the background Authority ilid wisdom hang on I wonder if being ing is a fate worse than death isn't it it sure is that's what it says on the mouse over yep and no I don't see you Conor darn oh wow I could actually fail this yeah but you'll be fine you're good yeah feel the biomechanical brain of the console process your command and yield to it a shiver runs across your mind you feel sated that's concerning that is very concerning sorry about the acid on the floor you'll be fine oh she start melting into it oh God she is melting she is melting uh how do we get her out you should be safe in dialogue um that I can't go near her your mind I need can someone heal me real quick her gratitude is mixed with what because you have a gift with you oh she doesn't like did you feel that just now got a problem with G Yankee you want to fight have a problem with everyone else no but there's more important matters right now come on Conor what are you doing can't believe come with you larion added racism to the game I'm going to make a a Twitter an X post about this all right then let's keep going I'm Autumn Rex wait looks like you've a full compliment already we'd make for easy targets all group together like that I think I'll take my chances alone if it's all the same less conspicuous good luck and thank you okay bye just like what is that uh uh hey what all right God her go you want to check the rest of the room she was racist towards me she didn't like me there's a locked reliquary here we need to try to find a key oh maybe I can do it oh oh intellect our scary in your mind wait a minute how' you GI Yanke Warrior oh I found the key for it centuries Darkness if you interact with the reliquary you should be able to take it from my inventory oh do I need it open that box was racist said the slaver silence yep how do I do it if you just click on the box you should be able to open it okay uh I won't know I will free this lady just like my good friend arum Rex oh air private moment it this I do it uh you've got it locked right now you need to uncheck that uncheck it there I go I can see you I just succeeded under aor of what I'm watching Connor oh it won't let me out cuz Conor's in the dialogue I don't know why he brought me back in anyway just so you know the text Above This console reads perfect so do with that what you [Music] will what does the Abomination known as mind flares consider perfect that's a good question well everybody voted on it so I'm going to do it therefore a leaving a leaving me of any responsibility for this decision on the Pod you hear something her presence connected to the Pod commanding the person inside to change what did you do uhoh oh god oh I think we just made a mind flare oh um well let her out they're naked must not be Our Fate newn can we destroy it stares at you weak and dazed good grief it's naked I'll have you know you all voted on that decision so I only share part of the BL I didn't see any icons on it yeah oh well ah where'd you guys go I did before you all remove them away wait for me I'd say let's stop here and let everyone catch up I want to look at the sacri I got a chest ah you got nothing never mind coming flure mind flure odd things wonder what playing there for odd things oh wonder what play there for OD things things Wonder whate they from wonder what plane they're from things Wonder whate they from things we not PL wonder what where is everybody where the heck did y'all [Laughter] go oh you're here we can proceed now I put out the fire by the way woohoo are you ready to enter the helm sure yes one of more players Deni the request what wait till everybody's at the door before we do this because if people are too far back it K it kicks him out of the cut scene wait where am I I could replaced you with the brain damn it uhoh no help them help oh God oh God D that's what a migraine feels like yeah I find it hilarious that four imps managed to kill a mine flare which is not how that works connect the nerves of the trans we must escape now they think we're THS NES n we will connect them oh it's talking to them oh boy now if we want a really good sword for Connor we can kill that Commander I like this idea I like the idea it's really hard but we can so let's deal with the m first yep we need to get out of it now ready hey dang it all right here I go see we still have Prince division roles when it matters we sure do it's not letting us move oh yeah it's not our turn yet Oh I thought it was look up at the top to see the turn order oh there it is oh good old wizard initiative little guy's got a tiny little crossbow Cann har grunch tread Haw critical Miss oh here we go I'm not going to waste my spells on these small fry no I'm going to use my can trips oh man seven damage to him we're really picking a fight with a pit fiend huh yep yep he's just a Campion okay oh he is okay good job little mind brain okay got that also we only have 14 turns to kill this guy yep yeah so we should probably unload on him with all of our big stuff go ahead Distortion devil the mine flare or the guy with the sword the guy with the sword mine flare is currently an ally all right the guy with the sword it is yep here we go uh I would deal with the oh let the intellect of our deal with the Imp we can focus all our attention on the guy with the sword gotcha I'll Focus the sword all right here I go I'm I'm running up he will only target the Mind flare okay good until it's dead then he comes after us which means we should heal the mind flare if we can if you have lay on hands which I don't think you do all right I'm getting in melee with him giving him flanking is flanking a thing I have no idea not it is an optional rule it is not active in this game yeah now I will say this you have the throwability on your bar if you throw a potion at the ground next to the mine flare it will heal him you can heal people by throwing potions at them yeah actually I need to use my actual spell cuz is going to hurt him torment magic Missile always a good choice magic Missile ah yeah I cast magic Missile at the [Music] darkness you left my space fool o d got him go nice God can't believe grunch is about to get his [ __ ] slapped by a Campion no I will be the one doing the [ __ ] slapping today my Divine sense hey oh I missed him dang it none of it got it got him there you go by the way he's resistant to everything that's not forc psychic radiant or necrotic so we'll be doing half damage this whole time you said Force so that's magic Missile that's not great yeah that's what I I took I also took bone chill that's necrotic but it's really low chance to actually work but chromatic orb should be able to let me do Force right I missed with Advantage uh force is chromatic orb's default I believe no that's thunder damage he's not resistant to thunder oh good here's a fun little tip for all of you if you right click on any entity in this game and click examine you can see their stats what they're resistant to everything oh healing I can heal the mine flare if we want to yeah you can throw it at his feet oh it worked I did get bone Shield off nice yeah oh God he just has 18 AC ship ground yeah I'm going to use inquisitor's might I'm going to throw a potion I am also going to throw a potion you can use the throw action in the potion make certain to throw it at the ground next to his feet with him highlight because you can dodge the potions oh I dazed him I dazed him what does that do he's dazed has disadvantage on wisdom saving throws and can't take reactions also loses their dexterity bonus on their Armor class oh [ __ ] his AC is only 16 right now oh here we go hit him with chromatic orb get him oh it's my turn okay yep Maybe hang on let's try this one what's the name of this group oh my God I have no idea we'll fig fig good shot I didn't get him though it said I missed oh did you miss yeah it was a miss it say arm and uh I already ended my turn oh I ended my turn so we're just waiting mind flare takes so much damage he does we're almost we just got to whittle him down all right all right um I Bonk on the head wait I'm going to throw another potion do it he's resistant to cold that's something at least oh that sucks oh I miss missed no how dare you leave my space take me seriously damn it oh he missed um oh that was huge look at the damage on him now we're doing we're doing well yep oh there we go oh my God yo I need to check something come on yeah hang on I'm going to uh I'm going to direct your attention down here yeah move your mouth move your camera with the WD to get down here where what yeah I see you where are you what's up on the map oh there are more cians coming yeah there's two cambens coming we got that's not good we got to finish him off we got to finish him off quickly I can lay on hands the mine flare yeah I I think that's what you should do for your next turn just so that we keep him up because he needs to tank this guy I'm going to keep healing him with potions you got nine from that I'd say focus on attacking for now focus on attacking are we sure idiot focus on attacking he will not die in one hit unless he gets crit all right well I keep missing him I missed him too ah so I don't think I have any more arrows so I grabbed a sword how do I equip that you need to open your inventory with ionic sorcerer for those of you asking in the chat can you can you run out of arrows I you can run out of special arrows I don't have I don't have the option to do an arrow anymore that's because you already used of normal action you only have a bonus action left right now I haven't used it this round have I oh you apparently did done something I don't think I have any arrows left oh boy oh here they come double move no God quit leaving my area oh here he comes Oh Come a Little Closer the more they have to dash the more time we have yeah oh it's so close we just got I can almost taste my new sword good hit yes we just got to whittle him down get his ass all right here we go get him close come on oh I missed him whoop his ass so close his ass I just need to stay away from the freaking flares Sarah I would get on this side of the room I wouldn't stay over there I will say this as long as one person makes it to the console once we get this we're fine even if any of us happened to die actually yeah is that in front of us I can go cuz I have arrows so I can do a long range run rad all right I'm going to go Dash use your dash action jump his ass oh my God we're almost oh yeah yeah come on yeah loot him loot him loot him now all right where is the where is it is up here transponder I got him the trans yep we need to move up here transponder oh what what oh the Mind flare just opportunity attacked me oh all of you disengage and go up I'm in death saving throw territory all right there you go go there you go sck oh I'm oh [ __ ] [ __ ] it you know what I'll hit the mine flare if he wants to play around and I can't attack cuz I dashed [ __ ] I'd focus on taking the enemies out in front of Sarah well too late it's fine I will go with sah though whoa did I just slip on Ice yeah you did just slip on Ice I can try God I can try and bonk I could Bonk this mind flare B the head well I guess you could kill him yeah he's dead finish him and loot him oh no come well you can still run away he's dazed he can't take opportunity attacks when daed yeah run run run what I slipped you slipped on ice God damn it oh my God oh my God I think that was Sarah ice Arrow division oh this is bad I didn't you no don't blame me I didn't use ice arrows oh oh no oh dead how did he Dash and do that he flew the other one dashed do you guys want me to help you or go for the console get to the console but I got three enemies ahead of me get to the console you and Connor can get to the console I if I Dash I'm not they're going to get off great oh God all right you head up should I just Dash or should I cuz if I don't Dash I'm but I'm because no I'm saying there's three enemies in front of me and I only have 11 hit points they could easily down where I don't see anybody in front of you further up near the console there's three people I'd say Dash you need to dash because they're going to catch up to you regardless either deal with the enemies in front or deal with the c I behind us all right I'm going please God don't kill me all right I'm going hey Conor just in case you want to save cuz we can save and combat probably smart was this the best wait was this the best place to save yes yeah I've got the sword now we just got to make it all right just got to let just get away all right I believe in you there it is oh please miss okay that's all right that's all right I'm okay good you can just disengage and you're good oh thank you God yeah just you you can just disengage you don't need to dash you can just disengage and get to the console wait wait no you fool ha [ __ ] you hey he's dead [ __ ] you ge I'll slur at you all I want oh God opportunity no disengage just disengage disengage Sarah I I can't I can't you absolutely can't disengage you absolutely can't where the [ __ ] is my disengage it's the two arrows going away from each other icon yep yep now you should be able interact with the console yes we did it work hel's alien transponder you made it in time you cannot harm grunch I like how the two dragon born went down oh hi hey everybody I feel sneeze coming on yeah that's the right expression honey how are you alive I don't know oh [ __ ] enjoy the concussion oh ow oh God that's right we did just get pepper breath hang on Sarah I don't like [Music] this oh God you got this Sarah get come on Sarah let's go pull the [Music] lever pull the lever we actually got the freaking weapon yeah you got an achievement for that too that hard to do I now wield everb bur my God this has been an insane stream so far this has been so much fun it has oh God heav or Hell let's rock can con use it I can Shadow Hearts in some other part of the [ __ ] ship being like the [ __ ] do they [Laughter] do the tentacles release and make the USB sound teal recently it just sounds like oh I guess it didn't make the sound damn ah I wrecked this [ __ ] oh that a she it is a hobgoblin she looks so not she's just like uh what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] oh we're crying out loud we can't fck goblins oh no ow oh God I'm flying I'm flying down down down to the river what the [ __ ] [ __ ] is you're free free oh luh I'm alive [Music] free did feather fall save your life my God just get a shot of Sarah's character's ass immediately when I wake up get a shot of the bakery you call the bakery Bakers do because it's cake as you the that's what people call butts they call them cake skull am I injured than the infection you're more or less intact a miracle given everything you've been through but it'll all be for nothing if you don't find help soon yes is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure okay that one right there do not touch that body the mangled Fisher right ahead of us don't don't [ __ ] with it oh fair enough also we level up Conor go ahead and put down a heart save yep all right here we go new save cool so don't touch the Fisher got it correct but I can touch the shadow heart the beach can I'd say level up first oh how do you level up look just below your portrait your character portrait on the bottom you should see level up click the arrow oh it took me to a whole another menu yep look at this look look at my man all stanced up you know I had you know I had to do it to him level two replace the spell spells so I have my subass now I have options a lot of options you sure do I could take evocation and get sculpt spells so I can just throw Fireball and you will all be fine yeah or or I could take necromancy [Music] ooh I feel like evocations is better for your spell types fun as I get spellcasting now excellent I also have abjuration conjuration transmutation illusion divination and enchantment oh let's absolutely put Thunder or Smite on there I have access to everything man I'm torn between charm person and shield shield is such a good one for wizards to have and oh if I go divination I could take portant which means I get to redo roles I feel like they'd be bogg things down too much I'm going to take Shield I feel like it's essential all right so I can do metam magics oh I get meta Magics twin spell let's go give me that twin spell so do I do careful distant or extended that's up to you whatever you think's best all righty uh there's not blades song I blade W blad singing wizard is not a thing in bl's Gate right now not without mods anyway I will take I think I will take evocation because the idea of just yeting a fireball at Connor and having him be fine is funny to me remind me again if we have a front we have a front line finder right that's me yeah you have a paladin correct and you're dragon born looks so [ __ ] cool which one I appreciate that both of you yes the brother also you're huge [ __ ] as well yeah I don't know which one I want look at me stand up easy bra puy defend archery defense dueling us is definitely fter I'll do defense I guess oh what spell should I take I think I'll take does extend spell also work on like charm person and stuff like that uh what does extend spell say it says double the duration of condition summons and surfaces caused by spells so I'm guessing it should it should because anything that applies as a condition so like if it's 10 turns it extends how long that last correct it should yes should I take burning hands or ice knife burning hands oh Sarah's running thee oh I'm I'm not going to trigger anything yet I'm just like looking around with the big tentacles the other thing I could do is I could take careful spell which means that you guys would automatically save against any spell that I use I wouldn't worry about that too much yeah yeah because even if we save against your spells we still take damage from yours I'm going to I'm going to do extend what the hell happened to uh what's her face the other GI who knows oh right I should do all right oh I'm in a dialogue thing huh what' you do you found Shadow heart click in click in I found Shadow heart take her D20 w Really arov we can't use the NPCs anyway a this feels wrong fine take her D20 like the way you're looking around oh my God John Grim thinking for the 3,000 pit no nothing nothing what are you doing I'm alive yes thank you for the concern and speaking of how are we alive looks so concerned you were definitely trying to rob her ass I remember the ship I remember falling the nothing you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us H Conor thoughts now watch first things first we need supplies shelter and most of all A Healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads top one all right mean you can still pick whatever dialogue you want we're just offering suggestions we you want to come with me we need each other and we both know what's at stake can't think of better company all right it's good moving you seem overburdened with Hangers On already wow [ __ ] she said what I marked my camp on your map you can rest there fine but don't delay you know you're really being a [ __ ] oh sorry that's not the dialog you're not coming on this adventure with us you're being a real pisser right now I like we have like a little green theme sort of going on with us right now yeah you're all wearing green I am green here oh piece of candy piece of candy candy by the way I have swords and stuff and like are all the mangled Fishers off off off no just the first one just that first one perfumed letter sigh I love you there I said it and if we meet tomorrow I'll say it again and blah blah whatever that voice always makes me smile hey oh o Osco yes I found a book it's a sea shanty I found the ship guys yeah I'll send it to you hey look in your inventory you got a sea shanty in your book now I have a sea shanty book oh we in this chanties for the [ __ ] Queen are you serious hey guys there's a there's a chest over here here and I want to get it but there's monsters oh my God they're actual sea shanties we'll be over there momentarily also if you want to Ping something on the map hold the ALT key and then right click that'll let us know where you are and what you're looking at I am sneak hey I'm going to get sea shanties let's go look at me sneak with my flaming sword I feel like I've done this before to keep going oh my God look at her go [Music] uhoh there's a glyph over here someone got in patience this requires an 20 I found a map um I'm going to back up a littleit of six then we're going to hit you okay cuz you're a little dick uh do you need help uh I can't find you we probably should go over there and help her oh I got Connor with me so it's not so bad party too much yeah don't you know you never split the party don't you cleric in the bag keep the fighters hail in heart I'm on fire what you what the hell that was Hunter's Mark what just happened oh I need to end my turn there a used Hunter mark on the intellect of hour oh so we're in combat now yep and I'm way out of range we'll get there ow seven damage you little [ __ ] I got you bro Fire and Ice tail is oldest time T is oldest time I cannot rhyme you should be able to reapply your Hunter Mark for free Sarah sh y really it's a level one spell slot whenever a Target dies with your Hunters Mark I think it does prompt you to yeah over over on the far right of your hot bar you can see a little thing that says reapply oh nice ah now what was I doing you were looting that chest I found a brain I found a rapia it would actually be good to send a Sarah I think I'll be all right with weapons for now hang on I just picked something what I get oh I got a poison potion and a costic ball potion nice nice isn't that useful oh no why did you do that I'm in the fire to I don't want to be in the fire all right why did you do this oh I love it and the fire just broke concentration on her Hunter's Mark whatever it's done who cares all right I don't know where to go I hey Sarah do you want thieves tools they're in the Box I think you're the best at picking locks of us whenever you Mouse over an item you can right click on it and you can just send it to someone oh the fire died my man is just is it's always taking an opportunity to get stanced up over here BOS BOS what box were you talking about I sent it to you you're good oh sweet thank you where are you guys over here come back here let's let Sarah go up the hill first oh I'm going to do it I'm good at this there's nothing in the box Lea helmet that's one way to get it open hang on I want to look at the end of this pier oh good looking all right can I equip a leather helmet I don't know if that counts for me it should be light armor so you might not be able to well that's a [ __ ] is that oh no I got it it's him it worked oh I'm not proficient no zarah's in the dialogue H you I've got one of those brain things corn there in the grass you can kill it can't you like you kill the others sure stand back there can you see it you going to [ __ ] me over I have a feeling you might I'm okay though with that you're kind of fun really just a dumb boore you're relieved until you see the flash of a dagger you can try but first you'll tell me what you know I saw you on the ship you're in League with them aren't you those tentacle your mind twists uh he's one of them looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear what was that what's going on we're we're eating your mind and your memories I'm not an idiot it has to be those tentacled monsters something they did they took you too I saw it during whatever just happened time to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your inits apologies God damn it you're so Charming oh I have a voice and an accent which you just kind ignore a kindred spirit wait is this uh Heisenberg from RE it sounds like himat I knew I could hear his voice he also did absolutely he's the voice and he did the map for this character so this is purely him yes it's me I need to find mother mirander so mother Miranda about worms turn us into of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time we're just giving you suggestions Sarah you can pick whatever you want yep yeah apparently all throughout the dialogue notes for this game they're telling this voice actor in particular to tone it back [ __ ] that leave alone wait really yeah well yes of course course but first things first why would you tell him to tone it down [ __ ] right off he was apparently too extra I love it I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the her isn't a bad idea safety in numbers after all oh yes give me the bedroom eyes turn down an invitation this is him turning it down Jesus maybe I'll see you there was he just like making love to the microphone no he's not turning us down he's just saying I hate to turn it down like I'm not going to sorry no I the actor because everything he says is horny God damn it I know I'm such a basic [ __ ] but [ __ ] he is charming oh it's hard oh it's hard he's like staring at my vagina the whole time it's like dude my eyes are up here oh hey I found a m FL uh how do I do that all Point uh con oh my God Hang on we're all split up could we please gather back over here I don't all right I see a yellow spot who's that oh could you come in my direction Conor I need someone with muscles I'm coming all right I'm coming sorry hang on come back come back I have muscles all right here yeah it's in here the m m slay Flare's in here all right here's don't go wait wait we don't find everyone else yet all right where is everybody thank you they're over here Sarah yeah the M flers over here Jesus Christ Harper's notebook Ted collection of reports held together with a moon and harp seal there's a frequent mention of a sacr religious activity among a local salite sect huh map stained ragged map has passed through countless hands a little ARP marks an area called the moonrise Tower a small Inky cresant sketched in the nearby Forest below the Cresent is more lines scrolled cash all right and then whatever else and then whatever else was in there that you took hey a Harper I know the Harpers it was two potions of speed which I put in your inventory Connor o uh so I found sure found the mine flare do you want me to approach uh let's not do that till they get here with us but we split the party and clearly I'm the tank we're approaching we're Gathering storm let's just wait for them a second Ed okay then you can go talk to the mine flare all right you should heal before you do anything else vosco oh yeah that too actually wait actually I can do this for us short rest hey all right all right Ed go ahead let's talk to the m player talk to the play I do you a the dying monster this is the thing that you could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion compassion uhoh yes you feel hate and you deserve to be punished for it you should be be whipped made to Bow before this creature in shame oh you're a dick it's possessing your mind forcing you to love it but then the feeling slips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere o I'm not an in-based person though uh maybe luck what's your modifier you've got a plus one I've got a plus one only 10 it's only dc10 what's the worst could happen I am sending you my brain brother need to borrow it uh go why can't you do good rules it's only my first role it's fine you try to break through but its mind is impenetrable with a last surge of defiance it slaps your efforts away all right fine we'll step on you the monster lies exhausted defeated its eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice if I leave it if I leave it maybe you guys can interact with it [Music] though I don't think we need to yeah i' be doing is putting a fireball in its head I don't think we want to leave it to you know oh I was joking [ __ ] you [ __ ] okay Isaac Clark a that we call that a curb stomp where I'm from Death is too good for it what did I just get inventory we did it O A spiked bulb dead goblins does anybody want the spiked bulb I kind of got enough as it is oo has entered the chat I I have it in my inventory do you want it yeah send it to me I'll take it all right how do I do that uh right right click on an item and click send to someone send to uh Cod which one are you uh Ed he's argentum argentum all right did you get it yeah wa wa wait for me I would say you interact with the glowy thingy Conor me all right yes yeah the sigil on the stone cck list what is this SRS grunch dread Haw I'll examine this strange anomaly dangerous do you have to narrate like that every time yes this the magic Rock Bottle is true it looks like a we magic Rock Bottle it is the void sphincter that look like it hurts shth mine hands you should not t someone's voice think they would permission oh there is a hand they are into that kind of thing anyone hi Connor yep just your average traveler stuck between Realms pull me out and we'll get properly [Music] introduced high five perhaps I should have [Music] clarified I [ __ ] love that oh sah come on back Sarah here I go hey it's a than disconnected entirely uhoh come on you got it oh god oh there he's oh no he's hot I pulled him out of the rock hole this means that am I a father now yes hello I can't hear his dialogue oh Water Deep you say uh at introductions yep I can't hear his dialogue that is weird is it because s disconnected maybe I can hear it I can hear it too it's unfortunate cuz Conor's the important one y Lee you have subtitles it's true couldn't have phrased it more repellent myself here I I'll provide the voice for him Larry and hire me you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a Doctor Surgeon uncannily ad drit with a knitting needle I contend to basic wounds and ailments but alien parasites I am afraid not I suppose few can not exactly a common Affliction we're mostly going to need a Healer soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together sounds like a plan you're welcome to join me oh but I see you're traveling with plenty of company already perhaps I can join you later instead I'll make my way to your camp and Embark upon a succulent slow cook to be consumed upon your return He is the party Chef dismiss Avatar your friend's Avatar will remain in your party while they're offline you can dismiss them by talking to them and selecting the option to wait in Camp uh just hold on to them for now we'll talk later yeah will it MP them uh no we just have to wait for Sarah it should put them under Conor control got it in fact Connor if you go to the Escape menu and do multiplayer you oh she's already dragged under you you control her ah I see if you click on her portrait and just drag it up you should be able to latch her to your character like that so here's the question we are at 10 o' do we want to go a little bit later uh I mean if uh the answer is yes but like it depends on if Sarah can reconnect yeah because if let me text her real quick yeah if if internet [ __ ] me [ __ ] her oh uh does she need to come over here hello hello oh there we go I need an invite I need an invite again new invite all right I'll I'll invite you what did I miss you Miss you're giving birth I'm a father I gave birth to a full grown wizard named Gale of Water Deep oh right I should you are party Chef now so how do I I can invite you back invite you should just do it hang my game copy all mean to me well that time it was the internet hey do again welcome back am I in it's still loading for me crack open a window there I am all right so he came out of the whole vagina right yep Honor's character gave birth oh it's a so this is a portal yep they service our way points our fast travel points nice what wait what was the rest of that quests inspiration yep by the way Chad I hope you guys have been enjoying the stream this has been oh yeah super freaking cool I'm loving everything about this thank you everybody who's been tuning in uh how much longer are we guys are we wanting to go right now I okay to go till like 10:30 11 I'm indefinite yeah like I can go as long as we want but I feel like a good cut off is maybe 10:30 11 cuz we also we don't want to drag the audience along too long yeah it looks like there's a little path right here Sarah oh oh yeah there's low path leading down and there's a chest down there can you jump yep woohoo what's in the chest you may as well get I guess I'll let you know once I get there the way out here it goes back out to the beach there is elixir of fire resistance a costic bulb and a bronze necklace all right so we're uh we're going to give it like uh 30 more minutes is that the plan then sure yeah I say let's go till 10:30 tops 11 and we'll call it there we started a little late yeah I say once we get to that point we just go go to our camp is a long rest yeah I'm good with that ending each stream with a long rest would just be a good idea screen got darker all of a sudden I don't know what that leads ooh what's that how do we get up there I can't jump back up here you should be able to it says it's too high you should be able to jump right here oh there it is I got it and you mean that stone work Sarah can I can I no I'm not in battle just can I can I stop doing this thank you are you uh oh I found a chapel guys hang on I'm coming jump there we go woohoo oh there's people here oh [ __ ] I need to find a shovel there's dirt here uhoh I click on me uhoh you twice as tall as me but I got too close backbone but we don't know what that thing even is and what about the Crypt I'm telling you it's a ship and the Crypt can wait my f have been trying to break in for days stop got ourselves compe already I don't know what the hell is you are but that's ours I got a plus three for all of these uh oh I believe it's you st hey that's what I like to see I'm very charismatic unlike Kell Kell talked too much for being as low Charisma as he was well uh in that case come on you lot no point in getting killed second worm gets the cheese and all um second mouse gets the cheese no nobody's getting any damn cheese now move a okay well I guess we avoided a fight down here cracked Stone on everything there's something around [Music] here uh watch out Connor there's a cinder block above you I see here hang on I'm coming wait for sah to get over here we got might want to move a little bit further up the stairs yeah sir you might want to go up the stairs ready nice hey I see you what be here you want to get in there you have to jump down water water water no I want to I want to go in Lo do we can to oh god what the hell oh guys I need help uhoh all right um true strike speak of oh oh dick what a [ __ ] just going to look at stuff hey there's a lot of shoes in here nice shy wardrobe that's it for me there's a lot of guys oh wait why did it hit me they tried to they definitely hit me I'm a three out of 10 oh I'm going to get to the sides that they don't have line of sight on me where even am I I'm not even on the screen yeah I don't see where you are I know where you are can you do that ping thing ow they got me oh I see you oh I'm snared you're right behind me oh yeah he's right here it still got me on the other screen out in the open world oh there you okay yeah I'm not actually in here no I see you now it say yeah I see you wait the screen oh now I'm in here what is that okay I really want to hit that Barrel do it what Barrel you see a barrel actually we should hit it with fire oh my sword is made of fire I can't reach it though oh that Barrel can't reach it though yeah don't are you going to take him out he does have the most HP he does oh but now I might have been able to hit the barrel can you back up and see if I can I cannot back up there is no backing up you're just going to have oh it's an it's an oil barrel though we'd have to break it open and then light it on fire yeah yeah I don't I don't know if just hitting it would uhoh oh no come at me [ __ ] you going to heal and uh then I'm going to you know what this will actually work I'm going to buy us some time oh yeah because Conor will automatically succeed on this oh you killed two of them why does he Auto succeed because I'm an evocation wizard I have sculpt spells meaning my allies automatically succeed the saving toes and take no damage perfect so I can lob Fireballs at you and you'll be fine where's that guy going oh they she's trying to run oh they just pulled in more backup yep I think it's just one person though it's one person but don't here uh do you want me guys to try and shoot shot for that barrel and break it open no I think it's just better if we well go for it we're in good shape yeah yeah cuz this guy's almost dead kill the rager he's got four Health left so oh the uh yeah all right I'll hit him yeah yeah away under wve as much as we need interrupted all right I need to move up a tiny bit see if this does it oh do oh no don't worry I got him I'm going before him anyway yeah are you on my screen he goes before you well we go at the same time no it's the other guy come [ __ ] off wow this is why I'm in the corner I should put Mage Armor on honestly yeah honestly probably yeah cuz my AC is better kadav hey nice okay I'm going to run over here now someone can shoot the barrel oh I missed damn it hello H yeah [ __ ] you and uh goodbye if you hit the oil barrel with a fireball it'll explode instant oh that gu that that guy's got ow that look like it hurt oh just like I'm tank this we need to heal him here uh Conor you mean no no no get Barton take out the guy by the barrels all right he's almost dead if you hit him he's dead what if I hit the barrel and it gets him you won hit barel might get me too that is true it also might not explode yeah just shoot him all right let's try this nice hey very nice very nice I am here [ __ ] kill oh you're Divine smiing aren't you godamn my god well you know what that makes my job easier yep sure does suddenly I feel bad I'm realizing I oh I forgot that I have un unle attacks maybe we shouldn't have killed these people uh they were grave robbers here's the thing even if we turn on non-lethal attacks we'd have to use melee red attacks and spells are still lethal even with that on oh how do you turn on non-lethal uh if you hit K go to Common look under passives just drag that to your bar drag what the passive that says to toggle non-lethal okay when one person turns that on it turns it on for everyone and that person has to turn it off again so be mindful oh sweet that is aave interesting little tidbit that Thunder Wave came in handy I'm going to Bonker really it really did head oh still alive still alive doing work for you [ __ ] die ow he's candy Jesus Conor you know I had to do it to her oh hey guys come check me out in here guys come here come here where where are you come here where we started come here my God what you do oh you're you're in you're in like the own sort of pose oh it's cuz you're half elfo even in my sleep you know I had to do it too I sent you some javelins Connor ooh lot of books in here nice yeah I keep trying to read them and it doesn't let me uh most of the books you see are going to be interactables rather than actual books I'm going to right going to lay my hands on myself these tools nice I just sent you some look no handle how does it open inter hey I got an idea what's up let's take that barrel and put it in front of this door and then explode it ooh good thinking can can I grab I don't want to throw it just want to grab it yeah yeah like that how did what what' you do with it I picked it up okay put it right there just deposited put it down they had a bunch of food down here I'm just stealing all of water Davy and cheese P it a little bit closer let me see if I can put it if I stand over here I might be able too or wait what if um I if it is that you just like if you if I shot an arrow at it it would start leaking then we could lead it from this candleabra to here and light it if you shoot it it will just break entirely oh well move out of the way hey this uh I'm going to move this all right uh what's my shove I know there's a shove not throw sh here we go anient indecipherable text covers the plaque no I want to I want to shove it no how do I shove you shove stop it AR what did you find in here I found a bunch of food and a bunch of books books are worth a lot of money you but there's if there's only oh okay I got another idea guys I picked up a candle I'll throw the candle I will throw the candle in that whe you trying to do do you want me to Firebolt it no no I got a candle may as well use it okay I'm going to throw this candle throw I'm going to back up I'm GNA I throw over there no I want to throw the candle please where's my candle candle candle candle candle good God and the door took no damage yep sturdy that's why sturdy you have to hit a certain damage threshold to D only only a hit that deals at least 10 damage can damage it I got it oh hang on hang on stand stand as it is I got it I have an axe it works does it did you get the door open yeah yeah okay so I'll just not bother with the lever that opens the door then oh what look I took care of it all right I took care of it I was just standing here waiting to see if you needed it or not this way the doors open permanently I'm in a new area oh great I'm coming back oh you all left all right I'll go back uh yeah arov you need to come with us cuz we're in a different area and you're not with us I'm treasure I like that we could be in completely different parts of the dungeon though that's cool you can be anywhere in the open world ooh sarcophagus heavy oak doors look at this sarop guy we haven't saved in a while we might want to yeah oh no the game froze oh I don't like that I'm still going I'm okay I also failed oh oh no quick what surely this means something something good will happen fa a perception check on is a mystery to you all right I'll go there we go it's trapped a to you the sarcophagus is trapped is aery to you a dead language something ancient must have do we have any trap disarm kits I don't think so but I th tools would that do it uh I click on this sarcophagus and see if it lets you disarm oh Connor I'm sending this to you I don't know if you need it it's a Mason Shield uh I think I'm good with weapons do you have a shield are you two handed I'm two-handing this great sword that's on fire all right I'm going to take the uh I guess we could sell it so I might as well take it I'm still do any of us have trap this on coin oh I leveled up I wonder what it's worth oh you got inspiration oh ni why you found something called a soul cor oh my be oh be wary this place is trapped if these are anything like the Divinity traps you can set stuff on top of those uh vents to disable them which vents are you talking about the ones in the ground I'm level up I'm going to level up real quick cuz I don't know what that was all about I am level I like how my character passs around I am level three oh God I gained a spell Bey oh no I get level two Spell uh oh God invisibility knock mirror IM knock feels like it's very useful right now Darkness are you going to knock the arrow no I feel like invisibility is really going to help another check over here I don't like it in case we're not feeling safe there if you see the little hourglass on the bottom right we can actually enter turnbas mode as if we were in combat that gives us more time to react to things I see a butt so what do you guys think invis do you think invisibility is worth taking oh guys's a trap over here shatter uh shatter is always good shatter is always good also really good there's a trap over there a gargoyle head oh yeah I kind of want to take scorching rain but I see a button over here as well sh also really good so I'm going to take shatter uh oh I got another meta magic uh what the hell was that subtle yeah what was that noise did someone pull a lever I pressed the button and nothing happened don't like that ooh light this brazer I'm going to take quick and spell that [ __ ] is sick anybody want me to I just failed three perception checks over here yeah there are a lot of perception checks over there think this whole wall is nothing but traps I think it's because this head this head is a gargoyle this gargo whole room is nothing but traps they probably spit stuff I just feel another perception check I feel like did we want to try and open up this uh sarcophagus and then everybody just stands back problem I have a suggestion for that what's that before we open it I suggest we enter turnbas mode so we have more time to react when [ __ ] goes wrong all right all right all right go ahead and open it who wants to open it the one who's closest I'll do it all right how do I how do I do it though go just click on it I clicked on it oh my oh okay there's a there's a key and what was that other thing I think there's a magic weapon in there right they're in your watch your guide It's a spear oh I don't think I'm good with do I how do I look at my Prof genes again uh if you hit I click the three dagger icons on the top left that shows you detailed view I have proficiencies and Spears cuz that would be awesome oh we exited turn base mode and nothing happened that's because the moment you hit that sarcophagus I hit this button just in case and it seems to have disabled the [Music] traps that's what I meant by give us more time time to react to ship oh [ __ ] that's a be there's a door over here yeah is that what the key for let's see maybe it is locked a key oh coming locked look out that's a trap in right in the middle oh okay okay it's a vent it won't activate now that I've disabled all the traps we go all I threw it on there give me the key if the key would have worked the door would have opened for you cuz it'll from anyone's inventory all right do we want to do I want to try a lockpicking the door then I could just try hammering it open if I'm correct about the placement and where we fell from that's probably the door that BOS and I were standing at on the beach yep the just leads outside and the door doesn't have a health bar by the way the difficulty check for that door was a natural to oh wow well there's still this big heavy oak door over here we could try they gave us a short rest cuz we were all hurting yep oh oh there we go that was what the key was for oh hello what be here tombed scribes take a look around see a door over here by skelebones Scroll of burning hands ooh book of dead Gods oh let me see that hey brother stand still I have an idea heavy key what's your idea I'm looking at this book right now I'm cast light on you oh okay I SP on you hey Sarah there's armor in here if you can use any of it wait do you think my key might work for that book I don't think it will I also have a key it would have prompted me if it did nice can you not be encumber question can you not be encumbered you can be yes oh okay I'm not there you have a bar in your inventory it's the little white yellow red at the bottom right got a key I have opened the book cuz I'm the magic man he's the Magic Man Magic Man light this [ __ ] up Sarah I'm sending you armor see if you can use it ooh religion role all right please roll well I hate you roll 20 I what's up you just barely made that role was one SCS these are the names of gods once lost but now restored after the second sundering enti have dwindled and been wait how did you investigate silently recorded apparently failed the investigation check on this oh you level up take that that's because I have the sage whenever we find forbidden Lord like that it gives me inspiration I found a Quarter Staff anybody want it I think I can use that o I gain chest level two spell slots I'll send it to you Bosco I have a basic Quarter Staff I don't know if that one's any better ooh flaming sphere oh that's a nice one right there what do you mean where wait what are you looking at Flaming sphere I'm in My Level you're leving up oh got it flaming sphere is nice CU you can move it as a uh bonus action yep it lasts for a while be here yeah you know Mirror Image might be a wise thing for me to take but I take shatter I have shatter but okay I'll grabb something else then scorching hey can you get scorching Ray oh I can yes that I'll take flaming sphere and scorching Ray wait I have something dumber ah okay which fire spell should I keep flaming sphere or scorching Ray scorching R is scorching Ray is really good get out of it I like scorching Ray a lot but flaming sphere will last an entire combat that is true he's got a funny chin oh guys I don't think you can go wrong it just depends on whether or not you have something that uses your bonus action a lot I got some books I should show you I should read them to you real quick I guess it's more that which one do I prefer to keep concentration on because the other spell I could take is in large reduce I can make Connor big this is true that but that will be a concentration so take scorching Ray if you want to do that all right blaming sphere is great area denial it really is I have it on my Sorcerer And I probably should have taken it on this guy but yeah gra en L reduce is very situational yeah so I'll grab the two damaging spells for now guys I found a button you found a button I found a button should have pushed the button uh on of failed perception checks out here yep hey I got it I just passed it and it let me hit it just going goad and cast uh oh Undead Paladin what's going on out here Undead we still in the other room what's B time well I'm isolated oh boy where where are they this is the power of hitting buttons randomly so you know all those bodies we saw on the that we didn't bother looting yeah oh I you you didn't bother looting I looted a Fu ton of them then why do I see some of them holding their weapons still cuz they probably let pick those up oh I missed him again [ __ ] I have not been able to hit with Ray of frost which sucks oh that guy all right can hit him we're kind of bottlenecked out here yeah honestly I I think you should get in front and we should pull them closer to us but they're going to definitely Rush us yeah I I don't know if they're going to rush for me or if they're going to rush for AUM they're going to rush for me because I'm isolated and Squishy you know I might just go back in the room and shut the door honestly do it like spell and then hide I'm just going to nope out here we go just an old man from The Simpsons walking in sing and then running back out I wish there was a I wish there was a Dodge option in the base game I do too at least he's not going to attack on his turn he runs like an idiot I don't think I have turn on dead oh I got silenced oh you can't wait why don't I have have my action I should have taken my [ __ ] quick and or not the quick and spell the [ __ ] one that lets you get around silenced [ __ ] I'm going to take the potion of speed and just uh hey can you hit him and break his concentration on silence I think I'm starting to learn with this game that every time I go ahead and do something it seems to be bad o concentration let's go I also I just murdered him I just leveled up so um go yeah good luck [Music] walks back in nice I love it all right I'll get to you later do you sir what oh and I got Sil again but that's an aura it doesn't no you can walk out of it yeah all right dick let's see how you handle this that a lot of damage all right [ __ ] critical Miss o nice Homie don't play that I bet that game is a shock to him I wish I [Applause] could oh my God bruh oh for [ __ ] sake this is just can you if you don't mind I'm here literally yeah just shoot him and then shut the door here I go scorching R again hold on bang and I mean path is interrupted oh goodbye I'm not silenced okay goodbye back to the door what the for [ __ ] sake I knew I should have taken the other metam magic these bone Wizards are dicks die all right I'm moving out of your Square hello I'm here you in the dick listen here [ __ ] all right I was going to great do I not have range or do I not have line of sight or what the P the prince division luck is is well and true with this play through [ __ ] hell hey there we go nice all right well well that wasn't too bad let's see what was in that my P come on I'm the one who opened it up don't take my stuff yeah wait for everyone to get one sarcophagus all right what oh sarcophagus face heavy chest face face here lies the guardian of tombs through knowledge comes atonement what does that mean you just see the glow slowly slowly coming closer you know again last time I did something that I just did on my own I I paid for it so I'm not going to touch this one F oh I will take that amulet doesn't look trapped it's gonna be something really good this time I bet let's wait for everyone to get in the room I'm checking all the dead guys ooh 25 gold I'll take that nice all right what was this armor you sent me okay I'll wait I'll I'll level up while I'm waiting for BOS yeah I'm on my way you should level up too Sarah yeah oh I can YY who just leveled up wait oh hey I didn't get to level up oh my god oh [ __ ] I clicked the thing I didn't do it oh I don't like it uh you guys can come over here you don't have to stand in the oh God hey your tongue's blue oh no um what is this conr looking [ __ ] so he has spoken and so thou standest before me right as always what a curious way to awaken now I have a question for thee what is the worth of a single mortal's life is this a riddle whatever attack immediately um an Arbiter of certain matters but that is not important now wilt thou answer my question all right I'm curious so I ask again what is the worth of a single mortal life this one entirely you pick whatever you want oh God oh God what do you think life is worth no wait a minute in death that is so very well I am satisfied we have met and I Know Thy face we will see each other again at the proper time and place farewell oh that was ominous oh God he's just walking around now well all right uh go ahead and loot that sarcophagus Bosco oh I was about to well any of you can it probably has stuff in it it's got arrows can I have the arrows yes let me give you the arrows hang on one second uh where are wait where they go oh here they go yep all right I sent it to you thank you oh okay now I can mobile up hang on yeah all right look get a new spell once we get the level ups done this might actually be a good place to do the long rest yeah honestly because just going from The Early Access if we press any further we're going to get into a lot of story that we can't readily stop might be a good stopping point for now there's my subass gloomstalker in hey what aess nice what's up for discussion ah th as well you is noted I must attend this place after so many years away we will see each other again did you go Vengeance I am I've got disguise self now I am caked in blood whoa seem very certain of that how the mechanics of Fate would be difficult to explain to one such as thyself are you calling me an idiot regardless it will occur I want to talk this guy where he go hey okay come back here come back here come back here oh right I got my level up got cut off cuz BOS immediately on the sarcophagus it's weird that Paladin gets their oath at level one no they've always gotten it at level one at least for fifth edition really I think anyway no that is incorrect you get the they get it at level three oh I'm I'm playing a paladin right now and I do not have my maybe maybe they did it here so you could break it immediately if you wanted maybe not sure still got that one door in here we weren't able to get in I love the abjure emity just no vow of emnity I get Bane and Hunter's Mark and I can cast The Jump spell hell [ __ ] yeah tth to mine hand so do we want to stop here for the night uh yeah let's go ahead and I will take us to the long rest yeah all right because the neat thing about this is our camp changes depending on where we just choose to Long rest oh uh who is not clicking uh I can take a guess do I have to it wasn't giving me the option weird oh oh we're in casual gear now hey look at that and I'm still covered in blood ripped and our friends are here excuse me ason asteron dude we are ripped hold on let me side by side look at us look at that [ __ ] God make new friends but keep the old one is silver one is gold oh that's sick we're all stanced up you're absolutely jacked excuse me I'm rancing the vampire oh hold on we got to listen to him the night normally means bustling streets bursting Tavern no tea isn't really my drink I'll be awake a while anyway I need some time to think things through to you process this you sleep I'll keep watch damn Sarah suit yourself sweet dreams oh oh we've got a a little place is the reliable sort but are you sure this is a good idea no by the way in this room we each have our own chests that we can store things in infinitely oh nice what is a good idea you are covered with blood sooner or later they're going to blow each hour that passes the thing inside us grows we need to find a Healer let's wake up at first light are you implying that sleeping is a bad idea this is unfamiliar territory rushing will only land Us in more trouble than we can handle that sort of danger I'm fine with I can fight it rest well we'll need our strength all right well you're not going to be doing any fighting I have a book on vampires I want to see what happens if I give it to him oh here I'll read this to you guys I I got this in that tomb hearken close and beware the vampire beware its cold Beauty beware its charm beware its curse above all beware the P beware the P pale Noble for the vampire cannot bear to be of the common folk how doth one protect from the Beast walk not in the black oh wait I'm about to get the reveal what what what reveal a vampire oh there it is what he just said he's a vampire one of the options is well yes obviously yeah can I give this to him I want to give it to him how do I give this to you glad we got that out of the way give so you can see the holes on his neck oh yeah yep what's so tell I'm a magistrate back in the city it's all rather tedious sorry but I prefer groups that are I can't get over hearing Heisenberg more intimate lose a follower or two and I might consider it you know I've been nothing big or terrible just a and behind this other door over here is where that uh Skeleton Man is Skeleton Man it's not even fanboying it's just I hear Heisenberg and I go you mother ah I shall be here in my camp for whenever thou Hast need of my services I wouldn't say that was like you there are many answers to that question none are important correct oh now that's interesting [Music] no Beyond mortal Realms there exist anation of spirits kin to th own oh I don't want to say I don't trust I don't not trust him but I don't want him to leave absolute Fel in its name they bear great discontentment with their Des Desy for a mere pittance of blah blah blah yeah I know I might summon the worthiest among them to lend Aid to their undertaking all right wait we can get hirelings wait what I'm talking to Withers the Skeleton Man we pulled out of the Tomb apparently if we pay him he'll give us minions hirelings oh so you know like the D andd mechanics where you can have uh NPCs follow you around they're called hirelings that's in here we can have that most willingly for sooth their passions doth Run Deep for what hath been wrought upon them why are dragon born so ripped I don't know but I love it suspicion always hauns the guilty mind my my services are all that I can profer thee what thou Wilt do with them is for thee to undertake should thou or any of thy compatriots perish I will cleave soul to body once more because it is my calling there is little else to explain is this a good Necromancer it seems like it this is good I need to research this so apparently well I already knew this but he can also he's the one that helps you change your class ah that makes sense those you see down there Gail is interesting too and a sort of sad guy kind a matter of coin then I shall wait here patiently until it is acquired such is life outrage leading to a singular end okay then it's a great question zako I have no idea uh oh hello Gail you're not first in Magic are you oh I get a secret dialogue with him H I get a sorcerer option with oh I do apologize I meant to ask are you studied in Magic namely are you a wizard which you are not arov you should talk to Gail he wants a wizard Wizards let me know there is a matter I'd like to seek advice on from a master all right you should absolutely talk to this guy Gail wants to talk to a wizard guy so uh tell me a bit more about yourself let's see I hail from water deepity city of too many damn laws of considerable and Scholar of exceptional accomplishment I have a cat I can't believe get [ __ ] on me weakness for a good glass of wine and if the mood takes me I'm known to try my hand at poetry okay what is this Kai when he turns 42 want to know more than your hobbies certainly that I have a great respect for privacy for instance especially my own you're going to try to mind get him get his ass Kell was a nice one Orum is not for second you see a swirl of UN magic oh you're talking to a gale now drop like a port colus out that was uncalled for ooh number two you saw something nothing what you saw was merely mental disorientation brought about by your intrusion please don't try that again unless I invite you to well he doesn't like me now just being a dick to Gail a we' be mean how can I help let's see I hail from W city of Splendor I am a wiz there are many answers to that question I told you already fine what's on your mind must I thinking about it won't help we know what to do so let's do it find a way to rid ourselves of these things we've no solid leads right now though we'd best get hunting if you discover anything that might help us I'm all ear and by we she means us you're not the kind of company I'd keep willingly did you guys look at your did you guys look at your chests yet they have stuff in them already I haven't Delux Ed stuff board the naid perhaps I'll be able to return the favor at some point so how do I interesting how do we tell which chest is ours you click on them until you find the one that lets you open it ah I already opened mine mine's the blue one ooh peculiar clothing chest I'll take that actually I think mine's a green one oh yeah mine is the green one I have the adventurers pack in here oh I have a very rare vial of Drake General D yep you can use that to dye your clothing though I'd save it for when you get stuff that you think looks good yeah yeah how do I put stuff in here I just drag it from my inventory uh you can right click on any item in your inventory and clicks into Camp mask lot of stuff it's really tedious yeah I have a lot I wish there was like a one of those a way to like send everything at once is there somebody that we can sell stuff to that's my big question Cape of the red Prince oh apparently you can send multiple things at once if you hold shift and just click on an item oh nice then click down the row it selects the entire row oh it'll take the whole thing that's way better that is much better oh I have emptied out my did I just lose all that [ __ ] there we go I only I only equipped the one thing so I opened the I opened the peculiar clothing chest and I equipped one of the things legendary item in my bag but I I don't see any of the other stuff now what does it mean to put uh what does it mean to send something to Wares that just means it's marked as junk you'll be able to sell it to a merchant really quickly still in there how quickly dude arov I have something called The Mask of the shape shifter oh I got that too I think a Delux thing oh it is it's from Divinity original sin 2 if you put it on you can basically cast disguise self at will you can be any race at any time so I'm I should wear that because then I can save that spell oh okay I thought there were four different chests I see I see you know what I'll go ahead and put it on too because we coordinated on that stuff needle of the outlaw I'm assuming all of these are uh these are yeah these are all Divinity references yep I missed that game I'm sad I never got to finish it so what do the rest of these books do I have more books that I grabbed what is this a lot of them are just reading material and animal speaking that's going to be a fun one to try out I've heard that there's dialogue for every animal and it's really funny I grabb that too look at my hat I like it I'm a my God you have to wear it you have to wear it vertically it has to fit between my horns H that's so good oh God that's what's in the chest Jesus wait is that stuff mean the Cape is really nice that's so keep of the red Prince yep wait where did you get that feel like I should get that Bo feel like I should give that to our vampire boy my little eye nothing of note really what classes is everyone playing I am playing a oath of Vengeance Paladin rum Rex is uh wearing a thing but they in uh evocation yep evocation wizard argentum Rex uh played by Ed Bosco [Music] iSonic sorcerer yeah what what what kind of sorcerer are you oh yeah draconic uh I am a uh oh my God my brain uh Silver Dragon lineage draconic Sorcerer And then we've got our gloomstalker Rogue played by Sarah yo yeah oh I think that's all I can think to do at the moment BOS yeah yeah I'm half the man I used to be ha oh my God I guess you could say I've got a short temper oh my God hello I mean uh Scottish sounds dwarf all right well do I want to bed down and uh take our long rest let's see I hail from hang on I'm talking to Gil Gail you mean enter The Stance all right good all right one or more players Deni the request you can choose Auto Select if you want oh uh okay although I will say once we have at least enough if we have mountains of alcohol we should do one long rest where we use nothing but alcohol why yes just get trashed wake up somewhere completely different oh catene 're oh this is the dream one this will be good for all the points of view because we all get different ones I think no dream this time just long rest damn woo and they put a hard save down Conor and then we're good to stop right on saving the game grunch dread Hawk and his band of Merry uh the merry men merry men and woman we'll be back again uh in two weeks time as next week we are going to be playing uh some more Gateway mhm love how we see like seven other characters here it's like yeah we need to keep fighting we'll get through this together yeah no none of you are coming with us none of you are coming along yeah dude this was great I'm so excited I want to do more already oh yeah as much as we would love to keep playing this game unfortunately this is where we're going to have to call it for right now yeah like I said in a couple weeks we're going to be back here again and vods for this session of balers Gate 3 will be up on the unexpectables YouTube channel at least from the perspective of one grunch dread Hawk I love that name you know you're going to have to make him an actual DND character at some point you are going to have to make him oh absolutely given the opportunity grunch and bunch oh my god dude I'm telling you right now AR call we're making these dragons yeah or an argentum Rex yep [ __ ] amazing all right well it's like The Brady Bunch but it's the grunch bunch yep with that we need to find some we do oh my gosh who is around who is around the Brady gun me I got octo plan Elden ring I got tabby cat playing Boulders gate let's see oh yeah I have to redo my login on my phone that'll come later here's the story of a lone gith yany mhm who we their quest to steal Christmas uh so I have Anto and I have Tabby and Tabby's also doing Boulder gate yep well we could raate Tabby why not yeah let's do it in case you haven't gotten your Boulders gate fill you can get a little bit more there might be spoilers just be aware oh yeah she's she's way farther along in the game than we are so yeah so if you uh if you don't want any spoilers drop a a message and duck out and we'll be back in uh two weeks oh should our raid message be grunch and bunch grunch and bunch I'm down I'm going to take a moment to just stop and thank everyone before I raid them out oh yeah all right thanks so much for stopping by everybody uh like I said we will be back again in a couple weeks time next week however is going to be some Gateway uh hope you all enjoyed this little uh this this first time ever playing a game on the unexpectables channel I know we've been basically a a tabletop only Channel up until this point uh but we're we're branching out a little bit but thank you so much we'll see you next time okay
Channel: The Unexpectables
Views: 41,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D Campaign, Roleplay, TTRPG, D&D 5e, Comedy, Actual Play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 18sec (13338 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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