Baldurs Gate 3 BUT YOU ALL Picked Warlock... | Underdark

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I made a party of four warlocks and added a splash of backstory to help guide their decisions as we play through Baldur's Gate 3. for this video series I'd highly recommend you start at the first video check the link in the pinned comment because of the bug I encountered at the end of the last video here's the story going forward Jack woke up from a horrible nightmare where our party defended The Grove but the tieflings turned on us at the end and the fighting resulted in the death of alfira an outcome that would break Jack's Spirit determined not to let that happen Jack prepared his party for battle using a forbidden technique that I could only do in this video because I saved the game before larion changed it and if I'm going to be honest with you I didn't feel like doing this fight over and I was very lazy with it too lazy by the end of the fight every single character had died except for Pinky and zevolor who was at one HP I had Withers revive my party and headed over to listen to zevolor's post combat speech and the same thing happened they attacked me again it had literally nothing to do with looting the corpses and my only theory is that when I misclicked to attack this poison bottle the NPC walked back onto the poison got mad at me and attacked when I redid the combat I somehow managed to get the poison bottle to break again so it's a constant between the two combats is that there is poison sitting right here on the spot but it's fine whatever I let them get into combat with pinky Misty stepped away as quick as I could and fled from combat so I could come back and continued my adventure without slaughtering every tiefling in Camp going to have to write a song about you now aren't I jack took some time to Bart out with alfira before the adventure continued [Music] the Goblins took the stuff to us and lost but the threat won't be gone until we finish them off Bonk said he saw something in a movie that he wanted to recreate and he stood in the middle of the bridge and shouted you shall not pass to get the fight started because of the darkness spell the Goblins are going to have to approach all the way up to Bonk in order to fight us and with my party members across the Ravine casting spells it's not going to be too hard to fight them they did try to summon a Warg on my side but Jack just needed it off the cliff into the Ravine and made quick work of it because of all the temporary health that Bonk gets and the fact that he has advantage on attacks against them and they have disadvantage against him because they are blinded the bridge worked as a perfect choke point to allow Bonk to take pretty much all of the attention of the enemies and fully protect his party especially pinky Bonk is an absolute powerhouse on this team he cranks out a lot more damage than pinky which makes sense because pinky is designed to have more utility than damage the darkness spell eventually wore off and they finally got a hit in on Bonk but all it did was take away his temporary health and do a little bit of damage and then he got a killing blow and got a bunch of Health right back and we mopped up the rest of the fight no trouble at all but this was just the warm-up fight there's a lot more goblins waiting for us in the heart of their camp but they really like these Bridges and they decided to just run out of single file so we could just start Eldridge blasting them away we only have two people with repelling blast but that was enough for the beginning of the fight and we can bring in another Darkness spell to make us safe from range attacks and force the Goblins to approach Bonk is the only warlock that has Devil's sight right now so everybody else is blinded when they're in the darkness but it's really easy to just take a step out to the side fire off an Eldritch blast and hop back into safety we were even able to knock some of them off the bridge if they strayed too much to the right side and they really designed their defenses poorly because their Giant ogre guard can't fit past the barricade so he was trapped and couldn't even approach at all after hitting him a few times he did actually swing and take him one of the barricades and I decided to do him a solid and take down the other one so he could have a fair shot with his last tiny amount of remaining health I tried to see if I could get the angle to knock him off the bridge but I wasn't able to get it just right so I had Bonk go in and finish him off inside the camp pinky tried to make friends with an owl bear cub so we'll see if that turns into anything later there's a lot of sleeping goblins that are just drunk off their asses that um I just had bonco and execute in one hit but he didn't have enough damage to kill the bug bear in one hit so we had another fight on our hands the fight bled into another area of the goblin camp and they actually took down Bonk which is not great because he is the only tanky person but pinky rushed in to get him back on his feet before retreating to a safe distance but it was pretty hard to keep him on his feet because the Goblins were very determined to to try and take him out Crusher here showed how he earned his name biked absolutely pounding on Bonk look at bonk's pose there and then he shoves Jack right off the top of the tower great plays honestly but Pinky and bonk stick together so she tossed a health potion at him to get him back on his feet before he died Lefty tried to send the goblin down to Jack so that he could uh get a little more productivity in the fight but unfortunately Reginald is just too strong for his own good and ended up doing the whole job himself I Eldritch blasted my way into the Upper Floor of the goblin camp and we are ready to take on the interior now I use minor illusion to get as many goblins as I could over by one of the big statues that can get knocked down and I had Reginald's fire shot off which didn't do quite enough damage but it's okay we have more people to take their turns so Jack fired a shot off and didn't do enough damage so I had pinky fire a shot off and finally managed to get it to fall but I didn't have anybody left to ask attacked the Goblins so I wasn't in combat with them and one of them insta died but the rest of them are just like ah nothing happened it's fine so I gave it another go and this time I left the game in turn based mode and thankfully Lefty did enough damage to take it down by himself so I had Bank used bone chill to make sure that we were actually in combat then I had him Misty step down and get in the perfect position for a burning hands on five of them which was a huge hit and that's basically the fight is over just in that one play we had to fire off a couple of extra attacks but the first room went down real easy and we are off to a good start and had Jack give us all a short rest now in hindsight I might have let this first fight uh go to my head a little because instead of having a good fight opener next time I decided to have my fight opener destroy draw ragslyn's Throne just for the emotional damage um he didn't let it get to him he didn't let it get to him at all because this fight went very poorly very fast if if anything draw ragslyn just let his throne destruction make him angry and turned that into damage initially the fight didn't look too bad I aims take out one of the goblins and I had Darkness up but the blinded drawer ragslin was able to land hits despite his disadvantage on attacks Bonk only had four hell left after draw ragsland's first attack which really doesn't bode well for the rest of my team because Bonk has way more Health than they do Bonk got dropped by a javelin throw which caused pinky to rush into the fight but he was just apparently outside of range to be able to help him back to his feet but Jack always the team player ran over and got Bonk back on his feet but enemies love to Target Pinky and as soon as she was in range drawer axlin ran over and absolutely yeeded her into the spider den and took Bonk down in the same turn so my darkness spell was gone not that it felt like it had helped very much in the first place anyways but once again jack came to the rescue he used his last spell slot to get pinky back on her feet and he used his action to get Bonk back on his feet only for Bonk to get heated off into the spider Pit by drawer ragslin but at least he's back with pinky now draw Raglan landed a hit on Jack and it looked like he was leaving until he used Repulsor and yeeded Jack and into the spider pit and this is where Jack learned that all of his helpfulness was not going to be returned because pinky focused on getting bonked back up and bonk focused on making sure pinky was safe the imps were still giving it their best shot up at the top against Roy ragslin but they were heavily outmatched and one of them got just absolutely insta killed but they were still getting a little bit of hits in here and there Bonk got hit by another pretty big hit of damage and without very many resources or many ways that they could see to turn this fight around they decided to flee the area together because their turns were back to back which of course is leaving Jack to die in the spider pit but who knows maybe he'll make it you know maybe he'll be okay uh Reginald is still in there I you know Lefty likes to help people out when they're in a bind oh no I don't have a clear line of sight to throw a potion at Jack I you know I'll lure draw Rags a little way that'll help Jack hang in there buddy long and Pinky chugged a bunch of health potions to get themselves back ready to fight before heading back out into the spider pit pinky entered the spider pit in sneak mode but it looked to her like it was going to be too risky to try and do anything to help Jack so she decided to leave the spider pit and get to a safer location she tried to finish off draw ragsland because he was really hurt but she wasn't able to get enough damage in and Jack expired followed almost immediately by Pinky getting absolutely wailed on and killed by draw ragsland maybe she should have saved Jack instead of being selfish Reginald was finally able to finish off draw ragslin and bonk rushed as quickly as he could to use a revivify scroll on Pinky then we just fired spells off from safety to kill the spiders and everybody continued on with the adventure leaving Jack dead in the spider pit we'll get him later you know better better to use Withers to get him up than to use another scroll we already had to use one this fight on Pinky Jack is slowly starting to realize that the party is not looking out for him as much much as he's looking out for them all insisted on making a very strange decision which is letting Volo gouge his eye out and give him a new eye which allows him to see invisibility which seemed like a plus to everybody but it was odd that he was so willing to let it happen then we eated a couple of goblins off some Cliffs to finish off everything in the goblin Camp before getting ready to go and party with the tieflings we're ready to head to your camp excellent lead the way at the party Bonk and Pinky paired off to chat while Jack was spending some time sulking over at the river but then he saw alfira in the distance and decided to head over to chat this might be the one I'm talking but I'm feeling inspired thinking of writing my next song about you so Jack showed off his Bard skills for alfira once again and played for the crowd while this was happening Reginald had a plan of his own which is that he really wanted to get that band of intellect so that he could be more intelligent and hopefully become the manager of the arch phase left-handed wand Emporium but there were too many eyes watching Bonk and Pinky so he wasn't able to go up and try to pickpocket them so he slipped away and decided to wait for his next chance by the end of the party pinky had gotten pretty drunk and said something that left Bonk a little curious what she meant she said I can't believe you found me before I found you we've been nearly Inseparable ever since and bonk was wondering what she meant by before I found you but he didn't have a chance to ask the next day the party headed into the underdark to see what lay in store for them but they immediately came across the Minotaur that was trying to break its way into the structure that they had climbed into and there were traps that were firing at it constantly so leaving for the through the front door was not an option and the they decided to head out the broken window I had a little oops moment with one of the torch stocks standing a little too close and took a point of damage but that's not too much so we headed forward and found a bunch of petrified bodies and on the other side of them a spectator was waiting to surprise us and attack fortunately for Pinky she has the alert feet which makes it so that she has faster initiative and can't get surprised because if she didn't have it she'd probably be dead because she was walking up in the front she put down a layer of Darkness on her party so that they could be safe because the spectator is going to bring some allies into the fight with him as well and they have The Spectator charm on them which makes it so any damage will break them free of the illusion and that is what the imps are for I had the imps fly up and be the front line of my attack and they managed to get the first Charmed drow to be free and he joined us in fighting against The Spectator Bonk headed out after casting mere image so that he could get up close and personal with The Spectator and I made a mistake with pinky because I stepped out of the darkness and was not able to get far enough back in to actually be safe we got some good opportunity attacks on The Spectator as it was moving but it went over and bit Pinky and broke her concentration on the darkness spell so that's done Reginald sees the moment to make sure that he was was in the safest position possible because you know you got to look out for number one and he is definitely number one and freeing the drow from the charm ended up being a really good decision because it cranked a lot of damage out throughout the fight The Spectator flew over and just insta killed Pinky and then also paralyzed Jack and uh Reginald just kept on blasting and then going and hiding back down below at the bottom of the rock climb which left the task of Reviving and helping party members up to Bonk The Spectator unpetrified a drow over by Reginald which maybe could have been an issue but I'm playing warlock so Reginald just went ahead and needed it straight off the cliff so he wouldn't have to deal with it anymore and honestly Bonks just spent the majority of the fight from this point on just Reviving pinky over and over again it took a while but we were finally able to bring down the spectator but hardly a moment later we came across another monstrosity that needed to be dealt with with this thing is pretty mean but I got really lucky and Pinky managed to land a Critical Strike and she is a great old one warlock so she has Mortal reminder which frightens enemies when they get hit by a crit so it's not able to come up here and that bought us a lot of time to deal damage while it was just biting at the imps unfortunately we weren't able to finish it off because it burrowed underground and fled huge coward my party headed into a micanid village and that is where Lefty got a pretty devious idea for Lefty's intelligence level he found a headband that looked very similar to the Warped headband of intellect so he decided to buy it and start wearing it and he made a real big deal about it he's very show body let everybody know that he had this new headband we came across the big burrowing baby again and this time he wasn't so lucky because Jack was able to eat him straight off the cliff ending the fight instantly pinky talked her way out of an ambush and so naturally now that they're not expecting it we start Eldritch blasting we blasted the boss off the second floor and one of his guards off the third before having Bonk Cut the Rope netting so it would be harder for them to get up to us I also blasted a reanimated corpse off into the chasm and the fight got pretty messy from that point on but for the most part we had dealt with enough of them that we were able to just keep Reviving our teammates over and over again even if they got downed by a hit so nobody was ever getting finished off I tried to have Lefty blast this guy off of the walkway when he was approaching us but he missed which was unfortunate but then that guy missed against Lefty giving Lefty a second chance to fire that 42 percent blast off and get him back down onto a lower ground I honestly missed an absolutely insane number of attacks while I was doing this fight and it just really it was so so messy but everybody made it through the fight we didn't have any casualties and we just had we just spammed Elder it was just warlock things we just kept casting Eldritch blast over and over and over again until we had won party went down for a long rest and the owl cub bear came back and it wanted some food so I tried to offer it some food but it did get scared away so hopefully it'll come back again I also had pinky throw the ball with the doggo that we have hanging out in Campa before we got back to the adventure the party is almost level five so we eated a couple creatures into chasms then I came across this guy that was trapped in the middle of a poisonous mushroom field and I just thought this was a funny moment because I had a strength check to try and throw a misty step scroll to him and I got an eight on it the scroll misses the dwarf by a fair margin I just thought it was so funny but I got to solve it in a somewhat warlock way my uh familiar my imp doesn't trigger the Bieber bangs so I just had it move the scroll over and I thought it was kind of cool because once the scroll was close enough he actually did pick it up and then teleport himself to safety this is the last fight in the video that my full party works together on because after this fight something is going to permanently change the group dynamic going forward and it doesn't have anything to do with this fight specifically but rather because after this fight my party hits level five level five is a significant power Spike and this sudden increase in power is going to trigger a unique event between two of my warlocks you see warlocks are granted Power by their Patron and in exchange carry out specific agreed-upon acts of service but these two warlocks were given only one requirement they agreed that upon request of their Patron they would compete in a contest to prove where the essence of power lies if they win the contest their Patron would allow them one wish that would be granted if the request was within the patrons power to accomplish if they lose their contract would be severed and their powers revoked now obviously Reginald Raven Shadow probationary manager of the archface left-handed wand Emporium is not one of the warlocks I'm talking about because he has a lot of responsibilities as the probationary manager of the arch phase left-handed wand Emporium at level 5 Lefty got access to the plant growth spell the darkness spell and he swapped out crown of Madness in favor of counterspell he also took Devil's sight so he can see clearly even when he's standing inside of his magical Darkness it also can't be Jack because Jack hasn't reached level 5 as a warlock yet due to his multi-class as a Bard Jack Patron is the same as Reginald the archbay but as of right now we don't know what service Jack promised the archway in exchange for his powers Jack went to level 3 as a warlock and took the hold person spell and went pact of the Tome bonk's Patron is the fiend and bonk himself tends to face his problems with brute force and fire Bonk took the fireball spell and the sign of ill Omen so he can weaken enemy that can match him in terms of raw power he also took vampiric touch so he can restore himself while damaging his enemies Pinky's Patron is the great old one and Pinky tries to use cunning to solve her problems she wants to outmaneuver her enemy rather than face them head-on she took the spell hunger of Hadar so she can force enemies out of advantageous positions and one with shadows so she can slip into invisibility if things don't go her way she also swapped out dissonant Whispers to get counter spell at level 5 a warlock's Eldritch blast can trip is upgraded allowing a second projectile to be fired with each cast this can be great for sheer damage or for knocking back multiple enemies at the same time Lefty and Jack headed out to look for magical items in a nearby wizard tower Eldritch blasting their way past the Arcane defenses with them out of the way it was finally time the fiend and the great old one made a wager long ago to prove the essence of power the themed said that brute force is all that matters and his Champion would wield a sword of flame the great old one said that a cunning Champion would always find a way to steal Victory Pinky and bonk had been instructed by their patrons to travel with each other without revealing why but suddenly it was obvious they were the chosen Champions that would fight to prove which Patron was right okay real quick I just want you to know that this is a real fight between Pinky and bonk I didn't choose the winner that said I did make a decision during the fight that is outside the scope of normal Baldur's Gate combat and I rolled d20s to determine whether it was successful or not now roll for initiative pinky won the initiative role by one so she's going to act first pinky wants to get as far away from that sword as possible so she takes off and gets to The High Ground before firing off a pair of Eldritch blasts at Bach she lands both hits but it really just does average damage and gets through his temporary health since pinky is packed of the chain her familiar gets an extra attack so Bonk wanted to take it out immediately and targets it first before moving on to pinky with Bonk threatening an attack of opportunity pinky Misty steps away then pinky uses shapeshift to disguise herself like the corpses nearby so she can hopefully hide and let Bonk pass by giving her a chance to better prepare for this encounter Bonk couldn't see her when she did this so he doesn't know that she shifted her appearance if he wants to find her he'll need to make a perception check that beats her stealth check bonk's Patron instructed him not to use spell slots during this fight so he's going to need to run to catch up to a pinky and uses false life on the way to give himself some more temporary health as Bonk rounds the corner pinky makes a stealth check and gets an 18 on it so that's what Bonk will need to beat with his perception check but he only rolls a 15 and has a minus one so he gets a 14 and has no idea where she's hiding he ran right past her pretending to be a corpse on the ground and continued on to try and see where she went pinky takes this opportunity to backtrack hoping she can come up with a way to win this fight while this is happening Jack and Reginald are about to get themselves into a bit of a situation as well because Reginald decided to split off looking for Treasure while Jack's back was turned but he found enemies instead seeing that he would be completely outmatched he decided to do what any logical person would do in his situation and run away while he was fleeing he tossed a bench into the path so that hopefully it would give him a little bit more time after somebody wasted Jack's movement with a Miss click he ended up surrounded by animated armor and Reginald thought about what his next move would be pretty surrounded Jack decided to go up to the top floor and fired off some Eldritch blasts on the way hoping to get some distance between himself and all of these animated armor suits that came out of nowhere and that's when the animated armor started Landing some hits onto Jack distracted Reginald missed his attacks while Bernard made its way up to the top floor to go after Jack Jack was able to heal himself a little bit but as he was trying to get away from Bernard's shock field he took an attack of opportunity that was pretty massive but thankfully he was able to land a single point of damage with his two Eldritch blasts and that knocked Bernard down to Reginald's floor unfortunately Jack just didn't have enough Health left to survive the attacks from the remaining animated armor and he got downed this left Reginald with a choice should he run away and leave Jack for dead or should he make his way up to the roof and try to get Jack back on his feet after landing a double knockback on animated armor Reginald was feeling a little better about the fight and thought all he needed was an extra hand and they could pull this one out or perhaps more likely he just was worried he wouldn't be able to escape Reginald went to the top floor and prepared to revive Jack while Bernard busted the bench that was blocking his path and the remaining animated armor started working their way back up to the roof Reginald was pretty tough to hit though so he manages to dodge one of the two attacks and he gets Jack back on his feet giving himself an ally in this fight before running away to High Ground Jack doesn't have enough movement to get to where Reginald ran to so he tries to go find a corner where he can hide the animated armor tried to hit Reginald but they just couldn't and Reginald used plant growth to make the entire elevator area extremely hard for them to move around on Reginald's hiding spot was a lot less accessible than Jax was so the animated armor turned their attention towards him jack fought hard and finished off one of the armors but it wasn't going to be enough maybe if Reginald had landed did both hits for the knockback Jack wouldn't have been in as much danger but not even Reginald Raven Shadow probationary manager of the arch phase left-handed wand Emporium can land every spell with Jack down Reginald knew he was next and that gave him hyper Focus to land a double crit knockback to finish Bernard off in a single blow the crits weren't actually necessary the fall damage would have done it but it was still kind of cool the two enemies remaining had an extremely hard time moving on the plant growth and that gave Reginald a lot of time to miss several attacks while they tried to figure out how they were going to best approach and attack him eventually he was able to land some hits to finish one of them off I don't know why it took fall damage there but it did and that's just what happened so I'm accepting it and Reginald landed two more massive hits on the armor and knocked it way down to the bottom and thought about running towards Jack to try and save him but the danger wasn't gone yet so he decided to protect himself meanwhile Bank realized that he had been fooled and he doubled back to look for pinky pinky had bought herself just enough time to rush a spellcast on find familiar so she could get her imp back she left her imp standing right in the middle of the room so she could hide in the corner and prepare for an ambush Bonk charged into the room and didn't see pinky hiding in the corner at all and went straight up to the Imp so that he could try and take it down as quickly as possible but he didn't have any actions left so the Imp had a chance to attack and was able to deal some pretty decent damage down onto Bonk pinky started to creep out of the room but knowing that she would need to fight if she was going to win decided to fire off an Eldritch blast with advantage and did some good damage to Bonk Bonk needed to use both of his attack actions in order to take down the Imp because he didn't do enough damage on the first one but he had enough movement to get right up to pinky so that she would be threatened once again with no spell slots left she was forced to fire off an Elder's glass at disadvantage and she did 18 damage getting Bonk very hurt and she still hasn't taken a hit yet but it was finally bonk's turn to land some attacks and he swung twice and finished pinky off in a single turn pinky succeeded on her death-saving throws and was unconscious on the ground bong had officially won the contest of power and earned the right to request a wish from his fiend Patron pinky might have succeeded on her death-saving throws but Jack wasn't so lucky and he died Reginald tried to finish off the animated armor and eventually landed some hits and went over to check on Jack seeing that Jack was dead on the ground Reginald wondered if this was the moment that he'd been waiting for so he walked away leaving Jack's body behind fate Smiled On Reginald more than he could have imagined because pinky was also lying unconscious on the ground and this was the perfect moment Reginald decided to reach into her pack he scattered a bunch of her belongings all over the ground and stole some of them so it would look like she was robbed and he finally put the headband of intellect onto his head more than doubling his intelligence since it looked similar to the headband he'd been wearing he expected that he would get away with this and crept away from pinky as she laid unconscious Reginald used a scroll of revivifi on Jack and got him back on his feet and told him how bravely he thought and how they managed to take down this fight together and he revived him as soon as he could and they went to go find Bonk and Pinky and tell them of their glorious fight but they found only Bonk talking to his Patron down by the lake they went to find Pinky and Reginald was careful to make sure he was always within line of sight of Jack so that no nobody would suspect that he had come down and robbed pinky taking the Warped headband of intellect but that wasn't the only thing pinky lost because she could feel the power of her Patron withdrawing from her as the loser of the contest the conduit of power between her and the great old one was being closed it wouldn't be long before pinky was no longer a warlock the only thing left now is for Bonk to make his wish and His Wish was that from now on Pinky would be the source of her own power she wouldn't be able to progress her warlock Powers but the ones that she already had would be maintained and she would be able to continue to grow in strength as a sorcerer I hope you enjoyed the video I might look into getting a mod that increases my experience gain so I don't have to grind as much uh random trash mobs in order to actually progress the story but I don't know I haven't decided for sure if the next part to this series is done you should see it right here but otherwise you'll see one of my other videos that I think you should totally check out because it's probably amazing
Channel: Fracture
Views: 124,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 Act 1, Baldur's Gate 3 Warlock, Bg3 warlock, bg3 only warlocks
Id: f2Tsl5ztR_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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