🔴 Baldur's Gate 3 - 1 Player Solo Rogue Again

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[Music] and please [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] bruh hold the phone I'm having some data mismatch issues with some mods should be fine though I'm hoping it's because like I I hope I didn't corrupt my [ __ ] save file dog I don't install the like a bunch of uh Quality of Life mods to launch the [ __ ] stream and my whole [ __ ] is busted what is good technical issues again that's it like I said every okoy stream technical difficulty City up in here should I play bg3 yes it is [ __ ] amazing it's not a perfect game but it's [ __ ] really good holy [ __ ] [ __ ] it's hot today man anybody else in the UK dying out here absolutely dying or is it just me #ad for what I don't get paid by larion I just really like the game it's more likely to be an ad if it's a total wall thing that I'm pushing which I refuse to do because I don't agree with you know their policies right now I think everybody's on the right side of that right now we finally lost our week-long Heat Wave dog it is I am literally dying here okay maybe not literally but it is so hard I got a fan going so if anybody can hear that let me know I don't cut when ogre race DLC I have no [ __ ] idea man I probably a long long time I'm stuck in like 20 25 most likely I'm freezing good AC dude the you nobody in the UK has AC except for a crazy rich people like hopefully I'll eventually be rich enough or even you know have a reasonable amount of money and then I can get air conditioning you know maybe some stupidly Rich fan like will like my videos you know drop me like 50k to get air conditioning I know it's not that expensive it might as well be it is so [ __ ] expensive in the UK though it is is it Rogue fight Rogue Five Fighter 5 Ranger two the end goal for this build uh right now it's five Rogue one fighter uh we took one Fighter for for uh I don't even remember why do we take one level of fighter what do we actually go with did I go with no archery that was it for the plus two uh archery damage and then also proficiency with medium armor and [ __ ] as a base and then building five levels of Rogue off of that for the extra bonus action for the crossbows uh I think definitely two levels in Ranger for the uh Colossus ability because that is nuts the Colossus ability dude is wild strong it is crazy good have you seen the cheese with the Caravan chest in silence Oh you mean where you keep casting it over and over again or whatever and damage it it just [ __ ] everybody up around it as long as they're not like resistant or immune to the damage type or whatever the [ __ ] I don't know how it works I think I've seen it though is that what you're talking about what were we doing here what is this inventory setup man what is this this is wild God it is I've been playing this game so much I dropped back onto this build and I'm like what the [ __ ] was I thinking you know buying a lost amulet oh we never did that I think I'm Gonna Leave The Amulet and leave that law of Elemental because I couldn't figure out how to beat that whole thing I don't think we we ain't packing heat to deal with that little fire man he's immune to our all of our damage oh also I have another goal for Act 2 for this guy there's a crossbow that does false damage and it's called the near Miss A near missa or near missa or something like that all the damage that does is is uh Force damage and then it comes with a freak cast per short rest of um magic Missile pretty dope pretty [ __ ] pretty cool did you use all major arrows yeah I don't have any alternator errors we don't got nothing I got regular ass stuff I got Colossus bloodlust what are we rocking right now dude I hate all the visual effects I got a mod to get rid of it it's so nice no obnoxious visual effects we'll call you Scout TF2 IRL what do you mean I don't sound like the scout from TF2 oh my drama that accent is heavy what do you mean I'm not even trying to do an accent I swear to [ __ ] Oh wait [ __ ] I need to I redid my whole [ __ ] control scheme you know when you get to late game and you get an ability that replaces your jump if you know you know I'm not gonna spoil anything but when you get eventually you might get an ability maybe if you go down a certain route to uh get a different ability but it doesn't rebind your jump key which sucks flying is better than jumping is this tactician uh it is not but I'm considering putting out of tactation because uh it's been dog [ __ ] easy oh [ __ ] I oh [ __ ] I forgot we [ __ ] up the narrow thing last time what if okay was from Boston all along I'm walking here I I uh [ __ ] no right so we've done everything wait did we talk to philamine it's saying philamine's hiding spot we've already talked to philamine right I have the [ __ ] Rune Rivero what is the name of the mod that removes visual effects oh let me get it hold on it is actually dope I have my actually you know what I have my [ __ ] thing right here so it's called Uh [ __ ] Google it you lazy no I'm kidding it's called um no more looping VFX and sfx on Buffs version two just look up VFX on the uh the Nexus for pg3 gets rid of all those visual effects uh some of them it doesn't like warding bond for cleric [ __ ] like that that's why like this little square thing doesn't go away but most of it does It's pretty dope I love it it's like probably my favorite mod that I've got so far then and then like uh NPCs not running away from summons Druid forms uh and you know Undead [ __ ] all that kind of crap Druid yeah it's that's also dope I don't understand why that's in the game anyway and then the rest is just cosmetic [ __ ] all right so moving on we're gonna go to joaquin's rest and we're gonna go into the mountains but maybe I should long rest first what do you guys think I probably should do more long rests but I tend not to maybe we should do a couple more of them on this run wasd is a movement is a sick mod I guess I am perfectly fine with point-and-click though you know what I mean that might be pretty nice though just that when you're in combat is it still wasd movement and you can get one that changes the camera too and also one that removes the HUD I've seen this dude did a whole video on like how immersive it is it's pretty nice I feel like the mods for this game are gonna get crazy eventually they're gonna be so good just give people a little bit of time to develop them and stuff we might be looking at a fully fledged ogre mod and you know like the Fantastical racist mom when she gets fully patched and [ __ ] favorite streamer I love this solo gameplay hey thanks very much man I know there's a lot of good streamers out there that's a wild I know that there's a lot of streamers that are a lot funnier than I am like [ __ ] germa [ __ ] love germa dude so so many good ones yeah still thank you oh [ __ ] gray day with the five uh Euro Dono you didn't say anything my dude thank you though but you can always ask a question if you don't knowing and stuff like that much appreciated though man keeps the stuff funded I really need to knuckle down and get on with that halfling video though but we we've been I've been struggling to find people to do it and also I've been busy lately uh with some real life stuff anyway should we long rest or not what do you guys think does the boy do the oh wait [ __ ] we got eaten I forgot we lost his eye he's no longer Sans Underdog he lost his little blue eye is attributing feature if we long rest I'm gonna have to recast age I'm gonna have to give myself AIDS again I'm gonna three chug a potion of bloodlust or Colossus or something uh recast some stuff that's about it there's nothing we can't get back you know what I mean I guess [ __ ] long rest though well long rest when it forces us the long res right which is probably gonna happen at the end of this this little zone right here I don't go did you see larion mentioned your Barbarian vid yeah they have a couple of times they did like a thank you to everybody because they're overwhelmed with how good the game did which was super wholesome and uh the first thing the dude named dropped was the uh Paul Hoffman's video they keep calling it four gnomes though and I do like gnomes but I like halflings more I think hoflings are underutilized in this game there's not enough of them also why the [ __ ] is somebody mentioned this on the Reddit and I've echoed the sentiments so [ __ ] consistently because I agree what how did I do that how did I just do that uh why is there no dwarf gnome or half walk companions if all humans and elves and then like a tiefling what's with that like you'd think apparently there was supposed to be like a Beastmaster female gnome companion but it was cut from the game like apparently that was in the game files like which sounds pretty dope why not use wsd movement uh I don't know I don't want to install any mods so this is an unmodded playthrough God we're big we got the Colossus potion on why am I so big no that's the blood loss okay is this gnome way bigger oh okay that was just force perspective now we're still little I genuinely I was like look how [ __ ] big I am dude show people complex from Larry maybe I think it's a bit of a missed opportunity I love gnomes I love hotlings are the pop folks I love any race that isn't human or elves I am [ __ ] down with dude they're dope felt it elves are just humans they're just [ __ ] crazy humans with pointy ears that's all it is and then half elves are a [ __ ] Abomination no I'm kidding a busy lady what do you want what a Sans Underdog comeback I can respect that okay all right cool I'm not here just go the Society of Britain's tasked me with acquiring one of their eggs in order to settle eggs can I consume it to gain its powers he will kill me so I'm asking you to retrieve Auntie Ethel still has dialogue for the cut character too damn dude yeah that's it there's supposed to be a werewolf are we supposed to have a werewolf bar that's what I think it was a little gnome halfling uh bard uh the is a werewolf which would be the [ __ ] dope I don't call you get the noble stock I think so I think we gave I don't remember what we did that was a couple episodes ago we got the noble stock though all right I want my payment up front though lady I'm gonna talk the pants off of you not literally I don't wanna say this doesn't want any more sexual harassment charges I'm asking you to do it what's with her Pinky her Pinky I don't know oh wait we can get some good [ __ ] from this lady hold on hold the ding dang phone over here oh the grits for cloth this is great for the plus two wait don't we already have eight uh 20 decks shut up lady we have 18 decks okay maybe we I trust such a very well God she's loud baby pale pink die Don't Mind If I Do also this necklace is dope and I kind of want it what do you guys think so what it does it's a little bit op in sort of a weird indirect way it when you're down it automatically stabilizes the style of your turn which is good right like you you won't die and this would be insane for a permanent playthrough uh but maximizes the number of hit points restored now that is so much better than anybody thinks it is yeah it's great for a solo run right I feel like and then heal and then we all are well today hey I'm good tied with the [ __ ] uh 10 cost don't know what is CA Canadian dollars I think I forget I'm pretty sure that's it I'm what is up Todd I am very well thank you for the donut my dude mucho appreciado uh All Right Moving On what was I dude I keep losing my train of thought actually I might need some AOE spells I was thinking if we're taking on the gethianki crash something that slows and pins a bunch of them together so we can blow them up in a giant General genocidal explosion would be cool that would be pretty cool so I'm thinking we can either hide bait some people or some [ __ ] absolutely love the stream did a solo Rogue run two cars of your life can't wait how you are going to manage some fights really funny run also cleric spells six Heroes Feast make you a god LMAO Clark spelled six Heroes Feast dude Heroes Feast is [ __ ] it's crazy thank you by the way it's cool to see people doing more solo runs and [ __ ] I'm curious to see if anybody can make any other solo runs work I mean I know you probably can barbarians throwing ones for example insane monk builds you could I feel like you could solo the whole game with [ __ ] ease they're dope but uh Rogues just seem to be built for it thank you mighty thanks for the Donut oh yeah her Hero's Feast by the way is gotta be the strongest buff in the game for people that don't know it's wild you're it I don't ruin anything it's a really really high level spell but it lasts until long rest and it gives you immunity to poison immunity immunity to acid I think or something like that it gives you 12 extra hit points uh and then it just like on top of Aid too you can use it with Aid to get even more hit points and it also gives you advantages on saving throws and something else it's so good dude it makes you immune to poison clouds so if you set up poison Cloud traps or any clouds at all like it makes you review the cloud kill it's so good dude oh my God it's so good doing a monk run it it's my easiest run yet the class is disgusting I am so hyped I'm playing a rogue a a monk and I'm gonna go a monk Rogue and I have one level in Barbarian I can put my stuff into uh Constitution for my AC instead of uh wisdom pretty [ __ ] fun so far how folks are good for punching I think all right gloves of painful striking whenever you deal damage with a weapon attack the socket receives a 1D point of that on attacks not gonna do cold damage We're not gonna do whatever the where this is all made [ __ ] dog I need some good stuff for my boy where am I where's my rogue gear at I don't think it's worth unequipping the graceful cloth because having an insanely High AC like we do right now up in you know we got 21 AC I don't think it's worth it for the plus two today what do you guys think it also gives us uh jump distance which is funny because we have insane jump distance already because of athlete paid for the leadership no paying to speak not here for loan but hope stream goes well also Noble stock blew up because dwarf ran from methods no wait did I blow it up oh [ __ ] you're right oh yeah okay yeah you're right didn't I load it I thought I loaded that because it was a massive [ __ ] up well remembered dog I completely I for some reason all the elements of this playthrough are just lost in my brain I don't remember half the [ __ ] that we did I guess because there's weeks there's like a [ __ ] solid week between every decision I make thank you for the Dono by the way uh dragon recent uh homie Patron I don't think I need anything can't be fight Ned bunch of debuffs don't affect you also combined with the orange dagger and every time someone misses you which is a lot they get destroyed on Cooter attack thanks again for the Donuts by the way guys this is insane uh wait 12 hit points can't be frightened bunch of debuffs don't affect you that's it also come that's he's talking about uh he's talking about the feast buff insane yeah you can't be frightened is actually ridiculous especially yeah combined with orange dagger every time someone misses you which is a lot they get destroyed yeah dude insane it is so goddamn strong I feel like by the time you get to like level seven or eight you're stupid op though is that just me what's your decks right now my deck straight I was 18. it's flat 18 and that's plus that's just flat we have 17 I got a plus one from Ethel's nasty scalp so we're at a flat 18. so we get a plus one Dex for equipping this uh it won't go above a maximum of 20. I could just oh that dude I could wear the dexterity gloves but I don't see I don't actually think they're going to be better than these because we already have high decks you get a plus one bonus to dexterity saving throws and also increase your jump Distance by 1.5 meters oh get the Dex armor you won't regret it I I know it's really good I already know that it's good plus it gives us advantage on decks rules right or do they patch that what do you guys think and I mentioned scale mail or the graceful cloth basically we're trading out a [ __ ] ton of AC for damage like slightly more damage chance to hit like you need seven to eight I mean you know I'll put it into a vote really quick cat Grace wait fart catch Grace that's something you're gonna think about that in Lord of the Rings when [ __ ] little ass Frodo especially in the in the the fellowship where he gets [ __ ] skewered by a troll with a giant like metal Spike [ __ ] thing right and that's like it's like a an 11 foot like 11 12 foot tall troll absolutely jacked out of its mind [ __ ] impales Frodo with a giant metal spear this might be in the extended edition or just the regular movie spoilers what lives anyway anyway and then he [ __ ] [Music] Frodo no and then it cuts to him and he's like the missile first [ __ ] save me oh and you're like he would be a [ __ ] smear like that spear would have pushed his insides through the goddamn like vest and turn them into bloody string cheese did that ever bother anybody else like even as a little kid when I watched that movie I was like honest it's the Constitution necklace on House of Hope when I got that I was like yeah 170 health I can't die LMAO wait honestly this was going to make you good is the Constitution necklace in the House of Hope when I got I was like yeah dude we're not gonna make it to that I mean maybe if this series like you know people like this series we could continue it all the way into act three um but you know on and off I don't know if there's enough demand for it I'd be happy to do that it'd be pretty fun especially if we stop multi-classing and [ __ ] this build just gets stronger and stronger dude my guys the donos holy [ __ ] I'll be honest with you guys I've never been to the house of hope I haven't been there yet I I'm in act three on another build right now and I'll probably get there eventually but I'm thinking of siding with Raphael because I don't like the squid guy I feel like he's secretly a dick because he's a mind flare but then I'm like oh melon's dope so maybe this guy will be dope but I'm pretty sure I heard that he's an [ __ ] so I don't know I kind of don't want to side with anyone you know what I mean I don't like the emperor I don't like get the Yankee so I don't want to side with Orpheus I'm not gonna ruin anything else actually no spoilers but but my guy you know what I mean wait my erogenous zones are hotter if you're proud of yourself you jump on the great content name something after me when you're famous and maybe if I'm famous then it won't matter you know what I'm just gonna buy this [ __ ] [ __ ] now my erogenous zones are hard and ready and I hope you're proud of yourself oh no great content thank you name something after me when you're famous I don't think it'll matter I feel like the channel will be famous not me maybe it's the same thing Big Boy wait I should stop bringing these out ahead of time stupid laggy ass don't know messages do we dye our [ __ ] pink all right I'm not gonna vote on that I'm Gonna Save it and then we'll we'll see if people like it but I feel like this is gonna be the move the McDonald's versus is very precious how is that pink that doesn't look pink at all what are you [ __ ] kidding me I don't know man you know what I think I prefer the McDonald's vest this seems I'm underwhelmed I thought this was gonna be gonna be light pink what do you guys think it kind of Suits the mustache and the beard it's a little bit subtle but I kind of like the McDonald's vest what do you guys think you you're yay or nay what difficulties is he on I'm on normal right now I might bump it up if it continues to be like painfully easy because so far we've been absolutely crushing it looks orange runs dead what is our AC you know what we still got [ __ ] 18 AC we're giving up three AC which is a lot for one damage one chance to hit we can be critical again if we don't have this on I don't know man you know what I'm gonna rock the reguloma for a bit and if we're if we're fine then we're fine right [ __ ] it McDonald's for sure yeah I'm gonna quickly I'm gonna do a fat reload on that I do not like that set I miss my My adorable little McDonald's vest already ah we're back all right maybe we try out the cloth though man what if I die with Shield remember use Gale to cast magic armor to get plus three with the cloth oh oh [ __ ] no wait I have a shield though so doesn't that mean you have to be wearing no armor and no Shield to benefit from magic armor right I don't go I remember you oh yeah yeah I saw that I don't I think I already have a shield man it's gonna be a plus two I don't think that works you can't be crit still why can't I be crit oh oh The Shield oh dog right that's what you're talking about man I'm stupid that's a good point wait so if I equip this I can still Shields work with Mage Armor what what no way I don't suppose she has a uh squirrel of Mage Armor pushing to speed anything else pushes we got a bunch of those [ __ ] what should the speed are amazing I missed the donut I think 29 Big Boy armor being a cat big people armor better than being a cat be an adult keep the armor Tony nod hey you're the dodo by the way I feel like I'm gonna go with the little raggedy what does it look like on my boy actually oh we look [ __ ] sick dog you can't even see the little rib meat coming out oh dude I've never seen this armor suit on any character more than it suits in Gnome holy [ __ ] Eddie quick save yeah yeah five girl go ahead all right yep okay now put your Mage Armor On Me wait do we not have Mage Armor I don't think I gave him Mage Armor [ __ ] dude I [ __ ] daylight wait did I not learn Mage Armor oh no oh no I think I actually just didn't I I think I didn't whoops oopsie [ __ ] dog what's on your mind now I don't want to talk to you about that can I help oh there we go I question the wisdom of that decision this is solo play through man he's cleric bro oh I swapped into a cleric oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] uh do you have anyone else where's shadowhawk at I'm not read [ __ ] why do we make Gail a cleric again oh so we can be damaged because of the warning Bond thing right he's just like a a slave for warning bonds you know what we are wait we're level six damn I thought we were closer to a level up something the matter all right maybe I you know what I literally actually you know I'm too lazy to read respect her okay I'll go get it later we'll sort out Mage Armor after game levels up we'll put one level into Mage we'll get a Mage Armor just remind me anyway Austin has Bach armor he's not a follower though he's just some dude right now he's just a potty homie [ __ ] wait did we did we take on the undead guys yet no I this is my first time being here wait Mick and die what does this look like if I die I think kind of cool weirdly actually and then also I'm gonna die the cape I might also want to clip the cape oh that's pretty dope though stop looking so cool Sans Underdog I mean maybe we look too much like a legit Rogue nah the little McDonald's vest is too too precious right blow these guys up something I'm good at it's blowing guys up long guys up with explosives and nothing else I don't call you can hire a hiling wizard from Withers lazy and quick ooh that's kind of a good idea but then we won't be able to get him out of the potty oh yeah we can we can use uh Withers wardrobe now do a no warning Bond solo uh maybe we just take some bombs like this and then we do a no warning mons solo wait why I figured this Tech out mid campaign I'll let you know it wasn't my intention to use it but I'm gonna we're gonna take everything we can get this game doesn't do anything to help you out when you're solo okay you can call that cheating if you want and I'll call you band because that's what you're gonna be don't judge me no but for real that's it's not I mean maybe we'll just stop using welding Bond if it's too strong but I feel like it's fair we take half damage there's one of us technically we should be taking one-fourth of the normal amount of damage because we're one instead of four oh you know what we're too stealthy I don't know why I'm wearing ballet Target oh we have to have Advantage don't we have Advantage if we're stealthing naturally hmm don't look at me don't look at me [ __ ] good job and then we've wall of Fire can I get a wall of fire going from like here to here damn I like it all right and then we Dash the get the [ __ ] out of here dog and then we Dash again because we have so many actions and then we're small so does your height actually your height physically does affect if you can be shot or not when hiding behind stuff right use warding Bond but switch to tactician maybe ooh Maybe we'll see how how about this we see how the get Yankee crash region the mountain region goes if it's still too easy then I'll swap I'll just I'll just bite the bullet and swap right we got some Firearms ready I'm just gonna keep skipping turns and also I'm gonna hide here like so and then I'm gonna like so so they think I'm here and they're like oh let's go over here find him or whatever unless they stand there angrily [Music] probably should have thought about that huh wait are they just gonna stand there and burn to death oh they're just gonna keep oh nice dude this is working great I'm just gonna keep skipping turns come and get me coming he's just gonna revive him every time is he gonna keep Reviving them they're just gonna keep dying yeah he is [Laughter] yes I just keep skipping what's gonna happen I can't believe this is working come on come on big man no okay that's the one I didn't want all right [ __ ] all right he finessed me all right he did it you know what okay that was smart stupid Undead being small and [ __ ] [ __ ] you should be taking four times the damage why how is that fair that's not fair at all right now Ambush him the one two buckle my shoe shoot him the back of the head fun time oh [ __ ] now we're kind of [ __ ] go through the fire no don't go around the fire you [ __ ] you [ __ ] what a baby what a man baby nice see be like the gas oh don't [ __ ] me up please that is so funny I'll keep Reviving it please that's perfect that's never gonna get old okay here's where we got to do some big boy [ __ ] now um maybe old person get a free crit can you hold them are they not people they're Undead yeah um I'm gonna just do a full piercing shot into his brain and then a couple of follow-up shots one down oh that's really good actually wait and then lightning is not what I'm gonna use fiend slay these aren't fiend these are Undead arrows of oh when we start packing the big boy arrows though dog that's gonna be good all right find me shot hopefully we'll hit him a little bit of damage extra and we get an extra shot can we finish him off maybe we get a crit please whatever dude leaving we didn't even need the barrels you can't hit me you can get close can't hit me he's gonna burn to death please ah 17 HP whatever do not revive your body no oh did I kill him oh let's go psionic backlash is correct all right and then we back breaker this [ __ ] oh we're Unstoppable shoot this guy a little bit and we're done oh taking them down left and right Sans Underdog the king of all things tell me that wasn't consistently [ __ ] really good that went good I think what's my carry weight like it's not a scratch command drop shenanigan that would have been good I think it'll be cool if Volcan did a multi-class challenge where each level he has the multi-class into a new class that sounds like the messiest [ __ ] build ever but also it will be cool to get that achievement I guess I just feel like I'd be too lazy to complete it I'd be like you're such a shitty build if you put one into everything because you get a little smidge most of the good [ __ ] you get from a class is at like level two or three you know what I mean like into um hold monster two levels in two Ranger for example you get the Colossus thing so you do eight damage to anything else anything under a certain uh under Max Health a little based okay hello Bass and a play opulent chest I am a fan of opulence I look at these death Shepherds laid up I love the ragdolls I know they somehow figured out how to put ragdolls in this game oh we didn't even use the barrels man I almost forgot oh I almost hit [ __ ] straight up shot then that would have been rough Ranger three good stuff each turn 1D for uh wait is it not level two I'm pretty sure you get Colossus at level two my [ __ ] out of my gourd I could have sworn it was level two man am I wrong is it level three that would make sense because you can be Gloom stalker and one of them now it's three ah damn dude whatever that's probably where we're going next I don't think there's any point in uh I don't think there's any point in going past level five with Rogue unless you're really committed I think you get all the best [ __ ] at level five like you get a second uh the unarmored defense thingy whatever it's called the thing where you take way less damage uh [ __ ] whatever I forget what it's called the thing where you take uh half the amount of damage you should normally take the thing that's making this build like ridiculous kind of a good multi-class for almost any build evasion I don't know whatever it makes you take half damage like whenever you take damage you take half damage no matter what damage it is pretty cracked honestly kind of stupidly OB e though I guess you need it but then you have really good AC as a rogue usually your decks is high enough I don't know man a candy Dodge I that's it I don't think we're very strong never mind oh my God can I be bothered to wait I could just jump across what's my jump like can I make it there 22 damage we need something with the jump ability man okay Dodge bobs for the wind yeah that's what I'm doing on my uh my Barbarian on my my playthrough with my girlfriend I'm doing a barbarian and I'm dipping into Rogue until I get level five so like five barbarian five Rogue so you get two attacks two bonus actions uncandy Dodge uh on Armor defense you know all that good [ __ ] I was gonna go Bob fighter but for like the amount of actions you would get but it kind of conflicts a little bit it's not exactly the best to mix them I mean it is but I feel like rogue's better can you run Barbarian decks any good uh you can I guess yeah and I'll see why not does your girlfriend play Total War yeah yeah she uh massive fan of three kingdoms uh as well as that ended she plays uh Warhammer three Warhammer two she played with me as well uh a huge fan of valkia yeah you have a playthrough with your cat I don't go oh my goodness I quit pushing the cat thing man they're gonna call Cat Protective Services on me oh wait is something visible as of these guys God I wish you could play as a Cobalt look at him look at this happy little guy they're just friends they're just like lizard man but fun 1v1 your girlfriend I was considering doing like a co-op thing a co-op stream with her or something but uh this is such a long-winded game you can't really do a couple episodes of it you have to be like a long running thing that's enough on your feet I wanna play the Cobalt right why is with her voice by the way what were they going for when they voiced that character God he looks so dumb put your nipples away dog no no the power of my back going what do you think was gonna happen [ __ ] standing there with a crossbow anyone want to join her as I thought through the show up with your [ __ ] quick dog the captain is dudes the horrible but uh to be honest well I mean it might the get females look fine because their body proportions are fine the reason I don't like gift dudes is because they they're built like [ __ ] pencils they put like frog pencils let me loot you lady let me Lucha to get Yankee on fond of the cultists could be a good thing we're so fat [ __ ] strong can I pick this lady up ah you're coming with me th Yankee they're built like math addicts they're actually oh my God it's meth addicts cosplaying as frogs What A Perfect Analogy to describe to get Yankee I agree that there's a face shape or Femme GIF that actually is not bad looking the nose don't bother me it's the bodies and [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] that they have like little noses and stuff and they look like like little frog people that's fine it's the uh it's the lankiness that I don't like you add in a couple of body variations and make let me make a buff get the Yankee I'm [ __ ] in dog I'm in fully I don't who [ __ ] cares I know that they're naturally supposed to be you know built like scarecrows but it's not my I don't know it I get it unnerves me it's got that frog leg stuff you know long lanky long lanky and green no thank you in the lore do you think he's supposed to be monkey people in the lore you okay then maybe I don't know anything about the lore I'm not uh I don't know much about D and D lore it is interesting though all right but the dudes are five foot 100 pounds yeah they're built like redditors no they're not [ __ ] therm therm uh wait Thurston I can't remember his name you all know what I'm talking about the bartender from act two he's built like a redditor redditors are kuatoa don't you put disrespect on the name of my fish man they are [ __ ] dope I want to play zakuatoa so bad it's about Thorn dude the Thorns are so cool I love that whole thing in Act 2 is so cool I don't know why wait you know what oh right okay I know how to deal with this I know a really good way of dealing with this form Sun the bartender yeah exactly why are we so slow am I overweight why are we so slow what's what's going on why the [ __ ] am I walking oh oh yeah Gail will love this yeah I found this be cool if they reacted to this stuff you fem boys dude oh please yes please no no with that body man nah dog I feel like a frog I don't think so you're like a cat bringing him a dead bird you're acting like you don't [ __ ] snack on the birds that your cat brings you that's a sign of respect God can you imagine like I don't think one of these is gonna kill him so I'm gonna go too is he resistant to them no resistances you think this thing will be resistant to Faith damage right is this a waste of two of these I feel like it might be guarded good Lord how could I ever possibly [ __ ] it all right let's get in there and loot okay are we licking the spider this play through I'm gonna lick the spider multiple times I'm also gonna bring Gail with me so he can watch me lick the spider because it's funny and he really is a ruse of it and I think that's hilarious I would lick the spider when you so many people have no idea what the [ __ ] we're talking about I chickened out what does the spider lick gets you uh you get a plus 30 to all damage um you get uh you can turn yourself into a spider and will you [ __ ] what else does it give you um you get eight [ __ ] nothing it gives you nothing does it actually give you anything I like the spider I don't it didn't seem to give you anything it just upsets your companions and it makes me laugh that's about it oh wait I don't want to mock that as all right let me see if I can remember this off by heart it's uh X here on the X Podium nice and then the sword is over here and then the mace and then the hammer we got this no it gives you nothing just laughs it's just for the funnies what an I love that that's a thing though they're just kind of like but yeah this gives you nothing it has no purpose there's no interaction you could possibly do with this spider but um it's it's funny that's the best way to make games those are those are the the interactions that everybody always remembers like the serious stuff cool whatever like ah we failed the survival chick for this we gotta get better survival I was I I think I undervalued survival it's almost as useful as perception oh [ __ ] this room oh [ __ ] dude oh oh no we're so small we're actually so tiny I feel like we're smaller than usual maybe I got used to the Colossus size ah oh you can blind dig yeah you're right I completely forget about that yeah I remember I remember it you're right I uh I gotta forget you can do that every time there's probably not anything in here it's worth it now I've seen like 50 gold in a ring what's up all right how we gonna tackle this I think I might be able to so there's lots of cats in here I think you should be able to pass a animal handling check and they don't kill you you know and then maybe you can use them to go fight the Cobalts downstairs or something fun like that seems to have one hell of a sense of humor exactly they're a great company they had a lot of good comedic [ __ ] in uh in a Divinity original sin too also there's some great bits in that game how do we tackle this can I stealth the dick off these things I'm gonna try that all right here's the plan we Ambush the cats and it's it'll be really funny one Down Bam hiding success what it was successful though you know what I think we can kill all these in one shot nice nice nice I love that colder week so much early game called the week is amazing it's pretty good late game too but not as good we are so strong nobody can defeat Sans under dark no bad slaughtering cats I love cats looks that's like saying I breathe oxygen actually people don't like cats I was watching a Dave portno I think he was doing like a pizza review or some some [ __ ] because of this recent thing where he had a screaming match with the student it was really funny but like he said he hates cats I was like [ __ ] people really hate cats Sans come lip I don't hate any animal except maybe spiders and even then like they have they have there's a reason for spiders I just don't want them near me people who don't like kids just never had a cat I feel like maybe they've had bad experiences with cats like they were a kid and a cat scratch up that was so [ __ ] easy holy [ __ ] we had like the perfect build for that they didn't even get close this is the problem when you can do four attacks in a single turn you know plus the like the blood blush potion we haven't even got a second action yet what gives you a second attack by the way can I just go all into Ranger after this because we can use that to get some uh some Buffs right I can get Colossus like instead of going all in the fighter or maybe we just go to go fight her to get all the uh things then we get action surge too I don't know speed I'm like on the fence a little bit go three Rogue and five Ranger since we're going range Ranger will be good because then we get access to uh all that good stuff can I just bash my way through here with my big stick what is this sturdiest 22 damage right 10 damage I'm not even doing 10 damage right now what what's my melee damage seven to ten wow that sucks final lock picket that Shield is so over the top oh [ __ ] I forgot we absolutely crush it and we have Advantage because of cat's Grace whoops I totally forgot yeah we should just be lock picking everything I don't think I'm gonna be able to give up the dexterity advantage on dexterity saving throws and dexterity rolls that's too good Scroll of blight that's the one that's good against plants right no that's later on 8 to 64 damage ain't bad though that's pretty good I'm gonna put that in the repertoire in our little bar here uh goodberry could prove useful with Ranger I probably focus on [ __ ] like fog and Etc we'll see I can always respect you know we can always respect I know the build so far I'm just like on the fence about whether I'm definitely going a couple of levels in the Ranger to get uh Colossus so if that's level three we may as well just put another two levels in and get level five because then you glue stock also gets free attack at combat start that's true I'll weigh the options between gloomstalker and uh uh [ __ ] what's it called blue stalker and Colossus because eight flat damage every time something is below full health is in my opinion especially if we're drawn out fights because we're solo better don't stop this series I haven't enjoyed watching a streamer this much in so long been loving the content placed in chat streamer okoy thank you dude that's so nice thank you for the Demo Man glad you like it yeah viewership has gone crazy since that since the hopping video I never expected it to do so well so it's been uh it's been pretty dope I keep getting people keep telling Mikey I need to stream on Twitch too I'm like that's the worst idea in the whole world have you seen the advertisements on Twitch lately oh my God it's so obnoxious like I I I tried watching uh Wabi stream and holy [ __ ] I was just getting so many minute long ads every time I [ __ ] clicked off to do something I clicked back and there was another ad I felt like I was watching half the stream it sucked [Music] at one of 3768 exactly that's what I mean it was maddening YouTube is next sadly that's not necessarily what's gonna happen maybe they uh they change ad block so that it doesn't work anymore on YouTube but then people will just fix it oh [ __ ] they're surprised oh man they're doomed what are you even gonna oh my God we're so strong this is like trivial it's not even I forgot how strong this build is I completely forgot I've been doing a whole campaign with a wall lock and it just kind of can I click on this Cobalt or what here we go oh it was the Cobalt never mind ceremonial Warhammer all right we gotta get in the mace and okay I think we're good dude YouTube just has to improve the chat oh my God right if uh I think that's the one of the few things that made me think like hold on maybe twitch because twitch chat is amazing like YouTube chat's okay but twitch chat like the emote system and [ __ ] like that and all people's like pretty determined responses for certain things like sniffer sniffer gets me every [ __ ] time dude I don't know what it is Twitch just has their memes they on pad like their reactions the fact that you have Prime and still get ads pisses me off that's why I only pay YouTube premium also don't stop this run please loving the content dude I what if I can sound so so please don't stop this run please that Plankton voice is [ __ ] great I will try not to stop especially people are enjoying it uh right we're going down thank you for the donut my guy I don't quite hide his Op with the chess piece so save a ba in combat for hide what is a I can't find you normally even when looking right at you yeah dude I know I found that out in like the first episode I realized how [ __ ] busted stealth was and then it just kept going all right I'm gonna I'm going this way actually I think this is the only I don't know there's like [ __ ] tons of ways in this helmet's great by the way holy lands helmet I don't think we're gonna need it but what's our helmet right now oh 17 intelligence absolutely ETV works on YouTube too is brave is wait is there any way to get rid of ads on Twitch is that a thing I know that you can you can do that by subbing and I am the only person that was cracking as like a show of support because I've been watching Kraken for all such a long time uh how do we tackle this I feel like we're too strong I shouldn't even worry about it I should just Dive In yeah [ __ ] it come on what if I succeed my stealth check no that cobra can be explosive oh [ __ ] die die die one down one down you're dead you're dead I'm an advantage you're dead you're dead dude if I get oh my God I forgot about the arrows at a higher level I can't wait till we start getting the we're so strong I can't wait till we start getting the uh the arrow of many targets and the arrow of uh there's smoke powder arrows and [ __ ] they're so strong I love smoke powder arrows smoke powder arrow is an arrow of many targets are insane with this build by a stallion with this similar build like this was pretty much the strongest build I've ever had in this game or if not like one up what you cannot Dodge me [Music] what are you gonna do what are you gonna do bleed on me blow them up hmm that's an idea wait do you stab his buddy the [ __ ] what is it because he's drunk if it if the drunk entities come with fire a fire one explosion occurs what I want to test that nice that's pretty cool all right I'm just gonna Bop these dudes I think he's doing damage and this one's dead nice I don't think I get anything from these guys I think we're good on money ceremonial mace is a must is that we get our our 1d4 buff can I blow these up I want to try some what if I are they just gonna come out in a little pack if I do this actually I'm gonna save these never mind I'm actually gonna save these I think that's way funnier if we actually if we save so if people don't know there's Cobalts in these things what are you doing no don't what let's go stop targeting it fun fact what is here you can pick up the wine barrels with Cobalts in them and they will stay in the barrel I know you can see the dialogue when you place it down a guy a guy uh you can pick up the wine barrels with Cobalts in them they will stay in the barrel you can see the dialogue when you push it down you know I know I know I I'm trying to now don't pick this one up that's just a regular Barrel like it won't let me pick them up though is it bugged what if happens if I shoot there we go I think it was bugged oh there are two maces yeah what oh you thought the Rusted mace was the only one yeah I'm gonna keep these in my inventory for a little bit I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that for long though they're very heavy I want to remember which fire wine battles they are so I can drop them on people wait one of those doesn't have a Cobalt in right I don't remember which one man what do we do with them all right I'm gonna make sure these are separate though I've already lost them I should have whatever we'll figure it out swap the melee well what do we do with them 2 up to like put them all in a camp and then blow up all the barrels at once what happens if you put them in Camp it does it start a fight in Camp the ones with Cobalts are lighter oh okay good right because it's not full of wine wow what an incredible detail that's ish that's kind of wild that they bothered to change the weight parameters for the uh Cobalt Barrel nice if if anybody didn't do this I didn't figure this out you should have because you get this you get morning laws radius your weapon attacks deal an additional one to four damage radiant damage and this persists until next long rest and also you could come back here after a long rest where the [ __ ] did the hammer go oh you can come back here after a long rest take the item off of the stand put it back on and regain the buff for an entire long rest noise all right we're gonna need that uh I'm good on the Note also did you guys know that you can go up here because I missed this my first run a crappy chest up here but I missed it are you jumping so far uh we have the club of Hill giant strength which gives us 19 uh strength and on top of that we have athlete which is here somewhere athletes say oh that's standing up athlete whatever we have a uh athlete so it increases our jump Distance by 50 percent it's around here somewhere so we have that's why we have an incredible jump distance also Sands doesn't Skip Leg Day this man's can squat about 300 pounds he can squat exactly 230 pounds which for a man of his size is insane damn Albert scroll over baby I'm too lazy to walk around nice wait can I just can I go this way can I drop down here somehow yes there we go sweet big brain doing the big brain strats give me my grippies back all right dope grippers I gotta remember to use Misty step it is so good for positioning the feelings does you have the long rest if you leave this area I think yeah but you can just fast travel back um and it doesn't Advance time it's getting the better review shut up I'm not listening to you they're hunting you they won are you gonna steal the egg damn right I'm gonna steal the egg do I look like a man who isn't gonna steal eggs you don't know Sans Underdog at all wait we've been keeping yeah okay good we've been keeping potions of mind reading I'm not gonna Scroll of gust wind though could be good I guess Hitler tell me you didn't watch the previous episodes without telling me you didn't watch the previous episodes and then Charlie Chaplin also just for you know contextual and and uh offensive reasons uh best omelette ever oh can you actually eat the get Yankee egg what happens do I get pregnant that's a really stupid that doesn't make sense don't know melamine X3 I would is did you ever see him Alum again and also glorg or glorp or glorth or whatever his name is the guy from the underdog you ever see him again because those two those guys are [ __ ] cool as hell you do I I never found them well don't ruin it but I never found them oh [ __ ] maybe we should have snuck just don't give the egg just quickly oh okay I kind of want to meet omelo more than I want to give him the egg should we just eat the egg instead should we eat that can you eat the egg what happens can I yeah can I fry the egg whatever we'll deal with that when we get to the egg all right um let me pass the fighting me will end badly for you it absolutely will you will be destroyed I'm good at talking do we use our last all right I'm gonna do this because we need it why not try intimidation oh Sentry considers you for a moment very well the goddesses could use the aid of an adventurer seek The Inquisitor she's like is this thing am I am I afraid of this thing and then I do that cocky little stance she's like I'm afraid of this thing get big knife all right let's go check big knife I'm not getting big knife because then I have to give up my my big strength and my big shield and I need that for carry weight and many other reasons like jump distance but I will look at the sword to stop pre-bitching I know the exact one you're talking about it's like a big knife of the underdog or under Mountain knife of the undermountain king the Wilder skulls critical hit when ruling a 19 they rolled two damage or last we roll the dice take a nice result that is really good um I have used these also I have the gloves of dexterity on like every single character the fact that it puts it up to an eight to an 18 and you get a plus one to attack is so good for most builds image you don't have to invest anything into decks so like my warlock has these they're amazing I don't think I'm ever ever going to use an arrow of dragon slang I think I had like seven of them on my other dude you just never run into uh people that you can use them on oh we're getting the good [ __ ] Elemental slang I don't is that even worth it roaring Thunders are always good for knockback Macy's invisible spear oh this is a javelin no it's a pike the crit is worth wait if I if wait if I have this equipped does this apply to my ranged weapons is that worth giving up my strength or I get equipment in my offhand to go with the shield to get less AC it does oh you have advantage of attack rolls against lightly or heavily obscured targets using this blade so oh man that is good though oh all right [ __ ] it we have money Santa's rich I will take it also the Daredevil go suck dick whoever's idea was to make this once for short rest is an [ __ ] because they will be so cool if you could use them infinitely with the wearer cast spell that requires concentration again any temporary points that's useless for us and hand crossbow plus one we already have dual hand crossbows plus one and that's it I don't think we can get anything else and I'm just gonna buy these so I can excel nice so maybe we give up the shield so the shield gives us plus two AC and the inability to be crit and also uh when a melee type misses you they get sent really for two turns and what am I supposed to buy the the dragon Arrow buy an onion what I'm never gonna if we oh I'll buy anti-dragon arrows okay I don't I don't even think they exist they're like mythical creatures and [ __ ] I'm Gonna Keep the uh Elixir Hill giant strand actually just so actually you know what we could just pop that and stop but then I lose bloodlust so many decisions man that okay five hours of many shot wait wait ah back so soon oh get [ __ ] dude oh my God so good so good so good so good thank you I'm so God I hate that it defaults to the minimum amount I'm so stupid Oh wait okay until I'm taking the transportation arrows too they're really good and that one's fine thank you hey oh it might have fans most arrows are green and I'm not used to looking for for high tier arrows in my defense I'm also gonna buy the flyer ones and [ __ ] it let's get some healing potions too why not we can afford it we're rich we're rich remember slot these bad boys in I'm gonna put this on I'm actually gonna move these over too because I don't know why they're not why they're placed smashed in with everything else Transportation arrows you can go it's fine actually speed all right in my defense I'm absolutely blinded okay exactly you gotta be patient with me this is you're basically bullying a special needs kid so think about that this one just has you know crippling 80d and and also uh [ __ ] what is Corridor Vision I forget what it's called tunnel vision Corridor vision Corridor Vision that's the English version that's the British version he's got bloody Corridor vision um knife [ __ ] dude yeah it's so much better it's worth it it's worth it for the lack of the uh strength thing there we go man wow we look fancy now and also this is more damage so that's also a plus if we do have to do melee we can actually hit pretty hard why does this look cool it shouldn't look cool but it do [ __ ] this all right I'm Gonna Keep the club a hill giant strength in my back pocket we already have good jump distance or reasonable jump distance because of our um athlete perk but it's not it's not crazy strong anymore which is a little bit sad and we're good I kind of hate flourish also it's once per [ __ ] short rest I'll keep a club by Hill giant strength for a little bit we'll keep it in our back pocket I wish I could put it up his butt so we can keep that strength buff because from what I understand you don't actually have to equip an item to give to give you the self the buff like you can just swallow it so I've never can you ever do that like why is it that you're restricted to one or two rings like I know in regular in d d can't you like put on as many rings as will fit on your fingers and [ __ ] like that and like put like seven why can't you wear like 17 necklaces you know I've always wondered that I know it's for balance purposes because it would be ridiculous if you could just keep stacking rings and ambulance and [ __ ] but I want to see that like I was hoping you'd come across a guy with like 17 necklaces on and you kill them and you get like 17 different necklaces Lamar 10 Rings right I know that you can do that in like Skyrim too there's a mod that does that and obviously makes you goddamn completely overpowered but explain to me why that's not an option for other than balance reasons like that you have ring slots and and necklace lots of [ __ ] okay you can Munch The astral tadpole that's true that's true gotta go Indian D you have three Attunement slots for items but also all item requirements to tune okay whatever that's nerd [ __ ] but I would be that guy in an RPG who just like holy [ __ ] a ring of like mind reading holy [ __ ] like I'm wearing like 50 Rings I've got like a necklace with rings around it like the one ring like a chain with loads of ring like we would like 10 rings on it I'd have like 50 necklaces I'd look like an African prince like I would just be completely decked out in all this magical jewelry and I would be just a demigod toe rings exactly they're literally there's a [ __ ] character we licked his toes he had a ring on his toe let me put [ __ ] [ __ ] tons of rings on my little toesies all right nose rings exactly you can put up make like why can't I wear a ring through my ear the [ __ ] ring of virality exactly man you could put rings and necklaces all over your damn body show me that mod why doesn't that exist all right what are we doing now actually I'm not gonna go do any of this [ __ ] I feel like we should just jump the gun go do the little thingy with the stuff and then go from there you lick someone's toes yes no maybe I don't know man shut up we put a Goblin's entire foot in our mouth look at little Sans he's dropping I can explain the latest batch of cultists knew nothing of the astral prism s trying to find Moon Barbarian too please Oh you mean like uh 19 uh four barbarians yeah we're working on it we're pushing through they are ready to fight all right well oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sorry where are they going do they actually go anywhere in close by or they just leave fully all right what up lady no can I talk to these guys took me a whole tender what what is this camera position why did why did I just get a a very unnerving close-up of that wolf it's normal what was that animals are cool oh can you like ghetto could I become homemade with the walls [ __ ] in an iron okay dude all right whatever man that gross why the [ __ ] was that you are one of them the close-up's even worse put that line of dialogue um drive a weapon want to see your blood on it I almost clicked that straight out of the gate almost clicked it you are mistaken the hunt for them you are one of the mercenaries I could literally solo you with my tiny uh legs tight behind my back I've seen my arms I need these on the streets and crossbows um give it to me all right there you go no shut up dumb little space I mean you're it's not you're not gonna be happy exactly as clear yep acquisition will finally come to an end want to make out this get the Yankees not hideous you see what I mean I thought she said [ __ ] [ __ ] this thing sucks you manipulated when I cannot yes I'm [ __ ] cool it appears you have been chosen istick I'm dope as hell does anybody ever comment on the fact that you're like a gnome solo running does anybody ever comment if you do if you go solo or does this the game just assume that you're always in a group a white follow the corridor all right bye lady I'll get the anchor of bad for real for real no they're mutant frog people but I appreciate that your standards are low that means you're probably pretty humble did she call you insect she's just intimidated dude that's that's all that is you know I I can understand that skipping the machine what machine yeah why the [ __ ] am I gonna go in that machine that's gonna be bad for me also I'm not really gonna fit in the machine and I feel like that might be a little bit you know insulting I feel like I'll get in I'll slide to the bottom you know plus we have people to kill we have cheeks to clap God's to slay and I just skipped there on my Merry Little way she's coming on to you that's that's that's a common occurrence with Sans Underdog he has a powerful Musk and an impenetrable energy oh [ __ ] and it means a stealth there hi guys I'm just here to loot don't worry don't mind me don't mind me all right you got a some silverware I was just raiding silverware out the back tunnels a bunch of crappy elixirs and stuff a display case with a Nicholas yo okay so this Albert Is Amazing by the way if you get to this point take this Albert it's so it gives you it's like a regular ass hellbird doesn't give you any extra damage or whatever but it gives you uh Force conduit just a plus one Heller but it gives you force conduit which is blush blushing piercing and slashing damage against the infected entities reduced by one per turn remaining and you can stack this up like crazy especially if you're a fighter and you have a [ __ ] ton of turns and stuff you can get your Stacks up on this thing really high and then uh if you take damage when you have five or more Stacks you do one to four uh Force damage I had it on my my uh my boy one of my boys it was really really good good early game halberd monstrosity slang I will take it we're gonna fight plenty of monstrosities I'm gonna move this up also give myself more Arrow slots we got on here God I wish we would stop putting elixirs on here I need to turn that off oh [ __ ] I forget to slot any of this crap remove this over cheap arrows on the left good [ __ ] being slaying all right I do not regret on equipping the uh animantine scale mail so far Arrow of salving Drew your target of poison I feel like for a solo playthrough this could not be more useless unless I was able to you know shoot myself in the foot and I don't think you can do that okay who did you romance on your main playthrough uh I didn't because that's for simps I didn't I didn't romance anyone menthora tried to come on to me after I rated The Grove and I was like nah dude I'm about that adventuring life and uh and then I went out and did a much cooler venturing on my second plane my most recent playthrough I went with shadowhawk mostly for hop for achievements hop for [ __ ] uh his girlfriend would get mad probably not she's Romancing kalak and I'm chill with that so I'm pretty sure she's not hypocritical enough for that to not be a two-way street loud proud world also nobody would [ __ ] my hall Fork the drama nice 21 AC yeah that's really good I want to have that for a hot minute 21ac with the [ __ ] graceful cloth we gotta get Mage Armor now that is amazing I kind of regret not Romancing mindoro though because she turned out to be pretty cool the Thunder bids I'm not against Romancing I'm just joking farewell I don't understand the people that get fully Sim tripped out though and get like super invested like it's a video game character dog slow your roll interesting I'm really not that interested in the whole romance part of this game though it's always shallow in a game like this anyway crushed and I mean I mean what are you expecting it's gonna be a bunch of predetermined random ass [ __ ] there's some predetermined cutscenes and stuff I heard there is so much Goblin blood on your hands I want homies and Warriors and Bros what's the point oh [ __ ] I forgot to end the poll how long has that been going on for 1.1 000 votes holy [ __ ] the weapon a lot of people won't even know what's happening no don't do it the weapon is how I protect you I'm gonna do it I'm just gonna give it to them because doing this whole dialogue is really boring it is [ __ ] it is me the large monkey lady I'm not gonna bow I'm gonna do the little cute wave wait for this I'm permitted to look upon me no thanks invited to [Music] all right [ __ ] um I what up dude look at him cringing here we kneel before we waved so good that he cringed monkey frog she does be looking like a monkey frog I think that's the jowls that make her look like a monkey because she's old we just kiss her you bear that which is ours joke's on you Lady I'm into war or are you um um uh it doesn't matter that is no answer to my question I just answer all of her questions with questions are you allies I'm friends I am like which what is a friend I just keep eating relief Fancy with it I can't it is corrupted I shall cleanse it for you my queen tell me how Malaysia I will cleanse the prison for only a sniff of thine feet there is someone inside their mind is Warped broken blood they are an agent of The Grand Design the gifts are just simps straight up they're big ladies fine I'm not really gonna do it I got no companions to let down all right into the plane Caster I'm doing it shut up Hitler oh [ __ ] Chris O'Brien with a 12 uh dollar don't know what about get thusi though oh give me that get Venus [Music] okay they're they're okay some of the Yankee are not that gross looking okay but how low do your standards have to be that you're like they're not that horrifying okay a weekend you know gethinas chances maybe Santa's gay who cares maybe Sans doesn't want the gethussy beautiful but maybe we watch the yeah could all this yeah I don't even what's a get frog [ __ ] this is just weird dude we're not Romancing anybody we're not simps no simping here I might [ __ ] that tentacle man or uh maybe the bear guy though because that'd be funny just to upset people I think we've been through this though oh dude imagine if they were like bird people they had like a colorwayca I don't know why it has an extra syllable to that I would I'm sure you would sir gawk get the Yankee [ __ ] that's that's nasty dude did you lay eggs you know yeah that's oh dude you're so right dude does that mean they have cloacas is it just all one thing down there I don't even want to know I kind of don't want to know but I do I'm curious but not in a in a cure in a curiosity kind of way and like a I scientifically want to know they laid eggs that means they have a cloaca then fantasy Anatomy is kind of fascinating oh okay you know what I wanted to try this you know how the The Scroll of uh to scroll of fear I thought it was phantasmal killer if we get a scroll of the phantasmal Killer we have to keep that because can you cast Scroll of the phantasmal Killer and then just stealth and then wait there while they take massive amounts of psychic damage can you do that because you they take what 1 to 40 damage per turn can I in theory cast a metasmal killer and there's hide for ten turns and this they will just be killed unless they can resist it all is that can because that sounds insane I've always wanted to try that it's magical eggs by their God they got normal humanoid bits oh all right so what's Gail doing in Camp is he doing your potions there's a subclass for it he needs high so you can medchecks though okay no we reach we chained him and change them into a cleric uh because for some reason uh we'll talk in private Gayle heals himself when he's at Camp every time he gets damaged he just instantly heals himself okay I'm going in so oh no it's a mistake trusting you yeah the bond spell but you just couldn't help yourself I'm a painter and a vegetarian get out of my mind get out of my mind sphere I know you've come here to me what happens if you attack him can you kill him I've never actually tried killing him can you kill this guy or do you kill this thing you can romance him I know you can romance him he tried in my recent campaign like very like today literally earlier today and I was like all right nah he's gross though I I I've been deliberately swerving no you actually let's find out you're right prepare to die stab him it's so blunt stab him all right well I'm gonna stab him I want to see what happens is he gonna stab himself or am I gonna stab him get Jabs dude get Jabs broski is this gonna be really intense what's this smile dude is he gonna be like where'd the blood come from on his face did I spit that out we could have is it do I dive in choose this oh I turned into a uh mind player then you are not to be trusted hey okay in my defense I don't intend to make a habit of conversing with my killer so I will be brief oh your survival depends on mine and mine on yours it's less than ideal but it is where we stand I know a secret that Blackheath never wants to be revealed it is the reason she mobilized her people to retrieve the astral all right she sends you to kill me okay since we are both dependent on your ability to survive now leave oh should we just go with it [ __ ] it I've never done that why not all right he seemed really bad he was really mad he's still Gonna Keep Us Alive though so that's cool for us should I load though or does it are we [ __ ] even if we continue now are we good the illusion of choice yeah yeah it's a little bit illusion of choice I feel like there's a lot of that in this game unfortunately like it all kind of pushes you towards a good guy ending like you're not allowed to side with Kathryn film there's like a bunch of stuff where it's just kind of like nah you have failed your death has been decreed I [ __ ] stabbed them dude I don't know what you mean I killed the person inside my queen does not lie I must assume you do what I totally stabbed them what you can eat a bag of dicks all right how are we how are we this one might actually be tough all right how are we approaching this situation hmm hmm maybe we use the uh invisibility that's based on the ring though the one room to school them all right bam get him [ __ ] uh all right well we got no more actions wait where's my [ __ ] hold on what it took off my bonus section thing I'm gonna lock that so I don't make that mistake again all right time to shoot him in the mouth Maybe can we get out the main door yes hmm all right I'll tell you what bam wait oh [ __ ] almost got hit by that guy let me get in here and then [ __ ] kablam then we come over here and then wait does this cost an action no it doesn't cool oh it does what oh because of well that sucks remove the lock lamel which lock God there's a lot of these [ __ ] guys no yeah yeah right like you're gonna yeah right my mind is an impenetrable Fortress of oh what what oh eat my [ __ ] cup hey get the [ __ ] out I should save that fire thing for this God damn it um all right scroll a blight get [ __ ] ah that was way less damage than I was hoping all right one more and You're Dead uh and then we can I interrupt with this again no I can't [ __ ] damn it um what's the move here oh this person can see me no they can't see me because they're stuck on the wall see that was small to you all right potion of speed can I stealth attack him no advantage all right kill this guy maybe all right he rallied he's rallied that's not good for us what if I many targets like out here like kablam and then Coppell [ __ ] stupid parrying we'll figure this out Elko I used to scroll of dominant person you picked up I did I just did oh dominate person oh that's smart that's a good idea impressive I have an idea I have an idea Buffet the thing is they're really really good against psychic stuff I love that they're trying to Rend my mind and my mind is just simply too small oh you're there all right which one is strong 41 HP all right what if we can I hold on let's try that 30 chance to dominate not great not great at all right well I'm gonna go here because we have the potion of speed and then what if I hide and then do it will that increase my chances this motherfucker's got wisdom out the ass though 16 and then he has there's no way he doesn't have advantage well seven to wisdom saving throws three from proficient in it and he's got that psionic Revenge [ __ ] this guy's like meant to not be mentally [ __ ] with it's the whole githyanky thing um I could just try it I want to try what if I all right I'm gonna hide and then I'm gonna use 30 it's still the same all right [ __ ] it whoa it actually worked holy [ __ ] let's get the [ __ ] out of here dog uh I'm gonna go The High Ground see you later nerd see you later I'm not getting knocked out of this [ __ ] bye [ __ ] bye uh oh man all right I'm gonna use a thingy of Darkness a great Darkness too so they can't hit me nice now now he's gonna [ __ ] up his own Ally like an idiot get the [ __ ] away from me why me I'm such a good boy too eat my [ __ ] [ __ ] nice he's got mine steel link but solo run ended I mean you want to split hairs all right I'm gonna go to the end of here like this because then we get The High Ground advantage and I can come on I'm a lightning shoot him in the dick he's dead and then we're all the way over here and all right let's Let Them Fight get him get him dude get him dog oh look at all this mine stealing wait oh [ __ ] he resisted it oh [ __ ] wait there's still what they've still got mine steel links on each other what's happening what well I get lethargic because of my my thing well [ __ ] um can I hit him from here nah ain't no ain't no chance okay no way [ __ ] man can I get up here at least then I have high ground all right I'm gonna move over here I think I'm here anyway maybe this will help upon escaping me stand and fight is that like a pro like a debuff for the remainder of his [ __ ] like he can't cancel it what is mine steal link uh leeching and psychic energy to those around him oh receives one plus one bonus Armor class and Deals an additional one to four it's like a damage per creature he's connected to oh [ __ ] it's good for him oh [ __ ] oh eat a dick game can anything be bad for the AI okay he took damage so he got to retake his save and he succeeded [ __ ] that sucks all right well I'm gonna Arrow mini targets him in his [ __ ] neck all right all right I'm gonna push into speed again then and I'm gonna do round two get [ __ ] yeah Dodge that one idiot you [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] he's dead uh I'm gonna finish this one off disadvantage that's fine and pied what are you even gonna do yeah they're just gonna dash at me and then get killed no no um uh what are these guys just humanoids ah [ __ ] it whatever oh eat a dick with that game doomed doomed and now we just shoot this guy to bits and now you shoot this guy a bit so he stops parrying for two seconds [ __ ] man uh oh maybe we just teleport away actually like can I I don't know if transposition away oh man our range is not great though can you climb down from you can't climb down from here which means he's gonna have to jump I'm just gonna screw it go on dude what are you gonna do oh Sonic backlash don't push me into the into the abyss please oh my oh my AC is just unbeatable though and I'm gonna piss you strike you in the nuts I gotta hate that [ __ ] man um and knock them off the cliff can I maybe knock him off wait you don't die if you go down there anyway never mind I'm just gonna keep a couple of shots in the mouth doesn't matter if we have disadvantage or chance the hit is so high and you're dead now leave before the others come for us uh these are good for money right but they're man do they weigh a lot I have no one to send him to going to camp good stuff murder is bad murder is when is murder ever bad don't answer that yeah we're really over encumbered was this ring dude while concentrating on a spell to wear his weapon is axial additional wonderful fit psychic damage okay but actually um could I in theory do that and then get Guidance just put guidance on myself for an action to get an extra 1d4 I could but should I utility ring it's not even tactician I'm disappointed on okay I could turn it up to tactician if you want we're pretty [ __ ] strong yeah [ __ ] it tactician it is we're upgrading the difficulty to take on the whole compound how much damage this do 50 to 120 that should be enough to wipe out a bunch of them a sentence to camp we got it if we need it potion of angelic Slumber that's [ __ ] so not good for us but I'll keep it in case we need benefits from a long rest why not also I don't need gloves of fevery anymore we might find better gloves though God I'm indecisive risk it for a biscuit famous last words I will see it could be easy what do you guys think about that though using guidance in combat to get bonus ability to add to checks but in combat it's a can trip anyway well we've got this necklace on so it'll give me an extra 1D for psychic damage and I can just replace the uh smuggles drink but then we would lose to stealth that's not cool because we got a plus 13 to stealth that means we've already got high stealth but then I also lose plus two to slide a hand hmm Precast guidance yeah I feel like I'm gonna forget I'm gonna I'm gonna hit no on that one grim skull helmet Gods here that shit's not God's here it's fine it's heavy armor anyway it's not like we can use it oh [ __ ] I gotta go all right we gotta go do the thingy underground now I remember any of these guys have anything else good oh this is so dope for warlocks and casters and [ __ ] when your foot's condition game I can't say yeah so wait weapon attack still in addition a damage equal to the affecting spellcasting ability modifier so if you have this is a uh melee warlock It's [ __ ] amazing it adds like an extra Charisma modifier damage spell DC thing to your it's so good so good I have it on my wall lock still give me Oh wait [ __ ] all right I gotta shoot this [ __ ] can I not what the statue starts to rotate and I know that it's Rusty mechanisms stuck what is it immune to the [ __ ] ah oh man I've never had a trouble with this before I feel like I'm not gonna hit odd enough f ucking huge f uck you need to oil the statue grease it up you just hit it I don't have grease do you guys carry around grease with you you nasty [ __ ] you can I know you could throw oil on it I'm surprised they did that [ __ ] here nearly had it uh we don't I don't have a grease bottle what grease bottle produce your own grease that's [ __ ] gross and also I'm a clean boy I'm a nice clean guy maybe oil works Maybe what if what about uh can I spit on it not the first time I've said that um what about a potion okay smash a potion on this thing put out the strength club and hit it I did use the room pedal amount [ __ ] that okay no I didn't mean to do that oh [ __ ] we're in a goddamn dangerous Zone I can't go back and get all right God [ __ ] am I really tapped out of this place because I don't have the ability to do enough damage what is this weak to oh it's only piercing resistant but I have to do 10 damage at least wait I'll just hit it with the [ __ ] club then until I eventually get enough damage I'll eventually do enough damage I just gotta roll highly enough come on barely had it come on I can do enough damage game why you gotta do this to me barely had it what wait a minute I'm doing I 8 to 14 damage right it's not resistant to bludgeoning it needs at least 10 damage to damage it am I going insane nearly at it why is this not working I'm within the bracket am I just rolling bad what the [ __ ] why is that not working is this is I don't think ice arrows are gonna do anything two-handed oh that's a good point bigger hit bigger stronger boy it [ __ ] I hitting the wrong [ __ ] dog I mean I mean physical or all of this situation is it a light club it doesn't matter it does eight or do I have to do 14 physical I have to do 14 of one specific type of damage it's technically doing 1d8 1d4 plus four so I'm dealing a maximum of eight physical damage plus the 1d4 from radiant two from Acid that [ __ ] sucks what why you gotta do this [ __ ] do this to me game why couldn't you just be cool and easy I guess we just blow it up all right we'll figure it out there's got to be some barrels or oil or something in here right not a Lloyd tank wait why can I loot the nautiloy tank is this not a destructible okay I'm all those 2d6 if you want to buy go buy one you want me to go and buy a big hammer and come back if I sit foot out of here they're all gonna attack me I need to find something in in this room that I can open it with oh I didn't open the elegant chest hold on actually forgot about this wait aware deals thunder lightning rating damage inflict two tons of reverberation on the target that's not worth giving up the damage from our [ __ ] gloves oh man this is really stupid all right I'll shoot a fire at it see if that helps um I guess because it's piercing this is really weak The Inquisitor has a great sword on the middle koi I guess I could just use slashing all right we'll try that wait I'll just use the [ __ ] hellbird then oh [ __ ] you why I'm proficient with this at a minimum of five the damage is worse it's actually worse because my strength modifier is dog [ __ ] I gotta use something finesse based it won't work I have to can I hit with a sword no because it's piercing [Music] us thing man this is unbelievably bad why is this not working there's so many easy ways and I'm just naturally out of all of these look at the corpses I don't think I mean this is piercing damage it's a short sword you need a bottle of Grease I shouldn't why it can deal just 10 damage keep going with the help of the straight sword no God damn it everything's piercing all right we'll take this guy's big great sword or maybe the torch oh wait oh he's saying it's a [ __ ] cat but I can't go back to Camp [ __ ] 1d4 it's the same as the club do I just give up I'll come I'll just come back I'll just come back I'll come back after I've killed the Yankee it's fine I'll come back we'll go get some oil we'll loot some [ __ ] I'll find some oil something will happen we'll come back [ __ ] you can go back to Camp no I can't it we're in a dangerous danger area you're not allowed to go back to camp we'll find oil and come back it's fine there's a cup of oil in the room somewhere what are you an oil sensing [ __ ] robot there's no way there's oil in this room am I really gonna look around for oil can I scrape it off of the gift Yankee go go to Corner Under the Tent tent of this all right show me the oil then chief dog just oh wait I've already been through these but I didn't lose some of them save scum and go get oil I am not no I cannot even this is the worst thing that could have possibly happened how are we just specifically not capable of doing this God that's annoying right we're just gonna come back we'll get oil and then we'll come back damn it way to go Americans in chat you think you guys would know how to find oil okay if you hit it with fire it should rotate now with what fire with a fire arrow that does piercing damage and 2D for fire it's not even the minimum amount I gotta do a minimum of 10 damage I'd call you tell giant potion and then use the halberd I'm not giving up my bloodless potion for that what about a 20 tree can oh shut up ask for the Frog ladies wish scroll [ __ ] this we're continuing I will come back with oil at a later date but in the meantime I'm gonna stealth shoot this lady and her face I'm gonna fail one of these God was so good at hiding oh we're such Chads at hiding yeah hmm all right big Arrow multiple people big boom and then a couple extra shots in this lady's face bam I don't think she's parried yet maybe she failed to Parry almost dead and then we [ __ ] whole ass oh [ __ ] blur really what's your AC at now 16. not amazing prepare the first one oh wait it gives her Advantage oh [ __ ] what are you doing here um can I wait where are my [ __ ] [ __ ] I did forget to put them on can I can I [ __ ] knock her off the cliff that'd be funny it doesn't look like I can hit myself [ __ ] ocean speed [ __ ] idiot idiot you didn't think about me not giving a [ __ ] about what you'd drop I don't want your weird get the Yankee trinkets you big frog lady there goes the loot it sucks ass what if she had oil oh [ __ ] she could add oil bye bye loot I don't care about loot we're [ __ ] Rich what am I gonna use her [ __ ] get the Yankee great sword that she drops that's bad for everybody but get the Yankee or her armor that's bad for everybody but get the Yankee what do I give a [ __ ] it's loot though I don't care we have [ __ ] think about it we have 16 000 gold I have so much [ __ ] to sell there's an entire get Yankee crash of [ __ ] salute did she have a great sword yes but the great sword sucks it's not like we can we need it it's fine I am also a loot Goblin but it is fine can I [ __ ] no [ __ ] way [Laughter] [ __ ] oh my God I need to use more of these that is so [ __ ] good ah you're dead too you idiot you [ __ ] idiots why did you meet me on a bridge what are you [ __ ] stupid this is my natural domain I'm beginning to melee with you what are you gonna do try and run oh [ __ ] he actually ran don't shoot me in the face ow oh damn it I'm Gonna Mail him I'm just gonna I'm Gonna Mail him wait he's going where his friends are going am I gonna ledge every single one of them please please please please please please please please work please work no why doc okay or if I go here push him like here [ __ ] come on please and I'll get my melee weapon out and then I'll let my turn so if he tries to run away I'll kill him ow [ __ ] not good I'm [ __ ] I'm lethargic why did I [ __ ] have to be cocky no no he's gonna kill me [ __ ] I shouldn't have given him the benefit of the doubt God damn it you [ __ ] fine I'll lose you stupid ass with your [ __ ] mustache you know what I have the last laugh it's too heavy really I'll have the last left God damn it you can't push bodies when they're on the ground right nope son of a [ __ ] I can't believe that guy got the last laugh kinda I should have just killed him I should have just killed him I should have just killed him this is what I get for my arrogance God damn all right how are we tackling this the rest of the geekyanky creature cook the club just to throw him oh oh yeah all right I'm gonna do that I can only not throw him because I have 10 strength I'm actually gonna do that that's worth it that's that's worth it to me as a narcissist oh my God our jump distance is so dope with this on oh come on what this guy are you kidding me 70 if you you're telling me that I can't lift 75 kilograms with my swole gnome arms are you nuts that is [ __ ] dookie ass man zero percent chance what excuse me that's some [ __ ] that's some utter [ __ ] I also forgot to equip this F uck Brett what hair hurry up how do you really say that word somebody Google that also I'm gonna [ __ ] man bam and then bam and then bam and then this and that and then [ __ ] [ __ ] so then I can go bam heal and then go bam and put it back on small big brain big moves big moves for a tiny guy Pierre period it is not period it's period you're [ __ ] you're you're there's no way that is so silly does your gnome even weigh 75 kilograms who gives a [ __ ] I can bench 140 even with 10 strength I don't go away can I ask you humor me and try to rotate the statue one time before leaving what do you mean rotate the statue that's why that's we've got to go get oil it won't move unless you hit it and or throw oil on it unless chess gaslighting me which case you can't even throw oil on it all right it's time to blow up the the gethianki creature wait where is everyone the [ __ ] where does everyone it's been a long a long day I'll need to rest soon oh Gish for eggs all right here's the plan camp oh I can go to camp go to camp now you can access Camp all right I don't think we have any oil though what's the plan do I just get a fire Barrel out of the fire Barrel will destroy the statue I can't use that I don't I don't think I have any oil maybe we just like destroy the oil barrel with a [ __ ] all right yeah all right all right okay okay okay I'm gonna have to equip this club though because I cannot walk should we take an oil barrel then we destroy it without fire damage and then we just then we can turn the statue yeah all right I'm glad we're all in simultaneous agreement also I can jump like a [ __ ] G now so we can get back way faster throw the oil barrel at it see I miss having high strength it's almost more worth it to me just for this not that I use the whole jumping around thing very often smoke parallel should also do the trick yeah but like it'll destroy it we gotta turn the snitch you're not blow it up okay is your decks good you got to draw on the painting oh I will I will I will I will all right here we go on a quick save this in case it [ __ ] up throw at the Statue if you guys Gaslight me I swear to [ __ ] yeah the statue starts to rotate this Rusty mechanism Jam stuck [Music] I [ __ ] hate you guys who's even said oil who who's [ __ ] who said oil who [ __ ] said oil [ __ ] you statue eat my [ __ ] [ __ ] God [ __ ] damn it I told you to just keep going with the Halbert all right let's try your hell hell board straight man let's see if this eventually works nearly had it I don't think this is gonna work oh my God I can attack this quickly [ __ ] you I am Banning that guy no I'm kidding God damn it [ __ ] you that that worked I forget which direction they have to go in this statue God damn it I hate this [ __ ] game I take back everything take back every good thing I've ever said about this [ __ ] game no I'm kidding God damn it I could have done that the whole time [ __ ] dude stupid [ __ ] idiot video game for dumbs all right whatever this is behind us now I never want to hear about this ever again we did it that's all that matters God I've never had so much issue getting through the [ __ ] thing before all right I gotta start cleaning up my inventory too I don't oh [ __ ] uh I gotta stop sending [ __ ] to Camp by accident arrows arrows smoking Scrolls I kind of want to go person people's concentration save seem to be outweighing the like usefulness doesn't seem to be worth it it never ever works people's checks are too high I got 30 chance every time wait [ __ ] all right I gotta disarm this I remember this being bad cat's Grace God we're so good at everything Sans Underdog never fails you got to steal the maze so it shoots the weapon it'll go uh I mean I'm gonna do that but not be stupid about it you don't get the machine or a thin power bonus section [ __ ] what are we doing with that yeah we gotta get there eventually on that I wanna I want my brain to be full of tadpoles foreign right are we in can I just use hold person on gigabrains exactly it's more worth it for me to shoot him in the mouth so then put the thingy and the slot in the crest panel in the thing and then they hit the insert I'm a master of inserting as you can see it is plain to see I know how to insert like an absolute G yeah there we go I know I skipped the whole cut scene but there you go blood a little Thunder do we use this is this worth it for levitating is this worth it for a plus three maze I feel like I would much rather literally just equip the [ __ ] kill Johnny strength that's a good ass [ __ ] nuke the Crush you can nuke the crash kill all get then blow them up the beam but then also get rid of the shields just equip the mace when you're finding under fiends it's not gonna be worth it we just we're gonna have morning lows radius it's fine I'm just gonna sell it it's with a fat chunk of change we're good also no I remember Joe and Equipment all right let's go let's get out of here and all on the first try we skipping the machine then what do you mean wait yeah what do I do with the machine if you take the mace without inserting the item it blows up the crash oh it blows the whole crash I thought it just blew up that like little thing you plan to detonate the Rune barrel and the crash last stream IRC yeah that's what I'm gonna do I'm trying to think of ways to lure the entire githinky crash over to me that's gonna be the plan oh [ __ ] in the crash time we're gonna the thing is we're gonna do with the room powder battle though we're gonna pull as many of them in as humanly possible and then blow them all up simultaneously we'll figure it out we just need to kite them all to us at once I have an idea atokoi the machine at the infirmary can make all of your illicit Powers into bonus actions wait so like I can use Force tunnel as a bonus section and [ __ ] wait [ __ ] all of them that's pretty that's [ __ ] Wild God damn it I wish I'd known that I use the elephant powers on my warlock all the time oh that might be worth it you have to pass all the checks that's worth a try ooh elegant chest what's the stuff we can actually use that's dope all right uh the carry weight thing's getting annoying though is here and there's only one of us I kind of really really like what the uh what the thing was doing for us what the little Club was doing for us I miss it already what happens if you destroy these like little Crystal vases oh they stop glowing can you turn off a Brazier by shooting it all right where do you guys think what do you guys think the best place to lure everybody in the crash is going to be I don't I don't think you can interact with the zyphisk anymore since you made the entire Crush hostel we'll see I'm pretty sure you can because I slaughtered them all last time and then I put Lazelle in it for to see what would happen to her I literally I didn't give a [ __ ] if she died so I was just like yeah we'll put lizelle in there and then I tried to pass all the checks and then it the [ __ ] machine exploded so go to the gift egg we'll get the gift egg at the end we don't need egg right now all right I'm gonna do the portrait of like if man that's a low res oh it's back imposing portraying to pick in the corner of the painting is a small City uh come on girl face on it field it I don't know if we can reach wow that was fast you take a moment to fully he looks like me why does he look like he certainly looks [ __ ] Sans it's the beard and the little the hair of things oh look at my little dance it's weird all right let's try kiting let's plan this out at the start always choke point of this thought you mean the this bit or do you mean uh the one like in the Captain's Quarters because that's where I'm thinking of going I'm thinking of going here kiting them back to this spot right here underneath right so we we kite these guys and then I run over here and get these guys and then these guys and then the Traders and then I pull them all in here into this little doorway block the doorway kinda hopefully and then keep hiding when they discover me and then eventually when they get there we put we put the explosive down and blow it up good plan Bridge would probably be the funniest I feel like it's too open they'll be able to shoot me random enemy just walked over to the painting they did I don't see nobody all right [ __ ] it we'll see if this plan works we'll see if the plan works if it doesn't work we'll Workshop it we'll do some stuff that's the plan what up [ __ ] I wasn't even here [ __ ] morons then I leave now I don't go too far because it'll make me exit combat I let him chase me they're like get that little [ __ ] get that little [ __ ] dork as long as you don't get too far away it won't enter and combat etchery what do you mean Hatchery we can do all this at the end the [ __ ] was that oh it's the [ __ ] cat in the chest foreign you hatch basically goes to [ __ ] right off the bat so let's see that's not true it's a good 30-ish split like a 30 70 split come on idiots morons oh [ __ ] they all move in groups they move in pecs what are they doing oh they were just in that room lights it up for a vote a vote for what do you get all the Traders items if you knock them out wait so can I switch to non-lethal and knock the trailer lady out and then looter because I I saw that was a thing you can do seems pretty dope all right close the doors go back over here Dash again back to this section in the middle uh I can't use a push of speed under a border section but we have a main action which I can use to do nothing [ __ ] I clicked it by the way I don't quite clip the white I tried that and it didn't work for me I saw that a couple people reported that it does work but yeah I I don't know we could just do a non-lethal playthrough where we just permanently have non-lethal damage on would that create like a big issue uh could you just knock out every single enemy if you wanted to all right now we pull these guys in all right [ __ ] what was the damn it it's not doing anything all right uh [ __ ] all right [ __ ] it I think we can make it that's fine deep gnome stealth is broken it's not broken we're just really good at it that's a lot of guys they're only get Yankee this isn't this is like an adult man versus like 40 tadpoles they're just frogs you know don't you dare don't you no leave me alone don't you dare hit me nice their movement is actually kind of dog [ __ ] might be a while in between turns we'll see don't you dare you to do some mental [ __ ] on me explain this on me okay I hate blindness that's 10 turns of [ __ ] right there oh [ __ ] that guy's gonna reach me no nastard [ __ ] I'm gonna start running into walls and [ __ ] oh [ __ ] man all right this is fine this is fine this is fine but remember to take my potion to speed am I are these guys in combat with me yet now they are okay uh we can get pretty far can I use Misty step bonus action [ __ ] God these bonus actions are killing me um I can stop locking my board oh [ __ ] it a good idea I just run keep running [ __ ] it far enough away it's fine how the turntables are you not rooting for Sans Underdog can we resist blindness or is that just are we just blind now for tenthos what's the what's the [ __ ] timer on blindness we guaranteed nine turns because that's what I remember as long as they're concentrating it on it it just [ __ ] you or doesn't require concentration like once you get hit you're [ __ ] I cannot see I'm legally blind don't you dare shoot me don't you dare dude your stupid magic [ __ ] on me God okay there's a lot again this is actually so many frog man and women frogman mental instruction you mentally instruct your gut your your dudes to gather in a big pile that would be dope we're cool there's 10 turns root boso ten turns actually is so long it's 10 of my turns oh there's so many of them though the fact that they're all in this area all at the same time is kind of beneficial for us for what I'm planning here and abilities and stuff man if I miss one turn if one of them gets an ability on me that stops me for one turn even I'm [ __ ] dead I'm screwed you're kind of doomed maybe you have a remedy poison I'm fine oh [ __ ] this lady really can I just absolutely just ruin her [ __ ] uh 48 plus eight I'm blind so I'm gonna have a disadvantage even on my melee swings I what if I shoot ice at her feet [ __ ] all right get the [ __ ] out of here lady [ __ ] you um we have an antidote we have nothing antidote cheers poisons [ __ ] um great we could really do with something that cures blindness that would be cool um yeah we're a little screwed we can because okay the biggest problem with this is um oh okay hmm you can also use Dash as a regular action instead of just bonus action I know I know that you should have guided all the gift into the gramiskas what aren't they in a different Zone like you mean outside also they have like they do have a lot of magic hmm there are so many of them there's actually just a stupid amount of them can I skip turns by hiding will they just stand there like idiots if I hide release the Cobalt barrels on them lol [ __ ] that would have been a great idea I wish it would bunch more of that turns together like that like that boss dude [ __ ] just keeps mentally instructing other people to do his Dirty Work oh there's so many I can't believe I'm saying this this might be too many guys for me to handle that sounded weird actually this might be too many weird frog people for me to handle I don't go how did you get the second action point uh from the speed potion speed hello koi you can handle infinite frog people thank you thank you for the vote of confidence that's the kind of attitude that's gonna get me through this also you're totally dead once that potion of speed runs out of them out hey you know what I oh [ __ ] you're right oh [ __ ] I'm gonna get a turn of lethargy lethargy all right maybe we set up okay hold on Bar the Door stop them from getting in but anything in the way what happened there what just block the door with a bunch of [ __ ] can I um uh and then put the room power available now I'm never gonna be able to shoot it because I'm [ __ ] blind wait am I blind but wait am I am I cured of blindness out of my blind where did my blindness go did I resist it I'm assuming you can resist it that's why that's why it's gone or did the other person break connect uh concentration I'm not blind anymore I'm cured of my blindness it's temporary yeah it's 10 [ __ ] turns temporary wait until everybody's piled yeah all right and then wait [ __ ] all right wait all right here we go here we go and then hide and then go right here like a soul not blind anymore that's gonna help it's gonna help dramatically what are these guys even doing they're just hiding what was that oh wait they're not gonna move because I'm hidden [Laughter] yeah that's fine oh wait I'm gonna have to watch another [ __ ] turn cause I'm about to be lethargic too this fight gonna be crazy sometimes running far and using invisibility just to end combat yeah I'm I'm worried that they're all gonna be like well he must be gone and they're gonna Skyrim and they're gonna leave broken AI yes it's not broken it's because I hid we just can't see them saying well I don't know where are you wearing and now oh my God [ __ ] now I'm hastened my haste running out so I'm lethargic which means we have to sit through another turn of all these guys standing still and rallying each other like nerds I would love a skip to the end of turns of people you can't watch future that would be pretty cool it may be blocked unable to find a path uh to the for through the door blockades that might be it but also I think it's because I'm hidden how did you aggro this many gith by being the coolest [ __ ] dude in the universe God there's so many of them all right I'm gonna first of all no hiding and then we get over here and I activate Dash and then we open the door and then we [ __ ] can I shoot one of them [ __ ] can I throw something funny I'm gonna shoot ice that would be funny not enough movement what the [ __ ] are you talking about oh shut up shut up game oh son of a [ __ ] dude all right whatever Dash ice shoot it here and they might slip and then I'm not gonna stealth but I'm just gonna run here all right now we can see him they're just they're not gonna do anything I guarantee it they're just gonna stand here like idiots pretty sure their AI has been programmed for them to keep The High Ground and not move all right oh my God they're so any of them oh my [ __ ] god oh no oh they're destroying the barricades oh it's [ __ ] perfect oh this is okay this is going well this is going well you just gotta keep them moving together this is good this is going well now come on slip slip slip slip subscribe now [ __ ] nice one of them slipped [ __ ] if they'd only just move together and goddamn puddle up nuclear now oh man a firewall would do so much damage that's what I did last time I accidentally pulled everybody on my wallet playthrough so I waited for them to get to this thing and I I put a wall of fire from one end of the corridor all the way down to the other diagonally and they just kept running through it over and over again and their pathing kept taking them through to the other side of the wall so they just died I killed all of them like literally not a single one made it through they just kept going through the fire over and over again until they were all dead there's so many of them together there was so many of them together right now this has got to be the perfect God damn it I [ __ ] hate that lady we gotta okay we oh God damn it maybe a potion of speed will be the move here I can put it in the middle right here right I gotta figure out how some way to put it in the middle right here right can I missed you step what I have a bonus section why can't I use that once for short res when did I when did I [ __ ] miss you step before God damn it that would have been perfect um right okay here's the thing Arrow of transposition to here what you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me no [ __ ] way if I disengage I don't have the actions God [ __ ] I don't want to load back this was like three whole minutes ago just invisibility and run I count invisibility that never requires an action to put the ring on and then another action to use invisibility I'm [ __ ] doinked I'm [ __ ] utterly doinked can I [ __ ] can I just hide in the [ __ ] corner like this you know what it's a bonus action what ah what uh uh excuse me excuse me excuse me can't hide close to enemies yeah you can threatened I went [ __ ] threatened I'll threaten them [ __ ] can I all right potion of speed maybe and then oh man if I equip this it's gonna take my action though this [ __ ] sucks this sucks big dicks how am I threatened here that sucks that is so not cool oh oh oh I can't hide God damn it um [ __ ] it I wasted so I I'm [ __ ] I'm gonna have to end up loading it I think there's no way this turns out good there's an in what universe is this like that was the opportunity right there right like half of them are gonna be inside half of them are gonna be outside there's no way what the [ __ ] [ __ ] keep with your stupid monkey hops God damn it man oh my God and now I'm reeling not even all of them are gonna be inside the room oh that's so oh yeah I own I did on the hot by the regular action for hiding [ __ ] that would have been smart I should put them back on the bar [ __ ] all right I'm gonna do that this is like a ball fight and you said the n-word because like everyone's trying to kill me it's fine I could disengage put a bomb in the middle of the room run away and Main action detonate it in the middle of the room as long as this lady doesn't [ __ ] kill me get out of here stinky lady get out here stinky loser there's so many of them outside there's too many of them outside I'm oh my God the fact that half of the Marine here and half of them are not sucks that is so bad for me uh ERM erm [ __ ] all right disengage man [ __ ] I'm gonna hide like a [ __ ] Goblin just to hide I can't hide because my [ __ ] it's bugged why is it bugged what the [ __ ] how am I threatened there's no there's [ __ ] no one tiny backlash luck of the realm Shield blow opportunity attack sneak attack sneak attack critical I'm not threatened I do not have the threatened thing on me it ain't disengage attacks can I regular hide cannot memorize for gun oh my God it's just bugged that's all it is I can regular action hide I'm not debuffed it's not a [ __ ] debuff it's not the case and see I told you it was bugged there's no reason I couldn't stealth there no good reason I'm putting those [ __ ] actions back on regular disengage Prince thingy regular Sprint other weird disengage and then there we go more bonus sections and then regular actions can I go I'm it's gonna put me to sleep for a turn oh all right [ __ ] it let's just see what happens I can always roll it back that's why I quick saved poison is causing the issue I think poison is maybe [ __ ] you nah can't choose to find him he says as he looks me in the mouth [ __ ] all right as long as I can survive these hits enough of them should make it inside from the Guatemala I have good AC [ __ ] you get down let's see if we can survive ah oh no hopefully not too many of them can reach me oh no okay he's our man if he can't do it someone else can what oh oh he's so man you can't do it someone else can well that wasn't very encouraging I am getting absolutely clapped here why are half of them staying outside because they're blocked God damn it all right he's gonna use a bunch of my movement for me to get I think I'm dead there's too many of them even if they come in and do like a single hit each I'm dead they can just they can throw stuff doesn't even matter they're gonna use some psionic [ __ ] oh not this lady I hate you so much some of them are just straight up stuck all right maybe we can finesse this somehow oh my God I hoped more of them would come in all right I'm up it only is a little bit of my movement I'm now going to translocate Arrow myself behind them like this and then I'm going to throw this using an action to like I don't know here here and then I'm gonna run all the way over here and then we'll use a potion of it no what [Music] the [ __ ] was that what was that why did that happen why did that [ __ ] happen what the [ __ ] was that why did that happen now I'm asleep I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn it why did that happen of a [ __ ] [ __ ] because he caused lethargy to trigger instantly that sucks so much dick I'm [ __ ] dead a hundred percent like that's it oh my God [ __ ] damn it dude that sucks [Music] after all that I [ __ ] had that that sucks [ __ ] you game that's actually so annoying dude eat my [ __ ] dick what that's some [ __ ] I'm actually kind of annoyed at that I don't know if that was a bug or that just happens but that sucks reapplying haste it it counted as removing the previous instance of haste in order to apply the new one causing lethargis your trigger yeah okay but still that sucks that [ __ ] sucks so bad I am very disappointed now I gotta do this stupid inventory [ __ ] again for the stupid bonus sections the stupid trigger idiot oh why I gotta [ __ ] bait out this whole thing again put my stupid thing back on the stupid bar idiots God damn it larion why this was a fair instance uh uh all right open this again that worked well last time this stuff in the way is good with me I want to move more stuff over there oil again what it is super good having both of these actually what people were saying God damn it did I [ __ ] that oh I hated when everything joins together in a giant mess all right maybe that all right I don't go you're gonna equip the invisibility ring now I feel like if I go invisible it might trigger the fight to end you know that's from my experience that's what happens you you put the invisibility ring on they go to where you were when you turn invisible they look for you while you're invisible if they can't find you it takes a couple of seconds and then they're just like well I need them to know where I am though drop the barrel instead of throwing could have shot what oh drop the barrel instead of throwing it and then I could have shot it yeah I know I realize I thought I could get it further if I threw it because my strength isn't very good the main thing is right now I need to bait them in to get to me you know I need to skip like one or two turns to pull them all close so that I can blow them up right look at these stupid haired [ __ ] this one's gonna miss you step through that doorway I just know it I hate you I hate you and your stupid hair I don't go away do you have any uh Mirror Image Scrolls um uh nip hang up we ain't got [ __ ] around here dude um this seems to be like they're having an issue getting through which is really cool and good I might you know what I'm gonna kill that lady just because I don't like her I shoot her path is interrupted is there any way for me to get to a position Market shooter like here nope why couldn't the AI shoot through doorways and I can't what's with that Riddle Me That Game die you stupid lady oh this yes get credit I hate you so much I hope your grandkids hate you um oh that was a little mean um maybe we just [ __ ] guide but not hide they're taller so I don't know why are you fighting the entire gift Yankee Army uh I'm sorry did you not fight the entire get the Yankee Army because it makes you're telling me that you're a giant [ __ ] although they're really gonna oh that could be good okay this is good the pathing's working as long as they don't destroy the no [Music] no oh kind of really hope that didn't happen a little bit I think I could move maybe I should have set up like a giant Maze of boxes in the back room to bait them all in so then they wouldn't have line of sight and they would have to get to me you know God why are so many of them taking so long to get to me this time but then some of them are already here I feel like I took more precautions this time what did I just kill these ones they're not very strong nice uh and then but that was my only action my only main action you kind of don't want to do a potion of speed because it kind of [ __ ] me up all the time how do you exactly so this would be pretty devastating if I could do this right I don't have a main action I could use a potion of speed I haven't used one yet I'll get my action back and then I can't bonus action fire a flaming arrow though and I already used my main action to use Force tunnel hmm what if I just bait them into the room more kill this one and then Dash oh I got blood I got bloodlust now I can use a potion of speed the poster speed and then what's the furthest I could throw the barrel I get it like here no nothing like that no [ __ ] um [ __ ] yeah I think it might be good for me to just hide in the back it's probably the best Strat right now like let them all get in [Music] and you and you lady see you later nerd get all the way over here and then we bait him in a bit more you should have awakened before killing them I'm awake he has blood loss going no what no why can some of them get in and some of them caught please tell me the one that can't get in is like at the end because this would be perfect the the [ __ ] [ __ ] what do you call them runs of the litter oh they were part of a group okay this could be good there's a lot of them that are gonna get turns now though to get through [ __ ] damn it dude no you [ __ ] dork stupid [ __ ] receding hairline damn it [ __ ] no uh no now they're splitting up they're splitting up and they all get a hit on me because I'm in line of sight luckily for them oh there's so many of them together though we'll figure out how to blow them up we'll do this oh there's so many together dude I want to blow them up so bad come on oh my God I have to figure I have to there's no way I just have to figure out some way to blow this up it has to be this this is the best opportunity I'm ever gonna get a [ __ ] off dude um I'm gonna have to use a disengage all right I got two bonus sections and two major actions to get a bomb out of here and then blow it up right I might just take the hit just so that I don't have to use an action I'm gonna do that just hit me just hit me I don't give a [ __ ] nice man bro Barrel well there's got to be a path where I can get it through here and I move these for a free action yes and then Barrel come on there's gotta be not enough movement points all right coming action Dash yeah this is interrupted yeah this is interrupted path is interrupted oh my god dude why can't I only throw it at this dude you really in the way can I just push him what if I used a one of my actions no because then I Gotta Throw [ __ ] take the opportunity attack uh winning doubt parkour I need to get rid of this guy maybe I use a bonus section to push him out of the way but if it fails it's not gonna go anywhere God damn it um I'll just put it down maybe like it is too far oh I think that might be the best we're gonna get dog yes dog yes come on come on come on is that too close am I too close am I too close might be too close I'm gonna go back a smidge all right I'm getting the stream here guys thanks for watching I'll see you on the next stream uh we'll do this next time it's getting a bit late so I'll see on the next one and then can you imagine I just [ __ ] leave you're too close nah there what's that I need to go to the maximum range right like here all right I need a good song for this though what's a good what's something I can play where I can blow it up with the crescendo I need a good Crescendo track come on I need this has to be good at this has so much build up I don't quite make people donate before blowing it up oh my God that would be the most sadistic [ __ ] in the world 300 bucks and dodos sorry don't blow it up Raphael song all of these are copyrighted guys all right hold on all of these are extremely copyrighted I should just blow it up [ __ ] Freebird laughs just do it all right fine all right one two three holy [ __ ] yo oh my gosh so many of them died and so many are close to death holy [ __ ] oh oh it was so satisfying yeah I saved of course I [ __ ] saved wait can I just nice and then [ __ ] can I get a fire one in arrow with Darkness nice and we just leave I'm just like all right bye oh it was so satisfying oh we I mean that's a good use of the room powder bomb though I think I'm at Chuck speed was there it was probably a lot where is actually the thing for that acid damage rating damage oh there we go Rune powder Barrel killed a lot of debt yeah a lot of them died wow boom baby boom baby hey thank you for the donut Bode oh that was so satisfying dude I love explosions that's the best moment for me to tune in you didn't even have to just sit on like the [ __ ] four four hours of [ __ ] setup too all right and now we just stopped picking them off Sans Underdog Style shot in the mouth [ __ ] lightning shot in the mouth [ __ ] wait we're taking a potion of speed yeah one more time put him in the mouth oh get [ __ ] with your pairing he actually did it I did Blood I kind of wished it would they were all in one room but that was still extremely satisfying I think we still killed like 15 dudes in a single explosion and damaged the [ __ ] out of everyone else I got too high AC man you ain't gonna hit me I'm a little I'm a little God I can wheel two of those things with your receding ass hairline ass [ __ ] thank you for the demo get Fox get on your ass [ __ ] don't you dare yo we could have done with I can't wait till we start getting Scrolls oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no I also abusing potions to speed that's just gonna do me I might I might be [ __ ] I'm lethargic they have a good chance of hitting me here she's hilarious that lady just sitting in that room doing absolutely nothing for the team ow that's not good I really need to get up right now ow I'm also been hit that's really not good I'm lethargy I'm downed there's multiple guys around me with big Souls I just dropped my [ __ ] sword on my shield ow I just lost a bunch of AC did you kill me ow this is really bad they're [ __ ] me up a lot I'm getting hit a lot oh no oh no a massive L moment this is really bad oh [ __ ] all right well number one is [ __ ] Superior potion of healing number two is blinding them all like a [ __ ] smoke powder bomb number three is picking up my [ __ ] [ __ ] oh nice it only knocks your weapon on your hand number three is [ __ ] dashing out of here and we'll do yeah stream has been fantastic hey thank you man much appreciated damn you guys have been wild with the donors lately thank you thank you Matt this is good this is no no he can hit me [ __ ] stop knocking my [ __ ] [ __ ] out of my hands dude that's really bad because that that was both my crossbows why do they keep disarming me how does it even I'm [ __ ] because now I can't even shoot dude dude oh my God this is really bad [ __ ] sorry that and then a potion of speed is gonna have to be potion speed I gotta double my movement get the [ __ ] out of here and then another Dash oh they're [ __ ] bye I'm [ __ ] out of here also gonna re-equip one of my crossbows oh [ __ ] it reset all of my [ __ ] buttons oh that sucks dude that's probably my least favorite thing about when you lose a weapon when somebody knocks a weapon out of your hand it you lose all of your [ __ ] skills on your bar and [ __ ] it's it's so annoying you have to replace them all in your correct order I hate that [ __ ] dude they should be grayed out and then when you pick your items up it should put them back how they were and if you equip a new weapon then it should replace them because I hate that [ __ ] wait you can can you not turn that off isn't there a thing in your settings where you can do that where it doesn't take abilities off when you unequip an item hold on there might be a thing already show item stack splitter usable items potions abilities arrows display recent activity isn't that a thing or am I going nuts can you just lock it as well I don't know dude all right I'm gonna recruit both my crossbows we settle my [ __ ] goddamn stuff on my bar might as well use my other action to record my sword oh there's so much [ __ ] dude oh I can use a sneak attack melee now I actually can do that earlier I was missing an ability oh that's a range stability that's why oh it's because mobile shot isn't worth anything that makes a lot more sense all right there we go God damn uh okay I use both my actions can I just go back and shoot them a little bit in the mouth why have I got disadvantage out of my max range bye lady please die just die oh so satisfying now I get an extra action so I kill this guy please be more racist to the game I cannot stress this enough [Laughter] maybe less [ __ ] Lord uh it's a good thing that fictional racism isn't actually real racism these stupid [ __ ] frog eye dirty frog eye [ __ ] all right that sounds a little too offensive actually you know what not that bad I don't know why if as soon as I go to the eyes it sounds more racist like the eyes have it I don't know why oh chug please thank you for the Dono by the way glad you enjoy my frog racism die I'll stop doing the double shot man I hate the automatic double shot die ladies you're doomed come to your doom I'm gonna enjoy it oh [ __ ] we leveled up dude we got so much xp from that we leveled up hell yeah that's huge that's huge what are we little six now we can put a point another point to stop putting [ __ ] to Ranger uh okay all right here's the thing I might push that guy off the cliff [ __ ] oh no oh no good not good not good not good not good this guy with the crossbow is an [ __ ] man I really don't like him he's actually super cringe three h that's gone I'm never using that again are you [ __ ] out of your mind what I didn't even know it could go that low 2 to 11 healing holy [ __ ] that is a bad spell just use a potion I have 57 of it four to ten what is the point in that that is so bad oh my god I've never had it roll that look that is terrible this guy's Gonna Keep clapping my little tiny gnome cheeks so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna [ __ ] tuck myself behind here nice and snug and then they can come find me three HP immediately takes off hot bar I'm never gonna use it I have potions for a bonus action why would I ever use that it is dog water all right can you not see me or is he just being he just being a [ __ ] um can I obscure his vision of me somehow I should carry her on a cut okay can I carry around a box to put in front of myself to prevent people from seeing me in situations like this like to break line of sight as a free action can I put a box in between people and me because I'm so small would it be small to keep two boxes in my inventory so I can block people's vision of me all the time would that work can I do that I'm gonna try that that's a tactic remind me to do that we're getting two crates and I'm trying this blockage tactic because that actually sounds like it could work I really want to try that like super bad right now I'm just gonna skip I'm gonna wait for these guys to oh it's just me and this dude stand and fight what do you mean standing all right he won't even write okay you know what you asked for a [ __ ] I'm coming for you and not in the way that you probably hope I'm coming all up in you wait can I hide here like this I'm little he shouldn't be able to now he's definitely gonna line aside me on that [ __ ] all right take a crossbow in your mouth like this man to I have no actions oh that's really bad please don't down me don't you dare don't you dare don't you dare you're gonna [ __ ] it up you're gonna [ __ ] it up trip attack [ __ ] strong with that triple track [ __ ] I don't like this guy oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] you've done it now you're an idiot and a fool and a [ __ ] ah what no [ __ ] way that doesn't work did I just [ __ ] myself I can't I don't have I just get myself disadvantage I have no actions all right melee weapons out push him twice to the edge and then Thunder Arrow are you there oh critical Miss oh somebody ow [ __ ] you don't you oh my God this guy with his infinite astral steps oh please please tell me that I can please please please please please please please please please please please please please yes no all right okay you're dead I'm bored of you you bore me you're a boring man ridiculous with this lady are you that bad at this the whole time go to camp Oh I thought his clothes would come off ooh Keys stuff go to Camp go to Camp bunch of money free money money wait what's my short turn can I just hide what did she do if you hide what do you just gonna keep staring are you serious what is it they need to fix this lady I already looted all these guys bow I want to go see the wreckage of my previous Conquest let's see these exploded ass bodies invis ring I'll just go around Mr pathing I don't even know why did I think that youth necklace and goals dude if do do all the get the Yankee gear from this place is worth a lot of money by the way you're looking at thousands if you collect everything Scroll of crown of Madness feel like that lady will be immune to the crown of Madness since she's already you know handicapped uh uh God damn so we killed one two three four five six seven eight nine ten we killed ten it's not it's sort of disappointing I would have liked to have killed more of them but I think a lot of them got blown up and didn't die so could have been better could have been worse ran the week which makes me think of Game of Thrones oh it's the traitor lady that's why him go to Camp Elemental slaying you don't fight enough Elementals I feel like for that to be worth it even slightly when you deal acid cold fire lighting Thunder damage or use a camtrip that element infuses your weapon I feel like that'd be good if I ever used canned trips literally ever remind me that I have all the [ __ ] in my Camp to sell if I if I ever need it beautiful wait what about the two that were in that room just standing on top of the uh thing over and over again what happened to that oh [ __ ] it figured it out are they still in here you know these guys the ones that were just standing on the thing over and over again I want to see what she does yeah she dashed you you stupid fool now you're doomed God damn we're strong it may not be like you know good but it is pretty satisfying watching the double hit all right level up time look at our precious little pink outfit so we could get action surge level two level five for rogue isn't worth it in my opinion so here's the thing I'm thinking I'm saying we go ranger we can get uh me getting ability and a resistance and stuff and we can put it in survival which increases our uh survival stuff which is actually pretty dope it's here we keep getting we keep failing survival stuff at like level whatever the [ __ ] we can go Gloom stalker or we can go that other thing this guy looks like a gloomstocker with a calm lips maybe we go proficiency and sleight of hand that would be insane I don't think fine familiar is worth it since we're going solo resistance to co-firing poison is pointless because we're gonna have wooden Bond so well placed checker Urban oh God damn moonlit Anubis with a 50 Dono Jesus Christ dude thank you my guy that was a lot of fun I feel like I deserve that for having that much fun thank you dude holy [ __ ] face Anubis Boswell became an ogre welcome to the club my guy welcome to ogre town thank you thank you very much guys holy [ __ ] much appreciated uh [ __ ] what what route do I go down Bounty Hunter you gain proficiency investigation wait the creatures to hit with his snaring strike either again range melee disadvantages I feel like I don't know if I'll use that yet holy [ __ ] wait action surge yeah but action surge is like [ __ ] why not fight a little cheers accessories not worth it it is but it's not worth it over rogue's uh Ranger stuff in my opinion I'm tempted to go out of fighter I would lose that on the that shitty heel that I don't want and I would also lose Proficiency in medium armor but I can just go ranger instead and that gives me an extra level in Ranger would that be a good idea just put go like put two levels to Ranger then put five into Rogue right am I crazy or is that just not way better like why am I a fighter at this point it was too is to you uh proficiency weapons which I can get from being a rogue I mean a a ranger you'll lose your fighting style at okoy oh don't you get that arranger though don't you get that in Ranger you get a fighting style for going Ranger level two right you'll get archery at Ranger level two yeah exactly boom soccer equals extra amateur attack like Assassin Road I know I've been both of them they're both great like super good Ranger has four fighting styles exactly that has launcher too yeah I'm a respect out of fighter so then I can put I can jump stop the whole Ranger thing because then when we level it one more time we can go uh we can get Colossus or we can get a Gloom stalker I'll probably go Gloom stalker though also we we can gain our proficiency and heavy armor even if we don't end up using it which would be pretty nice just to have uh Proficiency in Arcana residency in Arcana history proficiency and religion and I don't know [ __ ] Ranger night doesn't matter we're gonna respect anyway Urban tracker this is fine survival bonus cool yeah I want to respect that would be nice two levels in in uh you know Ranger so much [ __ ] to loot iceros dope dope dope we actually need that sweet I'm gonna just sell this too the animation scale mail worth the ton and I also I noticed we've been creating a lot more with this is that just me are we been creating like a [ __ ] ton since I equipped it it feels like it wait Trader dad everybody dead everybody did oh it technically doubles your crit chance yeah I know I know you go from 19 to 18. I kept saying that dude I had like a full-on like argument with somebody about that I was saying that if you go from if you put your if your crate goes from 19 to 18. I was like that's that's double the chance to create because you're going from 18 to 19. we don't need a broken Lantern do we no I feel like it's a a gale thing and he just could not accept it I was like dude it literally it doubles your chances you're going from 18 to 19. so you go from having a a one out of 20 to a two out of 20. that's double he's like nah it's not double what are you talking about that's one more chance to hit I'm like that's not no it doubles your [ __ ] chances man you left two enemies up there wait where wait are they still there I thought they ran through whatever we'll go check it there's some stuff to loot people are bad at Stats man oh [ __ ] what who's this guy oh [ __ ] he must have been far away I can kill him in a single fight I'm pretending like that didn't happen goodbye I'm gonna say that didn't happen at all nothing happened bye the creature don't go for the zake or whatever it's called I don't quite oh [ __ ] I thought it was [ __ ] um whatever we can hit him we can Parry only once I'm still gonna [ __ ] butter this little muffin I'm gonna shoot you with an ice Arrow what the [ __ ] did I just miss click oh that's not great that's not cool [ __ ] dude the next guy I'm so happy to be out out of this [ __ ] [ __ ] with the get Yankee I'm so sick of being disowned I [ __ ] hate it oh [ __ ] and I only get one attack a turn now I'll get [ __ ] I'm good I forgot how good this knife was oh our guy could be better in melee Reliance on the bonus action I think that [ __ ] it a little bit to Camp all right I get to put all my [ __ ] things back on okay that was pretty quick actually in the Pathfinder game you can get an insane crap crit ring there's even a trait that lets you create a net one what the [ __ ] that'll be dope waiting on the net one all right all right little man we're good oh I didn't even realize you know that that um you know the lady that you bump into on the bridge uh uh after joaquin's rest when you go down to the bridge with all the good Yankee and the red dragon and is that uh does that lady watching it that's this that's this lady right here she's she's just dead in the Yankee prison and I didn't even realize that until about my like third time in this location I was like oh [ __ ] it's that it's that chick I don't like being called chicks or is it like one of those names people hate that's her yeah it's pretty sad I thought she was supposed to be a companion also nice Yeah we're definitely critting more often one down and blood first that should mean that this person's down it put the double shot on my [ __ ] [ __ ] again I hate it oh I hate it oh shoot me I dare you You're Gonna Miss see you're gonna try again you're gonna miss [ __ ] why does science has to be wrong about everything too heavy to throw what throwing's a bonus action a main action right yeah [ __ ] damn it can I angle myself to push her into the into the abyss nice what what stupid [ __ ] stupid that's everything oh elegant chest nice oh boy stop fat fingering R what oh I have skinny fingers man you're trying to call me fat out here okay grease bottle I'll need some rest oh it's too late now oh my God look at the size of this [ __ ] bottle compared to me legitimately jar to this little guy I'm Gonna Keep grease on me just in case I need it boob up you know [ __ ] it Reese is actually extremely good and I should take it more often because you're basically creating a free ice surface turn off dual wield thank you thank you for that thank you very much for that I constantly forget all right I think it's time to go eat that egg I mean get the egg and not eat it or whatever one gnome one jar that is the third band today I think I'm just kidding don't ban that guy that was funny one no one jar dude if he could fit that jar Sans is a good not gay boy guy don't you put disrespect on his name wait is brawl going to graduate from X1 yes we'll do that today oh [ __ ] I forgot about the cat oh that's a big cat I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put I'm gonna I'm gonna put this on so I can knock it out because I don't want to kill it because I'm I like cats I'm gonna be a little baby man and what do you mean not enough resources are you [ __ ] me with this what oh okay all right that was that's what I get that's what I get for being nice to this cat get pruned what I had [ __ ] what what oh that's [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is the point of uh knocking [ __ ] unconscious thing not only for this melee while you're serious oh man that sucks I don't got cat murderer it's not a cat it's a grameshka sounds like a Jewish cat that was a bad joke so get Yankee sleep in the beds too what the [ __ ] costly sleeping beds what did this guy imagine they like sleep upside down hanging from the ceilings like [ __ ] uh bats the [ __ ] was he expecting oh so many mindful parasite specimens dude put him in me get in my brain little guys oh this is so good yes you thinking this is my dude talking and it's not oh funny oh [ __ ] whoops yeah I'm a real I didn't think that was gonna burn me I [ __ ] around and found out all right time to interact with this thing the device is strange made of taut Flash and poke marked metal you feel your um what do you guys think yes or no do we lay down in the horrifying device of pain and suffering um good luck on not dying not anymore I'm gonna do it Sans Underdog ain't no [ __ ] yes if you want to lose stats what we'll see if okay we'll see if we succeed it's if Sans gets blended into a really delicious milkshake then we can just load items we just starts whacking him off all right moving on your skull groans and bends under the pressure agony agony we're [ __ ] strong as [ __ ] dude no Miss cunning that's what I'm talking about we're calling this [ __ ] through away the device search the parasite Burrows deeper sinking its teeth but you can't see is the a massive box greedily yourself under the air section of the chair every time he grows stronger are these all wisdom saving throws because that's great for us oh we're gonna crush it this is for the creature for every part of you tinted the tadpole quiver oh yeah no more yes more yes more feed it with your own which one wait what focus on each magic feed it with your own right I don't need I don't need an extraction we want to double down on this [ __ ] just pull yourself into the temples strengths multiply just like getting a tattoo on the machine the two full it's worth it I'm [ __ ] dead oh [ __ ] okay the room swims back into Focus your mind is intact yet unfamiliar inside it the tadpole did I get the thing or did that [ __ ] fail different incredible your parasite is even stronger now hell yeah it did it work do we have like a a bonus now wear that at where'd that bonus at call the week just play something uh it's gonna be red what's it called all your lipid powers are now bonus actions hell yeah Force tunnel is now a bonus section do we have any elephant Powers I'm not using concentration blast nah survival instincts I feel like I'm never gonna use that elephant passives call the week it's amazing but it's not a wait was that not on the [ __ ] that turned itself off right there bruh ain't no way that was off Sonic oh wait all these are reactions though whatever still good is that forever probably it's not showing up on my [ __ ] not showing up on my thing here so it's got to be permanent yeah there's a lot of permanent [ __ ] you can get in this game also I'm gonna put more stuff in my brain charm could be good especially because we're solo like what are they gonna do after they don't attack us uh repulsory could be maybe good maybe but I kind of want Shield of thralls that would be nice Harrow mistakes if you put it on other people by the way is insane invest a creature with power that heals it when it attacks but it also uh makes it vulnerable to all damage for three turns so basically you can put something on somebody where every time they attack you they heal a little bit but they take double damage it's super super really good if you use it on enemies perilous Stakes then sneak crit someone exactly what do you guys think hairless Stakes or Shield of thralls stage fright is also pretty good steaks yeah I'm a steak man myself I'm something of a steak bed myself and it's a bonus section oh [ __ ] yeah baby look at us with our little brain I love how our head is the same shape we're literally the same shape as these guys we really want to be a one of these little squid boys all right I gotta go take a peepee break I think maybe but then they were done with this [ __ ] place it might be time for act two I think it's act two time oh yeah that's a good point actually which way are we going for the for the ACT too what do you guys think are we going through the Grim Forge are we going through not the Grim Forge good forger no green Forge egg oh [ __ ] egg [ __ ] I forgot about the egg how could I forget all right I gotta go PP and then we do uh [ __ ] I don't you know all right be back in a minute [Music] all right all right we're back before anyone asks yes I wash my hands I'm a clean boy I'm a good clean boy all right it's egg time oh [ __ ] does it can I get here without being spotted oh yeah stealth and we shoot this guy in his mouth oh man he's surprised he's surprised and therefore [ __ ] yeah nice nice good [ __ ] we're really uh taking it to this guy they're surprised again apparently for a whole two turns or some [ __ ] what get smoked oh [ __ ] how do I how do I get over there um oh boy they're really far away oh why me now Idiot find me now oh that shouldn't work as well as it does that really should not work even remotely close to that good am I still stealth no [ __ ] way we're amazing I don't even care that we have disadvantage it doesn't even matter nobody kills Sans Underdog oh [ __ ] he buried it you wash your feet who the [ __ ] washes their feet when they piss Ed yes it was me so I Charmed him now what does he do oh [ __ ] you saved it ah [ __ ] they can save that guys quit lacerating me you [ __ ] oh that's a waste per long rest I'm about to wait yeah I might as well do this you didn't save it and then we just [ __ ] double damage this little man ah you're [ __ ] kidding me dude no way that's not good I was gonna heal every time he hits us I'm gonna try them come on come on [ __ ] don't listen [ __ ] God damn it all right get away from me come on double damage oh my God these parries dog oh all right that was going a little bad oh my God the damage that just came out of that never mind I was like maybe this is a mistake definitely not I don't even need to heal because we're gonna be resting soon it's gonna Force us to do a long rest I'm new to Asset Services it's the worst version of what I got and in egg time would you stop commenting on the smells man they're doing what they can it's a [ __ ] birthing movie what does the Trap do can you just take it I don't think you can take it that's on the Trap right large green egg with an uneven shell all right what are we doing with eggs thing within it across the egg beneath your foot Reach Out And Touch the egg leave the egg alone oh I don't doesn't give me the option to take it put it on the fryer eat it I can you actually eat it I'ma touch it the egg is warm to the touch whatever is within is stirring okay my only options are kill or to kill it though but I disabled the [ __ ] thing so why can't I why can't I pick it up see a vague outline I can only touch it crush it or leave it you need to touch it first I did touch it first you can see a vape the egg is whatever is within this and then mild options are crush it if I go out of the dialogue and then I go back in busy girl cook it right click it you can see a vague out this is the same thing every time it's too heavy that cannot be why it weighs 20. that cannot be why I refuse to believe that no see that's not why really are you [ __ ] that's gotta be a bug that's so dumb dog that's wild drop throw I I can't eat it guys can you use it for anything else I don't call it you can kick the egg off the mountain while talking to the old lady oh dude yes okay we'll do whatever funny option pops up that would be funny you can long rest to eat it but like it's camp supplies ain't no way that's true all right and we're done act three completed right back I mean Act One completed you can give the Albert egg to the lady in Fuller did you take the legendary mace I got it I'm gonna sell it though yeah they think of the cow bear egg give the Albert egg to the lady I don't think I have the Albert egg I'm pretty sure I sold it right everybody you guys all know what I did with it somebody will somebody will remember I'm pretty sure I just sold it worth a lot what am I doing why don't I just [ __ ] teleport definitely give her the Albert egg I don't have the Albert egg I wish you could hatch the owl bear egg you already get the baby owl bear it's fine I trust that an early paid very well I didn't sell it to her did I lady you really got a good sandpaper voice going on there oh a scroll of haste haste is [ __ ] awesome it's just speed but it lasts 10 turns I'm actually gonna buy that that's great I can eat a fat one so why do you shoot only with one crossbow but have two what do you mean I don't mate your main attack is the right one like this your main attack is the right one and then my offhand attack is the left one I use both of them constantly that's the whole point main attacks and then bonus action attacks which is the benefit of being a rogue because you get two bonus actions oh [ __ ] I need to respect I'm gonna respect uh insert Ranger Rogue before we for a long rest if I go back to Camp it's gonna force me to Long rest though why the [ __ ] have I got elixir's on my bar all right oh I forgot the egg I we'll see what interactions we get all right such an early payment has ensured you can't have that I won't support this revolting experiment I have the egg here all your position to have a stretch I'm working I'm sorry sorry oh [ __ ] oh you know what's a good thing to test here ah is you [ __ ] her up then we weep and then we [ __ ] um then [ __ ] mailer now she just oh yeah she's knocked out oh oh we're [ __ ] rich we made it big baby that actually worked holy [ __ ] God damn we're over encumbered we got so much [ __ ] give me that oh my God oh we're rich forever I even got the Grim skull back dude and I got all the items yo doesn't work on the nurses it works on some people heading over plus two Mesa the little fander we're really overweight but that's fine just send all the [ __ ] to cam into camp to camp it's into camp this all weighs a lot this weighs 20 I'm just gonna send that to camp there we go we're good and we're going to Camp anyway [ __ ] it mod no I have no mods on I forgot about this lady wait I want to try something if you hold on bye pick her up hey I'm not ah whatever uh time to respect really quick where you at with us are you up my baby boy my Undead man as the all right cool all right so we can go ranger and then uh uh what level is seven or six same good [ __ ] oh wait it's [ __ ] this all up now God damn it I don't remember what my stats were like all right 17 because we get the 1X 30 point and I think we had 10 17 14 you do not need 16. 12 Charisma and wisdom maybe put strength up a little bit for jumping and then that's fine oh dude it's [ __ ] up all our [ __ ] this is the problem with respecting oh oh it's because my [ __ ] proficiencies have been putting dumb [ __ ] and 12. uh there good can the Constitution isn't actually that good I found take Rogue first no you take fighter first uh take Ranger first why take Rogue first you get everything you can get everything like you get more proficiencies if you start as a as a ranger is that worth it for the expertise do you not get experts you gained two skill proficiencies yeah Rogue two from fighting style all right magebreaker which is the one that we're going with Ranger Knight yeah heavy armor we get beat like [ __ ] no wait disadvantage magebreaker true strike yeah yeah and then sleight of hand this is fine right deception stuff we should get a plus one of Charisma none of this has changed you'll find me sticking to Marshalls these are dumb though there's no point oh wait Nature's stupid I'll think of legs over nature they're all gonna be really high anyway I want more strength so we have better carry weight and jumping then I don't have to rely on the club anymore all right one level and then another level into Ranger we guess we get spell slots now kind of cool ooh okay we don't need long Strider I might get enhanced jump though instead I was gonna get engineering strike I'm probably gonna get enhanced leap because then we got that in our back pocket wait we'll enhance sleep stacked with Athletics I might change athlete anyway anyway archery so we get our archery perk back and then we get two we don't need longstrider because we have uh we have followers to give us all of our Buffs but enhance leap is temporary three times jump is great Hunter's Mark Hunter's Mark could be good uh Halo phones could be pretty dope though I don't know man arranged bear in mind so I'm not going for melee [ __ ] Hill phones is really good you uh the thornsdale weapon damage to the Target and then explode the explosion deals an additional one to ten uh piercing damage this is August and surrounding creatures like this mic doesn't work on rain shots me I think Hunter's Mark is good you get it back every time yeah you know what Hunter's mod because I feel like we can maintain concentration most of the time all right and now we go into Rogue Rogue let me get two uh abilities to put it into so slide a hand and stealth obviously and then maybe we go into persuasion it's a lot of hand stealth persuasion acrobatics and Athletics aren't as important perception is decent good [ __ ] no major subclass mage subclass no it's so easy to level up as Rogue and Barbarian they just get so such simple [ __ ] extra bonus action if we don't want Colossus Slayer I'll be getting a level 3 Ranger next time I want the Hoff damage you can now easily activate the ring that does 1D for psychic damage ooh I don't know what I did with that though uh I I think we got we got athlete last time right and then that got us to put an extra point into decks and then we also got 50 more jump distance and also you stand up better after being prone right I still think this is the best idea maybe crossbow expert but at the same time our melee weapon isn't that bad and this just gives us an advantage on gaping wounds and also we just don't have a disadvantaged when we're in melee but we don't have to worry about that I think athlete is way better after we increase the X can I just multi-class if you don't know what you're doing your class would be worse than uh rather going full yeah exactly you got to go specific stuff if you're multi-classing if you just throw [ __ ] in different directions it's gonna end up with that you're spending yourself too thin in too many areas it's kind of like a jack of all trading master of [ __ ] nothing right there we go nice on Candy Dodge so double Ranger Stacks oh my God what happened to this it's weird that it adds these in as abilities I love having to do my whole bar every time now we got spills to deal with what where's all my [ __ ] missing the [ __ ] they did not equip my weapons where my crossbows at where are my hand crossbows where are my [ __ ] hand crossbows she disarmed you what oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] well now you're dead [Music] you dumbass what how could you even do that what's wrong with you I wonder what the [ __ ] happened I was like did the gift Yankee just saw me back in the [ __ ] crash like nah stupid old lady what's with everybody [ __ ] disarming me like why is that the most common [ __ ] thing happening now nothing oh wow where's the oh my [ __ ] god you okay what happens if I equip the [ __ ] club God [Laughter] hell yeah look how fast we can get around now I'ma stick with the sword but that's cool holy [ __ ] we have so much [ __ ] in our inventory this is mind-numbing [ __ ] um this is worrying like I'm gonna sell something I'm not intending to we gotta find somebody to sell to like now because this is uh this is too much got so much [ __ ] nope I didn't mean to do that erm all right strange conduit ring I want to keep that because now maybe we replace the do you think the plus two stealth plus two sleight of hand is worth replacing if we're gonna have Hunter's Mark hopefully because then that's a one every time I have Hunter's Mark on somebody I'm getting uh an extra amount right like I'm getting 1d6 and then also the 1d4 from from uh from Psychic I'm gonna try it out if I keep losing concentration and it keeps [ __ ] me over then I'm gonna not use that I'm gonna I'm gonna take in a Miss on that if it does end up sucking be a min maxer I usually am a Min maxer in terms of like stats and [ __ ] like that I hate having like uh wisdom and [ __ ] for characters that don't need it stuff like that nothing wrong with optimizing your build that's not nerdy that's just cool God there's so much crap ever selling I'm we picked up too much [ __ ] from that lady like actually too much stuff I think we're good I'm gonna quick save God damn yeah more all right okay so now it's time to go are we going to AC is too low oh why is my AC so low don't I have a oh the [ __ ] did I lose all of my uh long rest [ __ ] I don't have long Strider I don't have [ __ ] anything what's with that I lose all my crap because I went back to camp anyway we going through the Grim dock all I respect right that's why yeah I respect yeah you're right you're right you're right you're right you're good we're good we're good and okay don't forget your elephant called the weak passive what is it not turn it back on automatically stop bruh that sucks I wonder maybe that's what's happening on my main guy it stopped happening and I have so many elephant powers I gotta remember that is that turning itself off sucks all right Mountain Pass OR groom Forge I'm gonna put it over to a vote it's gonna Force us to do a long rest anyway are we going through Grim Forge are we going through the mountains click on passives under the hot bar Oh you mean okay I mean it's also fine I'll just have it here and then I can remember it's just let me do my thing let me let me have my own dog [ __ ] Inventory management room Forge 61 groom force all right that's that's pretty decisive unfortunate is uh wait I'm gonna go to the mic in a colony first see if I can sell I want to see Sans fight a Gundam the [ __ ] ain't no Gundams in this game this is an RPG video game based in d d there's definitely no giant Mech robots an entire Village if seeded properly there's definitely no giant mix with huge swords roaming around the capitol there's no mechs in this RPG game there's no [ __ ] way in any Universe I'm gonna be able to sell all this [ __ ] anytime soon I am [ __ ] for inventory space for a while bro this is worth so much money why they should I really hope they add in a thing where it defaults the maximum amount of stacks it is crazy to me that it that it defaults to one get at least add it as a choice right oh [ __ ] wait all right we're good that is consistently the most irritating thing ever trade plus cell wears he doesn't have enough money to buy it all he literally doesn't have enough money I would click wait does he have enough money no right no see that's why that's why I was doing it individually this is why I think Traders should have like [ __ ] thousands of gold because who gives a [ __ ] just let me sell all my [ __ ] like I'm already gonna be rich just like who cares I'm just gonna go to another trade I'm gonna wait a day I'm gonna long rest I'm gonna whatever like you're just wasting the player's Time by not having the like the trader have like [ __ ] tons of gold big jump s can I jump all the way there in a single one pro I'm taking it across a noble stock mushroom about you give it here yeah Fat Chance lady that chance is fatter than your husband no Cloud giant fingers right all right whatever buy anything of this oh man yep big potions uh arrows could be good dead husband oh wait is your husband dead in this one did we kill her husband let me blow our husband up I don't remember oh [ __ ] leave a shop on Boulder Escape whatever all right I think we're good started to the Grim Forge you blew him up he ran from your summon oh man laughs you're going up there you've either got iron guts or one of those Moon lanterns one of me's magic lamps the death darks clogged the Top Lane I swear to [ __ ] my character makes him look like a realistic character that could exist like my RPGs character makes him look real oh he's already done the thing what thing blowing up to get the Yankee she's still an act three without the mushroom I know I'm just wondering what happened with her uh her man's if I blew him up or whatever because I do not remember what happened to that that fella all right act two it did not make me sleep uh should I sleep or just keep milking it I need my Buffs either way what do you guys think long rest anyway like we we kind of need one at this point I feel like it didn't make me long rest I'm kind of like Blown Away oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Gandalf who's there wandra daylight course a moment to indulge in telligence you retain among your traveling companions a man who adheres to the given name of Gail what the [ __ ] is Gail bearing me what the [ __ ] the comedic timing oh my God the comedic timing of him just being behind me is so [ __ ] funny is he had to be there this guy's like do you know this dude called Gail and Gail's just [ __ ] behind him the [ __ ] was that that wigged me out for a second holy [ __ ] okay some things in act two that I'm excited to see you tackle Blended Dominion that is the truth uh what are you talking about you answered in stride I never heard no Gail take my leave as well I do bye and he's gone again goddamn shade of Gail the [ __ ] why did that happen may I inquire I do yeah sorry I never heard of no Gail bye man I can't believe that then functions like that that is wild I just had an idea too I should probably put um [ __ ] you know I'm Gonna Save that good idea scroll the whole monster this could be good chill out bud my cat's hungry hungry dude hungry buddy we're gonna get a little bit in act three and I'll be dumb kill Gandalf I don't want to kill Gandalf Gandalf's a nice guy mandelph dude's [ __ ] blind you think I'm gonna kill him he couldn't even see Gail who stood right in front of him wait [ __ ] they want to talk or something should I talk to an NPC you can't kill him yeah I assumed you couldn't kill him he's like some god-tier Mage guy or some [ __ ] you can kill him yeah should we kill him oh well [ __ ] it's too late now I can't leave now I already initiated isn't he an apparition what would I do like load I'd have to I'm dude oh my God this was so long ago [ __ ] that this was like 10 minutes ago I'm not loading how about this if he's back it will kill him and see what he drops I don't want to talk with Gail I just ate so much food I just ate everything I ate like two months of canned supplies my guys [ __ ] dead my guy's so [ __ ] dead holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that what is this Auto Select huh that's the worst Auto Select I've ever [ __ ] seen why is it 80 why am I so hungry about 80 I have to meet a [ __ ] inventory in the 80s that what you have to do on [ __ ] tactician the [ __ ] is that why [ __ ] stupid tactician tactician makes you hungrier one man consuming food fit for all my [ __ ] Christ that's a lot of [ __ ] wow hold on I think I missed the donut I was yelling uh Ty with a 10 donut GG on completing act come on solo there's some things in act two that I'm excited to see you tackle oh dude yeah it Act 2 was significantly more difficult than act one I know most of it we'll see what we will if how my boy takes on a lot of these challenges thank you for the demo my dude all right [ __ ] they just had the shoehorn in this old horse wizard into another bulger's gate always in D and D stories is he like a famous dude is looking forward to act two good luck not dying to Darkness ah [ __ ] the darkness I forgot about the darkness oh [ __ ] we're gonna have to have like daylight on my guy or some [ __ ] that's gonna make him like what the [ __ ] what not this [ __ ] again man are you [ __ ] kidding me what what I oh what the [ __ ] that just deleted it deleted it they're gone look up top there's one check your cam Supply bag no the [ __ ] that whole ass just deleted him they just delayed they were gone I didn't do that it's a bug that makes the icons invisible solid and it should fix it yeah but oh it's salt the [ __ ] chest it's fine I've already loaded it anyway still there just makes him invisible that's a stupid bug I gotta say one of my least favorite things I think about this absolute Masterpiece of a game is the absolutely dog [ __ ] handling of the camp supply system it is bad it is really clunky and really bad for a game that's this good the camp supply system and Supply system amongst your companions unlike other players and [ __ ] like that is [ __ ] terrible dude they really dropped the ball on that for a game this good too it like really shows it there's so little to complain about I mean inventory in general is pretty shy it's not great there's some bugs there's some stuff that could be done better that's a little bit clunky but most of it I'm fine with but [ __ ] like that [ __ ] deleting camp supply is not functioning correctly it using entire Stacks the default being like super weird [ __ ] like that kind of stuff that you just should have kind of been done better you know the game is fantastic the UI is honestly bad I don't mind the UI also the absolute history and getting stronger what the [ __ ] is that outfit man we have to work together or the absolute will enthrall us both the [ __ ] is that cannot keep this up I was not excited to see you expecting it I thought he only wore that if it's the lady that's [ __ ] wild dude he kind of pulls it off though it looked I mean I mean uh Charlie Chaplin kind of pulls off the uh you know the full fit you saving those those Groove you look pretty good this is what we make out uh uh the Goblins are in my way commend your efficiency and he's willing to willing um oh he's in like pain Ron Swanson he does look a bit like Ron Swanson wave off he's so pissed he's hardly a breath between them I almost died on the rest each wave a set of orders to the infected he sounds a bit like um you know the Discover the secrets of the absolute and put an end to it a bit like a little bit if you had a bit of more of a Yorkshire accent he would sound exactly like uh John Bean yeah I mean do not let my efforts be in vain you know what I mean my nuts Sean Bean played Boromir in Lord of the Rings by the way and was like a [ __ ] legendary actor and like a [ __ ] ton of stuff but that's his most the most famous role I'm from Yorkshire yup very close yeah dude he he has a really thick Northern accent and it took me by surprise he's like I had no idea he had uh he was from the north when I was a kid so I was watching the behind the scenes stuff on like the uh the DVDs you know like the like 12 hours of bonus footage on a lot like a lot of the Rings behind the scenes like the huge box set I'm like uh he just like comes in out of nowhere with the thickest your accent I've ever heard Gale daylight yeah we're gonna do that something the matter all right I need my Buffs oh [ __ ] nice let's get something else good for me please oh freedom of movement let's go uh [ __ ] I don't know protection from energy nah Freedom Movement and death Ward connected that's exclusion from Dev is that I'm just gonna get that anyway and then [ __ ] what was the thing Mage Armor so we put we can put a level in Gale to get Mage Armor too right good [ __ ] uh level two level two [ __ ] what to do with it ah there we go freedom of movement bam now for until long rest movement speed cover reduced by difficult terrain spells or magical Flex copy paralyzed or restrained that's [ __ ] amazing warding Bond I said it's not the one who does warning Bond don't need that aids give me AIDS maybe a level three yeah level three got enough bam and then that's without a trace maybe now it requires concentration so they'll lose the intermediately long Strider uh speak to animals is only for yourself uh daylight yeah bam good for Undead and also we're gonna need that okay and then Shield of Faith doesn't matter you can turn daylight off right we're gonna need that [ __ ] I think yeah the word love requires level four spell damn all right I think that's everything I think that's everything [ __ ] sure get out of here lady all right Gale time daylight is so good in act two yeah well all right and then we're gonna put one level of your [ __ ] into wee he gets the same [ __ ] though into Wizards and then can't trips are not important might as well give him light though then Mage Omar wait can you only cast mate drama on yourself I feel like you can only cast Mage Armor on yourself am I right no you can cast on others oh dope nice ah well that's something touch spell age armor [ __ ] yeah hell yeah and then warding Bond why is he looks so [ __ ] up Arcane hunger oh he's hungry for items all right maybe we can give him his last item or whatever the [ __ ] concentration protection from Poison is there any reason to do protection for poison if we have warding Bond where the [ __ ] is warning whatever it is and then I think that's it age armor slight we got daylight so we don't need that [ __ ] we lose daylight and get it back off this guy make up a daylight my other weapon double daylight he's going to blow you give him an artifact fine I'll give him an artifact so he'll blow me slightly better nice far sweet all right now it can be like Gail I question the wisdom of that decision yeah oh wait and he said likes being ignored you can have [ __ ] I'm not conveying the urgency of the situation oh it's incredibly world-shatteringly important you give me a suitable art I really you actually have to pass a thing otherwise he makes you give him one what does he [ __ ] go to kill you if you say no [ __ ] surely I got an item in here that he can have right okay I really don't want to give any of this [ __ ] God damn I'll give the skin burst sir I'm not gonna use that she's the heavy ass [ __ ] hellbird I want to watch him consume and deep throat this entire helmet though oh [ __ ] I need to do that mind I question the wisdom of that all right what's on your mind uh that is most gratifying to hear [ __ ] perhaps I'm not conveying the urgency oh my God it's all right I'll check and see if it can be consumed this time [ __ ] I guess it doesn't make sense if you know he eats a [ __ ] hellbird I guess that makes sense whatever Gail can absolve this magical there we go shitty crossbow he says what the [ __ ] get a [ __ ] crossbow that is most gratifying to hear he's gonna what does he do on hinge's [ __ ] jaw like a snake thank you I'm aware that he puts it in his chest by the way shut up I think I just watched something dirty to all of you uh unconscionable of me to remain silent this better be good I wish a smartphone on you already you have to know who I was what I am spoilers come now no spoilers no spoilers no spoilers he says some stuff and some said oh oh [ __ ] wait [ __ ] what I do no and becomes part of you all of this okay spoilers nice sorry for any spoilers there boys anybody had it's on me if you found out something he didn't want to know all right 70.7 we got a whole monster we sell that everything else is good mind reading and bloodlust I would say and anal speaking good [ __ ] all right I think we're good all right we got all our Buffs back potentially more above essentially I think maybe we should have full resistance to everything uh all right we're good maybe we just [ __ ] up an old man now he takes it on his chest and Gandalf check passives what you mean oh yeah they're good all right you know I can click that whatever we're good should I just [ __ ] him up what's my ranged sneak attack damage it's higher all right should we try and kill them and see what happens kiss him the time is now old man how many times oh man oh [ __ ] he gets a turn first he's got he's gonna pay me in my [ __ ] mouth ow dog chill children what's this [ __ ] goddamn initiative what level is he he's [ __ ] level one are you out of your absolute [ __ ] gourd old man all right well you're gonna heal every time now I [ __ ] saved it are you serious that sucks Irma I don't [ __ ] know dude all right this price Hunter's Mark and then a big old powerful shot in the mouth oh he saved perilous so it's not gonna matter so I'm gonna get right up on this guy switching melee weapons oh my God again ow now I'm [ __ ] blind Jesus dude this all he does I can't even shoot him oh I've just I have a disadvantaged but I can still shoot him that's okay well he's [ __ ] doinked kidding me okay that was point Who's we kill this Apparition I got nothing for that now he's gonna be really mad next time he sees him he's gonna pants me and shoot a Sunbeam up my [ __ ] I vote we do not kill that guy should have kissed him more can we actually kiss him can I stealth kiss is there like a an ability that I'm missing out on stealth smooch oh wait can I pick Pokemon impossible they [ __ ] failed they [ __ ] failed he just got really Deep Pockets this guy's got a wizard sleeve all right talk to me on mister chance should it be now if this answer satisfies you let this linger no longer I mean all right he's in the camp I do all right whatever I wanted to talk to to gay oh probably an illusion yeah obviously he [ __ ] exploded into nothing when we killed him not steal his pants yeah it is unfortunate I think if you put daylight on your weapons by the way it [ __ ] up all the lighting see some how like Sans is really dark now cursed lands there's a bug right now why am I talking stop talking Sans can't talk that's not that's not canon guys stop talking you're not allowed to talk this is not canon Sans voice you talk you all you talk multiple times in this game what do you mean you can change weapon press U H oh oh [ __ ] we don't have to have our weapons out but it's still apparently we still have light interesting nice what is his Cannon voice I feel like he sounds like what you would think a stereotypical gnome sounds like so he sounds like a gnome from you know like World of Warcraft really high pitched kind of goofy and childish and sort of like upbeat you know all right time to travel like a real g no we are a God in human form I could take the damage because it's not even us it's gonna take the damage we can leap take three damage and we don't take the three damage because we take half damage from falling and then on top of it Gail takes any damage that we might already be taking so we're taking what like a quarter damage or does that make us immune to fall damage wait what happens if we just jump into the middle of these hoppers see you later nerds keeping the light oh [ __ ] yeah answer me I wrote the cutscene this is so awkward what I just [ __ ] stood there I didn't say anything and they were just sort of like okay [Applause] ah that was funny I'm here where are you Eunice can you see our torches I can't see anything this is a very like weird something's wrong did you start sniffing did everyone see that follow my voice come back to the light Sands under dark is two pal for the shadow curse we're too small we limbo underneath the shadow they're just so [ __ ] unaffected by that like Jonas lucky they didn't hear him just get [ __ ] ruined if somebody's like hey can you guys like there's a huge cleave noise he's [ __ ] dead dude I have expect them to just be like oh yeah okay God thank [ __ ] you're okay and they just get ripped the shreds I'm gonna run can I run should I just run can I should I just run should I just leave him that'd be funny okay I'm gonna quick save because I want to see what happens if my little ass just runs into the distance you're part of the light and you're done for it's fight or die two arms no oh you can't run that's dumb why even give me the option then if I can't just [ __ ] bounce these things are [ __ ] because I can see invisibility and I have brightness so they're screwed uh swap these around again it [ __ ] not great foreign you can just run though I mean you could leave the battle area if you're far enough away they'll just die and you leave tour mode yeah I mean technically you have any fight might as well wipe them out though since we're here [ __ ] oh [Music] that's a bit delayed the shadow sounds terrifies me they're not scary what do you what ain't even a little bit scary make every strike count misses and hits a one that's true um okay Connor's Mark bonus section of the spell slot and then we can get that back right wait we got the record we kill him right thank you oh come on I guess that's not weird considering we're touching him no no no no uh wait why did I only get the option to do charm shouldn't give me an oh wait it's funny backwards just for spells and shield blow is for why couldn't I Shield blow is that my crossbow is out you could be kissing him kissing you Shadows that's how you tame the Shadows you start [ __ ] gorping them they're getting [ __ ] up by the way these Shadows are so much stronger in a Solo run like holy [ __ ] they might die they legit might die I'm fizzy [ __ ] um all right [ __ ] it Focus all right this guy's dead and then recasting on a shadow this one's good then shoot that one and maybe kill it and we got another action and then we finish this one off nice and then let's get in between here and switch to melee nope who's your guys's favorite Hobbit out of The Lord of the Rings Hobbits trick question the answer is Tom Bombadil that [ __ ] is dope Sam dude the amount of Sams [ __ ] yeah Sam is the best I'm so I'm actually so hyped that people said Sam Sam's the true hero of like the whole series Frodo's a big baby Sam's like actually the G is Tom not a God I guess I was sad when they when I found out that that was supposed to be a scene and they cut it out why do Sans look like a small chimp Sans it's so that's so why do you look like a small chimp huh and I no this cuts to level one spell slot do not have my jumps from the [ __ ] cutscene nah wait so I gotta concentrate on this to be able to cast it again it's kind of mid up dope got him got him in the mouth [ __ ] I'm gonna lose concentration now Thomas talking self-insert oh no oh nice okay I saved my Constitution saving throw yep oh [ __ ] oh Mom with these Shadows man they're good AC 13 AC and I'm still critical missing Sam also I haven't been to this area but have a good stream oh well done I've been to everybody no no my guy keep your torch high this is just there too it's not that foreign actually we're pretty [ __ ] foreign this game is massive this is like what 25 30 hours into the into me streaming this uh sure stay in the light all right can I beat him there by jumping I gotta [ __ ] oh no [Laughter] seven damage I'm so much faster than them I'm a God I'm a tiny God the fox get [ __ ] up to leave it alone [Music] no [ __ ] way I just triggered that [ __ ] fight by jumping on the on the body no [ __ ] way I didn't even know you could do that I didn't even [ __ ] know you could do that how the [ __ ] do I kill the all of these guys I do not have good aoes how the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude this is not good this may be a cut and run kind of situation um I cannot believe I landed on that all right well step one get to a safe location step two shoot a fire thing to try and get as many as possible like here step three do the same thing again I guess I don't know bam okay that's something I don't know try to take out as many as I can hopefully everybody doesn't just get absolutely ripped apoc micros come on you got this why'd you do the double hit you [ __ ] yourself don't go for me no they can fly why is this one flying don't hit me not me I'm blind okay I [ __ ] dodged that what am I blind foreign we got this this is easy Sans Underdog has this watch one down two [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] is block on my view what the [ __ ] it is too far uh all right you guys deal with this I'm good oh I'm [ __ ] blind dude oh my God I oh oh my God why is there no [ __ ] there was even an effect on my dude and I just didn't notice the amount of people in chat you just got blinded you [ __ ] [ __ ] not seconds ago seconds did you just get blinded all right read I did read I read immediately when 15 people told me that I was blinded I'm a good boy who reads shed what does this actually say oh yeah a bunch of [ __ ] All Right Moving On Mega Jump time hell yeah hell yeah this place is protected remind me to use uh make a joke before we get in the comment because you know it doesn't require concentration and then I have 10 terms of unbelievable jumping power so I could just jump away from people anytime they get close easy already did Jahira oh [ __ ] that's what you mean uhiro oh she looks mad I didn't do it I probably didn't do it I probably didn't what the [ __ ] was that oh [ __ ] I've seen enough Japanese animation snow where this is going um look how terrified Sans looks you can't hold down the S man why wait does everybody know like Jahira SIM for Jahira he starts calling you um a pet name later on if you increase your relations with her she's pretty dope she keeps what'd she call you it's like really endearing like a cub she calls you [ __ ] Cubs dude it's [ __ ] wholesome as [ __ ] she's like a she's like a really cool grandma super super wholesome she's from the previous games that I caught I [ __ ] know dude I can read read sick context clues trenth Rage Against The Vines dude I love that band we crushed it oh get this [ __ ] off me Stand Down or we'll put you down uh I'm good hold on I can explain everything it's interesting be romanceable I don't think so I kind of hope not it's Granny you know plus it's nice to see a female character that isn't just some romanceable lady you know yep didn't leave a goblin we're the same height not so bad to hang around with either even caught A thieving it didn't make sure looks really [ __ ] cool especially for a kid character I feel like they're definitely going to be a character in a future of all the skate game they make up if they make Baldur's Gate four in like 10 years from now I guarantee she's in it mock my [ __ ] words right now she's probably gonna be in it they put way too much effort into that character that's like a kid for it not to be a [ __ ] major character later on uh I'm just gonna [ __ ] who cares look at my cool trinket I'm cooler than you what's in the Hills is that she's she's like what is that thing I'm like it's an apple [ __ ] takes a bite out of it congratulations you've earned yourself the benefit of the doubts I'm here on holiday just in time for happy hour also here is the only character you can literally make fun of and talk to her like and use like evil of extra options or like rude options and [ __ ] and she actually laughs and you get and you get like reputation with her like she likes you more it's pretty dope she's not just like a big uppity [ __ ] you know grouchy like serious lady [ __ ] cool ass character honestly I didn't expect it I just took giara because like [ __ ] it I was taking as many characters as I could I was trying to do the polar Ops in my last playthrough and she's actually pretty dope a lot of the companions are dope late game especially it's just bad exactly she's a bro Man actually replay the game legit your hero is actually pretty [ __ ] cool he seems like a stuck up like goody goody two shoes character but she's actually pretty dope uh when she had her in your potty I was surprised I killed her when she attacks you she attacks you Oh you mean like then nah she's a better companion I think okay we get it you vape that's an old meme AIDS thing staffs Cloud oh you know what I might take I'm gonna buy some of these they're expensive but I'm gonna buy them because a like zonal spells are gonna be [ __ ] useful for us right now so how much of the [ __ ] can we use Shield nah nah no nah the mighty call This Is Amazing by the way get the [ __ ] Mighty cloth if you're a barbarian it's so good YT scale male is also amazing but do we go with that or do we just stick with the grace the graceful cloth probably the graceful cloth right it's too useful after doing damage I don't have a tag that's useless as monk [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yes oh my God yes I always give that to my tanks always I forgot about the cloak oh that's so good also I'm tempted to get an elixir of viciousness I know that the bloodlust potion is kind of better but if we're using this sword this reduces our critical uh thing to 19 right and then this will reduce it by an extra one right so we're likely to crit even more by the bombs I'll buy arrows I don't know about buying bombs beans constructs I want those blowback arrows that [ __ ] was dope attack all right new cloak new me what does it look like kind of normal whatever camp supplies uh well I can't sell this all right well [ __ ] this cape from the red Prince from Divinity Original Sin 2. wait did I put hasten oh no I did all right that might I might wrap it up for today guys it's getting pretty late I still haven't eaten anything literally all day so also uh my girlfriend's traveling down south so I wanna get on a call with her but yeah good [ __ ] stream hell of fun Sans underdark God of all things Kingdom on models what's her yeah 22 AC we do not need the UNT thing with warding ball clocker protection shield dexterity three for Mage Armor and bonus I'm a class that's 22 AC while we're rocking like all of our good [ __ ] we're [ __ ] good yeah dude that was dude Donuts today have been [ __ ] insane holy [ __ ] thank you guys like you do not know how much it helps out in the long run or in the short trip doesn't really matter still it just helps out always and also stream was fun as hell this has been one of the most consistently fun streams I think I've ever done and I'm really glad you guys like it because I've been having a blast with it Baldur's Gate 3 stream suit to be a really good game for streams I think that's just because it's a [ __ ] awesome game anyway you know what I mean it's difficult for this game not to be a fun you know you deserve it great content creator oh man you guys are the best Jesus Christ I'm gonna get emotional in this [ __ ] anyway yeah thanks for watching thanks for the donos links to Discord and all that kind of [ __ ] in the description jump in talk about Boulder Skate 3 look for some people to do a campaign with you know maybe I'll look for a campaign to do somebody something with I want to make a build something with a dwarf I guess I don't know who knows anyway yeah working on hopefully uh four halflings in the meantime part two act two all that good [ __ ] we just gotta get there we're still doing the Grim Forge and [ __ ] I'm thinking we blow up or something I don't know we're still workshopping stuff long this game is a [ __ ] time sync a really fun time sync I mean but it's a lot of input for videos anyway yeah thanks for watching I'm rambling I'll see you guys on the next stream
Channel: Okoii
Views: 64,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur, gate, warhammer, baldurs gate stream, streams, balurs gate, Dark Urge stream, baldur's gate multiplayer, multiplayer, multi stream, multiplayer stream, permadeath, 8 player
Id: v_qDnhDrsvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 277min 14sec (16634 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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