Baldur's Gate 3: We Made a Grave Mistake

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hello there I'm warped lamp and I'm back with more highlights as sperm eyesight of the agreement if the last video did well which it did frankly at far exceeded expectations and even if it was just an algorithm fluke it's a really encouraging one so I'd like to thank you all for that and nobody probably does too well I think that's super before we get to the highlights I've got some context and a brief announcement the announcement is I made a patreon consider checking that out all right now the fun stuff context this play session was a Brisk two hours and 58 minutes which has resulted in a video that is much shorter than the last one originally I was going to try and combine this highlight reopen the next one but the next one is shaping up to be a bit too long for that to be a viable option well I've had to compromise and make this a shorter video than I would like I hope you all can find in your hearts to forgive me also some of you in the comments section have alluded to my feelings on this game which it wasn't unreasonable since the day before I posted the video I made those thoughts clear on my Tumblr page but for the sake of the general viewing experience let's all just pretend we don't know how this story ends that way we can all be surprised when we see the first point where the game really does its best to lose our favor but I'll let you experience that for yourself use the highlights I hope you enjoy hey there's pouch in here there's pouch there's pouch I took it oh my god there was dirt we could dig up do you remember the dirt I do remember the dirt let's go holy [ __ ] today is gonna be a good day [Laughter] you're supposed to be like looking for someone in like a goblet ah turn turn turn next more goblins what's next goblins I don't know maybe the possibilities are endless that's where we murdered lizelle right I remember that memories memory dude that was so fun cue the flashback Montage of us murdering all of our would-be companions things we like to do yeah you know here at the [ __ ] popping Squad I still didn't sign off on that all right let's go let's go dig dig dig yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes it's uh it's an arrow of acid uh some gold too but it's also a chest yeah I didn't know you could do that oh yeah the right click menu is wonderful and that said I really shouldn't be carrying this Minds intertwine you see his siblings and Rick and Brenna new recruits siblings he's a dwarf gee it's a true soul [ __ ] good job on the pronouns hey real quick lent from the future here uh without a script uh just throwing out there that I in the moment I don't know why it was that I that I said this uh but upon hindsight I realized that the reason why I said it was because there used to be a bug uh where this guy would use the wrong pronouns for your character like constantly which was you know they're pretty funny but overall a fairly a fairly innocuous uh although I was reminded of this because uh when I was doing my solo play through just in between recording sessions uh it turns out this bug is still in the game or at least it was I wasn't recording sadly so I was and I wasn't able to recreate it so you're just gonna have to trust me on that but wow really neat that a bug from Early Access I made it all the way to release that's great man uh let's see I'm looking for housing okay well you're useless to me man wasn't he a true soul you love the way he's lying the only way they can prove he's a true soul is to check his belongings resonance I don't care about strange Powers show me his objects all right all right I think they went this way leather boots yep sure are we didn't have leather boots down in the Undertaker [Laughter] this is it he's immediately going I guess go inside this is where the thing is I thought I might have to talk to the loser they'll might have to talk to our cannon fodder you know no I mean like who cares they're gonna be dead soon anyway that's true you can leave now closer well [ __ ] guess we gotta kill you then should I burn it maybe I can talk to him no way that will have speakers Emmer's child what the [ __ ] kind of questions that but I'm not getting closer to them you can come over here yeah like that she's instantly instantly dead of a broken sphere are we talking to the baby uh yeah no the game wants to know if I want to kill the baby or not and since this was kind of a random act of violence in general [Music] can I like have you if I let you live can I just take you yeah that's what I was going for our friends approved of letting the newly orphaned Child live and um it did get bright too yeah oh okay adaptive dialogue well uh get back to it oh cool bye thanks so what was on her corpse to be worth a fortune oh hello there hello there armor that has a naturey sounding name did I buy armor and didn't have to um if beasts hit me they do an extra D6 to me I don't want that no wonder this guy died oh yeah no environmental storytelling that's why he's a dead [ __ ] and that's why we're alive I get it I'll write this thing oh try again maybe it'll work this time oh that's all I meant to do it's okay we know how to handle this hey I just wanted to pick it up come on you used to be able to just pick up this box and sell it yeah come on let me do that here we go [ __ ] well looks like we'll never know wait can Gail do it no this is a shadow heart thing uh God we've been so the bigger person to Shadow heart though [Laughter] you remember she's not dead yeah I mean like she yeah we saved her and then we ignored her honestly we're basically Saints you know I I can't see a fault in their actions whatsoever like I understand why Raz can justify these in fiction I Gabrielle I guess she's also just an [ __ ] you know maybe she's just following her new friend she's stupid she's impressionable this bossy drow who hates all life is making a lot of claims and taking charge and picking dandelions all right wow I know where we are right now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now let's let's bypass the Goblins for now let's keep going this way please we just want Marina back hello I've never clapped cheeks have you ever darkened my door you'd best have that head bowed and an apology at the ready hmm you're bossy bye now hmm I see that you have red hair I'm really sorry for your loss I tell you what I have I uh Razz has no interest in saving your sister that does not that does not a human not a thought she wants to humor however that old woman did disrespect her so seeing her turn to a pile of Ash would be nice so I'll go and do that and incidentally rescue her I ain't got a clue who you are no way I'm leaving Rina to you completely Fair or we'll just follow you yeah I know all right lead the way because I sure as [ __ ] don't know where she lives you [ __ ] [ __ ] hey [ __ ] [ __ ] what are you doing [Laughter] they vanished oh [ __ ] the game hated that we were doing that I got caught in the cutscene oh no let's do this in one take I'll I'll go save you okay I passed a check duh oh the game the game really hated my attempt to listen in oh no I have no idea what's happening oh oh black screen black screen uh-oh oh a little black for me too oh what's going on uh I have an idea everybody mind your marks oh carb whoa let me touching again I just like instantly got tucked into this I mean that's good enough yeah hey girl oh happen again uh yes this time I'm not going to click on anything maybe uh maybe once you're done doing whatever you're doing I'll be allowed to move again um this is a problem tasty one more time you're lying that was weird huh um meow goodbye [ __ ] on carb all right now now we interact with it at all uh I'm I'm gonna try being the one to go in there maybe that'll uh I have like a cleric thing that helps me with the save but that's okay yeah all right love some guidance well all right worked for me yeah Will popped in just like you described got a cut scene everything's everything's getting peachy keen hunky-dory it doesn't want me to join I'm out here in the in the swamp yeah it's your senses that's okay here we go black black screen black screen black screen this really feels like something that should have been caught in vain [Music] is this a section of the game that's unplayable oh zero zero deer did you ever play test with people in multiplayer just wondering well oh well sorry whoever you guys are wait okay hold on your sister's doomed all right one one more plan ah come on maybe this is the way maybe if we fail then we'll be able to proceed correctly could you [ __ ] imagine anything strange I mean we're able to keep playing [Music] I'm feeling all kinds of perceptions dude right on we don't need to notice anything it's so beautiful out here apples yay and sheep hi there sheep I'll roll a dice at you fast travel I don't want to do that [ __ ] as the illusion vanishes will happen I passed a check on a sheep please don't trap us please don't trap us it was unlikely I passed that check too oh oh oh hey I can see hello they're red caps you're um you're not a sheep his voice lines aren't playing I can hear him I can't all right well [ __ ] all right cool we figured out how to not have the content be broken thank goodness they have how many hit points a lot okay I guess I can keep doing this oh God you're you're dealing with a bunch over there too oh geez [ __ ] oh God [Music] there's so many I'd love a turn we shouldn't be here well I'll use your hellish review he's not dead that's good yeah you should probably heal well I think I'm gonna heal will and then I'll have a heal uh we'll uh mop him yeah um like cure wounds at a second level Supply I think that's worth it that's much better I'm gonna need Gail to clean him up then oh no God damn it he stopped being alive oh God I'm at one all right I'm gonna go here on my way I'm gonna stop being a bear [Music] uh I'm back to my beautiful three hit point self that's 300 more HP than I had as a bear hahaha oh what I get a wild shape again I'm a full health Bear again what the [ __ ] [Laughter] I guess unbearing wasn't a bonus action it's a nothing action [ __ ] yeah dude that's okay Jesus it's fine it's only half my health what do you mean we didn't level up after that we did so much outstanding stuff and now To the victor go the spoils what do you mean they don't have any loot of an apology for me young man why is Gail doing this because I'm a bear right now and they didn't feel like unbearing me [Laughter] [Laughter] wow there's like a lot of [ __ ] around here a standing mirror it's for Mercy a cut short as the Hang slices into him dismembering him painstakingly limb by lips we didn't quite feel like animating it but we didn't just want to describe it all right how many enemies can we too can we get away with not healing what are we working with here no it looks like we're gonna have to do the unthinkable and take a a long rest [Music] um I like how we all just lay down like we're dead yeah no it's a really it's a really unnatural pose so so pleasant of the witch to like not eat everyone while we were sleeping and we don't know that she didn't should we start by quietly assassinated no okay you posited your question just a little too slowly actually it might even be better just to attack yes absolutely it's better oh are you kidding me and they got healed it is absolutely better to attack [ __ ] did she shout his corpse the [ __ ] why does the game tell me you should do this thing and then punish me for it that's infuriated you should do this thanks Eddie I flicked wounds you will you just disappear God oh my God this is fun all right that that did go about as bad as it could on many magnitudes oh foreign [ __ ] kidding me that's just that was guiding ball yeah it was that's uh that's a pretty good spell I hit the mask of Vengeance for a tenor so that's nice great oh I forgot yeah that's the one that hits you back I forgot we should uh we should have killed goblins yeah yeah this is so much more agonized like been killing [ __ ] goblets it's it's content I haven't seen already you know [Music] uh looks like there's stuff back here but we can't get there so like what the [ __ ] how are we supposed to do try putting a mask on for two seconds I would do it but I don't want to stop being a bear okay you suddenly walk through the waterfall now up to the face oh this is a mistake well guess we're gonna try and whoop your ass this sucks like [ __ ] man I have a really high AC [Laughter] that's really not ideal and you're using your spells uh well it didn't show that I used spell slots oh that used the spell slot yeah well we know the mask didn't work so can we just uh yeah sure there doesn't seem to be like a follow-up cut scene either which is sort of what I'd be hoping for from that sort of uh encounter uh okay cool fascinating stuff what do we do then everything about this area has said turn back yeah no we never should have come here I'm so glad we came here [Laughter] I'm so glad we figured out how to get how to not break the game I'm so glad we interacted with the red caps and said let's keep going all right can I just like no that's not what I wanted to do great glad I did that [ __ ] glad jump to this Branch means climb down all that [ __ ] and activate the traps [ __ ] wonderful you really should have expected this much [ __ ] off six that'll cost five all right let's go that way oh however it is we're supposed to go through here I'm not interested I stepped on a landmine and I'm dying [Laughter] aren't you glad we figured out how to get through the swamp what the [ __ ] Gail what'd you do Ah that's me trying to navigate him down here unfortunately I walked him directly into a poison clad it was really expensive hit point wise to get down there maybe I'll be able to make any progress uh well I touched the poison Cloud for a quarter of a second what are you doing oh [ __ ] get the [ __ ] up one hour okay well he's just stuck in there forever there's nothing I could do about Gail that's fine while he's trapped there I can jump over here he passed all of his death saves but he's still just stuck there might have to re-navigate because I can't [ __ ] stuck oh maybe we can shove him out Maybe yeah I can shove him out I'd have to dip in here for a second but that's fine now that didn't oh all right we're going for it no come on get out oh no that was that was wrong I can't get him out I cannot he's ah you shoved him successfully once and then he got trapped for it all right we we gotta love we gotta yeah yeah yeah that sucks sure does [Music] we have it all on tape for posterity [Laughter] we can look back and say that sucked when you look back and say we made a grave mistake we should have just gone to the Goblins after reload number three all right now where to from here did you find a path that doesn't do a [ __ ] zillion fall damage to you uh if if you get very if you very carefully navigate here you only take 300 points and then that's like the rest of it okay um but you're a bear so you might you you might touch this yeah I might just have to go with my other options here like the yeah so that's that's the fact that I found and it's good I'm [ __ ] why why yeah why do they path to the [ __ ] letter I don't jump so that's what happened to me the first time that's what happened to me the first time I I think if you're jumping if you're jumping like trajectory goes over a ladder then your character will touch the ladder it'll highlight yellow when you're gonna do it I saw it this time and I was like oh no no no no no no you know it's so so pedant IC it's insane all right we're gonna oh no it's fine I didn't take any damage from that how I I genuinely do not know we've done it [Music] keep you alive until I've stopped suck a marrow from your bones I think you look you got your order of operations mixed up 60 35 one of them has a 35 chance of working one of them has a 60. does that mean anything uh yes the one that has the worst chance at working would be the real one or the fake one the hag the hag yeah that's the one with the 35 and I guess it worked okay oh she's still a whole person too nice that's really nice I honestly had had no real uh no real nubby hit a guiding bolt challenge impossible oh she's still being held oh nope just wore off sad it's okay uh Target must be human I can't hold per I Can Only Hold person hurt when she's [ __ ] wow wow oh that's funny almost dead why are you talking to him I don't care about that I kind of want to build these Star Plus One plus one uh babe you should have said plus two I think a dead hag is the answer to keep the girl take the power no good come with us not Marina go yeah let's go with that Karen you're a goody cell to sight I can set up shop people always need lotions we're gonna kill you I see we're letting her live wasn't my intention that's like that's like the worst of all options though we didn't get anything and she's alive what the [ __ ] I don't want I want her dead reload you can kick her ass again yeah that boss fight was nothing yeah that was a [ __ ] for brain easy boss fight she is not a threat it's will you're wearing your own shirt why can't you cast your [ __ ] Mage Armor don't wanna don't feel like it this is all light armor so what's the [ __ ] problem doesn't want us better take a shirt off if I take his shirt off and cast Mage Armor and then I put his shirt back on is it gonna he won't like that he's just gonna have to be in his drawers I think it's so weird his AC's better this way I think you took a uh a thing that they didn't want you to give then why did they give it to him well what the hell this is weird well he's more effective like this so uh you'll come to my home no this is 70 chance to hit I what you know game you're like you're really quirky you know you're like you're a little funny you think you're cute [Music] it's funny stuff funny stuff 70 chance to hit parentheses lying it'll basically work give it a try go ahead it's like pretty much guaranteed yeah okay I push I can push [Laughter] wait ah wait just a tick why are you talking so well get used to it buddy this is the life you chose for him it's literally better uh I think dead hag is the answer yeah oh we did it let's move and we didn't level up what the hell is she going I don't know if she ran off maybe she's upset with us don't worry I'm a bear she running from us uh yeah hey stop do you not like bears all right I'll stop being I think she's still running oh no it was because hi we saved the day you're welcome you're welcome that's an interesting way of thanking me okay so what's [Music] going on because of you did you not see her Treehouse of Horrors she had you in a cage and was gonna kill you you were gonna give your baby up this would have been the best life for my baby him being eaten by a hag and me with a zombie hunk of a husband no he can't have him back yeah that's life babe that's what [ __ ] happens do you want this revive scroll oh wait I won't give it to you because you're being a [ __ ] we'll put your shirt back on well lose the shorts he lost his Mage Armor well we're gonna go [ __ ] revivalify the Witch and get into it again why do you want to put his clothes back on so badly not all of us are as [ __ ] Hungry As You Are lovers through Evolutions Insanity's kiss I'm fine [Laughter] also I don't know where your brothers went they died they died and she doesn't know yet I found a wand I think I can resurrect your husband no no I don't think so you're a miserable bastard you know [Music] yeah well well your brothers are dead they died trying to get you back so just to keep that in mind butter bun butter bun butter bun butter Bunch white bread white bread so what did we come away with ultimately uh uh potions I guess some gold I found a stick and those are the highlights I hope you liked them if you did consider doing me the usual YouTube pleasantries and if you really liked it I'd ask you consider supporting me on patreon I know it might be a bit premature to make a patriot after putting out one moderately Successful video but well to be honest I really enjoy the video making process and want to be able to do more of it but I kind of need some stability to make that happen I also would like to have a more modern version of Sony Vegas to edit with because the preview in my current one looks like this most of the time which is pretty bad for the kind of editing I'm trying to do so a few extra bucks a month would really make a difference in my ability to do that while also getting to eat also the next video is already like 70 done because I thought this was all going to be one video so tune in next time to see why this happened you know what yeah it's ours thanks foreign
Channel: WarpedLamp
Views: 1,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, comedy, gaming, highlights
Id: zKTfBu59xI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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