Baldur's Gate 3 - Dual Wield & Dual Crossbows Melee/Ranged Build - Fighter/Rogue/Warlock Multiclass

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what is going on guys this is croen and welcome back to another bg3 build this time we are going to take a look at the honor mode build that I used in my run and that is the dual wield dual crossbow build and it's basically a ranged or a melee build you can use both and we're going to be dual wielding all of the time with this build so you know dual wielding two swords dual wielding hand crossbows and yeah I think that this was the build that did the most damage on my honor mode run and I used Menara for this and she just wrecked everything and a lot of people like to go for the swords bar and Thief for their dual crossbow build that build is great I wanted something a little different so we're going to go with the fighter for this one and that way we can CC with the maneuvers you know that whether we're knocking the enemies back or we're knocking them prone or we're disarming them we're also going to add in a really high critical hit chance with this build and that way we can combine it with with a frighten that will frighten all enemies around you know the enemy that you critically hit so there's a lot of things going on with this build a lot of nice CC and support but still doing crazy damage so let's get into making the dual wield dual crossbow build so for our starting class and abilities we are going to start with the fighter and for the fighting style we're going to go with two weapon fighting as this will add our ability modifier to the damage of our sand attack archery is another good fighting style here especially if you're only going to use dual crossbows if that's the case then just go for archery instead for our abilities we really only have one primary ability here and that is dexterity so if you have The Hags ha then you probably want to start with 17 dexterity as that'll get you to 18 and then you'll only need one feet in order to get to 20 dexterity otherwise if you do not have access to The Hags hair then you could start with 16 dexterity and one ability Improvement will get you to 18 that way and everything else uh they're really just secondary ability points um you know I went for Constitution that way we have some nice uh Buffy HP here but you know you could always settle for maybe 14 Constitution if you want to raise up your charisma and have your character be a better party face but um yeah uh I feel like this is really where we want to be here uh 10 intelligence 10 wisdom that way we don't have any negatives to those saving throws and 12 Charisma for you know decent uh dialogue checks and for the skill proficiencies we are going to select Athletics and intimidation now we could focus on our level path going all the way up to level 12 and the level path is pretty simple at least early on all we're going to do is go five straight levels into a fighter in order to get the extra attack uh so once you hit Level three this is when you could select the subass we are going to go with Battle Master and that way we get three Maneuvers at level three what I like to go for here is I go for disarming attack I also pick up trip attack and I pick up repost um basically this will give you not only the ability to disarm enemies but also knock them prone and then whenever they attack you you could counter that with a repost so I feel like those are pretty nice to have especially this early in the game at level three at level four we get our first feat and what I like to do here is just go for Ability Improvement and start raising up my dexterity you should be getting close towards getting The Hags hair this will get you up to 20 dexterity otherwise if you started with 16 decks you will have 18 here the only other one that I could recommend here would be dual wielder especially if you want to wield the F Al weapon early on in the game as that is a long sword and I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly by the way but uh yeah that's a really good weapon it's going to do some really nice damage early on in the game but other than that weapon um you're really not going to get much use out of the Dual wielder feet here most of the better weapons once you start getting into act two are going to be shortswords and uh that's the ones that we're going to be using with this build actually so um unless you're a mage the wielder uh really isn't that great so I really wouldn't worry too much about it unless you want that one particular weapon so now that you hit Level five you get the extra attack which is great so what I would recommend that you do is level up one more time in a fighter get it to fighter level six this way you can get your second feat and what you want to do here is go for Sharpshooter around this level you should be near act two or in act two and you should be getting close towards getting that risky ring and when you combine that up with Sharpshooter um you won't really have too much of a problem with the minus5 penalty to the attack rolls because you will have advantage on all of your attacks so now that we're level seven what we want to do is multiclass into a rogue and we are going to level up a rogue for three straight levels in order to get to the thief subass this way we will have two bonus actions which will pair up really nicely with our dual wielding and then for the abilities if this is your main character what I would recommend doing is go for persuasion that way uh you get some nice bonuses to your persuasion check and then also go for athletics that way you can resist being shoved um this is really important since we only have nine strength so our goal now is just to keep on leveling in a rogue so we're going to keep going again um get to Rogue level three that way you unlock the thief subass and then for level 10 this is where we want to go ahead and multiclass into a warlock and we're only going to select one level in Warlock and we want to get the great old ones subass because this will give you mortal reminder uh which means that every time you land a critical hits enemies have to succeed a wisdom saving throw or they will become frightened so even if they succeed that saving throw quite often um it's still going to be really good because we're going to have such a high critical hit chance that you know it's going to happen eventually where they're going to get frightened so um for the spells here I wouldn't worry too much about it remember we're not a spellcaster uh you could just get hellish rebuke for a little bit of extra damage U maybe hex here as well um same for the cant trips wouldn't worry too much about it although minor illusion can be useful outside of combat uh so you could just go for that and just pick up eldrid blast while you are here so at level 11 what we want to do is go back into a fighter I know a rogue sounds nice here because you can get that extra feat but a fighter is just going to give you more and we're still going to get the feat at level 12 because we're still going to gain extra Superior II ority dice which means more Maneuvers and we can select two extra Maneuvers here so what I would do is I would select menacing attack and also pushing attack um at this point it's really up to you but yeah I really like pushing attack here because you could really knock them back or knock them off a Cliffs or whatever and you don't have to be in melee range either thanks to our crossbows so um yeah and then mening attack that just adds an extra frighten um like I said there's a lot of options here you could even go for distracting strike which means uh that you can give your allies advantage on their next attack roll against that Target which is also a really nice feature to have here finally we hit Level 12 and we get our third feat uh at this point you have two options here assuming that you have 20 dexterity thanks to The Hags hair then you should go for a Savage attacker here and that way your melee dual wielding attacks will get a nice little boost in damage the other option is if you didn't have the hag hair you started with 16 dexterity you could go here and get your dexterity to 20 um really you can't go wrong with either option I think that uh Savage attacker though is going to maybe give you a better boost in damage and uh you could certainly get by with only 18 dexterity on this build um that's actually what I did with manthara I just used uh gloves of dexterity on her so um yeah either one works here but I would recommend going for Savage attacker next up we could take a peek at the gear setup here and there were really a few things that I wanted to get out of this build I wanted a very high critical hit chance but I also wanted to have advantage on all of my attacks so um that means we need to rush for risky ring as soon as we can in act two this will give us advantage and yeah most of the gear here um you could really get half of it in act two so uh you know you're you're not really going to to need to be in act three to get most of these items other than a few that will give us a you know better critical hit chance and and so forth and a little bit of extra damage but yeah serox horn helmet here for the critical hit chance the death stalker mantle this is a really nice dark urge item that you get um become invisible after you kill an enemy which you know you're going to get that kill most of the time uh versus the rest of your companions with this build uh thanks to just the high damage uh armor of a for the full dexterity modifier to our Armor class hell dust gloves for the additional weapon attack damage but also you get a bonus to spell save difficulty class which is going to work well with our frighten on the critical hits and our Maneuvers but then uh the spell attack rolls also counts for attack rolls too so you know that's just going to make your hit chance a little bit better disintegrating night walkers for Misty step Amulet of The Devout for the plus two bonus to spell save difficulty class then risky ring as I mentioned you want to go for this as early as you can costic band for the additional damage on each attack for the hand crossbows we're going to go with both crossbows that have a plus two weapon enchantment so Hellfire hand crossbow from act two and hand crossbow plus two from act three I think these are the only hand cross bows that have a plus two weapon enchantment on them so I just went for those and then for our melee weapon uh we're going to go with the justi here Scimitar in our main hand and every time we attack with Advantage we can blind the target uh it's a really nice ability nice nice little passive ability and then you also have a really good ability that you can use every short rest which Shadow soaked blow uh which will give you some nice boost in your damage every time you use that knife of the under Mountain King that you get in Act One um you could ride this weapon all the way till the very end of the game it's just a really good weapon to have especially on a dual wielding build or a critical hit build now if you want a different setup um what you could do once you get to act three um you could put knife of the under Mountain King in your main hand and go for blood thirst in your offhand and this will give you even more of a critical hit chance so um especially if you're using a hand crossbows I mean this is the the setup that I would use here that way you get uh improved critical from both of these melee weapons on top of the helmet but yeah that is how we are going to gear our character so now we could take a look at a combat showcase featuring the dual wield dual crossbow build and generally you're going to start first thanks to your 20 dexterity and rather than use your Maneuvers and you know just do single Target damage if you got a bunch of enemies that are grouped up like this use Arrow of many targets so anytime you see a vendor that supplies these make sure that you buy them out out because uh that is going to be your main AOE attack with this build so um Arrow mini targets is great because it applies the damage bonus of Sharpshooter on every enemy so it's still going to do really good damage with Sharpshooter and yeah maybe we could get a critical here and frighten all of these enemies thanks to our warlock dip so let's go ahead and try this uh we got a critical on this guy but not the initial attack so um anytime you do an attack ATT you're going to be able to react with a sneak attack once you have risky ring and what I would recommend doing is saving this until you get a critical to maximize your damage obviously if it's your last attack on the turn then just use it don't waste it but try to hold out until you get a critical hit so we're not going to react to that and we just frightened all four of these enemies which is really nice so uh the melee one here just can't do anything for the next turn we might as well just use it again so let's go right back into it let's go for the one that has the most health and we still did not get a critical so I'm just not going to react there so now what we can do is Target The Archers since they can still get an attack off so we'll go ahead take that Archer out and now let's go and take this one out as well and now we just frightened uh this guy too so yeah I just love that ability especially on a critical hit build like it's it's almost essential for me to do a one level warlock dip so now let's go ahead and use action surge we get two more attacks here and uh I think what I'm going to do is maybe attack this enemy uh we could use uh some some some melee so let's get our melee going here so I'm going to use Shadow soaked Blow from the justicier Scimitar so let's go ahead and do that maybe we could blind this enemy and that is perfect so not going to react there we got one more attack now so on the next sneak attack I I obviously have to do it so um might as well go for a little bit of extra damage so uh let's just try menacing attack on this guy here and at this point we might as well use the sneak attack and yeah that's really not bad for a first turn I mean we we basically cced three enemies here and you know this Archer here is blinded so uh yeah that's uh it's not bad so now we're in turn two and the good news is that none of my party took any damage from the first turn thanks to the amazing CC from this build so yeah this build just worked out so well for me in honor mode and yeah I'm just really happy to share this one with you guys so at this point we just got to clean up so let's go ahead and use an offhand attack on this enemy uh unfortunately I would get a worthless critical there which probably means I'm not going to get a critical for the rest of this fight but yeah at this point uh let's go ahead for another arrow of any Targets and we should be able to hit all three of these enemies here and I'm glad I got another critical cuz I really didn't think I would uh wow one Health one Health that sucks but yeah he's uh cced anyway frightened he's not going to be able to do anything so we might as well move over here and start targeting this enemy um I might go for a disarming attack hopefully I could disarm this enemy which is great um I'm not going to react I got one more chance maybe I could get another critical here uh if not then I have to uh take the sneak attack here on this attack so might as well just take it and yeah at this point this fight is uh basically over so I hope you guys enjoyed the dual wheel dual crossbow hybrid build where you could essentially do melee or ranged attacks with this and yeah this build worked out so well in honor mode so I hope that it finds uh one of you some kind of use in your next playthrough and yeah uh let me know if you have any other builds that you want to see give me some recommendations in the comments I still enjoy making balers Gate 3 builds uh this game is still uh a lot of fun even after so many hours that I put into it but yeah uh thank you guys for watching watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Crozyn
Views: 21,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 best build, baldur's gate 3 build guide, builds, guide, tips, baldur's gate 3 beginner guide, baldur's gate 3 ultimate build, baldur's gate 3 combat tips, baldur's gate 3 stealth, baldur's gate 3 ranged build, baldur's gate 3 tank, baldur's gate 3 tank build, tank build baldurs, bg3 tank build, bg3 shadowheart necromancer, shadowheart necromancer build, bg3 shadowheart necro build, shadowheart, bg build, shadowheart cleric build
Id: Im3j4hLuhYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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