Baldur's Gate 3 - Pure Hunter Ranger Build - Hunter Subclass Guide - Best AOE Archer

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what is going on guys this is crowen and welcome to another balers Gate 3 build this is my pure Ranger Archer featuring The Hunter subass and Hunters are really good in this game it's that they just require a huge investment in the hunter subass before they finally get good and that happens at level 11 when they unlock the volley move and the rest is history after that you're going to be the best AOE archer in the game and you could just Spam Vol every turn while having your Hunter Mark active or having another utility spell active and you can also mix it up with the special Arrow here and there and if that sounds interesting and you want to be the best AOE archer in the game then this is the build for you so let's get into making a hunter starting with our ability points for our Ranger dexterity will be our main stat so we want to have 17 dexterity 15 Constitution 14 wisdom and I kept strength and charisma at 10 and then I lowered intelligence down to eight for our skill proficiencies we're going to go with Athletics insight and survival and then for our favorite enemy I just choose Bounty Hunter here that way uh we are going to be using and snaring strike as a secondary concentration spell and anytime we do use that at least the enemies will have disadvantage on their saving throw and then we're also going to go with Beast Tamer here uh that just makes it to where you can cast fine familiar without spending a spell slot and that is how we're going to start off this class and now we're going to take a look at our level path going all the way up to level 12 so at level two that's when you unlock two spells we're going to go with Hunter's Mark and end snaring strike you're going to be using Hunter's Mark at least 90% of the time on this build that's going to be the first thing that you're going to want to cast when you get get in combat and that other 5 to 10% of the time may be when you use an snaring strike this is really good if you want to ins snare a Target so that way they don't go wandering off on your party and the only other spell that I could recommend here would have to be Hill of thorns and this is good if you want an AOE attack early the problem is once you reach level five you're never going to use this again because at level five you unlock an extra attack and you can't use an extra attack when you Cast Hill of thorns so it's basically just a borrowed time kind of spell that you use early on in the game prior to level 5 if you want an AOE move otherwise just stick with these two here and for our fighting style this one is pretty simple we're going to go with archery for the plus two bonus to our ranged attack weapons so at level three this is where we can select our subass so we're going to go with Hunter and then for Hunter's prey you have two Ops options here you could either go for Colossus Slayer or you could go for horde breaker and eventually once you Max this build out Colossus Slayer is going to be the main one here but early on this is what I told you guys about AOE spells they're pretty limited and that's where horde breaker can also play a role because you can attack two Targets instead of one and you could use this as a ranged weapon as well so um I would say if you're leveling definitely go with hord breaker uh that way you just get a nice AOE move that you can use against another enemy here but if you're level 12 that's where Colossus Slayer is going to win out So eventually you're going to have to Respec and go with Colossus Slayer in the long run so uh just keep that in mind and then for the Spells uh we get one more spell here this is where we have a couple of different options and it's really subjective and it's really up to you as far as what you want to go for here here um enhanced sleep is good long Strider is good speak with animals uh that's always nice to have with a ranger uh cure wounds you could even go for that personally I didn't go with cure wounds with this build but that's something that you can have access to at level three if you want to uh I go for enhanced leap here I think enhanced leap is pretty good uh you can cast this right before a fight and uh you can just triple your jumping distance it's pretty insane the amount of heights that you can reach with this but yeah I think that one could really play a factor in towards getting your positioning on an Archer at level four we get our first feat and what we're going to do is go with ability Improvement and get our dexterity and Constitution to nice even numbers at level five this is where we get our big class feature with the extra attack but we also gain an additional spell and and we unlock level two spells what I like to do here is I go for speak with animals since you know you're kind of getting near halfway in the game at this point you probably want to be able to communicate with animals and have those extra dialogue options so it's a good choice to get this now at level six we get a few passives and we gain an additional favored enemy uh none of these are really that great uh most of them are just concentration spells other than sacred flame I think that Ranger Knight might be the best here because you know early on in the game that's when heavy armor might be better you know and as you progress later towards the game and you get to level 12 and you know your dexterity is maxed out that's when medium armor is just going to be better so might be best to pick up Ranger Knight here and then for natural Explorer Urban tracker will work out well here because you gain Proficiency in slight of hand at level seven you gain an additional spell and what I like to do here is I go for silence this basically shuts down any kind of spell casters which is a really good utility spell to have on this build uh it is a concentration spell so you got to watch out for when you use this and you know when you have hunters Mark active and then for defensive tactics there's really only one solid feature here and that is multi-attack defense this one just gives enemies a minus 4 penelty to attack rolls every time uh they attack you for the rest of the turn you know so it's a pretty good feature to have and yeah it'll just keep you alive longer at level eight we get our second feat and this is where you want to go ahead and select Sharpshooter at level 9 we gain an additional spell and we also unlock level three spells and I want to discuss these real quick uh because a lot of you guys may look at these and may think wo these uh these look like they could really do a lot of damage like lightning Arrow or conjure barrage but these are not good at all in this game for whatever reason they don't give you an extra attack so it's only one attack per turn they do less damage than your main attacks so uh I just don't know why they even bothered adding both of these to the ranger class but uh one really good level three spell here is plant growth because could really slow enemies down uh when you cast this and it's not a concentration spell that's the big thing here so I would go with plant growth here at level 9 level 10 gives us an additional favorite enemy and natural Explorer um none of these are going to be too useful at this point for you um you could really just select anything you want here I just go for Keeper of the veil and then for natural Explorer I find that fire damage is more common than cold or poison so I think fire damage would work well here to Grant you a resistance to that so at level 11 we unlock the biggest action for a hunter and that is volley volley is going to be your bread and butter with this build super amazing AOE attack you just can't get enough of it you're going to be spamming the hell out of it with this build but we also gain an additional spell I just go for long Strider here but I'm just going to give you a couple of other options that you have you could go for fog Cloud cure wounds or Spike growth but I think long Strider is a little better than those three finally at level 12 we get our last feat this is where we're going to go with ability Improvement and max out our dexterity at 20 so now we could take a look at the gear setup and there were two things that I wanted to accomplish with setting up this gear I wanted to have an improved ch chance to critically hit so I went for a bunch of items that stacked you know so the Deadshot bow uh knife of under Mountain King also the helmet here all of these things stack and give me a really high chance to critically hit but at the same time I wanted to add extra damage to my weapon attacks so hail dust gloves uh the rings that I'm using here you know strange conduit ring costic ban all of these items just give me extra weapon attack damage from a whole bunch of different sources you know psychic damage acid damage fire damage and then also I have such a high chance to critically hit so when you combine that with a weapon action like volley um yeah you could just see how all of this would add up to not only just one enemy but a whole group of enemies and that is really the way I designed uh the gear setup here so yeah um a lot of these items aren't from act three either you know I think these Rings were from like act two or act one one um the boots here are from act one so you know just play around with it uh there's a whole bunch of different ways to go about building a character for a pure Archer but yeah I think the extra weapon attack damage the extra critical chance all of those are going to really stack up when you get a whole group of enemies and use volley so for the final part of this video you guys should know how this works already we're going to go over a combat showcase featuring The Hunter so the first thing that you want to do in 99% of the fights is use Hunter's Mark uh unless let's say there's a whole bunch of spell casters then maybe you want to use silence instead so that way they can't get any spells off but yeah 99% of the time it's going to be Hunter's Mark though and you always want to go for either a boss or the enemy with the highest health because uh if you put it on you know an enemy with low HP and you kill them pretty quickly then you know you're just going to going to have to reapply this again and waste another bonus action so it's always best to go for the highest health and that means this person and so now we could go right into a volley and the cool thing with volley is you don't have to Target the enemy specifically I mean I could just Target the ground and it'll still hit them so it kind of reminds me a little bit of Fireball in that case but yeah we're going to go with this guy because he is a Melee character so he'll probably try to rush me if I don't take him out now so let's go there and yeah the damage just really adds up on all of these enemies so we could go right back into a volley but before I do that I want to go over some of the special arrows that we have you know you could use Arrow of lightning or Arrow of fire the problem is they have a less AOE range so in most cases volley is going to be better but if there's only like one or maybe a Max of two enemies then it's always nice to have uh these other arrows because they're going to do more damage uh you know single Target damage than say just a normal volley or you know a normal ranged attack so you could even go for something like um Arrow of roaring Thunder here where you know I could probably knock this Archer into the water if I wanted to but yeah we're just going to go with volley here and and Target all four of them uh so this guy has one Health so he's going to die from bleeding uh this chick only has seven and this guy has 40 so yeah I'm I'm fine with that for a first [Music] turn so now we start turn two and the first thing that you're going to want to do here is try to get some high ground and I forgot to put enhanced leap and long Strider on prior to this fight so make sure that uh you don't make the same mistake that I did because uh having both of these on is just going to give you a lot more Mobility for your fights so since we do have Hunter's Mark still active on this enemy we can actually use our bonus action for something else else so we could put a poison on our bow so we could either go for basic poison or the drought poison so I'm going to coat my bow and the drought poison and I'm going to probably help my party out over here and just use Voli this chick just fell asleep but yeah it ain't going to matter anyway so the thing is uh Voli it still counts the same even if you single Target an enemy you know it's still the same exact damage as if I just went with a regular ranged attack so you don't have to worry about uh which one you go with here just go right back in the volley and yeah another critical back to back damn so now we're in turn three and these enemies kind of lined up perfectly for me by sticking together so since we did kill this enemy we can reapply Mark now without spending a spell slot so I'm just going to put it on this dude since he's almost at Max health and we could go right back into a volley and yeah at this point we could either go for another volley finish it off here um you know or you could go for you know something like a fire arrow um yeah just as you guys could see it's kind of hard to use this unless you're just single targeting an enemy uh just because the AOE range just isn't that great on them so yeah I'm just going to go for volley end the turn here and yeah that is basically how you could just solo a fight so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and yeah this build can just put on a lot of AOE damage with volley and yeah it's a very basic build though as you guys can see in the combat most of the time it's just going to consist of applying Hunter's Mark applying a poison spamming volley you know in between there you might be able to use a special Arrow but that is how this build basically works I mean it's super simple but it's super effective and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed it and let me know if you have any other builds you want to see in the comments and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Crozyn
Views: 24,084
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 best build, baldur's gate 3 build guide, builds, guide, tips, baldur's gate 3 beginner guide, baldur's gate 3 ultimate build, baldur's gate 3 combat tips, baldur's gate 3 stealth, baldur's gate 3 ranged build, baldur's gate 3 tank, baldur's gate 3 tank build, tank build baldurs, bg3 tank build, bg3 shadowheart necromancer, shadowheart necromancer build, bg3 shadowheart necro build, shadowheart, bg build, shadowheart cleric build
Id: Qccj9DJaK-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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