Baldur's Gate 3 - Pure Beast Master Ranger Strength Build - Ultimate Beast Companion Pet Guide

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what is going on guys this is croen and welcome back to another balers Gate 3 build this is my pure Beast Master Ranger so Beast Masters are a lot of fun to use in this game they just require at least 11 points into the subass to really get anything out of it because that's when the pets get their major upgrades and that's when you could build around a pet and I wanted to make this build kind of unique and creative so I went for a strength-based ranger that's going to be fighting right alongside of their pets so no ranged attacks with this build I feel like the other Ranger subclasses fit a ranged attacker more whereas a Beastmaster is better suited to be a strength based character and it has a lot of different moves where you could synergize really well with your pets while you are in melee range so yeah let's get into making a beastmas ranger so starting with our ability points we're going to want to go with 7 strength 14 dexterity 15 Constitution I also lowered intelligence down to eight and I kept wisdom and charisma at 10 for skill proficiencies we want to go with Athletics animal handling and insight for favorite enemy the best thing to do here would be to go for Ranger Knight this way you get heavy armor proficiency right at level one which I recommend that you wear heavy armor with this build because it's just going to fit the vibe of a melee Ranger and then for natural Explorer we're going to go with Beast Tamer this will allow you to cast fine familiar without expending a spell slot and we are going to be casting a raven with this so that way the Raven can blind an enemy so that will give you advantage on your next attack now we can take a look at our level path going all the way up to level 12 and at level two we get two spells this is where you want to go with Hunter's Mark and long Strider Hunter mark Mark is going to be used like 95% of the time on this build it's going to be your main ability not only is it going to give you increased damage on whatever enemy has Hunter's Mark but every single one of your pets is going to deal increased damage on whatever enemy is marked with Hunter's Mark so it is very important that you cast this all of the time on this character and then long Strider is just going to give you an increased movement speed which is going to be super beneficial because we're not going to be using any ranged attacks with this character and then for our fighting style we are going to go with defense to get an extra plus one bonus to our Armor class at level three we gain an additional spell and at this point I recommend that you go for speak with animals after all we are a Beastmaster Ranger so I think it's vital to have this early and then just pick Beast Master for your subass so at level four we get our first feet and you could either go for Ability Improvement and get your strength and Constitution up to even numbers or you could go for a great weapon Master because this is really going to give you a massive damage boost at level four but you only want to use this when you have advantage and the good news is that between not only your fine familiar pet which you can summon the Raven and blind an enemy but your main Raven pet will also be able to Blind enemies too so you're going to have plenty of options in order to gain advantage and that will make a great weapon Master a really good feat to get at level four at level five we get an additional spell and I would just recommend to go with an snaring strike here at level six we get an additional favorite enemy and natural Explorer so for favorite enemy we're going to go with Bounty Hunter so this way uh the enemies will have disadvantage on their saving throw whenever we use in snaring strike and then for natural Explorer we're going to go with Wasteland Wanderer fire level seven gets us an additional spell and for this one I recommend going with silence this will completely shut down any kind of spell casters that you may come across and at level eight we get our second feat if you went with great weapon Master at level four then at this point you could go with strength and Constitution and get those up to 18 and 16 if you went for Ability Improvement at level four then now is your time to get great weapon Master at level 9 we get access to level three spells and I would recommend going with conjure barrage here if you guys followed my hunter build you'll know that I really didn't like this for a hunter because Hunters have an AOE ranged move in volley which is way better than kja barrage but Beast Masters don't have any AOE attacks so that is where k barrage can really play a role here and if you have more than two enemies this could really add on the damage for a nice AOE attack I would only recommend using this when there are three or more enemies otherwise just stick to your main attack because you can't get an extra attack when you cast conja Barrage at level 10 we get an additional favorite enemy and natural Explorer so we're just going to go with Keeper of the veil here and then also waste land wander or cold uh this way you get some nice resistances right now we got cold resistance and we have fire resistance from earlier level 11 gives us our last spell and I recommend going with plant growth here this will just give you an extra spell to control the battlefield and finally at level 12 we get our last feat this is where you want to go right back into ability Improvement and get your strength up to 20 now once we get to level 12 and once we get some really good gear later on in the game we could Respec our character and completely change the Feats that we go for which will better enhance your character once you're at level 12 so I will go into more about that once we get into the gear but going from Level 1 to level 12 this is a really good path to take so next up we're going to take a look at the pets because the pets are a real important part about being a beast master so we're going to start out with the bear the bear gets goting Roar which is a nice AOE taunt for two turns however it does require a wisdom save so it's not totally reliable they also gain honey Paws which will allow them to disarm their Target and then on the consecutive hit they can make the target fall prone if they're not holding a weapon so it sounds great in theory the problem is that bears have such a low chance to hit that getting two consecutive hits with honey Paws is going to be somewhat rare they also have an ability called Earthen reinforcements which will allow them to summon an additional bear to fight alongside of them however you're not locked into using a bear whenever you have this ability you could just dismiss the bear summon something else and still keep the additional bear so I would probably rank the bear towards the lower end of the tier when we're taking a look at at all of the pets next up we could take a look at the Boar and the boar has some pretty nice abilities they have bore charge which means that they can charge forward and attack any enemies in their way and possibly knock them prone it does require a strength save so that's probably the only downside to bore charge otherwise I would have them ranked probably in the highest tier possible but they also have some other pretty cool neat abilities they can rage and then on the following turn they can use an extra attack as a bonus action which is pretty neat so they're going to have a little bit more damage that way they also have kick up mck which will slather a Target in mud and slow them down uh this can affect your allies though so you have to be wary of that but yeah I would say that bores are not bad I would definitely rank them higher than a bear um but there are some better pets out there next up is the wolf spider and the wolf spider has a lot of utility probably more than any other pet their main attack can poison a Target and then they also can cast webs all across the battlefield each turn that will last for 10 turns so not only can It en web an enemy when you initially cast this but if they're running inside the webs they can also get in webbed that way which will grant you Advantage it can affect your allies as well well so you have to be very cautious when you use this and where you use it uh same thing applies for bursting brood another really neat ability that you can use once per long rest it can affect your allies as well and then they have the Cocoon ability which can trap a creature in your web to cocoon it which will basically incapital are really good uh they just have a lot of abilities that could affect your allies too and because of that I wouldn't rank them the highest but they are pretty good pets next up is the dire Raven and I think that the Ravens are the best pet in the game at level 11 they could fly anywhere and wherever they fly as many times as they want to fly per turn they can cast a Darkness Cloud which will blind enemies and that'll synergize really well with our character uh because they could fight in the darkness have Advantage every time they also have Ren Vision which can blind enemies that they attack and that way if an enemy moves out of the darkness Cloud they can still be blinded if you have Ren Vision on them and they can also summon two additional Ravens to fight alongside of them and they can also curse targets however the curse does require a wisdom save and you're not really going to hit that too many times I think that the weakness with the Raven is if you're ever fighting an enemy that cannot be blinded in that case you probably want to swap out to a different pet but otherwise the Raven is probably going to win out 99% of the time and finally we have the wolf and I think the wolf is the most interesting pet here because they're really the most badass pets but they're probably not the best pet but you could still get by with using one they have some pretty neat abilities they have lunging bite which can knock a Target prone does require a strength save um but you can gain advantage that way for your Beast Master Ranger for their great weapon Master attacks they also have one of the coolest moves in the game which is Lupin slash uh which is a nice AOE move where they're basically slashing a sword around in their mouth and yeah it's pretty badass I really love that move a lot and their main attack can possibly turn a Target septic which is just a disease um not really too significant there I would just worry about knocking enemies prone and using the AOE attack so they're pretty basic but yeah they are a lot of fun to fight right alongside of a wolf I mean I would say they're probably one of the better pets I would probably rank them in the mid- tier but you could definitely get by with just using a wolf in in this game so next up is taking a look on how to gear our Beastmaster Ranger so I'm going to quickly hover over each item here so that way you guys can see what I'm using and the main thing that you want to take from here is that you're still going to be wearing heavy armor at level 12 so we're going to go for armor of persistence you could also go for hell dusk armor that will give you a 21 Armor class if you don't want to use armor of persistence any two-hand weapon will work here and then you also want to have an item that will allow you to see in the dark and not be blinded and that is where steel Watcher helmet comes into play ideally hell dusk helmet would be better here but this item is currently bugged where you can't cast Hunter's Mark while you're in the darkness so it basically is irrelevant for a Beast Master at this time you could also go for an early game ring such as eversight ring and probably swap out costic band here here that way you could see in the darkness that way as well and I believe you get that item in act too the other thing here is gauntlets of heal giant strength and Amulet of Greater Health once you obtain these in act three that is when you could respect your character and you could lower strength and Constitution all the way down to eight raise up your dexterity to 16 intelligence to 12 wisdom to 16 and Charisma to 14 and you you never have to spend an ability Improvement while you level up your Feats so at level four you could go for a great weapon Master at level eight you could go for Sentinel and then at level 12 you could go for Savage attacker and that is basically how you're going to rock this character in the end game but uh yeah other than that um the Deadshot bow is mainly just here for an improved critical chance and these Rings really add up the damage on your melee attacks and Savage attacker is also going to stack with strange conduit ring it's also going to stack with your Hunter's Mark so Savage attacker is somewhat beneficial for a beastmas ranger uh and not only a Smite Paladin so yeah that is basically how you want to gear your character so I hope that uh gives you a good guiding point so now for the last part of this video could take a look at a combat showcase featuring the Beast Master so the first thing that you always want to do when you start a fight off is cast Hunter's Mark and ideally you would probably want to cast this on a boss but you could also cast it on the enemy that's closest to your pets because your pets are going to attack whatever is closest to them so we could cast Hunter's Mark right here and usually you'd want to attack this enemy as well because you're going to get the bonus damage with Hunter's Mark uh but all of your pets are going to get that bonus damage too but what I'm going to do is I'm going to go over here and I'm going to try to get a nice AOE attack on all five of these enemies but before I do that let's go over to our Raven and let's start blinding up the battlefield so the first thing that you want to do is cast Dash as a bonus action because now you could really fly everywhere after that so now you could go in a fly we could blind this enemy then we could go over here and we could blind these two archers and we could keep going we could blind these two and then we could go over here and blind this guy as well and I might as well attack this guy while I'm here so we will go with beak attack but you can also go with Ren Vision here so that way if they do decide to leave this fog which they are they're still going to be blinded so in this case I'm going to go for Ren vision and so now they're blinded for two turns so even if they leave this Darkness fog they're still going to be blinded and you'll have the advantage so now I'm just going to go for a regular attack so that way this one has a little bit more damage and for the last part I'm just going to move this character out just a little bit more so that way my Raven doesn't get caught in the AOE attack all right so now we go back into our main character and here is where we could have a lot of fun so let's go like right here and my hope is that I could hit all five of these with conjure barrage melee weapon so we will see I know this Archer is kind of like hiding behind these crates so uh let's go right here and yeah as you guys could see it could really put a lot of damage damage on all of these enemies I would only recommend using conja barrage when there are three or more enemies because you can't get an extra attack whenever you cast conjure barrage so it's really only useful when you got a whole group of enemies that are stacked up also before I end this turn I do want to move into the darkness and that way if say this Archer wants to try to run away I'm going to be able to get a opport attack off on him and keep him here with senol so now it is our mini Raven's turn and the mini Raven really isn't going to do much damage but they can actually blind targets and you can gain advantage that way as well so only thing you got to do is hit the enemy and so um I think I have like a really low chance of hitting this Target only 35% so I'm going to try to test my luck over here I'm going to go over here and just try to blind this guy got a much higher percentage here and yeah even for a level one one Health Raven uh you could really get a lot of utility out of one so now it's our turn again and we could basically just repeat that same process so none of these enemies decided they wanted to leave the darkness so we have advantage on all three of them so this is going to pair up perfectly with great weapon master so I might as well just take this guy out with seven Health that way we could get the bonus attack so let's go ahead and do that let's toggle great weapon Master back on and let's go ahead and use the bonus attack on this enemy and we took that enemy out so now we could use our last attack on this guy and he has like five Health left so now what I'm probably going going to do is move over here since this enemy is bunched up around all of my pets so if this enemy tries to attack any of them I should be able to get an opportunity attack thanks to senol so let's try to move close as close as we can and now we could start attacking with our Raven so might as well just finish this guy off and now we could go ahead and blind both of these targets so remember to always use Dash first you'll be able to cover more ground that way let's go ahead and blind this [Music] guy and now we could go ahead and blind this Archer and I'm also going to use Ren Vision here so that way if he does decide to leave he will still be blinded and and yeah that's perfect so we could go ahead and end the turn now so now we're in our third turn and we should be able to finish everything in this turn so I'm going to start out with the Raven I'm going to Dash and blind any enemy that isn't blinded already so both of these enemies are blinded uh so we could go over here we could blind this Archer and then I'm going to travel right over here and we'll go ahead and blind this guy and attack [Music] him and so now the remaining three enemies are all blinded so I should be able to just go back into my main character and finish off each one of them so let's go ahead and just use a main hand attack uh now I'm going to use my great weapon Master bonus attack for this guy and then finally go over here and yeah that is how you basically fight with a beast master so I hope you guys enjoyed this build and yeah Beastmaster Rangers are a lot of fun to use specifically strength-based Beastmaster Rangers uh fighting alongside of your pet in melee range just creates some really nice synergies between and your pets and if you guys have any other builds you want to see let me know and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Crozyn
Views: 11,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 best build, baldur's gate 3 build guide, builds, guide, tips, baldur's gate 3 beginner guide, baldur's gate 3 ultimate build, baldur's gate 3 combat tips, baldur's gate 3 stealth, baldur's gate 3 ranged build, baldur's gate 3 tank, baldur's gate 3 tank build, tank build baldurs, bg3 tank build, bg3 shadowheart necromancer, shadowheart necromancer build, bg3 shadowheart necro build, shadowheart, bg build, shadowheart cleric build
Id: mdVk_mli6To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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