350 hours in baldur's gate 3?! | Arcane Lounge Podcast

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hello and that was no no shut up shut up today we're talking about Multiplicity I stayed up way past my bedtime to beat that game last night I did it for you anyway do you want to warn everybody now this is full of spoilers so if you haven't finished the game get out and come back when you beat it well I guess we have good luck because the ending's kind of hard we're going to talk about it in acts so if you have to be act one you can watch like the first 15. I would not give us give anyone that code yes we're gonna jump no doubt so then maybe if you're you just want to be safe just avoid this one yeah just give us the view you're giving everyone stay around for now give us the video like the video Yeah subscribe or if you're listening you give us a little bit of watch time maybe mute it give us some watch time oh yeah yeah and then just put a new tab yeah mute it watch the whole thing yeah have it on repeat go sleep they accidentally unmute it they just hear like the worst [ __ ] yeah okay Spencer hit it so you've got to leave the video or you're gonna did you leave the emperor is uh balder that's that's the biggest brother it's what that is that that is he's Ballinger yeah he's balder yeah I'm sorry Craig yeah the emperor does not have any hair what the gritty the emperor hang on before we start I get one thing okay if we're gonna have Baldur's gay episode yeah okay we have to at least start it with a little oh that's it that's it I just want to let everybody know that every time Spencer's PC is right there my PC's right there when we come in here Marcy's asleep to play the game like we've been doing every time we walk in here we say no words she looks at me and goes oh and I go and then we go on our our plans but that we communicate that every single time that's that's the that's the call yeah okay I guess we are jumping well that's three for us I don't want to go what did you two call that stupid [ __ ] fighting song because you guys have very similar names oh fighting songs yeah there's a song that goes and it just has a bunch of I mean it's probably saying something there's a bunch of syllables and Lacey got something funny in them I told it to Jacob Jacob said something almost identical I can never remember until I hear it and then I'm like oh that was the one that I sing to Marcy all the time and I hit her head to the beat of it and she thinks it's funny it's the the uh uh yeah yeah that one unless he calls it something funny and you also called it's the the yabugabe song that's what it does yes no it does I was like what song are you talking about it and I was like oh this one and I told Jacob and he said the exact same thing I was like no dude what are those lyrics they're [ __ ] nothing I don't know but it's funny horse love slavov is back there he's just going [Music] um okay um that's insane did you never go get the dragon answer his name's answer did you not do this either no what are you talking about I didn't do this okay that's act three exactly I should preface my game fell apart in act three like mechanically and Bug it just a lot of things didn't happen a lot of things happened twice but we should start with probably character creation oh yeah what classes do we start as what country or what where would you build what's our peoples and then we'll maybe I think that may be hard for one of us here I was gonna say let me preface saying I have like 14 characters right now so so same okay so so more further back meta how many hours of character we beat the game with our first character I think all of us only have one option except someone that that's why I'm trying I'm trying to limit I I think you picked your favorite okay I'll just go with the first one I I finished the game with the valve point though well big meta how many times have you beaten it and how many hours you got and then we'll go into character yeah yeah how many times have you beat it Lacey um four four times that's nuts it came out I saw I was on summer vacation from college and I had nothing to do for like the first three weeks and I just like the full day morning tonight just I played I have 350 hours in the game oh my God I'm sad so much I am in the game from Early Access and this three I think four years one month maybe half of that do not from the Early Access don't underestimate my autism I just we had to go further back in our meta conversation again who are you who am I yeah who are you like like what's your name this is my wife I've been on here before no absolutely but I mean who knows this this is Lacey there's audio listeners yeah we always like to introduce everyone regardless Mr I forgot I figured everybody would just know but I was just I figured the same too I am married to Craig well yeah it's really you exist it dependently of my own being but I do exist uh contrary to popularity you two are the most non-married married couples ever like I it every time I think about that you're married I'm like that's crazy I don't know why I really don't know why but in my head I'm just like oh yeah yeah life partner or whatever that's cute it it's because we don't go anywhere together because I don't go anywhere yeah yeah for a very long time Jacob's parents thought you were married to Mia yeah that happens a lot too first two times you came over and they were like so that's not Craig's wife and I was like no where is she and I'm like I don't I don't yes I just yeah for the longest time I've seen her group I don't know if I've ever seen her I I knew Craig for I think that's why is because I I'm pretty sure I knew you for like a year before I met you I feel like a lot of it is because when you first met like this group of people I was sick yeah yeah yeah well and then I I got better and I was like well I didn't leave this like whole last two years so I'm just gonna keep not leaving yeah I did see you I just saw a a moving shadow in the hallway sometimes and I was just like it's like it was like a Cryptid sighting yeah yeah I have a like a vivid memory of playing at your table and like looking over it and like the hallway was just like right across and you were just like and you turned it around and then went back down yes yeah that happens a lot less so now that I'm feeling like better but yeah I still flee from everyone yeah he's clowning on all of us I think you do need to say all four of your cares at least just like the build and like no for sure okay I have my the first one I ever made was a paladin and he was inherently unfuckable by everyone but the voices in his head I tried I tried and which subclass I picked both of the Ancients and I actually managed to keep my oath until the third act whoa that which I then broke because I was trying to romance a Starion who really did not want me so I was like okay well I'm gonna let you like do your thing and then he was like no still I'm still not interested but I broke my elf to do that wow brother owes for a steering yeah they still rejected you we'll do this way wow what what about the other three um the next one is the one I actually finished the game with I had a fighter who I just made uh what's the one a champion so I didn't have to make any decisions at all he was a dark urge and I was taken off soon guard by a lot of the stuff that happens as a dark urge I heard one or two things about darker and it's [ __ ] nuts I don't really want to play it I want to talk about it but I don't want to spoil it for you guys because it's it's really worth not knowing so I I'm staring on the back yeah you should I don't want to spoil it for Spencer I know one thing about it and that is I have seen what people talk about alphera no it gets it gets really [ __ ] up okay great I'm excited narratively it's fantastic I like no spoilers for this part but I do like it because like you get assigned I guess a backstory for your character that actually plays out in the game and you discover bits about yourself because you had lost your memories so Colton was telling me this Colton's his first playthrough is dirge and he he's he said the same thing he was like I really like that I kind of have a backstory yeah it's like that's cool and because instead of like making your own head cannons about your character and coming up with your own backstory you actually get to see it happen that's really awesome that's so cool I love that they did that that's so cool what was your third character um I'm trying to remember which one I I played next I do have a I have a bunch of clerics that I'm going through right now a bunch of clerics I have like four because interact with what things I made a darker Clerk of lafander because I thought that would be really funny yeah and it actually really so he's the one that accidentally like he walked into camp and everyone immediately wanted to [ __ ] and I was like what whoa like I didn't even plan this but okay and then I made a cleric of mistra like to romance Gale for the for the drama that's what I'm doing right now and see I've heard that that is fun and I've also heard like enemies to lovers being a saloonite and going for Char up for sure for shadow heart yeah for shart is also really cool I want to do that next there you go that's awesome the problem is that um so I didn't get for some reason I didn't get Gail's like lock-in romance scene and a story and beat him to it and then like confessed his undying love for me in the middle of act two and you were like I have to take it playing with you I was like I can't I can't reject you I spent all this time trying to get him he's like I'm just kidding what are you guys my favorite about you um so I I streamed like the first three hours on uh uh I streamed the first three hours on my main Channel I just did like some First Impressions and stuff and I made like I made a bunch of characters but I just did them in the Character Creator um just to see what I could do with it because it was fun so I made like I mean like Tara I made um I made syndricks I made uh Damon I made a bunch of characters and um then I was like I think I want to play a seraphis so who's a tiefling warlock um and then I streamed that like first couple of hours and then I stopped I was continuing to play and I was like I actually don't think I want to play this so I went back and um I was like I think this so I was having fun with it and then I realized oh I'm playing a character I think my first playthrough needs to be self-insert so that I make all the decisions I want to make and then I'll play The Wacky role plays later once I know how the game goes um so I I restarted um and I made Jace and it was the best decision because I had so much fun Jace is a bard um at human Bard and it was a really good time he's just he's a pretty beautiful boy and uh he's very stupid but he's also uh uh he just tries to RIS up everyone and his story basically went like trying to [ __ ] everybody and ended up getting no one which was so him and very perfect um Blythe was his Guardian uh and then um uh I I and I kind of the playthrough which is just how I want to play it was just like any time any um like I was a goody goody but anytime any amount of power was offered to me I was like take give so I was just I was just dipping into everything and it was it was a lot of fun I was like part a lithid [ __ ] uh uh some uh the the the devil had like my body uh there was just and I also with all the companions I let them all pop off with whatever they wanted to do which is not the greatest ending first area and apparently but I was every time somebody was like this is everything I want I was like yes dude you yeah you go get Gail jump in that [ __ ] River go get that car like I wanted all of them to have whatever they wanted and it was fine but I'll get in more into it later but um I've only beat the game on that character and now I've started like four new games yeah um and yeah yeah the character creators of trap it is it really is it's a lot of fun I've played probably 15 uh of the same characters just playthroughs throughout early early access and now and then I went I'm gonna play the exact same character when I played a half a fighter and it was a good time named Ren which and you're what fighter are you not a master swords bar by the way and this was Json played is is my is like my Joe uh manganello arc on the cruel I just play him in like every campaign ever I played him in your game and that was the most fun I had with him because he was he was swords barred with um Battle Master fighter it didn't work out the way I liked in Baldur's Gate 3 because there I couldn't do as much on a turn because they put a lot on bonus actions so it just kind of felt a little clunky and about halfway through I kind of took out levels of fighter and put more into Bard and then by the time I was in the fat last six hours of the game I went full barred and I had a lot of fun with full bar and I was like this is fun I'm cool with this dance turn into a sheep it was a great time I played my game got beat by a uh what I'll call them or Vengeance that eventually became a ghost breaker that's [ __ ] awesome Vengeance Paladin is sick and becoming an oath breaker vintage fellow it's like what you started being a good person no oh [ __ ] yeah honestly I'm not entirely sure how I I I know what the what what the dialogue option I clicked that caused the oath break but I don't know entirely what Tenon I broke to do it but we'll get that but that was also third act so it could have been busted was it the gortash scene yeah that's when I accidentally broke my Vengeance paladins oath also so what gortash scene I think when it during his coronation where you break your oath like when he's asking you to stay for the ceremony and I think it's because he's like actually like a terrible [ __ ] person and technically your oath says that you're supposed to kill him for being evil but then you're like yeah no you could take out Carlos gate well that's what I'm wondering I wonder if it doesn't matter and as long as you have carlak because karlak wants like Carlock wants nothing else than to [ __ ] kill him because I didn't have Carlock during that part either but she did and apparently she just like rushes in honestly I'm not sure it was tricky because uh I don't know if it could have been the timing but I ran into Oren a lot so Oren seemed to be the thorn on the side yeah and obviously I think the obvious like person to deal with second right um okay well so yeah we'll get that roll it back roll it back that's did you do any other playthroughs uh no I mean I I I have a gold Dragonborn um that's cool that was also I don't think it was I think it was maybe have been ancients and then I bro I broke my with almost immediately too but that was because I killed an unconscious Goblin yeah but honestly I was gonna do it anyway so oath picture so [ __ ] cool yeah I think that's what I want to do with dirge as I'll play Oath breaker I'll like go very [ __ ] cool honestly I was trying to break my oath the entire time with Benjamins yeah and it just pissed me off that was like at that point which was like the it was like yeah like the almost the third thing so I mean I was able to go like levels nine through twelve as it I've interacted with oath breaking at all and I love that you can do it oh the person that shows up was so [ __ ] hard that's cool oh they're so [ __ ] cool so acts one um yeah he's enormous the Every Act is enormous I really thought that act three wasn't gonna be that big but yeah it was but act one is is huge okay let me set a timer yeah go for it is also the Early Access but they they have added a lot of new things I've I've noticed because when I played I was trying to speed through act one because I [ __ ] know it already and I wanted to get to the new stuff and I wanted to be able to beat the game so I could go back and replay it again um and so I rush through it now that I'm on my like five new games I'm like actually exploring act one I'm like whoa there's a lot of new [ __ ] here I didn't know about but when I was playing Jace I was just like uh-huh come on yep under dark hag [ __ ] let's get through this um but what was your experience with F1 at least the first time when you were playing it um I missed 90 of it I think because I did what you did and I tried to get through it like as fast as possible because I was like yeah like I want to see the ending and then I'll go back and do all the details and whatever which is why I missed Carlock and will the first time through you're very sad I didn't even get them whoa but it's crazy I I didn't finish the game with that guy because he was uncomfortable yeah Unstoppable unfuckable completely unfuckable damn he was very Paladin too he like every time every dialogue option that was like I'm a paladin trust me I had to take it because it's funny I had to remind everyone of my oath that's one of my favorite things is the the dialogue options that you get for your class or even your race or even your background this so so cool um I'm playing a rogue right now in our our game that we just started and it's cool seeing all the new dialogue options and it just leads to new stuff yeah I love it um yeah the uh uh so did you let The Druids uh uh who did you side with I sided with the Druids because hallson showed up and I was like yeah laughs love that man so I had to I slaughtered everyone in the goblin Cam and then I got lost a few times and most of that was a the first the very it was 300 hours ago so I'm yeah I remember a lot of what happened Craig you also slaughtered the goblin camp and you and we were laughing really hard because it was like a couple of days after the game came out you were just like I accidentally just took all of mandara's stuff just naked on them early on I think they fixed it finally but they I was before I I [ __ ] my game where um I didn't even know who she was because somehow I can't remember what's around about way it happened but I initiated combat and something I was like you know what I'm gonna kill these [ __ ] out anyway yeah and then she's there and I'm like [ __ ] that's the woman that you can like try and partner with and I was like well and Lacey's playing alongside me but she's run off by this point like a ton of hours into it so I was she's been like my encyclopedia I turn around I'm like Hey how do I do this like we have to kill all the Druids I'm like I ain't doing that so I'll kill her but that's so funny that's the same with us too she's like how do I do this and I'm like here are your 10 options yeah so I didn't realize that Pummel strike was non-lethal if you drop them yeah with it so uh Lysol drops her with Pummel strike and I'm like oh looter I elude her she's naked and I'm like oh I just wanted I just wanted to close I just wanted to I just I just to take all she's naked unconscious yeah I don't like some like can I wake her up if I heal her will she get back up what do I do with her I don't kill her now naked and unconscious but I'll wait a long rest and she gets up now she's still naked but angry so I had to kill her but then I did her body laying there I accidentally looted her corpse yeah and then at the point I had to like pick it up and throw it into the hole and I was like I can't I can't be real hell responsible for this and then and then I wore outfit almost in Target way through playing dirge and like collecting people like Pokemon yeah chess just has everybody in it yeah well nuts yeah that is the funniest thing we do on multiplayer is people are like oh look at this dead Goblin and I'm like okay hang on watch this disappears they're like where did it go did you just put him in your pocket and I was like send a camera maybe somewhere and then sometimes just being like guys I don't have enough room for anything I should drop something it's just so funny I saw someone on Twitter who had like killed all of the Companions and put all the companions corpses into uh the chest and I was like that's dedication wow so there are a couple of ways to act one where you can actually permanently kill some of the companions which I didn't know until we started doing our chat plays game and I don't know if you know about this lazy but every Monday I'd stream since the game came out uh uh uh a run where chat is making every decision mostly every decision uh and uh the major decisions they made the character and it's all through polls so we pull everything and they all do it and our character is a deep gnome monk named narf narf The Mud Chicken usurper and um yeah and uh so many people are dead because uh if anybody wrongs narf narf they get killed well when we found hysterian we immediately attacked him knocked him uncon killed him took all of his things brought him back to life naked and then he has dialogue for that he goes so you just kill me and bring me back what's with this and it was so funny I was like what the [ __ ] there's like dialogue for this is nuts I have to do that now yeah but you can permanently kill wyzel um unfortunately yeah a Starion if you you if you stake him when he sucks you permanently he's permanently dead you can't really sucks you yeah and then byzel when she tries to off you in the middle of the night that one time if you take it and then she's supposed to kill herself as well but I guess she doesn't in the game currently but if you kill her after like you bring yourself back and then kill her she's permanently dead you can also not save her from from the little cage she's in yes and she goes to her thing and they kill her yeah yep um which is pretty nuts will can die if you if you don't pick him up and you fight all the Druids yeah um which happened in our in our stream game um it's pretty crazy pretty crazy I don't have any of that happen no I didn't I have everyone I had someone die but that's act two discussion oh um but what about you yeah you know what you cracked one anything uh nothing nothing dramatic happened I didn't I didn't I forgot about the hag um I didn't do the hag I did everything else though I found the creepy book I killed all the spiders I yeah yeah I did everything there I just forgot about that creepy book and I didn't know what that [ __ ] did I took that to the end game it was in my end I'm on top of the nether brain it's in my inventory if you if you give the creepy book to a star and it really stresses him out like you you go to the camp and he's like reading through it and he's like really pissed off and he starts yelling and he's like this book won't stop talking to me and then if you suggest that he gives it over to Gail instead because he seems like he's he's losing his mind a little he gets even more mad and he starts to yell at you and I'm like I'm sorry I didn't mean to take away your toys a serious reading the book of Faye all right just let him be that um I did want to say that uh oh just quickly I also sided with the Druids and saved the teeth yeah yeah for sure for sure um but and menthara was a corpse unfortunately yeah uh it's not my fault they should find a different way to get her in her party Someone's Not So permanent I think all the party members should be allowed to be in like even if there's like kill just what's her name there is a way that you can do it there's a mod there is a mod there is one way you can do it but there is a sacrifice you have to make I think you can save The Druids and I think you can save the tieflings you can still get menthara but you cannot have mintara and hallsen at the same time you have to pick one see that that's why it should be a lot of the same Parts all of them should be I think all of them are too late there's a lot of characters are too late into the game you get to agree for the state of for the sake of completionism I did once get menthara I slaughtered everyone and got mythara yeah and then I did manthara's romance scene which was I think one of the most like in-depth explicit sex scenes like in the entire game oh and I was like yeah I'm so excited I'm durge Paladin I'm gonna yeah I don't know if it was worth losing will in Carlock but well and Paulson and Halsey and for a darker to play through it kind of makes sense like if you're trying to be evil the goodies are gone yeah yeah um I still stay down with anything yeah that man's chronic [ __ ] enabler he don't care we did a tier list like a night ago about like our favorite Companions and like the the we did an attractiveness one and then we did like a like a like a Hui like the story-wise yeah but I have to say from like a non-object like non-biased just an objective perspective on everything every every time I interact with the stereo and every time I see stuff about staring I didn't romance him I didn't really do like a whole lot with him but he he's just the best character in the game yeah every time I see stuff about him his he the way he's acted Neil nuba newborn new I don't know how to say his last name um he acts he is the way that he he performed him is amazing his dialogue is is incredible his story is very incredible I got to see parts of it from from your game it's just he's great he's narratively one of the most well-written characters ever so that's the thing that's awesome that's the thing he's just he's very good but who was like who was like who's who's who's your Golden Child in your game who's like I'll send you awesome it's so good I didn't finish it but I did start we saw it in the middle of the game it was great as I'm like who do we romance or who's like our favorite character who's like your favorite character I see I really like Gail yeah yeah next next I'm I'm gonna date kill for sure the first time we played he was all into Lazelle I still am but I think that I think that um Gail would have been I think a lot lot of it's how the game staggers companions yeah and I think they come really heavy on in the first like four days yeah and I wish there was a little bit more of a staggering and something apparently that's a because because if I wish I wish I had someone interaction with all of them I would have chosen probably different I do like I mean I think it would have been between them two but and they still wind up in the my main three but I would have probably picked him over that was how do you like her um Gail's Romance the fact that he's like default Romancing you uh is a bug and they hot fixed it already oh that's nice yeah so he's not he's not like immediately in your past like you actually have to initiate yeah I mean it was the most Jace experience ever Shadow heart Lazelle and Gail you're like let's [ __ ] now and I was like what is going on yeah lizelle get in here but I I agree I love you I have a whole thing I want to talk about with Guild because I think he's I think he the thing is is that I also get when people are like I don't like Gail it's like of course I I totally get it but there's a part of Gail that means like something to me and honestly a big portion of that getting too much into it is like I I love that he's besides maybe Carlock like one of the more good leveled like uh uh companions but I think out of everybody I love that he's like an optimist I think out of everybody in the party he's always looking to like uh even even when he's in the face of like I I have to die like he's still like well you know here's here's the bright side of this here's how we can work this out and I'm like I there's not a lot of characters that are like that not only in games but just in media and it was really refreshing to be like I think like this like this is so cool I love him so yeah yeah obviously you you love a story I do love a story yeah it was like it was like a number two pick hmm probably just from what I've seen probably shadowheart the end of her storyline made me cry a little bit yeah I don't I don't think so he didn't get her ending or I don't think so clothes off her body yes like everyone bugging out and trying to [ __ ] me I hell I think my game was riddled and that because I started early and saved clearly hot fixes are backwards yeah that should fix them I think I got a lot of stuff that just didn't didn't get quite good that's what I'm saying but next play through we're gonna we're gonna sign it all out but definitely a Gil's gonna be the right person which I chose lizelle for this one I can't choose between like um I think my top was Gail will lizel and jahiro they're like I love them all equally they're so cool they're so cool um who who's like who's like your top top two top three so halson's my favorite and then Astorian is probably my second favorite my third I don't know all of them I'm stuck I'm kind of stuck because I like them all the most um I don't like Gail when I'm not Romancing him but when I'm trying to when I'm actually trying to [ __ ] then he's like one of my favorites but maybe Shadow heart I think is but I also I really like what lays out when I'm Romancing her too because she could snap me in half and I would thank her for it so she's very cool oh I'm sorry I said Lazelle in like my top four I meant to switch that out for Carlock I do really like Liesel but I think the end of her story maybe I just the way I did it I was kind of like buy it but I don't know I I really like very good the ending that I got especially Carlock is I've been talking like really well written stuff she's number two asterian and um are very good yeah do you know my favorite thing about all the characters I think is that none of them are like a stereotypical example of their class they're all very different than what you'd expect yes it's great and the other cool part about that yes okay it's it's such like God the writing in this game is nuts it is I keep talking about just how [ __ ] well it's written um but uh the the other part that leans into that too is that it really makes them very malleable for the idea of like cross-classing them or even like like respecting them if you want to yes because like lizelle could be a paladin um Shadow heart could be a warlock uh like all they they can all kind of change in different ways and I think that's super cool because that's what I did with my will in act three when I broke his packs I know I'm getting ahead of myself but I brought this package from Missouri um I uh I had him go full Paladin and then at the very end I cross-classed him into Warlock and Paladin and it was [ __ ] awesome I loved it I haven't multi-classed anyone yet but I really should Shakira was a fighter Druid for me because that's what she's in the first Boulder skate I I only switched around a little bit of stuff to Shadow heart I made her a light to me what's your favorite part of act one quick go Volo took my eye oh my God me too oh that's so good I love that no [ __ ] yeah um I liked those uh those paladins that are going after um being kind of they're deceiving their way through yeah um okay act two sorry no act two okay so we're beyond the underdark we'll be on the ground Forge which is a [ __ ] yeah the ground the crash Beyond everything we're now and we've destroyed that fight so many times again no I tried it twice and was like I'm not [ __ ] doing this for what I I really though for what I [ __ ] uh uh pushed really hard into it for like no reason I didn't know you could use the hammer yeah but what I did was is I made my weapon in it and then like Misty stepped over to it as Jace pulled the sword out and then used that to kill him and that felt awesome that was so fun I don't do the groom Forge my favorite parts of Act 2 are tied up in the dark urge playthrough which I don't want to spoil oh sorry that's not even act two this I wrote the underdark yeah act two starts when you get uh the in uh yeah yeah the shadow cursed lands or whatever there's the Harper fight so Spencer and I kind of also did not do the mountain pass which I also feel like is act two but it kind of isn't I was it's because it's it's a crash yeah the good question I think is part of act one yeah yeah I agree and which sounds crazy because that's also something I would like to see in the future heavier boundaries of what is act one and act two yeah and sometimes you it says hey if you go around this point you might lose things Beyond it what things tell me what they are yeah because if they don't exist I don't want to scour them out so far it like what it what I've what I noticed is that act two in one kind of bleed into each other a little bit because when you're in act two you can still go back to act one yeah but when you go to three you can't go to another for sure which is crazy so it's it to me that's why I'm I'm like melding them together because I was still able to go back and I did things like I remember being in the shadow area and then going oh yeah the book and I went and I got the the book and then I can't go into the like Char place you can't go back that yeah the Char's Gauntlet yeah yeah yeah so um uh sorry yeah I I there's a lot of there's act two is pretty dense it's it's different it's not as dense as three but it's because it kind of melds into one I think yeah but oh my God the gauntlet of char is huge the fight with [ __ ] uh once this [ __ ] is crazy uh Balthazar uh no no I don't know uh Catholic uh yeah Catherine when he dies and becomes the [ __ ] yeah to talk about this with you so that is the moment I was like this game's [ __ ] crazy yes this is also the moment I've been strategically trying to shut people down on yeah for Mia yes because she she watched me play up to that point oh my God I fought him and then she got off and went to bed dude and then I play for another hour killed me come comes out I'm like dude it's the craziest [ __ ] thing I saw him I saw that giant skull coming out of the ground and I was like no [ __ ] way it's just Merkel I was like dude what JK Simmons is Catholic too he sounds awesome he's kind of a tragic story I love that I was almost try I tried to redeem him like that was [ __ ] fun his daughter ringing it was super cool awesome he um isn't that the guy who did but like that weird uh relationship between him his daughter and then the Night song Yes [ __ ] crazy the Night song I didn't okay okay played through I accidentally got Isabelle killed um and so I didn't know that they were Angel lesbians yes and I was so excited oh I was like this is fantastic it made a lot of sense once I saw why they didn't put ASMR as a Playboy race yeah yeah I was like oh it makes sense because they're they really ramped what they are yeah um yeah I like that she's like really big yeah um but uh yeah that whole scene with with Shadow heart um I talked to a lot of people about that because that whole decision right there is nuts yeah and um I was playing well I should say was I I did I just ended up a few times but I'll explain it later I played trying my best not to save scum um and uh I'll get it I'll get into why I'm saying trying in a minute but I I didn't save scum a lot and a lot of things happened that went away that I didn't think would go and that's kind of part of the fun of why I did it um but uh uh when I did that bit with Shadow heart I failed that like DC 30 persuasion check yeah to get her to stop and I was like oh well and I did it and um she throws the [ __ ] spear anyways even if you fail it I guess it depends on your relationship with her yeah if you have a high enough relationship with her if you fail the 30 check yeah there's another chance you have that's only dc21 which I didn't know and I spent like 45 [ __ ] minutes like reloading myself yeah damn it I love that though because for me I was like oh God she's not she's she's gonna she's gonna go evil she's gonna kill and and the night song's gonna be dead this is not gonna go well and then like in real time watching her decide to throw it I was like oh my this like I [ __ ] love this game it was so cool to see that because I didn't do a dice roll to do that it was just her decisions the story and the what we did and what I did and what she did in the game that led to that instead of just a dice roll that was awesome so [ __ ] Larry and you popped off and then she's like punching the ground and [ __ ] and it flies away it's the coolest cut scene ever and then they're they're they are lesbians they're Angel lesbians she Stomps on his [ __ ] head too she beats Catholic he's already dead but she [ __ ] wails on him good they're true Paladin well this isn't the third act but she has that scene with what's his name laroican yeah he like she like kills that guy and then she's like I feel like I lost something and I was like you broke your oath yeah that sucks yeah letter yeah oh yeah um I I I'll now I'll talk about it later so this is my big thing that happened in my act too hmm I first of all first of all love jihira um I I really really like to hear for a lot of reasons first of all I [ __ ] love the Harpers second of all um she she's she I I I don't know it's just something about all morning act three about why I really really like her but she like when I got to learn about her more because I didn't really play the first couple of games I don't know jihiro very well it's just like a character but I kept texting you I was like this is old uh Russian accent Ari yeah and uh she's she's very cool um and uh I like that later that was awesome um the last Light Fight went okay uh uh I I Shadow heart turned Undead those [ __ ] were gone and then me and will and Gail just smacked down that [ __ ] asimar guy or whatever he was and then Isabelle was fine I think did she gone in both of your games uh the first round the game glitched and only I was pulled in the combat my other parody were not and she went in she slipped on ice and then four people divided smart on the ground and killed her oh whoa and I was like well we're not we're not going through this one so I reloaded it this is epic like like all this stuff is going on she has 18 hit points gone and she's dead no like revived no I can't revive her that Fallout Tick Tock you sent me that yeah that's the only time and also and at that point I was like you're too fragile to go anywhere else you want to stay in the group because I saw I saw an alternate universe where you and were stabbed eight times and never came back oh god um did she I think you saved her in years right yeah she was fine yeah yeah I did save mine but I'd never let it go anymore yes I remember that fight because you were doing it you're like how this is really annoying and I went Shadow heart has turned on dead and then he went and then they were blasted it's so good oh my God whatever in my opinion a little too good then don't use it if you think it's too good then don't use it yeah I did actually stop using it anyways uh uh so I'm in that fight and I hear the oh did you know I wasn't sure you're saying oh okay uh I I just want to explain one thing which was that uh I'm in there and then I hear that little guy singing downstairs I'm like oh this is nice and I go down there guy singing There's a little guy who's on in a coma trying to sleep uh and halson knows who he is and um yeah that that happened before in a different area um and so I brought Halston over and he's like oh we got to do this thing and then we go to the portal and we do the fight and I was like okay let's do this we're hyped up we're ready to go um all those guys show up and they kept coming and they kept coming and the hallson died no no the holson I haven't seen halson for weeks yeah I have not but that [ __ ] I I look longingly at her screen and go I miss halson he's just he's he he's been dead since act two which is like he's the best romance that was the one the one I've seen the one time that I was like no I'm not letting this happen and I went back like two times and did the fight over and over again until you lived yeah cry so what happened in my game was the portal shut all the things died and my character was like holston's dead he's Beyond in the in the in the shadow fell Gail turns to me and he's like God you're so hot when you're when you're so bloody and sad and I'm like Gail shut the [ __ ] up dude and I'm like and I I was Romancing Liesel at the time and he's just like it's me or her and I was like Gail I love you dude but you the worst [ __ ] time currently mourning Tolson and I'm already sleeping with lizelle and he's like you are a cone of cold and I was like buddy you did this to yourself and then he just [ __ ] just you just he just never [ __ ] with me again after that and then we and then right after that Carlock was able to give me a hug so it was a very emotional game that time it was nuts I think it was right after the The Gauntlet of char with like everything with Shadow heart that's when he was like Hey and I was like no bud no you just killed Balthazar the we talked to Rafael right after that he had the little the little excavation point I was like oh what does Gail have to say about this he's like let's [ __ ] I was like no no it happened to me when I first got into the shadow Chris Lanes I went through the underdark so I came it out in that area too yeah where the there's like that group of Harpers yeah they all died yeah the whole group definitely hit one with a spell because I didn't realize and I mean I do I did I was with them yeah but then it's just so dark I I winged one and they died and I was like oh I think all of them lived except that guy who dies in the cuts and my group uh so all the Harpers died and I was like really under leveled for the area so we all almost died and we're at like five five HP at most and Gail is all of a sudden like Hey we're dying do you want to [ __ ] no I was like what no I love him so much for me yeah and I love how he so he tries to flirt with you by saying I read a book that that says that people get horny when they fight and I'm like what the [ __ ] are you talking um it doesn't have to do with a bit and act three but it it's about like attacking someone that's in your party oh um there's there's a bit where you fight that wizard guy in act three um I had Halston with me and I had him turn into a fire Elemental to fight the other Elementals that are in there and I kept shooting at him he's like this flicking mental it's annoying I've accidentally killed a star in that way uh the ending of act two was the it was the beginning of the end for my game unfortunately because that's when it glitched really fall apart because Holston then for about I don't know a couple hours in the game only had one dialogue he didn't say anything else and he got caught in this weird feedback loop where to be like hey we have to go save whatever that [ __ ] kid is I was like okay we saved him and then I talked to him again he goes we need to save that kid I'm like awesome you went to the portal came out oh my God no it's over and he's like we gotta save him and I was like okay I don't show my guy and then he and then my objective said go talk to house on the camp I go to camp we want to be at the camp so I had to go back to the moonwise towers and that's what he did he'd be there and he'd be like we have to save that kid I'm like dude you're [ __ ] yeah whatever happened to you I cannot do my party I can't do anything with you hope you're gonna the thing that happens in act three with Oren happened to him so I was like I don't know what's real anymore he for me on my first playthrough I didn't uh fix the shadow curse because I didn't know what the hell I was doing I didn't either Halston was dead yeah so like leave and it's like I didn't know I was supposed to find some kid because I didn't talk to him in Camp before I go when I got there and I was like oh yeah like he'll figure it out he'll talk to me at some point but he didn't have like an exclamation point so I never bothered to talk to him yeah and so he left my party after moonrise towers and he just like never showed back up again and I was like I think that happens Jack's game too yeah he just he just he didn't he didn't get Samuel uh no I don't or maybe Colton's game somebody else did this too yeah it we left the shadow cursed lands for Baldur's Gate and he like turns around at the end and he's like really sad we didn't do anything about the thing and he's like this is such a tragedy and then I never [ __ ] saw him again I was like okay well it's just we only have a little bit left but I want to say because we I skimmed over something I didn't want to come over blacketh is [ __ ] cool as [ __ ] yes the entire you think he crush is so [ __ ] cool uh I like it does show up if you don't go to the crash but agree that's good um because I killed everyone in it [ __ ] murdered him damn that is some of the best salute Lysol has for a long time and she is always cleaning my game we're gonna do it the only reason I got together was because I had shot a heart but I thought I was all into a champion fighter but I also make her an Archer and I put all my special arrows on her and she just kills every [ __ ] people's special arrows I I didn't really have her much because I was playing a fighter yeah next time for sure at the end I was able to have like three people in plate mail and then Gail it was like AC 10. I had AC 20s across the board and him like going I'm wearing paper yeah I I couldn't decide who I wanted in my group because I love all of them so much that I had like team a and Team B and I switched them out every time so every time I long rested it's like all right next team and I just kept them all around last thing for act two that I do want to bring up which important is when you're in Moonrise there's the possibility you can save zevolor and you can you can get mizora and you can get some progression with Will no did you did you do that so again my game broke right I was only a evil savings War the other person was somewhere but my my Waypoint broke and I wanted to go through a wall that's weird what the [ __ ] it pointed to a room that I don't know mine didn't even give it to me I just found him and I was just like oh you're just in here I I think I don't know that it does give you a point on the map I'm sorry I just realized who we're talking about yeah no that I didn't know he was even captured I didn't either did you find the people the people down there he didn't say who I was like yeah there's no one down here what are you talking about I was talking crazy I was talking about the gnome that got kidnapped like I never did The Gnome thing I found out about that later on like when I was looking something up I was like oh I didn't even [ __ ] around some cool [ __ ] damn it but I got to that point where I could try and save him and he just the Waypoint told me to go outside and I went outside and then they're like you can't go back and I was like well he's in there somewhere yeah but I only get mizor got it yeah I um some that's that's funny that you didn't hear about it because in my opinion um the same thing with halson and Daniel they wouldn't shut the [ __ ] up about it every tiefling was like zevolor zevlore zevolar I'm like I'm gonna [ __ ] find him just give me a second and then Holston every time I talk to him anytime he's in a situation he's like we have to find Daniel hey I know we're doing something right now but we really need to find Daniel and I'm like you got it bro if I ever see anybody named [ __ ] fanuel we will get him and then he was there and I was like there he is that was the one dialogue that he kept saying it was that line it was Daniel yeah he got ready bro you got broken he never said anything again did you find Missouri the first time no because I never even picked up will so I just like yeah but the second time I did and mizora was so grateful she tried to [ __ ] me in act three and I did anyway and I did uh the um uh I think it's really cool that's that scene made me feel cool for being really into devil or because um I wasn't saves coming and I got there and I was like she's in a pod and it's like you can kill her you can free her and I was like this is a material plan she can't die no yeah yeah yeah but it was cool that I like got to use some of my medicine which I was like all right you get out and then he got a cool sword and [ __ ] will had that had a goddamn cambion in in the in the Merkel fight and that can be on what what's awesome too but but they act where you did we get the emperor reveal too not yet act three is that three yeah okay um [Music] this little boy he's the other half a thing he's the other half of Daniel oh [ __ ] no maybe that's what Cosmo's saying oh yeah you have to go you have to go you gotta go get this little kid and then you have to reunite yeah I found him first me too and he he wants to play hide and seek with you and you play hide and seek with him and it's really it's really cool and I hope you find it next time but and then they were like we gotta go find the other half of him and I was like I think I already know where he is yeah so I helped him yeah and then also him went back to camp and he was both one person next to each other yeah holston's saying we need to find him we're like and I was like dude I don't want to help he's right here yeah last thing about act two that [ __ ] dreider is awesome oh that's right are so cool I was I was mad I didn't I was pissed off because I played through my first like my gold dragon ball all the way up to that point then I restarted um for some reason I can't remember what um and I'm upset I did not keep the lantern the lantern I should have kept it the entire way [ __ ] that pixie I don't care yeah that's right I was afraid that I was gonna lose it and I was like I need this so because into act three that pixie was in there just like you munching [ __ ] and I was like I I give it to Shadow heart it was so [ __ ] cool looking to this massive shield in that [ __ ] thing and I was like oh this is the hardest thing I've ever seen I let that pixie go Baldur's game I was like goodbye and then it's like here's a blessing and I was like [ __ ] I didn't know I just get it but the dreider should be [ __ ] yeah there's a lot of things that should be [ __ ] why are you not no no so this is act one why don't have a goblin model there's 80 billion goblins we can't have one character model they clearly all the choices exist yeah yeah can't be a goblin no can't [ __ ] a goblin can't [ __ ] the dreider I mean I understand why that driver has issues that's true yeah act three so act three is a [ __ ] doozy so um uh actually give me two seconds really quick x-ray is the one I have the most to say about because there's a lot of Darker spoilers there's a ton of [ __ ] that comes up from Act One into act three which is nuts no I think the the dreider in act one if you go down into that little spider well they do yes I was like I told I remember telling you I think there's gonna be a writer I love dreiders that's been awesome so um I'm just going to get into it kind of like set the set the set the scene here because act three can go a number of different ways um and so beginning of it you know you've got that fight with those GIF that show up with the I guess are I I think um but yeah and uh in the astral prism and you find out who the emperor is is that your guardian is actually a [ __ ] mind flare um and I Pentacles uh yeah yeah and I just want to say I love the emperor I think the emperor is one there's I have a cup I have a little bit of beef with him about one thing but I love the emperor and in the moment I was playing it I was like this this guy's really cool his little backstory that he gets where he's like [ __ ] hopping through the the the the the uh the streets of Baldur's Gate and you you see like little cuts and I was like this guy's awesome and there's so many dialogue options just to like be a [ __ ] to him and I was like I gotta scroll down to be nice and he's like thank you for being open-minded and I was like no problem my guy you are just a dude who is very clearly like a victim of this situation here you are just like me and it's just funny to me because I can see the writers the developers being like most people are going to hate this guy and I was like not me I love him that's probably my biggest gripe and it could because my game fell apart but I think that's my biggest [ __ ] gripe with that is that they say he's really likable but then what happens in my game says otherwise and then my character gets doomed because of this why so we'll talk about it for sure I spent a ton of time and I got [ __ ] shafted in every aspect because of the stuff I did what the [ __ ] that's nuts we'll see okay well we'll talk about it but I also I also agree and I also did every [ __ ] option I was like hell yeah I'm [ __ ] down for him he's [ __ ] cool I I create this really cool Dynamic rolls like when you get his outfit his two battles are you wearing that [ __ ] uh uh catholic's [ __ ] Armor and I'm like oh [ __ ] at that point I had so many tablets I could fly around yeah oh dude I was [ __ ] did you I was killing myself is he dead the emperor no no did you did it so Spencer did not become part with it but I definitely did I did I did not and it was very funny because Jace took that he was like become and he ate it and he was like you okay I should have clarified yeah yeah but it was very funny I was like that was the most J [ __ ] ever it could be a really cool interaction between because I was also I'm and still was uh Romancing myself so I had this weird dynamic between the three of us between the emperor him and yeah uh uh my character and then myself pretty cool did you park a lithon no I didn't because my character was hot and I didn't want him to be like weird looking yeah no you don't you look awesome it's cool but it's just not I did I saw what I looked like and I was like no no I couldn't towards the start of it I think it there's like a level of attractiveness that it adds but as you get further into it you're just like beat up you look awesome you look like the emperor was really nice Hill because my eyes glitched and they didn't look any different oh all right I know oh I look like I got punched in both eyes and that was it I took black lines in my face I got tired of trying to do that was it like a DC 30 wisdom save to like not become part of lipid yeah I got tired of trying to Safe scum that stupid roll so I just stomped on it next time and I didn't realize that wouldn't work he was like he's like that's such a waste what have you done that's so funny oh my God I love the amount of options they give you for stuff like that it's very cool yeah when you're getting that point it's like seven there's so many cool options so uh this is where my biggest criticism of the game comes from and I'm gonna talk a little more about it in like a video that I want to make but my biggest thing about the game because I love it it's very good but um on a first time experience because we were all kind of playing at the same time yeah um you know the full Arcane arcade crew you know we're we're all going yeah one person wasn't yeah really um and uh uh my biggest issue is the first time you get to act three it's very overwhelming yeah and the game in my opinion does not do a very good job of introducing you into it because from going from act one to act two is very seamless you have one bully of One Direction and it kind of it kind of gives you a little Harper cut scene at first or whichever way you go and uh you kind of get led into the next part of the story which works act three starts and you have this really cool reveal and then your next goal is not clear it is spread it's basically like kill the bad guys which is like me being a gamer looks at that and goes I don't want to do that yet I just got to the city like but then the game decides to double down on that and like makes you every character tells you to hurry up the game tells you hurry up and then creates little like earthquake cut scenes to go why aren't you doing the main quest and it's like what the [ __ ] is going on and the reality is is you don't have to do that you do you when you get to act three you should not be gunning for end game you should you should slow down and you should you should it's a maze and you turn right and you hold your hand out to the wall on your right and you just [ __ ] go through the whole thing that's how you do act three or you just whatever you stumble across you do that first ignore the game telling you get to the end because it's it's overwhelming it's ridiculous and in my opinion um it did it I made me feel this way it definitely made Spencer feel this way and Jack some other people that I've seen they get to act three and they go oh and then they restart because it's kind of overwhelming I I took it I took like two days off I also did yeah I did too yeah I had the opposite experience I got to act three and I was like the city you can do all kinds of [ __ ] in the city the first the very first thing I do every time I get to the city is I go off to the right and I find the little barn and I talk to the stranger threatens me and just me like piles of corpses and I'm like and I just started my new playthrough and they're in the camp and I'm like he's in he's in a [ __ ] he's in Every Act yeah I try my house to get him there yeah I show up and my car is like oh that Ox again and he's not there oh what happened you [ __ ] model didn't load yeah or he was in the [ __ ] wall it's like one of those things where your character makes a reception check like where what are you trying to show me oh yeah that happened to me when I opened that thing I was like oh that oxygen and I'm like I know you're supposed to be here where the [ __ ] are you that is that's one of them are you this big about the perception checks because sometimes there's like that little beam of light it needs to be it needs to be brighter outside we need to take the camera from me and put it over here yeah um yeah yeah I don't want the [ __ ] yeah yes because the the character passed the perception check but I didn't know player did not yeah exactly exactly that's that's cool because I felt felt the same way when I got there but I had this feeling of like there's a lot to do here I'm gonna pushed past it was just like I'm gonna take things one at a time and I'm gonna I had it it was annoying to me that I had to like meta game a little bit and go I'm not gonna go for the ending right now I'm gonna explore even though the game's telling me to do that I kind of have to stop and that's what made me feel bad about it but I I had a good time I got to that Carnival and I was like this is awesome yeah and then that [ __ ] Afridi I I made a fart sound and he sent me to chill and I was like 10 out of 10. this game's [ __ ] a 10 out of 10. I love this game so much um and then I did the clown makeup and I got really excited because I was like now I'm in the city now I can like dress everyone up yes so the very next thing I did after after the ox after the clowns I went to find the [ __ ] clothing store and then I dressed everyone up and I was like this is awesome there's all the clothes deleted from your game like what happened no but I did do the carnival before the big fight and all we're stuck with clown makeup on that happened to me too the whole game I got I took another brain and all I got clown makeup in hallston Missouri and anytime the ground shaked I was like I could feel the wheels come out the wagon I was like this game I need to finish it tonight can you not remove it it's a it's a known glitch because I had to look it up it happened to me too that sometimes probably got every glitch I intentionally didn't [ __ ] with it because I was like I'm not doing it and then I was like leave my [ __ ] because I was that was right before I did gortash I was like I finished Oren I was like these [ __ ] deserve a carnival I went and did it stole the makeup on it was funny because Carla killed gortash with the makeup on that's awesome but then I went to the Elder brain and they still had it on and I was like having a life crisis the clown Emoji sorry mizel's looking at [ __ ] prince it's clown makeup and I'm like [ __ ] man I'm sorry I'm sorry I got mine pretty pretty fast like I fixed it pretty quickly but it's supposed to come off on a long rest and it didn't and that night I got Houston's romance scene and it came off for my character but it didn't come off and he was going down he was wearing the clown makeup in Bear form this is the this is the corpses being hard all over yeah that's so great that is so funny and then I had to I wanted to see both scenes so I reloaded the safe so that I could do like I could do them not in Bear form and he was worse because so he like gets down on his knees and he looks at me he's wearing clown makeup and I'm like he told me he was he was not he was he was nuts to see the hallsome sexing because he just looked over at your computer and and also just doing this my wife's like come here I'm like okay and I took on current he's like you can't show me this holy [ __ ] this is on the Lord's Day on a Sunday did you uh also in act three did you know that you if you romance a starian and halson you can take them into the brothel after after you do Paulson's or after you do historians Quest yes you can tap them into the brothel and then you can you can [ __ ] the drow Twins and there you go there's five of them that's awesome because it's great to be broken and worse so I couldn't do that because the game registered that I had romanced both of them yeah I just did not get any of wholesome scenes I don't know if there was just like a like a weird bug or something but yeah yes I go to the bridge I uh uh well I did a bunch of other stuff I got like the metal and the and I found Gail's cat and I talked to pigeons that was fun um there's there's pigeons that uh there's a mail Quest and they're getting a they're getting killed and you have to find out why and I had to hear speak with animals on them and they're like they're like Rank and file soldiers and it's very funny they're like we're having soldiers die out there on the battlefield and then you find it and it's it's Gail's tressem whose name is Tara and uh and Gail's like oh oh he's killing those pigeons and yeah it's very funny you can find Gail's cat yeah oh my god um and then uh uh I go to the bridge the steel Watcher it is an [ __ ] I get thrown in prison I do I took me all of like three hours I did I didn't know you could talk to that skull there's a skull apparently I hope to get out yeah I just I just did it I just like fought everybody and got out I saved the lady that's in there um and then got out of there and then as soon as you get out and you're in worms Crossing nobody's aggro down here anymore you're just like oh you're fine so I just got thrown in prison I walk out the door and everybody's like hey gortash wants to talk to you so I just turn and go up the stairs and he's like hey and I was like bro you just put me in prison [ __ ] I still got my chains like what's going on I'm Gonna Save A lot of people and tell you that there is an invitation to the coronation in the brothel on the top floor in the nymphs quarters if you go in there and you sneak next to the the spa or whatever the [ __ ] it is there's there's an invitation you steal it and then you can just walk across the bridge really nice I think getting into Remington not Remington that worms Crossing is where I've sequence broke the game because I was like I didn't want to go jail yeah I don't want to [ __ ] fight this thing yeah so you can go down the edge on like the riverbank oh yeah and you can make a jump into it and I got in there started talking to people jumped back out went to the temple where the flying uh where that [ __ ] thing is yeah the Holly phone is did that whole Quest then got the invitation to be the detective jumped back in and then I was like I'm supposed to be here I think something about that busted the whole area the game pauses because it's like you're supposed to be in jail I was like not supposed to be here the game's like suspend the CEO breaks through the screen it's just like dude what are you doing you were not supposed to do I thought it was the whole point I was like also to sneak in and I snuck in like you're not supposed to be anything yeah I didn't I didn't even sneak in they put me in jail and I was like I was going to jail you're allowed to be here by telling her that I would make a donation to the orphans fund or whatever and she's like okay yeah why don't you move along now orange showing up as that succeeded that and then the thing was like you're going to jail and I'm like [ __ ] you Oren can also be someone in the carnival yeah like the nymph yeah I didn't know that and it's sometimes you can get them both yeah I got both I got her and then I walked down the road a little bit and the journalist was like Hey and I was like why are you talking to me against the same day uh so I um anyways the blacksmith oh she's the blacksmith yeah I hit every [ __ ] one of her wow I only I only got the journalist like I got that the blacksmith that person at the carnival and another time somewhere else finding Warren I accidentally walked into her Lair but it's lizelle who's like hey there's an enemy back here you gotta run and I'm like huh and it's like actually I'm Oren and lizelle's gone oh yeah I was like oh [ __ ] I guess I'll side with you so I've sided with both and I'm like cool time to do every side quest known to man um in which uh Minsk is just hidden in a corner which is nuts yeah like I was so surprised that he was just like he's he's hard to find yeah it's pretty crazy uh for not only being Matthew Mercer but being like an iconic character there's just it's just interesting Oren is super interesting is dark urge and I can't tell you why but that's cool there is there is so much she's she's one of the main like people in act three if you're dark urge and I really want to say it but I I will not say it and find out it's so interesting I I originally like I was I told gortash I was like yeah bro like I'll do whatever so you don't arrest me or whatever and then Orange shows up and she's like well actually if you slay him then we can be besties and I'm like yes the sewers were also a really big bad hot spot for me when you go in to do a starion's thing and you can save all the kids yeah and they go in the ground you can find the hunter with his kids I had lythanders thing on the dismiss and it blinded both of his kids because it has the aura that blinds on dead blinded both of his kids he turned to me and was like a guard and then the model became a like as if he was a guard of Baldur's Gate yeah and was like you've done something wrong you're gonna find your way out of it so I tried to bribe him I'm blinding his kids yeah and then I couldn't talk to him again the game does that whatever so it's not when I fast travel to the [ __ ] suicide to take off the light of light thunder switch it to another blade and then walk past his key it's not blind both of his children and then he's pissed off about know what these kids are I have no idea what this is the kids that are in the the um he kidnaps a bunch of girl kids and didn't know that um that's cool okay there's a big thing I want to get to which is um uh there's so much about actor I want to talk about but there's big things I want to talk about with you guys which is what we literally talked about the very beginning of this podcast which is that it um first of all the Iron Throne did you guys go there I don't know the underwater what oh yes I did I don't know underwater prison yeah you can save every oh my God yes and Will's dad is in there yeah yes so there's an under so I get to I go down there I first I did the the umbrella Quest that leads you there I didn't go into the submarine I was like I'm not doing that I'll come back to it Jacob's like he should go down there so I do go down there gortash is like hey I'm gonna kill everyone in here I'm gonna blow this up I go down there I save a bunch of people and then I get out and Jacob's like did you find Will's dad I was like no he wasn't on there you talking about he's like the Mind flayer guys have also down there did you save him and I was like no he wasn't down there I didn't see him so I re I'd reset the save I go down there I look in every room I find the Mind player this time but I don't find Will's dad so I'm like not gonna I'm not gonna do this like I'm just gonna get out and then I find out that if you don't talk to gortash First coronation if you don't go to the coronation which I didn't do because I thought that that was like I'm gonna go fight him I don't want to do that yeah it's very close it's pretty close like act three the issue with the iron throne for me as well I had to look up what to do next because when I first went there gortash was like I'm gonna kill everybody down here I was like okay so don't go down here yeah I didn't know it didn't turn into a sequence where you have to save everyone yeah so it was really cool I was constantly like the game is like you're about to do something insane and I'm like okay I won't do it sorry but I found out if I I looked it up because like maybe it's a bug maybe he's just not down here if you don't talk to gortash he doesn't send him down to the iron throne and then if you do the iron phone first he just kills him and then if you if you do that uh Missouri's like I can bring him back but you're mine forever and I was like I don't want to do that so I went back a third time when Dr gortash Carlock was like I'm gonna kill you and I was like come on no don't do this we're in a room with 50 people there's like a roll I failed it she runs up on him she gets bam teleported to prison and I was like where is she like where did she go I talked to him the coronation happened and I was like okay maybe if I leave the room she'll come back no she's down in the jail cell and I was like so [ __ ] correct okay I have to do this all over again luckily that happened though because I found that lady that's down there and also all of Shadow heart stuff was still in that chest and I don't know how it happened I thought I just lost like the spear and stuff that she has it was just in your prison so yeah she had all like her armor and stuff it's just like her weapons were still in there and there was like a weird bug where like the spear that she gets which was just gone for people I was like maybe that happened to me it's unfortunate that happened because the Iron Throne combat is my favorite like the whole game it's very cool it's super fun I have a whole thing I do it three times um I did break Missouri's contact with Will and then when that happens that means that she's gonna kill ravengard Raven guard so I went down there and we saved him anyways which is fun I had to do like three times but get him out and then when that happens he's like hey uh a wonderful moment between him and will love it but then he's like there's a dragon that you can go find that can protect the city oh that's cool so then uh that's why okay so then you get the quest to go do it there's like a secret entrance you go and you find it there's these really cool puzzles you have to do where bouldering the statue of baldrans like prove your might as a hero and you have to do [ __ ] Harry Potter chess and uh all these little trials they're very good no there's one with paintings that's really cool I love it then you go into a room and he's dead the dragon's dead yeah the dragon uh then has a bit of light come from his eyes you fall over backwards your eyes are like exploding with light and uh he's talking like through you and it's just like he's like you're you're this thing's thrall and you've come to kill me again and I was like what and you find out that answer was killed by baldrin baldrin is the Emperor oh Baldwin the founder of Baldur's Gate yes yes is the emperor be what left on his boat came back and was like I want to lead a normal life when to moonrise became a mind flare and he bald [ __ ] you open the game and you see that statue it's him the whole time and I lost my [ __ ] I was like no [ __ ] way this is crazy unfortunately that makes me more angry about what happened on my game oh yeah because that is so cool that pisses me off I didn't get that either because I I didn't save Will's dad in time and then I was like I mean I sacrificed him anyway like to to Missouri I was like yeah let will out of his packs so I was like I figured that he didn't really matter that much so I just kind of let him die and I was like yeah whatever so what happened what the [ __ ] happened so I don't know are we ready to talk about the endings uh yeah because I feel like I think mine was good because the wheels start falling off two weird bugs that I want to talk about when I fought gortash he kept saying the same line over and over again every time I'd hit him he'd just say the same line over and over again he looked goofy his fight's kind of lame yeah um I had to do gortash's fight two different ways the first time I went I just tried to um just to just like what is the word I'm looking for it's like it's like when you like Ram your head against something to Brute Force I just tried to brute force it by going through and it was it was it was fun because there's ramparts in the back of the castle where you can like jump up and that was super fun but by the time I got to him we we were so low on stuff that we just died but I did enjoy getting to him so instead I went to the bridge I had you do this too because there's a method I just had us all cast fly and we just flew up and then we fought him but yeah I do need to talk okay yeah can I talk about this weird bug okay um after I did the fight with Flora again the the Wizard guy um Dame aylin just never showed back up same she's your banished also her and um what's her her partner's name uh Isabelle Isabelle once the two fights that they did were the one where you're in the inn and then later when you get her they never healed back up even though there were several long rests like she was aylin was permanently stuck at like 20 Health yeah so I went into that fight with um with the wizard and she just kept dying over and over again what um so like it it was kind of lame because she instantly got killed by like a lightning bolt yeah and so I was like okay well I know you're Immortal you're gonna come back um uh I died I came back the next save she she she made it longer um once the um the fight was over she comes back and she like she like has like this like conversation with you and she's like okay I feel different I'm gonna have a night and then I'll come back but she never did and I was like I didn't even have it she didn't explain that she's who she's had she felt different and then she never came back to Camp yeah there's dialogue oh there's dialogue you're supposed to have with the two of them when when you first get to Baldur's Gate that says that they're going to go look for the Temple of soluna like in the in Baldur's Gate yeah and they go off afterwards to go talk to all them and that's why they don't return that makes me so funny but it was just her gone Isabelle came back like I could talk to her and she she talked like she had had conversations with with aylin but she was never back this was the exact same thing that happened in my game she went to fight Laura can felt bad never sorry and then Isabel was permanently at like 13 health and she didn't even tell me about anything about this the nights after that or the the the Shar people whatever it was I couldn't I couldn't further uh share Hearts thing because they have an argument she comes back and then I have uh laurican and she's like hey babe I just found out some information and then those two have a conversation about I want to go deal with the world okay that happened um and she's like don't you know I don't have that yeah and then she goes I'm gonna do it she leaves okay I'll come back and deal with the shadow heart thing after I go deal with Morgan I do that she never comes back and then uh Isabel's there and she doesn't further the shadow heart line yeah she didn't tell me where it's at yeah yeah yeah I mean I could have looked it up probably and just found it yeah but I didn't know what direction to go after that because she just didn't say anything yeah and our partner never showed it back up either I didn't know where to go for Shadow Hearts thing because the quest just said look for refugees and I was like uh I talked to a refugee I found I ended up finding it and then then we did it anyways but yeah it was weird um he there's some random dude that's like the opposite in the the strange Ox yeah you have to lock down a specific path and so you don't even have to like click on them they come up to you and they're like I know who you are no they're mad at you basically when you walk past the dudes like Shadow heart and I was like oh oh I didn't have anything you know us so I maybe if you didn't have her in your party she's she's permanent that's the worst part yeah I will say though I'm gonna complain a lot still 10 out of 10. it gets [ __ ] amazing I know this is I know I could feel the game Gear Up and fall apart this isn't on them I'll I'll come back and play through the guys oh but I want to make sure because when we get into it I'm gonna say a lot of really bad things for it because it did fall apart I still think it was amazing and I can't play again oh yeah because I don't want this to be like should you buy or not buy the [ __ ] game it's amazing it's incredible by the time you even get to the third act it'll be fixed yeah my game really fell apart yeah there was a lot there's been there's two full patches and like like four hot fixes that fix a lot of this stuff and they're still rolling them out I think a lot of what I might probably store because I either I got in a weird spot that didn't work retroactively yeah my games was busted from the dinner I had a weird bug the weirdest bug I had which with nothing compared to this and the Dave malen thing was that the armor I was wearing had it's like that really cool one you can get from Diamond where it's like super expensive um but there's these pieces right here that just stick out it's just like it and it doesn't it doesn't follow geometry because if you if he turns if he's looking at the camera can't see it but there's but then when he turns there's these two pieces of metal that stick out from his nipples and I'm like what the [ __ ] I had you on T armor that snake scaled arms would do this yeah and then come back up and they would Breathe almost the entire game would elongate off my body and then come back up and fix it it's very strange you guys wanted to talk about the House of Hope um so well what did you guys just talk about David aylin never coming back to Camp yeah she came to the final fight she was there it just like so um Raphael is like one of my favorite characters in in like every in all of it I love he's great um and uh he's he's great villain he's very cool every I [ __ ] love the nine Hells I love Devils they're very cool House of Hope was awesome yeah I got there and I did I have to look it up because I I did not accept his deal at first and I didn't see lizelle for a while because she was gone and I didn't want to go to Oren because I thought I'd go into end game so then I went and got her and Nick so after after I after ball fight I fight the dragon and after I've done like everything I've disabled the steel watch I fought gortash and I'm like I have nothing left to do then she's like hey we should go free Orpheus and I was like I don't really want to betray the emperor but this is the point when I started to feel a little meh not meh about the emperor but I wasn't like I love this guy like the whole like like I was because I realized that he had like betrayed an answer a little bit and then I did a little more research and apparently answers sort of betrayed him where he I guess they were lovers and then he saw him turning a lipid and then decided to kill him and I was like okay I guess he kind of got the short end of the stick there but there was a way he interacted with me at one point where he was like count being very forceful and I was like come on dude like it was there's I have this issue with some characters in ttrpgs sometimes not even TDR produces RPGs in general that are like hey you need to give me your trust you need to give me your trust please give me your trust and then you give them your trust the whole time and then there's one point where you where where maybe you question them or you're just like can you explain this and they're like wow do I not have your trust and it's like what the [ __ ] dude now you need to give me trust what the [ __ ] so that that was there was like one situation that happened so I was a little like um exam for a little bit and then I looked up I was like is there a way that you can like do lizelle's thing without like making the emperor hate you and um then there was like well you can go get the orific hammer from Raphael I was like I want to make a deal with Raphael they're like oh then you can go heisting yeah what and so that was what did you do what did you do well how did you do because I also [ __ ] that Incubus okay okay yes on okay everybody's like so Jace and I was like I had to get the things so I had to [ __ ] for a purpose I I actually made the deal with Raphael because I was like well I don't want the crown and I don't want Gail to have the crown so I was like pop off King get your crown like it couldn't he he already kind of like [ __ ] some [ __ ] up with putting the orb in his body and I was like that was a bad choice my guy I don't really trust you with this so we all make mistakes so I was like and I don't I can't be [ __ ] bothered so I made the deal with Raphael and I got the hammer but then I found out I was on Twitter and I found out that somebody else had gone to the House of Hope and then they posted a screenshot that made it look like you could [ __ ] Raphael yeah so I was like yes and I run to the the house of hope it turns out to be an incubus which actually I did not mind at all and that was very cool that was most of the reason why I even went there the whole House of Hope was probably one of my I was just pure Euphoria dude you're missing out all of that's very cool and then I'm sorry you get to the end [ __ ] like singing in the final fight he sings his own boss he sings his boss music it's so cool and they're like Echoes and [ __ ] down down came the claws it's like what he said to you at the very beginning of the game yeah it was really cool my only complaint was that I didn't really know what the [ __ ] I was doing uh which is uh skill issue but okay I I tried to escape that [ __ ] like Fireball that rolls around the house and I got lost and so my party was like basically dead by the time we got to the end and I thought we were gonna escape and then Raphael shows up and I was like I instantly died same thing happened to me and uh I didn't instantly die though I thought I was supposed to fight everything on the way out and I was like I could just run by the time I got the last room I finally realized I could run so I ran all the way out there and I was just like oh Christ but then I was able to convince the ortho yeah to fight for me and that was cool because he just kills his the the girl that helps him yeah um and then he ended up dying so they're both gone and then there's a bunch of cambions we finish them off and then will Austin Soul like three of us were dead and I was like ah God and what I what I always do is I play the first time I do a combat I play it all the way to the end because I've had times where like one person lived and I was like okay that's fine so I play I was playing all the way through and I was like I don't think I can win this and then I got to I got to Hope and I was like she has to find intervention yeah in that moment she had divine intervention gave every revived everybody and gave them all a long rest clapped his ass it was awesome it was awesome you should totally do it because it's crazy it is so cool I accidentally got her killed before we even reached she's so cool yeah she she got the death blow on Raphael this is very cool it was very cool so cool I think Carlock got it for me but that's also very cool that's very awesome I took Carlock will and um lays out I will say of all the things in the act three that didn't [ __ ] up how's Hope on purpose yeah and it's I just didn't fall apart at all everything was perfect it was good I I yeah it's such a great part of the game um he I liked how hard he was like 600 his health is 666. yeah so funny if you romance a starian he has some really interesting dialogue about the incubus also because a lot of a main theme of his backstory is like non-consent issues yeah and so he has he's got some stuff to say about that which honestly that alone I think is worth doing the whole thing yeah that was the time that was the last thing I did before I did endgame so I did that and then I I went to the Netherlands so um uh and then I ended up not breaking Orpheus free even though I did do all that to get the orphan camera but anyways I wanna I wanna get into end game and I uh I'll do mine last because I was really happy with mine and we can end it on that but I want to hear like your guys's kind of first but um so so what was wrong with your mind mine's kind of a stinker so maybe I should probably go first too um gortash I got there Car Lot charged him and I was like okay we'll kill him now I don't care we'll [ __ ] end him yeah um all the bombs came out all the steel Watchers were there Todds are my God tons of red red radius things yeah yeah it was okay because my part was super mobile that time I could fly unless I could fly because she had these get Yankee like boots everyone could usually would move around pretty good yeah but every time an explosion would happen the game would kind of seize up a little bit and then gortash just those [ __ ] bombs everywhere I was able to kill him but my character got caught in this weird like backflip animation and I couldn't get off it so so I was like spam clicking another character once I got to liezel I could back up and then because Auto grouping my character would like glitch out of them yeah okay but they were caught in like rolling for initiative while back flipping and then I was able to pull them away finally and I was like okay gortash is dead we did it winner let's go to another brand right right um before that went to do or the orfit camera the entire time I'm siding what the [ __ ] with the emperor me and him are super chill I'm like I'm gonna become a [ __ ] elephant I think it's super [ __ ] cool and he's like dude we have a couple options I can eat [ __ ] Orpheus one of you [ __ ] in torn toward any Orpheus or we need to find a way to deal with this [ __ ] brain yeah and it seems pretty clear that if someone makes a sacrifice to become an illithid with the stones they can defeat or stand a chance to defeat the [ __ ] nether brain yeah so I'm like okay I'm also I'm also Romancing myself and the entire time they're like the dude's not that bad he I don't even know who's balder but if he's balder he wants to have a city he wants to do all this [ __ ] he has a huge line of being independent as an illith yeah doing all this other cool [ __ ] yeah and he's not and most of his actions that are negative are always blamed on the fact that it was a brain controlling his actions yeah so that you can totally be I don't say a good illithib because I was a note breaker so I had to be good yeah yeah you could be independent and different yes I'm like I'm not gonna Doom Orpheus I'm gonna side with my love interest and I want you there I free him uh the emperor turns on me well [ __ ] you joins the brain there's a whole heel turn yep and when you're fighting on top of the another brain he shows up to fight me yeah okay so at that point I become wait wait wait wait wait wait wait sorry I I back up a little bit so so did you want to become in a lithid or were you just because so the optional I had I was like I brought the orpha camera I'm gonna free this [ __ ] right and the emperor's like well you can't it's now become another brand it's way more powerful we thought originally because I think that's after the point where you have to save 30 40 into 99 because he's like it's way too [ __ ] powerful the only way we can do this is if I [ __ ] kill Orpheus or one of you make a sacrifice yeah and I was like I'll do it I'm only happy with it so did you become Fuller with it yes and then and then you free Dorothy or if yes he the emperor turns on us and says [ __ ] you then if you're not with me I'll join The Winning Side yeah and joins the Netherlands I was like that [ __ ] sucks that does suck and I go into the fight and it's a huge cool fight yeah right there's tons of animals you have all the dudes you can call in yeah I don't call them until I get on top of another brain I cut these really cool fights I'm not full Illustrated I get tons of attacks I can [ __ ] Zoom around that's so super cool I go into the barracks well all your allies are supposed to be there yeah no one's [ __ ] there I have some random faceless flaming fist [ __ ] yeah that kid mole or whatever okay and some other [ __ ] randos okay no one's else nobody else not even the party I brought with me up the stairs are there is it because you're a lift I don't know I mean people will like people there was a lot of interaction as you all said but my games didn't have any my allies show up my game also at that point in the gain allies says the big first one says I say the shout out I shave whatever halston's on my side yeah after Oren kidnaps him it says halls with my party and will not help you in the final fight no one's even in the barracks and I'm like that kind of [ __ ] takes the wind out of my sails but I want to [ __ ] do it I get up on the nether brain and I'm like you and me [ __ ] Emperor you betraying piece of [ __ ] where the [ __ ] do it cool fight he shows up on a [ __ ] Dragon maybe the red dragon that you're supposed to help yeah I'm like I saved every [ __ ] Dragon slang arrow for this [ __ ] my selfish action Sergeant just kills him before he even gets a turn super cool and I'm like now I'm gonna pull my all my allies uh the lady finally shows up the azamar yeah gets dominated never stops being dominated yeah he drops concentration on her she stays red and she doesn't move the entire phone oh my God I call in the bald Aarons uh the the guard and the [ __ ] gar Hunters yeah they both get dominated and they just T pose and don't move again sorry what the [ __ ] and my [ __ ] care Shadow heart I have my parties useless yeah because Orpheus has 80 hit points and it's just getting Wombo comboed by [ __ ] he's just like dead and then gets back up and then dead and gets back up Shadow her kids getting grappled by these things yeah Will is [ __ ] open the entire time he's slamming people I'm spell Scrolls um I have to just zoom up into the the bridge I do the whole thing and then I finally get to the end and then Lysol goes you're a [ __ ] Menace you're a beast I want to be with you I love you but you cross the line was too far you can't be your soul is illicit now but the entire time the game is like you can be more than that elephants aren't all soulless creatures yeah oh no you are you're a worthless creature you can't do anything she's like I have to go live with Orpheus I kind of knew that was gonna happen because I was like but you know what that's kind of a cool story too Gil's like I'm doing that thing good luck on your journey and I'm like okay Shadow heart doesn't talk once in my cutscene she's not even there I did the whole [ __ ] thing with they should not have your present a Starion goes wasn't that something he starts to burn he's like [ __ ] and he scurries away I've never seen him again will says more things to at my ending ceremony than three characters I played the whole [ __ ] game with and I didn't touch him once he said the nicest [ __ ] he's like Polson who knows no [ __ ] clue and then I get dumped and then the final cutscene has the nerd oh oh Carlock also Burns in the flame on the dog I'm an elephant I turn and the game's like you're a soulless illithib now you will constantly hunger for brains but maybe you'll be different and then it goes to hard cut scene and I'm like whoa okay I would have not done this yeah is there no because the game feels like it gives me an out to go dude like Emperor you've given me all this power let me watch over myself now yeah I'll get us there and he turns and I'm like well that [ __ ] sucks and I'm like sorry there's still hope for me to be an ill said oh this is a path of no return she gave me eight million [ __ ] cut uh uh check windows before I'm going act two to act three but you don't give me a check window that I might ruin all my relationships I'm gonna become an ill effect I have a theory about that and it that sucks story wise but I think I know why it happens because I'm sitting here being like why would they do that like they built a the first thing I don't have an explanation for I think is dumb is that they're like you're so let's lift it now like that's stupid I mean that gives you they give you a d d answer did they say that but then they go hmm yeah and I understand that but but it sucks because it like is there no answer because my girlfriend just dumped me the highest version of my ab goes you're soulless and a monster I can't follow you down this path and everyone else is like sorry you're ugly they leave yeah I kind of get it with lizelle I guess but it does it is disappointing that you did all of that but it is cool to see her go off with Orpheus I think that's also red that's why I was like when I became an elephant I accepted that extent I was like you know what this would be a cool like heartbreaking thing I'm an oath breaker palette and that loses my love okay but she's gonna go for your people that's [ __ ] red I'm down with that it just sucks that every other person shafted me to so the nether brain does reveal that they purposefully let Baldur and the emperor leave on purpose and it was to get the nether Stones like they they just you know knew to let they ever go and he didn't just do it just because he was super cool it was because the nether brain did it I wonder if because now Orpheus is gone the domination just comes back and then other brain's like you're mine now I think he's there's no scene that says that no and that's the thing is it should because otherwise they're not implying that and that just means the emperor sucks the game also had a lot of problems handling the fact that I was in those so you can be on that note the the brain and you can go into like a demi space and fight the brain yeah my game can't handle switching those two perspectives and it just that and I think that would contribute to all my allies I blow the horn and then no one would do anything because the game couldn't handle anything out here ridiculous and then when it would try and load my scene it was only one commentership it was the brain or me so it would do a bunch of [ __ ] to me but I couldn't see it because I was on black screens I come in and go oh there's there's an orb of [ __ ] Annihilation yeah I have one hit point yeah I didn't see anything happen to me I guess I'll [ __ ] pray that I get the next combat through that's wild but I will say the game was [ __ ] amazing and I know what happened the game got kind of clumpy I think I still uh Stevens broke some games some things and I think the game just couldn't handle by the time I got to do that well now you know no I think the first thought I had was [ __ ] that sucks the second thought was like you know what the second place was gonna be perfect because then I get to kind of see where everything goes it does suck though but um I want you guys to give your whole thing because you guys are going to have wonderful little ends how'd your and what was like your at least the one the one ending that you like kind of count and so would you take my first ending with my dark urge fighter was really similar to yours where uh I turned on the emperor and he got really actually he kind of turned on me you Freedom Orpheus I freed Orpheus because I I wanted I wanted lizelle to like help her people that was like her whole thing she was really adamant about that and I had already not been very kind to her in terms of like getting her Quest done so I wanted to make sure that I did this for her and so I freed Orpheus and the emperor was like I can't believe you've done this and he like [ __ ] off and whatever that's dumb and then the so but we I still needed and lipid for the final boss and I the option was to let Carlock do it which I I let Carlock do it because because she won't die she otherwise she dies and she was she said whoa she said nuts she said I want to do this because it's the only way that I'm going to continue living no I was like wow okay so instead of her bursting into flames or having to go back to hell I let her become an ellipid so uh and my my final fight was a lot like yours were like it didn't glitch very much but it struggled to switch between the two perspectives and also the emperor showed up and he had the the dragon which I'm pretty sure now that I'm thinking about it is named answer yeah it has to be almost positive what dragon no that is that driving that's just a dominated in our game the dragon's just there and he's just a dominated oh answer is a bronze oh no the answer is a red dragon the name so we I'm trying to remember what all what happened now um I know that on that dog in my ending uh Carlock was still in a lipid and she seemed she seemed fine with it it was kind of it was kind of sad and but she was like yeah well you gave me everything and yeah no I can't do this she's like you gave me everything and you're the reason why I'm still living and I'm so grateful to you and I was like man I did you dirty like I'm sorry she is she is um I know that will talk to me but I can't remember what he said I wasn't paying attention well what was default I didn't see hallsen once which was sad because I thought I thought we had something yeah and I didn't see Shadow heart at all it started and had like a whole cut scene that was really sweet actually because I had a good ending for him and he so he started to burn on the Docks but then he found me later and he was talking about like how he wants to spend his life with like the rest of his life with me and where I you could have the option to be like oh well we'll find some way to get you out in the sun again is that what happens pretty cute uh yes I turned and saw that because I think a steering wasn't in mine and I looked and he's like burning in the sun I was like oh I was like if they kill him right now I'm I'm I know yeah he's just like yeah glitched out [ __ ] and that guy's scurried away from me I was so pissed off that is yours is so tragic yeah it was tragic I was crying but that's the thing Lacey told me that I was like oh then then that's my ending I'll just becoming illitage she'll probably go with me and that's a wonderful I think that's cool it's cool she did I would say she did she does like I have a name for you um for saving on people and orphans like we'll make sure they remember the the the the like the illiter that was not dominated that's really cool but second then there was like Hey you have to eat brains because you're an oldest creature what's interesting is so everyone like turn on you for being a lipid and but everyone was totally fine with karlak even Lazelle was like no this is fine like she's she's she's still Carlock and I was like okay yeah I think next time I'm gonna let the emperor do his thing and not betray him oh I'm gonna [ __ ] Bop him right out that piece of [ __ ] I'm still mad do you want to do yours last I'm gonna do mine if you want okay yeah go for it go for it um I took uh who did I take it I took a Starion it took Gail and I took Shadow heart because those were my main people um well we got all the way up I got to the the fight on the actual the brain and then um by the way the nautiloids very cool oh [ __ ] cool uh I summoned in uh Dame aylin and she immediately got bopped and was like in the cycle of like being at like 10 hit points and then coming back up and did nothing but she she took the damage for me so that was nice um I oh I forgot um I I sided with the with the emperor he ate the the guy I don't know he Orpheus yeah um and all my my companions were like oh that was disturbing I hate that um we got all the way up there he um he did the like little sequence where he like takes control of it and lets you go through um and I just I just I mean you're and then yeah when when the it crashes you're on the dock side I think oh yeah that that hurt um who was it first I think it was um it's like zelka's on the dragon lizelle went on the dragon she left all the dragons I go through portals yeah Jesus [ __ ] off because orifice is dead yeah no because she's like now I'm gonna go be really cool now yeah and a dragon comes down and she's like I'm gonna go be with my people is it like she's gonna [ __ ] up black I thought she's like I'm just gonna no she's like she's gonna go black is number two or whatever yeah she's gonna be like a champion like a super cool it's like a champion that's cool that's cool that's also good uh then it was like a like Minsk was like let's go to a bar and you guys can vouch for me because I've been thrown out of every bar in Baldur's Gate or something like that um then Jahira and will had some pretty nice things to say um Carlock Gail goes I'm jumping in a river by yes yeah he was like I'm gonna bring this to mystra and like try to redeem myself with her um carlak is like I don't wanna she was like there was option to send her back to the hills and I was like I don't really want to do that for you so she unfortunately she dies which is really sad what a wonderful it is it's one of the best scenes um a Starion is he does this little scramble his little skitter away he feels so much better yeah that's just the default yeah um but then later he's like the last thing that you yeah the last thing you see is him before whether he shows up yeah he's like uh yeah is this the life that you want to live like I'll never be in the sun again it's like a life of Shadows and I it's funny because there's an option to be like I'm breaking up with you I saw it too I was like I want to click it all of all of this and you just break his heart um and then that was that was it I finished the game next time I finish the game with a an historian Romance I'm gonna click that option and just to see what happens let me know because I can't do it so um I I opposite of Craig loved my ending to the game I was I was very emotional it was very cool um uh so I guess I should go back a little bit so I saved Liesel and we oh and we got the orfit camera and all that but I'm not certain what I want to do yet um I I don't know what my goal is yet I don't know what it is because I haven't gotten spoilers or anything so I don't know what's gonna happen so we go to the nether brain and and uh uh everything starts happening it's nuts the cutscenes are very cool and then I go to the Tower with all my allies and that part was really cool because you go in there I have with me I'm taking to the final battle uh lizelle Gillen will and um uh walk into uh that area and it's like Jahira so many people apparently so many people there's a bunch of people in there and they all say lots of cool stuff and I was like oh [ __ ] this is awesome the girl hunters the so no so so here's a big difference um asterian did not he killed Cazador in my game but he ascended to becoming a full vampire because I was like pop off King do it because that that was that was that's how I played with Jace was just like whatever everybody wants to do you get to do it live your dreams I didn't know that that was like the bad end for Starion besides I'm not dying so that was the only thing I was a little about but I he I I get it now there's definitely like a layer deeper uh I just didn't really focus on a steering I played through so I was just like oh wait you want to become cool vampire all right go for it so whatever but in the final fight he's like because he's vampire lord he can summon Undead so um there's a point where like my character is like a Starion we need the dead on our side and a bunch of Shadows and werewolves and zombies show up and they like attack it's so cool and I was like [ __ ] yeah this is awesome um and uh I also uh uh do the three checks and um talk to the emperor and I'm like I'm I'm this is where I'm like I have to decide I don't know what I want to do and he and he does this really cool speech where he's like I have been with you since the beginning yeah and he goes over things that you've done in your campaign and it's just like I've saved you and I've TR you've trusted me every every uh uh along the entire way you can't free him if you want to do the best option and it's it's this and I was like okay fine so he it was like kind of reluctant but I was like all right all right I know we went and got the hammer but I think this is the best way to do this and then he just uh lets or if he's go and go watch over and just he just [ __ ] eats over there and sucks his brain I was like God damn all right let's go and then we go over and then same kind of combat we had to do it like two or three times because it got big and blasted by not a Woods um by the nautiloid blasts but um and like everybody was dead and they get up got that uh uh uh no sorry I didn't have will I had Gail Gail will and lizel is that what I said yeah yeah Gail will and Liesel and me um and then I was like oh thank [ __ ] long rest and then go up the brain stem get on top Dragon shows up and then the four counter measures show oh my God the one for Bard is called the the snapping of strings I was like this is cool as [ __ ] that was Friday night before eberron I did that combat twice tpk both times and I was like God damn it I didn't get to play until Sunday and then Sunday I did the comment again I beat it because the [ __ ] counter measure for Gail has counterspell and I can't teleport because I'm basically what I'm trying to do is summon everything in the middle day malen all my everything and then uh we're all gonna teleport up here and then get into the portal but um it keeps getting counter spelled we just Wombo Combo him get all the way up there uh zevolor dies that's where my zevolor died was there he stood up to that dragon and got toasted and I was like uh we get in there um by the way the name of that thing in there is the indomitable will of the nether brain which is the coolest [ __ ] ever uh blow that [ __ ] up I cast like three Fireballs on it or whatever uh then we're on the dock and um a Starion doesn't show up once he he's like he's my shadow heart in this scenario because Shadow heart was there but as Darius just I don't know where he is he's just like [ __ ] you I'm a cool vampire I'm gonna get the hell out of here so it didn't see a Starion once uh Gail's like uh he's basically like I'm gonna go jump in the river and go get that Crown but because I'm going to ascend not because he wants to please me straight he's like I'm gonna become a God and I was like hell yeah you do that my guy you do that um lizelle goes off on her dragon uh and then Minsk is like we should go get drinks and I was like okay chill and then carlock's like exploding and I was like ah and I go over towards her and it's this very sad scene of me being like please like no you don't have to die and she's like I want this I'm like okay and then will who I've had like a big focus on will um and he's like Carlock I've had enough you can't do this and this is apparently the patch that came out the day before um and I didn't know this and he's like let's go to the hills I'll take you there and then there's an option that I saw and I literally lost it I was it was 2 A.M for me as well and I lost my [ __ ] and it's like we all three of us can go together steps you the me my character and will you get you you're in a furnace which is like first of all Jacob is like ah and then she's like all right I feel better she's like I've been saving these for this moment and she pulls out cigars and you all like them and she looks cool as [ __ ] and she's like there's some imps you know they're gonna tail us but we gotta make sure to claw through them uh let's destroy them and the final thing I see is me Will and her just running into a furnace and the game ends and I was like that was cool [ __ ] that was so I loved it it was so good it's like my favorite goddamn Trope it's just like you don't have to do this alone we're gonna go together and like man the the idea like the three of us just becoming like Doom characters and you know furnace is the coolest [ __ ] oh I loved it I loved it it was it was great it was great that that actually makes me want to finish my car like romance play through because my it's a good ending I got all the almost all the way through act three and then I was like I can't finish this [ __ ] game because I know that Carlock does not have a happy ending I would really like that because I was like I don't want her to die but then Will's like come with me and I'm like dude don't wait I can go too [ __ ] yeah that's that's it that's it oh my God that's it um and yeah just I I love that ending it was it was very cool and I didn't romance anybody I did I did [ __ ] the emperor um uh I I I I I I had romance with lizelle I ended up breaking up with her then will came on to me and then I had romance with Will and then I uh uh I oops I [ __ ] mazora and will was like I dreamed of a kingdom for us and you you you gave it away for a for a sip of the hells and I was like and he he broke up with me and then I talked to Withers and Withers basically goes so no [ __ ] and I was like [ __ ] you Grandpa he's like so he's like you don't have anybody to sleep with and I was like eat my ass then I went to the brothel [ __ ] everybody there and I was just like and then uh I also doubt the romance scene with the emperor which was which was fun um but uh it was nice because like Carlock and will and I we all had just like it was it was all platonic we're just like really good friends and that was that was very fun I liked that a lot um but I'm definitely gonna probably romance Carlock in my next one because of just all of that I loved it but God made it I made it my life's mission in my Dark Age playthrough to [ __ ] as many people as I possibly could and I managed Lazelle Gail uh Astorian and then wow Paulson wow mizora everyone at the brothel both of the drow Twins and then what was the other there was like a I can't remember the other two there were two others too the incubus and uh myself myself there's just a pretty much yeah go to sleep for the night and you're very horny oh the emperor's like would you like some help and he just gives you some Visions it's just porn and you're just like all right sick that's weird there's also some really depraved scenes in the dark urge like because some dude shows up at some point and starts talking to you about your past life but you don't really know what the hell is going on and you can choose to either Embrace what's going on or resist the dark urge and if you embrace the dark urge then he tells you some stuff that you did in the past that's like really really wild yeah wow it's good nuts really likes corpses oh all right maybe I'm not starting it yeah if you resist you never get the corpse conversation okay yeah I'll remember resist it was very cool though because in the final cut scene when when the Netherland is destroyed and I'm on I'm on the end and I'm like talking to Carlock I don't have the Sith eyes anymore because the tadpole's gone I know not a yeah oh good and I was like I'm pretty hot Jace again I found that out and I S that spat music in in in my face yeah I was like no way that's just gone yeah and then everyone's like I'm we're free but then the dialogue is we're free sorry you had to sacrifice so much yeah I'm like okay I think that's a guy honestly I think that's really cool yeah it sucks but like it's kind of I I admire that that you can do that in the game I think that that's neat yeah that's cool um okay so we are going we're going to do some questions but we're going to run through them yeah unfortunately no time yeah but there are so many but I feel like they're going to be about Baldur's Gate the people might have avoided it because of spoilers but I I did it like last yeah like a few days ago so we'll see how many are there um there's only 18. so maybe we can speak because I think uh people are still avoiding Boulders maybe in a few weeks we could do a party yeah at arcade underscore Arcane asks dude do you call Craig during the stream today I wasn't able to catch it live except for the five minutes to send at the Super Chat also Bazinga pinworms uh no a couple people donated in my stream the other day to call you and tell you Bazinga pinworms and I went I can't call Craig I will give him a panic attack so I and he will be very confused so I will say everybody's like do a voice memo and I was like will do yeah it was funny because Craig you just laughed and I was like the chat told me and you're like that's even better and I was like yeah I was dumb um a day than hustle asks what is your favorite weird respect for your Baldur's Gate companions Barbarian Gill wizard Carlock weirdest definitely has to be our narf narf chat plays which is uh they've undone Gail he's a barbarian um Gail and when Gail rages he makes this sound this is what he does he goes he goes [Laughter] vicious mockery and it's fair he's just like listen here and he like does this little insults and it's it's great uh my favorite one I did in my game though was I made will um uh uh Paladin which is fun did you do any respects I made Shadow heart a light clear yeah I thought about making her a paladin but I did not but that's that that's probably one of my favorites oh that's cool did you do did you do anything no I I didn't know that I could because I played on Explorer and you can't multi-class if you play on the easiest same thing I totally get it but so I assumed that my party also could not multi-class so I didn't bother three I think it's more of a like a oh you're playing on easy mode you don't know D D very well we don't that's that's the thing with why because if not you go oh I can also be wizard because multi-classing is kind of not great in in the game and it doesn't it makes it a little harder I'd imagine it's because it's like if you don't really know what you're doing we'll do classes you might [ __ ] up a lot of [ __ ] yeah okay that makes sense at least that's a vibe that I would get because it's like you're just gonna be this yeah it'll be all right to do a subclasses got it we'll do it that way I got it um some guy asks if you partied in Baldur's Gate 3 with two friends and could only have one NPC in your party who would it be why wouldn't you see like one of the one one of the characters one of them I say yeah um like like we're having a a real life party or no no like like the two of us exactly you and you get to pick the one NPC who is it are we making a horny decision or a useful decision what's what's either private dialogue no I keep that [ __ ] open everybody can watch me [ __ ] if we're making a horny decision I'd take halson but a useful decision I probably would take Gail or maybe a Starion class assassin instead of Arcane trickster because he does a [ __ ] a lot of DPS yeah item is Assassin first and then I switched them dark and trickster because I wasn't ever sneaking but I will I think on on my next playthrough but um I think it'd be Carlock or Gail ditto um horny decision is is always going to be hysterian yeah um I don't know uh maybe Shadow heart because she can heal yeah Shadow heart's good oh someone's playing cleric Seth Tech asks which member of the Baldur's Gate 3 cast would make the best oh he said ditto for me uh uh Seth Tech asks which member of the Baldur's Gate 3 cast would make the best hot dogs and would you eat that hot dog um I I have this weird theory that like Will's a really good cook um that makes sense I think out of everybody there like he knows how to cook really well like lizelle's just got some weird [ __ ] I feel like there's dialogue where it says that that's not true isn't there is there really for some reason the fandom thinks that Gail is a really good cook and I cannot confirm exactly though that makes sense he did live in his tower for like over a year yeah I revoke my answer it's definitely I think Gail is the best cook I think he's the best cook only on the basis that everyone else is supremely [ __ ] terrible yeah because he's probably like microwaving burrito Shadow heart knows how to cook it I was just thinking about Deborah just eat eating the the [ __ ] kids cuisine nuggets she's in the camp in the bushes listening to everybody [ __ ] talking yeah yeah we eat the fingers of our opponents and we pickle them in the brine of the illicit they wouldn't do that and a starry and just eats rats yeah yeah rats and bugs and bugs and then one time yeah he found a bear yeah yeah I feel like Paulson's a good cook probably but he's vegetarian I don't know I feel like he would just he kind of I feel like he would just wander around and eat [ __ ] off of bushes he's just like I have this Berry but I need to do that [Music] somebody does talk about food one time that I know I'm remembering Shadow heart will not shut up about the fish in Baldur's Gate yeah oh the freshest fish I've ever had and I'm just like okay this is awesome and we're getting take out every night [Music] do you know that little kid that makes soup that's more confirmation Shadow heart doesn't know how to cook out of that kid dude does that kid make soup for all you guys yes that kid just says they brought their own fork and then they stop talking that's all it says is I bought my own utensils and I'm like oh in my first playthrough that little kid is the person that Oren kidnapped oh oh that's all I thought that was like the default but I thought lizelle was default apparently she could take Halls she took wholesome that's weird I couldn't okay this I don't get back in my game but I couldn't get wholesome out of the the table because the table was locked yeah I didn't have it I didn't have the release so look thank God and Gail had knock I kind of like it Gil knocked the table and the husband did this and I was like you good to go you good he's like it's like Daniel yeah get out of here after that I got that thing that City you left um um dude that kid was like I brought my utensils but after uh zevolor was killed by Oren Orange shows up throws his naked body on the ground and it paints a picture with his blood ah and I'm like yeah I'm like kid are you okay because the kid's right next to where the buy drops I was like I brought my utensils and I'm like well you're fine whoa in my playthrough she disguises herself as Liesel yeah and she has that kid with a knife to her throat and it's like I'm gonna kill them this is this is um Oren she's disguised herself as this kid and then it turns out or play 3D chess yeah she's a bear because she's wholesome but she's a bear and she has like uh what's it from scratch the dog in his mouth oh and well I'm like what do you do with this dog and also and then he I like calm the bear down and then he on wild shapes back to holson and he was like the corruption of Baldur's Gates affecting me everything here is making me angry I'm like dude chill the [ __ ] out he's like you're right but I'm actually orange and I'm like wait you're a changeling that I was like you ain't got one too many I don't know how you didn't know from the second that he started saying something that wasn't about Daniel yeah you want to kill this dog uh I never had the dog or the owl bear me either oh no I had the dog the entire time I didn't have the Alabama I got it because I was told that they had if you like use uh speak with animals in your Camp then they'll have like a really cute friendship but they never talk to each other even once so then I was like yeah whatever I think it's funny that Gail has a [ __ ] Tower and water dude that's all there I didn't see that either that sucks yeah um all right Gail makes good hot dogs uh uh oh I did want to say that scorching I think I said this already but it's funny how we all had that different interaction with Oren because I feel like I caught her off guard because she seems to be on top of all of you guys but I'm like Emperor sword Emperor's armor this is cool I just killed a bunch of rats and a bunch of gifts oh I wonder what's in this store and it's like it's like lizelle's out of breath she's like oh God get the [ __ ] out he can come in here and I'm like what are you doing she's like okay I'm gonna be honest I it's me Oren I took lizell honestly I get the [ __ ] out you're not supposed to be in here yet and I was like oh okay all the way here I didn't know you give yourself quick I only saw her once he was just a journalist and then she was there that was it okay Lauren's like no it's really weird when she's the the like nymph lady in the carnival because she has this like you pick your you pick one of your companions yeah and you have like this this opportunity to like I did it with a Starion so it's like really loving and then in the end it's it's her and I'm like oh my god what the [ __ ] going on she still does the nymph power like dating scene yes oh yeah that is she's the weirdest kid I've ever seen uh I have a picture saved on my phone that's like an article title and it's got Warren on it and it says the lgbtq community has forgiven or in the red she's so [ __ ] cool her mom's corpse is just in her [ __ ] voice she's tired as [ __ ] crazy she's awesome she does this thing I think when the first time you interact with her um as I think the blacksmith or something that's the first one she like breaks her own neck and it comes out of the shape and I'm like oh [ __ ] that's cool Oren is why everyone should play Dark darker okay you know what I'm doing it I'll start tonight uh Colleen asks hello I just started the game not too long ago here's my Gala tiefling Rogue named ronia oh [Music] so cute um I love how that you can have freckles yes yeah yes people and I gotta know who y'all romanced love y'all very much uh I already said I try to [ __ ] everybody and got no one the only person I have not romanced in a play through is Will and that was not on purpose I tried the dances with that was I broke up with lizelle and she was very sad and it was very sweet and I was like good night and then he's like I want to dance and I was like I'm still sad about holson being dead but okay I I kissed him when he asked me to dance and then a star and confessed his love for me again so I was like oh damn I'm sorry I'm sorry I gotta Francois Anderson asks as someone who is now obsessed with Baldur's Gate but also has a life outside of it um can you tell me how to not keep playing it and let all my other obligations fall inside no I have 350 hours you're doomed and you didn't ask the wrong group um what I did was a year ago I had a baby and she needs me most of the time so I get about four hours of play through a day so if you want to if you want to find someone um have a child together yeah [Music] you could try going to college yes [Laughter] yeah yeah um if you if you do ghost with this sometimes you can you can put things on the floor and they'll play with it and you can get 15 minutes in what's that tweet it's the Sim and the baby's on fire yeah not now Mommy um sweetie mommy's playing Baldur's Gate three um Newt one Izzard he him asks uh did you do the thing with the bear no he died yes no unfortunately mine broke the game the game my bear is damaged in the Box the game said that I did but I didn't get the cutscene so no I've done it multiple times thank God someone is multiple characters yeah oh I love this question and favorite ships between the characters including enemies uh Mia and I are pretty hardcore will Carla yeah it sells Shadow heart yeah yeah sure my favorite dialogue is when you go to the underdark for the first time and she's like be a shame if you fell into the darkness and we never saw you again and she's like if you if you and she she says something like really hard after that she's like she's like right and then I'll kill you or something like I don't know what it is but it's really funny there's a really good scene at the end of that or after she throws the the night time over she goes um you know Shadow heart I really seen you improve and um sorry it's like I don't know I don't take compliments because I don't make compliments I make observations [Music] they have I mean let's say just do it all right where Shadow heart holds her knife up to lazelle's throw there is never an unhorny way to hold your knife to someone's throat yeah I was like isn't she like on top of her too oh yeah yeah Jace was like the way I played Jason demo it was just like guys and they were like ew and then they stopped there's also in the very very beginning there's if you take a star in a gale out at the same time and Starion tries to flirt with Gail oh and I was like I didn't even know that I was flirting but someone pulled up like the the the scene the charts yeah the C notes from the from the devs and it was like oh attempting to flirt or something and I was like oh one of my favorite lines gets told to kill himself and uh Carlock is like oh poor Gail yeah I should go tell him that I never read any books in in Primary School oh God I love the banter like that it's my favorite [ __ ] thing um they also put uh this is very funny and I have to show Emma this but it is a picture yeah I'm just gonna love that really funny and unfortunately I cannot explain to you Lacey will take way too long um but maybe I will later um Shania labeouge asks uh what daily life what's daily life been like for you all recently daily routines new and current Hobbies aside from d d Etc I love you guys bunches well I wake up and I turn on my computer and I play boulder skate and then this picture sometimes I eat breakfast not often oh it's you that's cool um same I'm playing Baldur's Gate and then I'm a dad and then I make stupid videos on YouTube and then I stream and then yeah twice a week I drive to Fresno and go to college and I hate it that's cool and then I go home and I play Boulder's game yeah I've been staying up late to talk to our artist who I think is in China so that's a cool thing because I could talk to him for a little bit and then I go to bed and I wake up and there's a ton of [ __ ] it's so good I I wake up and there's a little message from Craig and it's an art update and then today there's a message every day listening to hours of music I'm just consuming for you I made it in the middle of the night the other night awesome um also oh great Craig behind the camera what is your wisdom uh today yep um I I don't I'm gonna double down with um Spencer that if you ever need a good out start baking a kid you have the kid and then you have an out no matter where you go it's great yeah it's a great deal I think do you know how much a better public perception of you is when you have a baby with you people do anything for you yeah they're so understanding get the door for you yeah watch your kid yeah I would also you had a sick spouse you can use that excuse for everything yeah yeah yep um are you going to or have you done Darkness yes only only have a child is here ready for it oh please God please oh yeah yeah yeah I was joking before yeah the the world okay uh Max Martin says are you gonna do a dark urge to play through yes tonight yes yes I have done it many times I feel bad being bad um you know you can resist it though I don't want to feel it I don't feel safe we're gonna speed through these candles a panda is no longer classified as an endangered it cuts off uh what have you been what have been your thoughts on the various class changes in Boulders K3 such as the frogs fast hands ability being changed to just having two bonus actions set and or the four elements monk basically being a whole new subclass though similar to one dnds I love a lot of it I just made a video about all the rules that I really like two bonus sections what is it before like you can climb [ __ ] I don't know stupid [ __ ] good it's good I love it Dave Baker of Killer Bread asks a common point of criticism has been that uh race towards act three is the supposed incompleteness of carlock's story After experiencing the ending yourself do you find that to be valid not really I thought Carlock story was pretty good I thought like hers was the most fleshed out out of everybody's besides Shadow heart in this area it was more Gale it no Gail got some stuff too I I don't know I think the game does a whole lot of lead up to it but doesn't give enough on the tail end there's no epilogy scene there's no anything [ __ ] Withers gets a goddamn Marvel posting but we don't get to going to camp and talk to everyone right I don't know who that is that old god of death yes you jurgle I think his name is jurgle I think his name is I understand why they call him Withers now I think if it's like I'm jurgel I'd be like get the [ __ ] out of my camera I think the complaints with carlak's story is a moot point because it got fixed oh yeah well well the action mask before I don't know yes Quentin walker uh Sovereign glut or Sovereign Spa oh it's it's sovereign he stopped me on the way out of camp and then he was like well actually I want to do genocide and then I was like actually what if you genocide what has died so many times over the years because he's in Early Access I killed that [ __ ] I think I did that with you and he just died so yeah he just was like yeah it's spicy says Shadow heart I can fix her you can yeah you can she can she gets mad she dyes her hair crunch bite 010 asks is the mark on Gail's chest just a magical tattoo or is it a holy shoves his little tasty magical shoes into when you give them to him TL DR what does Gill's hole do uh his whole deals with minor inconveniences it's a visual representation of the orb in his chest it's like the side that's the consequence of of him it's very faint but yeah that tattoo goes [ __ ] A lot yeah really so cool I like the image of the of him being Peter Parker and into the spider-verse and it's him with the with the magic items yeah yeah that's my favorite did any of you guys no but I how many times my [ __ ] character whenever I got into combat my cursor was always over use nethery's orb is it matter if I was like you fell in a Tavern there's eight years of the world did you use it no no he tried to he threatened because I took him at the end of act two to the Catholic fight and then the the brain likes like came up from the the goop or whatever the [ __ ] is back there and he's like I have to kill myself now and I'm like hell no do you want to know what happens if you use it um you the gay men's yes you don't even get a three it just ends Yeah final question Grand xvb asks Craig I'm so glad that you enjoyed Lana Del Rey oh your new recommendation for you is to report on Japanese breakfast which oh because I I know about Japanese breakfast that's pretty good I will say uh the last comment section the last video someone did say that I should watch oh what is it called hey let me get them up real fast uh it's an album called Cry Baby Martinez yes oh my God it is phenomenal very very very good I'm just blown away Greg you have no idea when we first started dating I was being I was I was still I was I was being nice still something wrong but I I I we that was the only thing we'd [ __ ] Listen to Because you hyper fixed it fixed everyone for like a half a year I totally get it and I I I'm it's good it's good I'm very sick of it but yeah I played a song from it the other day because it was just on an old playlist of mine and he was like oh God I'm almost like I just shoved back into like 2016. I did not really I'll be honest I didn't realize that came out that late ago it's cool super good I want to say but I will I will totally work on that and I want to say this to the end is uh uh I don't know if I'm ever gonna get to react to this or anything but um it was it had come to my attention yesterday and then some more stuff happened today there was a d d video that dropped oh yeah official Channel which is called bulger's Gay three fun facts with larion and uh the I I don't I don't remember uh Ross Stevens who is the senior game designer at larium [ __ ] name dropped me in this video only you I want to make sure that that's said he didn't say this person this person he said one [ __ ] YouTube he was jet lagged and he watched my video that I just uploaded and he was like oh and we'd watch this stuff beforehand and got inspiration from that I was like what no way that's nuts what and I I freaked out I was telling everybody about it I was like this is this is is crazy because I've never really been mentioned in passing like that before from like that level yeah um it's normally like I'm very aware but that that was just something it just happened and I didn't even realize and that was just that was that was so crazy and very surreal so uh everybody hilarious and none of you are watching this but Ross Stevens all of you guys I love you all this game will [ __ ] love this game it's amazing thank you for making it you guys the absolute phenomenal game I cannot believe that you just watch my videos in the I'm imagining it's just like some [ __ ] programming and they're just listening going and I'm like why why but anyways he didn't reply to my tweet today and he said you're welcome watch your videos the whole time I'm working on bg3 and it helped yeah my thoughts on many things I I'm I'm speechless it's very surreal I I'm barely accepted that that has really happened that is absolutely nuts [ __ ] crazy absolutely crazy yeah I I can't I can't that's that's nuts that's nuts I've never gone to anything like this this did say thank you guys you guys the best oh [ __ ] I'm gonna ride this for a little while you should it's a big deal and I felt that way when we were talking about the gortash bombs and I was like I talked about that in my saving throws video like being like what if what if there is no save for like maybe a trap and instead it just blows up on the turn and it was in the game and I was like hey that's the rule I really like and now that this happened I'm like they didn't fix counter spells fine they didn't fix counter term counter charm did you watch anything did you want to watch anything
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 21,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeon and dragons, 5e, game, live, play, funny, characters, players, monster, idea, inspiration, rpg, dm, how to, pre written, xp to level 3, zelda
Id: 2E6Z4AYbdWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 48sec (8208 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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