Baldur's Gate 3 Ranger Build Guide - Early Game Ranger Builds (Including Multiclassing)

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in this Baldur's Gate 3 video I'm going to be showing you three early game Ranger builds these are up to level six so we've only gone that far in the game and all three of these builds are basically five levels of one of the subclasses of Ranger and one level of something else because Rangers gain extra attack at level five and their subclass at level three seems like you probably wouldn't multi-class your Ranger until after level five or you'd really be missing out on extra attack so the first build we're gonna take a look at is five levels of Hunter Ranger and one level of dread and what I really like about this is Hunters gained one of their best features at level three they're gonna be able to pick either Colossus Slayer or Horde breaker or giant killer although I think they'll probably pick Colossus Slayer or Horde breaker and you can choose whichever you want here whether you want a little bit more AOE or you would rather you know not have to worry about a Colossus layer you just kind of use automatically anyway so it's not bad particularly early on in the game where you only have one attack it's you know gonna add one d8 damage every turn so it's really really strong in my opinion or almost every turn and this is really the best feature of 100 besides getting volley or Whirlwind attack at level 11 the level 7 passives that you gain are not that strong in my opinion so if you're playing a hunter you're probably gonna go like three levels or 11 levels in order to gain volley and Whirlwind and you know you'll probably multi-class with something else and the thing is though like it doesn't make a lot of sense really on the game to cut out of Hunter after level three and miss out on extra attacks so we're taking five levels of Ranger for that but if you had more levels right like if you're higher level like level eight or level nine or something you could take three levels of Hunter and then five or six levels of something like monk or five or six levels something like fighter and still gain that extra attack and also at level five of the range you're gonna gain access to level 2 Ranger spells which is great there are some good ones that are not the greatest but they are still good and why I like pairing this with Druid is because it gives you access to shillelagh which allows you to buff your melee weapon if it's like a staff or a club making it use your wisdom modifier for its attack and damage rolls and that's really really good in my opinion and that allows you to sort of like not go crazy with dexterity or strength on your Ranger but instead focus more on Constitution and wisdom and still use your melee attacks very effectively and still be able to cast your spells very effectively both your Ranger spells and your grid spells it will also allow you to upcast any level one Druid spell that you know like thunderway for instance since you'll have level 2 spell slots and moving forward if you took something like seven levels of Druid you'd have a lot of different spells that you could cast and you'd have a lot of spell slots and you'd still be able to get two attacks with extra attack and you could still make use of you know either Colossus Slayer or Horde breaker every time you're in combat as well so essentially what you're doing here instead of taking one more level of Ranger in order to gain another natural Explorer favorite enemy you're basically getting the stuff you'd gain from Druid which is you know more access to spells and being able to upcast those spells and also giving you Shelley which works really well with the melee focused Ranger and on the next build we're going to take a look at five levels of Beastmaster and one level of Monk and if you saw our Ranger class guide you'll know that Beastmaster is a tough subclass to multi-class because your companion gets stronger as you level up in Beastmaster and if you just take like I don't know how half your levels in Beastmaster and happier levels and something else at some point as you get further on into the game and enemies become higher level your companion is gonna you know drop off and it'll die easily and its damage will be underwhelming and its abilities will be underwhelming so it's you know something kind of like you either need to go all in on Beastmaster or close to all in in order to get the most benefit from them and you gain other things from Ranger at this level like you gain extra attack level 2 spells of the ranger but you also gain companions Bond and this is going to add your proficiency bonus to the armor class of your companion and also the damage rolls the companion that's going to make them a lot stronger and also your companions at this level will gain more HP and they will also gain usually another class feature at this level so your companion in general is going to get stronger you're going to make it stronger passively through companions Bond you're going to gain extra attack and you're still gonna have access to Ranger level 2 spell so that's definitely why you want to go at least level five here and why I like monk here is because it gives you martial arts which allows you to use any melee weapon except for two-handed melee weapons and heavy melee weapons with your dexterity instead of strength so if you like like a long sword or like a Warhammer or something like that or even a staff something like that and you want to use that but you want to have dexterity instead of um strength it's great right like that makes your melee better gives you more options like you could use like a long sword and shield with dexterity and that would still allow you to use like a bow or crossbow at range effectively because you'd have high dexterity so it gives you more options in terms of flexibility of weapons on top of that it's going to allow you to use your wisdom bonus and add that to your armor class if you're not wearing armor so if you have high dexterity and high wisdom it might actually come out better you know not wearing armor depending on what armor selection what you have available that also becomes an option to you it also gives you key and also access to Flurry of Blows so you're going to be able to use your bonus action to use Florio blows to deal with even more damage you know every short rest a couple of times and probably what you would do this build over time is you probably take Beastmaster like up to like level nine or something like that and then you would finish fleshing it out with monk you know like open hand monk or something like that three levels of that in order to have more key and more flurries of blow giving you Haitian defense eventually giving you step of the wind eventually and giving you deflect missiles eventually give you all of that stuff eventually as well and that would still allow you to have a pretty strong companion and also have some benefits of them so next we're going to take a look at five levels of gloomstalker and one level of War domain you can see a theme here that you basically want to get at least a five if you're going Ranger early on in order to gain access to extra attack and we have that here we also have dread ambusher which gives us higher initiatives so we usually get to go first in combat gives us a free attack at the beginning of combat that's extra damage so you're actually gonna have three attacks once you have extra attack at the beginning of combat and because we've taken one level of War domain you can use your bonus action also for an attack so theoretically the very first turn of combat you could make four attacks that's a lot of attacks for this point of the game and that's gonna allow you to Shell out tons of damage and because you can continue to use that bonus action to make free attacks um it's really strong and clerics have good Synergy with Rangers because they also use wisdom to cast their spells so cleric spells are going to benefit from the same stat that Rangers use to cast their spell so this would be a more wisdom focused build and if you went higher with this build you would probably continue to increase War domain to gain access to more cleric spells and you know the channel Divinity of the war domain cleric as well so that's going to give you lots of attacks and combat lots of access to spells whether those are offensive defensive that's kind of up you and you don't have to go War domain here I like it because of the you know bonuses that you can do and because you know your wisdom focused as well there's nice Synergy but you could go like light domain if you want more offense or Tempest domain if you want somewhere in the middle also if you prefer like lightning spells there are a lot of things you could absolutely do here but the general idea is that you're kind of like a hybrid spell Caster that has lots of attacks every turn which makes you extremely deadly so that wraps up our video on three early game Ranger builds I hope I extrapolated them enough so you can see where I would go with them if I went higher and you can kind of make decisions about that and I hope I made a good case here for why if you're gonna go like three levels into a ranger at the beginning of the game to get a subclass why you would at least go five levels to gain extra attack particularly with Beastmaster because they get a good subclass feature here and their companions game stronger they have even more reason to go to level five but but gloomstalker and Hunter you know you really want that extra attack I think if you multi-class from level three and took three levels of something else you missing out on that extra attack is actually going to make you less powerful than if you took it and that's just kind of the general nature of Martial classes that gain an extra attack is like the beginning of the game when you don't have as many levels you know you definitely want to make sure you get that extra attack and then you can kind of see what you can do from there stay tuned we have three more class videos coming including Barbarian cleric Android to do those if you guys have any more tips about Ranger make sure you leave them in the chat or if you have questions leave them there as well and I will respond as soon as I can [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 33,118
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 Ranger build fextralife, baldurs gate 3 Ranger build guide, baldurs gate 3 Ranger build reddit, baldurs gate 3 best Ranger build, baldurs gate 3 rogue Ranger build, bg3 Ranger build, bg3 Ranger best subclass, bg3 Ranger build multiclass, bg3 best ranger build, op ranger build bg3, bg3 best build, bg3 ranger multiclass, bg3 ranger subclasses, bg3 gloomstalker cleric, bg3 hunter druid, bg3 beast master monk, bg3 gloomstalker build, bg3 hunter build, gloomstalker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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